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Emily Pinder
Campaign ideas
• My campaign is to raise awareness and help stop
animal testing. I have used a cartoon theme throughout
my campaign with the idea of using well known cartoon
characters to appeal to the audience's emotional side
and create empathy. I also thought the theme will use
familiarity to help capture the audience's attention. I
have used a graphic style as well with the use of images
of the situations animals are put in when being tested
on. However, I feel the cartoon style helps to soften the
graphic images and make them more appropriate for a
wider audience range.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• The first elements I created for my campaign
were my logos. I decided to use a range of
different beagle puppies as the basis of my logo
as the breed is closely associated with animal
testing. I ended up with two final logos that I feel
are fit for the purpose of my campaign as they
are easily recognisable and have a continuous
theme which can be seen throughout my
• I decided to use puppies rather than adult dogs
as it helps to create empathy in the audience by
them finding these young animals cute.
• My campaign is called Used and Abused but I
shorted the name on the logo to UAA to help it
be a bit more catchy.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I have created a variety of posters throughout
my campaign using two very different styles.
My first style was this cartoon style which I
used throughout most the products in my
• I used rat to create this poster to help it capture
the audiences attention and create empathy. I
know that my images have conations of Disney
characters as I wanted to create familiarity with
the audience however, I know that Disney
would not want me to use these images as they
don’t want their characters associated with
animal testing.
• This is the first poster I created and I do feel it is
a bit cluttered but it is a strong poster that
helps to convey the message of animal testing
in a PG way.
• I have used a slightly scary style but I feel this is
masked by the cartoon style. Also, only an
audience of a certain age would be able to
understand what is happening to the rat
making the poster acceptable for all ages.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• This is the second poster I created by
using rabbits from the films, Wallace
and Gromit. I used an image of
rabbits in a lab, like the one below to
give me inspiration for this poster.
• I wanted to use well known cartoon
characters as it would create a sense
of familiarity in the audience and is
more likely to catch their attention.
Also, the graphic torment that is
happening to these animals helps to
make animal testing hit home a bit
more by using loved characters.
• I made sure to add in the main aim
of the campaign into the poster as
well as the logo, link to the petition
and a fact to help shock the
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• In this poster, I used another
rabbit from Wallace and Gromit to
create this poster. I want this
poster to exaggerate the torture
that animals face by creating this
very graphic image. I added a lab
style environment to the
background and throughout the
posters to help them look slightly
realistic and give context to the
posters, as well as create a
correlation which runs throughout
the campaign.
• I again added in a title, logo, link,
slogan and fact to make the poster
more informative and easier to
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• For this poster I used an well
known image of Snoopy and
changed it into this graphic
image shown on the poster. I
feel this is the most graphic
poster I created but helps to
get my point across very
clearly. It also helps to shock
the audience as the fact
backs up the image shown.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• For my merchandise, I wanted to create
something that would fit well with the
posters and other elements of the campaign
and be easily recognisable. I used the logos
to create the first merchandise and then took
different elements from all of the posters. I
uploaded the designs to and
created a range of products such as t-shirts,
phone cases, bags, books, stickers and
posters. I also experimented with making the
merchandise slightly different from the
posters but still using elements from them. I
did this by adding a red spot behind the
images and a needle across the images to
create a stop sign. However, it is not that
clear but that was the intended meaning.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I decided to create a petition for my
campaign as it was a way that my
audience could actively get involved
in the campaign and help to put a
stop to animal testing. I used
inspiration from other petitions
online to help me decide how I
needed to word the petition and
what elements I needed to include. I
wanted the purpose of the petition to
be very clear and still use facts to
continue to convince my audience
that animal testing is wrong.
• I also used elements from my leaflet
and the same background as my
posters to draw the campaign
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I created two leaflets for the campaign to
help raise awareness of the issue and
alter peoples opinions on animal testing. I
did this by using a range of facts and
figures to show the audience the real
horror behind animal testing. I ended the
leaflets with the rhetorical question “So
why are we still testing on animals?” to
help make sure the campaign is
memorable and get the audience
thinking about the issue.
• I used Chicken Little and the Aristocats to
create the images on my leaflets. I also
added some equipment to the images
that happens to these animals. I had a
pipet full of chemicals above the chicken
and a electrode attached to the cat.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• After creating my campaign, I decided to experiment with a different style by making elements
that used real images of types of animals that are used for testing. I decided to use rats as I
found a range of images that I personal felt were very cute and innocent. I thought this would
help to create empathy towards these animals.
• I was also thinking about how I could create an event to help raise more awareness. This
would be the banner that would be where the event is to help advertise the campaign and
make it clear what the campaign is about. I do feel this banner is very plain, however, I did
want it to be this way as their would be lots going on at the event so I thought it would be
easier to keep it simple.
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I also created some posters in my new style.
I use all the same elements from the other
posters by adding a title, slogan, logo, link
and fact. I feel these posters are a lot simpler
and have a softer approach to the issue than
my other images. They are more light
hearted and appeal to the audience from the
cute image shown rather than the graphic
horror of animal testing. I created a range of
these posters using similar style images.
• The facts that I used on the posters were
also acceptable for all ages, even if they
don’t understand what they mean, as the
language used is clean.
• I also created a range of merchandise using
this poster style, again with
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
1. Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I do feel that my finished pieces fit the intended purpose of my
campaign as they do help to raise awareness of animal testing. This
is clear from my feedback as 57% of my responses said that my work
was very good when asked how well suited it was to animal welfare.
The other 43% said it was good. People liked the original cartoon
style as it separates the campaign from similar that are currently
running. It also made my audience think about how animals are
actually used in testing.
2. Do they communicate your message
• I feel that my campaign does communicate my message clearly as
85% of people agreed that it has changed their view on animal
testing. The other 15% already knew what happens in animal
testing. All of my audience also understood the message of the
campaign very clearly and was effected by my campaign, making
them more against animal testing. I feel from the aspects I have
created, my message is very clear from not only the text and
information but also the graphic cartoon images that are used
throughout my campaign.
• As I have mentioned in the previous question, I do think my
campaign is fit for purpose as it has helped to raise awareness of the
issue of animal testing. Therefore, my message has been
communicate very clearly with my audience. This is also apparent
from the answers of two of my question from my feedback.
2. Do they communicate your message
• These responses were from the
question, What do you think to
the style of the campaign? The
majority of my responses are
positive and praise the style of
campaign I have chosen. Some
people felt that I could have
changed the style of text to
help it fit better with the
images. Others also thought
that having more realistic
images would have made the
campaign more scary therefore
making it more memorable and
catch peoples attention.
2. Do they communicate your message
• These responses were from the
question, Do the products change
your view on animal testing? My
campaign did work well to
communicate my message clearly
as most people did not realise the
extent of animal testing and have
changed peoples attitudes
towards it.
• My campaign did work well to
create empathy for animals and
stir hatred in my audience. I have
raised awareness with my
campaign and hopefully
encouraged people to help actively
stop animal testing by signing
petitions or using cruelty free
3. Are they appropriate for your target
• I do feel that the cartoon style of my campaign helped to broaden the age range of my
campaign and make appropriate to most age ranges. Originally, my campaign target
audience was for everyone over 18 as I did not want the graphic images to be offensive
to a younger audience. However, throughout the production of my campaign I felt that
it would be appropriate to all age ranges, especially with the theme of using well known
cartoon characters.
• Some elements are more appropriate for an older audience such as the leaflets as they
have a lot more text. Not only this, the language is very graphic about the torment these
animals face during tests and the shocking statistic about how valid this research is.
• Feedback throughout the production process also encouraged me to make more graphic
content as the fear is what helps to make the campaign very alarming, catching the
audiences attention and get the message of animal testing across very clearly. After
researching other campaigns such as PETA and WWF, I felt that my style and ideas were
• I did also try a softer approach as I have already mentioned in question one by using
‘cute’ images of rats to help appeal to a different kind of audience as the images are a
lot easier to look at.
3. Are they appropriate for your target
• 71% of my audience did feel that
my campaign is appropriate for all
age ranges. People felt that the
aspects of the campaign where only
hinting at what happens to animals
which therefore made it
appropriate for all ages. Some
people did not feel the images were
over graphic and child friendly due
to the use of well known cartoon
animals. However, some people felt
that to graphic despite only being
• The style does help to get the point
across and I feel that the majority of
my audience did like the style as it
is easier to look at than graphic
4. Compare and contrast your original
intentions with the outcomes you arrived at.
• My original intensions for this project are very similar to the results I have arrived at as I wanted to
use cartoon characters to appeal to a wider audience and have a scary style to show that animal
testing is wrong. “I also feel they are very powerful as they can be a lot more graphic than an image
but can get away with it as its not real.” I have achieved this idea with my campaign as well as
experimenting with a softer campaign style. “Cute animals are also used to create empathy from the
• My main inspiration for the style of my campaign was this poster for the perch project as it helped
to get across the point of how these animals are attacked and injured in these experiments without
using graphic images of real animal tests. I also felt like the image was a lot more hard hitting as
Bugs Bunny is a well known and loved cartoon character that people of any age would recognise and
be upset by.
4. Compare and contrast your original
intentions with the outcomes you arrived at.
• I feel that I followed my plan very well as I have created my campaign in the style that I
planned. I wanted to make everything using rotoscope as I wanted the campaign to
stand out from others and be a bit more light hearted around the subject. I do feel
however, that my campaign did end up being more graphic than I intended as I
previously mentioned before, feedback throughout product made me decide to go with
something quite graphic to shock the audience.
• I did also want to create empathy in my audience by using baby animals as everyone
likes them more than the adult versions and the horrific treatment appears worse when
the animals are young and defenseless.
5. How effective are the techniques you have
• I do think that the techniques I have used are
effective as I have already mentioned my campaign
changed 85% of my audiences view of animal
testing and helped to inform them on how
inhumanely these animals are treated.
• I have used a range of techniques such as the use of
baby animals, well known cartoon characters and
cute images to appeal to a very large audience
range. I do feel that the techniques have been
effective as feedback I have received throughout
this campaign has been both good and bad.
However, the campaign has had a lasting effect on
the audience and is memorable which is one of my
main aims as it helps to raise awareness.
• These responses are from the question “What do
you think is the strongest element of the
campaign?” 57% of my audience thought that
imagery was the strongest element which is the
main focus of my campaign. Some people though
that they imagery is good on the eye and softens
the hard hitting reality of what happens in animal
• 29% of my audience thought that text and facts
were the strongest element as they provided lots of
information to keep the audience interested and
helps them feel more aware of what is happening in
the world which is the main aim of campaign by
raising awareness.
6. Is the content effective?
• I do feel that the content of my
campaign is effective as I have
helped to raise awareness of animal
testing and changed attitudes. In my
feedback, I asked the question “How
well suited is this work for the
purpose of animal welfare?”. The
responses I received as my audience
all answered very good or good. I
felt my campaign was very different
from others that are currently
running. I also feel the originality of
the campaign helped to make it
successful. All of my feedback
thought that campaign worked well
and helps to show a deeper
6. Is the content effective?
• Compared to this poster for PETA2’s campaign against animal
dissection, I feel I took a lot more light hearted approach to
the subject of animal testing. My original intensions for my
campaign was to have an adult audience over the age of
eighteen due to the graphic content it may include. I decided
not go with this idea in the end as I felt the aspects of my
campaign were not overly graphic.
• This poster created by PETA2 is aimed at teenagers and a
younger audience. I feel this poster is shockingly graphic and
not suitable for the age range. However, PETA is well known
for using shocking tactics to help convince its audience that
the use of animals is wrong.
• A cartoon style has been used in this poster but in a much
more skilled , realistic and professional way. A well known
popular celebrity has also been used to help appeal to the
younger audience.
• Compared to this poster, I feel my whole campaign is very
tame and suitable for people of all ages. I do also feel my
campaign is a lot easier to look at and captures the audiences
attention in a nice way.
• I also feel that this poster in particular does look very
professional and it is aesthetically pleasing and has a good
colour scheme.
• I feel the point of the poster is very clear from the the image
and is reinforced by the title and facts.
6. Is the content effective?
• PETA2 also have a range of poster and other
campaign material that is more suited to a
younger audience. The material features a range
of baby animals that are used to be cute and
captures the audiences attention that way.
• The posters are very simple and have a very
clear message. I feel this is a more simplistic
version of the second style I attempted. I feel
that my style has a more grown up feel as I have
included a wide range of facts for a more
mature audience but are suitable for any age
when it comes to content.
• I do feel the PETA posters are suitable for the
audience range however, I do not feel they are
very professional as not a lot of work has gone
into them technically.
7. What impact do you think your advertising
campaign will have on the public?
• I think that my advertising campaign will have a positive impact on the public to
change their attitudes towards animal testing and help to stop the use of animals for
testing. From my feedback, I found that my campaign is successful and have helped
to show people the extend of torment animals face which I have previously
mentioned. I also think my campaign will help to give the public more information
and facts about animal testing especially from the leaflets.
• Other campaigns have helped to stop selling products tested on animals in the EU
since march 2013. A large amount of campaigns over many years have helped to
reach this achievement. My campaign is a small part of a bigger picture to help stop
the use of animals for testing and experimentation. I do think my campaign will have
a small impact locally but I do not think it will be much more than that. However, I
hope my campaign encourages others to campaign themselves and help to stop
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• I have used a range of different technical qualities in my work. My
cartoonist rotoscope style is the main technical element of my work. This
style has helped to make my work very original and aesthetically pleasing I
feel. Due to the well known cartoon characters featured, I already know
they are loved by the public. I feel they make my campaign stand out from
others that are currently running and appeal to a wide audience range. My
use of bold and sharp, red text is also another technical aspect of my work
that I feel works well to stand out and catch the audiences attention
however I do not feel it is aesthetically pleasing. Some of my work is
bolder than others, however, I feel the overall appearance of my work is
aesthetically pleasing. Both the cartoon and photographic style as they are
very easy to look at and soften the situations that the posters show.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• Technically I put a lot of work into all aspects of my posters,
using a range of different effects and tools in Photoshop.
The title Used and Abused is a deep red colour that helps to
make it stand out from the background and symbolise the
death in animal testing. I have also used a sharp text to
create a shouty feel to the text to show the importance of
the subject. I used a gradient overlay to give some depth to
the text as well as drop shadow to help it stand out more
from the background.
• To create the rotoscoped rat, I used the polygon lasso tool
to trace around an image of ratatouille. I created each part
on an individual layer, this allowed me to add in extra
colour, strokes and shading as well as drop shadows around
certain parts of the rat.
• I created the needles in the same way as the rat and simply
changed the colour of the liquid inside/size of the needle.
• I created the logo using techniques from rotoscoping and
the same style as the title. I used a beagle dog as my logo
due to the vast amount of this breed of dog that are
bread/used just for animal testing. This is one of the logos I
created and used throughout the campaign.
• The slogan for my campaign has a lighter stroke around it to
make the text more visible and stand out from the
• The background for my posters are very technically simple
as I used a stock image then reduced the opacity and
applied a glass filter to distort the image slightly.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• This poster style has a lot less technical
aspects compared to the first style but I feel
it still has a aesthetically pleasing cute
effect. For the main image, I used some
stock images of cute rats with teddy bears
and bows. I applied these images to an A4
size page in Photoshop and selected small
sections using the polygon lasso tool before
using content aware to fill in the rest of the
background. I used small sections to
prevent the image of the rats being
• The logo, title and slogan all have the same
style and effects as my other posters as I
wanted to keep it consistent to make sure it
was clear what campaign these posters
belonged to.
• I used a white stroke and slight drop
shadow on the facts section of text to make
it stand out from the background without
being to bold.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• I created this leaflet using the same
technical elements as the posters. I
repeated the title and shortened version
to make it very clear to audience what
the petition was for and about. I created
chicken little using the same techniques
as my other elements and applying
strokes and drop shadows to make them
stand out more.
• I used red on the boxes to fill out as I feel
they fit with the colour scheme and are
very bold to draw in the audience.
• I also created leaflets using the same
techniques as the petition. However, I
did not use any drop shadow or stroke
on the main bulk of text as it would be to
distracting for the audience.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• I created a range of merchandise using
the different animals from my posters
and other material. I wanted to keep the
merchandise quite plain and simple
compared to the other elements as I feel
it would appeal more to an audience and
look more professional. Not a lot of
technical work went into this as I had
already created the different animals
and logos but I did have to resize and
adjust the positioning of the characters. I
do feel that it works aesthetically though
and is not as graphic as the posters.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• I created this merchandise using elements
from my other posters. Technically there is
a lot of effects and tools used however, I do
not feel aesthetically it works. I used the
shapes tool to create the red stop
background and reduced the opacity to
create a soft pink as it is not as bold.
• I used the rabbit from a previous poster as
well as the needle. I feel the needle looks
very pixelated and has wrong propositions.
The slogan text is also the same as the
• I resized this image and exported it to a PNG
file so I could create a range of merchandise
on This helped me to show
my audience what this design would look
like in real life.
8. What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• My feedback about the style of my
campaign was positive. I asked the
question “What do you think to the style
of the campaign elements?” All of my
responses thought the style was very
good or good and most people found
the campaign aesthetically pleasing. The
colour scheme and layout is consistent
throughout all of the elements of the
campaign and is easy to identify. I have
technically put a lot of work into the
logos and other animal aspects of the
campaign which I feel have worked well
to create something that is also
aesthetically pleasing.

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  • 2. Campaign ideas • My campaign is to raise awareness and help stop animal testing. I have used a cartoon theme throughout my campaign with the idea of using well known cartoon characters to appeal to the audience's emotional side and create empathy. I also thought the theme will use familiarity to help capture the audience's attention. I have used a graphic style as well with the use of images of the situations animals are put in when being tested on. However, I feel the cartoon style helps to soften the graphic images and make them more appropriate for a wider audience range.
  • 3. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • The first elements I created for my campaign were my logos. I decided to use a range of different beagle puppies as the basis of my logo as the breed is closely associated with animal testing. I ended up with two final logos that I feel are fit for the purpose of my campaign as they are easily recognisable and have a continuous theme which can be seen throughout my campaign. • I decided to use puppies rather than adult dogs as it helps to create empathy in the audience by them finding these young animals cute. • My campaign is called Used and Abused but I shorted the name on the logo to UAA to help it be a bit more catchy.
  • 4. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I have created a variety of posters throughout my campaign using two very different styles. My first style was this cartoon style which I used throughout most the products in my campaign. • I used rat to create this poster to help it capture the audiences attention and create empathy. I know that my images have conations of Disney characters as I wanted to create familiarity with the audience however, I know that Disney would not want me to use these images as they don’t want their characters associated with animal testing. • This is the first poster I created and I do feel it is a bit cluttered but it is a strong poster that helps to convey the message of animal testing in a PG way. • I have used a slightly scary style but I feel this is masked by the cartoon style. Also, only an audience of a certain age would be able to understand what is happening to the rat making the poster acceptable for all ages.
  • 5. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • This is the second poster I created by using rabbits from the films, Wallace and Gromit. I used an image of rabbits in a lab, like the one below to give me inspiration for this poster. • I wanted to use well known cartoon characters as it would create a sense of familiarity in the audience and is more likely to catch their attention. Also, the graphic torment that is happening to these animals helps to make animal testing hit home a bit more by using loved characters. • I made sure to add in the main aim of the campaign into the poster as well as the logo, link to the petition and a fact to help shock the audience.
  • 6. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • In this poster, I used another rabbit from Wallace and Gromit to create this poster. I want this poster to exaggerate the torture that animals face by creating this very graphic image. I added a lab style environment to the background and throughout the posters to help them look slightly realistic and give context to the posters, as well as create a correlation which runs throughout the campaign. • I again added in a title, logo, link, slogan and fact to make the poster more informative and easier to understand.
  • 7. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • For this poster I used an well known image of Snoopy and changed it into this graphic image shown on the poster. I feel this is the most graphic poster I created but helps to get my point across very clearly. It also helps to shock the audience as the fact backs up the image shown.
  • 8. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • For my merchandise, I wanted to create something that would fit well with the posters and other elements of the campaign and be easily recognisable. I used the logos to create the first merchandise and then took different elements from all of the posters. I uploaded the designs to and created a range of products such as t-shirts, phone cases, bags, books, stickers and posters. I also experimented with making the merchandise slightly different from the posters but still using elements from them. I did this by adding a red spot behind the images and a needle across the images to create a stop sign. However, it is not that clear but that was the intended meaning.
  • 9. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
  • 10. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I decided to create a petition for my campaign as it was a way that my audience could actively get involved in the campaign and help to put a stop to animal testing. I used inspiration from other petitions online to help me decide how I needed to word the petition and what elements I needed to include. I wanted the purpose of the petition to be very clear and still use facts to continue to convince my audience that animal testing is wrong. • I also used elements from my leaflet and the same background as my posters to draw the campaign together.
  • 11. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I created two leaflets for the campaign to help raise awareness of the issue and alter peoples opinions on animal testing. I did this by using a range of facts and figures to show the audience the real horror behind animal testing. I ended the leaflets with the rhetorical question “So why are we still testing on animals?” to help make sure the campaign is memorable and get the audience thinking about the issue. • I used Chicken Little and the Aristocats to create the images on my leaflets. I also added some equipment to the images that happens to these animals. I had a pipet full of chemicals above the chicken and a electrode attached to the cat.
  • 12. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • After creating my campaign, I decided to experiment with a different style by making elements that used real images of types of animals that are used for testing. I decided to use rats as I found a range of images that I personal felt were very cute and innocent. I thought this would help to create empathy towards these animals. • I was also thinking about how I could create an event to help raise more awareness. This would be the banner that would be where the event is to help advertise the campaign and make it clear what the campaign is about. I do feel this banner is very plain, however, I did want it to be this way as their would be lots going on at the event so I thought it would be easier to keep it simple.
  • 13. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I also created some posters in my new style. I use all the same elements from the other posters by adding a title, slogan, logo, link and fact. I feel these posters are a lot simpler and have a softer approach to the issue than my other images. They are more light hearted and appeal to the audience from the cute image shown rather than the graphic horror of animal testing. I created a range of these posters using similar style images. • The facts that I used on the posters were also acceptable for all ages, even if they don’t understand what they mean, as the language used is clean. • I also created a range of merchandise using this poster style, again with
  • 14. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
  • 15. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?
  • 16. 1. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I do feel that my finished pieces fit the intended purpose of my campaign as they do help to raise awareness of animal testing. This is clear from my feedback as 57% of my responses said that my work was very good when asked how well suited it was to animal welfare. The other 43% said it was good. People liked the original cartoon style as it separates the campaign from similar that are currently running. It also made my audience think about how animals are actually used in testing.
  • 17. 2. Do they communicate your message clearly? • I feel that my campaign does communicate my message clearly as 85% of people agreed that it has changed their view on animal testing. The other 15% already knew what happens in animal testing. All of my audience also understood the message of the campaign very clearly and was effected by my campaign, making them more against animal testing. I feel from the aspects I have created, my message is very clear from not only the text and information but also the graphic cartoon images that are used throughout my campaign. • As I have mentioned in the previous question, I do think my campaign is fit for purpose as it has helped to raise awareness of the issue of animal testing. Therefore, my message has been communicate very clearly with my audience. This is also apparent from the answers of two of my question from my feedback.
  • 18. 2. Do they communicate your message clearly? • These responses were from the question, What do you think to the style of the campaign? The majority of my responses are positive and praise the style of campaign I have chosen. Some people felt that I could have changed the style of text to help it fit better with the images. Others also thought that having more realistic images would have made the campaign more scary therefore making it more memorable and catch peoples attention.
  • 19. 2. Do they communicate your message clearly? • These responses were from the question, Do the products change your view on animal testing? My campaign did work well to communicate my message clearly as most people did not realise the extent of animal testing and have changed peoples attitudes towards it. • My campaign did work well to create empathy for animals and stir hatred in my audience. I have raised awareness with my campaign and hopefully encouraged people to help actively stop animal testing by signing petitions or using cruelty free products.
  • 20. 3. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • I do feel that the cartoon style of my campaign helped to broaden the age range of my campaign and make appropriate to most age ranges. Originally, my campaign target audience was for everyone over 18 as I did not want the graphic images to be offensive to a younger audience. However, throughout the production of my campaign I felt that it would be appropriate to all age ranges, especially with the theme of using well known cartoon characters. • Some elements are more appropriate for an older audience such as the leaflets as they have a lot more text. Not only this, the language is very graphic about the torment these animals face during tests and the shocking statistic about how valid this research is. • Feedback throughout the production process also encouraged me to make more graphic content as the fear is what helps to make the campaign very alarming, catching the audiences attention and get the message of animal testing across very clearly. After researching other campaigns such as PETA and WWF, I felt that my style and ideas were acceptable. • I did also try a softer approach as I have already mentioned in question one by using ‘cute’ images of rats to help appeal to a different kind of audience as the images are a lot easier to look at.
  • 21. 3. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • 71% of my audience did feel that my campaign is appropriate for all age ranges. People felt that the aspects of the campaign where only hinting at what happens to animals which therefore made it appropriate for all ages. Some people did not feel the images were over graphic and child friendly due to the use of well known cartoon animals. However, some people felt that to graphic despite only being cartoons. • The style does help to get the point across and I feel that the majority of my audience did like the style as it is easier to look at than graphic photographs.
  • 22. 4. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. • My original intensions for this project are very similar to the results I have arrived at as I wanted to use cartoon characters to appeal to a wider audience and have a scary style to show that animal testing is wrong. “I also feel they are very powerful as they can be a lot more graphic than an image but can get away with it as its not real.” I have achieved this idea with my campaign as well as experimenting with a softer campaign style. “Cute animals are also used to create empathy from the audience.” • My main inspiration for the style of my campaign was this poster for the perch project as it helped to get across the point of how these animals are attacked and injured in these experiments without using graphic images of real animal tests. I also felt like the image was a lot more hard hitting as Bugs Bunny is a well known and loved cartoon character that people of any age would recognise and be upset by.
  • 23. 4. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. • I feel that I followed my plan very well as I have created my campaign in the style that I planned. I wanted to make everything using rotoscope as I wanted the campaign to stand out from others and be a bit more light hearted around the subject. I do feel however, that my campaign did end up being more graphic than I intended as I previously mentioned before, feedback throughout product made me decide to go with something quite graphic to shock the audience. • I did also want to create empathy in my audience by using baby animals as everyone likes them more than the adult versions and the horrific treatment appears worse when the animals are young and defenseless.
  • 24. 5. How effective are the techniques you have used? • I do think that the techniques I have used are effective as I have already mentioned my campaign changed 85% of my audiences view of animal testing and helped to inform them on how inhumanely these animals are treated. • I have used a range of techniques such as the use of baby animals, well known cartoon characters and cute images to appeal to a very large audience range. I do feel that the techniques have been effective as feedback I have received throughout this campaign has been both good and bad. However, the campaign has had a lasting effect on the audience and is memorable which is one of my main aims as it helps to raise awareness. • These responses are from the question “What do you think is the strongest element of the campaign?” 57% of my audience thought that imagery was the strongest element which is the main focus of my campaign. Some people though that they imagery is good on the eye and softens the hard hitting reality of what happens in animal testing. • 29% of my audience thought that text and facts were the strongest element as they provided lots of information to keep the audience interested and helps them feel more aware of what is happening in the world which is the main aim of campaign by raising awareness.
  • 25. 6. Is the content effective? (Comparisons) • I do feel that the content of my campaign is effective as I have helped to raise awareness of animal testing and changed attitudes. In my feedback, I asked the question “How well suited is this work for the purpose of animal welfare?”. The responses I received as my audience all answered very good or good. I felt my campaign was very different from others that are currently running. I also feel the originality of the campaign helped to make it successful. All of my feedback thought that campaign worked well and helps to show a deeper meaning.
  • 26. 6. Is the content effective? (Comparisons) • Compared to this poster for PETA2’s campaign against animal dissection, I feel I took a lot more light hearted approach to the subject of animal testing. My original intensions for my campaign was to have an adult audience over the age of eighteen due to the graphic content it may include. I decided not go with this idea in the end as I felt the aspects of my campaign were not overly graphic. • This poster created by PETA2 is aimed at teenagers and a younger audience. I feel this poster is shockingly graphic and not suitable for the age range. However, PETA is well known for using shocking tactics to help convince its audience that the use of animals is wrong. • A cartoon style has been used in this poster but in a much more skilled , realistic and professional way. A well known popular celebrity has also been used to help appeal to the younger audience. • Compared to this poster, I feel my whole campaign is very tame and suitable for people of all ages. I do also feel my campaign is a lot easier to look at and captures the audiences attention in a nice way. • I also feel that this poster in particular does look very professional and it is aesthetically pleasing and has a good colour scheme. • I feel the point of the poster is very clear from the the image and is reinforced by the title and facts.
  • 27. 6. Is the content effective? (Comparisons) • PETA2 also have a range of poster and other campaign material that is more suited to a younger audience. The material features a range of baby animals that are used to be cute and captures the audiences attention that way. • The posters are very simple and have a very clear message. I feel this is a more simplistic version of the second style I attempted. I feel that my style has a more grown up feel as I have included a wide range of facts for a more mature audience but are suitable for any age when it comes to content. • I do feel the PETA posters are suitable for the audience range however, I do not feel they are very professional as not a lot of work has gone into them technically.
  • 28. 7. What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? • I think that my advertising campaign will have a positive impact on the public to change their attitudes towards animal testing and help to stop the use of animals for testing. From my feedback, I found that my campaign is successful and have helped to show people the extend of torment animals face which I have previously mentioned. I also think my campaign will help to give the public more information and facts about animal testing especially from the leaflets. • Other campaigns have helped to stop selling products tested on animals in the EU since march 2013. A large amount of campaigns over many years have helped to reach this achievement. My campaign is a small part of a bigger picture to help stop the use of animals for testing and experimentation. I do think my campaign will have a small impact locally but I do not think it will be much more than that. However, I hope my campaign encourages others to campaign themselves and help to stop testing.
  • 29. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • I have used a range of different technical qualities in my work. My cartoonist rotoscope style is the main technical element of my work. This style has helped to make my work very original and aesthetically pleasing I feel. Due to the well known cartoon characters featured, I already know they are loved by the public. I feel they make my campaign stand out from others that are currently running and appeal to a wide audience range. My use of bold and sharp, red text is also another technical aspect of my work that I feel works well to stand out and catch the audiences attention however I do not feel it is aesthetically pleasing. Some of my work is bolder than others, however, I feel the overall appearance of my work is aesthetically pleasing. Both the cartoon and photographic style as they are very easy to look at and soften the situations that the posters show.
  • 30. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • Technically I put a lot of work into all aspects of my posters, using a range of different effects and tools in Photoshop. The title Used and Abused is a deep red colour that helps to make it stand out from the background and symbolise the death in animal testing. I have also used a sharp text to create a shouty feel to the text to show the importance of the subject. I used a gradient overlay to give some depth to the text as well as drop shadow to help it stand out more from the background. • To create the rotoscoped rat, I used the polygon lasso tool to trace around an image of ratatouille. I created each part on an individual layer, this allowed me to add in extra colour, strokes and shading as well as drop shadows around certain parts of the rat. • I created the needles in the same way as the rat and simply changed the colour of the liquid inside/size of the needle. • I created the logo using techniques from rotoscoping and the same style as the title. I used a beagle dog as my logo due to the vast amount of this breed of dog that are bread/used just for animal testing. This is one of the logos I created and used throughout the campaign. • The slogan for my campaign has a lighter stroke around it to make the text more visible and stand out from the background. • The background for my posters are very technically simple as I used a stock image then reduced the opacity and applied a glass filter to distort the image slightly.
  • 31. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • This poster style has a lot less technical aspects compared to the first style but I feel it still has a aesthetically pleasing cute effect. For the main image, I used some stock images of cute rats with teddy bears and bows. I applied these images to an A4 size page in Photoshop and selected small sections using the polygon lasso tool before using content aware to fill in the rest of the background. I used small sections to prevent the image of the rats being repeated. • The logo, title and slogan all have the same style and effects as my other posters as I wanted to keep it consistent to make sure it was clear what campaign these posters belonged to. • I used a white stroke and slight drop shadow on the facts section of text to make it stand out from the background without being to bold.
  • 32. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • I created this leaflet using the same technical elements as the posters. I repeated the title and shortened version to make it very clear to audience what the petition was for and about. I created chicken little using the same techniques as my other elements and applying strokes and drop shadows to make them stand out more. • I used red on the boxes to fill out as I feel they fit with the colour scheme and are very bold to draw in the audience. • I also created leaflets using the same techniques as the petition. However, I did not use any drop shadow or stroke on the main bulk of text as it would be to distracting for the audience.
  • 33. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • I created a range of merchandise using the different animals from my posters and other material. I wanted to keep the merchandise quite plain and simple compared to the other elements as I feel it would appeal more to an audience and look more professional. Not a lot of technical work went into this as I had already created the different animals and logos but I did have to resize and adjust the positioning of the characters. I do feel that it works aesthetically though and is not as graphic as the posters.
  • 34. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • I created this merchandise using elements from my other posters. Technically there is a lot of effects and tools used however, I do not feel aesthetically it works. I used the shapes tool to create the red stop background and reduced the opacity to create a soft pink as it is not as bold. • I used the rabbit from a previous poster as well as the needle. I feel the needle looks very pixelated and has wrong propositions. The slogan text is also the same as the posters. • I resized this image and exported it to a PNG file so I could create a range of merchandise on This helped me to show my audience what this design would look like in real life.
  • 35. 8. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • My feedback about the style of my campaign was positive. I asked the question “What do you think to the style of the campaign elements?” All of my responses thought the style was very good or good and most people found the campaign aesthetically pleasing. The colour scheme and layout is consistent throughout all of the elements of the campaign and is easy to identify. I have technically put a lot of work into the logos and other animal aspects of the campaign which I feel have worked well to create something that is also aesthetically pleasing.