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Functions of a Business Plan
A business plan describes the venture that you will create to exploit a concept. It has
traditionally three primary functions:
1. Action Plan
2. Road Map
3. Sales Tool
Action Plan
A business plan can help to move you to action.
You may have been thinking for years about starting a business or engaging in some
venture, but the process may seem too daunting, too large and too
A business plan will help you to pull apart the pieces of starting a business and
examine each piece by itself. So instead of one large problem, you have a sequence of
smaller problems. And by solving the small problems, the large problem is
automatically solved.
So writing a business plan can help to move you to action by breaking down a
seemingly insurmountable task (starting a business) into many smaller, less
intimidating tasks
Road Map
Once you have started your business, a business plan can be an
invaluable tool to help keep you on track and moving in the
direction you want to go. In the hurly-burly of daily business, it is
very easy to lose sight of your objectives and goals -- a business plan
can help to keep you focused.
A business plan can also serve to help others to understand
your vision, including suppliers, customers, employees, friends,
and family.
Sales Tool
A business plan can serve as a sales tool.
You will probably need outside financing to start your business, and a business plan is the
tool you need to convince investors to come on board.
You may also want and need concessions from suppliers or customers -- a business plan
can help you get them.
Finally you may need to convince family members, or even yourself, that your ideas will
bear fruit.
A well-written business plan can serve to sell people close to you on the benefits of
proceeding with your concept.
Perhaps the most important reason to write a business plan is that it requires you to engage
in a rigorous, thoughtful and painful process that is essential before you start a viable
• It requires you to answer hard questions about your venture –
• why is there a need for your product/ service?
• Who is you target market?
• How is your product/service different than your competitor’s?
• What is your competitive advantage?
• How profitable is the business and what are the cash flows?
• How should you fund the business?
To be able to describe your business in a compelling manner and then to succinctly answer
questions from investors is a critical skill. You can do this well only when you have made the
venture a part of your soul. Writing a Successful Business Plan will help you do this.
A Business Plan helps you evaluate the feasibility of a new business idea in an objective,
critical, and unemotional way.
• Marketing – Is there a market? How much can you sell?
• Management – Does the management team have the skill?
• Financial – Can the business make a profit?
It communicates your idea to others, serves as a “selling tool,” and provides the basis for
your financing proposal.
• Determine the amount and type of financing needed
• Forecast profitability and investor return on investment
• Forecast cash flow, show liquidity and ability to repay debt
It provides an operating plan to assist you in running the business and
improves your probability of success.
• Identify opportunities and avoid mistakes
• Develop production, administrative, and marketing plans
• Create budgets and projections to show financial outcomes
If you won't use the plan
to raise money,
your plan will be internal
and may be less formal.
If you are
presenting it to outsiders
as a financing proposal,
quality and thorough
financial analysis are very
6 Ways to Ruin Your Business Plan
These errors in business plan preparation and presentation will undermine the credibility of the
plan and hurt your chances to receive funding:
• Submitting a “rough copy,” (with coffee stains and typos) tells the reader that management
doesn’t take the planning process seriously.
• Outdated historical financial information or unrealistic industry comparisons will leave
about the entrepreneur’s planning abilities.
• Unsubstantiated assumptions can hurt a business plan; the business owner must be
prepared to explain the “why” of every point in the plan.
6 Ways to Ruin Your Business Plan
• Too much “blue sky” - a failure to consider prospective pitfalls - will lead the reader to
conclude that the idea is not realistic.
• A lack of understanding of financial information. Even if someone else prepares the
projections, the owner must be able to explain them.
• Lack of specific, detailed strategies. A plan that includes only general statements of
strategy (“We will provide world class service and the lowest possible price.”) without
important details will be dismissed as fluff.
Elements Of A
Successful Business
1. Executive Summary (~1 page)
2. Company Overview (~1 page)
a) Business structure
b) Nature of the business
c) Industry
d) Vision, mission, and values
e) Background information
f) Business objectives
3. Product and Service (~1 page)
a) Features
b) Benefits
c) Proprietary Rights
d) Stage of Development
4. Market and industry Analysis (~3pages)
a) Market size and growth
b) SWOT analysis
c) Competitive analysis
d) Opportunity
5. Customer segmentation
Elements Of A
Successful Business
5. Marketing Plan (~4 pages)
a) Price
b) Product
c) Promotion
d) Place
6. Logistics and Operations Plan (~2 pages)
a) Suppliers
b) Production
c) Facilities
d) Equipment
e) Shipping and fulfilment
f) Inventory
7. Financial plan (~2-3 pages)
a) Income statement
b) Balance sheet
c) Cash-flow statement
Elements Of A
Successful Business
8. Management Plan (~2 page)
a) Company Organization
b) Management Team
9. Funding (1 page)
a) • Funding Requirements
b) • Funding Strategies
c) • Sources and Uses of Funds Statement
d) • Offering
10. Appendices (15 pages max)
1. Executive Summary
The Executive Summary of a Business Plan is a one-page distillation
of your entire plan, and often is the last section to be written.
Despite the title, it is not written for executives, nor is it a summary of the
Its objective is to capture the reader’s interest, so that they want to
read the entire plan; even better to call you to arrange a meeting.
It should be considered a chance to “sell” the reader on the business
Here’s what your business plan’s executive summary should include:
Business concept.
What does your business do?
Business goals and vision. What does your business want to do?
Opportunity Why is this a good opportunity? What evidence do you have to support the demand? What is the size
of your market? What are the critical trends and how will your company exploit them? What is the
compelling need?
Product description and
What do you sell, and why is it different?
Competitive Advantage Who is the competition? What is your competitive advantage?
Target market..
Who do you sell to?
Marketing strategy How do you plan on reaching your customers?
Current financial state. What do you currently make in revenue?
Projected financial state.
What you foresee making in revenue?
Funding How much funding is required?
The team. Who’s involved in the business?
Management Who is the management team and why will they make a success of the venture?
2. Company overview
This section of your business plan will answer two fundamental questions:
Who are you and what do you plan to do?
Answering these questions provides an introduction to
• why you’re in business,
• why you’re different,
• what you have going for you,
• What are your ambitions for the company?
• Will it always be a small company, or do you want to grow it into an
international giant? and
• why you’re a good bet if you’re asking for investment
• Here are some of the components you should include in your company overview:
a) Business structure
b) Industry
c) Vision, mission, and values
d) Business objectives
e) Background information
Business structure
• Are you a sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, or an incorporated
• Nature of the business
• What do you sell? Include a short overview of all products or services you offer.
Think of the broad category of products you sell to identify your industry. Some examples could
include “women’s fitness” or “independently published books.”
Vision, mission, and values
• To define your values, think about all the people your company is accountable to, including
owners, employees, suppliers, customers, and investors.
• Mission statement should state why your business exists in a convincing manner, and it
should be no longer than a single sentence.
• craft your vision statement. What impact do you envision your business having on the world
once you’ve achieved your vision?
• Background information
If you have relevant experience or other information that is pertinent
to your business or your plans, include it here.
• Business objectives
You’ll want to include both short- and long-term goals in the company
overview section of your plan.
In the context of a business, short-term goals are generally ones you plan
to achieve in the next year, while long-term goals are ones you’re aiming
for in the next 1-5 years.
When including them, make sure your goals are all S.M.A.R.T.: Specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.
2. Product and Service
Guidelines for Preparing This Section
Be sure to explain and describe product/service.
Generate some excitement about your product/service.
Be factual, but be enthusiastic.
• Sources of Information
• Technical specification and
• Prototype
• Competitor product/service
• Interviews - talk to experts
in the marketplace,
including buyers, suppliers,
sales representatives,
wholesalers, distributors,
and retailers.
• Customer surveys
• Interviews
• SWOT analysis
A. Features
• Describe the attributes of your product/service, e.g. speed, innovativeness, ease of use, etc.?
• What evidence do you have to support the demand for these features?
• Is there a range of product/services being offered at the beginning of the venture? What will be
introduced over the next 3 to 5 years?
• What are the prices?
• Write a one-paragraph description that evocatively describes the. experience of customers using
your service
• What is unique about our product/service? What is the benchmark?
• How will the product/service be produced and delivered? How will it be packaged?
B. Benefits
Describe the benefits to the target market. When considering the benefits of a
product/service, remember that features are not the same as benefits.
Your new bicycle may be fast and red but these are not benefits.
The benefit is that you can win competitions and look cool.
Think about the impact on the target market’s feelings (emotions) and pocketbook
Describe the major benefits of the product/service. How do the benefits address the needs of
the target market? Think beyond a generic description of benefits, e.g.
o Best quality: do you mean appearance, durability, reliability, etc.?
o Good service: do you mean on-time delivery, maintenance, tech support, etc.?
o Efficiency: do you mean less time, easier to use, greater output, fewer resources, etc.?
o Save time: to do what? It may not always be important to save time.
o Convenience, for what?
Are the benefits well understood by the target market? What evidence do you have to support
Prepare a features and benefits table. For each of the important features, describe the
corresponding benefits.
C. Proprietary Rights
What proprietary rights do you have to the product/service?
(For many products, there are no proprietary rights and this subsection can be deleted.)
D. Stage of Development
Briefly describe the current status of your product or service:
• Where is the product in its lifecycle (early, growing, mature, declining)?
• Is it ready for the market, or is it in development?
• If in development, how far along is it?
• What obstacles remain?
3. Market and industry analysis
It’s no exaggeration to say that your market can make or break
your business.
Choose the right market for your products—one with plenty of
customers who understand and need your product—and you’ll
have a head start on success.
On the other hand, with the wrong market, or the wrong timing in a
previously-right market, you may find yourself trying to offload
products to customers who are only lukewarm about them.
This is why your market analysis a key section of your plan, whether
or not you ever intend for anyone else to read it. It should include an
overview of how many customers you estimate there are for your
products, an analysis of your business’ position in the market, as
well as an overview of the competitive landscape.
Guidelines for Preparing This Section
This section dispassionately describes the
market you will enter and the industry in which
you will compete.
When finished with this section, you and your
readers should understand the dynamics,
problems, and opportunities driving your
Thorough research to support your conclusions
will be important both to persuade investors and to
validate your own assumptions as you work
through the plan.
Sources of information
• Secondary research - internet, library,
trade associations and journals.
• Interviews - talk to experts in the
marketplace, including buyers,
suppliers, sales representatives,
wholesalers, distributors, and retailers.
• Customer surveys
• Supply chain analysis
• Samples of competitor products
• Competitor brochures, catalogs,
specifications, literature, websites,
advertising and promotion materials
A. Market Size and Growth
A market consists of a group of customers who are willing to buy products or
services to satisfy a need.
For example, people need shoes to wear to work, go dancing, play sports and
climb mountains.
This is the footwear market and each of these examples represents a different
Within these segments there may be sub-segments, e.g. in the sports market
there are different segments for running, cycling, dancing etc.
• Define the market in which you are competing, e.g. cycling footwear,
dental care, industrial water purification, etc.
• Determine the size of the market you are considering in numbers of
customers, units sold (or transactions) and dollar value of purchases.
o What is the historic growth rate? Future growth rate?
o What data is there to support your analysis? Identify the sources.
• Prepare a table(s) that summarizes the size and growth by segments
or groups of customers:
o Market demographic, psychographic
o Geography: local regional, national, international
o Sector: industrial, consumer, government
B. SWOT analysis
A SWOT analysis looks at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
• What are the best things about your company?
• What are you not so good at?
• What market or industry shifts can you take advantage of and turn into
• Are there external factors threatening your ability to succeed?
C. Competition
Write a paragraph on each competitor that provides a short description of what the
company does; its position in the industry; strengths and weaknesses.
You’ll always have competition in the market, even with an innovative product, so
it’s important to include a competitive overview in your business plan.
To help you write this section prepare a competition matrix analysis that
compares your venture with the major competitors.
If you’re entering an established market,
include a list of a few companies you
consider direct competitors, and how you
plan to differentiate your products and
For example, if you’re selling jewelry, your
competitive differentiation could be that
unlike many high-end competitors who
offer high-quality products, you donate a
percentage of your profits to a notable
charity, or you pass savings on to your
Direct: companies that produce same
product/service; but, they may have
different strategies to compete - price,
quality, selection, performance, design, tech
If you’re entering a market where you can’t easily
identify direct competitors, consider your indirect
competitors. These are the products that are
substitutes for yours.
As an example, if you’re selling an innovative new
piece of sports equipment, it’s too easy to say that
because your product is new you have no competition.
Consider what your potential customers are doing
now to solve the same problems your product solves,
and think about how to make sure you stand out from
their current solution.
Indirect: companies that satisfy same need with different
Future: companies that have the capability to enter your
market; they may have the same customers; but use
different technology or channels
Once you’ve identified your competition, it’s time to review what makes your products and your business
stand out.
There are three overarching factors you can use to differentiate your business:
• Cost leadership. You have capacity to offer lower prices than the majority of your competitors to
maximize profits.
• Differentiation. Your product or service offers something distinct from the current cost leaders in your
industry and banks on standing out based on your uniqueness.
• Segmentation. You focus on a very specific or “niche” target market and focus on building traction with a
smaller audience before moving on to a broader market.
While those are the major strategies to differentiate your business, there are plenty of other ways you can
compete within them, including customization, design, branding, and convenience, to name a few.
You’ll want to include details about your specific plans to stand out.
D. Opportunity
In this section you should describe succinctly what the opportunity is and why it is
Here is where you need to draw conclusions based on your research, interviews and
particularly the customer surveys?
This is a key section of the Plan because here you must make the case that there is
attractive opportunity for your venture.
• What is the size of the opportunity? How rapidly is it growing? What trends support the
• What is the compelling need? What problem are you solving?
• What evidence do you have that proves there is a market?
• Who is the target market?
• What is unique about your product or service? What are the benefits?
• What is your competitive advantage?
4. Customer Segmentation
Your ideal customer, also known as your target market, is the foundation of your
marketing plan, if not your business plan as a whole. As you make strategic
decisions, you’ll keep this person in mind, which is why an overview of who they
are is so important to understand and include.
The questions you’ll answer will vary based on what you’re selling, but you
should provide enough information so that it’s unquestionably clear who you’re
trying to reach—and more importantly, why you’ve made the choices you have
based on who your customers is and what they value.
As an example, a college student has different interests, shopping habits, and
price sensitivity than a 50-year old executive at a company.
Your business plan and decisions would look very different based on which one
was your ideal customer.
To give a holistic overview of your ideal customer, describe a number of general
and specific demographic characteristics.
Customer segmentation often includes:
• Where do they live?
• What’s their age range?
• What’s their level of education?
• What are some common behaviour patterns?
• What do they spend their free time on?
• Where do they work?
• What technology do they use?
• How much do they earn?
• Where are they commonly employed?
• What are their values, beliefs, or opinions?
6. Marketing Plan
The Marketing Plan will make or break
the prospects for your venture.
A great idea is meaningless if you cannot
find customers. Carefully drafted and
logical financial projections are
irrelevant if nobody buys your product.
In this Marketing Plan section you must
convince the reader that there is indeed
an eager market for your product.
The Marketing Plan is where you show
how you are going to fit into the market
structure you just finished describing.
Sources of Information
Research you do for this subsection will be with customers
and potential customers. It is imperative that you do
sufficient customer research to convince potential investors
that customers will indeed come flocking to buy your
product or service. Customer research can include simply
talking with potential customers to get reactions to your
product idea, conducting focus groups, undertaking walk-up
or mailed surveys, putting up a mock demonstration of your
concept and soliciting customer feedback, and so on. Be
creative in finding ways to get honest customer input about
your product or service. And finally, don't inadvertently cook
the books here. You are undoubtedly enthused about your
concept. Customers will pick up on your enthusiasm and
often reflect it back to you, leading to erroneous conclusions
about customer acceptance. So be neutral and factual as you
collect data.
• Customer surveys
• Interviews
• SWOT analysis
5. Marketing plan
Your marketing efforts are directly informed by your ideal
customer and your plan should outline your current
decisions and your future plans, with a focus on how your
ideas are a fit for your ideal customer.
If you’re planning to invest heavily in ads on Instagram, for
example, it might make sense to include whether Instagram
is a leading platform for your audience.
Most marketing plans include answers to four key questions,
in as much detail as makes sense for your plan’s goals:
6. Logistics And Operations Plan
Your logistics and operations are the workflows that you’ll implement to make
your ideas a reality.
If you’re writing a business plan for your own planning purposes, this is still an
important section to consider, even though you might not need to include the
same level of detail as if you’re seeking investment.
You’ll want to cover all parts of your planned operations, including:
Shipping and fulfilment
Where do you get the raw materials you need for production, or where are your products produced?
How long does it take to produce your products, and get them shipped to you? How will you handle a busy
season, or an unexpected spike in demand?
Where will you and any team members work?
Do you plan to have physical retail space? If yes,
where? Physical retail space? If yes, where?
What tools and technology do you require to be up and running? This includes everything from computers
to lightbulbs and everything in between.
Will you be handling all the fulfillment tasks in-house or will you use a third-party fulfillment partner?
How much will you keep on hand, and where will it be stored? How will you ship it to partners if required,
and how will you keep track of incoming and outgoing inventory?
This section should signal to your reader that you’ve got a solid understanding of your supply chain, and
strong contingency plans in place to cover potential uncertainty. If your reader is you, it should give you
a basis to make other important decisions, like how to price your products to cover your estimated costs,
and at what point you plan to break even on your initial spending.
7. Financial plan
No matter how great your idea is, a business lives or dies based on its financial
Regardless of the effort, time, and money you’ve already invested, at the end of the
day people want to work with a business they expect to be viable for the
foreseeable future.
The level of detail required in your financial plan will depend on your audience
and goals, but you’ll typically want to include three major views of your financials:
an income statement, a balance sheet, and a cash-flow statement.
It may also be appropriate to include financial projections.
Here’s a spreadsheet template that includes everything you’ll need to create an
income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement, including some sample
You can edit it to reflect projections as well if needed.
Your income statement is designed to give readers a look at your
revenue sources and expenses over a given time period.
With those two pieces of information, they can see the all-important
bottom line, or the profit or loss your
business experienced during that time.
If you haven’t been operating your business yet, you can put together
a forecast for the same information.
Balance sheet
Your balance sheet offers a look at how much equity you have in your business.
On one side you list all your business assets (what you own) and on the other side, all your
liabilities (what you owe).
That provides a snapshot of your business’ shareholder equity which is calculated as
Assets - Liabilities = Equity
Your cash-flow statement is similar to your income statement, with one important difference. It
takes into account when revenues are collected and when expenses are paid.
When the cash you have coming in is greater than the cash you have going out, your cash
flow is positive.
When the opposite scenario is true, your cash flow is negative.
Ideally, your cash flow statement will help you see when cash is low, when you might have a
surplus, and where you might need to have a contingency plan to access funding
It can be especially helpful to forecast your cash-flow statement to identify gaps or negative
cash-flow, and adjust operations as required. Here’s a full guide to working through cash-flow
projections for your business.
8. Management Plan
Investors often assert that there are three attributes important for a successful start-up
business: management, management, and management.
Many claim they will invest in a strong management team with a mediocre idea, but will
decline to fund a weak management team with a great idea.
This is not the place for modesty or self-deprecation. Be honest, but highlight your
accomplishments and your capabilities while mitigating any obvious shortcomings or
For example, if you are young and inexperienced, accentuate your energy, capacity for hard
work, and willingness to learn, while downplaying your lack of experience. When readers
are finished with this section, you want them to be confident that your venture is in good
hands and will be competently managed -- by you!
A. Company Organization
Describe how your company will be organized.
• Prepare an organization chart.
• Will you have a board of directors? Who will be on it? What will be their role?
• Will you have a board of advisors? Who will be on it? What will be their role?
• What is the ownership structure of your company? What percent of the company
do each of the founders own?
• Do you plan to have a stock option plan? If so, describe how the plan will be
organized and how large a pool of shares is needed.
B. Management Team
founders and principal managers who will run your
overview of your existing team, and any predicted
What will be their duties and responsibilities?
Write a short paragraph on each of the key
managers? (Include resumes in the Appendix)
9. Funding
In this section you will determine how much funding you require and how you will
use it; decide what type of funding is appropriate for your venture; and explain the
offer you are making to investors or lenders.
Funding Requirements
From your cash flow statement, determine the required amount and timing of investments needed
to execute your plan.
• Review the Cash Flow projections to determine the amount of cash generated or required for
each year.
• Review the monthly and quarterly cash flows to determine the impact of seasonality or one time
• Determine the amount and timing of cash infusions needed to prevent cash balances from going
• Add a cash safety cushion to anticipated cash needs to protect against unexpected expenses or
delayed income. A cushion of 20% is a good starting point in many situations.
• Develop a funding strategy that is consistent with your cash needs. For example, if you need cash
in year one and again early in year two, it may make sense to seek funding in one lump sum in
year one. Alternatively, if cash is needed in year one and again late in year two or year three, it
may make better sense to seek funding in two tranches: the first in year one and a second in
year two.
Sources and Uses of Funds Statement
• Sources: determine the type of funding most suitable for your business: equity, debt, or non-
traditional financing
o Equity funding is appropriate for most start-up businesses with moderate to large cash needs.
o Debt may be appropriate for existing businesses with a financial track record and assets, or for
start-up businesses with modest cash needs. In the latter case, credit card or other consumer debt
may be appropriate.
o Non-traditional financing may be appropriate when customers or vendors are willing to
participate in the business.
• Uses of Funds: based on the estimate of the funds required, describe how the funds would be used
o Product design and development
o Marketing actions, e.g. major advertising campaign, catalog
o Capital expenditures, e.g. new machine, major renovation, information system
o Working capital
Funding Strategies
Determine the most appropriate source(s) for the type of funding you seek:
1. Sources of equity funding
o Friends and family – suitable for smaller businesses with modest cash needs, and that will
eventually be able to pay dividends or buy back shares. Or, seed stage for high growth ventures.
o Angel investors – suitable for moderately sized business with moderate cash needs, excellent
growth potential, and a clear exit strategy. Or, seed stage for high growth ventures.
o Venture capital – suitable for potentially large businesses with large cash needs,
extraordinary growth potential, and a clear exit strategy (e.g., will go public or will be acquired)
2. Sources of debt financing
o Banks – suitable for businesses with established credit records, ongoing
operations, and/or physical assets to use as collateral.
o Small Business Administration – government guaranteed loans made by
banks. The criteria are less stringent than a traditional bank loan, but the
terms are more expensive.
o Credit cards, second mortgages, consumer debt – may be suitable when cash
requirements are small and the business will quickly begin to through off cash.
o Friends and family – may be suitable for small businesses with modest cash
needs, and with the ability to make loan payments on a timely basis
3. Sources of non-traditional financing
o Leases – lease rather than purchase equipment; cash flow must permit regular lease payments.
o Customer advances – customers pay for merchandise or service at time of order in order to
assist business and secure needed product.
o Customer participation – customers purchase an equity stake in the business to secure need
product and reliable source of supply.
o Vendor participation – vendors furnish equipment and/or supplies in return for an equity
stake in the business to secure initial and follow-on sales.
Other creative arrangements – sources of non-traditional financing are limited only by the
creativity and ambition of the entrepreneur.
The Offering (or Funding Request) is where you make your pitch for money.
• Equity: describe the type of security being offered (common, preferred, warrants, etc) to the
investor and what share of your company they will receive for a specified investment.
o How many rounds of funding are required? How much is needed for each round?
o To calculate how much of the company to offer you will need to place a value on the business. It is
important that you persuade investors that the deal you are offering is fair to them and is supported
by the facts. There are many approaches that can be used; you should investigate which method(s)
are appropriate for your industry. From your interviews with industry experts and secondary
research find out what valuations investors are being agreed to for companies of your size, stage and
o A valuation model is included in the Financial Projections Model.
o What is your preferred exit strategy? How can investors realize a return on their investment? Go
public? Sell out? Operate and grow? What is our exit for investors if the business does not develop as
you hope?
o Remember that everything is open to negotiation, so don't give away the farm on the first round!
Debt: If you are seeking a loan, then you need to indicate to the lender the term
of the loan, interest rate, collateral and how it will be repaid.
In either case, it is important that you clearly spell out the key terms of the
proposal and sell the advantages to the investor/lender, and make it clear how
they can get a satisfactory return.
10. Appendices
The appendices are where you should collect all of the documentation that supports the
body of your business plan.
INCLUDE (Required docs)
• Financial projections
• Results of marketing studies
• Letters of interest from potential
Don't include (tangential information)
• Newspaper clippings or
• Tables of data

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Business plan.pptx

  • 2. Functions of a Business Plan A business plan describes the venture that you will create to exploit a concept. It has traditionally three primary functions: 1. Action Plan 2. Road Map 3. Sales Tool
  • 3. Action Plan A business plan can help to move you to action. You may have been thinking for years about starting a business or engaging in some venture, but the process may seem too daunting, too large and too complicated. A business plan will help you to pull apart the pieces of starting a business and examine each piece by itself. So instead of one large problem, you have a sequence of smaller problems. And by solving the small problems, the large problem is automatically solved. So writing a business plan can help to move you to action by breaking down a seemingly insurmountable task (starting a business) into many smaller, less intimidating tasks
  • 4. Road Map Once you have started your business, a business plan can be an invaluable tool to help keep you on track and moving in the direction you want to go. In the hurly-burly of daily business, it is very easy to lose sight of your objectives and goals -- a business plan can help to keep you focused. A business plan can also serve to help others to understand your vision, including suppliers, customers, employees, friends, and family.
  • 5. Sales Tool A business plan can serve as a sales tool. You will probably need outside financing to start your business, and a business plan is the tool you need to convince investors to come on board. You may also want and need concessions from suppliers or customers -- a business plan can help you get them. Finally you may need to convince family members, or even yourself, that your ideas will bear fruit. A well-written business plan can serve to sell people close to you on the benefits of proceeding with your concept.
  • 6. Perhaps the most important reason to write a business plan is that it requires you to engage in a rigorous, thoughtful and painful process that is essential before you start a viable venture. • It requires you to answer hard questions about your venture – • why is there a need for your product/ service? • Who is you target market? • How is your product/service different than your competitor’s? • What is your competitive advantage? • How profitable is the business and what are the cash flows? • How should you fund the business? To be able to describe your business in a compelling manner and then to succinctly answer questions from investors is a critical skill. You can do this well only when you have made the venture a part of your soul. Writing a Successful Business Plan will help you do this.
  • 7. WhyWriteaBusinessPlan? A Business Plan helps you evaluate the feasibility of a new business idea in an objective, critical, and unemotional way. • Marketing – Is there a market? How much can you sell? • Management – Does the management team have the skill? • Financial – Can the business make a profit?
  • 8. WhyWriteaBusinessPlan? It communicates your idea to others, serves as a “selling tool,” and provides the basis for your financing proposal. • Determine the amount and type of financing needed • Forecast profitability and investor return on investment • Forecast cash flow, show liquidity and ability to repay debt
  • 9. WhyWriteaBusinessPlan? It provides an operating plan to assist you in running the business and improves your probability of success. • Identify opportunities and avoid mistakes • Develop production, administrative, and marketing plans • Create budgets and projections to show financial outcomes
  • 10. Whowillusetheplan? If you won't use the plan to raise money, your plan will be internal and may be less formal. If you are presenting it to outsiders as a financing proposal, presentation quality and thorough financial analysis are very important.
  • 11. 6 Ways to Ruin Your Business Plan These errors in business plan preparation and presentation will undermine the credibility of the plan and hurt your chances to receive funding: • Submitting a “rough copy,” (with coffee stains and typos) tells the reader that management doesn’t take the planning process seriously. • Outdated historical financial information or unrealistic industry comparisons will leave doubts about the entrepreneur’s planning abilities. • Unsubstantiated assumptions can hurt a business plan; the business owner must be prepared to explain the “why” of every point in the plan.
  • 12. 6 Ways to Ruin Your Business Plan • Too much “blue sky” - a failure to consider prospective pitfalls - will lead the reader to conclude that the idea is not realistic. • A lack of understanding of financial information. Even if someone else prepares the projections, the owner must be able to explain them. • Lack of specific, detailed strategies. A plan that includes only general statements of strategy (“We will provide world class service and the lowest possible price.”) without important details will be dismissed as fluff.
  • 13. Elements Of A Successful Business Plan 1. Executive Summary (~1 page) 2. Company Overview (~1 page) a) Business structure b) Nature of the business c) Industry d) Vision, mission, and values e) Background information f) Business objectives 3. Product and Service (~1 page) a) Features b) Benefits c) Proprietary Rights d) Stage of Development 4. Market and industry Analysis (~3pages) a) Market size and growth b) SWOT analysis c) Competitive analysis d) Opportunity 5. Customer segmentation
  • 14. Elements Of A Successful Business Plan 5. Marketing Plan (~4 pages) a) Price b) Product c) Promotion d) Place 6. Logistics and Operations Plan (~2 pages) a) Suppliers b) Production c) Facilities d) Equipment e) Shipping and fulfilment f) Inventory 7. Financial plan (~2-3 pages) a) Income statement b) Balance sheet c) Cash-flow statement
  • 15. Elements Of A Successful Business Plan 8. Management Plan (~2 page) a) Company Organization b) Management Team 9. Funding (1 page) a) • Funding Requirements b) • Funding Strategies c) • Sources and Uses of Funds Statement d) • Offering 10. Appendices (15 pages max)
  • 16. 1. Executive Summary The Executive Summary of a Business Plan is a one-page distillation of your entire plan, and often is the last section to be written. Despite the title, it is not written for executives, nor is it a summary of the plan. Its objective is to capture the reader’s interest, so that they want to read the entire plan; even better to call you to arrange a meeting. It should be considered a chance to “sell” the reader on the business opportunity.
  • 17. Here’s what your business plan’s executive summary should include: Business concept. What does your business do? Business goals and vision. What does your business want to do? Opportunity Why is this a good opportunity? What evidence do you have to support the demand? What is the size of your market? What are the critical trends and how will your company exploit them? What is the compelling need? Product description and differentiation. What do you sell, and why is it different? Competitive Advantage Who is the competition? What is your competitive advantage? Target market.. Who do you sell to? Marketing strategy How do you plan on reaching your customers? Current financial state. What do you currently make in revenue? Projected financial state. What you foresee making in revenue? Funding How much funding is required? The team. Who’s involved in the business? Management Who is the management team and why will they make a success of the venture?
  • 18. 2. Company overview This section of your business plan will answer two fundamental questions: Who are you and what do you plan to do? Answering these questions provides an introduction to • why you’re in business, • why you’re different, • what you have going for you, • What are your ambitions for the company? • Will it always be a small company, or do you want to grow it into an international giant? and • why you’re a good bet if you’re asking for investment
  • 19. • Here are some of the components you should include in your company overview: a) Business structure b) Industry c) Vision, mission, and values d) Business objectives e) Background information Business structure • Are you a sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, or an incorporated company? • Nature of the business • What do you sell? Include a short overview of all products or services you offer. Industry Think of the broad category of products you sell to identify your industry. Some examples could include “women’s fitness” or “independently published books.”
  • 20. Vision, mission, and values • To define your values, think about all the people your company is accountable to, including owners, employees, suppliers, customers, and investors. • Mission statement should state why your business exists in a convincing manner, and it should be no longer than a single sentence. • craft your vision statement. What impact do you envision your business having on the world once you’ve achieved your vision?
  • 21. • Background information If you have relevant experience or other information that is pertinent to your business or your plans, include it here. • Business objectives You’ll want to include both short- and long-term goals in the company overview section of your plan. In the context of a business, short-term goals are generally ones you plan to achieve in the next year, while long-term goals are ones you’re aiming for in the next 1-5 years. When including them, make sure your goals are all S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.
  • 22. 2. Product and Service Guidelines for Preparing This Section Be sure to explain and describe product/service. Generate some excitement about your product/service. Be factual, but be enthusiastic. • Sources of Information • Technical specification and drawings • Prototype • Competitor product/service matrix • Interviews - talk to experts in the marketplace, including buyers, suppliers, sales representatives, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. • Customer surveys • Interviews • SWOT analysis
  • 23. A. Features • Describe the attributes of your product/service, e.g. speed, innovativeness, ease of use, etc.? • What evidence do you have to support the demand for these features? • Is there a range of product/services being offered at the beginning of the venture? What will be introduced over the next 3 to 5 years? • What are the prices? • Write a one-paragraph description that evocatively describes the. experience of customers using your service • What is unique about our product/service? What is the benchmark? • How will the product/service be produced and delivered? How will it be packaged?
  • 24. B. Benefits Describe the benefits to the target market. When considering the benefits of a product/service, remember that features are not the same as benefits. Your new bicycle may be fast and red but these are not benefits. The benefit is that you can win competitions and look cool. Think about the impact on the target market’s feelings (emotions) and pocketbook (financial)
  • 25. Describe the major benefits of the product/service. How do the benefits address the needs of the target market? Think beyond a generic description of benefits, e.g. o Best quality: do you mean appearance, durability, reliability, etc.? o Good service: do you mean on-time delivery, maintenance, tech support, etc.? o Efficiency: do you mean less time, easier to use, greater output, fewer resources, etc.? o Save time: to do what? It may not always be important to save time. o Convenience, for what? Are the benefits well understood by the target market? What evidence do you have to support this? Prepare a features and benefits table. For each of the important features, describe the corresponding benefits.
  • 26. C. Proprietary Rights What proprietary rights do you have to the product/service? (For many products, there are no proprietary rights and this subsection can be deleted.)
  • 27. D. Stage of Development Briefly describe the current status of your product or service: • Where is the product in its lifecycle (early, growing, mature, declining)? • Is it ready for the market, or is it in development? • If in development, how far along is it? • What obstacles remain?
  • 28. 3. Market and industry analysis It’s no exaggeration to say that your market can make or break your business. Choose the right market for your products—one with plenty of customers who understand and need your product—and you’ll have a head start on success. On the other hand, with the wrong market, or the wrong timing in a previously-right market, you may find yourself trying to offload products to customers who are only lukewarm about them. This is why your market analysis a key section of your plan, whether or not you ever intend for anyone else to read it. It should include an overview of how many customers you estimate there are for your products, an analysis of your business’ position in the market, as well as an overview of the competitive landscape.
  • 29. Guidelines for Preparing This Section This section dispassionately describes the market you will enter and the industry in which you will compete. When finished with this section, you and your readers should understand the dynamics, problems, and opportunities driving your marketplace. Thorough research to support your conclusions will be important both to persuade investors and to validate your own assumptions as you work through the plan. Sources of information • Secondary research - internet, library, trade associations and journals. • Interviews - talk to experts in the marketplace, including buyers, suppliers, sales representatives, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. • Customer surveys • Supply chain analysis • Samples of competitor products • Competitor brochures, catalogs, specifications, literature, websites, advertising and promotion materials
  • 30. A. Market Size and Growth A market consists of a group of customers who are willing to buy products or services to satisfy a need. For example, people need shoes to wear to work, go dancing, play sports and climb mountains. This is the footwear market and each of these examples represents a different segment. Within these segments there may be sub-segments, e.g. in the sports market there are different segments for running, cycling, dancing etc.
  • 31. • Define the market in which you are competing, e.g. cycling footwear, dental care, industrial water purification, etc. • Determine the size of the market you are considering in numbers of customers, units sold (or transactions) and dollar value of purchases. o What is the historic growth rate? Future growth rate? o What data is there to support your analysis? Identify the sources. • Prepare a table(s) that summarizes the size and growth by segments or groups of customers: o Market demographic, psychographic o Geography: local regional, national, international o Sector: industrial, consumer, government
  • 32. B. SWOT analysis A SWOT analysis looks at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. • What are the best things about your company? • What are you not so good at? • What market or industry shifts can you take advantage of and turn into opportunities? • Are there external factors threatening your ability to succeed?
  • 33.
  • 34. C. Competition Write a paragraph on each competitor that provides a short description of what the company does; its position in the industry; strengths and weaknesses. You’ll always have competition in the market, even with an innovative product, so it’s important to include a competitive overview in your business plan. To help you write this section prepare a competition matrix analysis that compares your venture with the major competitors.
  • 35. If you’re entering an established market, include a list of a few companies you consider direct competitors, and how you plan to differentiate your products and business. For example, if you’re selling jewelry, your competitive differentiation could be that unlike many high-end competitors who offer high-quality products, you donate a percentage of your profits to a notable charity, or you pass savings on to your customers. Direct: companies that produce same product/service; but, they may have different strategies to compete - price, quality, selection, performance, design, tech support. If you’re entering a market where you can’t easily identify direct competitors, consider your indirect competitors. These are the products that are substitutes for yours. As an example, if you’re selling an innovative new piece of sports equipment, it’s too easy to say that because your product is new you have no competition. Consider what your potential customers are doing now to solve the same problems your product solves, and think about how to make sure you stand out from their current solution. Indirect: companies that satisfy same need with different product/services. Future: companies that have the capability to enter your market; they may have the same customers; but use different technology or channels
  • 36. Once you’ve identified your competition, it’s time to review what makes your products and your business stand out. There are three overarching factors you can use to differentiate your business: • Cost leadership. You have capacity to offer lower prices than the majority of your competitors to maximize profits. • Differentiation. Your product or service offers something distinct from the current cost leaders in your industry and banks on standing out based on your uniqueness. • Segmentation. You focus on a very specific or “niche” target market and focus on building traction with a smaller audience before moving on to a broader market. While those are the major strategies to differentiate your business, there are plenty of other ways you can compete within them, including customization, design, branding, and convenience, to name a few. You’ll want to include details about your specific plans to stand out.
  • 37. D. Opportunity In this section you should describe succinctly what the opportunity is and why it is attractive. Here is where you need to draw conclusions based on your research, interviews and particularly the customer surveys? This is a key section of the Plan because here you must make the case that there is attractive opportunity for your venture. • What is the size of the opportunity? How rapidly is it growing? What trends support the opportunity? • What is the compelling need? What problem are you solving? • What evidence do you have that proves there is a market? • Who is the target market? • What is unique about your product or service? What are the benefits? • What is your competitive advantage?
  • 38. 4. Customer Segmentation Your ideal customer, also known as your target market, is the foundation of your marketing plan, if not your business plan as a whole. As you make strategic decisions, you’ll keep this person in mind, which is why an overview of who they are is so important to understand and include. The questions you’ll answer will vary based on what you’re selling, but you should provide enough information so that it’s unquestionably clear who you’re trying to reach—and more importantly, why you’ve made the choices you have based on who your customers is and what they value. As an example, a college student has different interests, shopping habits, and price sensitivity than a 50-year old executive at a company. Your business plan and decisions would look very different based on which one was your ideal customer.
  • 39. To give a holistic overview of your ideal customer, describe a number of general and specific demographic characteristics. Customer segmentation often includes: • Where do they live? • What’s their age range? • What’s their level of education? • What are some common behaviour patterns? • What do they spend their free time on? • Where do they work? • What technology do they use? • How much do they earn? • Where are they commonly employed? • What are their values, beliefs, or opinions?
  • 40. 6. Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan will make or break the prospects for your venture. A great idea is meaningless if you cannot find customers. Carefully drafted and logical financial projections are irrelevant if nobody buys your product. In this Marketing Plan section you must convince the reader that there is indeed an eager market for your product. The Marketing Plan is where you show how you are going to fit into the market structure you just finished describing. Sources of Information Research you do for this subsection will be with customers and potential customers. It is imperative that you do sufficient customer research to convince potential investors that customers will indeed come flocking to buy your product or service. Customer research can include simply talking with potential customers to get reactions to your product idea, conducting focus groups, undertaking walk-up or mailed surveys, putting up a mock demonstration of your concept and soliciting customer feedback, and so on. Be creative in finding ways to get honest customer input about your product or service. And finally, don't inadvertently cook the books here. You are undoubtedly enthused about your concept. Customers will pick up on your enthusiasm and often reflect it back to you, leading to erroneous conclusions about customer acceptance. So be neutral and factual as you collect data. • Customer surveys • Interviews • SWOT analysis
  • 41. 5. Marketing plan Your marketing efforts are directly informed by your ideal customer and your plan should outline your current decisions and your future plans, with a focus on how your ideas are a fit for your ideal customer. If you’re planning to invest heavily in ads on Instagram, for example, it might make sense to include whether Instagram is a leading platform for your audience. Most marketing plans include answers to four key questions, in as much detail as makes sense for your plan’s goals:
  • 42.
  • 43. 6. Logistics And Operations Plan Your logistics and operations are the workflows that you’ll implement to make your ideas a reality. If you’re writing a business plan for your own planning purposes, this is still an important section to consider, even though you might not need to include the same level of detail as if you’re seeking investment. You’ll want to cover all parts of your planned operations, including: Suppliers Production Facilities Equipment Shipping and fulfilment Inventory
  • 44. Where do you get the raw materials you need for production, or where are your products produced? How long does it take to produce your products, and get them shipped to you? How will you handle a busy season, or an unexpected spike in demand? Where will you and any team members work? Do you plan to have physical retail space? If yes, where? Physical retail space? If yes, where? What tools and technology do you require to be up and running? This includes everything from computers to lightbulbs and everything in between. Will you be handling all the fulfillment tasks in-house or will you use a third-party fulfillment partner? How much will you keep on hand, and where will it be stored? How will you ship it to partners if required, and how will you keep track of incoming and outgoing inventory? This section should signal to your reader that you’ve got a solid understanding of your supply chain, and strong contingency plans in place to cover potential uncertainty. If your reader is you, it should give you a basis to make other important decisions, like how to price your products to cover your estimated costs, and at what point you plan to break even on your initial spending.
  • 45.
  • 46. 7. Financial plan No matter how great your idea is, a business lives or dies based on its financial feasibility. Regardless of the effort, time, and money you’ve already invested, at the end of the day people want to work with a business they expect to be viable for the foreseeable future. The level of detail required in your financial plan will depend on your audience and goals, but you’ll typically want to include three major views of your financials: an income statement, a balance sheet, and a cash-flow statement. It may also be appropriate to include financial projections. Here’s a spreadsheet template that includes everything you’ll need to create an income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement, including some sample numbers. You can edit it to reflect projections as well if needed.
  • 47. Your income statement is designed to give readers a look at your revenue sources and expenses over a given time period. With those two pieces of information, they can see the all-important bottom line, or the profit or loss your business experienced during that time. If you haven’t been operating your business yet, you can put together a forecast for the same information. INCOME STATEMENT
  • 48. Balance sheet Your balance sheet offers a look at how much equity you have in your business. On one side you list all your business assets (what you own) and on the other side, all your liabilities (what you owe). That provides a snapshot of your business’ shareholder equity which is calculated as Assets - Liabilities = Equity
  • 49. Your cash-flow statement is similar to your income statement, with one important difference. It takes into account when revenues are collected and when expenses are paid. When the cash you have coming in is greater than the cash you have going out, your cash flow is positive. When the opposite scenario is true, your cash flow is negative. Ideally, your cash flow statement will help you see when cash is low, when you might have a surplus, and where you might need to have a contingency plan to access funding It can be especially helpful to forecast your cash-flow statement to identify gaps or negative cash-flow, and adjust operations as required. Here’s a full guide to working through cash-flow projections for your business.
  • 50. 8. Management Plan Investors often assert that there are three attributes important for a successful start-up business: management, management, and management. Many claim they will invest in a strong management team with a mediocre idea, but will decline to fund a weak management team with a great idea. This is not the place for modesty or self-deprecation. Be honest, but highlight your accomplishments and your capabilities while mitigating any obvious shortcomings or weaknesses. For example, if you are young and inexperienced, accentuate your energy, capacity for hard work, and willingness to learn, while downplaying your lack of experience. When readers are finished with this section, you want them to be confident that your venture is in good hands and will be competently managed -- by you!
  • 51. A. Company Organization Describe how your company will be organized. • Prepare an organization chart. • Will you have a board of directors? Who will be on it? What will be their role? • Will you have a board of advisors? Who will be on it? What will be their role? • What is the ownership structure of your company? What percent of the company do each of the founders own? • Do you plan to have a stock option plan? If so, describe how the plan will be organized and how large a pool of shares is needed.
  • 52. B. Management Team founders and principal managers who will run your firm. overview of your existing team, and any predicted hires. What will be their duties and responsibilities? Write a short paragraph on each of the key managers? (Include resumes in the Appendix)
  • 53. 9. Funding In this section you will determine how much funding you require and how you will use it; decide what type of funding is appropriate for your venture; and explain the offer you are making to investors or lenders.
  • 54. Funding Requirements From your cash flow statement, determine the required amount and timing of investments needed to execute your plan. • Review the Cash Flow projections to determine the amount of cash generated or required for each year. • Review the monthly and quarterly cash flows to determine the impact of seasonality or one time expenditures. • Determine the amount and timing of cash infusions needed to prevent cash balances from going negative. • Add a cash safety cushion to anticipated cash needs to protect against unexpected expenses or delayed income. A cushion of 20% is a good starting point in many situations. • Develop a funding strategy that is consistent with your cash needs. For example, if you need cash in year one and again early in year two, it may make sense to seek funding in one lump sum in year one. Alternatively, if cash is needed in year one and again late in year two or year three, it may make better sense to seek funding in two tranches: the first in year one and a second in year two.
  • 55. Sources and Uses of Funds Statement • Sources: determine the type of funding most suitable for your business: equity, debt, or non- traditional financing o Equity funding is appropriate for most start-up businesses with moderate to large cash needs. o Debt may be appropriate for existing businesses with a financial track record and assets, or for start-up businesses with modest cash needs. In the latter case, credit card or other consumer debt may be appropriate. o Non-traditional financing may be appropriate when customers or vendors are willing to participate in the business. • Uses of Funds: based on the estimate of the funds required, describe how the funds would be used o Product design and development o Marketing actions, e.g. major advertising campaign, catalog o Capital expenditures, e.g. new machine, major renovation, information system o Working capital
  • 56. Funding Strategies Determine the most appropriate source(s) for the type of funding you seek: 1. Sources of equity funding o Friends and family – suitable for smaller businesses with modest cash needs, and that will eventually be able to pay dividends or buy back shares. Or, seed stage for high growth ventures. o Angel investors – suitable for moderately sized business with moderate cash needs, excellent growth potential, and a clear exit strategy. Or, seed stage for high growth ventures. o Venture capital – suitable for potentially large businesses with large cash needs, extraordinary growth potential, and a clear exit strategy (e.g., will go public or will be acquired)
  • 57. 2. Sources of debt financing o Banks – suitable for businesses with established credit records, ongoing operations, and/or physical assets to use as collateral. o Small Business Administration – government guaranteed loans made by banks. The criteria are less stringent than a traditional bank loan, but the terms are more expensive. o Credit cards, second mortgages, consumer debt – may be suitable when cash requirements are small and the business will quickly begin to through off cash. o Friends and family – may be suitable for small businesses with modest cash needs, and with the ability to make loan payments on a timely basis
  • 58. 3. Sources of non-traditional financing o Leases – lease rather than purchase equipment; cash flow must permit regular lease payments. o Customer advances – customers pay for merchandise or service at time of order in order to assist business and secure needed product. o Customer participation – customers purchase an equity stake in the business to secure need product and reliable source of supply. o Vendor participation – vendors furnish equipment and/or supplies in return for an equity stake in the business to secure initial and follow-on sales. Other creative arrangements – sources of non-traditional financing are limited only by the creativity and ambition of the entrepreneur.
  • 59. Offering The Offering (or Funding Request) is where you make your pitch for money. • Equity: describe the type of security being offered (common, preferred, warrants, etc) to the investor and what share of your company they will receive for a specified investment. o How many rounds of funding are required? How much is needed for each round? o To calculate how much of the company to offer you will need to place a value on the business. It is important that you persuade investors that the deal you are offering is fair to them and is supported by the facts. There are many approaches that can be used; you should investigate which method(s) are appropriate for your industry. From your interviews with industry experts and secondary research find out what valuations investors are being agreed to for companies of your size, stage and industry. o A valuation model is included in the Financial Projections Model. o What is your preferred exit strategy? How can investors realize a return on their investment? Go public? Sell out? Operate and grow? What is our exit for investors if the business does not develop as you hope? o Remember that everything is open to negotiation, so don't give away the farm on the first round!
  • 60. Debt: If you are seeking a loan, then you need to indicate to the lender the term of the loan, interest rate, collateral and how it will be repaid. In either case, it is important that you clearly spell out the key terms of the proposal and sell the advantages to the investor/lender, and make it clear how they can get a satisfactory return.
  • 61. 10. Appendices The appendices are where you should collect all of the documentation that supports the body of your business plan. INCLUDE (Required docs) • Financial projections • Results of marketing studies • Letters of interest from potential customers. Don't include (tangential information) • Newspaper clippings or • Tables of data

Editor's Notes

  1. A problem that is insurmountable is so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully OR Cannot be surmounted/overcome (a difficulty or obstacle). Intimidating: having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect
  2. Invaluable: extremely useful; indispensable. hurly-burly: busy, boisterous activity.
  3. Succinctly: brief and clearly expressed manner
  4. creative or visionary and unconstrained by practicalities. "blue-sky thinking"
  5. A first-time reader should be able to read the Summary by itself, and know what your plan is all about. The Summary should stand-alone and should not refer to other parts of your plan. Remember, most readers will never get any further than your Executive Summary, so make it count! The Executive Summary should be a maximum of 2 pages. Ideally you should try to get it all on one page. This is very difficult to do, but being succinct has great benefits when trying to capture the attention of investors
  6. Admittedly, it’s a lot of pressure for a section that shouldn’t exceed one page, but it’s possible to include the most salient information with a bit of work.
  7. It’s an opportunity to put to paper some of the more intangible facets of your business, like your principles, ideals, and cultural philosophies. Upon reading this section, the reader should have a good idea of where you are and where you are going with your company.
  8. Phrase that impact as an assertion— begin the statement with “We will…” and you’ll be off to a great start. The best vision statements are concise, so while you can go over a single sentence, try to keep it under three at most.
  9. While some of these are statements of fact, others will require a bit more thought to define, especially when it comes to your business’ vision, mission, and values. This is where you start getting to the core of why your business exists, what you hope to accomplish, and what you stand for.
  10. What customer service or tech support will you provide? After sales support? Training? Delivery? Installation? Repair service? Warranty? Payment terms? For service businesses describe the environment (size, décor and layout, location, etc.). For technology products, what are the major technical milestones that must be achieved? What is the basis for believing that they are achievable?
  11. Lukewarm: not very enthusiastic
  12. Basic Questions: 1) Who are the purchasers of your products or type of products? (Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic characteristics) 2) What is the size of the market? Is it growing? 3) What is (will be) your share? How will your share change over time? 4) What is the industry outlook? 5) Are there segments of users who are under-served by competition? 6) Do any of these under-served segments present opportunities?
  13. These breakdowns are often presented as a grid, with bullet points in each section about the most relevant information—so you can probably skip full paragraphs here.
  14. NIChE: denoting products services or interests tat appeal to a small specialize section of the population
  15. While your products or services will feature prominently in most sections of your business plan, it’s important to provide a section that outlines key details about them for interested readers. Depending on how many products you offer, you can include information about your product lines, or offer more detailed information on each product if you only sell a few.
  16. The purpose of the Management section therefore is to convince the reader that you have a great management team to complement a great business concept.
  17. One way to deal with information that is voluminous and/or lengthy (such as a large market research study) is to summarize it, and note in the plan that the complete document is available upon request. Required • Key financial assumptions • Monthly & Quarterly Cash Flow Statements • Resumes of founders and principals Optional • Customer surveys and results • Sample menus, web pages, adverts, etc. • Anything else that will help to illuminate and/or sell your plan