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Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences.
Allahabad- 211007, UtTar pradesh, India
 Introduction
 Taxonamic Classification
 Origin and Distribution
 Botanical Discription
 Floral Biology
 Anthesis and Pollination
 Artificial Hybridization
 Shivashankar method of crossing
 Breeding Objectives
 Varieties of Green Gram
 Seed Production of Green gram
 It is also called as Mung Bean.
 It is a Sort duration, Day Neutral crop, Self Pollinated and Leguminous Crop.
 Mung bean is the Hardiest crop among all the Pulses.
 It is the Third most important Pulse crop in India.
 India ranks 1st Place in Area and Production.
 India accounts about 50 to 55% of total world production.
 It is grown as as Sole crop, Inter crop, Multiple cropping system.
 The are under Green gram production has got doubled in past two decades at
a rate of 2.5% Annually.
 Botanical Name : Vigna radiata
 Kingdom : Plantae
 Division : Spermatophytes
 Sub Division : Angiosperm
 Class : Dicotyledoneae
 Order : Leguminosae
 Family : Fabaceae / Papilionoideae
 Genus : Vigna
 Species : radiata
 Chromosome Number : 2n = 2x = 22
 Primary centre of Origin is “INDIA”.
 Mung bean is cultivated in India, Thailand, China, Philippines, Srilanka,
Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia etc.
 In India it is Cultivated in Rajasthan, Maharsatra, Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar,
Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
 Cultivated in All Three Seasons – Kharif, Rabi and Jaid.
 Phaseolus aureus is the Wild form.
Nutritional status
Nutritional Components Range of Total Seed Percentage
Protein 20 to 28 %
Fats 3.3 %
Fiber 5.9 %
Carbohydrates 51.2 %
Sugars 4 to 10 %
K, Na, Mg, P, Ca Traces
Moisture 10.2 %
Uses :-
 Mungbean is an excellent source of high quality protein, fiber and iron.
 Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is synthesized in sprouted seeds of mungbean with
increment in riboflavin and thiamine are very beneficial for us.
 Mungbean has the capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic
nitrogen fixation. It is also used as green manure crop..
 Being a short duration crop it also provides an excellent green fodder for
 It fits well in various multiple and intercropping systems. After picking of
pods, mungbean plants may be used as green fodder or can be incorporated as
green manure.
Pulses are less productive.....
 A large conc. of proteins in seeds may require early mobilization of protein
of leaves, thus impairing their capacity for the prolonged photosynthesis.
 The maintenance of symbiotic N fixation in root nodules requires prolonged
use photosynthate and thus may reduce energy available for the storage in
Botanical description
Habit :-
 Annual, Herbaceous, erect/semi erect.
Root :-
 Tap root system, provided with nodules for Atmospheric Nitrogen fixation.
Stem :-
 Erect /Sub erect, sometime twinning in upper branches, furrowed &
branches moderately/sparsely haired.
Leaves :-
 Alternate, Trifoliate, entire ovate & rarely lobed with long Petiole.
Fruit :- ( Legume or Pod )
 It is a Dry dehiscent Fruit.
 Immature pods are usually green, mature
pods are iron gray/olive gray/snuff brown
color, round slander with short & moderate
 Dehisces by both (dorsal & ventral) sutures
into two halves.
 It contains 9-16 seeds per Pod.
Seeds :-
 One to many seeds, Non endospermic and
has two cotyledons.
 Seeds are Globular, green, surface has fine
wavy ridges.
 Hilum (Point of attachment of seed to
follicle) is white, more or less flat.
 Germination is epigeal.
 Inflorescence:-
Axillary Raceme carrying Ten to Twenty Flowers
on a long Peduncle.
 Corolla :-
Papilionaceous corolla,Petals are Five and they
are Polypetalous,consists of three kinds of petals as
1. Standard :- Large posterior petal.
2. Wing :-Two lateral petals.
3. Keel :- Anterior Two fused petals.
 Calyx :
Sepals are Five, Gamosepalous, Imbricate
Hermaphrodite, Zygomorphic, Bisexual,Perigynous, Pedicillate, either
lighter yellowish olive/ Olive Yellow.
Male reprductive part Stamen has got
two parts as below :-
 Anther
 Filament
Stamens are 10 in Number, Diadelphous
(9)+1, Anther dithecous.
The Female reproductive part Carpel/
Pistil has got three parts as below :-
 Stigma
 Style
 Ovary
Monocarpellary, unilocular half superior ovary
with many ovules on marginal placentation
style is single long terminal. Stigma is simple.
Floral Formula :-
Floral Diagram:-
 In Mung Bean Pollination occurs a night prior to opening of the flowers.
 Anthers start dehiscing from 9 am and completely dehisced by 3 pm.
 Stigma are by then receptive and are thoroughly covered with pollen.
 Flowers open between 6 am and 8 am amd remain open till 11 am later they
close between 2 pm and 4 pm.
 Pollen sheeding takes place long before the petals open I.e,. During bud stage.
 Cleistogamy occurs to an extent of 46%
 So, The Pollination occur in the bud stage on the night previous to the opening of
the flowers.
ArtifiCIAL hybridization
 The Removal of Male parts in
Bisexual Flowers to prevent
unwanted selfing is referred as
 Preferred time is during 4.00-6.00pm.
 For emasculation the young bud is kept
between thumb and forefinger.
 Point of dissecting needle is inserted just
under the standard in an oblique position
along the top of the bud.
 The left side of standard & wing petal
are pushed outwards & held with thumb.
 The left hand of keel is removed in pieces with
 Pistil and stamens are well exposed. Then
remove the Anthers with forceps .
 Pollination is done in morning (8-11am) collect
mature anthers from desired open flowers and
gently pressing the ripe anthers against stigma.
 Flower may be bagged after pollination until
pods are matured.
 This Method of crossing technique is used in
all Pulses.
 On the evening of Previous to the day of the
pollen shedding, transverse cut is made in
flower bud.
 It Facilitates removal of upper portion of
the corolla like a cap without causing injury
to the gynoecium.
 Anthers are clipped off automatically and
remains inside the corolla cap which is
 The Stigma is then pollinated with desired
pollen on the next morning.
 High Yield
 Different Maturation durations.
 Resistence to shattering.
 Better Plant type.
 Resistence to diseases like MYMV and CLS.
 Resistence to pets like Pod borer, Aphids, Whitefly.
 Betterquality ( Protein, Methionin content ).
 Development of synchronous varieties.
 The First Variety released is T1 in 1948.
 Pusa Phalguni – IARI
 Pusa Dofasali – IARI
 F.S 68- Hissar
 Some of the hybrid varieties of green gram are: RUM-1,HUM-12,BM-4,
PDM-54, JM-72, K-851, and PDM-11.
Some other Varieties of Mung bean
Names of Varieties
2020 Azad Moong 1 (KM 2342), IPM 512-1, MH-
1142, Pant Mung 9 PM 09-11
Uttar Pradesh 2020 KPM 409-4
2019 GM-7 (NMK-15-08), VBN 4 VGG 10-008
Uttar Pradesh 2019 ARUN(KM 2328)
2018 GM-6, IPM 2K14-9, IPM 302-2, TRC MUNG 131-1
Tripura Moong-1
Uttar Pradesh 2018 Kanika (IPM 302-2), Pusa 1431, Varsha (IPM 2K-
Gujarat 2018 Gujarat Anand Mung Bean-5 (GAM-5
Madhya Pradesh 2016 IPM 205-7(Virat), IPM 410-3 (Shikha)
2014 BGS-9 (Somanathi), DGGV - 2 , MH 421
State/UT Notified
Variety Name
Uttar Pradesh 2012 KM 2195 (SWATI)
Cental Government 2008 Pant Mung-6, PAU911, MH-2-15
Andhra Pradesh 2010 Madhira Pesara 347
Uttar Pradesh 2001 HUM-6 (Malvika Janpriya), PDM-139
Central Government 1995 Gujarat Mung-3, LAM-407, Pusa-9072,
Warangal-2, Pushkara
Uttar Pradesh 1983 Pant Moong-1
Madhya Pradesh 1974 JAWAHAR-45
Central Government 1978 ML-1, ML-5, Sunaina, TYPE-44
Central Government 1976 Kopargaon, Varsha
Central Government 1974 Pusha Baisakhi
Central Government 1973 Moong-305, Moong-54, Shining Moong
No 1
Central Government 1950 TYPE-1
Agro-Climatic conditions :-
 Best Climatic condition required for Green gram cultivation is warm humid.
 Optimum temperature required is from 25°C – 35°C, with moderate rain fall
of 60 to 80 cms.It can tolerate drought to a great extent.
Best Season :- It can be grown is all three seasons.
 For Kharif :- June to August ( Best season for cultivation of Green gram )
 For Rabi season :- September to November
 For Summer season :- February to March
Soil :-
 The Mung bean require Well-drained sandy to loamy soils.
 pH ranging from 6 to 7 is required for green seed production.
Stages of Seed production:-
 Breeder Seed – Foundation Seed – Certified Seed
Isolation requirements :-
 Since the Green gram is highly self pollinated crop with cross
pollination to an extent of 5 to 10% the crop should be raised in
isolation for the maintainence of varietal purity. The Isolation
required for green gram seed production is as below :-
1. Isolation for Foundation seed is 10 meters.
2. Isolation for certified seeds is 5 meters.
Land Preparation :-
 The land should be prepared well by one to two
harrowings, followed by levelling.
 The Field should be made free from volunteer
 To supplement the soil with proper nutrients,
apply lime at the rate of 2 tones/ha along with
Farm Yard Manure @ 12.5 tones/hac.
Source of seed :-
 Obtain the appropriate class seeds from a source approved by certification
Seed Treatment :-
 Treat the seeds with Thiram or Carbendazim at 2 grams/kg of seed 1 day
before sowing the seeds
 Treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 grams/kg seeds.
 Treatment with Rhizobium @ 4 grams per kg seeds.
Method of sowing:-
 The seed should be planted in rows (Dibbling).It would be helpful for making
Field inspections.
Seed Rate:-
 Kharif and Rabi season crop 15 to 20 kg per hac.
 Summer crop 25 to 30 kg per hac
For Kharif and Rabi crop:-
 Row to row spacing is 30 to 45 cm
 Plant to plant spacing is 7 to 10 cm.
For Summer Crop :-
 Row to row spacing is 20 to 25 cm
 Summer crop - Plant to plant spacing is 7 to 10 cm.
1. Depth of Sowing is 1 to 1.5 cms.
Fertilisation :-
 A Basal application of 25kg nitrogen, 50kg phosphorous and 25kg
potassium per hectare is recommended.
 Spray 2% DAP at the time of first appearance of flowers and a second
spray 15 days after first spray for enhanced seed set.
 Spray NAA 40 ppm at first flowering and a second spray after a fortnight
to reduce the flower drop.
 Frequently irrigation for the summer crop is especially necessary. The kharif
crop normally does not require irrigation. One to two irrigation may be
required if there is prolonged dry period.
Interculture Operations:-
 It is essential to keep the weeds under suppression. Hence,one or two
weddings and hoeings may be done.
 Spraying of one kilogramme treflan(active compound) in 1000lt of water per
hectare on the soil, at the time of the final land preparation, has also been
found quite effective for controlling weeds.
Crop Duration :-
 Green gram require 80 to 90 days for complete maturity.
Various Stages of Gream Gram Production
Earlier Stage
Flowering stage
Pod Formation Stage
Harvesting Stage
Field standards
Field Standards Foundation seed Certified seed
Isolation distance 10 mts 5mts
Off types (%) 0.10% 0.20%
Seed borne diseased
0.10% 0.20%
Field Inspections:-
 A Minimum two field inspections are standardized for certification of
different seed production programmes in Pulse Crops.
 For Green gram a minimum of two field inspections are required.
 First one is before flowering stage.
 Second inspection is during Pod formation stage to determine isolation,
volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc.
Roughing :-
 The Off-type plant, pest infected, severaly disease plants should be
roughed out from time to time as required.
Pests of greengram:-
 White fly (vector for 25 different diseases)
 Hairy catterpillar
 Semilooper
 Pulse beetle
Diseases of Greengram:-
 Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV)
 Powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni)
 Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici)
 Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli)
 Rust (Uromyces ciceris arietini)
Harvesting :-
 The Harvesting may be started when 90% of
pods turn brown or seeds attain
physiological maturity I.e., 30 days after
50% Flowering.
 The Plants may be uprooted, stacked in
small heaps and allowed to dry in the field
for a week or so.
 During Harvesting and Threshing operations
care should be taken to avoid mechanical
admixtures and contact of the seed with
moist soil.
Threshing and Processing :-
 Threshing is done by a stationary thresher or by beating the pods
with a sticks.
 After Threshing The seeds should be dried (nine percent of moisture
should be maintained) before storage.
 The seeds are graded using BSS 7*7 wire mesh sieve and stored in
labelled bags based on duration of storage.
1. Short term – (8 to 12 months) - Gunny or cloth bags .
2. Medium term – (12 to 15 months) - Polylined gunny bags.
3. Long term – (Morethan 15 months) - 700 gauge polythene bags.
Seed standards
Seed Standards
Pure seed (Min) 98 98
Inert matter (Max) 2 2
Weed seeds (Max) 5 per kg 10 per kg
Other Distinguishable Varieties
10 per kg 20 per kg
Germination percentage 75 % 75 %
Moisture % for storage 8 - 9 8 - 9
 Seed technology second edition by Rattan lal Agrwal.
 Chhabra AK. 2006. Practical Manual of Floral Biology of Crop Plants.
By Mahendra Reddy

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Floral Biology and Seed Production of Green gram

  • 1. Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences. Allahabad- 211007, UtTar pradesh, India TOPIC:- FLORALBIOLOGYandseedproductionOFGREENGRAM
  • 2. Contents...  Introduction  Taxonamic Classification  Origin and Distribution  Botanical Discription  Floral Biology  Anthesis and Pollination  Artificial Hybridization  Shivashankar method of crossing  Breeding Objectives  Varieties of Green Gram  Seed Production of Green gram
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  It is also called as Mung Bean.  It is a Sort duration, Day Neutral crop, Self Pollinated and Leguminous Crop.  Mung bean is the Hardiest crop among all the Pulses.  It is the Third most important Pulse crop in India.  India ranks 1st Place in Area and Production.  India accounts about 50 to 55% of total world production.  It is grown as as Sole crop, Inter crop, Multiple cropping system.  The are under Green gram production has got doubled in past two decades at a rate of 2.5% Annually.
  • 4. TAXONOMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF GREEN GRAM  Botanical Name : Vigna radiata  Kingdom : Plantae  Division : Spermatophytes  Sub Division : Angiosperm  Class : Dicotyledoneae  Order : Leguminosae  Family : Fabaceae / Papilionoideae  Genus : Vigna  Species : radiata  Chromosome Number : 2n = 2x = 22
  • 5. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION ORIGIN :-  Primary centre of Origin is “INDIA”. DISTRIBUTION :-  Mung bean is cultivated in India, Thailand, China, Philippines, Srilanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia etc.  In India it is Cultivated in Rajasthan, Maharsatra, Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.  Cultivated in All Three Seasons – Kharif, Rabi and Jaid.  Phaseolus aureus is the Wild form.
  • 6. Nutritional status Nutritional Components Range of Total Seed Percentage Protein 20 to 28 % Fats 3.3 % Fiber 5.9 % Carbohydrates 51.2 % Sugars 4 to 10 % K, Na, Mg, P, Ca Traces Moisture 10.2 %
  • 7. Uses :-  Mungbean is an excellent source of high quality protein, fiber and iron.  Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is synthesized in sprouted seeds of mungbean with increment in riboflavin and thiamine are very beneficial for us.  Mungbean has the capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic nitrogen fixation. It is also used as green manure crop..  Being a short duration crop it also provides an excellent green fodder for cattle.  It fits well in various multiple and intercropping systems. After picking of pods, mungbean plants may be used as green fodder or can be incorporated as green manure. Pulses are less productive.....  A large conc. of proteins in seeds may require early mobilization of protein of leaves, thus impairing their capacity for the prolonged photosynthesis.  The maintenance of symbiotic N fixation in root nodules requires prolonged use photosynthate and thus may reduce energy available for the storage in seeds.
  • 8. Botanical description Habit :-  Annual, Herbaceous, erect/semi erect. Root :-  Tap root system, provided with nodules for Atmospheric Nitrogen fixation. Stem :-  Erect /Sub erect, sometime twinning in upper branches, furrowed & branches moderately/sparsely haired. Leaves :-  Alternate, Trifoliate, entire ovate & rarely lobed with long Petiole.
  • 9. Fruit :- ( Legume or Pod )  It is a Dry dehiscent Fruit.  Immature pods are usually green, mature pods are iron gray/olive gray/snuff brown color, round slander with short & moderate pubescence.  Dehisces by both (dorsal & ventral) sutures into two halves.  It contains 9-16 seeds per Pod. Seeds :-  One to many seeds, Non endospermic and has two cotyledons.  Seeds are Globular, green, surface has fine wavy ridges.  Hilum (Point of attachment of seed to follicle) is white, more or less flat.  Germination is epigeal.
  • 11. FLORAL BIOLOGY  Inflorescence:- Axillary Raceme carrying Ten to Twenty Flowers on a long Peduncle.  Corolla :- Papilionaceous corolla,Petals are Five and they are Polypetalous,consists of three kinds of petals as below 1. Standard :- Large posterior petal. 2. Wing :-Two lateral petals. 3. Keel :- Anterior Two fused petals.  Calyx : Sepals are Five, Gamosepalous, Imbricate aestivation.
  • 12. FLOWER :- Hermaphrodite, Zygomorphic, Bisexual,Perigynous, Pedicillate, either lighter yellowish olive/ Olive Yellow.
  • 14. ANDROECIUM :- Male reprductive part Stamen has got two parts as below :-  Anther  Filament Stamens are 10 in Number, Diadelphous (9)+1, Anther dithecous. GYNOECIUM :- The Female reproductive part Carpel/ Pistil has got three parts as below :-  Stigma  Style  Ovary Monocarpellary, unilocular half superior ovary with many ovules on marginal placentation style is single long terminal. Stigma is simple.
  • 16. ANTHESIS AND POLLINATION  In Mung Bean Pollination occurs a night prior to opening of the flowers.  Anthers start dehiscing from 9 am and completely dehisced by 3 pm.  Stigma are by then receptive and are thoroughly covered with pollen.  Flowers open between 6 am and 8 am amd remain open till 11 am later they close between 2 pm and 4 pm.  Pollen sheeding takes place long before the petals open I.e,. During bud stage.  Cleistogamy occurs to an extent of 46%  So, The Pollination occur in the bud stage on the night previous to the opening of the flowers.
  • 17. ArtifiCIAL hybridization Emasculation:-  The Removal of Male parts in Bisexual Flowers to prevent unwanted selfing is referred as Emasculation.  Preferred time is during 4.00-6.00pm.  For emasculation the young bud is kept between thumb and forefinger.  Point of dissecting needle is inserted just under the standard in an oblique position along the top of the bud.  The left side of standard & wing petal are pushed outwards & held with thumb.
  • 18.  The left hand of keel is removed in pieces with forceps.  Pistil and stamens are well exposed. Then remove the Anthers with forceps . Pollination:-  Pollination is done in morning (8-11am) collect mature anthers from desired open flowers and gently pressing the ripe anthers against stigma.  Flower may be bagged after pollination until pods are matured.
  • 19. SHIVASENKAR’S METHOD OF CROSSING  This Method of crossing technique is used in all Pulses.  On the evening of Previous to the day of the pollen shedding, transverse cut is made in flower bud.  It Facilitates removal of upper portion of the corolla like a cap without causing injury to the gynoecium.  Anthers are clipped off automatically and remains inside the corolla cap which is removed.  The Stigma is then pollinated with desired pollen on the next morning.
  • 20. BREEDING OBJECTIVES  High Yield  Different Maturation durations.  Resistence to shattering.  Better Plant type.  Resistence to diseases like MYMV and CLS.  Resistence to pets like Pod borer, Aphids, Whitefly.  Betterquality ( Protein, Methionin content ).  Development of synchronous varieties.
  • 21. VARIETIES  The First Variety released is T1 in 1948.  Pusa Phalguni – IARI  Pusa Dofasali – IARI  F.S 68- Hissar  Some of the hybrid varieties of green gram are: RUM-1,HUM-12,BM-4, PDM-54, JM-72, K-851, and PDM-11.
  • 22. Some other Varieties of Mung bean STATE OR UNION TERITORY Notified Year Names of Varieties Central government 2020 Azad Moong 1 (KM 2342), IPM 512-1, MH- 1142, Pant Mung 9 PM 09-11 Uttar Pradesh 2020 KPM 409-4 Central government 2019 GM-7 (NMK-15-08), VBN 4 VGG 10-008 Uttar Pradesh 2019 ARUN(KM 2328) Central government 2018 GM-6, IPM 2K14-9, IPM 302-2, TRC MUNG 131-1 Tripura Moong-1 Uttar Pradesh 2018 Kanika (IPM 302-2), Pusa 1431, Varsha (IPM 2K- 14-9) Gujarat 2018 Gujarat Anand Mung Bean-5 (GAM-5 Madhya Pradesh 2016 IPM 205-7(Virat), IPM 410-3 (Shikha) Central government 2014 BGS-9 (Somanathi), DGGV - 2 , MH 421
  • 23. State/UT Notified Year Variety Name Uttar Pradesh 2012 KM 2195 (SWATI) Cental Government 2008 Pant Mung-6, PAU911, MH-2-15 Andhra Pradesh 2010 Madhira Pesara 347 Uttar Pradesh 2001 HUM-6 (Malvika Janpriya), PDM-139 Central Government 1995 Gujarat Mung-3, LAM-407, Pusa-9072, Warangal-2, Pushkara Uttar Pradesh 1983 Pant Moong-1 Madhya Pradesh 1974 JAWAHAR-45 Central Government 1978 ML-1, ML-5, Sunaina, TYPE-44 Central Government 1976 Kopargaon, Varsha Central Government 1974 Pusha Baisakhi Central Government 1973 Moong-305, Moong-54, Shining Moong No 1 Central Government 1950 TYPE-1
  • 24. SEED PRODUCTION OF GREEN GRAM Agro-Climatic conditions :-  Best Climatic condition required for Green gram cultivation is warm humid.  Optimum temperature required is from 25°C – 35°C, with moderate rain fall of 60 to 80 cms.It can tolerate drought to a great extent. Best Season :- It can be grown is all three seasons.  For Kharif :- June to August ( Best season for cultivation of Green gram )  For Rabi season :- September to November  For Summer season :- February to March Soil :-  The Mung bean require Well-drained sandy to loamy soils.  pH ranging from 6 to 7 is required for green seed production. Stages of Seed production:-  Breeder Seed – Foundation Seed – Certified Seed
  • 25. Isolation requirements :-  Since the Green gram is highly self pollinated crop with cross pollination to an extent of 5 to 10% the crop should be raised in isolation for the maintainence of varietal purity. The Isolation required for green gram seed production is as below :- 1. Isolation for Foundation seed is 10 meters. 2. Isolation for certified seeds is 5 meters. Land Preparation :-  The land should be prepared well by one to two harrowings, followed by levelling.  The Field should be made free from volunteer plants.  To supplement the soil with proper nutrients, apply lime at the rate of 2 tones/ha along with Farm Yard Manure @ 12.5 tones/hac.
  • 26. Source of seed :-  Obtain the appropriate class seeds from a source approved by certification agency. Seed Treatment :-  Treat the seeds with Thiram or Carbendazim at 2 grams/kg of seed 1 day before sowing the seeds  Treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 grams/kg seeds.  Treatment with Rhizobium @ 4 grams per kg seeds. Method of sowing:-  The seed should be planted in rows (Dibbling).It would be helpful for making Field inspections. Seed Rate:-  Kharif and Rabi season crop 15 to 20 kg per hac.  Summer crop 25 to 30 kg per hac
  • 27. Spacing:- For Kharif and Rabi crop:-  Row to row spacing is 30 to 45 cm  Plant to plant spacing is 7 to 10 cm. For Summer Crop :-  Row to row spacing is 20 to 25 cm  Summer crop - Plant to plant spacing is 7 to 10 cm. 1. Depth of Sowing is 1 to 1.5 cms. Fertilisation :-  A Basal application of 25kg nitrogen, 50kg phosphorous and 25kg potassium per hectare is recommended.  Spray 2% DAP at the time of first appearance of flowers and a second spray 15 days after first spray for enhanced seed set.  Spray NAA 40 ppm at first flowering and a second spray after a fortnight to reduce the flower drop.
  • 28. Irrigation:-  Frequently irrigation for the summer crop is especially necessary. The kharif crop normally does not require irrigation. One to two irrigation may be required if there is prolonged dry period. Interculture Operations:-  It is essential to keep the weeds under suppression. Hence,one or two weddings and hoeings may be done.  Spraying of one kilogramme treflan(active compound) in 1000lt of water per hectare on the soil, at the time of the final land preparation, has also been found quite effective for controlling weeds. Crop Duration :-  Green gram require 80 to 90 days for complete maturity.
  • 29. Various Stages of Gream Gram Production Earlier Stage Flowering stage Pod Formation Stage Harvesting Stage
  • 30. Field standards Field Standards Foundation seed Certified seed Isolation distance 10 mts 5mts Off types (%) 0.10% 0.20% Seed borne diseased seeds 0.10% 0.20%
  • 31. Field Inspections:-  A Minimum two field inspections are standardized for certification of different seed production programmes in Pulse Crops.  For Green gram a minimum of two field inspections are required.  First one is before flowering stage.  Second inspection is during Pod formation stage to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types and diseased plants etc. Roughing :-  The Off-type plant, pest infected, severaly disease plants should be roughed out from time to time as required.
  • 32. Pests of greengram:-  White fly (vector for 25 different diseases)  Hairy catterpillar  Semilooper  Pulse beetle Diseases of Greengram:-  Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV)  Powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni)  Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici)  Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli)  Rust (Uromyces ciceris arietini)
  • 33. Harvesting :-  The Harvesting may be started when 90% of pods turn brown or seeds attain physiological maturity I.e., 30 days after 50% Flowering.  The Plants may be uprooted, stacked in small heaps and allowed to dry in the field for a week or so.  During Harvesting and Threshing operations care should be taken to avoid mechanical admixtures and contact of the seed with moist soil.
  • 34. Threshing and Processing :-  Threshing is done by a stationary thresher or by beating the pods with a sticks.  After Threshing The seeds should be dried (nine percent of moisture should be maintained) before storage.  The seeds are graded using BSS 7*7 wire mesh sieve and stored in labelled bags based on duration of storage. 1. Short term – (8 to 12 months) - Gunny or cloth bags . 2. Medium term – (12 to 15 months) - Polylined gunny bags. 3. Long term – (Morethan 15 months) - 700 gauge polythene bags.
  • 35. Seed standards Seed Standards Foundation Seeds Certified seeds Pure seed (Min) 98 98 Inert matter (Max) 2 2 Weed seeds (Max) 5 per kg 10 per kg Other Distinguishable Varieties seeds(Max) 10 per kg 20 per kg Germination percentage 75 % 75 % Moisture % for storage 8 - 9 8 - 9
  • 36. REFERENCES  Seed technology second edition by Rattan lal Agrwal.  Chhabra AK. 2006. Practical Manual of Floral Biology of Crop Plants.  htm 