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Module 7
Dear Learner,
Did you enjoy working on your previous module? I am very sure
you had fun answering the exercises and did a terrific job.
Let us move on to another learning activity. I know that you are
very much ready to learn more.
In your previous module you have already learned about suffixes.
In this module you will learn many English words that have more than
one meaning.
This module will help you enrich your vocabulary by learning
several meanings of simple words. Even though they are spelled alike
and sound alike, such words have separate entries in the dictionary.
Read each sentence below and notice the underlined word. Find
the entry above that tells what the word means. Write a or b in the
blank provided.
make a. to begin an action
b. manner of construction
______ 1. Mikey and Tommy make good kites.
______ 2. The make of their kites is strong and beautiful.
To the Learner
Let’s Try This
Let’s Learn This
branch a. part of a tree
b. a section, department, or division of an organization
______ 3. Can you name the three branches of our government?
______ 4. The branch of the tree bends dangerously under Mikey’s
guide a. one who leads
b. to manage or direct
_______ 5. Tommy held the other end of the kite to guide it upward.
_______ 6. Since Tommy was new in the place, Mikey served as his
• Are you done?
• Let’s see if we have the same answers.
1. a 3. b 5. b
2. b 4. a 6. a
Read the Poem
Let’s Study This
Woodman, Spare That Tree!
by George Pope Morris
1. Woodman, spare that tree!
Touch not a single bough!
In youth it sheltered me,
And I’ll protect it now.
T’was my forefather’s hand
That placed it near his cot;
There, woodman let it stand,
Thy axe shall harm it not!
2. That old familiar tree,
Whose glory and renown
And spread o’er the land and sea
And wouldst thou hew it down?
Woodman, forebear thy stroke!
Cut not its earth-bound ties;
O, spare that aged oak,
Now towering to the skies
3. When but an idle boy
I sought its grateful shade;
In all their gushing joy
Here, too, my sisters played
My mother kissed me here;
My father pressed my hand
Forgive this foolish tear,
But let that oak stand!
4. My heart-strings round thee cling,
Close as thy bark, old friend!
Here shall the wild bird sing
And still thy branches bend.
Old tree! The storm still brave!
And, woodman, leave the spot;
While I’ve a hand to save,
Thy axe shall harm it not.
Directions: Give the meaning of each word below. Use the number in
the parenthesis as guide in locating the stanza where the word is
found. Then choose the meaning of each word and encircle its letter.
The first one is done for you.
1. spare (1) a. to refrain from destroying
b. not being used
2. single (1) a. not married
b. relating to one of more parts
3. glory (2) a. praise, honor, or distinction extended
b. to rejoice proudly or intensively
4. stroke (2) a. to rub gently in one direction
b. a blow with weapon
5. towering (2) a. reaching to a great height
b. impressively high or great
6. idle (3) a. doing nothing
b. to spend time aimlessly
7. bark (3) a. short loud cry of a dog
b. tough corky covering of a stem
8. stand (3) a. to rest, remain, or set upright
b. a raised platform
9. spot (4) a. a blemish or stain
b. an area in a surrounding
10. hand (3) a. a part of the forelimb
b. lead, guide, assist
• Are you done answering the exercises? Compare your answers
with the correct answers below.
What is the poet’s plea to the woodman? What promise
does the poet make to the tree? Do you agree with the
author? Why?
1. a 6. b
2. b 7. b
3. a 8. a
4. b 9. b
5. a 10. A
• How many correct answers did you get?
Let’s talk about it.
o Sometimes, a word may have more than one meaning.
(multiple meaning)
o Some words have different meanings even though they are
spelled alike and sound alike.
Read the Poem.
• Which dictionary meaning of pop fits the lines?
Up we pop To reach the top
• The dictionary you used may have listed at least three meanings:
a. To make a sharp, explosive sound
b. To move or go suddenly or quickly
c. Related to a pervasive mass culture
• Were you able to choose the right meaning?
It’s letter _______.
Marchette Chute
Down the slide
We ride, we ride
Round we run, and then
Up we pop
To reach the top,
Down we come again.
Encircle the meaning that best fits the underlined word in each
1. Geraldine paused at the corner to pull up her knee socks.
a. short stockings
b. light shoe
c. hard or violent blow
2. The rubber bands she was using to hold her socks up made her
legs itch.
a. parts of academic dresses
b. musicians playing together
c. things that bind
3. Two fingers poked right through the top of her left one.
a. conical toy
b. supreme, dominant
c. upper part
4. She grabbed her books and crossed against traffic.
a. crucified
b. went across
c. intermixture of breeds
5. The dog chewed up her gym suit.
a. legal prosecution
b. set of outer garments
c. be good for
6. The oranges were more green than orange.
a. reddish – yellow color
b. evergreen tea
c. small town
Let’s Do This
7. She would eat baked ham from the night before.
a. amateur
b. thigh of hog salted and dried or cured
c. village
8. Soap operas kept Anita glued to the TV set.
a. cleansing agent
b. rub, treat
c. sentimental radio or television serial
• Are you done?
• Look at the Answer Key to check your
• What’s your score?
• Write your score inside the umbrella.
Match the italicized word with its meaning in the box opposite it.
1. Please watch our baggage
for us
a. observe attentively
2. She is wearing an
expensive watch.
b. timepiece
3. Some successful
businesses starts from
a. alight flesh wound
4. There’s a scratch on my
b. nothing
5. I have to run. It’s almost
time for my class.
a. small tear caused by
unraveled thread
6. There’s run in my knitted
b. go swiftly
7. We can bank on you to do
all these.
a. depend
8. We sat on the bank of the
b. slope of land at the edge
of a body of water
Let’s Do More
Some words have multiple meanings. We can tell
what their meanings are from the way they are used in the
Study the following sentences with their meaning.
a. Soil is a natural resource.
b. Be sure not to soil your clothes.
c. We place our refuse in the garbage containers.
d. The offer is too good to refuse.
• Are you done?
• Look at the Answer Key again to check your answers.
• If you got 6-8, That’s excellent.
• If you got 4-5, That’s good.
• If you got 3 and below, try your best in the next activity.
Let’s Remember This
Finely divided rock mixed
with decayed vegetable or
animal matter
to make dirty
anything worthless
to decline to do
The Blue LadyThe Blue LadyThe Blue LadyThe Blue Lady
by Karleen Bradford
Let’s Test Ourselves
Getting Ready
Look at the picture. What is the girl doing? Do you think
the horse is her pet? Why or why not? Read the title of the
selection. What is a blue lady? Who could be the blue lady in
the selection? Read to find out.
Betsy shifted her weight in the saddle and glanced impatiently
at her cousin Jeremy riding beside her. She was itching to be off.
“You’re much too slow, Jeremy,” she called finally, and
spurred Pickles into a gallop. He seemed as eager for a run as she
Describe Betsy. What was she doing? Who was with her? Where
were they? What was making her feel uneasy as she came into
the pond? Would the other girl speak to her? Read on.
Did the other girl speak to Betsy? What did she hear instead?
What did she see on the other side of the pond? What happened
to the image after Betsy had called Jeremy? Would Betsy bother
to think about the image? Find out.
Betsy made up her mind that she wouldn’t mention her ‘blue
lady’ again, but that evening, when she was sitting in front of the fire
in her aunt’s cottage, she asked, “Aunt Jane, are there any legends
about Epping Forest?”
“Lots of them, Betsy,” her aunt replied. “That forest belongs to
Did Betsy bother think about the image? Why did Jeremy tease
her? Who did Betsy ask about the legends of the Epping Forest?
What information did she get? Why did her heart begin to
thump? What would Aunt Jane show her? Read on.
What did Aunt Jane show her? How did Betsy react? How did
Aunt Jane take Betsy’s story? Who was the lady? What would be
the lady’s sad little story? Find out.
Betsy looked at the sad face in the painting. She jumped
when Jeremy’s voice broke in. “Why…she looks like you, Betsy.”
Quickly Betsy turned the little portrait face down. As she did
so, she caught sight of a name inscribed on the back. “it says
‘Elizabeth’ here, Aunt Jane,” she cried.
“Of course, dear,” her aunt replied. “That was her name. she
was probably named after the Queen.”
“But that’s my name, too. Betsy’s just a nickname.” Aunt Jane
took the portrait back with a worried look at Betsy’s trembling
hands. She wrapped it up again carefully and put it away. “My
goodness, Betsy,” she said, “I’d never have told you the story if I’d
known it would upset you like this. Now, off to bed with you and
don’t think of it again.”
Nevertheless, as Betsy lay upstairs in the dark, she couldn’t
think of anything else.
What was the lady’s sad story? What did Jeremy notice about
the face of the girl in the painting? What did Betsy find out at the
back of it? How did Aunt Jane explain it? How upset was Betsy?
Would Betsy go riding again? Read on.
“Shall we go riding today? Jeremy asked after lunch. “Or are
you afraid you’ll meet your ‘blue lady’ again?” he teased.
“I’m not afraid,” Betsy began indignantly, but Jeremy had
already run upstairs, laughing, to change his clothes.
The sunlight that filtered down through the thick branches of
the trees glistened on the wet leaves. Underfoot the birds were
unusually silent. All that Jeremy and Betsy could hear was the
occasional spatter of drops being shaken down from the branches
overhead and the squelch of the horses’ hooves in the deep mud. The
mood of the forest seemed to press down upon them, and gradually
they, too, stopped talking and became silent.
Betsy sat loosely in her saddle, reins slack-it was too wet to
think of galloping today. Jeremy had trotted a little way ahead, when
a slight sound startled her. It was a horn. Betsy reined Pickles in to
hear better. There it was again. Now she could hear dogs barking
and other horns joining in.
“Jeremy,” she called, “I can hear the horns and the dogs
This time I am going to see them, she thought, and before
Jeremy could answer, she had wheeled Pickles around and was
tearing back the way they had come, completely forgetting about the
Did Betsy go riding again? Describe the atmosphere in the forest
that particular day. What did Betsy hear? Did she tell Jeremy
about it? What would Betsy do? Find out.
As they broke through a thick clump trees, she saw a deep
gully right in their path, but at the speed they were going, there was
no way to avoid it. She screamed as Pickles reared up in a desperate
attempt to stop; then the horse slid over the edge. As they fell, Betsy
felt the whole weight of the horse come down on her leg; then she
was rolling and rolling down the steep bank.
What did Betsy do? What happened to her and Pickles? Where
did she fall? How much was she hurt? Did she fall asleep? What
did she see when she opened her eyes? Who could the figure be?
Who was the figure? What did Betsy try to do? Whose voices did
she hear? Who picked her up from the gully? What news did she
get about Pickles? What did Betsy tell her cousin upon reaching
home? How would Jeremy react?
“I’m not laughing anymore,” Jeremy answered seriously.
“When I couldn’t find you, I rode home as fast as I could for help.
We searched for you, but by the time it began to get dark, we were
getting pretty desperate. We had just come to the path by the pond
when I saw a girl on a white horse. I thought it was you, and I called,
Look at each number in parenthesis. Find the paragraph with the
same number in the story. See how the word is used in the paragraph
and decide what it means. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. trail (2)
a. the track or traces left by an animal or person
b. to pull along behind me
2. reflection (3)
a. the production of an image by or as if by a mirror
b. an opinion arrived at after meditating
3. front (8)
How did Jeremy react? What did Jeremy and his companions
experience while searching for Betsy? How are they able to find
Betsy? If you were one of Betsy’s friends, would you believe her
story? Why? Should one believe in legends? What lesson did the
incident teach Betsy and Jeremy?
Let’s Test Ourselves
a. the foremost part or surface of anything
b. the scene of a particular activity
4. drawer (13)
a. a boxlike receptacle for clothes, papers, among others
b. someone who draws
5. sight (22)
a. something seen
b. the power of seeing
6. story (24)
a. an amusing anecdote
b. an account of something that has happened, usually one that
people tell each other
7. change (28)
a. to take off your clothes and put on different ones
b. coins of small denomination
8. horn (31)
a. an instrument for making loud warning noises
b. a hard-pointed part of the head of some animals
9. bank (33)
a. a place where money is kept
b. the rising ground bordering a lake
10. party (39)
a. a gathering
b. a group of people united by a cause
• Are you done?
• Look at the Answer Key to check your answers.
• How much did you get? __________
• If your score is 8-10, “Excellent”, proceed directly to the next
• If your score is 5-7, answer the next activity, “Let’s Enrich
• If your score is 4 and below, review the whole module.
Directions: Circle the correct definition of the bold word in each
sentence. The first one has been done for you.
1. Try to flag down a car to get
us some help!
to signal to stop
cloth used as symbol
2. We listened to the band play
the National Anthem
group of musicians
a binding or tie
3. He was the sole survivor of
the plane crash.
bottom of the foot
one and only
4. I am going to pound the nail
with this hammer.
to hit hard
a unit of weight
5. He lived on what little game
he could find in the woods.
animals for hunting
form of entertainment
6. We are going to book the
midnight flight from Miami.
to reserve in advance
a written work
7. The pitcher looked toward
the first base before
throwing the ball.
baseball team member
container for pouring
8. My grandfather and I played
a game of checkers last
animals for hunting
form of entertainment
9. They raise the flag over City
Hall every morning.
to signal to stop
cloth used as symbol
• Are you done?
• Look at the Answer Key again to check the answers.
• Congratulations! Job well done! Proceed to the next module.
Let’s Enrich
Let’s Do This
1. a 5. b
2. c 6. a
3. c 7. b
4. b 8. c
Let’s Do More
1. a 5. b
2. b 6. a
3. b 7. a
4. a 8. b
Let’s Test Ourselves Let’s Enrich Ourselves
1. a 1. to signal to stop
2. a 2. group of musicians
3. a 3. one and only
4. a 4. to hit hard
5. a 5. animals for hunting
6. b 6. to reserve in advance
7. a 7. baseball team member
8. a 8. form of entertainment
9. b 9. cloth used as symbol
10. b
Answer Key

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Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 11 pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Filipino 6 dlp 11   pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuroFilipino 6 dlp 11   pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Filipino 6 dlp 11 pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 10 mga pangyayari, pagsunud-sunurin natin
Filipino 6 dlp 10   mga pangyayari, pagsunud-sunurin natinFilipino 6 dlp 10   mga pangyayari, pagsunud-sunurin natin
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Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 7 pormularyong pampaaralan sagutin
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Alice Failano
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Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 6 Id at kard ng pang-aklatan sagutin
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Alice Failano
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Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 3 halina't gumawa ng babala
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English 6-dlp-7-words-with-multiple-meaning

  • 2. 71 Dear Learner, Did you enjoy working on your previous module? I am very sure you had fun answering the exercises and did a terrific job. Let us move on to another learning activity. I know that you are very much ready to learn more. In your previous module you have already learned about suffixes. In this module you will learn many English words that have more than one meaning. This module will help you enrich your vocabulary by learning several meanings of simple words. Even though they are spelled alike and sound alike, such words have separate entries in the dictionary. Read each sentence below and notice the underlined word. Find the entry above that tells what the word means. Write a or b in the blank provided. make a. to begin an action b. manner of construction ______ 1. Mikey and Tommy make good kites. ______ 2. The make of their kites is strong and beautiful. To the Learner Let’s Try This Let’s Learn This
  • 3. 72 branch a. part of a tree b. a section, department, or division of an organization ______ 3. Can you name the three branches of our government? ______ 4. The branch of the tree bends dangerously under Mikey’s weight. guide a. one who leads b. to manage or direct _______ 5. Tommy held the other end of the kite to guide it upward. _______ 6. Since Tommy was new in the place, Mikey served as his guide. • Are you done? • Let’s see if we have the same answers. 1. a 3. b 5. b 2. b 4. a 6. a Read the Poem Let’s Study This
  • 4. 73 Woodman, Spare That Tree! by George Pope Morris 1. Woodman, spare that tree! Touch not a single bough! In youth it sheltered me, And I’ll protect it now. T’was my forefather’s hand That placed it near his cot; There, woodman let it stand, Thy axe shall harm it not! 2. That old familiar tree, Whose glory and renown And spread o’er the land and sea And wouldst thou hew it down? Woodman, forebear thy stroke! Cut not its earth-bound ties; O, spare that aged oak, Now towering to the skies 3. When but an idle boy I sought its grateful shade; In all their gushing joy Here, too, my sisters played My mother kissed me here; My father pressed my hand Forgive this foolish tear, But let that oak stand! 4. My heart-strings round thee cling, Close as thy bark, old friend! Here shall the wild bird sing And still thy branches bend. Old tree! The storm still brave! And, woodman, leave the spot; While I’ve a hand to save, Thy axe shall harm it not.
  • 5. 74 Directions: Give the meaning of each word below. Use the number in the parenthesis as guide in locating the stanza where the word is found. Then choose the meaning of each word and encircle its letter. The first one is done for you. 1. spare (1) a. to refrain from destroying b. not being used 2. single (1) a. not married b. relating to one of more parts 3. glory (2) a. praise, honor, or distinction extended b. to rejoice proudly or intensively 4. stroke (2) a. to rub gently in one direction b. a blow with weapon 5. towering (2) a. reaching to a great height b. impressively high or great 6. idle (3) a. doing nothing b. to spend time aimlessly 7. bark (3) a. short loud cry of a dog b. tough corky covering of a stem 8. stand (3) a. to rest, remain, or set upright b. a raised platform 9. spot (4) a. a blemish or stain b. an area in a surrounding 10. hand (3) a. a part of the forelimb b. lead, guide, assist • Are you done answering the exercises? Compare your answers with the correct answers below. What is the poet’s plea to the woodman? What promise does the poet make to the tree? Do you agree with the author? Why?
  • 6. 75 1. a 6. b 2. b 7. b 3. a 8. a 4. b 9. b 5. a 10. A • How many correct answers did you get? Let’s talk about it. o Sometimes, a word may have more than one meaning. (multiple meaning) o Some words have different meanings even though they are spelled alike and sound alike. Read the Poem. • Which dictionary meaning of pop fits the lines? Up we pop To reach the top • The dictionary you used may have listed at least three meanings: a. To make a sharp, explosive sound b. To move or go suddenly or quickly c. Related to a pervasive mass culture • Were you able to choose the right meaning? It’s letter _______. Sliding Marchette Chute Down the slide We ride, we ride Round we run, and then Up we pop To reach the top, Down we come again. b
  • 7. 76 Encircle the meaning that best fits the underlined word in each sentence. 1. Geraldine paused at the corner to pull up her knee socks. a. short stockings b. light shoe c. hard or violent blow 2. The rubber bands she was using to hold her socks up made her legs itch. a. parts of academic dresses b. musicians playing together c. things that bind 3. Two fingers poked right through the top of her left one. a. conical toy b. supreme, dominant c. upper part 4. She grabbed her books and crossed against traffic. a. crucified b. went across c. intermixture of breeds 5. The dog chewed up her gym suit. a. legal prosecution b. set of outer garments c. be good for 6. The oranges were more green than orange. a. reddish – yellow color b. evergreen tea c. small town Let’s Do This
  • 8. 7. She would eat baked ham from the night before. a. amateur b. thigh of hog salted and dried or cured c. village 8. Soap operas kept Anita glued to the TV set. a. cleansing agent b. rub, treat c. sentimental radio or television serial • Are you done? • Look at the Answer Key to check your answers. • What’s your score? • Write your score inside the umbrella. Match the italicized word with its meaning in the box opposite it. 1. Please watch our baggage for us a. observe attentively 2. She is wearing an expensive watch. b. timepiece 3. Some successful businesses starts from scratch. a. alight flesh wound 4. There’s a scratch on my arm. b. nothing 5. I have to run. It’s almost time for my class. a. small tear caused by unraveled thread 6. There’s run in my knitted blouse. b. go swiftly 7. We can bank on you to do all these. a. depend 8. We sat on the bank of the river. b. slope of land at the edge of a body of water Let’s Do More
  • 9. 78 Some words have multiple meanings. We can tell what their meanings are from the way they are used in the sentence. Study the following sentences with their meaning. a. Soil is a natural resource. b. Be sure not to soil your clothes. c. We place our refuse in the garbage containers. d. The offer is too good to refuse. • Are you done? • Look at the Answer Key again to check your answers. • If you got 6-8, That’s excellent. • If you got 4-5, That’s good. • If you got 3 and below, try your best in the next activity. Let’s Remember This Finely divided rock mixed with decayed vegetable or animal matter to make dirty anything worthless to decline to do
  • 10. 79 The Blue LadyThe Blue LadyThe Blue LadyThe Blue Lady by Karleen Bradford Let’s Test Ourselves Getting Ready Look at the picture. What is the girl doing? Do you think the horse is her pet? Why or why not? Read the title of the selection. What is a blue lady? Who could be the blue lady in the selection? Read to find out. 1 Betsy shifted her weight in the saddle and glanced impatiently at her cousin Jeremy riding beside her. She was itching to be off. 2 “You’re much too slow, Jeremy,” she called finally, and spurred Pickles into a gallop. He seemed as eager for a run as she
  • 11. 80 Describe Betsy. What was she doing? Who was with her? Where were they? What was making her feel uneasy as she came into the pond? Would the other girl speak to her? Read on. Did the other girl speak to Betsy? What did she hear instead? What did she see on the other side of the pond? What happened to the image after Betsy had called Jeremy? Would Betsy bother to think about the image? Find out. 8 Betsy made up her mind that she wouldn’t mention her ‘blue lady’ again, but that evening, when she was sitting in front of the fire in her aunt’s cottage, she asked, “Aunt Jane, are there any legends about Epping Forest?” 9 “Lots of them, Betsy,” her aunt replied. “That forest belongs to
  • 12. 81 Did Betsy bother think about the image? Why did Jeremy tease her? Who did Betsy ask about the legends of the Epping Forest? What information did she get? Why did her heart begin to thump? What would Aunt Jane show her? Read on. What did Aunt Jane show her? How did Betsy react? How did Aunt Jane take Betsy’s story? Who was the lady? What would be the lady’s sad little story? Find out.
  • 13. 21 Betsy looked at the sad face in the painting. She jumped when Jeremy’s voice broke in. “Why…she looks like you, Betsy.” 22 Quickly Betsy turned the little portrait face down. As she did so, she caught sight of a name inscribed on the back. “it says ‘Elizabeth’ here, Aunt Jane,” she cried. 23 “Of course, dear,” her aunt replied. “That was her name. she was probably named after the Queen.” 24 “But that’s my name, too. Betsy’s just a nickname.” Aunt Jane took the portrait back with a worried look at Betsy’s trembling hands. She wrapped it up again carefully and put it away. “My goodness, Betsy,” she said, “I’d never have told you the story if I’d known it would upset you like this. Now, off to bed with you and don’t think of it again.” 25 Nevertheless, as Betsy lay upstairs in the dark, she couldn’t think of anything else. What was the lady’s sad story? What did Jeremy notice about the face of the girl in the painting? What did Betsy find out at the back of it? How did Aunt Jane explain it? How upset was Betsy? Would Betsy go riding again? Read on.
  • 14. 83 27 “Shall we go riding today? Jeremy asked after lunch. “Or are you afraid you’ll meet your ‘blue lady’ again?” he teased. 28 “I’m not afraid,” Betsy began indignantly, but Jeremy had already run upstairs, laughing, to change his clothes. 29 The sunlight that filtered down through the thick branches of the trees glistened on the wet leaves. Underfoot the birds were unusually silent. All that Jeremy and Betsy could hear was the occasional spatter of drops being shaken down from the branches overhead and the squelch of the horses’ hooves in the deep mud. The mood of the forest seemed to press down upon them, and gradually they, too, stopped talking and became silent. 30 Betsy sat loosely in her saddle, reins slack-it was too wet to think of galloping today. Jeremy had trotted a little way ahead, when a slight sound startled her. It was a horn. Betsy reined Pickles in to hear better. There it was again. Now she could hear dogs barking and other horns joining in. 31 “Jeremy,” she called, “I can hear the horns and the dogs again!” 32 This time I am going to see them, she thought, and before Jeremy could answer, she had wheeled Pickles around and was tearing back the way they had come, completely forgetting about the Did Betsy go riding again? Describe the atmosphere in the forest that particular day. What did Betsy hear? Did she tell Jeremy about it? What would Betsy do? Find out. 33 As they broke through a thick clump trees, she saw a deep gully right in their path, but at the speed they were going, there was no way to avoid it. She screamed as Pickles reared up in a desperate attempt to stop; then the horse slid over the edge. As they fell, Betsy felt the whole weight of the horse come down on her leg; then she was rolling and rolling down the steep bank.
  • 15. 84 21 What did Betsy do? What happened to her and Pickles? Where did she fall? How much was she hurt? Did she fall asleep? What did she see when she opened her eyes? Who could the figure be? Who was the figure? What did Betsy try to do? Whose voices did she hear? Who picked her up from the gully? What news did she get about Pickles? What did Betsy tell her cousin upon reaching home? How would Jeremy react? 44 “I’m not laughing anymore,” Jeremy answered seriously. “When I couldn’t find you, I rode home as fast as I could for help. We searched for you, but by the time it began to get dark, we were getting pretty desperate. We had just come to the path by the pond when I saw a girl on a white horse. I thought it was you, and I called,
  • 16. 85 Look at each number in parenthesis. Find the paragraph with the same number in the story. See how the word is used in the paragraph and decide what it means. Encircle the letter of your answer. 1. trail (2) a. the track or traces left by an animal or person b. to pull along behind me 2. reflection (3) a. the production of an image by or as if by a mirror b. an opinion arrived at after meditating 3. front (8) How did Jeremy react? What did Jeremy and his companions experience while searching for Betsy? How are they able to find Betsy? If you were one of Betsy’s friends, would you believe her story? Why? Should one believe in legends? What lesson did the incident teach Betsy and Jeremy? Let’s Test Ourselves
  • 17. 86 a. the foremost part or surface of anything b. the scene of a particular activity 4. drawer (13) a. a boxlike receptacle for clothes, papers, among others b. someone who draws 5. sight (22) a. something seen b. the power of seeing 6. story (24) a. an amusing anecdote b. an account of something that has happened, usually one that people tell each other 7. change (28) a. to take off your clothes and put on different ones b. coins of small denomination 8. horn (31) a. an instrument for making loud warning noises b. a hard-pointed part of the head of some animals 9. bank (33) a. a place where money is kept b. the rising ground bordering a lake 10. party (39) a. a gathering b. a group of people united by a cause • Are you done? • Look at the Answer Key to check your answers. • How much did you get? __________ • If your score is 8-10, “Excellent”, proceed directly to the next module. • If your score is 5-7, answer the next activity, “Let’s Enrich Ourselves.” • If your score is 4 and below, review the whole module.
  • 18. 87 Directions: Circle the correct definition of the bold word in each sentence. The first one has been done for you. 1. Try to flag down a car to get us some help! to signal to stop cloth used as symbol 2. We listened to the band play the National Anthem group of musicians a binding or tie 3. He was the sole survivor of the plane crash. bottom of the foot one and only 4. I am going to pound the nail with this hammer. to hit hard a unit of weight 5. He lived on what little game he could find in the woods. animals for hunting form of entertainment 6. We are going to book the midnight flight from Miami. to reserve in advance a written work 7. The pitcher looked toward the first base before throwing the ball. baseball team member container for pouring 8. My grandfather and I played a game of checkers last night. animals for hunting form of entertainment 9. They raise the flag over City Hall every morning. to signal to stop cloth used as symbol • Are you done? • Look at the Answer Key again to check the answers. • Congratulations! Job well done! Proceed to the next module. Let’s Enrich Ourselves
  • 19. 88 Let’s Do This 1. a 5. b 2. c 6. a 3. c 7. b 4. b 8. c Let’s Do More 1. a 5. b 2. b 6. a 3. b 7. a 4. a 8. b Let’s Test Ourselves Let’s Enrich Ourselves 1. a 1. to signal to stop 2. a 2. group of musicians 3. a 3. one and only 4. a 4. to hit hard 5. a 5. animals for hunting 6. b 6. to reserve in advance 7. a 7. baseball team member 8. a 8. form of entertainment 9. b 9. cloth used as symbol 10. b Answer Key