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08/20/2014 1Cardiovascular Disorders
Lecturer: Abdiaziz Sh: Farah
08/20/2014 2Cardiovascular Disorders
Cardiovascular Disorders
08/20/2014 3Cardiovascular Disorders
08/20/2014Cardiovascular Disorders 4
In the West, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of premature
death in men, and a frequent cause of disability. Factors such as smoking and diet
are strongly implicated, so much of this illness is preventable. If health
professionals understand the mechanisms of the various disease processes it is
easier for them to help patients avoid or cope with these illnesses.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its treatment frequently causes considerable
confusion because there are a number of closely related conditions and a wide
range of drugs, many of which can be used in more than one condition.
It is the aim of this chapter to explain how an understanding of the principles of
haemodynamics in particular can clarify not only the relationship between
various cardiovascular diseases but also common threads running through their
08/20/2014 5Cardiovascular Disorders
The first section discusses some important general principles of the normal
function of the cardiovascular system.
We will first consider the cardiovascular system simply as a closed system of
pump, tubes and fluid designed to perfuse the tissues.
We then discuss energy handling in cardiac muscle, its oxygen demand and its
oxygen supply. The physiology of the vascular endothelium and the
neurohormonal control of cardiovascular function must also be considered.
This approach allows predictions to be made about how the cardiovascular
system responds to normal and abnormal circumstances, and how drugs can
affect its function.
08/20/2014 6Cardiovascular Disorders
Heart Failure
Heart failure (HF) is defined as the inadequate ability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet
the blood flow and metabolic demands of the body.
High-output HF is characterized by an inordinate increase in the body’s metabolic demands, which
outpaces an increase in cardiac output(CO) of a generally normally functioning heart.
More commonly, HF is a result of low CO secondary to impaired cardiac function. The term “heart
failure” will refer to low-output HF for purposes of this chapter Heart failure is a clinical syndrome
characterized by a history of specific signs and symptoms related to congestion and hypoperfusion.
As HF can occur in the presence or absence offluid overload, the term “heart failure” is preferred
over the former term “congestive heart failure.”
Heart failure results from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the
ventricle to fill with or eject blood.
Many disorders such as those of the pericardium, epicardium, endocardium, or great vessels may
lead to HF, but most patients develop symptoms due to impairment in left ventricular (LV)
myocardial function.
08/20/2014 7Cardiovascular Disorders
Heart failure is a major public health concern affecting approximately five illion
people in the United States. An additional 550,000 new cases are diagnosed each
year. Heart failure manifests most commonly in adults over the age of 60.
The growing
prevalence of HF corresponds to:
(1)better treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarctions (MIs) who will
survive to develop HF later in life, and
(2)(2) the increasing proportion of older adults due to the aging “baby boomer”
The relative incidence of HF is lower in women compared to men, but there is a
greater prevalence in women overall due to their longer life expectancy. Acute
heart failure accounts for 12 to 15 million office visits per year and 6.5 million
hospitalizations annually. 08/20/2014 8Cardiovascular Disorders
Heart failure is the eventual outcome of numerous cardiac diseases or disorders.
Heart failure can be classified by the primary underlying etiology as ischemic or
non ischemic, with 70% of HF related to ischemia.
❶The most common causes of HF are CAD, hypertension, and dilated
Coronary artery disease resulting in an acute MI and reduced ventricular function is
a common presenting history.
Non-ischemic etiologies include hypertension, viral illness, thyroid disease,
excessive alcohol use, illicit drug use, pregnancy-related heart disease, familial
congenital disease, and valvular disorders such as mitral or tricuspid valve
regurgitation or stenosis.
08/20/2014 9Cardiovascular Disorders
Causes of Heart Failure
Systolic Dysfunction (Decreased Contractility)
 Reduction in muscle mass (e.g., myocardial infarction)
 Dilated cardiomyopathies
 Ventricular hypertrophy
 Pressure overload (e.g., systemic or pulmonary hypertension, aortic or
pulmonic valve stenosis)
 Volume overload (e.g., valvular regurgitation, shunts, highoutput states)
08/20/2014 10Cardiovascular Disorders
Diastolic Dysfunction (Restriction in Ventricular Filling)
 Increased ventricular stiffness
 Ventricular hypertrophy (e.g., hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, other examples
 Infiltrative myocardial diseases (e.g., amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, endomyocardial
 Myocardial ischemia and infarction
 Mitral or tricuspid valve stenosis
 Pericardial disease (e.g., pericarditis, pericardial tamponade)
08/20/2014 11Cardiovascular Disorders
A basic grasp of normal cardiac function sets the stage for understanding the
pathophysiologic processes leading to HF and selecting appropriate therapy for HF.
Cardiac output is defined as the volume of blood ejected per unit of time (liters
per minute) and is a major determinant of tissue perfusion.
Cardiac output is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume
(SV): CO = HR×SV. The following describes how each parameter relates to CO.
Heart rate is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, where sympathetic
stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors results in an increase in HR and CO.
Stroke volume is the volume of blood ejected with each systole.
Stroke volume is determined by factors regulating preload, afterload, and
Preload is a measure of ventricular filling pressure, or the volume of blood in the
left ventricle (also known as LV end diastolic volume).08/20/2014 12Cardiovascular Disorders
Compensatory Mechanisms
In the setting of a sustained loss of myocardium, a number of mechanisms aid the
heart when faced with an increased hemodynamic burden and reduced CO. They
include the following:
the Frank-Starling mechanism, tachycardia and increased afterload, and cardiac
hypertrophy and remodeling.
Preload and the Frank-Starling Mechanism
In the setting of a sudden decrease in CO, the natural response of the body is to
decrease blood flow to the periphery in order to maintain perfusion to the vital
organs such as the heart and brain.
Therefore, renal perfusion is compromised due to both the decreased CO, as well
as shunting of blood away from peripheral tissues. This results in activation of the
reninangiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS).
The decrease in renal perfusion is sensed by the juxtaglomerular cells of the
kidneys leading to the release of renin and initiation of the cascade for production
of angiotensin II.
08/20/2014 13Cardiovascular Disorders
Tachycardia and Increased Afterload
Another mechanism to maintain CO when contractility is low is to
increase heart rate.
This is achieved through sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation
and the agonist effect of norepinephrine on β-adrenergic receptors in
the heart.
Sympathetic activation also enhances contractility by increasing
cytosolic calcium concentrations.
SV is relatively fixed in HF, thus HR becomes the major determinant of
CO. Although this mechanism increases CO acutely, the chronotropicand
inotropic responses to sympathetic activation increase myocardial
oxygen demand, worsen underlying ischemia, contribute to
proarrhythmia, and further impair both systolic and diastolic function.08/20/2014 14Cardiovascular Disorders
 Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling
 Models of Heart Failure
 Neurohormonal Model
 Cardiorenal Model
 Proinflammatory Cytokines
08/20/2014 15Cardiovascular Disorders
Precipitating and Exacerbating Factors in
Heart Failure
Heart failure patients exist in one of two clinical states. When
a patient’s volume status and symptoms are stable, their HF
condition is said to be “compensated.” In situations of volume
overload or other worsening symptoms, the patient is considered
“decompensated.” Acute decompensation can be precipitated by
numerous etiologies that can be grouped into cardiac,
metabolic, or patient-related causes
08/20/2014 16Cardiovascular Disorders
08/20/2014 17Cardiovascular Disorders
Patient presentation may range from asymptomatic to cardiogenic shock
 Dyspnea, particularly on
 Orthopnea
 Shortness of breath (SOB)
 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
 Exercise intolerance
 Tachypnea
 Cough
 Fatigue
 Nocturia and/or polyuria
 Hemoptysis
 Abdominal pain
 Anorexia
 Nausea
 Bloating
 Ascites
 Mental status changes
 Weakness
 Lethargy
08/20/2014 18Cardiovascular Disorders
 Pulmonary rales
 Pulmonary edema
 S3 gallop
 Pleural effusion
 Cheyne-Stokes respiration
 Tachycardia
 Cardiomegaly
 Peripheral edema (e.g., pedal
edema, which is swelling of
feet and ankles)
 Jugular venous distension (JVD)
 Hepatojugular reflex(HJR
 Hepatomegaly
 Cyanosis of the digits
 Pallor or cool extremities
08/20/2014 19Cardiovascular Disorders
Laboratory Tests
 BNP greater than 100 pg/mL (greater than 100 ng/L) or N-terminal proBNP
(NT-proBNP) greater than 300 pg/mL (greater than 300 ng/L or greater than
35.4 pmol/L)
 Electrocardiogram (ECG): May be normal or could show numerous
abnormalities including acute ST-T–wave changes from myocardial ischemia,
atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, and LV hypertrophy.
 Serum creatinine: May be increased owing to hypoperfusion; preexisting renal
dysfunction can contribute to volume overload.
 Complete blood count: Useful to determine if heart failure is due to reduced
oxygen-carrying capacity.
 Chest x-ray: Useful for detection of cardiac enlargement, pulmonary edema,
and pleural effusions.
 Echocardiogram: Used to assess LV size, valve function, pericardial effusion,
wall motion abnormalities, and ejection fraction.
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08/20/2014 21Cardiovascular Disorders
08/20/2014 22Cardiovascular Disorders
Desired Therapeutic Outcomes
There is no cure for HF.
❺The general management goals for chronic HF include preventing the onset of
clinical symptoms or reducing symptoms, preventing or reducing hospitalizations,
slowing progression of the disease, improving quality of life, and prolonging
The ACC/AHA staging system described earlier provides a guide for application of
these goals based on the clinical progression of HF for a given patient. The goals
are additive as one moves from stage A to stage D.
For stage A, risk factor management is the primary goal.
Stage B includes the addition of pharmacologic therapies known to slow the
progression of the disease in an attempt to prevent the onset of clinical
Stage C involves the use of additional therapies aimed at controlling symptoms
and decreasing morbidity.
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08/20/2014 27Cardiovascular Disorders
FIGURE 3–1. Treatment
algorithm for chronic heart
ACE, angiotensin-onverting
ARB, angiotensin receptor
EF, ejection fraction;
HF, heart failure;
LV, left ventricular;
MI, myocardial infarction;
SOB: shortness of breath.
Table 3–5
describes staging of
heart failure.
08/20/2014 28Cardiovascular Disorders
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of
Acute Heart Failure
Patients with acute heart failure (AHF) present with symptoms of worsening fluid
retention or decreasing exercise tolerance and fatigue (typically worsening of
symptoms presented in the chronic heart failure clinical presentation text box).
These symptoms reflect congestion behind the failing ventricle and/or
Patients can be categorized into hemodynamic subsets based on assessment of
physical signs and symptoms of congestion and/or hypoperfusion.
08/20/2014 29Cardiovascular Disorders
Clinical Presentation of Acute Heart Failure
Subset I (Warm and Dry)
 Cardiac index (CI) greater than2.2 L/minute per square meter, pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) less than 18 mm Hg
 Patients considered well compensated and perfused, without evidence of
 No immediate interventions necessary except optimizing oral medications and
Subset II (Warm and Wet)
 CIgreater than2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP greater thanor equal to
18 mm Hg
 Patients adequately perfused and display signs and symptoms of congestion
 Main goal is to reduce preload (PCWP) carefully with loop diuretics and
08/20/2014 30Cardiovascular Disorders
Subset III (Cool and Dry)
 CIless than 2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP less than 18 mm Hg
 Patients are inadequately perfused and not congested
 Hypoperfusion leads to increased mortality, elevating death rates four-fold compared
to those who are adequately perfused
 Treatment focuses on increasing CO with positive inotropic agents and/or replacing
intravascular fluids
 Fluid replacement must be performed cautiously, as patients can rapidly become
Subset IV (Cool and Wet)
 CIless than 2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP greater than 18 mm Hg
 Patients are inadequately perfused and congested
 Classified as the most complicated clinical presentation of AHF with the worst
 Most challenging to treat; therapy targets alleviating signs and symptoms of
congestion by increasing CI as well as reducing PCWP, while maintaining adequate
mean arterial pressure
 Treatment involves a delicate balance between diuretics, vasodilators, and inotropic
 Use of vasopressors is sometimes necessary to maintain blood pressure
08/20/2014 31Cardiovascular Disorders
Desired Therapeutic Outcomes
The goals of therapy for AHF are to:
(1) correct the underlying precipitating factor(s);
(2) (2) relieve the patient’s symptoms;
(3) (3) improve hemodynamics;
(4) (4) optimize a chronic oral medication regimen; and
(5) (5) educate the patient, reinforcing adherence to lifestyle modifications and
the drug regimen. The ultimate goal for a patient hospitalized for AHF is the
return to a
compensated HF state and discharge to the outpatient setting on
oral medications.
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08/20/2014 33Cardiovascular Disorders
08/20/2014 34Cardiovascular Disorders
 pharmacotherapy_principles 2007-mcgraw-hill
08/20/2014 35Cardiovascular Disorders

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Cardiovascular disorders

  • 2. PHARMACOTHERAPY CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS Lecturer: Abdiaziz Sh: Farah 08/20/2014 2Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 5. Introduction In the West, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of premature death in men, and a frequent cause of disability. Factors such as smoking and diet are strongly implicated, so much of this illness is preventable. If health professionals understand the mechanisms of the various disease processes it is easier for them to help patients avoid or cope with these illnesses. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its treatment frequently causes considerable confusion because there are a number of closely related conditions and a wide range of drugs, many of which can be used in more than one condition. It is the aim of this chapter to explain how an understanding of the principles of haemodynamics in particular can clarify not only the relationship between various cardiovascular diseases but also common threads running through their pharmacotherapy 08/20/2014 5Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 6. The first section discusses some important general principles of the normal function of the cardiovascular system. We will first consider the cardiovascular system simply as a closed system of pump, tubes and fluid designed to perfuse the tissues. We then discuss energy handling in cardiac muscle, its oxygen demand and its oxygen supply. The physiology of the vascular endothelium and the neurohormonal control of cardiovascular function must also be considered. This approach allows predictions to be made about how the cardiovascular system responds to normal and abnormal circumstances, and how drugs can affect its function. 08/20/2014 6Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 7. Heart Failure Heart failure (HF) is defined as the inadequate ability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the blood flow and metabolic demands of the body. High-output HF is characterized by an inordinate increase in the body’s metabolic demands, which outpaces an increase in cardiac output(CO) of a generally normally functioning heart. More commonly, HF is a result of low CO secondary to impaired cardiac function. The term “heart failure” will refer to low-output HF for purposes of this chapter Heart failure is a clinical syndrome characterized by a history of specific signs and symptoms related to congestion and hypoperfusion. As HF can occur in the presence or absence offluid overload, the term “heart failure” is preferred over the former term “congestive heart failure.” Heart failure results from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to fill with or eject blood. Many disorders such as those of the pericardium, epicardium, endocardium, or great vessels may lead to HF, but most patients develop symptoms due to impairment in left ventricular (LV) myocardial function. 08/20/2014 7Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 8. EPIDEMIOLOGY Heart failure is a major public health concern affecting approximately five illion people in the United States. An additional 550,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Heart failure manifests most commonly in adults over the age of 60. The growing prevalence of HF corresponds to: (1)better treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarctions (MIs) who will survive to develop HF later in life, and (2)(2) the increasing proportion of older adults due to the aging “baby boomer” population. The relative incidence of HF is lower in women compared to men, but there is a greater prevalence in women overall due to their longer life expectancy. Acute heart failure accounts for 12 to 15 million office visits per year and 6.5 million hospitalizations annually. 08/20/2014 8Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 9. ETIOLOGY Heart failure is the eventual outcome of numerous cardiac diseases or disorders. Heart failure can be classified by the primary underlying etiology as ischemic or non ischemic, with 70% of HF related to ischemia. ❶The most common causes of HF are CAD, hypertension, and dilated cardiomyopathy. Coronary artery disease resulting in an acute MI and reduced ventricular function is a common presenting history. Non-ischemic etiologies include hypertension, viral illness, thyroid disease, excessive alcohol use, illicit drug use, pregnancy-related heart disease, familial congenital disease, and valvular disorders such as mitral or tricuspid valve regurgitation or stenosis. 08/20/2014 9Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 10. Causes of Heart Failure Systolic Dysfunction (Decreased Contractility)  Reduction in muscle mass (e.g., myocardial infarction)  Dilated cardiomyopathies  Ventricular hypertrophy  Pressure overload (e.g., systemic or pulmonary hypertension, aortic or pulmonic valve stenosis)  Volume overload (e.g., valvular regurgitation, shunts, highoutput states) 08/20/2014 10Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 11. Diastolic Dysfunction (Restriction in Ventricular Filling)  Increased ventricular stiffness  Ventricular hypertrophy (e.g., hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, other examples above)  Infiltrative myocardial diseases (e.g., amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, endomyocardial fibrosis)  Myocardial ischemia and infarction  Mitral or tricuspid valve stenosis  Pericardial disease (e.g., pericarditis, pericardial tamponade) 08/20/2014 11Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY A basic grasp of normal cardiac function sets the stage for understanding the pathophysiologic processes leading to HF and selecting appropriate therapy for HF. Cardiac output is defined as the volume of blood ejected per unit of time (liters per minute) and is a major determinant of tissue perfusion. Cardiac output is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV): CO = HR×SV. The following describes how each parameter relates to CO. Heart rate is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, where sympathetic stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors results in an increase in HR and CO. Stroke volume is the volume of blood ejected with each systole. Stroke volume is determined by factors regulating preload, afterload, and contractility. Preload is a measure of ventricular filling pressure, or the volume of blood in the left ventricle (also known as LV end diastolic volume).08/20/2014 12Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 13. Compensatory Mechanisms In the setting of a sustained loss of myocardium, a number of mechanisms aid the heart when faced with an increased hemodynamic burden and reduced CO. They include the following: the Frank-Starling mechanism, tachycardia and increased afterload, and cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling. Preload and the Frank-Starling Mechanism In the setting of a sudden decrease in CO, the natural response of the body is to decrease blood flow to the periphery in order to maintain perfusion to the vital organs such as the heart and brain. Therefore, renal perfusion is compromised due to both the decreased CO, as well as shunting of blood away from peripheral tissues. This results in activation of the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The decrease in renal perfusion is sensed by the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidneys leading to the release of renin and initiation of the cascade for production of angiotensin II. 08/20/2014 13Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 14. Tachycardia and Increased Afterload Another mechanism to maintain CO when contractility is low is to increase heart rate. This is achieved through sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation and the agonist effect of norepinephrine on β-adrenergic receptors in the heart. Sympathetic activation also enhances contractility by increasing cytosolic calcium concentrations. SV is relatively fixed in HF, thus HR becomes the major determinant of CO. Although this mechanism increases CO acutely, the chronotropicand inotropic responses to sympathetic activation increase myocardial oxygen demand, worsen underlying ischemia, contribute to proarrhythmia, and further impair both systolic and diastolic function.08/20/2014 14Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 15.  Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling  Models of Heart Failure  Neurohormonal Model  Cardiorenal Model  Proinflammatory Cytokines 08/20/2014 15Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 16. Precipitating and Exacerbating Factors in Heart Failure Heart failure patients exist in one of two clinical states. When a patient’s volume status and symptoms are stable, their HF condition is said to be “compensated.” In situations of volume overload or other worsening symptoms, the patient is considered “decompensated.” Acute decompensation can be precipitated by numerous etiologies that can be grouped into cardiac, metabolic, or patient-related causes 08/20/2014 16Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 18. CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE General Patient presentation may range from asymptomatic to cardiogenic shock Symptoms  Dyspnea, particularly on exertion  Orthopnea  Shortness of breath (SOB)  Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea  Exercise intolerance  Tachypnea  Cough  Fatigue  Nocturia and/or polyuria  Hemoptysis  Abdominal pain  Anorexia  Nausea  Bloating  Ascites  Mental status changes  Weakness  Lethargy 08/20/2014 18Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 19. Signs  Pulmonary rales  Pulmonary edema  S3 gallop  Pleural effusion  Cheyne-Stokes respiration  Tachycardia  Cardiomegaly  Peripheral edema (e.g., pedal edema, which is swelling of feet and ankles)  Jugular venous distension (JVD)  Hepatojugular reflex(HJR  Hepatomegaly  Cyanosis of the digits  Pallor or cool extremities 08/20/2014 19Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 20. Laboratory Tests  BNP greater than 100 pg/mL (greater than 100 ng/L) or N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) greater than 300 pg/mL (greater than 300 ng/L or greater than 35.4 pmol/L)  Electrocardiogram (ECG): May be normal or could show numerous abnormalities including acute ST-T–wave changes from myocardial ischemia, atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, and LV hypertrophy.  Serum creatinine: May be increased owing to hypoperfusion; preexisting renal dysfunction can contribute to volume overload.  Complete blood count: Useful to determine if heart failure is due to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.  Chest x-ray: Useful for detection of cardiac enlargement, pulmonary edema, and pleural effusions.  Echocardiogram: Used to assess LV size, valve function, pericardial effusion, wall motion abnormalities, and ejection fraction. 08/20/2014 20Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 23. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE Desired Therapeutic Outcomes There is no cure for HF. ❺The general management goals for chronic HF include preventing the onset of clinical symptoms or reducing symptoms, preventing or reducing hospitalizations, slowing progression of the disease, improving quality of life, and prolonging survival. The ACC/AHA staging system described earlier provides a guide for application of these goals based on the clinical progression of HF for a given patient. The goals are additive as one moves from stage A to stage D. For stage A, risk factor management is the primary goal. Stage B includes the addition of pharmacologic therapies known to slow the progression of the disease in an attempt to prevent the onset of clinical symptoms. Stage C involves the use of additional therapies aimed at controlling symptoms and decreasing morbidity. 08/20/2014 23Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 28. OUTCOME EVALUATION OF CHRONIC HEART FAILURE FIGURE 3–1. Treatment algorithm for chronic heart failure. ACE, angiotensin-onverting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; EF, ejection fraction; HF, heart failure; LV, left ventricular; MI, myocardial infarction; SOB: shortness of breath. Table 3–5 describes staging of heart failure. 08/20/2014 28Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 29. ACUTE AND ADVANCED HEART FAILURE Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Acute Heart Failure Patients with acute heart failure (AHF) present with symptoms of worsening fluid retention or decreasing exercise tolerance and fatigue (typically worsening of symptoms presented in the chronic heart failure clinical presentation text box). These symptoms reflect congestion behind the failing ventricle and/or hypoperfusion. Patients can be categorized into hemodynamic subsets based on assessment of physical signs and symptoms of congestion and/or hypoperfusion. 08/20/2014 29Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 30. Clinical Presentation of Acute Heart Failure Subset I (Warm and Dry)  Cardiac index (CI) greater than2.2 L/minute per square meter, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) less than 18 mm Hg  Patients considered well compensated and perfused, without evidence of congestion  No immediate interventions necessary except optimizing oral medications and monitoring Subset II (Warm and Wet)  CIgreater than2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP greater thanor equal to 18 mm Hg  Patients adequately perfused and display signs and symptoms of congestion  Main goal is to reduce preload (PCWP) carefully with loop diuretics and vasodilators 08/20/2014 30Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 31. Subset III (Cool and Dry)  CIless than 2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP less than 18 mm Hg  Patients are inadequately perfused and not congested  Hypoperfusion leads to increased mortality, elevating death rates four-fold compared to those who are adequately perfused  Treatment focuses on increasing CO with positive inotropic agents and/or replacing intravascular fluids  Fluid replacement must be performed cautiously, as patients can rapidly become congested Subset IV (Cool and Wet)  CIless than 2.2 L/minute per square meter, PCWP greater than 18 mm Hg  Patients are inadequately perfused and congested  Classified as the most complicated clinical presentation of AHF with the worst prognosis  Most challenging to treat; therapy targets alleviating signs and symptoms of congestion by increasing CI as well as reducing PCWP, while maintaining adequate mean arterial pressure  Treatment involves a delicate balance between diuretics, vasodilators, and inotropic agents  Use of vasopressors is sometimes necessary to maintain blood pressure 08/20/2014 31Cardiovascular Disorders
  • 32. TREATMENT OF ACUTE HEART FAILURE Desired Therapeutic Outcomes The goals of therapy for AHF are to: (1) correct the underlying precipitating factor(s); (2) (2) relieve the patient’s symptoms; (3) (3) improve hemodynamics; (4) (4) optimize a chronic oral medication regimen; and (5) (5) educate the patient, reinforcing adherence to lifestyle modifications and the drug regimen. The ultimate goal for a patient hospitalized for AHF is the return to a compensated HF state and discharge to the outpatient setting on oral medications. 08/20/2014 32Cardiovascular Disorders