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Dermatology Review
(A Free Booklet Series by Dr. Aryan)
• This is the study material designed by Dr. Aryan with creation and compilation of the best
of the best and the most finest slides on the subject. I would like to offer a billion heartily
thanks for everyone who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of the material
through creation and dissemination of the scientific information.
• Covering everything in one study material is next to impossible. Hence, refer to gold
standard textbooks for building solid concepts or in case of any doubt. Textbooks are
acknowledged at the end of the presentation. If any source has been missed to
acknowledge, it doesn’t lessen their impact and contribution in any way.
• Don’t keep searching for pattern between the consecutive slides. You won’t find many.
Rather to boost your recall and review, I have constructed many slides and are deliberately
placed with no much relation between the preceding and the succeeding ones.
• The main rule of a review material is that it must make you recall or learn maximum
amount of information in minimum amount of time and space.
• Motivational quotes and articles are included within the slides. Always remember that
every good idea, nice piece of information and everything else is literally and absolutely
worthless unless you execute.
• If you know everything in the slides in much detail, you probably wouldn’t need this
Best of luck WORK & SUCCESS! Dr. Aryan
(Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
+ve in Pemphigus vulgaris, Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome & Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Bed side test for Psoriasis vulgairs
(Chronic Plaque Psoriasis)
• Grattage test
• Auspitz sign
• Well-defined, erythematous papules and plaques
• Surmounted by large, loose, silvery scales.
• It is a chronic dermatosis
• Characterized by an unpredictable course of remission and relapses at
typical sites.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Variants of CPP
Small plaque psoriasis
Rupioid psoriasis
Flexural psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis
Penile psoriasis
Psoriasis of palms and soles
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Nail involvement in Psoriasis
• Occurs in 10-50% of cases
• Nail matrix psoriasis (pitting): also occurs in alopecia areata and
• Nail bed psoriasis:
Nail plate thickening
Subungual hyperkeratosis
Discolouration and dystrophy of nail plate
Oil spot
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Pustular psoriasis
• Exaggeration of one particular
component of the disease
1. Palmoplantar pustulosis
2. Generalized pustular psoriasis
(Von Zumbusch disease)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Histogenesis of Psoriasis:
Epidermal Changes:
Increased epidermal cell proliferation
i. Increased growth fraction (30-100%)
ii. Shortened epidermal turnover time
Loss of granular layer
Regular acanthosis
Suprapapillary thinning
Collection of polymorphs in the epidermis to form spongiform pustule of Kogoj and Munros’s
Dermal Changes:
Dilated and tortuous capillary loops
Proliferation of fibroblasts
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Classification of Topical Steroids
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
US classification has 7 levels: 1 is superpotent and 7 is least potent
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Burrows in Scabies:
 Linear/thread like/serpentine markings in the skin due to the movement of the mite
invading stratum corneum.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Crusted/ Norwegian Scabies
• Crusted scabies (hyperkeratotic scabies)
• Seen in pt with inadequate host immunity
• Presents with thick, scaly, white-gray plaques with no or minimal pruritus
• Very high mite load (millions) as protective itching function disabled in
debilitating patients or due to absence of itching. Ordinary scabies contains
7-8 mites.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Scabicidal Agents (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis)
Pathophysiology of Acne
1. Occlusion of pilosebaceous orifice
2. Increased sebum secretion
3. Microbial colonization
• Propionibacterium spp. especially P. acnes
• Malassezia furfur
• Staph epidermidis
• Trigger a type IV inflammatory response
• Produce extracellular enzymes, which attract inflammatory
4. Release of inflammatory mediators
• Distended follicle rupture, ductal epithelium or microbes.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Condylomata acuminata: Cauliflower like, Bulky & Dry (contrast to lata
which are smooth, flat & moist
Differentials of condylomata acuminata (anogenital warts) also include molluscum contagiosum, pearly
penile papules & neoplastic lesions.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Treatment: Molluscum contagiosum
Long term complications of Gonorrhea in males: Stricture, Infertility
Long term complications of Gonorrhea in females: Ectopic pregnancy, Tubal infertility
Classification: Eczema
Etiology Pattern Duration
Endogenous Discoid Acute
Exogenous Hyperkeratotic Chronic
Combined Lichenified
Endogenous Exogenous Combined
Irritant dermatitis Atopic dermatitis
Discoid dermatitis Allergic dermatitis Pompholyx
Lichen simplex
Pityriasis alba Radiation
Stasis dermatitis Infective dermatitis
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Color in Wood’s Light
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Darier’s disease is a skin condition characterized by wart-like blemishes on the body. The
blemishes are usually yellowish in color, hard to the touch, mildly greasy, and can emit a
strong odor.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Steroid Indications in Leprosy:
Erythema nodosum leprosum
Impending nerve damage
Dapsone/Sulfone syndrome
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• Melanin at the stratum corneum absorbs all light and appears black,
no scattering. Melanin at the dermoepidermal junction still absorbs
all light but some light is reflected back by particles in the epidermis
so it appears brown (near-black).
• Melanin in the superficial dermis still absorbs all light reaching it but
light scattered back by collagen causes a minor Tyndall effect so there
is a slight shift to blue; it appears grey. Melanin in the deep dermis
still absorbs all light reaching it but light scattered back by collagen
causes a major Tyndall effect, so it appears blue/violet.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Drugs implicated in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• Folliculitis: Infection & inflammation of one or more hair follicles
• Furuncle: deep seated follicular & perifollicular infection
• Carbuncle: deep infection of contiguous hair follicles, seen mostly in
diabetes and patients on steroids (basically a cluster of furuncles)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Morphology: Chalky or milky white macules with scalloped margin: Trichome vitiligo,
leucotrichia and koebner phenomenon
Treatment: Steroid (topical/oral), PUVA (topical/sol.), NBUVB
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Side effects of systemic retinoids:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Causes of urethral discharge in male:
• Gonorrhoea,
• Trichomoniasis,
• Candidiasis
• Chlamydial infection,
• Non-gonococcal urethritis,
• Intraurethral herpes/wart
Treatment: Tab Cefixime 400 mg stat along with Tab Azithromycian 1 gm stat OR Inj
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose with Azithromycin 1 g, partner tracing and treatment of
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Trichomoniasis in a Nutshell
• Trichomonas vaginalis: Motile, anaerobic protozoan
• MOT: Sexual contact/hygiene
• Female: Thin greenish yellow frothy offensive discharge/Strawberry
• Male: Less profuse discharge/dysuria
• Saline wet mount; Culture (gold standard)
• Metronidazole/Tinidazole 2g single dose vs. 500mg BD*7
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
LGV in a Nutshell
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3
Inguinal bubo, Groove sign, Esthiomene (elephantiasis and
chronic ulceration in female), Saxophone deformity in male
Diagnosis: Direct Smear, Culture (Specimen: Lesion swab,
Bubo Aspirate), Nucleic Acid Amplification Test
 Treatment:
Doxycycline, 100 mg twice a day for 3 weeks
Alternative: Erythromycin, 500 mg, 4 times a day for 3
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) in a Nutshell
• Painless, no lymphadenopathy, autoinoculation
• Beefy red granulation tissue
• Closed safety pin appearing bodies
• Complications include esthiomene, ureteral stricture, phimosis, pelvic
abscess, SCC
•Azithromycin, 1 gm stat followed by
500 mg as a single oral dose daily
• Doxycycline
• 100 mg orally twice a day
Until all the lesions heal (minimum of 3 weeks)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Alopecia areata (Exclamation mark hair):
From scalp skin to outside: proximal more thinner, distal more thicker
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Hair Growth Stages:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Cicatricial alopecia:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
1. Ophiasis (Band or wave like pattern at pheriphery of scalp
2. Sisiaphio (involving the central scalp and sparing the periphery)
3. Alopecia totalis (lose hair from whole scalp)
4. Alopecia universalis (lose hair from whole body)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• Kerion definition:
A scalp condition that occurs in
severe cases of scalp ringworm
(tinea capitis), appearing as an
inflamed, thickened, pus-filled
area & it is sometimes
accompanied by a fever is called
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Haemophilus ducreyi
• ‘school of fish’ or ‘rail road track’ appearance
• Treatment with Azithromycin 1 gm single dose. Alternative include
Ceftriaxone 250 mg im single dose
• Reexamine after 3-7 days. If h/o sexual contact within 10 days
preceding onset of symptoms, treat sex partner as well
• Differentials of chancroid: Chancre of syphilis, Donovanosis, HSV (due
to presence of ulcer), LGV (due to bubo formation)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Tinea incognito
• Dermatophytic infection of skin modified by steroid therapy
• Atypical lesions usually asymptomatic, poorly defined edge with minimal scales
and papulovesicles
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Differential diagnosis of Onychomycosis
• Psoriasis
• Lichen planus
• Paronychia
Psoriasis Onychomychosis
Symmetry Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Site Begins proximally Usually distally
Pitting Frequent Not seen
Nail plate Thickened and
Thickened ,discolored and
Subungal debris Firm Friable
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Treatment: Superficial Superficial Fungal Infection
Topical: Miconazole 2% cream, Clotrimazole 1% cream/ lotion/
powder, Ketoconazole 2% shampoo, Terbinafine 1% cream
Systemic antifungals:
Terbinafine 250 mg daily
Itraconazole/Ketoconazole 200 mg daily
Fluconazole 150 mg daily
Griseofulvin 10 mg/kg daily
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Duration of Treatment: Superficial Fungal Infection
Tinea corporis 4 weeks topical for localized
2 weeks oral Terbinafine for extensive
Tinea cruris 4 weeks topical for short duration
4-6 weeks oral Terbinafine for chronic
Tinea capitis 8 weeks oral Griseofulvin or Terbinafine
Tinea unguinum 6 weeks for finger nails oral Terbinafine
12 weeks for toe nails oral Terbinafine
Pulse therapy with oral Itraconazole ( 2 pulse i.e. 1 week/ month for
finger nails & 3 pulses for toe nails)
Pityriasis versicolor Ketoconazole topical for 4 weeks
Ketoconazole for 3 consecutive days
Itraconazole for 7 days
Fluconazole 400 mg single dose
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Differential diagnosis:
psoriasis vulgaris, eczematous
dermatitis, pitted keratolysis
Moccasin type:
Well demarcated erythema with minute
papules on margin, fine white scaling and
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Mycetoma/Madura foot
• Chronic suppurative infection originating in dermis and subcutis,
extending to contaguous tissues (fascia, bone)
• Causative agents:
• Actinomycetoma: caused by filamentous bacteria (Norcardia brasiliensis,
Streptomyces somaliensis)
• Eumycetoma: caused by true fungi (Madurella mycetomatis, M. grisea)
• Causative agent: Fonsecaea pedrosoi (common)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• F. compacta, Phialophora verrucosa, Cladosporium carrionii, Rhinocladiella
aquaspersa, Botryomyces caespitosus
• Male > Female; 20-60 years
• Transmission:
• Cutaneous inoculation
• Risk groups:
• Agriculture workers
• Miners
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Management of Leprosy
WHO recommended regimen for adults:
Pauci-bacillary Multi-bacillary
Definition 5 or < lesions > 5 lesions
Duration of therapy 6 months (can be
completed in 9 months)
12 months (can be
completed in 18 months)
Drugs Rifampicin, 600mg
Supervised (monthly)
Dapsone, 100mg
Not Supervised (daily)
Rifampicin, 600mg and
Clofazimine, 300mg
Dapsone, 100mg and
Clofazimine, 50mg
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Child PB Pack
Child MB Pack
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Psoriasis Lichen Planus
Erythematous papules & plaques Violaceous papules with Wickham’s
Slivery scales removed by Grattage Thin, transparent & adherent scale
Koebner phenomenon present in both
Auspitz’s sign present Auspitz’s sign absent
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Topical Steroids Adverse Effects Profile:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Treatment for Gonorrhoea:
Uncomplicated: Cefixime 400mg SOD
Or Ceftriaxone 125mg IM,SD
Complicated: Ceftriaxone 1g IM OD for 7 days
Or Cefixime 400mg BD for 7days
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Pathogenesis of Syphilis:
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Specific treatment for Syphilis:
Treatment of choice
• Benzathine penicillin, 2.4 mega units intramuscular
-Two equally divided doses (early syphilis) single time dose
• Weekly for 3 consecutive weeks (late syphilis viz. late latent &
tertiary syphillis)
In penicillin-sensitive patients:
• Doxycycline, 100 mg twice daily (not in pregnancy)
• Erythromycin stearate 2 g daily (in four divided doses)
-14 days(early syphilis)
- 28 days(late syphilis)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• Crystalline penicillin* 3–4 million units, four-hourly intravenous ×
14 days
Congenital syphilis
• Procaine penicillin*, 50,000 units/kg intramuscular, daily × 14 days.
Penicillin G: standard for syphilis in pregnancy. If allergic conduct penicillin desensitization (challenge
until tolerance). The patient must be off beta blocker in case anaphylaxis occur for adrenaline to
work on adrenergic beta receptors.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
• Retinoic acid actions:
1. Reverse blockage of pilosebaceous system
2. Keratolytic action
3. Decrease sebum production & inflammatory mediators
Whitfield’s Ointment:
Benzoic acid (fungistatic) + Salicylic acid (keratolytic)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
due to evanescent edema
of dermis (& sometimes of
If edema involves subcutaneous or submucosal layers, the term angioedema is used.
Angioedema mostly in distensible tissues such as the eyelids, lips, lobes of the ears and external
genitalia or the mucous membranes of the mouth tongue or larynx
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Types of UrticariaPhysical
 cold
 solar
 heat
 cholinergic
 dermographism (immediate pressure urticaria)
 delayed pressure
 adrenergic
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Also, Chlorpheniramine 20 mg & Hydrocortisone 100 mg both iv
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Bullous Impetigo Impetigo Congtagiosa
Aetiology Staph. Aureus Staph aureus or strep.
Pyogens or both
Prevalence Sporadic Frequent, often epidemic
Age Usually infant Children
Morphology of bulla Bullae thick-walled,
persistent and may
become large
Thin-walled and
transient. So rarely seen
Crusts Thin, Varnish like Thick, honey coloured
Erythematous halo Absent Present
Lymphadenopathy Rare Frequent
Central clearing Present, so annular
lesions seen
Lesions coalesce to form
polycyclic plaques
Mucous membranes May be involved Involvement rare
Sites of predilection Face and other parts Periorificial
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Acyclovir Dosing:
Herpes simplex: First episode: Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times/day * 7days
For recurrent Herpes genitalis: episodic treatment
same 200 mg 5 times a day as above for 5 days
If > 6 episodes per year, suppressive treatment: Acyclovir 400 mg BD
*12 months
For varicella: Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times/day * 7-10 days
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Intially herald patch is present in pityriasis rosea. Also present are: collarette of scaling. Hypothesized
to represent a reaction to viral infection with HHV 7 & 6
Topical podophyllin 25% or podophylotoxin 0.5% is contraindicated in pregnancy. Use
tricholoroacetic acid or cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen at -195 degrees
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Tinea (Dermatophytes) Prototype lesion:
• Annular or arcuate lesion that spreads
• The margin is active showing
papulovesiculation, pustulation &
scaling (scales from edges for KOH
• Center is relatively clear though in
chronic lesions there may be nodules,
hyperpigmentation & even
lichenification in the center
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Bacilli at any one site in silt smear test: Multibacillary
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Smear in Leprosy:
Ear lobes
Medial eyebrows
Normal Skin
M. tuberculosis is strongly acid fast, a 3% v/v acid alcohol is used to decolorize the smear, where as M.
leprae is only weakly acid fast. 0.5-1% v/v decolorizing solution is therefore used for M. leprae smears.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Topical Steroids in a Nutshell:
Uses? Side effects? Where not to be
Eczema Atrophy Face
Psoriasis Erythema Thin skin
Vitiligo Telangiectasia Children
Acneiform eruption Intertriginous areas (where two
skin areas may touch or rub
together like axilla of the arm, the
anogenital region, skin folds of the
breasts and between digits)
Delayed wound healing &
Secondary bacterial infection
• Silt skin smear
materials: Carbol
fuschin, Hydrochloric
acid/Sulphuric acid,
Methylene blue, tap
water, wire rack, Bunsen
burner/hot plate
• Skin biopsy materials:
Local anaesthesia,
syringe, Punch,
disinfectant, suture,
cotton, gauze Remember Leonine facies in LL & Thalidomide
DOC for ENL (lepra reaction Type 2 in LL)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
ADRs of Leprosy Medications:
Rifampicin Dapsone Clofazimine
Reddening of body secretions Hemolytic anemia Ichthyosis
Hepatotoxicity Wooly headed Reddish brown discoloration
Skin rash Methemoglobinemia Abdominal cramps
hypersensitivity syndrome
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Melasma (Chloasma) Causes:
•Thyroid disorders
•UV exposure
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Chicken pox complications:
• Secondary bacterial infection
• Herpes zoster
• Varicella pneumonitis
• Orchitis
• Encephalitis
• Cerebellar ataxia
• Fetal varicella syndrome
• Varicella scars
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Non cicatricial alopecia causes:
• Alopecia areata
• Non inflammatory tinea
• Trichotillomania
• Traction alopecia
• Androgenic alopecia
• Telogen/anagen effluvium
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Painful genital ulcers differentials:
oHerpes genitalis
oBechet’s disease
oPemphigus vulgaris
oLichen planus
Behçet disease is a rare vasculitic disorder that is characterized by a triple-symptom complex of
recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis.
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Few systemic disease causing nail changes:
Iron deficiency anemia
Chronic liver failure
Thyroid disease
Liver disease
Congestive cardiac failure
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
5 Cs of STI ?
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Best of the best slides, pictures and information on the web. Special
thanks to all those brilliant minds for their act of creation and
compilation of scientific material without which this work would not
have been possible
Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STDs, Neena Khanna
Clinical Dermatology, Lange
Clinical Dermatology, John Hunter et al.
Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
How to get over fear of accidents while travelling?
Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)

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Dermatology Review Booklet by Dr. Aryan (Medical Booklet Series by Dr. Aryan Part 10)

  • 1. Dermatology Review (A Free Booklet Series by Dr. Aryan)
  • 2. Preface: • This is the study material designed by Dr. Aryan with creation and compilation of the best of the best and the most finest slides on the subject. I would like to offer a billion heartily thanks for everyone who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of the material through creation and dissemination of the scientific information. • Covering everything in one study material is next to impossible. Hence, refer to gold standard textbooks for building solid concepts or in case of any doubt. Textbooks are acknowledged at the end of the presentation. If any source has been missed to acknowledge, it doesn’t lessen their impact and contribution in any way. • Don’t keep searching for pattern between the consecutive slides. You won’t find many. Rather to boost your recall and review, I have constructed many slides and are deliberately placed with no much relation between the preceding and the succeeding ones. • The main rule of a review material is that it must make you recall or learn maximum amount of information in minimum amount of time and space. • Motivational quotes and articles are included within the slides. Always remember that every good idea, nice piece of information and everything else is literally and absolutely worthless unless you execute. • If you know everything in the slides in much detail, you probably wouldn’t need this material. Best of luck WORK & SUCCESS! Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 4. +ve in Pemphigus vulgaris, Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome & Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
  • 5. Bed side test for Psoriasis vulgairs (Chronic Plaque Psoriasis) • Grattage test • Auspitz sign
  • 6. Psoriasis: • Well-defined, erythematous papules and plaques • Surmounted by large, loose, silvery scales. • It is a chronic dermatosis • Characterized by an unpredictable course of remission and relapses at typical sites. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 8. Variants of CPP Small plaque psoriasis Rupioid psoriasis Flexural psoriasis Scalp psoriasis Penile psoriasis Psoriasis of palms and soles Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 9. Nail involvement in Psoriasis • Occurs in 10-50% of cases • Nail matrix psoriasis (pitting): also occurs in alopecia areata and dermatitis • Nail bed psoriasis: Nail plate thickening Subungual hyperkeratosis Discolouration and dystrophy of nail plate Onycholysis Oil spot Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 10. Pustular psoriasis • Exaggeration of one particular component of the disease 1. Palmoplantar pustulosis 2. Generalized pustular psoriasis (Von Zumbusch disease) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 11. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 12. Histogenesis of Psoriasis: Epidermal Changes: Increased epidermal cell proliferation i. Increased growth fraction (30-100%) ii. Shortened epidermal turnover time Parakeratosis Loss of granular layer Regular acanthosis Suprapapillary thinning Collection of polymorphs in the epidermis to form spongiform pustule of Kogoj and Munros’s microabcesses Dermal Changes: Dilated and tortuous capillary loops Proliferation of fibroblasts Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 13. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 15. Classification of Topical Steroids Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 16. US classification has 7 levels: 1 is superpotent and 7 is least potent Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 17. Burrows in Scabies:  Linear/thread like/serpentine markings in the skin due to the movement of the mite invading stratum corneum. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 18. Crusted/ Norwegian Scabies • Crusted scabies (hyperkeratotic scabies) • Seen in pt with inadequate host immunity • Presents with thick, scaly, white-gray plaques with no or minimal pruritus • Very high mite load (millions) as protective itching function disabled in debilitating patients or due to absence of itching. Ordinary scabies contains 7-8 mites. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 19. Scabicidal Agents (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) (Lindane) 30g
  • 20. Pathophysiology of Acne 1. Occlusion of pilosebaceous orifice 2. Increased sebum secretion 3. Microbial colonization • Propionibacterium spp. especially P. acnes • Malassezia furfur • Staph epidermidis • Trigger a type IV inflammatory response • Produce extracellular enzymes, which attract inflammatory cells 4. Release of inflammatory mediators • Distended follicle rupture, ductal epithelium or microbes. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 21. Condylomata acuminata: Cauliflower like, Bulky & Dry (contrast to lata which are smooth, flat & moist Differentials of condylomata acuminata (anogenital warts) also include molluscum contagiosum, pearly penile papules & neoplastic lesions. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 23. Long term complications of Gonorrhea in males: Stricture, Infertility Long term complications of Gonorrhea in females: Ectopic pregnancy, Tubal infertility
  • 24. Classification: Eczema Etiology Pattern Duration Endogenous Discoid Acute Exogenous Hyperkeratotic Chronic Combined Lichenified Seborrheic Endogenous Exogenous Combined Seborrheic dermatitis Irritant dermatitis Atopic dermatitis Discoid dermatitis Allergic dermatitis Pompholyx Lichen simplex chronicus Photodermatitis Pityriasis alba Radiation dermatitis Stasis dermatitis Infective dermatitis Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 27. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 29. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal) LayersofSkin
  • 30. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 31. Darier’s disease is a skin condition characterized by wart-like blemishes on the body. The blemishes are usually yellowish in color, hard to the touch, mildly greasy, and can emit a strong odor.
  • 32. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 33. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 34. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 35. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 36. Steroid Indications in Leprosy: Erythema nodosum leprosum Impending nerve damage Iridocyclitis Orchitis Dapsone/Sulfone syndrome Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 37. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 38. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 39. • Melanin at the stratum corneum absorbs all light and appears black, no scattering. Melanin at the dermoepidermal junction still absorbs all light but some light is reflected back by particles in the epidermis so it appears brown (near-black). • Melanin in the superficial dermis still absorbs all light reaching it but light scattered back by collagen causes a minor Tyndall effect so there is a slight shift to blue; it appears grey. Melanin in the deep dermis still absorbs all light reaching it but light scattered back by collagen causes a major Tyndall effect, so it appears blue/violet. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 40. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 41. Drugs implicated in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 44. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 45. • Folliculitis: Infection & inflammation of one or more hair follicles • Furuncle: deep seated follicular & perifollicular infection • Carbuncle: deep infection of contiguous hair follicles, seen mostly in diabetes and patients on steroids (basically a cluster of furuncles) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 46. Vitiligo: Morphology: Chalky or milky white macules with scalloped margin: Trichome vitiligo, leucotrichia and koebner phenomenon Treatment: Steroid (topical/oral), PUVA (topical/sol.), NBUVB Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 51. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 52. Side effects of systemic retinoids:
  • 53. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 57. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 58. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 59. Causes of urethral discharge in male: • Gonorrhoea, • Trichomoniasis, • Candidiasis • Chlamydial infection, • Non-gonococcal urethritis, • Intraurethral herpes/wart Treatment: Tab Cefixime 400 mg stat along with Tab Azithromycian 1 gm stat OR Inj Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose with Azithromycin 1 g, partner tracing and treatment of partner. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 60. Trichomoniasis in a Nutshell • Trichomonas vaginalis: Motile, anaerobic protozoan • MOT: Sexual contact/hygiene • Female: Thin greenish yellow frothy offensive discharge/Strawberry vagina • Male: Less profuse discharge/dysuria • Saline wet mount; Culture (gold standard) • Metronidazole/Tinidazole 2g single dose vs. 500mg BD*7 days Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 61. LGV in a Nutshell Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3 Inguinal bubo, Groove sign, Esthiomene (elephantiasis and chronic ulceration in female), Saxophone deformity in male Diagnosis: Direct Smear, Culture (Specimen: Lesion swab, Bubo Aspirate), Nucleic Acid Amplification Test  Treatment: Doxycycline, 100 mg twice a day for 3 weeks Alternative: Erythromycin, 500 mg, 4 times a day for 3 weeks Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 62. Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) in a Nutshell • Painless, no lymphadenopathy, autoinoculation • Beefy red granulation tissue • Closed safety pin appearing bodies • Complications include esthiomene, ureteral stricture, phimosis, pelvic abscess, SCC •Azithromycin, 1 gm stat followed by 500 mg as a single oral dose daily OR, • Doxycycline • 100 mg orally twice a day Until all the lesions heal (minimum of 3 weeks) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 63. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 64. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 65. Alopecia areata (Exclamation mark hair): From scalp skin to outside: proximal more thinner, distal more thicker Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 66. Hair Growth Stages: Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 68. Variants 1. Ophiasis (Band or wave like pattern at pheriphery of scalp 2. Sisiaphio (involving the central scalp and sparing the periphery) 3. Alopecia totalis (lose hair from whole scalp) 4. Alopecia universalis (lose hair from whole body) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 69. • Kerion definition: A scalp condition that occurs in severe cases of scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), appearing as an inflamed, thickened, pus-filled area & it is sometimes accompanied by a fever is called kerion. . Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 70. CHANCROID or SOFT CHANCRE Haemophilus ducreyi • ‘school of fish’ or ‘rail road track’ appearance • Treatment with Azithromycin 1 gm single dose. Alternative include Ceftriaxone 250 mg im single dose • Reexamine after 3-7 days. If h/o sexual contact within 10 days preceding onset of symptoms, treat sex partner as well • Differentials of chancroid: Chancre of syphilis, Donovanosis, HSV (due to presence of ulcer), LGV (due to bubo formation) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 71. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 72. Tinea incognito • Dermatophytic infection of skin modified by steroid therapy • Atypical lesions usually asymptomatic, poorly defined edge with minimal scales and papulovesicles Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 73. Differential diagnosis of Onychomycosis • Psoriasis • Lichen planus • Paronychia Psoriasis Onychomychosis Symmetry Symmetrical Asymmetrical Site Begins proximally Usually distally Pitting Frequent Not seen Nail plate Thickened and discolored Thickened ,discolored and tunneled Subungal debris Firm Friable Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 74. Treatment: Superficial Superficial Fungal Infection Topical: Miconazole 2% cream, Clotrimazole 1% cream/ lotion/ powder, Ketoconazole 2% shampoo, Terbinafine 1% cream Systemic antifungals: Terbinafine 250 mg daily Itraconazole/Ketoconazole 200 mg daily Fluconazole 150 mg daily Griseofulvin 10 mg/kg daily Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 75. Duration of Treatment: Superficial Fungal Infection Tinea corporis 4 weeks topical for localized 2 weeks oral Terbinafine for extensive Tinea cruris 4 weeks topical for short duration 4-6 weeks oral Terbinafine for chronic Tinea capitis 8 weeks oral Griseofulvin or Terbinafine Tinea unguinum 6 weeks for finger nails oral Terbinafine 12 weeks for toe nails oral Terbinafine Pulse therapy with oral Itraconazole ( 2 pulse i.e. 1 week/ month for finger nails & 3 pulses for toe nails) Pityriasis versicolor Ketoconazole topical for 4 weeks Ketoconazole for 3 consecutive days Itraconazole for 7 days Fluconazole 400 mg single dose Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 76. Differential diagnosis: psoriasis vulgaris, eczematous dermatitis, pitted keratolysis Moccasin type: Well demarcated erythema with minute papules on margin, fine white scaling and hyperkeratosis Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 77. Mycetoma/Madura foot • Chronic suppurative infection originating in dermis and subcutis, extending to contaguous tissues (fascia, bone) • Causative agents: • Actinomycetoma: caused by filamentous bacteria (Norcardia brasiliensis, Streptomyces somaliensis) • Eumycetoma: caused by true fungi (Madurella mycetomatis, M. grisea) Chromoblastomycosis: • Causative agent: Fonsecaea pedrosoi (common) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 78. Chromoblastomycoses • F. compacta, Phialophora verrucosa, Cladosporium carrionii, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa, Botryomyces caespitosus • Male > Female; 20-60 years • Transmission: • Cutaneous inoculation • Risk groups: • Agriculture workers • Miners Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 79. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 80. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 82. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal) LeprosyTypes
  • 83. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal) TypesofLeprareaction
  • 84. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 85. Management of Leprosy WHO recommended regimen for adults: Pauci-bacillary Multi-bacillary Definition 5 or < lesions > 5 lesions Duration of therapy 6 months (can be completed in 9 months) 12 months (can be completed in 18 months) Drugs Rifampicin, 600mg Supervised (monthly) Dapsone, 100mg Not Supervised (daily) Rifampicin, 600mg and Clofazimine, 300mg Dapsone, 100mg and Clofazimine, 50mg Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 86. Child PB Pack Child MB Pack Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 87. Psoriasis Lichen Planus Erythematous papules & plaques Violaceous papules with Wickham’s striae Slivery scales removed by Grattage Thin, transparent & adherent scale Koebner phenomenon present in both Auspitz’s sign present Auspitz’s sign absent Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 88. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 89. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 90. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 91. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 92. Topical Steroids Adverse Effects Profile: Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 100. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 101. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
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  • 107.
  • 108. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 109. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 110. Treatment for Gonorrhoea: Uncomplicated: Cefixime 400mg SOD Or Ceftriaxone 125mg IM,SD Complicated: Ceftriaxone 1g IM OD for 7 days Or Cefixime 400mg BD for 7days Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 111. Pathogenesis of Syphilis: Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 112. Specific treatment for Syphilis: Treatment of choice • Benzathine penicillin, 2.4 mega units intramuscular -Two equally divided doses (early syphilis) single time dose • Weekly for 3 consecutive weeks (late syphilis viz. late latent & tertiary syphillis) In penicillin-sensitive patients: • Doxycycline, 100 mg twice daily (not in pregnancy) • Erythromycin stearate 2 g daily (in four divided doses) -14 days(early syphilis) - 28 days(late syphilis) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 113. Treatment Neurosyphilis: • Crystalline penicillin* 3–4 million units, four-hourly intravenous × 14 days Congenital syphilis • Procaine penicillin*, 50,000 units/kg intramuscular, daily × 14 days. Penicillin G: standard for syphilis in pregnancy. If allergic conduct penicillin desensitization (challenge until tolerance). The patient must be off beta blocker in case anaphylaxis occur for adrenaline to work on adrenergic beta receptors. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 114. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 115. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 116. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 117. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 118. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 119. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 120. • Retinoic acid actions: 1. Reverse blockage of pilosebaceous system 2. Keratolytic action 3. Decrease sebum production & inflammatory mediators Whitfield’s Ointment: Benzoic acid (fungistatic) + Salicylic acid (keratolytic) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 121. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 122. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 123. due to evanescent edema of dermis (& sometimes of subcutis) If edema involves subcutaneous or submucosal layers, the term angioedema is used. Angioedema mostly in distensible tissues such as the eyelids, lips, lobes of the ears and external genitalia or the mucous membranes of the mouth tongue or larynx Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 124. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 125. Types of UrticariaPhysical  cold  solar  heat  cholinergic  dermographism (immediate pressure urticaria)  delayed pressure  adrenergic Hypersensitivity Autoimmune Pharmacological Contact Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 126. Also, Chlorpheniramine 20 mg & Hydrocortisone 100 mg both iv Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 127. Bullous Impetigo Impetigo Congtagiosa Aetiology Staph. Aureus Staph aureus or strep. Pyogens or both Prevalence Sporadic Frequent, often epidemic Age Usually infant Children Morphology of bulla Bullae thick-walled, persistent and may become large Thin-walled and transient. So rarely seen Crusts Thin, Varnish like Thick, honey coloured Erythematous halo Absent Present Lymphadenopathy Rare Frequent Central clearing Present, so annular lesions seen Absent/incomplete. Lesions coalesce to form polycyclic plaques Mucous membranes May be involved Involvement rare Sites of predilection Face and other parts Periorificial Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 128. Acyclovir Dosing: Herpes simplex: First episode: Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times/day * 7days For recurrent Herpes genitalis: episodic treatment same 200 mg 5 times a day as above for 5 days If > 6 episodes per year, suppressive treatment: Acyclovir 400 mg BD *12 months For varicella: Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times/day * 7-10 days Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 129. Intially herald patch is present in pityriasis rosea. Also present are: collarette of scaling. Hypothesized to represent a reaction to viral infection with HHV 7 & 6
  • 130. Topical podophyllin 25% or podophylotoxin 0.5% is contraindicated in pregnancy. Use tricholoroacetic acid or cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen at -195 degrees Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 131. Tinea (Dermatophytes) Prototype lesion: • Annular or arcuate lesion that spreads centrifugally • The margin is active showing papulovesiculation, pustulation & scaling (scales from edges for KOH mount) • Center is relatively clear though in chronic lesions there may be nodules, hyperpigmentation & even lichenification in the center Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 132. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 133. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 134. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 135. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 136. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 137. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 138. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 139. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 140. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 141. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 142. Bacilli at any one site in silt smear test: Multibacillary Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 143. Smear in Leprosy: Ear lobes Medial eyebrows Knuckle Nose Lesion Normal Skin M. tuberculosis is strongly acid fast, a 3% v/v acid alcohol is used to decolorize the smear, where as M. leprae is only weakly acid fast. 0.5-1% v/v decolorizing solution is therefore used for M. leprae smears. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 144. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 145. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal) Topical Steroids in a Nutshell: Uses? Side effects? Where not to be used? Eczema Atrophy Face Psoriasis Erythema Thin skin Vitiligo Telangiectasia Children Acneiform eruption Intertriginous areas (where two skin areas may touch or rub together like axilla of the arm, the anogenital region, skin folds of the breasts and between digits) Hypertrichosis Delayed wound healing & Secondary bacterial infection
  • 146. • Silt skin smear materials: Carbol fuschin, Hydrochloric acid/Sulphuric acid, Methylene blue, tap water, wire rack, Bunsen burner/hot plate • Skin biopsy materials: Local anaesthesia, syringe, Punch, disinfectant, suture, cotton, gauze Remember Leonine facies in LL & Thalidomide DOC for ENL (lepra reaction Type 2 in LL) Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 147. ADRs of Leprosy Medications: Rifampicin Dapsone Clofazimine Reddening of body secretions Hemolytic anemia Ichthyosis Hepatotoxicity Wooly headed Reddish brown discoloration Skin rash Methemoglobinemia Abdominal cramps Dapsone/Sulphone hypersensitivity syndrome Hepatotoxicity Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 148. Melasma (Chloasma) Causes: •OCP •Pregnancy •Thyroid disorders •UV exposure Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 149. Chicken pox complications: • Secondary bacterial infection • Herpes zoster • Varicella pneumonitis • Orchitis • Encephalitis • Cerebellar ataxia • Fetal varicella syndrome • Varicella scars Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 150. Non cicatricial alopecia causes: • Alopecia areata • Non inflammatory tinea • Trichotillomania • Traction alopecia • Androgenic alopecia • Telogen/anagen effluvium Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 151. Painful genital ulcers differentials: oHerpes genitalis oChancroid oBechet’s disease oSJS oPemphigus vulgaris oLichen planus Behçet disease is a rare vasculitic disorder that is characterized by a triple-symptom complex of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 152. Few systemic disease causing nail changes: Iron deficiency anemia Chronic liver failure SLE DM Scleroderma Thyroid disease Liver disease Congestive cardiac failure Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 153. 5 Cs of STI ? Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 154. Acknowledgements: Best of the best slides, pictures and information on the web. Special thanks to all those brilliant minds for their act of creation and compilation of scientific material without which this work would not have been possible Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STDs, Neena Khanna Clinical Dermatology, Lange Clinical Dermatology, John Hunter et al. Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)
  • 155. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal) How to get over fear of accidents while travelling? accidents-while-travelling-fa49cd430dff
  • 156. Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)

Editor's Notes

  1. Includes 3 steps: Step 1: Gently scrape lesion with a glass slide. This accentuates the silvery scales (Grattage test positive). Step 2: As continued to scrape the lesion, a glistening white adherent membrane (Burkley’s membrane) appears. Step 3: On removing the membrane, punctate bleeding points become visible, this is positive Auspitz sign
  2. Genetic: HLA-CW6 Environmental factors: Physical trauma (scratches, surgical incision, injury) Infection (β-hemolytic streptococcus, HIV ) Drugs (antimalarial, lithium, β-blockers, corticosteroid withdrawal) Genetic: HLA-CW6 Environmental factors: Physical trauma (scratches, surgical incision, injury) Infection (β-hemolytic streptococcus, HIV ) Drugs (antimalarial, lithium, β-blockers, corticosteroid withdrawal)
  3. Parakeratosis: Retention of nuclei in stratum corneum
  4. NB UVB – narrow band UVB PUVA /PUVA sol- psorlens + sunlight
  5. They are 1-10 mm in length, grey white and slightly scaly, most readily found in the interdigital spaces, wrists and elbows.
  6. Immunocompetent persons who come into contact with crusted scabies develop typical scabies. Presents with thick, scaly, white-gray plaques with no or minimal pruritus that is often localized to the scalp, face, back, buttocks and feet.
  7. Ivermectin has limited ovicidal activity and may not prevent recurrences of eggs at the time of treatment; therefore, a second dose of ivermectin should be administered 14 days after the first dose. Ivermectin should be taken with food because bioavailability is increased, thereby increasing penetration of the drug into the epidermis.
  8. linoleic acid
  9. NOTE: Doxycycline is contraindicated in Pregnancy
  10. 101-year-old male with bullous pemphigoid was treated with topical clobetasol by caregivers. Blotchy erythematous scaling patches are seen on the back
  11. PB: Rifampicin 450 mg once a month supervised Dapsone 50 mg daily, self administered MB: Rifampicin 450 mg once a month supervised Dapsone 50 mg daily, self administered Clofazimine 150mg once a month supervised and 50 mg every other day
  12. Benzathine penicillin*, 2.4 mega units deep intramuscular (in two equally divided doses, one in each buttock) Erythromycin stearate 2 g daily (in four divided doses) × 14 days (in pregnant women)