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ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3

Proceedings International Seminar
Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009




Yulius , Prama Hartami , and Aida Heriati

Research Centre of Maritime and Non Living Resource, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research,
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430
Study Program of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Malikussaleh, NAD

This research was done in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay, about 60 km South Sukabumi Regency. The aim of this
study is to determine the suitable area for floating net cage culture that can be developed. The method used in
this study is spatial analysis using GIS technique. The data used include secondary and primary data from 2007
until 2008. Spatial analysis result shows, about 8,500 ha of location is suitable for the development of floating net
cage culture or about 98% of the total research region worked.
Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), floating net cage culture, Pelabuhan Ratu Bay

During the past ten years, the number of fish
demand in the world market has increased
significantly. Consumption needs increased to
119.6 million tons/year. That amount is only about
40% of the total needs and the remaining of
approximately 299 million tons/year (60%) is needed
as raw materials for pharmaceutical, food and other
industries. One of the triggers for the increasing
demand is high public interest in consuming fish. In
Indonesia, each person consumed an average of
25 kg/year of fish in the year 2007 or increase 2.53 kg
compared to the year 2001 which is only
22.47 kg/year per person. In the Philippines,
Singapore and Malaysia, each person consumes a
minimum number of 30 kg/year of fish, in South Korea
the fish consumption is as much as 60 kg per person
per year and in Japan it reaches 140 kg per person
per year. In general, the world’s fish consumption’s
volume reaches an average of 18.4 kg/year with a
population of 6.5 billion people. In contrast, the
number of fish produced ± 155.87 million tons/year,
even in some countries like Japan, China, the United
States and the European region, the volume of
production tends to fall following the implementation
of temporary suspension policy (moratorium) of fish
catching (Wawa, 2005 in DKP, 2005).
To meet the needs of the increasing fishery
production and keep sea fishing in Indonesia remain
sustainable, it is time to shift the escalating fish
production from catching to cultivation, whether its
done in fresh, brackish or sea water. Marine
cultivation in 2005 has reached an area of
8,363,501 ha spread in various small and large
islands. In the West Java region, the potential area for
marine cultivation is 23,995 ha (DKP, 2006; Idris
et al., 2007).
Marine cultivation plays an important economic
role through the creation of new economic
opportunities (creating jobs in an area where there are
several business alternatives) and providing a source
of high quality food locally and the opportunity to
attract local entrepreneurs to invest in the local
economy, thereby increasing the control of economic
development. Cultivation is the input of food diversity,

processing, transportation and other industries and it
yields valuable products, uncontaminated waste
waters and fisheries waste management which all play
an important role in an ecological systems that can be
planned and monitored in order to create a societybased marine food production, rehabilitation of natural
ecosystems, reclamation and improvement of
empowerment instead of impairment (DFO, 2002;
Costa-Pierce, 2008; Soto, 2008).
Pelabuhan Ratu Bay which lies 60 km South of
Sukabumi City, is an area located on the South Coast
of West Java which directly conjoined to the Indian
Ocean. The coastal line stretch at a length of
± 200 km. Its coastal potential includes bio and nonbiological resources and also environmental services.
The biological resources potential consists of coastal
ecosystems, fisheries and other marine biota. In
general, the developing activity of this southern
coastal area is not optimum. That does not mean that
it has only few potential to develop, such as the
marine tourism and cultivation by taking into account
the environment carrying capacity nonetheless. By
looking at the opportunities and challenges provided,
the study of area suitability for cultivation in floating
net cage system as an alternative venture for local
fishermen in an attempt to take advantage of the
coastal region needs to be done.
The purpose of this research is to obtain the
most suitable location for the development of a
sustainable fish culture in floating net cage system.
Location determination will be based on the
parameters of water quality and spatial analysis of
area suitability. In specific, this research is expected to
give the following benefits: a. Reducing the escalating
fish catching activity through management / utilization
of coastal areas for sea fish cultivation and b.
regarding the location of fish culture in the Pelabuhan
Ratu Bay in order to improve the welfare of coastal
communities as well as an effort to employ a
sustainable coastal area.

This research was conducted for four months in
the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay (Figure 1), Sukabumi
ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3

Proceedings International Seminar
Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009

Regency of West Java Province, in August 2007 until
November 2008 (to represent the east and transition
Materials and Equipment of Research
Materials used are chemicals which help
analyzing the chemical quality of water. Equipments
required are a thermometer, bathymetry map,
handrefractometer, DO-meter, sample bottles, Images of
Landsat 7 ETM+ in 2006, GPS, rope, buoy.
Research Methods
Survey method is used to determine the
biophysical condition of the waters. Determination of

land eligibility for the development of cultivation using
floating net cage system was done by weighting
method. The main eligibility factors needed to
determine the location for cultivation using floating net
cage system is presented in Table 1.
Data Collection
Data used include secondary and primary data.
The primary data obtained by conducting surveys and
direct field observation. Secondary data obtained from
Sukabumi Regency,
Sukabumi Regency
Agricultural Office, Sukabumi Regency District Office,
Bakosurtanal and Dishidros AL.

Figure 1. Map of research location
Table 1. Location’s eligibility criteria for cultivation using floating net cage system
Temperatures (ºC)
Currents (cm/s)
Salinity (PSU)
Oxygen (mg/L)
Ammonia (mg/L)
< 0,5
Depth (m)
Wave (cm)
Turbidity (NTU)
< 30
Brightness (m)
BOD5 (mg/L)
< 25
< 45
COD (mg/L)
< 40
< 80

< 25 or > 30
< 20 or > 30
<29 or > 35
< 5 or > 10
< 6 or > 40
> 50
< 7 or > 8.5
> 30
> 45
> 80


Source: Tiensongrusmee et al. (1986); KLH (2004); Bambang dan Tjahjo (1997); Ali (2003); Kurniaty (2003); Rachmansyah
(2004); Wardjan (2005). A score of 4 was given to all the parameters within S1 category (Very Suitable); score of 3 is
given in the S2 category (Suitable); score 2 for S3 category (Not Suitable)
ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3

Proceedings International Seminar
Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009

Data Analysis
Environmental biophysical variables existing at
each location point will tend to vary, therefore, to
make use of these variations in research objectives, it
is necessary to group the data analysis based on
research objectives.
Area Suitability Analysis
Area suitability analysis in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay
for the determination / designation of cultivation with
floating net cage system refers to Kurniaty (2003),
Rachmansyah (2004), Alauddin (2004), Wardjan
(2005), Sitorus (2005) and Amarullah (2007), which
consists of: 1) determination of requirements
(parameters and criteria), weighting and scoring,
calculating the value of the designated area for
cultivation using floating net cage system, 3) class and
value division of area, 4) comparison of area value with
each class, and 5) mapping of area suitability class.

General Coastal Condition of Pelabuhan Ratu
Physically, the coastal region of Pelabuhan Ratu
Bay has a variety of morphology from plane terrain to
hills and mountains. Administratively, the coastal
region of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay consists of three
districts, which are Cisolok, Pelabuhan Ratu and
Ciemas District with a total population of
102,672 people, 50% of whom inhabit the coastal
area of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay.
Spatial Analysis of Location Determination and
Area Suitability
Cultivation of fish in net cages, as well as other
culture systems, requires good water quality.
Therefore, the net cages must be placed in areas that
are not contaminated by industrial, household and
agricultural wastes. Results of water quality
measurements such as brightness of 3.5 to 6.5 m,
temperatures 27 to 30oC, turbidity of 1.5 to 3.75 NTU,
currents 9.21 to 29.83 cm/s, salinity 33 to 34 PSU, pH
of 7 to 8.5, oxygen 7.31 to 8.03 mg/L, BOD5
1.11 to 2.50 mg/L, COD 11.41 to 16.38 mg/L, and
ammonia 0.05 to 0.288 mg/L.
Area Suitability Analysis
Spatial analysis result for area suitability
obtained an area within the bay waters which suitable
for fish cultivation using floating net cage system.
Class (1) is very suitable with an area of 8500 ha or
98%, Class (2) is suitable with a vicinity of 93 ha or
1.08%, and Class (3) is not suitable measuring an
area of 0.4 ha or 0.005% of the total area of
8593.4 ha (Figure 2).
Biophysical Conditions of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay
Based on each parameter range of water quality
obtained, which then compared to test results done by
researchers and the existing standard quality, it is
obvious that the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay waters is
potential for the development of aquaculture using
floating net cage system.
ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3

Proceedings International Seminar
Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009

Figure 2. Suitability map for cultivation using floating net cage system

Table 2. Parameter range comparison between Scientists’ Opinions and Standard Quality


Water Temperature (0C)
Depth (m)
Brightness (m)
Turbidity (NTU)
Wave (cm)
Currents (cm/s)
Salinity (psu)
Oxygen (mg/L)
BOD5 (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
Ammonia Total (mg/L)
Source: 1)Velvin (1999);




Boyd and Gsutier,












< 10%



< 40






>7 & <9

≤ 50

≤ 30

< 20
< 40
< 0.3

< 5%
< 80

Peres and Oliva-Teles (1999); 3)Harada (1978)

Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that: 1) water quality throughout the
Pelabuhan Ratu Bay observation station showed an optimum range for the operation of fish cultivation using
floating net cage system, 2) GIS analysis illustrates three classes of area suitability for fish cultivation activities
using floating net cage system. Very suitable ± 8,500 ha or 98%, suitable ± 93 ha or 1.08%, and not suitable ±
0.4, or 0.005%.

ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3

Proceedings International Seminar
Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009

The suggestions that the author raises in this paper are: 1) using the existing parameters combined with
other supporting parameters to analyze area suitability for the development of other fishery commodities activity,
conducting a water quality analysis study at Pelabuhan Ratu Bay by taking into account every sample points
exist at the estuary, and carrying it out in every season, so that the obtained results will fully reflect the bay’s
water quality, and
based on research results acquired, zoning for cultivation area should consisted of four
preparation of marine cultivation development plan in the bay region; 2) development of
environmental impact determination; 3) determination of the supervising management and the implementation
mechanism for regulating the marine cultivation activities, and 4) determination of marine cultivation lease area.

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Idris, I., S.P. Ginting, and Budiman. 2007. Membangunkan Raksasa Ekonomi: Sebuah Kajian terhadap
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Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor.

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Yulius, Prama Hartami, Aida Heriati

  • 1. ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3 Proceedings International Seminar Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR DETERMINING AREA SUITABILITY FOR REGIONAL AQUACULTURE USING FLOATING NET CAGE SYSTEM AT PELABUHAN RATU BAY 1) 2) 1) Yulius , Prama Hartami , and Aida Heriati 1) Research Centre of Maritime and Non Living Resource, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430 2) Study Program of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Malikussaleh, NAD Correspondence: ABSTRACT This research was done in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay, about 60 km South Sukabumi Regency. The aim of this study is to determine the suitable area for floating net cage culture that can be developed. The method used in this study is spatial analysis using GIS technique. The data used include secondary and primary data from 2007 until 2008. Spatial analysis result shows, about 8,500 ha of location is suitable for the development of floating net cage culture or about 98% of the total research region worked. Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), floating net cage culture, Pelabuhan Ratu Bay INTRODUCTION During the past ten years, the number of fish demand in the world market has increased significantly. Consumption needs increased to 119.6 million tons/year. That amount is only about 40% of the total needs and the remaining of approximately 299 million tons/year (60%) is needed as raw materials for pharmaceutical, food and other industries. One of the triggers for the increasing demand is high public interest in consuming fish. In Indonesia, each person consumed an average of 25 kg/year of fish in the year 2007 or increase 2.53 kg compared to the year 2001 which is only 22.47 kg/year per person. In the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia, each person consumes a minimum number of 30 kg/year of fish, in South Korea the fish consumption is as much as 60 kg per person per year and in Japan it reaches 140 kg per person per year. In general, the world’s fish consumption’s volume reaches an average of 18.4 kg/year with a population of 6.5 billion people. In contrast, the number of fish produced ± 155.87 million tons/year, even in some countries like Japan, China, the United States and the European region, the volume of production tends to fall following the implementation of temporary suspension policy (moratorium) of fish catching (Wawa, 2005 in DKP, 2005). To meet the needs of the increasing fishery production and keep sea fishing in Indonesia remain sustainable, it is time to shift the escalating fish production from catching to cultivation, whether its done in fresh, brackish or sea water. Marine cultivation in 2005 has reached an area of 8,363,501 ha spread in various small and large islands. In the West Java region, the potential area for marine cultivation is 23,995 ha (DKP, 2006; Idris et al., 2007). Marine cultivation plays an important economic role through the creation of new economic opportunities (creating jobs in an area where there are several business alternatives) and providing a source of high quality food locally and the opportunity to attract local entrepreneurs to invest in the local economy, thereby increasing the control of economic development. Cultivation is the input of food diversity, processing, transportation and other industries and it yields valuable products, uncontaminated waste waters and fisheries waste management which all play an important role in an ecological systems that can be planned and monitored in order to create a societybased marine food production, rehabilitation of natural ecosystems, reclamation and improvement of empowerment instead of impairment (DFO, 2002; Costa-Pierce, 2008; Soto, 2008). Pelabuhan Ratu Bay which lies 60 km South of Sukabumi City, is an area located on the South Coast of West Java which directly conjoined to the Indian Ocean. The coastal line stretch at a length of ± 200 km. Its coastal potential includes bio and nonbiological resources and also environmental services. The biological resources potential consists of coastal ecosystems, fisheries and other marine biota. In general, the developing activity of this southern coastal area is not optimum. That does not mean that it has only few potential to develop, such as the marine tourism and cultivation by taking into account the environment carrying capacity nonetheless. By looking at the opportunities and challenges provided, the study of area suitability for cultivation in floating net cage system as an alternative venture for local fishermen in an attempt to take advantage of the coastal region needs to be done. The purpose of this research is to obtain the most suitable location for the development of a sustainable fish culture in floating net cage system. Location determination will be based on the parameters of water quality and spatial analysis of area suitability. In specific, this research is expected to give the following benefits: a. Reducing the escalating fish catching activity through management / utilization of coastal areas for sea fish cultivation and b. Providing contribution and recommendations regarding the location of fish culture in the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay in order to improve the welfare of coastal communities as well as an effort to employ a sustainable coastal area. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research was conducted for four months in the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay (Figure 1), Sukabumi
  • 2. ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3 Proceedings International Seminar Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009 Regency of West Java Province, in August 2007 until November 2008 (to represent the east and transition season). Materials and Equipment of Research Materials used are chemicals which help analyzing the chemical quality of water. Equipments required are a thermometer, bathymetry map, compass, wave pole, Secchi disks, handrefractometer, DO-meter, sample bottles, Images of Landsat 7 ETM+ in 2006, GPS, rope, buoy. Research Methods Survey method is used to determine the biophysical condition of the waters. Determination of land eligibility for the development of cultivation using floating net cage system was done by weighting method. The main eligibility factors needed to determine the location for cultivation using floating net cage system is presented in Table 1. Data Collection Data used include secondary and primary data. The primary data obtained by conducting surveys and direct field observation. Secondary data obtained from BLH Sukabumi Regency, Sukabumi Regency Agricultural Office, Sukabumi Regency District Office, Bakosurtanal and Dishidros AL. Figure 1. Map of research location Table 1. Location’s eligibility criteria for cultivation using floating net cage system Category Category No Parameters Weight Score Score S1 S2 1 3 4 3 Temperatures (ºC) 29-30 25-30 2 3 4 3 Currents (cm/s) 25-30 20-30 3 3 4 3 Salinity (PSU) 30-33 29-35 4 3 4 3 Oxygen (mg/L) 7-8 5-10 5 3 4 3 Ammonia (mg/L) 0-0.2 < 0,5 6 2 4 3 Depth (m) 15-25 6-40 7 2 4 3 Wave (cm) 10-30 30-50 8 2 4 3 pH 7.5-8.0 7.0-8.5 9 1 4 3 Turbidity (NTU) <5 < 30 10 1 4 3 Brightness (m) ≥5 3-5 11 1 4 3 BOD5 (mg/L) < 25 < 45 12 1 4 3 COD (mg/L) < 40 < 80 Category S3 < 25 or > 30 < 20 or > 30 <29 or > 35 < 5 or > 10 >5 < 6 or > 40 > 50 < 7 or > 8.5 > 30 <3 > 45 > 80 Score 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Source: Tiensongrusmee et al. (1986); KLH (2004); Bambang dan Tjahjo (1997); Ali (2003); Kurniaty (2003); Rachmansyah (2004); Wardjan (2005). A score of 4 was given to all the parameters within S1 category (Very Suitable); score of 3 is given in the S2 category (Suitable); score 2 for S3 category (Not Suitable)
  • 3. ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3 Proceedings International Seminar Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009 Data Analysis Environmental biophysical variables existing at each location point will tend to vary, therefore, to make use of these variations in research objectives, it is necessary to group the data analysis based on research objectives. Area Suitability Analysis Area suitability analysis in Pelabuhan Ratu Bay for the determination / designation of cultivation with floating net cage system refers to Kurniaty (2003), Rachmansyah (2004), Alauddin (2004), Wardjan (2005), Sitorus (2005) and Amarullah (2007), which consists of: 1) determination of requirements (parameters and criteria), weighting and scoring, 2) calculating the value of the designated area for cultivation using floating net cage system, 3) class and value division of area, 4) comparison of area value with each class, and 5) mapping of area suitability class. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION General Coastal Condition of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay Physically, the coastal region of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay has a variety of morphology from plane terrain to hills and mountains. Administratively, the coastal region of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay consists of three districts, which are Cisolok, Pelabuhan Ratu and Ciemas District with a total population of 102,672 people, 50% of whom inhabit the coastal area of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay. Spatial Analysis of Location Determination and Area Suitability Cultivation of fish in net cages, as well as other culture systems, requires good water quality. Therefore, the net cages must be placed in areas that are not contaminated by industrial, household and agricultural wastes. Results of water quality measurements such as brightness of 3.5 to 6.5 m, temperatures 27 to 30oC, turbidity of 1.5 to 3.75 NTU, currents 9.21 to 29.83 cm/s, salinity 33 to 34 PSU, pH of 7 to 8.5, oxygen 7.31 to 8.03 mg/L, BOD5 1.11 to 2.50 mg/L, COD 11.41 to 16.38 mg/L, and ammonia 0.05 to 0.288 mg/L. Area Suitability Analysis Spatial analysis result for area suitability obtained an area within the bay waters which suitable for fish cultivation using floating net cage system. Class (1) is very suitable with an area of 8500 ha or 98%, Class (2) is suitable with a vicinity of 93 ha or 1.08%, and Class (3) is not suitable measuring an area of 0.4 ha or 0.005% of the total area of 8593.4 ha (Figure 2). Biophysical Conditions of Pelabuhan Ratu Bay Based on each parameter range of water quality obtained, which then compared to test results done by researchers and the existing standard quality, it is obvious that the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay waters is potential for the development of aquaculture using floating net cage system.
  • 4. ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3 Proceedings International Seminar Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009 Figure 2. Suitability map for cultivation using floating net cage system Table 2. Parameter range comparison between Scientists’ Opinions and Standard Quality Parameters Range Physics Water Temperature (0C) Depth (m) Brightness (m) Turbidity (NTU) Wave (cm) Currents (cm/s) Chemistry Salinity (psu) pH Oxygen (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Ammonia Total (mg/L) Source: 1)Velvin (1999); 2) Comparison Heinig, 2001 Boyd and Gsutier, 2000 kep-51/MENKLH/2004 Start Target Wanted Allowed 27-30 10-70 3.50-6.30 1.50-3.75 15,00-65.00 9.21-29.83 252 10-251 - - - 28-30 >5 <5 - 26-32 >3 < 10% - 33.00-34.00 - < 40 - - 33-34 7.00-8,50 7.31-8.03 1.11-2.50 11.41-16.38 0.05-0.288 5.73 - >7 & <9 7.00 - 6.0-9.5 ≥4 ≤ 50 ≤5 6.0-9.0 ≥5 ≤ 30 ≤3 7-8.5 >5 < 20 < 40 < 0.3 Changes < 5% 6.80-8.70 20 < 80 0.3 Peres and Oliva-Teles (1999); 3)Harada (1978) CONCLUSIONS Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that: 1) water quality throughout the Pelabuhan Ratu Bay observation station showed an optimum range for the operation of fish cultivation using floating net cage system, 2) GIS analysis illustrates three classes of area suitability for fish cultivation activities using floating net cage system. Very suitable ± 8,500 ha or 98%, suitable ± 93 ha or 1.08%, and not suitable ± 0.4, or 0.005%. SUGGESTIONS
  • 5. ISBN: 978-602-96671-0-3 Proceedings International Seminar Airlangga University Surabaya, 18 November 2009 The suggestions that the author raises in this paper are: 1) using the existing parameters combined with other supporting parameters to analyze area suitability for the development of other fishery commodities activity, 2) conducting a water quality analysis study at Pelabuhan Ratu Bay by taking into account every sample points exist at the estuary, and carrying it out in every season, so that the obtained results will fully reflect the bay’s 3) water quality, and based on research results acquired, zoning for cultivation area should consisted of four 1) stages: preparation of marine cultivation development plan in the bay region; 2) development of environmental impact determination; 3) determination of the supervising management and the implementation mechanism for regulating the marine cultivation activities, and 4) determination of marine cultivation lease area. REFERENCES Alauddin, M.H.R. 2004. Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan dan Daya Dukung Lingkungan Pesisir untuk Perencanaan Strategis Pengembangan Tambak Udang Semi Intensif di Wilayah Pesisir Teluk Awarange Kabupaten Barru, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Thesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor. Ali. 2003. Penentuan Lokasi dan Estimasi Daya Dukung Lingkungan untuk Budidaya Ikan Kerapu Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung di Perairan Padang Cermin, Lampung Selatan. Tesis Program Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. Amarullah. 2007. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perairan Teluk Tamiang Kabupaten Kotabaru untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottonii). Thesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor. Bambang, B.R. dan W. Tjahjo. 1997. Pemilihan Lokasi Budidaya Ikan Laut. Buletin Budidaya Laut. Balai Budidaya Laut Lampung. No. 11. pp. 35-46. Costa-Pierce, B. 2008. An Ecosystem Approach to Marine Aquaculture: A Global Review. FAO Working Group on an Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture. In: D. Soto, J. Aguilar-Manjarrez, and N. Hishamunda (Eds.), Building an Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA): Initial Steps for Guidelines. FAO Expert workshop, 7-11 May 2007. Mallorca, Spain. FAO Fisheries Proceedings. No. XX, FAO, Rome, Italy. DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada). 2002. DFO’s Aquaculture Action Plan. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. 2005. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. 2006. Potensi Perikanan Budidaya di Indonesia. Idris, I., S.P. Ginting, and Budiman. 2007. Membangunkan Raksasa Ekonomi: Sebuah Kajian terhadap Perundang-Undangan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil. Penerbit Buku Ilmiah Populer. 296 pp. Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup (KLH). 2004. Keputusan Menteri KLH No. 51/2004 Tentang Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk Biota Laut. KLH, Jakarta. Kurniaty, E. 2003. Analisis Beban Limbah Organik Kegiatan Budidaya Bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskal) dalam Keramba Jaring Apung terhadap Kualitas Perairan di Teluk Awarange Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan. Thesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor. Rachmansyah. 2004. Analisis Daya Dukung Lingkungan Perairan Teluk Awarange Kabupaten Barru Sulawesi Selatan Bagi Pengembangan Budidaya Bandeng dalam Keramba Jaring Apung. Desertasi. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor. Sitorus H. 2005. Estimasi Daya Dukung Lingkungan Pesisir untuk Pengembangan Areal Tambak Berdasarkan Laju Biodegradasi Limbah Tambak Diperairan Pesisir Kabupaten Serang. Desertasi. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor. Soto, D. 2008. Principles of An Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture. FAO, Rome, Italy. In Progress. Tiensongrusmee, B., Pantjoprawiro, and I. Sudjarwo. 1986. Site Selection for the Culture of Marine Finfish in Floating Net Cages. Wardjan, Y. 2005. Seleksi Lokasi dan Estimasi Daya Dukung Lingkungan Perairan untuk Budidaya Ikan Kerapu Teknik Keramba Jaring Apung Diperairan Pulau Panikiang Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan. Thesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana. IPB. Bogor.