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Geopsy: A User-Friendly Open-
Source Tool Set for Ambient
Vibration Processing
Marc Wathelet*1
, Jean-Luc Chatelain1
, Cécile Cornou1
, Giuseppe Di Giulio2
Bertrand Guillier1
, Matthias Ohrnberger3
, and Alexandros Savvaidis4
Cite this article as Wathelet, M., J.-
L. Chatelain, C. Cornou, G. D. Giulio,
B. Guillier, M. Ohrnberger, and A. Savvaidis
(2020). Geopsy: A User-Friendly Open-
Source Tool Set for Ambient Vibration
Processing, Seismol. Res. Lett. 91,
1878–1889, doi: 10.1785/0220190360.
Ambient vibrations are nowadays considerably used worldwide for numerous types of
engineering applications and scientific research. Geopsy and its companion tools are
part of that landscape. Since the first release of the program package in 2005, as out-
come of the European Union project Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient noisE,
Geopsy has become a mature multiplatform open-source package (released under
GNU Public License version 3) that has already been recognized as a reference tool
for analyzing ambient vibration data in the context of site characterization studies.
The community of users has grown from a core group of researchers up to thousands
of seismologists and engineers on every career level and on all continents. The versa-
tility of geopsy allows for the processing of all kinds of data needed in site characteri-
zation studies, that is, from single station single trace to three-component array
recordings. In all of the aforementioned cases, the steps from field acquisition to
the production of publication-ready figures are covered and supported by user-friendly
graphical user interfaces or corresponding command-line tools for the automation of
the complete processing chain. To avoid black-box usage, a number of lower-level tools
guarantee maximum flexibility in accessing and controlling processing results at any
stage of the analysis.
Site characterization based on ambient vibration properties has
become increasingly popular during the past two decades,
mostly because it is a reliable low-cost alternative for obtaining
resonance frequencies for soils or buildings and VS profiles
compared with downhole or crosshole techniques (Garofalo,
Foti, Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Dechamp, et al., 2016).
Applications extend over a wide range: seismic bedrock depth
imaging (e.g., Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg, 1999; Parolai et al.,
2002; Özalaybey et al., 2011; Hellel et al., 2012), site effect assess-
ments (e.g., Lermo and Chávez-García, 1994; Guéguen et al.,
1998; Picozzi et al., 2009; Teague et al., 2018), buildings and
bridges (e.g., Crawford and Ward, 1964; Michel et al., 2010;
Guillier et al., 2014; Bindi et al., 2015), landslides (e.g.,
Meric et al., 2005; Burjánek et al., 2012; Zare et al., 2017), vol-
canoes (e.g., Sens-Schönfelder and Wegler, 2006; Perrier et al.,
2012; Bennington et al., 2015), and even Mars exploration
(Knapmeyer-Endrun et al., 2017). Similar to active source multi-
channel analysis of surface waves (Park et al., 1999), ambient
vibration processing relies mostly on the dispersive properties
of surface waves (Rayleigh and/or Love; Bonnefoy-Claudet et al.,
2006), but it carries additional complexities: several sources with
unknown properties and locations may be active at the same
time. Hence, unsupervised processing is certainly not the most
reliable way for extracting robust information. During the past
20 yr, several European Union projects focused on developing
new processing tools and on evaluating the limitations of ambi-
ent vibration methods: Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient
noisE (SESAME, an FP5 project number EVG1-CT2000-
00026, 2001–2004) and NEtwork of Research Infrastructures
for European Seismology, Joint Research Activity number 4
(an FP6 I3 project number RII3-CT-2006-026130, 2006–2010).
Bard et al. (2010) provide a detailed review of the amount of
work achieved during these projects. International blind tests
(Cornou et al., 2007; Boore and Asten, 2008; Cox et al., 2014;
Garofalo, Foti, Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Ohrnberger, et al.,
2016) showed that the estimation of surface-wave dispersion
curves is generally good. However, retrieving VS profiles from
1. Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, IRD, IFSTTAR,
ISTerre, Grenoble, France; 2. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, L’Aquila,
Italy; 3. University of Potsdam, Institute of Geoscience, Potsdam, Germany; 4. Bureau
of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
*Corresponding author:
© Seismological Society of America
1878 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020
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dispersion curve inversion, usually of the Rayleigh-wave funda-
mental mode only, remains a difficult problem with no unique
solution. A large part of the teams involved in these tests are
using the open-source software Geopsy, born in 2002 within
the SESAME project and primarily released in 2005. In
15 yr, it has become a reference tool worldwide for ambient
vibration processing. A Google Scholar search for “”
currently returns 742 entries (November 2019). A quick survey
made in September 2017 returned 491 entries, among which 203
were journal peer-reviewed papers using Geopsy.
Geopsy is a graphical desktop application dedicated to
seismic signal processing. geopsypack is the package used to dis-
tribute Geopsy and a number of companion tools (41 applica-
tions, 14 plugin libraries, and 22 core libraries, see Data and
Resources). All items are designed with object-oriented pro-
gramming, and the only language is C++. High-level graphical
interfaces are developed on top of Qt libraries (version 5.12, see
Data and Resources), which makes the package available to the
most common platforms: Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac
OS. Apart from the graphical user interface (GUI), all tools can
be used directly via the command-line interface, allowing
powerful scripting and the implementation of automatic analy-
sis schemes to bulk data sets. The recent release of geopsypack
(version 3) emphasizes this orientation with new command-line
tools implementing horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratios
(also commonly termed HVSR) and array processing that were,
to date, available only inside the Geopsy graphical interface.
After a presentation of the Geopsy graphical environment,
this article focuses on the two main plugin tools used for ambi-
ent vibration processing: H/V and array tools. The correspond-
ing command-line tools are also detailed at the end.
General Framework
In this section, we briefly present the main features of Geopsy
GUI to work with ground-motion signals: import, associate,
view, and save. This section ends with a description of the spe-
cific plotting engine available with this package. More details
and tutorials can be found in the Geopsy on-line documenta-
tion (Wathelet et al., 2010).
Importing signals
Geopsy reads most standard formats commonly used for ambi-
ent vibration and active surface-wave imaging: CityShark2 and
MiniShark*, GeoSIG, GSE2*, GuralpGcf, MATLAB MAT*,
MiniSeed*, Passcal SegY, SAC*, SAF*, Seg2*, SegY*, SU*,
WAV*, and column text files*. Formats marked with an aster-
isk can also be exported. All formats are automatically recog-
nized from their content, except SU and GuralpGCF, for which
the correct file suffix is mandatory. For text formats in which
amplitude values are stored in columns, a custom parser can be
built to extract useful information from the headers (e.g., sam-
pling frequency, starting time, and position). Custom formats
are considered in the same way as standard formats when
trying to recognize a file format. Geopsy can be used to convert
seismic signals between different formats. For example,
geopsy my.mseed -export my_0001.sac
converts a single MiniSeed file into several SAC files (Goldstein
et al., 2003).
Several ways are available to import signals (Table 1).
Importing signals is generally very fast because only the header
information is read and stored in the internal database. Data
vectors are read only when required (e.g., for plotting signals
on the screen or for signal processing). The next section
presents how to associate signals before processing.
Associating and viewing signals
A signal is a continuous record of a single component between
an absolute starting time and an absolute ending time, inter-
nally represented by a single and continuous vector of values. If
some recorded samples are not valid (e.g., digitizer errors or
unplugged sensor), gaps can be added manually. A gap is
defined by a period of time during which no signal can be proc-
essed. Signals to process may be distributed over several files or
several data sources (e.g., recording device proprietary storage
or streaming). In addition, some files may contain signals to be
excluded from the process. Creating new files that contain only
the desired signals usually implies a format conversion and a
waste of disk space. Hence, the concept of file is not well suited.
Instead, we consider signals as the basic element.
Signals to process can be associated in a temporary or per-
manent way (group). Dragging signals from sources and
Available Methods to Import Seismic Signals inside
Method Short Description
Wildcards are accepted (e.g., geopsy WAU??/
The classical dialog box for selecting files in a single
File pattern Inside the graphical interface, files matching a pattern
even across several directories can be imported with a
single action
Storage media Direct read of proprietary storage media of some
acquisition devices (Cityshard cards and Campbell TOB3)
Automatically import any new file created in a
directory. It can be coupled with an acquisition
application to process signals with Geopsy while being
on the field (e.g., Seismodule Controller Software from
Connect to a Seedlink server and continuously
download available signals for the selected streams
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dropping them to one of the four destination viewers described
in the following (table, graphic, map, and chronogram; Fig. 1)
creates a temporary association. Sources can be the list of
imported files, the list of permanent associations (groups), or
an existing viewer, which represents a temporary association
of signals. At any time, it can be saved to become a permanent
association (group). A group is defined by a name, a list of sig-
nals, and a parent group. Folders can be created to help organize
groups. For example, a group can keep together the signals from
a target site or signals with the same components. Associated
signals can be processed with any of the implemented basic sig-
nal-processing tools, such as mean or trend removal, subtract,
multiply, filter, whiten, clip, phase shift, over-sample, decima-
tion, taper, cut, merge, three-component rotations, correlations,
convolution, and instrumental response removal. All processes
are logged as a sequence of JavaScript statements, which can be
executed on another signal association. For example, the follow-
ing code cuts and exports 30 s windows starting at 2:30 a.m. on 1
January 2000 from a list of three-component signals:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
restoreStep (“original”);
selectSignals (i, i);
cut (“[abs 20000101023000; delta 30s]”);
name=header (0, “Name”);
name+=“_”+header (0, “Component”);
exportFile (name+”.sac”);
More examples and details can be found in Wathelet et al.
(2010). Other more sophisticated processing tools are also
available and are implemented in separated plugins (see the
Plugin Tools section).
A table shows all properties of the signals with a tabular
format, one row per signal and one column per property.
The order and the list of the columns can be freely customized.
The various ways of editing property values are described in
the next section. The rows of a table support complex selec-
tions with SHIFT and CTRL keys (Fig. 1b). Moreover, signals
can be sorted with multiple sort keys so as to ease the selection.
Once selected, signals can be dragged and dropped into a new
viewer or into an existing one.
A graphic displays signal data vectors with an absolute or rel-
ative time axis. There is no limit to the number of signals to be
plotted. However, the length of a single signal cannot exceed the
limit of the physical memory. If the size required by all signals is
larger than a certain limit (by default, 80% of the physical
memory), the Geopsy internal swap mechanism prevents the
use of the operating system swap. The latter often alters the
computer performances and challenges the user patience.
(b) (d) (f)
Figure 1. Geopsy graphical interface showing (a) the list of
imported files, (b) the list of groups and the four ways of viewing
signals: (c) table, (d) graphic, (e) map, and (f) chronogram. The
topmost menu bar provides access to all actions that can be
performed on signals: input/output actions, editing signal
properties, creating new viewers, waveform operations, and
plugin tools. Just below, the icon tool bar contains a selection of
the most important actions organized in three sections: input/
output actions, creation of new viewers, and the list of plugin
tools. Data are taken from two ambient vibration arrays (circular
arrays from 5 to 15 m and from 15 to 45 m) recorded in
Mirandola, Italy, during the InterPACIFIC project (Garofalo, Foti,
Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Ohrnberger, et al., 2016).
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Time picking, zooming, and display normalization adjustments
are available. If data vectors are not in memory, they are loaded
from the original files, which may take some time during the
first display. The performances of this signal viewer are com-
pared with other viewing solutions later in a dedicated section.
Individual signals cannot be selected in a graphic; when dragging
signals from a graphic, all signals are considered.
A map is a 2D map of the sensor locations. Each signal is
located in space by its sensor coordinates. Geopsy supports
only metric coordinates because it is designed for small-scale
experiments (usually less than a few kilometer aperture), for
which earth curvature can be neglected. However, Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates can be used to keep
track of the true geographical position. In this case, a UTM
zone is also assigned to each signal. In a map, signals can
be selected in space by drawing a rectangle with the mouse.
Viewing a map is fast because data vectors are not accessed.
A chronogram is a tool to check the availability of signals in
time. Signals with the same name and the same receiver coordi-
nates are associated in a single entity. For each entity, green boxes
are displayed for the time ranges for which the signal is available.
For the missing parts, red boxes are displayed. Blue boxes show
available signals that overlap in time. Even for very long time
series (e.g., over months), viewing a chronogram is fast because
data vectors are not required. In a chronogram, signals can be
selected interactively by drawing rectangles with the mouse.
Signal properties
The main signal properties are sampling frequency, absolute start-
ing time, sensor location, component, and name. The name is an
arbitrary string to identify a signal. For a three-component sensor,
the three signals must share the same name, the same receiver
coordinates, and approximately the same time range (with at least
a 90% overlap). There are also other properties to store conver-
sion factors between counts, volts, and real units (m, m/s, or m/
). A complete property list is available in the Geopsy online
documentation (Wathelet et al., 2010). The property values are
read from the header of the original signals when they are avail-
able. When file headers do not contain all of the necessary infor-
mation or contain wrong values, editing can be done directly in a
table before processing data. They can also be exported in a text
file, modified outside Geopsy, and reimported. An internal
JavaScript-like scripting engine can also be used to modify signal
properties. In the following example, the station names are
extracted from the file names for all signals in the current viewer:
for (i=0; i<signals.length; i++) {
substring (3,8)
in which signals.length is the number of signals in the current
viewer and shortFileName is the file name without its absolute
path. A specific tool is available to modify receiver coordinates;
it can read text formats in which coordinates are arranged in
columns. Transformation to UTM from WGS84 latitude and
longitude is also provided.
Modifying property values is even better if it can be saved
for some later usages. Details about signal property storage are
given in the next sections.
Event table
Event table stores a list of seismic events defined by their loca-
tions and their absolute trigger times. It is built automatically
when importing Seg2 files, which are supposed to store signals
produced by an active source. It is generally triggered at the
beginning of the signals eventually with a pretrigger delay.
The table can be also edited or imported from a text file.
Events are not stored as a signal property because a source
may be recorded by several signals and a signal may record
several sources. Currently, dense arrays of sensors are gaining
popularity even for near-surface imaging. They usually provide
continuous records instead of triggered records. The event
table is used to define time windows to process and the cor-
responding source locations for active experiments.
Geopsy database
A Geopsy database gathers the list of signal files, the list of
groups, and the list of events. Each signal file contains a list
of signals with their properties but without data vectors. For
each file, the absolute file path is saved to access to the data
vectors. If paths are changed, missing files are detected and
the new paths are asked of the user. A dictionary linking
old and new paths is built for each session to avoid multiple
requests. A database file has a compressed XML format and is
named with a .gpy suffix. The XML content can be extracted
with the tar utility. To save time when opening a database,
original file headers are not read anymore.
Versatile plots
All plots produced by Geopsy and its companion applications
have the same structure and are managed by SciFigs library
(Wathelet et al., 2010). They are made of a stack of indepen-
dent layers that can be easily manipulated (reorder, save, pre-
pend, append, copy, paste, change opacity, or hide). All
painting operations are performed through parallel threads,
with three main advantages: (1) the application never freezes
during heavy painting operations, thus leaving the plain con-
trol to the user; (2) painting several plots at the same time uses
the full power of modern multicore architectures; and (3) plot
properties can be modified by the user with an instantaneous
influence over the final result. Layers can be copied across
applications from the Geopsy package, which greatly helps
when comparing results from various processes.
Plot properties can be fully customized inside the applica-
tion producing the plot or saved for future use (a compressed
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XML format with .page suffix). Plots from various applica-
tions can be merged inside a single sheet with the lightweight
application figue. Compared with a direct export to an image
format such as PNG, JPEG, or SVG, all properties of a plot
can still be fully modified at any time (e.g., after a paper
review). The plot quality meets the standards required for
A fast and parallel signal display
Ambient vibration signals recorded with portable stations, par-
ticularly in urban environments, very often show a significant
deterioration in signal quality due to several reasons: bad cable
connection to sensor, baseline instabilities, amplitude satura-
tion, wind effects, nearby sources, power failure, and other
interferences. Hence, ambient vibration time-series analysis
always requires human control through an efficient signal dis-
play, for example, to reject transients before H/V processing
(SESAME, 2004). High-frequency sampling rate, large number
of stations, and long duration recordings lead to a high number
of samples to handle. For example, a 1-day recording at 100
samples per second with 10 three-component sensors, that
is, 259 million of samples, weighs 990 MB in Seismic
Analysis Code (SAC) format (Goldstein et al., 2003) and about
300 MB in miniSEED format.
To build signal plots, Geopsy is based on the layered plots
described in the previous section. The layer in charge of paint-
ing signals is designed for long time series. When the number
of samples is large, painting all high-frequency details of a sig-
nal is not efficient. Instead, Geopsy computes the minimum
and maximum values of the signal over the time range corre-
sponding to each pixel. A vertical bar is painted only between
those two values, which produces the same result as a full
painting of all signal samples. The time spent for displaying
signals is thus optimum. In addition, the size of the exported
vectorized images (SVG or PDF) is kept to reasonable values:
14 three-component stations during 6 hr at 100 samples per
second weigh only 366 KB in a PDF file. Other competing soft-
ware commonly used for signal control, such as MATLAB (see
Data and Resources) and PQLII (Mcnamara and Buland,
2004), do not offer the responsiveness obtained with Geopsy
To quantify Geopsy efficiency, we composed a data set
from a synthetic 1-day array of 10 three-component stations
recording at 100 samples per second (259 million of sam-
ples), displayed with Geopsy, PQLII, ObsPy (Beyreuther et al.,
2010), and MATLAB. The time required to plot the full data
set (Table 2) was counted manually on the same machine
(Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 version 3 at 2.50 GHz). Geopsy
and ObsPy achieve almost the same performances for loading
and painting signals, but only Geopsy provides a smooth
interactivity to inspect them. The two other codes are not
able to handle this amount of data with a reasonable
Plugin Tools
Several modules have been developed to extend the function-
alities of the framework described in the previous sections.
They mostly propose sophisticated signal processing focused
on one particular application. The two most popular modules
dedicated to ambient vibrations, that is, H/V and array
processing, are presented later. Currently, 12 tools are avail-
able; their complete descriptions can be found in Wathelet et al.
Tools are always attached to a viewer, which represents an
association of signals as discussed earlier. They provide a form
to specify processing and output parameters. They produce
either plots inside the graphical interface or output files to
be analyzed outside Geopsy.
Tools are compiled in separate dynamically loadable libra-
ries. New tools can be implemented in C++ by subclassing the
class GeopsyGuiInterface. Only two functions must be reimple-
mented: one for creating the action in the tool bar and another
one to create the parameter widget. The available plugin libra-
ries can serve as a template collection to inspire new tools.
Single station H/V
This is the very first Geopsy tool whose development started
during the SESAME project. The main purpose of this tool is to
compute the classical H/V of three-component ambient vibra-
tion recordings (Nakamura, 1989; Bonnefoy-Claudet et al.,
2006). Its core structure was inspired by FORTRAN codes
developed by Bard (1999). This module does not provide
advanced ways of computing H/V, such as, for example,
extracting Rayleigh ellipticity (Hobiger et al., 2009) or getting
spectral ratios compatible with the diffuse wavefield
assumption (Sánchez-Sesma et al., 2011; Tchawe et al., 2020).
Three-component signals are divided into time windows
over the entire record or over a selected portion of the record
(Fig. 2a). Time window size, optional antitrigger (short-term
average/long-term average), and various parameters (more
information in Wathelet et al., 2010) are set up manually or
loaded from a previous processing. Time windows can be
Comparison of Signal-Plotting Applications
Software Version Interactive Paint Delay (s)
Geopsy 3.3.0 Smooth 1
ObsPy 1.1.1 (python 3.7.3) Basic 1
PQLII 2010.246 beta Basic 3
MATLAB R2019a Very slow 13
Approximate time needed to display 259 million of samples for some common
packages. The refresh time is provided here excluding the time needed to read
data from files. For PQLII, the time reported here is the time required to magnify
the full range.
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selected either manually or automatically, with or without
overlap, keeping or rejecting part of the samples. Generated
time windows may be removed manually, or the selection
may be inverted; they can also be loaded from a previous
processing. Once H/V curves are computed, time windows
can also be eliminated from the final plots, either manually
or automatically, using an H/V amplitude threshold inside a
given frequency range.
The horizontal spectrum is obtained using both horizontal
components, either with a squared average, the total power, or
the power along a given direction (Wathelet et al., 2010). The
averaged H/V curve is obtained by averaging H/V curves com-
puted for each selected time window. The most common
smoothing method is Konno and Ohmachi (1998) with
b-parameter value defined by the user, but other methods
are also available (Wathelet et al., 2010).
Individual H/V plots (Fig. 2b,c) display the average H/V
curve, its standard deviation, the peak frequency with the high-
est amplitude, and the corresponding standard deviation. The
peak frequency and its associated standard deviation are
obtained by averaging the frequency of the maximum found
on the H/V curve of each time window in a 10% interval
around the peak of the average H/V curve. Hence, it may
not always fit exactly with the peak of the average H/V curve.
The initial frequency range for searching peaks on the individ-
ual H/V curves can eventually be edited to fix misidentified
peaks or to evidence secondary peaks. Optionally, the H/V
curves for each time window can be shown with the same col-
ors as in the signal viewer of Figure 2a. This provides a quick
way to localize individual H/V curves on the time scale.
If the provided signals belong to more than one station (dis-
tinct names or coordinates), the aforementioned processing is
repeated for each station and a summary with at least two plots
is produced: the first one gathers all individual average H/V
curves (Fig. 3a), whereas the second shows the average curve
(and its standard deviation) of the H/V curves of the first plot
(Fig. 3b). The peak frequency average and its associated stan-
dard deviation are obtained by averaging peak frequencies of
all processed stations. If coordinates are assigned to the sta-
tions, a map is produced displaying H/V peak amplitudes
or peak frequencies at the location of each recording site
(Fig. 3c). Many options, detailed in Wathelet et al. (2010), exist
for customizing these maps.
Several tools are also available to further analyze a classical
H/V measurement. H/V rotate computes H/V in all directions
of the horizontal plane (Fig. 4). A strong azimuthal variation
may be the first indication of a nonuniform source distribution
and/or the presence of ground heterogeneities. Spectrum and
spectrum rotate provide smoothed spectra of individual com-
ponents with the same processing parameter as H/V. Damping
may help identify peak frequencies produced by anthropogenic
sources (Dunand et al., 2002). Other modules to extract
Rayleigh ellipticity (Hobiger et al., 2009) or H/V under the dif-
fuse wavefield assumption (Tchawe et al., 2020) might be
implemented in the future.
Array processing
The array-processing module provides frequency–wavenum-
ber (FK) techniques (Capon, 1969; Poggi and Fäh, 2010;
Wathelet et al., 2018) and spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) tech-
niques (Aki, 1957; Bettig et al., 2001; Köhler et al., 2007) for
vertical and three-component arrays. They are mostly dedi-
cated to ambient vibrations processing, but the FK techniques
can also be used for active sources. Only FK for ambient vibra-
tions is detailed in this short overview.
Inside Geopsy GUI, for a set of frequencies and for all sets of
time windows (block averaging, Capon, 1969), peaks of FK
maps (FK power vs. kx and ky) are automatically searched
and refined. Various properties of the maxima are saved in
a .max file: time, frequency, polarization, slowness, azimuth,
power, ellipticity, and noise. The last two are only available
for the Rayleigh three-component beamforming (RTBF) tech-
nique (Wathelet et al., 2018). Polarization can be either vertical
(single-component processing), Rayleigh, or Love (three-com-
ponent processing). Figure 5 shows how parameters can be
adjusted inside the graphical interface. A tool is also provided
(b) (c)
Figure 2. (a) Selected time windows for signals recorded at two
stations (CN01 and CN02). In this example, the antitrigger was
used. Horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) curves at stations (b) CN01 and
(c) CN02. H/V curve for each selected time window is shown with
the same color as the corresponding time window in (a). The
averaged H/V is shown with the black continuous line and the
standard deviation with the two dashed lines. The two gray areas
represent the averaged peak frequency and its standard
deviation. The peak frequency value is at the limit between the
dark and the light gray areas.
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to manually inspect sets of time blocks at any frequency. An FK
map is displayed with several options and a high-resolution
zoom, which dynamically samples the FK power function
(Fig. 5b).
Following the usage of Geopsy, two applications are pro-
vided to analyze the .max file: gphistogram and gpviewmax.
They both construct histograms of various data contained
in a .max file versus frequency.
The former offers more pos-
sibilities to dissect the results:
filtering outliers, separating
modes, and extracting statis-
tics. The last one is more static,
but it displays in a convenient
way all properties contained in
a .max file: dispersion, elliptic-
ity, noise, azimuth, and power
curves. An example is shown in
Figure 6 for a three-component
FK analysis. Once dispersion
curves and eventually elliptic-
ity curves are isolated for all
available modes, average
curves with their standard
deviation can be computed by
gphistogram. They can be pro-
vided as targets to dinver, an
application implementing a
neighborhood algorithm
(Wathelet, 2008) for the inver-
sion of dispersion curves to
retrieve VS and VP profiles.
Rayleigh and/or Love, funda-
mental and/or higher modes,
phase and/or group velocity,
and ellipticity curves can be
inverted together.
Core Tools
For heavy data sets or repeti-
tive tasks, the tools inside the
graphical interface might not
be suitable. Therefore, the
aforementioned tools have
their corresponding core appli-
cations that can be run in a
high-performance computing
(HPC) facility or on a server
with no graphical service. The
core libraries used by these
tools and their graphical coun-
terparts produce exactly the
same results. However, some
low-level parameters are not accessible inside the graphical
The signals to be processed are specified by passing a
Geopsy database file path and a list of groups as in the follow-
ing example:
geopsy-fk -db my.gpy -group-path mygroup
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
X (m)
(a) (b)
Figure 3. H/V graphics summary obtained when at least two H/V curves are computed. (a) H/V curves
of all stations gathered on the same plot. (b) Averaged H/V curve of all individual curves of (a) and its
standard deviation. Legend as in Figure 2. (c) Map of H/V peak frequencies with the labels showing
the station names. Labels can also display the peak frequencies or the peak amplitudes.
1884 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020
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It starts FK processing with the default parameters on group
mygroup found in database file my.gpy. Parameters can be
adjusted directly in the command line or by providing a text
file with a list of keywords and their values. A template param-
eter file can be obtained by running
geopsy-fk -db my.gpy -param-example > my.param
A description of all available options for each application is
provided when “-h” is used as an argument.
All tools work with parallel threads whose number is set to
the number of available cores using processor affinity. For
example, on an HPC cluster managed by a task manager such
as OAR (Capit et al., 2005), the number of threads matches
exactly the number of reserved cores and each thread remains
always on the same core during the whole process so as to
deliver the best performances.
Table 3 provides the list of the currently available
core tools and a short description of the implemented
During the SESAME project (2001–2004), Geopsy was
meant and designed specifically for ambient vibration array
processing. Since then, it underwent huge and crucial transfor-
mations that made it a reference tool for all types of ambient
vibration processing, used worldwide in the engineering and
scientific communities.
Geopsy is a free software released under GNU Public
License version 3, and it can be installed on virtually all ver-
sions of Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS. The Geopsy
package and its documentation are available online (see Data
and Resources). Since 2005, 12 workshops have been organized
around the world to teach ambient vibration techniques and
Geopsy usage that include 20–30 participants (students, engi-
neers, and researchers) and last from 6 to 7 days. The next
sessions will be announced at Geopsy website (see Data and
To date, the design, the implementation, and the mainte-
nance have been achieved by a very small group of enthusiastic
individuals. Operating systems, user needs, geophysical meth-
ods, and scripting languages in vogue (e.g., Python) are con-
stantly evolving. For a sustainable future for this project, a
continuous development effort should be made and better
shared among the community. Hence, readers and users are
kindly invited to participate.
Data and Resources
All data used in this article came from published sources
listed in the references. All figures were produced and all codes
snippets were tested with geopsypack version 3.3.0 available
at under GNU Public License (GPL)
version 3. Information about Qt libraries is available at https:// MATLAB is available at
products/matlab.html. All websites were last accessed in
February 2020.
The authors are grateful to Pierre-Yves Bard who led a number of
projects supporting site characterization with ambient vibrations in
the years 2000 that were particularly helpful during the startup of
Geopsy. The authors thank the numerous users who helped with
bug hunting and/or submitted their needs and suggestions. Geopsy
has been funded by Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient noisE
Frequency (Hz)
H/V amplitude
Figure 4. H/V amplitude distribution in the horizontal plane as a
function of the azimuth at station CN01 of Figure 2, calculated
from 0° to 180° every 10°, presented in a frequency–azimuth
Available Core Tools
Tool Name Short Description
geopsy-hv H/V spectra
geopsy-fk Conventional, high-resolution, vertical,
and three-component FK methods
geopsy-spac Vertical and three-component SPAC methods
FK, frequency–wavenumber; H/V, horizontal-to-vertical; SPAC, spatial
Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1885
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(b) (c)
1×10–5 1×10–4 1×10–3 1×10–2
FK power
Figure 5. Three-component frequency–wavenumber (FK)
processing example for an array of 15 three-component stations.
(a) Waveforms for the first five stations. The green rectangles
delineate the time blocks calculated for a frequency of 4.09 Hz
that can be adjusted in the parameter toolbox shown in (c). The
red rectangles are the 60 blocks (block averaging count factor in
(c) times 15 stations) used for computing the FK map shown in
(b). (b) Rayleigh three-component beamforming (RTBF) FK map
of the highlighted red blocks in (a). The colors represent the
maximum RTBF power obtained after varying the ellipticity for
each wavenumber point. Maxima are distributed over two circles,
corresponding to two propagation modes. The slowest is marked
by a black circle; its velocity value can be changed in the
underneath controls (251 m/s in this example). The gray dots are
located at the nodes of the starting grid used for searching
automatically the FK maxima. (c) Processing parameters form
divided into four tabs. Only the content of Processing tab is
shown. Time tab describes how time blocks are defined: starting
and ending time to process, length of blocks, and so on.
Processing tab specifies the frequency range of interest and how
the cross-spectrum matrix is computed. Grid search tab provides
ways to control the grid search of FK maxima. Status tab shows
the processing progress over all parallel threads after pressing the
Start button.
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(SESAME, an FP5 Project Number EVG1-CT-2000-00026, 2001–
2004), Sismovalp Intereg 3B project (2005), by the participants
to the first site characterization workshops in Grenoble (2005)
and Berlin (2006), by NEtwork of Research Infrastructures for
European Seismology project (NERIES-JRA4, an FP6 I3 Project
Number RII3-CT-2006-026130, 2006–2010), by Institut de Recherche
pour le Développement (IRD) since 2008, and by European Plate
Observing System-Implementation phase (EPOS-IP). The authors
also thank all institutions that hosted the site characterization work-
shops; a list is available at Geopsy website is
hosted at Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),
Université Grenoble Alpes, France. Finally, the insightful comments
of two anonymous reviewers helped raise the quality of the original
Aki, K. (1957). Space and time spectra of stationary stochastic waves,
with special reference to microtremors, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. 35,
Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
1 × 10–1
5 × 10–2
1 × 10–2
5 × 10–3
1 × 10–3
5 × 10–4
1 × 101
5 × 101
Normalized probability density
Figure 6. Example of results obtained with gpviewmax for a three-
component FK processing. All plots show the probability density of
curve. Two modes are visible in this case. The black lines are located
at the resolution limits kmin/2 and kmin (Wathelet et al., 2008).
(b) Ellipticity curves corresponding to the two modes visible in (a).
(c) Propagation azimuth distribution. (d) FK power. (e) Incoherent
noise estimations as defined by Wathelet et al. (2018).
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Manuscript received 26 November 2019
Published online 8 April 2020
Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1889
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Geopsy: Seismic Vibration Processing

  • 1. Geopsy: A User-Friendly Open- Source Tool Set for Ambient Vibration Processing Marc Wathelet*1 , Jean-Luc Chatelain1 , Cécile Cornou1 , Giuseppe Di Giulio2 , Bertrand Guillier1 , Matthias Ohrnberger3 , and Alexandros Savvaidis4 Abstract Cite this article as Wathelet, M., J.- L. Chatelain, C. Cornou, G. D. Giulio, B. Guillier, M. Ohrnberger, and A. Savvaidis (2020). Geopsy: A User-Friendly Open- Source Tool Set for Ambient Vibration Processing, Seismol. Res. Lett. 91, 1878–1889, doi: 10.1785/0220190360. Ambient vibrations are nowadays considerably used worldwide for numerous types of engineering applications and scientific research. Geopsy and its companion tools are part of that landscape. Since the first release of the program package in 2005, as out- come of the European Union project Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient noisE, Geopsy has become a mature multiplatform open-source package (released under GNU Public License version 3) that has already been recognized as a reference tool for analyzing ambient vibration data in the context of site characterization studies. The community of users has grown from a core group of researchers up to thousands of seismologists and engineers on every career level and on all continents. The versa- tility of geopsy allows for the processing of all kinds of data needed in site characteri- zation studies, that is, from single station single trace to three-component array recordings. In all of the aforementioned cases, the steps from field acquisition to the production of publication-ready figures are covered and supported by user-friendly graphical user interfaces or corresponding command-line tools for the automation of the complete processing chain. To avoid black-box usage, a number of lower-level tools guarantee maximum flexibility in accessing and controlling processing results at any stage of the analysis. Introduction Site characterization based on ambient vibration properties has become increasingly popular during the past two decades, mostly because it is a reliable low-cost alternative for obtaining resonance frequencies for soils or buildings and VS profiles compared with downhole or crosshole techniques (Garofalo, Foti, Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Dechamp, et al., 2016). Applications extend over a wide range: seismic bedrock depth imaging (e.g., Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg, 1999; Parolai et al., 2002; Özalaybey et al., 2011; Hellel et al., 2012), site effect assess- ments (e.g., Lermo and Chávez-García, 1994; Guéguen et al., 1998; Picozzi et al., 2009; Teague et al., 2018), buildings and bridges (e.g., Crawford and Ward, 1964; Michel et al., 2010; Guillier et al., 2014; Bindi et al., 2015), landslides (e.g., Meric et al., 2005; Burjánek et al., 2012; Zare et al., 2017), vol- canoes (e.g., Sens-Schönfelder and Wegler, 2006; Perrier et al., 2012; Bennington et al., 2015), and even Mars exploration (Knapmeyer-Endrun et al., 2017). Similar to active source multi- channel analysis of surface waves (Park et al., 1999), ambient vibration processing relies mostly on the dispersive properties of surface waves (Rayleigh and/or Love; Bonnefoy-Claudet et al., 2006), but it carries additional complexities: several sources with unknown properties and locations may be active at the same time. Hence, unsupervised processing is certainly not the most reliable way for extracting robust information. During the past 20 yr, several European Union projects focused on developing new processing tools and on evaluating the limitations of ambi- ent vibration methods: Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient noisE (SESAME, an FP5 project number EVG1-CT2000- 00026, 2001–2004) and NEtwork of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology, Joint Research Activity number 4 (an FP6 I3 project number RII3-CT-2006-026130, 2006–2010). Bard et al. (2010) provide a detailed review of the amount of work achieved during these projects. International blind tests (Cornou et al., 2007; Boore and Asten, 2008; Cox et al., 2014; Garofalo, Foti, Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Ohrnberger, et al., 2016) showed that the estimation of surface-wave dispersion curves is generally good. However, retrieving VS profiles from 1. Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, IRD, IFSTTAR, ISTerre, Grenoble, France; 2. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, L’Aquila, Italy; 3. University of Potsdam, Institute of Geoscience, Potsdam, Germany; 4. Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. *Corresponding author: © Seismological Society of America 1878 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 Electronic Seismologist Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 2. dispersion curve inversion, usually of the Rayleigh-wave funda- mental mode only, remains a difficult problem with no unique solution. A large part of the teams involved in these tests are using the open-source software Geopsy, born in 2002 within the SESAME project and primarily released in 2005. In 15 yr, it has become a reference tool worldwide for ambient vibration processing. A Google Scholar search for “” currently returns 742 entries (November 2019). A quick survey made in September 2017 returned 491 entries, among which 203 were journal peer-reviewed papers using Geopsy. Geopsy is a graphical desktop application dedicated to seismic signal processing. geopsypack is the package used to dis- tribute Geopsy and a number of companion tools (41 applica- tions, 14 plugin libraries, and 22 core libraries, see Data and Resources). All items are designed with object-oriented pro- gramming, and the only language is C++. High-level graphical interfaces are developed on top of Qt libraries (version 5.12, see Data and Resources), which makes the package available to the most common platforms: Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS. Apart from the graphical user interface (GUI), all tools can be used directly via the command-line interface, allowing powerful scripting and the implementation of automatic analy- sis schemes to bulk data sets. The recent release of geopsypack (version 3) emphasizes this orientation with new command-line tools implementing horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratios (also commonly termed HVSR) and array processing that were, to date, available only inside the Geopsy graphical interface. After a presentation of the Geopsy graphical environment, this article focuses on the two main plugin tools used for ambi- ent vibration processing: H/V and array tools. The correspond- ing command-line tools are also detailed at the end. General Framework In this section, we briefly present the main features of Geopsy GUI to work with ground-motion signals: import, associate, view, and save. This section ends with a description of the spe- cific plotting engine available with this package. More details and tutorials can be found in the Geopsy on-line documenta- tion (Wathelet et al., 2010). Importing signals Geopsy reads most standard formats commonly used for ambi- ent vibration and active surface-wave imaging: CityShark2 and MiniShark*, GeoSIG, GSE2*, GuralpGcf, MATLAB MAT*, MiniSeed*, Passcal SegY, SAC*, SAF*, Seg2*, SegY*, SU*, WAV*, and column text files*. Formats marked with an aster- isk can also be exported. All formats are automatically recog- nized from their content, except SU and GuralpGCF, for which the correct file suffix is mandatory. For text formats in which amplitude values are stored in columns, a custom parser can be built to extract useful information from the headers (e.g., sam- pling frequency, starting time, and position). Custom formats are considered in the same way as standard formats when trying to recognize a file format. Geopsy can be used to convert seismic signals between different formats. For example, geopsy my.mseed -export my_0001.sac converts a single MiniSeed file into several SAC files (Goldstein et al., 2003). Several ways are available to import signals (Table 1). Importing signals is generally very fast because only the header information is read and stored in the internal database. Data vectors are read only when required (e.g., for plotting signals on the screen or for signal processing). The next section presents how to associate signals before processing. Associating and viewing signals A signal is a continuous record of a single component between an absolute starting time and an absolute ending time, inter- nally represented by a single and continuous vector of values. If some recorded samples are not valid (e.g., digitizer errors or unplugged sensor), gaps can be added manually. A gap is defined by a period of time during which no signal can be proc- essed. Signals to process may be distributed over several files or several data sources (e.g., recording device proprietary storage or streaming). In addition, some files may contain signals to be excluded from the process. Creating new files that contain only the desired signals usually implies a format conversion and a waste of disk space. Hence, the concept of file is not well suited. Instead, we consider signals as the basic element. Signals to process can be associated in a temporary or per- manent way (group). Dragging signals from sources and TABLE 1 Available Methods to Import Seismic Signals inside Geopsy Method Short Description Application arguments Wildcards are accepted (e.g., geopsy WAU??/ WA.WAU*HH*) Manual selection The classical dialog box for selecting files in a single directory File pattern Inside the graphical interface, files matching a pattern even across several directories can be imported with a single action Storage media Direct read of proprietary storage media of some acquisition devices (Cityshard cards and Campbell TOB3) Directory monitoring Automatically import any new file created in a directory. It can be coupled with an acquisition application to process signals with Geopsy while being on the field (e.g., Seismodule Controller Software from geometrics) Seedlink connection Connect to a Seedlink server and continuously download available signals for the selected streams Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1879 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 3. dropping them to one of the four destination viewers described in the following (table, graphic, map, and chronogram; Fig. 1) creates a temporary association. Sources can be the list of imported files, the list of permanent associations (groups), or an existing viewer, which represents a temporary association of signals. At any time, it can be saved to become a permanent association (group). A group is defined by a name, a list of sig- nals, and a parent group. Folders can be created to help organize groups. For example, a group can keep together the signals from a target site or signals with the same components. Associated signals can be processed with any of the implemented basic sig- nal-processing tools, such as mean or trend removal, subtract, multiply, filter, whiten, clip, phase shift, over-sample, decima- tion, taper, cut, merge, three-component rotations, correlations, convolution, and instrumental response removal. All processes are logged as a sequence of JavaScript statements, which can be executed on another signal association. For example, the follow- ing code cuts and exports 30 s windows starting at 2:30 a.m. on 1 January 2000 from a list of three-component signals: n=signalCount(); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { restoreStep (“original”); selectSignals (i, i); cut (“[abs 20000101023000; delta 30s]”); name=header (0, “Name”); name+=“_”+header (0, “Component”); exportFile (name+”.sac”); } More examples and details can be found in Wathelet et al. (2010). Other more sophisticated processing tools are also available and are implemented in separated plugins (see the Plugin Tools section). A table shows all properties of the signals with a tabular format, one row per signal and one column per property. The order and the list of the columns can be freely customized. The various ways of editing property values are described in the next section. The rows of a table support complex selec- tions with SHIFT and CTRL keys (Fig. 1b). Moreover, signals can be sorted with multiple sort keys so as to ease the selection. Once selected, signals can be dragged and dropped into a new viewer or into an existing one. A graphic displays signal data vectors with an absolute or rel- ative time axis. There is no limit to the number of signals to be plotted. However, the length of a single signal cannot exceed the limit of the physical memory. If the size required by all signals is larger than a certain limit (by default, 80% of the physical memory), the Geopsy internal swap mechanism prevents the use of the operating system swap. The latter often alters the computer performances and challenges the user patience. (a) (c) (b) (d) (f) (e) Figure 1. Geopsy graphical interface showing (a) the list of imported files, (b) the list of groups and the four ways of viewing signals: (c) table, (d) graphic, (e) map, and (f) chronogram. The topmost menu bar provides access to all actions that can be performed on signals: input/output actions, editing signal properties, creating new viewers, waveform operations, and plugin tools. Just below, the icon tool bar contains a selection of the most important actions organized in three sections: input/ output actions, creation of new viewers, and the list of plugin tools. Data are taken from two ambient vibration arrays (circular arrays from 5 to 15 m and from 15 to 45 m) recorded in Mirandola, Italy, during the InterPACIFIC project (Garofalo, Foti, Hollender, Bard, Cornou, Cox, Ohrnberger, et al., 2016). 1880 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 4. Time picking, zooming, and display normalization adjustments are available. If data vectors are not in memory, they are loaded from the original files, which may take some time during the first display. The performances of this signal viewer are com- pared with other viewing solutions later in a dedicated section. Individual signals cannot be selected in a graphic; when dragging signals from a graphic, all signals are considered. A map is a 2D map of the sensor locations. Each signal is located in space by its sensor coordinates. Geopsy supports only metric coordinates because it is designed for small-scale experiments (usually less than a few kilometer aperture), for which earth curvature can be neglected. However, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates can be used to keep track of the true geographical position. In this case, a UTM zone is also assigned to each signal. In a map, signals can be selected in space by drawing a rectangle with the mouse. Viewing a map is fast because data vectors are not accessed. A chronogram is a tool to check the availability of signals in time. Signals with the same name and the same receiver coordi- nates are associated in a single entity. For each entity, green boxes are displayed for the time ranges for which the signal is available. For the missing parts, red boxes are displayed. Blue boxes show available signals that overlap in time. Even for very long time series (e.g., over months), viewing a chronogram is fast because data vectors are not required. In a chronogram, signals can be selected interactively by drawing rectangles with the mouse. Signal properties The main signal properties are sampling frequency, absolute start- ing time, sensor location, component, and name. The name is an arbitrary string to identify a signal. For a three-component sensor, the three signals must share the same name, the same receiver coordinates, and approximately the same time range (with at least a 90% overlap). There are also other properties to store conver- sion factors between counts, volts, and real units (m, m/s, or m/ s2 ). A complete property list is available in the Geopsy online documentation (Wathelet et al., 2010). The property values are read from the header of the original signals when they are avail- able. When file headers do not contain all of the necessary infor- mation or contain wrong values, editing can be done directly in a table before processing data. They can also be exported in a text file, modified outside Geopsy, and reimported. An internal JavaScript-like scripting engine can also be used to modify signal properties. In the following example, the station names are extracted from the file names for all signals in the current viewer: for (i=0; i<signals.length; i++) { signals[i].name=signals[i].shortFileName. substring (3,8) } in which signals.length is the number of signals in the current viewer and shortFileName is the file name without its absolute path. A specific tool is available to modify receiver coordinates; it can read text formats in which coordinates are arranged in columns. Transformation to UTM from WGS84 latitude and longitude is also provided. Modifying property values is even better if it can be saved for some later usages. Details about signal property storage are given in the next sections. Event table Event table stores a list of seismic events defined by their loca- tions and their absolute trigger times. It is built automatically when importing Seg2 files, which are supposed to store signals produced by an active source. It is generally triggered at the beginning of the signals eventually with a pretrigger delay. The table can be also edited or imported from a text file. Events are not stored as a signal property because a source may be recorded by several signals and a signal may record several sources. Currently, dense arrays of sensors are gaining popularity even for near-surface imaging. They usually provide continuous records instead of triggered records. The event table is used to define time windows to process and the cor- responding source locations for active experiments. Geopsy database A Geopsy database gathers the list of signal files, the list of groups, and the list of events. Each signal file contains a list of signals with their properties but without data vectors. For each file, the absolute file path is saved to access to the data vectors. If paths are changed, missing files are detected and the new paths are asked of the user. A dictionary linking old and new paths is built for each session to avoid multiple requests. A database file has a compressed XML format and is named with a .gpy suffix. The XML content can be extracted with the tar utility. To save time when opening a database, original file headers are not read anymore. Versatile plots All plots produced by Geopsy and its companion applications have the same structure and are managed by SciFigs library (Wathelet et al., 2010). They are made of a stack of indepen- dent layers that can be easily manipulated (reorder, save, pre- pend, append, copy, paste, change opacity, or hide). All painting operations are performed through parallel threads, with three main advantages: (1) the application never freezes during heavy painting operations, thus leaving the plain con- trol to the user; (2) painting several plots at the same time uses the full power of modern multicore architectures; and (3) plot properties can be modified by the user with an instantaneous influence over the final result. Layers can be copied across applications from the Geopsy package, which greatly helps when comparing results from various processes. Plot properties can be fully customized inside the applica- tion producing the plot or saved for future use (a compressed Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1881 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 5. XML format with .page suffix). Plots from various applica- tions can be merged inside a single sheet with the lightweight application figue. Compared with a direct export to an image format such as PNG, JPEG, or SVG, all properties of a plot can still be fully modified at any time (e.g., after a paper review). The plot quality meets the standards required for publication. A fast and parallel signal display Ambient vibration signals recorded with portable stations, par- ticularly in urban environments, very often show a significant deterioration in signal quality due to several reasons: bad cable connection to sensor, baseline instabilities, amplitude satura- tion, wind effects, nearby sources, power failure, and other interferences. Hence, ambient vibration time-series analysis always requires human control through an efficient signal dis- play, for example, to reject transients before H/V processing (SESAME, 2004). High-frequency sampling rate, large number of stations, and long duration recordings lead to a high number of samples to handle. For example, a 1-day recording at 100 samples per second with 10 three-component sensors, that is, 259 million of samples, weighs 990 MB in Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) format (Goldstein et al., 2003) and about 300 MB in miniSEED format. To build signal plots, Geopsy is based on the layered plots described in the previous section. The layer in charge of paint- ing signals is designed for long time series. When the number of samples is large, painting all high-frequency details of a sig- nal is not efficient. Instead, Geopsy computes the minimum and maximum values of the signal over the time range corre- sponding to each pixel. A vertical bar is painted only between those two values, which produces the same result as a full painting of all signal samples. The time spent for displaying signals is thus optimum. In addition, the size of the exported vectorized images (SVG or PDF) is kept to reasonable values: 14 three-component stations during 6 hr at 100 samples per second weigh only 366 KB in a PDF file. Other competing soft- ware commonly used for signal control, such as MATLAB (see Data and Resources) and PQLII (Mcnamara and Buland, 2004), do not offer the responsiveness obtained with Geopsy plots. To quantify Geopsy efficiency, we composed a data set from a synthetic 1-day array of 10 three-component stations recording at 100 samples per second (259 million of sam- ples), displayed with Geopsy, PQLII, ObsPy (Beyreuther et al., 2010), and MATLAB. The time required to plot the full data set (Table 2) was counted manually on the same machine (Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 version 3 at 2.50 GHz). Geopsy and ObsPy achieve almost the same performances for loading and painting signals, but only Geopsy provides a smooth interactivity to inspect them. The two other codes are not able to handle this amount of data with a reasonable interactivity. Plugin Tools Several modules have been developed to extend the function- alities of the framework described in the previous sections. They mostly propose sophisticated signal processing focused on one particular application. The two most popular modules dedicated to ambient vibrations, that is, H/V and array processing, are presented later. Currently, 12 tools are avail- able; their complete descriptions can be found in Wathelet et al. (2010). Tools are always attached to a viewer, which represents an association of signals as discussed earlier. They provide a form to specify processing and output parameters. They produce either plots inside the graphical interface or output files to be analyzed outside Geopsy. Tools are compiled in separate dynamically loadable libra- ries. New tools can be implemented in C++ by subclassing the class GeopsyGuiInterface. Only two functions must be reimple- mented: one for creating the action in the tool bar and another one to create the parameter widget. The available plugin libra- ries can serve as a template collection to inspire new tools. Single station H/V This is the very first Geopsy tool whose development started during the SESAME project. The main purpose of this tool is to compute the classical H/V of three-component ambient vibra- tion recordings (Nakamura, 1989; Bonnefoy-Claudet et al., 2006). Its core structure was inspired by FORTRAN codes developed by Bard (1999). This module does not provide advanced ways of computing H/V, such as, for example, extracting Rayleigh ellipticity (Hobiger et al., 2009) or getting spectral ratios compatible with the diffuse wavefield assumption (Sánchez-Sesma et al., 2011; Tchawe et al., 2020). Three-component signals are divided into time windows over the entire record or over a selected portion of the record (Fig. 2a). Time window size, optional antitrigger (short-term average/long-term average), and various parameters (more information in Wathelet et al., 2010) are set up manually or loaded from a previous processing. Time windows can be TABLE 2 Comparison of Signal-Plotting Applications Software Version Interactive Paint Delay (s) Geopsy 3.3.0 Smooth 1 ObsPy 1.1.1 (python 3.7.3) Basic 1 PQLII 2010.246 beta Basic 3 MATLAB R2019a Very slow 13 Approximate time needed to display 259 million of samples for some common packages. The refresh time is provided here excluding the time needed to read data from files. For PQLII, the time reported here is the time required to magnify the full range. 1882 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 6. selected either manually or automatically, with or without overlap, keeping or rejecting part of the samples. Generated time windows may be removed manually, or the selection may be inverted; they can also be loaded from a previous processing. Once H/V curves are computed, time windows can also be eliminated from the final plots, either manually or automatically, using an H/V amplitude threshold inside a given frequency range. The horizontal spectrum is obtained using both horizontal components, either with a squared average, the total power, or the power along a given direction (Wathelet et al., 2010). The averaged H/V curve is obtained by averaging H/V curves com- puted for each selected time window. The most common smoothing method is Konno and Ohmachi (1998) with b-parameter value defined by the user, but other methods are also available (Wathelet et al., 2010). Individual H/V plots (Fig. 2b,c) display the average H/V curve, its standard deviation, the peak frequency with the high- est amplitude, and the corresponding standard deviation. The peak frequency and its associated standard deviation are obtained by averaging the frequency of the maximum found on the H/V curve of each time window in a 10% interval around the peak of the average H/V curve. Hence, it may not always fit exactly with the peak of the average H/V curve. The initial frequency range for searching peaks on the individ- ual H/V curves can eventually be edited to fix misidentified peaks or to evidence secondary peaks. Optionally, the H/V curves for each time window can be shown with the same col- ors as in the signal viewer of Figure 2a. This provides a quick way to localize individual H/V curves on the time scale. If the provided signals belong to more than one station (dis- tinct names or coordinates), the aforementioned processing is repeated for each station and a summary with at least two plots is produced: the first one gathers all individual average H/V curves (Fig. 3a), whereas the second shows the average curve (and its standard deviation) of the H/V curves of the first plot (Fig. 3b). The peak frequency average and its associated stan- dard deviation are obtained by averaging peak frequencies of all processed stations. If coordinates are assigned to the sta- tions, a map is produced displaying H/V peak amplitudes or peak frequencies at the location of each recording site (Fig. 3c). Many options, detailed in Wathelet et al. (2010), exist for customizing these maps. Several tools are also available to further analyze a classical H/V measurement. H/V rotate computes H/V in all directions of the horizontal plane (Fig. 4). A strong azimuthal variation may be the first indication of a nonuniform source distribution and/or the presence of ground heterogeneities. Spectrum and spectrum rotate provide smoothed spectra of individual com- ponents with the same processing parameter as H/V. Damping may help identify peak frequencies produced by anthropogenic sources (Dunand et al., 2002). Other modules to extract Rayleigh ellipticity (Hobiger et al., 2009) or H/V under the dif- fuse wavefield assumption (Tchawe et al., 2020) might be implemented in the future. Array processing The array-processing module provides frequency–wavenum- ber (FK) techniques (Capon, 1969; Poggi and Fäh, 2010; Wathelet et al., 2018) and spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) tech- niques (Aki, 1957; Bettig et al., 2001; Köhler et al., 2007) for vertical and three-component arrays. They are mostly dedi- cated to ambient vibrations processing, but the FK techniques can also be used for active sources. Only FK for ambient vibra- tions is detailed in this short overview. Inside Geopsy GUI, for a set of frequencies and for all sets of time windows (block averaging, Capon, 1969), peaks of FK maps (FK power vs. kx and ky) are automatically searched and refined. Various properties of the maxima are saved in a .max file: time, frequency, polarization, slowness, azimuth, power, ellipticity, and noise. The last two are only available for the Rayleigh three-component beamforming (RTBF) tech- nique (Wathelet et al., 2018). Polarization can be either vertical (single-component processing), Rayleigh, or Love (three-com- ponent processing). Figure 5 shows how parameters can be adjusted inside the graphical interface. A tool is also provided (a) (b) (c) Figure 2. (a) Selected time windows for signals recorded at two stations (CN01 and CN02). In this example, the antitrigger was used. Horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) curves at stations (b) CN01 and (c) CN02. H/V curve for each selected time window is shown with the same color as the corresponding time window in (a). The averaged H/V is shown with the black continuous line and the standard deviation with the two dashed lines. The two gray areas represent the averaged peak frequency and its standard deviation. The peak frequency value is at the limit between the dark and the light gray areas. Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1883 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 7. to manually inspect sets of time blocks at any frequency. An FK map is displayed with several options and a high-resolution zoom, which dynamically samples the FK power function (Fig. 5b). Following the usage of Geopsy, two applications are pro- vided to analyze the .max file: gphistogram and gpviewmax. They both construct histograms of various data contained in a .max file versus frequency. The former offers more pos- sibilities to dissect the results: filtering outliers, separating modes, and extracting statis- tics. The last one is more static, but it displays in a convenient way all properties contained in a .max file: dispersion, elliptic- ity, noise, azimuth, and power curves. An example is shown in Figure 6 for a three-component FK analysis. Once dispersion curves and eventually elliptic- ity curves are isolated for all available modes, average curves with their standard deviation can be computed by gphistogram. They can be pro- vided as targets to dinver, an application implementing a neighborhood algorithm (Wathelet, 2008) for the inver- sion of dispersion curves to retrieve VS and VP profiles. Rayleigh and/or Love, funda- mental and/or higher modes, phase and/or group velocity, and ellipticity curves can be inverted together. Core Tools For heavy data sets or repeti- tive tasks, the tools inside the graphical interface might not be suitable. Therefore, the aforementioned tools have their corresponding core appli- cations that can be run in a high-performance computing (HPC) facility or on a server with no graphical service. The core libraries used by these tools and their graphical coun- terparts produce exactly the same results. However, some low-level parameters are not accessible inside the graphical interface. The signals to be processed are specified by passing a Geopsy database file path and a list of groups as in the follow- ing example: geopsy-fk -db my.gpy -group-path mygroup 10 5 1 0.5 Frequency (Hz) 10 8 6 4 2 0 H/V 10 5 1 0.5 Frequency (Hz) 10 8 6 4 2 0 H/V 10 0 –10 –20 X (m) 20 10 0 –10 –20 Y (m ) 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.72 H/V peak frequency (Hz) (a) (b) (c) Figure 3. H/V graphics summary obtained when at least two H/V curves are computed. (a) H/V curves of all stations gathered on the same plot. (b) Averaged H/V curve of all individual curves of (a) and its standard deviation. Legend as in Figure 2. (c) Map of H/V peak frequencies with the labels showing the station names. Labels can also display the peak frequencies or the peak amplitudes. 1884 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 8. It starts FK processing with the default parameters on group mygroup found in database file my.gpy. Parameters can be adjusted directly in the command line or by providing a text file with a list of keywords and their values. A template param- eter file can be obtained by running geopsy-fk -db my.gpy -param-example > my.param A description of all available options for each application is provided when “-h” is used as an argument. All tools work with parallel threads whose number is set to the number of available cores using processor affinity. For example, on an HPC cluster managed by a task manager such as OAR (Capit et al., 2005), the number of threads matches exactly the number of reserved cores and each thread remains always on the same core during the whole process so as to deliver the best performances. Table 3 provides the list of the currently available core tools and a short description of the implemented methods. Conclusion During the SESAME project (2001–2004), Geopsy was meant and designed specifically for ambient vibration array processing. Since then, it underwent huge and crucial transfor- mations that made it a reference tool for all types of ambient vibration processing, used worldwide in the engineering and scientific communities. Geopsy is a free software released under GNU Public License version 3, and it can be installed on virtually all ver- sions of Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS. The Geopsy package and its documentation are available online (see Data and Resources). Since 2005, 12 workshops have been organized around the world to teach ambient vibration techniques and Geopsy usage that include 20–30 participants (students, engi- neers, and researchers) and last from 6 to 7 days. The next sessions will be announced at Geopsy website (see Data and Resources). To date, the design, the implementation, and the mainte- nance have been achieved by a very small group of enthusiastic individuals. Operating systems, user needs, geophysical meth- ods, and scripting languages in vogue (e.g., Python) are con- stantly evolving. For a sustainable future for this project, a continuous development effort should be made and better shared among the community. Hence, readers and users are kindly invited to participate. Data and Resources All data used in this article came from published sources listed in the references. All figures were produced and all codes snippets were tested with geopsypack version 3.3.0 available at under GNU Public License (GPL) version 3. Information about Qt libraries is available at https:// MATLAB is available at products/matlab.html. All websites were last accessed in February 2020. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Pierre-Yves Bard who led a number of projects supporting site characterization with ambient vibrations in the years 2000 that were particularly helpful during the startup of Geopsy. The authors thank the numerous users who helped with bug hunting and/or submitted their needs and suggestions. Geopsy has been funded by Site Effects aSsessment from AMbient noisE 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Frequency (Hz) 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 Azimuth (degrees) 10 8 6 4 2 0 H/V amplitude Figure 4. H/V amplitude distribution in the horizontal plane as a function of the azimuth at station CN01 of Figure 2, calculated from 0° to 180° every 10°, presented in a frequency–azimuth graphic. TABLE 3 Available Core Tools Tool Name Short Description geopsy-hv H/V spectra geopsy-fk Conventional, high-resolution, vertical, and three-component FK methods geopsy-spac Vertical and three-component SPAC methods FK, frequency–wavenumber; H/V, horizontal-to-vertical; SPAC, spatial autocorrelation. Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1885 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 9. (a) (b) (c) 1×10–5 1×10–4 1×10–3 1×10–2 FK power Figure 5. Three-component frequency–wavenumber (FK) processing example for an array of 15 three-component stations. (a) Waveforms for the first five stations. The green rectangles delineate the time blocks calculated for a frequency of 4.09 Hz that can be adjusted in the parameter toolbox shown in (c). The red rectangles are the 60 blocks (block averaging count factor in (c) times 15 stations) used for computing the FK map shown in (b). (b) Rayleigh three-component beamforming (RTBF) FK map of the highlighted red blocks in (a). The colors represent the maximum RTBF power obtained after varying the ellipticity for each wavenumber point. Maxima are distributed over two circles, corresponding to two propagation modes. The slowest is marked by a black circle; its velocity value can be changed in the underneath controls (251 m/s in this example). The gray dots are located at the nodes of the starting grid used for searching automatically the FK maxima. (c) Processing parameters form divided into four tabs. Only the content of Processing tab is shown. Time tab describes how time blocks are defined: starting and ending time to process, length of blocks, and so on. Processing tab specifies the frequency range of interest and how the cross-spectrum matrix is computed. Grid search tab provides ways to control the grid search of FK maxima. Status tab shows the processing progress over all parallel threads after pressing the Start button. 1886 Seismological Research Letters • Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
  • 10. (SESAME, an FP5 Project Number EVG1-CT-2000-00026, 2001– 2004), Sismovalp Intereg 3B project (2005), by the participants to the first site characterization workshops in Grenoble (2005) and Berlin (2006), by NEtwork of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology project (NERIES-JRA4, an FP6 I3 Project Number RII3-CT-2006-026130, 2006–2010), by Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) since 2008, and by European Plate Observing System-Implementation phase (EPOS-IP). The authors also thank all institutions that hosted the site characterization work- shops; a list is available at Geopsy website is hosted at Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG), Université Grenoble Alpes, France. Finally, the insightful comments of two anonymous reviewers helped raise the quality of the original article. References Aki, K. (1957). Space and time spectra of stationary stochastic waves, with special reference to microtremors, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. 35, 415–457. 10 5 Frequency (Hz) 100 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 0 500 Velocity (m/s) 10 5 Frequency (Hz) 40 0 –40 Ellipticity 10 5 Frequency (Hz) Incoherent noise 10 5 Frequency (Hz) 300 200 100 0 Azimuth (degrees) 10 5 Frequency (Hz) 1 × 10–1 5 × 10–2 1 × 10–2 5 × 10–3 1 × 10–3 5 × 10–4 1 × 101 5 5 × 101 Power 1000 100 10 1 0 Normalized probability density Figure 6. Example of results obtained with gpviewmax for a three- component FK processing. All plots show the probability density of propertyvaluesmeasuredatthepeaksoftheFKmaps.(a)Dispersion curve. Two modes are visible in this case. The black lines are located at the resolution limits kmin/2 and kmin (Wathelet et al., 2008). (b) Ellipticity curves corresponding to the two modes visible in (a). (c) Propagation azimuth distribution. (d) FK power. (e) Incoherent noise estimations as defined by Wathelet et al. (2018). Volume 91 • Number 3 • May 2020 • Seismological Research Letters 1887 Downloaded from by CNRS_INSU user
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