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Dr. Najma Baseer
Associate Professor Anatomy
 Development of internal ear
 Development of utricle and semicircular canal
 Development of cochlea
 Development of organ of corti
 Development of middle ear
 Development of ossicles
 Development of external ear
 Around day 22 otic placodes formed in the head region
 lying behind the second pharyngeal arch.
 Ectoderm thickens each side of rhombencephalon
 Sides invaginate form otic/auditory vesicles (AKA otocysts)
Otic Placode @22nd day on
each side of hindbrain
Invaginatingplacode Oticpit Oticvesicle Forms membranous labyrinth
 Otocystic cells of vesicles differentiate into ganglion cells for vestibulocochlear/ statoacoustic
 Each vesicle divides, forming two components that will become membranous labyrinth
 Ventral component: forms saccule, cochlear duct (for hearing)
 Dorsal component: forms utricle, semicircular canals, endolymphatic duct (for balance)
• Flattened outpouchings appear on dorsal component/utricle of otic vesicle
• Central portion of their walls eventually disappear, semicircular canals develop
• Three pairs of SCD are formed –Ant/Post/Lat
• One end of SCD form dilatation (Crus Ampullare) and the other does not widen (Crus
• Because two crus nonampullare fuse, there will be 3 crus ampullare and 2 crus nonampullare
Week 6
 Saccule forms tubular outgrowth; cochlear duct
 Cochlear duct spirally penetrates mesenchyme
 Completes 2.5 turns by week 8
Week 7
 Cochlear duct cells give rise to spiral organ of Corti
 Cochlear duct remains connected to saccule via ductus
 Mesenchyme surrounding cochlear duct differentiates
into cartilaginous shell
Week 10
 Large vacuoles appear in cartilage
 Form two peri-lymphatic spaces
 Scala vestibuli
 Scala tympani
 Cochlear duct now separated from scala
vestibuli by vestibular membrane, from
scala tympani by basilar membrane
 Lateral wall of cochlear duct remains
attached to cartilage by spiral ligament
 Median angle of cochlear duct connected to
cartilaginous process called modiolus
 Within the cochlea, the specialized structure required for converting mechanical vibration into an
electrical signal occurs at the Organ Of Corti
 Epithelial cells of cochlear duct form two ridges
 Inner ridge gives rise to spiral limbus
 Outer ridge gives rise to sensory hair cells of
auditory system
 Tectorial membrane covers sensory cells while
attached to spiral limbus
 Composed of
 tympanic cavity
 Eustachian tube/Auditory tube
 Tympanic cavity develops from first pharyngeal
 Pouch expands, reaches floor of first
pharyngeal cleft
 Distal part of pouch widens, becomes primitive
tympanic cavity
 Proximal part remains narrow, becomes
auditory tube
 Appear during the first half of fetal life
 Remain embedded in mesenchyme until it dissolves in 8th month
 Derived from separate origins in the first and second arch mesenchyme.
Malleus and incus
 Derived from cartilage of first pharyngeal arch
 Tensor tympani muscle innervated by mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
 Derived from cartilage of second arch
 Stapedius muscle innervated by facial nerve
 In addition there are two muscles (tensor tympani and stapedius) formed from
arch mesenchyme.
 External ear is derived from 6 surface
hillocks (auricular hillocks), three on each of
pharyngeal arch 1 and 2.
 External auditory meatus derived from
dorsal portion of first pharyngeal cleft
 During third month, epithelial cells of
meatus' floor proliferate, form solid
epithelial plate (AKA meatal plug)
 During seventh month meatal plug
dissolves, creating definitive eardrum
 Meatal plug persists until birth -congenital
• Human embryonic head from week 5 (stage 14) through to week 8 (stage 23) showing development of
the auricular hillocks that will form the external ear.
• The adult ear is also shown indicating the part of the ear that each hillock contributes.
• develops from six aural hillocks: 3 on first pharyngeal arch and 3 on the second pharyngeal arch.
• Originally on neck, moves cranially during mandible development
 Ectodermal epithelial lining of auditory meatus
 Endodermal epithelial lining of tympanic cavity
 Intermediate mesoderm layer of connective tissue
 Auricle develops from six mesenchymal proliferations/auricular hillocks
at dorsal ends of first, second pharyngeal arches surrounding first
pharyngeal cleft
 These proliferations later fuse, form definitive auricle
Pharyngeal Arch Hillock Auricle Component
Arch 1 1 tragus
2 helix
3 cymba concha
Arch 2 4 concha
5 antihelix
6 antitragus
External ear simplified anatomy
At Birth Adult
Embryonic structures AdultDerivatives
Otic vesicle
Saccule, CD,Spiralganglion
Utricle, SCD, vestibular ganglionand
endolymphatic duct
Arch1 Malleus, Incus, Tensortympani
Arch2 Stapes, Stapedius
Pouch1 Middle ear cavity and auditorytube
Pharyngeal cleft1 External acousticmeatus
6auricularhillocks Pinna
 Middle of Week 4 to Middle of Week 8, Myelination of optic nerve continues after birth
Optic Grooves
Optic Vesicles
Optic Cups
[AKA Neuroectoderm]
 Day 22: begins with formation of optic grooves on both
sides of forebrain
 As neural tube closes, optic grooves form outpouchings
(optic vesicles)
 Optic vesicles grow out laterally from the
 The cavity of each optic vesicle is continuous with the
ventricular cavity of the diencephalon.
 The surface ectoderm will give rise to:
 Lens placode from which the lens will develop
 Epithelium of the cornea.
M & P 19 - 1
≈22 days
≈28 days
≈32 days
• Optic vesicles invaginate become double-
walled with an outer and an inner layer
separated by the intra-retinal space
• Optic vesicles form double layered optic
• Inferior surface of optic cup forms choroid
fissure pathway for hyaloid artery
• Week 7: choroid fissure closes, gives rise to
• Ectoderm cells elongate, form lens placode
• Lens placode invaginates, forms lens vesicle
M & P 19 - 1
≈22 days
≈28 days
≈32 days
• The proximal portion of the optic vesicle becomes
constricted to form the optic stalk which differentiates
into the optic nerve.
• Optic nerve is a fiber tract of the diencephalic portion of
the brain.
• The optic or choroid fissure is a linear indentation on
the ventral aspect of the developing optic cup and optic
• The blood vessels (hyaloid artery) travel in this fissure.
• The Optic Vesicles induce the surface ectoderm to form
the lens placode.
• It acquires a depression or lens pit which enlarges to
form the lens vesicle.
• The lens vesicle pinches off from the surface ectoderm
as the lens is formed.
M & P 19 - 3
Edges of the
• Optic nerve arises from optic stalk, which
connects optic cup to brain
• Optic or Choroid Fissure gradually closes
leaving a round opening facing the
developing lens, i.e. the PUPIL of the eye.
• OPTIC NERVE composed of the axons of the
ganglion cell layer of the neural retina
• As these axons proliferate, they obliterate
the lumen of the optic stalk.
• Central artery and vein of the retina end up
in the center of the optic nerve.
M & P 19 - 3
Edges of the
• Sheath of the optic nerve forms from surrounding
• It is continuous with the meninges of the brain
and the choroid/sclera of the eye.
• Increased intracranial pressure leads to swelling of
the optic disc, i.e. papilledema, because of the
continuity of these ensheathing membranes.
• Myelination of the optic nerve: incomplete at birth,
so it takes awhile for a newborn to really see their
visual world.
Contents of optic nerve
• Inner layer provides neuroglia, supports optic
nerve fibers
• Hyaloid artery later transforms into central artery
of retina
M & P 19 - 8
• Retina, Ciliary Body and
Iris develop from the
neuroectoderm of the optic
• Lens develops from surface
Note: Intraretinal space is eliminated by fusion of the
pigment layer with the neural layer of the retina.
Developing pigment
epithelium of the
retina [from outer
layer of optic cup]
Developing neural layer of
the retina [from inner layer of
optic cup]
Neural layer
of the retina
artery of
epithelium of
the retina
Ora serrata located
about here
•Outer layer of optic cup >> pigment layer of
•This developing layer has a strong
inductive influence on the development of
the neural retina, choroid and sclera.
•Inner layer of optic cup >> neural layer of
retina (rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion
•Intraretinal Space
•Ora Serrata = junction of neural retina
with ciliary body.
•Hyaloid artery & vein >> Central artery &
vein of retina.
•The portion of these vessels that lies within
the vitreous regresses during fetal life (“D”
in this slide) since the lens will become
avascular in the adult.
artery of
3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks
6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks
Neural layer
of the retina
layer of the
Optic Vesicle
Lens Lens
Inner layer of
optic cup
Outer layer
of optic cup
Ciliary Body
Central artery
of retina
Ora serrata located
about here
• Develop from the inner & outer layers of the optic cup -- anterior to the ora serrata.
• Pars iridica retinae: forms inner layer of Iris
• Pars ciliaris retinae: forms ciliary body
Three layers
• Outer, pigmented layer of optic cup
• Inner, neural layer of optic cup
• Richly vascularized connective
tissue layer containing pupillary muscles
• Sphincter, dilator pupillae develop
from ectoderm of optic cup
lens fibers
Anterior lens
Anterior chamber
[pigmented &
• Pigmented & non-pigmented layers of ciliary epithelium that cover the ciliary processes develop from the outer
& inner layers, respectively, of the optic cup.
• Ciliary muscle (smooth muscle) develops from surrounding mesenchyme.
3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks
6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks
layer of
the Lens
layer of
the Lens
within the
Optic Vesicle
Area of the
Note that
Remnants of
• lens placode  lens pit  lens
vesicle lens
• Lens placodes are not yet obvious
in “a”
• Inductive influence of the optic
vesicles contacting the surface
ectoderm causes the formation of
lens placodes
• Anterior layer of the lens vesicle
remains thin and forms the
subcapsular lens epithelium on
the anterior surface of the lens
• Posterior layer of the lens vesicle
gives rise to the primary lens
fibers which elongate to fill (and
eliminate) the lumen of the
• Primary lens fibers lose their
nuclei and must last a lifetime.
3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks
6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks
layer of
the Lens
layer of
the Lens
within the
Optic Vesicle
Area of the
Note that
Remnants of
• Lens epithelial cells in the
equatorial zone (or outer rim of
the lens) serve as a stem cell
population from which new
secondary lens fibers are formed
throughout life
• These secondary lens fibers are
added to the lateral aspects of
the primary fibers.
• The lens is avascular in the
adult; it depends upon diffusion
from the aqueous humor.
• Remnants of the hyaloid vessels
in “d” and “e”.
Central artery
of retina
Future Anterior
• Anterior Chamber appears as a space in the mesenchyme between the developing lens and cornea.
• Posterior Chamber forms as a
space in the mesenchyme
posterior to the developing iris
and anterior to the developing
• Both chambers are filled with
aqueous humor that is secreted by
the ciliary processes.
• Vitreous Body is transparent and
gelatinous; it differentiates from
mesenchyme lying between the
lens and retina.
• Hyaloid Canal: Hyaloid vessels
that pass through the vitreous
early in development to supply the
posterior aspect of the lens vesicle,
regress during fetal life, leaving
behind the ‘hyaloid canal’.
plexus of the
choroid layer
Sheath of the
optic nerve
• Choroid and Sclera form from surrounding mesenchyme.
• Inner layer is the vascular & pigmented CHOROID. Comparable to pia-arachnoid.
• Outer layer is the tough SCLERA. Comparable to dura.
• Continuous with the sheath of the optic nerve, posteriorly.
Mesenchyme Surface
3 layers of the
•Three layers of the cornea & conjunctiva
form at the most anterior aspect of the eye.
• Surface ectoderm induced by lens to
form the epithelium of the cornea &
• Stroma is derived from mesenchyme.
• Endothelium forms from the
mesenchymal lining of the anterior
Eyelids fused
by Wk 10
Eyelids re-opened
by ~26 wks.
Transverse folds of surface
ectoderm + mesenchyme
begin to form in Week 6.
• Muscles & Nerves of the Eyelids:
• Skeletal muscle
– Orbicularis oculi (2nd arch; facial)
– Levator palpebrae superioris (pre-otic myotomes;
• Smooth muscle
– Superior tarsal (mesenchyme; sympathetics)
Balloon-Like Congenital Cataract
Congenital Familial Central Cataract
• Rubella infection of mom at 4 - 7 wks gestation
• Hereditary
• Malnutrition
• Chromosomal abnormalities
• Radiation
• Galactosemia
Lens becomes opaque during intrauterine life.
• Disruption of the adhesion between the neural and pigmented layers of the retina.
• These examples in the adult.
• During development, congenital detached retina appears to be:
• due to failure of the retinal layers to fuse and obliterate the intraretinal space.
• caused by unequal growth of the eye.
Iris of right eye
Iris of right eye
A. Disturbed development of the levator palpebrae
superioris and/or its oculomotor (GSE) innervation.
B. Surgically corrected
C. Autosomal dominant trait
Iris of right eye
Iris of right eye
• Defective closure of the choroid or optic fissure
• Position: infero-nasal quadrant reflective of the
location of the optic fissure during development
Iris of right eye
Iris of right eye
Iris of right eye
Retina of right eye

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  • 1. Dr. Najma Baseer MBBS, MHPE, PhD Associate Professor Anatomy IBMS, KMU
  • 2.  Development of internal ear  Development of utricle and semicircular canal  Development of cochlea  Development of organ of corti  Development of middle ear  Development of ossicles  Development of external ear
  • 3.  Around day 22 otic placodes formed in the head region  lying behind the second pharyngeal arch.  Ectoderm thickens each side of rhombencephalon  Sides invaginate form otic/auditory vesicles (AKA otocysts) Otic Placode @22nd day on each side of hindbrain Invaginatingplacode Oticpit Oticvesicle Forms membranous labyrinth
  • 4.
  • 5.  Otocystic cells of vesicles differentiate into ganglion cells for vestibulocochlear/ statoacoustic ganglia  Each vesicle divides, forming two components that will become membranous labyrinth  Ventral component: forms saccule, cochlear duct (for hearing)  Dorsal component: forms utricle, semicircular canals, endolymphatic duct (for balance)
  • 6. • Flattened outpouchings appear on dorsal component/utricle of otic vesicle • Central portion of their walls eventually disappear, semicircular canals develop • Three pairs of SCD are formed –Ant/Post/Lat • One end of SCD form dilatation (Crus Ampullare) and the other does not widen (Crus Nonampulare) • Because two crus nonampullare fuse, there will be 3 crus ampullare and 2 crus nonampullare
  • 7. Week 6  Saccule forms tubular outgrowth; cochlear duct  Cochlear duct spirally penetrates mesenchyme  Completes 2.5 turns by week 8 Week 7  Cochlear duct cells give rise to spiral organ of Corti  Cochlear duct remains connected to saccule via ductus reunions  Mesenchyme surrounding cochlear duct differentiates into cartilaginous shell Week 10  Large vacuoles appear in cartilage  Form two peri-lymphatic spaces  Scala vestibuli  Scala tympani
  • 8.  Cochlear duct now separated from scala vestibuli by vestibular membrane, from scala tympani by basilar membrane  Lateral wall of cochlear duct remains attached to cartilage by spiral ligament  Median angle of cochlear duct connected to cartilaginous process called modiolus
  • 9.  Within the cochlea, the specialized structure required for converting mechanical vibration into an electrical signal occurs at the Organ Of Corti  Epithelial cells of cochlear duct form two ridges  Inner ridge gives rise to spiral limbus  Outer ridge gives rise to sensory hair cells of auditory system  Tectorial membrane covers sensory cells while attached to spiral limbus
  • 10.
  • 11.  Composed of  tympanic cavity  Eustachian tube/Auditory tube  Tympanic cavity develops from first pharyngeal pouch/endoderm  Pouch expands, reaches floor of first pharyngeal cleft  Distal part of pouch widens, becomes primitive tympanic cavity  Proximal part remains narrow, becomes auditory tube
  • 12.  Appear during the first half of fetal life  Remain embedded in mesenchyme until it dissolves in 8th month  Derived from separate origins in the first and second arch mesenchyme. Malleus and incus  Derived from cartilage of first pharyngeal arch  Tensor tympani muscle innervated by mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve Stapes  Derived from cartilage of second arch  Stapedius muscle innervated by facial nerve  In addition there are two muscles (tensor tympani and stapedius) formed from arch mesenchyme.
  • 13.  External ear is derived from 6 surface hillocks (auricular hillocks), three on each of pharyngeal arch 1 and 2.  External auditory meatus derived from dorsal portion of first pharyngeal cleft  During third month, epithelial cells of meatus' floor proliferate, form solid epithelial plate (AKA meatal plug)  During seventh month meatal plug dissolves, creating definitive eardrum  Meatal plug persists until birth -congenital deafness
  • 14. • Human embryonic head from week 5 (stage 14) through to week 8 (stage 23) showing development of the auricular hillocks that will form the external ear. • The adult ear is also shown indicating the part of the ear that each hillock contributes. • develops from six aural hillocks: 3 on first pharyngeal arch and 3 on the second pharyngeal arch. • Originally on neck, moves cranially during mandible development
  • 15.  Ectodermal epithelial lining of auditory meatus  Endodermal epithelial lining of tympanic cavity  Intermediate mesoderm layer of connective tissue Auricle  Auricle develops from six mesenchymal proliferations/auricular hillocks at dorsal ends of first, second pharyngeal arches surrounding first pharyngeal cleft  These proliferations later fuse, form definitive auricle
  • 16. Pharyngeal Arch Hillock Auricle Component Arch 1 1 tragus 2 helix 3 cymba concha Arch 2 4 concha 5 antihelix 6 antitragus External ear simplified anatomy
  • 18. Embryonic structures AdultDerivatives Otic vesicle Saccularportion Utricularportion Saccule, CD,Spiralganglion Utricle, SCD, vestibular ganglionand endolymphatic duct Pharyngeal membrane1 Tympanicmembrane Arch1 Malleus, Incus, Tensortympani Arch2 Stapes, Stapedius Pouch1 Middle ear cavity and auditorytube Pharyngeal cleft1 External acousticmeatus 6auricularhillocks Pinna Middl ear Ext ear Internal ear
  • 19.
  • 20.  Middle of Week 4 to Middle of Week 8, Myelination of optic nerve continues after birth
  • 21. (Diencephalon)  Optic Grooves  Optic Vesicles  Optic Cups [AKA Neuroectoderm] Prosencephalon Neuroepithelium Lens Placode Optic Vesicle Mandibular Arch [diencephalon]  Day 22: begins with formation of optic grooves on both sides of forebrain  As neural tube closes, optic grooves form outpouchings (optic vesicles)  Optic vesicles grow out laterally from the diencephalon.  The cavity of each optic vesicle is continuous with the ventricular cavity of the diencephalon.  The surface ectoderm will give rise to:  Lens placode from which the lens will develop  Epithelium of the cornea.
  • 22. M & P 19 - 1 ≈22 days ≈28 days ≈32 days • Optic vesicles invaginate become double- walled with an outer and an inner layer separated by the intra-retinal space • Optic vesicles form double layered optic cups • Inferior surface of optic cup forms choroid fissure pathway for hyaloid artery • Week 7: choroid fissure closes, gives rise to pupil • Ectoderm cells elongate, form lens placode • Lens placode invaginates, forms lens vesicle
  • 23. M & P 19 - 1 ≈22 days ≈28 days ≈32 days • The proximal portion of the optic vesicle becomes constricted to form the optic stalk which differentiates into the optic nerve. • Optic nerve is a fiber tract of the diencephalic portion of the brain. • The optic or choroid fissure is a linear indentation on the ventral aspect of the developing optic cup and optic stalk. • The blood vessels (hyaloid artery) travel in this fissure. • The Optic Vesicles induce the surface ectoderm to form the lens placode. • It acquires a depression or lens pit which enlarges to form the lens vesicle. • The lens vesicle pinches off from the surface ectoderm as the lens is formed.
  • 24. M & P 19 - 3 Edges of the pupil • Optic nerve arises from optic stalk, which connects optic cup to brain • Optic or Choroid Fissure gradually closes leaving a round opening facing the developing lens, i.e. the PUPIL of the eye. • OPTIC NERVE composed of the axons of the ganglion cell layer of the neural retina • As these axons proliferate, they obliterate the lumen of the optic stalk. • Central artery and vein of the retina end up in the center of the optic nerve.
  • 25. M & P 19 - 3 Edges of the pupil • Sheath of the optic nerve forms from surrounding mesenchyme. • It is continuous with the meninges of the brain and the choroid/sclera of the eye. • Increased intracranial pressure leads to swelling of the optic disc, i.e. papilledema, because of the continuity of these ensheathing membranes. • Myelination of the optic nerve: incomplete at birth, so it takes awhile for a newborn to really see their visual world. Contents of optic nerve • Inner layer provides neuroglia, supports optic nerve fibers • Hyaloid artery later transforms into central artery of retina
  • 26. M & P 19 - 8 Mesenchyme • Retina, Ciliary Body and Iris develop from the neuroectoderm of the optic cup. • Lens develops from surface ectoderm
  • 27. Note: Intraretinal space is eliminated by fusion of the pigment layer with the neural layer of the retina. Developing pigment epithelium of the retina [from outer layer of optic cup] Developing neural layer of the retina [from inner layer of optic cup] Neural layer of the retina Central artery of retina Intraretinal space Pigment epithelium of the retina A B C D Mesenchyme Ora serrata located about here •Outer layer of optic cup >> pigment layer of retina •This developing layer has a strong inductive influence on the development of the neural retina, choroid and sclera. •Inner layer of optic cup >> neural layer of retina (rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells) •Intraretinal Space •Ora Serrata = junction of neural retina with ciliary body. •Hyaloid artery & vein >> Central artery & vein of retina. •The portion of these vessels that lies within the vitreous regresses during fetal life (“D” in this slide) since the lens will become avascular in the adult. Hyaloid artery of retina
  • 28. 3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks 6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks Neural layer of the retina Pigment epithelium layer of the retina Optic Vesicle Intraretinal space Lens Vesicle Lens Lens Lens Pit Lens Mesenchyme Diencephalon Inner layer of optic cup Outer layer of optic cup Optic Cup
  • 29. Ciliary Body Central artery of retina A B C D Lens Lens Lens Lens Iris Mesenchyme Ora serrata located about here Iris NEXT SLIDE • Develop from the inner & outer layers of the optic cup -- anterior to the ora serrata. • Pars iridica retinae: forms inner layer of Iris • Pars ciliaris retinae: forms ciliary body Three layers • Outer, pigmented layer of optic cup • Inner, neural layer of optic cup • Richly vascularized connective tissue layer containing pupillary muscles • Sphincter, dilator pupillae develop from ectoderm of optic cup
  • 30. From mesenchyme Primary (posterior) lens fibers Anterior lens fibers Anterior chamber Posterior chamber Ciliary epithelium [pigmented & non-pigmented • Pigmented & non-pigmented layers of ciliary epithelium that cover the ciliary processes develop from the outer & inner layers, respectively, of the optic cup. • Ciliary muscle (smooth muscle) develops from surrounding mesenchyme.
  • 31. 3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks 6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks Lens Lens Pit Lens Anterior layer of the Lens Posterior layer of the Lens Lumen within the Lens Vesicle Mesenchyme Optic Vesicle Diencephalon Area of the Lens Placode Note that lumen disappears Remnants of hyaloid vessels • lens placode  lens pit  lens vesicle lens • Lens placodes are not yet obvious in “a” • Inductive influence of the optic vesicles contacting the surface ectoderm causes the formation of lens placodes • Anterior layer of the lens vesicle remains thin and forms the subcapsular lens epithelium on the anterior surface of the lens • Posterior layer of the lens vesicle gives rise to the primary lens fibers which elongate to fill (and eliminate) the lumen of the vesicle. • Primary lens fibers lose their nuclei and must last a lifetime.
  • 32. 3.5 wks 4 wks 5 wks 6 wks 6.5 wks 8 wks Lens Lens Pit Lens Anterior layer of the Lens Posterior layer of the Lens Lumen within the Lens Vesicle Mesenchyme Optic Vesicle Diencephalon Area of the Lens Placode Note that lumen disappears Remnants of hyaloid vessels • Lens epithelial cells in the equatorial zone (or outer rim of the lens) serve as a stem cell population from which new secondary lens fibers are formed throughout life • These secondary lens fibers are added to the lateral aspects of the primary fibers. • The lens is avascular in the adult; it depends upon diffusion from the aqueous humor. • Remnants of the hyaloid vessels in “d” and “e”.
  • 33. Vitreous Central artery of retina Hyaloid canal Irido-pupillary membrane Irido-pupillary membrane Posterior chamber Posterior chamber Future Anterior chamber Anterior chamber Anterior chamber Mesenchyme Hyaloid artery [aqueous humor] [aqueous humor] [aqueous humor] [aqueous humor] • Anterior Chamber appears as a space in the mesenchyme between the developing lens and cornea. • Posterior Chamber forms as a space in the mesenchyme posterior to the developing iris and anterior to the developing lens. • Both chambers are filled with aqueous humor that is secreted by the ciliary processes. • Vitreous Body is transparent and gelatinous; it differentiates from mesenchyme lying between the lens and retina. • Hyaloid Canal: Hyaloid vessels that pass through the vitreous early in development to supply the posterior aspect of the lens vesicle, regress during fetal life, leaving behind the ‘hyaloid canal’.
  • 34. Vascular plexus of the choroid layer Sclera Mesenchyme Sheath of the optic nerve • Choroid and Sclera form from surrounding mesenchyme. • Inner layer is the vascular & pigmented CHOROID. Comparable to pia-arachnoid. • Outer layer is the tough SCLERA. Comparable to dura. • Continuous with the sheath of the optic nerve, posteriorly.
  • 35. Epithelium Mesenchyme Surface Ectoderm 3 layers of the cornea Stroma Endothelium •Three layers of the cornea & conjunctiva form at the most anterior aspect of the eye. • Surface ectoderm induced by lens to form the epithelium of the cornea & conjunctivum. • Stroma is derived from mesenchyme. • Endothelium forms from the mesenchymal lining of the anterior chamber.
  • 37. Eyelids fused by Wk 10 Mesenchyme Surface Ectoderm Eyelids re-opened by ~26 wks. Transverse folds of surface ectoderm + mesenchyme begin to form in Week 6. • Muscles & Nerves of the Eyelids: • Skeletal muscle – Orbicularis oculi (2nd arch; facial) – Levator palpebrae superioris (pre-otic myotomes; oculomotor) • Smooth muscle – Superior tarsal (mesenchyme; sympathetics)
  • 38. Balloon-Like Congenital Cataract Congenital Familial Central Cataract Etiologies: • Rubella infection of mom at 4 - 7 wks gestation • Hereditary • Malnutrition • Chromosomal abnormalities • Radiation • Galactosemia Lens becomes opaque during intrauterine life.
  • 39. • Disruption of the adhesion between the neural and pigmented layers of the retina. • These examples in the adult. • During development, congenital detached retina appears to be: • due to failure of the retinal layers to fuse and obliterate the intraretinal space. • caused by unequal growth of the eye. Iris of right eye Retina Iris of right eye
  • 40. A. Disturbed development of the levator palpebrae superioris and/or its oculomotor (GSE) innervation. B. Surgically corrected C. Autosomal dominant trait Iris of right eye Retina Iris of right eye A B
  • 41. • Defective closure of the choroid or optic fissure • Position: infero-nasal quadrant reflective of the location of the optic fissure during development Iris of right eye Iris of right eye Iris of right eye Retina of right eye