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MAY 22, 2018
Diagnosis of HTN
Pathophysiology and risk factor
Clinical presentation
 Most common medical complication
 Incidence 7-10% all pregnancies
70 % Preeclampsia- Eclampsia
30 % Chronic HTN
0.05 Eclamosia
 Major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality &
1) Gestational HTN( transient HTN)
2) Preeclampsia- Eclampsia syndrome
3) Chronic HTN
4) Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic HTN
Systolic BP > 140 or DBP > 90 mmHg. Measured
on any two occasions > 6hrs apart
One DBP> 110 mmHg
Urine protein > 300mg/24hr or
30mg/dl(1+dipstick) or 0.1gm/L in at least two
random urine sample
Urine protein : creatinine ratio > 0.3
Edema No longer part of diagnosis
* wt gain >1kg/ week & pathological edema are↑
warning sign
Gestational Hypertension
B/P > 140/90 mmHg for first time during pregnancy
after 20 wks G.A or first 24 hrs post partum.
 No proteinuia
 Mild HPN & must return with in 12 weeks postpartum
 It is a diagnosis of exclusion
 Final dx made only postpartum.
Pregnancy outcome similar to normotensive pregn
 At risk of progression to PE or eclampsia
 Close observation of maternal & fetal condition
 In absence of severe HPN or PE can continue
pregnancy till term
 new onset of hypertension after 20 weeks of
gestation and
1. Proteinuria
3.Renal insuficiency….cr>1.2 mg/dl or doubling of base
4.Liver involvement….transaminase elivation
5.Cerebral symptoms…headache, visual disturbance,
6.Pulmonary edema
 pregnancy specific syndrome of reduced organ
perfusion secondary to vasospasm and endothelial
incidence nullipara = 3-7% multipara 0.8-5%
Superimposed upon chronic HTN
HTN and no proteinuria <20 weeks:
 New onset proteinuria after 20 weeks of GA
HTN and protienuria <20 weeks:
Sudden increase in proteinuria
Sudden increase in BP in woman whose BP was well
Thrombocytopenia ( <100,000/ml)
Increase in ALT or AST to abnormal levels
Chronic HTN
BP > 140/90 mmhg before px or diagnosed before
20 weeks of GA or diagnosed after 20 weeks of GA
and persists after 12 weeks postpartum
Other associated findings
 Retinal change
 Cardiac
 Renal diseaese
 Other medical illness
Risk factors for PE
• Nulliparity
• Obesity
• Age <20 or > 35 yrs(chronic HTN and superimposed
• Multiple gestation
• Low socioeconomic status
• Poor outcome of previous pregnancy (IUGR, SB
• ART( assisted reproductive technology)
• Race , ethinicity, genetics
Pre-existing medical conditions
 Chronic HTN
 Renal disease
 DM (type I)
 Thrombophilias (APA, protein C,S deficiency )
Smoking is it a risk factor or protective?
Classification of PE
Non severe PE Severe PE
BP >160/110 mmhg
Proteinuria of >5g/24 hr
Oliguria <500ml/24 hrs
Elivated liver function test with
persistent epigastric or RUQ pain
Pulmonary edema
Persistent severe cerebral or visual
HELLP syndrome and DIC
BP >140/90
Proteinuria of
300mg/ 24 hrs or
1+ on dipstich
Etiology & pathogenesis
Etiology – Unknown
Known as disease of theory
Some of theories
• Abnormal trophoblast invasion
Coagulation Abnormalties
Vascular endothelial damage
Immunologic theory
Placental toxin theory……toxemia of pregnancy
Genetic predisposition
Dietary deficiencies ….calcium and antioxidant
Any theory has the following charactersitics
1. Exposed to chorionic villi for the first
2.Exposed to superabundance of chorionic villi…twins
and GTD
3.Preexisting condition of endothelial cell
cardiovascular disease
4.Genetically predisposed to HTN developing during
pregnancy…family hx
Abnormal Trophoblast invasion
Defective vascular response to placentation due to
inhibition of 2nd wave of endovascular trophoblast
occur often 16 week
Trophoblastic invasion of spiral arterioles leads to
the destruction of the muscularis layer which is
replaced by trophoblastic cells which do not
respond to the autonomic stimulation of blood
vessels; this ensures that there is a constant
uninterrupted blood flow to the intervillous space
According to the immunological theory, there is sufficient
similarity between paternal and maternal HLA antigens,
which prevents early fetal antigens from detection by the
maternal immune system
This leads to failure of production of blocking antibodies
early in gestation
As fetal antigens increase in amount later in gestation, the
maternal immune system responds by producing antibodies
that destroy placental trophoblasts
All of the clinical features of preeclampsia can be
explained as maternal responses to generalized
endothelial dysfunction
Disturbed endothelial control of vascular tone causes
hypertension, increased vascular permeability results
in edema and proteinuria, and abnormal endothelial
expression of procoagulants leads to coagulopathy.
These changes also cause ischemia of target organs,
such as the brain, liver, kidney, and placenta.
Laboratory evidence supporting generalized
endothelial dysfunction in preeclamptic women
- Decreased production of endothelial-derived
vasodilators -nitric oxide and prostacyclin
- increased production of vasoconstrictors -endothelins
and thromboxanes.
- Enhanced vascular reactivity to angiotensin II
Pathology complication
CVS Generalized vasospasm; increased
afterload; left ventricular strain and
failure; microvascular endothelial
damage and fluid and protein leakage
•Congestive heart failure
•Generalized edema
•Pulmonary edema
Excessive consumption of platelets to
repair endothelial damage; RBC
damage as they pass through the
spastic arterioles
hemolytic anemia
Renal Decreased glomerular filtration rate
due to spasm; renal glomerulo
endotheliosis; renal tubular necrosis;
renal cortical necrosis in advanced
•Acute renal failure
Pulmonary capillary endothelial
damage and leakage ( in addition to
hypoproteinemia due to proteinuria
and left ventricular failure)
Pulmonary edema
pathology complication
Hepatocellular injury distal to vascular
spasm site; focal hemorrhages distal to
spasm site; coalescing focal
hemorrhages leading to large hematoma
collection under the Glisson’s capsule
•Hepatic failure
•Sub capsular hematoma
•Acute liver rupture
CNS Cerebral hypoxia due to vasospasm;
focal hemorrhages distal to the
vasospasm; secondary cerebral edema;
intracranial hemorrhages
•Hemorrhagic stroke
•Cerebral edema and
death due to coning
•Transient blindness –
retinal or cortical
Concomitant occurrence of
microangiopathic hemolysis;
thrombocytopenia and liver damage
features in a woman with preeclampsia
system pathology complication
Blood volume Due to generalized vasospasm,
there is contracture of the total
vascular space. The normal
increase in blood volume that
occurs during normal pregnancy
fails in preeclampsia. They tend
to have a contracted and overall
reduced blood volume
•Less tolerant to blood
loss at delivery with an
easy propensity to post
partum hemmorhage
with small amount of
blood loss
•Less tolerant to fluid
administration with a
propensity to develop
pulmonary edema
symptoms sign Diagnostic study
•Non severe preeclampsia
is asymptomatic
•Symptoms are late
features indicating severe
disease or imminent risk of
•These symptoms include
headache, blurring of
vision, epigastric pain,
oliguria and generalized
body swelling
•Excessive weight gain
•Exaggerated deep
tendon reflexes
•24 hour urine for
•Liver and renal function
•Peripheral blood smear
for shistocytes
(fragmented RBC)
•Platelet count
•Serum uric acid
•Fetal well being studies
As preeclampsia is asymptomatic until it progresses to severe stages, detection
and diagnosis requires active screening of all pregnant women during antenatal
care. Routine blood pressure measurements, weight gain surveillance and check
for symptoms and proteinuria are performed to detect preeclampsia early.
Preserve health of mother & fetus
Prevent progression to eclampsia
Delivery of alive, mature fetus
* Once Dx is made definitive Rx is delivery
* Precise Knowledge G.A Important for Mx.
Mx of Non severe PE
Hospitalization  at time of Dx
Purpose Evaluate maternal & fetal condition
Hospital Mx
Maternal follow up
 Weight on admn. & every other day
 B/P  Q 4 hrly
 Daily clinical Hx premonitory Sx
 Urine protein every 48 hrs
Hct, Plc, RFT, LFT, uric Acid, coagulation profile
weekly or 2x/week.
Fetal evaluation
Daily FHR Auscultation & fetal mov’t count
Fetal growth: clinical & U/Sound
Well being NST/BPP (2x/week)
**Non sevre PE remote from term delivery at term
but pregnancy should not pass 40 weeks.
** no need of antihypertensive or seizure prophylaxix
Mx of severe PE
characterized by progressive deterioration of both
maternal & fetal condition
 All should be delivered if disease develope >34 week
G.A or prior to 34 weeks if there is
- Maternal (Fetal) distress
- Labor or PROM
- Severe IUGR
**Delivery should be based on maternal and fetal
conditions as well as GA
Mx of severe PE includes
Maternal & fetal evaluation same Non PE but more
Anticonvulsant to prevent convulsion
Antihypertensive To control B/P in safe range
Induction of labor Delivery
 Admit to labor & delivery area.
 Then Maternal & fetal evaluation 1st 24 hr
 Anti-convulsant  parenteral route To prevent seizure
Anti- convulsant drugs
 Mg so4
 Diazepam
Antepartum mg't of severe PE
Magnesium Sulfate (Mg So4)
Mg so4
Agent of choice for seizure prophylaxis
Dose: loading dose 4gm 20%soln  over 10-15min
followed by 10 g of 50% solution half on each buttock
maintenance dose: 5gmI.M/4 hr
Make sure the following before giving next dose
1. Patellar reflex is present
2.RR at least 16 breaths/min
3. UOP of previous 4 hr exceeded 100 ml
Side effect: Weakness, paralysis, cardiac toxicity
Monitor: RR, DTR,Level of consciousness, UOP
Antidote: Calcium gluconate 10 ml of 10% I.V
MgSO4 level (mg/dl)
4.8- 8.4
8- 10
12 -17
13- 17
19 -20
Therapeutic level
Loss of DTR
Respiratory depression
CNS depression, coma
Cardiac arrest
Clinical effects are related directly to plasma
 If DBP > 110 mmHg
Acute Rx
Arteriolar dilators – Hydralazine 5mg iv then 5-10mg
Q 20min.
B- Blocker – labetalol
Ca channel blocker – nifedipine
Maintenance Rx
Centrally acting  Methyl dopa
B- Blockers- labetalol
Ca channel Blocker -nefidipine
ACE inhibitors C/I in pregnancy
PE progressive disease
Timely delivery  decreases maternal and fetal
morbidity& mortality
Stabilize maternal status before Delivery
Route of delivery…vaginal delivery is
Indication to Delivery in PE
>37 wks with mild PE
> 34 wks with severe PE
< 34 wks with any of
 maternal or fetal Distress
 Severe IUGR
 HELLP syndrome
 Pulm. Edema
 Deranged LFT/RFT
 Uncontrolled B/P despite Appropriate drugs
 Imminent eclampsia
All pts with severe PE < 34 wks
prevent RDS, treatment of thrombocytopenia
Intrapartum care
• Maternal – V/S Q 30min
Avoid fluid overload
 input/output every 1 hr
FHR monitor Q 15min or EFM
Shorten 2nd stage labor – Instrumental delivery
Fluid –125ml/hr, U.O.P > 30ml/hr
Active Mx of 3rd Stage
Close follow up & monitor B/P
Anticonvulsant for 24-48 hrs
Definitionn: Occurrence of seizure or coma in
woman with PE that cannot be attributed to other
Preventable complication of preeclampsia
50% intrapartum
25% antepartum
25% postpartum
Atypical eclampsia
Occurrence of eclampsia before 24 week of GA or
after 7th
postpartal day
Most common last trimester & wide spectrum of Sn
& Sign and symptom ranging from:
Extremely B/P <-- --> minimal B/P
proteinuria 4+ <-- --> No proteinuria (14%)
Generalized edema <-- -->No edema (26%)
Patellar reflex 4+ <-- --> normal reflex
##1st warning sign may be excessive Wt gain
Features of preeclmpsia
Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
Tonic phase
Clonic phase
Post-ictal comavery brief or even not present
Complications of eclampsia
Known complications of PE
• Aspiration and asphyxia
• Trauma
• Preterm seizure
• Fetal distress and asphyxia
• Crebral edema in prolonged or repititive seizure
General •Airway and oxygenation- put in left lateral position; suction airway, insert airway to
depress tongue and prevent injury, administer oxygen via face mask or endotracheal tube
if in respiratory failure
•Prevent trauma – tongue depressor ; fall accident etc
•Fluid resuscitation if in hemodynamic instability- IV line and fluids
Administer anticonvulsants – Magnesium sulphate (first line drug); diazepam ( if
magnesium is not available); phenobarbitone; phenytoin… can also be used if the two are
not available
severe HTN
If BP >160/110 mmHg, use fast acting antihypertensives (hydralazine; labetalol;
diazoxide; sodium nitroprusside) to maintain BP between 140/90-160/110.
Fluid mx Restrict fluid administration to 125ml/hr and monitor input-output including urine
If any evidence of organ failure; requires critical care and organ support to maintain
Delivery After the above measures are taken and patient is stabilized; pregnancy should be
terminated by the most appropriate route. No conservative Mx !
Reading assignment
effect of preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome for
future pregnancy
DDX All pregnant women & convulsion should be
considered Eclampsia till other cause R/O
 Epilepsy - encephalitis, meningitis
Cerebral malaria - cerebral tumor
Hypertensive encephalopathy
1. Williams obstetrics, 24th
2. Normal and problematic pregnancy, Gabbe, 6th
3. Uptodate 21.6
4. Management protocol on sstetric case, FMOH,
january, 2010
1. Define severe preeclampsia(2 points)
2. Mention at least four risk factors for preeclampsia.
(2 points)
3. List the two common theories incriminated in
preeclampsia(2 points)
4. How do you define proteinuria in preeclampsia(2
5. What is the preferred drug for seizure
prophylaxis(1 point)
6. What is the definative mx for preeclampsia(1 point)

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Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy

  • 2. Outline Diagnosis of HTN Introduction Classification Pathophysiology and risk factor Clinical presentation Management
  • 3. Introduction  Most common medical complication  Incidence 7-10% all pregnancies 70 % Preeclampsia- Eclampsia 30 % Chronic HTN 0.05 Eclamosia  Major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality & morbidity.
  • 4. Classification 1) Gestational HTN( transient HTN) 2) Preeclampsia- Eclampsia syndrome 3) Chronic HTN 4) Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic HTN
  • 5. Diagnosis Hypertension: Systolic BP > 140 or DBP > 90 mmHg. Measured on any two occasions > 6hrs apart or One DBP> 110 mmHg
  • 6. Proteinuria Urine protein > 300mg/24hr or 30mg/dl(1+dipstick) or 0.1gm/L in at least two random urine sample Urine protein : creatinine ratio > 0.3 Edema No longer part of diagnosis * wt gain >1kg/ week & pathological edema are↑ warning sign
  • 7. Gestational Hypertension Definition B/P > 140/90 mmHg for first time during pregnancy after 20 wks G.A or first 24 hrs post partum.  No proteinuia  Mild HPN & must return with in 12 weeks postpartum  It is a diagnosis of exclusion  Final dx made only postpartum. Pregnancy outcome similar to normotensive pregn
  • 8.  At risk of progression to PE or eclampsia  Close observation of maternal & fetal condition  In absence of severe HPN or PE can continue pregnancy till term
  • 9. Preeclampsia Definition  new onset of hypertension after 20 weeks of gestation and 1. Proteinuria 2.Trombocytopenia(<100,000/ml) 3.Renal insuficiency….cr>1.2 mg/dl or doubling of base line 4.Liver involvement….transaminase elivation 5.Cerebral symptoms…headache, visual disturbance, convulsion 6.Pulmonary edema
  • 10.  pregnancy specific syndrome of reduced organ perfusion secondary to vasospasm and endothelial activation. incidence nullipara = 3-7% multipara 0.8-5%
  • 11. Superimposed upon chronic HTN HTN and no proteinuria <20 weeks:  New onset proteinuria after 20 weeks of GA HTN and protienuria <20 weeks: Sudden increase in proteinuria Sudden increase in BP in woman whose BP was well controlled Thrombocytopenia ( <100,000/ml) Increase in ALT or AST to abnormal levels
  • 12. Chronic HTN BP > 140/90 mmhg before px or diagnosed before 20 weeks of GA or diagnosed after 20 weeks of GA and persists after 12 weeks postpartum Other associated findings  Retinal change  Cardiac  Renal diseaese  Other medical illness
  • 13. Risk factors for PE • Nulliparity • Obesity • Age <20 or > 35 yrs(chronic HTN and superimposed PE) • Multiple gestation • Low socioeconomic status • GTD • Poor outcome of previous pregnancy (IUGR, SB ,abruption) • ART( assisted reproductive technology) • Race , ethinicity, genetics
  • 14. Pre-existing medical conditions  Chronic HTN  Renal disease  DM (type I)  Thrombophilias (APA, protein C,S deficiency ) Smoking is it a risk factor or protective?
  • 15. Classification of PE Non severe PE Severe PE BP >160/110 mmhg Proteinuria of >5g/24 hr Oliguria <500ml/24 hrs Thrombocytopenia Elivated liver function test with persistent epigastric or RUQ pain Pulmonary edema Persistent severe cerebral or visual disturbances Convulsion HELLP syndrome and DIC BP >140/90 mmhg Proteinuria of 300mg/ 24 hrs or 1+ on dipstich
  • 16.
  • 17. Etiology & pathogenesis Etiology – Unknown Known as disease of theory Some of theories • Abnormal trophoblast invasion Coagulation Abnormalties Vascular endothelial damage Immunologic theory Placental toxin theory……toxemia of pregnancy Genetic predisposition Dietary deficiencies ….calcium and antioxidant deficiencies
  • 18. Any theory has the following charactersitics 1. Exposed to chorionic villi for the first time….nulliparous 2.Exposed to superabundance of chorionic villi…twins and GTD 3.Preexisting condition of endothelial cell activation/inflammation….DM/renal/ cardiovascular disease 4.Genetically predisposed to HTN developing during pregnancy…family hx
  • 19. Abnormal Trophoblast invasion Defective vascular response to placentation due to inhibition of 2nd wave of endovascular trophoblast occur often 16 week
  • 20. Trophoblastic invasion of spiral arterioles leads to the destruction of the muscularis layer which is replaced by trophoblastic cells which do not respond to the autonomic stimulation of blood vessels; this ensures that there is a constant uninterrupted blood flow to the intervillous space
  • 21. According to the immunological theory, there is sufficient similarity between paternal and maternal HLA antigens, which prevents early fetal antigens from detection by the maternal immune system This leads to failure of production of blocking antibodies early in gestation As fetal antigens increase in amount later in gestation, the maternal immune system responds by producing antibodies that destroy placental trophoblasts
  • 22. SYSTEMIC ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION All of the clinical features of preeclampsia can be explained as maternal responses to generalized endothelial dysfunction Disturbed endothelial control of vascular tone causes hypertension, increased vascular permeability results in edema and proteinuria, and abnormal endothelial expression of procoagulants leads to coagulopathy. These changes also cause ischemia of target organs, such as the brain, liver, kidney, and placenta.
  • 23. Laboratory evidence supporting generalized endothelial dysfunction in preeclamptic women - Decreased production of endothelial-derived vasodilators -nitric oxide and prostacyclin - increased production of vasoconstrictors -endothelins and thromboxanes. - Enhanced vascular reactivity to angiotensin II
  • 24. Organ system Pathology complication CVS Generalized vasospasm; increased afterload; left ventricular strain and failure; microvascular endothelial damage and fluid and protein leakage •Hypertension •Congestive heart failure •Generalized edema •Pulmonary edema Hematolog ic Excessive consumption of platelets to repair endothelial damage; RBC damage as they pass through the spastic arterioles •Thrombocytopenia •Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia Renal Decreased glomerular filtration rate due to spasm; renal glomerulo endotheliosis; renal tubular necrosis; renal cortical necrosis in advanced •Acute renal failure •Proteinuria •Hyperuricemia Respirator y Pulmonary capillary endothelial damage and leakage ( in addition to hypoproteinemia due to proteinuria and left ventricular failure) Pulmonary edema
  • 25. Organ system pathology complication Gastrointes tinal Hepatocellular injury distal to vascular spasm site; focal hemorrhages distal to spasm site; coalescing focal hemorrhages leading to large hematoma collection under the Glisson’s capsule •Hepatic failure •Sub capsular hematoma •Acute liver rupture CNS Cerebral hypoxia due to vasospasm; focal hemorrhages distal to the vasospasm; secondary cerebral edema; intracranial hemorrhages •Eclampsia •Hemorrhagic stroke •Cerebral edema and death due to coning •Transient blindness – retinal or cortical HELLP syndrome Concomitant occurrence of microangiopathic hemolysis; thrombocytopenia and liver damage features in a woman with preeclampsia
  • 26. system pathology complication Blood volume Due to generalized vasospasm, there is contracture of the total vascular space. The normal increase in blood volume that occurs during normal pregnancy fails in preeclampsia. They tend to have a contracted and overall reduced blood volume •Less tolerant to blood loss at delivery with an easy propensity to post partum hemmorhage with small amount of blood loss •Less tolerant to fluid administration with a propensity to develop pulmonary edema
  • 27. symptoms sign Diagnostic study •Non severe preeclampsia is asymptomatic •Symptoms are late features indicating severe disease or imminent risk of convulsions •These symptoms include headache, blurring of vision, epigastric pain, oliguria and generalized body swelling •Hypertension •Generalized edema/anasarca •Excessive weight gain •Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes •Proteinuria •24 hour urine for proteinuria •Liver and renal function tests •Hematocrit •Peripheral blood smear for shistocytes (fragmented RBC) •Platelet count •Serum uric acid measurement •Fetal well being studies As preeclampsia is asymptomatic until it progresses to severe stages, detection and diagnosis requires active screening of all pregnant women during antenatal care. Routine blood pressure measurements, weight gain surveillance and check for symptoms and proteinuria are performed to detect preeclampsia early.
  • 28. Management Objective Preserve health of mother & fetus Prevent progression to eclampsia Delivery of alive, mature fetus * Once Dx is made definitive Rx is delivery * Precise Knowledge G.A Important for Mx. Mx of Non severe PE Hospitalization  at time of Dx Purpose Evaluate maternal & fetal condition
  • 29. Hospital Mx Maternal follow up  Weight on admn. & every other day  B/P  Q 4 hrly  Daily clinical Hx premonitory Sx  Urine protein every 48 hrs Hct, Plc, RFT, LFT, uric Acid, coagulation profile weekly or 2x/week.
  • 30. Fetal evaluation Daily FHR Auscultation & fetal mov’t count Fetal growth: clinical & U/Sound Well being NST/BPP (2x/week) **Non sevre PE remote from term delivery at term but pregnancy should not pass 40 weeks. ** no need of antihypertensive or seizure prophylaxix
  • 31. Mx of severe PE characterized by progressive deterioration of both maternal & fetal condition  All should be delivered if disease develope >34 week G.A or prior to 34 weeks if there is - Maternal (Fetal) distress - Labor or PROM - Severe IUGR **Delivery should be based on maternal and fetal conditions as well as GA
  • 32. Mx of severe PE includes Maternal & fetal evaluation same Non PE but more frequent. Anticonvulsant to prevent convulsion Antihypertensive To control B/P in safe range Induction of labor Delivery  Admit to labor & delivery area.  Then Maternal & fetal evaluation 1st 24 hr  Anti-convulsant  parenteral route To prevent seizure
  • 33.
  • 34. Indication Anti- convulsant drugs  Mg so4  Diazepam  Phenytoin
  • 35. Antepartum mg't of severe PE Magnesium Sulfate (Mg So4) Mg so4 Agent of choice for seizure prophylaxis Dose: loading dose 4gm 20%soln  over 10-15min followed by 10 g of 50% solution half on each buttock maintenance dose: 5gmI.M/4 hr Make sure the following before giving next dose 1. Patellar reflex is present 2.RR at least 16 breaths/min 3. UOP of previous 4 hr exceeded 100 ml Side effect: Weakness, paralysis, cardiac toxicity Monitor: RR, DTR,Level of consciousness, UOP Antidote: Calcium gluconate 10 ml of 10% I.V
  • 36. MgSO4 level (mg/dl) 4.8- 8.4 8- 10 12 -17 13- 17 19 -20 Effects Therapeutic level Loss of DTR Respiratory depression CNS depression, coma Cardiac arrest Clinical effects are related directly to plasma levels
  • 37. Antihypertensive  If DBP > 110 mmHg Acute Rx Arteriolar dilators – Hydralazine 5mg iv then 5-10mg Q 20min. B- Blocker – labetalol Ca channel blocker – nifedipine
  • 38. Maintenance Rx Centrally acting  Methyl dopa B- Blockers- labetalol Ca channel Blocker -nefidipine ACE inhibitors C/I in pregnancy
  • 39. Delivery PE progressive disease Timely delivery  decreases maternal and fetal morbidity& mortality Stabilize maternal status before Delivery Route of delivery…vaginal delivery is preferable
  • 40. Indication to Delivery in PE >37 wks with mild PE > 34 wks with severe PE < 34 wks with any of  maternal or fetal Distress  Severe IUGR  HELLP syndrome  Pulm. Edema  Deranged LFT/RFT  Uncontrolled B/P despite Appropriate drugs  Imminent eclampsia
  • 41. Steroid All pts with severe PE < 34 wks prevent RDS, treatment of thrombocytopenia Intrapartum care • Maternal – V/S Q 30min Avoid fluid overload  input/output every 1 hr FHR monitor Q 15min or EFM Shorten 2nd stage labor – Instrumental delivery Fluid –125ml/hr, U.O.P > 30ml/hr Active Mx of 3rd Stage
  • 42. Postpartum Close follow up & monitor B/P Anticonvulsant for 24-48 hrs
  • 43. Eclampsia Definitionn: Occurrence of seizure or coma in woman with PE that cannot be attributed to other cause Preventable complication of preeclampsia 50% intrapartum 25% antepartum 25% postpartum Atypical eclampsia Occurrence of eclampsia before 24 week of GA or after 7th postpartal day
  • 44. Most common last trimester & wide spectrum of Sn & Sign and symptom ranging from: Extremely B/P <-- --> minimal B/P proteinuria 4+ <-- --> No proteinuria (14%) Generalized edema <-- -->No edema (26%) Patellar reflex 4+ <-- --> normal reflex ##1st warning sign may be excessive Wt gain
  • 45. Diagnosis Features of preeclmpsia + Generalized tonic-clonic seizure Aura Tonic phase Clonic phase Post-ictal comavery brief or even not present
  • 46. Complications of eclampsia Known complications of PE + • Aspiration and asphyxia • Trauma • Preterm seizure • Fetal distress and asphyxia • Crebral edema in prolonged or repititive seizure
  • 47. Managem ent Description General •Airway and oxygenation- put in left lateral position; suction airway, insert airway to depress tongue and prevent injury, administer oxygen via face mask or endotracheal tube if in respiratory failure •Prevent trauma – tongue depressor ; fall accident etc •Fluid resuscitation if in hemodynamic instability- IV line and fluids Control convulsion Administer anticonvulsants – Magnesium sulphate (first line drug); diazepam ( if magnesium is not available); phenobarbitone; phenytoin… can also be used if the two are not available Control severe HTN If BP >160/110 mmHg, use fast acting antihypertensives (hydralazine; labetalol; diazoxide; sodium nitroprusside) to maintain BP between 140/90-160/110. Fluid mx Restrict fluid administration to 125ml/hr and monitor input-output including urine output Organ support If any evidence of organ failure; requires critical care and organ support to maintain homeostasis Delivery After the above measures are taken and patient is stabilized; pregnancy should be terminated by the most appropriate route. No conservative Mx !
  • 48. Prognosis Reading assignment effect of preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome for future pregnancy
  • 49. DDX All pregnant women & convulsion should be considered Eclampsia till other cause R/O  Epilepsy - encephalitis, meningitis Cerebral malaria - cerebral tumor Hypertensive encephalopathy
  • 50. References 1. Williams obstetrics, 24th edition 2. Normal and problematic pregnancy, Gabbe, 6th edition 3. Uptodate 21.6 4. Management protocol on sstetric case, FMOH, january, 2010
  • 51. Quize 1. Define severe preeclampsia(2 points) 2. Mention at least four risk factors for preeclampsia. (2 points) 3. List the two common theories incriminated in preeclampsia(2 points) 4. How do you define proteinuria in preeclampsia(2 points) 5. What is the preferred drug for seizure prophylaxis(1 point) 6. What is the definative mx for preeclampsia(1 point)