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McGraw-Hill/Irwin                                                                         6-1
                    Copyright ยฉ 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
๏‚— L01: Define characteristics of organization structure:
   ๏‚— Organic or mechanistic
   ๏‚— Differentiation
   ๏‚— Integration
๏‚— L02: Summarize how authority operates โ€“ who
  holds top authority in a company.
๏‚— L03: Discuss how span of control affects structure
  and management effectiveness.

Learning Objectives (contโ€™d)
๏‚— L04: Explain how to delegate effectively.
๏‚— L05: Distinguish between centralized and
  decentralized organizations.
๏‚— L06: Define basic types of organization structures
  and summarize their strengths.
๏‚— L07: Describe mechanisms used to coordinate
๏‚— L08: Discuss how organizations can improve their
  agility through strategy, commitment to customers
  and use of technology.
Traditional Organizing
๏‚— Organization chart
  ๏‚— reporting structure and division of labor in an
๏‚— Organization Types
   ๏‚— Mechanistic โ€“ formal structure intended to promote
     internal efficiency
   ๏‚— Organic - organizational form that emphasizes
     flexibility characterized by:

Organic - Modern Organizing
 ๏‚— Broader responsibilities that change as need arises
 ๏‚— Communication through advice and information
 ๏‚— Decentralized decision-making and influence
 ๏‚— Highly valued expertise
 ๏‚— Emphasizes judgment rather than rules
 ๏‚— Commitment to organizational goals is more important
   than obedience to authority.
 ๏‚— Increased interdependence
 ๏‚— Relationships more informal and personal.

Fundamentals of Organizing
๏‚— Differentiation
   ๏‚— aspect of organizationโ€™s internal environment created
     by job specialization and division of labor.
๏‚— Integration
  ๏‚— Degree to which differentiated work units work
    together and coordinate efforts.

Differentiation isโ€ฆ
๏‚— High
   ๏‚— many subunits and specialists who think differently
๏‚— Created through
  ๏‚— Division of labor โ€“ when work of organization is
    subdivided into smaller tasks.
  ๏‚— Specialization โ€“ different people or groups perform
    specific parts of larger task.

๏‚— Procedures that link various parts of organization to
 achieve organizationโ€™s overall mission.

๏‚— Degree to which differentiated work units work
  together and coordinate efforts.
๏‚— Accomplished through structural mechanisms
๏‚— Any job activity that links work units
๏‚— High differentiation and high integration leads to
  success in dynamic environments.

๏‚— Vertical authority within organization
   ๏‚— Board of directors
   ๏‚— Chief Executive Officer
   ๏‚— Hierarchical levels.
๏‚— Horizontal
  ๏‚— Functional
  ๏‚— Divisional
  ๏‚— Matrix organizations.

The Vertical Structure
๏‚ž Authority
 ๏‚ž legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other
   people what to do.
๏‚ž Types of Authority
 ๏‚ž Formal
   ๏‚—   Based on formal position, e.g. BOD, CEO
 ๏‚ž Informal
   ๏‚—   Based on expertise, experience, or personal qualities, e.g.,
       scientists, computer-savvy employees

Span of Control
๏‚— Number of direct reports an executive or supervisor
๏‚— Optimal span of control maximizes effectiveness by
  balancing two considerations:
  ๏‚— Maintain control without overcontrol

When should span be wide?
1.   Work is clearly defined and unambiguous
2.   Highly trained employees with access to
3.   Manager is highly capable and supportive
4.   Jobs are similar and performance measures are
5.   Employees prefer autonomy to close supervisory

๏‚— Assignment of new or additional responsibilities
๏‚— Fundamental feature of management at all levels
๏‚— Requires communication with manager about
 effectiveness of assignment implementation

Is this delegation?
Call Tom Burton at Nittany Office Equipment. Ask him to
give you the price list on an upgrade for our personal
computers. I want to move up to a Core 2 Duo processor
with 4 gigs of RAM and at least a 500-gigabyte hard drive.
Ask them to give you a demonstration, and let them try it
out. Have them write up a summary of their needs and the
potential applications they see for the new systems. Then
prepare me a report with the costs and specifications of the
upgrade for the entire department. Oh, yes, be sure to ask
for information on service costs.

Responsibility and Accountability
๏‚— Responsibility
   ๏‚— A person is assigned a task that an employee is
     supposed to carry out โ€“ within their power or
๏‚— Accountability
  ๏‚— Expectation that employees will perform a job, take
    corrective action when necessary, and report upward
    on the status and quality of their performance โ€“ be

Advantages of Delegation
๏‚— Leverages the managerโ€™s energy and talent and those of
    his or her subordinates
๏‚—   Conserves a managerโ€™s time
๏‚—   Develops effective subordinates
๏‚—   Subordinate gains an opportunity to develop new skills
    and demonstrate potential for additional responsibilities
๏‚—   Promotes a sense of being an important, contributing
    member of the organization leading to stronger
    commitment, task performance, and innovation.

Steps in Effective Delegation

Centralized vs. Decentralized
๏‚— Centralized:
  ๏‚— High-level executives make most
    decisions and pass them to lower levels
    for implementation.
๏‚— Decentralized
  ๏‚— Lower level managers make important

The Horizontal Structure
๏‚— Line departments
  ๏‚— those who have responsibility for the principal
     activities of the firm
๏‚— Staff departments
   ๏‚— those who provide specialized or professional
     skills that support line departments

Functional Organizations
๏‚— Departmentalization around specialized skill sets
  and activities
๏‚— Advantages
  ๏‚— Economies of scale
  ๏‚— Monitoring of the environment is more effective
  ๏‚— Performance standards are better maintained
  ๏‚— Greater opportunity for specialized training and in-
    depth skill development
  ๏‚— Technical specialists are relatively free of
    administrative work
  ๏‚— Decision making and lines of communication are
    simple and clearly understood

Functional Organizations
๏‚— Disadvantages
   ๏‚— People may care more about their own function than
     about the company as a whole
   ๏‚— Managers develop functional expertise but lack
     knowledge of the other areas of the business
   ๏‚— Promotes functional differentiation not functional

Divisional Organization
๏‚— Groups all functions into a single division and
  duplicates functions across divisions.
๏‚— Act like separate businesses or profit centers and
  work autonomously to accomplish the goals of the
  entire enterprise.

The Divisional Organization

Functional vs. Divisional Examples
Functional Organization          Divisional Organization
Central purchasing department    Purchasing unit for each
Separate companywide               division
  marketing, production,         Each product groupโ€™s own
  design, and engineering          experts in marketing, design,
  departments                      production, and engineering
Central city health department   Separate health units for the
Plantwide inspection,              school district and the prison
  maintenance, and supply        Inspection, maintenance, and
  departments                      supply conducted by each
                                   production team

Ways to set up a divisional structure
๏‚— Product divisions
   ๏‚— all functions that contribute to a given product are
     organized under one product manager.
๏‚— Customer divisions
   ๏‚— built around groups of customers
๏‚— Geographic divisions
  ๏‚— structure around geographic regions

Matrix Organization
๏‚— An organization composed of dual reporting
 relationships in which some managers report to two
  ๏‚— functional manager
  ๏‚— divisional manager or project manager

Matrix Organizational

Managing High
Information-Processing Demands

Organizational Agility
๏‚— Agility
   ๏‚— Ability to act, and act fast, to meet customer needs
     and respond to other outside pressures.

Organizing around core competencies
๏‚— Identify existing core competencies
๏‚— Acquire or build core competencies that will be
  important for the future
๏‚— Keep investing in competencies
๏‚— Extend competencies to find new applications and
  opportunities for future markets

Managing core competencies
๏‚—    Accumulate the right resources; discard the
     wrong resources
๏‚—    Combine resources to sustain organization
๏‚—    Leverage or exploit resources

Strategic Alliances
๏‚— Definition
   ๏‚— Formal relationship created among independent
     organizations with purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals
๏‚— Success Criteria
   ๏‚— Individual excellence: both partners add value
   ๏‚— Importance: both partners want the relationship to work
   ๏‚— Interdependence: Partners need each other
   ๏‚— Investment: Partners devote financial and other resources to relationship
   ๏‚— Information: Partners communicate openly
   ๏‚— Integration: Partners develop shared ways of operating
   ๏‚— Institutionalization: Relationship has formal status with clear responsibilities
   ๏‚— Integrity: Both partners are trustworthy and honorable

An organizationsโ€™ ability to learn, and
translate that learning into action rapidly, is
    the ultimate competitive advantage.

                                 -- Jack Welch
                    Former CEO, General Electric

Learning Organizations
๏‚— Definition
   ๏‚— Organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and
     transferring knowledge
   ๏‚— Can modify behavior to reflect new knowledge and
๏‚— Ingredients
  ๏‚— People engage in disciplined thinking and attention to details
  ๏‚— Search constantly for new knowledge and ways to apply it
  ๏‚— Review successes and failures carefully
  ๏‚— Benchmark best practices of other organizations
  ๏‚— Share ideas throughout organization

๏‚— Planned elimination of positions.
๏‚— Becoming a normal business practice as:
  ๏‚— global competition puts pressure on costs
  ๏‚— mergers cause functions to be consolidated
  ๏‚— new technologies and new ways of doing business
๏‚— Done appropriately can make firms more agile
๏‚— Can be traumatic for an organization and its

Effective Downsizing?
๏‚— Use downsizing only as a last resort
๏‚— Engage in careful analysis and strategic thinking in
    choosing positions to eliminate
๏‚—   Train people to cope with new situation
๏‚—   Identify and protect talented people
๏‚—   Give special attention and help to those who have lost
๏‚—   Communicate constantly with people about process
๏‚—   Invite ideas for alternative ways to operate more
๏‚—   Identify how the organization will operate more effectively
    in the future, and emphasize positive future and the
    remaining employeesโ€™ new roles in attaining it

Organizing for Quality Improvement
๏‚— Total Quality Management (TQM)
   ๏‚— An integrative approach to management that supports
     the attainment of customer satisfaction through a
     wide variety of tools and techniques that result in
     high-quality goods and services

Demingโ€™s 14 points of Quality
1.   Create constancy of        1. Drive out fear
     purpose                    2. Break down barriers
2.   Adopt new philosophy            among departments
3.   Cease dependence on        3.   Eliminate slogans and
     mass inspection                 exhortations
4.   End practice of awarding   4.   Eliminate numerical
     business on price tag           quotas
5.   Improve system of          5.   Remove barriers to pride
     production and service          in workmanship
     constantly                 6.   Institute vigorous program
6.   Institute training and          of education and retraining
     retraining                 7.   Take action to accomplish
7.   Institute leadership            transformation

ISO 9001
๏‚— A series of quality standards developed by a
 committee working under the International
 Organization for Standardization to improve total
 quality in all businesses for the benefit of producers
 and consumers in more than 150 companies

8 Principles of ISO 9001
1. Customer focus          1. Continual
2. Leadership                 improvement
3. Involvement of people   2. Factual approach to
                              decision making
4. Process approach
                           3. Mutually beneficial
5. System approach to
                              supplier relationships

Organizing for Flexible Manufacturing
๏‚— Mass customization
   ๏‚— Production of varied, individually customized products
     at low cost of standardized, mass-produced products
๏‚— Computer-integrated manufacturing
  ๏‚— Computerized production efforts, including computer-
    aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
    manufacturing (CAM)

Lean Manufacturing
๏‚— An operation that strives to achieve highest possible
 productivity and total quality, cost-effectively, by
 eliminating unnecessary steps in production process
 and continually striving for improvement.

Conditions for Lean Manufacturing
๏‚— People are broadly trained
๏‚— Communication is informal and horizontal among
  line workers
๏‚— Equipment is general purpose
๏‚— Work is organized in teams or cells
๏‚— Supplier relationships are long-term and
๏‚— Product development is concurrent, not
  sequential, and is done by cross-functional

Just-in-Time (JIT) Operations
๏‚— A system that calls for subassemblies and
 components to be manufactured in very small lots
 and delivered to the next stage of the production
 process just as they are needed

Organizing for Speed
๏‚— JIT is a companywide philosophy oriented toward
  eliminating waste and improving materials
  throughout all operations.
๏‚— Offers efficiency only when costs of storing items are
  greater than costs of frequent delivery
๏‚— Simultaneous engineering incorporates the issues
  and perspectives of all functions from beginning of

YOU should be able to
๏‚— L01: Define the characteristics of organization
  structure: organic or mechanistic, differentiation, and
๏‚— L02: Summarize how authority operates and who
  generally holds top authority in a company.
๏‚— L03: Discuss how span of control affects structure
  and management effectiveness.

YOU Explain how be able effectively.
๏‚— L04:
       should to delegate to
๏‚— L05: Distinguish between centralized and
  decentralized organizations.
๏‚— L06: Define basic types of organization
  structures, and summarize their strengths.
๏‚— L07: Describe important mechanisms used to
  coordinate work.
๏‚— L08: Discuss how organizations can improve
  their agility through strategy, commitment to
  customers and use of technology.
Test Your Knowledge

In the study by Lawrence and Lorsch,
  companies in complex, dynamic
  environments developed _____ levels of
  differentiation; and _____ levels of
  A) low; low
  B) intermediate; high
  C) high; high
  D) low; high
  E) high; low
Test Your Knowledge

๏‚— Define authority
๏‚— Who holds top authority in an organization?

Test Your Knowledge

A wide span of control builds a ______________
  A) flat
  B) narrow
  C) tall
  D) bureaucratic
  E) formal

Test Your Knowledge

๏‚— Discuss the concepts of responsibility,
  authority, and accountability.
๏‚— What should a manager do when he/she has
  more responsibility than authority
๏‚— Why is this a problem?

Test Your Knowledge

Ruby recently accepted a job with a large insurance firm as an internal
auditor. Ruby has found that her new job is quite different than the
internship she had at an accounting consulting firm. The insurance firm
has strictly defined job responsibilities and lines of communication. It
seems that for every decision that Ruby needs to make, approval must
be obtained from upper management! Overall, she has found the
atmosphere to be quite formal as compared to the internship. Ruby
has concluded that the insurance firm has:

  A)    a wide span of control.
  B)    a high degree of centralization.
  C)    decentralized authority.
  D)    a matrix design.
  E)    an ineffective structure.
Test Your knowledge
Sports International (SI) began business by making shoes for
  athletes. They soon expanded into making shoes for non-
  athletic purposes. They now manufacture and distribute
  clothing, sporting equipment and protective sports gear
  worldwide. They are departmentalized by products sold to
  serious athletes, products sold to "weekend" athletes and
  products sold to sports teams. SI has utilized which form of
  A) Geographic
  B) Functional
  C) Matrix
  D) Customer
  E) Product
Test Your Knowledge
Michael Shaffer's job as a representative of
 CommuniCo is to handle communications
 between the organization and the local
 community. Michael is best described as
 A) mutual adjustment officer.
 B) program manager.
 C) individual task force.
 D) liaison.
 E) none of the above.
Test Your Knowledge

Flexible factories have the following advantages
  A) Providing more production options.
  B) Having much shorter production runs.
  C) Being organized around products, in work cells
  or teams.
  D) Good for standardized products.
  E) Quicker to adapt to change.


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Chap006 BUS137

  • 1. McGraw-Hill/Irwin 6-1 Copyright ยฉ 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Learning Objectives ๏‚— L01: Define characteristics of organization structure: ๏‚— Organic or mechanistic ๏‚— Differentiation ๏‚— Integration ๏‚— L02: Summarize how authority operates โ€“ who holds top authority in a company. ๏‚— L03: Discuss how span of control affects structure and management effectiveness. 6-2
  • 3. Learning Objectives (contโ€™d) ๏‚— L04: Explain how to delegate effectively. ๏‚— L05: Distinguish between centralized and decentralized organizations. ๏‚— L06: Define basic types of organization structures and summarize their strengths. ๏‚— L07: Describe mechanisms used to coordinate work. ๏‚— L08: Discuss how organizations can improve their agility through strategy, commitment to customers and use of technology. 6-3
  • 4. Traditional Organizing ๏‚— Organization chart ๏‚— reporting structure and division of labor in an organization ๏‚— Organization Types ๏‚— Mechanistic โ€“ formal structure intended to promote internal efficiency ๏‚— Organic - organizational form that emphasizes flexibility characterized by: 6-4
  • 5. Organic - Modern Organizing ๏‚— Broader responsibilities that change as need arises ๏‚— Communication through advice and information ๏‚— Decentralized decision-making and influence ๏‚— Highly valued expertise ๏‚— Emphasizes judgment rather than rules ๏‚— Commitment to organizational goals is more important than obedience to authority. ๏‚— Increased interdependence ๏‚— Relationships more informal and personal. 6-5
  • 6. Fundamentals of Organizing ๏‚— Differentiation ๏‚— aspect of organizationโ€™s internal environment created by job specialization and division of labor. ๏‚— Integration ๏‚— Degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate efforts. 6-6
  • 7. Differentiation isโ€ฆ ๏‚— High ๏‚— many subunits and specialists who think differently ๏‚— Created through ๏‚— Division of labor โ€“ when work of organization is subdivided into smaller tasks. ๏‚— Specialization โ€“ different people or groups perform specific parts of larger task. 6-7
  • 8. Coordination ๏‚— Procedures that link various parts of organization to achieve organizationโ€™s overall mission. 6-8
  • 9. Integration ๏‚— Degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate efforts. ๏‚— Accomplished through structural mechanisms ๏‚— Any job activity that links work units ๏‚— High differentiation and high integration leads to success in dynamic environments. 6-9
  • 10. Differentiation ๏‚— Vertical authority within organization ๏‚— Board of directors ๏‚— Chief Executive Officer ๏‚— Hierarchical levels. ๏‚— Horizontal ๏‚— Functional ๏‚— Divisional ๏‚— Matrix organizations. 6-10
  • 11. The Vertical Structure ๏‚ž Authority ๏‚ž legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do. ๏‚ž Types of Authority ๏‚ž Formal ๏‚— Based on formal position, e.g. BOD, CEO ๏‚ž Informal ๏‚— Based on expertise, experience, or personal qualities, e.g., scientists, computer-savvy employees 6-11
  • 12. Span of Control ๏‚— Number of direct reports an executive or supervisor manages ๏‚— Optimal span of control maximizes effectiveness by balancing two considerations: ๏‚— Maintain control without overcontrol 6-12
  • 13. When should span be wide? 1. Work is clearly defined and unambiguous 2. Highly trained employees with access to information 3. Manager is highly capable and supportive 4. Jobs are similar and performance measures are comparable 5. Employees prefer autonomy to close supervisory control 6-13
  • 14. Delegation ๏‚— Assignment of new or additional responsibilities ๏‚— Fundamental feature of management at all levels ๏‚— Requires communication with manager about effectiveness of assignment implementation 6-14
  • 15. Is this delegation? Call Tom Burton at Nittany Office Equipment. Ask him to give you the price list on an upgrade for our personal computers. I want to move up to a Core 2 Duo processor with 4 gigs of RAM and at least a 500-gigabyte hard drive. Ask them to give you a demonstration, and let them try it out. Have them write up a summary of their needs and the potential applications they see for the new systems. Then prepare me a report with the costs and specifications of the upgrade for the entire department. Oh, yes, be sure to ask for information on service costs. 6-15
  • 16. Responsibility and Accountability ๏‚— Responsibility ๏‚— A person is assigned a task that an employee is supposed to carry out โ€“ within their power or control. ๏‚— Accountability ๏‚— Expectation that employees will perform a job, take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on the status and quality of their performance โ€“ be answerable. 6-16
  • 17. Advantages of Delegation ๏‚— Leverages the managerโ€™s energy and talent and those of his or her subordinates ๏‚— Conserves a managerโ€™s time ๏‚— Develops effective subordinates ๏‚— Subordinate gains an opportunity to develop new skills and demonstrate potential for additional responsibilities ๏‚— Promotes a sense of being an important, contributing member of the organization leading to stronger commitment, task performance, and innovation. 6-17
  • 18. Steps in Effective Delegation 6-18
  • 19. Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision-Making ๏‚— Centralized: ๏‚— High-level executives make most decisions and pass them to lower levels for implementation. ๏‚— Decentralized ๏‚— Lower level managers make important decisions. 6-19
  • 20. The Horizontal Structure ๏‚— Line departments ๏‚— those who have responsibility for the principal activities of the firm ๏‚— Staff departments ๏‚— those who provide specialized or professional skills that support line departments 6-20
  • 21. Functional Organizations ๏‚— Departmentalization around specialized skill sets and activities ๏‚— Advantages ๏‚— Economies of scale ๏‚— Monitoring of the environment is more effective ๏‚— Performance standards are better maintained ๏‚— Greater opportunity for specialized training and in- depth skill development ๏‚— Technical specialists are relatively free of administrative work ๏‚— Decision making and lines of communication are simple and clearly understood 6-21
  • 22. Functional Organizations ๏‚— Disadvantages ๏‚— People may care more about their own function than about the company as a whole ๏‚— Managers develop functional expertise but lack knowledge of the other areas of the business ๏‚— Promotes functional differentiation not functional integration 6-22
  • 23. Divisional Organization ๏‚— Groups all functions into a single division and duplicates functions across divisions. ๏‚— Act like separate businesses or profit centers and work autonomously to accomplish the goals of the entire enterprise. 6-23
  • 25. Functional vs. Divisional Examples Functional Organization Divisional Organization Central purchasing department Purchasing unit for each Separate companywide division marketing, production, Each product groupโ€™s own design, and engineering experts in marketing, design, departments production, and engineering Central city health department Separate health units for the Plantwide inspection, school district and the prison maintenance, and supply Inspection, maintenance, and departments supply conducted by each production team 6-25
  • 26. Ways to set up a divisional structure ๏‚— Product divisions ๏‚— all functions that contribute to a given product are organized under one product manager. ๏‚— Customer divisions ๏‚— built around groups of customers ๏‚— Geographic divisions ๏‚— structure around geographic regions 6-26
  • 27. Matrix Organization ๏‚— An organization composed of dual reporting relationships in which some managers report to two superiors: ๏‚— functional manager ๏‚— divisional manager or project manager 6-27
  • 30. Organizational Agility ๏‚— Agility ๏‚— Ability to act, and act fast, to meet customer needs and respond to other outside pressures. 6-30
  • 31. Organizing around core competencies ๏‚— Identify existing core competencies ๏‚— Acquire or build core competencies that will be important for the future ๏‚— Keep investing in competencies ๏‚— Extend competencies to find new applications and opportunities for future markets 6-31
  • 32. Managing core competencies ๏‚— Accumulate the right resources; discard the wrong resources ๏‚— Combine resources to sustain organization capabilities ๏‚— Leverage or exploit resources 6-32
  • 33. Strategic Alliances ๏‚— Definition ๏‚— Formal relationship created among independent organizations with purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals ๏‚— Success Criteria ๏‚— Individual excellence: both partners add value ๏‚— Importance: both partners want the relationship to work ๏‚— Interdependence: Partners need each other ๏‚— Investment: Partners devote financial and other resources to relationship ๏‚— Information: Partners communicate openly ๏‚— Integration: Partners develop shared ways of operating ๏‚— Institutionalization: Relationship has formal status with clear responsibilities ๏‚— Integrity: Both partners are trustworthy and honorable 6-33
  • 34. An organizationsโ€™ ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. -- Jack Welch Former CEO, General Electric 6-34
  • 35. Learning Organizations ๏‚— Definition ๏‚— Organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge ๏‚— Can modify behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. ๏‚— Ingredients ๏‚— People engage in disciplined thinking and attention to details ๏‚— Search constantly for new knowledge and ways to apply it ๏‚— Review successes and failures carefully ๏‚— Benchmark best practices of other organizations ๏‚— Share ideas throughout organization 6-35
  • 36. Downsizing ๏‚— Planned elimination of positions. ๏‚— Becoming a normal business practice as: ๏‚— global competition puts pressure on costs ๏‚— mergers cause functions to be consolidated ๏‚— new technologies and new ways of doing business ๏‚— Done appropriately can make firms more agile ๏‚— Can be traumatic for an organization and its employees 6-36
  • 37. Effective Downsizing? ๏‚— Use downsizing only as a last resort ๏‚— Engage in careful analysis and strategic thinking in choosing positions to eliminate ๏‚— Train people to cope with new situation ๏‚— Identify and protect talented people ๏‚— Give special attention and help to those who have lost jobs ๏‚— Communicate constantly with people about process ๏‚— Invite ideas for alternative ways to operate more efficiently ๏‚— Identify how the organization will operate more effectively in the future, and emphasize positive future and the remaining employeesโ€™ new roles in attaining it 6-37
  • 38. Organizing for Quality Improvement ๏‚— Total Quality Management (TQM) ๏‚— An integrative approach to management that supports the attainment of customer satisfaction through a wide variety of tools and techniques that result in high-quality goods and services 6-38
  • 39. Demingโ€™s 14 points of Quality 1. Create constancy of 1. Drive out fear purpose 2. Break down barriers 2. Adopt new philosophy among departments 3. Cease dependence on 3. Eliminate slogans and mass inspection exhortations 4. End practice of awarding 4. Eliminate numerical business on price tag quotas 5. Improve system of 5. Remove barriers to pride production and service in workmanship constantly 6. Institute vigorous program 6. Institute training and of education and retraining retraining 7. Take action to accomplish 7. Institute leadership transformation 6-39
  • 40. ISO 9001 ๏‚— A series of quality standards developed by a committee working under the International Organization for Standardization to improve total quality in all businesses for the benefit of producers and consumers in more than 150 companies 6-40
  • 41. 8 Principles of ISO 9001 1. Customer focus 1. Continual 2. Leadership improvement 3. Involvement of people 2. Factual approach to decision making 4. Process approach 3. Mutually beneficial 5. System approach to supplier relationships management 6-41
  • 42. Organizing for Flexible Manufacturing ๏‚— Mass customization ๏‚— Production of varied, individually customized products at low cost of standardized, mass-produced products ๏‚— Computer-integrated manufacturing ๏‚— Computerized production efforts, including computer- aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 6-42
  • 43. Lean Manufacturing ๏‚— An operation that strives to achieve highest possible productivity and total quality, cost-effectively, by eliminating unnecessary steps in production process and continually striving for improvement. 6-43
  • 44. Conditions for Lean Manufacturing ๏‚— People are broadly trained ๏‚— Communication is informal and horizontal among line workers ๏‚— Equipment is general purpose ๏‚— Work is organized in teams or cells ๏‚— Supplier relationships are long-term and cooperative ๏‚— Product development is concurrent, not sequential, and is done by cross-functional teams 6-44
  • 45. Just-in-Time (JIT) Operations ๏‚— A system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process just as they are needed 6-45
  • 46. Organizing for Speed ๏‚— JIT is a companywide philosophy oriented toward eliminating waste and improving materials throughout all operations. ๏‚— Offers efficiency only when costs of storing items are greater than costs of frequent delivery ๏‚— Simultaneous engineering incorporates the issues and perspectives of all functions from beginning of process 6-46
  • 47. 6-47
  • 48. YOU should be able to ๏‚— L01: Define the characteristics of organization structure: organic or mechanistic, differentiation, and integration. ๏‚— L02: Summarize how authority operates and who generally holds top authority in a company. ๏‚— L03: Discuss how span of control affects structure and management effectiveness. 6-48
  • 49. YOU Explain how be able effectively. ๏‚— L04: should to delegate to ๏‚— L05: Distinguish between centralized and decentralized organizations. ๏‚— L06: Define basic types of organization structures, and summarize their strengths. ๏‚— L07: Describe important mechanisms used to coordinate work. ๏‚— L08: Discuss how organizations can improve their agility through strategy, commitment to customers and use of technology. 6-49
  • 50. Test Your Knowledge In the study by Lawrence and Lorsch, companies in complex, dynamic environments developed _____ levels of differentiation; and _____ levels of integration A) low; low B) intermediate; high C) high; high D) low; high E) high; low 6-50
  • 51. Test Your Knowledge ๏‚— Define authority ๏‚— Who holds top authority in an organization? 6-51
  • 52. Test Your Knowledge A wide span of control builds a ______________ organization. A) flat B) narrow C) tall D) bureaucratic E) formal 6-52
  • 53. Test Your Knowledge ๏‚— Discuss the concepts of responsibility, authority, and accountability. ๏‚— What should a manager do when he/she has more responsibility than authority ๏‚— Why is this a problem? 6-53
  • 54. Test Your Knowledge Ruby recently accepted a job with a large insurance firm as an internal auditor. Ruby has found that her new job is quite different than the internship she had at an accounting consulting firm. The insurance firm has strictly defined job responsibilities and lines of communication. It seems that for every decision that Ruby needs to make, approval must be obtained from upper management! Overall, she has found the atmosphere to be quite formal as compared to the internship. Ruby has concluded that the insurance firm has: A) a wide span of control. B) a high degree of centralization. C) decentralized authority. D) a matrix design. E) an ineffective structure. 6-54
  • 55. Test Your knowledge Sports International (SI) began business by making shoes for athletes. They soon expanded into making shoes for non- athletic purposes. They now manufacture and distribute clothing, sporting equipment and protective sports gear worldwide. They are departmentalized by products sold to serious athletes, products sold to "weekend" athletes and products sold to sports teams. SI has utilized which form of departmentalization? A) Geographic B) Functional C) Matrix D) Customer E) Product 6-55
  • 56. Test Your Knowledge Michael Shaffer's job as a representative of CommuniCo is to handle communications between the organization and the local community. Michael is best described as a(n): A) mutual adjustment officer. B) program manager. C) individual task force. D) liaison. E) none of the above. 6-56
  • 57. Test Your Knowledge Flexible factories have the following advantages EXCEPT: A) Providing more production options. B) Having much shorter production runs. C) Being organized around products, in work cells or teams. D) Good for standardized products. E) Quicker to adapt to change. 6-57