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o Introduction
o Definition
o History
o Classification
o Prevalence
o Composition
o Structure
o Mode of attachment
o Formation
o Theories of mineralization
o Etiological significance
o Anticalculus agents
o Conclusion
o References
 The primary cause of gingival inflammation is
bacterial plaque, along with other predisposing
factors. These predisposing factors include calculus,
faulty restorations, complications associated with
orthodontic therapy, self-inflicted injuries, use of
tobacco, and others.
 For the periodontal diseases:
 The primary etiologic factor is dental plaque.
 The associated factor: is the dental calculus,
 it helps in new formation of the plaque.
 The modifying factor: a systemic disease,
 it aggravates the disease when the plaque is presents.
“Calculus consists of mineralized bacterial plaque that
forms on the surfaces of natural teeth and dental
prostheses.”…. Carranza
“A hard deposit attached to the teeth usually consisting of
mineralized bacterial plaque [AAP 1992]”
“Mineralized dental plaque that is permeated with crystals
of various calcium phosphates [Schroeder,1969]”
 Calculus formation has been reported to occur in germ-free
animals as a result of calcification of salivary proteins
 Is a mineralized dental plaque that occurs in the tooth
surfaces & dental prosthesis, it has many forms:
1.Bridging over the gingival margin.
2.Follow the festooning shape of the dentition.
3.Lobular form.
4.In case of malalignment :protected area for the plaque 
 Hippocrates (460 – 337 BC)
 association of oral deposits and disease
 pituita (calculus)
 Albucasis (936 – 1013 AD)
 Arabian physician and surgeon
 Explained relationship between calculus and
 a need for thorough removal of deposits
 Paracelsus (1535)
 Swiss German physician and alchemist
 Introduced term tartar as a designation for a
variety of stony concretions that form in humans
 Tartaric disease
 According to location
supragingival calculus
subgingival calculus
 According to source of mineralization
salivary calculus
seruminal calculus (Jenkins, Stewart 1966)
 According to surface
endogeneous (Melz 1950)
Supragingival calculus
Supragingival calculus
Location -The tightly adherent calcified deposits that form on
the clinical crowns of the teeth above the free gingival
margin.(visible in oral cavity)
Color -usually white-yellow in colour but can darken with age and
exposure to tobacco
Texture and consistency –hard clay like consistency.
Easily detachable from tooth surface
Salivary secretions are the main source of mineral salts.
Schroeder et al in 1969 in a review of world data
noted that
 Supragingival calculus is more prevalent than
subgingival calculus.
 Both types have been found from early childhood.
 The percentage of people with both types rises
from 8th to 40th years
 40% - 95% in the 20 – 30 year age group
 80% - 100% in the over 30 years.
 No reports of sex difference in prevalence /
intensity has been reported; but some geographic
variation has been noted.
A Longitudinal study was done by Anerud and coworkers
(1991) among Srilankan tea laborers and Norwegian
academicians for 15 years and all periodontal parameters
 Undisturbed by active professional intervention or home
care between 1970 and 1985 in sri lanka,
 Or when removed at regular intervals between 1969 and
1988 in norway.
1. Srilankan tea laborers
 Had no oral hygiene / dental care
 Supragingival calculus formation started early in life soon
after tooth eruption
 First areas to show calculus deposits were facial aspects of
maxillary molars and lingual aspects of mandibular incisors
 Calculus continued to accumulate with age, reaching a
maximum at 25 – 30 years.
Anerud A, Löe H, Boysen H: The natural history and clinical course of calculus formation in man, J Clin Periodontol 18:160, 1991.
 By age 45, few teeth were without calculus.
 By age 30 all surfaces of all teeth had
subgingival calculus without any pattern of
2. Norwegian academicians
 Had good oral hygiene and frequent visits
for dental care throughout their lives.
 So there was less accumulation of calculus
 However supragingival calculus still formed
on facial surfaces of upper molars and
lingual surface of lower incisors in 80% of
 It did not extend to other teeth and did not
increase with age.
(70% TO 90%)
75.9% -Ca3(PO4) 2
3.1% - CaC03
Traces of Mg3(PO4)2
Ca-39%, Ph- 19% , CO2- 1.9%
Other metals-
•Protein-polysaccharide complexes
• desquamated epithelial cells
• leukocytes, and
•various types of microorganisms
•1.9% - 9.1% carbohydrate---galactose, glucose,
rhamnose, mannose, glucuronic acid,
galactosamine, and sometimes arabinose,
galacturonic acid, and glucosamine.
•5.9% to 8.2% Salivary proteins
•0.2% Lipids neutral fats, free fatty acids,
cholesterol, cholesterol esters,
and phospholipids
2/3rd of the inorganic component is crystalline in
structure…..four main crystal forms are
97% to 100% of all
Common in
 The percentage of inorganic constituents in calculus is
similar to that in other calcified tissues of the body.
New and old calculus consists of four different crystals of
calcium phosphate (Schroeder 1969):
Hydroxyapatite (HA) Ca5(PO4)3 × OH 58%
Magnesium whitlockite (W) β-Ca3(PO4)2 21%
Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) Ca4H (PO4)3 × 2H2O 12%
Brushite (B) CaH (PO4) × 2H2O 9%
 The predominant mineral in exterior layers is
Octacalciumphosphate, while Hydroxyapatitie is dominant
in inner layers of old calculus.
 Whitelockite is only found in small proportions.
 Brushite in recent calculus, not older than 2 weeks, form
the basis for supragingival calculus formation.
 The appearance of the crystals is characteristic
Octacalciumphosphate Platelet-like crystals
Hydroxyapatite Sand grain or rod-like crystals
Whitelockite Hexagonal (cuboidal, rhomboidal)
 Between 1.9% and 9.1% of the organic component is
carbohydrate which consists of
 Galactose
 Glucose
 Rhamnose
 Mannose
 Glucuronic acid
 Galactosamine,
 sometimes arabinose, galacturonic acid, and glucosamine.
 All these organic components are present in salivary
 exception of arabinose and rhamnose.
 Salivary proteins account for 5.9% to 8.2% of the organic
component of calculus and include most amino acids.
 Lipids account for 0.2% of the organic content in the
form of
 Neutral fats
 Free fatty acids
 Cholesterol
 Cholesterol esters
 Phospholipids
Light microscopy
 The interface with the tooth surface was fairly smooth
and slightly curved following the shape of the tooth
whereas the external mineralized surface was
generally irregular and covered by a non-mineralized
plaque layer of variable thickness.
 It contains many non-mineralized lacunae and, in
some sections, the lacunae formed a continuous
connection with the external bacterial plaque, and
extended to the calculus/tooth interface
Transmission Electron Microscopy
 The ultra structure of young and mature supragingival calculus was
similar. The mineralized intermicrobial areas of the body of the
calculus contained predominantly small, randomly orientated needle-
shaped/platelet-shaped crystals. Areas containing crystals of larger
columnar and roof-tile shapes were also observed
scanning electron microscopy
 Supragingival calculus always appeared in one piece with a
relatively smooth surface.
 Under low magnification the Supragingival calculus was thin at
the incisal/occlusal part and thickened apically.
 Under high magnification the Supragingival calculus is covered
with dense layer of filament .These filaments were 1micron thick
with an estimated length of 25 to 100 microns.
 Fracture surface of Supragingival calculus generally had a
smooth, crystalline appearance.
Subgingival calculus
Subgingival calculus
Location-below the crest of marginal gingival (not visible on
routine examination)
Color-dark brown or greenish black
Texture and consistency-hard and dense crusty, spiny or
nodular deposites
Firmly attached to tooth surface.
Crevicular fluid and inflammatory exudates are the main source
of mineral salts.
Found on any root surfaces with a periodontal pocket.
 Subgingival calculus –
 Same hydroxyapatite content,
More magnesium whitlockite
Less brushite and octacalcium phosphate.
The ratio of calcium to phosphate is higher
Sodium content increases with the depth of periodontal
 Salivary proteins present are not found subgingivally.
On average the density is 58% and ranges from 32% to
78%. Maximal values of 60–80% have been found.
Light microscopy
 The calculus surface previously in contact with the
tooth was usually flat and mineralized while the
external/oral surface was fairly regular and covered
by a non-mineralized plaque layer of variable
Transmission Electron Microscopy
 The calcification within the body of subgingival calculus was
more homogeneous than supragingival calculus and consisted of
small randomly orientated needle- and platelet-shaped crystals.
There were also areas with flat "bulk-shaped" crystals,
Sundberg & Friskopp (1985)
Scanning electron microscopy
 Subgingival calculus usually appeared in band like clusters of
deposits with varying sizes and rough surfaces.
 under low magnification it has complex appearance. There are
clusters of small deposits in the incisal/ occlusal part and larger
deposits that tend to fuse in apical part.
 High magnification revealed that subgingival fracture surface
were rougher than supra gingival grooves and holes that gave
sub gingival fracture a ‘worm eaten’ look. Filaments did not
dominate the surface of subgingival calculus and no pattern of
orientations were seen
Four modes of attachment have been described
1. Attachment by means of an organic pellicle
2.Mechanical locking into surface irregularities
such as resorption lacunae and caries
3. Close adaptation of calculus undersurface
depressions to the gently sloping mounds of
the unaltered cementum surface
4. Penetration of calculus bacteria into cementum
 Calculus embedded deeply in cementum may appear
morphologically similar to cementum and thus has
been termed calculocementum.
 Precipitation of mineral salts starts between 1st and 14th days of
plaque formation.
 Calcification starts --4 to 8 hours
…….Tibbetts L, Kashiwa H. J Dent Res 1970
 50 % mineralized in 2 days
 60% to 90% mineralized in 12 days
……Sharawy a, Sabharwal K. et al J Periodontol 1966
 All plaque does not necessarily undergo calcification.
 Microorganisms are not always essential in calculus formation
because calculus occurs readily in germ-free rodents……Gustafsson B,
Krasse B . Acta Odontol Scand 1962
 Saliva is the source of mineralization for supragingival calculus.
 GCF furnishes the minerals for subgingival calculus.
 Plaque has the ability to concentrate calcium at 2 to 20 times its
level in saliva .
 Early plaque of heavy calculus formers contains more calcium, 3-
times more phosphorus, and less potassium than that of non-
calculus formers. phosphorus may be more critical than calcium
in plaque mineralization
 Calcification entails the binding of
Calcium ions + Carbohydrate protein complexes
Calcium phosphate salts.
 Calcification begins along the inner surface of the
supragingival plaque and in the attached component of
subgingival plaque adjacent to the tooth.
 Crystals form initially in the intercellular matrix and on
the bacterial surfaces and finally within the bacteria
 Separate foci of calcification increase in size and
coalesce to form solid masses of calculus
 The initiation of calcification and the rate of calculus
accumulation vary from person to person, for different
teeth, and at different times in the same person.
 On the basis of these differences, persons may be
classified as heavy, moderate, or slight calculus formers
or as noncalculus formers. The average daily increment
in calculus formers is from 0.10% to 0.15% of dry
Turesky S, Renstrup G, Glickman I. J
Periodontol 1962.
 Calculus formation continues until it reaches a maximum,
after which it may be reduced in amount.
 The time required to reach the maximal level has been
reported as 10 weeks and 6 months .
 The decline from maximal calculus accumulation, referred
to as reversal phenomenon,
By two theoretic mechanisms
1. Mineral precipitation
results from a local rise in the
degree of saturation of
calcium and phosphate
A. Rise in the pH o f
the saliva.
B.Colloidal proteins in saliva.
C.Phosphatase liberated from dental plaque, desquamated
epithelial cells, or bacteria.
2. Seeding agents induce small
foci of calcification that
enlarge and coalesce to form a
calcified mass …….Neuman
W,Neuman M
1. Mineral precipitation results …………….
A. Rise in the pH o f the saliva.
 Causes precipitation of calcium phosphate salts by lowering the
precipitation constant.
The pH may be elevated by the
1. Loss of carbon dioxide
2. Formation of ammonia by dental plaque bacteria.
3. By protein degradation during stagnation
………………Blanton P, Hurt W, Largent M. J Periodontol 1977
 From the major salivary gland,co2 is secreted at a high
CO2 tension , about 54 to 65 mm Hg , whereas the CO2
pressure in atmospheric air is only about 0.3 mm Hg.
Saliva emerging from the salivary ducts is believed to lose
CO2 to the atmosphere as a result of this large difference
in CO2 tension , the pH in saliva will increase when CO2
escapes , the concentration of less soluble secondary and
tertiary phosphate ions increases. therefore ,the solubility
of calcium phosphate is exceeded and crystals form.
B.Colloidal proteins in saliva.
 Colloidal proteins in saliva bind calcium and phosphate ions
and maintain a supersaturated solution with respect to calcium
phosphate salts.
 With stagnation of saliva, colloids settle out and the
supersaturated state is no longer maintained, leading to
precipitation of calcium phosphate salts.
C. Phosphatase liberation
 Phosphatase liberated from dental plaque,
desquamated epithelial cells, or bacteria precipitate
calcium phosphate by hydrolyzing organic phosphates
in saliva, thus increasing the concentration of free
phosphate ions.
Esterase is another enzyme that is present in the cocci and
filamentous organisms, leukocytes, macrophages, and
desquamated epithelial cells of dental plaque.
 Fatty esters free fatty acids soaps
with calcium and magnesium
Converted into the less-soluble calcium phosphate salts.
2.Seeding agents induce small foci of
 This referred to as the epitactic concept or more
appropriately, heterogeneous nucleation.
 The seeding agents are not known
 But it is suspected that the intercellular matrix of plaque
plays an active role.
 The carbohydrate-protein complexes may binds with
calcium from the saliva (chelation) to form nuclei that
induce subsequent deposition of minerals.
 Calcification occurring only at specific sites because of the
existence of an inhibiting mechanism at non-calcifying sites.
 One of the inhibiting substance is thought to the pyrophosphate
and the controlling mechanisms is thought to be an enzyme
alkaline pyrophosphate which can hydrolyse pyrophosphate to
phosphate (Russell and Fleisch, 1970).
Supersaturation: Calculus deposition
Saturation (pH=5.5
Unsaturation : Caries, enamel dissolution
Plaque pH
 Mineralization of plaque starts extracellularly around both
gram-positive organisms and gram negative organisms.
 Filamentous organisms, diphtheroids, and Bacterionema and
Veillonella species have the ability to form intracellular apatite
 Calculus formation spreads until the matrix and bacteria are
 Bacterial plaque may actively participate in the
mineralization of calculus by forming phosphatases, which
changes the pH of the plaque and induces mineralization
( Ennever 1983 )But the prevalent opinion is that these
bacteria are only passively involved and are simply
calcified with other plaque components
…….Razzo A,Martin G, Scott D . et al 1962
 The occurrence of calculus-like deposits in germ-free
animals supports this opinion.
Coronal to the gingival
Located below the crest of the
marginal gingiva.
Visible in the oral cavity Not visible in the oral cavity
Clerehugh et al. used a World Health
Organization #621 probe
White or whitish yellow in color
(tobacco and food pigments)
Dark brown or greenish black in
Hard with clay like consistency Hard / flint-like in consistency
Lingual area of the mandibular
incisors and buccal surfaces of the
maxillary molars.
Present subgingivally
Salivary calculus Seruminal calculus
Source of minerals--Salivary
Supragingival Subgingival
Prevalence Usually common
upto age of 9 years
0-15 yrs: 37-70%
16-21 yrs: 44-88%
Above 40 yrs: 86-
Slightly lower than that of
supragingival, but approaches a
range of 47- 100% after age of 40
Composition Mainly Brushite
and Octacalcium
a) More amount of Magnesium
whitlokite, less of brushite
and octacalcium phosphate.
b) Higher concentration of Ca,
Mg and F than supragingival
 A positive correlation between the presence of calculus and the
prevalence of gingivitis exists. …….. Ramfjord
 Strong associations between calculus deposits and periodontitis
have been demonstrated in experimental (Waerhaug 1952, 1955) and
epidemiologic studies (Lovdal et al. 1958)
 But this correlation is not as great as that between plaque
and gingivitis.
 The nonmineralized plaque on the calculus surface is the
principal irritant, but the underlying calcified portion may
be a significant contributing factor
 It does not irritate the gingiva directly but provides a
for the continued accumulation of plaque and
retains it in close proximity to the gingiva. ……..
(Friskopp &Hammarstrom 1980, Friskopp 1983)
 Although the bacterial plaque that coats the teeth is the
main etiologic factor in the development of periodontal
disease, the removal of subgingival plaque and calculus
constitute the cornerstone of periodontal therapy.
 Calculus & gingivitis ‘positive correlation” < plaque & gingivitis.
 In young: periodontal condition & plaque than calculus ,
 but with age  situation is reversed” increase incidence of calculus,
gingivitis & periodontal diseases
 Non mineralized plaque on calculus surface  principle irritant.
 Underlying calcified proteins  is a significant factor: not
irritate the gingiva.
 Directly but provide fixed nidus  continuous accumulation of the
plaque & holds it to the gingiva.
 Subgingival calculus may be the product rather than the cause of
periodontal pocket
HOW plaque irritates gingiva.
convert continually accumulating plaque into sub gingival calculus
increase flow of gingival fluid” due to gingival inflammation
pocket provides sheltered area for plaque & bacterial accumulation
pocket formation
 The effect of calculus is secondary
 by providing an ideal surface configuration conducive to further plaque
accumulation and subsequent mineralization’ .
 Calculus deposits may develop in areas with difficult access for oral
 Or may by the size of the deposits –
 Jeopardize proper oral hygiene practices.
 Calculus may also amplify the effects of bacterial plaque by keeping
the bacterial deposits in close contact with the tissue surface,
 Thereby influencing both bacterial ecology and tissue response.
Pathologic condition in which
increase in calculus formation
 In children with cystic fibrosis
(Wotman et al.1973)
 Patients on dialysis for renal disease, as their salivary
urea levels are high and the urea can be converted by
plaque bacteria to ammonia, which increases plaque pH
(Peterson S,1985)
 In patients who are tube fed, as their plaque is not
exposed to fermentable carbohydrates.
(Mandel 1995)
Factors affecting the rate of
calculus formation
 Diet and nutrition –the significance of diet in calculus
formation depends more upon its consistency than upon
its content.
 Increased calculus formation has been associated with
an increase in dietary calcium, phosphorus, bicarbonate,
protein and carbohydrate.
 Age – there is an increase in calculus deposition with
an increasing age.(Schroeder et al,1969). This
increase, is not only increase in the number of
surfaces, but also the size of calculus deposits. This
may be due to change in quantity and quality of saliva
with age, favouring the mineralization properties
 Smoking- is associated with an elevated risk for
supragingival calculus deposition. Smoking may exert
its influence systemically (elevated levels of salivary
calcium and phosphorus) or locally via a conditioning
of tooth surfaces.
 Salivary pH- increase pH increases the calculus
 Habits – In populations that practice regular oral hygiene
and with access to regular professional care have low
tendency for calculus formation.
 Salivary flow rate – increased salivary flow rate
decreases the calculus formation. Salivary flow rate affects
calcium phosphate saturation.
 Salivary calcium concentration- Elevated salivary calcium
concentration, increases the rate of calculus formation.
 Higher total salivary lipid levels – is associated with increased
calculus formation
 Emotional status- increased calculus formation has been
associated with disturbed emotional status.
 Nucleation inhibitors - Mg blocks apatite crystallization and
stabilizes calcium phosphate as amorphous mineral (Ennever
and Vogel, 1981)
Periodontal healing
 If calculus is associated with progressive periodontal
attachment loss and has an effect on disease
 healing after periodontal treatment would be reduced in the
presence of calculus.
 When the influence of retained subgingival calculus on
periodontal healing following flap surgery was
 inflammation was more intense when calculus was present
(Fujikawa in 1988)
 Subgingival calculus
 Clinical studies shows the importance of frequent
and thorough removal of root deposits by scaling
and root planning to prevent attachment loss
(Pihlstrom et al 1983).
 Morphologic studies show that calcified deposits
are porous and act as a reservoir for irritating
 Acquired pellicle forms on an implant surface when the
metal surface initially comes into contact with tissues
(Baier, 1982).
 Adsorption of proteins does not occur on the surface of
pure titanium (Ti).
 5- to 6-nm oxide layer composed of TiO2 forms on the
surface of Ti when exposed to air.
 At physiological pH, the TiO2 layer carries net -ve
charges, which enable the TiO2 layer to bind cations like
+ (Abe,1982).
 This makes the surface of an implant +vely charged and,
consequently, attracts the high-weight molecules carrying
-ve charges, notably proteins.
 Some irregularities may also be encountered on oral
implant surfaces.
Assesment of calcified deposit
 Simplified calculus index (Green & Vermillion ’64 )
 Calculus component of periodontal disease index
(Ramfjord )
 Calculus surface index (Ennever J,, Sturzenberger
& Radike)
 Calculus surface severity index(EnneverJ et al ’61)
 Marginal line calculus index (Muhleman & Villa ’67)
 Volpe- Manhold index (Volpe A R & Manhold J H
Automated calculus detection technologies
is a concentration of microorganisms,
desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes, and a mixture of
salivary proteins and lipids, with few or no food particles, and
it observed in plaque.
 It is a yellow or grayish-white, soft, sticky deposit and is
somewhat less adherent than dental plaque.
 The irritating effect of materia alba on the gingiva is caused
by bacteria and their products
 Most is rapidly liquefied by bacterial
enzymes and cleared from the oral cavity by
salivary flow and the mechanical action of the
tongue, cheeks, and lips.
 Dental plaque is not a derivative of food debris
 Nor is food debris an important cause of
on the tooth surface are called
dental stains.
 Cause aesthetic problem and do not cause
inflammation of the gingiva.
 The use of tobacco products coffee, tea, certain
mouthrinses, and pigments in foods can contribute to
stain formation.
 Inadequate dental procedures
that contribute to the
deterioration of the
periodontal tissues are referred
to as iatrogenic factors.
 Margin of restoration.
 Contours and open contact.
 Materials.
 Partial dentures.
 Restorative dentistry
 Malocclusion.
 Habits,eg. tongue thrusting.
 Orthodontic treatment.
 Extraction of impacted third
Restorative dentistry
 The improper use of rubber dam clamps, matrix bands and burs
can lacerate the gingiva resulting in varying degree of
mechanical trauma and inflammation.
 Restorations can do more harm than good to the patient’s oral
health if performed improperly.
 Overhanging margins of restorations and crowns accumulate
additional plaque by limiting the patient’s access.
 Overcontoured crowns and restorations tend to accumulate plaque
and possibly prevent the self cleaningmechanisms of the adjacent
cheek, lips,and tongue.
 Restorations that fail to reestablish adequate interproximal
embrasure spaces are associated with papillary inflammation.
 Overhanging margins
 Changing the ecologic balance of the gingival sulcus to an area
that favors the growth of disease associated organisms
(predominately gram negative anaerobic species) at the expense of
the health-associated organisms (predominately gram positive
species) and
 Inhibiting the patient's access to remove accumulated plaque.
 Proximal contact relation:
 The integrity and location of the proximal contacts
prevent interproximal food impaction.
 Food impaction is the forceful wedging of food into the
periodontium by occlusal forces.
 Classification of food impaction
 Plunger cusp
 Cervical enamel projection (CEP) and enamel pearls
 They appear as narrow wedge-shaped extensions of
enamel pointing from the cementoenameljunction (CEJ)
toward the furcation area.
 CEP classified into….
 Grad 1 –CEJ of tooth to furcation entrance
 Grade 2 – approches entrance but doesn’t into furcation
 Grade3 – extends horizontally into furcation
 The clinical significance of CEPs is that they are plaque
retentive and can predispose to furcation involvement.
 Gross iatrogenic irritants such as poorly designed clasps,
prosthesis saddles and pontics exert a direct traumatic influence
upon periodontal tissues.
 Types of pontics….
 Ovate pontic is good compare to other pontics. plaque easily
removed from pontic because of convex surface of pontics
Orthodontic procedures
 Orthodontic therapy may affect the periodontium by
brackets favoring plaque retention, by directly injuring the
gingiva as a result of overextended bands, chemical
irritation by exposed cement and by creating excessive,
unfavorable forces, or both.
Effect of band on periodontium
 Short term effect
 Long term effect
Microbiology around orthodontic band
Effect of orthodontic force on periodontium
Extraction of impacted third
 The extraction of impacted third molars often results in
the creation of vertical bone defects distal to the second
 Careless use of elevators or forceps during extraction
results in crushing of alveolar bone.
Malocclusion as contributing
 Crowded or malaligned teeth can be more difficult to
clean than properly aligned teeth.
 In deepbite, maxillary incisors impinge on the mandibular
labial gingiva or mandibular incisors on the palatal
gingiva, causing gingival and periodontal inflammation.
Habits as contributing factors
 The tooth surface, usually the root surface, can be abraded
away by improper toothbrushing technique, especially with a
hard toothbrush.
 The abrasives in toothpaste may contribute significantly to this
 The defect usually manifests as V-shaped notches at the level
of the CEJ.
 Flossing & tooth picks can also cause damage to dental hard
and soft tissues.
 Flossing clefts may be produced when floss is forcefully
snapped through the contact point so that it cuts into the
gingiva. Also, an aggressive up and down cleaning motion can
produce a similar injury.
Mouth breathing
 Mouth breathing can dehydrate the gingival tissues and
increase susceptibility to inflammation.
 These patients may or may not have increased levels of
dental plaque. In some cases, gingival enlargement may
also occur.
 Excellent plaque control and professional cleaning should
be recommended, although these measures may not
completely resolve the gingival inflammation.
Tongue thrusting
 Tongue thrusting is often associated with an anterior open
 During swallowing the tongue is thrust forward against
the teeth instead of being placed against the palate.
 When the amount of pressure against the teeth is great, it
can lead to tooth mobility and cause increased spacing of
the anterior teeth.
 This problem is difficult to treat but must be recognized
in the diagnostic phase as a potentially destructive
contributing factor.
Factitious injuries
 Self-inflicted or factitial injuries can be difficult to
diagnose because their presentation is often unusual
 These injuries are produced in a variety of ways including
pricking the gingiva with a fingernail , with knives, hair
pins and by using toothpicks or other oral hygiene
 Radiation therapy has cytotoxic effects on both normal cells and
malignant cells.
 Radiation treatment induces an obliterative endarteritis that
results in soft tissue ischemia and fibrosis while irradiated bone
becomes hypovascular and hypoxic.
Adverse affects of head and neck radiation therapy
 Dermatitis and Mucositis
 Muscle fibrosis and Trismus
 Xerostomia
 Use of a chlorhexidine digluconate mouthrinse may help
reduce the mucositis.
 Xerostomia results in greater plaque accumulation and a
reduced buffering capacity from what saliva is left.
 The use of effective oral hygiene, professional dental
prophylactic cleanings, fluoride applications, and frequent
dental examinations are essential to control caries and
periodontal disease.
 Prophylactic antibiotics before receiving appropriate
nonsurgical periodontal therapy
 The risk of osteoradionecrosis must be evaluated before
extracting a tooth or performing periodontal surgery in an
irradiated site
 Periodontal attachment loss and tooth loss was greater
in cancer patients who were treated with high-dose
unilateral radiation as compared with the nonradiated
control side of the dentition
Pathogenic potential of dental
 Until 1960,calculus is major etiologic factor in
periodontal disease. its , pathogenicity attributed to its
rough outer surface which mechanically irritated the
adjacent tissue.
 Shroeder 1969 stated that initial damage to gingival
margin in periodontal disease is due to immunologic and
enzymatic effect of microorganisms in plaque.
 Supragingival calculus promotes new plaque
 Role of calculus in periodontal disease summarized as:
 Brings plaque bacteria close to supporting tissues.
 Provides fixed nidus for plaque accumulation.
 Interferes with local self cleansing mechanisms.
 Reservoir for substances like endotoxins, antigenic
materials and bone resorbing factors because of its
permeability and porous nature.
1. Professional removal of calculus – By scaling and root
2. Personal bacterial plaque control – tooth brushing,
flossing and supplementary methods is a major factor in the
control of dental calculus reformation.
3. Anti- calculus agents used in Commercial Dentifrices -
Chemotherapeutic agents have been used to supplement the
mechanical removal of dental plaque
(Aleece and Forscher,1954; Grossman, 1954; Zacherl et al., 1985;
Volpe et al., 1992).
The major strategies that have been
investigated are to:
(i) Dissolve or soften the mature deposit by
removing the inorganic portion
(ii) Affect the calculus matrix, i.e., to change the
‘skeleton’ around which calculus is deposited
(iii) Alter the attachment of the calculus to
the tooth surface
(iv) Prevent plaque from forming
(v) Inhibit crystal growth and thereby prevent
the development of mineralized plaque
Ethylene diamine tetra
acetate EDTA
- Chelating Agents
Sodium Hexa
- Acids –Aromatic sulphuric
Nitro-muriatic Acid
20% Trichloroacetic Acid
Spring Salts
Ion exchange resins.
Enzymes Ex :
se, lipase,
amylase, 30%
UREA( solvent
Vitamin C (By crystal
poisoning mechanism )
Pyrophosphates + Sodium
Zinc salts
Polymers & Co Polymers
Agents for softening of
mature dental calculus
 Wooden stick moist with aromatic Sulphuric acid inserted in
 Dissolve calculus
 Act as an astringent on tooth surface
 IN 1881 NILES use NITRO MUTRAIC ACID and find its
superior dissolving action on calculus.
 Other acid used are 20%trichloroacetic acid ,bifloride of
 But STONES in 1939 and GROSSMANN in 1954
 Acid are caustic to soft tissues
 Decalcify the tooth structure
 Badanes (1929) argued that it was the action of the mild
alkalis contained in the waters that dissolved the principal
organic constituents of salivary calculus.
 These findings agreed with those of Prinz (1921), but the
idea failed to find support.
Chelating agent
 Sodium hexametaphosphate was found to remove
supragingival calculus from extracted teeth in 10 to 15
days (Kerr & Field 1944).
 Warren et al. (1964) exposed extracted teeth to a saturated
solution of sodium hexametaphosphate for 24 h and found
a large reduction in the hardness of the cementum and the
decalcification of the calculus was less than that of
 Because of this nonspecific demineralization effect, the
use of chelating agents in anticalculus dentifrices ceased.
 Mode of action –
1.To break down plaque matrix OR
2. To affect the binding of the calculus to the tooth.
The first enzyme to be tested- mucinase (Stewart 1952)Calculus
formation reduced & calculus formed was softer and more easily
removed (Stewart 1952).
 Aleece & Forscher (1954) - introduced mylase.
 Enzyme with high proteolytic and low amylase activity- most
effective inhibitor of calculus formation. Draus et al. (1963)
 Dehydrated pancreas (Viokase) - tested on the basis of a high
proteolytic enzyme activity - reduce calculus formation by 60%
(Jensen 1959).
 Enzymes of fungal origin have also been tested.
 Jabro et al. (1992) performed a split mouth study on
fifteen adult patients with moderate to heavy calculus.
Contralateral quadrants were treated with EDTA gel
(SofscaleTM) and the subjects and operators were asked
to comment on the ease of removal of the calculus
deposits. Both subjects and operator reported easier
calculus removal using the gel.
 However, subsequent studies by Maynar et al. (1994),
Smith et al. (1994), Harding et al.(1996) and Nagy et al.
(1998) have failed to confirm this effect.
 Smith et al. (1994) noted that sufficient time has to be
allowed for the gel to penetrate the bulk of the calculus
deposit and this may negate the reason for using it.
 Pyrophosphate could prevent calcification by
1. Interrupting the conversion of amorphous calcium phosphate
to hydroxyapatite (Fleisch & Bisaz 1962)
2. Inhibiting crystal growth
3. Reduce acquired pellicle formation.
• Lower concentrations of pyrophosphate were noted in the
parotid saliva of calculus formers than in saliva of non-formers
(Vogel & Amdur 1967).
 The concentration of pyrophosphate in the plaque of low
calculus formers was also significantly greater than that in
heavy calculus formers (Edgar & Jenkins 1972).
 Pyrophosphate - binds to two sites on the HAP surface,
and one of the two sites needs to be bound by phosphate
ion to permit crystal growth to occur. If this site is bound
by pyrophosphate, phosphate ion cannot adsorb onto
crystal, and thus crystal growth is inhibited.
 Pyrophosphate undergo rapid hydrolysis in the oral cavity
by bacterial and host phosphatases (Gaffar et al 1986).
 The addition of co polymer PVM/MA is believed to
prevent this hydrolysis
 Gaffar et al. (1987) showed that a 3.2% pyrophosphate, 1%
copolymer and 0.24% NaF mixture reduced calculus levels in
rats by 57%.
 Triclosan ( trivial name of 2,4,4-trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl
ether) a non-ionic antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of
activity against bacteria, fungi and yeasts.
 When delivered from a dentifrice- seems to bind to oral
mucous membranes and tooth surfaces, and is particularly well
retained in plaque.
 Triclosan is predominantly used in combination with other
 0.2% triclosan
 0.2% triclosan and 0.5% zinc citrate was tested as an anti calculus
 Use of heavy metals - suggested by Hanke (1940)
 in solution, these metals suffered from having a disagreeable
metallic taste, or caused an unsightly discoloration of the teeth.
 Mechanisms by which they can affect calculus formation:
i. Firstly, they inhibit plaque growth.
ii. Secondly, metal salts are potent inhibitors of mineralization
(Bachra & van Harskamp 1970, Thomas 1982).
 Metal ions can bind to hydroxyapatite although this binding is
 Kohut & Grossman (1986) tested a zinc chloride and sodium
fluoride dentifrice for calculus inhibitory activity
 Zinc chloride (2%)
 Zinc citrate (0.5%)
 Calculus therefore is a secondary etiologic factor for
periodontium. But its presence makes adequate plaque
removal impossible and prevents patients from performing
proper plaque control. its removal from tooth surface is a
primary requirement to achieve periodontal health. The
clinician should well trained in the adequate removal of
calculus which is 1st step in periodontal therapy.
 The design and sharpness of instruments , anatomical
factors, depth of calculus deposition and operator’s
experience play role during subgingival calculus removal.
 Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza’s
Clinical Periodontology. Saunders Elsevier;10th Edition.
 Lindhe, Karring, Lang. Clinical Periodontology & Implant
Dentistry. Blackwell Munksgaard; 5th Edititon. .
 SØREN JEPSEN, JAMES DESCHNER. Calculus removal and
the prevention of its formation
Periodontology 2000, Vol. 55, 2011, 167188
 Fairbrother KJ, Heasman PA: Anticalculus agents.
J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27: 285–301
 Colin Dawes .Why Does Supragingival Calculus Form Preferentially on the
Lingual Surface of the 6 Lower Anterior Teeth?
J Can Dent Assoc 2006; 72(10):923–6
 Stanley. P. Hazen. Supragingival dental calculus.
Periodontology 2000, Vol. 8, 1995, 125-136
 ROBINM . DAVIESR, OGERP . ELLWOO. Supragingival calculus and
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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 15, 1997, 74-83
Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 13(5):426-441 (2002)

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. CONTENTS o Introduction o Definition o History o Classification o Prevalence o Composition o Structure o Mode of attachment o Formation o Theories of mineralization o Etiological significance o Anticalculus agents o Conclusion o References 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  The primary cause of gingival inflammation is bacterial plaque, along with other predisposing factors. These predisposing factors include calculus, faulty restorations, complications associated with orthodontic therapy, self-inflicted injuries, use of tobacco, and others. 3
  • 4.  For the periodontal diseases:  The primary etiologic factor is dental plaque.  The associated factor: is the dental calculus,  it helps in new formation of the plaque.  The modifying factor: a systemic disease,  it aggravates the disease when the plaque is presents. 4
  • 5. CALCULUS “Calculus consists of mineralized bacterial plaque that forms on the surfaces of natural teeth and dental prostheses.”…. Carranza “A hard deposit attached to the teeth usually consisting of mineralized bacterial plaque [AAP 1992]” “Mineralized dental plaque that is permeated with crystals of various calcium phosphates [Schroeder,1969]” 5
  • 6.  Calculus formation has been reported to occur in germ-free animals as a result of calcification of salivary proteins  Is a mineralized dental plaque that occurs in the tooth surfaces & dental prosthesis, it has many forms: 1.Bridging over the gingival margin. 2.Follow the festooning shape of the dentition. 3.Lobular form. 4.In case of malalignment :protected area for the plaque  calculus 6
  • 7. HISTORY  Hippocrates (460 – 337 BC)  association of oral deposits and disease  pituita (calculus)  Albucasis (936 – 1013 AD)  Arabian physician and surgeon  Explained relationship between calculus and disease  a need for thorough removal of deposits 7
  • 8.  Paracelsus (1535)  Swiss German physician and alchemist  Introduced term tartar as a designation for a variety of stony concretions that form in humans  Tartaric disease 8
  • 9. CLASSIFICATION  According to location supragingival calculus subgingival calculus  According to source of mineralization salivary calculus seruminal calculus (Jenkins, Stewart 1966)  According to surface exogeneous endogeneous (Melz 1950) 9
  • 11. Supragingival calculus 11 Location -The tightly adherent calcified deposits that form on the clinical crowns of the teeth above the free gingival margin.(visible in oral cavity) Color -usually white-yellow in colour but can darken with age and exposure to tobacco Texture and consistency –hard clay like consistency. Easily detachable from tooth surface Salivary secretions are the main source of mineral salts.
  • 12. Prevalence Schroeder et al in 1969 in a review of world data noted that  Supragingival calculus is more prevalent than subgingival calculus.  Both types have been found from early childhood.  The percentage of people with both types rises from 8th to 40th years  40% - 95% in the 20 – 30 year age group  80% - 100% in the over 30 years.  No reports of sex difference in prevalence / intensity has been reported; but some geographic variation has been noted. 12
  • 13. A Longitudinal study was done by Anerud and coworkers (1991) among Srilankan tea laborers and Norwegian academicians for 15 years and all periodontal parameters recorded.  Undisturbed by active professional intervention or home care between 1970 and 1985 in sri lanka,  Or when removed at regular intervals between 1969 and 1988 in norway. 1. Srilankan tea laborers  Had no oral hygiene / dental care  Supragingival calculus formation started early in life soon after tooth eruption  First areas to show calculus deposits were facial aspects of maxillary molars and lingual aspects of mandibular incisors  Calculus continued to accumulate with age, reaching a maximum at 25 – 30 years. Anerud A, Löe H, Boysen H: The natural history and clinical course of calculus formation in man, J Clin Periodontol 18:160, 1991. 13
  • 14.  By age 45, few teeth were without calculus.  By age 30 all surfaces of all teeth had subgingival calculus without any pattern of predilection. 2. Norwegian academicians  Had good oral hygiene and frequent visits for dental care throughout their lives.  So there was less accumulation of calculus  However supragingival calculus still formed on facial surfaces of upper molars and lingual surface of lower incisors in 80% of teenagers.  It did not extend to other teeth and did not increase with age. 14
  • 15. COMPOSITION OF CALCULUS….. INORGANIC COMPOUND (70% TO 90%) ORGANIC COMPOUND 75.9% -Ca3(PO4) 2 3.1% - CaC03 Traces of Mg3(PO4)2 Ca-39%, Ph- 19% , CO2- 1.9% Other metals- Na,Zn,Br,Cu,Ag,Mn,Al,Si,Fe, strontium,tungsten,fluorine. •Protein-polysaccharide complexes • desquamated epithelial cells • leukocytes, and •various types of microorganisms •1.9% - 9.1% carbohydrate---galactose, glucose, rhamnose, mannose, glucuronic acid, galactosamine, and sometimes arabinose, galacturonic acid, and glucosamine. •5.9% to 8.2% Salivary proteins •0.2% Lipids neutral fats, free fatty acids, cholesterol, cholesterol esters, and phospholipids 15
  • 16. 2/3rd of the inorganic component is crystalline in structure…..four main crystal forms are 97% to 100% of all supragingival calculus Hydroxy apatite 58% Octa- calcium 12% Common in mand-ant region Brushite 9% Magnesium whitlockite 21% Common in posterior areas 16
  • 17.  The percentage of inorganic constituents in calculus is similar to that in other calcified tissues of the body. New and old calculus consists of four different crystals of calcium phosphate (Schroeder 1969): 17 Hydroxyapatite (HA) Ca5(PO4)3 × OH 58% Magnesium whitlockite (W) β-Ca3(PO4)2 21% Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) Ca4H (PO4)3 × 2H2O 12% Brushite (B) CaH (PO4) × 2H2O 9%
  • 18.  The predominant mineral in exterior layers is Octacalciumphosphate, while Hydroxyapatitie is dominant in inner layers of old calculus.  Whitelockite is only found in small proportions.  Brushite in recent calculus, not older than 2 weeks, form the basis for supragingival calculus formation.  The appearance of the crystals is characteristic 18 Octacalciumphosphate Platelet-like crystals Hydroxyapatite Sand grain or rod-like crystals Whitelockite Hexagonal (cuboidal, rhomboidal) crystals
  • 19.  Between 1.9% and 9.1% of the organic component is carbohydrate which consists of  Galactose  Glucose  Rhamnose  Mannose  Glucuronic acid  Galactosamine,  sometimes arabinose, galacturonic acid, and glucosamine.  All these organic components are present in salivary glycoprotein,  exception of arabinose and rhamnose. 19
  • 20.  Salivary proteins account for 5.9% to 8.2% of the organic component of calculus and include most amino acids.  Lipids account for 0.2% of the organic content in the form of  Neutral fats  Free fatty acids  Cholesterol  Cholesterol esters  Phospholipids 20
  • 21. Light microscopy  The interface with the tooth surface was fairly smooth and slightly curved following the shape of the tooth whereas the external mineralized surface was generally irregular and covered by a non-mineralized plaque layer of variable thickness.  It contains many non-mineralized lacunae and, in some sections, the lacunae formed a continuous connection with the external bacterial plaque, and extended to the calculus/tooth interface 21
  • 22. Transmission Electron Microscopy  The ultra structure of young and mature supragingival calculus was similar. The mineralized intermicrobial areas of the body of the calculus contained predominantly small, randomly orientated needle- shaped/platelet-shaped crystals. Areas containing crystals of larger columnar and roof-tile shapes were also observed 22
  • 23. scanning electron microscopy  Supragingival calculus always appeared in one piece with a relatively smooth surface.  Under low magnification the Supragingival calculus was thin at the incisal/occlusal part and thickened apically.  Under high magnification the Supragingival calculus is covered with dense layer of filament .These filaments were 1micron thick with an estimated length of 25 to 100 microns.  Fracture surface of Supragingival calculus generally had a smooth, crystalline appearance. 23
  • 25. Subgingival calculus 25 Location-below the crest of marginal gingival (not visible on routine examination) Color-dark brown or greenish black Texture and consistency-hard and dense crusty, spiny or nodular deposites Firmly attached to tooth surface. Crevicular fluid and inflammatory exudates are the main source of mineral salts. Found on any root surfaces with a periodontal pocket.
  • 26.  Subgingival calculus –  Same hydroxyapatite content, More magnesium whitlockite Less brushite and octacalcium phosphate. The ratio of calcium to phosphate is higher Sodium content increases with the depth of periodontal pockets.  Salivary proteins present are not found subgingivally. On average the density is 58% and ranges from 32% to 78%. Maximal values of 60–80% have been found. 26
  • 27. Light microscopy  The calculus surface previously in contact with the tooth was usually flat and mineralized while the external/oral surface was fairly regular and covered by a non-mineralized plaque layer of variable thickness. 27
  • 28. Transmission Electron Microscopy  The calcification within the body of subgingival calculus was more homogeneous than supragingival calculus and consisted of small randomly orientated needle- and platelet-shaped crystals. There were also areas with flat "bulk-shaped" crystals, Sundberg & Friskopp (1985) 28
  • 29. Scanning electron microscopy  Subgingival calculus usually appeared in band like clusters of deposits with varying sizes and rough surfaces.  under low magnification it has complex appearance. There are clusters of small deposits in the incisal/ occlusal part and larger deposits that tend to fuse in apical part.  High magnification revealed that subgingival fracture surface were rougher than supra gingival grooves and holes that gave sub gingival fracture a ‘worm eaten’ look. Filaments did not dominate the surface of subgingival calculus and no pattern of orientations were seen 29
  • 30. ATTACHMENT TO THE TOOTH SURFACE Four modes of attachment have been described (Zander,1953) 1. Attachment by means of an organic pellicle 30
  • 31. 2.Mechanical locking into surface irregularities such as resorption lacunae and caries 31
  • 32. 3. Close adaptation of calculus undersurface depressions to the gently sloping mounds of the unaltered cementum surface 32
  • 33. 4. Penetration of calculus bacteria into cementum  Calculus embedded deeply in cementum may appear morphologically similar to cementum and thus has been termed calculocementum. 33
  • 34. FORMATION OF CALCULUS  Precipitation of mineral salts starts between 1st and 14th days of plaque formation.  Calcification starts --4 to 8 hours …….Tibbetts L, Kashiwa H. J Dent Res 1970  50 % mineralized in 2 days  60% to 90% mineralized in 12 days ……Sharawy a, Sabharwal K. et al J Periodontol 1966  All plaque does not necessarily undergo calcification.  Microorganisms are not always essential in calculus formation because calculus occurs readily in germ-free rodents……Gustafsson B, Krasse B . Acta Odontol Scand 1962 34
  • 35.  Saliva is the source of mineralization for supragingival calculus.  GCF furnishes the minerals for subgingival calculus.  Plaque has the ability to concentrate calcium at 2 to 20 times its level in saliva .  Early plaque of heavy calculus formers contains more calcium, 3- times more phosphorus, and less potassium than that of non- calculus formers. phosphorus may be more critical than calcium in plaque mineralization 35
  • 36.  Calcification entails the binding of Calcium ions + Carbohydrate protein complexes Calcium phosphate salts.  Calcification begins along the inner surface of the supragingival plaque and in the attached component of subgingival plaque adjacent to the tooth.  Crystals form initially in the intercellular matrix and on the bacterial surfaces and finally within the bacteria 36
  • 37.  Separate foci of calcification increase in size and coalesce to form solid masses of calculus 37
  • 38.  The initiation of calcification and the rate of calculus accumulation vary from person to person, for different teeth, and at different times in the same person.  On the basis of these differences, persons may be classified as heavy, moderate, or slight calculus formers or as noncalculus formers. The average daily increment in calculus formers is from 0.10% to 0.15% of dry weight. Turesky S, Renstrup G, Glickman I. J Periodontol 1962. 38
  • 39.  Calculus formation continues until it reaches a maximum, after which it may be reduced in amount.  The time required to reach the maximal level has been reported as 10 weeks and 6 months .  The decline from maximal calculus accumulation, referred to as reversal phenomenon, 39
  • 40. THEORIES REGARDING THE MINERALIZATION OF CALCULUS By two theoretic mechanisms 1. Mineral precipitation results from a local rise in the degree of saturation of calcium and phosphate ions…… A. Rise in the pH o f the saliva. B.Colloidal proteins in saliva. C.Phosphatase liberated from dental plaque, desquamated epithelial cells, or bacteria. 2. Seeding agents induce small foci of calcification that enlarge and coalesce to form a calcified mass …….Neuman W,Neuman M 40
  • 41. 1. Mineral precipitation results ……………. A. Rise in the pH o f the saliva.  Causes precipitation of calcium phosphate salts by lowering the precipitation constant. The pH may be elevated by the 1. Loss of carbon dioxide 2. Formation of ammonia by dental plaque bacteria. 3. By protein degradation during stagnation ………………Blanton P, Hurt W, Largent M. J Periodontol 1977 41
  • 42. CO2 THEORY  From the major salivary gland,co2 is secreted at a high CO2 tension , about 54 to 65 mm Hg , whereas the CO2 pressure in atmospheric air is only about 0.3 mm Hg. Saliva emerging from the salivary ducts is believed to lose CO2 to the atmosphere as a result of this large difference in CO2 tension , the pH in saliva will increase when CO2 escapes , the concentration of less soluble secondary and tertiary phosphate ions increases. therefore ,the solubility of calcium phosphate is exceeded and crystals form. 42
  • 43. B.Colloidal proteins in saliva.  Colloidal proteins in saliva bind calcium and phosphate ions and maintain a supersaturated solution with respect to calcium phosphate salts.  With stagnation of saliva, colloids settle out and the supersaturated state is no longer maintained, leading to precipitation of calcium phosphate salts. 43
  • 44. C. Phosphatase liberation  Phosphatase liberated from dental plaque, desquamated epithelial cells, or bacteria precipitate calcium phosphate by hydrolyzing organic phosphates in saliva, thus increasing the concentration of free phosphate ions. 44
  • 45. Esterase is another enzyme that is present in the cocci and filamentous organisms, leukocytes, macrophages, and desquamated epithelial cells of dental plaque.  Fatty esters free fatty acids soaps with calcium and magnesium Converted into the less-soluble calcium phosphate salts. 45
  • 46. 2.Seeding agents induce small foci of calcification  This referred to as the epitactic concept or more appropriately, heterogeneous nucleation.  The seeding agents are not known  But it is suspected that the intercellular matrix of plaque plays an active role.  The carbohydrate-protein complexes may binds with calcium from the saliva (chelation) to form nuclei that induce subsequent deposition of minerals. 46
  • 47. INHIBITION THEORY  Calcification occurring only at specific sites because of the existence of an inhibiting mechanism at non-calcifying sites.  One of the inhibiting substance is thought to the pyrophosphate and the controlling mechanisms is thought to be an enzyme alkaline pyrophosphate which can hydrolyse pyrophosphate to phosphate (Russell and Fleisch, 1970). 47
  • 48. 48 Supersaturation: Calculus deposition Saturation (pH=5.5 Unsaturation : Caries, enamel dissolution Plaque pH
  • 49.  Mineralization of plaque starts extracellularly around both gram-positive organisms and gram negative organisms.  Filamentous organisms, diphtheroids, and Bacterionema and Veillonella species have the ability to form intracellular apatite crystals.  Calculus formation spreads until the matrix and bacteria are calcified. 49
  • 50.  Bacterial plaque may actively participate in the mineralization of calculus by forming phosphatases, which changes the pH of the plaque and induces mineralization ( Ennever 1983 )But the prevalent opinion is that these bacteria are only passively involved and are simply calcified with other plaque components …….Razzo A,Martin G, Scott D . et al 1962  The occurrence of calculus-like deposits in germ-free animals supports this opinion. 50
  • 51. SUPRAGINGIVAL AND SUBGINGIVAL CALCULUS SUPRAGINGIVALCALCULUS SUBGINGIVALCALCULUS Coronal to the gingival margin Located below the crest of the marginal gingiva. Visible in the oral cavity Not visible in the oral cavity Clerehugh et al. used a World Health Organization #621 probe White or whitish yellow in color (tobacco and food pigments) Dark brown or greenish black in color Hard with clay like consistency Hard / flint-like in consistency Lingual area of the mandibular incisors and buccal surfaces of the maxillary molars. Present subgingivally Salivary calculus Seruminal calculus Source of minerals--Salivary secretions GCF 51
  • 52. Supragingival Subgingival Prevalence Usually common upto age of 9 years 0-15 yrs: 37-70% 16-21 yrs: 44-88% Above 40 yrs: 86- 100% Slightly lower than that of supragingival, but approaches a range of 47- 100% after age of 40 yrs Composition Mainly Brushite and Octacalcium phosphate a) More amount of Magnesium whitlokite, less of brushite and octacalcium phosphate. b) Higher concentration of Ca, Mg and F than supragingival calculus 52
  • 53.  A positive correlation between the presence of calculus and the prevalence of gingivitis exists. …….. Ramfjord S.1961  Strong associations between calculus deposits and periodontitis have been demonstrated in experimental (Waerhaug 1952, 1955) and epidemiologic studies (Lovdal et al. 1958)  But this correlation is not as great as that between plaque and gingivitis.  The nonmineralized plaque on the calculus surface is the principal irritant, but the underlying calcified portion may be a significant contributing factor 53
  • 54.  It does not irritate the gingiva directly but provides a for the continued accumulation of plaque and retains it in close proximity to the gingiva. …….. (Friskopp &Hammarstrom 1980, Friskopp 1983)  Although the bacterial plaque that coats the teeth is the main etiologic factor in the development of periodontal disease, the removal of subgingival plaque and calculus constitute the cornerstone of periodontal therapy. 54
  • 55.  Calculus & gingivitis ‘positive correlation” < plaque & gingivitis.  In young: periodontal condition & plaque than calculus ,  but with age  situation is reversed” increase incidence of calculus, gingivitis & periodontal diseases  Non mineralized plaque on calculus surface  principle irritant.  Underlying calcified proteins  is a significant factor: not irritate the gingiva.  Directly but provide fixed nidus  continuous accumulation of the plaque & holds it to the gingiva.  Subgingival calculus may be the product rather than the cause of periodontal pocket 55
  • 56. HOW plaque irritates gingiva. convert continually accumulating plaque into sub gingival calculus increase flow of gingival fluid” due to gingival inflammation pocket provides sheltered area for plaque & bacterial accumulation pocket formation Inflammation 56
  • 57.  The effect of calculus is secondary  by providing an ideal surface configuration conducive to further plaque accumulation and subsequent mineralization’ .  Calculus deposits may develop in areas with difficult access for oral hygiene  Or may by the size of the deposits –  Jeopardize proper oral hygiene practices.  Calculus may also amplify the effects of bacterial plaque by keeping the bacterial deposits in close contact with the tissue surface,  Thereby influencing both bacterial ecology and tissue response. 57
  • 58. Pathologic condition in which increase in calculus formation  In children with cystic fibrosis (Wotman et al.1973)  Patients on dialysis for renal disease, as their salivary urea levels are high and the urea can be converted by plaque bacteria to ammonia, which increases plaque pH (Peterson S,1985)  In patients who are tube fed, as their plaque is not exposed to fermentable carbohydrates. (Mandel 1995) 58
  • 59. Factors affecting the rate of calculus formation  Diet and nutrition –the significance of diet in calculus formation depends more upon its consistency than upon its content.  Increased calculus formation has been associated with an increase in dietary calcium, phosphorus, bicarbonate, protein and carbohydrate. 59
  • 60.  Age – there is an increase in calculus deposition with an increasing age.(Schroeder et al,1969). This increase, is not only increase in the number of surfaces, but also the size of calculus deposits. This may be due to change in quantity and quality of saliva with age, favouring the mineralization properties  Smoking- is associated with an elevated risk for supragingival calculus deposition. Smoking may exert its influence systemically (elevated levels of salivary calcium and phosphorus) or locally via a conditioning of tooth surfaces. 60
  • 61.  Salivary pH- increase pH increases the calculus formation.  Habits – In populations that practice regular oral hygiene and with access to regular professional care have low tendency for calculus formation.  Salivary flow rate – increased salivary flow rate decreases the calculus formation. Salivary flow rate affects calcium phosphate saturation. 61
  • 62.  Salivary calcium concentration- Elevated salivary calcium concentration, increases the rate of calculus formation.  Higher total salivary lipid levels – is associated with increased calculus formation  Emotional status- increased calculus formation has been associated with disturbed emotional status.  Nucleation inhibitors - Mg blocks apatite crystallization and stabilizes calcium phosphate as amorphous mineral (Ennever and Vogel, 1981) 62
  • 63. Periodontal healing  If calculus is associated with progressive periodontal attachment loss and has an effect on disease progression  healing after periodontal treatment would be reduced in the presence of calculus.  When the influence of retained subgingival calculus on periodontal healing following flap surgery was investigated  inflammation was more intense when calculus was present (Fujikawa in 1988) 63
  • 64.  Subgingival calculus  Clinical studies shows the importance of frequent and thorough removal of root deposits by scaling and root planning to prevent attachment loss (Pihlstrom et al 1983).  Morphologic studies show that calcified deposits are porous and act as a reservoir for irritating substances. 64
  • 65. ATTACHMENT ON IMPLANT SURFACE  Acquired pellicle forms on an implant surface when the metal surface initially comes into contact with tissues (Baier, 1982).  Adsorption of proteins does not occur on the surface of pure titanium (Ti).  5- to 6-nm oxide layer composed of TiO2 forms on the surface of Ti when exposed to air. 65
  • 66.  At physiological pH, the TiO2 layer carries net -ve charges, which enable the TiO2 layer to bind cations like Ca2 + (Abe,1982).  This makes the surface of an implant +vely charged and, consequently, attracts the high-weight molecules carrying -ve charges, notably proteins.  Some irregularities may also be encountered on oral implant surfaces. 66
  • 67. Assesment of calcified deposit  Simplified calculus index (Green & Vermillion ’64 )  Calculus component of periodontal disease index (Ramfjord )  Calculus surface index (Ennever J,, Sturzenberger & Radike)  Calculus surface severity index(EnneverJ et al ’61)  Marginal line calculus index (Muhleman & Villa ’67)  Volpe- Manhold index (Volpe A R & Manhold J H ’62) 67
  • 68. 68
  • 69. Automated calculus detection technologies 69
  • 71. is a concentration of microorganisms, desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes, and a mixture of salivary proteins and lipids, with few or no food particles, and it observed in plaque.  It is a yellow or grayish-white, soft, sticky deposit and is somewhat less adherent than dental plaque.  The irritating effect of materia alba on the gingiva is caused by bacteria and their products 71
  • 72.  Most is rapidly liquefied by bacterial enzymes and cleared from the oral cavity by salivary flow and the mechanical action of the tongue, cheeks, and lips.  Dental plaque is not a derivative of food debris  Nor is food debris an important cause of gingivitis. 72
  • 73. on the tooth surface are called dental stains.  Cause aesthetic problem and do not cause inflammation of the gingiva.  The use of tobacco products coffee, tea, certain mouthrinses, and pigments in foods can contribute to stain formation. 73
  • 74. 74
  • 75. 1.IATROGENIC FACTORS.  Inadequate dental procedures that contribute to the deterioration of the periodontal tissues are referred to as iatrogenic factors.  Margin of restoration.  Contours and open contact.  Materials.  Partial dentures.  Restorative dentistry procedure.  Malocclusion.  Habits,eg. tongue thrusting.  Orthodontic treatment.  Extraction of impacted third molars 75
  • 76. Restorative dentistry  The improper use of rubber dam clamps, matrix bands and burs can lacerate the gingiva resulting in varying degree of mechanical trauma and inflammation.  Restorations can do more harm than good to the patient’s oral health if performed improperly.  Overhanging margins of restorations and crowns accumulate additional plaque by limiting the patient’s access. 76
  • 77.  Overcontoured crowns and restorations tend to accumulate plaque and possibly prevent the self cleaningmechanisms of the adjacent cheek, lips,and tongue.  Restorations that fail to reestablish adequate interproximal embrasure spaces are associated with papillary inflammation.  Overhanging margins  Changing the ecologic balance of the gingival sulcus to an area that favors the growth of disease associated organisms (predominately gram negative anaerobic species) at the expense of the health-associated organisms (predominately gram positive species) and  Inhibiting the patient's access to remove accumulated plaque. 77
  • 78.  Proximal contact relation:  The integrity and location of the proximal contacts prevent interproximal food impaction.  Food impaction is the forceful wedging of food into the periodontium by occlusal forces.  Classification of food impaction  Plunger cusp 78
  • 79.  Cervical enamel projection (CEP) and enamel pearls  They appear as narrow wedge-shaped extensions of enamel pointing from the cementoenameljunction (CEJ) toward the furcation area.  CEP classified into….  Grad 1 –CEJ of tooth to furcation entrance  Grade 2 – approches entrance but doesn’t into furcation  Grade3 – extends horizontally into furcation  The clinical significance of CEPs is that they are plaque retentive and can predispose to furcation involvement. 79
  • 80. Prosthesis  Gross iatrogenic irritants such as poorly designed clasps, prosthesis saddles and pontics exert a direct traumatic influence upon periodontal tissues.  Types of pontics….  Ovate pontic is good compare to other pontics. plaque easily removed from pontic because of convex surface of pontics 80
  • 81. Orthodontic procedures  Orthodontic therapy may affect the periodontium by brackets favoring plaque retention, by directly injuring the gingiva as a result of overextended bands, chemical irritation by exposed cement and by creating excessive, unfavorable forces, or both. Effect of band on periodontium  Short term effect  Long term effect Microbiology around orthodontic band Effect of orthodontic force on periodontium 81
  • 82. Extraction of impacted third molar  The extraction of impacted third molars often results in the creation of vertical bone defects distal to the second molars.  Careless use of elevators or forceps during extraction results in crushing of alveolar bone. 82
  • 83. Malocclusion as contributing factors  Crowded or malaligned teeth can be more difficult to clean than properly aligned teeth.  In deepbite, maxillary incisors impinge on the mandibular labial gingiva or mandibular incisors on the palatal gingiva, causing gingival and periodontal inflammation. 83
  • 84. Habits as contributing factors  The tooth surface, usually the root surface, can be abraded away by improper toothbrushing technique, especially with a hard toothbrush.  The abrasives in toothpaste may contribute significantly to this process.  The defect usually manifests as V-shaped notches at the level of the CEJ.  Flossing & tooth picks can also cause damage to dental hard and soft tissues.  Flossing clefts may be produced when floss is forcefully snapped through the contact point so that it cuts into the gingiva. Also, an aggressive up and down cleaning motion can produce a similar injury. 84
  • 85. Mouth breathing  Mouth breathing can dehydrate the gingival tissues and increase susceptibility to inflammation.  These patients may or may not have increased levels of dental plaque. In some cases, gingival enlargement may also occur.  Excellent plaque control and professional cleaning should be recommended, although these measures may not completely resolve the gingival inflammation. 85
  • 86. Tongue thrusting  Tongue thrusting is often associated with an anterior open bite.  During swallowing the tongue is thrust forward against the teeth instead of being placed against the palate.  When the amount of pressure against the teeth is great, it can lead to tooth mobility and cause increased spacing of the anterior teeth.  This problem is difficult to treat but must be recognized in the diagnostic phase as a potentially destructive contributing factor. 86
  • 87. Factitious injuries  Self-inflicted or factitial injuries can be difficult to diagnose because their presentation is often unusual  These injuries are produced in a variety of ways including pricking the gingiva with a fingernail , with knives, hair pins and by using toothpicks or other oral hygiene devices. 87
  • 88.  Radiation therapy has cytotoxic effects on both normal cells and malignant cells.  Radiation treatment induces an obliterative endarteritis that results in soft tissue ischemia and fibrosis while irradiated bone becomes hypovascular and hypoxic. Adverse affects of head and neck radiation therapy  Dermatitis and Mucositis  Muscle fibrosis and Trismus  Xerostomia  Use of a chlorhexidine digluconate mouthrinse may help reduce the mucositis. 88
  • 89.  Xerostomia results in greater plaque accumulation and a reduced buffering capacity from what saliva is left.  The use of effective oral hygiene, professional dental prophylactic cleanings, fluoride applications, and frequent dental examinations are essential to control caries and periodontal disease.  Prophylactic antibiotics before receiving appropriate nonsurgical periodontal therapy  The risk of osteoradionecrosis must be evaluated before extracting a tooth or performing periodontal surgery in an irradiated site 89
  • 90.  Periodontal attachment loss and tooth loss was greater in cancer patients who were treated with high-dose unilateral radiation as compared with the nonradiated control side of the dentition 90
  • 91. Pathogenic potential of dental calculus  Until 1960,calculus is major etiologic factor in periodontal disease. its , pathogenicity attributed to its rough outer surface which mechanically irritated the adjacent tissue.  Shroeder 1969 stated that initial damage to gingival margin in periodontal disease is due to immunologic and enzymatic effect of microorganisms in plaque.  Supragingival calculus promotes new plaque accumulations. 91
  • 92.  Role of calculus in periodontal disease summarized as:  Brings plaque bacteria close to supporting tissues.  Provides fixed nidus for plaque accumulation.  Interferes with local self cleansing mechanisms.  Reservoir for substances like endotoxins, antigenic materials and bone resorbing factors because of its permeability and porous nature. 92
  • 93. PREVENTION OF CALCULUS 1. Professional removal of calculus – By scaling and root planning. 2. Personal bacterial plaque control – tooth brushing, flossing and supplementary methods is a major factor in the control of dental calculus reformation. 3. Anti- calculus agents used in Commercial Dentifrices - Chemotherapeutic agents have been used to supplement the mechanical removal of dental plaque (Aleece and Forscher,1954; Grossman, 1954; Zacherl et al., 1985; Volpe et al., 1992). 93
  • 94. The major strategies that have been investigated are to: (i) Dissolve or soften the mature deposit by removing the inorganic portion (ii) Affect the calculus matrix, i.e., to change the ‘skeleton’ around which calculus is deposited (iii) Alter the attachment of the calculus to the tooth surface (iv) Prevent plaque from forming (v) Inhibit crystal growth and thereby prevent the development of mineralized plaque 94
  • 95. Anti- Calculus Agents 1)DISSOLUTION Ethylene diamine tetra acetate EDTA - Chelating Agents Sodium Hexa Metaphosphate - Acids –Aromatic sulphuric acid Nitro-muriatic Acid 20% Trichloroacetic Acid Spring Salts Alkalies 2)ALTERING CALCULUS ATTACHMENTS Silicones Ion exchange resins. 3.PLAQUE INHIBITION Antibiotics Antiseptics Example: Chloramines 4.MATRIX DISRUPTION Enzymes Ex : Mucinase, Trypsin, chymotrypsin Carboxypeptida- se, lipase, amylase, 30% UREA( solvent INHIBITION OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Vitamin C (By crystal poisoning mechanism ) Pyrophosphates Pyrophosphates + Sodium fluoride Zinc salts Biphosphonates Polymers & Co Polymers 95
  • 96. Agents for softening of mature dental calculus  ACIDS  Wooden stick moist with aromatic Sulphuric acid inserted in pocket  Dissolve calculus  Act as an astringent on tooth surface BAKER IN 1872  IN 1881 NILES use NITRO MUTRAIC ACID and find its superior dissolving action on calculus.  Other acid used are 20%trichloroacetic acid ,bifloride of mercury
  • 97.  But STONES in 1939 and GROSSMANN in 1954 said  Acid are caustic to soft tissues  Decalcify the tooth structure
  • 98. Alkalis  Badanes (1929) argued that it was the action of the mild alkalis contained in the waters that dissolved the principal organic constituents of salivary calculus.  These findings agreed with those of Prinz (1921), but the idea failed to find support. 98
  • 99. Chelating agent  Sodium hexametaphosphate was found to remove supragingival calculus from extracted teeth in 10 to 15 days (Kerr & Field 1944).  Warren et al. (1964) exposed extracted teeth to a saturated solution of sodium hexametaphosphate for 24 h and found a large reduction in the hardness of the cementum and the decalcification of the calculus was less than that of cementum.  Because of this nonspecific demineralization effect, the use of chelating agents in anticalculus dentifrices ceased. 99
  • 100. Enzymes  Mode of action – 1.To break down plaque matrix OR 2. To affect the binding of the calculus to the tooth. The first enzyme to be tested- mucinase (Stewart 1952)Calculus formation reduced & calculus formed was softer and more easily removed (Stewart 1952).  Aleece & Forscher (1954) - introduced mylase.  Enzyme with high proteolytic and low amylase activity- most effective inhibitor of calculus formation. Draus et al. (1963)  Dehydrated pancreas (Viokase) - tested on the basis of a high proteolytic enzyme activity - reduce calculus formation by 60% (Jensen 1959).  Enzymes of fungal origin have also been tested. 100
  • 101. EDTA  Jabro et al. (1992) performed a split mouth study on fifteen adult patients with moderate to heavy calculus. Contralateral quadrants were treated with EDTA gel (SofscaleTM) and the subjects and operators were asked to comment on the ease of removal of the calculus deposits. Both subjects and operator reported easier calculus removal using the gel.
  • 102.  However, subsequent studies by Maynar et al. (1994), Smith et al. (1994), Harding et al.(1996) and Nagy et al. (1998) have failed to confirm this effect.  Smith et al. (1994) noted that sufficient time has to be allowed for the gel to penetrate the bulk of the calculus deposit and this may negate the reason for using it. 102
  • 103. ANTI TARTAR DENTRIFICES  Pyrophosphate could prevent calcification by 1. Interrupting the conversion of amorphous calcium phosphate to hydroxyapatite (Fleisch & Bisaz 1962) 2. Inhibiting crystal growth 3. Reduce acquired pellicle formation. • Lower concentrations of pyrophosphate were noted in the parotid saliva of calculus formers than in saliva of non-formers (Vogel & Amdur 1967).  The concentration of pyrophosphate in the plaque of low calculus formers was also significantly greater than that in heavy calculus formers (Edgar & Jenkins 1972). 103
  • 104.  Pyrophosphate - binds to two sites on the HAP surface, and one of the two sites needs to be bound by phosphate ion to permit crystal growth to occur. If this site is bound by pyrophosphate, phosphate ion cannot adsorb onto crystal, and thus crystal growth is inhibited.  Pyrophosphate undergo rapid hydrolysis in the oral cavity by bacterial and host phosphatases (Gaffar et al 1986).  The addition of co polymer PVM/MA is believed to prevent this hydrolysis 104
  • 105.  Gaffar et al. (1987) showed that a 3.2% pyrophosphate, 1% copolymer and 0.24% NaF mixture reduced calculus levels in rats by 57%. 105
  • 106. Triclosan  Triclosan ( trivial name of 2,4,4-trichloro-2-hydroxydiphenyl ether) a non-ionic antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of activity against bacteria, fungi and yeasts.  When delivered from a dentifrice- seems to bind to oral mucous membranes and tooth surfaces, and is particularly well retained in plaque.  Triclosan is predominantly used in combination with other anticalculus.  0.2% triclosan  0.2% triclosan and 0.5% zinc citrate was tested as an anti calculus agent 106
  • 107. METALS  Use of heavy metals - suggested by Hanke (1940)  in solution, these metals suffered from having a disagreeable metallic taste, or caused an unsightly discoloration of the teeth.  Mechanisms by which they can affect calculus formation: i. Firstly, they inhibit plaque growth. ii. Secondly, metal salts are potent inhibitors of mineralization (Bachra & van Harskamp 1970, Thomas 1982).  Metal ions can bind to hydroxyapatite although this binding is reversible.  Kohut & Grossman (1986) tested a zinc chloride and sodium fluoride dentifrice for calculus inhibitory activity  Zinc chloride (2%)  Zinc citrate (0.5%) 107
  • 108. CONCLUSION  Calculus therefore is a secondary etiologic factor for periodontium. But its presence makes adequate plaque removal impossible and prevents patients from performing proper plaque control. its removal from tooth surface is a primary requirement to achieve periodontal health. The clinician should well trained in the adequate removal of calculus which is 1st step in periodontal therapy.  The design and sharpness of instruments , anatomical factors, depth of calculus deposition and operator’s experience play role during subgingival calculus removal. 108
  • 109. References  Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology. Saunders Elsevier;10th Edition.  Lindhe, Karring, Lang. Clinical Periodontology & Implant Dentistry. Blackwell Munksgaard; 5th Edititon. .  SØREN JEPSEN, JAMES DESCHNER. Calculus removal and the prevention of its formation Periodontology 2000, Vol. 55, 2011, 167188  Fairbrother KJ, Heasman PA: Anticalculus agents. J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27: 285–301
  • 110. References  Colin Dawes .Why Does Supragingival Calculus Form Preferentially on the Lingual Surface of the 6 Lower Anterior Teeth? J Can Dent Assoc 2006; 72(10):923–6  Stanley. P. Hazen. Supragingival dental calculus. Periodontology 2000, Vol. 8, 1995, 125-136  ROBINM . DAVIESR, OGERP . ELLWOO. Supragingival calculus and periodontal disease Periodontology 2000, Vol. 15, 1997, 74-83  Ye Jin , Hak-Kong Yip SUPRAGINGIVALCALCULUS: FORMATIONANDCONTROL Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 13(5):426-441 (2002)

Editor's Notes

  1. deficiencies of vitamin A, niacin, or pyridoxine, and with