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Option D.2
IB Biology
Miss Werba
• Allele frequency & the gene pool
    • Barriers between gene pools
    • Polyploidy & speciation
    • Allopatric & sympatric speciation
    • Adaptive radiation
    • Convergent & divergent evolution
    • Pace of evolution – gradualism & punctuated
    • Transient & balanced polymorphisms
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                           2

    • A species is often defined as a group of individuals
      that actually or potentially interbreed in nature to
      produce viable offspring.
    • In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool
      possible under natural conditions.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    4

    • That definition of a species might seem easy, but it is
      not — in nature, there are lots of places where it is
      difficult to apply this definition.
    • For example, many bacteria reproduce mainly
      asexually, by binary fission.
    • The definition of a species as a group of
      interbreeding individuals cannot be easily applied to
      organisms that reproduce only or mainly asexually.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       5

    • The commonly accepted definition is also difficult to
      apply to :
          – hybrids - eg. mules
          – Cases where it is physically impossible for
            members of the same species to mate – eg. Canis

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     6


         Breeding             Ecological              Genetic             Evolutionary                  Cladistic

                                                                           A group of organisms
                              Group of organisms   A group of organisms      sharing a unique         A group of organisms
        Group of organisms
                               sharing the same       with the same       collection of structural   that shares a common
        capable of breeding
                                ecological niche        karyotype               & functional                ancestor

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                                                                                    7

    • Modern evolutionists apply concepts in genetics to
      explain evolution.
    • Individuals who are selected for survival in a species
      will reproduce and pass on their genes to the
      following generation.
    • The alleles present in adapted individuals will
      become more common within individuals of that

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                      9

    • A gene pool is the sum of all the individual genes in a
      given population.
    • Within a gene pool, every allele has a particular ratio
      or frequency.
    • The frequency of an allele is the number of
      occurrences of that allele in that population.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       10

    • Gene pools constantly change:
        mutations are always occurring and introducing new
        genes into the gene pool.
    • Genes that confer a disadvantage are (should be) lost
      from the pool by natural selection.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     11

    • Suppose that the pink
      body colour of pigs is
      controlled by a single
      gene (written as B),
      and that a mutation
      in this gene results in
      brown skin (written
      as b).


   • There are 10
                               BB        bb
     individual pigs in the                        BB         BB
     population shown         bb
   • This means there are                     Bb        Bb

     20 alleles.
                               bb                        BB
   • There are 12 B alleles
     and 8 b alleles.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                      13

   • The frequencies of
                                BB        bb
     the alleles are:                               BB         BB
   • 12/20 are B               bb
                                     BB        Bb        Bb
     This is a frequency of
                                bb                        BB
   • 8/20 are b
     This is a frequency of
   • The overall frequency should add up to 1.
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       14

    • Features of a species can change with evolution.
    • eg.
    • If the habitat for a species of tree-dwelling squirrels
      were to change such that there was a decrease in the
      number of tree shelters and an increase in the
      number of ground shelters, the change
      would select for squirrels which could
      survive in ground shelters.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       16

    • The ground dwelling squirrels would survive to
      reproduce and pass on their characteristics.
    • Those which could not live in ground shelters were
      selected against so that their numbers would
      gradually decrease in the following generations.
    • Over time, the species would evolve from a
      population consisting mainly of tree
      dwellers to a population consisting
      mainly of ground dwellers.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                  17

    • The forces of evolution shape and change the
      composition of this gene pool and thus the nature of
      the population.
    • New combinations of alleles produce unique
    • When expressed as phenotypes, these combinations
      experience natural selection, which determines
      which genes are passed on to the next generation.
    • There are different types of selection (D.2.9).
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    18

    • Features of a species can change with evolution.
    • eg.
    • If the habitat for a species of tree-dwelling squirrels
      were to change such that there was a decrease in the
      number of tree shelters and an increase in the
      number of ground shelters, the change
      would select for squirrels which could
      survive in ground shelters.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       20

    • If a species is somehow separated into two groups by
      an isolation mechanism or barrier, one species could
      potentially diverge into two.
    • If the environments on either side of the barrier are
      different, each environment will select for a different
      set of features.
    • The two isolated groups cannot interbreed, so there
      is no gene flow between them.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       21

    • After a long period of isolation and selection, the
      groups on either side of the barrier may become so
      different that they can no longer interbreed when
      put together.
    • One species has evolved into two.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                   22

    • The genetic isolation between species can occur in a
      number of ways, all the result of reproductive
    • They can be:
       – Pre-zygotic isolation – meaning that the zygotes
         are not formed because the gametes never meet
       – Post-zygotic isolation – meaning that the zygotes
         don’t develop

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    23

    • The two species may have evolved in such a way that
      they are active at different times of day or night.
    • They may even evolve different reproductive
    • Thus isolated in time, the two groups are not likely to

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       25

    • The two species occupy different habitats in a
      similar region.
    • May have been separated by an earthquake or river.
    • May be the difference between being ground
      dwellers or tree dwellers.
    • Thus isolated geographically
      and ecologically, the two
      groups are not likely to
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                  26

    • The two groups may become so different that they
      no longer identify with each other’s courtship
      behaviour, and therefore cannot interbreed.
    • The two groups become so different that they
      release slightly different chemical signals
      (pheromones), and therefore cannot interbreed.
    • Audio and visual mating signals may also change.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                27

  Different species of bowerbird construct elaborate bowers and decorate them with
  different colors in order to woo females. The Satin bowerbird (left) builds a channel
  between upright sticks, and decorates with bright blue objects, while the MacGregor’s
  Bowerbird (right) builds a tall tower of sticks and decorates with bits of charcoal.
  Evolutionary changes in mating rituals, such as bower construction, can contribute to
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                                                 28

    • The two groups may become so different that they
      can no longer physically interbreed.
    • If copulation is prevented, there will be no gene flow
      between these two groups.

                            These damselfly penises illustrate just how
                            complex insect genitalia may be.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                                 29

    • Hybrids are produced but fail to develop to
    • eg.
       – a male horse (2n = 64) and a female donkey
         (2n = 62) can mate to produce a mule, but the
         mule has 63 chromosomes.
       – The chromosomes do not pair up during meiosis
       – So the mule is sterile

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                31

    • Hybrids are produced but fail to produce functional

    • The F1 hybrids are fertile but the F2 generation fail
      to develop or are infertile.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     32

    • Speciation is the process by which one or more
      species arise from previously existing species.

    • A single species may give
      rise to a new species
      (intraspecific speciation)
    • Two different species may give rise to a new species
      (interspecific hybridisation)
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    34

    • If intraspecific speciation occurs whilst the
      populations are physically separated, it is termed
      allopatric speciation.

    • If the process of speciation occurs while the
      populations are occupying the same geographical
      area or range, it is termed sympatric speciation.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                  35

    • Occurs when a geographical barrier produces a
      barrier to gene flow because of spatial separation.
    • Organisms are unable to meet and reproduce,
      leading to reproductive isolation.
    • Adaptations to a new environment will change the
      allele and genotype frequencies.
    • Prolonged separation of populations will lead to two
      genetically isolated populations, even if the barrier is
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                        36

    • The barriers could be a mountain range, river, etc

    • This means that speciation can also occur through
      random forces, rather than through natural

    • A famous example of allopatric speciation is that of
      Charles Darwin's Galápagos Finches

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    37


    • Occurs due to variations in the mating habits of a
      population within the same geographical area.
    • The two species occupy different niches in this
      habitat, which can hamper gene flow.
    • Prolonged separation of populations will again lead
      to two genetically isolated populations, even if the
      barrier is removed.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    39

    • Occurs due to genetic divergence (through
      reproductive isolation) of various populations from a
      single parent species.
    • The two variants inhabit the same geographic

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     40


    • A species is often defined as a group of individuals
      that actually or potentially interbreed in nature to
      produce viable offspring.
    • In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool
      possible under natural conditions.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    43

    • Condition where the cells of an organism contain
      more than two homologous sets of chromosomes.
    • eg.                               eg. salmon
       – Triploid (3n)
       – Tetraploid (4n)
                                              eg. kiwifruit
       – Pentaploid (5n)
       – Hexaploid (6n)
       – Decaploid (10n)                 eg. strawberries

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     44

                            & THE GENE POOL

    • Polyploidy is a form of sympatric speciation.
    • It doesn’t add new genes to the gene pool, but gives
      rise to new combinations of genes.
    • It involves a single organism or hybridisation
      between organisms of a different species.
    • Very common in plants.
    • Polyploidy in a species results in very quick changes
      to gene structure & gene expression.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     45


    • Autopolyploids are polyploids with multiple
      chromosome sets derived from a single species.
    • Autopolyploids can arise from a spontaneous,
      naturally occurring genome doubling (for example,
      the potato).
    • Others might form following fusion of 2n gametes
      (unreduced gametes).
    • Bananas and apples can be found as autotriploids.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                 46


    • Autopolyploids usually have an odd number of sets
      of chromosomes.
    • They are usually sterile.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                 47


    • Allopolyploids are polyploids with chromosomes
      derived from different species.
    • It is the result of doubling of chromosome number in
      an F1 hybrid (rare: a fertile hybrid)
    • Triticale is an example of an allopolyploid, having six
      chromosome sets: 4 from wheat and 2from rye.
    • The resulting species is infertile with both parent

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                       48

    • Adaptive radiation describes the situation in which
      homologous structures are differentiated to
      perform a variety of different functions.
    • Homologous structures have the same genetic basis.
    • All organisms that belong to a particular taxonomic
      class share a number of modified features, which
      adapt them to particular ecological habitats.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                   50

    • eg. Insect mouthparts.


    • Divergent evolution:
      when one species evolves into several different

    • Due to different selection pressures in their

    • It is also known as adaptive evolution.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                               54

    • eg.
       Charles Darwin's Galápagos finches proven to have
      evolved slightly different beaks due to the nature of
      the foods they were eating

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     55

    • Convergent evolution:
      when two species evolve similar features if placed in
      similar environments
    • Due to similar selection pressures in their
    • The examples are actually pretty cool..... 

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     57

    • eg.
      The streamlined bodies and fins of sharks (fish) and
      dolphins (mammals)

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    58

    • eg.
      ant eaters, aardvarks, echidnas and numbats have all
      developed claws and sticky, long tongues to open up
      termite nests and eat them

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                    59

    • eg.
       These two succulent plant genera, Euphorbia and
      Astrophytum, are only distantly related, but have
      independently converged on a very similar body

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                 60

    • eg.
       The camera eye of cephalopods (e.g. squid) and
      vertebrates (e.g. mammals). Their last common
      ancestor had at most a very simple photoreceptive
      spot, but a range of processes led to the progressive
      refinement of this structure to the advanced camera
      eye - with one subtle difference; the cephalopod eye
      is "wired" in the opposite direction, with blood and
      nerve vessels entering from the back of the retina,
      rather than the front as in vertebrates
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     61

    • Evolution is a slow process.
    • Most of our ideas about evolution are supported by
      fossil records, which are incomplete.
    • Darwin thought evolution to be a gradual process, a
      series of minor changes which, over time, led to a
      distinct difference between the individual and its
    • Lately, a new idea has come up which, to a certain
      extent, explains the inconsistencies of the fossil

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                   63

    • In 1972, Eldredge and Gould suggested that
      evolution may occur in short periods of rapid
      change, followed by long periods of no change.
    • The idea is that a large population which experiences
      different selection pressures will probably not
      change much.
    • However, a small population, specially one that
      experiences a new environment, could undergo rapid
      changes due to selection pressures in a certain
      direction. This is called punctuated equillibria.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                     64

    • It is known that some species during certain times
      have evolved gradually
      (eg. mammals in Africa),
      while others seem
      to follow the punctuated
      equillibria model.
    • It is possible that the times of rapid change are
      caused by meteor impacts and/or volcanic eruptions
      which caused climatic changes.

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                  65


    • Stabilising selection:
          – Tends to eliminate extreme phenotypes from
          – Maintains phenotypic stability within a population.

    • Directional selection:
          – A gradual change in the environment moves the
            mean phenotype towards a new mean.
          – Will continue until the new mean coincides with the
            optimum environmental conditions.
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                         67

    • Disruptive selection:
          – Fluctuating conditions in an environment may favour
            the presence of 2 phenotypes in a population.
          – May split the population into 2 sub-populations
            (? speciation)

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                         68

   • If two different variants of a phenotype coexist in the
     same population, it is called a balanced
   • eg. Sickle cell anaemia
          – Homozygous recessive has SCA, but homozygous dominant
            does not
          – Heterozygote also shows no symptoms of SCA
          – The allele frequency of SCA is maintained by a
            heterozygote advantage (can survive malaria)
          – Stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms are
MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                            70

   • If two different variants of a phenotype are in the
     process of replacing each other , it is called a
     transient polymorphism.
   • eg. Peppered moths
          – Light coloured moth was once prevalent
          – Industrial revolution lead to increased frequency of dark
            variant and the decreased frequency of the light variant

MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY                                               71

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D.2 species-and-speciation

  • 2. • Allele frequency & the gene pool • Barriers between gene pools • Polyploidy & speciation • Allopatric & sympatric speciation • Adaptive radiation • Convergent & divergent evolution • Pace of evolution – gradualism & punctuated equilibrium • Transient & balanced polymorphisms MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 2
  • 3.
  • 4. D.2.3 • A species is often defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature to produce viable offspring. • In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditions. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 4
  • 5. D.2.3 • That definition of a species might seem easy, but it is not — in nature, there are lots of places where it is difficult to apply this definition. • For example, many bacteria reproduce mainly asexually, by binary fission. • The definition of a species as a group of interbreeding individuals cannot be easily applied to organisms that reproduce only or mainly asexually. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 5
  • 6. D.2.3 • The commonly accepted definition is also difficult to apply to : – hybrids - eg. mules – Cases where it is physically impossible for members of the same species to mate – eg. Canis familiaris MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 6
  • 7. D.2.3 Species Breeding Ecological Genetic Evolutionary Cladistic A group of organisms Group of organisms A group of organisms sharing a unique A group of organisms Group of organisms sharing the same with the same collection of structural that shares a common capable of breeding ecological niche karyotype & functional ancestor characteristics MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 7
  • 8.
  • 9. D.2.1 • Modern evolutionists apply concepts in genetics to explain evolution. • Individuals who are selected for survival in a species will reproduce and pass on their genes to the following generation. • The alleles present in adapted individuals will become more common within individuals of that species. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 9
  • 10. D.2.1 • A gene pool is the sum of all the individual genes in a given population. • Within a gene pool, every allele has a particular ratio or frequency. • The frequency of an allele is the number of occurrences of that allele in that population. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 10
  • 11. D.2.1 • Gene pools constantly change: mutations are always occurring and introducing new genes into the gene pool. • Genes that confer a disadvantage are (should be) lost from the pool by natural selection. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 11
  • 12. D.2.1 • Suppose that the pink body colour of pigs is controlled by a single gene (written as B), and that a mutation in this gene results in brown skin (written as b). MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 12
  • 13. D.2.1 • There are 10 BB bb individual pigs in the BB BB population shown bb BB • This means there are Bb Bb 20 alleles. bb BB • There are 12 B alleles and 8 b alleles. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 13
  • 14. D.2.1 • The frequencies of BB bb the alleles are: BB BB • 12/20 are B bb BB Bb Bb This is a frequency of 0.6 bb BB • 8/20 are b This is a frequency of 0.4 • The overall frequency should add up to 1. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 14
  • 15.
  • 16. D.2.2 • Features of a species can change with evolution. • eg. • If the habitat for a species of tree-dwelling squirrels were to change such that there was a decrease in the number of tree shelters and an increase in the number of ground shelters, the change would select for squirrels which could survive in ground shelters. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 16
  • 17. D.2.2 • The ground dwelling squirrels would survive to reproduce and pass on their characteristics. • Those which could not live in ground shelters were selected against so that their numbers would gradually decrease in the following generations. • Over time, the species would evolve from a population consisting mainly of tree dwellers to a population consisting mainly of ground dwellers. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 17
  • 18. D.2.2 • The forces of evolution shape and change the composition of this gene pool and thus the nature of the population. • New combinations of alleles produce unique genotypes. • When expressed as phenotypes, these combinations experience natural selection, which determines which genes are passed on to the next generation. • There are different types of selection (D.2.9). MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 18
  • 19.
  • 20. D.2.4 • Features of a species can change with evolution. • eg. • If the habitat for a species of tree-dwelling squirrels were to change such that there was a decrease in the number of tree shelters and an increase in the number of ground shelters, the change would select for squirrels which could survive in ground shelters. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 20
  • 21. D.2.4 • If a species is somehow separated into two groups by an isolation mechanism or barrier, one species could potentially diverge into two. • If the environments on either side of the barrier are different, each environment will select for a different set of features. • The two isolated groups cannot interbreed, so there is no gene flow between them. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 21
  • 22. D.2.4 • After a long period of isolation and selection, the groups on either side of the barrier may become so different that they can no longer interbreed when put together. • One species has evolved into two. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 22
  • 23. D.2.4 • The genetic isolation between species can occur in a number of ways, all the result of reproductive isolation. • They can be: – Pre-zygotic isolation – meaning that the zygotes are not formed because the gametes never meet – Post-zygotic isolation – meaning that the zygotes don’t develop MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 23
  • 24.
  • 25. D.2.4 • The two species may have evolved in such a way that they are active at different times of day or night. • They may even evolve different reproductive seasons. • Thus isolated in time, the two groups are not likely to interbreed. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 25
  • 26. D.2.4 • The two species occupy different habitats in a similar region. • May have been separated by an earthquake or river. • May be the difference between being ground dwellers or tree dwellers. • Thus isolated geographically and ecologically, the two groups are not likely to interbreed. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 26
  • 27. D.2.4 • The two groups may become so different that they no longer identify with each other’s courtship behaviour, and therefore cannot interbreed. • The two groups become so different that they release slightly different chemical signals (pheromones), and therefore cannot interbreed. • Audio and visual mating signals may also change. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 27
  • 28. D.2.4 Different species of bowerbird construct elaborate bowers and decorate them with different colors in order to woo females. The Satin bowerbird (left) builds a channel between upright sticks, and decorates with bright blue objects, while the MacGregor’s Bowerbird (right) builds a tall tower of sticks and decorates with bits of charcoal. Evolutionary changes in mating rituals, such as bower construction, can contribute to speciation. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 28
  • 29. D.2.4 • The two groups may become so different that they can no longer physically interbreed. • If copulation is prevented, there will be no gene flow between these two groups. These damselfly penises illustrate just how complex insect genitalia may be. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 29
  • 30.
  • 31. D.2.4 • Hybrids are produced but fail to develop to maturity. • eg. – a male horse (2n = 64) and a female donkey (2n = 62) can mate to produce a mule, but the mule has 63 chromosomes. – The chromosomes do not pair up during meiosis – So the mule is sterile MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 31
  • 32. D.2.4 • Hybrids are produced but fail to produce functional gametes. • The F1 hybrids are fertile but the F2 generation fail to develop or are infertile. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 32
  • 33.
  • 34. D.2.6 • Speciation is the process by which one or more species arise from previously existing species. • A single species may give rise to a new species (intraspecific speciation) or • Two different species may give rise to a new species (interspecific hybridisation) MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 34
  • 35. D.2.6 • If intraspecific speciation occurs whilst the populations are physically separated, it is termed allopatric speciation. • If the process of speciation occurs while the populations are occupying the same geographical area or range, it is termed sympatric speciation. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 35
  • 36. D.2.6 • Occurs when a geographical barrier produces a barrier to gene flow because of spatial separation. • Organisms are unable to meet and reproduce, leading to reproductive isolation. • Adaptations to a new environment will change the allele and genotype frequencies. • Prolonged separation of populations will lead to two genetically isolated populations, even if the barrier is removed. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 36
  • 37. D.2.6 • The barriers could be a mountain range, river, etc • This means that speciation can also occur through random forces, rather than through natural selection. • A famous example of allopatric speciation is that of Charles Darwin's Galápagos Finches MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 37
  • 38. D.2.6 MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 38
  • 39. D.2.6 • Occurs due to variations in the mating habits of a population within the same geographical area. • The two species occupy different niches in this habitat, which can hamper gene flow. • Prolonged separation of populations will again lead to two genetically isolated populations, even if the barrier is removed. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 39
  • 40. D.2.6 • Occurs due to genetic divergence (through reproductive isolation) of various populations from a single parent species. • The two variants inhabit the same geographic region. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 40
  • 41. D.2.6 MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 41
  • 42.
  • 43. D.2.5 • A species is often defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature to produce viable offspring. • In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditions. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 43
  • 44. D.2.5 • Condition where the cells of an organism contain more than two homologous sets of chromosomes. • eg. eg. salmon – Triploid (3n) – Tetraploid (4n) eg. kiwifruit – Pentaploid (5n) – Hexaploid (6n) – Decaploid (10n) eg. strawberries MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 44
  • 45. D.2.5 POLYPLOIDY & THE GENE POOL • Polyploidy is a form of sympatric speciation. • It doesn’t add new genes to the gene pool, but gives rise to new combinations of genes. • It involves a single organism or hybridisation between organisms of a different species. • Very common in plants. • Polyploidy in a species results in very quick changes to gene structure & gene expression. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 45
  • 46. D.2.5 AUTOPOLYPLOIDY • Autopolyploids are polyploids with multiple chromosome sets derived from a single species. • Autopolyploids can arise from a spontaneous, naturally occurring genome doubling (for example, the potato). • Others might form following fusion of 2n gametes (unreduced gametes). • Bananas and apples can be found as autotriploids. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 46
  • 47. D.2.5 AUTOPOLYPLOIDY • Autopolyploids usually have an odd number of sets of chromosomes. • They are usually sterile. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 47
  • 48. D.2.5 ALLOPOLYPLOIDY • Allopolyploids are polyploids with chromosomes derived from different species. • It is the result of doubling of chromosome number in an F1 hybrid (rare: a fertile hybrid) • Triticale is an example of an allopolyploid, having six chromosome sets: 4 from wheat and 2from rye. • The resulting species is infertile with both parent species. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 48
  • 49.
  • 50. D.2.7 • Adaptive radiation describes the situation in which homologous structures are differentiated to perform a variety of different functions. • Homologous structures have the same genetic basis. • All organisms that belong to a particular taxonomic class share a number of modified features, which adapt them to particular ecological habitats. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 50
  • 51. D.2.7 • eg. Insect mouthparts. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 51
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. D.2.8 • Divergent evolution: when one species evolves into several different species • Due to different selection pressures in their environments. • It is also known as adaptive evolution. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 54
  • 55. D.2.8 • eg. Charles Darwin's Galápagos finches proven to have evolved slightly different beaks due to the nature of the foods they were eating MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 55
  • 56.
  • 57. D.2.8 • Convergent evolution: when two species evolve similar features if placed in similar environments • Due to similar selection pressures in their environments. • The examples are actually pretty cool.....  • nvergent_evolution MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 57
  • 58. D.2.8 • eg. The streamlined bodies and fins of sharks (fish) and dolphins (mammals) MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 58
  • 59. D.2.8 • eg. ant eaters, aardvarks, echidnas and numbats have all developed claws and sticky, long tongues to open up termite nests and eat them MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 59
  • 60. D.2.8 • eg. These two succulent plant genera, Euphorbia and Astrophytum, are only distantly related, but have independently converged on a very similar body form. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 60
  • 61. D.2.8 • eg. The camera eye of cephalopods (e.g. squid) and vertebrates (e.g. mammals). Their last common ancestor had at most a very simple photoreceptive spot, but a range of processes led to the progressive refinement of this structure to the advanced camera eye - with one subtle difference; the cephalopod eye is "wired" in the opposite direction, with blood and nerve vessels entering from the back of the retina, rather than the front as in vertebrates MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 61
  • 62.
  • 63. D.2.9 • Evolution is a slow process. • Most of our ideas about evolution are supported by fossil records, which are incomplete. • Darwin thought evolution to be a gradual process, a series of minor changes which, over time, led to a distinct difference between the individual and its ancestors. • Lately, a new idea has come up which, to a certain extent, explains the inconsistencies of the fossil record. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 63
  • 64. D.2.9 • In 1972, Eldredge and Gould suggested that evolution may occur in short periods of rapid change, followed by long periods of no change. • The idea is that a large population which experiences different selection pressures will probably not change much. • However, a small population, specially one that experiences a new environment, could undergo rapid changes due to selection pressures in a certain direction. This is called punctuated equillibria. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 64
  • 65. D.2.9 • It is known that some species during certain times have evolved gradually (eg. mammals in Africa), while others seem to follow the punctuated equillibria model. • It is possible that the times of rapid change are caused by meteor impacts and/or volcanic eruptions which caused climatic changes. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 65
  • 66. D.2.9 MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 66
  • 67. D.2.9 • Stabilising selection: – Tends to eliminate extreme phenotypes from populations. – Maintains phenotypic stability within a population. • Directional selection: – A gradual change in the environment moves the mean phenotype towards a new mean. – Will continue until the new mean coincides with the optimum environmental conditions. MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 67
  • 68. D.2.9 • Disruptive selection: – Fluctuating conditions in an environment may favour the presence of 2 phenotypes in a population. – May split the population into 2 sub-populations (? speciation) MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 68
  • 69.
  • 70. D.2.10 D.2.11 • If two different variants of a phenotype coexist in the same population, it is called a balanced polymorphism. • eg. Sickle cell anaemia – Homozygous recessive has SCA, but homozygous dominant does not – Heterozygote also shows no symptoms of SCA – The allele frequency of SCA is maintained by a heterozygote advantage (can survive malaria) – Stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms are maintained MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 70
  • 71. D.2.10 D.2.11 • If two different variants of a phenotype are in the process of replacing each other , it is called a transient polymorphism. • eg. Peppered moths – Light coloured moth was once prevalent – Industrial revolution lead to increased frequency of dark variant and the decreased frequency of the light variant MISS J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 71