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Music Magazine
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?

    I believe my magazine does challenge forms and conventions of a real magazine because it
         includes many main codes and conventions of a music magazine. For example my main
         inspiration of the construction of my magazine was VIBE magazine, especially Drakes
         issue which focuses on a black and yellow theme. I incorporated this idea into mine by
         using a black background, but changed the texture to create an urban, more eye catching
         look. The house style that I used was blue, grey, white and black, which was based on an
         adidas jacket, I chose this because it seemed to fit in with grime/urban style and culture,
         also audiences that follow grime music would typically be associated with wearing name
         brand tracksuits such as adidas, Nike etc. As VIBE magazine was my biggest inspiration I
         included other ideas from it, such as the usher front cover which had a quote on the
         front, I thought it would be good to used this on the cover of my magazine because it
         would give the audience an insight of what’s to follow up in the interview of the
         magazine, making the reader intrigued to find out what's inside……..
I took the idea of a simple bold text and
                                                colour white to make the masthead           I used a black
I also used a top strip to indicate to the                                                  background like
                                                stand out off the black background, but I
audience what artist are going to feature in                                                VIBE magazine as it
                                                changed the size and aptitude of the text
the magazine, the artist I used also made it                                                makes other house
                                                to create a more young and urban/grime
clear the type of audience I am trying to                                                   style colours and
attract.                                                                                    the central image
                                                                                            stand out, but I
                                                                                            changed the
                                                                                            background by
                                                                                            creating a glitter
                                                                                            effect which makes
                                                                                            the background
                                                                                            stand out more, and
                                                                                            also links it to

                                                                                            I took aspects of other
                                                                                            VIBE magazines like the
                                                                                            Usher issue, I used the
                                                                                            quote on the front of
                                                                                            the magazine “THERE
                              I incorporated the idea of using                              IS NO COMPETITON”
 The layout of VIBE           ‘HIP-HOP’s NEW RELIGION’ and                                  and change it to make it
magazine places the           change it to ‘GRIME’S NEWEST                                  “WE ARE TAKING
featured articles around      TALENT’ I changed it slightly to                              OVER”, I decided to use
                              make it relevant to my magazine,                              the quote as it would
the central image so it                                                                     give the audience an
would still be the main       this is used to entice the audience
                                                                                            idea of what's in the
focal point and feature of    into finding out more about the                               main article.
the magazine.                 artist or group, and how they
                              have made a mark on the music
Codes and Conventions of a Music                                    Top strip which shows the
                                                                    types of artists which feature
Magazine Front    I used a headline tag when using
                                                                    in the magazine, which show
Cover             the word exclusive and new, this
                                                                    the type of genre and
                              informs the audience that this
Left third, which is the                                            audience I am trying to
                              magazine has something that no
first thing the buyer                                               appeal.
                              other magazine has.
sees so I put the
featured articles, the                                                             Large, bold
word NEW, the price                                                                masthead which is
and the magazine                                                                   clearly shown of the
logo.                                                                              white colour font in
                                                                                   contrast to the black
I put the Tinie Temaph
article on the cover
magazine because
currently he is one of the
most successful artist to                                                            I also used a puff which
bring UK grime into the                                                              is a short phrase to
mainstream charts, which                                                             hook the audience, I
could target a wider range                                                           took a play on words
of audiences to my                                                                   from the title “STEP UP”
magazine.                                                                            and made it to “A step
                                                                                     above the rest” this is
                                                                                     short and catchy
Featured articles, which show on                                                     phrase.
the front cover of the magazine         Central image, is the main focal point
what main articles are in the           of the magazine, I used a large shot as
                                                                                     Splash, which is the largest
magazine, this is used to entice        it was a group shot, this also shows
                                                                                     most vibrate piece of text on
the audience to buying the              the outfits which makes it clear to the
                                                                                     the front page which is
magazine if it features an artist or    audience that its grime magazine.
                                                                                     related to the main cover
story they like.
                                                                                     story and central image.
Codes and Conventions of a Music
Magazine Contents                                             The largest piece of text
Page                                                          which make it clear to the
                                                              audience that it is the
I also used                                                   contents page.
numbers of the
                                                                         Features on the
pages, because it
                                                                         contents page
allows the reader
                                                                         shows new and
to find the page
                                                                         exclusive articles
and article that
                                                                         which will feature
they wanted
                                                                         in the magazine
quickly and easily.
                                                                         only the one time.
    Main image, which
    usually a                                                          Regulars on the
    continuation of the                                                contents page
    front cover of the                                                 which shows the
    magazine, I took a                                                 articles which
    image of one of the                                                features on every
    group and made it                                                  issue and
                          Article titles,   Small piece of text
    the main image.                                                    sometimes has
                          which shows       under the article titles
                                                                       follow ups of
                          what the          which is a small
                                                                       previous issues.
                          articles are      description of what's in
                          called            the article.
The concepts for the titles of my articles
             was taking inspiration from other forms of
             media which have the similar themes and
                  The article ‘Behind the music’ came
                  from a regular programme on MTV
                  base which features RnB, rap and
                  grime artists life stories, due to the
                  target audience of the TV station I
                  thought it would relate to my
                  audience as they have similar styles of

                         Tinie Tempah is one of the most
                         established and well known grime
I used ‘GAME OVER’       artist as he has achieved number 1
as a featured article    single, making him one of the few
because it includes      grime artists to do so. Therefore I
almost all the most      used him as he currently the most
recognisable artist in   recognisable artist in grime.
                                  For the regulars I
                                  thought that since
                                  my magazine is
                                  based on introducing
                                  new grime and
                                  urban artists to an
                                  audience, there
                                  should be an article
                                  that gets the reader
Codes and Conventions of a Music
Magazine Contents                                  The contents
Page COMPARIONS                                    page title is a
                          The first feature        large font
                          article is of the main   that stands
                          cover story which is     out, also it
                          most likely an           the way that
                          excusive article.        it is written is
                                                   simple but
                                   the titles
                                   of the          The large
                                   articles        image of
                                   may differ      artist show
                                   slightly,       that the main
                                   they still      focus is on
                                   are set in      her.
Codes and Conventions of a Music        I used a large, bold            I took a quote which
                                        piece of text as an             stood out from article
Magazine Double Page Article            intro of the magazine           and I enlarged
INTERVIEW                               article which explains          quotation mark and
                                        what ‘BEHIND THE                used it on the top of
                                        MUSIC’ is.                      the magazine .
                                                                                      To separate the
The largest piece of                                                                  questions from the
text on the double                                                                    answers, I put the
page spread is                                                                        question In a bolder
article Title and also                                                                font, which made it
features the group                                                                    darker and clearer for
name ‘IMPACT’                                                                         the reader to establish
which is who the                                                                      which is the question
article is about.                                                                     or answer. I also put a
                                                                                      Q.(question) and
                                                                                      A.(answers) at the
                                                                                      beginning of the
                                                                                      sentences or

                                                                                     I used a larger, bold
                                                                                     and colorful font
      I took separate images
                                                                 The article is      for the ‘FINAL
      and placed them
                                                                 also in             THOUGHT’ or the
      together to make a
                                    I used a 11 size font, which columns             writing that
      central image on the
                                    is usually used in other     which is            concludes the
      double page article, which
                                    magazine articles for the typical in             interview and
      is of the front cover group
                                    answers in the interview. magazine in            article, which is
      of artists.
                                                                 general.            directed to the
Codes and Conventions of a Music
Magazine Double Page Article
COMPARISON                   A quote from the interview
                             which has been enlarge as it
                             something interesting and
                             makes the reader want to       The artists
                             know the story behind the      name, this
                             quote.                         shows
                                                            who and
                                                            what the
                                                            article is
                                                                   Small font
                                                                   text in the

                                 A large
                                 image of                      Articles are in
                                 the artist                    columns,
                                 on one                        which makes
                                 side of the                   it more
                                 article.                      structured
                                                               and easily
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

   The music magazine that I created represents a particular social group that ranges
      between E,D, C1, C2 because most likely my audience would be unskilled, under
      part time employment or receive benefits, so since my magazine is targeted to
      a youthful audience it is most likely that target audience would still be attending
      school as a student or further education. My magazine represents them
      because the music style that I focused on involves an urban style, and the artists
      that I used, fashion choices and attitudes would be similar because many young
      people look up to them and they aspire to achieve the same goal as them in life.
      The social groups are mainly aspirers or egoists that believe that some day that
      they will be make it in the music/grime industry.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product
and why?

   The media institute that may produce my magazine would be Hearst Corporations, because they a one of
       the largest diversified communications publishing magazines ranging from “The Oprah Magazine” and
       “Cosmopolitan” to ownership of cable network such as ESPN. By being apart of such a huge diverse
       company could also be beneficial for them, to become apart of the music industry and explore
       different types of audiences, because their main publications seems to target a more mature person,
       and focuses on fashion and good health and body conscious women . Whereas the audience that my
       magazine is targeted to a younger urban/grime audience.

   As you can see the magazines that are published by Hearst Corporations mostly features on the front cover
       a majority of women compared men, and the colours are bright and vibrate, this seems to attract a
       female audience. In comparison to the codes and conventions in my magazine where, it uses dark
       colours such as black and grey to attract a grime audience, both male and female.
Who would be the audience for your media product?

   The audience that my music magazine would appeal to would be young urban/grime audience
       based in the UK and some parts of the USA because there is a large following of this
       music genre within the young British community. My audience that would buy and benefit
       from my magazine would be young ambitious people that have a interest within the
       music industry, either performing on stage on behind the scenes of the recording
       process. I would associate my audience to be like this because the articles that feature in
       magazine are based on new, fresh talent for instance, on the front cover of my magazine I
       used a fictional band ‘IMPACT’ as an example of how they became successful. Also my
       magazine features ways to show case if you believe you have talent on ‘STAND OUT’,
       where you can perform your own lyrics. Plus, being passionate about this type of music
       and know how it can change people lives by being a positive influence on young people, I
       represented this in an article called ‘STEP UP IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD’.
How did you attract/address your audience?

   I feel that my magazine attracted my target audience by using the codes and conventions
        which are associated with the grime genre, for example one of my main colour house
        style was black, this colour is connected with the grime industry and represents dark
        colours. Other colours such as grey, blue and white were used as my house style, because
        it was my colours of my adidas jacket and tracksuits are associated with urban/grime.
   I also addressed my audience by using a specific type of people with a certain style, which
        resemble other female grime artists. For example the clothing I used are associated with
        this genre, and I based the female group that I created ‘IMPACT’ around new female
        grime group ‘Ruff Diamondz’ I tried to do this by trying to create a similar style of
        clothing, looks, hair styles and the type of posing in photographs. I created my group
        around ‘Ruff Diamondz’ because I think that they are appealing to the audience and are
        influential because of their personal style and clothing choices which I thinks speaks to
        the young female grime followers and listeners.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of
constructing this product? (Digital camera, InDesign, Photoshop)

    During this process of constructing a magazine I learned how to overcome difficulties while using Adobe
          Indesign and editing images on Photoshop. Although I had used Photoshop before on making my
          school magazine I found it more challenging second time around, this is because editing the
          photographs took longer as I had to focus on the quality and using other tools to make the
          photographs up to a higher standard.
    When taking the photographs for my magazine I found how it was difficult to find a image which could
          work in my magazine, because I had to consider the lighting, shadows or the quality of the image,
          although some of these problems could be fixed using Photoshop.
    Throughout making my magazine I learned many new skills on Photoshop, for example I learn how to
          adjust lighting, brightness and contrasts as well as variations, this allowed me to change or play with
          different options with colours of clothing or even eye colour. I also experimented with filtering which
          meant the effect of the picture changed I used this tool a lot during the making of the product.
    Using InDesign was a first for me, but I learnt that constructing my magazine on this program was better as
          the quality of the images being imported from Photoshop works more effectively as the images are
          clearer. Also fonts on InDesign have more variety which allowed me to experiment with size, width,
          height and shape, I used this for magazine because I was able to change to create a masthead which
          linked with the name of my magazine.
    I learnt that creating a magazine in a certain amount of time you have to known your basics using
          technology and focus on making your magazine similar to ones that are being sold, and that best suit
          your genre.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt
in the progression from it to the full product?

  The preliminary task that I had to do was to create a school magazine, the front cover and contents page,
        when making the magazine the programs I used was Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, but it was
        different from making the music magazine because the photographs I’d taken needed more work to be
        closer to the standard of a mainstream magazine. I felt has if I’d learnt more about the programs when
        using it the second time as I had learn the basics the first time round, this allowed me to try out other
        tools which could make the magazine more realistic.
  I learnt how school magazine doesn’t target a specific audience besides the students, staff and school
        executives, these types of audiences range from a widely, aged and gender. This show that the contents,
        photographs and articles in the magazine should appeal to everyone that has a link to this school. In
        comparison to the music magazine where the audience that the magazine is targeted for is a particular
        type for example, the magazine that I created is a grime genre, this would have a selected audience from
        ages to genders, also the content in my magazine is based around grime culture, industry and the artists
        ,which unlike the school magazine wont appeal to everyone.
  In addition there is a difference in the messages that are sent out from the magazine, such as in the school
        magazine there is no focus on personal image, style or icons and less work is put in to making the perfect
        person feature on the front cover. On the other hand the main focus on music magazine is to portray a
        person or music icon as someone who is to be aspired to be like, working on my music magazine and
        researching I learned the work that go through to keeping the image of a celebrity ‘perfect’. One of the
        things that I had to do which differed from the making of my school magazine was on Photoshop using
        the spot healing tool, which touches up any blemishes on the skin to make it seem to the audience the
        this artist has no imperfections, this shows the manipulation that the photograph editors go through in
        creating a new image which is not necessarily true. However, this is necessary in the music industry to
        keep the artist with an image that portrays to the be flawless, this makes them an icon in the audiences

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Evalutiaon for music magazine

  • 1. Music Magazine Evaluation BY CHARLENE
  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? I believe my magazine does challenge forms and conventions of a real magazine because it includes many main codes and conventions of a music magazine. For example my main inspiration of the construction of my magazine was VIBE magazine, especially Drakes issue which focuses on a black and yellow theme. I incorporated this idea into mine by using a black background, but changed the texture to create an urban, more eye catching look. The house style that I used was blue, grey, white and black, which was based on an adidas jacket, I chose this because it seemed to fit in with grime/urban style and culture, also audiences that follow grime music would typically be associated with wearing name brand tracksuits such as adidas, Nike etc. As VIBE magazine was my biggest inspiration I included other ideas from it, such as the usher front cover which had a quote on the front, I thought it would be good to used this on the cover of my magazine because it would give the audience an insight of what’s to follow up in the interview of the magazine, making the reader intrigued to find out what's inside……..
  • 3. I took the idea of a simple bold text and colour white to make the masthead I used a black I also used a top strip to indicate to the background like stand out off the black background, but I audience what artist are going to feature in VIBE magazine as it changed the size and aptitude of the text the magazine, the artist I used also made it makes other house to create a more young and urban/grime clear the type of audience I am trying to style colours and feel. attract. the central image stand out, but I changed the background by creating a glitter effect which makes the background stand out more, and also links it to femininity. I took aspects of other VIBE magazines like the Usher issue, I used the quote on the front of the magazine “THERE I incorporated the idea of using IS NO COMPETITON” The layout of VIBE ‘HIP-HOP’s NEW RELIGION’ and and change it to make it magazine places the change it to ‘GRIME’S NEWEST “WE ARE TAKING featured articles around TALENT’ I changed it slightly to OVER”, I decided to use make it relevant to my magazine, the quote as it would the central image so it give the audience an would still be the main this is used to entice the audience idea of what's in the focal point and feature of into finding out more about the main article. the magazine. artist or group, and how they have made a mark on the music industry.
  • 4. Codes and Conventions of a Music Top strip which shows the types of artists which feature Magazine Front I used a headline tag when using in the magazine, which show Cover the word exclusive and new, this the type of genre and informs the audience that this Left third, which is the audience I am trying to magazine has something that no first thing the buyer appeal. other magazine has. sees so I put the featured articles, the Large, bold word NEW, the price masthead which is and the magazine clearly shown of the logo. white colour font in contrast to the black I put the Tinie Temaph background. article on the cover magazine because currently he is one of the most successful artist to I also used a puff which bring UK grime into the is a short phrase to mainstream charts, which hook the audience, I could target a wider range took a play on words of audiences to my from the title “STEP UP” magazine. and made it to “A step above the rest” this is short and catchy Featured articles, which show on phrase. the front cover of the magazine Central image, is the main focal point what main articles are in the of the magazine, I used a large shot as Splash, which is the largest magazine, this is used to entice it was a group shot, this also shows most vibrate piece of text on the audience to buying the the outfits which makes it clear to the the front page which is magazine if it features an artist or audience that its grime magazine. related to the main cover story they like. story and central image.
  • 5. Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine Contents The largest piece of text Page which make it clear to the audience that it is the I also used contents page. numbers of the Features on the pages, because it contents page allows the reader shows new and to find the page exclusive articles and article that which will feature they wanted in the magazine quickly and easily. only the one time. Main image, which usually a Regulars on the continuation of the contents page front cover of the which shows the magazine, I took a articles which image of one of the features on every group and made it issue and Article titles, Small piece of text the main image. sometimes has which shows under the article titles follow ups of what the which is a small previous issues. articles are description of what's in called the article.
  • 6. The concepts for the titles of my articles was taking inspiration from other forms of media which have the similar themes and genres…… The article ‘Behind the music’ came from a regular programme on MTV base which features RnB, rap and grime artists life stories, due to the target audience of the TV station I thought it would relate to my audience as they have similar styles of music. Tinie Tempah is one of the most established and well known grime I used ‘GAME OVER’ artist as he has achieved number 1 as a featured article single, making him one of the few because it includes grime artists to do so. Therefore I almost all the most used him as he currently the most recognisable artist in recognisable artist in grime. grime. For the regulars I thought that since my magazine is based on introducing new grime and urban artists to an audience, there should be an article that gets the reader involved
  • 7. Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine Contents The contents Page COMPARIONS page title is a The first feature large font article is of the main that stands cover story which is out, also it most likely an the way that excusive article. it is written is simple but effective. Although the titles of the The large articles image of may differ artist show slightly, that the main they still focus is on are set in her. two different sections.
  • 8. Codes and Conventions of a Music I used a large, bold I took a quote which piece of text as an stood out from article Magazine Double Page Article intro of the magazine and I enlarged INTERVIEW article which explains quotation mark and what ‘BEHIND THE used it on the top of MUSIC’ is. the magazine . To separate the The largest piece of questions from the text on the double answers, I put the page spread is question In a bolder article Title and also font, which made it features the group darker and clearer for name ‘IMPACT’ the reader to establish which is who the which is the question article is about. or answer. I also put a Q.(question) and A.(answers) at the beginning of the sentences or paragraphs, I used a larger, bold and colorful font I took separate images The article is for the ‘FINAL and placed them also in THOUGHT’ or the together to make a I used a 11 size font, which columns writing that central image on the is usually used in other which is concludes the double page article, which magazine articles for the typical in interview and is of the front cover group answers in the interview. magazine in article, which is of artists. general. directed to the audience.
  • 9. Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine Double Page Article COMPARISON A quote from the interview which has been enlarge as it something interesting and makes the reader want to The artists know the story behind the name, this quote. shows who and what the article is about. Small font text in the article. A large image of Articles are in the artist columns, on one which makes side of the it more article. structured and easily readable.
  • 10. How does your media product represent particular social groups? The music magazine that I created represents a particular social group that ranges between E,D, C1, C2 because most likely my audience would be unskilled, under part time employment or receive benefits, so since my magazine is targeted to a youthful audience it is most likely that target audience would still be attending school as a student or further education. My magazine represents them because the music style that I focused on involves an urban style, and the artists that I used, fashion choices and attitudes would be similar because many young people look up to them and they aspire to achieve the same goal as them in life. The social groups are mainly aspirers or egoists that believe that some day that they will be make it in the music/grime industry.
  • 11. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? The media institute that may produce my magazine would be Hearst Corporations, because they a one of the largest diversified communications publishing magazines ranging from “The Oprah Magazine” and “Cosmopolitan” to ownership of cable network such as ESPN. By being apart of such a huge diverse company could also be beneficial for them, to become apart of the music industry and explore different types of audiences, because their main publications seems to target a more mature person, and focuses on fashion and good health and body conscious women . Whereas the audience that my magazine is targeted to a younger urban/grime audience. As you can see the magazines that are published by Hearst Corporations mostly features on the front cover a majority of women compared men, and the colours are bright and vibrate, this seems to attract a female audience. In comparison to the codes and conventions in my magazine where, it uses dark colours such as black and grey to attract a grime audience, both male and female.
  • 12. Who would be the audience for your media product? The audience that my music magazine would appeal to would be young urban/grime audience based in the UK and some parts of the USA because there is a large following of this music genre within the young British community. My audience that would buy and benefit from my magazine would be young ambitious people that have a interest within the music industry, either performing on stage on behind the scenes of the recording process. I would associate my audience to be like this because the articles that feature in magazine are based on new, fresh talent for instance, on the front cover of my magazine I used a fictional band ‘IMPACT’ as an example of how they became successful. Also my magazine features ways to show case if you believe you have talent on ‘STAND OUT’, where you can perform your own lyrics. Plus, being passionate about this type of music and know how it can change people lives by being a positive influence on young people, I represented this in an article called ‘STEP UP IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD’.
  • 13. How did you attract/address your audience? I feel that my magazine attracted my target audience by using the codes and conventions which are associated with the grime genre, for example one of my main colour house style was black, this colour is connected with the grime industry and represents dark colours. Other colours such as grey, blue and white were used as my house style, because it was my colours of my adidas jacket and tracksuits are associated with urban/grime. I also addressed my audience by using a specific type of people with a certain style, which resemble other female grime artists. For example the clothing I used are associated with this genre, and I based the female group that I created ‘IMPACT’ around new female grime group ‘Ruff Diamondz’ I tried to do this by trying to create a similar style of clothing, looks, hair styles and the type of posing in photographs. I created my group around ‘Ruff Diamondz’ because I think that they are appealing to the audience and are influential because of their personal style and clothing choices which I thinks speaks to the young female grime followers and listeners.
  • 14. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? (Digital camera, InDesign, Photoshop) During this process of constructing a magazine I learned how to overcome difficulties while using Adobe Indesign and editing images on Photoshop. Although I had used Photoshop before on making my school magazine I found it more challenging second time around, this is because editing the photographs took longer as I had to focus on the quality and using other tools to make the photographs up to a higher standard. When taking the photographs for my magazine I found how it was difficult to find a image which could work in my magazine, because I had to consider the lighting, shadows or the quality of the image, although some of these problems could be fixed using Photoshop. Throughout making my magazine I learned many new skills on Photoshop, for example I learn how to adjust lighting, brightness and contrasts as well as variations, this allowed me to change or play with different options with colours of clothing or even eye colour. I also experimented with filtering which meant the effect of the picture changed I used this tool a lot during the making of the product. Using InDesign was a first for me, but I learnt that constructing my magazine on this program was better as the quality of the images being imported from Photoshop works more effectively as the images are clearer. Also fonts on InDesign have more variety which allowed me to experiment with size, width, height and shape, I used this for magazine because I was able to change to create a masthead which linked with the name of my magazine. I learnt that creating a magazine in a certain amount of time you have to known your basics using technology and focus on making your magazine similar to ones that are being sold, and that best suit your genre.
  • 15. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? The preliminary task that I had to do was to create a school magazine, the front cover and contents page, when making the magazine the programs I used was Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, but it was different from making the music magazine because the photographs I’d taken needed more work to be closer to the standard of a mainstream magazine. I felt has if I’d learnt more about the programs when using it the second time as I had learn the basics the first time round, this allowed me to try out other tools which could make the magazine more realistic. I learnt how school magazine doesn’t target a specific audience besides the students, staff and school executives, these types of audiences range from a widely, aged and gender. This show that the contents, photographs and articles in the magazine should appeal to everyone that has a link to this school. In comparison to the music magazine where the audience that the magazine is targeted for is a particular type for example, the magazine that I created is a grime genre, this would have a selected audience from ages to genders, also the content in my magazine is based around grime culture, industry and the artists ,which unlike the school magazine wont appeal to everyone. In addition there is a difference in the messages that are sent out from the magazine, such as in the school magazine there is no focus on personal image, style or icons and less work is put in to making the perfect person feature on the front cover. On the other hand the main focus on music magazine is to portray a person or music icon as someone who is to be aspired to be like, working on my music magazine and researching I learned the work that go through to keeping the image of a celebrity ‘perfect’. One of the things that I had to do which differed from the making of my school magazine was on Photoshop using the spot healing tool, which touches up any blemishes on the skin to make it seem to the audience the this artist has no imperfections, this shows the manipulation that the photograph editors go through in creating a new image which is not necessarily true. However, this is necessary in the music industry to keep the artist with an image that portrays to the be flawless, this makes them an icon in the audiences eyes.