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I Am Malala Book Report
The book I am Malala is a true story about a girl that's name is Malala . Malala Was having a good
time with her family and her friends but then one day on October 9th she was going to school on a
buss with her friends and brother until a Taliban came inside the buss and asked everyone who
Malala was then everyone pointed at Malala then the Taliban pointed the gun at her and her friends
and shot them .
Life in Swat before the Taliban were there. Before the Taliban were in Swat Malala could go to
school without being scared from the Taliban and she could learn and do her tests/ exams . And they
could watch T.V And could watch T.V without heering bombs and gunshot noises. Malala would
also be allowed to go outside and play cricket with her friends and her brother. And her ... Show
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Some of the girls stop going to school and the girls parents / fathers and brothers made the girls stop
going to school.
On October 9th Malala was shot by the Taliban . 1st Malala got shot in the buss by the Taliban .
Then there was 2 news reporters that saw her and brought her to the England Birmingham hospital
and when she got there she saw some doctors and nurses and she kept asking where her family was
and she received a green teddy bear but when she got to the other room the teddy that she had
received earlier was now white in her arms.
Life after the shooting was hard beacause she couldn't walk or talk until she was out of the
Birmingham hospital . her life was also easy beacause she would not loose her hope and would get
mail letters sent to her from her fans. And now there wasn't any bombing noises . She also didn't
have to be afraid for speaking for girls Rights Of Education and now there was not any Taliban
shooting or pointing guns at her . And now that she was in Birmingham Malala was alowed to do all
of the speeches and talking she wanted. And she could live a normal life like any other person would
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I Am Malala Chapter 1 Summary
Justin Kotajarvi Reading Journal #1 I Am Malala, Chapters 1–8 Pages 1–90 Malala Yousafzai The
first part of the book Malala discusses the background of her family, she talks about her fathers
younger life when he grew up in Pakistan, with a stutter. During his time growing up, Russia
invaded Afghanistan, but he was too young to fight. Because of his upbringing his view on war and
life enabled him to conquer his stutter and become a well–rounded speaker, motivated to educate
others. He works as an english teacher and begins to establish his own school with his colleague
Nameen. Malala is born and everything turns out successful. Unfortunatley shortly after the 9/11
attacks occurred, the Yousafzais have yet to understand how much this event ... Show more content
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The doctors are sure the bullet didn't cause Malala any brain damage, and the Taliban takes full
responsibility for the shooting. Unfortunatley Malala takes a turn for the worse, she is moved to a
superior intensive care unit because infections and other complications threaten her conditions. A
week later, Malala becomes conscious. Her primary concerns become her family and how they will
pay for her treatments. She is shocked by the love and support of the people from all over the world.
The bullet damaged a nerve in Malala's face, causing her permanent damage to her facial
expressions. The government payed for all of the medical bills and rentd an apartment for the
family. Malala is thankful to have survived and will go on to continue doing life changing things.
Malala received medical treatment from outside of her country, she was transferred to a medical
facility in England for rehabilitation and treatment, while she was recovering Islamic clerics in
Pakistan issued a fatwa, a ruling of Islamic law, against the Taliban gunmen who tried to kill
Yousafzai. The shooter was eventually captured and still hasn't been
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Malala Research Paper
Malala Yousafzai was born July 12, 1997, in Swat Valley, Pakistan and she is the daughter of
Ziauddin and Toor Pekai Yousafzai. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand, who was the
greatest heroine of Afghanistan (Yousafzai & Lamb ch.1). Along with her father, Malala is a
Pakistani activist for girl's right to an education. Since Malala was shot by the Taliban on a school
bus, she has been the voice of young girl's education everywhere. Through Malala's fight for girls'
right to an education and suffering to give young girls a voice to fight, she serves as an example of
Christian service even though she is Muslim. October 9, 2012, marked a day in Malala's life that she
would never forget. That was the day that she was shot by a Taliban gunman in the head on her way
home from school. Ever since Malala was little she contradicted the Taliban's demand of young girls
not being able to receive an education. This revolt led to the ... Show more content on ...
According to Rae, "Some people with a servants heart make it look easy. That's because they know
that the end is always better than the beginning, and that God always shows up and turns problems
into testimonies" (Rae). This quote expresses Malala perfectly because Malala fought the Taliban
ever since they refused girls to receive an education. She knew in the end that with her voice, she
could change the lives of young girls forever, by giving them the chance to an education they
deserve. We can see Malala's determination and sacrifice to provide women with an education
through this quote that Malala said during her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, "I had two
options – one was to remain silent and wait to be killed, and the second was to speak up and then be
killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak up"
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Malala Research Paper
The Amazing Life of Malala Yousafzai
It is hard to imagine getting shot by the Taliban because you stood up for your rights. Malala
Yousafzai was. She is a very brave, strong, and independent woman. Malala gives speeches around
the world that are dedicated to women's right. Due to a strong desire for women's education rights,
Malala's strength has enabled many women around the globe to gain and education, and also has
allowed them to gain rights they didn't have otherwise.
Malala was born on July 12, 1997, to Ziauddin and Pekai Yousafzai ("I am Malala" 1). She was born
in Mingora Pakistan, and she was named after Malalai of Maiwand, the " greatest " hero of
Afghanistan. (Yousafzai 14). She was not born in a hospital but instead in her parents home by a
neighbor due to the lack of money (Yousafzai 13). Around this time, Malala's father and his best ...
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" In October 2012, Yousafzai was riding home from school on the bus when two Taliban members
embarked and asked, ' Who is Malala?' One of the gunmen then fired three shots; one bullet went
through Yousafzai's left eye socket and ended under her left shoulder. The other bullets hit two other
girls who were not seriously wounded '' ("I am Malala" 1). On October 16, 2012, Malala woke up in
a hospital bed with a tube in her neck to help her breath (Yousafzai 275). After the was shot, she
underwent multiple surgeries in England. She went through procedures to repair nerve damage, but
did not suffer from brain damage ("I am Malala" 2). She fully recovered, and was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize at the age of seventeen, being the youngest person ever to receive the award ("I
am Malala" 2). Malala has given many speeches which stand up for education for girls ("I am
Malala" 2). In 2013, Malala gave a speech at the United Nations and quoted, "One child, one
teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world" ("I am Malala"
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Malala Research Paper
Malala Yousafzai was born July 12, 1997, in Swat Valley, Pakistan and she is the daughter of
Ziauddin and Toor Pekai Yousafzai. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand, who was the
greatest heroine of Afghanistan (Yousafzai & Lamb ch.1). Along with her father, Malala is a
Pakistani activist for girl's right to an education. Since Malala was shot by the Taliban on a school
bus, she has been the voice of young girl's education everywhere. Through Malala's fight for girls'
right to an education and suffering to give young girls a voice to fight, she serves as an example of
Christian service even though she is Muslim. October 9, 2012, marked a day in Malala's life that she
would never forget. That was the day that she was shot by a Taliban gunman in the head on her way
home from school. Ever since Malala was little she contradicted the Taliban's demand of young girls
not being able to receive an education. This revolt led to the ... Show more content on ...
According to Rae, "Some people with a servants heart make it look easy. That's because they know
that the end is always better than the beginning, and that God always shows up and turns problems
into testimonies" (Rae). This quote expresses Malala perfectly because Malala fought the Taliban
ever since they refused girls to receive an education. She knew in the end that with her voice, she
could change the lives of young girls forever, by giving them the chance to an education they
deserve. We can see Malala's determination and sacrifice to provide women with an education
through this quote that Malala said during her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, "I had two
options – one was to remain silent and wait to be killed, and the second was to speak up and then be
killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak up"
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Malala Research Paper
This story is about a young woman named Malala who decided to fight for women's right to
education. This essential right was taken away by the Taliban. The Taliban is an Islamic
fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a
government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December
2001, with Kandahar as the capital. Malala was born in 1997. Both her mother and father came from
a very remote part of Pakistan called Shangla. They moved to a small town called Mingora in a
district called Swat Valley just a hundred miles from Afghanistan. Malala's birth was not a cause for
celebration mostly because she was not a boy and also because the family was extremely poor and
had no money for a big feast. Her father named her Malala after a courageous woman who lead the
troops in a battle against the British in 1880. In fact the name means grief–stricken. ... Show more
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He was a teacher and he decided to open schools along with his friends and business partners. He
opened up schools for both boys and girls in a time when most of the women were illiterate and had
no inclination to pursue an education. He encouraged his daughter to learn and be an independent
woman rather than a humble wife who cooks, cleans, has children and never leaves the house. The
arrival of the Taliban brought a dramatic change to the region. They set up a radio broadcast and
started telling people to burn their books, their CD's and DVD's, to keep the girls away from schools
and follow a misguided interpretation of what Islam should be. Pakistan was very affected by a big
earthquake, huge floods and other natural disasters so many people thought that they were punished
by God and listened to the
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I Am Malala Essay
In the autobiographical work " I am Malala", Malala Yousafzai explains the hardships faced by her
family, and women in Pakistan. She also talks about the Taliban and on the effect they created in the
dynamic of society when it comes to women. This book is set in Pakistan from the 90's to the mid
2000's ; from when the author was born, to right after the time she was shot by the Taliban for
standing up for girl's rights there. Malala believes girls are facing prejudice and injustice in the
Middle East, and that they deserve better. Yousafzai applies her experience as a woman, the stories
of other women, and the tragic experience she faced to enhance her claim and bring her story to life.
Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan, in Swat valley. ... Show more content on ...
It had Buddhist statues carved into the rock, and was called the Switzerland of the East. This was
where Malala's father's ideas about gender equality developed. But, when the Taliban came, they
made a radical change– a violent one– in the dynamic of society. When she started to get older,
Malala realized this on page 20, while she thinks about how she is allowed to play now, and they
way it would be taken away. She muses that "My father always said, 'Malala will be free as a bird. .
.'But, as I watched my brothers. . . I wondered how free a daughter could be" (Yousafzai 20). She
realized that even with a supportive family, the social culture in that region, which was previously
tolerant, had changed and that she, as a woman, would feel that the most. Yousafzai questions her
father's words that had provided hope for her for so long. She wonders about how much one person
can do to change her fate as a woman; to be veiled, hidden, ridiculed, and abused. Her brothers
juxtapose her, being boisterous and open, simply because they can. Since they are boys, they are
valued and have a freedom that women
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Malala Hero
In order to make change there is always a cost. That bill is usually picked up by those who are
known as heros. Some heros are born, others are made. Malala was turned into a hero. Malala
Yousafzai is a hero because at a young age she is wise beyond her years, and is a dauntless young
woman when it comes to equal rights to education for all. She saw what was wrong with her society
and took actions to change it, even when it meant potentially paying with her life. Malala was born
in Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997. From the moment she was born her father, Ziauddin
Yousafzai, had many hopes for her as she grew older. The people who inspired Malala to continue
the fight for education for all was Benazir Bhutto, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Every ... Show more
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From a young age Malala has worked close with her community, since her father was an activist to
make education available for all children of Swat. Since her father was an activist in their
community, Malala too learned from her father and walked in his footsteps. With learning the
importance of education Malala also gained wisdom. A prime example of this wisdom comes from
her book when she talks about how at times she would think about what she would do if the Taliban
came for her. Taking a more aggressive and physical approach Malala would then realize that would
take away from her message that she would want them to hear, even if they were meant to do her
harm. Along with gaining wisdom, while learning how important education is, Malala grew strong
in determination. What drove her to constantly keep speaking out was to make sure that every child,
especially young girls, had a chance to be educated even when it meant having the odds stacked
against her. One thing that Malala mentioned frequently was that fear would hold her back at times.
Seeing what would happen to people who spoke out against the Taliban brought fear for what would
happen to her and her family if she continued to speak. This would bring a heavy burden on her
heart, yet she was able to conquer this fear with the support of her
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Malala Yousafzai Research Paper
What do you know about Malala Yousafzai? Malala Yousafzai is from Pakistan where is in the south
of Asia. She was born on 12 July 1997 in the Swat District in the northwestern of Pakistan, and her
religion is Islam. Malala first name means grief–stricken, and her last name Yousafzai means the
huge Pashtun tribal confederation that is in the Swat Valley of Pakistan on which she grew up. She
lives with her parents and her two brothers. Her father name is Ziauddin Yousafzai, and his job is the
diplomat. Her mother name is Pekai Yousafzai, and her brothers name are Atal Yousafzai and
Khushal Yousafzai. She begins famously when Taliban shot her. When Malala was around ten years
old, Taliban was the president of Pakistan. He was Roosting for
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I Am Malala
I Am Malala is a deeply moving and inspiring story of justice, bravery, and hope. Malala's journey
towards education for all also calls us to action, and her optimistic outlook on everything gives us
just as much hope as she has. The book's writing style is very personal, so you get great insight into
Malala's daily life, and feel like you're right next to her the whole time. You're sure to be laughing
and crying right alongside the characters! Besides the wonderful main story, the book is also full of
historical and political facts about Malala's homeland, so it's a great read for those intrigued by
Pakistan's history. If you're interested in education rights, women's rights, history, or just an
incredibly uplifting story, then you should definitely read I Am Malala!
The second section of I Am Malala shows how radical Muslims and the Taliban take control of
Malala's Swat Valley. It starts with a man known as "Radio Mullah," a radio broadcaster named
Maulana Fazlullah who urged people to stop doing things he deemed "un–Islamic," such as listening
to music and watching western movies and television. It wasn't long before he joined forces with the
Taliban and their rules were strictly enforced. They went so far as to assassinate Benazir Bhutto,
Pakistan's first female Prime Minister. ... Show more content on ...
It started with a TV crew coming to her school to interview the students. Not far after, the BBC told
Malala's father that they wanted a teacher or student to write a diary about what they were
experiencing in Swat Valley. Malala volunteered under the name of Gul Makai, and soon her story
was being read by people all over the world. But the pseudonym didn't stick– she began having
televised interviews with many reporters who wanted her take on the situation in Pakistan. It wasn't
long before Malala was a name known by nearly all, inside Pakistan and
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Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai is a teenage girl from Swat Valley, Pakistan. As a child she enjoyed learning and
valued her education, but that was soon limited by the Taliban. The Taliban invaded and conquered
where Malala lived and imposed strict rules such as, women may no longer attend school to get an
education and there shall be little to no use of the internet. Malala refused to obey their rules and
continued to go to the school her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai owned. Malala also began to speak out
against the Taliban using a BBC blog; she was featured in a documentary for the New York Times
which made her a target of the Taliban. In 2013 Malala was shot twice while on a school bus waiting
to go home by a Taliban soldier. She was in critical condition
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Malala's Journey
The fight for women, education, and religion has been an going struggle. Many advocates have
come along the way, one of which is Malala.
Thesis: Campbell's archetypal journey paradigm can be applied to modern society to
define/help/amplify Malala's goals and her campaign for worldwide girl's education .
The first part of Malala's journey is her ordinary world. She was born on July 12, 1997 to a Pashtun
family in the picturesque Swat Valley District of Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, founded a private
school at which she always excelled in ranking 1st place year after year. But suddenly she is called
to adventure when the Taliban disrupt her peace. Chris Vogler in "A Practical Guide to THE HERO
WITH A THOUSAND FACES by Josh Campbell" describes ... Show more content on ...
She was born on July 12, 1997 to a Pashtun family in the picturesque Swat Valley District of
Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, founded a private school at which she always excelled in ranking 1st
place year after year. Jackson Arn in LitChart's I Am Malala Summary states, "... a passionate
advocate for free speech, education, and women's rights: three causes that [ziauddin raised Malala to
respect deeply". Ziauddin is a very influential person to Malala throughout her journey. He serves
both as her mentor/confidant and a loving father. Meanwhile, all is well in Swat valley but suddenly
she is called to adventure when a terrorist group, known as the Taliban, disrupt her peace. Chris
Vogler in "A Practical Guide to THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES by Josh Campbell"
describes this step in the process as, "The hero [being] presented with a problem, challenge, or
adventure". In Malala's case, this problem being the Taliban. Alex Schnee writes in the Salem Press
Biographical Encyclopedia, " The Taliban had swept through the area and had banned women from
shopping and being educated, and prohibited television ... After January 15, 2009, the Taliban had
declared that girls could no longer attend school. They had already destroyed hundreds of schools
for girls". Headed by Fazlulla, the Taliban incorporated a strict interpretation of Islam and enforced
harsh and repressive rules in neighboring villages regarding the Islamic religion. Malala's call to
adventure is her 'normal' becoming disrupted when the Taliban come to Swat Valley. Malala sees the
Taliban's action as a direct threat to her values because education and women empowerment was her
passion. They jeopardize her learning as well as the right to education for all women and girls in
Pakistan. Her unbridled passion for education becomes her calling to speak out. Although she
wanted to raise her voice, she was only 11. This is the phase in which Malala and her family
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I Am Malala
In the biography by Malala Yousafzai titled,"I am Malala," Malala tells an incredible story about
serious events she has encountered as a child living in Afghanistan, and a terrible accident that she
endured while fighting for education rights in Pakistan. Malala is a 16 year old girl who once lived
in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley, not afraid to spread her opinions about
freedom of education, however, this behavior got Malala in much trouble by the country's Taliban.
Malala was on her way home on a bus when a bearded man stepped onto the road. Her best friend,
Moniba, believed he was an interviewer, however, this turned out to be false when the man stepped
into the vehicle and demanded to know where Malala was. Shortly ... Show more content on ...
Malala clearly describes her family members, setting, friends, and events so vividly throughout the
whole story, that the reader begins to feel at home with Malala and gets a sense of what her common
life looked like. While describing her home town, Swat Valley, she describes it as though it is a
beautiful paradise surrounded by fruit trees, full of rivers, and forests. A line to support this claim
goes as follows,"We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and
rivers full of trout." (14, Yousafzai) Another element I enjoyed in the story was Malala's sense of
humor. In this story, Malala would often tell the reader stories of her childhood, such as the time she
almost cried because she was no longer top of the class, or the time she stole from a little girl
because she believed the little girl stole from her and decided to do the same. Malala thought a little
girl who was her neighbor stole from her and then realized she probably didn't and I found this part
funny. A following line that supports this claim and that I found really funny is, "I realize now that
she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do
the same to her." (70,
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Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai
A Leader who inspires me today is Malala Yousafzai. Born in Mingora, Pakistan in 1997 Malala is
an advocate for girls education. In 2008, at the age of 11 Malala started to blog for BBC under a
fake name about what it was like growing up in Pakistan and the challenges she faced. After the
Taliban took over Swat Valley where she was living, Malala started to blog about the new rules the
Taliban enforced, one being banning girls from attending school. In 2009, The New York Times
released a documentary on Malala and her fight to protect girls education. After the Pakistani Army
was able to force the Taliban to retreat, Malala's school was able to reopen she was then able to get
back into the classroom and started publicly campaigning for girls
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Malala Yousafzai Thesis
"The terrorists thought that they would change my aims and stop my ambitions, but nothing changed
in my life, except this: weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage was
born" – Malala Yousafzai ("Malala Yousafzai", Newsmakers). In 1997, Yousafzai was born in Swat
Valley, a large Pakistani district, which later was overrun and governed by the Taliban. The Islamic
fundamentalist group banned education for girls, but she did not let their threatening influence
change her passion for education. Malala Yousafzai's life was full of hardships, but with her
dedication and perseverance, she was able to defy expectations and become an international symbol
for women's rights. Yousafzai's parents motivated her to prioritize ... Show more content on ...
She established the Malala Fund, which is a charity that raises money to support 40 Pakistani girls
through school, and has signed and supported a document called the "Girl Declaration" that gives
young, poverty– stricken girls around the world a voice in determining their futures ("Malala
Yousafzai Challenges Taliban on Education and Women's Rights in Pakistan.") After hearing about
the abduction of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls from Government Secondary School in Chibok, Nigeria
(Borno State), she immediately took charge by rallying for their freedom and educational rights. In
addition, she granted Nigerian organizations with a Malala Fund donation of 200,000 U.S.dollars to
improve the educational situation for young Nigerian girls ("As Malala Yousafzai Rallies for Chibok
Girls"). Yousafzai's numerous activism efforts to improve education has contributed to her being a
symbol for women's rights across the world. Her diligence and tenacity to make a difference in the
education defied the expectations and set an example for a young girls across the
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I Am Malala
Section I
A. Little, Brown and Company I Am Malala New York: Hachette Book Group, 2013. Print
B. Nonfiction
C. My book has 327 pages. I read all of them.
D. I chose this book because I had heard about this woman's story through the news and I was
interested in her story.
E. The story starts off in a flashback about Malala's old home and her experience with the shooting
located in her hometown, the Swat Valley of Mingora, Pakistan. It continues to certain experiences
she had before and after the shooting.
F. The theme of the story is determination.
Section II
2. This wonderfully expressed novel made me cry, not because I was unhappy but because I realized
that everything isn't a happily ever after ending. Throughout the book I realized that, people confine
themselves to their own experiences and their own lives that they overlook other's reality. Malala's
reality was tragic and unreasonable; simply because her and her family stood up for women's
education, Malala took a bullet to the head. "I don't want to be thought of as the 'girl who was shot
by the Taliban' but the 'girl who fought for education (Yousafzai 309). I envy the amount of courage
and determination this 17 year old woman has. Although she had an excruciatingly painful
experience in her life, she turned this event into an inspiration to make education ... Show more
content on ...
I know Malala's mission and experiences rather than just recognizing her as the girl who got shot by
the Taliban. Malala is very consistent with her beliefs, "I am Malala. My world has changed but I
have not" (Yousafzai 313). I am able to understand that Malala is working to accomplish education
for all, not only women. After reading this book, I am able to understand that the Taliban is not the
only issue; however, it is the drones, the war, the unreasonable traditions, and the gender
discrimination towards woman and girls in Pakistan. I now realize that this is not the only country
with sexism, but one that has been drastically affected by
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Malala Research Paper
"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." (Harris). Malala Yousafzai, a girl
who shot for going to school. Malala was born july 12, 1997, in mingora, the largest city in Swat
Valley in what is now the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. She is the daughter of
Ziauddin and Tor Pekai Yousafzai and has two younger brothers.Malala and her father stood up to
the taliban for her right to go to school. Malala was a girl who lived Swat valley, one of many, who
was threatened by the Taliban for going to school, she argued that she had a right to be educated .
She inspired other girls like her to do the same and go to school. She was such a inspiring voice to
the youth of pakistan that many girls followed in her footsteps and even though they knew that they
could face consequences. Malala stood up for her rights and was punished for it, but ... Show more
content on ...
They were cruel. They were ignorant. The reason they were against women from attending school
was because they were scared of what women could do once they were educated."We realize the
importance of our voices only when we are silenced."(Harris) An educated female population is
more threatening to them than armies equipped with all–seeing drones. Education gave women the
power to questions things. The power to challenge things, to be independent.
At the tender age of 19 Malala Yousafzai is celebrated as a powerful education and women's rights
activist from Pakistan's Swat valley. "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes
powerful."(Harris)In 2009, Yousafzai began blogging for BBC News under the pseudonym Gul
Makai, to describe her day–to–day routine in a town threatened by constant militant activity. With a
growing public platform, Yousafzai continued to speak out about her right, and the right of all
women, to an education. Now Malala has billions who support her and her actions against the
taliban's wishes for women education to
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I Am Malala Essay
I Am Malala is about the true story of a fourteen year old girl's campaign for women's right to
education. The campaign began when this fundamental right was stolen by the Taliban. The memoir
is set in a town called Mingora in a district called Swat Valley, near Afghanistan. Malala's father was
a good speaker and was consistently a part of environmental, social, and political causes in Swat
Valley. Malala's father encouraged her to learn and to be an independent woman, even though most
women were illiterate and weren't inclined to pursue an education. He was an English teacher and
opened schools for boys and girls with his friends. Soon, the Taliban brought dramatic change to
Swat Valley. In 2005, they began dozens of illegal radio stations, ... Show more content on ...
The Taliban hovers around them everywhere, deciding what they say, wear, and where they go.
Malala never wanted to live a life like this; she didn't want to live a life without purpose. She had
dreams and aspirations. She wasn't alive just to breathe; she didn't know it yet but she was destined
to inspire countless girls. She teaches us that if we were given this life, we should make something
out of it. Our actions should be in the betterment of a society. She didn't take a bullet for just for
herself. She took it on behalf of the countless girls in the world who want to study but can't. I Am
Malala is heartbreaking and inspiring story. Malala's courage and determination is admirable. Her
family background and details about Swat Valley is described vividly in the book and readers get to
know more about the places that she's been to. The book was very informative and I learned a lot
more about Pakistan and its history. Some people thought the book was slightly disjointed and
jumped around, repeating facts. However, I felt this made the story feel more authentic and realistic.
I would highly recommend the book to anyone interested in women's rights, current events, history
or inspirational
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Malala Research Paper
This story is about a young woman named Malala who decided to fight for women's right to
education. This essential right was taken away by the Taliban. The Taliban is an Islamic
fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a
government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December
2001, with Kandahar as the capital. Malala was born in 1997. Both her mother and father came from
a very remote part of Pakistan called Shangla. They moved to a small town called Mingora in a
district called Swat Valley just a hundred miles from Afghanistan. Malala's birth was not a cause for
celebration mostly because she was not a boy and also because the family was extremely poor and
had no money for a big feast. Her father named her Malala after a courageous woman who lead the
troops in a battle against the British in 1880. In fact the name means grief–stricken. ... Show more
content on ...
He was a teacher and he decided to open schools along with his friends and business partners. He
opened up schools for both boys and girls in a time when most of the women were illiterate and had
no inclination to pursue an education. He encouraged his daughter to learn and be an independent
woman rather than a humble wife who cooks, cleans, has children and never leaves the house. The
arrival of the Taliban brought a dramatic change to the region. They set up a radio broadcast and
started telling people to burn their books, their CD's and DVD's, to keep the girls away from schools
and follow a misguided interpretation of what Islam should be. Pakistan was very affected by a big
earthquake, huge floods and other natural disasters so many people thought that they were punished
by God and listened to the
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Malala The Powerful Analysis
The article "Malala the Powerful" is describing how Malala stood up for her gender when the
Talibans took over Pakistan and Afghanistan. Malala was alive when the Taliban, a very deadly
terrorist group, took control of Swat in 2007. Malala was 15 when this started. The Taliban made
many rules enforcing the way women and girls lived. Malala lived through many challenges but
showed incredible courage towed the Taliban by speaking out about what she believes is right The
Taliban started to take control over Swat in 2007. Although the Taliban are not a part of the
government of Pakistan, they do have a very powerful force on the Pakistan as well as the
Afghanistan people. Taliban's also enforced a lot of rules on the Afghanistan and
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I Am Malala Research Paper
I Am Malala is a life story of a fifteen year old girl who stood up for girls education and refused to
be silenced. She fought against Taliban when they took over the control of major parts of Pakistan
and refused to give up her education. " She almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head
at point–blank range while riding the bus home from school"( I am Malala). She became victim of
Taliban attack and her recovery was nothing less than a miracle. Today she is an icon for girls
eduction and youngest nominee for Noble Peace Price.
Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12 1997 in Pakistan. During that time Taliban was very active in
Swat valley (place where she lived) and didn't tolerate the idea of girls been educated. Malala grew
up around school, her father was also a school teacher and founder of Kushal school in Swat. She
learned to value education at a very young age and understood the power of a pen. When she was 10
years old when Taliban took over Swat and implemented many rules which were not acceptable to
Malala. Rules such as CDs, DVDs, and TVs were not allowed in the home, women must stay in
purdah, and girls could not be educated were against Malala's thinking. For her education is very
important and says " when someone takes away your pens you realize quite how important
education is (160)".
Education is a tool ... Show more content on ...
She stresses on the fact of women having right and being able to educate themselves. Malala
becomes a target of Taliban, who considers Malala to be reading secularism, and is shot in head. But
Malala's will power and dedication does not allow her to die. Her miraculous recovery shows us her
strength to fight against Taliban. She says "I realized what the Taliban had done was make my
campaign global" (289). After this accident, Malala becomes more strong and confident about the
value of
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I Am Malala
In the biography by Malala Yousafzai titled,"I am Malala," Malala tells an incredible story about
serious events she has encountered as a child living in Afghanistan, and a terrible accident that she
endured while fighting for education rights in Pakistan. Malala is a 16 year old girl who once lived
in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley, not afraid to spread her opinions about
freedom of education, however, this behavior got Malala in much trouble by the country's Taliban.
Malala was on her way home on a bus when a bearded man stepped onto the road. Her best friend,
Moniba, believed he was an interviewer, however, this turned out to be false when the man stepped
into the vehicle and demanded to know where Malala was. Shortly ... Show more content on ...
Malala clearly describes her family members, setting, friends, and events so vividly throughout the
whole story, that the reader begins to feel at home with Malala and gets a sense of what her common
life looked like. While describing her home town, Swat Valley, she describes it as though it is a
beautiful paradise surrounded by fruit trees, full of rivers, and forests. A line to support this claim
goes as follows,"We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and
rivers full of trout." (14, Yousafzai) Another element I enjoyed in the story was Malala's sense of
humor. In this story, Malala would often tell the reader stories of her childhood, such as the time she
almost cried because she was no longer top of the class, or the time she stole from a little girl
because she believed the little girl stole from her and decided to do the same. Malala thought a little
girl who was her neighbor stole from her and then realized she probably didn't and I found this part
funny. A following line that supports this claim and that I found really funny is, "I realize now that
she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do
the same to her." (70,
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I Am Malala
I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb is the story of a brave Pashtun girl from the
Swat Valley in Pakistan, as she grows and stands up against the Taliban in order to fight for the
rights of women's education. Ever since Malala was little she loved to learn; even before the Taliban
took over the Swat Valley. She and her family would defend people's basic rights as her father
participated in many organizations while she spoke out her opinion to the public towards extremists.
However, when the Taliban began to occupy the area, they took things too far. They forced women
into many restrictions; even considering small things like dancing and jewelry haram, or forbidden
within Islamic Law. But what got Malala upset was when they began to attack her education; not
letting her go to school. ... Show more content on ...
And because of this, on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she was shot in the head at
point–blank range while riding the bus home from school by the Taliban. Barely grazing her skull,
she survived and had a miraculous recovery. Luckily, she was transferred to a hospital in
Birmingham with safer conditions to recover. It was then too dangerous for her family to return to
Swat so they stayed in the UK. Now Malala goes all around the world raising her voice towards the
importance of having an education. She is even the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Peace
Prize at the age of 17. In the end of the novel, she wrote her reason of writing this book: to bring
awareness to the many children being denied the right of an education and to bring empowerment to
the many young women reading
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Malala Yousafzai Thesis
Malala Yousafzai is a young Pashto woman from the valley of Swat in Pakistan. Her story is one of
firsthand experience with the brutal nature of the Taliban and heavy–handed army interfering with
the lives and educations of hundreds of thousands of girls across Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since
the age of eleven, Malala has been campaigning for the right to education for girls and women
across the world through her own cultural lens based in the Middle–East, mired in the oppression of
extremists. Through publicity and by speaking out against these people in her own country, coupled
with nearly meeting her end at the hands of them, her story has reached international ears. Her aim
is clear; the eyes of the world are now on Pakistan, ... Show more content on ...
Malala began her activism in speaking at her school, reading florid and verbose speeches written by
her father, however she soon began "writing [her] own speeches and changing the way [she]
delivered them, from [her] heart rather than from a sheet of paper." (p.79) It is this practise that
motivated her to risk her own life through her childhood to ensure her voice was heard. This voice,
however small the body from which it emanates, has reached a global audience and has inspired
such a profound outpouring of support. Her voice has also garnered the power to break down
barriers and initiate cross–cultural exchanges between Western and Islamic countries; many foreign
reporters now visit the Swat valley to hear personal accounts of the events happening there, rather
than becoming statistics on a Western television screen in the next newsworthy tragedy. Hundreds of
thousands support the Malala Fund, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Hudson, Orlando Bloom,
Selena Gomez, and many other Western role models, to contribute to its mission of spreading
equality and human rights to all. This support allowed the fund to mobilise in other countries,
including Nigeria, Jordan, and Kenya to expand infrastructure, support refugee children, and
providing safe
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I Am Malala
The autobiography I Am Malala was written by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai. The author
Christina Lamb is a foreign correspondent who has had experience writing non–fiction novels about
people of different cultures. The author Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner
who is familiar to public speaking and writing. Malala has had many interviews with news stations
and has even wrote an anonymous diary for BBC.
Furthermore, Malala's personal story takes place in the Swat District which is a river valley located
in Pakistan. This river valley was once known for its large number of terrorists in the area but,
Pakistan is working to keep that number down. Also, the events that were described in the story took
place from the ... Show more content on ...
In the novel the novel Malala states "The Taliban could take our pens and books, but they couldn't
stop our minds from thinking." When Malala says this quote, she rebels against a powerful terrorist
group saying. Another quote says that " If people were silent nothing would change". When Malala
says that quote she is encouraging the readers to go out and speak up for their rights. This novel
contains many more empowering quotes that are based on freedom and equality to back up the
authors' purpose. These quotes do an excellent job at getting her point
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I Am Malala Rhetorical Analysis
An unlikely promiscuous figure became the pinnacle of peace and equality. This figure is Malala
Yousafzai, a driven girl from the valley of Swat in Pakistan, stood up against her peers and spoke
out against an imposed custom on girls. Malala's endeavours began with the introduction of the
Taliban within Pakistan. Now ran by tyranny, Pakistan became a place of oppression, especially
against the rights of females. Malala and her father, Ziauddin, were among the very sparse
population of activists within Pakistan, advocating against the Taliban's influence. Malala effectively
expresses her story by utilizing rhetorical devices such as evocative imagery, juxtaposition and
ethos. In I Am Malala, Malala's utilization of imagery, specifically the
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Examples Of Sexism In I Am Malala
The book I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb tells the story of a young girl
named Malala who stood up for education and against sexism, but is shot by the Taliban in the
process. Malala inspires the readers by sharing her story of facing discrimination, destroying sexism,
and standing up for her education. Sexism is the belief that one gender is superior than the other.
Through close analysis of women facing discrimination, men looking down on women, and Malala
deconstructing sexism, the book shows that sexism causes men to look down on women, this
influenced Malala to deconstruct it by doing what she believes in. Women, young girls and Malala
have to face discrimination and sexism from the people around them. Malala shows ... Show more
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Malala continues to go to school even when there is discrimination and risks. In Swat,the Taliban
had an broadcast that would inform the people, one day Malala was listening to the broadcast.
Malala heard the broadcaster say, "he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left
school...girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep... I couldn't understand"
(Yousafzai,162). Malala stands up for education and she continues to do what she believes in. This
broadcast shows the sexism and discrimination,Malala standing up for her education, and Malala's
views on education. Malala states "he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left school"
the text shows how many girls were dropping out of school because the Taliban were encouraging
them to leave by calling the girls still in school names, bombing girl's schools, and using things like
religion against them. Malala Faced the sexism and tries to deconstruct it because Malala wants to
go school since she believes in equal education for girls and boys. The other section of the passage
reads "girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep." This is significant
because Malala starts off by telling the audience she is continuing to go to school then the she tells
them that girls like her were being criticized for going to school. This is important because it shows
the readers that Malala stood up for her
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I Am Malala
The novel I Am Malala is about standing up for her beliefs can have impact on you good or bad. For
Malala Yousafzai situation, she got to experience both. Malala lives in Mingora of Pakistan which is
located in the country's Swat Valley. Growing up, Malala was the only girl in her house besides her
mother, Tor Pekai Yousafzai. Her brother's names were Khushal and Atal. She talks about how her
relationship with her brother is good and even though they sometimes get into arguments. In school
she is very passionate about doing her best. She describes herself as being one of the smartest
students in the classroom. She was very determined to do will and learn. The school that Malala
attends to is her own father Ziauddin Yousafzai. This was part ... Show more content on ...
Later on they were able to go back and Malala got to see some of her old friends. But soon again the
Taliban threaten suicide attacks on swat for trying to rebuild and give freedom to woman. Many
girls were left abandoned and this inspired Malala to help give education back to the girls this
inspired Malala to start writing speeches. She started to get people to believe her and many people
supported her.
Then they hear about the private talibanization and they threaten to attack the school but that didn't
stop Malala. Then the day happened it was Malala normal day going to school then the Taliban
camp on the bus and shot her and two other girls. She was taken to a hospital and was in critical
condition and they believed she would not have lived. Later on she was sent to the UK with her
family and she woke up from her coma on October 15.When she woke up her doctor, doctor Fiona
said how her campaign became global and everyone knew about her
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I Am Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani school understudy and instruction extremist from the town of
Mingora in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa territory. She is
known for her instruction and ladies' rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had on
occasion banned young ladies from going to class.
In promptly 2009, at the age of 11–12, Yousafzai composed a website under a nom de plume the
BBC specifying her life under Taliban principle, their endeavors to take control of the valley, and
her perspectives on pushing training for young ladies. The accompanying summer, a New York
Times documentary was recorded about her life as the Pakistani military mediated in the district,
climaxing in the Second Battle of Swat. Yousafzai climbed in unmistakable quality, giving talks
with in print and on TV, and she was designated for the International Children's Peace Prize by
South African extremist Desmond Tutu.
On 9 October 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in a dispatching endeavor by Taliban
shooters while returning home on a school transport. In the days promptly emulating the ambush,
she remained oblivious and in discriminating condition, yet later her condition enhanced enough for
her to be sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK for concentrated recovery. On
October 12, 2012, a gathering of 50 Islamic pastors in Pakistan issued a fatwa against the
individuals who attempted to slaughter her, yet the Taliban repeated
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Malala Yousafzai Research Paper
"One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world."~ Malala Yousafzai Many
may have heard of Malala Yousafzai from a past event as the girl who was shot by the Taliban for
gaining many attentions on the topic of allowing education to be accessible to girls in Pakistan in
2012. Today, I'm going to inform you about how one girl was able to make a tremendous impact on
so many lives nationwide. The first topic I'd like to talk about is Malala Yousafzai's childhood.
According to, Malala was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, the Swat District of
north west Pakistan, which it was once consider one of the most dangerous place to live because
there were events of beheading, bombing, and shooting, when villagers reject ... Show more content
on ...
Through all of Malala's achievements so far for standing up for what she believes in, she has been
nominated for a total of two Nobel Peace Prize but only received one of them which is why she is
currently known as the youngest person to have received this award. Three years ago on November
10th, 2012, "Malala Fund" was established as a non–profit organization by many committed
individuals including, educating entrepreneurs, lawyers, teachers, business and tech leaders,
engineers, innovators and NGO representatives. As of Malala Fund's recent #BooksnotBullets
campaign people globally have began to show support by shining a light on the importance of
quality education for girls nationally. With this non–organization Malala was able to provide a voice
for the people who do not have a voice to help them receive an education. As of past but recent news
from Malala Fund Blog, on Malala's 18th birthday, on July 12th, 2015, marking the third annual
Malala Day celebrated in Lebanon. Malala opened a school called "Malala Yousafzai All–Girls
School" near the Syrian border, which is said to provide secondary education to more than 200
Syrian girls living in informal camps and in the Bekaa Valley region. Malala has suggested to give
an extra $39 billion a year for education worldwide, as well as, stating that she will continue to be
the voice of children in the coming years. Now from extensive research on, Malala
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What Are Swat, Pakistan?
Swat, Pakistan is a place of pure scenic beauty which portrays a sense of peace and prosperity. From
its glaciers and meadows to its winding rivers and mountain ranges, the Valley of Swat is freakishly
incomparable to any other district in its allure. In contrast however, lurks a dangerous austere faction
of radical Islamic extremists known as the Taliban. Their attempts at staying true to early Islamic
beliefs have stunted the modernization of an entire region and continue to do so in Swat Valley to
this day. Women in particular have been impeded by a system of gender apartheid where access to
education is unfeasible and any attempt at receiving respect is look down upon as the resistance to
authority. The coalition between males and females within any society no matter its size – whether it
be a fishing village or an entire country – is essential for growth and development. Without unity,
there is no progression. In this case there is regression; and the dispersion and isolation of like minds
resulting in the practical quietude of an absolute gender. Once residing in this district was a woman
of great opposition and strength. Her name is Malala Yousafzai and she has devoted her life to
undoing the destruction of her people's future brought upon by the Taliban. Her efforts had not gone
unnoticed however resulting in several death threats issued against her and her family due to their
defiance. On October 9th, 2012 – while on route home from school by bus – Malala and her
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I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Essay
The autobiography I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai begins with the scene of young pakistani
education and women's rights activist Malala being shot in the head. Her school bus had been
stopped by the Taliban who, after asking which of the girls was Malala, put a bullet into her head.
Malala ends the powerful prologue with the words "Who is Malala? I am Malala and this is my
story" (9). Malala then rewinds to the story of her birth and how in Pakistan, no one congratulated
her parents when she was born because she was a girl. Pakistani culture pushes for the birth of a boy
as an islamic majority country. However, her father saw the potential in his daughter as a great
leaser and named her after one of the great female leaders in Pakistan– ... Show more content on ...
Malala writes about the social normalities of her culture and how it was not very strict before the
Taliban emerged in their valley. The Taliban came into power in 2005 in Pakistan and began
dictating the civilians how to live their lives the "right Islamic way". The people of the Swat District
were forced to obey every command of the Taliban unless they and their families wanted to be
killed. Women especially became very oppressed and had to enter Purdah, wear hijabs whenever in
public, and were encouraged to not go to school. All westernized media, clothes and games were
banned, anyone who did not follow the law would be shot. The community lived in such a terrible
state of fear that Malala and her family were afraid to go outside where they were known as famous
social, political and educational activists. A BBC correspondent contacted Ziauddin to make a blog
from a school girl's point of view on living under Taliban rule. Malala soon took up the challenge
and related her experiences over the phone about her oppressive life in Swat Valley and the threats
against girls like her for going to school. Eventually, her school had to close after many local school
bombings, and then the whole valley had to be evacuated for the Pakistani Army to come wipe out
the Taliban. Malala and her family became IDP's for a time,
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Malala Youszafai Analysis
1. Introduce the person or people at the center of the book you read.
Malala Youszafai was an ordinary girl, determined to go to school and live the life she's always
wanted. When she was 15 years old, she got shot in the head by the Taliban (terrorist group),
targeted because she stood up for the girl's education. She received a lot of treatments in many
hospital, fighting for her life. Even though she can't go back in Pakistan for evident reasons, she is
still fighting for those who can't be heard, giving conference all around the world, because she
believes that every child, every woman deserves the right to be educated.
2. Identify the context they lived in.
Malala lived her whole childhood in Pakistan, in Mingora, the largest city in the Swat Valley. She
loved it's beautiful landscape, with the high mountains, the lush green hills and the clear rivers. It
once was a peaceful place, where she and her brother used to play outside and go to school; she was
as free as a bird. But when the Taliban took control of Swat, everything ... Show more content on ...
She is also really ambitious, compared to other girls of her society, to go to school and to want to
have a great futur as a doctor; it helped her to bring a change because she wouldn't give up until the
end of her fight. She really is compassionate too, as we can see with the poor kids in the mountains
that didn't have food; she really wanted to help the people in need. Furthermore, Malala is a brave
girl, because she wasn't afraid to speak agains the Taliban, even if she put herself in a delicate
position, and put her life at risks. Finally, she is a leader, for giving speeches and interviews all
around the world, and support the girl's education cause, even after all she had been
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' I Am Malala Speak Up For Women's Education
The book "I am Malala" is story about a young girl who stands up for women's education. Malala
lives in Swat Valley in Pakistan. Malala describes the Swat Valley as beautiful and amazing. But the
Swat Valley turns completely upside down when the Taliban arrive. The place that Malala once
loved became a nightmare. The Taliban believed that girls should not go to school and not get
education. Malala loved school more than anything and still went to school even though her father
and she received death threats from the Taliban. The Taliban blew up all girls' schools all across
Swat, leaving more than hundreds of kids' dead and harassed women who did not follow the
Taliban's rules. These threats and actions of the Taliban did not stop Malala
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Malala Research Paper
On July 12, 1997, Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat
Valley that has a population of over 2 million people. Malala lived with her two younger brothers
and her parents, Ziauddin and Tor Pekai. Her father, Ziauddin, was a teacher who owned a chain of
schools in Pakistan where girls could study as well as boys because in that part of the world the
gender gap in education is quite immense. For the first few years of Malala's life, her hometown
remained a popular tourist spot until the Taliban attempted to take control.
Militants possessed a cruel attitude towards female education and began bombing schools. The local
Taliban leader would personally congratulate the girls who dropped out of school. Malala's father
remained resistant and his school stayed open. For safety reasons, the girls who attended the school
stopped wearing uniforms because it would have made them targets. ... Show more content on ...
She taught girls that they had the right to fight for their education and by doing so Malala shows us
that leadership is about vision and the values, sacrifices and resolve that need to be endured in order
to accomplish goals. Malala was specifically targeted because she advocated openly for the right of
girls to go to school, which was going against the rules of the Taliban. But militants aside, Malala's
message remained crystal clear: girls' education is important and should not be taken away. In
Malala's words, "We should not wait for someone else to come and raise our voice. We should do it
by ourselves. We should believe in ourselves. Yes, we can do it. One day you will see that all the
girls will be powerful; All the girls will be going to school. And it is possible only by our struggle;
only when we raise our voice." Malala exhibits leadership by showing everyone that she has a voice
and that she will not stand by the teachings of the
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Malala Research Paper
Malala Yousafzai is a women with an outstanding amount of bravery. She was named after the
Malalai of Maiwand, the significant heroine of Afghanistan. Malala is the girl who was shot by the
Taliban on October 9, 2012 for expressing her beliefs in womens education. She expressed her
beliefs in womens rights through her actions and her christian service, even though it may not have
been her religion. She has a voice that inspires many to stand up for what they believe in. She is
from a small town called Swat Valley near the capital of Pakistan, which is Islamabad. In times Swat
was usually called Uddyana, meaning garden, it is part of a province called Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KPK). Her mother would always encourage her to go to school since she never had a chance to go,
and now Malala grew up to have a voice that inspires ... Show more content on ...
Through her service and advocacy in the cause of women's education and in the manner that she
exemplifies Christian service, Malala Yousafzai, a Muslim girl, has called the world into action. On
October 9, 2012 Malala was given a second chance at life. She was fifteen years old when she was
shot by the Taliban on her way home from school. The gunshot when through her left brow through
her forehead and ended up next to her left shoulder blade. She was shot because of "her pioneer role
in preaching secularism...She was young but she was promoting Western culture in Pashtun areas.
She was pro–West; she was speaking against the Taliban; she was calling president Obama her idol"
(Yousafzai with Lamb, pg. 256). On October 16, 2012, Malala woke up in Queen Elizabeth Hospital
in Birmingham, England. She is being treated and attended by Dr. Keyani who speaks to her in
Urdu. Rehanna, a Muslim Chaplain, visits Malala and tranquilizes her. She becomes distressed due
to the fact that her family is still in Pakistan. The day that her family went
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I Am Malala Research Paper
Suffering from poverty, struggling for an education, and fighting for women's rights, Yousafzai
battles for girls' education. In Malala Yousafzai's biography, I Am Malala, she tells her story about
life under the Taliban's rule. She wishes to shed light on Pakistan's inequality issue and the damage
the Taliban has done to her home. Throughout the book, Yousafzai persuasively incorporates facts
and research, which efficaciously extends her credibility, but her lack of emotion and sentiment
causes the audience to lose their sense of sympathy. Yousafzai fails to tug at heartstrings, not only
because she rarely inserts her own emotions to her autobiography, but also due to her limited
English. For example, she sometimes switches between present and past tense in the same sentence.
"I am only human, and when I heard the guns, my heart used to beat very fast. Sometimes I was
very afraid..." (153). Yousafzai has the potential to pull the readers in and make the audience feel
sympathetic toward her situation, but her inadequate wording is difficult to comprehend. Likewise,
she adds pathos in snippets and the readers may find it difficult to ... Show more content on ...
The author and her family leave Swat because of the dangerous conditions, "Leaving the valley was
harder than anything I had done before" (176). After being directly affected by the Taliban, she
knows what it feels like to be restricted by unjust laws and violence. This greatly improves her
reliability. She includes another example of how her family is impacted by the Taliban, "One day my
mother went shopping with my cousin...A Talib accosted them and blocked their way. 'If I see you
again wearing a scarf but no burqa I will beat you'" (169). Her mother is threatened by a Talib.
Yousafzai consistently proves she is living through this herself, and she is entitled to her opinion of
the Taliban. Because these are her own experiences, she establishes
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Malala Yousafzai Research Paper
Have you ever heard about the Pakistani schoolgirl who spoke for girls' education? She was also
shot in her head by Taliban gunmen and survived. Today she is recognized for her activism and her
many awards.
On July 12, 1997, Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat
Valley (Sara Kettler, 2016). Growing up, her father named Ziauddin was a teacher who founded the
school Malala went to. When Yousafzai was just only 11 years old, she started blogging about the
Taliban trying to take over her hometown, Mingora.
Yousafzai has faced terrible opposition from some people in her home country of Pakistan, who
believe girls should not be allowed to attend school (Joyce Grant, 2015). On October 9th, 2012, 15–
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I Am Malala Research Paper
In, I am Malala, it details the journey of Malala's fight for her and millions of other girls to have an
education. Malala was born on Swat Valley in Pakistan. She is a girl like any other but she has her
special talents. Malala lives in Mingora with her two younger brothers and her parents. Before the
Taliban came to Pakistan, Swat Valley was a peaceful region known for its beauty, and tourists came
from all over the world to see its tall mountains, lush green hills and crystal clear rivers. Malala's
father, Zaiuddin, ran a school and that's where Malala's love for education grew. Many people
thought that her school was not in the straight path of Islam. As time passed by, people started to
listen to Radio Mullah. This "Radio Mullah" was telling people that listening to music, seeing
movies, dancing was ... Show more content on ...
After a five–hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet but she had developed an
infection so doctors decided to put her in a coma; that way Malala could fly to England for better
care. Dr. Fiona and Dr. Javid were in Pakistan at the time and they asked for advice. They told the
Pakistani doctors that Malala wouldn't survive unless she was moved to a better hospital. So they
flew her in a private jet offered by the United Arab Emirates to Birmingham, England. There she
recovered. The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai to silence her. Instead the whole world was listening
to her message now. People all over the world were praying for her to recover. Many celebrities and
politicians wished her a speedy recovery such as, Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé,
Madonna, and The president of Pakistan. Malala is later released from the hospital and now lives in
Birmingham with her family. She later is asked to talk in the United Nations and she receives the
Nobel Peace
... Get more on ...

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I Am Malala Book Report

  • 1. I Am Malala Book Report I AM MALALA The book I am Malala is a true story about a girl that's name is Malala . Malala Was having a good time with her family and her friends but then one day on October 9th she was going to school on a buss with her friends and brother until a Taliban came inside the buss and asked everyone who Malala was then everyone pointed at Malala then the Taliban pointed the gun at her and her friends and shot them . Life in Swat before the Taliban were there. Before the Taliban were in Swat Malala could go to school without being scared from the Taliban and she could learn and do her tests/ exams . And they could watch T.V And could watch T.V without heering bombs and gunshot noises. Malala would also be allowed to go outside and play cricket with her friends and her brother. And her ... Show more content on ... Some of the girls stop going to school and the girls parents / fathers and brothers made the girls stop going to school. On October 9th Malala was shot by the Taliban . 1st Malala got shot in the buss by the Taliban . Then there was 2 news reporters that saw her and brought her to the England Birmingham hospital and when she got there she saw some doctors and nurses and she kept asking where her family was and she received a green teddy bear but when she got to the other room the teddy that she had received earlier was now white in her arms. Life after the shooting was hard beacause she couldn't walk or talk until she was out of the Birmingham hospital . her life was also easy beacause she would not loose her hope and would get mail letters sent to her from her fans. And now there wasn't any bombing noises . She also didn't have to be afraid for speaking for girls Rights Of Education and now there was not any Taliban shooting or pointing guns at her . And now that she was in Birmingham Malala was alowed to do all of the speeches and talking she wanted. And she could live a normal life like any other person would ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. I Am Malala Chapter 1 Summary Justin Kotajarvi Reading Journal #1 I Am Malala, Chapters 1–8 Pages 1–90 Malala Yousafzai The first part of the book Malala discusses the background of her family, she talks about her fathers younger life when he grew up in Pakistan, with a stutter. During his time growing up, Russia invaded Afghanistan, but he was too young to fight. Because of his upbringing his view on war and life enabled him to conquer his stutter and become a well–rounded speaker, motivated to educate others. He works as an english teacher and begins to establish his own school with his colleague Nameen. Malala is born and everything turns out successful. Unfortunatley shortly after the 9/11 attacks occurred, the Yousafzais have yet to understand how much this event ... Show more content on ... The doctors are sure the bullet didn't cause Malala any brain damage, and the Taliban takes full responsibility for the shooting. Unfortunatley Malala takes a turn for the worse, she is moved to a superior intensive care unit because infections and other complications threaten her conditions. A week later, Malala becomes conscious. Her primary concerns become her family and how they will pay for her treatments. She is shocked by the love and support of the people from all over the world. The bullet damaged a nerve in Malala's face, causing her permanent damage to her facial expressions. The government payed for all of the medical bills and rentd an apartment for the family. Malala is thankful to have survived and will go on to continue doing life changing things. Malala received medical treatment from outside of her country, she was transferred to a medical facility in England for rehabilitation and treatment, while she was recovering Islamic clerics in Pakistan issued a fatwa, a ruling of Islamic law, against the Taliban gunmen who tried to kill Yousafzai. The shooter was eventually captured and still hasn't been ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Malala Research Paper Malala Yousafzai was born July 12, 1997, in Swat Valley, Pakistan and she is the daughter of Ziauddin and Toor Pekai Yousafzai. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand, who was the greatest heroine of Afghanistan (Yousafzai & Lamb ch.1). Along with her father, Malala is a Pakistani activist for girl's right to an education. Since Malala was shot by the Taliban on a school bus, she has been the voice of young girl's education everywhere. Through Malala's fight for girls' right to an education and suffering to give young girls a voice to fight, she serves as an example of Christian service even though she is Muslim. October 9, 2012, marked a day in Malala's life that she would never forget. That was the day that she was shot by a Taliban gunman in the head on her way home from school. Ever since Malala was little she contradicted the Taliban's demand of young girls not being able to receive an education. This revolt led to the ... Show more content on ... According to Rae, "Some people with a servants heart make it look easy. That's because they know that the end is always better than the beginning, and that God always shows up and turns problems into testimonies" (Rae). This quote expresses Malala perfectly because Malala fought the Taliban ever since they refused girls to receive an education. She knew in the end that with her voice, she could change the lives of young girls forever, by giving them the chance to an education they deserve. We can see Malala's determination and sacrifice to provide women with an education through this quote that Malala said during her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, "I had two options – one was to remain silent and wait to be killed, and the second was to speak up and then be killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak up" ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Malala Research Paper The Amazing Life of Malala Yousafzai It is hard to imagine getting shot by the Taliban because you stood up for your rights. Malala Yousafzai was. She is a very brave, strong, and independent woman. Malala gives speeches around the world that are dedicated to women's right. Due to a strong desire for women's education rights, Malala's strength has enabled many women around the globe to gain and education, and also has allowed them to gain rights they didn't have otherwise. Malala was born on July 12, 1997, to Ziauddin and Pekai Yousafzai ("I am Malala" 1). She was born in Mingora Pakistan, and she was named after Malalai of Maiwand, the " greatest " hero of Afghanistan. (Yousafzai 14). She was not born in a hospital but instead in her parents home by a neighbor due to the lack of money (Yousafzai 13). Around this time, Malala's father and his best ... Show more content on ... " In October 2012, Yousafzai was riding home from school on the bus when two Taliban members embarked and asked, ' Who is Malala?' One of the gunmen then fired three shots; one bullet went through Yousafzai's left eye socket and ended under her left shoulder. The other bullets hit two other girls who were not seriously wounded '' ("I am Malala" 1). On October 16, 2012, Malala woke up in a hospital bed with a tube in her neck to help her breath (Yousafzai 275). After the was shot, she underwent multiple surgeries in England. She went through procedures to repair nerve damage, but did not suffer from brain damage ("I am Malala" 2). She fully recovered, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of seventeen, being the youngest person ever to receive the award ("I am Malala" 2). Malala has given many speeches which stand up for education for girls ("I am Malala" 2). In 2013, Malala gave a speech at the United Nations and quoted, "One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world" ("I am Malala" ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Malala Research Paper Malala Yousafzai was born July 12, 1997, in Swat Valley, Pakistan and she is the daughter of Ziauddin and Toor Pekai Yousafzai. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand, who was the greatest heroine of Afghanistan (Yousafzai & Lamb ch.1). Along with her father, Malala is a Pakistani activist for girl's right to an education. Since Malala was shot by the Taliban on a school bus, she has been the voice of young girl's education everywhere. Through Malala's fight for girls' right to an education and suffering to give young girls a voice to fight, she serves as an example of Christian service even though she is Muslim. October 9, 2012, marked a day in Malala's life that she would never forget. That was the day that she was shot by a Taliban gunman in the head on her way home from school. Ever since Malala was little she contradicted the Taliban's demand of young girls not being able to receive an education. This revolt led to the ... Show more content on ... According to Rae, "Some people with a servants heart make it look easy. That's because they know that the end is always better than the beginning, and that God always shows up and turns problems into testimonies" (Rae). This quote expresses Malala perfectly because Malala fought the Taliban ever since they refused girls to receive an education. She knew in the end that with her voice, she could change the lives of young girls forever, by giving them the chance to an education they deserve. We can see Malala's determination and sacrifice to provide women with an education through this quote that Malala said during her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, "I had two options – one was to remain silent and wait to be killed, and the second was to speak up and then be killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak up" ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Malala Research Paper This story is about a young woman named Malala who decided to fight for women's right to education. This essential right was taken away by the Taliban. The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. Malala was born in 1997. Both her mother and father came from a very remote part of Pakistan called Shangla. They moved to a small town called Mingora in a district called Swat Valley just a hundred miles from Afghanistan. Malala's birth was not a cause for celebration mostly because she was not a boy and also because the family was extremely poor and had no money for a big feast. Her father named her Malala after a courageous woman who lead the troops in a battle against the British in 1880. In fact the name means grief–stricken. ... Show more content on ... He was a teacher and he decided to open schools along with his friends and business partners. He opened up schools for both boys and girls in a time when most of the women were illiterate and had no inclination to pursue an education. He encouraged his daughter to learn and be an independent woman rather than a humble wife who cooks, cleans, has children and never leaves the house. The arrival of the Taliban brought a dramatic change to the region. They set up a radio broadcast and started telling people to burn their books, their CD's and DVD's, to keep the girls away from schools and follow a misguided interpretation of what Islam should be. Pakistan was very affected by a big earthquake, huge floods and other natural disasters so many people thought that they were punished by God and listened to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. I Am Malala Essay In the autobiographical work " I am Malala", Malala Yousafzai explains the hardships faced by her family, and women in Pakistan. She also talks about the Taliban and on the effect they created in the dynamic of society when it comes to women. This book is set in Pakistan from the 90's to the mid 2000's ; from when the author was born, to right after the time she was shot by the Taliban for standing up for girl's rights there. Malala believes girls are facing prejudice and injustice in the Middle East, and that they deserve better. Yousafzai applies her experience as a woman, the stories of other women, and the tragic experience she faced to enhance her claim and bring her story to life. Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan, in Swat valley. ... Show more content on ... It had Buddhist statues carved into the rock, and was called the Switzerland of the East. This was where Malala's father's ideas about gender equality developed. But, when the Taliban came, they made a radical change– a violent one– in the dynamic of society. When she started to get older, Malala realized this on page 20, while she thinks about how she is allowed to play now, and they way it would be taken away. She muses that "My father always said, 'Malala will be free as a bird. . .'But, as I watched my brothers. . . I wondered how free a daughter could be" (Yousafzai 20). She realized that even with a supportive family, the social culture in that region, which was previously tolerant, had changed and that she, as a woman, would feel that the most. Yousafzai questions her father's words that had provided hope for her for so long. She wonders about how much one person can do to change her fate as a woman; to be veiled, hidden, ridiculed, and abused. Her brothers juxtapose her, being boisterous and open, simply because they can. Since they are boys, they are valued and have a freedom that women ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Malala Hero In order to make change there is always a cost. That bill is usually picked up by those who are known as heros. Some heros are born, others are made. Malala was turned into a hero. Malala Yousafzai is a hero because at a young age she is wise beyond her years, and is a dauntless young woman when it comes to equal rights to education for all. She saw what was wrong with her society and took actions to change it, even when it meant potentially paying with her life. Malala was born in Mingora, Pakistan on July 12, 1997. From the moment she was born her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, had many hopes for her as she grew older. The people who inspired Malala to continue the fight for education for all was Benazir Bhutto, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Every ... Show more content on ... From a young age Malala has worked close with her community, since her father was an activist to make education available for all children of Swat. Since her father was an activist in their community, Malala too learned from her father and walked in his footsteps. With learning the importance of education Malala also gained wisdom. A prime example of this wisdom comes from her book when she talks about how at times she would think about what she would do if the Taliban came for her. Taking a more aggressive and physical approach Malala would then realize that would take away from her message that she would want them to hear, even if they were meant to do her harm. Along with gaining wisdom, while learning how important education is, Malala grew strong in determination. What drove her to constantly keep speaking out was to make sure that every child, especially young girls, had a chance to be educated even when it meant having the odds stacked against her. One thing that Malala mentioned frequently was that fear would hold her back at times. Seeing what would happen to people who spoke out against the Taliban brought fear for what would happen to her and her family if she continued to speak. This would bring a heavy burden on her heart, yet she was able to conquer this fear with the support of her ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Malala Yousafzai Research Paper What do you know about Malala Yousafzai? Malala Yousafzai is from Pakistan where is in the south of Asia. She was born on 12 July 1997 in the Swat District in the northwestern of Pakistan, and her religion is Islam. Malala first name means grief–stricken, and her last name Yousafzai means the huge Pashtun tribal confederation that is in the Swat Valley of Pakistan on which she grew up. She lives with her parents and her two brothers. Her father name is Ziauddin Yousafzai, and his job is the diplomat. Her mother name is Pekai Yousafzai, and her brothers name are Atal Yousafzai and Khushal Yousafzai. She begins famously when Taliban shot her. When Malala was around ten years old, Taliban was the president of Pakistan. He was Roosting for ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. I Am Malala I Am Malala is a deeply moving and inspiring story of justice, bravery, and hope. Malala's journey towards education for all also calls us to action, and her optimistic outlook on everything gives us just as much hope as she has. The book's writing style is very personal, so you get great insight into Malala's daily life, and feel like you're right next to her the whole time. You're sure to be laughing and crying right alongside the characters! Besides the wonderful main story, the book is also full of historical and political facts about Malala's homeland, so it's a great read for those intrigued by Pakistan's history. If you're interested in education rights, women's rights, history, or just an incredibly uplifting story, then you should definitely read I Am Malala! The second section of I Am Malala shows how radical Muslims and the Taliban take control of Malala's Swat Valley. It starts with a man known as "Radio Mullah," a radio broadcaster named Maulana Fazlullah who urged people to stop doing things he deemed "un–Islamic," such as listening to music and watching western movies and television. It wasn't long before he joined forces with the Taliban and their rules were strictly enforced. They went so far as to assassinate Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's first female Prime Minister. ... Show more content on ... It started with a TV crew coming to her school to interview the students. Not far after, the BBC told Malala's father that they wanted a teacher or student to write a diary about what they were experiencing in Swat Valley. Malala volunteered under the name of Gul Makai, and soon her story was being read by people all over the world. But the pseudonym didn't stick– she began having televised interviews with many reporters who wanted her take on the situation in Pakistan. It wasn't long before Malala was a name known by nearly all, inside Pakistan and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai is a teenage girl from Swat Valley, Pakistan. As a child she enjoyed learning and valued her education, but that was soon limited by the Taliban. The Taliban invaded and conquered where Malala lived and imposed strict rules such as, women may no longer attend school to get an education and there shall be little to no use of the internet. Malala refused to obey their rules and continued to go to the school her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai owned. Malala also began to speak out against the Taliban using a BBC blog; she was featured in a documentary for the New York Times which made her a target of the Taliban. In 2013 Malala was shot twice while on a school bus waiting to go home by a Taliban soldier. She was in critical condition ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Malala's Journey The fight for women, education, and religion has been an going struggle. Many advocates have come along the way, one of which is Malala. Thesis: Campbell's archetypal journey paradigm can be applied to modern society to define/help/amplify Malala's goals and her campaign for worldwide girl's education . The first part of Malala's journey is her ordinary world. She was born on July 12, 1997 to a Pashtun family in the picturesque Swat Valley District of Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, founded a private school at which she always excelled in ranking 1st place year after year. But suddenly she is called to adventure when the Taliban disrupt her peace. Chris Vogler in "A Practical Guide to THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES by Josh Campbell" describes ... Show more content on ... She was born on July 12, 1997 to a Pashtun family in the picturesque Swat Valley District of Pakistan. Her father, Ziauddin, founded a private school at which she always excelled in ranking 1st place year after year. Jackson Arn in LitChart's I Am Malala Summary states, "... a passionate advocate for free speech, education, and women's rights: three causes that [ziauddin raised Malala to respect deeply". Ziauddin is a very influential person to Malala throughout her journey. He serves both as her mentor/confidant and a loving father. Meanwhile, all is well in Swat valley but suddenly she is called to adventure when a terrorist group, known as the Taliban, disrupt her peace. Chris Vogler in "A Practical Guide to THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES by Josh Campbell" describes this step in the process as, "The hero [being] presented with a problem, challenge, or adventure". In Malala's case, this problem being the Taliban. Alex Schnee writes in the Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia, " The Taliban had swept through the area and had banned women from shopping and being educated, and prohibited television ... After January 15, 2009, the Taliban had declared that girls could no longer attend school. They had already destroyed hundreds of schools for girls". Headed by Fazlulla, the Taliban incorporated a strict interpretation of Islam and enforced harsh and repressive rules in neighboring villages regarding the Islamic religion. Malala's call to adventure is her 'normal' becoming disrupted when the Taliban come to Swat Valley. Malala sees the Taliban's action as a direct threat to her values because education and women empowerment was her passion. They jeopardize her learning as well as the right to education for all women and girls in Pakistan. Her unbridled passion for education becomes her calling to speak out. Although she wanted to raise her voice, she was only 11. This is the phase in which Malala and her family ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. I Am Malala In the biography by Malala Yousafzai titled,"I am Malala," Malala tells an incredible story about serious events she has encountered as a child living in Afghanistan, and a terrible accident that she endured while fighting for education rights in Pakistan. Malala is a 16 year old girl who once lived in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley, not afraid to spread her opinions about freedom of education, however, this behavior got Malala in much trouble by the country's Taliban. Malala was on her way home on a bus when a bearded man stepped onto the road. Her best friend, Moniba, believed he was an interviewer, however, this turned out to be false when the man stepped into the vehicle and demanded to know where Malala was. Shortly ... Show more content on ... Malala clearly describes her family members, setting, friends, and events so vividly throughout the whole story, that the reader begins to feel at home with Malala and gets a sense of what her common life looked like. While describing her home town, Swat Valley, she describes it as though it is a beautiful paradise surrounded by fruit trees, full of rivers, and forests. A line to support this claim goes as follows,"We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and rivers full of trout." (14, Yousafzai) Another element I enjoyed in the story was Malala's sense of humor. In this story, Malala would often tell the reader stories of her childhood, such as the time she almost cried because she was no longer top of the class, or the time she stole from a little girl because she believed the little girl stole from her and decided to do the same. Malala thought a little girl who was her neighbor stole from her and then realized she probably didn't and I found this part funny. A following line that supports this claim and that I found really funny is, "I realize now that she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do the same to her." (70, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai A Leader who inspires me today is Malala Yousafzai. Born in Mingora, Pakistan in 1997 Malala is an advocate for girls education. In 2008, at the age of 11 Malala started to blog for BBC under a fake name about what it was like growing up in Pakistan and the challenges she faced. After the Taliban took over Swat Valley where she was living, Malala started to blog about the new rules the Taliban enforced, one being banning girls from attending school. In 2009, The New York Times released a documentary on Malala and her fight to protect girls education. After the Pakistani Army was able to force the Taliban to retreat, Malala's school was able to reopen she was then able to get back into the classroom and started publicly campaigning for girls ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Malala Yousafzai Thesis "The terrorists thought that they would change my aims and stop my ambitions, but nothing changed in my life, except this: weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage was born" – Malala Yousafzai ("Malala Yousafzai", Newsmakers). In 1997, Yousafzai was born in Swat Valley, a large Pakistani district, which later was overrun and governed by the Taliban. The Islamic fundamentalist group banned education for girls, but she did not let their threatening influence change her passion for education. Malala Yousafzai's life was full of hardships, but with her dedication and perseverance, she was able to defy expectations and become an international symbol for women's rights. Yousafzai's parents motivated her to prioritize ... Show more content on ... She established the Malala Fund, which is a charity that raises money to support 40 Pakistani girls through school, and has signed and supported a document called the "Girl Declaration" that gives young, poverty– stricken girls around the world a voice in determining their futures ("Malala Yousafzai Challenges Taliban on Education and Women's Rights in Pakistan.") After hearing about the abduction of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls from Government Secondary School in Chibok, Nigeria (Borno State), she immediately took charge by rallying for their freedom and educational rights. In addition, she granted Nigerian organizations with a Malala Fund donation of 200,000 U.S.dollars to improve the educational situation for young Nigerian girls ("As Malala Yousafzai Rallies for Chibok Girls"). Yousafzai's numerous activism efforts to improve education has contributed to her being a symbol for women's rights across the world. Her diligence and tenacity to make a difference in the education defied the expectations and set an example for a young girls across the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. I Am Malala Section I A. Little, Brown and Company I Am Malala New York: Hachette Book Group, 2013. Print B. Nonfiction C. My book has 327 pages. I read all of them. D. I chose this book because I had heard about this woman's story through the news and I was interested in her story. E. The story starts off in a flashback about Malala's old home and her experience with the shooting located in her hometown, the Swat Valley of Mingora, Pakistan. It continues to certain experiences she had before and after the shooting. F. The theme of the story is determination. Section II 2. This wonderfully expressed novel made me cry, not because I was unhappy but because I realized that everything isn't a happily ever after ending. Throughout the book I realized that, people confine themselves to their own experiences and their own lives that they overlook other's reality. Malala's reality was tragic and unreasonable; simply because her and her family stood up for women's education, Malala took a bullet to the head. "I don't want to be thought of as the 'girl who was shot by the Taliban' but the 'girl who fought for education (Yousafzai 309). I envy the amount of courage and determination this 17 year old woman has. Although she had an excruciatingly painful experience in her life, she turned this event into an inspiration to make education ... Show more content on ... I know Malala's mission and experiences rather than just recognizing her as the girl who got shot by the Taliban. Malala is very consistent with her beliefs, "I am Malala. My world has changed but I have not" (Yousafzai 313). I am able to understand that Malala is working to accomplish education for all, not only women. After reading this book, I am able to understand that the Taliban is not the only issue; however, it is the drones, the war, the unreasonable traditions, and the gender discrimination towards woman and girls in Pakistan. I now realize that this is not the only country with sexism, but one that has been drastically affected by ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Malala Research Paper "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." (Harris). Malala Yousafzai, a girl who shot for going to school. Malala was born july 12, 1997, in mingora, the largest city in Swat Valley in what is now the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. She is the daughter of Ziauddin and Tor Pekai Yousafzai and has two younger brothers.Malala and her father stood up to the taliban for her right to go to school. Malala was a girl who lived Swat valley, one of many, who was threatened by the Taliban for going to school, she argued that she had a right to be educated . She inspired other girls like her to do the same and go to school. She was such a inspiring voice to the youth of pakistan that many girls followed in her footsteps and even though they knew that they could face consequences. Malala stood up for her rights and was punished for it, but ... Show more content on ... They were cruel. They were ignorant. The reason they were against women from attending school was because they were scared of what women could do once they were educated."We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced."(Harris) An educated female population is more threatening to them than armies equipped with all–seeing drones. Education gave women the power to questions things. The power to challenge things, to be independent. At the tender age of 19 Malala Yousafzai is celebrated as a powerful education and women's rights activist from Pakistan's Swat valley. "When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful."(Harris)In 2009, Yousafzai began blogging for BBC News under the pseudonym Gul Makai, to describe her day–to–day routine in a town threatened by constant militant activity. With a growing public platform, Yousafzai continued to speak out about her right, and the right of all women, to an education. Now Malala has billions who support her and her actions against the taliban's wishes for women education to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. I Am Malala Essay I Am Malala is about the true story of a fourteen year old girl's campaign for women's right to education. The campaign began when this fundamental right was stolen by the Taliban. The memoir is set in a town called Mingora in a district called Swat Valley, near Afghanistan. Malala's father was a good speaker and was consistently a part of environmental, social, and political causes in Swat Valley. Malala's father encouraged her to learn and to be an independent woman, even though most women were illiterate and weren't inclined to pursue an education. He was an English teacher and opened schools for boys and girls with his friends. Soon, the Taliban brought dramatic change to Swat Valley. In 2005, they began dozens of illegal radio stations, ... Show more content on ... The Taliban hovers around them everywhere, deciding what they say, wear, and where they go. Malala never wanted to live a life like this; she didn't want to live a life without purpose. She had dreams and aspirations. She wasn't alive just to breathe; she didn't know it yet but she was destined to inspire countless girls. She teaches us that if we were given this life, we should make something out of it. Our actions should be in the betterment of a society. She didn't take a bullet for just for herself. She took it on behalf of the countless girls in the world who want to study but can't. I Am Malala is heartbreaking and inspiring story. Malala's courage and determination is admirable. Her family background and details about Swat Valley is described vividly in the book and readers get to know more about the places that she's been to. The book was very informative and I learned a lot more about Pakistan and its history. Some people thought the book was slightly disjointed and jumped around, repeating facts. However, I felt this made the story feel more authentic and realistic. I would highly recommend the book to anyone interested in women's rights, current events, history or inspirational ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Malala Research Paper This story is about a young woman named Malala who decided to fight for women's right to education. This essential right was taken away by the Taliban. The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. Malala was born in 1997. Both her mother and father came from a very remote part of Pakistan called Shangla. They moved to a small town called Mingora in a district called Swat Valley just a hundred miles from Afghanistan. Malala's birth was not a cause for celebration mostly because she was not a boy and also because the family was extremely poor and had no money for a big feast. Her father named her Malala after a courageous woman who lead the troops in a battle against the British in 1880. In fact the name means grief–stricken. ... Show more content on ... He was a teacher and he decided to open schools along with his friends and business partners. He opened up schools for both boys and girls in a time when most of the women were illiterate and had no inclination to pursue an education. He encouraged his daughter to learn and be an independent woman rather than a humble wife who cooks, cleans, has children and never leaves the house. The arrival of the Taliban brought a dramatic change to the region. They set up a radio broadcast and started telling people to burn their books, their CD's and DVD's, to keep the girls away from schools and follow a misguided interpretation of what Islam should be. Pakistan was very affected by a big earthquake, huge floods and other natural disasters so many people thought that they were punished by God and listened to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Malala The Powerful Analysis The article "Malala the Powerful" is describing how Malala stood up for her gender when the Talibans took over Pakistan and Afghanistan. Malala was alive when the Taliban, a very deadly terrorist group, took control of Swat in 2007. Malala was 15 when this started. The Taliban made many rules enforcing the way women and girls lived. Malala lived through many challenges but showed incredible courage towed the Taliban by speaking out about what she believes is right The Taliban started to take control over Swat in 2007. Although the Taliban are not a part of the government of Pakistan, they do have a very powerful force on the Pakistan as well as the Afghanistan people. Taliban's also enforced a lot of rules on the Afghanistan and ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. I Am Malala Research Paper I Am Malala is a life story of a fifteen year old girl who stood up for girls education and refused to be silenced. She fought against Taliban when they took over the control of major parts of Pakistan and refused to give up her education. " She almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head at point–blank range while riding the bus home from school"( I am Malala). She became victim of Taliban attack and her recovery was nothing less than a miracle. Today she is an icon for girls eduction and youngest nominee for Noble Peace Price. Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12 1997 in Pakistan. During that time Taliban was very active in Swat valley (place where she lived) and didn't tolerate the idea of girls been educated. Malala grew up around school, her father was also a school teacher and founder of Kushal school in Swat. She learned to value education at a very young age and understood the power of a pen. When she was 10 years old when Taliban took over Swat and implemented many rules which were not acceptable to Malala. Rules such as CDs, DVDs, and TVs were not allowed in the home, women must stay in purdah, and girls could not be educated were against Malala's thinking. For her education is very important and says " when someone takes away your pens you realize quite how important education is (160)". Education is a tool ... Show more content on ... She stresses on the fact of women having right and being able to educate themselves. Malala becomes a target of Taliban, who considers Malala to be reading secularism, and is shot in head. But Malala's will power and dedication does not allow her to die. Her miraculous recovery shows us her strength to fight against Taliban. She says "I realized what the Taliban had done was make my campaign global" (289). After this accident, Malala becomes more strong and confident about the value of ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. I Am Malala In the biography by Malala Yousafzai titled,"I am Malala," Malala tells an incredible story about serious events she has encountered as a child living in Afghanistan, and a terrible accident that she endured while fighting for education rights in Pakistan. Malala is a 16 year old girl who once lived in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley, not afraid to spread her opinions about freedom of education, however, this behavior got Malala in much trouble by the country's Taliban. Malala was on her way home on a bus when a bearded man stepped onto the road. Her best friend, Moniba, believed he was an interviewer, however, this turned out to be false when the man stepped into the vehicle and demanded to know where Malala was. Shortly ... Show more content on ... Malala clearly describes her family members, setting, friends, and events so vividly throughout the whole story, that the reader begins to feel at home with Malala and gets a sense of what her common life looked like. While describing her home town, Swat Valley, she describes it as though it is a beautiful paradise surrounded by fruit trees, full of rivers, and forests. A line to support this claim goes as follows,"We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and rivers full of trout." (14, Yousafzai) Another element I enjoyed in the story was Malala's sense of humor. In this story, Malala would often tell the reader stories of her childhood, such as the time she almost cried because she was no longer top of the class, or the time she stole from a little girl because she believed the little girl stole from her and decided to do the same. Malala thought a little girl who was her neighbor stole from her and then realized she probably didn't and I found this part funny. A following line that supports this claim and that I found really funny is, "I realize now that she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do the same to her." (70, ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. I Am Malala I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb is the story of a brave Pashtun girl from the Swat Valley in Pakistan, as she grows and stands up against the Taliban in order to fight for the rights of women's education. Ever since Malala was little she loved to learn; even before the Taliban took over the Swat Valley. She and her family would defend people's basic rights as her father participated in many organizations while she spoke out her opinion to the public towards extremists. However, when the Taliban began to occupy the area, they took things too far. They forced women into many restrictions; even considering small things like dancing and jewelry haram, or forbidden within Islamic Law. But what got Malala upset was when they began to attack her education; not letting her go to school. ... Show more content on ... And because of this, on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she was shot in the head at point–blank range while riding the bus home from school by the Taliban. Barely grazing her skull, she survived and had a miraculous recovery. Luckily, she was transferred to a hospital in Birmingham with safer conditions to recover. It was then too dangerous for her family to return to Swat so they stayed in the UK. Now Malala goes all around the world raising her voice towards the importance of having an education. She is even the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17. In the end of the novel, she wrote her reason of writing this book: to bring awareness to the many children being denied the right of an education and to bring empowerment to the many young women reading ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Malala Yousafzai Thesis Thesis: Malala Yousafzai is a young Pashto woman from the valley of Swat in Pakistan. Her story is one of firsthand experience with the brutal nature of the Taliban and heavy–handed army interfering with the lives and educations of hundreds of thousands of girls across Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since the age of eleven, Malala has been campaigning for the right to education for girls and women across the world through her own cultural lens based in the Middle–East, mired in the oppression of extremists. Through publicity and by speaking out against these people in her own country, coupled with nearly meeting her end at the hands of them, her story has reached international ears. Her aim is clear; the eyes of the world are now on Pakistan, ... Show more content on ... Malala began her activism in speaking at her school, reading florid and verbose speeches written by her father, however she soon began "writing [her] own speeches and changing the way [she] delivered them, from [her] heart rather than from a sheet of paper." (p.79) It is this practise that motivated her to risk her own life through her childhood to ensure her voice was heard. This voice, however small the body from which it emanates, has reached a global audience and has inspired such a profound outpouring of support. Her voice has also garnered the power to break down barriers and initiate cross–cultural exchanges between Western and Islamic countries; many foreign reporters now visit the Swat valley to hear personal accounts of the events happening there, rather than becoming statistics on a Western television screen in the next newsworthy tragedy. Hundreds of thousands support the Malala Fund, including Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Hudson, Orlando Bloom, Selena Gomez, and many other Western role models, to contribute to its mission of spreading equality and human rights to all. This support allowed the fund to mobilise in other countries, including Nigeria, Jordan, and Kenya to expand infrastructure, support refugee children, and providing safe ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. I Am Malala The autobiography I Am Malala was written by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai. The author Christina Lamb is a foreign correspondent who has had experience writing non–fiction novels about people of different cultures. The author Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner who is familiar to public speaking and writing. Malala has had many interviews with news stations and has even wrote an anonymous diary for BBC. Furthermore, Malala's personal story takes place in the Swat District which is a river valley located in Pakistan. This river valley was once known for its large number of terrorists in the area but, Pakistan is working to keep that number down. Also, the events that were described in the story took place from the ... Show more content on ... In the novel the novel Malala states "The Taliban could take our pens and books, but they couldn't stop our minds from thinking." When Malala says this quote, she rebels against a powerful terrorist group saying. Another quote says that " If people were silent nothing would change". When Malala says that quote she is encouraging the readers to go out and speak up for their rights. This novel contains many more empowering quotes that are based on freedom and equality to back up the authors' purpose. These quotes do an excellent job at getting her point ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. I Am Malala Rhetorical Analysis An unlikely promiscuous figure became the pinnacle of peace and equality. This figure is Malala Yousafzai, a driven girl from the valley of Swat in Pakistan, stood up against her peers and spoke out against an imposed custom on girls. Malala's endeavours began with the introduction of the Taliban within Pakistan. Now ran by tyranny, Pakistan became a place of oppression, especially against the rights of females. Malala and her father, Ziauddin, were among the very sparse population of activists within Pakistan, advocating against the Taliban's influence. Malala effectively expresses her story by utilizing rhetorical devices such as evocative imagery, juxtaposition and ethos. In I Am Malala, Malala's utilization of imagery, specifically the ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Examples Of Sexism In I Am Malala The book I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb tells the story of a young girl named Malala who stood up for education and against sexism, but is shot by the Taliban in the process. Malala inspires the readers by sharing her story of facing discrimination, destroying sexism, and standing up for her education. Sexism is the belief that one gender is superior than the other. Through close analysis of women facing discrimination, men looking down on women, and Malala deconstructing sexism, the book shows that sexism causes men to look down on women, this influenced Malala to deconstruct it by doing what she believes in. Women, young girls and Malala have to face discrimination and sexism from the people around them. Malala shows ... Show more content on ... Malala continues to go to school even when there is discrimination and risks. In Swat,the Taliban had an broadcast that would inform the people, one day Malala was listening to the broadcast. Malala heard the broadcaster say, "he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left school...girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep... I couldn't understand" (Yousafzai,162). Malala stands up for education and she continues to do what she believes in. This broadcast shows the sexism and discrimination,Malala standing up for her education, and Malala's views on education. Malala states "he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left school" the text shows how many girls were dropping out of school because the Taliban were encouraging them to leave by calling the girls still in school names, bombing girl's schools, and using things like religion against them. Malala Faced the sexism and tries to deconstruct it because Malala wants to go school since she believes in equal education for girls and boys. The other section of the passage reads "girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep." This is significant because Malala starts off by telling the audience she is continuing to go to school then the she tells them that girls like her were being criticized for going to school. This is important because it shows the readers that Malala stood up for her ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. I Am Malala The novel I Am Malala is about standing up for her beliefs can have impact on you good or bad. For Malala Yousafzai situation, she got to experience both. Malala lives in Mingora of Pakistan which is located in the country's Swat Valley. Growing up, Malala was the only girl in her house besides her mother, Tor Pekai Yousafzai. Her brother's names were Khushal and Atal. She talks about how her relationship with her brother is good and even though they sometimes get into arguments. In school she is very passionate about doing her best. She describes herself as being one of the smartest students in the classroom. She was very determined to do will and learn. The school that Malala attends to is her own father Ziauddin Yousafzai. This was part ... Show more content on ... Later on they were able to go back and Malala got to see some of her old friends. But soon again the Taliban threaten suicide attacks on swat for trying to rebuild and give freedom to woman. Many girls were left abandoned and this inspired Malala to help give education back to the girls this inspired Malala to start writing speeches. She started to get people to believe her and many people supported her. Then they hear about the private talibanization and they threaten to attack the school but that didn't stop Malala. Then the day happened it was Malala normal day going to school then the Taliban camp on the bus and shot her and two other girls. She was taken to a hospital and was in critical condition and they believed she would not have lived. Later on she was sent to the UK with her family and she woke up from her coma on October 15.When she woke up her doctor, doctor Fiona said how her campaign became global and everyone knew about her ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. I Am Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani school understudy and instruction extremist from the town of Mingora in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa territory. She is known for her instruction and ladies' rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had on occasion banned young ladies from going to class. In promptly 2009, at the age of 11–12, Yousafzai composed a website under a nom de plume the BBC specifying her life under Taliban principle, their endeavors to take control of the valley, and her perspectives on pushing training for young ladies. The accompanying summer, a New York Times documentary was recorded about her life as the Pakistani military mediated in the district, climaxing in the Second Battle of Swat. Yousafzai climbed in unmistakable quality, giving talks with in print and on TV, and she was designated for the International Children's Peace Prize by South African extremist Desmond Tutu. On 9 October 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in a dispatching endeavor by Taliban shooters while returning home on a school transport. In the days promptly emulating the ambush, she remained oblivious and in discriminating condition, yet later her condition enhanced enough for her to be sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK for concentrated recovery. On October 12, 2012, a gathering of 50 Islamic pastors in Pakistan issued a fatwa against the individuals who attempted to slaughter her, yet the Taliban repeated ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Malala Yousafzai Research Paper "One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world."~ Malala Yousafzai Many may have heard of Malala Yousafzai from a past event as the girl who was shot by the Taliban for gaining many attentions on the topic of allowing education to be accessible to girls in Pakistan in 2012. Today, I'm going to inform you about how one girl was able to make a tremendous impact on so many lives nationwide. The first topic I'd like to talk about is Malala Yousafzai's childhood. According to, Malala was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, the Swat District of north west Pakistan, which it was once consider one of the most dangerous place to live because there were events of beheading, bombing, and shooting, when villagers reject ... Show more content on ... Through all of Malala's achievements so far for standing up for what she believes in, she has been nominated for a total of two Nobel Peace Prize but only received one of them which is why she is currently known as the youngest person to have received this award. Three years ago on November 10th, 2012, "Malala Fund" was established as a non–profit organization by many committed individuals including, educating entrepreneurs, lawyers, teachers, business and tech leaders, engineers, innovators and NGO representatives. As of Malala Fund's recent #BooksnotBullets campaign people globally have began to show support by shining a light on the importance of quality education for girls nationally. With this non–organization Malala was able to provide a voice for the people who do not have a voice to help them receive an education. As of past but recent news from Malala Fund Blog, on Malala's 18th birthday, on July 12th, 2015, marking the third annual Malala Day celebrated in Lebanon. Malala opened a school called "Malala Yousafzai All–Girls School" near the Syrian border, which is said to provide secondary education to more than 200 Syrian girls living in informal camps and in the Bekaa Valley region. Malala has suggested to give an extra $39 billion a year for education worldwide, as well as, stating that she will continue to be the voice of children in the coming years. Now from extensive research on, Malala stated ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. What Are Swat, Pakistan? Swat, Pakistan is a place of pure scenic beauty which portrays a sense of peace and prosperity. From its glaciers and meadows to its winding rivers and mountain ranges, the Valley of Swat is freakishly incomparable to any other district in its allure. In contrast however, lurks a dangerous austere faction of radical Islamic extremists known as the Taliban. Their attempts at staying true to early Islamic beliefs have stunted the modernization of an entire region and continue to do so in Swat Valley to this day. Women in particular have been impeded by a system of gender apartheid where access to education is unfeasible and any attempt at receiving respect is look down upon as the resistance to authority. The coalition between males and females within any society no matter its size – whether it be a fishing village or an entire country – is essential for growth and development. Without unity, there is no progression. In this case there is regression; and the dispersion and isolation of like minds resulting in the practical quietude of an absolute gender. Once residing in this district was a woman of great opposition and strength. Her name is Malala Yousafzai and she has devoted her life to undoing the destruction of her people's future brought upon by the Taliban. Her efforts had not gone unnoticed however resulting in several death threats issued against her and her family due to their defiance. On October 9th, 2012 – while on route home from school by bus – Malala and her ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Essay The autobiography I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai begins with the scene of young pakistani education and women's rights activist Malala being shot in the head. Her school bus had been stopped by the Taliban who, after asking which of the girls was Malala, put a bullet into her head. Malala ends the powerful prologue with the words "Who is Malala? I am Malala and this is my story" (9). Malala then rewinds to the story of her birth and how in Pakistan, no one congratulated her parents when she was born because she was a girl. Pakistani culture pushes for the birth of a boy as an islamic majority country. However, her father saw the potential in his daughter as a great leaser and named her after one of the great female leaders in Pakistan– ... Show more content on ... Malala writes about the social normalities of her culture and how it was not very strict before the Taliban emerged in their valley. The Taliban came into power in 2005 in Pakistan and began dictating the civilians how to live their lives the "right Islamic way". The people of the Swat District were forced to obey every command of the Taliban unless they and their families wanted to be killed. Women especially became very oppressed and had to enter Purdah, wear hijabs whenever in public, and were encouraged to not go to school. All westernized media, clothes and games were banned, anyone who did not follow the law would be shot. The community lived in such a terrible state of fear that Malala and her family were afraid to go outside where they were known as famous social, political and educational activists. A BBC correspondent contacted Ziauddin to make a blog from a school girl's point of view on living under Taliban rule. Malala soon took up the challenge and related her experiences over the phone about her oppressive life in Swat Valley and the threats against girls like her for going to school. Eventually, her school had to close after many local school bombings, and then the whole valley had to be evacuated for the Pakistani Army to come wipe out the Taliban. Malala and her family became IDP's for a time, ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Malala Youszafai Analysis 1. Introduce the person or people at the center of the book you read. Malala Youszafai was an ordinary girl, determined to go to school and live the life she's always wanted. When she was 15 years old, she got shot in the head by the Taliban (terrorist group), targeted because she stood up for the girl's education. She received a lot of treatments in many hospital, fighting for her life. Even though she can't go back in Pakistan for evident reasons, she is still fighting for those who can't be heard, giving conference all around the world, because she believes that every child, every woman deserves the right to be educated. 2. Identify the context they lived in. Malala lived her whole childhood in Pakistan, in Mingora, the largest city in the Swat Valley. She loved it's beautiful landscape, with the high mountains, the lush green hills and the clear rivers. It once was a peaceful place, where she and her brother used to play outside and go to school; she was as free as a bird. But when the Taliban took control of Swat, everything ... Show more content on ... She is also really ambitious, compared to other girls of her society, to go to school and to want to have a great futur as a doctor; it helped her to bring a change because she wouldn't give up until the end of her fight. She really is compassionate too, as we can see with the poor kids in the mountains that didn't have food; she really wanted to help the people in need. Furthermore, Malala is a brave girl, because she wasn't afraid to speak agains the Taliban, even if she put herself in a delicate position, and put her life at risks. Finally, she is a leader, for giving speeches and interviews all around the world, and support the girl's education cause, even after all she had been ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. ' I Am Malala Speak Up For Women's Education The book "I am Malala" is story about a young girl who stands up for women's education. Malala lives in Swat Valley in Pakistan. Malala describes the Swat Valley as beautiful and amazing. But the Swat Valley turns completely upside down when the Taliban arrive. The place that Malala once loved became a nightmare. The Taliban believed that girls should not go to school and not get education. Malala loved school more than anything and still went to school even though her father and she received death threats from the Taliban. The Taliban blew up all girls' schools all across Swat, leaving more than hundreds of kids' dead and harassed women who did not follow the Taliban's rules. These threats and actions of the Taliban did not stop Malala ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Malala Research Paper On July 12, 1997, Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley that has a population of over 2 million people. Malala lived with her two younger brothers and her parents, Ziauddin and Tor Pekai. Her father, Ziauddin, was a teacher who owned a chain of schools in Pakistan where girls could study as well as boys because in that part of the world the gender gap in education is quite immense. For the first few years of Malala's life, her hometown remained a popular tourist spot until the Taliban attempted to take control. Militants possessed a cruel attitude towards female education and began bombing schools. The local Taliban leader would personally congratulate the girls who dropped out of school. Malala's father remained resistant and his school stayed open. For safety reasons, the girls who attended the school stopped wearing uniforms because it would have made them targets. ... Show more content on ... She taught girls that they had the right to fight for their education and by doing so Malala shows us that leadership is about vision and the values, sacrifices and resolve that need to be endured in order to accomplish goals. Malala was specifically targeted because she advocated openly for the right of girls to go to school, which was going against the rules of the Taliban. But militants aside, Malala's message remained crystal clear: girls' education is important and should not be taken away. In Malala's words, "We should not wait for someone else to come and raise our voice. We should do it by ourselves. We should believe in ourselves. Yes, we can do it. One day you will see that all the girls will be powerful; All the girls will be going to school. And it is possible only by our struggle; only when we raise our voice." Malala exhibits leadership by showing everyone that she has a voice and that she will not stand by the teachings of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Malala Research Paper Malala Yousafzai is a women with an outstanding amount of bravery. She was named after the Malalai of Maiwand, the significant heroine of Afghanistan. Malala is the girl who was shot by the Taliban on October 9, 2012 for expressing her beliefs in womens education. She expressed her beliefs in womens rights through her actions and her christian service, even though it may not have been her religion. She has a voice that inspires many to stand up for what they believe in. She is from a small town called Swat Valley near the capital of Pakistan, which is Islamabad. In times Swat was usually called Uddyana, meaning garden, it is part of a province called Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Her mother would always encourage her to go to school since she never had a chance to go, and now Malala grew up to have a voice that inspires ... Show more content on ... Through her service and advocacy in the cause of women's education and in the manner that she exemplifies Christian service, Malala Yousafzai, a Muslim girl, has called the world into action. On October 9, 2012 Malala was given a second chance at life. She was fifteen years old when she was shot by the Taliban on her way home from school. The gunshot when through her left brow through her forehead and ended up next to her left shoulder blade. She was shot because of "her pioneer role in preaching secularism...She was young but she was promoting Western culture in Pashtun areas. She was pro–West; she was speaking against the Taliban; she was calling president Obama her idol" (Yousafzai with Lamb, pg. 256). On October 16, 2012, Malala woke up in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England. She is being treated and attended by Dr. Keyani who speaks to her in Urdu. Rehanna, a Muslim Chaplain, visits Malala and tranquilizes her. She becomes distressed due to the fact that her family is still in Pakistan. The day that her family went ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. I Am Malala Research Paper Suffering from poverty, struggling for an education, and fighting for women's rights, Yousafzai battles for girls' education. In Malala Yousafzai's biography, I Am Malala, she tells her story about life under the Taliban's rule. She wishes to shed light on Pakistan's inequality issue and the damage the Taliban has done to her home. Throughout the book, Yousafzai persuasively incorporates facts and research, which efficaciously extends her credibility, but her lack of emotion and sentiment causes the audience to lose their sense of sympathy. Yousafzai fails to tug at heartstrings, not only because she rarely inserts her own emotions to her autobiography, but also due to her limited English. For example, she sometimes switches between present and past tense in the same sentence. "I am only human, and when I heard the guns, my heart used to beat very fast. Sometimes I was very afraid..." (153). Yousafzai has the potential to pull the readers in and make the audience feel sympathetic toward her situation, but her inadequate wording is difficult to comprehend. Likewise, she adds pathos in snippets and the readers may find it difficult to ... Show more content on ... The author and her family leave Swat because of the dangerous conditions, "Leaving the valley was harder than anything I had done before" (176). After being directly affected by the Taliban, she knows what it feels like to be restricted by unjust laws and violence. This greatly improves her reliability. She includes another example of how her family is impacted by the Taliban, "One day my mother went shopping with my cousin...A Talib accosted them and blocked their way. 'If I see you again wearing a scarf but no burqa I will beat you'" (169). Her mother is threatened by a Talib. Yousafzai consistently proves she is living through this herself, and she is entitled to her opinion of the Taliban. Because these are her own experiences, she establishes ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Malala Yousafzai Research Paper Have you ever heard about the Pakistani schoolgirl who spoke for girls' education? She was also shot in her head by Taliban gunmen and survived. Today she is recognized for her activism and her many awards. On July 12, 1997, Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, Pakistan, located in the country's Swat Valley (Sara Kettler, 2016). Growing up, her father named Ziauddin was a teacher who founded the school Malala went to. When Yousafzai was just only 11 years old, she started blogging about the Taliban trying to take over her hometown, Mingora. Yousafzai has faced terrible opposition from some people in her home country of Pakistan, who believe girls should not be allowed to attend school (Joyce Grant, 2015). On October 9th, 2012, 15– year–old ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. I Am Malala Research Paper In, I am Malala, it details the journey of Malala's fight for her and millions of other girls to have an education. Malala was born on Swat Valley in Pakistan. She is a girl like any other but she has her special talents. Malala lives in Mingora with her two younger brothers and her parents. Before the Taliban came to Pakistan, Swat Valley was a peaceful region known for its beauty, and tourists came from all over the world to see its tall mountains, lush green hills and crystal clear rivers. Malala's father, Zaiuddin, ran a school and that's where Malala's love for education grew. Many people thought that her school was not in the straight path of Islam. As time passed by, people started to listen to Radio Mullah. This "Radio Mullah" was telling people that listening to music, seeing movies, dancing was ... Show more content on ... After a five–hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet but she had developed an infection so doctors decided to put her in a coma; that way Malala could fly to England for better care. Dr. Fiona and Dr. Javid were in Pakistan at the time and they asked for advice. They told the Pakistani doctors that Malala wouldn't survive unless she was moved to a better hospital. So they flew her in a private jet offered by the United Arab Emirates to Birmingham, England. There she recovered. The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai to silence her. Instead the whole world was listening to her message now. People all over the world were praying for her to recover. Many celebrities and politicians wished her a speedy recovery such as, Selena Gomez, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Madonna, and The president of Pakistan. Malala is later released from the hospital and now lives in Birmingham with her family. She later is asked to talk in the United Nations and she receives the Nobel Peace ... Get more on ...