dental accesssory muscles masseter medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid buccinator temporalis muscles lactobaccilus staphylococci streptococci normal flora autogenic allogenic pioneer community window of infectivity acquisition dysbiosis human microbial colonization protozoa virus fungi bacteria microorganisms oral cavity microbiota oral microbial flora peritubular dentin aging in tooth gustafson criteria vascular changes in pulp ageing in dental pulp stem cells calcifications of pulp fibrosis of pulp secondary dentin transparent dentin sclerotic dentin dead tracts erosion abfraction abrasion attrition cementum pulp dentin enamel age changes in tooth structure chewing relex muscles of mastication physiology deglutition mastication case reports evaginatus dens invaginatus concrescence rubinstein syndrome gemination fusion shovel shaped incisors taurodontism tooth anomalies ora path development disturbances public health dentistry heath education communication local anesthesia failure of ianb complicatons of ianb inferior alveolar nerve block
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