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Research task 3 analysis of own
By Baldeep Gahir.
Front cover.
The sub-genre of music that this magazine
represents is Rock. This is evident by features
such as the main image and coverlines of bands
and artist that are known for this particular type
of music .I.e: “New Found Glory.”
The masthead is in a large typography
and is bold. It is in a white colour, with a
black stroke/shadow effect on the outline
of it to make it stand out and grab the
target audiences attention. Also, the fact
that it is placed on a dark purple
background, makes it stand out from the
page. Also, the use of the exclamation
mark at the end of it, could symbolically
represent the loud/exaggerated way that
the masthead is meant to be viewed by
the target audience. This links to the sub-
genre of rock, as it is known to be loud
and “bold.”
Target audience:
The target audience are white males,
who are around the ages of 17-25 and
are interested In rock music. This is
supported by all the images of music
artists being white, and near to this age
range. Also, the coverlines/main image
are of artists who are known for the
Main image:
The model on the front cover uses
direct address to engage the target
audience. The deconstruction of the
main image shows that mis-en-scene
of things such as the tattoos and the
chunky gold ring reinforces
stereotypes of a typical rock band
member. Also, the fact that this
member has been photographed with
a medium close up shot type,
connotes that he is most likely the
lead singer in the band. Lastly the
model is wearing a black jacket, this
could have been done intentionally so
that it fits in with the house colour.
There are a range of coverlines around the front
cover. One of which includes a covermount on the
bottom left hand pug. As well as enticing the target
audience by the use of these coverlines, it also
ensures that there is no dead space on the page.
Buzz words:
Around the page there are buzz words, such as “Exclusive”
and “unseen. "These words are deliberately placed on a
bright yellow background to make them stand out and grab
the attention of the target audience.
Main cover line:
This anchors to the main image of
the model. It is central and in a
white typography so that it stands
The top strapline is about winning competition tickets. This is done intentionally so
that the target audiences attention is drawn to it, and so that it entices them to buy the
magazine. Also, the fact that it is in loud/bright colours such as red and yellow also
contribute to making it stand out.
The font styles are different for each
feature. For example the coverline
“Layer” is different to the masthead
which is bold and In a
“cracked/shattered glass” style. This
style of font could symbolically
represent the idea of loud noises
shatter glass in the same way, rock
music is known to be loud and
represent emotions of anger.
All pugs of the magazine include a
feature. For example, the top right
hand corner includes a statement
about winning competition tickets in
a bold red colour, the top left hand
corner is of an image. The bottom left
hand corner consists of a
covermount, an image and the buzz
word “unseen." And lastly, the
bottom right hand corner is of a
coverline, an image and a block of
yellow colour.
Rule of thirds:
This rule is used on the cover page,
and can be seen by the hotspots (the
main points of interest) i.e the main
image being central and the main
cover line intentionally placed so that
they are one of the first things that the
target audience see`s.
Colour scheme:
The main colours of this particular magazine
are black, white and purple. Also, other
colours are used such as red and yellow are
used to make particular features such as the
covermount, strapline stand out. This is
because these features entice and appeal to
the target audience. Also bold colours are
intentionally placed on a light background
(vice versa) to make it stand out. For
example the white main coverline is placed
on a dark background, and similarly the dark
purple cover line “Neck Deep” is placed on
the models light white t-shirt.
Contents page:
Layout/rule of thirds:
The rule of thirds is used in terms of the positioning
of main hotspots such as the main image in the
centre. The page has a clear grid, and each feature
is sectioned off. For example the the editorial letter
and the contents title are placed at the top, the
article column is placed in the middle and at the
bottom right hand corner there is an image and
All the styles of font are different for
every feature on this page. For example,
the contents title is in a large size and is in
a white typography. It also has a bold
black 3d effect around it. Whereas other
features for example, the article titles are
in a smaller size and are placed on a block
of yellow colour to make it stand out.
Also, the font style of the main headline is
a worn out typography and is in a bright
yellow colour.
Mode of address:
The overall mode of address is informal and
uses colloquial language. For example, in
the editorial letter, it begins with “HELLO
READERS.” This is a causal/relaxed opening
which implies that the text is written in a
conversation style. Also, the use of capitals
could represent ideas of the target
audience feeling welcomed (into the
text).The use of the sentence “If you do,
you've got this magazine to remind you of
what happened.” The use of the word
“you” being repeated indicates a more
personal relationship with the target
audience and makes them feel more
engaged. Humour is used in the sentence
“couldn’t fit their audience in their tent.”
This is used to engage and entertain the
target audience.
Article titles:
The article titles are deliberately
presented in a bold typography (of
black, bold writing on the colour
yellow.)This is so that it catches
the attention of the target
The content of the page is
typical and what you would
expect to find in a magazine. For
example, news, posters etc. But
other article titles such as “Gigs”
make it more specific that this
magazine is a music magazine.
Shot types:
A variety of shot types are used,
for example:
Main image: long shot
Image linked to the editorial
letter: close up
Model in the bottom right pug (on
the right hand page)- medium
close up
The byline is there to tell the
target audience, who has
written it, taken certain
pictures is in a small
white font, but still stands out
due to it being placed on the
darker green grass.
Masthead/brand identity:
The brand identity of the masthead
is not on the top alongside the
contents title, but instead it can be
seen on the right hand side
column, and is on the picture of
the magazines cover page.
The picture has a black
border to make it stand out
from the white background.
Date/issue number:
This is at the top of the page in a bold, yellow
colour. The connotation of having the date in bold
could be to show the target audience that the
magazine is recent, and includes the latest
Page numbers:
The page numbers are linked to the
article titles and are in a random
order. Also, the main image does not
anchor to a page number.
House style:
The house style is a rock theme. This is mainly
shown by the contents title and the selection of
images surrounding it.For example the skulls,
alcohol bottle, shot glasses, drumsticks and the
Christian cross. These items are all associated with
the stereotypes of what rock music is about.
Target audience:
The target audience are white males
between the ages of 17-25 who are
interested in rock music. Also, on
the bottom of the left hand side of
the double page spread, there are a
selection of links to social media
sites. Stereotypically, these are
mostly used by young people
around the ages of the 17-25 age
Editorial letter:
This has a personal feel to it, in terms of the
engaging language used. For example, the
word “you” constantly used. Also, the use of
the font of the editors signature, gives the
letter a more personal touch as it looks as if
he has written it.
Main image:
The mis-en-scene of the beer can prop/cups links to the image of shot glasses
and alcohol bottles surrounding the contents title. Also, all of the are energetic
and lively. This is shown by their body language and happy facial expressions.
The fact that all the models are white, links to the target audience .Also, they
look like they are all between the age range of 17-25.The prop of the red chair
is deliberately present, as it fits in with the colour of the contents
page.(specifically links to the block of colour on which the main headline is on.)
Double page spread:
Basic layout:
On this page, I can see the
rule of thirds due to the
main hotspots/points of
interest being placed in
certain positions. Eg: The
main image is central on
the left hand side of the
page. Also, a grid is used
in terms of each section
being in its own place. For
example on the right hand
side of the page, at the
top there is the main
headline, a small image, in
the middle there is the
sub-heading and at the
bottom there is the article
The style of fonts is different for each feature. Eg, the
main headline, the sub-heading and the article are all
different. The main headline is in the biggest size, so
that it is eye-catching and stands out to the target
audience. Although, the sub-heading and article manage
to grab their attention as well, due to the words in bold
and the bold drop caps used.
There is very little dead space on the page. The only parts that
do not include anything, are the right and left hand side on top
of the main headline. Other than that, features such as the
main image and main headline use a lot of the space effectively.
Main headline:
This feature is in the largest font size and is
in bold typography. Also, the colour of it is
in white, and is on a black background (so
is the sub-heading and the article).This
makes it stand out off the page, resulting
in grabbing the target audiences attention.
Also, the dots surrounding the main
headline, could symbolically represent
“stars” and link to the word “spiritual.
The umbrella image, could have a symbolic
meaning and link to this specific band as it is
used twice on the page (as well as the front
Features such as the umbrella image and the name of the band
(Bring me the Horizon) are repeated. (Eg: The bands name is
used three times on this page (on the top right/left side of the
page and in the sub-headline.) This could be to add
emphasis/reinforce the idea.
The main colours used are black and white. This is seen as
features such as the background is black, and some of the
models clothing are black. All the writing on the page is
white as well as some of the models clothing. This
connotes ideas, of the sub-genre of rock being “dark” and
“emotional. "The colours contrast each other and make
features stand out, and grab the target audiences
Use of images:
There is only one image that is used, which is the
main image. This takes up the whole page on the
left hand side.
The page numbers
are seen at the
bottom of each
page, along side
the branding of the
masthead title.
They are on a black
background, which
makes them stand
Mode of address/language:
The language used is mainly formal,
but some written in a
speech/conversation style. This is
seen in the article as sentences such
as “Because this wasn’t just a night to
remember. Oh no..” The use of “oh
no” indicates that the article is meant
to be written as if the writer was
having a conversation with the reader.
The use of this is to engage and make
the target audience feel a part of it.
Design/Overall impression:
My overall impression of this page, is that it is presented
in different ways for different people. For example,
someone could see the page as dark and mainly bases on
“rock” due to the dark colours, content, mis-en-scene of
tattoos etc. Whereas another person could view it as
“sophisticated and classy, due to features such as the
classic colour scheme.
The theme/semantic field revolves around the sub-genre of rock and
grunge. This can be seen due to things such as tattoos on the models,
which reinforce stereotypes of a typical rock singer, and also in the text,
words such as “spirit” and “dead” link to these themes, as
stereotypically they are associated with them. Eg: that rock music is
about death etc.
Main image:
The main image is of the band “Bring me the Horizon. “They are also seen on the front cover.
The denotation is that the members are positioned so that the main person who is in the
centre is the most eye-catching. This connotes that he perhaps is the lead singer in the band.
All of the members use direct address, this is to engage with the audience. Also, the mis-en-
scene of the dark clothing, reinforces the stereotype of a typical person who is interested in
rock music. Although, on the other hand, this clothing could be represented as classy and
sophisticated due to the classic colour combination. And lastly, the costume of the hood
denotes that it is part of the bands image, but could connote and reinforce stereotypes of
young people being up to no good and being “thugs.” As stereotypically, young people who are
up to no good wear items of clothing's such as hoods, to remain discreet.
How text and image are
They both anchor to each other
as in the text, the name of the
band is used, and the picture is
about them, secondly the text is
written in the colour “white” and
the models clothing include this
colour alongside other neutral
colours. This may have been
done intentionally to fit in with
the house colour of the page.
By line:
This is in a
below the
subheading to
make it stand
out and inform
the target
about who has
taken the
main image.
Other double page spreads in the magazine:
Similarities between the 3 pages:
The sub-genre of the rock music is present
in all three pages. This is because the
magazine revolves around this particular
style of music. Also, features such as
famous rock artists are used for the
contents, cover and double page
spread.Also,symbols are also used to
reinforce the stereotype of this sub-genre.
Eg: On the cover page we can see
tattoes,on the contents page, there are
symbols of skulls, alcohol etc and on the
double page spread, tattoes are
deliberately used again.
Rule of 3rd/grid/columns:
The rule of thirds/a grid is used on all the three pages.
This is seen as each feature, (for example, the main
headline, sub headline and article on the double page
spread) are all sectioned off and put into columns. The
effect of this on the target audience, is so that the
layout looks well-ordered and organised.
Masthead/brand identity: The “Kerrang!”
masthead is used on all three pages, to
emphasise to the target audience what
magazine they are reading.
All three pages use a large/bold font size to
emphasise main features. For example the bold
typography of the masthead on the front cover, the
contents title on the contents page and the main
headline for the double page spread. The use of this
is to make main features such as the ones listed
above, eye-catching and to make them stand out.
Colour scheme:
The three pages all stick to a
colour scheme/house colour. For
example, the cover page is
mainly purple and white, the
contents page is black, white and
red, and the double page spread
is black and white.
Main image:
All three pages have including one
main image in common. For example,
on the cover page the main image is of
the band “Bring me the Horizon”, on
the contents page, there is a different
band and on the double page spread,
the same band which was on the cover
page appear again.

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FINAL Research task 3 analysis of own magazine

  • 1. Research task 3 analysis of own magazine. By Baldeep Gahir.
  • 3. Sub-genre: The sub-genre of music that this magazine represents is Rock. This is evident by features such as the main image and coverlines of bands and artist that are known for this particular type of music .I.e: “New Found Glory.” Masthead: The masthead is in a large typography and is bold. It is in a white colour, with a black stroke/shadow effect on the outline of it to make it stand out and grab the target audiences attention. Also, the fact that it is placed on a dark purple background, makes it stand out from the page. Also, the use of the exclamation mark at the end of it, could symbolically represent the loud/exaggerated way that the masthead is meant to be viewed by the target audience. This links to the sub- genre of rock, as it is known to be loud and “bold.” Target audience: The target audience are white males, who are around the ages of 17-25 and are interested In rock music. This is supported by all the images of music artists being white, and near to this age range. Also, the coverlines/main image are of artists who are known for the sub-genre. Main image: The model on the front cover uses direct address to engage the target audience. The deconstruction of the main image shows that mis-en-scene of things such as the tattoos and the chunky gold ring reinforces stereotypes of a typical rock band member. Also, the fact that this member has been photographed with a medium close up shot type, connotes that he is most likely the lead singer in the band. Lastly the model is wearing a black jacket, this could have been done intentionally so that it fits in with the house colour. Coverlines: There are a range of coverlines around the front cover. One of which includes a covermount on the bottom left hand pug. As well as enticing the target audience by the use of these coverlines, it also ensures that there is no dead space on the page. Buzz words: Around the page there are buzz words, such as “Exclusive” and “unseen. "These words are deliberately placed on a bright yellow background to make them stand out and grab the attention of the target audience. Main cover line: This anchors to the main image of the model. It is central and in a white typography so that it stands out.
  • 4. Strapline: The top strapline is about winning competition tickets. This is done intentionally so that the target audiences attention is drawn to it, and so that it entices them to buy the magazine. Also, the fact that it is in loud/bright colours such as red and yellow also contribute to making it stand out. Typography: The font styles are different for each feature. For example the coverline “Layer” is different to the masthead which is bold and In a “cracked/shattered glass” style. This style of font could symbolically represent the idea of loud noises shatter glass in the same way, rock music is known to be loud and represent emotions of anger. Pug: All pugs of the magazine include a feature. For example, the top right hand corner includes a statement about winning competition tickets in a bold red colour, the top left hand corner is of an image. The bottom left hand corner consists of a covermount, an image and the buzz word “unseen." And lastly, the bottom right hand corner is of a coverline, an image and a block of yellow colour. Rule of thirds: This rule is used on the cover page, and can be seen by the hotspots (the main points of interest) i.e the main image being central and the main cover line intentionally placed so that they are one of the first things that the target audience see`s. Colour scheme: The main colours of this particular magazine are black, white and purple. Also, other colours are used such as red and yellow are used to make particular features such as the covermount, strapline stand out. This is because these features entice and appeal to the target audience. Also bold colours are intentionally placed on a light background (vice versa) to make it stand out. For example the white main coverline is placed on a dark background, and similarly the dark purple cover line “Neck Deep” is placed on the models light white t-shirt.
  • 6. Layout/rule of thirds: The rule of thirds is used in terms of the positioning of main hotspots such as the main image in the centre. The page has a clear grid, and each feature is sectioned off. For example the the editorial letter and the contents title are placed at the top, the article column is placed in the middle and at the bottom right hand corner there is an image and headline. Font: All the styles of font are different for every feature on this page. For example, the contents title is in a large size and is in a white typography. It also has a bold black 3d effect around it. Whereas other features for example, the article titles are in a smaller size and are placed on a block of yellow colour to make it stand out. Also, the font style of the main headline is a worn out typography and is in a bright yellow colour. Mode of address: The overall mode of address is informal and uses colloquial language. For example, in the editorial letter, it begins with “HELLO READERS.” This is a causal/relaxed opening which implies that the text is written in a conversation style. Also, the use of capitals could represent ideas of the target audience feeling welcomed (into the text).The use of the sentence “If you do, you've got this magazine to remind you of what happened.” The use of the word “you” being repeated indicates a more personal relationship with the target audience and makes them feel more engaged. Humour is used in the sentence “couldn’t fit their audience in their tent.” This is used to engage and entertain the target audience. Article titles: The article titles are deliberately presented in a bold typography (of black, bold writing on the colour yellow.)This is so that it catches the attention of the target audience. Content: The content of the page is typical and what you would expect to find in a magazine. For example, news, posters etc. But other article titles such as “Gigs” make it more specific that this magazine is a music magazine. Shot types: A variety of shot types are used, for example: Main image: long shot Image linked to the editorial letter: close up Model in the bottom right pug (on the right hand page)- medium close up
  • 7. By-line: The byline is there to tell the target audience, who has written it, taken certain pictures is in a small white font, but still stands out due to it being placed on the darker green grass. Masthead/brand identity: The brand identity of the masthead is not on the top alongside the contents title, but instead it can be seen on the right hand side column, and is on the picture of the magazines cover page. Border: The picture has a black border to make it stand out from the white background. Date/issue number: This is at the top of the page in a bold, yellow colour. The connotation of having the date in bold could be to show the target audience that the magazine is recent, and includes the latest news/topics. Page numbers: The page numbers are linked to the article titles and are in a random order. Also, the main image does not anchor to a page number. House style: The house style is a rock theme. This is mainly shown by the contents title and the selection of images surrounding it.For example the skulls, alcohol bottle, shot glasses, drumsticks and the Christian cross. These items are all associated with the stereotypes of what rock music is about. Target audience: The target audience are white males between the ages of 17-25 who are interested in rock music. Also, on the bottom of the left hand side of the double page spread, there are a selection of links to social media sites. Stereotypically, these are mostly used by young people around the ages of the 17-25 age group Editorial letter: This has a personal feel to it, in terms of the engaging language used. For example, the word “you” constantly used. Also, the use of the font of the editors signature, gives the letter a more personal touch as it looks as if he has written it. Main image: The mis-en-scene of the beer can prop/cups links to the image of shot glasses and alcohol bottles surrounding the contents title. Also, all of the are energetic and lively. This is shown by their body language and happy facial expressions. The fact that all the models are white, links to the target audience .Also, they look like they are all between the age range of 17-25.The prop of the red chair is deliberately present, as it fits in with the colour of the contents page.(specifically links to the block of colour on which the main headline is on.)
  • 9. Basic layout: On this page, I can see the rule of thirds due to the main hotspots/points of interest being placed in certain positions. Eg: The main image is central on the left hand side of the page. Also, a grid is used in terms of each section being in its own place. For example on the right hand side of the page, at the top there is the main headline, a small image, in the middle there is the sub-heading and at the bottom there is the article paragraph. Font: The style of fonts is different for each feature. Eg, the main headline, the sub-heading and the article are all different. The main headline is in the biggest size, so that it is eye-catching and stands out to the target audience. Although, the sub-heading and article manage to grab their attention as well, due to the words in bold and the bold drop caps used. Space: There is very little dead space on the page. The only parts that do not include anything, are the right and left hand side on top of the main headline. Other than that, features such as the main image and main headline use a lot of the space effectively. Main headline: This feature is in the largest font size and is in bold typography. Also, the colour of it is in white, and is on a black background (so is the sub-heading and the article).This makes it stand out off the page, resulting in grabbing the target audiences attention. Also, the dots surrounding the main headline, could symbolically represent “stars” and link to the word “spiritual. Symbols: The umbrella image, could have a symbolic meaning and link to this specific band as it is used twice on the page (as well as the front cover.) Repetition: Features such as the umbrella image and the name of the band (Bring me the Horizon) are repeated. (Eg: The bands name is used three times on this page (on the top right/left side of the page and in the sub-headline.) This could be to add emphasis/reinforce the idea.
  • 10. Colours: The main colours used are black and white. This is seen as features such as the background is black, and some of the models clothing are black. All the writing on the page is white as well as some of the models clothing. This connotes ideas, of the sub-genre of rock being “dark” and “emotional. "The colours contrast each other and make features stand out, and grab the target audiences attention. Use of images: There is only one image that is used, which is the main image. This takes up the whole page on the left hand side. Page: numbers/branding: The page numbers are seen at the bottom of each page, along side the branding of the masthead title. They are on a black background, which makes them stand out. Mode of address/language: The language used is mainly formal, but some written in a speech/conversation style. This is seen in the article as sentences such as “Because this wasn’t just a night to remember. Oh no..” The use of “oh no” indicates that the article is meant to be written as if the writer was having a conversation with the reader. The use of this is to engage and make the target audience feel a part of it. Design/Overall impression: My overall impression of this page, is that it is presented in different ways for different people. For example, someone could see the page as dark and mainly bases on “rock” due to the dark colours, content, mis-en-scene of tattoos etc. Whereas another person could view it as “sophisticated and classy, due to features such as the classic colour scheme. Theme: The theme/semantic field revolves around the sub-genre of rock and grunge. This can be seen due to things such as tattoos on the models, which reinforce stereotypes of a typical rock singer, and also in the text, words such as “spirit” and “dead” link to these themes, as stereotypically they are associated with them. Eg: that rock music is about death etc.
  • 11. Main image: The main image is of the band “Bring me the Horizon. “They are also seen on the front cover. The denotation is that the members are positioned so that the main person who is in the centre is the most eye-catching. This connotes that he perhaps is the lead singer in the band. All of the members use direct address, this is to engage with the audience. Also, the mis-en- scene of the dark clothing, reinforces the stereotype of a typical person who is interested in rock music. Although, on the other hand, this clothing could be represented as classy and sophisticated due to the classic colour combination. And lastly, the costume of the hood denotes that it is part of the bands image, but could connote and reinforce stereotypes of young people being up to no good and being “thugs.” As stereotypically, young people who are up to no good wear items of clothing's such as hoods, to remain discreet. How text and image are integrated: They both anchor to each other as in the text, the name of the band is used, and the picture is about them, secondly the text is written in the colour “white” and the models clothing include this colour alongside other neutral colours. This may have been done intentionally to fit in with the house colour of the page. By line: This is in a white typography below the subheading to make it stand out and inform the target audience about who has taken the main image.
  • 12. Other double page spreads in the magazine:
  • 14. Genre: The sub-genre of the rock music is present in all three pages. This is because the magazine revolves around this particular style of music. Also, features such as famous rock artists are used for the contents, cover and double page spread.Also,symbols are also used to reinforce the stereotype of this sub-genre. Eg: On the cover page we can see tattoes,on the contents page, there are symbols of skulls, alcohol etc and on the double page spread, tattoes are deliberately used again. Rule of 3rd/grid/columns: The rule of thirds/a grid is used on all the three pages. This is seen as each feature, (for example, the main headline, sub headline and article on the double page spread) are all sectioned off and put into columns. The effect of this on the target audience, is so that the layout looks well-ordered and organised. Masthead/brand identity: The “Kerrang!” masthead is used on all three pages, to emphasise to the target audience what magazine they are reading. Font: All three pages use a large/bold font size to emphasise main features. For example the bold typography of the masthead on the front cover, the contents title on the contents page and the main headline for the double page spread. The use of this is to make main features such as the ones listed above, eye-catching and to make them stand out. Colour scheme: The three pages all stick to a colour scheme/house colour. For example, the cover page is mainly purple and white, the contents page is black, white and red, and the double page spread is black and white. Main image: All three pages have including one main image in common. For example, on the cover page the main image is of the band “Bring me the Horizon”, on the contents page, there is a different band and on the double page spread, the same band which was on the cover page appear again.