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Civil war dinner party BY:  Sage Robertson  Meagan Rodriguez WardaSalman  Miriam Donis
You’re Invited!! Date : April  13, 1865 Time: 7 pm Please convey an admirable appatite and a ready-to-talk-personality, because there will food, and some prodigious conversation. Come to our dinner party, and you will leave with a happy tummy!!  We will have the finest steak, and the most incredible cremebrulee your mouth has tasted!! Please RSVP!
People Invited ,[object Object]
Henry Flemming
Henry Clay
John Wilkes Booth
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
George Picket
Richard Gaitling
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Harriet Tubman
Irvine McDowel,[object Object]
John Wilkes Booth John Wilkes Booth was born May 10, 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland. Booth was the son of Mary Ann Holmes and Junius Brutus Booth, an actor.Booth was a spoiled child who rarely attended school, resulting in his limited education. His father was often on the road performing in plays across the country, and he died when Booth was only fourteen years old. Booth, unlike the rest of his family, supported the South, and believed that the Civil War was necessary to maintain Southern freedom. He attended the execution of John Brown, being he thought abolitionists were “traitors”, and deserved to be killed like Brown.  		A breathing problem made Booth take a hiatus from acting in which time he scurried up a plan to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was not alone though, six other confederate supporters where planning to kidnap Lincoln near Washington D.C.. When their plan failed their next attempt was at Ford’s Theatre, April 14, 1865. Before the show started, Booth rigged the door so that he would be able to get in, and around 10 o’clock Booth entered the Presidential Booth. He shot Lincoln in the back of the head, and then jumped about 9 feet down to the stage, and shouted “Sic sempertyrannis! The South is avenged!", but his boot caught on a flag causing him to fall, and break his leg. He was caught several days later in a farmer’s barn. He refused to leave, so the barn was set on fire. Booth body was seen just as a gun shot was fired, but it is unknown whether he was killed by on of the pursuers, or if he committed suicide.
Abraham lincoln Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12, 1809- died April 15, 1865) served as the 16th president of the United States and his presidency lasted from 1861-1865. He successfully led the county through its greatest constitutional, military and moral crisis-the American Civil War-by preserving the Union by force while ending slavery and promoting economic modernization.  		Raised in a poor family on the western frontier, he was mostly self educated. He became a country lawyer, an Illinois State legislator, and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives but failed in two attempts at a seat in the U.S. Senate. He was an affectionate, though often absent, husband and father of four children.  		Lincoln was an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery in the United States, which he deftly articulated in his campaign debates and speeches. As a result, he secured the Republican nomination and was elected president in 1860. After war began, following declarations of secession by southern slave states, he concentrated on both military and political dimension of the war effort, seeking to reunify the nation. He vigorously exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without trial of thousands of suspected secessionists. He issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoted the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery.
Richard gatling 	Richard Gatling was born September 12, 1818 on his family plantation in Como, Hertford County, North Carolina. Just like his father Richard Gatling had gotten into inventing. When he was 21 years old Richard Gatling had invented a screw propeller for steam boats only to find out that someone had already invented it and patented it. He had also invented a rice-sowing machine, a wheat drill, a hemp brake, and a steam plow. Richard Gatling had graduated from Ohio Medical College in 1850 but decided not to practice medicine and pursue his career of inventing.  		Although he invented many things in his life he was most known for inventing the Gatling Gun. In 1862 made a patent for his gun he had invented and started a company in Indianapolis, Indiana. His gun started out with six gun barrels. This gun had to be hand cranked. Later more and more version was being made off of the Gatling gun the next one had 10 barrels and shot 320 rounds a minute. In 1865 the army had bought his gun and started using it in the civil war.  		In 1870 Gatling had purchased another company in Hartford , Connecticut to keep advancing the Gun. By 1882 Gatling had got his gun to fire up to 1,200 rounds per minute. After someone else had made a new kind of gun the Gatling gun went down hill. By 1911 the army had stopped using the gun. Gatling died in New York City in 1903.
Thomas “stonewall” Jackson 	Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson (Clarksburg, Virginia ,January 21, 1824-May 10, 1863) was a Confederate general during the American Civil War, and probably the best known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee. His military career includes the Valley Campaign of 1862 and his service as a corps commander in the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee. Confederate pickets accidentally shot him at the Battle of Chancellorsville  on May 2, 1863, which the general survived with the loss of an arm to amputation. However, he died of complications of pneumonia eight days later. His death was a severe set back for the confederacy, affecting not only its military prospects, but also the morale of its army and of the general public.  	Military historians consider Jackson to be one of the most gifted and tactical commanders in U.S. history. His Valley Campaign and his envelopment of the Union Army right wing at Chancellorsville are studied worldwide even today as examples of innovative and bold leadership. He excelled as well in other battles: the First Battle of Bull Run (where he received his famous nickname “Stonewall”), Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Jackson was not universally successful as a commander, however, as displayed by his weak and however, as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the seven days battle around Richmond in 1862
Robert e. lee Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807 in Stratford, Westmoreland Country. He entered West Point in 1825 and graduated 2nd in his class in 1829. After that he started serving in the military. In 1853 he became superintendant of West Point. Through 1860 and 1861 he commanded the Department of Texas. Robert decided to leave the South because he did not agree with what they wanted. April 18, 1861 Lee was offered field command of the United States Army.  On April 20, 1861 Robert gave his letter of resignation from United States Army. Three days later he became commander of Virginia Army.  	He was best known for victories in the Battle of 2nd Manassas and the Battle of Chancellor Ville. April 9, 1865 he finally surrendered to General Grant at the Appomatix Courthouse. Lee returned to Richmond after the Civil War and his surrender. He died on October 12, 2870.
Ulysses s. grant A man born under the name of Hiram Ulysses Grant in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27, 1822. When he began at the United States Academy of West Point his name was accidentally changed, although to his friends he was already known as “Sam.” On this academy he learned and trained until graduation, although his stint as cadet equaled to the one of a mediocre he managed to graduate as 21 out of 39 in the class of 1843. On the Mexican War (1846-1848) he performed well as a captain and received two citations for gallantry and one for meritorious conduct, then he was sent to posts faraway from his family and wife, Julia Dent Grant, then began neglecting his work and drinking heavily to the point that on 1854 to avoid being drummed out of the service he resigned; and spent six years in St. Louis, Missouri with his wife and through out that time he did different things, also worked as a farmer for a short time before moving to Galena, Illinois to be a clerk in his family’s store.  When the Civil War began in 1861 he volunteered for a military position in the Union army, and his first command was at the Colonel of the 21st Illinois Infantry, then he was promoted to Brigadier General in July 1861, in September he was given command of the District of Southeast Missouri, then in 1862 the triumphs at Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson in western Tennessee won him the nickname “Unconditional Surrender” Grant. Later he was suddenly attacked at Shiloh, and after that battle demands were sent to President Lincoln to remove him from command, President Lincoln refuses saying “I can’t spare this man, he fights,” the next day to this he won the 46-day siege at Vicksburg, Mississippi, shutting down the supply base of the confederates on July 4, 1863, this battle combined with the Northern Victory at Gettysburg, made a new turning point in the war also naming him the premier commander of the Federal Army then called upon to break the statement at Chattanooga, cementing his reputation as a capable and effective leader. In March 1864, President Lincoln elevated him to the position of General-in-Chief of the armies of the United States. On the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, and the Siege of Petersburg slowly destroyed the rebel army, leading to the surrender of the General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Court House on 1865.
Henry fleming 		Henry Fleming is a teenage boy who decides to volunteer for the Union’s army. Henry leaves his mother’s farm and heads to the camp where he will wait to be called for battle, his first battle. Henry has imagined war as a sort of heroic and graceful moment, like the wars in the old Greek and Roman times, although he often contradicts himself. Now that there are more than just swords and fighting souls and that man seem to be more civilized it seems to be more of a mechanical affair due to the muskets and riffles. Henry arrives to the camp, and along with his comrades is told to wait until further notice for a battle to take place. During this time he then doubts his ability to survive war without running away, but he is also afraid to show his insecurity, for he does not want to be seen as a coward. 		When the moment arrives the regiment is taken to battle, and he survives his first battle, but another one is to come; Henry abandoned his comrades on the battlefield as his lost control over his legs, which carry him deep into the woods, where he finds the dead body of a soldier, and finds himself horrified to the sight and leaves to wander behind troop lines. He is suddenly shot on the head and receives his permanent red badge of courage. When war ends he comes to think he has become a man, although he still feels guilt for deserting his comrades, suggesting that his triumph on achieving manhood is not definite.
Harriet tubman Harriet Tubman’s birthdate is unknown because, but it is guessed she was born between 1820 and 1821 near Bucktown, Dorchester County, Maryland. Harriet was the 11th child of Benjamin Ross and Harriet Greene, who were slaves of Edward Brodas. Her given name was Araminta, and she was often called "Minty" during childhood, but by the time she was an adult, she was calling herself Harriet. Being she was a slave,she was denied the opportunity of education. When Harriet was five years old, she was first sent away from home, to a different plantation where she checked muskrat traps in icy cold rivers. Soon after starting she became too sick to work, and was returned.She was  malnourished and suffering from the cold exposure. Once recovery was complete, she was loaned out to another plantation, working as a nurse to the planter's infant child. At the age of 12, she was working as a field, plowing and hauling wood. When she was 13 she tried to help a fellow slave who tried to run away, and in the process her overseer hit her in the head with a two-pound weight. This resulted in recurring narcoleptic seizures, or sleeping spells, that affected the rest of her life. Harriet had bravely won her freedom by escaping to Canada, but realizing how alone she was, she went to help her family and friends win their freedom as well. She went to Philadelphia, and saved money to finance rescue trips. She became involved with the city's large and active abolitionist, Underground Railroad, a secret network through which slaves were helped in escaping from the South to freedom in the North and Canada. She became Very well known, and some people offered up to $40,000 for her catch. On the upcoming of the war, she began to serve in the army as a nurse, cook, and laundress. Still not finished, Harriet took up the suffragist cause. In 1896, she was a delegate to the National Association of Colored Women's first annual convention. She believed the right to vote was vital to preserving their freedom. After a long life Harriet died on March 10, 1913 due to old age.
Abraham Lincoln  We invited President Abraham Lincoln to our dinner party because we feel he did a fine job during the Civil War. During the Civil War, the Union and Confederate soldiers were both fighting really hard to see if they were going to allow slaves to be free or not. President Abraham Lincoln being in the middle of this argument decided that slavery would not be allowed and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation to officially end slavery after the Union soldiers had lost to the confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg and surrendered at Appomattox.
John wilkes booth We decided to invite John Wilkes Booth to our dinner party because of his role in history. Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. We thought it would be interesting to invite Booth and Lincoln to the party just days before Booth will assassinate him. Would the conversations between them be nice? Would Lincoln become a “friend” with his killer? Booth was invited not just for what he might talk about with Lincoln, but also others, such as people who had the same civil war views as him.
Richard gatling We invited Richard Gatling because he invented the Gatling Gun. We thought it would be more interesting to have him there considering the Gatling Gun is the gun that was used in the Civil War. While he is there he might be able to hear some of the experiences some of them had using his gun. Here he could listen to some of the issues they had using this gun and then fix it and make it more sufficient to the soldiers.  The Union and the Confederate Army both used the gun so he can hear from both sides of there perspective. Being on different sides they might have had different ways of doing things.
Thomas “stonewall” Jackson We invited Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson because he was a great leader and also he was innovative and bold for developing the Valley Campaign. We also invited him because he was the best known general after Robert E. Lee and some of his successful battles were the First Battle of Bull Run (where he received his famous nickname “Stonewall”), Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Jackson was not universally successful as a commander, as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the seven days battle around Richmond in 1862.
Robert e. lee We have asked Robert E. Lee to attend our dinner party because we believe that having both generals there will help. With the Confederate and the Union there it will hopefully bring peace between the two generals and not have them fighting against each other. If we could have them fighting together instead of fighting against each other we could have a bigger and stronger army. Bringing this nation together and getting them on the same side will start with not having two armies fighting against each other that should be on the same side. So having Robert E. Lee there can hopefully help the nation and help bring us back as one.
Ulysses s. grant The reason why we chose Ulysses S. Grant is because of the way that he showed to be a good leader of the Union forces, despite his graduation level and his mediocre stint as a cadet, Grant showed be a good leader during the Mexican War. He won two citations for gallantry and one for meritorious conduct. His triumphs in 1862 at Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson in won him the nick name of “Unconditional Surrender” Grant. His unstoppable winnings at several different battles
Henry fleming We chose Henry Fleming because he is a good representation of how many young people change physically and mentally during the war, the way they change into manhood, and how they came to respect the war for it is no matter to mess around with. We also invited him because he does not think like a child anymore but he has learned what war really is and he has come to respect it.
Harriet tubman We agreed on inviting Harriet Tubman to our diner party because of the major roles she had with slavery in the United States. We thought it would bring up some interesting conversations if Harriet attended our diner party being she had different views than others attending. Some people might want to ask her about how she managed to help so many slaves to freedom. She might also want to talk to people such as Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, or Henry Fleming about some war experiences. Will she share how the underground railroad worked? Or keep the information classified? Harriet Tubman is defiantly a great candidate to attend dinner party.
Guests not attending our Dinner party
Henry clay Dear Readers, 		I am sorry to say Henry Clay cannot attend the dinner party on April 13, 1865. He is no longer with us anymore. His death came about last year on June 29, 1852. He was buried in the Lexington Cemetery site #203. I am sorry for this notification, but I know if Henry Clay were still to be wit us he would of loved to attend your dinner party. His grave site is open if you would like to go visit him at anytime. I send my most regrets having to let you know this way. I hope your dinner party goes well. 					        Sincerely, Henry Clay’s Secretary
Henry Clay Henry Clay was a U.S. Congressman and a U.S. Senator. He was one of the founders of the whig political party. He had been known as “The Great Compromiser”. He knew how to settle anything and make it even for everyone. Henry Clay was the 7th of 9 children in Hanover County, Virginia. He had grown up in a slave holding environment. When he was 20 he moved to Kentucky, and become a lawyer. In 1803 he was elected Kentucky General Assembly. Three years later he had then been asked to join the senate. Following the years they kept him there. In 1811he was elected to go into U.S. congress. He stayed with that until 1851 when he started feeling ill. The following year on June 29 he died.
George picket Dear Readers,    		I am sorry I could not make it to your dinner party. Right now I was at Five Forks trying to help my army defeat the confederates. I had left the front line with cavalry commander Fitzhugh Lee to partake in a shad bake until I heard the gunfire; upon hearing the gunfire, I returned within minutes to my unit, trying to rally them and get then in order but we were too late the Union had gotten the upper hand and they defeated us. I am sorry once again I could not make it to your dinner party, trust me if I wasn’t so far away from where you are holding your dinner party I would certainly come but the journey to get there is about two or three days long and I could not me able to make it on horseback.  	Have a very spectacular party. 					  Sincerely,  George Edward Picket
George Picket Born in Richmond, Virginia (January 28, 1825-July 30, 1875) Pickett graduated from West Point in l846, last in a class of 59 students. First a colonel, then a brigadier general (14 Jan. 1862) he served under Major General James Longstreet during the Seven Days' Campaign and was wounded at Gaines' Mill. His name in Civil War history was secured in a losing cause; the charge against the Federal center on the third day at Gettysburg. Following bloody but inconclusive and ambivalent movements 1-2 July, Lee ordered a massive assault, which followed an intensive but basically ineffectual cannonade. According to reports, Pickett was in excellent spirits and expected to carry the Union defenses. At mid-afternoon the forward movement began with the troops dressed as if on parade as they marched into the Federal guns. Pickett, as division commander, attempted to coordinate the ill-fated movement. But the task was impossible, and he ordered his men to withdraw when clearly they could not break the Union center. Not withstanding the bravery of his troops and his own efforts on the field, Pickett's military reputation was afterward in decline. He fought in battles at New Berne, Petersburg, and Five Forks. General Robert E. Lee relieved him of his command after Saylor’s Creek, only days before the final surrender at Appomattox.

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Civil War Dinner Party Project

  • 1. Civil war dinner party BY: Sage Robertson Meagan Rodriguez WardaSalman Miriam Donis
  • 2. You’re Invited!! Date : April 13, 1865 Time: 7 pm Please convey an admirable appatite and a ready-to-talk-personality, because there will food, and some prodigious conversation. Come to our dinner party, and you will leave with a happy tummy!! We will have the finest steak, and the most incredible cremebrulee your mouth has tasted!! Please RSVP!
  • 3.
  • 13.
  • 14. John Wilkes Booth John Wilkes Booth was born May 10, 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland. Booth was the son of Mary Ann Holmes and Junius Brutus Booth, an actor.Booth was a spoiled child who rarely attended school, resulting in his limited education. His father was often on the road performing in plays across the country, and he died when Booth was only fourteen years old. Booth, unlike the rest of his family, supported the South, and believed that the Civil War was necessary to maintain Southern freedom. He attended the execution of John Brown, being he thought abolitionists were “traitors”, and deserved to be killed like Brown. A breathing problem made Booth take a hiatus from acting in which time he scurried up a plan to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was not alone though, six other confederate supporters where planning to kidnap Lincoln near Washington D.C.. When their plan failed their next attempt was at Ford’s Theatre, April 14, 1865. Before the show started, Booth rigged the door so that he would be able to get in, and around 10 o’clock Booth entered the Presidential Booth. He shot Lincoln in the back of the head, and then jumped about 9 feet down to the stage, and shouted “Sic sempertyrannis! The South is avenged!", but his boot caught on a flag causing him to fall, and break his leg. He was caught several days later in a farmer’s barn. He refused to leave, so the barn was set on fire. Booth body was seen just as a gun shot was fired, but it is unknown whether he was killed by on of the pursuers, or if he committed suicide.
  • 15. Abraham lincoln Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12, 1809- died April 15, 1865) served as the 16th president of the United States and his presidency lasted from 1861-1865. He successfully led the county through its greatest constitutional, military and moral crisis-the American Civil War-by preserving the Union by force while ending slavery and promoting economic modernization. Raised in a poor family on the western frontier, he was mostly self educated. He became a country lawyer, an Illinois State legislator, and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives but failed in two attempts at a seat in the U.S. Senate. He was an affectionate, though often absent, husband and father of four children. Lincoln was an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery in the United States, which he deftly articulated in his campaign debates and speeches. As a result, he secured the Republican nomination and was elected president in 1860. After war began, following declarations of secession by southern slave states, he concentrated on both military and political dimension of the war effort, seeking to reunify the nation. He vigorously exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without trial of thousands of suspected secessionists. He issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoted the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery.
  • 16. Richard gatling Richard Gatling was born September 12, 1818 on his family plantation in Como, Hertford County, North Carolina. Just like his father Richard Gatling had gotten into inventing. When he was 21 years old Richard Gatling had invented a screw propeller for steam boats only to find out that someone had already invented it and patented it. He had also invented a rice-sowing machine, a wheat drill, a hemp brake, and a steam plow. Richard Gatling had graduated from Ohio Medical College in 1850 but decided not to practice medicine and pursue his career of inventing. Although he invented many things in his life he was most known for inventing the Gatling Gun. In 1862 made a patent for his gun he had invented and started a company in Indianapolis, Indiana. His gun started out with six gun barrels. This gun had to be hand cranked. Later more and more version was being made off of the Gatling gun the next one had 10 barrels and shot 320 rounds a minute. In 1865 the army had bought his gun and started using it in the civil war. In 1870 Gatling had purchased another company in Hartford , Connecticut to keep advancing the Gun. By 1882 Gatling had got his gun to fire up to 1,200 rounds per minute. After someone else had made a new kind of gun the Gatling gun went down hill. By 1911 the army had stopped using the gun. Gatling died in New York City in 1903.
  • 17. Thomas “stonewall” Jackson Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson (Clarksburg, Virginia ,January 21, 1824-May 10, 1863) was a Confederate general during the American Civil War, and probably the best known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee. His military career includes the Valley Campaign of 1862 and his service as a corps commander in the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee. Confederate pickets accidentally shot him at the Battle of Chancellorsville on May 2, 1863, which the general survived with the loss of an arm to amputation. However, he died of complications of pneumonia eight days later. His death was a severe set back for the confederacy, affecting not only its military prospects, but also the morale of its army and of the general public. Military historians consider Jackson to be one of the most gifted and tactical commanders in U.S. history. His Valley Campaign and his envelopment of the Union Army right wing at Chancellorsville are studied worldwide even today as examples of innovative and bold leadership. He excelled as well in other battles: the First Battle of Bull Run (where he received his famous nickname “Stonewall”), Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Jackson was not universally successful as a commander, however, as displayed by his weak and however, as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the seven days battle around Richmond in 1862
  • 18. Robert e. lee Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807 in Stratford, Westmoreland Country. He entered West Point in 1825 and graduated 2nd in his class in 1829. After that he started serving in the military. In 1853 he became superintendant of West Point. Through 1860 and 1861 he commanded the Department of Texas. Robert decided to leave the South because he did not agree with what they wanted. April 18, 1861 Lee was offered field command of the United States Army. On April 20, 1861 Robert gave his letter of resignation from United States Army. Three days later he became commander of Virginia Army. He was best known for victories in the Battle of 2nd Manassas and the Battle of Chancellor Ville. April 9, 1865 he finally surrendered to General Grant at the Appomatix Courthouse. Lee returned to Richmond after the Civil War and his surrender. He died on October 12, 2870.
  • 19. Ulysses s. grant A man born under the name of Hiram Ulysses Grant in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27, 1822. When he began at the United States Academy of West Point his name was accidentally changed, although to his friends he was already known as “Sam.” On this academy he learned and trained until graduation, although his stint as cadet equaled to the one of a mediocre he managed to graduate as 21 out of 39 in the class of 1843. On the Mexican War (1846-1848) he performed well as a captain and received two citations for gallantry and one for meritorious conduct, then he was sent to posts faraway from his family and wife, Julia Dent Grant, then began neglecting his work and drinking heavily to the point that on 1854 to avoid being drummed out of the service he resigned; and spent six years in St. Louis, Missouri with his wife and through out that time he did different things, also worked as a farmer for a short time before moving to Galena, Illinois to be a clerk in his family’s store. When the Civil War began in 1861 he volunteered for a military position in the Union army, and his first command was at the Colonel of the 21st Illinois Infantry, then he was promoted to Brigadier General in July 1861, in September he was given command of the District of Southeast Missouri, then in 1862 the triumphs at Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson in western Tennessee won him the nickname “Unconditional Surrender” Grant. Later he was suddenly attacked at Shiloh, and after that battle demands were sent to President Lincoln to remove him from command, President Lincoln refuses saying “I can’t spare this man, he fights,” the next day to this he won the 46-day siege at Vicksburg, Mississippi, shutting down the supply base of the confederates on July 4, 1863, this battle combined with the Northern Victory at Gettysburg, made a new turning point in the war also naming him the premier commander of the Federal Army then called upon to break the statement at Chattanooga, cementing his reputation as a capable and effective leader. In March 1864, President Lincoln elevated him to the position of General-in-Chief of the armies of the United States. On the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, and the Siege of Petersburg slowly destroyed the rebel army, leading to the surrender of the General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Court House on 1865.
  • 20. Henry fleming Henry Fleming is a teenage boy who decides to volunteer for the Union’s army. Henry leaves his mother’s farm and heads to the camp where he will wait to be called for battle, his first battle. Henry has imagined war as a sort of heroic and graceful moment, like the wars in the old Greek and Roman times, although he often contradicts himself. Now that there are more than just swords and fighting souls and that man seem to be more civilized it seems to be more of a mechanical affair due to the muskets and riffles. Henry arrives to the camp, and along with his comrades is told to wait until further notice for a battle to take place. During this time he then doubts his ability to survive war without running away, but he is also afraid to show his insecurity, for he does not want to be seen as a coward. When the moment arrives the regiment is taken to battle, and he survives his first battle, but another one is to come; Henry abandoned his comrades on the battlefield as his lost control over his legs, which carry him deep into the woods, where he finds the dead body of a soldier, and finds himself horrified to the sight and leaves to wander behind troop lines. He is suddenly shot on the head and receives his permanent red badge of courage. When war ends he comes to think he has become a man, although he still feels guilt for deserting his comrades, suggesting that his triumph on achieving manhood is not definite.
  • 21. Harriet tubman Harriet Tubman’s birthdate is unknown because, but it is guessed she was born between 1820 and 1821 near Bucktown, Dorchester County, Maryland. Harriet was the 11th child of Benjamin Ross and Harriet Greene, who were slaves of Edward Brodas. Her given name was Araminta, and she was often called "Minty" during childhood, but by the time she was an adult, she was calling herself Harriet. Being she was a slave,she was denied the opportunity of education. When Harriet was five years old, she was first sent away from home, to a different plantation where she checked muskrat traps in icy cold rivers. Soon after starting she became too sick to work, and was returned.She was malnourished and suffering from the cold exposure. Once recovery was complete, she was loaned out to another plantation, working as a nurse to the planter's infant child. At the age of 12, she was working as a field, plowing and hauling wood. When she was 13 she tried to help a fellow slave who tried to run away, and in the process her overseer hit her in the head with a two-pound weight. This resulted in recurring narcoleptic seizures, or sleeping spells, that affected the rest of her life. Harriet had bravely won her freedom by escaping to Canada, but realizing how alone she was, she went to help her family and friends win their freedom as well. She went to Philadelphia, and saved money to finance rescue trips. She became involved with the city's large and active abolitionist, Underground Railroad, a secret network through which slaves were helped in escaping from the South to freedom in the North and Canada. She became Very well known, and some people offered up to $40,000 for her catch. On the upcoming of the war, she began to serve in the army as a nurse, cook, and laundress. Still not finished, Harriet took up the suffragist cause. In 1896, she was a delegate to the National Association of Colored Women's first annual convention. She believed the right to vote was vital to preserving their freedom. After a long life Harriet died on March 10, 1913 due to old age.
  • 23. Abraham Lincoln We invited President Abraham Lincoln to our dinner party because we feel he did a fine job during the Civil War. During the Civil War, the Union and Confederate soldiers were both fighting really hard to see if they were going to allow slaves to be free or not. President Abraham Lincoln being in the middle of this argument decided that slavery would not be allowed and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation to officially end slavery after the Union soldiers had lost to the confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg and surrendered at Appomattox.
  • 24. John wilkes booth We decided to invite John Wilkes Booth to our dinner party because of his role in history. Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. We thought it would be interesting to invite Booth and Lincoln to the party just days before Booth will assassinate him. Would the conversations between them be nice? Would Lincoln become a “friend” with his killer? Booth was invited not just for what he might talk about with Lincoln, but also others, such as people who had the same civil war views as him.
  • 25. Richard gatling We invited Richard Gatling because he invented the Gatling Gun. We thought it would be more interesting to have him there considering the Gatling Gun is the gun that was used in the Civil War. While he is there he might be able to hear some of the experiences some of them had using his gun. Here he could listen to some of the issues they had using this gun and then fix it and make it more sufficient to the soldiers. The Union and the Confederate Army both used the gun so he can hear from both sides of there perspective. Being on different sides they might have had different ways of doing things.
  • 26. Thomas “stonewall” Jackson We invited Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson because he was a great leader and also he was innovative and bold for developing the Valley Campaign. We also invited him because he was the best known general after Robert E. Lee and some of his successful battles were the First Battle of Bull Run (where he received his famous nickname “Stonewall”), Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Jackson was not universally successful as a commander, as displayed by his weak and confused efforts during the seven days battle around Richmond in 1862.
  • 27. Robert e. lee We have asked Robert E. Lee to attend our dinner party because we believe that having both generals there will help. With the Confederate and the Union there it will hopefully bring peace between the two generals and not have them fighting against each other. If we could have them fighting together instead of fighting against each other we could have a bigger and stronger army. Bringing this nation together and getting them on the same side will start with not having two armies fighting against each other that should be on the same side. So having Robert E. Lee there can hopefully help the nation and help bring us back as one.
  • 28. Ulysses s. grant The reason why we chose Ulysses S. Grant is because of the way that he showed to be a good leader of the Union forces, despite his graduation level and his mediocre stint as a cadet, Grant showed be a good leader during the Mexican War. He won two citations for gallantry and one for meritorious conduct. His triumphs in 1862 at Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson in won him the nick name of “Unconditional Surrender” Grant. His unstoppable winnings at several different battles
  • 29. Henry fleming We chose Henry Fleming because he is a good representation of how many young people change physically and mentally during the war, the way they change into manhood, and how they came to respect the war for it is no matter to mess around with. We also invited him because he does not think like a child anymore but he has learned what war really is and he has come to respect it.
  • 30. Harriet tubman We agreed on inviting Harriet Tubman to our diner party because of the major roles she had with slavery in the United States. We thought it would bring up some interesting conversations if Harriet attended our diner party being she had different views than others attending. Some people might want to ask her about how she managed to help so many slaves to freedom. She might also want to talk to people such as Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, or Henry Fleming about some war experiences. Will she share how the underground railroad worked? Or keep the information classified? Harriet Tubman is defiantly a great candidate to attend dinner party.
  • 31. Guests not attending our Dinner party
  • 32. Henry clay Dear Readers, I am sorry to say Henry Clay cannot attend the dinner party on April 13, 1865. He is no longer with us anymore. His death came about last year on June 29, 1852. He was buried in the Lexington Cemetery site #203. I am sorry for this notification, but I know if Henry Clay were still to be wit us he would of loved to attend your dinner party. His grave site is open if you would like to go visit him at anytime. I send my most regrets having to let you know this way. I hope your dinner party goes well. Sincerely, Henry Clay’s Secretary
  • 33. Henry Clay Henry Clay was a U.S. Congressman and a U.S. Senator. He was one of the founders of the whig political party. He had been known as “The Great Compromiser”. He knew how to settle anything and make it even for everyone. Henry Clay was the 7th of 9 children in Hanover County, Virginia. He had grown up in a slave holding environment. When he was 20 he moved to Kentucky, and become a lawyer. In 1803 he was elected Kentucky General Assembly. Three years later he had then been asked to join the senate. Following the years they kept him there. In 1811he was elected to go into U.S. congress. He stayed with that until 1851 when he started feeling ill. The following year on June 29 he died.
  • 34. George picket Dear Readers, I am sorry I could not make it to your dinner party. Right now I was at Five Forks trying to help my army defeat the confederates. I had left the front line with cavalry commander Fitzhugh Lee to partake in a shad bake until I heard the gunfire; upon hearing the gunfire, I returned within minutes to my unit, trying to rally them and get then in order but we were too late the Union had gotten the upper hand and they defeated us. I am sorry once again I could not make it to your dinner party, trust me if I wasn’t so far away from where you are holding your dinner party I would certainly come but the journey to get there is about two or three days long and I could not me able to make it on horseback. Have a very spectacular party. Sincerely, George Edward Picket
  • 35. George Picket Born in Richmond, Virginia (January 28, 1825-July 30, 1875) Pickett graduated from West Point in l846, last in a class of 59 students. First a colonel, then a brigadier general (14 Jan. 1862) he served under Major General James Longstreet during the Seven Days' Campaign and was wounded at Gaines' Mill. His name in Civil War history was secured in a losing cause; the charge against the Federal center on the third day at Gettysburg. Following bloody but inconclusive and ambivalent movements 1-2 July, Lee ordered a massive assault, which followed an intensive but basically ineffectual cannonade. According to reports, Pickett was in excellent spirits and expected to carry the Union defenses. At mid-afternoon the forward movement began with the troops dressed as if on parade as they marched into the Federal guns. Pickett, as division commander, attempted to coordinate the ill-fated movement. But the task was impossible, and he ordered his men to withdraw when clearly they could not break the Union center. Not withstanding the bravery of his troops and his own efforts on the field, Pickett's military reputation was afterward in decline. He fought in battles at New Berne, Petersburg, and Five Forks. General Robert E. Lee relieved him of his command after Saylor’s Creek, only days before the final surrender at Appomattox.
  • 36. Irvine mcdowel Dear Readers, I am honored to be on the list of guests for your Dinner Party, but I have been stationed at the Department of the Pacific and fear I will not be able to reach the place on time to enjoy your company. I am also in charge of the whole Department of the Pacific and I do not desire to set my sight away from the place and leave it unattended. I trust you understand my commitment to my responsibilities and how I have to apologize for not assisting. Sincerely, General McDowell
  • 37. Irvine Mcdowel In1818 he was born in Colombus, Ohio. He studied at the College de Troyes, in France, and graduated as 23rd in his class out of 45 from West Point in 1838. In 1841 he served at west point as assistant instructor in tactics, then becoming adjutant in 1845, during the Mexican War he went to Mexico as aide-de-camp General Wood, and for gallant conduct at Buena Vista in 1847 he was promoted to brevet captain, and then assigned Adjutant General. When the Mexican War concluded McDowell was stationed at the War Department in Washington. A close associate of General Winfield Scott then became the advisor to several Republican Party Politicians like President Lincoln and Salmon Chase. At the beginning of the war he was given command of the Union Army south of the Potomax, and then sent to take over Richmond, and later to defend Washington from the confederate army. On June 1864 he was criticized for his performance, and relieved on his command. However he demanded and was exonerated by a court of inquiry. In July 1864 McDowell was given command of the Department of the Pacific.
  • 38. Seating chart John Wilkes Booth Robert E. Lee Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant Richard Gatling Henry Fleming Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Harriet Tubman
  • 40.
  • 41. John Wilkes Booth to Abraham Lincoln- Here you go.
  • 42. Lincoln to Booth- Thank you nice man. By the way you look familiar. Have I seen you before?
  • 43. Ulysses S. Grant to Lincoln- Oh, I have seen him at the Fords Theater.
  • 44. Booth to Grant- Yes, I work there.
  • 45. Lincoln to Booth- Oh that is where I remember you. I have also seen you at the Fords Theater.
  • 46. Robert E. Lee to Booth- I have seen some of your plays and I like your very first one the best.
  • 47. Booth to Robert E. Lee- Thank you. It took us a really long time to make it. That is why it is the best.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. Booth to Abraham- I don’t think her acting was very good. If you want a good actor, you should come to the Ford’s Theatre tomorrow night, the 14th.
  • 51. Abraham to Booth- Will do. I hope to see you there!
  • 52. Booth to Abraham- Oh trust me, buddy, you will.
  • 53. Gatling to Everyone- let’s stop all this girl actor stuff and get to the gory part of war.
  • 54. Ulysses to Robert- Oh, you mean how Robert sucks at commanding so everyone dies on his side. Sounds like a good topic to me.
  • 55. Robert to Ulysses- You wanna shut your face before I make you.
  • 56. Henry and Harriet to everyone- FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
  • 57.
  • 58. Henry to Abraham- Thank you, Sir, I was getting a headache. It’s easy for me cause I was a wimp and when I came back from running from battle someone bashed me in the head.
  • 59. Abraham to Henry- Uhh… ok?
  • 60. Harriet to Henry- Jeez boy I rescue slaves and you can’t put on your big boy panties for one dang battle!?!?
  • 61. Henry to Harriet- Yeah good job on rescuing those illegal slaves. You know since breaking the law is such an accomplishment and all.
  • 62. Abraham to everyone- That’s it, I’m ditching this popsicle stand!!
  • 63. Everyone else agrees and party ends in grief.
  • 64.