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Presented by: Divakar vasudev
PG first year.
Guided By: Dr . Hitesh
1. Fertilization
2. Morula
3. Germ layer and their fates
4. Pharyngeal arches
5. Facial structures
 Nose
 Cheeks
 Eyes
 External ear
 Nasal cavities
 Palate
 Tounge
Cells formed as described above
undergoes series of divisions.
One Cell divides to 2 cell stage
embryo followed by 3 cell 4 cell
stage and then 5 cell stage ., etc .
This process of subdivision of
ovum into smaller cells is called
16 cell Stage
Inner cell
Conversion of morula into Blastocyst
Function of Zona Pellucida
 It Prevents the Embryo from sticking to the
Epithelium when it travel down from uterine tube
 Zona pellucida disappears soon after the morula
reaches the utrine lumen.
 ZP prevents the implantation of blastocycst at
abnormal site.
Formation of germ layers
 Some of inner cell mass differentiate into
flattened cells that comes into line its free surface
, which constitute the endoderm ( some says that
these are hypoblastic cells ) first germ layer to
be formed.
 Remaining cells becomes columnar , form the
second germ layer, the ectoderm ( some says
these cells as epiblastic cells ) .
 There is formation of Amniotic cavity, filled by amniotic
fluid. The roof of the cavity is formed by amniogenic
cells . While the floor is formed by ectoderm
Flattened cells arising from endoderm spread and line
the inside of the blastocystic cavity, which is called as
primary yolk sac .
 Cells of the trophoblast give origin to a mass of cells
as called as extraembryonic mesoderm.
 Small cavities appear in the extra-embryonic
mesoderm , Gradually they enlarge to form a larger
cavity called as extra embryonic coelom .
 With its formation EEM splits into 2 parts parietal
EEM and Visceral EEM
 The unsplit part of EEM will for the future connecting
 Formation of prochordal plate – Near the margin of
disc , the cubical cells of Endoderm becomes
columnar , this is called as prochordal plate
 Soon after the formation of PP at the tail end there
is formation of primitive streak.
DAY 14
DAY 16
 DAY 16 th : Intra embryonic mesoderm
 Cells proliferate in the region of PS pass
sideways , pushing themselves in between
ectoderm and endoderm , and forms IEM
 Appearance of Bucco pharyngeal and Cloacal
 In region of prochordal plate, the ectoderm and
endoderm remain in contact ,there is no mesoderm in
the prochordal plate so it remain thin and later forms
buccopharyngeal membrane.
 In the area caudal to the primitive streak , ectoderm
and endoderm remain in contact , and it will form
cloacal membrane.Bucco pharyngeal
membranePrimitive streak
 (A) Lining epithelium
 Skin, Including pigment cells
 Mucous membrane of lips, cheeks, gums, part of the
floor of he mouth, part of palate, nasal cavities and
paranasal sinuses.
 Anterior epithelium of cornea, epithelium of conjuctiva,
epithelial layers of ciliary body and iris.
 Outer layer of tympanic memebrane; epithelial lining of
membranous labyrinth including the special end
 (B) Glands
 Exocrine : Sweat glands, Sebaceous glands, parotid ( and
other slivary glands ?), lacrimal gland.
 Endocrine: Hyophysis cerebri, adrenal medulla.
 (C) Other Derivates
 Nails.
 Hairs
 Enamel of teeth.
 Lens of eye; musculature of iris.
 Nervous system including all neurons, neuroglia ( except
mircoglia), and schwann cells ( from neural crest).
 Substance of cornea, sclera and chororids (from neural
 (a) Lining epithelia.
 Epithelium of part of the mouth, part of the palate,
tounge, tonsil, Pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small
and large intestine and upper part of anal canal.
 Epithelium of pharyngo-tympanic tube, middle ear,
inner layer of tympanic membrane, mastoid antrum
and air cells.
 Epithelium of respiratory tract.
 (b) Glands.
 Thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
 All connective tissues including loose areolar tissue
filling the interstices between other tissues,
superficial and deep fasica, ligaments, tendons,
aponeuroses, and the dermis of the skin.
 Specialized connective tissue like adipose tissue,
reticular tissue , cartilage and bone.
 Dentine of teeth.
 All muscles (smooth, striated and cardiac) except the
musculature of the iris (ectoderm) and ciliary
muscles ( neural crest?)
 These are the series of mesodermal thickning
appear around the cranial most part of the
foregut .
 Each of these bars grows ventrally in the floor of
the developing pharynx to fuse with the
corresponding bars of opposite side.
Mandibular arch
2nd arch
3rd arch
4th week (22nd day) :
Appereance of 1st and
2nd arches
5th week (29th days):
3rd and 4th arches
An arterial
Arch Cartilage derivates Nerve
Muscles derivate
First 1. It is called as Meckel’s cartilage.
2. INCUS and MALLEUS are derived
form dorsal end .
derived form ventral part from its
4. MESENCHYME forms the bones of
maxilla, mandible, zygomatic bone ,
palatine bone,part of temporal bone .
Mandibular Medial and lateral
pterygoids, Masseter,
Temporalis, Mylohyoid,
Anterior belly of
digastric,Tensor tympani,
Tensor palati
Second 1. Stapes,
2. Styloid process,
3. Stylohyoid ligament,
4. Lesser cornu of hyoid bone,
5. Superior part of body of hyoid bone.
Facial Muscles of face,
ylohyoid, Posterior belly of
digastric, Stapedius,
Auricular muscles.
Third 1. Greater cornu of hyoid bone,
2. Lower part of the body of the hyoid
Cartilage of layrnx Superior
Muscles of larynx and
 Caudal overgrowth of the second arch
gradually covers the 2nd, 3rd and 4th branchial
 Each of the 5 branchial arches contains a pair of blood
vessels that conduct blood from the heart to the brain and
to the posterior tissues through the arch tissues. These are
called aortic arches.
 After the formation of the pharyngeal arches, the
region of the neck is marked on the outside by
ectodermal clefts.
 The dorsal part of the first cleft develops into the
epithelial lining of the EAM
 The pinna is formed is formed from the swelling of
hillocks, that arise on the first and second arch.
 The second arch grows much faster than the
succeeding arches and comes to overhang them
and gets fused with these arches and side of the
neck becomes smooth.
Fate of pharyngeal pouches
 First pouch : Ventral part is obliterated by the
formation of tongue. Its dorsal part along with 2nd
pouch (dorsal part) together forms a diverticulum that
grows towards the region of developing ear called as
tubotympanic recess, its proximal part gives rise to
auditory tube and distal part forms the middle ear
cavity, including the tympanic antrum.
 Second pouch : ventral part forms the tonsil.
 Third pouch: parathyroid gland and thymus.
 Fourth pouch: superior parathyroid gland, thyroid
gland .
Down Growth of frontonasal process
At 4th week (28th day)
Appearance of Mandibular arch and
maxillary process
At 4th week (28th day) : The frontonasal,
maxillary and mandibular process can
be identified.
Lens and nasal placodes are also
5th week (31-35 days)
Nasal pits are
 Lower lip: Mandibular process grows towards each
other and fuse in a midline.
 Upper lip: Each maxillary process grows and fuse
with each other.
 Narrowing of Frontal nasal process
 Lateral part of the lip is formed from the maxillary
process (mesodermal base) .The overlying skin is
derived from ectoderm covering the process.
 Median part of the lip (philtrum) is formed from
frontonasal process. Ectoderm of maxillary process
however overgrows this mesoderm to meet that of
opposite maxillary process in the midline therefore
the skin of the entire upper lip is supplied by
maxillary nerves.
The muscles of face (including those of lips ) are derived
from mesoderm of the second branchial arch and are,
therefore supplied by facial nerve.
 Formed by the Frontonasal process, Medial Nasal
process, Lateral nasal process.
 Deeper part of Frontonasal process forms nasal
 Mesoderm becomes heaped up in the median
plane to form nose prominance.
 External nares goes and open downward.
 Maxillary process and mandibular process
undergoes further fusion with each other to form
 Appearance of naso-optic furrow or nasolacrimal
 Formation of nasolacrimal duct.
EYES (out line only)
 Lens placode (ectodermal thickening) appears on the
ventrolateral side of the developing forebrain.
 Lens placode sinks below the surface.
 The eyelids are derived from the folds of ectoderm that
are formed above and below the eyes, and by the
mesoderm enclosed with in the folds .
Process Stomatodeu
al process
7th week : Eye
lids are
established .
process fused
with medial
nasal process
8th week : Eyes
shift from lateral
to frontal
 It is formed around the dorsal part of first
ectodermal cleft.
 Appearance of a series of mesodermal
thickenings ( tubercles of hillocks) on the
mandibular and hyoid arches and they adjoin this
cleft , this forms pinna.
6th week :
Tubercles are
begins to form
 The External acoustic meatus is derived from the
dorsal part of the first ectodermal cleft.
 However, its deeper part is formed by the proliferation
of its lining epithelium, which grows towards the middle
ear. Anomalies of ear
Anomalies of the Auricle
1. The development of the auricle may get
arrested at any stage. As a result of this, it may
be totally, or partially absent; it may be
represented as isoated nodules ; or may be
very small . Alternatively it may be very large.
2. Migration of the auricle from its primitive caudo-
ventral position may remain incomplete. It is
associated with the mandibulofacial dysostosis.
Anomalies of External Auditory Meatus
1. There may be stenosis of the meatus over its
whole length or part of it. The lumen may be
closed with fibrous tissue, by cartilage , or by
2. The normal curvature of the meatus may be
accentuated as result of which the tympanic
membrane cannot be fully seen from the
Formation of various parts of face involves the fusion of the
diverse components. This fusion is occasionally incomplete
and gives rise to various anomalies.
1. Cleft lip
When maxillary process do not fuse with the medial nasal
process, this gives cleft in the upper lip.
It may be unilateral or bilateral .
Defective part of lower most part of the frontonasal process
gives midline cleft in the upper lip.
When two mandibular process do not fuse with each other ,
lower lip shows midline cleft.
Cleft in the upper lip midline cleft in the upper
Oblique facial cleft
Non fusion of the maxillary and lateral
nasal process gives rise to cleft running
From the medial angle of the eye to the
The nasolacrimal duct is not formed.
Inadequate fusion of the mandibular process
with the maxillary process leads
to abnormally wide mouth (macrostomia).
Too much fusion will give rise to microstomia.
The nose may be bifid.
This may be associated with median cleft lip.
Both these occur due to bifurcation of the frontonasal process.
Very rarely the nose forms a cylindrical projection,
or proboscis jutting out from just below the forehead.
It is usually associated with with fusion of the two eyes.
The entire first arch may remain
underdeveloped on one or more sides,
affecting the lower eyelid, the maxilla, the
mandible, and the external ear. The
prominence of cheek is absent and the ear
may be displaced ventrally and caudally.
There may be presence of cleft palate and of
faulty dentition. The condition is called
mandibulofacial dysostosis, Treacher
collins syndrome or first arch syndrome.
This is genetic condition inherited as
autosomal dominant.
One-half of the face may be underdeveloped
or overdeveloped.
The mandible may be small compared to the
rest of the face resulting in receding chin (
retrognathia). In extreme cases it may even
fail to develop ( agnathia).
Congenital tumors may be present in relation to the
face. These may represent attempts at duplication of
some part.
The eyes may be widely separated ( hypertelorism).
The nasal bridge may be broad. This condition
results from the presence of excessive tissue in the
fontonasal process.
The lips may show congenital pits or fistulae. The
lips may be double.
 The nasal cavities are
formed by extension of
the nasal pits.
 Nasal pits deepen to
form the nasal sacs,
which expand both
dorsally and caudally.
 Dorsal part of sac is, at
first separated from
stomatodaeum by a thin
membrane called the
bucconasal membrane.
This soon break down.
 Two nasal sacs are at first widely separated from
one another by frontonasal process, the
frontonasal process becomes progressively
 The intervening tissue becomes much thinned to
form the nasal septum.
 The lateral wall of the nose is derived, on each
side, from lateral nasal process. The nasal
conchae appear as elevations on the lateral wall
of each nasal cavity.
Anomalies of nasal cavity
1.Atresia of cavity. Very rarely may be total
absence of nasal passages.
2.Communication between the cranial and nasal
3.Deflection or absence of nasal septum.
4.Communication between mouth and nasal cavity.
 2 Palatal Processes : From each maxillary
process, a plate-like shelf grows medially called
as palatal process.
 Primitive palate ( premaxilla) : It is formed form
the frontonasal process.
 Mesoderm in the palate undergoes
intramembranous ossification to form the hard
palate. However ossification does not extend into
the most posterior portion, which remains as soft
10th week: palatal process
and nasal septum fuse with
each other
Cleft Palate
Defective fusion of various components of the palate
gives rise to clefts in the palate. These vary
considerably in degree. Clefts of the palate that
extend to its anterior end are associated with cleft
lip . These cleft may be unilateral and bilateral .
The palate is most susceptible between the 7th and
8th weeks.
Various types of cleft palate
 4th week
 2 lingual swellings at the medial most part of the
mandibular arches , tuberculum impar is the
another swelling present in between these 2
Laryngeal orifice
 Thyroglossal duct: It is deen immediately behind the
tuberculum impar , the epithelium proliferate to form a
downward growth which forms the thyroid gland.
 Hypobranchial eminence: Another midline swelling
seen in relation to the 2nd 3rd 4th arches.
 It has 2 parts cranial and caudal , caudal parts forms
the epiglottis.
 Second arch mesoderm gets burried below, and third
arch mesoderm grows over it and fuses with first arch.
 Second arch mesoderm gets burried below, and
third arch mesoderm grows over it and fuses with
first arch.
 Anterior 2/3rd of the tongue is derived from 1st arch , so
it is supplied by the lingual branch of mandibular
nerve (post –trematic branch of the first arch), and by
chorda tympani which is the (pre-trematic nerve of
this arch.)
 Posterior 1/3rd of tongue is supplied by the
glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the nerve of 3rd
 Most posterior part of the tongue is supplied by the
superior laryngeal nerve, nerve of 4th arch.
 Musculature of the tongue is derived from the occipital
 Epithelium of the tougue is made up of single layer of
cells first. Later it becomes stratified and papilla
becomes evident.
Anomalies of tongue
 Macroglossia ,Microglossia ,Aglossia
 Bifid tongue due to non fusion of lingual swelling.
 Ankyloglossia
 Persistence of the tuberculum impar, seen as red,
rhomboid-shape smooth zone.
 Presence of thyroid tissue in the tonuge
 Remnants of thyroglossal duct may form cyst in
the base of the tongue.
 Surface of the tongue may be fissured.
 The major salivary
glands (parotid,
submandibular and
sublingual) begin
development during 6th to
8th week.
 The parotid develops in
the lateral aspects of the
stomodeum, and the
submandibular and
sublingual develop in the
floor of the stomodeum.
 Each gland develops through growth from a bud
of oral epithelium into the underlying
 The epithelial buds differentiate into extensive
system of solid cords of cells which later form
lumen and become ducts.
 Minor salivary glands develop during the 3rd
prenatal month. They remain as separate acini
scattered in the connective tissue underlying the
oral mucosa.
 Failure of canalisation of ducts before acinar
secretion begins results in retention cysts.

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Devlopment of face and its abnormalites

  • 2. Presented by: Divakar vasudev PG first year. DEVLOPMENT OF FACE Guided By: Dr . Hitesh Hans Baweja.
  • 3. Contents 1. Fertilization 2. Morula 3. Germ layer and their fates 4. Pharyngeal arches 5. Facial structures  Nose  Cheeks  Eyes  External ear  Nasal cavities  Palate  Tounge
  • 5. CLEAVAGE Cells formed as described above undergoes series of divisions. One Cell divides to 2 cell stage embryo followed by 3 cell 4 cell stage and then 5 cell stage ., etc . This process of subdivision of ovum into smaller cells is called
  • 6. 16 cell Stage Trophoblas t Inner cell mass Conversion of morula into Blastocyst DAY 3 DAY 4
  • 7. Function of Zona Pellucida  It Prevents the Embryo from sticking to the Epithelium when it travel down from uterine tube  Zona pellucida disappears soon after the morula reaches the utrine lumen.  ZP prevents the implantation of blastocycst at abnormal site.
  • 8. Formation of germ layers  Some of inner cell mass differentiate into flattened cells that comes into line its free surface , which constitute the endoderm ( some says that these are hypoblastic cells ) first germ layer to be formed.  Remaining cells becomes columnar , form the second germ layer, the ectoderm ( some says these cells as epiblastic cells ) . DAY 8
  • 9.  There is formation of Amniotic cavity, filled by amniotic fluid. The roof of the cavity is formed by amniogenic cells . While the floor is formed by ectoderm Flattened cells arising from endoderm spread and line the inside of the blastocystic cavity, which is called as primary yolk sac .
  • 10.  Cells of the trophoblast give origin to a mass of cells as called as extraembryonic mesoderm.  Small cavities appear in the extra-embryonic mesoderm , Gradually they enlarge to form a larger cavity called as extra embryonic coelom .  With its formation EEM splits into 2 parts parietal EEM and Visceral EEM  The unsplit part of EEM will for the future connecting stalk.
  • 11.  Formation of prochordal plate – Near the margin of disc , the cubical cells of Endoderm becomes columnar , this is called as prochordal plate  Soon after the formation of PP at the tail end there is formation of primitive streak. DAY 14
  • 12. DAY 16  DAY 16 th : Intra embryonic mesoderm formation  Cells proliferate in the region of PS pass sideways , pushing themselves in between ectoderm and endoderm , and forms IEM
  • 13.  Appearance of Bucco pharyngeal and Cloacal membrane  In region of prochordal plate, the ectoderm and endoderm remain in contact ,there is no mesoderm in the prochordal plate so it remain thin and later forms buccopharyngeal membrane.  In the area caudal to the primitive streak , ectoderm and endoderm remain in contact , and it will form cloacal membrane.Bucco pharyngeal membrane Cloacal membranePrimitive streak
  • 14. FOLDING OF THE EMBRYODAY 17, 19, 20, 21
  • 15. FATE OF GERM LAYERS  ECTODERM  (A) Lining epithelium  Skin, Including pigment cells  Mucous membrane of lips, cheeks, gums, part of the floor of he mouth, part of palate, nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses.  Anterior epithelium of cornea, epithelium of conjuctiva, epithelial layers of ciliary body and iris.  Outer layer of tympanic memebrane; epithelial lining of membranous labyrinth including the special end organs.
  • 16.  (B) Glands  Exocrine : Sweat glands, Sebaceous glands, parotid ( and other slivary glands ?), lacrimal gland.  Endocrine: Hyophysis cerebri, adrenal medulla.  (C) Other Derivates  Nails.  Hairs  Enamel of teeth.  Lens of eye; musculature of iris.  Nervous system including all neurons, neuroglia ( except mircoglia), and schwann cells ( from neural crest).  Substance of cornea, sclera and chororids (from neural crest?)
  • 17.  ENDODERM  (a) Lining epithelia.  Epithelium of part of the mouth, part of the palate, tounge, tonsil, Pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and upper part of anal canal.  Epithelium of pharyngo-tympanic tube, middle ear, inner layer of tympanic membrane, mastoid antrum and air cells.  Epithelium of respiratory tract.  (b) Glands.  Thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
  • 18.  MESODERM  All connective tissues including loose areolar tissue filling the interstices between other tissues, superficial and deep fasica, ligaments, tendons, aponeuroses, and the dermis of the skin.  Specialized connective tissue like adipose tissue, reticular tissue , cartilage and bone.  Dentine of teeth.  All muscles (smooth, striated and cardiac) except the musculature of the iris (ectoderm) and ciliary muscles ( neural crest?)
  • 19. Pharyngeal arches  These are the series of mesodermal thickning appear around the cranial most part of the foregut .  Each of these bars grows ventrally in the floor of the developing pharynx to fuse with the corresponding bars of opposite side. Mandibular arch 2nd arch Frontonasal prominenace Nasal placode Maxillary prominenace 3rd arch 4th week (22nd day) : Appereance of 1st and 2nd arches 5th week (29th days): 3rd and 4th arches
  • 21. DERIVATIVES OF THE SKELETAL, NERVE MUSCLE ELEMENTS Arch Cartilage derivates Nerve derivates Muscles derivate First 1. It is called as Meckel’s cartilage. 2. INCUS and MALLEUS are derived form dorsal end . 3. ANTERIOR LIGAMENT OF MALLEUS and SPHENOMANDIBULAR LIGAMENT derived form ventral part from its perichondrium. 4. MESENCHYME forms the bones of maxilla, mandible, zygomatic bone , palatine bone,part of temporal bone . Mandibular Medial and lateral pterygoids, Masseter, Temporalis, Mylohyoid, Anterior belly of digastric,Tensor tympani, Tensor palati Second 1. Stapes, 2. Styloid process, 3. Stylohyoid ligament, 4. Lesser cornu of hyoid bone, 5. Superior part of body of hyoid bone. Facial Muscles of face, Occipitofrontalis,Platysma,St ylohyoid, Posterior belly of digastric, Stapedius, Auricular muscles. Third 1. Greater cornu of hyoid bone, 2. Lower part of the body of the hyoid bone. Glossophary ngeal Stylopharyngeus Fourth Sixth Cartilage of layrnx Superior laryngeal Recurrent Muscles of larynx and pharynx.
  • 22. DEFECTS IN BRANCHIAL ARCH DEVLOPMENT  Caudal overgrowth of the second arch gradually covers the 2nd, 3rd and 4th branchial cleft. IF IT PERSISTS LEADS TO THE FORMATION OF CERVICAL CYST & FISTULA.
  • 24. VASCULATURE OF PHAYRENGEAL ARCHES  Each of the 5 branchial arches contains a pair of blood vessels that conduct blood from the heart to the brain and to the posterior tissues through the arch tissues. These are called aortic arches.
  • 25. FATE OF ECTODERMAL CLEFTS  After the formation of the pharyngeal arches, the region of the neck is marked on the outside by ectodermal clefts.  The dorsal part of the first cleft develops into the epithelial lining of the EAM  The pinna is formed is formed from the swelling of hillocks, that arise on the first and second arch.  The second arch grows much faster than the succeeding arches and comes to overhang them and gets fused with these arches and side of the neck becomes smooth.
  • 27.  First pouch : Ventral part is obliterated by the formation of tongue. Its dorsal part along with 2nd pouch (dorsal part) together forms a diverticulum that grows towards the region of developing ear called as tubotympanic recess, its proximal part gives rise to auditory tube and distal part forms the middle ear cavity, including the tympanic antrum.  Second pouch : ventral part forms the tonsil.  Third pouch: parathyroid gland and thymus.  Fourth pouch: superior parathyroid gland, thyroid gland .
  • 30. Down Growth of frontonasal process At 4th week (28th day)
  • 31. Appearance of Mandibular arch and maxillary process At 4th week (28th day) : The frontonasal, maxillary and mandibular process can be identified. Lens and nasal placodes are also
  • 32. FURTHER GROWTH AND APPEARENCE OF LENS AND NASAL PLACODE 5th week (31-35 days) Nasal pits are established.
  • 33. FACE  Lower lip: Mandibular process grows towards each other and fuse in a midline.  Upper lip: Each maxillary process grows and fuse with each other.  Narrowing of Frontal nasal process  Lateral part of the lip is formed from the maxillary process (mesodermal base) .The overlying skin is derived from ectoderm covering the process.  Median part of the lip (philtrum) is formed from frontonasal process. Ectoderm of maxillary process however overgrows this mesoderm to meet that of opposite maxillary process in the midline therefore the skin of the entire upper lip is supplied by maxillary nerves.
  • 34. DIAGRAM REPRESENTATION The muscles of face (including those of lips ) are derived from mesoderm of the second branchial arch and are, therefore supplied by facial nerve.
  • 35. NOSE  Formed by the Frontonasal process, Medial Nasal process, Lateral nasal process.  Deeper part of Frontonasal process forms nasal septum  Mesoderm becomes heaped up in the median plane to form nose prominance.  External nares goes and open downward.
  • 36.
  • 37. CHEEKS  Maxillary process and mandibular process undergoes further fusion with each other to form cheeks.  Appearance of naso-optic furrow or nasolacrimal sulcus.  Formation of nasolacrimal duct.
  • 38. EYES (out line only)  Lens placode (ectodermal thickening) appears on the ventrolateral side of the developing forebrain.  Lens placode sinks below the surface.  The eyelids are derived from the folds of ectoderm that are formed above and below the eyes, and by the mesoderm enclosed with in the folds . Nasal pits Maxillary process Mandibular Process Stomatodeu m Nasolacrimal groove Eye Frontonas al process 7th week : Eye lids are established . Maxillary process fused with medial nasal process .
  • 39. 8th week : Eyes shift from lateral to frontal position.
  • 40. EXTERNAL EAR  It is formed around the dorsal part of first ectodermal cleft.  Appearance of a series of mesodermal thickenings ( tubercles of hillocks) on the mandibular and hyoid arches and they adjoin this cleft , this forms pinna. 6th week : Tubercles are begins to form
  • 41.  The External acoustic meatus is derived from the dorsal part of the first ectodermal cleft.  However, its deeper part is formed by the proliferation of its lining epithelium, which grows towards the middle ear. Anomalies of ear Anomalies of the Auricle 1. The development of the auricle may get arrested at any stage. As a result of this, it may be totally, or partially absent; it may be represented as isoated nodules ; or may be very small . Alternatively it may be very large. 2. Migration of the auricle from its primitive caudo- ventral position may remain incomplete. It is associated with the mandibulofacial dysostosis. Anomalies of External Auditory Meatus 1. There may be stenosis of the meatus over its whole length or part of it. The lumen may be closed with fibrous tissue, by cartilage , or by bone. 2. The normal curvature of the meatus may be accentuated as result of which the tympanic membrane cannot be fully seen from the
  • 42. DEVELOPMENT ANOMALIES OF FACE Formation of various parts of face involves the fusion of the diverse components. This fusion is occasionally incomplete and gives rise to various anomalies. 1. Cleft lip When maxillary process do not fuse with the medial nasal process, this gives cleft in the upper lip. It may be unilateral or bilateral . Defective part of lower most part of the frontonasal process gives midline cleft in the upper lip. When two mandibular process do not fuse with each other , lower lip shows midline cleft.
  • 43. Cleft in the upper lip midline cleft in the upper
  • 44. Oblique facial cleft Non fusion of the maxillary and lateral nasal process gives rise to cleft running From the medial angle of the eye to the mouth. The nasolacrimal duct is not formed. Inadequate fusion of the mandibular process with the maxillary process leads to abnormally wide mouth (macrostomia).
  • 45. Too much fusion will give rise to microstomia.
  • 46. The nose may be bifid. This may be associated with median cleft lip. Both these occur due to bifurcation of the frontonasal process. Very rarely the nose forms a cylindrical projection, or proboscis jutting out from just below the forehead. It is usually associated with with fusion of the two eyes.
  • 47. The entire first arch may remain underdeveloped on one or more sides, affecting the lower eyelid, the maxilla, the mandible, and the external ear. The prominence of cheek is absent and the ear may be displaced ventrally and caudally. There may be presence of cleft palate and of faulty dentition. The condition is called mandibulofacial dysostosis, Treacher collins syndrome or first arch syndrome. This is genetic condition inherited as autosomal dominant. One-half of the face may be underdeveloped or overdeveloped.
  • 48. The mandible may be small compared to the rest of the face resulting in receding chin ( retrognathia). In extreme cases it may even fail to develop ( agnathia).
  • 49. Congenital tumors may be present in relation to the face. These may represent attempts at duplication of some part. The eyes may be widely separated ( hypertelorism). The nasal bridge may be broad. This condition results from the presence of excessive tissue in the fontonasal process. The lips may show congenital pits or fistulae. The lips may be double.
  • 50. NASAL CAVITIES  The nasal cavities are formed by extension of the nasal pits.  Nasal pits deepen to form the nasal sacs, which expand both dorsally and caudally.  Dorsal part of sac is, at first separated from stomatodaeum by a thin membrane called the bucconasal membrane. This soon break down.
  • 51.  Two nasal sacs are at first widely separated from one another by frontonasal process, the frontonasal process becomes progressively narrower.  The intervening tissue becomes much thinned to form the nasal septum.  The lateral wall of the nose is derived, on each side, from lateral nasal process. The nasal conchae appear as elevations on the lateral wall of each nasal cavity.
  • 52. Anomalies of nasal cavity 1.Atresia of cavity. Very rarely may be total absence of nasal passages. 2.Communication between the cranial and nasal cavity. 3.Deflection or absence of nasal septum. 4.Communication between mouth and nasal cavity.
  • 53. PALATE  2 Palatal Processes : From each maxillary process, a plate-like shelf grows medially called as palatal process.  Primitive palate ( premaxilla) : It is formed form the frontonasal process.  Mesoderm in the palate undergoes intramembranous ossification to form the hard palate. However ossification does not extend into the most posterior portion, which remains as soft palate. 10th week: palatal process and nasal septum fuse with each other
  • 54. Cleft Palate Defective fusion of various components of the palate gives rise to clefts in the palate. These vary considerably in degree. Clefts of the palate that extend to its anterior end are associated with cleft lip . These cleft may be unilateral and bilateral . The palate is most susceptible between the 7th and 8th weeks.
  • 55. Various types of cleft palate
  • 56. Tounge  4th week  2 lingual swellings at the medial most part of the mandibular arches , tuberculum impar is the another swelling present in between these 2 swellings. Lingual swellings Tuberculum impar Foramen caecum Hypobranch ial eminenceEpiglottal eminence Laryngeal orifice
  • 57.  Thyroglossal duct: It is deen immediately behind the tuberculum impar , the epithelium proliferate to form a downward growth which forms the thyroid gland.  Hypobranchial eminence: Another midline swelling seen in relation to the 2nd 3rd 4th arches.  It has 2 parts cranial and caudal , caudal parts forms the epiglottis.  Second arch mesoderm gets burried below, and third arch mesoderm grows over it and fuses with first arch.
  • 58.  Second arch mesoderm gets burried below, and third arch mesoderm grows over it and fuses with first arch.
  • 59.  Anterior 2/3rd of the tongue is derived from 1st arch , so it is supplied by the lingual branch of mandibular nerve (post –trematic branch of the first arch), and by chorda tympani which is the (pre-trematic nerve of this arch.)  Posterior 1/3rd of tongue is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the nerve of 3rd arch.  Most posterior part of the tongue is supplied by the superior laryngeal nerve, nerve of 4th arch.  Musculature of the tongue is derived from the occipital myotomes.  Epithelium of the tougue is made up of single layer of cells first. Later it becomes stratified and papilla becomes evident.
  • 60. Anomalies of tongue  Macroglossia ,Microglossia ,Aglossia  Bifid tongue due to non fusion of lingual swelling.  Ankyloglossia  Persistence of the tuberculum impar, seen as red, rhomboid-shape smooth zone.  Presence of thyroid tissue in the tonuge  Remnants of thyroglossal duct may form cyst in the base of the tongue.  Surface of the tongue may be fissured.
  • 61. DEVELOPMENT OF SALIVARY GLANDS  The major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) begin development during 6th to 8th week.  The parotid develops in the lateral aspects of the stomodeum, and the submandibular and sublingual develop in the floor of the stomodeum.
  • 62.  Each gland develops through growth from a bud of oral epithelium into the underlying mesenchyme.  The epithelial buds differentiate into extensive system of solid cords of cells which later form lumen and become ducts.  Minor salivary glands develop during the 3rd prenatal month. They remain as separate acini scattered in the connective tissue underlying the oral mucosa.  Failure of canalisation of ducts before acinar secretion begins results in retention cysts.

Editor's Notes

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