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    CENTRE NO: 11049

Omar Clarke

Candidate No: 30026938
            Preliminary Project – Research & Planning
    How did you think about target audience?
    I conducted research on various types of magazines, such as music magazines and compared them to student
    magazines. I analysed the different conventional features used in student magazines in comparison to different
    types of magazines. I noticed that in student magazines they used cover lines more relevant to the lifestyle of
    students. For instance the cover lines would focus on technological appliances such as Blackberry’s, as this is
    relevant to students. Through research, I found out that student magazines tend to use language relevant to the
    youth, this is called an field specific lexis. The student magazines that I researched didn’t use a range of colours
    for its text, they tended to use two colours for text, this develops consistency. Whilst other types of magazines such
    as music magazines conventionally use more colours, perhaps to develop interest. Before constructing my
    artefact I wanted to ensure that my cover was clear in it’s theme and purpose hence why I planned for my main
    cover line to have the term ‘youth’ in it, and for through the mast head being called ‘spoken minds’. These two
    textual features of my magazine cover will make it clear that my magazines target audience is students.
•   How did awareness of that audience impact upon your visual design and choice
    of language?
    Through developing my awareness and understanding of the target audience, I ensured to apply a visual design
    that was relevant to the youth. Through my research I noticed that student magazines tend to have the use of
    warm colours for text, this is why I chose the colour choice of yellow for a lot of the text. When conducting my
    front page, through using a student as the main image, allowed the target audience to be easier to identify .
    Through noticing that the cover lines used in student magazines are about recent and relevant events regarding
    students, when constructing my cover I made the cover lines about relevant things to students such as youth
    employment and social networking. With my use of language when conducting both my contents and front
    cover, I tried to use some colloquial terminology relevant to the youth such as ‘swag’, I ensured not to use too
    much colloquial language as it could come across as cliché. As my magazine employs a theme of expression
    emphasised by the masthead ‘Spoken Minds’, I tried to use motivational and forceful language through terms
    such as ‘empowering’ and ‘upsurge’
•   What key points did you learn about Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in
    constructing your artefacts?
    Through utilising the InDesign software I was enabled to produce a structured contents page. InDesign gave me
    the ability to incorporate document grids when producing my contents page; this allowed me to align my text
    accordingly to how I wanted it. When conducting my research on contents page I noticed they tended to use
    two columns or three columns, using InDesign allowed me to follow this generic convention in which I divided my
    contents page into two columns. A key tool that I used in Photoshop was the magic wand tool that allowed me
    to crop out a main image from it’s background, efficiently. This allowed my pictures to look more professional.
Preliminary Project
• College Contents   • College Cover
        Reflections & Feedback
    What would you do differently next time?
    If I was to construct my magazine cover and contents page again I would conduct a wider range of
    research on various magazines. Through a wider range of research I would be able to see conventional
    features of different types of magazines i.e. a music magazine may conventionally have a particular font
    whilst a student magazine may have something different.
    Despite making numerous prototypes and rough drawings of my cover and contents page, if I was to do it
    again I would ensure to create more prototypes and rough plans. As the more prototypes that I produce,
    would make it the product much clearer and easier to produce, as I would have a clearer picture of what I
    actually want the outcome to be.
    In terms of my contents page, having conducted a lot of research on contents pages and finding out that
    grids, rules, column’s and margins conventionally used. When producing my contents page I generally
    followed these rules. However, if I was to create a contents page again I would try to break the rules slightly
    more, as this would develop a more unique contents page which could be more effective in making the
    contents page more interesting to the reader.
•   What kind of feedback did you get that might influence you?
    Whilst in the production stage of my magazines artefacts, I received feedback that influenced me to make
    changes and adjustments. In my original prototype(hand drawing) of my magazine cover, it was
    bombarded with too much going on, in terms of the pictures being too big and too much text. I wasn’t
    using my whitespace effectively. This influenced me to adjust my prototype, to have more white space.
    Through using my white space effectively I was enabled to make the text and images look more effective.
•   What aspects of your understanding of Adobe Photoshop & InDesign do
    you need to improve?
    In terms of the use of Adobe Photoshop I need to enhance my ability to use auto-shapes effectively, as I
    think this is a essential tool in making a unique artefact. I also need to improve my ability to make to edit
    my pictures with the more advanced tools, to create effect. In regards of using InDesign I need to develop
    my ability to use tools such as the document grids and baseline margins to more effect. When using them I
    worked with the tools appropriately but to develop I think I need to be able to use these tools in a more
    advanced manor .
The music genre of my music magazine is:
    • My chosen genre is Hip                         Hop.
•    I have chosen my title of my magazine to be Raps Royalty. I
     have chose this title as it clearly represents the genre through
     the term rap. Additionally I have tried to create a catchy
     title, that is memorable to the audience, through the use of
     the language feature alliteration. I aspire to create a
     magazine that represents the positive aspects of Hip Hop
     culture and genre, perhaps propaganda. This is why I have
     chosen the noun phrase ‘Raps Royalty’ as the title.

     I wanted the title to correlate with the identity that I am trying
     to create for my magazine. As I want my magazine to
     extract all the positive remarkable events in the Hip Hop
     genre hence the term “Royalty”. My articles will mainly
     consist of news about the top mainstream artists who could
     be perceived the “royalty” of the hip hop genre as they are
     on the forefront, but also the up and coming rising talent in
     the industry. Additionally through the use of the word royalty
     it connotes the glamour of the hip hop genre and the ‘bling
     bling lifestyles’ that rappers have hence their jewellery and
     flash cars.
So I researched this genre of music
            publication and studied:
• Model 2               • Model 1
What I learned from this was…..
• Cover Lines                                                    • Cover Design
    They tend to have aligned cover lines on one side of the
    magazine. The aligned cover lines are the same                     The design tends to have a consistent colour scheme to
    typography. Whilst the main cover line is clearly separated        make the front cover more cohesive. The cover tends to
    from the rest, with a different typography. They use big artists   be divided into two or three columns. They utilise their
    in the industry in their cover lines to attract their audience.    main image as the main attraction of the magazine,
    This helps make the magazine stand out from other                  through normally positioning the main image over the
    magazines when on the shelves as the majority of customers         mast head, this makes the main image come across in
    will purchase                                                      dominant and important. Through creating my artefact I
                                                                       have placed the main image over the masthead, for this
•    The cover lines used tend, especially the main cover line         reason.
    tend to have good phonology i.e. through the use of good
    alliteration such as “rebirth of rap” or it may use slang or       The main cover line always correlates with the main image
    colloquial term relevant to genre such as “cook’in up” to the
                                                                       in the picture, making the cover more cohesive (flows
    Hip Hop genre. They tend to use esoteric language, as the
    Hip Hop magazines are ultimately targeted at elder                 better).
    teenagers, hence the use of some words that elder people
    wont understand. Esoteric language is used to develop a            There cover tends to use vibrant colours to develop their
    relationship with the target audience.                             brand identity. For instance ..

•   The main cover line tends to have the main artists name            They tend to position the main image over the masthead
    enhanced or singled out. For instance in one of my                 accentuating the artists dominance. Through having a
    magazines I researched they used a different colour for the        dominant main image of what is normally a big artist in the
    main artists name whilst a different colour for the rest of the    industry represents their dominant position in the music
    cover line. Through doing this it enhances the main cover          genre. The main image tend to be medium shots or
    line and makes it’s more eye catching at a quick glance            medium close ups. They chose this as this shows the main
    from the audience. Additionally it shows the dominance of          images gestures and facial expressions in the miss-en-
    such artists and their mark on the Hip Hop music industry.
                                                                       scene clearer.
For my music magazine….
• Target Audience:
    The target audience will be between the 16-19 year old brackets. The target
    audience will have a thorough understanding of the Hip Hop genre; they will have a
    firm knowledge and understanding of the genre. Due to my target audience having
    a shared understanding of the Hip Hop genre some of my cover lines will attain field
    specific words that are relevant to the genre, such as ‘Beat-Box’ or jargon relevant to
    the genre such as ‘whip’ indicating a car. The hip hop culture is rooted in the black
    community in the projects in America, however over the year it has expanded so due
    to this my magazine is aimed at all ethnic groups that has an interest in the genre. The
    economic backgrounds of my target audience will be middle class and working class
    as they are more likely to be able to relate to artists who have been through tough
    circumstances prior to becoming an artist, however my magazine isn’t just subjective
    to those classes.

•   Frequency
    My magazine will be distributed monthly. This will allow the magazine to focus
    on the events of the month. Also through it being monthly instead of weekly,
    makes it more affordable for the target, as they won’t have to purchase it as
    For my music magazine….
    Cover price:
    The cover price will be £1.99. I have chosen this price due to the target audience being
    considered to be of the working class and the middle class. This is why I have chosen a
    price that isn’t too high, such that it is affordable for the target audience.

•   Publisher:
    I would seek to make IPC Media the publishers. This is due to the fact that they are the
    UK’s leading publishers as they publish over 60 magazines such as NME. However,
    through looking at their music magazines that they publish, they don’t have any Hip
    Hop magazines. This makes it clear to me that my audience is a audience that they
    don’t currently attract, if they published Raps Royalty, this will enable them to consume
    my audience to which means they’ll have a wider audience to appeal to, which can
    bring more revenue to IPC as they’ll have a wider audience to advertise to, for
•   Unique Selling Point:
    My magazine will focus on the mainstream artists like all Hip Hop magazine. But it will also focus on
    the latest and the best underground talent in the genre. As from my research Hip Hop magazines
    tend to only focus on the mainstream artists that have already had commercial success. The closest
    competitor on the market with my magazine would be Rewind mag as we both share the same
    audiences in the 16-19 year old market. This will be through the main article being about an
    upcoming rapper bursting onto success in the industry.
•   it will focus a lot of it’s articles about artists tour’s, as from conducting my research Hip Hop
    magazines don’t have articles about artist’s tours and travels. This will be demonstrated through an
    article in my contents page dedicated to a artists tour experience.
This is the face of the
                             • Front cover
•   This is how it works
The typography used in my masthead has been used to
correlate with the hip hop genre. As the font connotes a
sense of grittiness and roughness. This is relevant to the Hip
Hop genre as the genre was found in the projects of
America. The rough deprived parts of America. Additionally
I have embedded a microphone prop, with a tight fist
clench around it. This connotes the Hip Hop genre as this is
how rappers hold microphones conventionally.

Through my main image and the supporting image I
wanted to capture the Hip Hop genre mainly in the mise-
en-scene. This is shown through the use of props such as
headphones, jewellery and a microphone. Additionally I
have focused on body language & facial expressions which
capture the genre.

Influenced by my research I have used a consistent colour
scheme, as from my research Hip Hop magazines
conventionally use three or two colours. This helps to make
the magazine more cohesive.
Here are the 3 original photographs
     I shot for the project……
I modified each photograph; here is the

                original next to the final version:
• Raw 1                                    • Final 1

• Here is how I changed the photograph
  and why
I used a range of tools to edit this picture using Photoshop. As the contrast and
     brightness in the raw image was relatively low, I used the Brightness and
     contrast tool to get a warmer skin tone complexion. In addition to making the
     complexion warmer I used the saturation tool. As I only wanted the person in
     the image I used the quick selection, magic wand and the eraser to crop out
     the surroundings in the image. I also enlarged the size of the image to allow
     the person to be bigger, as it was to be used as the main image on my double
     page spread.
And the second one:
 • Raw 2                          • Final 2

• I used the quick selection and magic wand tool in Photoshop,
  which enabled me to accurately crop out the background.
  Additionally as I wanted all my images to be vibrant through
  having warm colours, led to me enhancing the contrast and
  sharpening the image when editing the effects of the picture.
And the third one:
• Raw 3                        • Final 3

 Initially through using the magic wand and quick selection tool I
 removed the background from the image as I only wanted the
 subject. Then I increased the image size through photoshop
 which enabled to make the person in the image larger without
 affect the quality of the image. I enhanced the contrast by a lot
 and sharpened the image, these two image effects enabled me
 to bring the photo to life as the warmer colours made it more
Here are a couple of research models
      for my contents page…
This is my contents page
•   Key features of my contents page are
    the use of boarders to separate the
                                                 • Contents Page
    articles and differentiate them, as
    features are specific to this months issue
    whilst regulars are in the magazine every
    issue, making it clearer to the audience.
•   Additionally I have tried to make my text
    cohesive through linking the pictures to
    the articles through the use of
    numbering the articles and the
    corresponding images.
•   I have ensured to make the contents
    page link to my front cover through the
    placing of my masthead in the contents
    page and also by placing a smaller
    version of my front cover in the top right
    corner of my contents page. This is
    perhaps a subversive feature to my
    magazine as I have challenged the
    conventions of contents pages as they
    don’t normally place their front cover on
    their contents page.
How does the contents page link back
                     to the cover page?
•   I wanted to ensure that my contents page linked with my front cover
    and my double page spread. Due to this I placed my masthead in
    my contents page and also duplicated the front cover to allow it to
    link to the front cover. I tried to keep the same colour scheme to the
    one on my front cover, however due to technological issues I
    couldn’t get the exact same colour s correspond with the blue used
    on the front cover.

•   I also wanted to make sure that my contents page was cohesive and
    it was clear for the audience to interpret, this is why I have used
    boarders to separate different parts of the contents page and also
    used columns to separate the articles from the supporting images. I
    made it clear to the reader to interpret by placing page numbers
    next to the image in correspondence to the article aligned on the

•   I have also made it link to the cover through the use of the same
    typography Microsoft Sans .
Key points of contents
• How have you made the reader want to read on?
  I have made the reader want to read on through my description of each article by using engaging adjectives
  such as “exclusive”. Additionally through giving a visual representation of the articles as well makes the reader
  want to read on.

• What are the links between images and words?
  I have linked the articles with the image through the use of page numbers. This will allow the audience to
  navigate easier around the contents page, also making it easier for them to interpret and understand. In
  addition the use of pictures are visual representations of the article so it gives the audience an additional
  method of understanding.

• What determines the dominant stories?
 The cover story is the article at the top. I have made this article stand out above the others as it has a larger
  typography, whilst is also have a supporting box around it with the text in the box stating ‘cover story’, thus
  making it clear to the audience. In addition the size of the images is relevant to the dominance of the stories,
  as the cover story has the largest image.

• How have you gone about ordering the information on
  the page?
  I have constructed boxes to separate between the features and the regulars. In addition the articles that are
  about an artist are deemed as features, as that specific artist is unlikely to be in every issue of the magazine.
  Whereas the regulars aren’t specific to an artist as seen by one of the articles being ‘Mixtape Of The Month’,
  for this reason it is a regular as it can appear every issue as it doesn’t‘ have a specific participant.
How does the contents page flag up
             your double page spread?
•   My contents page supports (flags-up) my double page spread
    through it consisting of the same colour scheme consisting of a grey,
    white and navy blue. This colour scheme is used throughout my
    artefacts thus making it more cohesive.
•   Additionally I have placed my masthead in both my contents page
    and double page spread which enables them to link as it clearly
    shows the identity of the magazine- Raps Royalty.
•   The cover story in my contents page is the main article in my double
    page spread, this enables them to link as the contents page initiates
    the audience’s reading of the story whilst if they want to read on
    they’ll go onto the double page spread which is referenced through
    the numbering of pages by each article in my contents page.
Here’s an example of an inspiring
     double page spread…
This is why I think that double spread
    The layout of this double page spread have various features. The double page spread looks
    cohesive through it’s consistent colour scheme of the colours gold and white. The colour scheme is
    consistent through the main images jewellery, costume and the text. The consistency of the colour
    scheme in this layout makes the double page spread cohesive. The page consists of a headline
    that takes up near to half of the second page. The white space has been used effectively in this
    double page in addition i.e. the main image on the left has a lot of white space surrounding it, this
    makes the main image have more emphasis upon the reader.

    The layout of this double page spread comes across as relatively simple, but it is very effective. It
    has a simple layout but has included a range of conventions of a double page spread and it has
    used them well. They have linked the double page spread to the front cover through the use of the
    masthead in the folio.

•   The pull quote has been used in this double page spread has been utilised well. It takes up near
    enough half the space in height. The typography is bold making it more eye catching. The content
    of the headline represents the rap genre well as it is a quote from the artist in the main image.

•   Additionally the use of two images are effective as they show the artist from two different
    perspectives one where he is performing and one where he appears to be posing/thinking. The use
    of a main image and a alternative supporting picture contributes to the double page spread
    creating an accurate visual representation of the artist.
This is my double-page
This is how all three components are
                     linked together….
•   I have linked all three components together through the use of
    placing the masthead in all three documents. The masthead is used
    in the front cover, it is used in the double page spread in the folio,
    whilst it is placed near the title of my contents page. I also linked my
    contents page back to my front cover in a subversive but very
    successful way through the use of placing the front cover in what
    would have been white space in the top right of my contents page.
    The key area where I linked my artefacts together was through the
    use of keeping a consistent colour scheme throughout, the use of a
    grey background, white and navy blue font. I also linked the
    artefacts through the costume in the miss-en-scene, as all the images
    costumes consisted of blue. Additionally, I used ceelo as the main
    artist within this article of Raps Royalty, whereby he is used for the
    main headline in the front cover, the cover story in the contents page
    and the topic of discussion in my double page spread. Thus making
    the stories cohesive and link together.
This is my re-drafted
               cover page
•   Key modifications from feedback         • Cover Page
•   In my initial front cover the main
    image wasn’t of high enough
    quality. This led to me replacing the
    picture through using a better
    camera of higher megapixels.
•   Additionally I was told I could make
    the body language more relevant
    to the genre of Hip Hop. This led to
    me making the new image using
    hand gestures that are relevant to
    the Hip Hop culture.
• You can find my blog here:

 You can find my evaluation with responses to the 7
   questions here:

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Evaluative presentation of my artefacts

  • 3. Preliminary Project – Research & Planning How did you think about target audience? I conducted research on various types of magazines, such as music magazines and compared them to student magazines. I analysed the different conventional features used in student magazines in comparison to different types of magazines. I noticed that in student magazines they used cover lines more relevant to the lifestyle of students. For instance the cover lines would focus on technological appliances such as Blackberry’s, as this is relevant to students. Through research, I found out that student magazines tend to use language relevant to the youth, this is called an field specific lexis. The student magazines that I researched didn’t use a range of colours for its text, they tended to use two colours for text, this develops consistency. Whilst other types of magazines such as music magazines conventionally use more colours, perhaps to develop interest. Before constructing my artefact I wanted to ensure that my cover was clear in it’s theme and purpose hence why I planned for my main cover line to have the term ‘youth’ in it, and for through the mast head being called ‘spoken minds’. These two textual features of my magazine cover will make it clear that my magazines target audience is students. • How did awareness of that audience impact upon your visual design and choice of language? Through developing my awareness and understanding of the target audience, I ensured to apply a visual design that was relevant to the youth. Through my research I noticed that student magazines tend to have the use of warm colours for text, this is why I chose the colour choice of yellow for a lot of the text. When conducting my front page, through using a student as the main image, allowed the target audience to be easier to identify . Through noticing that the cover lines used in student magazines are about recent and relevant events regarding students, when constructing my cover I made the cover lines about relevant things to students such as youth employment and social networking. With my use of language when conducting both my contents and front cover, I tried to use some colloquial terminology relevant to the youth such as ‘swag’, I ensured not to use too much colloquial language as it could come across as cliché. As my magazine employs a theme of expression emphasised by the masthead ‘Spoken Minds’, I tried to use motivational and forceful language through terms such as ‘empowering’ and ‘upsurge’ • What key points did you learn about Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in constructing your artefacts? Through utilising the InDesign software I was enabled to produce a structured contents page. InDesign gave me the ability to incorporate document grids when producing my contents page; this allowed me to align my text accordingly to how I wanted it. When conducting my research on contents page I noticed they tended to use two columns or three columns, using InDesign allowed me to follow this generic convention in which I divided my contents page into two columns. A key tool that I used in Photoshop was the magic wand tool that allowed me to crop out a main image from it’s background, efficiently. This allowed my pictures to look more professional.
  • 4. Preliminary Project • College Contents • College Cover
  • 5. Reflections & Feedback What would you do differently next time? If I was to construct my magazine cover and contents page again I would conduct a wider range of research on various magazines. Through a wider range of research I would be able to see conventional features of different types of magazines i.e. a music magazine may conventionally have a particular font whilst a student magazine may have something different. Despite making numerous prototypes and rough drawings of my cover and contents page, if I was to do it again I would ensure to create more prototypes and rough plans. As the more prototypes that I produce, would make it the product much clearer and easier to produce, as I would have a clearer picture of what I actually want the outcome to be. In terms of my contents page, having conducted a lot of research on contents pages and finding out that grids, rules, column’s and margins conventionally used. When producing my contents page I generally followed these rules. However, if I was to create a contents page again I would try to break the rules slightly more, as this would develop a more unique contents page which could be more effective in making the contents page more interesting to the reader. • What kind of feedback did you get that might influence you? Whilst in the production stage of my magazines artefacts, I received feedback that influenced me to make changes and adjustments. In my original prototype(hand drawing) of my magazine cover, it was bombarded with too much going on, in terms of the pictures being too big and too much text. I wasn’t using my whitespace effectively. This influenced me to adjust my prototype, to have more white space. Through using my white space effectively I was enabled to make the text and images look more effective. • What aspects of your understanding of Adobe Photoshop & InDesign do you need to improve? In terms of the use of Adobe Photoshop I need to enhance my ability to use auto-shapes effectively, as I think this is a essential tool in making a unique artefact. I also need to improve my ability to make to edit my pictures with the more advanced tools, to create effect. In regards of using InDesign I need to develop my ability to use tools such as the document grids and baseline margins to more effect. When using them I worked with the tools appropriately but to develop I think I need to be able to use these tools in a more advanced manor .
  • 6. The music genre of my music magazine is: • My chosen genre is Hip Hop. • I have chosen my title of my magazine to be Raps Royalty. I have chose this title as it clearly represents the genre through the term rap. Additionally I have tried to create a catchy title, that is memorable to the audience, through the use of the language feature alliteration. I aspire to create a magazine that represents the positive aspects of Hip Hop culture and genre, perhaps propaganda. This is why I have chosen the noun phrase ‘Raps Royalty’ as the title. I wanted the title to correlate with the identity that I am trying to create for my magazine. As I want my magazine to extract all the positive remarkable events in the Hip Hop genre hence the term “Royalty”. My articles will mainly consist of news about the top mainstream artists who could be perceived the “royalty” of the hip hop genre as they are on the forefront, but also the up and coming rising talent in the industry. Additionally through the use of the word royalty it connotes the glamour of the hip hop genre and the ‘bling bling lifestyles’ that rappers have hence their jewellery and flash cars.
  • 7. So I researched this genre of music publication and studied: • Model 2 • Model 1
  • 8. What I learned from this was….. • Cover Lines • Cover Design They tend to have aligned cover lines on one side of the magazine. The aligned cover lines are the same The design tends to have a consistent colour scheme to typography. Whilst the main cover line is clearly separated make the front cover more cohesive. The cover tends to from the rest, with a different typography. They use big artists be divided into two or three columns. They utilise their in the industry in their cover lines to attract their audience. main image as the main attraction of the magazine, This helps make the magazine stand out from other through normally positioning the main image over the magazines when on the shelves as the majority of customers mast head, this makes the main image come across in will purchase dominant and important. Through creating my artefact I have placed the main image over the masthead, for this • The cover lines used tend, especially the main cover line reason. tend to have good phonology i.e. through the use of good alliteration such as “rebirth of rap” or it may use slang or The main cover line always correlates with the main image colloquial term relevant to genre such as “cook’in up” to the in the picture, making the cover more cohesive (flows Hip Hop genre. They tend to use esoteric language, as the Hip Hop magazines are ultimately targeted at elder better). teenagers, hence the use of some words that elder people wont understand. Esoteric language is used to develop a There cover tends to use vibrant colours to develop their relationship with the target audience. brand identity. For instance .. • The main cover line tends to have the main artists name They tend to position the main image over the masthead enhanced or singled out. For instance in one of my accentuating the artists dominance. Through having a magazines I researched they used a different colour for the dominant main image of what is normally a big artist in the main artists name whilst a different colour for the rest of the industry represents their dominant position in the music cover line. Through doing this it enhances the main cover genre. The main image tend to be medium shots or line and makes it’s more eye catching at a quick glance medium close ups. They chose this as this shows the main from the audience. Additionally it shows the dominance of images gestures and facial expressions in the miss-en- such artists and their mark on the Hip Hop music industry. scene clearer.
  • 9. For my music magazine…. • Target Audience: The target audience will be between the 16-19 year old brackets. The target audience will have a thorough understanding of the Hip Hop genre; they will have a firm knowledge and understanding of the genre. Due to my target audience having a shared understanding of the Hip Hop genre some of my cover lines will attain field specific words that are relevant to the genre, such as ‘Beat-Box’ or jargon relevant to the genre such as ‘whip’ indicating a car. The hip hop culture is rooted in the black community in the projects in America, however over the year it has expanded so due to this my magazine is aimed at all ethnic groups that has an interest in the genre. The economic backgrounds of my target audience will be middle class and working class as they are more likely to be able to relate to artists who have been through tough circumstances prior to becoming an artist, however my magazine isn’t just subjective to those classes. • Frequency My magazine will be distributed monthly. This will allow the magazine to focus on the events of the month. Also through it being monthly instead of weekly, makes it more affordable for the target, as they won’t have to purchase it as frequently.
  • 10. For my music magazine…. Cover price: The cover price will be £1.99. I have chosen this price due to the target audience being considered to be of the working class and the middle class. This is why I have chosen a price that isn’t too high, such that it is affordable for the target audience. • Publisher: I would seek to make IPC Media the publishers. This is due to the fact that they are the UK’s leading publishers as they publish over 60 magazines such as NME. However, through looking at their music magazines that they publish, they don’t have any Hip Hop magazines. This makes it clear to me that my audience is a audience that they don’t currently attract, if they published Raps Royalty, this will enable them to consume my audience to which means they’ll have a wider audience to appeal to, which can bring more revenue to IPC as they’ll have a wider audience to advertise to, for instance. • Unique Selling Point: My magazine will focus on the mainstream artists like all Hip Hop magazine. But it will also focus on the latest and the best underground talent in the genre. As from my research Hip Hop magazines tend to only focus on the mainstream artists that have already had commercial success. The closest competitor on the market with my magazine would be Rewind mag as we both share the same audiences in the 16-19 year old market. This will be through the main article being about an upcoming rapper bursting onto success in the industry. • it will focus a lot of it’s articles about artists tour’s, as from conducting my research Hip Hop magazines don’t have articles about artist’s tours and travels. This will be demonstrated through an article in my contents page dedicated to a artists tour experience.
  • 11. This is the face of the magazine • Front cover • This is how it works The typography used in my masthead has been used to correlate with the hip hop genre. As the font connotes a sense of grittiness and roughness. This is relevant to the Hip Hop genre as the genre was found in the projects of America. The rough deprived parts of America. Additionally I have embedded a microphone prop, with a tight fist clench around it. This connotes the Hip Hop genre as this is how rappers hold microphones conventionally. Through my main image and the supporting image I wanted to capture the Hip Hop genre mainly in the mise- en-scene. This is shown through the use of props such as headphones, jewellery and a microphone. Additionally I have focused on body language & facial expressions which capture the genre. Influenced by my research I have used a consistent colour scheme, as from my research Hip Hop magazines conventionally use three or two colours. This helps to make the magazine more cohesive.
  • 12. Here are the 3 original photographs I shot for the project……
  • 13. I modified each photograph; here is the original next to the final version: • Raw 1 • Final 1 • Here is how I changed the photograph and why I used a range of tools to edit this picture using Photoshop. As the contrast and brightness in the raw image was relatively low, I used the Brightness and contrast tool to get a warmer skin tone complexion. In addition to making the complexion warmer I used the saturation tool. As I only wanted the person in the image I used the quick selection, magic wand and the eraser to crop out the surroundings in the image. I also enlarged the size of the image to allow the person to be bigger, as it was to be used as the main image on my double page spread.
  • 14. And the second one: • Raw 2 • Final 2 • I used the quick selection and magic wand tool in Photoshop, which enabled me to accurately crop out the background. Additionally as I wanted all my images to be vibrant through having warm colours, led to me enhancing the contrast and sharpening the image when editing the effects of the picture.
  • 15. And the third one: • Raw 3 • Final 3 Initially through using the magic wand and quick selection tool I removed the background from the image as I only wanted the subject. Then I increased the image size through photoshop which enabled to make the person in the image larger without affect the quality of the image. I enhanced the contrast by a lot and sharpened the image, these two image effects enabled me to bring the photo to life as the warmer colours made it more vibrant.
  • 16. Here are a couple of research models for my contents page…
  • 17. This is my contents page • Key features of my contents page are the use of boarders to separate the • Contents Page articles and differentiate them, as features are specific to this months issue whilst regulars are in the magazine every issue, making it clearer to the audience. • Additionally I have tried to make my text cohesive through linking the pictures to the articles through the use of numbering the articles and the corresponding images. • I have ensured to make the contents page link to my front cover through the placing of my masthead in the contents page and also by placing a smaller version of my front cover in the top right corner of my contents page. This is perhaps a subversive feature to my magazine as I have challenged the conventions of contents pages as they don’t normally place their front cover on their contents page.
  • 18. How does the contents page link back to the cover page? • I wanted to ensure that my contents page linked with my front cover and my double page spread. Due to this I placed my masthead in my contents page and also duplicated the front cover to allow it to link to the front cover. I tried to keep the same colour scheme to the one on my front cover, however due to technological issues I couldn’t get the exact same colour s correspond with the blue used on the front cover. • I also wanted to make sure that my contents page was cohesive and it was clear for the audience to interpret, this is why I have used boarders to separate different parts of the contents page and also used columns to separate the articles from the supporting images. I made it clear to the reader to interpret by placing page numbers next to the image in correspondence to the article aligned on the left. • I have also made it link to the cover through the use of the same typography Microsoft Sans .
  • 19. Key points of contents page • How have you made the reader want to read on? I have made the reader want to read on through my description of each article by using engaging adjectives such as “exclusive”. Additionally through giving a visual representation of the articles as well makes the reader want to read on. • What are the links between images and words? I have linked the articles with the image through the use of page numbers. This will allow the audience to navigate easier around the contents page, also making it easier for them to interpret and understand. In addition the use of pictures are visual representations of the article so it gives the audience an additional method of understanding. • What determines the dominant stories? The cover story is the article at the top. I have made this article stand out above the others as it has a larger typography, whilst is also have a supporting box around it with the text in the box stating ‘cover story’, thus making it clear to the audience. In addition the size of the images is relevant to the dominance of the stories, as the cover story has the largest image. • How have you gone about ordering the information on the page? I have constructed boxes to separate between the features and the regulars. In addition the articles that are about an artist are deemed as features, as that specific artist is unlikely to be in every issue of the magazine. Whereas the regulars aren’t specific to an artist as seen by one of the articles being ‘Mixtape Of The Month’, for this reason it is a regular as it can appear every issue as it doesn’t‘ have a specific participant.
  • 20. How does the contents page flag up your double page spread? • My contents page supports (flags-up) my double page spread through it consisting of the same colour scheme consisting of a grey, white and navy blue. This colour scheme is used throughout my artefacts thus making it more cohesive. • Additionally I have placed my masthead in both my contents page and double page spread which enables them to link as it clearly shows the identity of the magazine- Raps Royalty. • The cover story in my contents page is the main article in my double page spread, this enables them to link as the contents page initiates the audience’s reading of the story whilst if they want to read on they’ll go onto the double page spread which is referenced through the numbering of pages by each article in my contents page.
  • 21. Here’s an example of an inspiring double page spread…
  • 22. This is why I think that double spread • works The layout of this double page spread have various features. The double page spread looks cohesive through it’s consistent colour scheme of the colours gold and white. The colour scheme is consistent through the main images jewellery, costume and the text. The consistency of the colour scheme in this layout makes the double page spread cohesive. The page consists of a headline that takes up near to half of the second page. The white space has been used effectively in this double page in addition i.e. the main image on the left has a lot of white space surrounding it, this makes the main image have more emphasis upon the reader. The layout of this double page spread comes across as relatively simple, but it is very effective. It has a simple layout but has included a range of conventions of a double page spread and it has used them well. They have linked the double page spread to the front cover through the use of the masthead in the folio. • The pull quote has been used in this double page spread has been utilised well. It takes up near enough half the space in height. The typography is bold making it more eye catching. The content of the headline represents the rap genre well as it is a quote from the artist in the main image. • Additionally the use of two images are effective as they show the artist from two different perspectives one where he is performing and one where he appears to be posing/thinking. The use of a main image and a alternative supporting picture contributes to the double page spread creating an accurate visual representation of the artist.
  • 23. This is my double-page spread
  • 24. This is how all three components are linked together…. • I have linked all three components together through the use of placing the masthead in all three documents. The masthead is used in the front cover, it is used in the double page spread in the folio, whilst it is placed near the title of my contents page. I also linked my contents page back to my front cover in a subversive but very successful way through the use of placing the front cover in what would have been white space in the top right of my contents page. The key area where I linked my artefacts together was through the use of keeping a consistent colour scheme throughout, the use of a grey background, white and navy blue font. I also linked the artefacts through the costume in the miss-en-scene, as all the images costumes consisted of blue. Additionally, I used ceelo as the main artist within this article of Raps Royalty, whereby he is used for the main headline in the front cover, the cover story in the contents page and the topic of discussion in my double page spread. Thus making the stories cohesive and link together.
  • 25. This is my re-drafted cover page • Key modifications from feedback • Cover Page • In my initial front cover the main image wasn’t of high enough quality. This led to me replacing the picture through using a better camera of higher megapixels. • Additionally I was told I could make the body language more relevant to the genre of Hip Hop. This led to me making the new image using hand gestures that are relevant to the Hip Hop culture.
  • 26. Evaluation • You can find my blog here: ( And You can find my evaluation with responses to the 7 questions here: (