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Social Action Evaluation
Emily Shaw
My Campaign
My campaign idea was around mental health awareness and how little people
know about any off it. As well as this I found that all campaigns about mental
health issues were all portrayed in a negative way and mainly used a lot of
negative imagery along with a very dark look to the poster, therefore I chose
to do the opposite of this and use a very bright colour scheme, to go along
with this I chose to only use graphics and not images as I wanted to create
everything I used, also by including no images I found that it created a more
fun looking style for the campaign as it was all very lighthearted and didn’t
look dark, it looked fun and inviting to read about.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I would say that my finished pieces are fir for their intended
purposes as their main purposes were to change attitudes, raise
awareness, to provide information, to campaign and to build
relationships with subjects.
• When creating my logo I wanted their to be a running theme
throughout of speech bubbles, however I did go through quite a
variety of different logos as I adapted and changed them from my
original style that I chose not to pursue.
• The logo is intended to make a recognisable brand and I think the
final logo I chose does and not only does it represent a young, fun
audience but also matches the more comic book style of my
campaign and also suits the circular theme of my posters with the
use of the speech bubble to represent the top dot on the I.
• Originally I was only going to have a symbol to represent the charity
however I found that by using the Mind name made the company
more clear and was more memorable for people who didn’t know
who the charity was.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• For my final designs for the campaign posters they follow a similar style as each other using
the circles to build up the main basis of the posters as well as this circles have lots of meaning
for example wholeness and I think that represents the charity well.
• The symbolism of circles: ‘The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It
represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity,
timelessness.’ -
• As these two posters have different aims one is to try and persuade people to donate to
Mind and the other is about raising awareness about mental health awareness week. By
using the same style for both of the posters I think it gives a form of unity and helps to build
an image of the charity and also helps the charity look more memorable as you can piece
together the posters and logo.
• I think they are fit for their purpose of providing information as there’s the email address,
telephone number and dates of mental health awareness week and therefore informs
audiences about that and also they help to raise awareness of the week in May and aims to
help push the idea of donating to the charity in order to support them and help people
• Also as there is no graphic content within these posters they're suitable for all ages.
• I did experiment with a completely different style to start with however I found that they
looked quite dull and didn’t really relate to the cause therefore I chose to have a rethink of
my original plans and create these posters, the alternative posters can be seen below.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• With these more informational posters I wanted to run with the concept that
people were not aware of basic facts surrounding mental health therefore these
posters aim to introduce people to basic knowledge about mental health and
how many people it effects without being too over powering in an info graphic
style therefore I feel these target an audience with specific information better.
• Also due to the imagery looking very bright and intriguing it helps to draw in
peoples attention to read the information provided. Not only do these posters
provide a key fact they also provide contact information and still fit with the
theme of circles in a more interesting and eye catching colourful way.
• Also the facts I used on each of the posters helps to build relationships with the
topic of mental health and helps communicate how common these illnesses are
and that people shouldn’t feel scared to tell people about their problems.
• Also on these posters I have included the logo to help reiterate who the posters
are from and who to contact.
• My aim when creating these posters wasn’t to scare audiences or make mental
health problems seem dark and lonely although they can be, I wanted to keep up
the positive look of just maintaining good mental health just like it is when trying
to maintain a good physical health. I took quite a lot of inspiration from keeping
healthy posters like the ones below as I think they help to push people to just
understand mental health problems more and that its not super negative if you
suffer with one.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• With my first three pieces of merchandise I wanted to incorporate the
graphics and logo used in the posters to help create some unity and links
between the two. I think that these pieces of merchandise are fit for
purpose as they help to support the charity and also clearly display who
the charity are in more stylish way and also makes the charity noticeable
to others who just see people using these products.
• Another thing about these merchandise products is that they are very
bright and help to campaign still as they are promoting the logo of the
• To create these mock ups I uploaded my designs to so that
I could see a realistic version of how the products would look and this also
helped me to adapt the designs to sit perfectly in the right place of the
products I wanted to sell. I also tried out a variety of different styles with
my merchandise through this website as I tried to create some
merchandise using my old style graphics however I don’t feel these
worked as well. (these are shown below)
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• With these final pieces of merchandise it helps to simply promote
the logo and make it more commonly known as it stand alone on 2
versions of the stickers and one of the laptop covers.
• Although these are much more simplistic versions of the
merchandise I think they work just as well as it helps to simply
promote the charity not any of their campaigns, just the charity
logo and makes it more noticeable as its just this one clear word in
a bold font which helps to eliminate any confusion around what the
charity do and who they are.
• As well as this by only having the logo it makes it easy for people to
put the stickers anywhere so that the logo can be seen in a range of
places not just if people were to see their laptop.
• Also I think that the merchandise having variations of styles where
some have the circle theme and some just having the logo helps to
give people some choice and also provides options for variations
within the range of merchandise. As well as this I think these are fit
for purpose as they suit the overall look of my campaign but also
help just represent the charity without incorporating any
information on the specific campaign, it simply promotes the
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?• Another thing that I created for this campaign was an
example of how I would want the website to look, therefore I
created a mock up off the home page. I chose to use the
same style as my posters for the homepage so that it fitted
the campaign of promoting good mental health as well as
this it helped to create common theme throughout the
whole campaign as well as the website homepage.
• Although there are some things I adapted for the header of
the webpage for example the rectangular box to put the
mind logo in rather than a circular one as I found that this
looked more appropriate with the website as this was much
more angular.
• However there are quite a few things that I would change if I
could do this again and this would be that I don’t think the
overall look suits what I was aiming for as I think the orange
box with text in looks very out of place much like the images
at he bottom of the page as I think it looks odd and doesn’t
match the look I was going for of not using any real images.
• However it does fit the purpose of providing information and
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I do think that my finished
campaign is fit for the intended
purpose as when I asked in my
survey if people thought that they
were well suited to a mental health
charity campaign 100% of the
people I asked agreed with this and
said that the positive outlook and
approach is very effective at getting
people to help.
• As well as this I asked how people
thought that my campaign would
impact others and I got a range of
responses to this for example
people thought that it would
educate people, change peoples
views and raise awareness and
these were my initial aims with my
campaign posters therefore I feel
that I have produced a set of
campaign posters that are fit for
their intended purpose.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• In terms of comparisons the only other things within mental health that I could find
which was similar to my posters was the ‘See Me’ campaign which aimed to end
mental health discrimination I think these are quite similar as they both appear to be
more positive and include more positive imagery rather than images of people with
mental health issues looking upset, I think the positive approach is much more
appropriate as it helps strike up more conversation and they aren't begging for
sympathy it just helps to try and tackle the problem at the root.
• Another reason why I feel like these two are similar is that the See Me campaign looks
quite hand drawn and I think the logo in my campaign also looks quite hand drawn and
gives a more personal touch to the campaign.
• Also this is where some inspiration came
from for the first set of posters I created
as I found that the chalky homemade
looked appeared quite personal and was
effective as I created a character to go
with this campaign however it wasn’t as
seamless as the second style I chose to go
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
• I think that my campaign posters are just as fit for purpose as these
already existing mental health awareness posters however I have just
approached the idea of mental health in a different way as the existing
“Mind” charity poster is very dark and looks very intense and links a
lot of negative imagery with mental health problems whereas my aim
was to try and promote good mental health and making it okay to talk
about whereas these posters aim more towards the idea of people
who are already suffering with poor mental health and need help now
as the imagery speaks more to them then anyone else. So they have
an alternative purpose to the posters that I created as these have the
purpose to help people and provide information on how they can get
• However I do feel that my posters have a
similar approach as the Anxiety Aware posters
at it also uses a blocky text and bright colours
to attract people attention.
• Also I feel like my posters would target an
audience which might not have been targeted
before by the existing posters due to the
imagery within the posters.
Do they communicate your message
• I think that my campaign was successful as I think the message that I was trying to put out there was that
mental health problems effect a lot of people and is a lot more common then people think. As well as this
my aim was to try and promote donating to charities like this but to also raise awareness of mental health
awareness week as in my original survey that I carried out at the beginning of the project I found that only
33% of people I asked knew of mental health awareness week so my aim was to try and make the dates
more well known and I feel like I achieved this as on every campaign poster I created I put mental health
awareness week on there as a binding point between all the posters and I also put the dates on each off
the posters therefore I don’t think I could have done put more to communicate that message.
• Also from my campaign posters which include the facts on each one I feel helped to show how common
these problems are in todays society I think this was made even more clear by the simplistic fact I put on
each poster which were too the point and showed how many people are affected by these problems in the
UK every year.
• The one thing that I think I could have communicated more within my posters was the donating to the
charity aspects as feel like this message wasn't as clear as it only features in one of the posters and is in
the secondary smaller font therefore I think if I could have done them again would have liked to have
made this message clearer.
• As well as this I feel that I have the majority of what I intended to do with this campaign and feel hat these
messages have been clearly communicated throughout more so on the campaign posters as the posters
are what features the most useful information include the clear basic facts and statistics. Another reason
why I feel that I have achieved this is that in my survey all responses were positive and found that the
posters were helpful, easy to understand and interesting to look on the topic of mental health and all the
issues surrounding it. Also I think by having limited information on the posters and other campaign
material makes it easier for people to process the message that I was trying to portray therefore I feel like I
achieved my aim of making a simplistic point about mental health.
Do they communicate your message
clearly?• I would say that my campaign
does communicate the message
clearly as I asked in my survey if
people thought that the message
was clear and effective at
portraying the message the
response to this question was
generally good as all of the
responses agreed that the
message was clear and effectively
portrayed therefore I feel that I
have been successful with
ensuring that the message was
clear throughout my campaign.
• As well as this I asked if people
though that my posters were easy
to understand and eye catching
and 100% of the respondents said
that this was the case.
Do they communicate your message
• When creating my campaign I took a lot of inspiration from Mind’s
existing work and the messages they put out. I got a lot of the
information that I used from the Mind website as I found that the
approach that the website took to wording their message was most
effective as I didn’t want my campaign posters to come across as
• Another thing I took inspiration from was the See Me campaign with
the idea that its okay not to be okay and I liked the bright and
colorful approach they took to getting their message into the world
therefore I took on this idea when it came to creating my own.
• I also took inspiration from the idea of using non graphic
content to engage with the audience as this seemed to be
the best approach too ensure that the content of the
posters aren't too hard hitting and don’t need censoring for
a certain audience.
Are they appropriate for your target
• I would say that my campaign is appropriate for my target audience as I was targeting
young adults specifically however after creating the posters and merchandise I think
that they would suit all ages. By having my campaign suitable for all ages I think it
makes the topic of mental health more approachable as the posters and campaign
could strike up a conversation between two people with no age restrictions as there is
nothing that some people won’t understand.
• The only thing that may not be as appropriate for everyone is the website as this would
contain much more information that a younger audience may not be able to get to grips
with, as well as this I found that by keeping most of the more intense information on
the website meant that people would be more likely to look at the website for more
• From looking at other campaigns put out by Mind and See Me I found that they used
more graphic content with their imagery so I chose to go with an opposite approach an
use more light hearted imagery with only using shape graphics to build up the main
bulk for the style of my campaign posters and merchandise and this, I feel made it
appropriate for all ages however it may be more specific to a young adult audience due
to the bright colour scheme and the web links.
Are they appropriate for your target
• I would say that my merchandise is more directly
targeted towards a young adult audience ranging
from 18-25 as this was my original target
• The style of merchandise I chose to produce I
think also shows my target audience as there's
variations of the mobile phone cases and laptop
cases and the notebooks as the young adult
audience that I was targeting is likely to be in
education still, most likely university therefore the
notebook would be more helpful to these types of
people. The phone case and laptop cases are
slightly more generic to the stereotypes of this
generations as its common knowledge that these
are the biggest technology users.
• The stickers however are more suited to everyone
as they can go wherever but still have a strong
meaning and help to promote the charity.
Are they appropriate for your target
• When I asked people if they thought that my campaign was suitable for all age ranges all but one person
said that they agreed that they think that the campaign is appropriate for people of all ages. The one
person that said otherwise suggested that the campaign wouldn’t as suitable to an audience of young
children which I agree with as young children probably wont understand the concept of mental health
awareness as they don’t get taught about it till much later on in their education so I think this comment is
fair and accurate about who wouldn’t understand the campaign.
• By people agreeing that the campaign would be suitable for all ages makes me more aware that my
campaign isn't triggering to anyone and I think that is a better way to approach this topic so that it doesn’t
offend anyone.
• As well as this I think that because my campaign didn’t contain any images at all made appear like a more
approachable topic however this could be a disadvantage as it could mean that the posters were shocking
enough to attract peoples attention and make them think about the seriousness of the topic.
Are they appropriate for your target
• As the design of all my campaign posters and merchandise is
built up using circular shapes and various other patterns along
with silhouettes of birds I don’t think there really is a specific
audience to target.
• Much like with these posters which take on the form of lots of
circles to build up the basis of the design don’t really have an
age range to target as the design work is appropriate for all
ages as there's nothing highly offensive of graphic imagery
which may offend someone. As well as this by having my poster
like this it doesn’t distract from the topic and make it appear
more dark and scary it makes it a more approachable topic for
people of all ages.
• Also with these posters taking on a similar style to ones that I
created I feel that they would be appropriate for all ages as
there is no offensive imagery and also helps make it an easier
topic to tackle as it isn't put in such a bad light.
Compare and contrast your original intentions
with the outcomes you arrived at.
• At the start of this project my intentions were to make a bright colorful campaign with a
more positive outlook on keeping up a good mental health and I think that I've achieved
this even through my logo.
• When I first started brain storming ideas for my logo I originally wanted to make a logo
which was a recognisable symbol and I think I achieved this for the style I was going for at
that point however once I had done a few more versions of my campaign posters I found
that the original logo I had created didn’t really fit with the overall look I was going for
with the posters as the symbol style logo as the posters looked to be more blocky and
more fun looking than the original set of posters I had created.
• Another thing that changed when I was creating the logo for the charity I found that by
having the name boldly placed in the center of merchandise and clearly placed in the
posters I created making it more clear who the posters are from and who to contact for
• Another thing that I decided to add to my logo was the speech bubble instead of just
having Mind written out as I found that it made more of a clear link to mental health and
talking about it, also by having this very specific speech bubble meant that the colours of
it could be interchangeable to suit the campaign but also the speech bubble could be used
alone once the charity logo was more well known.
Compare and contrast your original intentions
with the outcomes you arrived at.
• My original intentions with the campaign posters was too create a
character that I could use throughout and I did achieve this in one of
the first posters I made however I found that overall in darkened the
poster and looked quite dull and not as eye catching as I would want it
to be, another approach I looked at when I first started making the
posters was to create realistic copies of everyday items that young
people would use, things like a laptop and phone to help build up a
more interesting picture however I found that this wasn’t as colourful
as I wanted my campaign to be.
• When I developed these posters further and tried
a completely different style I found that the
bright coloured text surrounded by coloured
circles all with their own pattern made a more
effective poster as it used the idea of a generic
looking poster but tackling a more important
topic and therefore making people pay attention
to it more.
How effective are the techniques you
have used?
• When it comes to discussing how effective the techniques
I have used are I would say that they have been effective
as when I asked people if they thought that my campaign
would have an effect on the public every response said
that it would. For example one said ‘Yes, it will inform
people that mental health issues exist and how common
they are with the facts given on the campaign posters.’
• Also quite a few people who responded to the survey
mentioned the bright eye catching colours being effective
at drawing in peoples attention also another thing that
was mentioned in the responses was that the campaign
posters help to educate people without getting too in
depth as they just mention one clear fact on each poster
and I think this is an effective way at not overwhelming
• I would also say that the techniques I have used have
been effective as 100% of the people I asked said that the
posters were easy to understand and eye catching
therefore I feel that I have been successful with the
techniques that I used.
• As well as this I feel like the graphics I used helped to
portray the simple messages that I needed to, I also tried
to communicate the message in a more positive way to
help keep people interested and wanting to help and
How effective are the techniques you
have used?• From the feedback I received I found that my campaign was
effective however I chose to go against the traditional approach to
mental health awareness posters as they are usually very dark and
gloomy and also I find that the images that they use are much more
distressing for people who suffer with mental health problems
therefore I found that from approaching the issue from a different
angle made a more interesting looking campaign as usually you
wouldn’t piece together the bright fun colours with a mental illness
campaign and I think that’s what makes it effective.
• As well as this I think that by taking this
different approach helped to make more
intriguing and eye catching posters as
naturally you wouldn't put the two
concepts together.
• Also I felt that the dark negative imagery
usually put on these posters wouldn’t
make people want to get involved and
raise money and awareness for the
Is the content effective?
• I think that the campaign I created is
effective to a certain extent as it achieved
most of the goals I aimed tot fulfill with my
campaign posters except the promoting the
idea of donating and raising money for the
• However in my survey I asked if they
thought my work was well suited to mental
health charity campaigns as they agreed
that most work to do with mental health
charities is very dark and lean towards the
more shocking people side of raising
awareness therefore I feel that my
campaign is effective as it has targeted a
different group of people by using the
positive imagery.
• Also another thing that was stated in my
survey was that they liked the positive
outlook and you can see the clear message
behind the posters.
• I think from the comments I got from my
survey that the content is effective
especially at portraying the positive
message I was aiming for and it showed
that this was effective as the questions I
asked in my survey showed that.
Is the content effective?
• In comparison with this poster from the ‘not myself today’ campaign I think I took a less
specific route with my campaign as I wans’t specifically targeting one mental health problem
in particularly as I wanted to keep it more generalised as I wanted to promote better mental
health in general and promote mental health awareness week. Also I feel I took a brighter
and more fun looking approach as I used a larger variety of colours and circles to make it
appear more interesting to someone walking past the posters as it appears more eye
catching. However when I was planning out my campaign posters I was planning to use one
colours and use different shades of that colour along with complementarity colours like the
not myself today poster however I found that the variety of bright colours worked better
• I think that the minimalistic approach of the not myself today campaign is very effective as
just by using the work angry as the key focal point is very eye catching as the white colour of
the word really stands out from the red and could appear to look like a stop a sign and I think
this is very effective also with this poster it isn't specific to one age range it’s suitable for all
ages so I took on this approach with my posters as I wanted them to be bold yet simplistic
and suitable for all age ranges.
• Another thing that I feel like the not myself today campaign does well is the idea of asking
people to pledge as I feel that this works well with the campaign and the placement of where
they’ve commented about if very effective as in visual hierarchy your eyes are drawn slowly
down the page and the use of a darker white also makes the words stand out.
• Also I find that the layout of the campaign poster by not myself today is very effective as if
you just read the word angry is very intriguing as to what the poster is about as it isn't clear
that its about mental health until you read on.
• In comparison with this poster I feel that my poster is quite eye catching by using the large
circle as the key point as it draws the eye in to what is written within the circle.
Is the content effective?
• Time to change have also taken an approach where there is no
specific age group in mind as there posters are suitable for all
ages and don’t contain any graphic imagery and also use bright
colours to engage their audience and grab peoples attention. Also
this campaign uses more of a play on words to take a more
interesting approach than going down the dark negative route
that mental health awareness posters usually go down.
• Also I think that the design of the poster is very effective as it
looks cartoon like and hand drawn with the scribbles but still
looks professional and yet still personal.
• I feel that in comparison my poster is slightly more informative as
I have the basic fact on mental health and the information on
when mental health awareness week is and I have also provide
the web address and telephone number of the charity so that
people can get help quicker or donate easier as the information is
provided on the poster. Therefore I feel that my post is slightly
better at providing information but I do feel that the time to
change poster is more aesthetically pleasing as it looks much
more professional than mine.
What impact do you think your advertising
campaign will have on the public?
• I think that my campaign will have a good impact on the public as it doesn’t go too in depth on
the posters it just briefly outlines how common mental health problems are and how they're
nothing to be ashamed of. Also I would hope that my campaign would help to promote donating
and raising money to mental health charities. But as well as this I would want my campaign to
help break down the idea that having mental health problems is something that you shouldn’t
talk about, also I would like the campaign to raise awareness of mental health awareness week
as I found that only a few people that I asked in my first survey knew on the event the rest
didn’t know it existed. I think that my campaign would be most effective if people used the
website in conjunction with the information on the posters so people have more well rounded
knowledge on the topic and people suffering could get help with ease.
• Although I think that my campaign would be effective at having a positive impact on the public I
also think that it would have as much of an impact as the bigger more well known campaigns
already out there as posters are limited to what effect they can have.
• However due to the generic look of my posters that don’t appear to be directly linked to mental
health charities just upon glancing at them they may not be taken seriously and may not be
shocking enough for people to react, they may just look past it as it seems so bright and
• I think that my advertising campaign will have a positive effect on the public as it helps to tackle
mental health problems in an alternative way and looks at mental health issues in a way that
doesn’t make it appear scary and keeping good mental health is just as important as good
physical health.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• My work contains a variety of different techniques however I wanted my work to look
very simplistic and have a minimalist feel to it therefore I wanted to limit the range of
techniques I used so that the overall look of my posters would look polished and
• When creating one of the overlays for one of the circles I did some rotoscoping of some
swallows to help make a more interesting backdrop for the main white circle also by
having these extra touches it made more focal points to look at and also added more
than just circles to the overall look of the posters.
• Also within my campaign I used bold fonts and bright colours, the font also had a look
of it being painted as there are lots of thick brush stokes to make up the initial main
font. The secondary font that I used was a much more handwritten font and made a
nice contrast with the bold font that I used for the main titles it also made the overall
campaign look more personal as the font has the handwritten feel to it. Also I feel that
by having the various fonts used in the campaign posters helped to add more interest to
them as they weren't just one font as I think that this could have looked more dull and
wouldn’t have has as much variety. Also by having multiple fonts that complement each
other that are the same on all campaign posters helps to make them more recognisable
and helps to fit the font to the charity and can then be more well known and tailored to
the look of the charity.
What are the technical and aesthetical
qualities of your work?
• When creating this poster I used a range of techniques to
produce it, for example I had to do a small amount of
rotoscoping to produce the white swallows which were
overlaid on top of the green circle and I think this gave
the poster something else to look at make it more
interesting rather than just being circles. To rotoscope
the swallows I found a simple image of swallows and
used the polygon lasso tool to trace around the edges
and create an outline of the swallows and then I chose
the layer via copy option and then just gave it a block
white colour to achieve this look.
• Another thing that I did to make the more varied circles
is the striped circles I looked at ranges of different
gradients to create the effect that I was looking for and
also altered the thickness of the stripes to see which
would work best with overall final look of the poster.
• Another thing that I chose to adjust and look at was the
strokes on each circles to help create the dotted line
circles and I think this helped to add some variation and
more interest to the look of the posters.
• I had to adapt the main headline font of this poster as I
found that the H’s looked a lot like U’s and could be
easily confused so I chose to use the polygon lasso tool
to cut around the dash which created the H and use the
layer via cut tool to move the dash further up the H to
build a less confusable H and made it much easier read
upon a glance.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• These posters used a lot of the same
technical qualities as the past posters
the only difference being that I changed
around a lot of the circles to add some
variety and make them look slightly
different from the original poster so for
the fact posters I simply chose to move
around the layout of the circles and use
the same font that I had used in my logo
to help keep some difference between
the main campaign poster and the fact
posters and I think this worked.
• As well as this to add some variations
between the posters I chose to use
different font colours which fitted with
my colour scheme and the colours of
the circles and helped to keep the
bright colour scheme that I was aiming
for running throughout.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
• For the merchandise I created I chose to keep it
simple on a lot of items and made them not too
overpowering as I wanted to keep them all looking
simple and minimalistic so chose to do half of the
merchandise with only the logo but in different
variations for example the different coloured speech
bubble on the logo of the laptop covers and the
• Another thing that I created specifically for the
merchandise was the large speech bubble that I
placed the logo in. To create this I used the
rectangular shape tool to create the main base of the
speech bubble, I then warped other shapes to create
the smaller more pointed shape at the bottom of the
main rectangle, once I had the basic shape I then used
the black paint tool to create the doodle like lines
around the basic shape and the line shading was done
like this too. I think it overall works well however I do
think that the colour needed to be lighter when
looking back on it now as the speech bubble of the
logo is kind of lost in the larger brighter blue bubble.
• As well as this with my merchandise I found that the
simpler the design the more effective it looked so I
tried to take this approach with all of the
merchandise that I designed.
What are the technical and aesthetical
qualities of your work?
• To create these pieces of merchandise I chose
to use the main feature of my campaign posters
except I had to adjust the sizes quite
considerably, as well as this I found that by
placing the Mind logo within the circle worked
quite well as it fitted with the overall look of the
campaign and also was clearly related to the
posters and that specific campaign as it isn't
just the logo it combines elements of the
posters into it as well.
• Also I think that by having the logo as the main
point of focus it helps to indicate the point of
the merchandise without having to have too
much writing and doesn’t have lots of writing
which would distract from the bright and eye
catching layout of the merchandise but also still
raises money and awareness for the charity.
• By having the design kept fairly simple I feel
that its suitable for many more people as it isn't
too busy and overpowering.
What are the technical and aesthetical
qualities of your work?
• When I asked for feedback about the general style
of my campaign all the feedback was positive
including things like ‘I like it I enjoy the colours
and the over all theme. It is very eye catching with
makes it fun but also will draw more people into
learning about mental health issues because it
seems more inviting.’ and ‘I like the use of colours
and how creative it is. It catches your attention
and makes it looks interesting to learn about.’
• As well as this when I asked people if they found
the posters to be easy to understand and eye
catching all of the responses said that it was.
• Due to all the responses being fairly positive I feel
that I have achieved what I set out to do as people
found that the look of the posters were bright and
eye catching and easy to understand and that is
what I aimed to produce.
• Also from asking these questions to group of
people with various ages I found that they all
thought that the posters were interesting and eye
catching so I feel that I have achieved what I set
out to do with these campaign posters.
What are the technical and aesthetical
qualities of your work?
• The posters I have created I think follow a similar kind of
style as these already existing posters by the mental
health foundation have a similar simplistic style with one
key point as the center focus and also using lots of bright
colours to help catch peoples attention and makes
mental health problems seem like a more approachable
topic and doesn't need to be so taboo. As well as this I
feel that the common denominator with these posters
and mine is that I have used a bold font as another way
to pull out the main focal point of the posters. Also
these posters aren't too technical and busy and have
kept the same minimalistic look as my campaign posters.
• As well as this I feel that my work and this work is similar
as it approaches the topic in a way which doesn’t
include dark negative imagery and communicates the
message in a much more positive way.
• As well as this I feel that the technical qualities are quite
similar as there is only really shape graphics used to
create the basis of these posters rather than actual
images as I feel that these put a more negative shadow
over looking after your mental health and promoting
good mental health needed a bright more appealing
look to it.

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Evaluation finished

  • 2. My Campaign My campaign idea was around mental health awareness and how little people know about any off it. As well as this I found that all campaigns about mental health issues were all portrayed in a negative way and mainly used a lot of negative imagery along with a very dark look to the poster, therefore I chose to do the opposite of this and use a very bright colour scheme, to go along with this I chose to only use graphics and not images as I wanted to create everything I used, also by including no images I found that it created a more fun looking style for the campaign as it was all very lighthearted and didn’t look dark, it looked fun and inviting to read about.
  • 3. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I would say that my finished pieces are fir for their intended purposes as their main purposes were to change attitudes, raise awareness, to provide information, to campaign and to build relationships with subjects. • When creating my logo I wanted their to be a running theme throughout of speech bubbles, however I did go through quite a variety of different logos as I adapted and changed them from my original style that I chose not to pursue. • The logo is intended to make a recognisable brand and I think the final logo I chose does and not only does it represent a young, fun audience but also matches the more comic book style of my campaign and also suits the circular theme of my posters with the use of the speech bubble to represent the top dot on the I. • Originally I was only going to have a symbol to represent the charity however I found that by using the Mind name made the company more clear and was more memorable for people who didn’t know who the charity was.
  • 4. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • For my final designs for the campaign posters they follow a similar style as each other using the circles to build up the main basis of the posters as well as this circles have lots of meaning for example wholeness and I think that represents the charity well. • The symbolism of circles: ‘The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness.’ - • As these two posters have different aims one is to try and persuade people to donate to Mind and the other is about raising awareness about mental health awareness week. By using the same style for both of the posters I think it gives a form of unity and helps to build an image of the charity and also helps the charity look more memorable as you can piece together the posters and logo. • I think they are fit for their purpose of providing information as there’s the email address, telephone number and dates of mental health awareness week and therefore informs audiences about that and also they help to raise awareness of the week in May and aims to help push the idea of donating to the charity in order to support them and help people suffering. • Also as there is no graphic content within these posters they're suitable for all ages. • I did experiment with a completely different style to start with however I found that they looked quite dull and didn’t really relate to the cause therefore I chose to have a rethink of my original plans and create these posters, the alternative posters can be seen below.
  • 5. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • With these more informational posters I wanted to run with the concept that people were not aware of basic facts surrounding mental health therefore these posters aim to introduce people to basic knowledge about mental health and how many people it effects without being too over powering in an info graphic style therefore I feel these target an audience with specific information better. • Also due to the imagery looking very bright and intriguing it helps to draw in peoples attention to read the information provided. Not only do these posters provide a key fact they also provide contact information and still fit with the theme of circles in a more interesting and eye catching colourful way. • Also the facts I used on each of the posters helps to build relationships with the topic of mental health and helps communicate how common these illnesses are and that people shouldn’t feel scared to tell people about their problems. • Also on these posters I have included the logo to help reiterate who the posters are from and who to contact. • My aim when creating these posters wasn’t to scare audiences or make mental health problems seem dark and lonely although they can be, I wanted to keep up the positive look of just maintaining good mental health just like it is when trying to maintain a good physical health. I took quite a lot of inspiration from keeping healthy posters like the ones below as I think they help to push people to just understand mental health problems more and that its not super negative if you suffer with one.
  • 6. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • With my first three pieces of merchandise I wanted to incorporate the graphics and logo used in the posters to help create some unity and links between the two. I think that these pieces of merchandise are fit for purpose as they help to support the charity and also clearly display who the charity are in more stylish way and also makes the charity noticeable to others who just see people using these products. • Another thing about these merchandise products is that they are very bright and help to campaign still as they are promoting the logo of the charity. • To create these mock ups I uploaded my designs to so that I could see a realistic version of how the products would look and this also helped me to adapt the designs to sit perfectly in the right place of the products I wanted to sell. I also tried out a variety of different styles with my merchandise through this website as I tried to create some merchandise using my old style graphics however I don’t feel these worked as well. (these are shown below)
  • 7. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • With these final pieces of merchandise it helps to simply promote the logo and make it more commonly known as it stand alone on 2 versions of the stickers and one of the laptop covers. • Although these are much more simplistic versions of the merchandise I think they work just as well as it helps to simply promote the charity not any of their campaigns, just the charity logo and makes it more noticeable as its just this one clear word in a bold font which helps to eliminate any confusion around what the charity do and who they are. • As well as this by only having the logo it makes it easy for people to put the stickers anywhere so that the logo can be seen in a range of places not just if people were to see their laptop. • Also I think that the merchandise having variations of styles where some have the circle theme and some just having the logo helps to give people some choice and also provides options for variations within the range of merchandise. As well as this I think these are fit for purpose as they suit the overall look of my campaign but also help just represent the charity without incorporating any information on the specific campaign, it simply promotes the charity.
  • 8. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?• Another thing that I created for this campaign was an example of how I would want the website to look, therefore I created a mock up off the home page. I chose to use the same style as my posters for the homepage so that it fitted the campaign of promoting good mental health as well as this it helped to create common theme throughout the whole campaign as well as the website homepage. • Although there are some things I adapted for the header of the webpage for example the rectangular box to put the mind logo in rather than a circular one as I found that this looked more appropriate with the website as this was much more angular. • However there are quite a few things that I would change if I could do this again and this would be that I don’t think the overall look suits what I was aiming for as I think the orange box with text in looks very out of place much like the images at he bottom of the page as I think it looks odd and doesn’t match the look I was going for of not using any real images. • However it does fit the purpose of providing information and campaigning.
  • 9. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I do think that my finished campaign is fit for the intended purpose as when I asked in my survey if people thought that they were well suited to a mental health charity campaign 100% of the people I asked agreed with this and said that the positive outlook and approach is very effective at getting people to help. • As well as this I asked how people thought that my campaign would impact others and I got a range of responses to this for example people thought that it would educate people, change peoples views and raise awareness and these were my initial aims with my campaign posters therefore I feel that I have produced a set of campaign posters that are fit for their intended purpose.
  • 10. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • In terms of comparisons the only other things within mental health that I could find which was similar to my posters was the ‘See Me’ campaign which aimed to end mental health discrimination I think these are quite similar as they both appear to be more positive and include more positive imagery rather than images of people with mental health issues looking upset, I think the positive approach is much more appropriate as it helps strike up more conversation and they aren't begging for sympathy it just helps to try and tackle the problem at the root. • Another reason why I feel like these two are similar is that the See Me campaign looks quite hand drawn and I think the logo in my campaign also looks quite hand drawn and gives a more personal touch to the campaign. • Also this is where some inspiration came from for the first set of posters I created as I found that the chalky homemade looked appeared quite personal and was effective as I created a character to go with this campaign however it wasn’t as seamless as the second style I chose to go down.
  • 11. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? • I think that my campaign posters are just as fit for purpose as these already existing mental health awareness posters however I have just approached the idea of mental health in a different way as the existing “Mind” charity poster is very dark and looks very intense and links a lot of negative imagery with mental health problems whereas my aim was to try and promote good mental health and making it okay to talk about whereas these posters aim more towards the idea of people who are already suffering with poor mental health and need help now as the imagery speaks more to them then anyone else. So they have an alternative purpose to the posters that I created as these have the purpose to help people and provide information on how they can get help. • However I do feel that my posters have a similar approach as the Anxiety Aware posters at it also uses a blocky text and bright colours to attract people attention. • Also I feel like my posters would target an audience which might not have been targeted before by the existing posters due to the imagery within the posters.
  • 12. Do they communicate your message clearly? • I think that my campaign was successful as I think the message that I was trying to put out there was that mental health problems effect a lot of people and is a lot more common then people think. As well as this my aim was to try and promote donating to charities like this but to also raise awareness of mental health awareness week as in my original survey that I carried out at the beginning of the project I found that only 33% of people I asked knew of mental health awareness week so my aim was to try and make the dates more well known and I feel like I achieved this as on every campaign poster I created I put mental health awareness week on there as a binding point between all the posters and I also put the dates on each off the posters therefore I don’t think I could have done put more to communicate that message. • Also from my campaign posters which include the facts on each one I feel helped to show how common these problems are in todays society I think this was made even more clear by the simplistic fact I put on each poster which were too the point and showed how many people are affected by these problems in the UK every year. • The one thing that I think I could have communicated more within my posters was the donating to the charity aspects as feel like this message wasn't as clear as it only features in one of the posters and is in the secondary smaller font therefore I think if I could have done them again would have liked to have made this message clearer. • As well as this I feel that I have the majority of what I intended to do with this campaign and feel hat these messages have been clearly communicated throughout more so on the campaign posters as the posters are what features the most useful information include the clear basic facts and statistics. Another reason why I feel that I have achieved this is that in my survey all responses were positive and found that the posters were helpful, easy to understand and interesting to look on the topic of mental health and all the issues surrounding it. Also I think by having limited information on the posters and other campaign material makes it easier for people to process the message that I was trying to portray therefore I feel like I achieved my aim of making a simplistic point about mental health.
  • 13. Do they communicate your message clearly?• I would say that my campaign does communicate the message clearly as I asked in my survey if people thought that the message was clear and effective at portraying the message the response to this question was generally good as all of the responses agreed that the message was clear and effectively portrayed therefore I feel that I have been successful with ensuring that the message was clear throughout my campaign. • As well as this I asked if people though that my posters were easy to understand and eye catching and 100% of the respondents said that this was the case.
  • 14. Do they communicate your message clearly? • When creating my campaign I took a lot of inspiration from Mind’s existing work and the messages they put out. I got a lot of the information that I used from the Mind website as I found that the approach that the website took to wording their message was most effective as I didn’t want my campaign posters to come across as pushy. • Another thing I took inspiration from was the See Me campaign with the idea that its okay not to be okay and I liked the bright and colorful approach they took to getting their message into the world therefore I took on this idea when it came to creating my own. • I also took inspiration from the idea of using non graphic content to engage with the audience as this seemed to be the best approach too ensure that the content of the posters aren't too hard hitting and don’t need censoring for a certain audience.
  • 15. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • I would say that my campaign is appropriate for my target audience as I was targeting young adults specifically however after creating the posters and merchandise I think that they would suit all ages. By having my campaign suitable for all ages I think it makes the topic of mental health more approachable as the posters and campaign could strike up a conversation between two people with no age restrictions as there is nothing that some people won’t understand. • The only thing that may not be as appropriate for everyone is the website as this would contain much more information that a younger audience may not be able to get to grips with, as well as this I found that by keeping most of the more intense information on the website meant that people would be more likely to look at the website for more information. • From looking at other campaigns put out by Mind and See Me I found that they used more graphic content with their imagery so I chose to go with an opposite approach an use more light hearted imagery with only using shape graphics to build up the main bulk for the style of my campaign posters and merchandise and this, I feel made it appropriate for all ages however it may be more specific to a young adult audience due to the bright colour scheme and the web links.
  • 16. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • I would say that my merchandise is more directly targeted towards a young adult audience ranging from 18-25 as this was my original target audience. • The style of merchandise I chose to produce I think also shows my target audience as there's variations of the mobile phone cases and laptop cases and the notebooks as the young adult audience that I was targeting is likely to be in education still, most likely university therefore the notebook would be more helpful to these types of people. The phone case and laptop cases are slightly more generic to the stereotypes of this generations as its common knowledge that these are the biggest technology users. • The stickers however are more suited to everyone as they can go wherever but still have a strong meaning and help to promote the charity.
  • 17. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • When I asked people if they thought that my campaign was suitable for all age ranges all but one person said that they agreed that they think that the campaign is appropriate for people of all ages. The one person that said otherwise suggested that the campaign wouldn’t as suitable to an audience of young children which I agree with as young children probably wont understand the concept of mental health awareness as they don’t get taught about it till much later on in their education so I think this comment is fair and accurate about who wouldn’t understand the campaign. • By people agreeing that the campaign would be suitable for all ages makes me more aware that my campaign isn't triggering to anyone and I think that is a better way to approach this topic so that it doesn’t offend anyone. • As well as this I think that because my campaign didn’t contain any images at all made appear like a more approachable topic however this could be a disadvantage as it could mean that the posters were shocking enough to attract peoples attention and make them think about the seriousness of the topic.
  • 18. Are they appropriate for your target audience? • As the design of all my campaign posters and merchandise is built up using circular shapes and various other patterns along with silhouettes of birds I don’t think there really is a specific audience to target. • Much like with these posters which take on the form of lots of circles to build up the basis of the design don’t really have an age range to target as the design work is appropriate for all ages as there's nothing highly offensive of graphic imagery which may offend someone. As well as this by having my poster like this it doesn’t distract from the topic and make it appear more dark and scary it makes it a more approachable topic for people of all ages. • Also with these posters taking on a similar style to ones that I created I feel that they would be appropriate for all ages as there is no offensive imagery and also helps make it an easier topic to tackle as it isn't put in such a bad light.
  • 19. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. • At the start of this project my intentions were to make a bright colorful campaign with a more positive outlook on keeping up a good mental health and I think that I've achieved this even through my logo. • When I first started brain storming ideas for my logo I originally wanted to make a logo which was a recognisable symbol and I think I achieved this for the style I was going for at that point however once I had done a few more versions of my campaign posters I found that the original logo I had created didn’t really fit with the overall look I was going for with the posters as the symbol style logo as the posters looked to be more blocky and more fun looking than the original set of posters I had created. • Another thing that changed when I was creating the logo for the charity I found that by having the name boldly placed in the center of merchandise and clearly placed in the posters I created making it more clear who the posters are from and who to contact for help. • Another thing that I decided to add to my logo was the speech bubble instead of just having Mind written out as I found that it made more of a clear link to mental health and talking about it, also by having this very specific speech bubble meant that the colours of it could be interchangeable to suit the campaign but also the speech bubble could be used alone once the charity logo was more well known.
  • 20. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. • My original intentions with the campaign posters was too create a character that I could use throughout and I did achieve this in one of the first posters I made however I found that overall in darkened the poster and looked quite dull and not as eye catching as I would want it to be, another approach I looked at when I first started making the posters was to create realistic copies of everyday items that young people would use, things like a laptop and phone to help build up a more interesting picture however I found that this wasn’t as colourful as I wanted my campaign to be. • When I developed these posters further and tried a completely different style I found that the bright coloured text surrounded by coloured circles all with their own pattern made a more effective poster as it used the idea of a generic looking poster but tackling a more important topic and therefore making people pay attention to it more.
  • 21. How effective are the techniques you have used? • When it comes to discussing how effective the techniques I have used are I would say that they have been effective as when I asked people if they thought that my campaign would have an effect on the public every response said that it would. For example one said ‘Yes, it will inform people that mental health issues exist and how common they are with the facts given on the campaign posters.’ • Also quite a few people who responded to the survey mentioned the bright eye catching colours being effective at drawing in peoples attention also another thing that was mentioned in the responses was that the campaign posters help to educate people without getting too in depth as they just mention one clear fact on each poster and I think this is an effective way at not overwhelming people. • I would also say that the techniques I have used have been effective as 100% of the people I asked said that the posters were easy to understand and eye catching therefore I feel that I have been successful with the techniques that I used. • As well as this I feel like the graphics I used helped to portray the simple messages that I needed to, I also tried to communicate the message in a more positive way to help keep people interested and wanting to help and donate.
  • 22. How effective are the techniques you have used?• From the feedback I received I found that my campaign was effective however I chose to go against the traditional approach to mental health awareness posters as they are usually very dark and gloomy and also I find that the images that they use are much more distressing for people who suffer with mental health problems therefore I found that from approaching the issue from a different angle made a more interesting looking campaign as usually you wouldn’t piece together the bright fun colours with a mental illness campaign and I think that’s what makes it effective. • As well as this I think that by taking this different approach helped to make more intriguing and eye catching posters as naturally you wouldn't put the two concepts together. • Also I felt that the dark negative imagery usually put on these posters wouldn’t make people want to get involved and raise money and awareness for the charity.
  • 23. Is the content effective? • I think that the campaign I created is effective to a certain extent as it achieved most of the goals I aimed tot fulfill with my campaign posters except the promoting the idea of donating and raising money for the charity. • However in my survey I asked if they thought my work was well suited to mental health charity campaigns as they agreed that most work to do with mental health charities is very dark and lean towards the more shocking people side of raising awareness therefore I feel that my campaign is effective as it has targeted a different group of people by using the positive imagery. • Also another thing that was stated in my survey was that they liked the positive outlook and you can see the clear message behind the posters. • I think from the comments I got from my survey that the content is effective especially at portraying the positive message I was aiming for and it showed that this was effective as the questions I asked in my survey showed that.
  • 24. Is the content effective? • In comparison with this poster from the ‘not myself today’ campaign I think I took a less specific route with my campaign as I wans’t specifically targeting one mental health problem in particularly as I wanted to keep it more generalised as I wanted to promote better mental health in general and promote mental health awareness week. Also I feel I took a brighter and more fun looking approach as I used a larger variety of colours and circles to make it appear more interesting to someone walking past the posters as it appears more eye catching. However when I was planning out my campaign posters I was planning to use one colours and use different shades of that colour along with complementarity colours like the not myself today poster however I found that the variety of bright colours worked better overall. • I think that the minimalistic approach of the not myself today campaign is very effective as just by using the work angry as the key focal point is very eye catching as the white colour of the word really stands out from the red and could appear to look like a stop a sign and I think this is very effective also with this poster it isn't specific to one age range it’s suitable for all ages so I took on this approach with my posters as I wanted them to be bold yet simplistic and suitable for all age ranges. • Another thing that I feel like the not myself today campaign does well is the idea of asking people to pledge as I feel that this works well with the campaign and the placement of where they’ve commented about if very effective as in visual hierarchy your eyes are drawn slowly down the page and the use of a darker white also makes the words stand out. • Also I find that the layout of the campaign poster by not myself today is very effective as if you just read the word angry is very intriguing as to what the poster is about as it isn't clear that its about mental health until you read on. • In comparison with this poster I feel that my poster is quite eye catching by using the large circle as the key point as it draws the eye in to what is written within the circle.
  • 25. Is the content effective? • Time to change have also taken an approach where there is no specific age group in mind as there posters are suitable for all ages and don’t contain any graphic imagery and also use bright colours to engage their audience and grab peoples attention. Also this campaign uses more of a play on words to take a more interesting approach than going down the dark negative route that mental health awareness posters usually go down. • Also I think that the design of the poster is very effective as it looks cartoon like and hand drawn with the scribbles but still looks professional and yet still personal. • I feel that in comparison my poster is slightly more informative as I have the basic fact on mental health and the information on when mental health awareness week is and I have also provide the web address and telephone number of the charity so that people can get help quicker or donate easier as the information is provided on the poster. Therefore I feel that my post is slightly better at providing information but I do feel that the time to change poster is more aesthetically pleasing as it looks much more professional than mine.
  • 26. What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? • I think that my campaign will have a good impact on the public as it doesn’t go too in depth on the posters it just briefly outlines how common mental health problems are and how they're nothing to be ashamed of. Also I would hope that my campaign would help to promote donating and raising money to mental health charities. But as well as this I would want my campaign to help break down the idea that having mental health problems is something that you shouldn’t talk about, also I would like the campaign to raise awareness of mental health awareness week as I found that only a few people that I asked in my first survey knew on the event the rest didn’t know it existed. I think that my campaign would be most effective if people used the website in conjunction with the information on the posters so people have more well rounded knowledge on the topic and people suffering could get help with ease. • Although I think that my campaign would be effective at having a positive impact on the public I also think that it would have as much of an impact as the bigger more well known campaigns already out there as posters are limited to what effect they can have. • However due to the generic look of my posters that don’t appear to be directly linked to mental health charities just upon glancing at them they may not be taken seriously and may not be shocking enough for people to react, they may just look past it as it seems so bright and colourful. • I think that my advertising campaign will have a positive effect on the public as it helps to tackle mental health problems in an alternative way and looks at mental health issues in a way that doesn’t make it appear scary and keeping good mental health is just as important as good physical health.
  • 27. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • My work contains a variety of different techniques however I wanted my work to look very simplistic and have a minimalist feel to it therefore I wanted to limit the range of techniques I used so that the overall look of my posters would look polished and professional. • When creating one of the overlays for one of the circles I did some rotoscoping of some swallows to help make a more interesting backdrop for the main white circle also by having these extra touches it made more focal points to look at and also added more than just circles to the overall look of the posters. • Also within my campaign I used bold fonts and bright colours, the font also had a look of it being painted as there are lots of thick brush stokes to make up the initial main font. The secondary font that I used was a much more handwritten font and made a nice contrast with the bold font that I used for the main titles it also made the overall campaign look more personal as the font has the handwritten feel to it. Also I feel that by having the various fonts used in the campaign posters helped to add more interest to them as they weren't just one font as I think that this could have looked more dull and wouldn’t have has as much variety. Also by having multiple fonts that complement each other that are the same on all campaign posters helps to make them more recognisable and helps to fit the font to the charity and can then be more well known and tailored to the look of the charity.
  • 28. What are the technical and aesthetical qualities of your work? • When creating this poster I used a range of techniques to produce it, for example I had to do a small amount of rotoscoping to produce the white swallows which were overlaid on top of the green circle and I think this gave the poster something else to look at make it more interesting rather than just being circles. To rotoscope the swallows I found a simple image of swallows and used the polygon lasso tool to trace around the edges and create an outline of the swallows and then I chose the layer via copy option and then just gave it a block white colour to achieve this look. • Another thing that I did to make the more varied circles is the striped circles I looked at ranges of different gradients to create the effect that I was looking for and also altered the thickness of the stripes to see which would work best with overall final look of the poster. • Another thing that I chose to adjust and look at was the strokes on each circles to help create the dotted line circles and I think this helped to add some variation and more interest to the look of the posters. • I had to adapt the main headline font of this poster as I found that the H’s looked a lot like U’s and could be easily confused so I chose to use the polygon lasso tool to cut around the dash which created the H and use the layer via cut tool to move the dash further up the H to build a less confusable H and made it much easier read upon a glance.
  • 29. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • These posters used a lot of the same technical qualities as the past posters the only difference being that I changed around a lot of the circles to add some variety and make them look slightly different from the original poster so for the fact posters I simply chose to move around the layout of the circles and use the same font that I had used in my logo to help keep some difference between the main campaign poster and the fact posters and I think this worked. • As well as this to add some variations between the posters I chose to use different font colours which fitted with my colour scheme and the colours of the circles and helped to keep the bright colour scheme that I was aiming for running throughout.
  • 30. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? • For the merchandise I created I chose to keep it simple on a lot of items and made them not too overpowering as I wanted to keep them all looking simple and minimalistic so chose to do half of the merchandise with only the logo but in different variations for example the different coloured speech bubble on the logo of the laptop covers and the stickers. • Another thing that I created specifically for the merchandise was the large speech bubble that I placed the logo in. To create this I used the rectangular shape tool to create the main base of the speech bubble, I then warped other shapes to create the smaller more pointed shape at the bottom of the main rectangle, once I had the basic shape I then used the black paint tool to create the doodle like lines around the basic shape and the line shading was done like this too. I think it overall works well however I do think that the colour needed to be lighter when looking back on it now as the speech bubble of the logo is kind of lost in the larger brighter blue bubble. • As well as this with my merchandise I found that the simpler the design the more effective it looked so I tried to take this approach with all of the merchandise that I designed.
  • 31. What are the technical and aesthetical qualities of your work? • To create these pieces of merchandise I chose to use the main feature of my campaign posters except I had to adjust the sizes quite considerably, as well as this I found that by placing the Mind logo within the circle worked quite well as it fitted with the overall look of the campaign and also was clearly related to the posters and that specific campaign as it isn't just the logo it combines elements of the posters into it as well. • Also I think that by having the logo as the main point of focus it helps to indicate the point of the merchandise without having to have too much writing and doesn’t have lots of writing which would distract from the bright and eye catching layout of the merchandise but also still raises money and awareness for the charity. • By having the design kept fairly simple I feel that its suitable for many more people as it isn't too busy and overpowering.
  • 32. What are the technical and aesthetical qualities of your work? • When I asked for feedback about the general style of my campaign all the feedback was positive including things like ‘I like it I enjoy the colours and the over all theme. It is very eye catching with makes it fun but also will draw more people into learning about mental health issues because it seems more inviting.’ and ‘I like the use of colours and how creative it is. It catches your attention and makes it looks interesting to learn about.’ • As well as this when I asked people if they found the posters to be easy to understand and eye catching all of the responses said that it was. • Due to all the responses being fairly positive I feel that I have achieved what I set out to do as people found that the look of the posters were bright and eye catching and easy to understand and that is what I aimed to produce. • Also from asking these questions to group of people with various ages I found that they all thought that the posters were interesting and eye catching so I feel that I have achieved what I set out to do with these campaign posters.
  • 33. What are the technical and aesthetical qualities of your work? • The posters I have created I think follow a similar kind of style as these already existing posters by the mental health foundation have a similar simplistic style with one key point as the center focus and also using lots of bright colours to help catch peoples attention and makes mental health problems seem like a more approachable topic and doesn't need to be so taboo. As well as this I feel that the common denominator with these posters and mine is that I have used a bold font as another way to pull out the main focal point of the posters. Also these posters aren't too technical and busy and have kept the same minimalistic look as my campaign posters. • As well as this I feel that my work and this work is similar as it approaches the topic in a way which doesn’t include dark negative imagery and communicates the message in a much more positive way. • As well as this I feel that the technical qualities are quite similar as there is only really shape graphics used to create the basis of these posters rather than actual images as I feel that these put a more negative shadow over looking after your mental health and promoting good mental health needed a bright more appealing look to it.