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• Paediatrics and Child Health
• Deficit Therapy
• Maintenance Therapy
• Dehydration In No Malnutrition
• Dehydration In Malnutrition
Dr. Chongo Shapi (BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ)
- Medical Doctor.
3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
Objectives: To know
1. Fluid deficit
2. Maintenance fluid
3. Replacement therapy
4. Dehydration
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Calculation of Fluid Deficit
• First determine the fluid deficit by clinically determining
the percent dehydration
• Then, multiply this percentage by the patient's weight
• For example:
- 10% dehydration (severe dehydration) = 100mL/kg
- Hence, a 10 kg child with 10% dehydration has a fluid
deficit of 1000 L (1L)
Deficit therapy is given if dehydration is present
- Give it within 36-48 hrs
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Maintenance Fluid
Infusion rate = [total fluid volume/day]/24 hrs
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Goals of Maintenance Fluids
1. Prevent dehydration
2. Prevent electrolyte disorders
3. Prevent ketoacidosis
4. Prevent protein degradation
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Fluid Replacement Therapy (FRT)
A. If no ongoing losses (OGLs):
- FRT = Fluid Deficit (FD) + Maintenance Fluid (MF)
- Hence, FRT = FD + MF
B. If there is ongoing losses:
FRT = FD + MF + OGLs
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
1. A child awaiting surgery may need only
maintenance fluids
2. A child with diarrheal dehydration needs
maintenance and deficit therapy if no
significant diarrhoea continuation
3. A child requires further replacement fluids to
account for ongoing losses if significant
diarrhoea continues
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• Dehydration is a common problem in children
• Is most often due to gastroenteritis
• Most cases can be managed with oral rehydration
• Children with hyponatremic or hypernatremic
dehydration can also be managed with ORS
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Clinical Manifestations
• The first step is assessing the degree of dehydration
• This dictates both the urgency of the situation and the
volume of fluid needed for rehydration
1. No dehydration:
a. Infant: < 5%
b. > 1 yr: < 3%
2. Some dehydration:
a. Infant : 5–10%
b. > 1 yr: 3–6%
3. Severe dehydration:
a. Infant : > 10%
b. > 1 yr: > 6%
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• For older children and adults the degree of
dehydration represents a lower percentage of
body weight lost
• This difference occurs because water is a
higher percentage of body weight in infants
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Clinical Features of No Dehydration
• Sensorium: Conscious
• No respiratory distress
• Normal PR
• Normal HR
• Normal CRT < 3 sec
• Skin turgor: instant recoil
• Peripheries: warm
• Normal to decreased urine output
• Drinks fluid normally
• Moist mucous membranes
• Tears present
• Eyes and AF not sunken
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Clinical Features of Some Dehydration
• Sensorium: Irritable/restless
• Tachypnea
• Increased PR
• Increased HR (Tachycardia)
• Delayed CRT > 3 sec
• Skin turgor: recoil in < 2 sec
• Peripheries: cold and pale
• Decreased urine output (oliguria)
• Eager to drink fluid
• Dry mucous membranes
• Decreased tears
• Sunken eyes and AF
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Clinical Features of Severe Dehydration
• Sensorium: Lethargic/apathy
• Deep breathing (Kussmaul breathing)
• Rapid and weak or absent peripheral pulses
• Tachycardia or bradycardia if severe
• Very delayed CRT: >3 sec
• Skin turgor: recoil in > 2 sec
• Peripheries: cold and mottled, cyanosed
• No urine output (anuria)
• Unable to drink
• Parched mucous membranes
• No tears
• Very sunken eyes and AF
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Moderate to Severe Dehydration
• Prompt intervention is needed
• The infant with severe dehydration is gravely ill
• The decrease in BP indicates that vital organs may
be receiving inadequate perfusion
• Immediate and aggressive intervention is
• If possible, the child with severe dehydration
should initially receive intravenous therapy
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• Clinical assessment of dehydration is only an
• Thus, the patient must be continually re-
evaluated during therapy
• The degree of dehydration is underestimated in
hypernatremic dehydration
• This because the movement of water from the
ICF to ECF helps to preserve the intravascular
• The opposite occurs with hyponatremic
• Dangerous intravascular volume depletion can
occur with less severe fluid deficits
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• The history usually suggests the aetiology of the
• It may predict whether the patient will have:
a. Isotonic dehydration
b. Hyponatremic dehydration
c. Hypernatremic dehydration
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Things to consider
• Some children with dehydration are
appropriately thirsty
• Others, the lack of intake is part of the
pathophysiology of the dehydration
• Good urine output may be deceptively present
1. Diabetes insipidus
2. Salt-wasting nephropathy
3. Hypernatremic dehydration
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Approach To Dehydration
• The child with dehydration requires acute
intervention to ensure that there is adequate
tissue perfusion
• Resuscitate : ABCs
• Treatment the shock (know how) if any with an
isotonic solution, such as normal saline (NS) or
Ringer lactate (LR)
• When patient is out of shock, calculate daily
replacement fluid therapy
• Subtract the amount you gave in shock and give
the remaining fluid accordingly
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• A child with a known or probable metabolic alkalosis
(the child with isolated vomiting), LR should not be
used because the lactate will worsen the alkalosis
• Colloids, such as blood, 5% albumin, and plasma, are
rarely needed for fluid boluses
• A crystalloid solution (NS or LR) is satisfactory, with
both less infectious risk and lower cost
Blood: significant anaemia or acute blood loss
Plasma: coagulopathy
Hypoalbuminemia: 5% albumin
• The volume and the infusion rate for colloids are
generally modified compared with crystalloids
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dehydration In No Malnutrition
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dehydration In No Malnutrition
• Plan the fluid therapy for the next 24 hr
• There are various protocols
• Use WHO treatment plans: A, B and C
• Plan A: patients treated at home
• Plan B and C: Admit
• Plan A: ORS or other recommended fluids
• Plan B: give ORS
• Plan C: Isotonic IVFs
- RL, ½ NS in 5 % dextrose (D5 ½ NS)
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
a. 13.5 g of CHO = 75 mmol/L
b. 20 g of CHO = 111 mmol/L
c. Base = 2.5 g of NaHCO3 (30 mmol/L of HCO3-) or 2.5 g of
Trisodium citrate (10 mmol/L of citrate)
d. The formula containing citrate is much more stable
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan Fluid Therapy In No Malnutrition
• Use WHO treatment plans:
1. No dehydration: Tx using Plan A
2. Some dehydration: Tx using Plan B
3. Severe dehydration: Tx using Plan C
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan A
Home therapy to prevent dehydration and malnutrition
• If no dehydration: a child needs extra fluids and salt to
replace their losses of water and electrolytes due to
• If these are not given, signs of dehydration may develop
The 3 Rules
• Mothers should be taught these rules:
- Rule 1: Give the child more fluids than usual, to prevent
- Rule 2: Continue to feed the child, to prevent malnutrition
- Rule 3: Take child to hospital if signs of dehydration or other
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan A
What fluids to give
• Wherever possible, these should include at least one
fluid that normally contains salt
• Plain clean water should also be given
Suitable fluids
Two groups:
1. Fluids that normally contain salt:
- ORS solution
- Salted drinks (e.g. salted rice water or a salted
yoghurt drink)
- Vegetable or chicken soup with salt
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan A
Teach mothers to add salt (about 3g/l) to an unsalted drink
or soup
2. Fluids that do not contain salt:
- Plain water
- water in which a cereal has been cooked (e.g. unsalted
rice water)
- Unsalted soup
- Yoghurt drinks without salt
- Green coconut water
- Weak tea (unsweetened)
- Unsweetened fresh fruit juice.
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan A
How much fluid to give
• The general rule is:
- Give as much fluid as the patient wants until
diarrhoea stops
- As a guide, after each loose stool, give:
• Patients < 2 yrs : 50-100mL/loose stool
- A quarter to half a large cup
• Patients 2 yrs – 10 yrs : 200-400mL/loose stool
- A half to one large cup
• Patients > 10 yrs : As much as possible
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan A
• Continue feeding during diarrhoea and increase
afterwards. Never withhold food
• Child's usual foods should not be diluted
• Breastfeeding should always be continued
• Aim is to give as much nutrient rich food as the
child will accept
• Food intake support continued growth and
weight gain
• Continued feeding also speeds the recovery of
normal intestinal function
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
When Should Pt be Brought to Hospital?
If there are signs of dehydration or other problems
- Starts to pass many watery stools
- Has repeated vomiting
- Becomes very thirsty
- Is eating or drinking poorly
- Develops a fever
- Has blood in the stool
- The child does not get better in three days
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan B: ORT
• Children with some dehydration should
receive oral rehydration therapy (ORT) with
ORS solution in a health facility
• Use the table on the next slide
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan B: ORT
• Use patient's age ONLY when you do not know the
• Start with 200-400mL for < 5 kg, then increase by
200 mL for intervals of 3 kg (check pattern in the
table). Give in the first 4 hours
• Approximate amount of ORS: 75 mL/kg in 4 hrs
- If the patient wants more ORS than shown, give more
- Encourage the mother to continue b/feeding
- For infants under 6 months who are not breastfed,
give 100-200ml clean water during this period
- If the child vomits, wait 5-10 minutes and then start
giving ORS solution again, but more slowly
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan B
• During the initial stages of therapy, while still
dehydrated, if necessary:
a. Adults can consume up to 750 ml/hr
b. Children up to 20 mL/kg/hr
Sign of overhydration: Oedematous (puffy) eyelids
• If this occurs, stop giving ORS solution, but give
breastmilk or plain water, and food
• Do not give a diuretic
• When the oedema has gone, resume giving ORS
solution or home fluids according to Plan A
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Monitoring Progress of ORT
• Check the child from time to time during
• This ensures that ORS solution is being taken
satisfactorily and that signs of dehydration are
not worsening
• If at any time the child develops signs of severe
dehydration, shift to Treatment Plan C
• After 4 hours (after giving calculated ORS),
reassess the child fully
• Then decide what treatment to give next
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Plan C: IV Rehydration
• Children who can drink, even poorly, should be
given ORS solution by mouth until the IV drip is
• All children should start to receive some ORS
solution (about 5 ml/kg/h) when they can drink
without difficulty
• This is usually within 34 hours (for infants) or 12
hours (for older patients)
• This provides additional base and potassium,
which may not be adequately supplied by the IVF
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Monitoring the Patient
Look and feel for all the signs of dehydration:
• If signs of severe dehydration are still present,
repeat the IV fluid infusion for Plan C
- Very unusual, occurs only in children who pass
large watery stools frequently during the
rehydration period
• If signs of some dehydration, discontinue the IV
infusion and give ORS solution for 4 hrs, as
specified in Treatment Plan B
• If there are no signs of dehydration, follow
Treatment Plan A
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Role of Antibiotics
• Antibiotics have no role in dehydration even if it
is secondary to infectious diarrhoea
• Give antibiotics in acute or persistent diarrhoea
ONLY in:
1. Dysentery
2. Cholera
3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 40
• If possible, observe child for at least six hours
before discharge while the mother gives the child
ORS solution
• Teach mother Plan A
• Confirm that she is able to maintain the child's
• Remember that the child will require therapy
with ORS solution until diarrhoea stops
• Give her enough ORS packets for two days
• Teach her the signs that mean she should bring
her child back to hospital
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Dehydration In Malnutrition
3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 42
• It is difficult to estimate dehydration status in a
severely malnourished child using clinical signs
• Signs of dehydration used in malnutrition
• Treat those showing the following signs of severe
1. Lethargy or unconsciousness
2. Delayed CRT > 3 sec
3. Weak feeble and fast pulse
4. Reduced urinary output (< 0.5-1 mL/Kg/hr)
5. Cold peripheries
3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 43
Dehydration In Malnutrition
Malnourished Children Require Special Treatment
- Heart unable to handle large fluids, give per oral
- Malnourished children are ONLY given IVFs when they
are in shock
1. Give ReSoMal (not ORS or IVFs) orally or via NG tube:
a. In the first 2 hours, give 5 mL/kg every 30 min
b. In the next 4-10 hours, give 5-10mL/Kg alternating
every hour with starter F-75
c. Enter child in stabilization phase with starter F-75 2-
3 hourly (including night time)
3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 44
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.

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  • 1. PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH • Paediatrics and Child Health • Deficit Therapy • Maintenance Therapy • Dehydration In No Malnutrition • Dehydration In Malnutrition Dr. Chongo Shapi (BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ) - Medical Doctor. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
  • 2. Introduction Objectives: To know 1. Fluid deficit 2. Maintenance fluid 3. Replacement therapy 4. Dehydration 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 2
  • 3. Calculation of Fluid Deficit • First determine the fluid deficit by clinically determining the percent dehydration • Then, multiply this percentage by the patient's weight • For example: - 10% dehydration (severe dehydration) = 100mL/kg - Hence, a 10 kg child with 10% dehydration has a fluid deficit of 1000 L (1L) Deficit therapy is given if dehydration is present - Give it within 36-48 hrs 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 3
  • 4. Maintenance Fluid Infusion rate = [total fluid volume/day]/24 hrs 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 4
  • 5. Goals of Maintenance Fluids 1. Prevent dehydration 2. Prevent electrolyte disorders 3. Prevent ketoacidosis 4. Prevent protein degradation 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 5
  • 6. Fluid Replacement Therapy (FRT) A. If no ongoing losses (OGLs): - FRT = Fluid Deficit (FD) + Maintenance Fluid (MF) - Hence, FRT = FD + MF B. If there is ongoing losses: FRT = FD + MF + OGLs 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 6
  • 7. Examples 1. A child awaiting surgery may need only maintenance fluids 2. A child with diarrheal dehydration needs maintenance and deficit therapy if no significant diarrhoea continuation 3. A child requires further replacement fluids to account for ongoing losses if significant diarrhoea continues 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 7
  • 8. Dehydration • Dehydration is a common problem in children • Is most often due to gastroenteritis • Most cases can be managed with oral rehydration • Children with hyponatremic or hypernatremic dehydration can also be managed with ORS 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 8
  • 9. Clinical Manifestations • The first step is assessing the degree of dehydration • This dictates both the urgency of the situation and the volume of fluid needed for rehydration 1. No dehydration: a. Infant: < 5% b. > 1 yr: < 3% 2. Some dehydration: a. Infant : 5–10% b. > 1 yr: 3–6% 3. Severe dehydration: a. Infant : > 10% b. > 1 yr: > 6% 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 9
  • 10. • For older children and adults the degree of dehydration represents a lower percentage of body weight lost • This difference occurs because water is a higher percentage of body weight in infants 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 10
  • 11. Clinical Features of No Dehydration • Sensorium: Conscious • No respiratory distress • Normal PR • Normal HR • Normal CRT < 3 sec • Skin turgor: instant recoil • Peripheries: warm • Normal to decreased urine output • Drinks fluid normally • Moist mucous membranes • Tears present • Eyes and AF not sunken 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 11
  • 12. Clinical Features of Some Dehydration • Sensorium: Irritable/restless • Tachypnea • Increased PR • Increased HR (Tachycardia) • Delayed CRT > 3 sec • Skin turgor: recoil in < 2 sec • Peripheries: cold and pale • Decreased urine output (oliguria) • Eager to drink fluid • Dry mucous membranes • Decreased tears • Sunken eyes and AF 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 12
  • 13. Clinical Features of Severe Dehydration • Sensorium: Lethargic/apathy • Deep breathing (Kussmaul breathing) • Rapid and weak or absent peripheral pulses • Tachycardia or bradycardia if severe • Very delayed CRT: >3 sec • Skin turgor: recoil in > 2 sec • Peripheries: cold and mottled, cyanosed • No urine output (anuria) • Unable to drink • Parched mucous membranes • No tears • Very sunken eyes and AF 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 13
  • 14. Moderate to Severe Dehydration • Prompt intervention is needed • The infant with severe dehydration is gravely ill • The decrease in BP indicates that vital organs may be receiving inadequate perfusion • Immediate and aggressive intervention is necessary • If possible, the child with severe dehydration should initially receive intravenous therapy 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 14
  • 15. • Clinical assessment of dehydration is only an estimate • Thus, the patient must be continually re- evaluated during therapy • The degree of dehydration is underestimated in hypernatremic dehydration • This because the movement of water from the ICF to ECF helps to preserve the intravascular volume • The opposite occurs with hyponatremic dehydration • Dangerous intravascular volume depletion can occur with less severe fluid deficits 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 15
  • 16. • The history usually suggests the aetiology of the dehydration • It may predict whether the patient will have: a. Isotonic dehydration b. Hyponatremic dehydration c. Hypernatremic dehydration 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 16
  • 17. Things to consider • Some children with dehydration are appropriately thirsty • Others, the lack of intake is part of the pathophysiology of the dehydration • Good urine output may be deceptively present in: 1. Diabetes insipidus 2. Salt-wasting nephropathy 3. Hypernatremic dehydration 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 17
  • 18. Approach To Dehydration • The child with dehydration requires acute intervention to ensure that there is adequate tissue perfusion • Resuscitate : ABCs • Treatment the shock (know how) if any with an isotonic solution, such as normal saline (NS) or Ringer lactate (LR) • When patient is out of shock, calculate daily replacement fluid therapy • Subtract the amount you gave in shock and give the remaining fluid accordingly 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 18
  • 19. • A child with a known or probable metabolic alkalosis (the child with isolated vomiting), LR should not be used because the lactate will worsen the alkalosis • Colloids, such as blood, 5% albumin, and plasma, are rarely needed for fluid boluses • A crystalloid solution (NS or LR) is satisfactory, with both less infectious risk and lower cost Blood: significant anaemia or acute blood loss Plasma: coagulopathy Hypoalbuminemia: 5% albumin • The volume and the infusion rate for colloids are generally modified compared with crystalloids 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 19
  • 20. Dehydration In No Malnutrition 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 20
  • 21. Dehydration In No Malnutrition • Plan the fluid therapy for the next 24 hr • There are various protocols • Use WHO treatment plans: A, B and C • Plan A: patients treated at home • Plan B and C: Admit • Plan A: ORS or other recommended fluids • Plan B: give ORS • Plan C: Isotonic IVFs - RL, ½ NS in 5 % dextrose (D5 ½ NS) 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 21
  • 22. WHO ORS a. 13.5 g of CHO = 75 mmol/L b. 20 g of CHO = 111 mmol/L c. Base = 2.5 g of NaHCO3 (30 mmol/L of HCO3-) or 2.5 g of Trisodium citrate (10 mmol/L of citrate) d. The formula containing citrate is much more stable 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 22
  • 23. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 23
  • 24. Plan Fluid Therapy In No Malnutrition • Use WHO treatment plans: 1. No dehydration: Tx using Plan A 2. Some dehydration: Tx using Plan B 3. Severe dehydration: Tx using Plan C 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 24
  • 25. Plan A Home therapy to prevent dehydration and malnutrition • If no dehydration: a child needs extra fluids and salt to replace their losses of water and electrolytes due to diarrhoea • If these are not given, signs of dehydration may develop The 3 Rules • Mothers should be taught these rules: - Rule 1: Give the child more fluids than usual, to prevent dehydration - Rule 2: Continue to feed the child, to prevent malnutrition - Rule 3: Take child to hospital if signs of dehydration or other problems 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 25
  • 26. Plan A What fluids to give • Wherever possible, these should include at least one fluid that normally contains salt • Plain clean water should also be given Suitable fluids Two groups: 1. Fluids that normally contain salt: - ORS solution - Salted drinks (e.g. salted rice water or a salted yoghurt drink) - Vegetable or chicken soup with salt 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 26
  • 27. Plan A Teach mothers to add salt (about 3g/l) to an unsalted drink or soup 2. Fluids that do not contain salt: - Plain water - water in which a cereal has been cooked (e.g. unsalted rice water) - Unsalted soup - Yoghurt drinks without salt - Green coconut water - Weak tea (unsweetened) - Unsweetened fresh fruit juice. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 27
  • 28. Plan A How much fluid to give • The general rule is: - Give as much fluid as the patient wants until diarrhoea stops - As a guide, after each loose stool, give: • Patients < 2 yrs : 50-100mL/loose stool - A quarter to half a large cup • Patients 2 yrs – 10 yrs : 200-400mL/loose stool - A half to one large cup • Patients > 10 yrs : As much as possible 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 28
  • 29. Plan A • Continue feeding during diarrhoea and increase afterwards. Never withhold food • Child's usual foods should not be diluted • Breastfeeding should always be continued • Aim is to give as much nutrient rich food as the child will accept • Food intake support continued growth and weight gain • Continued feeding also speeds the recovery of normal intestinal function 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 29
  • 30. When Should Pt be Brought to Hospital? If there are signs of dehydration or other problems - Starts to pass many watery stools - Has repeated vomiting - Becomes very thirsty - Is eating or drinking poorly - Develops a fever - Has blood in the stool - The child does not get better in three days 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 30
  • 31. Plan B: ORT • Children with some dehydration should receive oral rehydration therapy (ORT) with ORS solution in a health facility • Use the table on the next slide 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 31
  • 32. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 32
  • 33. Plan B: ORT • Use patient's age ONLY when you do not know the weight • Start with 200-400mL for < 5 kg, then increase by 200 mL for intervals of 3 kg (check pattern in the table). Give in the first 4 hours • Approximate amount of ORS: 75 mL/kg in 4 hrs - If the patient wants more ORS than shown, give more - Encourage the mother to continue b/feeding - For infants under 6 months who are not breastfed, give 100-200ml clean water during this period - If the child vomits, wait 5-10 minutes and then start giving ORS solution again, but more slowly 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 33
  • 34. Plan B • During the initial stages of therapy, while still dehydrated, if necessary: a. Adults can consume up to 750 ml/hr b. Children up to 20 mL/kg/hr Sign of overhydration: Oedematous (puffy) eyelids • If this occurs, stop giving ORS solution, but give breastmilk or plain water, and food • Do not give a diuretic • When the oedema has gone, resume giving ORS solution or home fluids according to Plan A 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 34
  • 35. Monitoring Progress of ORT • Check the child from time to time during rehydration • This ensures that ORS solution is being taken satisfactorily and that signs of dehydration are not worsening • If at any time the child develops signs of severe dehydration, shift to Treatment Plan C • After 4 hours (after giving calculated ORS), reassess the child fully • Then decide what treatment to give next 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 35
  • 36. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 36
  • 37. Plan C: IV Rehydration • Children who can drink, even poorly, should be given ORS solution by mouth until the IV drip is running • All children should start to receive some ORS solution (about 5 ml/kg/h) when they can drink without difficulty • This is usually within 34 hours (for infants) or 12 hours (for older patients) • This provides additional base and potassium, which may not be adequately supplied by the IVF 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 37
  • 38. 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 38
  • 39. Monitoring the Patient Look and feel for all the signs of dehydration: • If signs of severe dehydration are still present, repeat the IV fluid infusion for Plan C - Very unusual, occurs only in children who pass large watery stools frequently during the rehydration period • If signs of some dehydration, discontinue the IV infusion and give ORS solution for 4 hrs, as specified in Treatment Plan B • If there are no signs of dehydration, follow Treatment Plan A 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 39
  • 40. Role of Antibiotics • Antibiotics have no role in dehydration even if it is secondary to infectious diarrhoea • Give antibiotics in acute or persistent diarrhoea ONLY in: 1. Dysentery 2. Cholera 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 40
  • 41. Discharge • If possible, observe child for at least six hours before discharge while the mother gives the child ORS solution • Teach mother Plan A • Confirm that she is able to maintain the child's hydration • Remember that the child will require therapy with ORS solution until diarrhoea stops • Give her enough ORS packets for two days • Teach her the signs that mean she should bring her child back to hospital 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 41
  • 42. Dehydration In Malnutrition 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 42
  • 43. • It is difficult to estimate dehydration status in a severely malnourished child using clinical signs alone • Signs of dehydration used in malnutrition • Treat those showing the following signs of severe dehydration: 1. Lethargy or unconsciousness 2. Delayed CRT > 3 sec 3. Weak feeble and fast pulse 4. Reduced urinary output (< 0.5-1 mL/Kg/hr) 5. Cold peripheries 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 43
  • 44. Dehydration In Malnutrition Malnourished Children Require Special Treatment - Heart unable to handle large fluids, give per oral - Malnourished children are ONLY given IVFs when they are in shock 1. Give ReSoMal (not ORS or IVFs) orally or via NG tube: a. In the first 2 hours, give 5 mL/kg every 30 min b. In the next 4-10 hours, give 5-10mL/Kg alternating every hour with starter F-75 c. Enter child in stabilization phase with starter F-75 2- 3 hourly (including night time) 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 44
  • 45. Thanks 3/19/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 45