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Biology 4
•Energy and Ecosystems
•Nutrient cycles
•Ecological succession
•Inheritance and selection



Ecology- study of inter-relationships between organisms and
Ecosystem- interacting biotic and abiotic factors in a specific area
Populations- group of inter-breeding organisms of 1 species
Community- all populations living and interacting in a specific area
Habitat- place where community of organism lives
Niche- how an organism fits into the environment (no two species
occupy same niche)
Abiotic- temperature, light, PH, water and humidity
Biotic- living organisms (competition and predation)
Intraspecific competition- same species for; food, water, breeding
Interspecific- Different species; food, light, water

Investigating populations

• Quadrats- factors, size, number and position should be
• Random Sampling- avoid bias
-1. long tape measures at right angles
-2. Co-ordinates from random number generator
-3. place quadrat on intersection
• Systematic sampling- distribution of species- straight line or
belt (two lines)
• Measuring abundance-Frequency: e.g. 15/30= 50%- useful for species such as grass
-Percentage Cover: estimate area within quadrat that
particular plant species covers, useful for abundance of hard
to count species


population size =

Total no. of individuals in 1st sample
Total no. of individuals in 2nd sample
No. of marked individuals recaptured

Human populations

• Immigration and emigration (leaving)
• Pop. Growth= (births+immigration) - (death+emmigration)
• %pop. Growth rate= pop. Change during period
pop. At start of period


Birth and Death rates

• Birth:
-Economic conditions
-cultural/ religious
-social pressures & conditions
-Birth control
-political factors
• Birth rate= no. of births per year x1000
total pop. In same year
• Death:
-age profile
-life expectancy at birth
- food supply
-safe drinking water and sanitation
-medical care
-natural disasters
Death Rate= no. of deaths per year x1000
Tot. pop. In same year

Change in population=
demographic translation

ATP & Energy

• ATP is an energy source for:


metabolism, maintenance, movement, active transport, repair and
division, production of substances, maintenance of body
• ATP+ H20  ADP + Pi + E
Hydrolysis reaction
Synthesis of ATP:
reversible reaction (Pi to ADP – condensation reaction)
ATP immediate energy source
-released in small bursts of energy from mitochondria
-fast reaction



6CO2 + 6H20  C6H O + 6O2

• Light energy  Electrical  Chemical energy
• Chloroplasts:
Grana (Thylakoids) – light dependant stage- pigment
Stroma- fluid-filled matrix – light independent stage- starch
• Factors effecting photosynthesis rate:
light intensity
Light- dependant reaction
• Involves capture of light for:
-to add Pi to ADP for ATP
-to split H+ ions (protons) and OH- ions by light known as photolysis
• Making of ATP:
-Chlorophyll molecules absorb light energy, boosts energy of electrons
raising energy level (excited state)- then leave chlorophyll
-electrons taken up by electron carrier
-Having lost electrons the chlorophyll has been oxidised- electron
carrier gains electrons (reduced)
-In thylakoids they pass through oxidation-reduction reactions
-energy along is lost for ATP production
• Photolysis of water:
-2H O  4H+ + 4e- + O
protons electrons
• H+ ions (protons) taken up by electron carrier NADP. NADP
becomes reduced
• Reduced NADP aand electrons from chlorophyll enters light
independent reaction
• Oxygen waste product/ used for respiration
Light- independent reaction

ATP and reduced NADP from light dependant reaction used to reduce CO2
Calvin cycle in stroma
1. CO2 diffuses into leaf through stomata
2. In stroma CO2 combines with 5-carbon compund (RUBp) using an enzyme
3.Combination of CO2 & RuBP produces 2x molecules of glycerate 3
phosphate (GP)
4. ATP & reduced NADP from light-dependant reaction used to reduce
activated glycerate 3-phosphate to triose phosphate (TP)
5. NADP re-formed and goes back to light dependant reaction to be reduced
by accepting Hydrogen
6. Some triose phosphate molecules are converted to useful organic
substances, such as glucose
7. Most triose phosphate used to regenerate ribulose biphosphate using ATP
from light dependant

Site of light independent reaction:
fluid of stroma- contains all enzymes for Calvin cycle
stroma fluids surrounds grana, so products of light dependant reaction in grana can
easily diffuse
Contains both DNA and ribosome's, so quickly and easily manufacture proteins for
Calvin cycle


• Aerobic respiration- needs O2, produces CO2, water and
• Anaerobic respiration (fermentation)- takes place without
O2, produces lactate in animals and or ethanol/CO2 in plants
but only a little ATP in both cases
• Aerobic can be divided in to four stages:
1.Glycolysis- splitting 6-carbon glucose to two 3-carbon
pyruvate reaction- conversion of 3-carbon pyruvate molecule into
CO2 and a 2-carbon molcule= acetylcoenzyme A
3.Krebs cycle-acetylcoenzyme A into cycle of oxidationreduction reactions that yield ATP and a large no. of
4.electron transport chain-use of electrons produced by
krebs to synthesise ATP (water is by-product)


Initial stage of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Occurs in
cytoplasm of all living cells
Four stages:
1.activation of glucose by phosphorylation- glucose more reactive by
adding 2 phosphate molecules so it can split. Phosphate comes from
hydrolysis of ATP to ADP- provides energy to activate glucose
2.splitting phosphorylated glucose- split into 3-carbon molecules
known as triose phosphate.
3.Oxidation of triose phosphate- Hydrogen removed from each 2
triose phosphate & transferred to hydrogen-carrier molecule known
as NAD to form reduced NAD
4.production of ATP- ezyme controlled reactions convert each
triose phosphate to another 3-carbon molecule- pyruvate. In process
two molecules of ATP regenerated from ADP.

Energy yield from Glycolysis:
-two ATP molecules (two were used for phosphorylation)
-two molecules of reduced NAD (has potential to produce more ATP
-two molecules of pyruvate

Link Reaction

• Pyruvate produced during glycolysis can only release energy using
oxygen in krebs cycle.
-1st oxidised in link reaction
-Krebs & Link take place in eukaryotic cells inside mitochondria
• Link reaction: Pyruvate actively transported to matrix of
-Pyruvate oxidised by removing hydrogen- hydrogen is accepted
by NAD to form reduced NAD (later used to produce ATP)
-2-carbon molecule, called acetyl group, combines with a
molecule called coenzyme A (COA) to produce acetylcoenzyme
- a CO2 molecule is formed from each pyruvate
Pyruvate + NAD + COA  acetyleCOA +reduced NAD + CO2

Krebs Cycle

2-Carbon acetylcoenzyme A combines with 4-carbon molecule to
produce 6-carbon molecule
6- Carbon loses CO2 and hydrogens to give a 4-carbon molecule &
single ATP
The 4-carbon molecule can now combine with new molecule
acetylcoenzyme A to begin cycle again
Link & Krebs produce:
-reduced coenzymes NAD & FAD potential to produce ATP
-one molecule of ATP
-3 molecules of CO2
Because 2 pyruvate molecules are produced for each original glucose,
yield is double of quantities above
Significance of Krebs:
-break down macromolecules into smaller ones
-production of ATP provides metabolic energy
-regenerates 4-carbon molecules which would otherwise
-source of intermediate compounds used by cells in manufacture
of fatty acids, amino acids and chlorophyll


• Coenzymes are molecules that some enzymes acquire for
• Carry Hydrogen atoms from one molecule to another
NAD- important throughout respiration
FAD- important in Krebs cycle
NADP- important in photosynthesis
• In respiration NAD is most important carrier. Works with
dehydrogenase enzymes that catalyse removal of hydrogen
ions from substrates and transfer them to other molecules

Electron transport Chain

Cristae (inner folds) in mitochondria is the sight of electron
transport chain
Hydrogen carried by coenzymes NAD and FAD to electron
transport chain from Krebs are 1st attached to cristae
Releases protons from H-atoms- protons actively transported across
inner membrane
Electrons meanwhile pass along chain in oxidation-reduction
reactions- elec. Lose energy down chain- some used to combine ADP
and Pi. Remaining energy released as heat
Protons accumulate in space between 2 mitochondrial membranes
before diffusing back into matrix through protein channels
End of chain electrons & protons and O2 combine to form H2O. O2
is the final acceptor of electrons in chain
Importance of O2:
H-atoms (protons) and electrons would otherwise back- up- respiration
would come to a halt
Cyanide (non-competitive inhibitor)



Anaerobic Respiration

In eukaryotic cells:
plants convert ethanol to CO2
animals pyruvate to lactase
Pyruvate + reduced NAD ethanol + CO2 + NAD (plants)
When O2 is low:
lactate production occurs mostly in muscle
reduced NAD must be removed for glycolysis- each pyruvate takes
up 2 H-atoms from reduced NAD
pyruvate + reduced NAD  lactate + NAD
Lactate can cause cramp and muscle fatigue- must be oxidised back
to pyruvate
Energy Yields from anaerobic and aerobic respiration:
Substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis and Krebs produces ATP
Oxidative phosphorylation- electron transport chain- ATP
In aerobic respiration Krebs or electron chain can’t take place.
Less ATP for anearobic- only from glycolysis

Energy and ecosystems

• Consumers (Primary, secondary and tertiary)
• Decomposers- fungi and bacteria
• Detritivores- certain animals such as earthworms
• Each stage in the food chain is a Trophic level

Energy transfer between trophic levels

• Energy losses in food chains:
90% of suns energy reflected back in space by clouds and
not all wavelengths can be absorbed
light may not fall on chlorophyll
low CO2 may limit photosynthesis
• Gross production= total quantity of energy that plants in
community convert to organic matter
• Net production= gross production – respiratory losses
Low percentage energy transferred at each stage:
-some of organism is not eaten
-some parts are eaten but can’t be digested & therefore lost
in faeces
-some energy is lost in excretory materials, such as urine
-Heat respiration/ body to environment

Must food chains have 4/5 trophic levels, insufficient energy for
Total mass of organisms (biomass) is less at higher trophic levels
Total amount of energy stored is less at each level
Calculating efficiency of energy transfers:
Energy transfer= energy available after transfer x100
energy available before transfer

Ecological pyramids

• Pyramids of numberno account is taken for size
no. of individuals is so great that its impossible to represent
them accurately
• Pyramids of biomasswater in organism may make it unreliable
no seasonal difference apparent in both pyramids
• Pyramids of energyenergy through food chain
difficult and complex to obtain the results

Agricultural ecosystems

• Gross productivity- rate plants assimilate chemical energy
• Net productivity= gross productivity- respiratory losses
• Net productivity is affected by:
-efficiency of crop carrying out photosynthesis
-are of ground covered by leaves/crops
• Comparisons of natural & agricultural ecosystems:
• Energy input – only source is sun- additional energy- food and
or fossil fuels
• Productivity- Natural eco. Prod. Is low, fertilisers and
pesticides added
• Pesticides effectiveness:
not accumulate
• Biological control:
not as quick
control organism may itself become pest
• Intensive rearing and energy conversion:
Movement restricted (less energy used by muscle
Environment kept warm
Feeding controlled
Predators excluded
Selective breeding
Hormones to increase growth rates

Nutrient Cycles

• Basic sequence for nutrient cycles:
-nutrient taken up by plants (producers) as simple, inorganic
-producer incorporates nutrient into complex organic
-when producer eaten, nutrients pass into consumers
-passes along food chain
-when producers/consumers die, complex molecules broken
down by saprobiotic microorganisms that release nutrient in
simple form
Carbon Cycle


CO2 in
& dissolved in




Carbon containing
compounds in


compounds in

Living component

compounds in
Decomposers (saprobiotic microorganisms)

Non- Living component
Basic sequence

Additional pathways

Decay Prevented
Greenhouse effect & Global warming

• Greenhouse effect- solar radiation reflected back into space,
some reflected back- gas traps heat near earths surface
• Global Warming:
-melting of ice caps
-rise in sea level
-faliure of crops
-disease may spread

Nitrogen Cycle

Four main stages: Ammonification, nitrification, nitrogen fixation
and denitrification each involving saprobiotic organisms A>N>N>D
Nitrogen fixation by free- living bacteria









Nitrogen in

c t er
c ba
N it r
lis t i
t ua

AmmoniumAmmonium- containing
containing molecules Feeding and molecules e.g. proteins
e.g. proteins, in producers digestion
in consumers

Ammonium- containing
molecules e.g. proteins
in decomposers
saprobiotic microorganisms

Death &
Production of ammonia from organic ammonium containing compounds
Sprobiotic microorganisms (fungi/bacteria) release ammonia which forms
ammonium ions in soil. Returns to non living component.

Conversion of ammonium ions to nitrate ions, using oxidation
reactions (release energy)- carried out by free-living soil
microorganisms called: nitrifying bacteria. 2 stages:
1.Oxidation of ammonium ions to nitrite ions (NO 2-)
2.Oxidation of nitrite ions to nitrate ions (NO3-)
Needs O2 so ploughing (aerated) and good drainage (no water)
Nitrogen fixation:
Nitrogen gas is converted to nitrogen-containing compounds, carried out by:
free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria: reduce gaseous nitrogen to ammonia,
used to manufacture amino acids
mutualistic nitrogen fixing bacteria: Nodules of roots/plants- obtain
carbohydrates plant and plant acquires amino acids from bacteria
Soil becomes waterlogged, so short of O2= few nitrogen fixing bacteria and
increase denitrifying bacteria (convert soil nitrates to gaseous nitrogen)

Levels of mineral ions in agriculture falls
To replenish this fertilisers are used:
Natural (organic) fertilisers- dead, decaying animals/plants
Artificial inorganic fertilisers- mined from rocks & deposits- contains
three compounds: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
• Effects of nitrogen fertilisers:
Reduced species diversity e.g. nettles and grasses out compete other
Leaching- may lead to pollution of watercourses
Eutrophication- caused by leaching of fertiliser
Leaching –
Nitrates with rain draining into streams/rivers then drain into
freshwater lakes- harmful effect to humans if source of drinking
water- cause eutrophication
Eutorphication –
In lakes/rivers a limiting factor for plants/algae is nitrate- as nitrate
increases the algae & plants grow
Upper layers of water become densely populated with algae (algal
bloom) Absorbs light and prevents light at bottom. Plants at bottom
die. Saprobiotic algae feed on dead plants but they need oxygen. O2
concentration is reduced in lake so fish has no O2 and die- further
decompose (dead organism) more nitrate water is putrid

Ecological succession

• First stage is colonisation of inhospitable environment by
organisms called pioneer species.
• The abiotic environment is continuously changing
• Climax community- final stage of ecological succesion
• During succession:
-non-living environment becomes less hostile- e.g. soil
-great number/variety of habitats produce:
-increased biodiversity
-more complex food webs
-increased biomass
• Primary colonisers secondary colonisers Tertiary
colonisers  shrubland  Climatic climax

Conservation of habitats

• Main reasons for conservation:
Ethical- other species have inhabited earth longer
Economic- may be useful in long term
Cultural/ aesthetic- habitats/organisms enrich and
inspire lives (writer, artists and composers)
• Succession- changes over time

Inheritance and Selection
Genotype- genetic composition of organism
Phenotype- visible characteristics of an organism resulting from
genotype & environment
Gene-section of DNA that determines characteristics of DNA
Allele-different forms of a gene
Homologous chromosomes-pair of chromosomes that have same loci
therefore determine same features
Homozygous-alleles are identical for particular gene
Heterozygous-alleles of gene different
Dominant-allele that is always expressed in phenotype of organism
Recessive-allele only present in diploid phenotype if another identical
allele is present
Diploid- when nucleus contains 2 sets of chromosomes
Haploid-only contain 2 set of chromosomes e.g. Sex cell/ gametes
Co-dominant-both alleles code for one gene in heterozygous
Multiple alleles-gene that has more than two possible alleles
Monohybrid Inheritence
• Law of Segregation:
In diploid organisms, characteristics are determined by alleles
that occur in pairs. Only one of each pair of alleles can be
present in a single gamete”
• Sex Inheritance and Sex linkage:
As males have one X and one Y chromosome they produce 2
different types of gamete
-X chromosome is longer so there is no equivalent homologous
portion with Y. Haemophilia is inherited from the mother to
- Pedigree charts are a good representation of inheritance

Co-dominance and multiple alleles

Co-dominance example: Red and white snapdragon = pink
• Multiple Alleles example: Blood groups
- Io is recessive in B.G
• Hardy Weinberg:
Frequencies of alleles- proportion of dominant and recessive
Five conditions:
-No mutation
-Population isolated
-No selection
-large population
-Random mating
p + q = 1.0
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0
Heterozygote= 2pq
• All organisms produce more organisms than food, light and
space can support
• Therefore Intraspecific competition
• Organisms with the better fitting alleles survive and then
Types of Selection:
• Directional selection: individuals that vary in one direction to
the mean of population
some individuals that fall to left/right of mean will possess a
phenotype more suited to new conditions
-extreme of the populations
• Stabilising selection: favour average individuals- preserves
characteristics of a species
-If environmental conditions stay stable individuals with
closest phenotype to mean are favoured
• Speciation: evolution of new species from existing species
• Geographical Isolation:
When a physical barrier prevents 2 populations from breeding
with one another
-In the split Land A has organisms with more suitable
phenotypes and Land B has organisms with more suitable
-In time difference becomes so great in gene pools that they
become 2 separate species
-Once united they cannot breed


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Full biology unit 4 powerpoint

  • 1. Biology 4 •Populations •ATP •Photosynthesis •Respiration •Energy and Ecosystems •Nutrient cycles •Ecological succession •Inheritance and selection
  • 2. Back • • • • • • • • • • Populations Ecology- study of inter-relationships between organisms and environment Ecosystem- interacting biotic and abiotic factors in a specific area Populations- group of inter-breeding organisms of 1 species Community- all populations living and interacting in a specific area Habitat- place where community of organism lives Niche- how an organism fits into the environment (no two species occupy same niche) Abiotic- temperature, light, PH, water and humidity Biotic- living organisms (competition and predation) Intraspecific competition- same species for; food, water, breeding site Interspecific- Different species; food, light, water
  • 3. Back Investigating populations • Quadrats- factors, size, number and position should be considered • Random Sampling- avoid bias -1. long tape measures at right angles -2. Co-ordinates from random number generator -3. place quadrat on intersection • Systematic sampling- distribution of species- straight line or belt (two lines) • Measuring abundance-Frequency: e.g. 15/30= 50%- useful for species such as grass -Percentage Cover: estimate area within quadrat that particular plant species covers, useful for abundance of hard to count species
  • 4. Back Mark-Release-Recapture: Estimated population size = Total no. of individuals in 1st sample x Total no. of individuals in 2nd sample No. of marked individuals recaptured
  • 5. Back Human populations • Immigration and emigration (leaving) • Pop. Growth= (births+immigration) - (death+emmigration) • %pop. Growth rate= pop. Change during period pop. At start of period x100
  • 6. Back Birth and Death rates • Birth: -Economic conditions -cultural/ religious -social pressures & conditions -Birth control -political factors • Birth rate= no. of births per year x1000 total pop. In same year • Death: -age profile -life expectancy at birth - food supply -safe drinking water and sanitation -medical care -natural disasters -war Death Rate= no. of deaths per year x1000 Tot. pop. In same year Change in population= demographic translation
  • 7. Back ATP & Energy • ATP is an energy source for: • • metabolism, maintenance, movement, active transport, repair and division, production of substances, maintenance of body temperature • ATP+ H20  ADP + Pi + E Hydrolysis reaction Synthesis of ATP: reversible reaction (Pi to ADP – condensation reaction) ATP immediate energy source -released in small bursts of energy from mitochondria -manageable -fast reaction
  • 8. Back • Photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H20  C6H O + 6O2 12 • Light energy  Electrical  Chemical energy • Chloroplasts: Grana (Thylakoids) – light dependant stage- pigment chlorophyll Stroma- fluid-filled matrix – light independent stage- starch grains • Factors effecting photosynthesis rate: light intensity CO2 Temperature
  • 9. Light- dependant reaction • Involves capture of light for: -to add Pi to ADP for ATP -to split H+ ions (protons) and OH- ions by light known as photolysis • Making of ATP: -Chlorophyll molecules absorb light energy, boosts energy of electrons raising energy level (excited state)- then leave chlorophyll -electrons taken up by electron carrier -Having lost electrons the chlorophyll has been oxidised- electron carrier gains electrons (reduced) -In thylakoids they pass through oxidation-reduction reactions -energy along is lost for ATP production • Photolysis of water: -2H O  4H+ + 4e- + O protons electrons • H+ ions (protons) taken up by electron carrier NADP. NADP becomes reduced 2 2 • Reduced NADP aand electrons from chlorophyll enters light independent reaction • Oxygen waste product/ used for respiration Back
  • 10. Light- independent reaction • • • ATP and reduced NADP from light dependant reaction used to reduce CO2 Calvin cycle in stroma Stages: 1. CO2 diffuses into leaf through stomata 2. In stroma CO2 combines with 5-carbon compund (RUBp) using an enzyme 3.Combination of CO2 & RuBP produces 2x molecules of glycerate 3 phosphate (GP) 4. ATP & reduced NADP from light-dependant reaction used to reduce activated glycerate 3-phosphate to triose phosphate (TP) 5. NADP re-formed and goes back to light dependant reaction to be reduced by accepting Hydrogen 6. Some triose phosphate molecules are converted to useful organic substances, such as glucose 7. Most triose phosphate used to regenerate ribulose biphosphate using ATP from light dependant Site of light independent reaction: fluid of stroma- contains all enzymes for Calvin cycle stroma fluids surrounds grana, so products of light dependant reaction in grana can easily diffuse Contains both DNA and ribosome's, so quickly and easily manufacture proteins for Calvin cycle
  • 11. Back Respiration • Aerobic respiration- needs O2, produces CO2, water and ATP • Anaerobic respiration (fermentation)- takes place without O2, produces lactate in animals and or ethanol/CO2 in plants but only a little ATP in both cases • Aerobic can be divided in to four stages: 1.Glycolysis- splitting 6-carbon glucose to two 3-carbon pyruvate reaction- conversion of 3-carbon pyruvate molecule into CO2 and a 2-carbon molcule= acetylcoenzyme A 3.Krebs cycle-acetylcoenzyme A into cycle of oxidationreduction reactions that yield ATP and a large no. of electrons 4.electron transport chain-use of electrons produced by krebs to synthesise ATP (water is by-product)
  • 12. Back • • Glycolysis Initial stage of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Occurs in cytoplasm of all living cells Four stages: 1.activation of glucose by phosphorylation- glucose more reactive by adding 2 phosphate molecules so it can split. Phosphate comes from hydrolysis of ATP to ADP- provides energy to activate glucose 2.splitting phosphorylated glucose- split into 3-carbon molecules known as triose phosphate. 3.Oxidation of triose phosphate- Hydrogen removed from each 2 triose phosphate & transferred to hydrogen-carrier molecule known as NAD to form reduced NAD 4.production of ATP- ezyme controlled reactions convert each triose phosphate to another 3-carbon molecule- pyruvate. In process two molecules of ATP regenerated from ADP. Energy yield from Glycolysis: -two ATP molecules (two were used for phosphorylation) -two molecules of reduced NAD (has potential to produce more ATP -two molecules of pyruvate
  • 13. Back Link Reaction • Pyruvate produced during glycolysis can only release energy using oxygen in krebs cycle. -1st oxidised in link reaction -Krebs & Link take place in eukaryotic cells inside mitochondria • Link reaction: Pyruvate actively transported to matrix of mitochondria. -Pyruvate oxidised by removing hydrogen- hydrogen is accepted by NAD to form reduced NAD (later used to produce ATP) -2-carbon molecule, called acetyl group, combines with a molecule called coenzyme A (COA) to produce acetylcoenzyme A - a CO2 molecule is formed from each pyruvate Pyruvate + NAD + COA  acetyleCOA +reduced NAD + CO2
  • 14. Back 1. Krebs Cycle 2-Carbon acetylcoenzyme A combines with 4-carbon molecule to produce 6-carbon molecule 2. 6- Carbon loses CO2 and hydrogens to give a 4-carbon molecule & single ATP 3. The 4-carbon molecule can now combine with new molecule acetylcoenzyme A to begin cycle again Link & Krebs produce: -reduced coenzymes NAD & FAD potential to produce ATP -one molecule of ATP -3 molecules of CO2 Because 2 pyruvate molecules are produced for each original glucose, yield is double of quantities above Significance of Krebs: -break down macromolecules into smaller ones -production of ATP provides metabolic energy -regenerates 4-carbon molecules which would otherwise -accumulate -source of intermediate compounds used by cells in manufacture of fatty acids, amino acids and chlorophyll
  • 15. Back Coenzymes • Coenzymes are molecules that some enzymes acquire for energy • Carry Hydrogen atoms from one molecule to another Examples: NAD- important throughout respiration FAD- important in Krebs cycle NADP- important in photosynthesis • In respiration NAD is most important carrier. Works with dehydrogenase enzymes that catalyse removal of hydrogen ions from substrates and transfer them to other molecules
  • 16. Back • • • • • • Electron transport Chain Cristae (inner folds) in mitochondria is the sight of electron transport chain Hydrogen carried by coenzymes NAD and FAD to electron transport chain from Krebs are 1st attached to cristae Releases protons from H-atoms- protons actively transported across inner membrane Electrons meanwhile pass along chain in oxidation-reduction reactions- elec. Lose energy down chain- some used to combine ADP and Pi. Remaining energy released as heat Protons accumulate in space between 2 mitochondrial membranes before diffusing back into matrix through protein channels End of chain electrons & protons and O2 combine to form H2O. O2 is the final acceptor of electrons in chain Importance of O2: H-atoms (protons) and electrons would otherwise back- up- respiration would come to a halt Cyanide (non-competitive inhibitor)
  • 17. Back • • • • Anaerobic Respiration In eukaryotic cells: plants convert ethanol to CO2 animals pyruvate to lactase Pyruvate + reduced NAD ethanol + CO2 + NAD (plants) When O2 is low: lactate production occurs mostly in muscle reduced NAD must be removed for glycolysis- each pyruvate takes up 2 H-atoms from reduced NAD pyruvate + reduced NAD  lactate + NAD (animals) Lactate can cause cramp and muscle fatigue- must be oxidised back to pyruvate Energy Yields from anaerobic and aerobic respiration: Substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis and Krebs produces ATP Oxidative phosphorylation- electron transport chain- ATP In aerobic respiration Krebs or electron chain can’t take place. Less ATP for anearobic- only from glycolysis
  • 18. Back Energy and ecosystems • Consumers (Primary, secondary and tertiary) • Decomposers- fungi and bacteria • Detritivores- certain animals such as earthworms • Each stage in the food chain is a Trophic level
  • 19. Back Energy transfer between trophic levels • Energy losses in food chains: 90% of suns energy reflected back in space by clouds and dust not all wavelengths can be absorbed light may not fall on chlorophyll low CO2 may limit photosynthesis • Gross production= total quantity of energy that plants in community convert to organic matter • Net production= gross production – respiratory losses
  • 20. Low percentage energy transferred at each stage: -some of organism is not eaten -some parts are eaten but can’t be digested & therefore lost in faeces -some energy is lost in excretory materials, such as urine -Heat respiration/ body to environment Must food chains have 4/5 trophic levels, insufficient energy for more Total mass of organisms (biomass) is less at higher trophic levels Total amount of energy stored is less at each level Calculating efficiency of energy transfers: Energy transfer= energy available after transfer x100 energy available before transfer Back
  • 21. Back Ecological pyramids • Pyramids of numberno account is taken for size no. of individuals is so great that its impossible to represent them accurately • Pyramids of biomasswater in organism may make it unreliable no seasonal difference apparent in both pyramids • Pyramids of energyenergy through food chain difficult and complex to obtain the results
  • 22. Back Agricultural ecosystems • Gross productivity- rate plants assimilate chemical energy • Net productivity= gross productivity- respiratory losses • Net productivity is affected by: -efficiency of crop carrying out photosynthesis -are of ground covered by leaves/crops • Comparisons of natural & agricultural ecosystems: • Energy input – only source is sun- additional energy- food and or fossil fuels • Productivity- Natural eco. Prod. Is low, fertilisers and pesticides added
  • 23. • Pesticides effectiveness: specific biodegrade cost-effective not accumulate • Biological control: not as quick control organism may itself become pest • Intensive rearing and energy conversion: Movement restricted (less energy used by muscle contraction) Environment kept warm Feeding controlled Predators excluded Selective breeding Hormones to increase growth rates Back
  • 24. Back Nutrient Cycles • Basic sequence for nutrient cycles: -nutrient taken up by plants (producers) as simple, inorganic molecules -producer incorporates nutrient into complex organic molecules -when producer eaten, nutrients pass into consumers -passes along food chain -when producers/consumers die, complex molecules broken down by saprobiotic microorganisms that release nutrient in simple form
  • 25. Carbon Cycle Back CO2 in atmosphere & dissolved in oceans Photosynthesis Combustion Fossil Fuels Respiration Carbon containing compounds in producers (plants) Feeding Carbon-containing compounds in consumers (animals) Death Decay Living component Carbon-containing compounds in Decomposers (saprobiotic microorganisms) Non- Living component Basic sequence Additional pathways Decay Prevented
  • 26. Greenhouse effect & Global warming • Greenhouse effect- solar radiation reflected back into space, some reflected back- gas traps heat near earths surface • Global Warming: -melting of ice caps -rise in sea level -faliure of crops -disease may spread Back
  • 27. Nitrogen Cycle • Four main stages: Ammonification, nitrification, nitrogen fixation and denitrification each involving saprobiotic organisms A>N>N>D Nitrogen fixation by free- living bacteria Nitrification Nitrite Ions Nitrification Ab so rp t io n Ammonium ions Nitrate ions Denitrification Nitrogen in atmosphere ion ia ixat nf c t er oge c ba N it r lis t i t ua mu By AmmoniumAmmonium- containing containing molecules Feeding and molecules e.g. proteins e.g. proteins, in producers digestion in consumers Death Ammonification Back Ammonium- containing molecules e.g. proteins in decomposers saprobiotic microorganisms Death & excretion
  • 28. Ammonification: Production of ammonia from organic ammonium containing compounds Sprobiotic microorganisms (fungi/bacteria) release ammonia which forms ammonium ions in soil. Returns to non living component. Nitrification: Conversion of ammonium ions to nitrate ions, using oxidation reactions (release energy)- carried out by free-living soil microorganisms called: nitrifying bacteria. 2 stages: 1.Oxidation of ammonium ions to nitrite ions (NO 2-) 2.Oxidation of nitrite ions to nitrate ions (NO3-) Needs O2 so ploughing (aerated) and good drainage (no water) Nitrogen fixation: Nitrogen gas is converted to nitrogen-containing compounds, carried out by: free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria: reduce gaseous nitrogen to ammonia, used to manufacture amino acids mutualistic nitrogen fixing bacteria: Nodules of roots/plants- obtain carbohydrates plant and plant acquires amino acids from bacteria Denitrification: Soil becomes waterlogged, so short of O2= few nitrogen fixing bacteria and increase denitrifying bacteria (convert soil nitrates to gaseous nitrogen) Back
  • 29. • • Levels of mineral ions in agriculture falls To replenish this fertilisers are used: Natural (organic) fertilisers- dead, decaying animals/plants Artificial inorganic fertilisers- mined from rocks & deposits- contains three compounds: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium • Effects of nitrogen fertilisers: Reduced species diversity e.g. nettles and grasses out compete other species Leaching- may lead to pollution of watercourses Eutrophication- caused by leaching of fertiliser Leaching – Nitrates with rain draining into streams/rivers then drain into freshwater lakes- harmful effect to humans if source of drinking water- cause eutrophication Eutorphication – In lakes/rivers a limiting factor for plants/algae is nitrate- as nitrate increases the algae & plants grow Upper layers of water become densely populated with algae (algal bloom) Absorbs light and prevents light at bottom. Plants at bottom die. Saprobiotic algae feed on dead plants but they need oxygen. O2 concentration is reduced in lake so fish has no O2 and die- further decompose (dead organism) more nitrate water is putrid Back
  • 30. Back Ecological succession • First stage is colonisation of inhospitable environment by organisms called pioneer species. • The abiotic environment is continuously changing • Climax community- final stage of ecological succesion • During succession: -non-living environment becomes less hostile- e.g. soil -great number/variety of habitats produce: -increased biodiversity -more complex food webs -increased biomass • Primary colonisers secondary colonisers Tertiary colonisers  shrubland  Climatic climax
  • 31. Back Conservation of habitats • Main reasons for conservation: Ethical- other species have inhabited earth longer Economic- may be useful in long term Cultural/ aesthetic- habitats/organisms enrich and inspire lives (writer, artists and composers) • Succession- changes over time
  • 32. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inheritance and Selection Genotype- genetic composition of organism Phenotype- visible characteristics of an organism resulting from genotype & environment Gene-section of DNA that determines characteristics of DNA Allele-different forms of a gene Homologous chromosomes-pair of chromosomes that have same loci therefore determine same features Homozygous-alleles are identical for particular gene Heterozygous-alleles of gene different Dominant-allele that is always expressed in phenotype of organism Recessive-allele only present in diploid phenotype if another identical allele is present Diploid- when nucleus contains 2 sets of chromosomes Haploid-only contain 2 set of chromosomes e.g. Sex cell/ gametes Co-dominant-both alleles code for one gene in heterozygous individual Multiple alleles-gene that has more than two possible alleles Back
  • 33. Monohybrid Inheritence • Law of Segregation: In diploid organisms, characteristics are determined by alleles that occur in pairs. Only one of each pair of alleles can be present in a single gamete” • Sex Inheritance and Sex linkage: As males have one X and one Y chromosome they produce 2 different types of gamete -X chromosome is longer so there is no equivalent homologous portion with Y. Haemophilia is inherited from the mother to male - Pedigree charts are a good representation of inheritance Back
  • 34. Co-dominance and multiple alleles • Co-dominance example: Red and white snapdragon = pink snapdragon • Multiple Alleles example: Blood groups - Io is recessive in B.G • Hardy Weinberg: Frequencies of alleles- proportion of dominant and recessive Five conditions: -No mutation -Population isolated -No selection -large population -Random mating p + q = 1.0 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0 Heterozygote= 2pq Back
  • 35. Selection • All organisms produce more organisms than food, light and space can support • Therefore Intraspecific competition • Organisms with the better fitting alleles survive and then reproduce Types of Selection: • Directional selection: individuals that vary in one direction to the mean of population some individuals that fall to left/right of mean will possess a phenotype more suited to new conditions -extreme of the populations • Stabilising selection: favour average individuals- preserves characteristics of a species -If environmental conditions stay stable individuals with closest phenotype to mean are favoured Back
  • 36. Speciation • Speciation: evolution of new species from existing species • Geographical Isolation: When a physical barrier prevents 2 populations from breeding with one another -In the split Land A has organisms with more suitable phenotypes and Land B has organisms with more suitable phenotypes -In time difference becomes so great in gene pools that they become 2 separate species -Once united they cannot breed Back