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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirement for the award of the degree of
Vandana Sharma (11273)
Rohit Pandey (11236)
Palak Sinha (11234)
Rajan Chauhan (10225)
I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the major project titled “GUI
Based Device Controller Using MATLAB” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology and submitted in the Electrical and
Electronics Department, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, is an authentic
record of my own work carried out during a period from August 2014 to DEC 2014
under the supervision of Dr. Y.R. SOOD, Professor, Electrical and Electronics
Department , National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur.
The matter presented in this project report has not been submitted by me for the award of
any other degree of this or any other Institute / University .
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to the best of
my Knowledge.
Project Supervisor
Prof. Ashwani Chandel
National Institute Of Technology Hamirpur, HP
“Preservance ,inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in any venture .
It is not just the brain that matters most , but that which guides them . The character, the
heart , generous qualities and progressive forces. The metamorphosis took endless hours
of toil , had its moments of frustation , but in the end everything seemed to have sense”.
At this level of understanding it is often difficult to understand the wide spectrum of
knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, we take this opportunity to
express our heartfelt gratitude to our project guide “DR .Y.R. SOOD” who had faith in us
and allowed us to work on this project .We would like to thank him for his immense
interest ,valuable guidance, constant inspiration and kind co-operation throughout the
period of word undertaken, which has been instruemnted in the success of our project .
We also acknowledge our profound sense of gratitude to all the teachers who have
been instruemental for providing us the technical knowledge and moral support to
complete the project with full understanding .We thank our friends and family for their
moral support to carve out this project and above all GOD for removing all hurdles in
the way .
Within the ambit of wireless technology ,apperance of the remote control based devices
and appliances have become the order of the day. It reduces human affords and
increases the efficiency. Every sector needs the automation, ranging from home to
industries. Automation Systems perform by allowing a number of to communicate with a
central controller which in turn communicates all information to the user or the owner of
the system as per the instructions and the structure of the system.The application of
such automation systems could be in areas such as heating ,lighting , defence , energy
management audio and vedio systems , health monitoring and entertainment .
Keeping all these facts in mind , this project propose a system which based on GUI
controlling through a PC (personal computer ) or LAPTOP. This project propose
automation of appliances like fan , bulb , motor , fire sensor. To automate these
appliances , we can use the different wireless communication media like infrared ,
Bluetooth , Radio Frequency , RFID , GSM, DTMF and GUI-MATLAB and
implemented with the help of microcontroller – 89c51 to compare the robustness and
effeciency of the output . To automate the industries
appliances we have to programme the CPU-89S52 In Embedded C . Being an emerging
area of research, a review of the most recent literature and implementation has been
carried out. Home Automation refers to the use of the computer and information
technology to control home appliances and features ( such as windows or lightning )
. Systems can range from simple remote control of lightning through to complex
computer /micro –controller based networks with varying degrees of intelligence
and automation . Home automation is adopted for reasons of ease , security and
energy efficiency .In modern construction in industrialized nations , most homes have
been wired for electrical power , telephones , TV Outlets (cable or antennas ) and a
doorbell . Many household tasks were automated by the development of
specialized appliances . For instances , automatic washing machines were
developed to reduce the manual labor of cleaning clothes , and the water heaters
reduced the labor necessary for bathing. Other traditional household tasks , like food
preservation and preparation have been automated in large extent by moving them
into factory settings , with the development of pre made , prepackaged foods and in
some countries , such as the UNITED STATES , increased reliance on commercial
food preparation services , such as fast food restuarants . Volume production and
the factory setting allows forms of automation that would be impractical or too
costly in a home setting . Standardize foods enable possible futher automation of handling
the food within the home. The use of gaseous or liquid fuels, and later the use of
electricity enabled increased automation in heating , reducing the labour necessary to
manually refuel heaters and stoves . Development of thermostats allowed more
automated control of heating and ater cooling . As the number of controllable
devices in the home rises , interconnection and communication becomes a useful and
desired feature. For example, a furnace can send an alert message when it needs
cleaning , or a refrigerator when it needs service . Rooms will become
“intelligent” and will send signals to the controller when someone enters . If no one
is supposed to be at home and the alarm system is set , the system is set , the
system could call the owner , or the neighbors , or an emergency number. In simple
installations, domotics may be as straightforward as turning on the lights when a
person enters the room. In advanced installations , rooms can sense not only the
presense of a person inside but know who that person is and perhaps set appropriate
lightining, temperature , music levels or television channels , taking into account
the day of the week , the time of day and other factors . This Project is an
implementation of the MATLAB –ARDUINO serial port communication .This project
will also include an introduction of what an Arduino is - it’s basic design . The pins
that are there on the board etc , Following this we have covered topics on Arduino Setup,
issues faced while installing an Arduino. It’s hardware and software aspects , issues
faced while installing an Arduino , how we have troubles hooted the problems etc .
The final portion of this report includes MATLAB ARDUINO INTERFACING and
serial port communication. The communication is established using the serial ports
that are present on the Arduino Board .
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a pictorial interface to a program. A good GUI can
make programs easier to use by providing them with a consistent appearance and with
intuitive controls like pushbuttons, list boxes, sliders, menus, and so forth. The GUI
should behave in an understandable and predictable manner, so that a user knows what to
expect when he or she performs an action. For example, when a mouse click occurs on a
pushbutton, the GUI should initiate the action described on the label of the button. This
chapter introduces the basic elements of the MATLAB GUIs. The chapter does not
contain a complete description of components or GUI features, but it does provide the
basics required to create functional GUIs for your programs.
How a Graphical User Interface Works
A graphical user interface provides the user with a familiar environment in which to
work. This environment contains pushbuttons, toggle buttons, lists, menus, text boxes,
and so forth, all of which are already familiar to the user, so that he or she can
concentrate on using the application rather than on the mechanics involved in doing
things. However, GUIs are harder for the programmer because a GUI-based program
must be prepared for mouse clicks (or possibly keyboard input) for any GUI element at
any time. Such inputs are known as events, and a program that responds to events is said
to be event driven. The three principal elements required to create a MATLAB Graphical
User Interface are
1. Components. Each item on a MATLAB GUI (pushbuttons, labels, edit boxes, etc is a
graphical component. The types of components include graphical controls(pushbuttons,
edit boxes, lists, sliders, etc.), static elements (frames and text strings), menus, and
axes. Graphical controls and static elements are created by the function ui control, and
menus are created by the functions ui menu and ui context menu. Axes, which are used
to display graphical data, are created by the function axes.
2. Figures. The components of a GUI must be arranged within a figure, which is a
window on the computer screen. In the past, figures have been created automatically
whenever we have plotted data. However, empty figures can be created with the
function figure and can be used to hold any combination of components.
3. Callbacks. Finally, there must be some way to perform an action if a user clicks a
mouse on a button or types information on a keyboard. A mouse click or a key press is
an event, and the MATLAB program must respond to each event if the program is to
perform its function. For example, if a user clicks on a button, that event must cause
the MATLAB code that implements the function of the button to be executed. The
code executed in response to an event is known as a call back. There must be a call
back to implement the function of each graphical component on the GUI. The basic
GUI elements are summarized in Table 1.1, and sample elements are shown in Figure.
We will be studying examples of these elements and then build working GUIs
from them.
Creating And Displaying A Graphical User Interface
MATLAB GUIs are created using a tool called guide, the GUI Development
Environment. This tool allows a programmer to layout the GUI, selecting and aligning
the GUI components to be placed in it. Once the components are in place, the
programmer can edit their properties: name, color, size, font, text to display, and so forth.
When guide saves the GUI, it creates working program including skeleton functions that
the programmer can modify to implement the behavior of the GUI. When guide is
executed, it creates the Layout Editor, shown in Figure 1.2. The large white area with
grid lines is the layout area, where a programmer can layout the GUI. The Layout Editor
window has a palate of GUI components along the left side of the layout area. A user can
create any number of GUI components by first clicking on the desired component, and
then dragging its outline in the layout area. The top of the window has a toolbar with a
series of useful tools that allow the user to distribute and align GUI components, modify
the properties of GUI components, add menus to GUIs, and so on. The basic steps
required to create a MATLAB GUI are:
1. Decide what elements are required for the GUI and what the function of each element
will be. Make a rough layout of the components by hand on a piece of paper.
Figure 1.1 A Figure Window showing examples of MA TLAB GUI elements From top
to bottom and left to right, the elements are: (1) a pushbutton; (2) a toggle button in the
‘on' state; (3) two radio buttons surrounded by a frame; (4) a check box; (5) a text field
and an edit box; (6) a slider; (7) a set of axes; and (8) a list box.
2.Use a MATLAB tool called guide (GUI Development Environment) to layout the
components on a figure. The size of the figure and the alignment and spacing of
components on the figure can be adjusted using the tools built into guide.
3. Use a MATLAB tool called the Property Inspector (built into guide) to give each
component a name (a "tag") and to set the characteristics of each component, such as
its color, the text it displays, and so on.
4. Save the figure to a file. When the figure is saved, two files will be created on disk
with the same name but different extents. The fig file contains the actual GUI that you
have created, and the M-file contains the code to load the figure and skeleton call
backs for each GUI element.
5. Write code to implement the behavior associated with each callback function.
As an example of these steps, let's consider a simple GUI that contains a single
Push button and a single text string. Each time that the pushbutton is clicked, the text
string will be updated to show the total number of clicks since the GUI started.
Figure 1.3 Rough layout for a GUI containing a single pushbutton and a single label field.
Step 1: The design of this Gm is very simple. It contains a single pushbutton and a single
text field. The callback from the pushbutton will cause the number displayed in the text
field to increase by one each time that the button is pressed. A rough sketch of the GUI is
shown in Figure 1.3.
Step 2: To layout the components on the GUI, run the MATLAB function guide. When
guide is executed, it creates the window shown in Figure 1.2
Figure 1.4 The completed GUI layout within the guide window
First, we must set the size of the layout area, which will become the size the final GUI.
We do this by dragging the small square on the lower right corner of the layout area until
it has the desired size and shape. Then, click on the "pushbutton" button in the list of GUI
components, and create the shape of the pushbutton in the layout area. Finally, click on
the "text" button in the list GUI components, and create the shape of the text field in the
layout area. The resulting figure after these steps is shown in Figure 1.4. We could now
adjust the alignment of these two elements using the Alignment Tool, if desired.
Step 3: To set the properties of the pushbutton, click on the button in the layout area and
then select "Property Inspector" from the toolbar. Alternatively, right-click on the button
and select "Inspect Properties" from the popup menu. The Property Inspector window
shown in Figure 1.5 will appear. Note this window lists every property available for the
pushbutton and allows us set each value using a GUI interface. The Property Inspector
performs the same function as the get and set functions, but in a much more convenient
For the pushbutton, we may set many properties such as color, size, font, text alignment,
and so on. However, we must set two properties: the String property, which contains the
text to be displayed, and the Tag property, which is the name of the pushbutton. In this
case, the String property will be set to 'click Here', and the Tag property will be set to
MyFirstButton. For the text field, we must set two properties: the String property, which
contains the text to be displayed, and the Tag property, which is the name of the text
field. This name will be needed by the callback function to locate and update the text
field. In this case, the String property will be set to 'Total clicks: 0', and the Tag property
defaulted to 'MyFirstText'. The layout area after these steps is shown in Figure 1.6. It is
possible to set the properties of the figure itself by clicking on a clear spot in the Layout
Editor, and then using the Property Inspector to examine and set the figure's properties.
Although not required, it is a good idea to set the figure's Name property. The string in
the Name property will be displayed in the title bar of the resulting GUI when it is
Figure 1.5 The Property Inspector showing the properties of the pushbutton. Note that the
String is set to 'Click Here', and the Tag is set to 'MyFirstButton'.
Step 4: We will now save the layout area under the name MyFirstGUI. Select the
"File/SaveAs" menu item, type the name MyFirstGUI as the file name, and click "Save".
This action will automatically create two files, MyFirstGUI.fig and MyFirstGUI.m. The
figure file contains the actual GUI that we have created. The M-file contains code that
loads the figure file and creates the GUI, plus a skeleton callback function for each active
GUI component.
At this point, we have a complete Gm, but one that does not yet do the job it was
designed to do. You can start this Gm by typing MyFirstGUI in the Command Window,
as shown in Figure 1.7. If the button is clicked on this GUI, the following message will
appear in the Command Window: MyFirstButton Callback not implemented yet. A
portion of the M-file automatically created by guide is shown in Figure 1.8. This file
contains function MyFirstGUI, plus dummy sub functions implementing the callbacks for
each active GUI component. If function MyFirstGUI is called without arguments, then
the function displays the Gm contained in file.
Figure 1.6 The design area after the properties of the pushbutton and the text field have
been modified.
MyFirstGUI.fig. If function MyFirstGUI is called with arguments, then the function
assumes that the first arguments the name of a sub function, and it calls that function
using feval, passing the other arguments on to that function. Each callback function
handles events from a single GUI component. If a mouse click (or keyboard input for
Edit Fields) occurs on the GUI component, then the component's callback function will
be automatically called by MATLAB. The name of the callback function will be the
value in the Tag property of the GUI component plus the characters "_Callback". Thus,
the callback function for MyFirstButton will be named MyFirstButton_Callback. M-files
created by guide contain callbacks for each active GUI component, but these callbacks
simply display a message saying that the function of the callback has not been
implemented yet.
Step 5: Now, we need to implement the callback sub function for the pushbutton. This
function will include a persistent variable that can be used to count the number of clicks
that have occurred. When a click occurs on the pushbutton, MATLAB will call the
function MyFirstGUI with MyFirstButton_callback as the first argument. Then function
MyFirstGUI will call sub function MyFirstButton_callback, as shownin Figure 1.9. This
function should increase the count of clicks by one, create a new text string containing
the count, and store the new string in the String property of the text field MyFirstText.
Figure 1.7 Typing MyFirstGUI in the Command Window starts the GUI
Figure 1.8 The M-file forMyFirstGUI, automatically created by guide.
A function to perform this step is shown below:
Figure 1.9 Event handling in program MyFirstGUI.
When a user clicks on the button with the mouse, the function MyFirstGUI is cal1ed
automatically with the argument MyFirstButton_callback. Function MyFirstGUI in turn
calls sub function. MyFirstButton_Callback. This function increments count, and then
saves the new count in the text field on the GUI.
Figure 1.10 The resulting program after three button pushes.
Note that this function declares a persistent variable count and initializes it to zero. Each
time that the function is called, it increments count by 1 and creates a new string
containing the count. Then, the function updates the string displayed in the text field
MyFirstText. The resulting program is executed by typing MyFirstGUI in the Command
Window. When the user clicks on the button, MATLAB automatically calls function
MyFirstGUI with MYFirstButton_Callback as the first argument, and function
MyFirstGUI calls sub function MyFirstButton_Callback. This function increments
variable count by one and updates the value displayed in the text field. The resulting GUI
after three button pushes is shown in Figure 1.10.
Good Programming Practice
Store GUI application data in the handles structure, so that it will automatically be
available to any callback function.
If you modify any of the GUI application data in the handles structure, be sure to save the
structure with a call to guidata before exiting the function where the modifications
Graphical user Interface Components
This section summarizes the basic characteristics of common graphical user interface
components. It describes how to create and use each component, as well as the types of
events each component can generate. The components discussed in this section are
• Text Fields
• Edit Boxes
• Frames
• Pushbuttons
• Toggle Buttons
• Checkboxes
• Radio Buttons
• Popup Menus
• List Boxes
• Slide
Text Fields
A text-field is a graphical object that displays a text string. You can specify how the text
is aligned in the display area by setting the horizontal alignment property. By default, text
fields are horizontally centered. A text field is created by creating a uicontrol whose style
property is 'edit'. A text field may be added to a GUI by using the text tool in the Layout
Editor. Text fields do not create callbacks, but the value displayed in the text field can be
updated in a callback function by changing the text field's String property.
Edit Boxes
An edit box is a graphical object that allows a user to enter a text string. The edit box
generates a callback when the user presses the Enter key after typing a string into the
box. An edit box is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'edit'. An
edit box may be added to a GUI by using the edit box tool in the Layout Editor. Figure
l.l1a shows a simple GUI containing an edit box named, ‘Edit Box’ and a text field
named 'TextBox' .When a user types a string into the edit box, it automatically calls
the function EditBox_Callback, which is shown in Figure 1.11b. This function locates
the edit box using the handles structure and recovers the string typed by the user.
Then, it locates the text field and displays the string in the text field. Figure 1.12 shows
this GUI just after it has started and after the user has typed the word "Hello" in the edit
3. Frames
A frame is a graphical object that displays a rectangle on the GUI. You can use frames
to draw boxes around groups of logically related objects. For example, a frame is used
to group the radio buttons together on Figure 1.1. A frame is created by creating a
uicontrol whose style property is 'frame'. A frame maybe added to a GUI by using the
frame tool in the Layout Editor. Frames do not generate callbacks.
4. Pushbuttons
A pushbutton is a component that a user can click on to trigger a specific action. The
pushbutton generates a callback when the user clicks the mouse on it. A pushbutton is
created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'pushbutton'. A pushbutton may
be added to a GUI by using the pushbutton tool in the Layout Editor. Function
MyFirstGUI in Figure 1.10 illustrated the use of pushbuttons.
Figure 1.11 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with an edit box and a text field. (b) The callback
functions for this GUI.
Figure 1.12 (a) The GUI produced by program test edit. (b) The GUI after a user types
Hello into the edit box and presses Enter.
5. Toggle Buttons
A toggle button is a type of button that has two states: on (depressed) and off (not
depressed). A toggle button switches between these two states whenever the mouse clicks
on it, and it generates a callback each time. The 'Value' property of the toggle button is
set to max (usually 1) when the button is on, and min (usually 0) when the button is off.
A toggle button is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is toggle button. A
toggle button may be added to a GUI by using the toggle button tool in the Layout Editor.
Figure 1.13a shows a simple GUI containing a toggle button named 'ToggleButton' and a
text field named' TextBox'. When a user clicks on the toggle button, it automatically calls
the function ToggleButton Callback, which is shown in Figure 1.13b. This function
locates the toggle button using the handles structure and recovers its state from the' Value'
property. Then, the function locates the text field and displays the state in the text field.
Figure 1.14 shows this GUI just after it has started, and after the user has clicked on the
toggle button for the first time.
6. Checkboxes and radio buttons
Checkboxes and radio buttons are essentially identical to toggle buttons except that they
have different shapes. Like toggle buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons have two states:
on and off. They switch between these two states whenever the mouse clicks on them,
generating a callback each time. The 'Value' property of the checkbox or radio button is
set to max (usually 1) when they are on, and min (usually 0) when they are off. Both
checkboxes and radio buttons are illustrated in Figure 1.1.
A checkbox is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'checkbox', and a
radio button is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'radiobutton'. A
checkbox may be added to a GUI by using the checkbox tool in the Layout Editor, and a
radio button may be added to a GUI by using the radio button tool in the Layout Editor.
Checkboxes are traditionally used to display on/off options, and groups of radio buttons
are traditionally used to select among mutually exclusive options. Figure 1.l5a shows an
example of how to create a group of mutually exclusive options with radio buttons. The
GUI in this figure creates three radio buttons, labeled "Option 1," "Option 2," and
"Option 3." Each radio button uses the same callback function, but with a separate
parameter. The corresponding callback functions are shown in Figure l.l5b. When the
user clicks on a radio button, the corresponding callback function is executed.That
function sets the text box to display the current option, turns on that radio button, and
turns off all other radio buttons. Note that the GUI uses a frame to group the radio buttons
together, making it obvious that they are a set. Figure 1.16 shows this GUI after Option 2
has been selected.
Figure 1.13 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with a toggle button and a text field. (b) The call
back function for this GUI.
Figure 1.14 (a) The GUI produced by program testto gglebutton when the toggle button
is off. (b) The GUI when the toggle button is on.
7. Popup menus
Popup menus are graphical objects that allow a user to select one of a mutually exclusive
list of options. The list of options that the user can select among is specified by a cell
array of strings, and the 'Value' property indicates which of the strings is currently
selected. A popup menu may be added to a GUI by using the popup menu tool in the
Layout Editor. Figure 1.14a shows an example of a popup menu. The GUI in this figure
creates a popup menu with five options, labeled "Option I," "Option 2," and so forth. The
corresponding callback function is shown in Figure 1.14b. The call back function
recovers the selected option by checking the' Value' parameter of the popup menu, and
creates and displays a string containing that value in the text field. Figure 1.15 shows this
Gm after Option 4 has been selected.
8. List Boxes
List boxes are graphical objects that display many lines of text and allow a user to select
one or more of those lines. If there are more lines of text than can fit in the list box, a
scroll bar will be created to allow the user to scroll up and down within the list box. The
lines of text that the user can select among are specified by a cell array of strings, and the'
Value' property indicates which of the strings are currently selected. A list box is created
by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'listbox'. A list box may be added to a GUI
by using the listbox tool in the Layout Editor. List boxes can be used to select a single
item from a selection of possible choices. In normal GUI usage, a single mouse click on a
list item selects that item but does not cause an action to occur. Instead, the action waits
on some external trigger, such as a pushbutton. However, a mouse double-click causes an
action to happen immediately. Single-click and double-click events can be distinguished
using the Selection Type property of the figure in which the clicks occurred. A single
mouse click will place the string 'normal' in the Selection Type property, and a double
mouse click will place the string' open' in the Selection Type property.
Figure 1.14 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with a popup menu and a text field to display the
current selection. (b) The callback functions for this GUI.
Figure 1.15 The GUI produced by program test popup.
It is also possible for a list box to allow multiple selections from the list. If the difference
between the max and min properties of the list box is greater than one, then multiple
selections is allowed. Otherwise, only one item may be selected from the list.
This function will check the figure producing the callback (using function gebf) to see if
the selecting action was a single-click or a double-click. If it was a single-click, the
function does nothing. If it was a double-click, then the function gets the selected value
from the listbox, and writes an appropriate string into the text field. If the pushbutton is
selected, then functionButton1_Callbaekwill be executed. This function gets the selected
value from the listbox, and writes an appropriate string into the text field.
9. Sliders
Sliders are graphical objects that allow a user to select values from a continuous range
between a specified minimum value and a specified maximum value by moving a bar
with a mouse. The 'Value' property of the slider is set to a value between min and max
depending on the position of the slider.
A slider is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'slider'. A slider may be
added to a GUI by using the slider tool in the Layout Editor.
Microcontrollers are used in the industrial world to control many types of equipments
ranging from customers to specialized devices . Furthermore , there is a growing need
for offline support of a computers main processor . The demand will grow as
more eqipment uses more intelligence . One of the most popular is MOTOROLA
68HC11 MICROCONTROLLER is relatively easy to work with , yet they have most
of the features essential for a complete control system .Thus student of control
automation can use them to work with control systems at the component level.The
intersted person can also use them as tools to understand and experiment with the
computer and data communications systems. As time passed engineers have developed a
better microcontroller to perform the specific task. For example, : ATMEL8051 family ,
ATMEL 8052 family , ATmega AVR family , TI-MSP430 , ARM family and many
more. These all controllers are present in the market for development such types of
specific task . As per the application we need to choose one of them. The crtiteria for
choosing the microcontroller are by their features , cost and power consumption, area ,
available memory inside the chip etc. Controller 89S52 from ATMEL 8052 Family .
It has 8 KB of on chip ROM and 256 bytes of RAM , 32 I/O PINS and easy to
program .
Industrial Automation meant for a system which monitor the input points (sensors and
signals generated by the GSM , BLUETOOTH , RF TRANSMITTER , RFID , DTMF)
and respond as per their described behaviour after crossin a threshold limit set by the
user.So far many scientists have done lots of research in the field of automation. For
example :There is automation using IR SENSOR . In addition some of them have
improved their communication medium to robust and effeicient their system. Morever,
due to the advancement in computer era , it facilitates the development of electronic
devices such as digital camera, digital images have been widely used in many era.
Therefore security is also an important issue.
Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical
world than your desktop computer . It’s an open - source physical computing platform
based on a simple microcontroller board and a development enviornment for
writing software for the board . Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects
, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors and controlling a variety of
lights , motors , and other physical outputs . Arduino projects can be stand – alone , or
they can communicate with softwares running on your computer ( eg Flash , Processing
, MaxMSP ) . The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled , the
open source IDE can be downloaded for free .
The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring , a similar physical
computing platform which is based on the Processing multimedia programming
enviornment .
There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms , available for
physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp , Netmedia’s BX-24 , PHIDGETS , MIT’s
Handyboard and many other offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the
messy details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy to use package .
Arduino also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some
advantage for teachers, students and interested amateurs over other systems.
INEXPENSIVE : Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other
microcontroller platforms . The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be
assembled by hand and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than $ 50.
Cross-Platform : The Arduino software runs on the Windows , Macintosh OSX and
Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows .
Simple, clear programming enviornment : The Arduino programming enviornment is
easy -to–use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of
as well. For teachers, it’s conveniently based on the Processing programming
enviornment , so students learning to program in that enviornment will be familiar
with the look and feel of Arduino .
Open source and extensible software : The Aurdino software is published as open
source tools , available for extension by experienced programmers . The language can
be expanded through C++ libraries and people wanting to understand the technical
details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C PROGRAMMING
language on which it’s based . Similarly you can add AVR - C CODE directly
into your Arduino programs if you want to .
Open source and extensible hardware : The Arduino is based on Atmel’s
ATMEGA8 and ATMEGA168 MICROCONTROLLERS . The plans for the
modules are published under a creative Common license , so experienced circuit
designers can make their own version of the module , extending it and improving
it . Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the
module in order to understand how it works and save money .
Setting up an Arduino:
To setup an Arduino we need the board, a cable to connect plug A and B. Cable is used to
interface/connect between PC and Arduino. Connect it to PC. COM port (Communication
port is the name of the serial port interfacing on the common PC’s. After plugging in the
Arduino gets connected to COM port. A software called arduinocc is downloaded (open
source software). It is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
PIN Configurations:
The Arduino Digital Pins can be configured as either input/output pins. By default they
are input pins.
PinMode(pin, mode)
There are pin modes. The number of pin whose mode is to be changed is represented by
pin. Mode can be input, output or input pull-up.
Checking if the Arduino works:
After setting up, the debugging LED is made to blink by writing the following code:
int led = 13;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
Serial Port communication:
The concept of serial communication is simple, in serial communication data is sent one
bit at a time. Although this is slower than parallel communication, which allows the
transmission of an entire byte at once, it is simpler and can be used over longer distances.
Possible troubleshooting for issues that may arise:
Issues are:
1. Right clicking on COM Port and updating drivers did not work.
2. Incompatibility of the software. It did not function at all.
3. The board was not able to connect to the PC.
1.The issue was troubles hooted when the unzipped folder was put on desktop.
2. Following quite a few instructions found on a supportive blog and the official Arduino
Forum proved helpful to solve the rest of the issues.
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second }
MATLAB code to generate a pulse:
clc; clear all; close all;
D=input('Enter the Ton percentage');
% This code shows a pulse on the MATLAB plotter window
But a problem with the code is that I was not able to change the frequency of the pulse.
How did I solve this problem?
I have used a Simulink block called pulse generator. I can vary the sampling time of the
pulse using this block. The below is the block diagram of a pulse generator. It can be
found in the Simulink Library.
Pulse generator block:
Pulse generator output graph:
The Pulse Generator block generates square wave pulses at regular intervals. The block's
waveform parameters, Amplitude, Pulse Width, Period, and Phase delay, determine the
shape of the output waveform. The above diagram shows how each parameter affects the
The Pulse Generator can emit scalar, vector, or matrix signals of any real data type. To
cause the block to emit a scalar signal, use scalars to specify the waveform parameters.
To cause the block to emit a vector or matrix signal, use vectors or matrices, respectively,
to specify the waveform parameters. Each element of the waveform parameters affects
the corresponding element of the output signal. For example, the first element
of a vector amplitude parameter determines the amplitude of the first element of a vector
output pulse. All the waveform parameters must have the same dimensions after scalar
expansion. The data type of the output is the same as the data type of the
Amplitude parameter.
Use the Pulse type parameter to specify whether the block's output is time-based or
sample-based. If you select sample-based, the block computes its outputs at fixed
intervals that you specify. If you select time-based, Simulink software computes the
block's outputs only at times when the output actually changes. This choice can result in
fewer computations for computing the block's output over the simulation time period.
A time-based configuration using parameters Pulse Width and Period that results in a
constant output signal is not supported. Simulink returns an error if these parameters
satisfy either of the following conditions:
If you select time-based as the block's pulse type, you must specify the pulse's phase
delay and period in units of seconds. If you specify sample-based, you must specify the
block's sample time in seconds, using the Sample time parameter, then specify the block's
phase delay and period as integer multiples of the sample time. For example, suppose that
you specify a sample time of 0.5 second and want the pulse to repeat every two seconds.
In this case, you would specify 4 as the value of the block's Period parameter.
Tweaking with the properties of a pulse generator:
To tweak with the properties of a pulse generator the following information can be used:
Pulse type- The pulse type for this block: time-based or sample-based. The default is
Time- It specifies whether to use simulation time or an external signal as the source of
values for the output pulse's time variable. If you specify an external source, the block
displays an input port for connecting the source. The output pulse differs as follows:
If you select Use simulation time, the block generates an output pulse where the time
variable equals the simulation time.If you select Use external signal, the block generates
an output pulse where the time variable equals the value from the input port, which can
differ from the simulation time.
It is the pulse amplitude. The default is 1.
The pulse period specified in seconds if the pulse type is time-based or as number of
sample times if the pulse type is sample-based. The default is 10 seconds.
Pulse Width:
The duty cycle specified as the percentage of the pulse period that the signal is on if time-
based or as number of sample times if sample-based. The default is 5 percent.
Phase delay:
The delay before the pulse is generated specified in seconds if the pulse type is time-
based or as number of sample times if the pulse type is sample-based. The default
is 0 seconds.
Sample time:
It is the length of the sample time for this block in seconds. This parameter appears only
if the block's pulse type is sample-based. See Specify Sample Time in the Simulink User's
Guide for more information.
MATLAB and ARDUINO Interfacing:
This is the function:
Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data.
These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI USB-to-TTL Serial chip.
How to Communicate:
The Arduino Duemilanove has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer,
another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega168 and ATmega328 provide
UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1
(TX). An FTDI FT232RL on the board channels this serial communication over USB and
the FTDI drivers (included with Windows version of the Arduino software) provide a
virtual com port to software on the computer. The Arduino software includes a serial
monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The
RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI
chip and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and
1). A SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on any of the Duemilanove's
digital pins. The ATmega168 and ATmega328 also support I2C (TWI) and SPI
communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of
the I2C bus; see the documentation for details. For SPI communication, use the SPI
SoftwareSerial Library:
The Arduino hardware has a built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1
(which also goes to the computer via the USB connection). The native serial support
happens via a piece of hardware (built into the chip) called a UART. This hardware
allows the Atmega chip to receive serial communication even while working on other
tasks, as long as there room in the 64 byte serial buffer. The SoftwareSerial library has
been developed to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the
Arduino, using software to replicate the functionality (hence the name "SoftwareSerial").
It is possible to have multiple software serial ports with speeds up to 115200 bps. A
parameter enables inverted signaling for devices which require that protocol. The version
of SoftwareSerial included in 1.0 and later is based on the NewSoftSerial library by Mikal
MATLAB support package for Arduino:
In serial port communication information transfers one bit at a time. MATLAB Support
Package for Arduino (also referred to as "ArduinoIO Package") allows you to
communicate with an Arduino Uno or Duemilanove over a serial port. It consists of a
MATLAB API on the host computer and a server program that runs on the Arduino.
Together, they allow you to access Arduino analog I/O, digital I/O, operate servo
motors, read encoders, and even handle dc and stepper motors using the adafruit motor
shield, all from the MATLAB command line.
Setting Up serial port object:
>> s = serial (’COM1’);
Serial Port Object : Serial-COM1
Communication Settings
Port: COM1
BaudRate: 9600
Terminator: ’LF’
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
Baud rate:
>> set(s, ’BaudRate’, 4800);
>> s.BaudRate = 4800;
The above progam helps us to establish a serial communication between matlab and
Our project:
There is an arduino support package which works with Matlab. The code is written below
that links arduino with Matlab and further we are able to control the output that is
explained further.
/* Analog and Digital Input and Output Server for MATLAB */
/* Giampiero Campa, Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc */
/* This file is meant to be used with the MATLAB arduino IO
package, however, it can be used from the IDE environment
(or any other serial terminal) by typing commands like:
0e0 : assigns digital pin #4 (e) as input
0f1 : assigns digital pin #5 (f) as output
0n1 : assigns digital pin #13 (n) as output
1c : reads digital pin #2 (c)
1e : reads digital pin #4 (e)
2n0 : sets digital pin #13 (n) low
2n1 : sets digital pin #13 (n) high
2f1 : sets digital pin #5 (f) high
2f0 : sets digital pin #5 (f) low
4j2 : sets digital pin #9 (j) to 50=ascii(2) over 255
4jz : sets digital pin #9 (j) to 122=ascii(z) over 255
3a : reads analog pin #0 (a)
3f : reads analog pin #5 (f)
5j : reads status (attached/detached) of servo on pin #9
5k : reads status (attached/detached) of servo on pin #10
6j1 : attaches servo on pin #9
8jz : moves servo on pin #9 of 122 degrees (122=ascii(z))
7j : reads angle of servo on pin #9
6j0 : detaches servo on pin #9
E0cd : attaches encoder #0 (0) on pins 2 (c) and 3 (d)
E1st : attaches encoder #1 on pins 18 (s) and 19 (t)
E2vu : attaches encoder #2 on pins 21 (v) and 20 (u)
G0 : gets 0 position of encoder #0
I0u : sets debounce delay to 20 (2ms) for encoder #0
H1 : resets position of encoder #1
F2 : detaches encoder #2
R0 : sets analog reference to DEFAULT
R1 : sets analog reference to INTERNAL
R2 : sets analog reference to EXTERNAL
X3 : roundtrip example case returning the input (ascii(3))
99 : returns script type (0 adio.pde ... 3 motor.pde ) */
#include <Servo.h>
/* define internal for the MEGA as 1.1V (as as for the 328) */
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
/* define encoder structure */
typedef struct { int pinA; int pinB; int pos; int del;} Encoder;
volatile Encoder Enc[3] = {{0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}};
/* create servo vector */
Servo servo[70];
void setup() {
/* initialize serial */
void loop() {
/* variables declaration and initialization */
static int s = -1; /* state */
static int pin = 13; /* generic pin number */
static int enc = 0; /* generic encoder number */
int val = 0; /* generic value read from serial */
int agv = 0; /* generic analog value */
int dgv = 0; /* generic digital value */
/* The following instruction constantly checks if anything
is available on the serial port. Nothing gets executed in
the loop if nothing is available to be read, but as soon
as anything becomes available, then the part coded after
the if statement (that is the real stuff) gets executed */
if (Serial.available() >0) {
/* whatever is available from the serial is read here */
val =;
/* This part basically implements a state machine that
reads the serial port and makes just one transition
to a new state, depending on both the previous state
and the command that is read from the serial port.
Some commands need additional inputs from the serial
port, so they need 2 or 3 state transitions (each one
happening as soon as anything new is available from
the serial port) to be fully executed. After a command
is fully executed the state returns to its initial
value s=-1 */
switch (s) {
/* s=-1 means NOTHING RECEIVED YET ******************* */
case -1:
/* calculate next state */
if (val>47 && val<90) {
/* the first received value indicates the mode
49 is ascii for 1, ... 90 is ascii for Z
s=0 is change-pin mode;
s=10 is DI; s=20 is DO; s=30 is AI; s=40 is AO;
s=50 is servo status; s=60 is aervo attach/detach;
s=70 is servo read; s=80 is servo write;
s=90 is query script type (1 basic, 2 motor);
s=210 is encoder attach; s=220 is encoder detach;
s=230 is get encoder position; s=240 is encoder reset;
s=250 is set encoder debounce delay;
s=340 is change analog reference;
s=400 example echo returning the input argument;
/* the following statements are needed to handle
unexpected first values coming from the serial (if
the value is unrecognized then it defaults to s=-1) */
if ((s>90 && s<210) || (s>250 && s!=340 && s!=400)) {
/* the break statements gets out of the switch-case, so
/* we go back and wait for new serial data */
break; /* s=-1 (initial state) taken care of */
/* s=0 or 1 means CHANGE PIN MODE */
case 0:
/* the second received value indicates the pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
s=1; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */
break; /* s=0 taken care of */
case 1:
/* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1 */
if (val>47 && val<50) {
/* set pin mode */
if (val==48) {
else {
s=-1; /* we are done with CHANGE PIN so go to -1 */
break; /* s=1 taken care of */
/* s=10 means DIGITAL INPUT ************************** */
case 10:
/* the second received value indicates the pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
dgv=digitalRead(pin); /* perform Digital Input */
Serial.println(dgv); /* send value via serial */
s=-1; /* we are done with DI so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=10 taken care of */
/* s=20 or 21 means DIGITAL OUTPUT ******************* */
case 20:
/* the second received value indicates the pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
s=21; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */
break; /* s=20 taken care of */
case 21:
/* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1 */
if (val>47 && val<50) {
dgv=val-48; /* calculate value */
digitalWrite(pin,dgv); /* perform Digital Output */
s=-1; /* we are done with DO so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=21 taken care of */
/* s=30 means ANALOG INPUT *************************** */
case 30:
/* the second received value indicates the pin
from abs('a')=97, pin 0, to abs('p')=112, pin 15 */
if (val>96 && val<113) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
agv=analogRead(pin); /* perform Analog Input */
Serial.println(agv); /* send value via serial */
s=-1; /* we are done with AI so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=30 taken care of */
/* s=40 or 41 means ANALOG OUTPUT ******************** */
case 40:
/* the second received value indicates the pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
s=41; /* next we will need to get value from serial */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */
break; /* s=40 taken care of */
case 41:
/* the third received value indicates the analog value */
analogWrite(pin,val); /* perform Analog Output */
s=-1; /* we are done with AO so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=41 taken care of */
/* s=50 means SERVO STATUS (ATTACHED/DETACHED) ******* */
case 50:
/* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
dgv=servo[pin].attached(); /* read status */
Serial.println(dgv); /* send value via serial */
s=-1; /* we are done with servo status so return to -1*/
break; /* s=50 taken care of */
/* s=60 or 61 means SERVO ATTACH/DETACH ************** */
case 60:
/* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
s=61; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */
break; /* s=60 taken care of */
case 61:
/* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1
0 for detach and 1 for attach */
if (val>47 && val<50) {
dgv=val-48; /* calculate value */
if (dgv) servo[pin].attach(pin); /* attach servo */
else servo[pin].detach(); /* detach servo */
s=-1; /* we are done with servo attach/detach so -1 */
break; /* s=61 taken care of */
/* s=70 means SERVO READ ***************************** */
case 70:
/* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
agv=servo[pin].read(); /* read value */
Serial.println(agv); /* send value via serial */
s=-1; /* we are done with servo read so go to -1 next */
break; /* s=70 taken care of */
/* s=80 or 81 means SERVO WRITE ******************** */
case 80:
/* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
s=81; /* next we will need to get value from serial */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */
break; /* s=80 taken care of */
case 81:
/* the third received value indicates the servo angle */
servo[pin].write(val); /* write value */
s=-1; /* we are done with servo write so go to -1 next*/
break; /* s=81 taken care of */
/* s=90 means Query Script Type:
(0 adio, 1 adioenc, 2 adiosrv, 3 motor) */
case 90:
if (val==57) {
/* if string sent is 99 send script type via serial */
s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=90 taken care of */
/* s=210 to 212 means ENCODER ATTACH ***************** */
case 210:
/* the second value indicates the encoder number:
either 0, 1 or 2 */
if (val>47 && val<51) {
enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
s=211; /* next we need the first attachment pin */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not an encoder then return to -1*/
break; /* s=210 taken care of */
case 211:
/* the third received value indicates the first pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
Enc[enc].pinA=pin; /* set pin A */
s=212; /* next we need the second attachment pin */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */
break; /* s=211 taken care of */
case 212:
/* the fourth received value indicates the second pin
from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */
if (val>98 && val<167) {
pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */
Enc[enc].pinB=pin; /* set pin B */
/* set encoder pins as inputs */
pinMode(Enc[enc].pinA, INPUT);
pinMode(Enc[enc].pinB, INPUT);
/* turn on pullup resistors */
digitalWrite(Enc[enc].pinA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Enc[enc].pinB, HIGH);
/* attach interrupts */
switch(enc) {
case 0:
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[0].pinA), isrPinAEn0, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[0].pinB), isrPinBEn0, CHANGE);
case 1:
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[1].pinA), isrPinAEn1, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[1].pinB), isrPinBEn1, CHANGE);
case 2:
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[2].pinA), isrPinAEn2, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[2].pinB), isrPinBEn2, CHANGE);
s=-1; /* we are done with encoder attach so -1 */
break; /* s=212 taken care of */
/* s=220 means ENCODER DETACH *********************** */
case 220:
/* the second value indicates the encoder number:
either 0, 1 or 2 */
if (val>47 && val<51) {
enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
/* detach interrupts */
s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */
break; /* s=220 taken care of */
/* s=230 means GET ENCODER POSITION ****************** */
case 230:
/* the second value indicates the encoder number:
either 0, 1 or 2 */
if (val>47 && val<51) {
enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
/* send the value back */
s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */
break; /* s=230 taken care of */
/* s=240 means RESET ENCODER POSITION **************** */
case 240:
/* the second value indicates the encoder number:
either 0, 1 or 2 */
if (val>47 && val<51) {
enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
/* reset position */
s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */
break; /* s=240 taken care of */
/* s=250 and 251 mean SET ENCODER DEBOUNCE DELAY ***** */
case 250:
/* the second value indicates the encoder number:
either 0, 1 or 2 */
if (val>47 && val<51) {
enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
s=251; /* next we need the first attachment pin */
else {
s=-1; /* if value is not an encoder then return to -1*/
break; /* s=250 taken care of */
case 251:
/* the third received value indicates the debounce
delay value in units of approximately 0.1 ms each
from abs('a')=97, 0 units, to abs('¦')=166, 69 units*/
if (val>96 && val<167) {
Enc[enc].del=val-97; /* set debounce delay */
s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=251 taken care of */
/* s=340 or 341 means ANALOG REFERENCE *************** */
case 340:
/* the second received value indicates the reference,
which is encoded as is 0,1,2 for DEFAULT, INTERNAL
and EXTERNAL, respectively. Note that this function
is ignored for boards not featuring AVR or PIC32 */
#if defined(__AVR__) || defined(__PIC32MX__)
switch (val) {
case 48:
case 49:
case 50:
default: /* unrecognized, no action */
s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */
break; /* s=341 taken care of */
/* s=400 roundtrip example function (returns the input)*/
case 400:
/* the second value (val) can really be anything here */
/* This is an auxiliary function that returns the ASCII
value of its first argument. It is provided as an
example for people that want to add their own code */
/* your own code goes here instead of the serial print */
s=-1; /* we are done with the aux function so -1 */
break; /* s=400 taken care of */
/* ******* UNRECOGNIZED STATE, go back to s=-1 ******* */
/* we should never get here but if we do it means we
are in an unexpected state so whatever is the second
received value we get out of here and back to s=-1 */
s=-1; /* go back to the initial state, break unneeded */
} /* end switch on state s */
} /* end if serial available */
} /* end loop statement */
/* auxiliary function to handle encoder attachment */
int getIntNum(int pin) {
/* returns the interrupt number for a given interrupt pin
see */
switch(pin) {
case 2:
return 0;
case 3:
return 1;
case 21:
return 2;
case 20:
return 3;
case 19:
return 4;
case 18:
return 5;
return -1;
/* auxiliary debouncing function */
void debounce(int del) {
int k;
for (k=0;k<del;k++) {
/* can't use delay in the ISR so need to waste some time
perfoming operations, this uses roughly 0.1ms on uno */
k = k +0.0 +0.0 -0.0 +3.0 -3.0;
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 0 */
void isrPinAEn0(){
/* read pin B right away */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinB);
/* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinA);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */
if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */
Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on A */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */
Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin A Encoder 0 */
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 0 */
void isrPinBEn0(){
/* read pin A right away */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinA);
/* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinB);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */
Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on B */
if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */
Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin B Encoder 0 */
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 1 */
void isrPinAEn1(){
/* read pin B right away */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinB);
/* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinA);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */
if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */
Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on A */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */
Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin A Encoder 1 */
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 1 */
void isrPinBEn1(){
/* read pin A right away */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinA);
/* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinB);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */
Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on B */
if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */
Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin B Encoder 1 */
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 2 */
void isrPinAEn2(){
/* read pin B right away */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinB);
/* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinA);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */
if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */
Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on A */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */
Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin A Encoder 2 */
/* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 2 */
void isrPinBEn2(){
/* read pin A right away */
int drA = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinA);
/* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */
int drB = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinB);
/* this updates the counter */
if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */
if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */
Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} else { /* must be high to low on B */
if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */
Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
} else {
Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
} /* end counter update */
} /* end ISR pin B Encoder 2 */
As the program is uploaded in Arduino we open the Matlab window and go for the
instrument tool box. As we find the GUI tool we use it to create push buttons so as to
control the leds connected to the arduino. As the progam is uploaded in matlab command
window we need to make declaration for the controller whose program is described as
clear all;
global a;
a= arduino(‘com 1’);
a= pinMode(4,’output’);
a= pinMode(8,’output’)
The name of push buttons can be changed by changing string name.
In simple control of two leds , two pushbuttons are being created in the gui tool then the
codes to be written to control the output of arduino through pushbutton is given as
For pushbutton 1
For pushbutton 2
By executing this program a GUI is created for arduino such that by clicking on the
pushbuttons we can control our leds.
Conclusion and Future Scope of Work:
The above project is a simple demonstration of the real time home automation system that
we wish to control using microcontrollers. In this project we have demonstrated to link
the Matlab to control arduino output. Here only pushbuttons are to be used by the user so
no need to write the program again and again once the declaration has been done.
This project doesn’t need exceptional coding skills for arduino and matlab. A simple
knowledge to both can work help the user fulfill his basic home and office tasks. Now this
can be extended for home automation, industrial automation, vehicle automation and
numerous fields using gsm module/ bluetooth/ android application/ dtmf .
For eg if we use gsm module we can connect with arduino via transmitter and receiver
pins then by programming the gsm module using AT commands we can control the basic
home appliances just by dialing the phone no. associated with the gsm module .
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Final report on gui based device control using matlab

  • 1. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (G .U. I) BASED DEVICE CONTROLLER USING MATLAB MAJOR PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. Y. R. SOOD) BY Vandana Sharma (11273) Rohit Pandey (11236) Palak Sinha (11234) Rajan Chauhan (10225)
  • 2. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, HAMIRPUR (H.P) CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the major project titled “GUI Based Device Controller Using MATLAB” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology and submitted in the Electrical and Electronics Department, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, is an authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from August 2014 to DEC 2014 under the supervision of Dr. Y.R. SOOD, Professor, Electrical and Electronics Department , National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. The matter presented in this project report has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree of this or any other Institute / University . VANDANA SHARMA (11273) ROHIT PANDEY (11236) PALAK SINHA (11234) RAJAN CHAUHAN (10225) This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to the best of my Knowledge. Dr. Y.R. SOOD Professor Project Supervisor Prof. Ashwani Chandel HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT National Institute Of Technology Hamirpur, HP
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Preservance ,inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in any venture . It is not just the brain that matters most , but that which guides them . The character, the heart , generous qualities and progressive forces. The metamorphosis took endless hours of toil , had its moments of frustation , but in the end everything seemed to have sense”. At this level of understanding it is often difficult to understand the wide spectrum of knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, we take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our project guide “DR .Y.R. SOOD” who had faith in us and allowed us to work on this project .We would like to thank him for his immense interest ,valuable guidance, constant inspiration and kind co-operation throughout the period of word undertaken, which has been instruemnted in the success of our project . We also acknowledge our profound sense of gratitude to all the teachers who have been instruemental for providing us the technical knowledge and moral support to complete the project with full understanding .We thank our friends and family for their moral support to carve out this project and above all GOD for removing all hurdles in the way . VANDANA SHARMA (11273) ROHIT PANDEY (11236) PALAK SINHA (11234) RAJAN CHAUHAN (10225)
  • 4. ABSTRACT Within the ambit of wireless technology ,apperance of the remote control based devices and appliances have become the order of the day. It reduces human affords and increases the efficiency. Every sector needs the automation, ranging from home to industries. Automation Systems perform by allowing a number of to communicate with a central controller which in turn communicates all information to the user or the owner of the system as per the instructions and the structure of the system.The application of such automation systems could be in areas such as heating ,lighting , defence , energy management audio and vedio systems , health monitoring and entertainment . Keeping all these facts in mind , this project propose a system which based on GUI controlling through a PC (personal computer ) or LAPTOP. This project propose automation of appliances like fan , bulb , motor , fire sensor. To automate these appliances , we can use the different wireless communication media like infrared , Bluetooth , Radio Frequency , RFID , GSM, DTMF and GUI-MATLAB and implemented with the help of microcontroller – 89c51 to compare the robustness and effeciency of the output . To automate the industries appliances we have to programme the CPU-89S52 In Embedded C . Being an emerging area of research, a review of the most recent literature and implementation has been carried out. Home Automation refers to the use of the computer and information technology to control home appliances and features ( such as windows or lightning ) . Systems can range from simple remote control of lightning through to complex computer /micro –controller based networks with varying degrees of intelligence and automation . Home automation is adopted for reasons of ease , security and energy efficiency .In modern construction in industrialized nations , most homes have been wired for electrical power , telephones , TV Outlets (cable or antennas ) and a doorbell . Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized appliances . For instances , automatic washing machines were developed to reduce the manual labor of cleaning clothes , and the water heaters reduced the labor necessary for bathing. Other traditional household tasks , like food preservation and preparation have been automated in large extent by moving them
  • 5. into factory settings , with the development of pre made , prepackaged foods and in some countries , such as the UNITED STATES , increased reliance on commercial food preparation services , such as fast food restuarants . Volume production and the factory setting allows forms of automation that would be impractical or too costly in a home setting . Standardize foods enable possible futher automation of handling the food within the home. The use of gaseous or liquid fuels, and later the use of electricity enabled increased automation in heating , reducing the labour necessary to manually refuel heaters and stoves . Development of thermostats allowed more automated control of heating and ater cooling . As the number of controllable devices in the home rises , interconnection and communication becomes a useful and desired feature. For example, a furnace can send an alert message when it needs cleaning , or a refrigerator when it needs service . Rooms will become “intelligent” and will send signals to the controller when someone enters . If no one is supposed to be at home and the alarm system is set , the system is set , the system could call the owner , or the neighbors , or an emergency number. In simple installations, domotics may be as straightforward as turning on the lights when a person enters the room. In advanced installations , rooms can sense not only the presense of a person inside but know who that person is and perhaps set appropriate lightining, temperature , music levels or television channels , taking into account the day of the week , the time of day and other factors . This Project is an implementation of the MATLAB –ARDUINO serial port communication .This project will also include an introduction of what an Arduino is - it’s basic design . The pins that are there on the board etc , Following this we have covered topics on Arduino Setup, issues faced while installing an Arduino. It’s hardware and software aspects , issues faced while installing an Arduino , how we have troubles hooted the problems etc . The final portion of this report includes MATLAB ARDUINO INTERFACING and serial port communication. The communication is established using the serial ports that are present on the Arduino Board . Introduction
  • 6. A graphical user interface (GUI) is a pictorial interface to a program. A good GUI can make programs easier to use by providing them with a consistent appearance and with intuitive controls like pushbuttons, list boxes, sliders, menus, and so forth. The GUI should behave in an understandable and predictable manner, so that a user knows what to expect when he or she performs an action. For example, when a mouse click occurs on a pushbutton, the GUI should initiate the action described on the label of the button. This chapter introduces the basic elements of the MATLAB GUIs. The chapter does not contain a complete description of components or GUI features, but it does provide the basics required to create functional GUIs for your programs. How a Graphical User Interface Works A graphical user interface provides the user with a familiar environment in which to work. This environment contains pushbuttons, toggle buttons, lists, menus, text boxes, and so forth, all of which are already familiar to the user, so that he or she can concentrate on using the application rather than on the mechanics involved in doing things. However, GUIs are harder for the programmer because a GUI-based program must be prepared for mouse clicks (or possibly keyboard input) for any GUI element at any time. Such inputs are known as events, and a program that responds to events is said to be event driven. The three principal elements required to create a MATLAB Graphical User Interface are 1. Components. Each item on a MATLAB GUI (pushbuttons, labels, edit boxes, etc is a graphical component. The types of components include graphical controls(pushbuttons, edit boxes, lists, sliders, etc.), static elements (frames and text strings), menus, and axes. Graphical controls and static elements are created by the function ui control, and menus are created by the functions ui menu and ui context menu. Axes, which are used to display graphical data, are created by the function axes. 2. Figures. The components of a GUI must be arranged within a figure, which is a window on the computer screen. In the past, figures have been created automatically whenever we have plotted data. However, empty figures can be created with the
  • 7. function figure and can be used to hold any combination of components. 3. Callbacks. Finally, there must be some way to perform an action if a user clicks a mouse on a button or types information on a keyboard. A mouse click or a key press is an event, and the MATLAB program must respond to each event if the program is to perform its function. For example, if a user clicks on a button, that event must cause the MATLAB code that implements the function of the button to be executed. The code executed in response to an event is known as a call back. There must be a call back to implement the function of each graphical component on the GUI. The basic GUI elements are summarized in Table 1.1, and sample elements are shown in Figure. We will be studying examples of these elements and then build working GUIs from them. Creating And Displaying A Graphical User Interface MATLAB GUIs are created using a tool called guide, the GUI Development Environment. This tool allows a programmer to layout the GUI, selecting and aligning the GUI components to be placed in it. Once the components are in place, the programmer can edit their properties: name, color, size, font, text to display, and so forth. When guide saves the GUI, it creates working program including skeleton functions that the programmer can modify to implement the behavior of the GUI. When guide is executed, it creates the Layout Editor, shown in Figure 1.2. The large white area with grid lines is the layout area, where a programmer can layout the GUI. The Layout Editor window has a palate of GUI components along the left side of the layout area. A user can create any number of GUI components by first clicking on the desired component, and then dragging its outline in the layout area. The top of the window has a toolbar with a series of useful tools that allow the user to distribute and align GUI components, modify the properties of GUI components, add menus to GUIs, and so on. The basic steps required to create a MATLAB GUI are: 1. Decide what elements are required for the GUI and what the function of each element will be. Make a rough layout of the components by hand on a piece of paper.
  • 8. Figure 1.1 A Figure Window showing examples of MA TLAB GUI elements From top to bottom and left to right, the elements are: (1) a pushbutton; (2) a toggle button in the ‘on' state; (3) two radio buttons surrounded by a frame; (4) a check box; (5) a text field and an edit box; (6) a slider; (7) a set of axes; and (8) a list box.
  • 9. 2.Use a MATLAB tool called guide (GUI Development Environment) to layout the components on a figure. The size of the figure and the alignment and spacing of
  • 10. components on the figure can be adjusted using the tools built into guide. 3. Use a MATLAB tool called the Property Inspector (built into guide) to give each component a name (a "tag") and to set the characteristics of each component, such as its color, the text it displays, and so on. 4. Save the figure to a file. When the figure is saved, two files will be created on disk with the same name but different extents. The fig file contains the actual GUI that you have created, and the M-file contains the code to load the figure and skeleton call backs for each GUI element. 5. Write code to implement the behavior associated with each callback function. As an example of these steps, let's consider a simple GUI that contains a single Push button and a single text string. Each time that the pushbutton is clicked, the text string will be updated to show the total number of clicks since the GUI started.
  • 11. Figure 1.3 Rough layout for a GUI containing a single pushbutton and a single label field. Step 1: The design of this Gm is very simple. It contains a single pushbutton and a single text field. The callback from the pushbutton will cause the number displayed in the text field to increase by one each time that the button is pressed. A rough sketch of the GUI is shown in Figure 1.3. Step 2: To layout the components on the GUI, run the MATLAB function guide. When guide is executed, it creates the window shown in Figure 1.2 Figure 1.4 The completed GUI layout within the guide window First, we must set the size of the layout area, which will become the size the final GUI. We do this by dragging the small square on the lower right corner of the layout area until
  • 12. it has the desired size and shape. Then, click on the "pushbutton" button in the list of GUI components, and create the shape of the pushbutton in the layout area. Finally, click on the "text" button in the list GUI components, and create the shape of the text field in the layout area. The resulting figure after these steps is shown in Figure 1.4. We could now adjust the alignment of these two elements using the Alignment Tool, if desired. Step 3: To set the properties of the pushbutton, click on the button in the layout area and then select "Property Inspector" from the toolbar. Alternatively, right-click on the button and select "Inspect Properties" from the popup menu. The Property Inspector window shown in Figure 1.5 will appear. Note this window lists every property available for the pushbutton and allows us set each value using a GUI interface. The Property Inspector performs the same function as the get and set functions, but in a much more convenient form. For the pushbutton, we may set many properties such as color, size, font, text alignment, and so on. However, we must set two properties: the String property, which contains the text to be displayed, and the Tag property, which is the name of the pushbutton. In this case, the String property will be set to 'click Here', and the Tag property will be set to MyFirstButton. For the text field, we must set two properties: the String property, which contains the text to be displayed, and the Tag property, which is the name of the text field. This name will be needed by the callback function to locate and update the text field. In this case, the String property will be set to 'Total clicks: 0', and the Tag property defaulted to 'MyFirstText'. The layout area after these steps is shown in Figure 1.6. It is possible to set the properties of the figure itself by clicking on a clear spot in the Layout Editor, and then using the Property Inspector to examine and set the figure's properties. Although not required, it is a good idea to set the figure's Name property. The string in the Name property will be displayed in the title bar of the resulting GUI when it is executed.
  • 13. Figure 1.5 The Property Inspector showing the properties of the pushbutton. Note that the String is set to 'Click Here', and the Tag is set to 'MyFirstButton'. Step 4: We will now save the layout area under the name MyFirstGUI. Select the "File/SaveAs" menu item, type the name MyFirstGUI as the file name, and click "Save". This action will automatically create two files, MyFirstGUI.fig and MyFirstGUI.m. The figure file contains the actual GUI that we have created. The M-file contains code that loads the figure file and creates the GUI, plus a skeleton callback function for each active GUI component. At this point, we have a complete Gm, but one that does not yet do the job it was designed to do. You can start this Gm by typing MyFirstGUI in the Command Window, as shown in Figure 1.7. If the button is clicked on this GUI, the following message will appear in the Command Window: MyFirstButton Callback not implemented yet. A portion of the M-file automatically created by guide is shown in Figure 1.8. This file contains function MyFirstGUI, plus dummy sub functions implementing the callbacks for
  • 14. each active GUI component. If function MyFirstGUI is called without arguments, then the function displays the Gm contained in file. Figure 1.6 The design area after the properties of the pushbutton and the text field have been modified. MyFirstGUI.fig. If function MyFirstGUI is called with arguments, then the function assumes that the first arguments the name of a sub function, and it calls that function using feval, passing the other arguments on to that function. Each callback function handles events from a single GUI component. If a mouse click (or keyboard input for Edit Fields) occurs on the GUI component, then the component's callback function will be automatically called by MATLAB. The name of the callback function will be the value in the Tag property of the GUI component plus the characters "_Callback". Thus, the callback function for MyFirstButton will be named MyFirstButton_Callback. M-files created by guide contain callbacks for each active GUI component, but these callbacks simply display a message saying that the function of the callback has not been implemented yet.
  • 15. Step 5: Now, we need to implement the callback sub function for the pushbutton. This function will include a persistent variable that can be used to count the number of clicks that have occurred. When a click occurs on the pushbutton, MATLAB will call the function MyFirstGUI with MyFirstButton_callback as the first argument. Then function MyFirstGUI will call sub function MyFirstButton_callback, as shownin Figure 1.9. This function should increase the count of clicks by one, create a new text string containing the count, and store the new string in the String property of the text field MyFirstText. Figure 1.7 Typing MyFirstGUI in the Command Window starts the GUI
  • 16. . Figure 1.8 The M-file forMyFirstGUI, automatically created by guide. A function to perform this step is shown below:
  • 17. Figure 1.9 Event handling in program MyFirstGUI. When a user clicks on the button with the mouse, the function MyFirstGUI is cal1ed automatically with the argument MyFirstButton_callback. Function MyFirstGUI in turn calls sub function. MyFirstButton_Callback. This function increments count, and then saves the new count in the text field on the GUI. Figure 1.10 The resulting program after three button pushes.
  • 18. Note that this function declares a persistent variable count and initializes it to zero. Each time that the function is called, it increments count by 1 and creates a new string containing the count. Then, the function updates the string displayed in the text field MyFirstText. The resulting program is executed by typing MyFirstGUI in the Command Window. When the user clicks on the button, MATLAB automatically calls function MyFirstGUI with MYFirstButton_Callback as the first argument, and function MyFirstGUI calls sub function MyFirstButton_Callback. This function increments variable count by one and updates the value displayed in the text field. The resulting GUI after three button pushes is shown in Figure 1.10. Good Programming Practice Store GUI application data in the handles structure, so that it will automatically be available to any callback function. If you modify any of the GUI application data in the handles structure, be sure to save the structure with a call to guidata before exiting the function where the modifications occurred. Graphical user Interface Components This section summarizes the basic characteristics of common graphical user interface components. It describes how to create and use each component, as well as the types of events each component can generate. The components discussed in this section are • Text Fields • Edit Boxes • Frames • Pushbuttons • Toggle Buttons • Checkboxes • Radio Buttons • Popup Menus • List Boxes • Slide
  • 19. Text Fields A text-field is a graphical object that displays a text string. You can specify how the text is aligned in the display area by setting the horizontal alignment property. By default, text fields are horizontally centered. A text field is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'edit'. A text field may be added to a GUI by using the text tool in the Layout Editor. Text fields do not create callbacks, but the value displayed in the text field can be updated in a callback function by changing the text field's String property. Edit Boxes An edit box is a graphical object that allows a user to enter a text string. The edit box generates a callback when the user presses the Enter key after typing a string into the box. An edit box is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'edit'. An edit box may be added to a GUI by using the edit box tool in the Layout Editor. Figure l.l1a shows a simple GUI containing an edit box named, ‘Edit Box’ and a text field named 'TextBox' .When a user types a string into the edit box, it automatically calls the function EditBox_Callback, which is shown in Figure 1.11b. This function locates the edit box using the handles structure and recovers the string typed by the user. Then, it locates the text field and displays the string in the text field. Figure 1.12 shows this GUI just after it has started and after the user has typed the word "Hello" in the edit box. 3. Frames A frame is a graphical object that displays a rectangle on the GUI. You can use frames to draw boxes around groups of logically related objects. For example, a frame is used to group the radio buttons together on Figure 1.1. A frame is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'frame'. A frame maybe added to a GUI by using the frame tool in the Layout Editor. Frames do not generate callbacks. 4. Pushbuttons A pushbutton is a component that a user can click on to trigger a specific action. The
  • 20. pushbutton generates a callback when the user clicks the mouse on it. A pushbutton is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'pushbutton'. A pushbutton may be added to a GUI by using the pushbutton tool in the Layout Editor. Function MyFirstGUI in Figure 1.10 illustrated the use of pushbuttons. Figure 1.11 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with an edit box and a text field. (b) The callback functions for this GUI.
  • 21. Figure 1.12 (a) The GUI produced by program test edit. (b) The GUI after a user types Hello into the edit box and presses Enter. 5. Toggle Buttons A toggle button is a type of button that has two states: on (depressed) and off (not depressed). A toggle button switches between these two states whenever the mouse clicks on it, and it generates a callback each time. The 'Value' property of the toggle button is set to max (usually 1) when the button is on, and min (usually 0) when the button is off. A toggle button is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is toggle button. A toggle button may be added to a GUI by using the toggle button tool in the Layout Editor. Figure 1.13a shows a simple GUI containing a toggle button named 'ToggleButton' and a text field named' TextBox'. When a user clicks on the toggle button, it automatically calls the function ToggleButton Callback, which is shown in Figure 1.13b. This function locates the toggle button using the handles structure and recovers its state from the' Value' property. Then, the function locates the text field and displays the state in the text field.
  • 22. Figure 1.14 shows this GUI just after it has started, and after the user has clicked on the toggle button for the first time. 6. Checkboxes and radio buttons Checkboxes and radio buttons are essentially identical to toggle buttons except that they have different shapes. Like toggle buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons have two states: on and off. They switch between these two states whenever the mouse clicks on them, generating a callback each time. The 'Value' property of the checkbox or radio button is set to max (usually 1) when they are on, and min (usually 0) when they are off. Both checkboxes and radio buttons are illustrated in Figure 1.1. A checkbox is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'checkbox', and a radio button is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'radiobutton'. A checkbox may be added to a GUI by using the checkbox tool in the Layout Editor, and a radio button may be added to a GUI by using the radio button tool in the Layout Editor. Checkboxes are traditionally used to display on/off options, and groups of radio buttons are traditionally used to select among mutually exclusive options. Figure 1.l5a shows an example of how to create a group of mutually exclusive options with radio buttons. The GUI in this figure creates three radio buttons, labeled "Option 1," "Option 2," and "Option 3." Each radio button uses the same callback function, but with a separate parameter. The corresponding callback functions are shown in Figure l.l5b. When the user clicks on a radio button, the corresponding callback function is executed.That function sets the text box to display the current option, turns on that radio button, and turns off all other radio buttons. Note that the GUI uses a frame to group the radio buttons together, making it obvious that they are a set. Figure 1.16 shows this GUI after Option 2 has been selected.
  • 23. Figure 1.13 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with a toggle button and a text field. (b) The call back function for this GUI. Figure 1.14 (a) The GUI produced by program testto gglebutton when the toggle button is off. (b) The GUI when the toggle button is on. 7. Popup menus
  • 24. Popup menus are graphical objects that allow a user to select one of a mutually exclusive list of options. The list of options that the user can select among is specified by a cell array of strings, and the 'Value' property indicates which of the strings is currently selected. A popup menu may be added to a GUI by using the popup menu tool in the Layout Editor. Figure 1.14a shows an example of a popup menu. The GUI in this figure creates a popup menu with five options, labeled "Option I," "Option 2," and so forth. The corresponding callback function is shown in Figure 1.14b. The call back function recovers the selected option by checking the' Value' parameter of the popup menu, and creates and displays a string containing that value in the text field. Figure 1.15 shows this Gm after Option 4 has been selected. 8. List Boxes List boxes are graphical objects that display many lines of text and allow a user to select one or more of those lines. If there are more lines of text than can fit in the list box, a scroll bar will be created to allow the user to scroll up and down within the list box. The lines of text that the user can select among are specified by a cell array of strings, and the' Value' property indicates which of the strings are currently selected. A list box is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'listbox'. A list box may be added to a GUI by using the listbox tool in the Layout Editor. List boxes can be used to select a single item from a selection of possible choices. In normal GUI usage, a single mouse click on a list item selects that item but does not cause an action to occur. Instead, the action waits on some external trigger, such as a pushbutton. However, a mouse double-click causes an action to happen immediately. Single-click and double-click events can be distinguished using the Selection Type property of the figure in which the clicks occurred. A single mouse click will place the string 'normal' in the Selection Type property, and a double mouse click will place the string' open' in the Selection Type property.
  • 25. Figure 1.14 (a) Layout of a simple GUI with a popup menu and a text field to display the current selection. (b) The callback functions for this GUI. Figure 1.15 The GUI produced by program test popup. It is also possible for a list box to allow multiple selections from the list. If the difference between the max and min properties of the list box is greater than one, then multiple selections is allowed. Otherwise, only one item may be selected from the list. This function will check the figure producing the callback (using function gebf) to see if the selecting action was a single-click or a double-click. If it was a single-click, the
  • 26. function does nothing. If it was a double-click, then the function gets the selected value from the listbox, and writes an appropriate string into the text field. If the pushbutton is selected, then functionButton1_Callbaekwill be executed. This function gets the selected value from the listbox, and writes an appropriate string into the text field. 9. Sliders Sliders are graphical objects that allow a user to select values from a continuous range between a specified minimum value and a specified maximum value by moving a bar with a mouse. The 'Value' property of the slider is set to a value between min and max depending on the position of the slider. A slider is created by creating a uicontrol whose style property is 'slider'. A slider may be added to a GUI by using the slider tool in the Layout Editor. MICROCONTROLLERS Microcontrollers are used in the industrial world to control many types of equipments ranging from customers to specialized devices . Furthermore , there is a growing need for offline support of a computers main processor . The demand will grow as more eqipment uses more intelligence . One of the most popular is MOTOROLA 68HC11 MICROCONTROLLER is relatively easy to work with , yet they have most of the features essential for a complete control system .Thus student of control automation can use them to work with control systems at the component level.The intersted person can also use them as tools to understand and experiment with the computer and data communications systems. As time passed engineers have developed a better microcontroller to perform the specific task. For example, : ATMEL8051 family , ATMEL 8052 family , ATmega AVR family , TI-MSP430 , ARM family and many more. These all controllers are present in the market for development such types of specific task . As per the application we need to choose one of them. The crtiteria for choosing the microcontroller are by their features , cost and power consumption, area ,
  • 27. available memory inside the chip etc. Controller 89S52 from ATMEL 8052 Family . It has 8 KB of on chip ROM and 256 bytes of RAM , 32 I/O PINS and easy to program . Industrial Automation meant for a system which monitor the input points (sensors and signals generated by the GSM , BLUETOOTH , RF TRANSMITTER , RFID , DTMF) and respond as per their described behaviour after crossin a threshold limit set by the user.So far many scientists have done lots of research in the field of automation. For example :There is automation using IR SENSOR . In addition some of them have improved their communication medium to robust and effeicient their system. Morever, due to the advancement in computer era , it facilitates the development of electronic devices such as digital camera, digital images have been widely used in many era. Therefore security is also an important issue. ARDUINO Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer . It’s an open - source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board and a development enviornment for writing software for the board . Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects , taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors and controlling a variety of lights , motors , and other physical outputs . Arduino projects can be stand – alone , or they can communicate with softwares running on your computer ( eg Flash , Processing , MaxMSP ) . The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled , the open source IDE can be downloaded for free . The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring , a similar physical computing platform which is based on the Processing multimedia programming enviornment . There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms , available for physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp , Netmedia’s BX-24 , PHIDGETS , MIT’s Handyboard and many other offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy to use package .
  • 28. Arduino also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for teachers, students and interested amateurs over other systems. INEXPENSIVE : Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other microcontroller platforms . The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be assembled by hand and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than $ 50. Cross-Platform : The Arduino software runs on the Windows , Macintosh OSX and Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows . Simple, clear programming enviornment : The Arduino programming enviornment is easy -to–use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For teachers, it’s conveniently based on the Processing programming enviornment , so students learning to program in that enviornment will be familiar with the look and feel of Arduino . Open source and extensible software : The Aurdino software is published as open source tools , available for extension by experienced programmers . The language can be expanded through C++ libraries and people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C PROGRAMMING language on which it’s based . Similarly you can add AVR - C CODE directly into your Arduino programs if you want to . Open source and extensible hardware : The Arduino is based on Atmel’s ATMEGA8 and ATMEGA168 MICROCONTROLLERS . The plans for the modules are published under a creative Common license , so experienced circuit designers can make their own version of the module , extending it and improving it . Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money . Setting up an Arduino:
  • 29. To setup an Arduino we need the board, a cable to connect plug A and B. Cable is used to interface/connect between PC and Arduino. Connect it to PC. COM port (Communication port is the name of the serial port interfacing on the common PC’s. After plugging in the Arduino gets connected to COM port. A software called arduinocc is downloaded (open source software). It is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). PIN Configurations: The Arduino Digital Pins can be configured as either input/output pins. By default they are input pins. PinMode(pin, mode) There are pin modes. The number of pin whose mode is to be changed is represented by pin. Mode can be input, output or input pull-up. Checking if the Arduino works:
  • 30. After setting up, the debugging LED is made to blink by writing the following code: int led = 13; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output. pinMode(led, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: Serial Port communication: The concept of serial communication is simple, in serial communication data is sent one bit at a time. Although this is slower than parallel communication, which allows the transmission of an entire byte at once, it is simpler and can be used over longer distances. Possible troubleshooting for issues that may arise: Issues are: 1. Right clicking on COM Port and updating drivers did not work. 2. Incompatibility of the software. It did not function at all. 3. The board was not able to connect to the PC. Troubleshooting: 1.The issue was troubles hooted when the unzipped folder was put on desktop. 2. Following quite a few instructions found on a supportive blog and the official Arduino Forum proved helpful to solve the rest of the issues. void loop() { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(1000); // wait for a second }
  • 31. MATLAB code to generate a pulse: clc; clear all; close all; t=-5:0.0001:5; D=input('Enter the Ton percentage'); y=square(t,D); plot(t,y); % This code shows a pulse on the MATLAB plotter window But a problem with the code is that I was not able to change the frequency of the pulse. How did I solve this problem? I have used a Simulink block called pulse generator. I can vary the sampling time of the pulse using this block. The below is the block diagram of a pulse generator. It can be found in the Simulink Library. Pulse generator block: Pulse generator output graph:
  • 32. The Pulse Generator block generates square wave pulses at regular intervals. The block's waveform parameters, Amplitude, Pulse Width, Period, and Phase delay, determine the shape of the output waveform. The above diagram shows how each parameter affects the waveform. The Pulse Generator can emit scalar, vector, or matrix signals of any real data type. To cause the block to emit a scalar signal, use scalars to specify the waveform parameters. To cause the block to emit a vector or matrix signal, use vectors or matrices, respectively, to specify the waveform parameters. Each element of the waveform parameters affects the corresponding element of the output signal. For example, the first element of a vector amplitude parameter determines the amplitude of the first element of a vector output pulse. All the waveform parameters must have the same dimensions after scalar expansion. The data type of the output is the same as the data type of the Amplitude parameter. Use the Pulse type parameter to specify whether the block's output is time-based or sample-based. If you select sample-based, the block computes its outputs at fixed intervals that you specify. If you select time-based, Simulink software computes the block's outputs only at times when the output actually changes. This choice can result in fewer computations for computing the block's output over the simulation time period. A time-based configuration using parameters Pulse Width and Period that results in a constant output signal is not supported. Simulink returns an error if these parameters satisfy either of the following conditions: If you select time-based as the block's pulse type, you must specify the pulse's phase delay and period in units of seconds. If you specify sample-based, you must specify the block's sample time in seconds, using the Sample time parameter, then specify the block's phase delay and period as integer multiples of the sample time. For example, suppose that
  • 33. you specify a sample time of 0.5 second and want the pulse to repeat every two seconds. In this case, you would specify 4 as the value of the block's Period parameter. Tweaking with the properties of a pulse generator: To tweak with the properties of a pulse generator the following information can be used: Pulse type- The pulse type for this block: time-based or sample-based. The default is time-based. Time- It specifies whether to use simulation time or an external signal as the source of values for the output pulse's time variable. If you specify an external source, the block displays an input port for connecting the source. The output pulse differs as follows: If you select Use simulation time, the block generates an output pulse where the time variable equals the simulation time.If you select Use external signal, the block generates an output pulse where the time variable equals the value from the input port, which can differ from the simulation time. Amplitude: It is the pulse amplitude. The default is 1. Period: The pulse period specified in seconds if the pulse type is time-based or as number of sample times if the pulse type is sample-based. The default is 10 seconds. Pulse Width: The duty cycle specified as the percentage of the pulse period that the signal is on if time- based or as number of sample times if sample-based. The default is 5 percent. Phase delay: The delay before the pulse is generated specified in seconds if the pulse type is time- based or as number of sample times if the pulse type is sample-based. The default is 0 seconds. Sample time: It is the length of the sample time for this block in seconds. This parameter appears only if the block's pulse type is sample-based. See Specify Sample Time in the Simulink User's Guide for more information.
  • 34. MATLAB and ARDUINO Interfacing: This is the function: Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI USB-to-TTL Serial chip. How to Communicate: The Arduino Duemilanove has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer, another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega168 and ATmega328 provide UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An FTDI FT232RL on the board channels this serial communication over USB and the FTDI drivers (included with Windows version of the Arduino software) provide a virtual com port to software on the computer. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI chip and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1). A SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on any of the Duemilanove's digital pins. The ATmega168 and ATmega328 also support I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the documentation for details. For SPI communication, use the SPI library. SoftwareSerial Library: The Arduino hardware has a built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1 (which also goes to the computer via the USB connection). The native serial support happens via a piece of hardware (built into the chip) called a UART. This hardware allows the Atmega chip to receive serial communication even while working on other tasks, as long as there room in the 64 byte serial buffer. The SoftwareSerial library has been developed to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino, using software to replicate the functionality (hence the name "SoftwareSerial"). It is possible to have multiple software serial ports with speeds up to 115200 bps. A parameter enables inverted signaling for devices which require that protocol. The version
  • 35. of SoftwareSerial included in 1.0 and later is based on the NewSoftSerial library by Mikal Hart. MATLAB support package for Arduino: In serial port communication information transfers one bit at a time. MATLAB Support Package for Arduino (also referred to as "ArduinoIO Package") allows you to communicate with an Arduino Uno or Duemilanove over a serial port. It consists of a MATLAB API on the host computer and a server program that runs on the Arduino. Together, they allow you to access Arduino analog I/O, digital I/O, operate servo motors, read encoders, and even handle dc and stepper motors using the adafruit motor shield, all from the MATLAB command line. Setting Up serial port object: >> s = serial (’COM1’); Serial Port Object : Serial-COM1 Communication Settings Port: COM1 BaudRate: 9600 Terminator: ’LF’ Communication State Status: closed RecordStatus: off Read/Write State TransferStatus: idle BytesAvailable: 0 ValuesReceived: 0 ValuesSent: 0 Baud rate:
  • 36. >> set(s, ’BaudRate’, 4800); >> s.BaudRate = 4800; The above progam helps us to establish a serial communication between matlab and arduino. Our project: There is an arduino support package which works with Matlab. The code is written below that links arduino with Matlab and further we are able to control the output that is explained further. /* Analog and Digital Input and Output Server for MATLAB */ /* Giampiero Campa, Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc */ /* This file is meant to be used with the MATLAB arduino IO package, however, it can be used from the IDE environment (or any other serial terminal) by typing commands like: 0e0 : assigns digital pin #4 (e) as input 0f1 : assigns digital pin #5 (f) as output 0n1 : assigns digital pin #13 (n) as output 1c : reads digital pin #2 (c) 1e : reads digital pin #4 (e) 2n0 : sets digital pin #13 (n) low 2n1 : sets digital pin #13 (n) high 2f1 : sets digital pin #5 (f) high 2f0 : sets digital pin #5 (f) low 4j2 : sets digital pin #9 (j) to 50=ascii(2) over 255 4jz : sets digital pin #9 (j) to 122=ascii(z) over 255 3a : reads analog pin #0 (a)
  • 37. 3f : reads analog pin #5 (f) 5j : reads status (attached/detached) of servo on pin #9 5k : reads status (attached/detached) of servo on pin #10 6j1 : attaches servo on pin #9 8jz : moves servo on pin #9 of 122 degrees (122=ascii(z)) 7j : reads angle of servo on pin #9 6j0 : detaches servo on pin #9 E0cd : attaches encoder #0 (0) on pins 2 (c) and 3 (d) E1st : attaches encoder #1 on pins 18 (s) and 19 (t) E2vu : attaches encoder #2 on pins 21 (v) and 20 (u) G0 : gets 0 position of encoder #0 I0u : sets debounce delay to 20 (2ms) for encoder #0 H1 : resets position of encoder #1 F2 : detaches encoder #2 R0 : sets analog reference to DEFAULT R1 : sets analog reference to INTERNAL R2 : sets analog reference to EXTERNAL X3 : roundtrip example case returning the input (ascii(3)) 99 : returns script type (0 adio.pde ... 3 motor.pde ) */ #include <Servo.h> /* define internal for the MEGA as 1.1V (as as for the 328) */ #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) #define INTERNAL INTERNAL1V1 #endif
  • 38. /* define encoder structure */ typedef struct { int pinA; int pinB; int pos; int del;} Encoder; volatile Encoder Enc[3] = {{0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}}; /* create servo vector */ Servo servo[70]; void setup() { /* initialize serial */ Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { /* variables declaration and initialization */ static int s = -1; /* state */ static int pin = 13; /* generic pin number */ static int enc = 0; /* generic encoder number */ int val = 0; /* generic value read from serial */ int agv = 0; /* generic analog value */ int dgv = 0; /* generic digital value */ /* The following instruction constantly checks if anything is available on the serial port. Nothing gets executed in the loop if nothing is available to be read, but as soon as anything becomes available, then the part coded after the if statement (that is the real stuff) gets executed */
  • 39. if (Serial.available() >0) { /* whatever is available from the serial is read here */ val =; /* This part basically implements a state machine that reads the serial port and makes just one transition to a new state, depending on both the previous state and the command that is read from the serial port. Some commands need additional inputs from the serial port, so they need 2 or 3 state transitions (each one happening as soon as anything new is available from the serial port) to be fully executed. After a command is fully executed the state returns to its initial value s=-1 */ switch (s) { /* s=-1 means NOTHING RECEIVED YET ******************* */ case -1: /* calculate next state */ if (val>47 && val<90) { /* the first received value indicates the mode 49 is ascii for 1, ... 90 is ascii for Z s=0 is change-pin mode; s=10 is DI; s=20 is DO; s=30 is AI; s=40 is AO; s=50 is servo status; s=60 is aervo attach/detach; s=70 is servo read; s=80 is servo write;
  • 40. s=90 is query script type (1 basic, 2 motor); s=210 is encoder attach; s=220 is encoder detach; s=230 is get encoder position; s=240 is encoder reset; s=250 is set encoder debounce delay; s=340 is change analog reference; s=400 example echo returning the input argument; */ s=10*(val-48); } /* the following statements are needed to handle unexpected first values coming from the serial (if the value is unrecognized then it defaults to s=-1) */ if ((s>90 && s<210) || (s>250 && s!=340 && s!=400)) { s=-1; } /* the break statements gets out of the switch-case, so /* we go back and wait for new serial data */ break; /* s=-1 (initial state) taken care of */ /* s=0 or 1 means CHANGE PIN MODE */ case 0: /* the second received value indicates the pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ s=1; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */
  • 41. } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=0 taken care of */ case 1: /* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1 */ if (val>47 && val<50) { /* set pin mode */ if (val==48) { pinMode(pin,INPUT); } else { pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); } } s=-1; /* we are done with CHANGE PIN so go to -1 */ break; /* s=1 taken care of */ /* s=10 means DIGITAL INPUT ************************** */ case 10: /* the second received value indicates the pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ dgv=digitalRead(pin); /* perform Digital Input */
  • 42. Serial.println(dgv); /* send value via serial */ } s=-1; /* we are done with DI so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=10 taken care of */ /* s=20 or 21 means DIGITAL OUTPUT ******************* */ case 20: /* the second received value indicates the pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ s=21; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */ } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=20 taken care of */ case 21: /* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1 */ if (val>47 && val<50) { dgv=val-48; /* calculate value */ digitalWrite(pin,dgv); /* perform Digital Output */ } s=-1; /* we are done with DO so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=21 taken care of */
  • 43. /* s=30 means ANALOG INPUT *************************** */ case 30: /* the second received value indicates the pin from abs('a')=97, pin 0, to abs('p')=112, pin 15 */ if (val>96 && val<113) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ agv=analogRead(pin); /* perform Analog Input */ Serial.println(agv); /* send value via serial */ } s=-1; /* we are done with AI so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=30 taken care of */ /* s=40 or 41 means ANALOG OUTPUT ******************** */ case 40: /* the second received value indicates the pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ s=41; /* next we will need to get value from serial */ } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a pin then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=40 taken care of */
  • 44. case 41: /* the third received value indicates the analog value */ analogWrite(pin,val); /* perform Analog Output */ s=-1; /* we are done with AO so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=41 taken care of */ /* s=50 means SERVO STATUS (ATTACHED/DETACHED) ******* */ case 50: /* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ dgv=servo[pin].attached(); /* read status */ Serial.println(dgv); /* send value via serial */ } s=-1; /* we are done with servo status so return to -1*/ break; /* s=50 taken care of */ /* s=60 or 61 means SERVO ATTACH/DETACH ************** */ case 60: /* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ s=61; /* next we will need to get 0 or 1 from serial */
  • 45. } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=60 taken care of */ case 61: /* the third received value indicates the value 0 or 1 0 for detach and 1 for attach */ if (val>47 && val<50) { dgv=val-48; /* calculate value */ if (dgv) servo[pin].attach(pin); /* attach servo */ else servo[pin].detach(); /* detach servo */ } s=-1; /* we are done with servo attach/detach so -1 */ break; /* s=61 taken care of */ /* s=70 means SERVO READ ***************************** */ case 70: /* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ agv=servo[pin].read(); /* read value */ Serial.println(agv); /* send value via serial */ } s=-1; /* we are done with servo read so go to -1 next */
  • 46. break; /* s=70 taken care of */ /* s=80 or 81 means SERVO WRITE ******************** */ case 80: /* the second value indicates the servo attachment pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ s=81; /* next we will need to get value from serial */ } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=80 taken care of */ case 81: /* the third received value indicates the servo angle */ servo[pin].write(val); /* write value */ s=-1; /* we are done with servo write so go to -1 next*/ break; /* s=81 taken care of */ /* s=90 means Query Script Type: (0 adio, 1 adioenc, 2 adiosrv, 3 motor) */ case 90:
  • 47. if (val==57) { /* if string sent is 99 send script type via serial */ Serial.println(2); } s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=90 taken care of */ /* s=210 to 212 means ENCODER ATTACH ***************** */ case 210: /* the second value indicates the encoder number: either 0, 1 or 2 */ if (val>47 && val<51) { enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */ s=211; /* next we need the first attachment pin */ } else { s=-1; /* if value is not an encoder then return to -1*/ } break; /* s=210 taken care of */ case 211: /* the third received value indicates the first pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ Enc[enc].pinA=pin; /* set pin A */ s=212; /* next we need the second attachment pin */
  • 48. } else { s=-1; /* if value is not a servo then return to -1 */ } break; /* s=211 taken care of */ case 212: /* the fourth received value indicates the second pin from abs('c')=99, pin 2, to abs('¦')=166, pin 69 */ if (val>98 && val<167) { pin=val-97; /* calculate pin */ Enc[enc].pinB=pin; /* set pin B */ /* set encoder pins as inputs */ pinMode(Enc[enc].pinA, INPUT); pinMode(Enc[enc].pinB, INPUT); /* turn on pullup resistors */ digitalWrite(Enc[enc].pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(Enc[enc].pinB, HIGH); /* attach interrupts */ switch(enc) { case 0: attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[0].pinA), isrPinAEn0, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[0].pinB), isrPinBEn0, CHANGE); break; case 1: attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[1].pinA), isrPinAEn1, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[1].pinB), isrPinBEn1, CHANGE);
  • 49. break; case 2: attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[2].pinA), isrPinAEn2, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[2].pinB), isrPinBEn2, CHANGE); break; } } s=-1; /* we are done with encoder attach so -1 */ break; /* s=212 taken care of */ /* s=220 means ENCODER DETACH *********************** */ case 220: /* the second value indicates the encoder number: either 0, 1 or 2 */ if (val>47 && val<51) { enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */ /* detach interrupts */ detachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[enc].pinA)); detachInterrupt(getIntNum(Enc[enc].pinB)); } s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */ break; /* s=220 taken care of */ /* s=230 means GET ENCODER POSITION ****************** */ case 230: /* the second value indicates the encoder number:
  • 50. either 0, 1 or 2 */ if (val>47 && val<51) { enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */ /* send the value back */ Serial.println(Enc[enc].pos); } s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */ break; /* s=230 taken care of */ /* s=240 means RESET ENCODER POSITION **************** */ case 240: /* the second value indicates the encoder number: either 0, 1 or 2 */ if (val>47 && val<51) { enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */ /* reset position */ Enc[enc].pos=0; } s=-1; /* we are done with encoder detach so -1 */ break; /* s=240 taken care of */ /* s=250 and 251 mean SET ENCODER DEBOUNCE DELAY ***** */ case 250: /* the second value indicates the encoder number: either 0, 1 or 2 */ if (val>47 && val<51) { enc=val-48; /* calculate encoder number */
  • 51. s=251; /* next we need the first attachment pin */ } else { s=-1; /* if value is not an encoder then return to -1*/ } break; /* s=250 taken care of */ case 251: /* the third received value indicates the debounce delay value in units of approximately 0.1 ms each from abs('a')=97, 0 units, to abs('¦')=166, 69 units*/ if (val>96 && val<167) { Enc[enc].del=val-97; /* set debounce delay */ } s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=251 taken care of */ /* s=340 or 341 means ANALOG REFERENCE *************** */ case 340: /* the second received value indicates the reference, which is encoded as is 0,1,2 for DEFAULT, INTERNAL and EXTERNAL, respectively. Note that this function is ignored for boards not featuring AVR or PIC32 */ #if defined(__AVR__) || defined(__PIC32MX__) switch (val) {
  • 52. case 48: analogReference(DEFAULT); break; case 49: analogReference(INTERNAL); break; case 50: analogReference(EXTERNAL); break; default: /* unrecognized, no action */ break; } #endif s=-1; /* we are done with this so next state is -1 */ break; /* s=341 taken care of */ /* s=400 roundtrip example function (returns the input)*/ case 400: /* the second value (val) can really be anything here */ /* This is an auxiliary function that returns the ASCII value of its first argument. It is provided as an
  • 53. example for people that want to add their own code */ /* your own code goes here instead of the serial print */ Serial.println(val); s=-1; /* we are done with the aux function so -1 */ break; /* s=400 taken care of */ /* ******* UNRECOGNIZED STATE, go back to s=-1 ******* */ default: /* we should never get here but if we do it means we are in an unexpected state so whatever is the second received value we get out of here and back to s=-1 */ s=-1; /* go back to the initial state, break unneeded */ } /* end switch on state s */ } /* end if serial available */ } /* end loop statement */ /* auxiliary function to handle encoder attachment */
  • 54. int getIntNum(int pin) { /* returns the interrupt number for a given interrupt pin see */ switch(pin) { case 2: return 0; case 3: return 1; case 21: return 2; case 20: return 3; case 19: return 4; case 18: return 5; default: return -1; } } /* auxiliary debouncing function */ void debounce(int del) { int k; for (k=0;k<del;k++) { /* can't use delay in the ISR so need to waste some time perfoming operations, this uses roughly 0.1ms on uno */ k = k +0.0 +0.0 -0.0 +3.0 -3.0; } }
  • 55. /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 0 */ void isrPinAEn0(){ /* read pin B right away */ int drB = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinB); /* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */ debounce(Enc[0].del); int drA = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinA); /* this updates the counter */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */ if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */ Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on A */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */ Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } /* end counter update */
  • 56. } /* end ISR pin A Encoder 0 */ /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 0 */ void isrPinBEn0(){ /* read pin A right away */ int drA = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinA); /* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */ debounce(Enc[0].del); int drB = digitalRead(Enc[0].pinB); /* this updates the counter */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */ Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on B */ if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */ Enc[0].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[0].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ }
  • 57. } /* end counter update */ } /* end ISR pin B Encoder 0 */ /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 1 */ void isrPinAEn1(){ /* read pin B right away */ int drB = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinB); /* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */ debounce(Enc[1].del); int drA = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinA); /* this updates the counter */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */ if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */ Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on A */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */ Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ }
  • 58. } /* end counter update */ } /* end ISR pin A Encoder 1 */ /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 1 */ void isrPinBEn1(){ /* read pin A right away */ int drA = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinA); /* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */ debounce(Enc[1].del); int drB = digitalRead(Enc[1].pinB); /* this updates the counter */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */ Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on B */ if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */ Enc[1].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[1].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */
  • 59. } } /* end counter update */ } /* end ISR pin B Encoder 1 */ /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin A for Encoder 2 */ void isrPinAEn2(){ /* read pin B right away */ int drB = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinB); /* possibly wait before reading pin A, then read it */ debounce(Enc[2].del); int drA = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinA); /* this updates the counter */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* low->high on A? */ if (drB == LOW) { /* check pin B */ Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on A */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* check pin B */ Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else {
  • 60. Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } /* end counter update */ } /* end ISR pin A Encoder 2 */ /* Interrupt Service Routine: change on pin B for Encoder 2 */ void isrPinBEn2(){ /* read pin A right away */ int drA = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinA); /* possibly wait before reading pin B, then read it */ debounce(Enc[2].del); int drB = digitalRead(Enc[2].pinB); /* this updates the counter */ if (drB == HIGH) { /* low->high on B? */ if (drA == HIGH) { /* check pin A */ Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */ } else { Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } else { /* must be high to low on B */ if (drA == LOW) { /* check pin A */ Enc[2].pos++; /* going clockwise: increment */
  • 61. } else { Enc[2].pos--; /* going counterclockwise: decrement */ } } /* end counter update */ } /* end ISR pin B Encoder 2 */ As the program is uploaded in Arduino we open the Matlab window and go for the instrument tool box. As we find the GUI tool we use it to create push buttons so as to control the leds connected to the arduino. As the progam is uploaded in matlab command window we need to make declaration for the controller whose program is described as below: clear all; global a; a= arduino(‘com 1’); a= pinMode(4,’output’); a= pinMode(8,’output’) The name of push buttons can be changed by changing string name. In simple control of two leds , two pushbuttons are being created in the gui tool then the codes to be written to control the output of arduino through pushbutton is given as For pushbutton 1 a=digitalwrite(4,0); a=digitalwrite(8,1); For pushbutton 2 a=digitalwrite(4,1); a=digitalwrite(8,0);
  • 62. By executing this program a GUI is created for arduino such that by clicking on the pushbuttons we can control our leds. Conclusion and Future Scope of Work: The above project is a simple demonstration of the real time home automation system that we wish to control using microcontrollers. In this project we have demonstrated to link the Matlab to control arduino output. Here only pushbuttons are to be used by the user so no need to write the program again and again once the declaration has been done. This project doesn’t need exceptional coding skills for arduino and matlab. A simple knowledge to both can work help the user fulfill his basic home and office tasks. Now this can be extended for home automation, industrial automation, vehicle automation and numerous fields using gsm module/ bluetooth/ android application/ dtmf . For eg if we use gsm module we can connect with arduino via transmitter and receiver pins then by programming the gsm module using AT commands we can control the basic home appliances just by dialing the phone no. associated with the gsm module . References: [1]O.González, M. Rodríguez, A. Ayala, J. Hernández & S. Rodríguez, “Application of PIC and microcontrollers in the measurement and control of parameters in industry” in International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 41/3, 2004, pp. 266-274. [2]M.R. Frankowiak, R.I. Grosvenor, and P.W. Prickett, “Microcontroller- Based Process Monitoring Using Petri-Nets”, EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, vol. 2009, Article ID 282708, 2009. [3]S. R. D. Kalingamudali et al., “Remote Controlling and Monitoring System to Control Electric Circuitry through SMS using a Microcontroller”, Industrial and Information
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