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Unit 10 Civil War
I. Splitting the Nation
A. Prelude to War
1. Harper’s Ferry, VA
a. October 1859: John Brown and 18 men
attempt to raid the arsenal.
b. Hostages are taken, civilians killed.
c. Army under Lt. Col Lee kill 10 and arrest
d. Brown is hung in Dec., beloved in North,
hated in South.
2. Election of 1860
a. Nominations –
i. Republican – Lincoln.
ii. Northern Democrats – Stephen Douglas (not trusted by)…
iii. Southern Democrats – John Breckenridge.
iv. Constitutional Union – John Bell
b. 1860 – November: Abraham Lincoln elected.
c. December: South Carolina secedes.
d. 1861 – January: Lower South secedes from the
e. March: Lincoln pleads for Union in inaugural address.
3. Succession
a. April: Lincoln orders Union soldiers to hold
Fort Sumter.
b. Gen. Beauregard attacks fort.
c. Federals lack supplies and surrender.
d. The Upper south secedes from the Union.
B. Beginning of War
1. Union Strategy
a. Blockade of Southern ports to…
i. Keep cotton in.
ii. Keep supplies out.
b. Union Strengths
i. Greater Population
ii. Manufacturing 9 X the South.
iii. 13,000 miles of railroad.
iv. Controlled nation’s finance.
v. Strong Navy
c. Weaknesses
i. Divided public opinion.
ii. Troops fighting away from home.
iii. Inept, Indecisive commanders.
2. Southern Strategy
a. War of attrition
b. Limited cotton supply would bring alliance from
c. Confederate Strengths
i. Defending homes.
ii. Skilled, effective commanders.
iii. United, highly motivated.
iv. Fighting in familiar country.
d. Weaknesses
i. Agricultural economy.
ii. No army, no navy.
iii. No national government.
iv. Few major rail lines.
v. Small population, many slaves.
3. Bull Run
a. July 16th - Gen. McDowell marches with 35,
000 green troops to Manassas Junction.
b. July 21st – McDowell meets Gen. Beauregard.
c. Southern troops rally behind “Stonewall
d. Union troops flee back to DC along with civilian
e. 2900 Union casualties.
f. 2000 Confederate Casualties.
II. War in the West
Inactivity in East after Bull Run
A. Splitting the South
1. Grant takes Forts Donelson and Henry
(protected Tennessee) Feb. 1862
2. Demands that Confederates surrender.
3. Grant nicknamed “Unconditional
4. Grant’s army moved South to Corinth.
5. Confederate Gen. Bragg moved north to
meet him.
6. Gen. Johnston stayed in front of Grant .
B. Battle of Shiloh
1. Johnston assembled 40,000 men.
2. Stopped at Pittsburg Landing (TN River) and
waited for Gen. Buell and more troops.
3. April 6, 1862 attacks and drives from field.
4. Grant waits till morning to attack, Buell arrives.
5. Johnston Defeated and dead.
6. 11,000 casualties - S
7. 13,000 casualties - N
C. Mississippi
1. Admiral Farragut takes Mississippi River
North until Vicksburg
2. Waits for land army to help siege the
III. War in the East
A. Gen. McClellan.
1. Great organizer.
2. Good discipline.
3. Too cautious.
B. Peninsula Campaign
1. March 1862, 100,000 troops moved by
sea to take Richmond.
2. Met 15,000 Rebs , McClellan asks for
reinforcements and waits one month.
3. Meet Rebs at Seven Pines, no clear
C. Bull Run and Antietam
1. Lee moves Army of Northern Virginia toward DC.
2. Gen. Jackson and Lee kill 20,000 Yanks at Seven
Days’ battle.
3. McClellan replaced by Gen. Pope.
4. Engages Jackson at 2nd
Bull Run August 29th
, Rebs win.
5. McClellan returns and chases Lee to Antietam,
6. Casualties – 12,000 and 14,000
7. Lee retreats, McClellan does not follow.
8. Replaced by Burnside.
D. Battle of Fredericksburg
1. Lee leaves town and take position
behind stone wall on top of hill.
2. Gen. Burnside takes town and prepares
to storm hill, waves of Union soldiers fell
totaling 12,000.
E. Battle of Chancellorsville
1. Gen. Hooker takes charge of Army of the
a. Bold, but emotional.
b. Used politics to get position.
2. Lee’s army distracts Yank soldiers.
3. Jackson sweeps to Union right with 28,000
and surprises Hooker.
4. Union lines (125,000) crumble and retreat.
5. Jackson is accidentally shot by own men and
fails to destroy Union.
6. Both lost about 10,000.
F. Battle of Gettysburg
1. Gen. Meade takes charge (90,000) & chases Lee north.
2. Lee & 75,000 invades PA. Longstreet is new 2nd
in command.
Jeb Stuart’s scouting cavalry is no where to be found.
3. Forces meet near Gettysburg.
4. July 1st
, 1863
a. Rebs take Seminary Ridge and town.
b. Yanks take Cemetery Ridge.
5. July 2nd
a. Longstreet pushes Sickles back to Little Round Top.
b. Ewell takes Culp’s Hill.
6. July 3rd
a. Reb artillery fire on Union.
b. Pickett orders about 13,000 men to charge Cemetery Ridge.
c. Yanks fire on easy target. Only 5,000 Rebs survive.
d. Casualties = 20,000 Yanks & 25,000 Rebs.
e. Lee slinks away, Meade fails to crush him.
Comparing Pictures
In your notes: Label Photographs - Make two lists about the similarities and
differences between the two photographs. Also indicate which photograph was
staged or setup by the photographer and why you think so.
Little Round Top Devil’s Den
G. Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln proclaims the purpose of
the war and a new mission for the nation.
• Now we are engaged in a great civil war,
testing whether that nation, or any nation
so conceived and so dedicated, can long
endure. We are met on a great battle-field
of that war. We have come to dedicate a
portion of that field, as a final resting place
for those who here gave their lives that
that nation might live. It is altogether fitting
and proper that we should do this.
• Domestic dispute that has torn our nation
• Greatest battle on North American
• Appropriate to honor the brave men who
fought here.
• But, in a larger sense, we can not
dedicate–we can not consecrate–we can
not hallow–this ground. The brave men,
living and dead, who struggled here, have
consecrated it, far above our poor power
to add or detract.
• No matter how much we honor them, no
sacrifice is as great as they have made.
• The world will little note, nor long
remember what we say here, but it can
never forget what they did here. It is for us
the living, rather, to be dedicated here to
the unfinished work which they who fought
here have thus far so nobly advanced.
• What we say is not important, the sacrifice
they have made is.
• It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the
great task remaining before us–that from these
honored dead we take increased devotion to that
cause for which they gave the last full measure
of devotion–that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain–that this
nation, under God, shall have a new birth of
freedom–and that government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.
• What we should be dedicating is ourselves
to end this Civil War, to honor those that
have sacrificed themselves.
• We will be reunited and have a second
chance, so that the people may rule this
H. Battle of Vicksburg
1. Grant in April 1863 sneaks past West
Vicksburg by ferry while Col. Grierson
distracts Rebs with raid.
2. Grant sweeps toward Vicksburg from
east, defeating Pemberton 5 times and
traps him in Vicksburg.
3. After over a month of siege, the Rebs
IV. Ending the War
A. War-Time Actions
1. Republicans seize control.
2. Lincoln starts war buildup without Congress’s
3. Arrests Maryland Legislature so it will stay in
4. Kentucky under martial-law.
5. Supports uprising in Missouri.
6. Suspends habeas corpus.
7. Lincoln threatens war if Europe interferes.
8. Emancipation Proclamation issued after
B. Opposition
1. Confederate Constitution similar to American.
2. Pres. Jefferson Davis struggles with governors over
Civil War (especially with draft).
3. Northern draft of 63’ similar to the South’s.
a. $300 or a substitute = exemption
b. NYC is Democrat stronghold, the poor riot.
c. Troops regain order and fire on crowds.
4. Peace Democrats or Copperheads want to negotiate.
5. Election of 1864
a. Disgruntled McClellan (D) runs on peace.
b. Abe Lincoln = “don’t change horses midstream.”
c. Lincoln wins with troop support.
C. Grant in Charge
1. Battle of the Wilderness
a. May: Union = 125,000 and Rebels = 65,000 meet in
forest near Chancellorsville.
b. Woods caught fire, men wounded & burned alive.
c. Grant beaten, but presses on unlike others.
2. Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor
a. Grant is on to Richmond. Lee catches him at
b. Union corpses: four deep.
c. Eight miles south of Richmond at Cold Harbor,
7,000 Union soldiers fell in an hour.
d. Public appalled at “Grant the Butcher.” Lincoln
stood by him.
e. Union had about 60,000 casualties over three
D. Petersburg and Appomattox
1. Siege of Petersburg
a. Grant surrounds city to cut Richmond supplies.
b. Lee builds city defenses & waits for Northern
c. June – April 65’ Lee has many deserters, only has
35,000 left.
2. Appomattox Courthouse
a. After trying to slip around Grant , Lee realizes
defeat and on April 9th,
surrenders at Appomattox.
b. Rebs allowed to keep animals, were offered food,
but would not be treated as traitors.
c. Grant ordered Union artillery not to fire in
celebration because the Southerners were “our
fellow countrymen.”
E. Sherman Marches West
1. General Sherman moves from Chattanooga,
TN to Atlanta, GA.
2. Destroys property in his path to crush
Southern spirit.
3. Rebel General Johnston tries war of attrition,
but Yanks outnumber him.
4. Charleston, SC and Atlanta are razed.
5. Plantations, towns, shops, crops, homes, and
railroads are destroyed.
6. Some pillaging goes on.
7. Johnston finally gives up on April 12th
• With malice toward none, with charity for
all, with firmness in the right as God gives
us to see the right, let us strive on to finish
the work we are in, to bind up the nation's
wounds, to care for him who shall have
borne the battle and for his widow and his
orphan, to do all which may achieve and
cherish a just and lasting peace among
ourselves and with all nations.
V. Reconstruction
A. Beginning to Heal
1. Debate on Reconstruction
a. Moderate Republicans want to welcome
South back to Union.
b. Radicals want to punish the South &
blacks should be treated as equals.
i. Thaddeus Stevens (PA) of the House
ii. Charles Sumner (MA) of the Senate.
2. Lincoln’s Plan
a. 10% of a state take loyalty oath.
b. Pardon Confederates except…
i. Government and military officials.
ii. Those that committed crimes
against black soldiers.
c. States could hold elections for
3. Lincoln's Assassination
a. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln go to Ford’s
Theatre to watch “Our American Cousin.”
b. John Wilkes Booth hopes to avenge the
c. Elaborate conspiracy plan to kill other
officials is foiled.
d. Lincoln dies on April 15, 1865.
B. Republican Control
1. Andrew Johnson
a. TN Democrat that remained loyal.
b. Put on Republican ticket to catch
Southern and loyal Democratic
c. Hated rich plantation owners.
d. Wanted social equality of poor
e. Thought everyone should own a
slave or two.
2. Impeachment
a. 13th
amendment ends slavery.
b. Freedmen’s Bureau helps former slaves.
c. Black Codes in South restricted rights.
d. Civil Rights Act of 66’ : equal treatment.
Johnson vetoed. Congress overrode.
e. Radicals want to protect Lincoln’s Cabinet &
passed Tenure of Office Act.
f. Johnson fired Sec. of War Stanton
g. Johnson impeached or charged in House, not
convicted in Senate.
h. Pres. backs off and Radicals have their way.
3. Congressional Reconstruction
a. 14th
amendment: Citizenship rights to all.
b. South under military rule.
c. New elections to be held.
d. Confederates barred from voting.
e. 15th
amendment: right to vote.
f. African-Americans vote Republican and
get gov’t offices.
4. Ulysses S. Grant
a. Drank
b. Terrible Businessman
c. Trusted scandalous friends too
d. Kept troops in South, did not
take strict action to enforce new
5. Corruption Abroad
a. Republican South left to bribery and graft.
b. Black government left some infrastructure and
c. KKK terrorizes black voters.
d. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags take advantage
of rebuilding South.
e. NYC’s Democratic “Boss” Tweed takes public
money – busted by prosecutor Tilden.
6. Compromise of 1877
a. 1876 Candidates
i. Rutherford B. Hayes
a) Ohioan governor.
b) War Hero.
c) Republican.
ii. Samuel Tilden
a) New York governor.
b) Broke up Tammany Hall.
c) Democrat.
b. Election Time
i. Running Smoothly
a) Parties united nationally.
b) Tilden wins NY and South, expected winner.
ii. Problems Arise
a) Soldiers and KKK members accused of
intimidating voters.
b) Four states have disputed electors.
c. Solution
i. Commission created: 7 (R), 7 (D), 1
ii. Independent drops out, “neutral” Republican
replaces him.
iii. Commission gives all disputed electoral votes
to Hayes.
iv. Hayes agrees to…
a) Take 1 term only.
b) Appoint Democrats to administration.
c) Pull troops from South.

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Civil war

  • 4. 1. Harper’s Ferry, VA a. October 1859: John Brown and 18 men attempt to raid the arsenal. b. Hostages are taken, civilians killed. c. Army under Lt. Col Lee kill 10 and arrest Brown. d. Brown is hung in Dec., beloved in North, hated in South.
  • 5. 2. Election of 1860 a. Nominations – i. Republican – Lincoln. ii. Northern Democrats – Stephen Douglas (not trusted by)… iii. Southern Democrats – John Breckenridge. iv. Constitutional Union – John Bell b. 1860 – November: Abraham Lincoln elected. c. December: South Carolina secedes. d. 1861 – January: Lower South secedes from the Union. e. March: Lincoln pleads for Union in inaugural address.
  • 6.
  • 7. 3. Succession a. April: Lincoln orders Union soldiers to hold Fort Sumter. b. Gen. Beauregard attacks fort. c. Federals lack supplies and surrender. d. The Upper south secedes from the Union.
  • 9. 1. Union Strategy a. Blockade of Southern ports to… i. Keep cotton in. ii. Keep supplies out. b. Union Strengths i. Greater Population ii. Manufacturing 9 X the South. iii. 13,000 miles of railroad. iv. Controlled nation’s finance. v. Strong Navy c. Weaknesses i. Divided public opinion. ii. Troops fighting away from home. iii. Inept, Indecisive commanders.
  • 10. 2. Southern Strategy a. War of attrition b. Limited cotton supply would bring alliance from Europe. c. Confederate Strengths i. Defending homes. ii. Skilled, effective commanders. iii. United, highly motivated. iv. Fighting in familiar country. d. Weaknesses i. Agricultural economy. ii. No army, no navy. iii. No national government. iv. Few major rail lines. v. Small population, many slaves.
  • 11. 3. Bull Run a. July 16th - Gen. McDowell marches with 35, 000 green troops to Manassas Junction. b. July 21st – McDowell meets Gen. Beauregard. c. Southern troops rally behind “Stonewall Jackson” d. Union troops flee back to DC along with civilian observers. e. 2900 Union casualties. f. 2000 Confederate Casualties.
  • 12. II. War in the West Inactivity in East after Bull Run
  • 13. A. Splitting the South 1. Grant takes Forts Donelson and Henry (protected Tennessee) Feb. 1862 2. Demands that Confederates surrender. 3. Grant nicknamed “Unconditional Surrender.” 4. Grant’s army moved South to Corinth. 5. Confederate Gen. Bragg moved north to meet him. 6. Gen. Johnston stayed in front of Grant .
  • 14.
  • 15. B. Battle of Shiloh 1. Johnston assembled 40,000 men. 2. Stopped at Pittsburg Landing (TN River) and waited for Gen. Buell and more troops. 3. April 6, 1862 attacks and drives from field. 4. Grant waits till morning to attack, Buell arrives. 5. Johnston Defeated and dead. 6. 11,000 casualties - S 7. 13,000 casualties - N
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  • 20. C. Mississippi 1. Admiral Farragut takes Mississippi River North until Vicksburg 2. Waits for land army to help siege the city.
  • 21. III. War in the East
  • 22. A. Gen. McClellan. 1. Great organizer. 2. Good discipline. 3. Too cautious.
  • 23. B. Peninsula Campaign 1. March 1862, 100,000 troops moved by sea to take Richmond. 2. Met 15,000 Rebs , McClellan asks for reinforcements and waits one month. 3. Meet Rebs at Seven Pines, no clear victory.
  • 24. C. Bull Run and Antietam 1. Lee moves Army of Northern Virginia toward DC. 2. Gen. Jackson and Lee kill 20,000 Yanks at Seven Days’ battle. 3. McClellan replaced by Gen. Pope. 4. Engages Jackson at 2nd Bull Run August 29th , Rebs win. 5. McClellan returns and chases Lee to Antietam, Maryland. 6. Casualties – 12,000 and 14,000 7. Lee retreats, McClellan does not follow. 8. Replaced by Burnside.
  • 25.
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  • 27. D. Battle of Fredericksburg 1. Lee leaves town and take position behind stone wall on top of hill. 2. Gen. Burnside takes town and prepares to storm hill, waves of Union soldiers fell totaling 12,000.
  • 28.
  • 29. E. Battle of Chancellorsville 1. Gen. Hooker takes charge of Army of the Potomac. a. Bold, but emotional. b. Used politics to get position. 2. Lee’s army distracts Yank soldiers. 3. Jackson sweeps to Union right with 28,000 and surprises Hooker. 4. Union lines (125,000) crumble and retreat. 5. Jackson is accidentally shot by own men and fails to destroy Union. 6. Both lost about 10,000.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. F. Battle of Gettysburg 1. Gen. Meade takes charge (90,000) & chases Lee north. 2. Lee & 75,000 invades PA. Longstreet is new 2nd in command. Jeb Stuart’s scouting cavalry is no where to be found. 3. Forces meet near Gettysburg. 4. July 1st , 1863 a. Rebs take Seminary Ridge and town. b. Yanks take Cemetery Ridge. 5. July 2nd a. Longstreet pushes Sickles back to Little Round Top. b. Ewell takes Culp’s Hill. 6. July 3rd a. Reb artillery fire on Union. b. Pickett orders about 13,000 men to charge Cemetery Ridge. c. Yanks fire on easy target. Only 5,000 Rebs survive. d. Casualties = 20,000 Yanks & 25,000 Rebs. e. Lee slinks away, Meade fails to crush him.
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  • 34. LRTDD
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  • 49. Comparing Pictures In your notes: Label Photographs - Make two lists about the similarities and differences between the two photographs. Also indicate which photograph was staged or setup by the photographer and why you think so. Little Round Top Devil’s Den
  • 50. G. Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln proclaims the purpose of the war and a new mission for the nation.
  • 51. • Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
  • 52. • Domestic dispute that has torn our nation apart. • Greatest battle on North American continent. • Appropriate to honor the brave men who fought here.
  • 53. • But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate–we can not consecrate–we can not hallow–this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. • No matter how much we honor them, no sacrifice is as great as they have made.
  • 54. • The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. • What we say is not important, the sacrifice they have made is.
  • 55. • It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
  • 56. • What we should be dedicating is ourselves to end this Civil War, to honor those that have sacrificed themselves. • We will be reunited and have a second chance, so that the people may rule this land.
  • 57. H. Battle of Vicksburg 1. Grant in April 1863 sneaks past West Vicksburg by ferry while Col. Grierson distracts Rebs with raid. 2. Grant sweeps toward Vicksburg from east, defeating Pemberton 5 times and traps him in Vicksburg. 3. After over a month of siege, the Rebs surrender.
  • 58.
  • 61. A. War-Time Actions 1. Republicans seize control. 2. Lincoln starts war buildup without Congress’s approval. 3. Arrests Maryland Legislature so it will stay in Union. 4. Kentucky under martial-law. 5. Supports uprising in Missouri. 6. Suspends habeas corpus. 7. Lincoln threatens war if Europe interferes. 8. Emancipation Proclamation issued after Antietam.
  • 62.
  • 63. B. Opposition 1. Confederate Constitution similar to American. 2. Pres. Jefferson Davis struggles with governors over Civil War (especially with draft). 3. Northern draft of 63’ similar to the South’s. a. $300 or a substitute = exemption b. NYC is Democrat stronghold, the poor riot. c. Troops regain order and fire on crowds. 4. Peace Democrats or Copperheads want to negotiate. 5. Election of 1864 a. Disgruntled McClellan (D) runs on peace. b. Abe Lincoln = “don’t change horses midstream.” c. Lincoln wins with troop support.
  • 64.
  • 65. C. Grant in Charge 1. Battle of the Wilderness a. May: Union = 125,000 and Rebels = 65,000 meet in forest near Chancellorsville. b. Woods caught fire, men wounded & burned alive. c. Grant beaten, but presses on unlike others. 2. Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor a. Grant is on to Richmond. Lee catches him at Spotsylvania. b. Union corpses: four deep. c. Eight miles south of Richmond at Cold Harbor, 7,000 Union soldiers fell in an hour. d. Public appalled at “Grant the Butcher.” Lincoln stood by him. e. Union had about 60,000 casualties over three battles.
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  • 69. D. Petersburg and Appomattox 1. Siege of Petersburg a. Grant surrounds city to cut Richmond supplies. b. Lee builds city defenses & waits for Northern election. c. June – April 65’ Lee has many deserters, only has 35,000 left. 2. Appomattox Courthouse a. After trying to slip around Grant , Lee realizes defeat and on April 9th, surrenders at Appomattox. b. Rebs allowed to keep animals, were offered food, but would not be treated as traitors. c. Grant ordered Union artillery not to fire in celebration because the Southerners were “our fellow countrymen.”
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  • 72. E. Sherman Marches West 1. General Sherman moves from Chattanooga, TN to Atlanta, GA. 2. Destroys property in his path to crush Southern spirit. 3. Rebel General Johnston tries war of attrition, but Yanks outnumber him. 4. Charleston, SC and Atlanta are razed. 5. Plantations, towns, shops, crops, homes, and railroads are destroyed. 6. Some pillaging goes on. 7. Johnston finally gives up on April 12th .
  • 73. • With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
  • 76. 1. Debate on Reconstruction a. Moderate Republicans want to welcome South back to Union. b. Radicals want to punish the South & blacks should be treated as equals. i. Thaddeus Stevens (PA) of the House ii. Charles Sumner (MA) of the Senate.
  • 77. 2. Lincoln’s Plan a. 10% of a state take loyalty oath. b. Pardon Confederates except… i. Government and military officials. ii. Those that committed crimes against black soldiers. c. States could hold elections for Congress.
  • 78. 3. Lincoln's Assassination a. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln go to Ford’s Theatre to watch “Our American Cousin.” b. John Wilkes Booth hopes to avenge the South. c. Elaborate conspiracy plan to kill other officials is foiled. d. Lincoln dies on April 15, 1865.
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  • 85. 1. Andrew Johnson a. TN Democrat that remained loyal. b. Put on Republican ticket to catch Southern and loyal Democratic vote. c. Hated rich plantation owners. d. Wanted social equality of poor whites. e. Thought everyone should own a slave or two.
  • 86. 2. Impeachment a. 13th amendment ends slavery. b. Freedmen’s Bureau helps former slaves. c. Black Codes in South restricted rights. d. Civil Rights Act of 66’ : equal treatment. Johnson vetoed. Congress overrode. e. Radicals want to protect Lincoln’s Cabinet & passed Tenure of Office Act. f. Johnson fired Sec. of War Stanton g. Johnson impeached or charged in House, not convicted in Senate. h. Pres. backs off and Radicals have their way.
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  • 90. 3. Congressional Reconstruction a. 14th amendment: Citizenship rights to all. b. South under military rule. c. New elections to be held. d. Confederates barred from voting. e. 15th amendment: right to vote. f. African-Americans vote Republican and get gov’t offices.
  • 91.
  • 92. 4. Ulysses S. Grant a. Drank b. Terrible Businessman c. Trusted scandalous friends too much. d. Kept troops in South, did not take strict action to enforce new amendments.
  • 93. 5. Corruption Abroad a. Republican South left to bribery and graft. b. Black government left some infrastructure and education. c. KKK terrorizes black voters. d. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags take advantage of rebuilding South. e. NYC’s Democratic “Boss” Tweed takes public money – busted by prosecutor Tilden.
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  • 100. a. 1876 Candidates i. Rutherford B. Hayes a) Ohioan governor. b) War Hero. c) Republican. ii. Samuel Tilden a) New York governor. b) Broke up Tammany Hall. c) Democrat.
  • 101. b. Election Time i. Running Smoothly a) Parties united nationally. b) Tilden wins NY and South, expected winner. ii. Problems Arise a) Soldiers and KKK members accused of intimidating voters. b) Four states have disputed electors.
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  • 107. c. Solution i. Commission created: 7 (R), 7 (D), 1 independent. ii. Independent drops out, “neutral” Republican replaces him. iii. Commission gives all disputed electoral votes to Hayes. iv. Hayes agrees to… a) Take 1 term only. b) Appoint Democrats to administration. c) Pull troops from South.