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History of Computers
and its Types
Reedy (1984) quoted Aldous Huxley
‚that men do not learn very much
from the lessons of history is the
most important of all the lessons
that history has to teach.‛

    This therefore emphasizes the
need to      study history of the
What is a Computer?
īļA computer is any device which aids
 humans in performing various kinds
 of computations or calculations.
īļIn that respect the earliest
 computer was the abacus, used to
 perform basic arithmetic
īļEvery computer supports some form
 of input, processing, and output.
īļWe input information, the computer
 processes it according to its basic
The word ‘computer’ is an old word
that has changed its meaning several
times in the last few centuries.
  The American Heritage Dictionary (1980) gives its first computer
     definition as “a person who computes.”

  Webster’s Dictionary (1980) defines it as “a programmable electronic
    device that can store, retrieve, and process data”
Devices that comprise a
             system   Monitor               Speaker
                      (output)              (output)          System unit
                                                         (processor, memoryâ€Ļ)


                                                                 Storage devices
                                                                 (CD-RW, Floppy,
                                                                 Hard disk, zip,â€Ļ)
            Scanner              Keyboard
            (input)              (input)

Computers can perform four general
    operations, which comprise the
   information processing cycle.
                             Storage 7
Computers can be classified according to their CAPACITY

                                       Volume of work or the data
                                       processing capability a computer can


Data that can be                                 Amount and type of
                   Speed of                      software
stored in memory               Number and type
                   internal                      available for use
                               of peripheral
īļModern computers do this electronically, which
 enables them to perform a vastly greater number of
 calculations or computations in less time.

īļGraphics, sound etc. are merely abstractions of the
 numbers being crunched within the machine; in
 digital computers these are the ones and zeros,
 representing electrical on and off states, and endless
 combinations of those.

īļIn other words every image, every sound, and every
 word have a corresponding binary code.
Konrad Zuse                   John Mauchly & J Eckert   Sir Frederick Williams & Tom Kilburn
Inventor of Modern Computer   EINAC                     William Kilburn Tube - RAM
 1939           1942           1946           1948            XXX             XXX

                                          John von Newman           Dr Eckert & John Mauchly
          John Atanasoff
                                          EINAC Modified            UNIVAC
          Digital Computer
īļ First electronic computers used vacuum       īļ The second generation of computers
   tubes, and they were huge and complex.        came about thanks to the invention
                                                 of the transistor, which then started
īļ The first general purpose electronic           replacing vacuum tubes in computer
   computer was the ENIAC (Electronic
   Numerical Integrator And Computer).
                                               īļ The first transistor computer was
                                                 created at the University of
īļ It was programmed using plugboards and         Manchester in 1953
   switches, supporting input from an IBM
   card reader, and output to an IBM card
                                               īļ IBM also created the first disk drive
                                                 in 1956, the IBM 350 RAMAC

īļ It took up 167 square meters, weighed 27
   tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of
                                               īļ Transistor computers consumed far
   power. It used thousands of vacuum tubes,     less power, produced far less heat,
   crystal diodes, relays, resistors, and        and were much smaller compared to
   capacitors.                                   the first generation, albeit still big by
                                                 today’s standards.
First generation
Second generation
Third                                             Fourth
        Generation                                        Generation
      Computers (1960)                                  Computers (1971)
ī‚— The invention of the integrated circuits   ī‚— First microchips-based central
  (ICs), also known as microchips, paved       processing units consisted of multiple
  the way for computers as we know them        microchips for different CPU
  today.                                       components.
ī‚— Making circuits out of single pieces of
  silicon, which is a semiconductor,         ī‚— The drive for ever greater integration and
  allowed them to be much smaller and          miniaturization led towards single-chip
  more practical to produce.                   CPUs, where all of the necessary CPU
ī‚— This also started the ongoing process of     components were put onto a single
  integrating an ever larger number of         microchip, called a microprocessor.
  transistors onto a single microchip.
ī‚— During the sixties microchips started      ī‚— The first single-chip CPU, or a
  making their way into computers, but         microprocessor, was Intel 4004.
  the process was gradual, and second
  generation of computers still held on.
                                             ī‚— The advent of the microprocessor
ī‚— Minicomputers can be seen as a bridge
  between mainframes and                       spawned the evolution of the
  microcomputers, which came later as the      microcomputers, the kind that would
  proliferation of microchips in computers     eventually become personal computers
  grew.                                        that we are familiar with today.
3rd generation
4th generation
First Generation of
Microcomputers (1971 – 1976)
īļ First microcomputers often came in kits, and many were just boxes with
  lights and switches, usable only to engineers and hobbyists who could
  understand binary code.

īļ Some, however, did come with a keyboard and/or a monitor, bearing
  somewhat more resemblance to modern computers.

īļ The reason some might consider it a first microcomputer is because it
  could be used as a de-facto standalone computer, it was small enough,
  and its multi-chip CPU architecture actually became a basis for the x86
  architecture later used in IBM PC and its descendants.

īļ However, if we are looking for the first microcomputer that came with a
  proper microprocessor, was meant to be a standalone computer, and
  didn’t come as a kit then it would be Micral N, which used Intel 8008
1st generation
Second Generation
Microcomputers (1977)
īļ As microcomputers continued to evolve they became easier to
  operate, making them accessible to a larger audience.
īļ They typically came with a keyboard and a monitor, or could be
  easily connected to a TV, and they supported visual
  representation of text and numbers on the screen.
īļ Famous early examples of such computers include Commodore
  PET, Apple II, and in the 80s the IBM PC.
īļ The nature of the underlying electronic components didn’t
  change between these computers and modern computers we
  know of today, but what changed was the number of circuits that
  could be put onto a single microchip.
īļ Intel’s co-founder Gordon Moore predicted the doubling of
  the number of transistor on a single chip every two years, which
  became known as “Moore’s Law”, and this trend has roughly
  held for over 30 years .
2nd generation
Types of

Portable Computers




ī‚— In the 1960s, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone
  machine brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer

ī‚— Minicomputer systems provide faster operating speeds and
  larger storage capacities than microcomputer systems

ī‚— Operating systems developed for minicomputer systems
  generally support both multiprogramming and virtual storage.

ī‚— 5Minicomputers usually have from 8k to 256k memory

ī‚— The PDP-8, the IBM systems 3 and the Honeywell 200 and 1200
  computer are typical examples of minicomputers.
ī‚— Medium-size computer systems provide faster
    operating speeds and larger storage capacities.
ī‚—   They can support a large number of high-speed
    input/output devices and several disk drives.
ī‚—   Medium-size computer can support a management
    information system.
ī‚—   IBM System 370, Burroughs 3500 System and NCR
    Century 200 system are examples of medium-size
ī‚—   They usually have memory sizes ranging from 32k to
ī‚— Large computers are next to Super Computers and
    have bigger capacity than the Mediumsize computers.
ī‚—   Large computers have storage capacities from 512k to
ī‚—   Expandability to 8 or even 16 million characters is
    possible with some of these systems.
ī‚—   They are used in complex modeling, or simulation,
ī‚—   Operations, product testing, design and engineering
    work and in the development of space technology.
īļThe supercomputers are the biggest and fastest
 machines today
īļThese machines are applied in nuclear weapon
 development, accurate weather forecasting and as host
 processors for local computer
īļSuper computers have capabilities far beyond even the
 traditional large-scale systems
īļSupercomputers may need the assistance of a
 medium-size general purpose machines (usually called
 front-end processor) to handle minor programs or
 perform slower speed or smaller volume operation.
Classification by their basic
perating PRINCIPLE

īļAnalog computers were well known in the 1940s they
 are now uncommon.
īļIn such machines, numbers to be used in some
 calculation were represented by physical quantities
 such as electrical voltages.
īļThe computing units of analog computers respond
 immediately to the changes which they detect in the
 input variables.
īļAnalog computers excel in solving differential
 equations and are faster than digital computers.
īļMost computers today are digital. They represent
 information discretely and use a binary system.
īļThe Pocket Webster School & Office Dictionary
 (1990) simply defines Digital computers as “a
 computer using numbers in calculating.”
īļThey process data in numerical form and their circuits
 perform directly the mathematical operations of
 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
īļDigital information is discrete, it can be copied
 exactly but it is difficult to make exact copies of analog
īļThese are machines that can work as both analog
 and digital computers.
Bill Gates
Inspiring the era of the home computer

Commercialising the operating system

   Launching Windows 95

      Evolution of microsoft
Steve jobs
Apple I, 1976
Apple Computer was founded on April
1, 1976 by a small group headed by
Jobs, engineer Steve Wozniak and
industry vet Ronald Wayne
Apple II, 1977
īļThe company hit the jackpot one
 year later with 1977's Apple II, a fully
 assembled desktop computer in a
 handsome case.

īļHackers still took to it because of its

īļ Schools used it to teach
 programming (it ran Integer BASIC)
 and offices started snatching them
 up once VisiCalc launched on the
 nascent platform.
Macintosh, 1984
īļThe Macintosh arrived in 1984, and it was
 the first computer to successfully
 integrate two things that are now
 commonplace: a graphical user interface
 and a mouse.

īļ Little pictures of folders, the piece of
 paper denoting a file, the trash can —
 most of us learned how all of these things
 worked when we sat down at the Mac.

īļApple launched the Macintosh with a
 massive media campaign spearheaded
 by a minute-long TV commercial (riffing
 on Orwell's 1984) that aired during the
 Super Bowl.
Apple IIc,
    1984 the Apple IIc, a slimmed-down version
īļ Apple released
  of the Apple II that was much more portable.

īļ It had a handle on the back so you could carry it
  around comfortably with one hand. It wasn't quite a
  laptop — the monitor and power supply weren't
  attached — and the guts weren't a whole lot different
  than what you got in the bigger Apple II models.

īļ It was one of the first small-form-factor PCs to hit the
  market, signaling the industry-wide move toward

īļ It was an era when computers beginning to creep into
  middle-class homes, and first-time buyers found the IIc
  a "friendly" and appealing option.

īļ It looked equally attractive in the family room as it
  did in the office.
Apple IIc, 1984
LaserWriter, 1985
īļ The LaserWriter wasn't the first
  desktop laser printer to hit the market,
  but it was the first created for the
  Macintosh, and the first to use the
  cutting-edge PostScript language

īļ It was announced on the same day as
  its killer app, Aldus PageMaker.

īļ the LaserWriter wasn't the first shot
  fired in the desktop publishing
  revolution, it was the first to draw
  blood as it costs $7,000.
Pixar, 1986
īļ Steve Jobs bought Pixar in 1986.Jobs paid $5 million to
  George Lucas and sank $5 million of his own money into
  the company.

īļ His original vision for Pixar was to develop graphics-
  rendering hardware and software, but the business
  eventually evolved into an animation studio.

īļ Jobs signed a distribution deal with Disney and Pixar
 began cranking out a string of hit family films, all of
 them computer-animated. 1995's Toy Story was the first
 blockbuster. Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding
 Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, WALL-E and Upfollowed.
 Accolades and Oscars came rolling in, along with massive
 mountains of cash.

īļ In 2006, Jobs flipped his original $10 million investment,
  selling Pixar to Disney for $7.4 billion in stock.
NeXT, 1988

īļ After the success of the Macintosh, Jobs was
  marginalized by Apple's board of directors, so he left
  to found a new computer company called NeXT.

īļ Jobs launched a new computer system at NeXT. Its
  most famous workstation was an austere black cube
  that cost $6,500. It ran a new operating system,
  NeXTSTEP, which was based on Unix.

īļ It was fast and especially adept at math functions,
  and it had a built-in Ethernet port in an age when
  most computers still needed a network interface card.

īļ Tim Berners-Lee used one to write the first web server
  and the first web browser.

īļ The first server node on the World Wide Web was a
  NeXT box.
NeXT, 1988
iMac, 1998

īļAfter NeXT failed to gain traction, Jobs sold the
 company to Apple and came back into the fold in 1996.

īļTwo years later, the company released a complete
 rewrite of the desktop PC — the candy-colored iMac.

īļThe first iMac was a runaway hit, and the all-in-one
 design is still used by today's iMac (and widely copied
 by other PC manufacturers).
iMac, 1998
Power Mac G4 Cube, 2000
īļJobs wasn't ready to let go of his dream of
 a cube-shaped computer, which he first
 tried at NeXT.

īļHe encouraged Apple designer Jonathan
 Ive to work the shape into the Power Mac
 line, and the company pumped out the
 eight-inch clear acrylic cube in 2000.

īļIt didn't do so hot. It was $1,800, the disk
 drive had problems, and the case
 developed stress cracks easily.
Power Mac G4 Cube,
iPod, 2001

īļThe first iPod was a $400 MP3 player with a 5-
 gigabyte hard drive and a mechanical scroll
 wheel that didn't sync to Windows machines.

īļThe iPod's all-white design was minimalist
 compared to other players that came before
 and, more importantly, the user interface was
 remarkably easy for anyone who picked it up
 to figure out.

īļThe hardware had its quirks — if you got sand
 in the scroll wheel, you'd get stuck listening to
 Spin Doctors all day the touch-wheel, a color
 screen for watching videos and eventually, the
 industry-standard touchscreen.
iPod, 2001

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History of computers and its types

  • 2. Reedy (1984) quoted Aldous Huxley thus: ‚that men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.‛ This therefore emphasizes the need to study history of the
  • 3. What is a Computer?
  • 4. īļA computer is any device which aids humans in performing various kinds of computations or calculations. īļIn that respect the earliest computer was the abacus, used to perform basic arithmetic operations. īļEvery computer supports some form of input, processing, and output. īļWe input information, the computer processes it according to its basic
  • 5. Introduction The word ‘computer’ is an old word that has changed its meaning several times in the last few centuries. The American Heritage Dictionary (1980) gives its first computer definition as “a person who computes.” Webster’s Dictionary (1980) defines it as “a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data”
  • 6. Devices that comprise a Computer system Monitor Speaker (output) (output) System unit (processor, memoryâ€Ļ) Printer (output) Storage devices (CD-RW, Floppy, Hard disk, zip,â€Ļ) Mouse (input) Scanner Keyboard (input) (input) 6
  • 7. Computers can perform four general operations, which comprise the information processing cycle. Input Process Output Storage 7
  • 8. Computers can be classified according to their CAPACITY Volume of work or the data processing capability a computer can handle. PERFORMANCE Data that can be Amount and type of Speed of software stored in memory Number and type internal available for use of peripheral operation devices
  • 9. īļModern computers do this electronically, which enables them to perform a vastly greater number of calculations or computations in less time. īļGraphics, sound etc. are merely abstractions of the numbers being crunched within the machine; in digital computers these are the ones and zeros, representing electrical on and off states, and endless combinations of those. īļIn other words every image, every sound, and every word have a corresponding binary code.
  • 10. HISTORY Konrad Zuse John Mauchly & J Eckert Sir Frederick Williams & Tom Kilburn Inventor of Modern Computer EINAC William Kilburn Tube - RAM 1939 1942 1946 1948 XXX XXX John von Newman Dr Eckert & John Mauchly John Atanasoff EINAC Modified UNIVAC Digital Computer
  • 11. HISTORY OF COMPUTERS īļ First electronic computers used vacuum īļ The second generation of computers tubes, and they were huge and complex. came about thanks to the invention of the transistor, which then started īļ The first general purpose electronic replacing vacuum tubes in computer design. computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). īļ The first transistor computer was created at the University of īļ It was programmed using plugboards and Manchester in 1953 switches, supporting input from an IBM card reader, and output to an IBM card īļ IBM also created the first disk drive punch. in 1956, the IBM 350 RAMAC īļ It took up 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of īļ Transistor computers consumed far power. It used thousands of vacuum tubes, less power, produced far less heat, crystal diodes, relays, resistors, and and were much smaller compared to capacitors. the first generation, albeit still big by today’s standards.
  • 14. Third Fourth Generation Generation Computers (1960) Computers (1971) ī‚— The invention of the integrated circuits ī‚— First microchips-based central (ICs), also known as microchips, paved processing units consisted of multiple the way for computers as we know them microchips for different CPU today. components. ī‚— Making circuits out of single pieces of silicon, which is a semiconductor, ī‚— The drive for ever greater integration and allowed them to be much smaller and miniaturization led towards single-chip more practical to produce. CPUs, where all of the necessary CPU ī‚— This also started the ongoing process of components were put onto a single integrating an ever larger number of microchip, called a microprocessor. transistors onto a single microchip. ī‚— During the sixties microchips started ī‚— The first single-chip CPU, or a making their way into computers, but microprocessor, was Intel 4004. the process was gradual, and second generation of computers still held on. ī‚— The advent of the microprocessor ī‚— Minicomputers can be seen as a bridge between mainframes and spawned the evolution of the microcomputers, which came later as the microcomputers, the kind that would proliferation of microchips in computers eventually become personal computers grew. that we are familiar with today.
  • 17. First Generation of Microcomputers (1971 – 1976) īļ First microcomputers often came in kits, and many were just boxes with lights and switches, usable only to engineers and hobbyists who could understand binary code. īļ Some, however, did come with a keyboard and/or a monitor, bearing somewhat more resemblance to modern computers. īļ The reason some might consider it a first microcomputer is because it could be used as a de-facto standalone computer, it was small enough, and its multi-chip CPU architecture actually became a basis for the x86 architecture later used in IBM PC and its descendants. īļ However, if we are looking for the first microcomputer that came with a proper microprocessor, was meant to be a standalone computer, and didn’t come as a kit then it would be Micral N, which used Intel 8008 microprocessor.
  • 19. Second Generation Microcomputers (1977) īļ As microcomputers continued to evolve they became easier to operate, making them accessible to a larger audience. īļ They typically came with a keyboard and a monitor, or could be easily connected to a TV, and they supported visual representation of text and numbers on the screen. īļ Famous early examples of such computers include Commodore PET, Apple II, and in the 80s the IBM PC. īļ The nature of the underlying electronic components didn’t change between these computers and modern computers we know of today, but what changed was the number of circuits that could be put onto a single microchip. īļ Intel’s co-founder Gordon Moore predicted the doubling of the number of transistor on a single chip every two years, which became known as “Moore’s Law”, and this trend has roughly held for over 30 years .
  • 22. Portable Computers īļ īļ īļ â€ŗ īļ īļ īļ
  • 23. MINICOMPUTERS ī‚— In the 1960s, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone machine brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer ī‚— Minicomputer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger storage capacities than microcomputer systems ī‚— Operating systems developed for minicomputer systems generally support both multiprogramming and virtual storage. ī‚— 5Minicomputers usually have from 8k to 256k memory storage ī‚— The PDP-8, the IBM systems 3 and the Honeywell 200 and 1200 computer are typical examples of minicomputers.
  • 24. MEDIUM-SIZE COMPUTERS ī‚— Medium-size computer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger storage capacities. ī‚— They can support a large number of high-speed input/output devices and several disk drives. ī‚— Medium-size computer can support a management information system. ī‚— IBM System 370, Burroughs 3500 System and NCR Century 200 system are examples of medium-size computers. ī‚— They usually have memory sizes ranging from 32k to 512k.
  • 25. LARGE COMPUTERS ī‚— Large computers are next to Super Computers and have bigger capacity than the Mediumsize computers. ī‚— Large computers have storage capacities from 512k to 8192k. ī‚— Expandability to 8 or even 16 million characters is possible with some of these systems. ī‚— They are used in complex modeling, or simulation, business ī‚— Operations, product testing, design and engineering work and in the development of space technology.
  • 26. SUPERCOMPUTERS īļThe supercomputers are the biggest and fastest machines today īļThese machines are applied in nuclear weapon development, accurate weather forecasting and as host processors for local computer īļSuper computers have capabilities far beyond even the traditional large-scale systems īļSupercomputers may need the assistance of a medium-size general purpose machines (usually called front-end processor) to handle minor programs or perform slower speed or smaller volume operation.
  • 28. ANALOG COMPUTERS īļAnalog computers were well known in the 1940s they are now uncommon. īļIn such machines, numbers to be used in some calculation were represented by physical quantities such as electrical voltages. īļThe computing units of analog computers respond immediately to the changes which they detect in the input variables. īļAnalog computers excel in solving differential equations and are faster than digital computers.
  • 29. DIGITAL COMPUTERS īļMost computers today are digital. They represent information discretely and use a binary system. īļThe Pocket Webster School & Office Dictionary (1990) simply defines Digital computers as “a computer using numbers in calculating.” īļThey process data in numerical form and their circuits perform directly the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. īļDigital information is discrete, it can be copied exactly but it is difficult to make exact copies of analog information.
  • 30. HYBRID COMPUTERS īļThese are machines that can work as both analog and digital computers.
  • 32. Bill Gates Inspiring the era of the home computer Commercialising the operating system Launching Windows 95 Evolution of microsoft
  • 34. Apple I, 1976 Apple Computer was founded on April 1, 1976 by a small group headed by Jobs, engineer Steve Wozniak and industry vet Ronald Wayne
  • 35. Apple II, 1977 īļThe company hit the jackpot one year later with 1977's Apple II, a fully assembled desktop computer in a handsome case. īļHackers still took to it because of its expandability. īļ Schools used it to teach programming (it ran Integer BASIC) and offices started snatching them up once VisiCalc launched on the nascent platform.
  • 36. Macintosh, 1984 īļThe Macintosh arrived in 1984, and it was the first computer to successfully integrate two things that are now commonplace: a graphical user interface and a mouse. īļ Little pictures of folders, the piece of paper denoting a file, the trash can — most of us learned how all of these things worked when we sat down at the Mac. īļApple launched the Macintosh with a massive media campaign spearheaded by a minute-long TV commercial (riffing on Orwell's 1984) that aired during the Super Bowl.
  • 37. Apple IIc, 1984 the Apple IIc, a slimmed-down version īļ Apple released of the Apple II that was much more portable. īļ It had a handle on the back so you could carry it around comfortably with one hand. It wasn't quite a laptop — the monitor and power supply weren't attached — and the guts weren't a whole lot different than what you got in the bigger Apple II models. īļ It was one of the first small-form-factor PCs to hit the market, signaling the industry-wide move toward compact. īļ It was an era when computers beginning to creep into middle-class homes, and first-time buyers found the IIc a "friendly" and appealing option. īļ It looked equally attractive in the family room as it did in the office. īļ
  • 39. LaserWriter, 1985 īļ The LaserWriter wasn't the first desktop laser printer to hit the market, but it was the first created for the Macintosh, and the first to use the cutting-edge PostScript language īļ It was announced on the same day as its killer app, Aldus PageMaker. īļ the LaserWriter wasn't the first shot fired in the desktop publishing revolution, it was the first to draw blood as it costs $7,000.
  • 41. Pixar, 1986 īļ Steve Jobs bought Pixar in 1986.Jobs paid $5 million to George Lucas and sank $5 million of his own money into the company. īļ His original vision for Pixar was to develop graphics- rendering hardware and software, but the business eventually evolved into an animation studio. īļ Jobs signed a distribution deal with Disney and Pixar began cranking out a string of hit family films, all of them computer-animated. 1995's Toy Story was the first blockbuster. Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, WALL-E and Upfollowed. Accolades and Oscars came rolling in, along with massive mountains of cash. īļ In 2006, Jobs flipped his original $10 million investment, selling Pixar to Disney for $7.4 billion in stock.
  • 43. NeXT, 1988 īļ After the success of the Macintosh, Jobs was marginalized by Apple's board of directors, so he left to found a new computer company called NeXT. īļ Jobs launched a new computer system at NeXT. Its most famous workstation was an austere black cube that cost $6,500. It ran a new operating system, NeXTSTEP, which was based on Unix. īļ It was fast and especially adept at math functions, and it had a built-in Ethernet port in an age when most computers still needed a network interface card. īļ Tim Berners-Lee used one to write the first web server and the first web browser. īļ The first server node on the World Wide Web was a NeXT box.
  • 45. iMac, 1998 īļAfter NeXT failed to gain traction, Jobs sold the company to Apple and came back into the fold in 1996. īļTwo years later, the company released a complete rewrite of the desktop PC — the candy-colored iMac. īļThe first iMac was a runaway hit, and the all-in-one design is still used by today's iMac (and widely copied by other PC manufacturers).
  • 47. Power Mac G4 Cube, 2000 īļJobs wasn't ready to let go of his dream of a cube-shaped computer, which he first tried at NeXT. īļHe encouraged Apple designer Jonathan Ive to work the shape into the Power Mac line, and the company pumped out the eight-inch clear acrylic cube in 2000. īļIt didn't do so hot. It was $1,800, the disk drive had problems, and the case developed stress cracks easily.
  • 48. Power Mac G4 Cube, 2000
  • 49. iPod, 2001 īļThe first iPod was a $400 MP3 player with a 5- gigabyte hard drive and a mechanical scroll wheel that didn't sync to Windows machines. īļThe iPod's all-white design was minimalist compared to other players that came before and, more importantly, the user interface was remarkably easy for anyone who picked it up to figure out. īļThe hardware had its quirks — if you got sand in the scroll wheel, you'd get stuck listening to Spin Doctors all day the touch-wheel, a color screen for watching videos and eventually, the industry-standard touchscreen.
  • 51.

Editor's Notes

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