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The Evidence for Effective
and Ineffective Supervision

Nicholas Ladany
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA
Presentation Objectives
Provide   an up-to-date summary of the
 state of the research on clinical
Identify the common elements of
 ineffective supervision
Increase knowledge about how to
 enhance clinical supervision and improve
 training in clinical supervision
Elements of Effective Supervision
 (Ellis & Ladany, 1997; Ladany, 2005; Ladany & Inman, 2010)
 Attend to the Supervisory Relationship
 Apply Models of Supervision (e.g., Critical-Events Model)
 Attend to Unique Features of Supervision
    ◦ Evaluative
    ◦ Educative
    ◦ Involuntary
   Engage in Role Induction
   Differentiate Supervision from Psychotherapy
   Attend to Supervisee-focused and Client-focused Outcomes
   Recognize the importance of Covert Processes
   Keep abreast of Ethical and Legal Issues
   Offer Evaluations that include Goal-Setting and Feedback
   Enhance Multicultural Competence
   Attend to Parallel Processes
   Tend to Administrative Responsibilities (e.g., note-taking, s’ee oversight)
   Consider Group Supervision and Peer Supervision as important adjuncts
   Secure Supervision Training
Elements of Ineffective Supervision

  ◦ Not all supervision is rosy
    Supervisees get harmed
  ◦ Supervision failures are a result of:
    Supervisor factors
    Supervisee factors
    Dyadic factors

  ◦ (Ladany & Inman, in press; Ladany & Inman, 2008)
Supervisor Factors
Inclination to infantalize supervisees
Incomplete or Incompetent evaluation
  ◦ Too positive --- Gatekeeping
  ◦ No valid or reliable instruments
Multiculturally   misguided (i.e.,racist, sexist,
Ethically challenged in relation to supervision
Inadequate Training
  ◦ Supervisor specific training
  ◦ Misapplication of theory (unique features of
Supervisee Factors
Openness    to learning
 ◦ Receptivity to feedback
Training in helping skills
Capacity to learn helping skills
Capacity for deep self-awareness
Capacity for knowledge acquisition
 (perhaps over-rated)
Dyadic Factors
Supervisory alliance
Too much case discussion
Over indulgence in client-focused
Degree of Trainee Openness to Learning and
   Supervisor Competence

                      Competence of Supervisor
                  Incompetent   Neutral   Competent

Active Learner      11.1%       11.1%       11.1%
Passive Learner     11.1%       11.1%       11.1%
Indifferent         11.1%       11.1%       11.1%
A Critical Events-Based
Model of Supervision
  ◦ Ladany, Friedlander, & Nelson (2005)

The Supervisory Working Alliance
Task Environment
  ◦ Consists of Interaction Sequences
  ◦ Successful or Unsuccessful
The Supervisory Working Alliance
(Bordin, 1983)

 Mutual   Agreement about the Goals of Supervision
  ◦ e.g., mastery of specific counseling skills
  ◦ e.g., understanding how the trainee’s personal issues influence work
    with clients
 Mutual   Agreement about the Tasks of Supervision
  ◦ e.g., review counseling session tapes
  ◦ e,g., trainee is responsible for initiating supervisory discussion
 Emotional    Bond
  ◦ Mutual caring, liking, trusting
Critical Events
 Remediating   Skill Difficulties and Deficits
 Heightening Multicultural Awareness
 Negotiating Role Conflicts
 Working Through Countertransference
 Managing Sexual Attraction
 Repairing Gender-Related Misunderstandings & Missed
 Addressing Problematic Supervisee Emotions and
 Facilitating Trainee Insight
 Working Through Therapist Shame
supervisee’s statement, series of
 statements, or behavior signaling the
 need for a specific kind of help
Task Environment
Interaction Sequences
  ◦ Focus on the Supervisory Working Alliance
  ◦ Normalize Experience
  ◦ Attend to Parallel Process
  ◦ Focus on Skill
  ◦ Focus on Self-Efficacy
  ◦ Exploration of Feelings
  ◦ Focus on Supervisee’s Dynamics
  ◦ Assess Knowledge
  ◦ Focus on Evaluation
  ◦ Case Discussion
  ◦ Focus on Multicultural Awareness
  ◦ Focus on Countertransference

  ◦ Careful of too much Case Review
 Supervisory Alliance

 Continuum  of Successful to

Supervision Secrets:
Fibbing, Fighting, & Fornicating
Assumptions about Supervision and

•   Supervisees ‘nondisclose’ more than they
•   Sometimes what is not said is more important
    than what is said
Nondisclosure Studies
   Ladany, Walker, Pate-Carolan, & Gray (in press); Banks & Ladany (2002); Ladany, Walker, &
    Melincoff (2001); Ladany & Melincoff (1999); Ladany & Lehrman-Waterman (1999); Ladany, Hill,
    Corbett, & Nutt (1996)

 Content of and reasons for nondisclosure
 Supervisee nondisclosure post multiple sessions
 Supervisee nondisclosure post single session,
 Supervisor nondisclosure post multiple sessions
 Supervisee nondisclosure post single session,
 Nondisclosures in relation to supervision process
  and outcome variables
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

  Negative  Reactions to Supervisor (90%)
   ◦ Unpleasant, disapproving, or critical thoughts, feelings,
     or characterizations relating to the supervisor
   ◦ Examples:
      He is very rigid and narrow in theory and practice
      I thought he had a big blind spot on how to help me
       in supervision
      She's disorganized
      He's obnoxious
   ◦ Reasons: Deference to the Supervisor, Impression
     Management, and Political Suicide
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

  Personal  Issues
   ◦ Thoughts about the self, experiences, or problems in
     the context of the individual's life that may or may not
     be known in public contexts such as the supervision
   ◦ Examples:
      Wondered what teachers and students reactions
       would be if I revealed that I am Bisexual
      Specific family crisis
      I have not told my supervisor that I'm pregnant
   ◦ Reason: Too Personal
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

      Clinical Mistakes
       ◦ Thoughts related to perceived errors or inadequacy as a counselor
       ◦ Examples:
           I sometimes feel I made a mistake in a session and wait till next session
            to try to "correct" it
           Feeling like I hadn't checked out all the symptoms of a disorder with a
           I think I sometimes confuse my clients with interventions that are not
            at the client's level of understanding
       ◦ Reason: Impression Management
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

      Evaluation Concerns
       ◦ Uncertainty or uneasiness about the supervisor's
         assessment(s) of the Supervisee
       ◦ Examples:
          I do not know whether my supervisor's evaluation of
           me is generally positive or negative
          I wonder how my supervisor will evaluate me
          Worry that she will not give a good letter of
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

    Negative  Reactions to Client
     ◦ Unpleasant, disapproving, or critical thoughts, feelings, or
       characterizations relating to the client
     ◦ Examples:
        Some clients appear physically threatening
        Anger toward client for bringing up his racist/ chauvinistic
         feelings / thoughts
        One of my clients has poor personal hygiene which leads
         to negative reactions in me
        Getting frustrated when clients don't show and don't
        That sometimes I'm bored
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories
    Client-Counselor   Attraction Issues
     ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the client and/or counselor
       appearing or feeling drawn to or interested in the other
       person in a sexual or physical sense
     ◦ Examples:
        Sexual attraction to a female client
        Found a male client attractive, reminded me of type
         of guys I used to like
        Feeling attracted
        Sexual feelings toward a client
     ◦ Reason: ?
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories
       Supervisor   Appearance
        ◦ Comments, thoughts, or feelings about the
          supervisor's external image
        ◦ Examples:
           He wears clothes out of the 70's
           She seems so off the wall as far as dress, language,
           Disapprove of dress habits
           I like his silver belt buckle and general style of dress
Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories

    Supervisee-Supervisor   Attraction Issues
     ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the Supervisee and/or
       supervisor appearing or feeling drawn to or interested
       in the other person in a sexual or physical sense
     ◦ Examples:
        At one point I felt some attraction for my supervisor
        Being attracted to his balance of power and sensibility
         and this translating to a physical attraction
        I think my supervisor is very attractive and also
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories

    Negative  Reactions to Supervisee’s Counseling &
     Professional Performance (74%)
     ◦ Negative thoughts and feelings regarding the
       Supervisee’s clinical and professional skills.
     ◦ Examples:
        She has personal agendas that interfere with non-
         biased counseling
        Self disclosure should have been absolutely avoided in
         that case.
     ◦ Reasons: Supervisee will Discover When
       Developmentally Ready and Addressed Indirectly
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
    Supervisor  Personal Issues
     ◦ Issues related to the self and the supervisor’s personal life
       and experiences
     ◦ Examples:
        Didn’t want to meet for supervision due to terminally ill
         relative that I needed to attend to
        Intern at one point shared that she was clinically depressed.
         I did not share that I had ever been clinically depressed
        Problems my daughter had at school
     ◦ Reasons: Irrelevant to the goals and tasks of supervision
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
    Negative Reactions to Supervisee’s Supervision Performance
     ◦ Negative thoughts and feelings about the Supervisee’s
       reactions in supervision such as the Supervisee not listening
       to supervisor instructions, or problems in supervision due to
       the Supervisee.
     ◦ Examples:
        He takes whatever I say in supervision and incorporates it into what he
         “feeds back” by the end of the hour
        Are you really going to try that technique or are you just appeasing
        That I am angry that he has canceled many of our sessions
        I wish she would bring in a tape for us to listen to
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
   Negative   Supervisor Self-Efficacy
    ◦ Concerns about own performance as a supervisor. Concerns
      about self-efficacy as a supervisor and thoughts about the
      Supervisee’s perceptions of him or her
    ◦ Examples:
       Wonder if she questions my credibility because of age
       That I may not be as helpful or astute as she may wish
       Initially, I experienced anxiety and tension when interacting
        with my Supervisee
    ◦ Reason: Supervisor’s Own Issue
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
      Supervisee  Appearance
       ◦ Thoughts about the way the Supervisee dresses and
         looks, as well as personal habits that the supervisor
       ◦ Examples:
          Gosh her clothes are nice they look expensive
          How can an intern afford this wardrobe? I’m jealous;
          Why do you always wear the same clothes?
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
     Positive Reactions to Supervisee’s Counseling and
      Professional Performance
      ◦ Positive thoughts and feelings regarding the
        Supervisee’s clinical and professional skills. This
        includes positive thoughts about the Supervisee’s
        interventions in the counseling session
      ◦ Examples:
         She’s doing a great job
         as a new professional, I don’t think I was nearly as
          comfortable asserting myself
         How enjoyable it is to work with the Supervisee
Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories
      Attraction   to Supervisee
        ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the Supervisee
          being physically appealing
        ◦ Examples:
           Strong sexual attraction to Supervisee
           That the Supervisee is attractive to me
           I find my Supervisee attractive
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories
 Personal Information (73%)
  ◦ Supervisor self-discloses personal information about
    himself or herself
  ◦ Examples:
     He told me about his separation and ultimate divorce
      from his wife earlier this year
     He said he was not able to co-lead a relationship
      group because of a current emotional state - recent
     She told me that although she wishes she had
      children, she is unable to have any
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories
     Clinicaland Training Struggles
      ◦ Supervisor self-discloses situations in which he or she
        experienced difficulties with clients or in his or her
        own training
      ◦ Examples:
         Shared similar experience when he felt frightened
          and threatened by a client
         When a client relapsed and attempted suicide, she
          said she questioned herself and wondered if she has
          done everything she could
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories

 Successful/PositiveClinical And Training Experiences
  ◦ Supervisor self-discloses positive therapy outcomes,
    successes in own training and development
  ◦ Examples:
     My supervisor stated that for more than one year she
      had not had a client relapse and start using drugs again.
      She said that was the best record in the agency
     Talked about successes working with couples
     No one challenged her in her training because she was so
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories

 Reactions    to Supervisee’s Clients
  ◦ Supervisor self-discloses her or his feelings about the
    supervisee’s clients
  ◦ Examples:
     When one of my clients attempted suicide, she stated she
      also felt uncertain of herself and then she felt angry at him for
      regressing and harming himself and betraying her trust
     Shared that her discomfort with a client I currently have
      would not allow her to provide nonbiased care
     In some ways I come from the same background as these kids
      you are seeing (working class) but I managed through loans
      and scholarships to graduate with a Ph.D.; I did it, so can
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories
     Dynamics   at Training Site
      ◦ Supervisor self-discloses interpersonal interactions at
        the training site and/or her or his reaction to these
      ◦ Examples:
         An observation about another senior staff member
          who tries to control me - she told of his attempts
          to do the same with her - we laughed
         Another coworker felt he sexually harassed her. I
          felt he was observing my actions to see where I
          stood in this area
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories

 Didactic Mentoring
  ◦ Information regarding how the supervisor might approach
    and/or work with the supervisee’s clients or training issues
  ◦ Examples:
     He said he wanted to expose me to forensic psychology
      and competency evaluations, because he didn’t have that
      when he was in training and had to learn it on the job
     I saw a client who was detained for child molestation, so
      he brought in a sample treatment plan to show how he
      worked with one
     How working with parents of clients is difficult and how to
      monitor your own feelings
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories
     Supervisory  Relationship
      ◦ Supervisor self-discloses her or his perceptions
        of the supervisory relationship
      ◦ Examples:
         She once told me how much she values our
          relationship and how much she's learned
          from me--a surprise, out of the blue
         I wasn’t very supportive of you and became a
          bit defensive yesterday
Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories

   Experiences   of Being a Supervisor
    ◦ Supervisor self-discloses about her or his past
      or present experiences as a supervisor
    ◦ Examples:
       That she has been told by previous
        supervisees that she does not give enough
        positive feedback
       Shared that he had been criticized for being
        too accepting/not critical enough of
Limited depth of response
U.S.-based samples
Pre-degreed supervisees
Future Theory and Research

Large sample post-session recall of
 nondisclosures (Mehr & Ladany, in preparation)
Post-degreed supervisees
International samples (e.g., Schröder & Gilbert Webb &
 Wheeler, 1998)
Modes  of supervision (e.g., group, peer)
Process and outcome link
Models of self-disclosure
Model for Supervisor Disclosure
      (Ladany & Walker, 2003)

Categories     of Self-Disclosure
  ◦   Personal Material
  ◦   Therapy Experiences
  ◦   Professional Experiences
  ◦   Supervisee’s Clients
  ◦   Supervision Experiences
Personalization     Dimensions
  ◦ Discordant to Congruent
  ◦ Non-Intimate to Intimate
  ◦ In Service of Supervisor to In Service of Supervisee
Personal Material Self-Disclosure: The
Uncontrollable Narcissist
Sometimes   trainees keep a lot of important
 information from their supervisors
Sometimes supervisors do not disclose things
 they should to their trainees
Sometimes supervisors disclose things to their
 trainees they shouldn’t
Is there ever really “nothing to discuss in
Assessing Evaluation Approaches

   What We Know
   The “germ theory” of psychotherapy training (Beutler, 1988)
    suggests students “catch” skills through exposure.
   Trainees are evaluated primarily qualitatively
   Most supervisors use trainee self-report as a method to assess
    trainee performance, however, approximately half rely on audio or
    video recordings.
What We Know

 The  supervisor's general perceptions of the trainee may
  influence the trainee’s evaluation.
 Many supervisors may not be fulfilling their evaluation
  responsibilities adequately or ethically.
 Measures used to assess trainee competence are often
  outdated and, generally, psychometrically unsound (Ellis
  & Ladany, 1997; Ellis, D’Luiso, & Ladany, in press).
Components of Assessing
Trainee Evaluation Approaches
     Mode of Counseling
      ◦   Individual, Group, Family, or Couples
     Domain of Trainee Behaviors
      ◦   Counseling or Supervision
     Competence Area
      ◦   Theoretical Conceptualization, Helping Skills,
          Counseling Techniques, Professionalism, Multicultural
          Competence, Clinical Disorders, Assessment,
          Administration, Supervision Behaviors,
          Countertransference, Self-Evaluation
Components of Assessing
Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)
      Method
       ◦   Trainee Self-Report, Case Notes, Audiotape,
           Videotape, Live Supervision, Co-therapy, Role
           Play, Experiences in Supervision
      Proportion of Caseload
       ◦   All Clients, Subgroup of Clients, One Client
      Segment of Experience
       ◦   Entire Training Experience, Part of Entire
           Training Experience, Specific Session, Segment
           of a Session
Components of Assessing
Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)

   Time Period
    ◦   Early, Middle, Late in Client Treatment
    ◦   Early, Middle, Late in Training Experience
   Evaluator
    ◦   Supervisor, Clients, Peers, Objective Raters
   Level of Proficiency
    ◦   Demonstrated Skill, Comparison to Cohort Group
Components of Assessing
    Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)

   Reliability Issues
    ◦   Measurement Error, Supervisor Bias for Qualitative,
        Statistical for Quantitative
    ◦   Interrater Agreement
   Validity Issues
    ◦   Construct Validity
   Format
    ◦   Quantitative vs. Qualitative
    ◦   Structured vs. Unstructured
Example # 1

   Evaluator: Supervisor
   Rate the competence of your trainee’s knowledge
    base on a 1 to 5 scale.
   Knowledge base is defined as “demonstrated good
    understanding of theories and research in psychology,
    human development, counseling/psychotherapy,
    assessment, and psychopathology.”
Example # 2

 Assessment of a given area of competence based on the
  trainee’s developmental level.
 Task for Supervisor:
     ◦   Assess the developmental level of the trainee.
     ◦   Know the competence associated with the given developmental
         level of the trainee’s cohort group.
     ◦   Compare and contrast the trainee’s expressed competence to
         the associated developmental level.
Example # 3

   Unclear, anti-therapeutic, or minimally relevant
    items, such as
    ◦   trainee’s personal grooming or appearance
    ◦   trainee keeps client task-centered
    ◦   trainee maintains her or his office neat and orderly
    ◦   trainee has a clear, well-defined set of values
        which he or she communicates in a therapeutic
Effective Evaluation Strategies
(Lehrman-Waterman & Ladany, 2001)

   Goal Setting
    ◦   A specific standard of proficiency on a task, which is to be
        accomplished within a specified time limit
   Feedback
    ◦   The supervisor verbally sharing her or his thoughts
        regarding the supervisee's progress on agreed upon goals
    ◦   Formative
          ongoing, informal feedback that occurs throughout
    ◦   Summative
          supervisor steps back and makes decisions regarding
           how well the supervisee is meeting the pre-established
           standards of performance
Goal Setting
   Features of effective goal setting:
    ◦   Specific, explicit, and clearly worded
    ◦   Feasible in regard to capacity, opportunity, and resources
    ◦   Require the supervisee to "stretch" herself or himself
    ◦   Related to the task formulated
    ◦   Modifiable over time
    ◦   Measurable
    ◦   Ordered into priority
    ◦   Mutually agreed upon
    ◦   Clarified early in the supervisory relationship

   Identify and set proficiency standards clearly
   Six key features of effective supervisor
    ◦   Systematic
    ◦   Timely
    ◦   Clearly understood
    ◦   Balanced between positive and negative
    ◦   Comes from a credible source
    ◦   Reciprocal
Practice Evaluation
Sample Evaluation

     1                         2                  3                   4                   5
strongly                                    neither agree                              strongly
disagree                                     or disagree                                agree

    Using the above scale, rate the extent to which you believe this trainee exhibited each of
     the following skills:

1.   Attending and Listening
2.   Restatements
3.   Open Questions
4.   Reflections of Feelings
5.   Demonstrate Understanding
6.   Challenge

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Evidence for Effective/Ineffective Supervision

  • 1. The Evidence for Effective and Ineffective Supervision Nicholas Ladany Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA
  • 2. Presentation Objectives Provide an up-to-date summary of the state of the research on clinical supervision Identify the common elements of ineffective supervision Increase knowledge about how to enhance clinical supervision and improve training in clinical supervision
  • 3. Elements of Effective Supervision (Ellis & Ladany, 1997; Ladany, 2005; Ladany & Inman, 2010)  Attend to the Supervisory Relationship  Apply Models of Supervision (e.g., Critical-Events Model)  Attend to Unique Features of Supervision ◦ Evaluative ◦ Educative ◦ Involuntary  Engage in Role Induction  Differentiate Supervision from Psychotherapy  Attend to Supervisee-focused and Client-focused Outcomes  Recognize the importance of Covert Processes  Keep abreast of Ethical and Legal Issues  Offer Evaluations that include Goal-Setting and Feedback  Enhance Multicultural Competence  Attend to Parallel Processes  Tend to Administrative Responsibilities (e.g., note-taking, s’ee oversight)  Consider Group Supervision and Peer Supervision as important adjuncts  Secure Supervision Training
  • 4. Elements of Ineffective Supervision ◦ Not all supervision is rosy  Supervisees get harmed ◦ Supervision failures are a result of:  Supervisor factors  Supervisee factors  Dyadic factors ◦ (Ladany & Inman, in press; Ladany & Inman, 2008)
  • 5. Supervisor Factors Inclination to infantalize supervisees Incomplete or Incompetent evaluation ◦ Too positive --- Gatekeeping ◦ No valid or reliable instruments Multiculturally misguided (i.e.,racist, sexist, homophobic) Ethically challenged in relation to supervision Inadequate Training ◦ Supervisor specific training ◦ Misapplication of theory (unique features of supervision)
  • 6. Supervisee Factors Openness to learning ◦ Receptivity to feedback Training in helping skills Capacity to learn helping skills Capacity for deep self-awareness Capacity for knowledge acquisition (perhaps over-rated)
  • 7. Dyadic Factors Supervisory alliance Too much case discussion Over indulgence in client-focused outcomes
  • 9. Degree of Trainee Openness to Learning and Supervisor Competence Competence of Supervisor Incompetent Neutral Competent Active Learner 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% Passive Learner 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% Indifferent 11.1% 11.1% 11.1% Learner
  • 10. A Critical Events-Based Model of Supervision ◦ Ladany, Friedlander, & Nelson (2005) The Supervisory Working Alliance Marker Task Environment ◦ Consists of Interaction Sequences Resolution ◦ Successful or Unsuccessful
  • 11. The Supervisory Working Alliance (Bordin, 1983)  Mutual Agreement about the Goals of Supervision ◦ e.g., mastery of specific counseling skills ◦ e.g., understanding how the trainee’s personal issues influence work with clients  Mutual Agreement about the Tasks of Supervision ◦ e.g., review counseling session tapes ◦ e,g., trainee is responsible for initiating supervisory discussion  Emotional Bond ◦ Mutual caring, liking, trusting
  • 12. Critical Events  Remediating Skill Difficulties and Deficits  Heightening Multicultural Awareness  Negotiating Role Conflicts  Working Through Countertransference  Managing Sexual Attraction  Repairing Gender-Related Misunderstandings & Missed Understandings  Addressing Problematic Supervisee Emotions and Behaviors  Facilitating Trainee Insight  Working Through Therapist Shame
  • 13. Marker supervisee’s statement, series of statements, or behavior signaling the need for a specific kind of help
  • 14. Task Environment Interaction Sequences ◦ Focus on the Supervisory Working Alliance ◦ Normalize Experience ◦ Attend to Parallel Process ◦ Focus on Skill ◦ Focus on Self-Efficacy ◦ Exploration of Feelings ◦ Focus on Supervisee’s Dynamics ◦ Assess Knowledge ◦ Focus on Evaluation ◦ Case Discussion ◦ Focus on Multicultural Awareness ◦ Focus on Countertransference ◦ Careful of too much Case Review
  • 15. Resolution Self-Awareness Knowledge Skills Supervisory Alliance Continuum of Successful to Unsuccessful
  • 17.
  • 19. Assumptions about Supervision and Nondisclosure • Supervisees ‘nondisclose’ more than they disclose • Sometimes what is not said is more important than what is said
  • 20. Nondisclosure Studies  Ladany, Walker, Pate-Carolan, & Gray (in press); Banks & Ladany (2002); Ladany, Walker, & Melincoff (2001); Ladany & Melincoff (1999); Ladany & Lehrman-Waterman (1999); Ladany, Hill, Corbett, & Nutt (1996)  Content of and reasons for nondisclosure  Supervisee nondisclosure post multiple sessions  Supervisee nondisclosure post single session, longitudinally  Supervisor nondisclosure post multiple sessions  Supervisee nondisclosure post single session, longitudinally  Nondisclosures in relation to supervision process and outcome variables
  • 21. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Negative Reactions to Supervisor (90%) ◦ Unpleasant, disapproving, or critical thoughts, feelings, or characterizations relating to the supervisor ◦ Examples:  He is very rigid and narrow in theory and practice  I thought he had a big blind spot on how to help me in supervision  She's disorganized  He's obnoxious ◦ Reasons: Deference to the Supervisor, Impression Management, and Political Suicide
  • 22. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Personal Issues ◦ Thoughts about the self, experiences, or problems in the context of the individual's life that may or may not be known in public contexts such as the supervision setting. ◦ Examples:  Wondered what teachers and students reactions would be if I revealed that I am Bisexual  Specific family crisis  I have not told my supervisor that I'm pregnant ◦ Reason: Too Personal
  • 23. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Clinical Mistakes ◦ Thoughts related to perceived errors or inadequacy as a counselor ◦ Examples:  I sometimes feel I made a mistake in a session and wait till next session to try to "correct" it  Feeling like I hadn't checked out all the symptoms of a disorder with a client  I think I sometimes confuse my clients with interventions that are not at the client's level of understanding ◦ Reason: Impression Management
  • 24. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Evaluation Concerns ◦ Uncertainty or uneasiness about the supervisor's assessment(s) of the Supervisee ◦ Examples:  I do not know whether my supervisor's evaluation of me is generally positive or negative  I wonder how my supervisor will evaluate me  Worry that she will not give a good letter of recommendation
  • 25. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Negative Reactions to Client ◦ Unpleasant, disapproving, or critical thoughts, feelings, or characterizations relating to the client ◦ Examples:  Some clients appear physically threatening  Anger toward client for bringing up his racist/ chauvinistic feelings / thoughts  One of my clients has poor personal hygiene which leads to negative reactions in me  Getting frustrated when clients don't show and don't cancel  That sometimes I'm bored
  • 26. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Client-Counselor Attraction Issues ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the client and/or counselor appearing or feeling drawn to or interested in the other person in a sexual or physical sense ◦ Examples:  Sexual attraction to a female client  Found a male client attractive, reminded me of type of guys I used to like  Feeling attracted  Sexual feelings toward a client ◦ Reason: ?
  • 27. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Supervisor Appearance ◦ Comments, thoughts, or feelings about the supervisor's external image ◦ Examples:  He wears clothes out of the 70's  She seems so off the wall as far as dress, language, etc.  Disapprove of dress habits  I like his silver belt buckle and general style of dress
  • 28. Supervisee Nondisclosure Categories  Supervisee-Supervisor Attraction Issues ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the Supervisee and/or supervisor appearing or feeling drawn to or interested in the other person in a sexual or physical sense ◦ Examples:  At one point I felt some attraction for my supervisor  Being attracted to his balance of power and sensibility and this translating to a physical attraction  I think my supervisor is very attractive and also brilliant
  • 29. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Negative Reactions to Supervisee’s Counseling & Professional Performance (74%) ◦ Negative thoughts and feelings regarding the Supervisee’s clinical and professional skills. ◦ Examples:  She has personal agendas that interfere with non- biased counseling  Self disclosure should have been absolutely avoided in that case. ◦ Reasons: Supervisee will Discover When Developmentally Ready and Addressed Indirectly
  • 30. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Supervisor Personal Issues ◦ Issues related to the self and the supervisor’s personal life and experiences ◦ Examples:  Didn’t want to meet for supervision due to terminally ill relative that I needed to attend to  Intern at one point shared that she was clinically depressed. I did not share that I had ever been clinically depressed  Problems my daughter had at school ◦ Reasons: Irrelevant to the goals and tasks of supervision
  • 31. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Negative Reactions to Supervisee’s Supervision Performance ◦ Negative thoughts and feelings about the Supervisee’s reactions in supervision such as the Supervisee not listening to supervisor instructions, or problems in supervision due to the Supervisee. ◦ Examples:  He takes whatever I say in supervision and incorporates it into what he “feeds back” by the end of the hour  Are you really going to try that technique or are you just appeasing me?  That I am angry that he has canceled many of our sessions  I wish she would bring in a tape for us to listen to
  • 32. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Negative Supervisor Self-Efficacy ◦ Concerns about own performance as a supervisor. Concerns about self-efficacy as a supervisor and thoughts about the Supervisee’s perceptions of him or her ◦ Examples:  Wonder if she questions my credibility because of age differences  That I may not be as helpful or astute as she may wish  Initially, I experienced anxiety and tension when interacting with my Supervisee ◦ Reason: Supervisor’s Own Issue
  • 33. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Supervisee Appearance ◦ Thoughts about the way the Supervisee dresses and looks, as well as personal habits that the supervisor notices ◦ Examples:  Gosh her clothes are nice they look expensive  How can an intern afford this wardrobe? I’m jealous;  Why do you always wear the same clothes?
  • 34. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories  Positive Reactions to Supervisee’s Counseling and Professional Performance ◦ Positive thoughts and feelings regarding the Supervisee’s clinical and professional skills. This includes positive thoughts about the Supervisee’s interventions in the counseling session ◦ Examples:  She’s doing a great job  as a new professional, I don’t think I was nearly as comfortable asserting myself  How enjoyable it is to work with the Supervisee
  • 35. Supervisor Nondisclosure Categories Attraction to Supervisee ◦ Thoughts or feelings about the Supervisee being physically appealing ◦ Examples:  Strong sexual attraction to Supervisee  That the Supervisee is attractive to me  I find my Supervisee attractive
  • 36. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Personal Information (73%) ◦ Supervisor self-discloses personal information about himself or herself ◦ Examples:  He told me about his separation and ultimate divorce from his wife earlier this year  He said he was not able to co-lead a relationship group because of a current emotional state - recent break-up  She told me that although she wishes she had children, she is unable to have any
  • 37. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Clinicaland Training Struggles ◦ Supervisor self-discloses situations in which he or she experienced difficulties with clients or in his or her own training ◦ Examples:  Shared similar experience when he felt frightened and threatened by a client  When a client relapsed and attempted suicide, she said she questioned herself and wondered if she has done everything she could
  • 38. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Successful/PositiveClinical And Training Experiences ◦ Supervisor self-discloses positive therapy outcomes, successes in own training and development ◦ Examples:  My supervisor stated that for more than one year she had not had a client relapse and start using drugs again. She said that was the best record in the agency  Talked about successes working with couples  No one challenged her in her training because she was so good
  • 39. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Reactions to Supervisee’s Clients ◦ Supervisor self-discloses her or his feelings about the supervisee’s clients ◦ Examples:  When one of my clients attempted suicide, she stated she also felt uncertain of herself and then she felt angry at him for regressing and harming himself and betraying her trust  Shared that her discomfort with a client I currently have would not allow her to provide nonbiased care  In some ways I come from the same background as these kids you are seeing (working class) but I managed through loans and scholarships to graduate with a Ph.D.; I did it, so can they!
  • 40. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Dynamics at Training Site ◦ Supervisor self-discloses interpersonal interactions at the training site and/or her or his reaction to these interactions ◦ Examples:  An observation about another senior staff member who tries to control me - she told of his attempts to do the same with her - we laughed  Another coworker felt he sexually harassed her. I felt he was observing my actions to see where I stood in this area
  • 41. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Didactic Mentoring ◦ Information regarding how the supervisor might approach and/or work with the supervisee’s clients or training issues ◦ Examples:  He said he wanted to expose me to forensic psychology and competency evaluations, because he didn’t have that when he was in training and had to learn it on the job  I saw a client who was detained for child molestation, so he brought in a sample treatment plan to show how he worked with one  How working with parents of clients is difficult and how to monitor your own feelings
  • 42. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Supervisory Relationship ◦ Supervisor self-discloses her or his perceptions of the supervisory relationship ◦ Examples:  She once told me how much she values our relationship and how much she's learned from me--a surprise, out of the blue  I wasn’t very supportive of you and became a bit defensive yesterday
  • 43. Supervisor Self-Disclosure Categories  Experiences of Being a Supervisor ◦ Supervisor self-discloses about her or his past or present experiences as a supervisor ◦ Examples:  That she has been told by previous supervisees that she does not give enough positive feedback  Shared that he had been criticized for being too accepting/not critical enough of supervisees
  • 44. Limitations Recall Limited depth of response U.S.-based samples Pre-degreed supervisees
  • 45. Future Theory and Research Directions Large sample post-session recall of nondisclosures (Mehr & Ladany, in preparation) Post-degreed supervisees International samples (e.g., Schröder & Gilbert Webb & Wheeler, 1998) Modes of supervision (e.g., group, peer) Process and outcome link Models of self-disclosure
  • 46. Model for Supervisor Disclosure (Ladany & Walker, 2003) Categories of Self-Disclosure ◦ Personal Material ◦ Therapy Experiences ◦ Professional Experiences ◦ Supervisee’s Clients ◦ Supervision Experiences Personalization Dimensions ◦ Discordant to Congruent ◦ Non-Intimate to Intimate ◦ In Service of Supervisor to In Service of Supervisee
  • 47. Personal Material Self-Disclosure: The Uncontrollable Narcissist
  • 48. Conclusions Sometimes trainees keep a lot of important information from their supervisors Sometimes supervisors do not disclose things they should to their trainees Sometimes supervisors disclose things to their trainees they shouldn’t Is there ever really “nothing to discuss in supervision?”
  • 49. Assessing Evaluation Approaches  What We Know  The “germ theory” of psychotherapy training (Beutler, 1988) suggests students “catch” skills through exposure.  Trainees are evaluated primarily qualitatively  Most supervisors use trainee self-report as a method to assess trainee performance, however, approximately half rely on audio or video recordings.
  • 50. What We Know  The supervisor's general perceptions of the trainee may influence the trainee’s evaluation.  Many supervisors may not be fulfilling their evaluation responsibilities adequately or ethically.  Measures used to assess trainee competence are often outdated and, generally, psychometrically unsound (Ellis & Ladany, 1997; Ellis, D’Luiso, & Ladany, in press).
  • 51. Components of Assessing Trainee Evaluation Approaches  Mode of Counseling ◦ Individual, Group, Family, or Couples  Domain of Trainee Behaviors ◦ Counseling or Supervision  Competence Area ◦ Theoretical Conceptualization, Helping Skills, Counseling Techniques, Professionalism, Multicultural Competence, Clinical Disorders, Assessment, Administration, Supervision Behaviors, Countertransference, Self-Evaluation
  • 52. Components of Assessing Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)  Method ◦ Trainee Self-Report, Case Notes, Audiotape, Videotape, Live Supervision, Co-therapy, Role Play, Experiences in Supervision  Proportion of Caseload ◦ All Clients, Subgroup of Clients, One Client  Segment of Experience ◦ Entire Training Experience, Part of Entire Training Experience, Specific Session, Segment of a Session
  • 53. Components of Assessing Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)  Time Period ◦ Early, Middle, Late in Client Treatment ◦ Early, Middle, Late in Training Experience  Evaluator ◦ Supervisor, Clients, Peers, Objective Raters  Level of Proficiency ◦ Demonstrated Skill, Comparison to Cohort Group
  • 54. Components of Assessing Trainee Evaluation Approaches (cont.)  Reliability Issues ◦ Measurement Error, Supervisor Bias for Qualitative, Statistical for Quantitative ◦ Interrater Agreement  Validity Issues ◦ Construct Validity  Format ◦ Quantitative vs. Qualitative ◦ Structured vs. Unstructured
  • 55. Example # 1  Evaluator: Supervisor  Rate the competence of your trainee’s knowledge base on a 1 to 5 scale.  Knowledge base is defined as “demonstrated good understanding of theories and research in psychology, human development, counseling/psychotherapy, assessment, and psychopathology.”
  • 56. Example # 2  Assessment of a given area of competence based on the trainee’s developmental level.  Task for Supervisor: ◦ Assess the developmental level of the trainee. ◦ Know the competence associated with the given developmental level of the trainee’s cohort group. ◦ Compare and contrast the trainee’s expressed competence to the associated developmental level.
  • 57. Example # 3  Unclear, anti-therapeutic, or minimally relevant items, such as ◦ trainee’s personal grooming or appearance ◦ trainee keeps client task-centered ◦ trainee maintains her or his office neat and orderly ◦ trainee has a clear, well-defined set of values which he or she communicates in a therapeutic fashion.
  • 58. Effective Evaluation Strategies (Lehrman-Waterman & Ladany, 2001)  Goal Setting ◦ A specific standard of proficiency on a task, which is to be accomplished within a specified time limit  Feedback ◦ The supervisor verbally sharing her or his thoughts regarding the supervisee's progress on agreed upon goals ◦ Formative  ongoing, informal feedback that occurs throughout supervision ◦ Summative  supervisor steps back and makes decisions regarding how well the supervisee is meeting the pre-established standards of performance
  • 59. Goal Setting  Features of effective goal setting: ◦ Specific, explicit, and clearly worded ◦ Feasible in regard to capacity, opportunity, and resources ◦ Require the supervisee to "stretch" herself or himself ◦ Related to the task formulated ◦ Modifiable over time ◦ Measurable ◦ Ordered into priority ◦ Mutually agreed upon ◦ Clarified early in the supervisory relationship  Identify and set proficiency standards clearly
  • 60. Feedback  Six key features of effective supervisor feedback: ◦ Systematic ◦ Timely ◦ Clearly understood ◦ Balanced between positive and negative statements ◦ Comes from a credible source ◦ Reciprocal
  • 62. Sample Evaluation   1 2 3 4 5 strongly neither agree strongly disagree or disagree agree  Using the above scale, rate the extent to which you believe this trainee exhibited each of the following skills: 1. Attending and Listening 2. Restatements 3. Open Questions 4. Reflections of Feelings 5. Demonstrate Understanding 6. Challenge

Editor's Notes

  1. +, benign, -