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Thomas Glavich
                             Mary White

              Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
Copyright 2010 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

                               Used with permission
The Moon Mineralogy Mapper is a Discovery
Program Instrument of Opportunity, selected to fly
on Chandrayaan-1, India’s first lunar spacecraft. The
Project presented a variety of challenges ranging
from ITAR issues to interface negotiation, to cultural
differences in the working environment. The
presentation will detail some of the more unusual
challenges encountered in working with the Indian
Space Research Organization, and in achieving a
successful outcome for both NASA and India. The
benefits of a flexible approach to requirements,
interfaces and testing worked well for both parties.
 We are going to discuss some of the experiences of
  the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Team in working
  with the Indian Space Research Organization’s First
  Mission to the Moon on Chandrayaan-1
 The entire experience was one of the best and most
  enjoyable in our careers, and we would do it again
 M3 is a Discovery Program Instrument of
   Visible to near infrared grating spectrometer (~430 to 3000
   Two imaging modes
       Global (140 m / 10 nm) and Targeted (70 m / 20 to 40 nm)
 M3 flew on Chandrayaan-1
   India’s first Lunar and Deep Space Mission
 M3 Implementation Timeline
   Initial Funding was received in April 2005
   Preliminary Design Review was held August 2005
   Confirmation Review was held in February 2006
   Critical Design Review was held in May 2006
   Pre-Ship Review held in May 2007
   Launch October 2008
   Mission terminated August 2009
Global Mode image cube and selected radiance and apparent reflectance
spectra from an M3 data set acquired on the 5 February 2009 that includes
     the Apollo 15 landing site near Hadley Rille (26° 26' N, 3° 39' E).
• M3 Key Deliveries and Activities
   Engineering Model (Command and Data Interface
    Electronics only) delivered and tested against a
    spacecraft simulator, November 2006
   M3 delivery and preliminary integration to spacecraft,
    August 2007
   Payload Operations Center Replica, July 2008
   Final integration and check-out, August 2008
 Mission Plan
   Nominal mission duration: Four optical periods over
    the two year mission
      Actual observations were in two optical periods with more time per
       observation than planned
   Instrument was held in Survival mode and transitioned
    to Decontamination mode before each optical period
• India is a developing nation
• The technical sophistication of the Indian Space
  Research Organization is every bit the equal of
• The capabilities of the ISRO Staff Engineers and
  technicians are equivalent to NASA Engineers
• Chandrayaan-1
  • India’s first mission beyond earth orbit
  • First mission involving multiple foreign contributions
  • Used India’s new Deep Space Network facility
M3 on the Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft
                                   24 degree FOV        Chandrayaan -1
                                   unobscured F/3.5
mirror                      Slit   TMA Telescope          Spacecraft

                                      640 cross-track
                                      MCT Detector
                                      430 to 3000 nm
             OS Filter

                                    Passive Cooler
            Assembly                                                         Launch
                                                               Assembly      System
     Instrument Aperture
                                                        Thermal Shield
                          M3 Instrument
Chandrayaan Launch System
• Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)
   • 4 stage core, 6 strap-ons
   • First Launch: 1993
   • Launch Success: 8/9
• PSLV-XL (6 PSOM-XL improved stretched
   • 3 Qual Tests (1st 12/29/05 successful, 3rd Q
      of 2006)
   • First use for RISAT
   • 3rd use for Chandrayaan
• 1304 kg in 240 km by 24,000 km GTO –like orbit
   • 503 kg Chandrayaan dry mass
   • 801 kg of propellants
                                Mission Profile

                                                                     Lunar Insertion
   To achieve 100 x 100 km Lunar Polar Orbit.
PSLV to inject 1300 kg in GTO of 240 x 24000 km.
Lunar Orbital mass of 523 kg with 2 year life time.
                                                           Lunar Transfer
            Scientific payload 55 kg.                                                 Final Orbit
                                                                                     100 km Polar
                                                                     Initial Orbit
                                                                      ~ 1000 km


                          Mid Course Correction           Moon at Launch

    Trans Lunar
      Injection                                                                 ASTROSAT

   Expanding the scientific knowledge about the moon, upgrading India’s technological capability
     and providing challenging opportunities for planetary research for the younger generation
ISRO Satellite
 Centre (ISAC)

Satish Dhawan
 Space Centre
 ISRO issued an Announcement of Opportunity for
  foreign instruments for the Chandrayaan-1 Mission
 Principal Investigator Carle Pieters of Brown
  University teamed with JPL to propose the Moon
  Mineralogy Mapper
 The instrument was funded as a Discovery Instrument
  of Opportunity
• India is on the Designated Country list
• The Indian Space Program is closely tied to ISRO’s
  • Little to no separation between the Nuclear Weapons
    Development activity and the Space Program
• This was changing during the time that M3 was
  going through its ITAR process
• Initially ISRO refused to sign the ITAR agreements
 The term “Technical Assistance” in the ITAR agreement
  was a major choking point for the Indian Government
 They repeatedly pointed out that it was their spacecraft,
  and they were helping us, not the other way around
 We had several lengthy discussion sessions with all
  levels of ISRO Management on ITAR and its
 M3 had a requirement to have a signed TAA prior to our
  confirmation review, and a confirmation date that was
  not changing
 Schedule and budget constraints required that we make
 progress, even though the TAA was not yet in place
   M3 had been selected last – development schedule
    was very constrained
   M3 team had been staffed and the taxi meter was
   Chandrayaan-1 schedule was firm
   Developed an “Assumed Requirements” document
      Internal use only
      Contained key requirements
      Based on information obtained from ISRO, but not
       verified to be current
 The signing of the TAA and our participation in the
  Chandrayaan mission was directly tied to US-India
  government relations, and in particular the
  agreement on Nuclear Energy
 The TAA was signed the day before a final deadline
  after repeated intercessions from the State
  Department and the US Embassy in New Delhi
 ISRO ISAC did not usually develop an ICD between the
  spacecraft and each instrument
   Mechanical and electrical interface drawings were used but not a
     written document as is common for NASA
 M3 team spent 1 week at ISRO ISAC (Bangalore)
   Four days in conference room creating the document
      Ch-1 Project Director (PD), System Engineers, Subsystem
      M3 Project Manager, System Engineers, Subsystem Leads,
        Export Compliance Officer, D&NF Program Management, two
        engineers from MSFC (could communicate more freely having
        an MOU in place, while M3 team did not yet have a TAA)
   Fifth day, signed the ICD, with just a few TBD’s
 Although both the Ch-1 and M3 teams spoke English,
  communication during telecons was challenging
    Acronyms and abbreviations, grammatical and vocabulary
    Telecons started ~9pm for M3 team
    Some of M3 team called in from home, others at JPL
 Pre-telecon email exchange of Agenda in Q& A format
    Typically two cycles by email prior to each telecon
    WebEx during telecon to assist with communication
       Discussions were based on the existing Q&A, then clarifying
        information was typed in as it was discussed
 Program management in general appears more diffuse in
  India than it is in the United States
   It’s certainly harder for us to understand who is in charge of
     what, and who holds authority for decisions
 The ground data system was developed independently
  of the spacecraft and instrument complement
   Coordination of the two appeared to us to be mostly informal
 The Review process is very different from NASA
   Major project reviews consist of reports by subsystem review
 Test verification and validation processes are much less formal
  and rigorous than NASA
 Chandrayaan-1 project did not use Earned Value
 Scheduling was done with Excel and PowerPoint
    The real schedule and all schedule control resided with the
     Project Director
    Chandrayaan-1 project did not use schedule tracking software to
     manage critical path and near critical path items,
    Their understanding of the critical path came from prior
     experience developing similar spacecraft
    The day to day I&T schedule relied on key staff that held
     corporate knowledge gained from many previous projects
 Late in development, schedule problems were solved by
  eliminating previously planned tests
CHANDRAYAAN-1 SCHEDULE (1-AUG-2004 to 31-AUG-2005)
           ACTIVITY               A    S   O   N   D    J    F   M   A   M   J   J    A
                                  04               04   05                            05
1    Configuration Finalisation

2    Configuration Review
3    P/L Review
4    Layout, FOV exercise
5    S/S & S/C level PDR
6    S/C Configuration Doc

                      1-SEP-2005 to 30-SEPT-2006
SL                                 S    O   N   D    J    F   M   A   M   J   J   A    S
                                   05           05   06                                06
1    EID and matching

2    Harness fabrication
3    P/Ls Eng/Ele Model Delivery
4    Data handling Pkg
5    BMU Availability
6    P/L I/F checks
7    Structure & Thermal work
8    Propulsion Integration
9    Thermal work on RCS
10 Electrical wiring
11   Sensors availability
12 Inertial Systems
14 Panels & Thermal work                                                          22
                        1-OCT-2006 to 1-SEPT-2007
SL          ACTIV ITY                   DAY   O   N   D    J   F       M   A   M   J   J   A   S   O    N
N0                                      S

1    Bus system Integration             30
2    Bus system open mode               30
3    P/L Integration                    27
4    P/L IST
5    Harness anchoring, X-ray,          20                15       5
     connector potting, preparation
     for closure of panels, quick IST
6    Assembly of all panels             05
7    ASSEMBLED IST, TH-VAC              15
     Preparation, Antennae to AIT
8    TH. VAC TEST, SA to                21
9    Post TH VAC                        25
10   DYNAMIC TESTS                      14
11   Pre-shipment IST                   10
12   ** CUSHION **                      30
13   SHIPMENT                           02
14   SP-1 phase                         30
15   Fuel filling phase                 08
16   Launch Opportunity / pre- 18                                                                  23
 Spacecraft Development Team
   Most (nearly all) team members have worked together
    for many missions
   Know their routines
   Don’t require as much formal planning
 Incremental hardware changes from one mission to
 the next
   Spacecraft
   Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)
   Deep Space Network
 Sometimes not clear who was responsible for what
   Job titles might be the same as for JPL, but
    responsibilities could be different
      This was most confusing in the realm of systems
      engineering, quality assurance, contamination control
 Ch-1 procedures did not carry all detail
   Multiple activities would be carried in one block
   Blocks were not numbered
   A repeated procedure would be done without
    reprinting; with new data recorded to the side
 Resources that are commonly available at NASA are
 sometimes of limited availability at ISRO – due to
 cost and security
   Paper, printers, copiers
   Internet access
   Cell phones
   Laptops
   Email – large file size and access from anywhere
 M3 team was ultra cautious about everything
   Two people in Bangalore from the start of spacecraft
    I&T until 10 weeks post launch
   QA person attended nearly all mechanical and
    electrical integration activity
   24/7 coverage from launch through 10 weeks
      M3 thermal engineer was the first to notice anomalous
      condition while in transit to the moon
M3 with
M3 Pre-Ship      and
 Portrait     Handling
                                                        M3-related raw Telemetry       M3 Archive (L0 + L1B Products)
                                                        M3 Data Products
                              M3 Science Team

                                                                                                                              PDS @ JPL
                                                                                                   L1B Products
                                                                                                                                  M3 Archive
                                                                                                                                  (L2 Products)         L2
          H/K TM                                           Science TM
          Science Telemetry                                S/C Navigation data
                                                                                    IGDS @ JPL

                                                                                                             interactive validation     L1B, L2
                                     SCC, Bangalore                                  Successful                                         Products
IDSN Ground Station
                                           M3-relevant S/C TM
APL Ground Station                         S/C Navigation (PVAT) data
JPL Ground Station

                                                                                                                   Science Team (various sites)

             H/K TM                                                                                               L1B, L2
             Science TM                                                                                           Products
                                                         H/K TM
                                                                                   MOS @ JPL                                                      Products
                                    ISSDC, Bangalore

                                                                              L1B, L2 Products
 M3 team generated a draft Operations ICD
   No response from Chandrayaan-1 team
 M3 generated an Operations Understanding document,
 Pre-launch rehearsals were minimal
   Not sure if this is typical
 Relied on person-to-person interface for all M3
    First in person, later by phone, eventually per a script
 Priority for instrument operations was uncertain and
 Instrument operations were very simple
    Few commands
    Reasonably failsafe as far as operator error
    Stationed people in Bangalore for the duration of
       spacecraft I&T
      M3 Instrument Operator sat next to the spacecraft
       operator for commissioning, and was on phone for
       early operations period
      Protection and Handling Device
      Involvement by Principal Investigator with the
       spacecraft Project Director
      Insisted on a high quality nitrogen purge
 ISRO wanted NASA DSN support
   Increased the opportunities for M3 to downlink
 JPL Navigation support
   raised the JPL presence at ISRO
 More thermal margin
    Field of view of the passive cooler
    Though the instrument was sensitive to thermal
     input on the Passive Cooler; it became a “solar
     collector” and had potential to overheat the focal
 Paid more attention to the planned spacecraft level
  test flow, as it is different than ours
 Additional visit to ISRO for mechanical and thermal
  interface clarification
    same time the electrical EM was delivered
• From the perspectives of ISRO and the M3
 Science team, this mission was a great success
    • Major discoveries
    • M3 has generated lots of data
• Chandrayaan-1 and M3 Discoveries have been
 reported in scientific journals as well as popular
From Science, 23 October 2009, cover. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.
• We received an enormous amount of help from too
  many people to mention. In particular we would
  like to acknowledge,
• Science Mission Directorate
  • Tony Carro and the entire SMD staff
• NASA Office of External Affairs
• Discovery and New Frontiers Program Office
  • Steve McClard
• JPL Office of Export Compliance
• JPL Management
• M3 Team

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  • 1. Thomas Glavich Mary White Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Copyright 2010 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Used with permission
  • 2. The Moon Mineralogy Mapper is a Discovery Program Instrument of Opportunity, selected to fly on Chandrayaan-1, India’s first lunar spacecraft. The Project presented a variety of challenges ranging from ITAR issues to interface negotiation, to cultural differences in the working environment. The presentation will detail some of the more unusual challenges encountered in working with the Indian Space Research Organization, and in achieving a successful outcome for both NASA and India. The benefits of a flexible approach to requirements, interfaces and testing worked well for both parties.
  • 3.  We are going to discuss some of the experiences of the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Team in working with the Indian Space Research Organization’s First Mission to the Moon on Chandrayaan-1  The entire experience was one of the best and most enjoyable in our careers, and we would do it again tomorrow
  • 4.  M3 is a Discovery Program Instrument of Opportunity  Visible to near infrared grating spectrometer (~430 to 3000 nm)  Two imaging modes  Global (140 m / 10 nm) and Targeted (70 m / 20 to 40 nm)  M3 flew on Chandrayaan-1  India’s first Lunar and Deep Space Mission  M3 Implementation Timeline  Initial Funding was received in April 2005  Preliminary Design Review was held August 2005  Confirmation Review was held in February 2006  Critical Design Review was held in May 2006  Pre-Ship Review held in May 2007  Launch October 2008  Mission terminated August 2009
  • 5. Global Mode image cube and selected radiance and apparent reflectance spectra from an M3 data set acquired on the 5 February 2009 that includes the Apollo 15 landing site near Hadley Rille (26° 26' N, 3° 39' E).
  • 6. • M3 Key Deliveries and Activities  Engineering Model (Command and Data Interface Electronics only) delivered and tested against a spacecraft simulator, November 2006  M3 delivery and preliminary integration to spacecraft, August 2007  Payload Operations Center Replica, July 2008  Final integration and check-out, August 2008  Mission Plan  Nominal mission duration: Four optical periods over the two year mission  Actual observations were in two optical periods with more time per observation than planned  Instrument was held in Survival mode and transitioned to Decontamination mode before each optical period
  • 7. • India is a developing nation • The technical sophistication of the Indian Space Research Organization is every bit the equal of NASA’s • The capabilities of the ISRO Staff Engineers and technicians are equivalent to NASA Engineers • Chandrayaan-1 • India’s first mission beyond earth orbit • First mission involving multiple foreign contributions • Used India’s new Deep Space Network facility
  • 8. M3 on the Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft Single spherical 24 degree FOV Chandrayaan -1 unobscured F/3.5 mirror Slit TMA Telescope Spacecraft Grating 640 cross-track MCT Detector 430 to 3000 nm OS Filter Passive Cooler Optical Bench Instrument PSLV Assembly Launch Electronics Assembly System Instrument Aperture Thermal Shield M3 Instrument
  • 9. Chandrayaan Launch System • Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) • 4 stage core, 6 strap-ons • First Launch: 1993 • Launch Success: 8/9 • PSLV-XL (6 PSOM-XL improved stretched strap-ons) • 3 Qual Tests (1st 12/29/05 successful, 3rd Q of 2006) • First use for RISAT • 3rd use for Chandrayaan • 1304 kg in 240 km by 24,000 km GTO –like orbit • 503 kg Chandrayaan dry mass • 801 kg of propellants
  • 10. CHANDRAYAAN-1 Mission Profile Lunar Insertion Manoeuvre To achieve 100 x 100 km Lunar Polar Orbit. PSLV to inject 1300 kg in GTO of 240 x 24000 km. Lunar Orbital mass of 523 kg with 2 year life time. Lunar Transfer Scientific payload 55 kg. Final Orbit Trajectory 100 km Polar Initial Orbit ~ 1000 km ETO GTO Mid Course Correction Moon at Launch Trans Lunar Injection ASTROSAT Expanding the scientific knowledge about the moon, upgrading India’s technological capability and providing challenging opportunities for planetary research for the younger generation
  • 11. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) Bangalore Satish Dhawan Space Centre Sriharikota
  • 12.  ISRO issued an Announcement of Opportunity for foreign instruments for the Chandrayaan-1 Mission  Principal Investigator Carle Pieters of Brown University teamed with JPL to propose the Moon Mineralogy Mapper  The instrument was funded as a Discovery Instrument of Opportunity
  • 13. • India is on the Designated Country list • The Indian Space Program is closely tied to ISRO’s military • Little to no separation between the Nuclear Weapons Development activity and the Space Program • This was changing during the time that M3 was going through its ITAR process • Initially ISRO refused to sign the ITAR agreements
  • 14.  The term “Technical Assistance” in the ITAR agreement was a major choking point for the Indian Government  They repeatedly pointed out that it was their spacecraft, and they were helping us, not the other way around  We had several lengthy discussion sessions with all levels of ISRO Management on ITAR and its implementation  M3 had a requirement to have a signed TAA prior to our confirmation review, and a confirmation date that was not changing
  • 15.  Schedule and budget constraints required that we make progress, even though the TAA was not yet in place  M3 had been selected last – development schedule was very constrained  M3 team had been staffed and the taxi meter was running  Chandrayaan-1 schedule was firm  Developed an “Assumed Requirements” document  Internal use only  Contained key requirements  Based on information obtained from ISRO, but not verified to be current
  • 16.  The signing of the TAA and our participation in the Chandrayaan mission was directly tied to US-India government relations, and in particular the agreement on Nuclear Energy  The TAA was signed the day before a final deadline after repeated intercessions from the State Department and the US Embassy in New Delhi
  • 17.  ISRO ISAC did not usually develop an ICD between the spacecraft and each instrument  Mechanical and electrical interface drawings were used but not a written document as is common for NASA  M3 team spent 1 week at ISRO ISAC (Bangalore)  Four days in conference room creating the document  Ch-1 Project Director (PD), System Engineers, Subsystem Leads  M3 Project Manager, System Engineers, Subsystem Leads, Export Compliance Officer, D&NF Program Management, two engineers from MSFC (could communicate more freely having an MOU in place, while M3 team did not yet have a TAA)  Fifth day, signed the ICD, with just a few TBD’s
  • 18.  Although both the Ch-1 and M3 teams spoke English, communication during telecons was challenging  Acronyms and abbreviations, grammatical and vocabulary differences  Telecons started ~9pm for M3 team  Some of M3 team called in from home, others at JPL  Pre-telecon email exchange of Agenda in Q& A format  Typically two cycles by email prior to each telecon  WebEx during telecon to assist with communication  Discussions were based on the existing Q&A, then clarifying information was typed in as it was discussed
  • 19.  Program management in general appears more diffuse in India than it is in the United States  It’s certainly harder for us to understand who is in charge of what, and who holds authority for decisions  The ground data system was developed independently of the spacecraft and instrument complement  Coordination of the two appeared to us to be mostly informal  The Review process is very different from NASA  Major project reviews consist of reports by subsystem review chairs  Test verification and validation processes are much less formal and rigorous than NASA
  • 20.  Chandrayaan-1 project did not use Earned Value  Scheduling was done with Excel and PowerPoint  The real schedule and all schedule control resided with the Project Director  Chandrayaan-1 project did not use schedule tracking software to manage critical path and near critical path items,  Their understanding of the critical path came from prior experience developing similar spacecraft  The day to day I&T schedule relied on key staff that held corporate knowledge gained from many previous projects  Late in development, schedule problems were solved by eliminating previously planned tests
  • 21. CHANDRAYAAN-1 SCHEDULE (1-AUG-2004 to 31-AUG-2005) SL ACTIVITY A S O N D J F M A M J J A N0 04 04 05 05 1 Configuration Finalisation 2 Configuration Review 3 P/L Review 4 Layout, FOV exercise 5 S/S & S/C level PDR 6 S/C Configuration Doc 21
  • 22. CHANDRAYAAN-1 SCHEDULE ( contd.) 1-SEP-2005 to 30-SEPT-2006 SL S O N D J F M A M J J A S N0 ACTIVITY 05 05 06 06 1 EID and matching 2 Harness fabrication 3 P/Ls Eng/Ele Model Delivery 4 Data handling Pkg 5 BMU Availability 6 P/L I/F checks 7 Structure & Thermal work 8 Propulsion Integration 9 Thermal work on RCS 10 Electrical wiring 11 Sensors availability 12 Inertial Systems availability 13 HILS 14 Panels & Thermal work 22
  • 23. AIT SCHEDULE - INTEGRATION TO LAUNCH (11 MONTHS) 1-OCT-2006 to 1-SEPT-2007 SL ACTIV ITY DAY O N D J F M A M J J A S O N N0 S 1 Bus system Integration 30 2 Bus system open mode 30 IST 3 P/L Integration 27 4 P/L IST 5 Harness anchoring, X-ray, 20 15 5 connector potting, preparation for closure of panels, quick IST 6 Assembly of all panels 05 7 ASSEMBLED IST, TH-VAC 15 Preparation, Antennae to AIT 8 TH. VAC TEST, SA to 21 AIT 9 Post TH VAC 25 10 DYNAMIC TESTS 14 11 Pre-shipment IST 10 12 ** CUSHION ** 30 13 SHIPMENT 02 14 SP-1 phase 30 15 Fuel filling phase 08 16 Launch Opportunity / pre- 18 23 laun
  • 24.  Spacecraft Development Team  Most (nearly all) team members have worked together for many missions  Know their routines  Don’t require as much formal planning  Incremental hardware changes from one mission to the next  Spacecraft  Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)  Deep Space Network
  • 25.  Sometimes not clear who was responsible for what  Job titles might be the same as for JPL, but responsibilities could be different  This was most confusing in the realm of systems engineering, quality assurance, contamination control  Ch-1 procedures did not carry all detail  Multiple activities would be carried in one block  Blocks were not numbered  A repeated procedure would be done without reprinting; with new data recorded to the side
  • 26.  Resources that are commonly available at NASA are sometimes of limited availability at ISRO – due to cost and security  Paper, printers, copiers  Internet access  Cell phones  Laptops  Email – large file size and access from anywhere
  • 27.  M3 team was ultra cautious about everything  Two people in Bangalore from the start of spacecraft I&T until 10 weeks post launch  QA person attended nearly all mechanical and electrical integration activity  24/7 coverage from launch through 10 weeks  M3 thermal engineer was the first to notice anomalous condition while in transit to the moon
  • 28. M3 with Protection M3 Pre-Ship and Portrait Handling Device
  • 29.
  • 30. M3
  • 31. ISRO M3-related raw Telemetry M3 Archive (L0 + L1B Products) JPL M3 Data Products M3 Science Team PDS @ JPL L1B Products Chandrayaan-1 M3 Archive (L2 Products) L2 H/K TM Science TM Products Science Telemetry S/C Navigation data IGDS @ JPL interactive validation L1B, L2 SCC, Bangalore Successful Products Orbit Acquisition Reports IDSN Ground Station M3-relevant S/C TM APL Ground Station S/C Navigation (PVAT) data JPL Ground Station Science Team (various sites) H/K TM L1B, L2 Science TM Products L1B,L2 H/K TM MOS @ JPL Products ISSDC, Bangalore L1B, L2 Products
  • 32.  M3 team generated a draft Operations ICD  No response from Chandrayaan-1 team  M3 generated an Operations Understanding document, unilaterally  Pre-launch rehearsals were minimal  Not sure if this is typical  Relied on person-to-person interface for all M3 operations  First in person, later by phone, eventually per a script  Priority for instrument operations was uncertain and unstable
  • 33.  Instrument operations were very simple  Few commands  Reasonably failsafe as far as operator error  Stationed people in Bangalore for the duration of spacecraft I&T  M3 Instrument Operator sat next to the spacecraft operator for commissioning, and was on phone for early operations period  Protection and Handling Device  Involvement by Principal Investigator with the spacecraft Project Director  Insisted on a high quality nitrogen purge
  • 34.  ISRO wanted NASA DSN support  Increased the opportunities for M3 to downlink  JPL Navigation support  raised the JPL presence at ISRO
  • 35.  More thermal margin  Field of view of the passive cooler  Though the instrument was sensitive to thermal input on the Passive Cooler; it became a “solar collector” and had potential to overheat the focal plane  Paid more attention to the planned spacecraft level test flow, as it is different than ours  Additional visit to ISRO for mechanical and thermal interface clarification  same time the electrical EM was delivered
  • 36. • From the perspectives of ISRO and the M3 Science team, this mission was a great success • Major discoveries • M3 has generated lots of data • Chandrayaan-1 and M3 Discoveries have been reported in scientific journals as well as popular media
  • 37. From Science, 23 October 2009, cover. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.
  • 38. • We received an enormous amount of help from too many people to mention. In particular we would like to acknowledge, • Science Mission Directorate • Tony Carro and the entire SMD staff • NASA Office of External Affairs • Discovery and New Frontiers Program Office • Steve McClard • JPL Office of Export Compliance • JPL Management • M3 Team