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• Chinese architecture refers to a style of architecture that has taken
  shape in East Asia over the years. Over the centuries, the structural
  principles of Chinese architecture have remained largely unchanged,
  the main changes being on the decorative details.

• An ancient civilized nation and a great country on the East Asian
  continent, China possesses a vast territory covering 9.6 million sq.
  km. and a population accounting for over one-fifth of the world's
  total, 56nationalities and a recorded history of 3,OOO years, during
  which it has created a unique, outstanding traditional Chinese

• Traditional Chinese buildings are always found in pairs or groups,
  whether they are residences, temples or palaces.

• Most structures in Chinese architecture are simple rectangles, and it
  is the architectural complex composed by single structures rather
  than the single structures themselves that expresses the broadness
• Traditional Chinese architecture
  can still be seen throughout
  China, offering a tangible
  expression of traditional Chinese

• Traditional Chinese architecture
  encompasses palaces, temples,
  tombs, parks, and residences.       • Traditional           Chinese
                                        architecture represents the
                                        synthesis     of     political,
                                        economic, cultural, and
                                        technical influences over the
                                      • In the past, these structures
                                        provided the ancient Chinese
                                        people with functional space 4
                                        to live and work in. Today,

• Confucius        (551-479       BC)   FUNDAMENTAL
  established the Confucian school       PRINCIPLES :
  of thought around 500 BC, during      Among the fundamental
  China's Spring and Autumn             principles of Confucian
  Period (770-476BC).                   philosophy are:
• Confucianism became one of the         Loyalty
  pillars of Chinese culture, and was    Filial piety
  named China's official state           moral integrity
  ideology around 100 BC, during         Righteousness
  the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)          benevolence
  by Emperor Han Wudi, who               wisdom
  reigned from 140-87 BC.                Faith
• It continued to be revered             Adherence       to    the
  throughout subsequent dynasties.        Confucian code
• Confucian philosophy attaches          The absolute authority of
  great importance to ethics and          the ruler over subject,     6
  human relationships, and is one of      father over child, and
• Confucian ideology DESIGN • Rites in Confucianism was a
    IN RESIDENTIAL was the
  core    of     feudal    China's    means of regulating order in
  hierarchical social system.         human         relationship.    Its
• Traditional            courtyard    ultimate purpose was to ensure a
  residences       drew       strict  social order.
  distinctions between interior • The quadrangle building was
  and exterior, superior and          one the reflected rites in
  inferior, and male and              traditional chinese residential
  female; internal affairs and        building.
  external        affairs,      the • In       traditional      Chinese
  honorable       (master)     and    architecture,
  humble (maid) ranking.              o The center was considered to
• The compounds were enclosed           be superior and the sides as
  and isolated from the outside         inferior;
  world, and serving as material      o the north was superior and the
  expressions of Confucian              south inferior;
  ideology.                           o The left was superior and the
• In courtyard residences,        • Woman cannot enter external
                                    region. Guests cannot enter
  WING             ROOMS
                                    internal region.
 NORT Receives most               • All the windows in quadrangles
 H         sunlight; Center         are faced towards the inside of
           Room - Living Room       the house. There are no
           /Ancestral hall          windows inside the rooms,
           East rooms-              which look isolated. But inside
           grandparents room        the house, it formed a natural
           West rooms-Head of       system.
           the family             • It emphasized the relationship
 SOUT guest rooms, studies,         between      elder  lies    and
 H         kitchens, and            youngster, eldest son and
• The southern and back rooms
           storerooms               younger son, male and female
 EAST Eldest Son &to form a
  will have short walls his         status.
  division family internal and
            between               • It reflected a parochial feudal
                                    class system of "Higher-lower
 WEST family. sons and
  external younger
• At the back are also rooms of
           their families
                                    ranking       class           8

                                    Principal Room

                                            East     wing-
                                            Eldest son


     West wing-                               Gate     of
     younger sons                             Residential

            Plan of Typical Courtyard Residence - SIHEYUA
Aerial view of

Interior view of                    10
• City planning was based primarily on the Confucian code that
  held up the feudal system.

• Urban planning has played an integral role in the life of Beijing
  throughout its history.

• The city was laid out on a square grid, and covered an area of
  approx 50 square kms.

• A high wall surrounded the entire city, with three gates on the east,
  west, and south walls, and two gates on the north wall.

• The main thoroughfares, which formed a north-south and east-west
  axis through the city, were 28M wide.

• The secondary streets were 14 M wide, and the alleyways were 7M
• The 13th century capital city of Dadu was built using the
  architectural principles of the Confucian classic Zhou Li:
  Kaogong Ji (Rites of the Zhou: Engineering References), which
  states: "When designing a capital city, it should be laid out in a
  square grid measuring nine by nine li (about 4.5 kilometers) per
  side, with three gates on each of the city walls.

• There should be nine streets and nine avenues, each wide enough
  for nine horse carts to pass abreast.

• The palace should be in the center of the city, with the ancestral
  temple on the left, temples to the deities on the right, office
  buildings in front, and a marketplace behind.“

• The layout of the city was extremely orderly, with clearly
  demarcated streets and districts.                        12
DADU           13
• China's hierarchical social system gave rise to a highly restrictive
  system of architectural regulations.
• All construction was controlled by a building code that clearly
  differentiated rank and status. This code controlled every aspect
  of design and construction, and was enforced as law.
• A comprehensive building code was established which specified
  permissible construction for each level of society, from the
  imperial family to the nobility, officials, & the common people.
• Its regulations encompassed every aspect of building design and
  construction, including scale, floor plan, roof shape, and
• Stone lions: Only officials of the fifth rank and above were
  allowed to place the magnificent stone lions outside the gates of
  their homes.
• Officials in ancient China were classified according to rank. The
  fifth rank was regional administrators,.                           14
• The number
  of rows in a
  lion's mane
  the rank of
  the home's
• The
  lions     had
  rows, those
  of      dukes
  and princes
  had twelve      A Qing-era guardian lion pair within the
                  Forbidden City - The lions are always created in
  rows, and       pairs, with the male resting his paw upon the
  those      of   world and the female restraining a playful cub
• The       Forbidden         City • Beijing's    Forbidden     City,
  represents      the     ultimate   designed by Ming Dynasty
  architectural expression of        (1368-1644) architect Kuai
  Confucian ideology.                Xiang, who lived from 1397 to
• Beijing's Forbidden City was       1481.
  the most classical example       • This massive imperial courtyard
  and       representation      of   complex clearly embodies the
  Confucian Rite system.             Confucian emphasis on strict
• In Confucianism, there was a       divisions of rank, and the
  strong emphasis on the             position of the individual
  relationship of an individual      within a hierarchical system-
  in a collective society.           Emphasis on divisions between
• Forbidden city forms a super-      ruler and subjects, husband and
  large quadrangle architecture      wife, Nobles and commoners
  that was the most complex          etc.,
  representation of this rite      • The Forbidden City served as  16
• The        complex        includes • The residential portion of the
  ceremonial                   halls,  emperor was at the rear. At the
  governmental offices, and            center line from south to north
  housing for servants and staff, as   are the living halls of the
  well as the palaces and              emperor and queen.
  courtyards, in which the • They were also formed by a
  members of the royal family          group of 3 large halls to reflect
  lived, studied, worshipped, and      the meaning of “Past dynasty
  entertained.                         at the back “.
• The Emperor's working office • In ancient times, Chinese
  was at the front of the city         nobles has the system of 'one
  complex and was used by the          husband, one wife and many
  Emperor to hold large ceremony.      concubines'.
• Important ceremonial functions • The living hall of the queen
  and audiences with civil and         was in the centerline of the
  military officials were carried • This living arrangementother
                                       back      while    the
  out in three large halls.            was used to reflect12 palace
                                       concubines lived in the
• These halls were constructed on      ranking systemeast and west
                                       courtyards on between 17
Forbidden city – Architecture of Quadrangles
A. Meridian Gate
B. Gate     of   Divine
C. West Glorious Gate
D. East Glorious Gate
E. Corner towers
F. Gate of Supreme
G. Hall of Supreme
H. Hall   of    Military
I. Hall   of   Literary
J. Southern      Three
K. Palace of Heavenly
L. Imperial garden
M. Hall    of   Mental
The     design     of   the
Forbidden City, from its
overall layout to the
smallest     detail,   was
meticulously planned to
reflect philosophical and
religious principles, and
above all to symbolise the
majesty of Imperial power.
Some noted examples of
symbolic designs include:

• Yellow is the color of the         • The sloping ridges of building
  Emperor. Thus almost all roofs       roofs are decorated with a line of
  in the Forbidden City bear           statuettes led by a man riding a
  yellow glazed tiles. There are       phoenix and followed by an
  only two exceptions. The             imperial dragon. The number of
  library at the Pavilion of           statuettes represents the status of
  Literary Profundity had black        the building – a minor building
  tiles because black was              might have 3 or 5.
  associated with water, and thus    • The Hall of Supreme Harmony
  fire-prevention. Similarly, the      has 10, the only building in the
  Crown Prince's residences have       country to be permitted this in
  green tiles because green was        Imperial times. As a result, its
  associated with wood, and thus       10th      statuette,   called     a
  growth.                            • "Hangshi", or "ranked tenth”, is
                                       Thus, ancestral temples
• The main halls of the Outer and      alsoinunique of the palace.
                                       are     front in the Forbidden
  Inner courts are all arranged in     City. areas are placed in
  groups of three – the shape of     • Thefront part of the palace
                                       the layout of buildings follows
• Taoism is a religion native to
             China. Laozi,a famous thinker
             living in 6th Century BC,
             established this philosophy and
             came to be regarded as the father
             of Taoism.


           • It formed mainly during Eastern
             Han Dynasty (25-220). Many
             Taoist ideas and thoughts are
             greatly reflected in Taoist
1. Dao [Tao] is the first-cause  To escape the “social,
  of                        the  political, & cultural traps”
  universe. It is a force that   of life, one must escape by:
  flows through all life.        1. Rejecting           formal
2.A believer’s goal is to             knowledge            and
  become one with Dao ; one           learning.
  with nature.                   2. Relying on the senses
3.Wu wei - Let nature take its        and instincts.
             course.             3. Discovering the nature
           - The art of doing                    and
            nothing.                   “rhythm”      of     the
   - Go with the flow!                universe.
4.Man is unhappy because he      4. Ignoring political and
 Nature-worshiping and ghost-worshiping, popular in ancient
  lives according to man-             social laws.
 Chinese laws, customs, &a social and cultural basis to the
  made society, contributed                                       23
 formation of Taoism.

                                    • Masculine
• Feminine                          • Active
• Passive                           • Light
• Darkness                          • Warmth
• Cold                              • Strong
• Weak                              • Heaven
• Earth                             • Sun
• Moon

• S
FDaoism focused on meditation,          • Daoism has influenced
  breathing and recitation of verses.     Chinese culture for over
  This was the dominant practice of       2,000 years.
  Daoism until about 1,100 AD.          • Its practices have given
• In the 5th Century AD, the              birth to martial arts such
  Lingbao school emerged which            as Tai Chi and Qigong.
  borrowed much from Buddhist           • Healthy living such as
  teachings such as reincarnation         practicing
  and cosmology. The use of               vegetarianism          and
  talismans and the practice of           exercise.
  alchemy were also associated with     • And its texts have
  the Lingbao school.                     codified Chinese views
• In the 6th Century, Zhengyi             on      morality       and
  Daoists,    who     believed     in     behavior, regardless of
  protective talismans and rituals,       religious affiliation.
  emerged.      Zhengyi      Daoists    • The basic ideas of
  performed offering rituals for          Taoism are Changsheng
• The Dao:
T E N E T S The ultimate truth is     • The De: Another key
  the Dao or The Way.                   component of Daoism is the
• The Dao has several meanings.         De,       which      is     the
  It is the basis of all living         manifestation of the Dao in
  things, it governs nature, and it     all things.
  is a method to live by.             • De is defined as having
• Daoists do not believe in             virtue, morality and integrity.
  extremes, instead focusing on
  the interdependence of things.
• There is no total good or evil or   • Immortality: Historically, the
  negative and positive. The Yin-       highest achievement of a
  Yang symbol exemplifies this          Daoist      is    to    achieve
  view.                                 immortality            through
• The black represents the Yin          breathing,          meditation,
  the white represents the Yang.        helping others and the use
  Yin is also associated with           of elixirs.
  weakness and passivity and          • Daoists        believe      that
ARCHITECTURE                       &
• Taoist     architecture    includes   • Taoism reached its peak
  various structures D A O I S M to
                        according         during the Tang Dynasty and
  different functions, categorized as     the Song Dynasty, when
  palace for oblation and sacrifice,      Chinese      timber      framed
  altar for praying and offering,         architecture, characterized by
  cubby for religious service,            high base, broad roof and
  residence for Taoist abbes and          perfect      integration     of
  garden for visitors.                    decoration and function,
• During the last period of the East      matured in all aspects were
  Han Dynasty when Taoism was             built.
  introduced, Taoist ascetics mostly    • There were strict regulations
  lived in huts and even caves in         on size, structure, decoration
  remote mountains under guidance         and use of colour.
  of their philosophy of nature.        • For the 660 years, Taoism,
• During the Jin dynasty and the        • Buddhism result, there
                                          As a        and Confucianism
  Northern and Southern dynasty,          influenced similarities in that
                                          remained each other, so
  Taoism experienced reforms and          certain
                                          designing and grouping in
• Taoism      pursues      the   • In every single yard, there are
  harmonious unity of              neatly      located     attached
  humans and nature.               architectural structures. The
  Taoists skillfully built         whole layout reflects Taoists'
  temples that conformed to        emphasis on order and
  the contours of the land.        equability.
• Starting with inherited        • Most Taoist architectures
  Chinese traditional ideas        resort to nature topography to
  of construction, they added      build      towers,    pavilions,
  their own concepts.              lobbies and other garden
• Splendorous       symmetric      structural units, decorated
  architectural    complexes       with murals, sculptures and
  are composed of many             steles to entertain people, fully
  ordinary yards spreading         interpreting Taoist philosophy
  orderly along a central          of nature.
  axis.                                                                28
• Taoist architecture applies two      • The second is the Bagua
  architectural styles -                 style in which all structures
  traditional style and Ba-gua           surround the Danlu (stove to
  style.                                 make pills of immortality) in
• In     the   traditional    style,     the center according to
  traditional        architectural       Bagua's position request.
  layout, which is symmetric,          • The center axis from the
  was applied.                           south to the north is very long
• Main halls were on the central         and structures flank the axis.
  axis, while other religious          • The style reflects Taoist
  structures on the two sides.           philosophy that the human
• Usually, on the northwest              cosmos follows the natural
  corner of the complex, Lucky           cosmos to integrate energy, qi
  Land to Meet God was                   and spirit.
• Annexes like dining hall and
  accommodation were located at                                        29
• In Taoist principles, GOLD, WOOD, WATER, FIRE AND
  EARTH are considered five elementary substances to form
  everything in the world.

• Timber was chosen by Chinese architects because it is derived
  from wood, one of the five. Taoism respects anything which is
  more of nature or closer to nature as first choice when they make
  choices among many alternatives.

• It is believed that when people live in a timber house rather than
  cements or stone structures, they are supposed to keep a constant
  exchange with nature and reach the integration of nature and
  human beings.

• That's why Taoist architecture resort to nature topography to build
  towers, pavilions, lobbies and other garden structural units,
  decorated with murals, sculptures and steles to entertain people,
  fully interpreting Taoist philosophy of nature.
DAOIST                        • Taoist   temple     buildings,
TTaoist temple buildings also basically consist of the divine
  clearly     reflect    Taoists'     hall, the alter, the room for
  strong will in the pursuit of       reading      sculptures       and
  happiness, longevity and            practicing asceticism, the living
  immortality.                        room, the reception room for
• Most Taoist temples are             pilgrims, and the park.
  wooden-framed and have            • The main hall for a single deity,
  garden structures. Some             but other deities’ statues could
  garden features are man-            come on the sides or behind the
  made pavilions, towers,             main statue.
  walkways and terraces.            • The general layout adopts the
• Quiet       and      beautiful      form of Chinese traditional
  mountains       provide     an      courtyard, with the divine hall
  unblemished environment             on the mean axis and the
  in which Taoists can                reception room and Taoists'
  cultivate their inner selves.       living room, etc., on both sides.
• Together with a park              • Also, an interesting feature of
TEMPLESof Dragon and
• A Statue
  Lion guards the gates
  of a Taoist temple;
• In the main hall, the
  four            Heavenly
  Emperors in Taoism
  replace the Buddha The highest three celestial realms of Jade Purity,
  trinity      and      four Highest Purity, and Great Purity. They are
  Heavenly Kings in emanations of Tao, omnipresent and supreme.
• The stories illustrated
  in Taoist murals depict
  a more earthly world of
  common people rather
  than holy or sacred
  The Three Star-gods of
  Happiness, clay figures
  world and Rank            and
  Affluence, and Longevity.
  set in the hall are more
D Taoist R AT I O N
• ECO                                          • Taoist architectural
  architectural                                  motifs           were
  decoration                                     meaningful           -
  reflects Taoist                                Celestial      bodies
  pursuit of luck                                mean       brightness
  and fulfillment,                               shining everywhere
  long lifespan                                  while      landscape
  etc.,                                          and             rocks
• Common                                         immortality.
  decorative         The stove for offerings   • Folding fan, fish,
  figures of a                                   narcissus, bat and
  Daoist temple                                  deer are used to
  include        a                               imply beneficence,
  tortoise                                       wealth,      celestial
  intertwined                                    being, fortune and
  with a snake,                                  official position. 33
  elephants, motif
Roof with upturned eaves & rich

   Taoist Temple in a picturesque setting

   Taoist Temple set up along with
   the topography of the place          34

   The Door Spirits are the   The Kitchen Spirit
   spirits who guard the
   doors of houses.

• Buddhism             was    • Chinese     Buddhism       refers
  introduced to China           collectively to the various
  from India around the         schools of Buddhism that have
  first century AD, since       flourished in China since
  the fourth century AD, it     ancient times. Buddhism has
  was widely spread and         played an enormous role in
  gradually became the          shaping the mindset of the
  most influential religion     Chinese people, affecting their
  in China.                     aesthetics, politics, literature,
• Because      of    varied     philosophy and medicine.
  introduction time and
  channel as well as          • The coming of Buddhism to
  regional, historic and        China from India was a great
  social      backgrounds,      event in the development of
  Buddhism in China is          Chinese    culture and    of
  divided     into    three     Buddhism itself.
  branches,         namely
• After a long period of          • It is said that in the year 2BC, Yi
  assimilation, it established      Cun, an emissary of Dayuezhi
  itself as a major system of       Kingdom (an ancient mid-Asian
  thought as well as a              country established by a strong
  religious           practice,     Chinese      minority     originally
  contributing greatly to the       living in northern China and later
  enrichment of Chinese             moved to the west), went to
  philosophy and exercising         Chang'an (today's Xi'an City) to
  and enduring influence on         impact Buddist sutras to a
  the      Chinese     popular      Chineses Doctor Jing Lu. And
  religion and on the mind          this is the first record about the
  and character of the              introduction of Buddhism into
  Chinese people.                   China.
• Indeed, it became one of        • There is another saying that
  the Three Pillars of the          during the reign of the Indian
  traditional culture of            King Asoka (272-226 BC), 18
  China.                            Indians visited China’s Xianyang38
• Buddhism       was    firstly     City during the reign of Emperor
• The feature of Chinese • During the Southern and Northern
  Buddhism lies in the            Dynasties(420-589) the ruling
  coexistence of Mahayana         classes further helped the spread
  Buddhism and Hinayana           of Buddhism by building
  Buddhism.                       temples      and     monasteries,
• Buddhism was initiated in       translating Buddhist sutras and
  India, developed in China       constructing grottoes, and many
  and further expanded to         famous monks, scholars and
  Japan and Korea.                teachers emerged.
• Indian     Buddhists     were • By     the     Sui    and     Tang
  threatened by the values and    Dynasties(581-907),     Buddhism
  socio-political structures of   reached its apex of popularity and
  the Indian society dominated    splendors, and different sects of
  by Hinduism and Islam and       Buddhism had been formed in
  vanished      between     9th   China .
  century and 10th century in • Over a long period, Buddhism
  India while Buddhism were       gradually took root in the feudal
  developed rapidly in China      society of China , intermingling
• The     development       of   • Differing      from       other
  Chinese           Buddhist       religions' temples, Chinese
  architecture can be traced       Buddhist temples have many
  back to the introduction of      characteristics of their own.
  Buddhism.                      • For example, similar to
• The      main     Buddhist       Chinese       palaces      and
  architectural icons include      dwelling houses, they are
  TEMPLES, PAGODAS,                comprised of a number of
  AND GROTTOES.                    small yards.
• Buddhist architecture is       • The oldest temple in China -
  regarded as a great art          White Horse Temple is a
  treasure where sculpture,        typical example of this.
  calligraphy and painting       • Temple roofs were curved
  combine.                         because      the     Buddhist
• Being      the     spiritual     believed that it helped ward
  symbols of Buddhism,             off evil spirits which were
  they are not only monastic       believed to be straight lines.    40

                   • The umbrella
                   • The Golden Fish
                   • The Treasure
                   • The Lotus
                   • The Conch Shell
                   • The Endless
                   • The Victory
                   • The Dharma

• LOTUS:        The Lotus       • ENDLESS KNOT: The
  flower is one of the most     endless knot is a geometric
  important         religious   diagram which symbolizes
  symbols in Buddhism. The      that      everything        is
  lotus symbolizes purity       interrelated. All living
  and enlightenment. Lotus      things exist only as part of a
  flower symbol has been        web of karma and its effect.
  depicted in some form or      As the endless knot has no
  other in Buddhist art.        beginning and no end, it also
  Especially, Buddha is often   represents     the    infinite
  portrayed as sitting on a     wisdom of Buddha.
  lotus while praying for
  enlightenment.                • DHARMACHAKRA:
• CONCH SHELL: The              Dharmachakra is one of the
  conch shell is used in        best known symbols of
  Buddhist     rituals    for   Buddhism which is a
  gathering         devotees    turning   wheel     which        42
• H I influence of Buddhism on
CThe N A                       • The introduction                 of
  Chinese culture is profound,         Buddhism also exerted
  not only in terms of religion,       subtle influence on China's
  but also literature, art,            traditional customs and
  traditional customs, etc.,           social mores.
• Ancient Chinese architecture,      • It helped improve people's
  being       exquisite       and      view on life and the
  magnificent,          especially     further spreading of filial
  Buddhist temples, had its            piety.
  configuration originated and       • The principle of "Bad
  imitated     from     primitive      deeds, as well as good,
  Buddhism of India.                   may rebound upon the
• The development of sculpture,        doer." is deeply rooted in
  painting and murals accelerated      the society, causing people
  due to the prosperity of             to do good deeds in order
  Buddhism in China.                   to pursue a better afterlife.
• Yungang Grottoes located in        • The advocacy of filial
• The main Buddhist architecture       • Buddhist temples tend to
  include temples, pagodas, and          be decorated in red or
  grottos.                               black, and there is a main
• The architectural styles of            hall for a statue of a
  Buddhist temples in China were         Bodhisattva, followed by a
  mainly formed in three periods:        smaller hall with statues of
     HAN              DYNASTY           other      Buddha's     and
       (206BC-220) - retention of        deities.
       Indian styles.                  • The Chinese Buddhist
     NORTHERN                AND        monastery or temple is
       SOUTHERN                          fashioned      after     the
       DYNASTIES (386-589)-              imperial palaces and bears
       wooden framework was              very little resemblance to
       added to the original styles.     the temples in India or
     TANG DYNASTY (618-                 other Buddhist countries.
       907) - the styles of            • Generally there are three      44
       Buddhist temples were             groups      of    buildings
• Grotto, another type of
  Buddhist architecture,
  is often chiseled into
  cliffs. In the 3rd
  century,       Chinese
  Buddhists began to
  build grottoes and
  Xinjiang is the first
  area where grottoes
  were hewn.
• Grottoes are decorated
  with           painted
  sculptures, carvings      The Long-men Grottoes in Henan Province
  and frescos.
• Craftsmen revealed real
  life pictures and their
  understanding        of
  society in these art
Mogao Grottoes
Grottoes of Zhongshan Mountain

• Pagoda, symbol of Buddhism is
  often erected in temples.
• Pagodas were made of stone,
  wood, colored glaze or metal.
• Pagodas have an odd number of
  layers. Seven-layer and Nine-
  layer pagodas are commonly
• The shape of cross-section is
  rectangular, eight-sided or even
• Initially, the pagoda served as the
  central axis alongside which rows
  of halls and monks' rooms spread
  out.Later, pagodas were built near
  the main palace hall.
• Chinese pagodas, in short, are a      North Temple Pagoda
• Stupas appeared in China with the
  import of Buddhism and, during a long
  history of well over a thousand years,
  have become a valued part of the
  national Buddhist art.
• Stupa, a word from ancient Sanskrit
  meaning a square or round tomb or a
  'soul shrine’.
• The perfect proportions of the Buddha’s
  body corresponds to the design of
  religious monuments - STUPAS
• Its architecture developed from the pre-
  Buddhist Indian grave-mound.
• Under these mounds the saintly
  ascetic were buried; their bodies were
  seated on the ground and covered with      Beihei Park , Beijing
Stupa & Pagoda – Analogy with the 5 elements of nature


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Confu, dao & buddhism

  • 3. • Chinese architecture refers to a style of architecture that has taken shape in East Asia over the years. Over the centuries, the structural principles of Chinese architecture have remained largely unchanged, the main changes being on the decorative details. • An ancient civilized nation and a great country on the East Asian continent, China possesses a vast territory covering 9.6 million sq. km. and a population accounting for over one-fifth of the world's total, 56nationalities and a recorded history of 3,OOO years, during which it has created a unique, outstanding traditional Chinese Culture. • Traditional Chinese buildings are always found in pairs or groups, whether they are residences, temples or palaces. • Most structures in Chinese architecture are simple rectangles, and it is the architectural complex composed by single structures rather 3 than the single structures themselves that expresses the broadness
  • 4. • Traditional Chinese architecture can still be seen throughout China, offering a tangible expression of traditional Chinese culture. • Traditional Chinese architecture encompasses palaces, temples, tombs, parks, and residences. • Traditional Chinese architecture represents the synthesis of political, economic, cultural, and technical influences over the ages. • In the past, these structures provided the ancient Chinese people with functional space 4 to live and work in. Today,
  • 6. ARCHITECTURE & CONFUCIANISM • Confucius (551-479 BC) FUNDAMENTAL established the Confucian school PRINCIPLES : of thought around 500 BC, during Among the fundamental China's Spring and Autumn principles of Confucian Period (770-476BC). philosophy are: • Confucianism became one of the  Loyalty pillars of Chinese culture, and was  Filial piety named China's official state  moral integrity ideology around 100 BC, during  Righteousness the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)  benevolence by Emperor Han Wudi, who  wisdom reigned from 140-87 BC.  Faith • It continued to be revered  Adherence to the throughout subsequent dynasties. Confucian code • Confucian philosophy attaches  The absolute authority of great importance to ethics and the ruler over subject, 6 human relationships, and is one of father over child, and
  • 7. COURTYARD RESIDENCES: CONFUCIAN IDEOLOGY • Confucian ideology DESIGN • Rites in Confucianism was a IN RESIDENTIAL was the core of feudal China's means of regulating order in hierarchical social system. human relationship. Its • Traditional courtyard ultimate purpose was to ensure a residences drew strict social order. distinctions between interior • The quadrangle building was and exterior, superior and one the reflected rites in inferior, and male and traditional chinese residential female; internal affairs and building. external affairs, the • In traditional Chinese honorable (master) and architecture, humble (maid) ranking. o The center was considered to • The compounds were enclosed be superior and the sides as and isolated from the outside inferior; world, and serving as material o the north was superior and the expressions of Confucian south inferior; 7 ideology. o The left was superior and the
  • 8. • In courtyard residences, • Woman cannot enter external region. Guests cannot enter WING ROOMS internal region. NORT Receives most • All the windows in quadrangles H sunlight; Center are faced towards the inside of Room - Living Room the house. There are no /Ancestral hall windows inside the rooms, East rooms- which look isolated. But inside grandparents room the house, it formed a natural West rooms-Head of system. the family • It emphasized the relationship SOUT guest rooms, studies, between elder lies and H kitchens, and youngster, eldest son and • The southern and back rooms storerooms younger son, male and female EAST Eldest Son &to form a will have short walls his status. division family internal and between • It reflected a parochial feudal class system of "Higher-lower WEST family. sons and external younger • At the back are also rooms of their families ranking class 8 system",
  • 9. COURTYARD RESIDENCES: CONFUCIAN IDEOLOGY IN RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Principal Room East wing- Eldest son Courtyard West wing- Gate of younger sons Residential complex Plan of Typical Courtyard Residence - SIHEYUA 9
  • 10. Aerial view of courtyard residence Interior view of 10
  • 11. THE CONFUCIAN CODE AND CITY PLANN • City planning was based primarily on the Confucian code that held up the feudal system. • Urban planning has played an integral role in the life of Beijing throughout its history. • The city was laid out on a square grid, and covered an area of approx 50 square kms. • A high wall surrounded the entire city, with three gates on the east, west, and south walls, and two gates on the north wall. • The main thoroughfares, which formed a north-south and east-west axis through the city, were 28M wide. • The secondary streets were 14 M wide, and the alleyways were 7M 11 wide.
  • 12. • The 13th century capital city of Dadu was built using the architectural principles of the Confucian classic Zhou Li: Kaogong Ji (Rites of the Zhou: Engineering References), which states: "When designing a capital city, it should be laid out in a square grid measuring nine by nine li (about 4.5 kilometers) per side, with three gates on each of the city walls. • There should be nine streets and nine avenues, each wide enough for nine horse carts to pass abreast. • The palace should be in the center of the city, with the ancestral temple on the left, temples to the deities on the right, office buildings in front, and a marketplace behind.“ • The layout of the city was extremely orderly, with clearly demarcated streets and districts. 12
  • 14. HIERARCHICAL DISTINCTIONS IN ARCHITEC • China's hierarchical social system gave rise to a highly restrictive system of architectural regulations. • All construction was controlled by a building code that clearly differentiated rank and status. This code controlled every aspect of design and construction, and was enforced as law. • A comprehensive building code was established which specified permissible construction for each level of society, from the imperial family to the nobility, officials, & the common people. • Its regulations encompassed every aspect of building design and construction, including scale, floor plan, roof shape, and decoration. • Stone lions: Only officials of the fifth rank and above were allowed to place the magnificent stone lions outside the gates of their homes. • Officials in ancient China were classified according to rank. The fifth rank was regional administrators,. 14
  • 15. • The number of rows in a lion's mane further indicated the rank of the home's resident. • The emperor's lions had thirteen rows, those of dukes and princes had twelve A Qing-era guardian lion pair within the Forbidden City - The lions are always created in rows, and pairs, with the male resting his paw upon the 15 those of world and the female restraining a playful cub
  • 16. BEIJING'S FORBIDDEN CITY PALACE - BEST REPRESENTATION OF CONFUCIAN RITE • The Forbidden City • Beijing's Forbidden City, represents the ultimate designed by Ming Dynasty architectural expression of (1368-1644) architect Kuai Confucian ideology. Xiang, who lived from 1397 to • Beijing's Forbidden City was 1481. the most classical example • This massive imperial courtyard and representation of complex clearly embodies the Confucian Rite system. Confucian emphasis on strict • In Confucianism, there was a divisions of rank, and the strong emphasis on the position of the individual relationship of an individual within a hierarchical system- in a collective society. Emphasis on divisions between • Forbidden city forms a super- ruler and subjects, husband and large quadrangle architecture wife, Nobles and commoners that was the most complex etc., representation of this rite • The Forbidden City served as 16
  • 17. • The complex includes • The residential portion of the ceremonial halls, emperor was at the rear. At the governmental offices, and center line from south to north housing for servants and staff, as are the living halls of the well as the palaces and emperor and queen. courtyards, in which the • They were also formed by a members of the royal family group of 3 large halls to reflect lived, studied, worshipped, and the meaning of “Past dynasty entertained. at the back “. • The Emperor's working office • In ancient times, Chinese was at the front of the city nobles has the system of 'one complex and was used by the husband, one wife and many Emperor to hold large ceremony. concubines'. • Important ceremonial functions • The living hall of the queen and audiences with civil and was in the centerline of the military officials were carried • This living arrangementother back while the out in three large halls. was used to reflect12 palace concubines lived in the • These halls were constructed on ranking systemeast and west courtyards on between 17
  • 18. 18 Forbidden city – Architecture of Quadrangles
  • 19. A. Meridian Gate B. Gate of Divine Might C. West Glorious Gate D. East Glorious Gate E. Corner towers F. Gate of Supreme Harmony G. Hall of Supreme Harmony H. Hall of Military Eminence I. Hall of Literary Glory J. Southern Three Places K. Palace of Heavenly Purity L. Imperial garden M. Hall of Mental 19 Cultivation
  • 20. The design of the Forbidden City, from its overall layout to the smallest detail, was meticulously planned to reflect philosophical and religious principles, and above all to symbolise the majesty of Imperial power. Some noted examples of symbolic designs include: 20
  • 21. SYMBOLISM • Yellow is the color of the • The sloping ridges of building Emperor. Thus almost all roofs roofs are decorated with a line of in the Forbidden City bear statuettes led by a man riding a yellow glazed tiles. There are phoenix and followed by an only two exceptions. The imperial dragon. The number of library at the Pavilion of statuettes represents the status of Literary Profundity had black the building – a minor building tiles because black was might have 3 or 5. associated with water, and thus • The Hall of Supreme Harmony fire-prevention. Similarly, the has 10, the only building in the Crown Prince's residences have country to be permitted this in green tiles because green was Imperial times. As a result, its associated with wood, and thus 10th statuette, called a growth. • "Hangshi", or "ranked tenth”, is Thus, ancestral temples • The main halls of the Outer and alsoinunique of the palace. are front in the Forbidden Inner courts are all arranged in City. areas are placed in Storage groups of three – the shape of • Thefront part of the palace the layout of buildings follows 21
  • 22. • Taoism is a religion native to China. Laozi,a famous thinker living in 6th Century BC, established this philosophy and came to be regarded as the father of Taoism. DAOISM / TAOISM • It formed mainly during Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Many Taoist ideas and thoughts are 22 greatly reflected in Taoist
  • 23. DAOISM MAJOR DAOIST PRINCIPLES THE DAO (TAO) 1. Dao [Tao] is the first-cause To escape the “social, of the political, & cultural traps” universe. It is a force that of life, one must escape by: flows through all life. 1. Rejecting formal 2.A believer’s goal is to knowledge and become one with Dao ; one learning. with nature. 2. Relying on the senses 3.Wu wei - Let nature take its and instincts. course. 3. Discovering the nature - The art of doing and nothing. “rhythm” of the - Go with the flow! universe. 4.Man is unhappy because he 4. Ignoring political and Nature-worshiping and ghost-worshiping, popular in ancient lives according to man- social laws. Chinese laws, customs, &a social and cultural basis to the made society, contributed 23 formation of Taoism.
  • 24. THE UNIVERSE OF OPPOSITES – YIN & YANG YANG YIN • Masculine • Feminine • Active • Passive • Light • Darkness • Warmth • Cold • Strong • Weak • Heaven • Earth • Sun • Moon 24
  • 25. BELIE • S FDaoism focused on meditation, • Daoism has influenced breathing and recitation of verses. Chinese culture for over This was the dominant practice of 2,000 years. Daoism until about 1,100 AD. • Its practices have given • In the 5th Century AD, the birth to martial arts such Lingbao school emerged which as Tai Chi and Qigong. borrowed much from Buddhist • Healthy living such as teachings such as reincarnation practicing and cosmology. The use of vegetarianism and talismans and the practice of exercise. alchemy were also associated with • And its texts have the Lingbao school. codified Chinese views • In the 6th Century, Zhengyi on morality and Daoists, who believed in behavior, regardless of protective talismans and rituals, religious affiliation. emerged. Zhengyi Daoists • The basic ideas of 25 performed offering rituals for Taoism are Changsheng
  • 26. MAIN • The Dao: T E N E T S The ultimate truth is • The De: Another key the Dao or The Way. component of Daoism is the • The Dao has several meanings. De, which is the It is the basis of all living manifestation of the Dao in things, it governs nature, and it all things. is a method to live by. • De is defined as having • Daoists do not believe in virtue, morality and integrity. extremes, instead focusing on the interdependence of things. • There is no total good or evil or • Immortality: Historically, the negative and positive. The Yin- highest achievement of a Yang symbol exemplifies this Daoist is to achieve view. immortality through • The black represents the Yin breathing, meditation, the white represents the Yang. helping others and the use Yin is also associated with of elixirs. 26 weakness and passivity and • Daoists believe that
  • 27. ARCHITECTURE & • Taoist architecture includes • Taoism reached its peak various structures D A O I S M to according during the Tang Dynasty and different functions, categorized as the Song Dynasty, when palace for oblation and sacrifice, Chinese timber framed altar for praying and offering, architecture, characterized by cubby for religious service, high base, broad roof and residence for Taoist abbes and perfect integration of garden for visitors. decoration and function, • During the last period of the East matured in all aspects were Han Dynasty when Taoism was built. introduced, Taoist ascetics mostly • There were strict regulations lived in huts and even caves in on size, structure, decoration remote mountains under guidance and use of colour. of their philosophy of nature. • For the 660 years, Taoism, • During the Jin dynasty and the • Buddhism result, there As a and Confucianism Northern and Southern dynasty, influenced similarities in that remained each other, so 27 Taoism experienced reforms and certain designing and grouping in structures
  • 28. ARCHITECTURE & DAOISM • Taoism pursues the • In every single yard, there are harmonious unity of neatly located attached humans and nature. architectural structures. The Taoists skillfully built whole layout reflects Taoists' temples that conformed to emphasis on order and the contours of the land. equability. • Starting with inherited • Most Taoist architectures Chinese traditional ideas resort to nature topography to of construction, they added build towers, pavilions, their own concepts. lobbies and other garden • Splendorous symmetric structural units, decorated architectural complexes with murals, sculptures and are composed of many steles to entertain people, fully ordinary yards spreading interpreting Taoist philosophy orderly along a central of nature. axis. 28
  • 29. • Taoist architecture applies two • The second is the Bagua architectural styles - style in which all structures traditional style and Ba-gua surround the Danlu (stove to style. make pills of immortality) in • In the traditional style, the center according to traditional architectural Bagua's position request. layout, which is symmetric, • The center axis from the was applied. south to the north is very long • Main halls were on the central and structures flank the axis. axis, while other religious • The style reflects Taoist structures on the two sides. philosophy that the human • Usually, on the northwest cosmos follows the natural corner of the complex, Lucky cosmos to integrate energy, qi Land to Meet God was and spirit. located. • Annexes like dining hall and accommodation were located at 29
  • 30. • In Taoist principles, GOLD, WOOD, WATER, FIRE AND EARTH are considered five elementary substances to form everything in the world. • Timber was chosen by Chinese architects because it is derived from wood, one of the five. Taoism respects anything which is more of nature or closer to nature as first choice when they make choices among many alternatives. • It is believed that when people live in a timber house rather than cements or stone structures, they are supposed to keep a constant exchange with nature and reach the integration of nature and human beings. • That's why Taoist architecture resort to nature topography to build towers, pavilions, lobbies and other garden structural units, decorated with murals, sculptures and steles to entertain people, 30 fully interpreting Taoist philosophy of nature.
  • 31. DAOIST • Taoist temple buildings, • EMPLES TTaoist temple buildings also basically consist of the divine clearly reflect Taoists' hall, the alter, the room for strong will in the pursuit of reading sculptures and happiness, longevity and practicing asceticism, the living immortality. room, the reception room for • Most Taoist temples are pilgrims, and the park. wooden-framed and have • The main hall for a single deity, garden structures. Some but other deities’ statues could garden features are man- come on the sides or behind the made pavilions, towers, main statue. walkways and terraces. • The general layout adopts the • Quiet and beautiful form of Chinese traditional mountains provide an courtyard, with the divine hall unblemished environment on the mean axis and the in which Taoists can reception room and Taoists' cultivate their inner selves. living room, etc., on both sides. 31 • Together with a park • Also, an interesting feature of
  • 32. CHINESE TAOIST TEMPLESof Dragon and • A Statue Lion guards the gates of a Taoist temple; • In the main hall, the four Heavenly Emperors in Taoism replace the Buddha The highest three celestial realms of Jade Purity, trinity and four Highest Purity, and Great Purity. They are Heavenly Kings in emanations of Tao, omnipresent and supreme. Buddhism; • The stories illustrated in Taoist murals depict a more earthly world of common people rather than holy or sacred The Three Star-gods of Happiness, clay figures world and Rank and 32 Affluence, and Longevity. set in the hall are more
  • 33. O R N A M E N TAT I O N & D Taoist R AT I O N • ECO • Taoist architectural architectural motifs were decoration meaningful - reflects Taoist Celestial bodies pursuit of luck mean brightness and fulfillment, shining everywhere long lifespan while landscape etc., and rocks • Common immortality. decorative The stove for offerings • Folding fan, fish, figures of a narcissus, bat and Daoist temple deer are used to include a imply beneficence, tortoise wealth, celestial intertwined being, fortune and with a snake, official position. 33 elephants, motif Fish
  • 34. Roof with upturned eaves & rich ornamentation Taoist Temple in a picturesque setting Taoist Temple set up along with the topography of the place 34
  • 35. DEITIES & I M M O R TA L S The Door Spirits are the The Kitchen Spirit spirits who guard the doors of houses. 35
  • 36. BUDDHI SM 36
  • 37. • Buddhism was • Chinese Buddhism refers introduced to China collectively to the various from India around the schools of Buddhism that have first century AD, since flourished in China since the fourth century AD, it ancient times. Buddhism has was widely spread and played an enormous role in gradually became the shaping the mindset of the most influential religion Chinese people, affecting their in China. aesthetics, politics, literature, • Because of varied philosophy and medicine. introduction time and channel as well as • The coming of Buddhism to regional, historic and China from India was a great social backgrounds, event in the development of Buddhism in China is Chinese culture and of divided into three Buddhism itself. 37 branches, namely
  • 38. • After a long period of • It is said that in the year 2BC, Yi assimilation, it established Cun, an emissary of Dayuezhi itself as a major system of Kingdom (an ancient mid-Asian thought as well as a country established by a strong religious practice, Chinese minority originally contributing greatly to the living in northern China and later enrichment of Chinese moved to the west), went to philosophy and exercising Chang'an (today's Xi'an City) to and enduring influence on impact Buddist sutras to a the Chinese popular Chineses Doctor Jing Lu. And religion and on the mind this is the first record about the and character of the introduction of Buddhism into Chinese people. China. • Indeed, it became one of • There is another saying that the Three Pillars of the during the reign of the Indian traditional culture of King Asoka (272-226 BC), 18 China. Indians visited China’s Xianyang38 • Buddhism was firstly City during the reign of Emperor
  • 39. • The feature of Chinese • During the Southern and Northern Buddhism lies in the Dynasties(420-589) the ruling coexistence of Mahayana classes further helped the spread Buddhism and Hinayana of Buddhism by building Buddhism. temples and monasteries, • Buddhism was initiated in translating Buddhist sutras and India, developed in China constructing grottoes, and many and further expanded to famous monks, scholars and Japan and Korea. teachers emerged. • Indian Buddhists were • By the Sui and Tang threatened by the values and Dynasties(581-907), Buddhism socio-political structures of reached its apex of popularity and the Indian society dominated splendors, and different sects of by Hinduism and Islam and Buddhism had been formed in vanished between 9th China . century and 10th century in • Over a long period, Buddhism India while Buddhism were gradually took root in the feudal 39 developed rapidly in China society of China , intermingling
  • 40. • The development of • Differing from other Chinese Buddhist religions' temples, Chinese architecture can be traced Buddhist temples have many back to the introduction of characteristics of their own. Buddhism. • For example, similar to • The main Buddhist Chinese palaces and architectural icons include dwelling houses, they are TEMPLES, PAGODAS, comprised of a number of AND GROTTOES. small yards. • Buddhist architecture is • The oldest temple in China - regarded as a great art White Horse Temple is a treasure where sculpture, typical example of this. calligraphy and painting • Temple roofs were curved combine. because the Buddhist • Being the spiritual believed that it helped ward symbols of Buddhism, off evil spirits which were they are not only monastic believed to be straight lines. 40
  • 41. BUDDHIST SYMBOLS • The umbrella • The Golden Fish • The Treasure Vase • The Lotus • The Conch Shell • The Endless Knot • The Victory Banner • The Dharma Wheel 41
  • 42. • LOTUS: The Lotus • ENDLESS KNOT: The flower is one of the most endless knot is a geometric important religious diagram which symbolizes symbols in Buddhism. The that everything is lotus symbolizes purity interrelated. All living and enlightenment. Lotus things exist only as part of a flower symbol has been web of karma and its effect. depicted in some form or As the endless knot has no other in Buddhist art. beginning and no end, it also Especially, Buddha is often represents the infinite portrayed as sitting on a wisdom of Buddha. lotus while praying for enlightenment. • DHARMACHAKRA: • CONCH SHELL: The Dharmachakra is one of the conch shell is used in best known symbols of Buddhist rituals for Buddhism which is a gathering devotees turning wheel which 42
  • 43. INFLUENCE OF BUDDHISM IN • H I influence of Buddhism on CThe N A • The introduction of Chinese culture is profound, Buddhism also exerted not only in terms of religion, subtle influence on China's but also literature, art, traditional customs and traditional customs, etc., social mores. • Ancient Chinese architecture, • It helped improve people's being exquisite and view on life and the magnificent, especially further spreading of filial Buddhist temples, had its piety. configuration originated and • The principle of "Bad imitated from primitive deeds, as well as good, Buddhism of India. may rebound upon the • The development of sculpture, doer." is deeply rooted in painting and murals accelerated the society, causing people due to the prosperity of to do good deeds in order Buddhism in China. to pursue a better afterlife. 43 • Yungang Grottoes located in • The advocacy of filial
  • 44. BUDDHISM & ARCHITECTURE • The main Buddhist architecture • Buddhist temples tend to include temples, pagodas, and be decorated in red or grottos. black, and there is a main • The architectural styles of hall for a statue of a Buddhist temples in China were Bodhisattva, followed by a mainly formed in three periods: smaller hall with statues of  HAN DYNASTY other Buddha's and (206BC-220) - retention of deities. Indian styles. • The Chinese Buddhist  NORTHERN AND monastery or temple is SOUTHERN fashioned after the DYNASTIES (386-589)- imperial palaces and bears wooden framework was very little resemblance to added to the original styles. the temples in India or  TANG DYNASTY (618- other Buddhist countries. 907) - the styles of • Generally there are three 44 Buddhist temples were groups of buildings
  • 45. • Grotto, another type of Buddhist architecture, is often chiseled into cliffs. In the 3rd century, Chinese Buddhists began to build grottoes and Xinjiang is the first area where grottoes were hewn. • Grottoes are decorated with painted sculptures, carvings The Long-men Grottoes in Henan Province and frescos. • Craftsmen revealed real life pictures and their understanding of 45 society in these art
  • 46. Mogao Grottoes Grottoes of Zhongshan Mountain 46
  • 47. PAGODA • Pagoda, symbol of Buddhism is often erected in temples. • Pagodas were made of stone, wood, colored glaze or metal. • Pagodas have an odd number of layers. Seven-layer and Nine- layer pagodas are commonly built. • The shape of cross-section is rectangular, eight-sided or even circular. • Initially, the pagoda served as the central axis alongside which rows of halls and monks' rooms spread out.Later, pagodas were built near the main palace hall. 47 • Chinese pagodas, in short, are a North Temple Pagoda
  • 48. STUPA • Stupas appeared in China with the import of Buddhism and, during a long history of well over a thousand years, have become a valued part of the national Buddhist art. • Stupa, a word from ancient Sanskrit meaning a square or round tomb or a 'soul shrine’. • The perfect proportions of the Buddha’s body corresponds to the design of religious monuments - STUPAS • Its architecture developed from the pre- Buddhist Indian grave-mound. • Under these mounds the saintly ascetic were buried; their bodies were seated on the ground and covered with Beihei Park , Beijing 48 earth.
  • 49. Stupa & Pagoda – Analogy with the 5 elements of nature 49
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