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The Probert Encyclopaedia
of Slang
A comprehensive glossary of over 15,000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the
world, including: American slang, Australian slang, British slang, Canadian slang, South African
slang, Cockney rhyming slang, Irish slang, Scottish slang, Jamaican slang, theatre slang, bingo slang,
and Dorset slang.
Deluxe Illustrated PDF Edition
©2004 The Probert Encyclopaedia
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Published in 2004 By
The Probert Encyclopaedia
110 percent is American sports slang for the extra effort often required to win a difficult contest.
180−out is American military slang for false.
24−7 is slang for all the time. It is short for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
404 is American slang for clueless or naive.
411 is American slang for information.
56 is American police slang for time off from work.
714s is slang for methaqualone.
911 is American slang for an emergency.
98 is American slang for a 98 model Oldsmobile motor car.
A bit of a bumble is Dorset slang for confusion.
A bit of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman.
A bit of how's your father is British slang for sexual mischief.
A bugger's muddle is British slang for a mess.
A button short is slang for intellectually deficient.
A carse is Dorset slang for of course.
A cold day in hell is slang for never.
A grape on the business is Australian slang for a person whose presence spoils things for others.
A la is British slang for pretentious.
A piece of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman.
A piece of goods is slang for a person, especially a woman.
A rod in pickle is Australian slang for a race horse being secretly prepared for a win and betting coup.
A roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over is Australian slang for a large sum of money.
A skull is slang for per person.
A soda is Australian slang for something easily done; a pushover.
A squeeze is American slang for orange juice.
A to Z is British rhyming slang for a shed.
A touch of the tar−brush is derogatory British slang for having a skin colour which suggests black or
coloured ancestry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
A'Porth (from ha'porth) is British slang for an unimportant or silly person.
A−coathed is Dorset slang for rotten, diseased.
A−head is Black−American slang for a heavy user of amphetamines.
A−okay is slang for superb.
A−stogged is Dorset slang for having one's feet stuck in the mud.
A−stooded is Dorset slang for sunk in the ground, stuck in the mud.
A−zew is Dorset slang for no longer yielding milk.
A.C.A.B. is British slang for 'All Coppers Are Bastards'.
A.D. is slang for drug addict.
A.K.A. (also known as) is slang for alias.
Aap is South african slang for a cannabis cigarette.
Aardvark is British slang for hard work, unpleasant tasks.
Ab is body−building slang for an abdominal muscle.
Abb is surfing slang for an abnormal person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Abbess was 16th to 19th century slang for the mistress of a brothel.
Abdominable voorheaves is American slang for to vomit.
Abdul is derogatory slang for a Turk or Arab.
Abdul is Australian slang for an immigrant.
Abe is British slang for a Jew.
Abel and Cain is British rhyming slang for rain.
Aberdeens is British rhyming slang for baked beans.
Abergavenny is London cockney rhyming slang for penny.
Abfab is Australian slang for first−rate, very attractive, wonderful.
Abigail was 18th and 19th century slang for a lady's maid.
Abigail is slang for an ageing, conservative male homosexual.
Abo is derogatory Australian slang for an aboriginal.
About done is British slang for finished.
About done is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy.
About right is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy.
Abraham is British rhyming slang for sham.
Abraham's willing was old British rhyming slang for a shilling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Abroad is British slang for out conducting criminal activities.
Absent without leave is slang for escaped from prison.
Absofuckinglutely is Black−American slang for without doubt.
Absorb is slang for to drink.
Absorb is slang for to eat.
Absotively is American slang for absolutely, positively.
Abyssinia is British slang for goodbye (I'll be seeing you).
Abyssinian polo is American slang for the game of craps.
AC is Black−American slang for the Acura Legend automobile.
AC/DC is slang for bisexual.
Acapulco is slang for cannabis.
Acapulco Gold is slang for a particular breed of cannabis from around Acapulco in Mexico. The
leaves are golden in colour and supposedly of high quality.
Acca is Australian slang for academic
Accelerated death benefits is insurance industry slang for a policyholder's option to use cash benefits
from life insurance to finance medical care during serious illness.
Accident is British slang for an arrest.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ace is slang for excellent.
Ace is slang for cannabis.
Ace is British slang for the anus.
Ace is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination etc.
Ace hurler is American slang for a baseball team's best pitcher.
Ace in the hole is American slang for a final surprise which will likely guarantee success.
Ace of spades is British slang for the female pubic area.
Ace of spades is British slang for completely black.
Ace of spades is British rhyming slang for AIDs.
Ace of trumps is British slang for a first−class person.
Ace out is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination, etc.
Ace−deuce is Black−American slang for three.
Ace−deuce is American and Jamaican slang for a best friend.
Acey−deucy is American slang for uncertain quality, both good and bad.
Ache and pain is British rhyming slang for rain.
Acid is slang for the drug LSD. (Lysergic acid diethyl amide).
Acid is slang for the drug MDMA
Acid is West Indian slang for rum.
Acid is Jamaican slang for a special unit of the Jamaican police force.
Acid casualty is slang for someone supposedly suffering from impaired faculties as a result of taking
LSD (acid).
Acid drops is British slang for caustic comments, put−downs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Acid flash is slang for a sudden recurrence of an LSD related experience.
Acid head is slang for a person who uses LSD (acid).
Acid house is slang for a particular youth culture involving synthetic electronic dance−music −
known as house − and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs such as ecstasy and LSD (acid).
Acid rock is slang for a type of guitar−based electric rock music of the late 1960s and early 1970s
supposedly influenced by LSD (acid).
Acid trip is slang for a period under the influence of the drug LSD (acid).
Acker (shortened from Acker Bilk) is British rhyming slang for milk.
Acker is Dorset slang for a friend.
Acker Bilk is British rhyming slang for milk.
Ackers is British military slang for coins, notes, money and especially piastres.
Acorn is British slang for the head of an erect penis.
Acorn was old slang for the head.
Acorn in a bird's nest is British slang for the male genitalia.
Acorns is British slang for the testicles.
Acre is slang for buttock.
Acre is slang for testicle.
Acrobat is Jamaican slang for a fool.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Across the board is slang for all−inclusive.
Across the river is American military slang for the government (the White House and Congress).
Act is Australian slang for pretending to be something you are not.
Act is Australian slang for a fit of temper; a tantrum.
Act dumb is slang for to feign ignorance.
Act the jinnit is Irish slang for to behave foolishly, irrationally.
Act the linnet is Irish slang for to flirt.
Act the maggot is Irish slang for to play the fool, to clown around.
Act the mohawk is Irish slang for to misbehave.
Actcom is American slang for a television action comedy, where every episode is based on a
disruption of the status quo, followed by humorous efforts to bring the situation back to normal.
Action is slang for recreational activities such as gambling, prostitution and drugs.
Action man is British slang for a devotee of military physical exercise. An excessively macho man.
Actor is slang for someone accomplished at playing a role, or bluffing.
Actual is British slang for cash.
Adam is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Adam and Eve is London Cockney rhyming slang for believe.
Adam and Eve is American slang for two poached or fried eggs.
Adam and Eve is slang for sexual intercourse.
Adam and Eve ball is slang for an early dancing party to which the guests are invited until 12
midnight only.
Adam and Eve on a raft is American slang for two poached eggs on toast.
Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em is American slang for scrambled eggs on toast.
Adam and Eve's togs is British slang for naked.
Adam Ants is British rhyming slang for pants.
Adam Faith is British rhyming slang for a safe.
Adam's ale is slang for water.
Adamitical is slang for naked.
Adams (shortened from Adam Ants) is British rhyming slang for pants.
Add fuel to the fire is slang for make a bad or intense situation worse.
Add insult to injury is slang for aggravate an already difficult situation, further upset someone.
Addiction medicine is American slang for psychiatric treatment used to treat people who suffer from
an addiction.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Addled is British slang for muddled, confused due to the effects of alcohol. Intoxicated.
Adolph is British slang for a vibrator.
Adonis is slang for an attractive man.
Adrian (shortened from Adrian Quist) is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
Adrian Quist is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
Advance directive is medical slang for a patient's written instructions as to what course of treatment
should be followed in the event he or she becomes incapable of communicating.
Aerated is old nineteenth century slang for angry, agitated.
Aerial is Bristol slang for area, region, district.
Aerial ping−pong is Australian slang for Australian Rules Football.
Aeroplane blond is slang for a woman who has dyed her hair blonde.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Aeroplane skirt is slang for a skirt with a very long slit up it.
Af is South African slang for a black African.
Affair is political slang for a reception held for the purposes of fundraising and/or honouring the
achievements of an individual.
Afghani Indica is slang for cannabis.
Aficionado is slang for devotee.
Afraid of one's shadow is slang for being easily frightened.
Africa speaks is Australian and New Zealand slang for strong liquor imported from South Africa.
African is slang for cannabis.
African is Australian slang for a tailor−made cigarette.
African lager is British slang for the beer Guinness.
African queen is British slang for a Black homosexual.
African queen is British slang for a White homosexual who prefers Black partners.
African time is South African slang for unpunctuality.
African woodbine is British slang for a cigarette containing cannabis.
Africky is slang for African.
Afriks is South African slang for Afrikaans language lessons.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Afro is slang for a type of hairstyle consisting of a mass of tight curls allowed to grow out forming a
bush around the head. Afro is slang for a black person.
Afro Saxon is derogatory slang for a Black person whose lifestyle, opinions and attitudes are those of
the White society.
Afroed is slang for having an afro hair−style.
After is Australian slang for afternoon.
After Davy is slang for affidavit.
After eight mint is British rhyming slang for penniless (skint).
After hair is slang for to be pursuing a woman for sex.
After one's own heart is slang for of similar interests or sensibilities.
Afterbirth is slang for rhubarb.
Afterbirth is American slang for excessive paperwork.
Afterboomer is newspaper slang for a person born between 1965 and 1974 after the baby−boom of
1946 to 1964.
Afterglow is British slang for the winding down period after love making.
Afternoon delight is British slang for sex in the afternoon.
Afters is British slang for an after−hours drinking session.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ag is British slang for aggravation.
Against the clock is British slang for short of time, in a hurry.
Against the wind is British slang for a struggle, a difficult task.
Agate is slang for a marble.
Agates is slang for testicles.
Aggie is British slang for a marble.
Aggie eyes is British slang for someone who hasn't had enough sleep.
Aggravation is British slang for serious trouble.
Aggravation is British rhyming slang for station.
Aggro is British (Cockney) and Australian slang for aggravation, aggressive troublemaking. Aggro is
American slang for wonderful, excellent.
Aggy is Dorset slang for edgy, with sharp−looking corners.
Aggy is Dorset slang for to collect birds' eggs.
Aginner is British slang for a dissenter.
Aginner is Irish slang for someone who automatically takes the opposite stance.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Agony is Jamaican slang for sexual pleasure.
Agteros is South African slang for a dawdler, a plodder, a slow walker.
Agua de chango is slang for liquid heroin administered nasally.
Ah seh one is Jamaican slang for something important, outstanding, meaningful.
Ah−ahs is British slang for defecation.
Ahead of the game is slang for being in an advantageous position.
Ai−ai is South African slang for methylated spirits or surgical spirit drunk by alcoholics.
Aikona is South African slang for never. Absolutely not. A very definite no.
Aim Archie at the Armitage is Australian slang for to urinate.
Aimed is American slang for identified, singled out, victimised.
Ain't it a treat was old British rhyming slang for street.
Ain't she sweet is British rhyming slang for seat.
Ain't today story is Jamaican slang for a woman who looks younger than she really is.
Air dirty laundry is American slang for to let others know of one's private conflicts or problems.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Air hose is American slang for shoes worn without socks.
Air off oneself is Jamaican slang for to show off, to display one's superior status at someone else's
Air out one's mouth on is Jamaican slang for to speak aggressively or abusively.
Air the diced carrots is American slang for to vomit.
Air−dance was British slang for execution by hanging.
Airball is American slang for a slow, dim, eccentric or unpleasant person.
Airbrained is American slang for silly, frivolous.
Aircraft carrier is basketball slang for a player whose driving force can carry the team to victory.
Airhead is slang for a stupid or simple−minded person.
Airmouse is Dorset slang for a bat.
Airs and graces is London cockney rhyming slang for faces (people).
Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for braces
Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for races.
Airsick pigeon is British slang for useless.
Aish is Dorset slang for an ash tree.
Aitch dropper is British slang for a Cockney.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ajax is British rhyming slang for car tax.
Al Capone is British and Australian rhyming slang for telephone.
Ala (shortened from Alabaster) is British rhyming slang for plaster.
Alabama is British rhyming slang for hammer.
Alabaster is British rhyming slang for plaster.
Aladdin's cave is British slang for a stash of stolen goods.
Alan Border is British rhyming slang for order.
Alan Ladd is British rhyming slang for unfashionable (sad).
Alan Minter is British rhyming slang for splinter.
Alan Whicker is British rhyming slang for one pound (nicker).
Alan Whickers is British Cockney rhyming slang for knickers.
Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast is American slang for to vomit.
Alans (shortened from Alan Whickers) is British rhyming slang for knickers.
Alass'n is Dorset slang for unless.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Albatross is slang for an encumbrance; something that causes anxiety.
Albatross is medical slang for a patient who never seems to get better, or who is regularly ill with a
new ailment, and who sticks with one physician for seemingly endless treatment.
Albert (shortened from Albert hall) is British rhyming slang for wall.
Albert hall is British rhyming slang for wall.
Alco is Australian slang for Alcoholic
Alderman's nail is London cockney rhyming slang for tail.
Aldershot ladies is British bingo slang for the number 44.
Aldershot whore is British rhyming slang for four.
Aldgate East is London Cockney rhyming slang for a priest.
Aldgate pump is London Cockney rhyming slang for annoyed, displeased (to have the hump).
Alec is slang for a swindler's victim.
Alec is Australian slang for a stupid person.
Aled is British slang for drunk.
Alf is Australian slang for an uncultivated Australian.
Alf Garnet is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair (Barnet).
Alfalfa is American slang for money.
Alfalfa is American slang for tobacco.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Alfalfa is American slang for marijuana.
Alfie Bass is London Cockney rhyming slang for gas.
Alfred (shortened from Alfred the Great) is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
Alfred the Great is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
Algernon is British slang for a young, upper−class man.
Ali Baba is British slang for an alibi.
Ali G is British rhyming slang for to urinate (pee).
Ali Oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop).
Alias is Jamaican slang for dangerous, violent.
Alias man is Jamaican slang for a cheat, a hypocrite.
Alice is Australian slang for Alice Springs.
Alight is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
Alive is British slang for having money.
Alive or dead was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for the head.
Alkie is slang for an alcoholic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Alky (alkie) is slang for a heavy drinker or alcoholic.
All afloat was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a coat.
All arms and legs is slang for weak beer.
All beer and skittles is British slang for an easy life.
All behind is British rhyming slang for blind.
All behind like the cow's tail is Irish slang for late.
All bets are off is slang for the situation is entirely different than it was.
All buck−up goes is Jamaican slang for to abandon all ethical standards.
All come on top is British slang for a disaster, when everything goes wrong.
All complain is British rhyming slang for rain.
All day and night is slang for a life prison sentence.
All dayer is British slang for an all−day drinking session.
All ears is slang for attentive or listening.
All forlorn is British rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
All fruits ripe is Jamaican slang for everything is okay.
All hands is nautical slang for a ship's full crew.
All mouth and trousers is British slang for blustering, boastful, showing off without having the
qualities to justify it.
All night rave is British rhyming slang for shave.
All of a doodah is slang for in a state of excitement.
All of one's dogs aren't barking is American slang for not in one's right mind; scatter−brained.
All on top is British slang for superficial.
All over the ballpark is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
All over the lot is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
All over the shop is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
All over the show is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
All piss and wind is slang for full of bluster and noise, but without substance.
All quiet (shortened from all quiet on the Western front) is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious
person (cunt).
All quiet on the Western front is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
All right is American slang for acceptable or reliable.
All rounder is British slang for a bisexual.
All same is Jamaican slang for makes no difference, all alike.
All serene is slang for all's well.
All Sir Garnet was old slang for highly satisfactory, alright.
All snot and tears is British slang for mournful, remorseful.
All stations is Australian slang for an Alsatian dog.
All systems go is slang for everything is functional and ready.
All the rage is slang describing something which is in the most current fashion.
All the way is British slang for full sexual intercourse.
All the way is American slang for a snack or meal supplied with all available extras, such as mustard,
relish, onions etc.
All tits and teeth is derogatory British slang for a woman who gets on by using her physical attributes
rather than her brain. An attractive but stupid woman.
All wet is slang for mistaken.
All−fired is American slang for excessive; extreme.
Allegro is slang for lively.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Aller is Dorset slang for an alder.
Alley is slang for a pale or white marble.
Alley apple is American slang for a lump of horse manure.
Alley cat is slang for someone who prowls the streets at night looking for sexual partners.
Alley oop is basketball slang for a pass that is lobbed far through the air and tipped in by a player
waiting near the basket.
Allez oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop).
Allied Irish (Shortened from Alled Irish Bank) is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank).
Allied Irish Bank is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank).
Alligator is British slang for later.
Alligator is Black−American slang for a term used to refer to white jazz musicians, jive people.
Alligator is business slang for an investment property that does not bring in enough income to cover
expenses, a condition that devours the property's capital.
Alligator Spread is Wall Street slang for a deal where the commissions are equal to, or larger than, the
Almighty was nineteenth century slang for very great; exceedingly.
Almond rock is Cockney rhyming slang for penis (cock).
Almond rocks is London cockney rhyming slang for socks.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Along for the ride is slang for being unofficially associated with.
Alphabet boys is British slang for the sanctioning bodies of boxing.
Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a pimp (ponce).
Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a scrounger (ponce).
Alquitranis slang for heroin.
Alquitranat is slang for heroin.
Also ran is horseracing slang for a horse that doesn't finish anywhere near the winners in a race.
Alt is Australian slang for a follower of an alternative lifestyle.
Alternative dentation is slang for dentures, false teeth.
Alternative rock is slang for a type of rock music at the cutting edge of trends, often blending techno,
heavy metal, and mainstream pop music with avant−garde styles.
Alvin is American slang for an unsophisticated rural−dwelling person.
Amateur night is American slang for a special occasion celebrated traditionally by drinking liquor.
Amateur night is American slang for an exhibition of more than usual ineptitude.
Ambassador is American slang for the penis.
Ambassador of Morocco is slang for a shoemaker.
Amber fluid is Australian slang for beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Amber nectar is Australian slang for beer.
Ambidexter was 17th century British slang for a corrupt lawyer, one who takes fees from both the
plaintiff and defendant.
Ambidextrous is slang for bisexual.
Ambo is Australian slang for an ambulance or ambulance officer.
Ambulance Chaser is American slang for a lawyer who seeks to encourage and profit from the
lawsuits of accident victims.
Amen−preacher is Jamaican slang for a carrion crow.
American lad is Irish slang for fatty bacon imported from the USA.
Amidships is slang for the tummy area.
Ammit is Dorset slang for hasn't it.
Ammo is Australian slang for ammunition.
Amoebae is slang for phencyclidine.
Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for brandy.
Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for shandy.
Amp is slang for a marijuana joint dipped in formaldehyde and smoked.
Amp Joint is slang for a marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Amp off is UNIX slang to run in background, from the UNIX shell `& operator.
Amped up is slang for very excited.
Ampster is Australian slang for a showman's or trickster's accomplice who starts buying the tickets,
goods etc.
Amscray is slang for go away.
Amsterdam is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam.
Amy is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
Amyl is slang for amyl nitrate.
Anabolics is slang for any anabolic steroid.
Anabols is slang for any anabolic steroid.
Anarchists is Australian slang for non−safety matches.
Anby is Dorset slang for by−and−by.
Anchor is slang for a juror who has been bribed to influence other jurors to vote for an acquittal.
Anchor is slang for a stay of execution.
Anchor was old slang for a pick−axe.
Anchor is American naval slang for the lowest−ranking class member at the United States Naval
Anchor is American business slang for the main component of a shopping mall or complex.
Anchors is British slang for brakes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Anchors away is British rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
Andramartins is Irish slang for foolish behaviour, horsing around.
Andrew (shortened from Andrew Millar and from Andrew Miller) was nautical slang for a ship,
especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th
century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
Andrew Millar was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between
the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
Andrew Miller was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between
the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
Andy Cain was 19th century London cockney rhyming slang for rain.
Andy Capp is rhyming slang for defecation (crap).
Andy Capp is rhyming slang for rubbish (crap).
Andy Capp is rhyming slang for borrow (tap).
Andy Maguire is Australian rhyming slang for fire.
Andy McNish is British rhyming slang for fish.
Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for brandy.
Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for shandy.
Angel is theatre slang for a primary financial backer.
Angel is slang for a passive male homosexual.
Angel Crystal is slang for phencyclidine.
Angel Dust is slang for phencyclidine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Angel Hair is slang for phencyclidine.
Angel lust is nursing slang for a male corpse with an erection.
Angel's kiss is Australian rhyming slang for an act of urination (a piss).
Angela is slang for a passive male homosexual.
Angle of dangle is British slang for the degree of erection depending upon how sexually stimulated a
man is by a woman.
Anglo is slang for a person of anglo−saxon ethnic origin.
Angora is Australian slang for an idiot; fool.
Angry fruit salad is computer slang for a bad visual−interface design that uses too many colours.
Animal is slang for a crude, brutish person.
Animal is slang for an ugly woman.
Animal companion is slang for a pet.
Animal house is American slang for a dwelling, especially a college fraternity house.
Animal night is Australian slang for a planned bout of bad or excessive behaviour.
Animalist is slang for an animal rights campaigner or supporter.
Ankle is slang for to walk; go.
Ankle is theatrical slang for to quit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ankle slapper is surfing slang for a small wave.
Ankle−biter is Australian slang for a child.
Ankle−Biters is Australian slang for children, particularly crawling babies.
Anna Maria is London cockney rhyming slang for fire.
Anna May (shortened from Anna May Wong) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour
Anna May Wong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour (pong).
Annanab is back slang for a banana.
Annie is slang for a lorry.
Annie is numismatic slang for the American Numismatic Exchange.
Annie Louise is Australian rhyming slang for cheese.
Annie no−rattle is Northern Irish slang for someone who waits until a conversation is over before
putting their point of view.
Annihilated is slang for very drunk.
Anorak is slang for a socially inept person with little fashion sense.
Ant's bollock on a beach is slang for something virtually impossible to find.
Ant's pants is Australian slang for the height of fashion.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ante up is slang for to pay one's contribution.
Antenna shop is slang for a shop that displays prototype products in order to test consumer reaction.
Anthea Turner is British rhyming slang for a job (earner).
Anti−freeze is slang for a strong drink.
Anti−freeze is slang for heroin.
Anticipointment is entertainment industry slang for the disappointment that follows hype when the
programme falls short of expectations.
Antidote is computing slang for a program used to protect a computer from computer viruses.
Antsy is slang for nervous, jumpy, agitated.
Any Tom, Dick or Harry is slang for any person at all.
Anywhen is Dorset slang for at any time.
Anywhere is Black−American slang for to possess drugs
Ape is slang for a primitive, crude, brutish person.
Ape is American slang for crazy.
Ape shit is slang for out of control, berserk.
Ape−hangers is slang for extra−high bicycle or motorbike handlebars.
'Apenny dip is London cockney rhyming slang for ship.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Apiece is Dorset slang for for each.
Apollo Play is Black−American slang for the planet earth
Apparatchik is slang for a flunky bureaucrat.
Applause is slang for venereal disease.
Apple is slang for the head.
Apple and pip is British rhyming back slang for to urinate (sip).
Apple cider is British rhyming slang for spider.
Apple core is British rhyming slang for twenty pounds (a score).
Apple fritter is London cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer).
Apple of one's eye is slang for beloved, sweetheart.
Apple pie is rhyming slang for sky.
Apple pie order is American slang for neat and tidy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Apple pips is British rhyming slang for lips.
Apple polish is American slang for flattery.
Apple sauce is British rhyming slang for a horse, particularly a last finishing race horse that 'ran like a
pig'.. Apple sauce is American and Canadian slang for nonsense; rubbish.
Apple shiner is British slang for someone obsequious.
Apple tart is British rhyming slang for to break wind from the anus (fart).
Apple−polisher is American slang for a flatterer.
Applejack is British rhyming slang for crack cocaine.
Apples is slang for breasts.
Apples is slang for testicles.
Apples is Australian slang for fine, perfect, okay.
Apples and oranges is American slang for completely different things.
Apples and pears is London cockney rhyming slang for stairs.
Apples and rice is British rhyming slang for nice.
Appleton talking is Jamaican slang for someone who is drunk and talking nonsense or aggressively.
Apply lawyer foot is Jamaican slang to run away.
Applying a band−aid is American slang for an inadequate solution to a difficult situation.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Appointment television is television industry slang for the viewing habits of people who plan in
advance to watch only certain television programmes.
Apricot and peach is British rhyming slang for beach.
April fool is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stool.
April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for stools.
April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for tools.
April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for pools.
April in Paris is British rhyming slang for the backside, buttocks (aris).
April showers is London cockney rhyming slang for flowers.
Apron is American slang for a bartender.
Arab is slang for a wild or shiftless person.
Arab is slang for a foreigner.
Arab was 19th century British slang for a street urchin.
Arbuckle is British slang for a fat person.
Arc is television industry slang for a television series format that allows for the development of
characters and storylines over the course of several episodes.
Archbishop Laud is British rhyming slang for a fraud.
Archer is British slang for œ2000 (The amount paid to the prostitute Monica Coughlan by Jeffrey
Archer the author and Conservative politician).
Archet is Dorset slang for orchard.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Archie was British Great War slang for anti−aircraft fire.
Arctic explorer is British slang for a cocaine user.
Ardle is Dorset slang for a muddle, a tangle.
Are your boots laced is Black−American slang for an inquiry as to whether or not one understands the
matter in question.
Argie is British slang for an Argentinean.
Argument ender is British slang for a fist.
Argy−bargy is British slang for pushing and shoving.
Aries is slang for heroin.
Aristotle is London cockney rhyming slang for bottle.
Arlus is Dorset slang for always.
Arm is British slang for power, influence.
Arm and leg is British rhyming slang for egg.
Armchair is Bristol slang for how much, what do they cost.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Armchair quarterback is American slang for a sports fan who thinks he or she could have made better
decisions affecting the outcome of a game.
Armour is American slang for weapons.
Armpit is slang for a very unpleasant place.
Armstrong is Black−American slang for a very high note
Army is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
Army and navy is London cockney rhyming slang for gravy.
Army rocks is British rhyming slang for socks.
Army tank is British rhyming slang for an American (yank).
Arnies is slang for any anabolic steroid.
Arnold is Jamaican slang for pork.
Arnold Palmers is British rhyming slang for farmers.
Arnold Schwartzenegger is British rhyming slang for beggar.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Arnolds is slang for any anabolic steroid.
Around the way is Jamaican slang for the neighbourhood.
Arrest is American slang for to accuse someone of dressing out of style.
Arriverderci (shortened from Arriverderci Roma) is British rhyming slang for coma.
Arriverderci Roma is British rhyming slang for coma.
Arrows is British slang for the game of darts and the implements used for playing it.
Arse is British slang for the buttocks or anus.
Arse is Australian slang for effrontery; cheek.
Arse is a Jamaican slang intensifier.
Arse about is slang for fool about, behave in an irresponsible or silly manner.
Arse about face is slang for back to front, disorganised.
Arse bandit is slang for a homosexual.
Arse music is British slang for to emit wind from the anus.
Arse Over Tit is slang for to go head over heels or fall.
Arse scratcher is British slang for an idler.
Arse up is British slang for to bungle, to make a mess of.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Arse wipe is British slang for toilet paper.
Arse wipe is British slang for an obnoxious, contemptible person.
Arse Wiper is British slang for an obsequious person.
Arse wiping is British slang for obsequious behaviour; toadying.
Arse−end is slang for the end, back or bottom of something.
Arse−Licking is slang for sycophantic behaviour.
Arse−piss is slang for watery diarrhoea.
Arsehole is British slang for the anus.
Arsenal is slang for the male genitals.
Arsy−versy is slang for backwards or upside down.
Artful Dodger is London cockney rhyming slang for lodger.
Artful fox is theatrical rhyming slang for a theatre box.
Arthritic handshake mob is slang for the freemasons.
Arthur is British slang for a half pint.
Arthur Ashe is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash.
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Arthur Bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piss).
Arthur Scargill is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer (gargle).
Artical is Jamaican slang for genuine, bona fide, sincere, respected.
Artichoke is London Cockney rhyming slang for to smoke.
Artichoke ripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pipe used for smoking.
Artillery is slang for weaponry.
Artist is slang for a person devoted to or proficient in something. (E.g.: piss artist, con artist etc)
Artsy fartsy is American slang for someone pretentiously artistic.
Arty roller is Australian rhyming slang for collar.
Arvie is South African slang for afternoon.
Arvo is Australian slang for the afternoon.
Arvo is Australian slang for afternoon tea.
AS is slang for methaqualone.
As the crow flies is slang for in a straight line measured between two points.
Ascot Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ascot races is London Cockney rhyming slang for braces.
Ash and oak is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (smoke).
Ash cookie is South African slang for an untrustworthy, no good person.
Ash tray on a motorbike is slang for useless.
Ash−candles is Dorset slang for the seeds of the ash tree.
Ashes is slang for cannabis.
Ask is numismatic slang for the wholesale selling price as established by market makers, and listed in
the weekly Coin Dealer Newsletter.
Ask for a piece of wife is Jamaican slang for to ask a woman for sexual intercourse.
Ass is Dorset slang for have you?
Ass is American slang for the buttocks or anus.
Ass boy is derogatory slang for a homosexual.
Ass over tincups is American slang for head over heels.
Ass peddler is Black−American slang for one who sells him or herself sexually.
Ass−kicker is American slang for an aggressive person or disciplinarian.
Ass−kisser is American slang for a sycophant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ass−wipe is American slang for toilet paper.
Ass−wipe is American slang for a contemptible person.
Assfuck is American slang for a stupid person.
Assn is Dorset slang for haven't you?
Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow.
Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillar.
Astroturf is British slang for a police informer (supergrass).
At it is British slang for having sex.
At it is British slang for committing a crime, engaged in a confidence trick.
At the post is slang for ready and waiting.
At the wash is slang for stealing from jackets in public washrooms or changing rooms.
Ate−the−bolts is Northern Irish slang for someone who is a glutton for work.
Athirt is Dorset slang for across.
Atomic is Unix slang for a set of operations that execute all at once and cannot be interrupted.
Attaboy is a slang expression of approval or exhortation.
Atter is Dorset slang for after.
Attic is slang for the human head.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Attitude is American slang for bad attitude, antisocial behaviour, sullen hostility.
Attrit is American slang for to wear down or dispose of gradually.
Aunt is slang for the lavatory.
Aunt Annie is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fanny).
Aunt Emma is slang for morphine.
Aunt Fanny is a British slang phrase of disbelief.
Aunt Hazel is British slang for heroin.
Aunt Jemima is American slang for a black woman who accepts and ignores racism. A female version
of Uncle Tom.
Aunt Joanna is London Cockney rhyming slang for piano (pronounced 'piana' in Cockney dialect).
Aunt Lil is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill.
Aunt Lily is London Cockney rhyming slang for silly.
Aunt Maria is old London Cockney rhyming slang for fire.
Aunt Mary is slang for cannabis.
Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for smell.
Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair gel.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Aunt Nelly is British and Australian rhyming slang for belly.
Aunt's sisters is London Cockney rhyming slang for ancestors.
Auntie is British slang for the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Auntie is British slang for the lavatory.
Auntie is Australian slang for The Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Auntie is slang for a middle−aged or elderly male homosexual.
Auntie Ella is London cockney rhyming slang for umbrella.
Auntie Ena is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cleaner.
Auntie Meg is Australian rhyming slang for a keg.
Auntie Nellie is London cockney rhyming slang for belly.
Auntie Ruth is London Cockney rhyming slang for tooth.
Auntie's ruin is British slang for gin.
Aussie is slang for Australian or an Australian.
Aussie salute is Australian slang for using the hand to wave away annoying flies.
Autograph is slang for a signature.
Autumn leaf is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief.
Avenue−tank is Black−American slang for a bus
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Avo is South African slang for avocado pear.
Avore is Dorset slang for before.
Avrighted is Dorset slang for frightened.
Away is slang for a period in prison.
Away and claw mould on yourself is Northern Irish slang for go away.
Away for slates is Irish slang for on the way to success.
Away on a hack is Irish slang for lucky, successful.
Away the trip is Scottish slang for pregnant.
Away to the hills is Irish slang for crazy, mentally unbalanced.
Away with the band is Northern Irish slang for intoxicated, drunk.
Away with the fairies is Irish slang for crazy, insane.
Away−day is British slang for a dose of LSD or other hallucinogenic drug.
Awesome is slang for wonderful, excellent, very impressive.
Awful wedded is British slang for a spouse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Awkward squad is British slang for people who are inexperienced, clumsy or insubordinate.
AWOL is slang for not present when needed, inexplicably absent.
Ax is Dorset slang for to ask.
Axe is slang for any musical instrument, especially a guitar or horn.
Axeman is slang for a man who plays a musical instrument, especially a guitar.
Axle grease is British slang for a bribe.
Axle grease is American slang for butter.
Axle grease is Black−American slang for a stiff pomade for the hair.
Aya was an American slang expression of amazement from 1987 and 1988.
Aylesbury duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck.
Ayrton (shortened from Ayrton Senna) is British slang for ten pounds, a ten pound note.
Ayrton Senna is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten pounds (tenner).
Aztec two−step is slang for diarrhoea, particularly if suffered abroad.
B is British slang for bastard.
B and D is British slang for bondage and discipline, sado−masochistic sex.
B and S ball is Australian slang for a dance held for bachelors and spinsters
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
B and T is British slang for bum and tit, a sexual experience.
B− is a slang prefix for second rate.
B−40 is slang for a cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor.
B−52 is American slang for a lady's beehive hairstyle.
B−boy is slang for a male fan of rap music.
B−girl is American slang for a prostitute who frequents bars.
B−girl is slang for a female fan of rap music.
B−way was 19th century slang for Broadway.
B.A. (Badass) is American slang for a violent, anti−social or troublesome person.
B.F. was British slang for bloody fool.
B.M.O.C. (big man on campus) is American student slang for an influential fellow student.
B.O.F. (boring old fart) is British slang for an old, has−been person.
B.V.D.s is American slang for men's underwear.
Baa is Dorset slang for bad.
Baa lamb is London Cockney rhyming slang for tram.
Baa lamb is British slang for a naughty child.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Baalebos is Yiddish slang for an officious person.
Bab is British slang for kebab.
Babbler is Australian slang for a cook or chef.
Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for cook.
Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for crook.
Babe is slang for a girl or young woman.
Babe lair is American slang for a swanky home that is helpful in attracting women for sexual
Babe magnet is slang for an item or person that attracts members of the opposite sex
Babelicious is American slang for extremely sexy and attractive.
Baby is slang for a young woman or sweetheart. It is often used as a term of address expressing
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Baby Bells is American slang for the regional telephone companies created by the break−up of
American Telephone and Telegraph.
Baby blues is slang for eyes.
Baby boomer is slang for a person born between 1946 and 1964.
Baby catcher is American slang for an obstetrician.
Baby chute is slang for the vagina.
Baby gravy is slang for semen.
Baby M laws is American slang for legislation regarding surrogate motherhood.
Baby maker is slang for the penis.
Baby pop is American slang for a young man.
Baby's eyes is London Cockney rhyming slang for eyes.
Baby's pap is London Cockney rhyming slang for cap.
Baby's pram is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam.
Baby−sitting is slang for accompanying someone while they take illegal drugs, in order to instruct or
reassure them.
Babycise class is American slang for a parent and baby exercise class.
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Babylon is British slang for a racist, white society.
Babylon is Jamaican slang for someone who oppresses.
Babylon is black slang for a policeman.
Bacardi and coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (bloke).
Bacardi breezer is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (geezer).
Bacca box is slang for the mouth.
Baccy is British slang for tobacco.
Back is American slang for on the side.
Back along is Dorset slang for some time ago.
Back blocks is Australian slang for the outer suburbs, beyond the city.
Back door is slang for the anus.
Back door man is slang for a woman's secret lover, an adulterer.
Back door trots is slang for diarrhoea.
Back double is slang for a back street.
Back end is slang for the buttocks.
Back end money is American Hollywood slang for a film's final profits after all expenses have been
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Back eye is slang for the anus.
Back garden is slang for the anus.
Back in the box is American slang for back in business following a drug arrest.
Back of Bourke is Australian slang for anywhere far away.
Back off and let the breeze blow over me is Jamaican slang for leave me alone, go away.
Back porch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a torch.
Back slang is a type of slang in which the word or words are the reverse of their correct form, for
example boy becomes the back slang word yob.
Back street butcher is slang for an abortionist, particularly an illegal one.
Back to square one is slang for at the beginning of the process again.
Back way is slang for anal sex.
Back wheels is slang for the testicles.
Back−pedal is slang for to reverse one's position just when reactions appear unfavourable.
Back−wheel skid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (yid).
Backdoor is slang for to commit adultery with.
Backdoor is slang for to act covertly or deviously. To deceive or betray.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Backdoor man is black−American slang for a married woman's lover.
Backdoor work is slang for anal sex.
Backer is slang for an investor.
Backfire is slang for to break wind from the anus.
Backgrounder is political slang for a conversation between a government official and a reporter that
takes place only on the condition that the official is not quoted directly or named in the report.
Backhack is Dorset slang for to break up clods of earth with a mallet.
Backhander is slang for a bribe.
Backhander is slang for a blow with a hand.
Backhouse is Dorset slang for an outhouse.
Backseat driver is slang for a passenger in a car who offers the driver unwanted advice on how to
drive. Backseat driver is London Cockney rhyming slang for skiver.
Backwards is slang for Phenobarbital.
Backwards bungee is American slang for to vomit
Bacon is slang for money.
Bacon and eggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs.
Bacon bonce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child molester (nonce).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bacon lardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (hard on).
Bacon rind is London Cockney rhyming slang for blind.
Bad is Jamaican slang for good; excellent.
Bad blood is slang for a longstanding resentment.
Bad boy is Jamaican slang for an aggressive or violent person.
Bad cough is American slang for to vomit
Bad egg is slang for a troublemaker, a despicable person.
Bad hejab is slang for improper Islamic dress.
Bad news is slang for someone or something regarded as undesirable.
Bad−mouth is slang for to speak unfavourably about; insult.
Badass is Black−American slang for an aggressive, antisocial or worthless person.
Baden−Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for trowel.
Baderbus is slang for a wheelchair.
Badered is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Badge is American slang for a police officer.
Badger is slang for a prostitute's accomplice who goes through her client's pockets while she keeps
him occupied.
Badger crib is slang for a cheap brothel where clients are routinely robbed.
Badger game is slang for a deception whereby a woman lures a male victim into a compromising
position whereupon they are caught by her accomplice who pretends to be the husband. The couple
then blackmail or demand money from the victim.
Badlands is slang for a slum or dangerous part of a town or city.
Badly packed kebab is slang for the vagina.
Badness is Jamaican slang for delinquent behaviour, unruliness.
Bag is slang for an unpleasant lady.
Bag is slang for special interest, current preoccupation.
Bag is slang for arrest or catch.
Bag is American slang for a package or measure of drug.
Bag is American slang for conceal.
Bag is American slang for quit, discontinue.
Bag is Australian slang for criticise.
Bag and baggage is American slang for everything one owns.
Bag biter is American slang for a trouble maker.
Bag filler is slang for a woman who leads a man on, but stops short of having sex with him.
Bag job is slang for a theft or burglary.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bag lady is slang for a female vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags.
Bag man is American slang for a person who collects or distributes money for racketeers. Bag man is
slang for a male vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags.
Bag of bones is slang for a thin person.
Bag of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (poke).
Bag of coke is Australian rhyming slang for a man (bloke).
Bag of flour is rhyming slang for shower.
Bag of fruit is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit.
Bag of mystery is slang for a sausage.
Bag of nails is slang for disarray.
Bag of sand is London Cockney rhyming slang for one thousand pounds (grand).
Bag of shells is Australian slang for a trifle, an unimportant object.
Bag of tripe is slang for an unpleasant person.
Bag off is slang for to pair off.
Bag on is American slang for to tease; to nag or complain.
Bag on is American slang for chastise.
Bag one's face is American slang for hide one's face.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bag some rays is American slang for to sunbathe.
Bag someone's ass is American slang for to leave, go away.
Bag up is American slang for to divide marijuana into small amounts and packets.
Bagel−bender is derogatory slang for a Jew.
Baggage is slang for a promiscuous woman.
Baggage is slang for a hanger−on, especially one who is a liability.
Bagged is slang for to be arrested.
Bagger is slang for a robber who violently steals rings from their owners fingers.
Baggies is slang for wide shorts as worn by surfers.
Bagging is British slang for a packed lunch.
Bagging is Australian slang for criticism.
Baggy green is Australian slang for a cricket player in the Australian national team.
Bagpipe is slang for a boring or monotonous speaker.
Bagpipe is slang for the sexual practise of using the armpit to stimulate the genitals. Bagpipe is
Black−American slang for vacuum cleaner.
Bags is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something. Bags is
slang for trousers.
Bags is American slang for breasts.
Bagsy is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Baidie is British slang for bad−tempered, aggressive.
Bail is American and Australian slang for depart or leave.
Bail on someone is American slang for to burden or trouble someone.
Bail out is slang for to leave quickly.
Bail up is Australian slang for to rob or hold up; delay.
Bait is slang for an attractive potential sexual partner.
Bake it is slang for to resist the urge to defecate.
Baked bean is London Cockney rhyming slang for queen.
Baked beans is London Cockney rhyming slang for jeans.
Baked potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter.
Baker's dozen is London Cockney rhyming slang for cousin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Baking−spittle is northern English slang for the tongue.
Bakkie is South African slang for a pick−up or light truck.
Baksheesh is slang for a bribe, tip or payment.
Balaclava is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (charver).
Balahu is Jamaican slang for a boisterous, noisy person.
Bald is American slang for terrible.
Bald head is snooker slang for red.
Bald tyre bandit is slang for a traffic policeman.
Baldhead is Jamaican slang for a Rastafarian who doesn't have dreadlocks and a beard. Baldhead is
Jamaican slang for a White person.
Baldhead was 19th century slang for an old man.
Bale of Straw is American tramp slang for a blonde woman
Bales is slang for cannabis.
Bali belly is Australian slang for diarrhoea.
Ball is American slang for to copulate with.
Ball is American slang for to behave in a boisterous and uninhibited fashion.
Ball is slang for to take cocaine or other drugs through the mucous membranes of the sex organs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ball and chain is slang for a spouse, usually a wife.
Ball and chain is London Cockney rhyming slang for strain.
Ball and rat is old London Cockney rhyming slang for hat.
Ball of chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
Ball of fat is London Cockney rhyming slang for cat.
Ball of lead is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
Ball slap is slang for sexual intercourse.
Ball tearer is Australian slang for something exceptional in its class, for good or bad qualities.
Ball−less wonder is slang for a weak, cowardly man.
Ballast is slang for food, a heavy meal.
Ballbag is slang for the scrotum.
Ballbreaker is slang for a heavy load.
Ballbreaker is slang for a woman whose character and behaviour may be regarded as threatening a
man's sense of power. Ballbreaker is slang for an overpowering employer or manager.
Balling is American slang for having sexual relations.
Balling the Jack is Black−American slang for a dance accompanied by lusty handclapping; to work
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ballistic is British slang for furious, very angry.
Ballocks was, until the mid−18th century, slang for the testicles; nonsense.
Balloon is slang for safe sex.
Balloon is slang for to try a new idea.
Balloon is American gambling slang for one hundred dollars.
Balloon is American slang for a bed roll.
Balloon is drugs slang for to package narcotics for distribution and sale.
Balloon car is London Cockney rhyming slang for saloon bar.
Balloon Juice is American tramp slang for idle talk
Balloon room is Black−American slang for the place where marijuana is smoked
Balloon soup was early 20th century American slang for nonsense, empty talk.
Balloons is slang for large breasts.
Ballow is American slang for to lay claim to.
Ballroom without a parachute is Black−American slang for a marijuana den where no marijuana is
Balls is slang for any anabolic steroid.
Balls is slang for the testicles.
Balls is slang for nonsense.
Balls is slang for courage, nerve.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Balls−ache is British slang for something or someone tedious or trying.
Balls−out is slang for full−scale, all−out.
Balls−up is slang for something botched or muddled. In a mess.
Ballsitch is slang for a bad tempered person.
Ballsy is slang for courageous, spirited, determined.
Ballup is American slang for something botched or muddled.
Bally is British slang for very.
Balmy breeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
Baloney is slang for nonsense.
Balonie is Polari slang for rubbish, nonsense.
Balsam is old slang for money.
Balt is derogatory Australian slang for an immigrant to Australia from the Baltic countries.
Bam is slang for to cheat or to wheedle.
Bama is American slang for Alabama.
Bama is Black American slang for the south.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bamba is slang for cannabis.
Bamber is American slang for second−rate marijuana.
Bamboo is Jamaican slang for the penis.
Bambooing is slang for a whipping, a caning.
Bambs is slang for Phenobarbital.
Bambu is slang for a joint in rolling paper made of hemp.
Bammy is Jamaican slang for marijuana.
Bampot is derogatory Scottish slang for an idiot or imbecile.
Banana is slang for a foolish person.
Banana is slang for a homosexual.
Banana is Black−American slang for an attractive light skinned Black−American female. Banana was
Australian slang for a one pound note.
Banana is Jamaican slang for the penis.
Banana bender is Australian slang for an inhabitant of Queensland.
Banana boat is slang for a ship or boat transporting immigrants from the Caribbean.
Banana boy is slang for an inmate of a Dr Baranardo's home.
Banana Fritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (shitter).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Banana split is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
Banana splits is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
Banana truck is American slang for a crazy person.
Banana−bender is Australian slang for a person from Queensland State.
Bananas is slang for crazy, berserk.
Band is Australian slang for a prostitute.
Band in the box is London Cockney rhyming slang for pox.
Band of hope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap.
Band rat is slang for a girl who follows around and has sex with members of a pop group.
Bandalu business is Jamaican slang for a con, a swindle.
Bandit is British slang for a homosexual.
Bandit country is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals.
Bandit territory is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals.
Bandulu is Jamaican slang for a confidence artist, a trickster.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bandy is British slang for bow−legged as a result of sex.
Bandy is Dorset slang for a long, heavy stick with a bent end used to beat dung into the fields.
Bang is slang for cannabis.
Bang is slang for sexual intercourse.
Bang is Australian slang for a brothel.
Bang is slang for an exciting experience.
Bang and biff is London Cockney rhyming slang for Syphilis (syph).
Bang on is British slang for to nag, talk incessantly and boringly.
Bang on the drum is bingo slang for the number seventy−one.
Bang one's Bishop is slang for masturbate.
Bang to rights is British slang for without hope of escape, undeniable.
Bang up is slang for to imprison.
Bang up is prison slang for to lock up a prisoner in his cell, especially for the night. Bang up is slang
for inject oneself with hard drugs.
Banged out is slang for full, packed with people.
Banged to rights is slang for caught in the act.
Banged−up is British slang for imprisoned.
Banger is British slang for a sausage.
Banger is British slang for an old or decrepit vehicle.
Banger is drugs slang for a hypodermic syringe.
Banger was mid−20th century slang for a kiss.
Banger is Australian slang for a morning coat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bangers and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
Bangles is slang for breasts.
Bangles is slang for testicles.
Banjaxed is Irish slang for defeated, overcome or overwhelmed.
Banjo is slang for a guitar.
Banjo is Scottish slang for to hit someone as hard as you can.
Banjo is Australian and New Zealand slang for a long−handled shovel with a wide blade.
Banjo'd is British slang for very drunk.
Banjo'd is British military slang for defeated, beaten.
Bank is slang for the vagina.
Bank is Black−American slang for toilet
Banker is gambling slang for a certainty, a likely result.
Bankroll is slang for to provide the capital for; finance.
Banter play built on a coke frame is Black−American slang for an attractive young woman.
Bapper was old Scottish slang for a baker.
Bappo is Australian slang for a Baptist.
Baps is Irish slang for female breasts.
Bapsouse is American slang for to baptise.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Baptise is British slang for to water down spirits in a pub prior to selling them.
Bar was old English slang for a sovereign and now slang for a pound.
Bar bore is British slang for a regular pub customer who has his own seat, and often his tankard
behind the bar.
Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for drugs (dope).
Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Pope.
Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for rope.
Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idiot (dope).
Bar steward is British slang for bastard.
Bar stool preacher is British slang for a pub regular who thinks he knows everything and offers advice
on everything.
Bar−fly is slang for someone who frequents cheap and seedy bars.
Bara is South African slang for Baragwanath Hospital.
Barb is slang for Phenobarbital.
Barb is slang for barbiturate.
Barbecue is slang for an attractive female as an object for oral sex.
Barbecue griddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piddle).
Barbed wire is Australian slang for the beer XXXX.
Barber is American tramp slang for to talk
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Barbie (shortened from barbecue griddle) is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate. Barbie is
Australian slang for a barbecue.
Barbie Doll is a derogatory slang term for a woman with artificially dyed blonde and permed hair.
Barbie Doll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gangster's girlfriend (moll).
Barbies is slang for Phenobarbital.
Barbs is slang for Phenobarbital.
Barclay's bank is London Cockney rhyming slang for to masturbate (wank).
Bard−Parker is medical slang for a scalpel blade.
Bareback is slang for sexual intercourse without the use of a condom.
Barebum is Australian slang for a short jacket, especially a short dinner−jacket worn by waiters.
Barf is slang for to vomit.
Barf bag is American slang for a disgusting or unpleasant person.
Barf bag is American slang for an airsickness bag.
Barf city is American slang for a disgusting or revolting place.
Barf someone out is American slang for disgust or nauseate.
Bargain is an Australian slang exclamation showing approval.
Barge is Black−American slang for to jump
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Barge and tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for mug.
Bargen is Dorset slang for a small farm or homestead.
Barges is slang for massive shoes.
Bark is British slang for a miserable, old, man.
Bark is British slang for an Irish person
Bark is Bilingsgate slang for a crab.
Bark is Black−American slang for human skin.
Bark is Australian slang for to vomit.
Bark and growl is London Cockney rhyming slang for a trowel.
Bark at ants is American slang for to vomit.
Barker is slang for a sausage.
Barker is old London slang for a pistol.
Barker was old slang for a thug.
Barker was old slang for a shop tout who stood outside a shop and tried to entice passers−by in.
Barker was old American slang for a tout who stood outside a saloon and tried to entice passers−by
in. Barker was old American slang for an auctioneer.
Barker's is London Cockney rhyming slang for naked (starkers).
Barker's egg is Australian slang for dog excrement.
Barkers is Black−American slang for shoes.
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Barking is slang for crazy.
Barking dogs is slang for aching, sore or tired feet.
Barking irons is slang for a pair of pistols.
Barking spider is slang for the anus.
Barm pot is British slang for crazy, silly, eccentric.
Barmy is slang for insane.
Barmy army is British slang for a wild or enthusiastic group of people − particularly the fans who
follow the English national cricket team.
Barnaby Rudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for judge.
Barnacle Bills is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (pills).
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Barnes Wallis is British slang for a splashing piece of excrement.
Barnet (from Barnet fair) is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
Barnet fair is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
Barney is British and Australian slang for an argument; fight.
Barney is Irish slang for one's head, mind.
Barney Moke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wallet (poke).
Barney Rubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble.
Baron is British slang for a prisoner enjoying power and influence over his fellow inmates.
Barra is Australian slang for barramundi fish.
Barrack is Australian slang for cheer loudly.
Barrakin was old slang for gibberish.
Barrel is British slang for a fat or rotund person.
Barrel is American slang for to go very fast.
Barrel Fever is British slang for a hangover.
Barrel of fat is Australian rhyming slang for a hat.
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Barrel of treacle was old slang for love, visible affection.
Barren joey is Australian slang for a prostitute.
Barres was old slang for gambling debts.
Barrikin is British slang for unintelligible language, slang, jargon.
Barro is Australian slang for embarrassing.
Barry McGuigan is London Cockney rhyming slang for large, big (a big 'un).
Barry White is London Cockney rhyming slang for rubbish, poor quality (shite).
Barse is British slang for the perineum.
Barsy is British slang for mad, a lunatic.
Bart is Australian slang for a girl or young woman, particularly an immoral one.
Barton is Dorset slang for an enclosed yard for cows.
Base is American slang for to disagree.
Base is slang for crack cocaine.
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Base on is American slang for to criticise.
Basehead is American slang for a drug user who smokes crack cocaine.
Bash Street Kid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
Bash up is British slang for to thrash; beat violently.
Basher is British slang for a thug, a bully.
Basher is British slang for a shelter or shack built from rubbish and lived in by a vagrant.
Bashment is Jamaican slang for a dance, stage show.
Bashy is Jamaican slang for attractive, nice, pleasant.
Basic brown is American political slang for a person who has little or no interest in, or commitment
to, environmental issues.
Basil − shortened from Basil Fawlty − is London Cockney rhyming slang for fourty pounds.
Bail Brush is London Cockney rhyming slang for thr fungal infection thrush.
Basil Fawlty is London Cockney rhyming slang for balti.
Basin is British slang for something that needs no container, such as advice.
Basin Cut is British slang for a short back and sides haircut achieved by plaing a basin over the head
and cutting around it.
Basin Of Gravy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a baby.
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Basket is British slang for a bastard.
Basket is British slang for a male homosexual.
Basket is Black−American slang for the penis and groin.
Basket case is British slang for some one crazy or insane.
Basket case is American and Canadian slang for a person who has had both arms and both legs
amputated, or someone who is completely incapacitated or a person who is suffering from extreme
nervous strain; a nervous wreck.
Bassing is slang for getting loud.
Baste is Black American slang for to attack or ridicule someone behind their back.
Baste the tuna is slang for to masturbate (said of a woman).
Baster is American and Australian slang for a house thief.
Bat is British slang for a prostitute.
Bat is American and Canadian slang for a drinking spree; binge.
Bat along is American and Canadian slang for to discuss an idea, proposition, etc. informally.
Bat an eye is slang for to show feeling, to respond.
Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for a market stall.
Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for wall.
Bat and Bowl is British slang for to be bisexual.
Bat and wicket is London Cockney rhyming slang for ticket.
Bat For The Other Side is British slang for to be homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Batch is Dorset slang for a small rising in the ground.
Bate is British slang for a bad temper or rage.
Batey is British slang for bad−tempered.
Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son.
Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
Bath−dodger is British slang for an unwashed or habitually dirty person.
Bathers is Australian slang for a swimming costume.
Bathtub is skiing slang for the dent left in the snow by someone falling on their buttocks.
Bats (shortened from bats in the belfy) is slang for mad; demented.
Bats in the belfry is slang for mad; demented.
Batt is drugs slang for an intravenous needle.
Batt is Polari slang for a shoe.
Battalion is old British slang for a gang of thieves.
Batten down the hatches is slang for to secure everything for a terrible storm.
Batter is British slang for semen.
Battery Acid is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
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Batting a thousand is American slang for to be succeeding in an extraordinary way.
Battle axe is slang for a feisty, aggressive woman.
Battle bowler is British slang for a sldier's helmet.
Battle the subs is Australian slang for sell goods door−to−door in the suburbs.
Battle−cruiser is London Cockney rhyming slang for boozer (pub).
Battle−royal was old slang for a serious argument or quarrel.
Battler is Australian slang for someone poor.
Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for the lip.
Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for back−chat, insolence (lip).
Batts is slang for Shoes.
Batty is slang for insane, crazy; odd, eccentric.
Batty is Jamaican slang for the buttocks.
Batty was old slang for wages.
See "Botty−Boy"
Baub is Dorset slang for bulb.
Baubles is slang for the testicles.
baven is Dorset slang for a bundle of untrimmed twigs for burning.
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Bayonet is slang for the penis.
Bazaar is London Cockney rhyming slang for bar.
Bazoo is American slang for the mouth.
Bazooka is London Cockney rhyming slang for snooker.
Bazooka is slang for the penis.
Bazookas is slang for women's breasts.
Bazulco is slang for cocaine.
Bazumas is slang for breasts.
Be a skinner is New Zealand slang for be out of money; broke; be used up.
Be all is American slang for to say.
Be all domino is slang for the end; finished.
Be all over is slang for to be enthusiastic. To do something earnestly.
Be all over is slang for to be very affectionate.
Be dirty on is Australian slang for to be offended by or hostile towards.
Be hot for is old slang for to have a sexual desire for someone, to lust after someone.
Be lucky is London slang for goodbye, farewell.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Be missing is American slang for go away.
Be my Georgie Best is a slang expression of encouragement.
Be my guest is a slang expression of encouragement.
Beached whale is nursing slang for an obese patient who is unable to do much for him or herself but
lie there with flailing arms and legs.
Beacon is British slang for a red nose.
Beadle is docker slang for a dock policeman.
Beadle was old slang for someone wearing a long blue overcoat.
Beadles was 19th century American slang for the inhabitants of the state of Virginia.
Beagle is British slang for a heavy smoker.
Beak is English slang for a magistrate or judge.
Beak is slang for a person's nose, especially one that is large, pointed, or hooked.
Beak off is Irish slang for to play truant.
Beaker is slang for a fowl, a chicken.
Beaker−hauler is slang for a poultry thief who sells stolen poultry door−to−door.
Bealladona is slang for the drug phencyclidine.
Beam is Black−American slang for to look.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beamer is American slang for a BMW car.
Bean is slang for the head.
Bean is British slang for a coin.
Bean was old British slang for a pound sterling.
Bean was old British slang for a guinea.
Bean is Black−American slang for the sun.
Bean counter is Australian slang for an accountant.
Bean't is Dorset slang for it isn't.
Bean−bag is British slang for an unpleasant person.
Beaner is American slang for an Hispanic American or Mexican.
Beanie is Australian slang for a woollen hat.
Beano is British slang for a celebration, party, or other enjoyable time.
Beanpole is slang for a tall thin person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beans is American slang for dollars (money).
Beans is slang for the drug Phenobarbital.
Bear is slang for an irritable person.
Bear is slang for a large, hairy, muscular homosexual.
Bear is American slang for a police officer.
Bear trap is American slang for a difficult situation.
Bear's paw is London Cockney rhyming slang for a saw.
Bear−leader is slang for an expert who teaches by example.
Bear−tracker is slang for a detective.
Beard is slang for a woman's pubic area.
Beard is slang for a male escort posing as a boyfriend, lover or husband, often in the case of a
lesbian's 'official' partner.
Beard is Black−American slang for intellectual or far−out person.
Beard splitter is British slang for a man who has had sex with many women.
Beard splitter is British slang for the penis.
Bearded clam is British slang for the vagina.
Bearded oyster is British slang for the vagina.
Bearded whelk is British slang for the vagina.
Beardie is British slang for a bearded beatnik.
Beas is Dorset slang for a cow's udder.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beast is British slang for a sex criminal, a child molestor.
Beast is British slang for an ugly woman.
Beast is American slang for a girl or woman.
Beast is American prison slang for a sex offender.
Beast is Black−American slang for the white people.
Beastie is American slang for disgusting, coarse.
Beastie is American slang for impressive, powerful, enormous.
Beastmaster is British slang for an ugly woman's husband.
Beat is slang for to puzzle or baffle.
Beat is American and Canadian slang for to cheat or defraud.
Beat for the yolk is Black−American slang for to be short of cash.
Beat off is slang for masturbate.
Beat one's meat is British slang for masturbate.
Beat ones chops is Black−American slang for to talk.
Beat ones skin is Black−American slang for to clap.
Beat someone's brains out is slang for to kill by knocking severely about the head.
Beat the rap is American slang for escape punishment, especially a prison sentence.
Beat the rocks is Black−American slang for walk on the sidewalk (pavement).
Beat to the socks is Black−American slang for weariness.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beat box is slang for a drum machine.
Beatbox is slang for a large portable radio, casette player or CD player.
Beater is Black−American slang for money.
Beattie and Babs is London Cockney rhyming slang for crablice (crabs).
Beaut is Australian and New Zealand slang for excellent, outstanding, distinctive.
Beauty is an Australian and New Zealand slang expression of agreement or approval.
Beaver is slang for the female genitals.
Beaver is slang for a woman seen solely as a sex object.
Beaver is slang for a long or luxuriant beard.
Beaver cleaver is British slang for the penis.
Beaver shot is slang for a close−up photograph of a woman's genitals.
Bebop is slang for a style of jazz music featuring nonsense lyrics.
Bebop glasses is Black−American slang for fashionable sunglasses.
Becher's brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
Becker is British slang for a quick act of sexual intercourse.
Bed'n is Dorset slang for 'kept on', continued.
Beddermos' is Dorset slang for socially superior people (bettermost).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bedfordshire is British slang for bed or bedtime.
Bedworthy is British slang for a sexually attractive woman.
Bee is Black−American slang for an idea.
Bee stings is slang for very small breasts.
Bee's knees is slang for excellent, the best.
Bee−stings is slang for small female breasts.
Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bill.
Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a photograph (still).
Beechams is British slang for the testicles.
Beef is slang for a complaint or to complain.
Beef is slang for an argument.
Beef is slang for sexual intercourse.
Beef and mutton is London Cockney rhyming slang for a glutton.
Beef bayonet is slang for the penis.
Beef brain is British slang for a slow witted person.
Beef bugle is Australian slang for the penis.
Beef curtains is slang for breasts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beef head is British slang for a slow witted person.
Beef hart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
Beef someone is slang for to have sex with.
Beef up is British slang for intensify.
Beefcake is slang for men displayed for their muscular bodies, especially in photographs.
Beefer is British slang for a male homosexual.
Beefy is slang for muscular, strong.
Beefy is slang for someone with body odour.
Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for drive.
Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for five.
Beemal is British slang for lamb.
Beemob is British slang for a bomb.
Beemoc is British slang for a comb.
Been round the block is British slang for experienced, sexually experienced.
Been's is Dorset slang for because.
Beer barrel is British slang for the stomach.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beer eater is British slang for someone who loves beer.
Beer gut is British slang for a large stomach.
Beer me up Scotty is British slang for a request for a beer.
Beer scooter is slang for getting home after a night out drinking heavily and not remembering how
one got home.
Beer shop is slang for a pub.
Beer trap is British slang for the mouth.
Beer−tokens is British slang for one pound coins, money.
Beer−up is Australian slang for a drinking bout.
Beer−vouchers is British slang for one pound coins, money.
Beered up is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
Beersucker is slang for the mouth.
Beersucker is slang for a heavy drinker.
Beery is British slang for tipsy.
Beery nose is British slang for a drunk.
Bees and honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bees bollocks is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best.
Bees knees is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best.
Bees wingers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
Beeswax is London Cockney rhyming slang for tax.
Beetle is British slang for to hurry.
Beetle brain is slang for a slow witted person, an idiot.
Beetle off is slang for to depart, often in a hurry.
Beetle's blood is British slang for stout beer.
Beetle−crushers is British slang for heavy work boots.
Beetle−sticker is slang for an entomologist.
Beetlehead is Dorset slang for a tadpole.
Beetles and ants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants.
Beetroot mug is slang for a red face.
Beevo is American slang for beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beevos is American slang for beer.
Beeza is slang for a BSA motorcycle.
Beeze is slang for penis.
Beezer is British slang for a person or chap
Beezer is British slang for the nose
Beezer is British slang for excellent, very attractive.
Beezer is Scottish slang for an extreme example of its kind.
Beezer is slang for a BSA motorcycle.
Beezonker is slang for the nose.
Bef is West Indian slang for stupid, useless.
Befok is South African slang for an unhappy, crazy or exhausted person.
Befok is South African slang for a ruined spoiled, broken or dysfunctional object.
Before Abe is Black American slang for the slave era (pre 1st of January 1863).
Before Abe jive is Black American slang for hard, thankless work.
Before day creep is Black American slang for a surreptitious late−night or early morning visit to one's
Before one can say Jack Robinson is slang for very quickly, instantly.
Beg your pardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for garden.
Beggar is British slang for a person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Beggar boy's (shortened from beggar boy's arse) is London Cockney rhyming slang for money
Beggar boy's arse is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (brass).
Beggar boy's ass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Bass.
Beggar maker is British slang for a publican, bookmaker.
Beggar my neighbour is London Cockney rhyming slang for on the labour (unemployed).
Beggar's lagging is British slang for three weeks in prison.
Beigel is slang for a losing horse.
Beigel basher is British slang for a Jew.
Belch was old slang for second−rate beer.
Belch is American slang for a noisy complaint.
Belch chasers is American slang for to vomit.
Belch water is American slang for soda water.
Belcher is slang for a spotted handkerchief.
Belcher was 19th century English slang for a thick finger ring.
Belcher is slang for a dedicated beer drinker.
Belcher is American slang for a complainer, a winger.
Belcher is American slang for an informant.
Belfa was early 18th century slang for a prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Belfry is British slang for the head.
Bell is British slang for a telephone call.
Bell end is British slang for the head of the penis.
Bell ringers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
Bell rope was British slang for a hairstyle fashionable in the 19th century in which the hair was worn
twisted into two ropes worn one each side of the face. Bell rope is British slang for a long penis.
Bell rope is American slang for the penis.
Bell shiner is slang for homosexual anal intercourse.
To bell the cat was old English slang for to undertake something dangerous.
Bell−plow is Dorset slang for a horse−drawn waggon fitted with bells.
Bell−ringer is American slang for a great success.
Bell−ringers is rhyming slang for fingers.
Belled up is slang for protected by a burglar alarm.
Bellman is slang for a burglar who is expert at dealing with alarms.
Bellower was old slang for a town crier.
Bellows is British slang for the lungs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bellows to mend was old slang for to be out of breath.
Bellowsed was old slang for to be transported as a convict.
Bellowser was 19th century British slang for a punch in the stomach.
Bellowser was 19th century Australian slang for a sentence of lifetime transportation.
Bells is British slang for Annabel's nightclub.
Bells and whistles is slang for embellishments, gimmicks.
Bellswagger was old English slang for a noisy braggart, a bully.
Bellswagger was 18th century English slang for a womaniser or pimp.
Belly is Dorset slang for a bundle of thatch.
Belly fiddler is Black−American slang for guitar.
Belly−slop is slang for the withdrawl method of contraception.
Bellyache is slang for to complain repeatedly.
Bellyflop is slang for a dive landing stomach−first on the water.
Bellyflop is slang for a total failure.
Bellyful is slang for more than one can tolerate.
Below the belt is slang for underhand, spiteful.
Belsen victim is British slang for a very thin person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Belt is slang for to give a sharp blow; punch.
Belt is slang for to hurry.
Belt and braces is London Cockney rhyming slang for races.
Belt and braces man is slang for an overly cautious person.
Belt loosener is slang for a large meal.
Belt strainer is slang for a large meal.
Belt up is slang for to stop talking.
Belter is slang for a rousing or spirited popular song that is sung loudly and enthusiastically.
Belyando spew is Australian slang for sickness.
Belyando spruce is Australian slang for marijuana.
Bembe is West Indian slang for a bully.
Bemused is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
Ben was 18th century slang for a simpleton.
Ben was 19th century slang for a coat.
Ben was 19th century slang for a lie.
Ben Cove was 17th and 18th century slang for a friend, a good fellow.
Ben Flake was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for steak
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ben Hur is London Cockney rhyming slang for a term of imprisonment (stir).
Ben'um is Dorset slang for aren't they?
Benbouse was 16th century slang for the best beer.
Bench−legged is American slang for bowlegged.
Bench−man is American slang for a judge.
Bench−points is slang for physical advantages.
Bench−warmer is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person.
Bench−warmer is American slang for a substitute in a sports team.
Bench−warmer is American slang for a tramp, vagrant.
Bencher is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person.
Bend down is slang for to allow to happen.
Bend one's ear is British slang for to mag, or talk incessantly.
Bend one's ear is Black−American slang for to tell someone something.
Bend over is slang for submit to or invite buggery.
Bend over is slang for submit to or yield to abuse or attack.
Bend the elbow is slang for drink alcohol.
Bended (shortened from bended knees) is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
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British and American slang A to Z list PDF book free

  • 1. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang A comprehensive glossary of over 15,000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world, including: American slang, Australian slang, British slang, Canadian slang, South African slang, Cockney rhyming slang, Irish slang, Scottish slang, Jamaican slang, theatre slang, bingo slang, and Dorset slang. Deluxe Illustrated PDF Edition ©2004 The Probert Encyclopaedia
  • 2. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Published in 2004 By The Probert Encyclopaedia 110 PERCENT 110 percent is American sports slang for the extra effort often required to win a difficult contest. 180−OUT 180−out is American military slang for false. 24−7 24−7 is slang for all the time. It is short for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 404 404 is American slang for clueless or naive. 411 411 is American slang for information. 56 56 is American police slang for time off from work. 714S 714s is slang for methaqualone. 911 911 is American slang for an emergency. 98 98 is American slang for a 98 model Oldsmobile motor car. A BIT OF A BUMBLE A bit of a bumble is Dorset slang for confusion. A BIT OF CRUMPET A bit of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman. A BIT OF HOW'S YOUR FATHER A bit of how's your father is British slang for sexual mischief. A BUGGER'S MUDDLE A bugger's muddle is British slang for a mess. 1
  • 3. A BUTTON SHORT A button short is slang for intellectually deficient. A CARSE A carse is Dorset slang for of course. A COLD DAY IN HELL A cold day in hell is slang for never. A GRAPE ON THE BUSINESS A grape on the business is Australian slang for a person whose presence spoils things for others. A LA A la is British slang for pretentious. A PIECE OF CRUMPET A piece of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman. A PIECE OF GOODS A piece of goods is slang for a person, especially a woman. A ROD IN PICKLE A rod in pickle is Australian slang for a race horse being secretly prepared for a win and betting coup. A ROLL JACK RICE COULDN'T JUMP OVER A roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over is Australian slang for a large sum of money. A SKULL A skull is slang for per person. A SODA A soda is Australian slang for something easily done; a pushover. A SQUEEZE A squeeze is American slang for orange juice. A TO Z A to Z is British rhyming slang for a shed. A TOUCH OF THE TAR−BRUSH A touch of the tar−brush is derogatory British slang for having a skin colour which suggests black or coloured ancestry. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 2
  • 4. A'PORTH A'Porth (from ha'porth) is British slang for an unimportant or silly person. A−COATHED A−coathed is Dorset slang for rotten, diseased. A−HEAD A−head is Black−American slang for a heavy user of amphetamines. A−OKAY A−okay is slang for superb. A−STOGGED A−stogged is Dorset slang for having one's feet stuck in the mud. A−STOODED A−stooded is Dorset slang for sunk in the ground, stuck in the mud. A−ZEW A−zew is Dorset slang for no longer yielding milk. A.C.A.B. A.C.A.B. is British slang for 'All Coppers Are Bastards'. A.D. A.D. is slang for drug addict. A.K.A. A.K.A. (also known as) is slang for alias. AAP Aap is South african slang for a cannabis cigarette. AARDVARK Aardvark is British slang for hard work, unpleasant tasks. AB Ab is body−building slang for an abdominal muscle. ABB Abb is surfing slang for an abnormal person. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 3
  • 5. ABBESS Abbess was 16th to 19th century slang for the mistress of a brothel. ABDOMINABLE VOORHEAVES Abdominable voorheaves is American slang for to vomit. ABDUL Abdul is derogatory slang for a Turk or Arab. Abdul is Australian slang for an immigrant. ABE Abe is British slang for a Jew. ABEL AND CAIN Abel and Cain is British rhyming slang for rain. ABERDEENS Aberdeens is British rhyming slang for baked beans. ABERGAVENY Abergavenny is London cockney rhyming slang for penny. ABFAB Abfab is Australian slang for first−rate, very attractive, wonderful. ABIGAIL Abigail was 18th and 19th century slang for a lady's maid. Abigail is slang for an ageing, conservative male homosexual. ABO Abo is derogatory Australian slang for an aboriginal. ABOUT DONE About done is British slang for finished. About done is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy. ABOUT RIGHT About right is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy. ABRAHAM Abraham is British rhyming slang for sham. ABRAHAM'S WILLING Abraham's willing was old British rhyming slang for a shilling. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 4
  • 6. ABROAD Abroad is British slang for out conducting criminal activities. ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE Absent without leave is slang for escaped from prison. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY Absofuckinglutely is Black−American slang for without doubt. ABSORB Absorb is slang for to drink. Absorb is slang for to eat. ABSOTIVELY Absotively is American slang for absolutely, positively. ABYSSINIA Abyssinia is British slang for goodbye (I'll be seeing you). ABYSSINIAN POLO Abyssinian polo is American slang for the game of craps. AC AC is Black−American slang for the Acura Legend automobile. AC/DC AC/DC is slang for bisexual. ACAPULCO Acapulco is slang for cannabis. ACAPULCO GOLD Acapulco Gold is slang for a particular breed of cannabis from around Acapulco in Mexico. The leaves are golden in colour and supposedly of high quality. ACCA Acca is Australian slang for academic ACCELERATED DEATH BENEFITS Accelerated death benefits is insurance industry slang for a policyholder's option to use cash benefits from life insurance to finance medical care during serious illness. ACCIDENT Accident is British slang for an arrest. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 5
  • 7. ACE Ace is slang for excellent. Ace is slang for cannabis. Ace is British slang for the anus. Ace is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination etc. ACE HURLER Ace hurler is American slang for a baseball team's best pitcher. ACE IN THE HOLE Ace in the hole is American slang for a final surprise which will likely guarantee success. ACE OF SPADES Ace of spades is British slang for the female pubic area. Ace of spades is British slang for completely black. Ace of spades is British rhyming slang for AIDs. ACE OF TRUMPS Ace of trumps is British slang for a first−class person. ACE OUT Ace out is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination, etc. ACE−DEUCE Ace−deuce is Black−American slang for three. Ace−deuce is American and Jamaican slang for a best friend. ACEY−DEUCY Acey−deucy is American slang for uncertain quality, both good and bad. ACHE AND PAIN Ache and pain is British rhyming slang for rain. ACID Acid is slang for the drug LSD. (Lysergic acid diethyl amide). Acid is slang for the drug MDMA Acid is West Indian slang for rum. Acid is Jamaican slang for a special unit of the Jamaican police force. ACID CASUALTY Acid casualty is slang for someone supposedly suffering from impaired faculties as a result of taking LSD (acid). ACID DROPS Acid drops is British slang for caustic comments, put−downs. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 6
  • 8. ACID FLASH Acid flash is slang for a sudden recurrence of an LSD related experience. ACID HEAD Acid head is slang for a person who uses LSD (acid). ACID HOUSE Acid house is slang for a particular youth culture involving synthetic electronic dance−music − known as house − and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs such as ecstasy and LSD (acid). ACID ROCK Acid rock is slang for a type of guitar−based electric rock music of the late 1960s and early 1970s supposedly influenced by LSD (acid). ACID TRIP Acid trip is slang for a period under the influence of the drug LSD (acid). ACKER Acker (shortened from Acker Bilk) is British rhyming slang for milk. Acker is Dorset slang for a friend. ACKER BILK Acker Bilk is British rhyming slang for milk. ACKERS Ackers is British military slang for coins, notes, money and especially piastres. ACORN Acorn is British slang for the head of an erect penis. Acorn was old slang for the head. ACORN IN A BIRD'S NEST Acorn in a bird's nest is British slang for the male genitalia. ACORNS Acorns is British slang for the testicles. ACRE Acre is slang for buttock. Acre is slang for testicle. ACROBAT Acrobat is Jamaican slang for a fool. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 7
  • 9. ACROSS THE BOARD Across the board is slang for all−inclusive. ACROSS THE RIVER Across the river is American military slang for the government (the White House and Congress). ACT Act is Australian slang for pretending to be something you are not. Act is Australian slang for a fit of temper; a tantrum. ACT DUMB Act dumb is slang for to feign ignorance. ACT THE JINNIT Act the jinnit is Irish slang for to behave foolishly, irrationally. ACT THE LINNET Act the linnet is Irish slang for to flirt. ACT THE MAGGOT Act the maggot is Irish slang for to play the fool, to clown around. ACT THE MOHAWK Act the mohawk is Irish slang for to misbehave. ACTCOM Actcom is American slang for a television action comedy, where every episode is based on a disruption of the status quo, followed by humorous efforts to bring the situation back to normal. ACTION Action is slang for recreational activities such as gambling, prostitution and drugs. ACTION MAN Action man is British slang for a devotee of military physical exercise. An excessively macho man. ACTOR Actor is slang for someone accomplished at playing a role, or bluffing. ACTUAL Actual is British slang for cash. ADAM Adam is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 8
  • 10. ADAM AND EVE Adam and Eve is London Cockney rhyming slang for believe. Adam and Eve is American slang for two poached or fried eggs. Adam and Eve is slang for sexual intercourse. ADAM AND EVE BALL Adam and Eve ball is slang for an early dancing party to which the guests are invited until 12 midnight only. ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT Adam and Eve on a raft is American slang for two poached eggs on toast. ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT AND WRECK 'EM Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em is American slang for scrambled eggs on toast. ADAM AND EVE'S TOGS Adam and Eve's togs is British slang for naked. ADAM ANTS Adam Ants is British rhyming slang for pants. ADAM FAITH Adam Faith is British rhyming slang for a safe. ADAM'S ALE Adam's ale is slang for water. ADAMITICAL Adamitical is slang for naked. ADAMS Adams (shortened from Adam Ants) is British rhyming slang for pants. ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE Add fuel to the fire is slang for make a bad or intense situation worse. ADD INSULT TO INJURY Add insult to injury is slang for aggravate an already difficult situation, further upset someone. ADDICTION MEDICINE Addiction medicine is American slang for psychiatric treatment used to treat people who suffer from an addiction. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 9
  • 11. ADDLED Addled is British slang for muddled, confused due to the effects of alcohol. Intoxicated. ADOLPH Adolph is British slang for a vibrator. ADONIS Adonis is slang for an attractive man. ADRIAN Adrian (shortened from Adrian Quist) is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed). ADRIAN QUIST Adrian Quist is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed). ADVANCE DIRECTIVE Advance directive is medical slang for a patient's written instructions as to what course of treatment should be followed in the event he or she becomes incapable of communicating. AERATED Aerated is old nineteenth century slang for angry, agitated. AERIAL Aerial is Bristol slang for area, region, district. AERIAL PING−PONG Aerial ping−pong is Australian slang for Australian Rules Football. AEROPLANE BLOND Aeroplane blond is slang for a woman who has dyed her hair blonde. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 10
  • 12. AEROPLANE SKIRT Aeroplane skirt is slang for a skirt with a very long slit up it. AF Af is South African slang for a black African. AFFAIR Affair is political slang for a reception held for the purposes of fundraising and/or honouring the achievements of an individual. AFGHANI INDICA Afghani Indica is slang for cannabis. AFICIONADO Aficionado is slang for devotee. AFRAID OF ONE'S SHADOW Afraid of one's shadow is slang for being easily frightened. AFRICA SPEAKS Africa speaks is Australian and New Zealand slang for strong liquor imported from South Africa. AFRICAN African is slang for cannabis. African is Australian slang for a tailor−made cigarette. AFRICAN LAGER African lager is British slang for the beer Guinness. AFRICAN QUEEN African queen is British slang for a Black homosexual. African queen is British slang for a White homosexual who prefers Black partners. AFRICAN TIME African time is South African slang for unpunctuality. AFRICAN WOODBINE African woodbine is British slang for a cigarette containing cannabis. AFRICKY Africky is slang for African. AFRIKS Afriks is South African slang for Afrikaans language lessons. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 11
  • 13. AFRO Afro is slang for a type of hairstyle consisting of a mass of tight curls allowed to grow out forming a bush around the head. Afro is slang for a black person. AFRO SAXON Afro Saxon is derogatory slang for a Black person whose lifestyle, opinions and attitudes are those of the White society. AFROED Afroed is slang for having an afro hair−style. AFTER After is Australian slang for afternoon. AFTER DAVY After Davy is slang for affidavit. AFTER EIGHT MINT After eight mint is British rhyming slang for penniless (skint). AFTER HAIR After hair is slang for to be pursuing a woman for sex. AFTER ONE'S OWN HEART After one's own heart is slang for of similar interests or sensibilities. AFTERBIRTH Afterbirth is slang for rhubarb. Afterbirth is American slang for excessive paperwork. AFTERBOOMER Afterboomer is newspaper slang for a person born between 1965 and 1974 after the baby−boom of 1946 to 1964. AFTERGLOW Afterglow is British slang for the winding down period after love making. AFTERNOON DELIGHT Afternoon delight is British slang for sex in the afternoon. AFTERS Afters is British slang for an after−hours drinking session. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 12
  • 14. AG Ag is British slang for aggravation. AGAINST THE CLOCK Against the clock is British slang for short of time, in a hurry. AGAINST THE WIND Against the wind is British slang for a struggle, a difficult task. AGATE Agate is slang for a marble. AGATES Agates is slang for testicles. AGGIE Aggie is British slang for a marble. AGGIE EYES Aggie eyes is British slang for someone who hasn't had enough sleep. AGGRAVATION Aggravation is British slang for serious trouble. Aggravation is British rhyming slang for station. AGGRO Aggro is British (Cockney) and Australian slang for aggravation, aggressive troublemaking. Aggro is American slang for wonderful, excellent. AGGY Aggy is Dorset slang for edgy, with sharp−looking corners. Aggy is Dorset slang for to collect birds' eggs. AGINNER Aginner is British slang for a dissenter. Aginner is Irish slang for someone who automatically takes the opposite stance. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 13
  • 15. AGONY Agony is Jamaican slang for sexual pleasure. AGTEROS Agteros is South African slang for a dawdler, a plodder, a slow walker. AGUA DE CHANGO Agua de chango is slang for liquid heroin administered nasally. AH SEH ONE Ah seh one is Jamaican slang for something important, outstanding, meaningful. AH−AHS Ah−ahs is British slang for defecation. AHEAD OF THE GAME Ahead of the game is slang for being in an advantageous position. AI−AI Ai−ai is South African slang for methylated spirits or surgical spirit drunk by alcoholics. AIKONA Aikona is South African slang for never. Absolutely not. A very definite no. AIM ARCHIE AT THE ARMITAGE Aim Archie at the Armitage is Australian slang for to urinate. AIMED Aimed is American slang for identified, singled out, victimised. AIN'T IT A TREAT Ain't it a treat was old British rhyming slang for street. AIN'T SHE SWEET Ain't she sweet is British rhyming slang for seat. AIN'T TODAY STORY Ain't today story is Jamaican slang for a woman who looks younger than she really is. AIR DIRTY LAUNDRY Air dirty laundry is American slang for to let others know of one's private conflicts or problems. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 14
  • 16. AIR HOSE Air hose is American slang for shoes worn without socks. AIR OFF ONESELF Air off oneself is Jamaican slang for to show off, to display one's superior status at someone else's expense. AIR OUT ONE'S MOUTH ON Air out one's mouth on is Jamaican slang for to speak aggressively or abusively. AIR THE DICED CARROTS Air the diced carrots is American slang for to vomit. AIR−DANCE Air−dance was British slang for execution by hanging. AIRBALL Airball is American slang for a slow, dim, eccentric or unpleasant person. AIRBRAINED Airbrained is American slang for silly, frivolous. AIRCRAFT CARRIER Aircraft carrier is basketball slang for a player whose driving force can carry the team to victory. AIRHEAD Airhead is slang for a stupid or simple−minded person. AIRMOUSE Airmouse is Dorset slang for a bat. AIRS AND GRACES Airs and graces is London cockney rhyming slang for faces (people). Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for braces Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for races. AIRSICK PIGEON Airsick pigeon is British slang for useless. AISH Aish is Dorset slang for an ash tree. AITCH DROPPER Aitch dropper is British slang for a Cockney. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 15
  • 17. AJAX Ajax is British rhyming slang for car tax. AL CAPONE Al Capone is British and Australian rhyming slang for telephone. ALA Ala (shortened from Alabaster) is British rhyming slang for plaster. ALABAMA Alabama is British rhyming slang for hammer. ALABASTER Alabaster is British rhyming slang for plaster. ALADDIN'S CAVE Aladdin's cave is British slang for a stash of stolen goods. ALAN BORDER Alan Border is British rhyming slang for order. ALAN LADD Alan Ladd is British rhyming slang for unfashionable (sad). ALAN MINTER Alan Minter is British rhyming slang for splinter. ALAN WHICKER Alan Whicker is British rhyming slang for one pound (nicker). ALAN WHICKERS Alan Whickers is British Cockney rhyming slang for knickers. ALAN'S PSYCHEDELIC BREAKFAST Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast is American slang for to vomit. ALANS Alans (shortened from Alan Whickers) is British rhyming slang for knickers. ALASS'N Alass'n is Dorset slang for unless. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 16
  • 18. ALBATROSS Albatross is slang for an encumbrance; something that causes anxiety. Albatross is medical slang for a patient who never seems to get better, or who is regularly ill with a new ailment, and who sticks with one physician for seemingly endless treatment. ALBERT Albert (shortened from Albert hall) is British rhyming slang for wall. ALBERT HALL Albert hall is British rhyming slang for wall. ALCO Alco is Australian slang for Alcoholic ALDERMAN'S NAIL Alderman's nail is London cockney rhyming slang for tail. ALDERSHOT LADIES Aldershot ladies is British bingo slang for the number 44. ALDERSHOT WHORE Aldershot whore is British rhyming slang for four. ALDGATE EAST Aldgate East is London Cockney rhyming slang for a priest. ALDGATE PUMP Aldgate pump is London Cockney rhyming slang for annoyed, displeased (to have the hump). ALEC Alec is slang for a swindler's victim. Alec is Australian slang for a stupid person. ALED Aled is British slang for drunk. ALF Alf is Australian slang for an uncultivated Australian. ALF GARNET Alf Garnet is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair (Barnet). ALFALFA Alfalfa is American slang for money. Alfalfa is American slang for tobacco. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 17
  • 19. Alfalfa is American slang for marijuana. ALFIE BASS Alfie Bass is London Cockney rhyming slang for gas. ALFRED Alfred (shortened from Alfred the Great) is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight. ALFRED THE GREAT Alfred the Great is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight. ALGERNON Algernon is British slang for a young, upper−class man. ALI BABA Ali Baba is British slang for an alibi. ALI G Ali G is British rhyming slang for to urinate (pee). ALI OOP Ali Oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop). ALIAS Alias is Jamaican slang for dangerous, violent. ALIAS MAN Alias man is Jamaican slang for a cheat, a hypocrite. ALICE Alice is Australian slang for Alice Springs. ALIGHT Alight is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated. ALIVE Alive is British slang for having money. ALIVE OR DEAD Alive or dead was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for the head. ALKIE Alkie is slang for an alcoholic. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 18
  • 20. ALKY Alky (alkie) is slang for a heavy drinker or alcoholic. ALL AFLOAT All afloat was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a coat. ALL ARMS AND LEGS All arms and legs is slang for weak beer. ALL BEER AND SKITTLES All beer and skittles is British slang for an easy life. ALL BEHIND All behind is British rhyming slang for blind. ALL BEHIND LIKE THE COW'S TAIL All behind like the cow's tail is Irish slang for late. ALL BETS ARE OFF All bets are off is slang for the situation is entirely different than it was. ALL BUCK−UP GOES All buck−up goes is Jamaican slang for to abandon all ethical standards. ALL COME ON TOP All come on top is British slang for a disaster, when everything goes wrong. ALL COMPLAIN All complain is British rhyming slang for rain. ALL DAY AND NIGHT All day and night is slang for a life prison sentence. ALL DAYER All dayer is British slang for an all−day drinking session. ALL EARS All ears is slang for attentive or listening. ALL FORLORN All forlorn is British rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 19
  • 21. ALL FRUITS RIPE All fruits ripe is Jamaican slang for everything is okay. ALL HANDS All hands is nautical slang for a ship's full crew. ALL MOUTH AND TROUSERS All mouth and trousers is British slang for blustering, boastful, showing off without having the qualities to justify it. ALL NIGHT RAVE All night rave is British rhyming slang for shave. ALL OF A DOODAH All of a doodah is slang for in a state of excitement. ALL OF ONE'S DOGS AREN'T BARKING All of one's dogs aren't barking is American slang for not in one's right mind; scatter−brained. ALL ON TOP All on top is British slang for superficial. ALL OVER THE BALLPARK All over the ballpark is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray. ALL OVER THE LOT All over the lot is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray. ALL OVER THE SHOP All over the shop is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray. ALL OVER THE SHOW All over the show is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray. ALL PISS AND WIND All piss and wind is slang for full of bluster and noise, but without substance. ALL QUIET All quiet (shortened from all quiet on the Western front) is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt). ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT All quiet on the Western front is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 20
  • 22. ALL RIGHT All right is American slang for acceptable or reliable. ALL ROUNDER All rounder is British slang for a bisexual. ALL SAME All same is Jamaican slang for makes no difference, all alike. ALL SERENE All serene is slang for all's well. ALL SIR GARNET All Sir Garnet was old slang for highly satisfactory, alright. ALL SNOT AND TEARS All snot and tears is British slang for mournful, remorseful. ALL STATIONS All stations is Australian slang for an Alsatian dog. ALL SYSTEMS GO All systems go is slang for everything is functional and ready. ALL THE RAGE All the rage is slang describing something which is in the most current fashion. ALL THE WAY All the way is British slang for full sexual intercourse. All the way is American slang for a snack or meal supplied with all available extras, such as mustard, relish, onions etc. ALL TITS AND TEETH All tits and teeth is derogatory British slang for a woman who gets on by using her physical attributes rather than her brain. An attractive but stupid woman. ALL WET All wet is slang for mistaken. ALL−FIRED All−fired is American slang for excessive; extreme. ALLEGRO Allegro is slang for lively. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 21
  • 23. ALLER Aller is Dorset slang for an alder. ALLEY Alley is slang for a pale or white marble. ALLEY APPLE Alley apple is American slang for a lump of horse manure. ALLEY CAT Alley cat is slang for someone who prowls the streets at night looking for sexual partners. ALLEY OOP Alley oop is basketball slang for a pass that is lobbed far through the air and tipped in by a player waiting near the basket. ALLEZ OOP Allez oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop). ALLIED IRISH Allied Irish (Shortened from Alled Irish Bank) is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank). ALLIED IRISH BANK Allied Irish Bank is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank). ALLIGATOR Alligator is British slang for later. Alligator is Black−American slang for a term used to refer to white jazz musicians, jive people. Alligator is business slang for an investment property that does not bring in enough income to cover expenses, a condition that devours the property's capital. ALLIGATOR SPREAD Alligator Spread is Wall Street slang for a deal where the commissions are equal to, or larger than, the profit. ALMIGHTY Almighty was nineteenth century slang for very great; exceedingly. ALMOND ROCK Almond rock is Cockney rhyming slang for penis (cock). ALMOND ROCKS Almond rocks is London cockney rhyming slang for socks. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 22
  • 24. ALONG FOR THE RIDE Along for the ride is slang for being unofficially associated with. ALPHABET BOYS Alphabet boys is British slang for the sanctioning bodies of boxing. ALPHONSE Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a pimp (ponce). Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a scrounger (ponce). ALQUITRAN Alquitranis slang for heroin. ALQUITRANAT Alquitranat is slang for heroin. ALSO RAN Also ran is horseracing slang for a horse that doesn't finish anywhere near the winners in a race. ALT Alt is Australian slang for a follower of an alternative lifestyle. ALTERNATIVE DENTATION Alternative dentation is slang for dentures, false teeth. ALTERNATIVE ROCK Alternative rock is slang for a type of rock music at the cutting edge of trends, often blending techno, heavy metal, and mainstream pop music with avant−garde styles. ALVIN Alvin is American slang for an unsophisticated rural−dwelling person. AMATEUR NIGHT Amateur night is American slang for a special occasion celebrated traditionally by drinking liquor. Amateur night is American slang for an exhibition of more than usual ineptitude. AMBASSADOR Ambassador is American slang for the penis. AMBASSADOR OF MOROCCO Ambassador of Morocco is slang for a shoemaker. AMBER FLUID Amber fluid is Australian slang for beer. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 23
  • 25. AMBER NECTAR Amber nectar is Australian slang for beer. AMBIDEXTER Ambidexter was 17th century British slang for a corrupt lawyer, one who takes fees from both the plaintiff and defendant. AMBIDEXTROUS Ambidextrous is slang for bisexual. AMBO Ambo is Australian slang for an ambulance or ambulance officer. AMBULANCE CHASER Ambulance Chaser is American slang for a lawyer who seeks to encourage and profit from the lawsuits of accident victims. AMEN−PREACHER Amen−preacher is Jamaican slang for a carrion crow. AMERICAN LAD American lad is Irish slang for fatty bacon imported from the USA. AMIDSHIPS Amidships is slang for the tummy area. AMMIT Ammit is Dorset slang for hasn't it. AMMO Ammo is Australian slang for ammunition. AMOEBAE Amoebae is slang for phencyclidine. AMOS AND ANDY Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for brandy. Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for shandy. AMP Amp is slang for a marijuana joint dipped in formaldehyde and smoked. AMP JOINT Amp Joint is slang for a marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 24
  • 26. AMP OFF Amp off is UNIX slang to run in background, from the UNIX shell `& operator. AMPED UP Amped up is slang for very excited. AMPSTER Ampster is Australian slang for a showman's or trickster's accomplice who starts buying the tickets, goods etc. AMSCRAY Amscray is slang for go away. AMSTERDAM Amsterdam is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam. AMY Amy is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug). AMYL Amyl is slang for amyl nitrate. ANABOLICS Anabolics is slang for any anabolic steroid. ANABOLS Anabols is slang for any anabolic steroid. ANARCHISTS Anarchists is Australian slang for non−safety matches. ANBY Anby is Dorset slang for by−and−by. ANCHOR Anchor is slang for a juror who has been bribed to influence other jurors to vote for an acquittal. Anchor is slang for a stay of execution. Anchor was old slang for a pick−axe. Anchor is American naval slang for the lowest−ranking class member at the United States Naval Academy. Anchor is American business slang for the main component of a shopping mall or complex. ANCHORS Anchors is British slang for brakes. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 25
  • 27. ANCHORS AWAY Anchors away is British rhyming slang for homosexual (gay). ANDRAMARTINS Andramartins is Irish slang for foolish behaviour, horsing around. ANDREW Andrew (shortened from Andrew Millar and from Andrew Miller) was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy. ANDREW MILLAR Andrew Millar was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy. ANDREW MILLER Andrew Miller was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy. ANDY CAIN Andy Cain was 19th century London cockney rhyming slang for rain. ANDY CAPP Andy Capp is rhyming slang for defecation (crap). Andy Capp is rhyming slang for rubbish (crap). Andy Capp is rhyming slang for borrow (tap). ANDY MAGUIRE Andy Maguire is Australian rhyming slang for fire. ANDY MCNISH Andy McNish is British rhyming slang for fish. ANDY PANDY Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for brandy. Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for shandy. ANGEL Angel is theatre slang for a primary financial backer. Angel is slang for a passive male homosexual. ANGEL CRYSTAL Angel Crystal is slang for phencyclidine. ANGEL DUST Angel Dust is slang for phencyclidine. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 26
  • 28. ANGEL HAIR Angel Hair is slang for phencyclidine. ANGEL LUST Angel lust is nursing slang for a male corpse with an erection. ANGEL'S KISS Angel's kiss is Australian rhyming slang for an act of urination (a piss). ANGELA Angela is slang for a passive male homosexual. ANGLE OF DANGLE Angle of dangle is British slang for the degree of erection depending upon how sexually stimulated a man is by a woman. ANGLO Anglo is slang for a person of anglo−saxon ethnic origin. ANGORA Angora is Australian slang for an idiot; fool. ANGRY FRUIT SALAD Angry fruit salad is computer slang for a bad visual−interface design that uses too many colours. ANIMAL Animal is slang for a crude, brutish person. Animal is slang for an ugly woman. ANIMAL COMPANION Animal companion is slang for a pet. ANIMAL HOUSE Animal house is American slang for a dwelling, especially a college fraternity house. ANIMAL NIGHT Animal night is Australian slang for a planned bout of bad or excessive behaviour. ANIMALIST Animalist is slang for an animal rights campaigner or supporter. ANKLE Ankle is slang for to walk; go. Ankle is theatrical slang for to quit. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 27
  • 29. ANKLE SLAPPER Ankle slapper is surfing slang for a small wave. ANKLE−BITER Ankle−biter is Australian slang for a child. ANKLE−BITERS Ankle−Biters is Australian slang for children, particularly crawling babies. ANNA MARIA Anna Maria is London cockney rhyming slang for fire. ANNA MAY Anna May (shortened from Anna May Wong) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour (pong). ANNA MAY WONG Anna May Wong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour (pong). ANNANAB Annanab is back slang for a banana. ANNIE Annie is slang for a lorry. Annie is numismatic slang for the American Numismatic Exchange. ANNIE LOUISE Annie Louise is Australian rhyming slang for cheese. ANNIE NO−RATTLE Annie no−rattle is Northern Irish slang for someone who waits until a conversation is over before putting their point of view. ANNIHILATED Annihilated is slang for very drunk. ANORAK Anorak is slang for a socially inept person with little fashion sense. ANT'S BOLLOCK ON A BEACH Ant's bollock on a beach is slang for something virtually impossible to find. ANT'S PANTS Ant's pants is Australian slang for the height of fashion. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 28
  • 30. ANTE UP Ante up is slang for to pay one's contribution. ANTENNA SHOP Antenna shop is slang for a shop that displays prototype products in order to test consumer reaction. ANTHEA TURNER Anthea Turner is British rhyming slang for a job (earner). ANTI−FREEZE Anti−freeze is slang for a strong drink. Anti−freeze is slang for heroin. ANTICIPOINTMENT Anticipointment is entertainment industry slang for the disappointment that follows hype when the programme falls short of expectations. ANTIDOTE Antidote is computing slang for a program used to protect a computer from computer viruses. ANTSY Antsy is slang for nervous, jumpy, agitated. ANY TOM, DICK, OR HARRY Any Tom, Dick or Harry is slang for any person at all. ANYWHEN Anywhen is Dorset slang for at any time. ANYWHERE Anywhere is Black−American slang for to possess drugs APE Ape is slang for a primitive, crude, brutish person. Ape is American slang for crazy. APE SHIT Ape shit is slang for out of control, berserk. APE−HANGERS Ape−hangers is slang for extra−high bicycle or motorbike handlebars. APENNY DIP 'Apenny dip is London cockney rhyming slang for ship. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 29
  • 31. APIECE Apiece is Dorset slang for for each. APOLLO PLAY Apollo Play is Black−American slang for the planet earth APPARATCHIK Apparatchik is slang for a flunky bureaucrat. APPLAUSE Applause is slang for venereal disease. APPLE Apple is slang for the head. APPLE AND PIP Apple and pip is British rhyming back slang for to urinate (sip). APPLE CIDER Apple cider is British rhyming slang for spider. APPLE CORE Apple core is British rhyming slang for twenty pounds (a score). APPLE FRITTER Apple fritter is London cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer). APPLE OF ONE'S EYE Apple of one's eye is slang for beloved, sweetheart. APPLE PIE Apple pie is rhyming slang for sky. APPLE PIE ORDER Apple pie order is American slang for neat and tidy. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 30
  • 32. APPLE PIPS Apple pips is British rhyming slang for lips. APPLE POLISH Apple polish is American slang for flattery. APPLE SAUCE Apple sauce is British rhyming slang for a horse, particularly a last finishing race horse that 'ran like a pig'.. Apple sauce is American and Canadian slang for nonsense; rubbish. APPLE SHINER Apple shiner is British slang for someone obsequious. APPLE TART Apple tart is British rhyming slang for to break wind from the anus (fart). APPLE−POLISHER Apple−polisher is American slang for a flatterer. APPLEJACK Applejack is British rhyming slang for crack cocaine. APPLES Apples is slang for breasts. Apples is slang for testicles. Apples is Australian slang for fine, perfect, okay. APPLES AND ORANGES Apples and oranges is American slang for completely different things. APPLES AND PEARS Apples and pears is London cockney rhyming slang for stairs. APPLES AND RICE Apples and rice is British rhyming slang for nice. APPLETON TALKING Appleton talking is Jamaican slang for someone who is drunk and talking nonsense or aggressively. APPLY LAWYER FOOT Apply lawyer foot is Jamaican slang to run away. APPLYING A BAND−AID Applying a band−aid is American slang for an inadequate solution to a difficult situation. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 31
  • 33. APPOINTMENT TELEVISION Appointment television is television industry slang for the viewing habits of people who plan in advance to watch only certain television programmes. APRICOT AND PEACH Apricot and peach is British rhyming slang for beach. APRIL FOOL April fool is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stool. APRIL FOOLS April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for stools. April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for tools. April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for pools. APRIL IN PARIS April in Paris is British rhyming slang for the backside, buttocks (aris). APRIL SHOWERS April showers is London cockney rhyming slang for flowers. APRON Apron is American slang for a bartender. ARAB Arab is slang for a wild or shiftless person. Arab is slang for a foreigner. Arab was 19th century British slang for a street urchin. ARBUCKLE Arbuckle is British slang for a fat person. ARC Arc is television industry slang for a television series format that allows for the development of characters and storylines over the course of several episodes. ARCHBISHOP LAUD Archbishop Laud is British rhyming slang for a fraud. ARCHER Archer is British slang for œ2000 (The amount paid to the prostitute Monica Coughlan by Jeffrey Archer the author and Conservative politician). ARCHET Archet is Dorset slang for orchard. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 32
  • 34. ARCHIE Archie was British Great War slang for anti−aircraft fire. ARCTIC EXPLORER Arctic explorer is British slang for a cocaine user. ARDLE Ardle is Dorset slang for a muddle, a tangle. ARE YOUR BOOTS LACED? Are your boots laced is Black−American slang for an inquiry as to whether or not one understands the matter in question. ARGIE Argie is British slang for an Argentinean. ARGUMENT ENDER Argument ender is British slang for a fist. ARGY−BARGY Argy−bargy is British slang for pushing and shoving. ARIES Aries is slang for heroin. ARISTOTLE Aristotle is London cockney rhyming slang for bottle. ARLUS Arlus is Dorset slang for always. ARM Arm is British slang for power, influence. ARM AND LEG Arm and leg is British rhyming slang for egg. ARMCHAIR Armchair is Bristol slang for how much, what do they cost. ARMCHAIR QUARTERBACK The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 33
  • 35. Armchair quarterback is American slang for a sports fan who thinks he or she could have made better decisions affecting the outcome of a game. ARMOUR Armour is American slang for weapons. ARMPIT Armpit is slang for a very unpleasant place. ARMSTRONG Armstrong is Black−American slang for a very high note ARMY Army is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug). ARMY AND NAVY Army and navy is London cockney rhyming slang for gravy. ARMY ROCKS Army rocks is British rhyming slang for socks. ARMY TANK Army tank is British rhyming slang for an American (yank). ARNIES Arnies is slang for any anabolic steroid. ARNOLD Arnold is Jamaican slang for pork. ARNOLD PALMERS Arnold Palmers is British rhyming slang for farmers. ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGER Arnold Schwartzenegger is British rhyming slang for beggar. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 34
  • 36. ARNOLDS Arnolds is slang for any anabolic steroid. AROUND THE WAY Around the way is Jamaican slang for the neighbourhood. ARREST Arrest is American slang for to accuse someone of dressing out of style. ARRIVERDERCI Arriverderci (shortened from Arriverderci Roma) is British rhyming slang for coma. ARRIVERDERCI ROMA Arriverderci Roma is British rhyming slang for coma. ARROWS Arrows is British slang for the game of darts and the implements used for playing it. ARSE Arse is British slang for the buttocks or anus. Arse is Australian slang for effrontery; cheek. Arse is a Jamaican slang intensifier. ARSE ABOUT Arse about is slang for fool about, behave in an irresponsible or silly manner. ARSE ABOUT FACE Arse about face is slang for back to front, disorganised. ARSE BANDIT Arse bandit is slang for a homosexual. ARSE MUSIC Arse music is British slang for to emit wind from the anus. ARSE OVER TIT Arse Over Tit is slang for to go head over heels or fall. ARSE SCRATCHER Arse scratcher is British slang for an idler. ARSE UP Arse up is British slang for to bungle, to make a mess of. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 35
  • 37. ARSE WIPE Arse wipe is British slang for toilet paper. Arse wipe is British slang for an obnoxious, contemptible person. ARSE WIPER Arse Wiper is British slang for an obsequious person. ARSE WIPING Arse wiping is British slang for obsequious behaviour; toadying. ARSE−END Arse−end is slang for the end, back or bottom of something. ARSE−LICKING Arse−Licking is slang for sycophantic behaviour. ARSE−PISS Arse−piss is slang for watery diarrhoea. ARSEHOLE Arsehole is British slang for the anus. ARSENAL Arsenal is slang for the male genitals. ARSY−VERSY Arsy−versy is slang for backwards or upside down. ARTFUL DODGER Artful Dodger is London cockney rhyming slang for lodger. ARTFUL FOX Artful fox is theatrical rhyming slang for a theatre box. ARTHRITIC HANDSHAKE MOB Arthritic handshake mob is slang for the freemasons. ARTHUR Arthur is British slang for a half pint. ARTHUR ASHE Arthur Ashe is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 36
  • 38. ARTHUR BLISS Arthur Bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piss). ARTHUR SCARGILL Arthur Scargill is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer (gargle). ARTICAL Artical is Jamaican slang for genuine, bona fide, sincere, respected. ARTICHOCKE Artichoke is London Cockney rhyming slang for to smoke. ARTICHOKE RIPE Artichoke ripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pipe used for smoking. ARTILLERY Artillery is slang for weaponry. ARTIST Artist is slang for a person devoted to or proficient in something. (E.g.: piss artist, con artist etc) ARTSY FARTSY Artsy fartsy is American slang for someone pretentiously artistic. ARTY ROLLER Arty roller is Australian rhyming slang for collar. ARVIE Arvie is South African slang for afternoon. ARVO Arvo is Australian slang for the afternoon. Arvo is Australian slang for afternoon tea. AS AS is slang for methaqualone. AS THE CROW FLIES As the crow flies is slang for in a straight line measured between two points. ASCOT HEATH Ascot Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 37
  • 39. ASCOT RACES Ascot races is London Cockney rhyming slang for braces. ASH AND OAK Ash and oak is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (smoke). ASH COOKIE Ash cookie is South African slang for an untrustworthy, no good person. ASH TRAY ON A MOTORBIKE Ash tray on a motorbike is slang for useless. ASH−CANDLES Ash−candles is Dorset slang for the seeds of the ash tree. ASHES Ashes is slang for cannabis. ASK Ask is numismatic slang for the wholesale selling price as established by market makers, and listed in the weekly Coin Dealer Newsletter. ASK FOR A PIECE OF WIFE Ask for a piece of wife is Jamaican slang for to ask a woman for sexual intercourse. ASS Ass is Dorset slang for have you? Ass is American slang for the buttocks or anus. ASS BOY Ass boy is derogatory slang for a homosexual. ASS OVER TINCUPS Ass over tincups is American slang for head over heels. ASS PEDDLER Ass peddler is Black−American slang for one who sells him or herself sexually. ASS−KICKER Ass−kicker is American slang for an aggressive person or disciplinarian. ASS−KISSER Ass−kisser is American slang for a sycophant. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 38
  • 40. ASS−WIPE Ass−wipe is American slang for toilet paper. Ass−wipe is American slang for a contemptible person. ASSFUCK Assfuck is American slang for a stupid person. ASSN Assn is Dorset slang for haven't you? ASTON VILLA Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow. Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillar. ASTROTURF Astroturf is British slang for a police informer (supergrass). AT IT At it is British slang for having sex. At it is British slang for committing a crime, engaged in a confidence trick. AT THE POST At the post is slang for ready and waiting. AT THE WASH At the wash is slang for stealing from jackets in public washrooms or changing rooms. ATE−THE−BOLTS Ate−the−bolts is Northern Irish slang for someone who is a glutton for work. ATHIRT Athirt is Dorset slang for across. ATOMIC Atomic is Unix slang for a set of operations that execute all at once and cannot be interrupted. ATTABOY Attaboy is a slang expression of approval or exhortation. ATTER Atter is Dorset slang for after. ATTIC Attic is slang for the human head. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 39
  • 41. ATTITUDE Attitude is American slang for bad attitude, antisocial behaviour, sullen hostility. ATTRIT Attrit is American slang for to wear down or dispose of gradually. AUNT Aunt is slang for the lavatory. AUNT ANNIE Aunt Annie is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fanny). AUNT EMMA Aunt Emma is slang for morphine. AUNT FANNY Aunt Fanny is a British slang phrase of disbelief. AUNT HAZEL Aunt Hazel is British slang for heroin. AUNT JEMIMA Aunt Jemima is American slang for a black woman who accepts and ignores racism. A female version of Uncle Tom. AUNT JOANNA Aunt Joanna is London Cockney rhyming slang for piano (pronounced 'piana' in Cockney dialect). AUNT LIL Aunt Lil is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill. AUNT LILY Aunt Lily is London Cockney rhyming slang for silly. AUNT MARIA Aunt Maria is old London Cockney rhyming slang for fire. AUNT MARY Aunt Mary is slang for cannabis. AUNT NELL Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for smell. Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair gel. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 40
  • 42. AUNT NELLY Aunt Nelly is British and Australian rhyming slang for belly. AUNT'S SISTERS Aunt's sisters is London Cockney rhyming slang for ancestors. AUNTIE Auntie is British slang for the British Broadcasting Corporation. Auntie is British slang for the lavatory. Auntie is Australian slang for The Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Auntie is slang for a middle−aged or elderly male homosexual. AUNTIE ELLA Auntie Ella is London cockney rhyming slang for umbrella. AUNTIE ENA Auntie Ena is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cleaner. AUNTIE MEG Auntie Meg is Australian rhyming slang for a keg. AUNTIE NELLIE Auntie Nellie is London cockney rhyming slang for belly. AUNTIE RUTH Auntie Ruth is London Cockney rhyming slang for tooth. AUNTIE'S RUIN Auntie's ruin is British slang for gin. AUSSIE Aussie is slang for Australian or an Australian. AUSSIE SALUTE Aussie salute is Australian slang for using the hand to wave away annoying flies. AUTOGRAPH Autograph is slang for a signature. AUTUMN LEAF Autumn leaf is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief. AVENUE−TANK Avenue−tank is Black−American slang for a bus The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 41
  • 43. AVO Avo is South African slang for avocado pear. AVORE Avore is Dorset slang for before. AVRIGHTED Avrighted is Dorset slang for frightened. AWAY Away is slang for a period in prison. AWAY AND CLAW MOULD ON YOURSELF Away and claw mould on yourself is Northern Irish slang for go away. AWAY FOR SLATES Away for slates is Irish slang for on the way to success. AWAY ON A HACK Away on a hack is Irish slang for lucky, successful. AWAY THE TRIP Away the trip is Scottish slang for pregnant. AWAY TO THE HILLS Away to the hills is Irish slang for crazy, mentally unbalanced. AWAY WITH THE BAND Away with the band is Northern Irish slang for intoxicated, drunk. AWAY WITH THE FAIRIES Away with the fairies is Irish slang for crazy, insane. AWAY−DAY Away−day is British slang for a dose of LSD or other hallucinogenic drug. AWESOME Awesome is slang for wonderful, excellent, very impressive. AWFUL WEDDED Awful wedded is British slang for a spouse. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 42
  • 44. AWKWARD SQUAD Awkward squad is British slang for people who are inexperienced, clumsy or insubordinate. AWOL AWOL is slang for not present when needed, inexplicably absent. AX Ax is Dorset slang for to ask. AXE Axe is slang for any musical instrument, especially a guitar or horn. AXEMAN Axeman is slang for a man who plays a musical instrument, especially a guitar. AXLE GREASE Axle grease is British slang for a bribe. Axle grease is American slang for butter. Axle grease is Black−American slang for a stiff pomade for the hair. AYA Aya was an American slang expression of amazement from 1987 and 1988. AYLESBURY DUCK Aylesbury duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck. AYRTON Ayrton (shortened from Ayrton Senna) is British slang for ten pounds, a ten pound note. AYRTON SENNA Ayrton Senna is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten pounds (tenner). AZTEC TWO−STEP Aztec two−step is slang for diarrhoea, particularly if suffered abroad. B B is British slang for bastard. B AND D B and D is British slang for bondage and discipline, sado−masochistic sex. B AND S BALL B and S ball is Australian slang for a dance held for bachelors and spinsters The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 43
  • 45. B AND T B and T is British slang for bum and tit, a sexual experience. B− B− is a slang prefix for second rate. B−40 B−40 is slang for a cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor. B−52 B−52 is American slang for a lady's beehive hairstyle. B−BOY B−boy is slang for a male fan of rap music. B−GIRL B−girl is American slang for a prostitute who frequents bars. B−girl is slang for a female fan of rap music. B−WAY B−way was 19th century slang for Broadway. B.A. B.A. (Badass) is American slang for a violent, anti−social or troublesome person. B.F. B.F. was British slang for bloody fool. B.M.O.C. B.M.O.C. (big man on campus) is American student slang for an influential fellow student. B.O.F. B.O.F. (boring old fart) is British slang for an old, has−been person. B.V.D.S B.V.D.s is American slang for men's underwear. BAA Baa is Dorset slang for bad. BAA LAMB Baa lamb is London Cockney rhyming slang for tram. Baa lamb is British slang for a naughty child. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 44
  • 46. BAALEBOS Baalebos is Yiddish slang for an officious person. BAB Bab is British slang for kebab. BABBLER Babbler is Australian slang for a cook or chef. BABBLING BROOK Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for cook. Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for crook. BABE Babe is slang for a girl or young woman. BABE LAIR Babe lair is American slang for a swanky home that is helpful in attracting women for sexual encounters. BABE MAGNET Babe magnet is slang for an item or person that attracts members of the opposite sex BABELICIOUS Babelicious is American slang for extremely sexy and attractive. BABY Baby is slang for a young woman or sweetheart. It is often used as a term of address expressing affection. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 45
  • 47. BABY BELLS Baby Bells is American slang for the regional telephone companies created by the break−up of American Telephone and Telegraph. BABY BLUES Baby blues is slang for eyes. BABY BOOMER Baby boomer is slang for a person born between 1946 and 1964. BABY CATCHER Baby catcher is American slang for an obstetrician. BABY CHUTE Baby chute is slang for the vagina. BABY GRAVY Baby gravy is slang for semen. BABY M LAWS Baby M laws is American slang for legislation regarding surrogate motherhood. BABY MAKER Baby maker is slang for the penis. BABY POP Baby pop is American slang for a young man. BABY'S EYES Baby's eyes is London Cockney rhyming slang for eyes. BABY'S PAP Baby's pap is London Cockney rhyming slang for cap. BABY'S PRAM Baby's pram is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam. BABY−SITTING Baby−sitting is slang for accompanying someone while they take illegal drugs, in order to instruct or reassure them. BABYCISE CLASS Babycise class is American slang for a parent and baby exercise class. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 46
  • 48. BABYLON Babylon is British slang for a racist, white society. Babylon is Jamaican slang for someone who oppresses. Babylon is black slang for a policeman. BACARDI AND COKE Bacardi and coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (bloke). BACARDI BREEZER Bacardi breezer is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (geezer). BACCA BOX Bacca box is slang for the mouth. BACCY Baccy is British slang for tobacco. BACK Back is American slang for on the side. BACK ALONG Back along is Dorset slang for some time ago. BACK BLOCKS Back blocks is Australian slang for the outer suburbs, beyond the city. BACK DOOR Back door is slang for the anus. BACK DOOR MAN Back door man is slang for a woman's secret lover, an adulterer. BACK DOOR TROTS Back door trots is slang for diarrhoea. BACK DOUBLE Back double is slang for a back street. BACK END Back end is slang for the buttocks. BACK END MONEY Back end money is American Hollywood slang for a film's final profits after all expenses have been paid. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 47
  • 49. BACK EYE Back eye is slang for the anus. BACK GARDEN Back garden is slang for the anus. BACK IN THE BOX Back in the box is American slang for back in business following a drug arrest. BACK OF BOURKE Back of Bourke is Australian slang for anywhere far away. BACK OFF AND LET THE BREEZE BLOW OVER ME Back off and let the breeze blow over me is Jamaican slang for leave me alone, go away. BACK PORCH Back porch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a torch. BACK SLANG Back slang is a type of slang in which the word or words are the reverse of their correct form, for example boy becomes the back slang word yob. BACK STREET BUTCHER Back street butcher is slang for an abortionist, particularly an illegal one. BACK TO SQUARE ONE Back to square one is slang for at the beginning of the process again. BACK WAY Back way is slang for anal sex. BACK WHEELS Back wheels is slang for the testicles. BACK−PEDAL Back−pedal is slang for to reverse one's position just when reactions appear unfavourable. BACK−WHEEL SKID Back−wheel skid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (yid). BACKDOOR Backdoor is slang for to commit adultery with. Backdoor is slang for to act covertly or deviously. To deceive or betray. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 48
  • 50. BACKDOOR MAN Backdoor man is black−American slang for a married woman's lover. BACKDOOR WORK Backdoor work is slang for anal sex. BACKER Backer is slang for an investor. BACKFIRE Backfire is slang for to break wind from the anus. BACKGROUNDER Backgrounder is political slang for a conversation between a government official and a reporter that takes place only on the condition that the official is not quoted directly or named in the report. BACKHACK Backhack is Dorset slang for to break up clods of earth with a mallet. BACKHANDER Backhander is slang for a bribe. Backhander is slang for a blow with a hand. BACKHOUSE Backhouse is Dorset slang for an outhouse. BACKSEAT DRIVER Backseat driver is slang for a passenger in a car who offers the driver unwanted advice on how to drive. Backseat driver is London Cockney rhyming slang for skiver. BACKWARDS Backwards is slang for Phenobarbital. BACKWARDS BUNGEE Backwards bungee is American slang for to vomit BACON Bacon is slang for money. BACON AND EGGS Bacon and eggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs. BACON BONCE Bacon bonce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child molester (nonce). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 49
  • 51. BACON LARDON Bacon lardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (hard on). BACON RIND Bacon rind is London Cockney rhyming slang for blind. BAD Bad is Jamaican slang for good; excellent. BAD BLOOD Bad blood is slang for a longstanding resentment. BAD BOY Bad boy is Jamaican slang for an aggressive or violent person. BAD COUGH Bad cough is American slang for to vomit BAD EGG Bad egg is slang for a troublemaker, a despicable person. BAD HEJAB Bad hejab is slang for improper Islamic dress. BAD NEWS Bad news is slang for someone or something regarded as undesirable. BAD−MOUTH Bad−mouth is slang for to speak unfavourably about; insult. BADASS Badass is Black−American slang for an aggressive, antisocial or worthless person. BADEN−POWELL Baden−Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for trowel. BADERBUS Baderbus is slang for a wheelchair. BADERED Badered is slang for drunk, intoxicated. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 50
  • 52. BADGE Badge is American slang for a police officer. BADGER Badger is slang for a prostitute's accomplice who goes through her client's pockets while she keeps him occupied. BADGER CRIB Badger crib is slang for a cheap brothel where clients are routinely robbed. BADGER GAME Badger game is slang for a deception whereby a woman lures a male victim into a compromising position whereupon they are caught by her accomplice who pretends to be the husband. The couple then blackmail or demand money from the victim. BADLANDS Badlands is slang for a slum or dangerous part of a town or city. BADLY PACKED KEBAB Badly packed kebab is slang for the vagina. BADNESS Badness is Jamaican slang for delinquent behaviour, unruliness. BAG Bag is slang for an unpleasant lady. Bag is slang for special interest, current preoccupation. Bag is slang for arrest or catch. Bag is American slang for a package or measure of drug. Bag is American slang for conceal. Bag is American slang for quit, discontinue. Bag is Australian slang for criticise. BAG AND BAGGAGE Bag and baggage is American slang for everything one owns. BAG BITER Bag biter is American slang for a trouble maker. BAG FILLER Bag filler is slang for a woman who leads a man on, but stops short of having sex with him. BAG JOB Bag job is slang for a theft or burglary. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 51
  • 53. BAG LADY Bag lady is slang for a female vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags. BAG MAN Bag man is American slang for a person who collects or distributes money for racketeers. Bag man is slang for a male vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags. BAG OF BONES Bag of bones is slang for a thin person. BAG OF COKE Bag of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (poke). Bag of coke is Australian rhyming slang for a man (bloke). BAG OF FLOUR Bag of flour is rhyming slang for shower. BAG OF FRUIT Bag of fruit is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit. BAG OF MYSTERY Bag of mystery is slang for a sausage. BAG OF NAILS Bag of nails is slang for disarray. BAG OF SAND Bag of sand is London Cockney rhyming slang for one thousand pounds (grand). BAG OF SHELLS Bag of shells is Australian slang for a trifle, an unimportant object. BAG OF TRIPE Bag of tripe is slang for an unpleasant person. BAG OFF Bag off is slang for to pair off. BAG ON Bag on is American slang for to tease; to nag or complain. Bag on is American slang for chastise. BAG ONE'S FACE Bag one's face is American slang for hide one's face. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 52
  • 54. BAG SOME RAYS Bag some rays is American slang for to sunbathe. BAG SOMEONE'S ASS Bag someone's ass is American slang for to leave, go away. BAG UP Bag up is American slang for to divide marijuana into small amounts and packets. BAGEL−BENDER Bagel−bender is derogatory slang for a Jew. BAGGAGE Baggage is slang for a promiscuous woman. Baggage is slang for a hanger−on, especially one who is a liability. BAGGED Bagged is slang for to be arrested. BAGGER Bagger is slang for a robber who violently steals rings from their owners fingers. BAGGIES Baggies is slang for wide shorts as worn by surfers. BAGGING Bagging is British slang for a packed lunch. Bagging is Australian slang for criticism. BAGGY GREEN Baggy green is Australian slang for a cricket player in the Australian national team. BAGPIPE Bagpipe is slang for a boring or monotonous speaker. Bagpipe is slang for the sexual practise of using the armpit to stimulate the genitals. Bagpipe is Black−American slang for vacuum cleaner. BAGS Bags is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something. Bags is slang for trousers. Bags is American slang for breasts. BAGSY Bagsy is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 53
  • 55. BAIDIE Baidie is British slang for bad−tempered, aggressive. BAIL Bail is American and Australian slang for depart or leave. BAIL ON SOMEONE Bail on someone is American slang for to burden or trouble someone. BAIL OUT Bail out is slang for to leave quickly. BAIL UP Bail up is Australian slang for to rob or hold up; delay. BAIT Bait is slang for an attractive potential sexual partner. BAKE IT Bake it is slang for to resist the urge to defecate. BAKED BEAN Baked bean is London Cockney rhyming slang for queen. BAKED BEANS Baked beans is London Cockney rhyming slang for jeans. BAKED POTATO Baked potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter. BAKER'S DOZEN Baker's dozen is London Cockney rhyming slang for cousin. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 54
  • 56. BAKING−SPITTLE Baking−spittle is northern English slang for the tongue. BAKKIE Bakkie is South African slang for a pick−up or light truck. BAKSHEESH Baksheesh is slang for a bribe, tip or payment. BALACLAVA Balaclava is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (charver). BALAHU Balahu is Jamaican slang for a boisterous, noisy person. BALD Bald is American slang for terrible. BALD HEAD Bald head is snooker slang for red. BALD TYRE BANDIT Bald tyre bandit is slang for a traffic policeman. BALDHEAD Baldhead is Jamaican slang for a Rastafarian who doesn't have dreadlocks and a beard. Baldhead is Jamaican slang for a White person. Baldhead was 19th century slang for an old man. BALE OF STRAW Bale of Straw is American tramp slang for a blonde woman BALES Bales is slang for cannabis. BALI BELLY Bali belly is Australian slang for diarrhoea. BALL Ball is American slang for to copulate with. Ball is American slang for to behave in a boisterous and uninhibited fashion. Ball is slang for to take cocaine or other drugs through the mucous membranes of the sex organs. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 55
  • 57. BALL AND CHAIN Ball and chain is slang for a spouse, usually a wife. Ball and chain is London Cockney rhyming slang for strain. BALL AND RAT Ball and rat is old London Cockney rhyming slang for hat. BALL OF CHALK Ball of chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk. BALL OF FAT Ball of fat is London Cockney rhyming slang for cat. BALL OF LEAD Ball of lead is London Cockney rhyming slang for head. BALL SLAP Ball slap is slang for sexual intercourse. BALL TEARER Ball tearer is Australian slang for something exceptional in its class, for good or bad qualities. BALL−LESS WONDER Ball−less wonder is slang for a weak, cowardly man. BALLAST Ballast is slang for food, a heavy meal. BALLBAG Ballbag is slang for the scrotum. BALLBREAKER Ballbreaker is slang for a heavy load. Ballbreaker is slang for a woman whose character and behaviour may be regarded as threatening a man's sense of power. Ballbreaker is slang for an overpowering employer or manager. BALLING Balling is American slang for having sexual relations. BALLING THE JACK Balling the Jack is Black−American slang for a dance accompanied by lusty handclapping; to work swiftly The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 56
  • 58. BALLISTIC Ballistic is British slang for furious, very angry. BALLOCKS Ballocks was, until the mid−18th century, slang for the testicles; nonsense. BALLOON Balloon is slang for safe sex. Balloon is slang for to try a new idea. Balloon is American gambling slang for one hundred dollars. Balloon is American slang for a bed roll. Balloon is drugs slang for to package narcotics for distribution and sale. BALLOON CAR Balloon car is London Cockney rhyming slang for saloon bar. BALLOON JUICE Balloon Juice is American tramp slang for idle talk BALLOON ROOM Balloon room is Black−American slang for the place where marijuana is smoked BALLOON SOUP Balloon soup was early 20th century American slang for nonsense, empty talk. BALLOONS Balloons is slang for large breasts. BALLOW Ballow is American slang for to lay claim to. BALLROOM WITHOUT A PARACHUTE Ballroom without a parachute is Black−American slang for a marijuana den where no marijuana is available. BALLS Balls is slang for any anabolic steroid. Balls is slang for the testicles. Balls is slang for nonsense. Balls is slang for courage, nerve. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 57
  • 59. BALLS−ACHE Balls−ache is British slang for something or someone tedious or trying. BALLS−OUT Balls−out is slang for full−scale, all−out. BALLS−UP Balls−up is slang for something botched or muddled. In a mess. BALLSITCH Ballsitch is slang for a bad tempered person. BALLSY Ballsy is slang for courageous, spirited, determined. BALLUP Ballup is American slang for something botched or muddled. BALLY Bally is British slang for very. BALMY BREEZE Balmy breeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese. BALONEY Baloney is slang for nonsense. BALONIE Balonie is Polari slang for rubbish, nonsense. BALSAM Balsam is old slang for money. BALT Balt is derogatory Australian slang for an immigrant to Australia from the Baltic countries. BAM Bam is slang for to cheat or to wheedle. BAMA Bama is American slang for Alabama. Bama is Black American slang for the south. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 58
  • 60. BAMBA Bamba is slang for cannabis. BAMBER Bamber is American slang for second−rate marijuana. BAMBOO Bamboo is Jamaican slang for the penis. BAMBOOING Bambooing is slang for a whipping, a caning. BAMBS Bambs is slang for Phenobarbital. BAMBU Bambu is slang for a joint in rolling paper made of hemp. BAMMY Bammy is Jamaican slang for marijuana. BAMPOT Bampot is derogatory Scottish slang for an idiot or imbecile. BANANA Banana is slang for a foolish person. Banana is slang for a homosexual. Banana is Black−American slang for an attractive light skinned Black−American female. Banana was Australian slang for a one pound note. Banana is Jamaican slang for the penis. BANANA BENDER Banana bender is Australian slang for an inhabitant of Queensland. BANANA BOAT Banana boat is slang for a ship or boat transporting immigrants from the Caribbean. BANANA BOY Banana boy is slang for an inmate of a Dr Baranardo's home. BANANA FRITTER Banana Fritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (shitter). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 59
  • 61. BANANA SPLIT Banana split is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit). BANANA SPLITS Banana splits is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits). BANANA TRUCK Banana truck is American slang for a crazy person. BANANA−BENDER Banana−bender is Australian slang for a person from Queensland State. BANANAS Bananas is slang for crazy, berserk. BAND Band is Australian slang for a prostitute. BAND IN THE BOX Band in the box is London Cockney rhyming slang for pox. BAND OF HOPE Band of hope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap. BAND RAT Band rat is slang for a girl who follows around and has sex with members of a pop group. BANDALU BUSINESS Bandalu business is Jamaican slang for a con, a swindle. BANDIT Bandit is British slang for a homosexual. BANDIT COUNTRY Bandit country is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals. BANDIT TERRITORY Bandit territory is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals. BANDULU Bandulu is Jamaican slang for a confidence artist, a trickster. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 60
  • 62. BANDY Bandy is British slang for bow−legged as a result of sex. Bandy is Dorset slang for a long, heavy stick with a bent end used to beat dung into the fields. BANG Bang is slang for cannabis. Bang is slang for sexual intercourse. Bang is Australian slang for a brothel. Bang is slang for an exciting experience. BANG AND BIFF Bang and biff is London Cockney rhyming slang for Syphilis (syph). BANG ON Bang on is British slang for to nag, talk incessantly and boringly. BANG ON THE DRUM Bang on the drum is bingo slang for the number seventy−one. BANG ONE'S BISHOP Bang one's Bishop is slang for masturbate. BANG TO RIGHTS Bang to rights is British slang for without hope of escape, undeniable. BANG UP Bang up is slang for to imprison. Bang up is prison slang for to lock up a prisoner in his cell, especially for the night. Bang up is slang for inject oneself with hard drugs. BANGED OUT Banged out is slang for full, packed with people. BANGED TO RIGHTS Banged to rights is slang for caught in the act. BANGED−UP Banged−up is British slang for imprisoned. BANGER Banger is British slang for a sausage. Banger is British slang for an old or decrepit vehicle. Banger is drugs slang for a hypodermic syringe. Banger was mid−20th century slang for a kiss. Banger is Australian slang for a morning coat. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 61
  • 63. BANGERS AND MASH Bangers and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash). BANGLES Bangles is slang for breasts. Bangles is slang for testicles. BANJAXED Banjaxed is Irish slang for defeated, overcome or overwhelmed. BANJO Banjo is slang for a guitar. Banjo is Scottish slang for to hit someone as hard as you can. Banjo is Australian and New Zealand slang for a long−handled shovel with a wide blade. BANJO'D Banjo'd is British slang for very drunk. Banjo'd is British military slang for defeated, beaten. BANK Bank is slang for the vagina. Bank is Black−American slang for toilet BANKER Banker is gambling slang for a certainty, a likely result. BANKROLL Bankroll is slang for to provide the capital for; finance. BANTER PLAY BUILT ON A COKE FRAME Banter play built on a coke frame is Black−American slang for an attractive young woman. BAPPER Bapper was old Scottish slang for a baker. BAPPO Bappo is Australian slang for a Baptist. BAPS Baps is Irish slang for female breasts. BAPSOUSE Bapsouse is American slang for to baptise. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 62
  • 64. BAPTISE Baptise is British slang for to water down spirits in a pub prior to selling them. BAR Bar was old English slang for a sovereign and now slang for a pound. BAR BORE Bar bore is British slang for a regular pub customer who has his own seat, and often his tankard behind the bar. BAR OF SOAP Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for drugs (dope). Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Pope. Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for rope. Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idiot (dope). BAR STEWARD Bar steward is British slang for bastard. BAR STOOL PREACHER Bar stool preacher is British slang for a pub regular who thinks he knows everything and offers advice on everything. BAR−FLY Bar−fly is slang for someone who frequents cheap and seedy bars. BARA Bara is South African slang for Baragwanath Hospital. BARB Barb is slang for Phenobarbital. Barb is slang for barbiturate. BARBECUE Barbecue is slang for an attractive female as an object for oral sex. BARBECUE GRIDDLE Barbecue griddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piddle). BARBED WIRE Barbed wire is Australian slang for the beer XXXX. BARBER Barber is American tramp slang for to talk The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 63
  • 65. BARBIE Barbie (shortened from barbecue griddle) is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate. Barbie is Australian slang for a barbecue. BARBIE DOLL Barbie Doll is a derogatory slang term for a woman with artificially dyed blonde and permed hair. Barbie Doll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gangster's girlfriend (moll). BARBIES Barbies is slang for Phenobarbital. BARBS Barbs is slang for Phenobarbital. BARCLAY'S BANK Barclay's bank is London Cockney rhyming slang for to masturbate (wank). BARD−PARKER Bard−Parker is medical slang for a scalpel blade. BAREBACK Bareback is slang for sexual intercourse without the use of a condom. BAREBUM Barebum is Australian slang for a short jacket, especially a short dinner−jacket worn by waiters. BARF Barf is slang for to vomit. BARF BAG Barf bag is American slang for a disgusting or unpleasant person. Barf bag is American slang for an airsickness bag. BARF CITY Barf city is American slang for a disgusting or revolting place. BARF SOMEONE OUT Barf someone out is American slang for disgust or nauseate. BARGAIN Bargain is an Australian slang exclamation showing approval. BARGE Barge is Black−American slang for to jump The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 64
  • 66. BARGE AND TUG Barge and tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for mug. BARGEN Bargen is Dorset slang for a small farm or homestead. BARGES Barges is slang for massive shoes. BARK Bark is British slang for a miserable, old, man. Bark is British slang for an Irish person Bark is Bilingsgate slang for a crab. Bark is Black−American slang for human skin. Bark is Australian slang for to vomit. BARK AND GROWL Bark and growl is London Cockney rhyming slang for a trowel. BARK AT ANTS Bark at ants is American slang for to vomit. BARKER Barker is slang for a sausage. Barker is old London slang for a pistol. Barker was old slang for a thug. Barker was old slang for a shop tout who stood outside a shop and tried to entice passers−by in. Barker was old American slang for a tout who stood outside a saloon and tried to entice passers−by in. Barker was old American slang for an auctioneer. BARKER'S Barker's is London Cockney rhyming slang for naked (starkers). BARKER'S EGG Barker's egg is Australian slang for dog excrement. BARKERS Barkers is Black−American slang for shoes. BARKING The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 65
  • 67. Barking is slang for crazy. BARKING DOGS Barking dogs is slang for aching, sore or tired feet. BARKING IRONS Barking irons is slang for a pair of pistols. BARKING SPIDER Barking spider is slang for the anus. BARM POT Barm pot is British slang for crazy, silly, eccentric. BARMY Barmy is slang for insane. BARMY ARMY Barmy army is British slang for a wild or enthusiastic group of people − particularly the fans who follow the English national cricket team. BARNABY RUDGE Barnaby Rudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for judge. BARNACLE BILLS Barnacle Bills is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (pills). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 66
  • 68. BARNES WALLIS Barnes Wallis is British slang for a splashing piece of excrement. BARNET Barnet (from Barnet fair) is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair. BARNET FAIR Barnet fair is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair. BARNEY Barney is British and Australian slang for an argument; fight. Barney is Irish slang for one's head, mind. BARNEY MOKE Barney Moke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wallet (poke). BARNEY RUBBLE Barney Rubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble. BARON Baron is British slang for a prisoner enjoying power and influence over his fellow inmates. BARRA Barra is Australian slang for barramundi fish. BARRACK Barrack is Australian slang for cheer loudly. BARRAKIN Barrakin was old slang for gibberish. BARREL Barrel is British slang for a fat or rotund person. Barrel is American slang for to go very fast. BARREL FEVER Barrel Fever is British slang for a hangover. BARREL OF FAT Barrel of fat is Australian rhyming slang for a hat. BARREL OF TREACLE The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 67
  • 69. Barrel of treacle was old slang for love, visible affection. BARREN JOEY Barren joey is Australian slang for a prostitute. BARRES Barres was old slang for gambling debts. BARRIKIN Barrikin is British slang for unintelligible language, slang, jargon. BARRO Barro is Australian slang for embarrassing. BARRY MCGUIGAN Barry McGuigan is London Cockney rhyming slang for large, big (a big 'un). BARRY WHITE Barry White is London Cockney rhyming slang for rubbish, poor quality (shite). BARSE Barse is British slang for the perineum. BARSY Barsy is British slang for mad, a lunatic. BART Bart is Australian slang for a girl or young woman, particularly an immoral one. BARTON Barton is Dorset slang for an enclosed yard for cows. BASE Base is American slang for to disagree. Base is slang for crack cocaine. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 68
  • 70. BASE ON Base on is American slang for to criticise. BASEHEAD Basehead is American slang for a drug user who smokes crack cocaine. BASH STREET KID Bash Street Kid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid). BASH UP Bash up is British slang for to thrash; beat violently. BASHER Basher is British slang for a thug, a bully. Basher is British slang for a shelter or shack built from rubbish and lived in by a vagrant. BASHMENT Bashment is Jamaican slang for a dance, stage show. BASHY Bashy is Jamaican slang for attractive, nice, pleasant. BASIC BROWN Basic brown is American political slang for a person who has little or no interest in, or commitment to, environmental issues. BASIL Basil − shortened from Basil Fawlty − is London Cockney rhyming slang for fourty pounds. BASIL BRUSH Bail Brush is London Cockney rhyming slang for thr fungal infection thrush. BASIL FAWLTY Basil Fawlty is London Cockney rhyming slang for balti. BASIN Basin is British slang for something that needs no container, such as advice. BASIN CUT Basin Cut is British slang for a short back and sides haircut achieved by plaing a basin over the head and cutting around it. BASIN OF GRAVY Basin Of Gravy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a baby. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 69
  • 71. BASKET Basket is British slang for a bastard. Basket is British slang for a male homosexual. Basket is Black−American slang for the penis and groin. BASKET CASE Basket case is British slang for some one crazy or insane. Basket case is American and Canadian slang for a person who has had both arms and both legs amputated, or someone who is completely incapacitated or a person who is suffering from extreme nervous strain; a nervous wreck. BASSING Bassing is slang for getting loud. BASTE Baste is Black American slang for to attack or ridicule someone behind their back. BASTE THE TUNA Baste the tuna is slang for to masturbate (said of a woman). BASTER Baster is American and Australian slang for a house thief. BAT Bat is British slang for a prostitute. Bat is American and Canadian slang for a drinking spree; binge. BAT ALONG Bat along is American and Canadian slang for to discuss an idea, proposition, etc. informally. BAT AN EYE Bat an eye is slang for to show feeling, to respond. BAT AND BALL Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for a market stall. Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for wall. BAT AND BOWL Bat and Bowl is British slang for to be bisexual. BAT AND WICKET Bat and wicket is London Cockney rhyming slang for ticket. BAT FOR THE OTHER SIDE Bat For The Other Side is British slang for to be homosexual. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 70
  • 72. BATCH Batch is Dorset slang for a small rising in the ground. BATE Bate is British slang for a bad temper or rage. BATEY Batey is British slang for bad−tempered. BATH BUN Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son. Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun. BATH−DODGER Bath−dodger is British slang for an unwashed or habitually dirty person. BATHERS Bathers is Australian slang for a swimming costume. BATHTUB Bathtub is skiing slang for the dent left in the snow by someone falling on their buttocks. BATS Bats (shortened from bats in the belfy) is slang for mad; demented. BATS IN THE BELFRY Bats in the belfry is slang for mad; demented. BATT Batt is drugs slang for an intravenous needle. Batt is Polari slang for a shoe. BATTALION Battalion is old British slang for a gang of thieves. BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES Batten down the hatches is slang for to secure everything for a terrible storm. BATTER Batter is British slang for semen. BATTERY ACID Battery Acid is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 71
  • 73. BATTING A THOUSAND Batting a thousand is American slang for to be succeeding in an extraordinary way. BATTLE AXE Battle axe is slang for a feisty, aggressive woman. BATTLE BOWLER Battle bowler is British slang for a sldier's helmet. BATTLE THE SUBS Battle the subs is Australian slang for sell goods door−to−door in the suburbs. BATTLE−CRUISER Battle−cruiser is London Cockney rhyming slang for boozer (pub). BATTLE−ROYAL Battle−royal was old slang for a serious argument or quarrel. BATTLER Battler is Australian slang for someone poor. BATTLESHIP Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for the lip. Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for back−chat, insolence (lip). BATTS Batts is slang for Shoes. BATTY Batty is slang for insane, crazy; odd, eccentric. Batty is Jamaican slang for the buttocks. Batty was old slang for wages. BATTY BOY See "Botty−Boy" BAUB Baub is Dorset slang for bulb. BAUBLES Baubles is slang for the testicles. BAVEN baven is Dorset slang for a bundle of untrimmed twigs for burning. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 72
  • 74. BAYONET Bayonet is slang for the penis. BAZAAR Bazaar is London Cockney rhyming slang for bar. BAZOO Bazoo is American slang for the mouth. BAZOOKA Bazooka is London Cockney rhyming slang for snooker. Bazooka is slang for the penis. BAZOOKAS Bazookas is slang for women's breasts. BAZULCO Bazulco is slang for cocaine. BAZUMAS Bazumas is slang for breasts. BE A SKINNER Be a skinner is New Zealand slang for be out of money; broke; be used up. BE ALL Be all is American slang for to say. BE ALL DOMINO Be all domino is slang for the end; finished. BE ALL OVER Be all over is slang for to be enthusiastic. To do something earnestly. Be all over is slang for to be very affectionate. BE DIRTY ON Be dirty on is Australian slang for to be offended by or hostile towards. BE HOT FOR Be hot for is old slang for to have a sexual desire for someone, to lust after someone. BE LUCKY Be lucky is London slang for goodbye, farewell. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 73
  • 75. BE MISSING Be missing is American slang for go away. BE MY GEORGIE BEST Be my Georgie Best is a slang expression of encouragement. BE MY GUEST Be my guest is a slang expression of encouragement. BEACHED WHALE Beached whale is nursing slang for an obese patient who is unable to do much for him or herself but lie there with flailing arms and legs. BEACON Beacon is British slang for a red nose. BEADLE Beadle is docker slang for a dock policeman. Beadle was old slang for someone wearing a long blue overcoat. BEADLES Beadles was 19th century American slang for the inhabitants of the state of Virginia. BEAGLE Beagle is British slang for a heavy smoker. BEAK Beak is English slang for a magistrate or judge. Beak is slang for a person's nose, especially one that is large, pointed, or hooked. BEAK OFF Beak off is Irish slang for to play truant. BEAKER Beaker is slang for a fowl, a chicken. BEAKER−HAULER Beaker−hauler is slang for a poultry thief who sells stolen poultry door−to−door. BEALLADONA Bealladona is slang for the drug phencyclidine. BEAM Beam is Black−American slang for to look. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 74
  • 76. BEAMER Beamer is American slang for a BMW car. BEAN Bean is slang for the head. Bean is British slang for a coin. Bean was old British slang for a pound sterling. Bean was old British slang for a guinea. Bean is Black−American slang for the sun. BEAN COUNTER Bean counter is Australian slang for an accountant. BEAN'T Bean't is Dorset slang for it isn't. BEAN−BAG Bean−bag is British slang for an unpleasant person. BEANER Beaner is American slang for an Hispanic American or Mexican. BEANIE Beanie is Australian slang for a woollen hat. BEANO Beano is British slang for a celebration, party, or other enjoyable time. BEANPOLE Beanpole is slang for a tall thin person. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 75
  • 77. BEANS Beans is American slang for dollars (money). Beans is slang for the drug Phenobarbital. BEAR Bear is slang for an irritable person. Bear is slang for a large, hairy, muscular homosexual. Bear is American slang for a police officer. BEAR TRAP Bear trap is American slang for a difficult situation. BEAR'S PAW Bear's paw is London Cockney rhyming slang for a saw. BEAR−LEADER Bear−leader is slang for an expert who teaches by example. BEAR−TRACKER Bear−tracker is slang for a detective. BEARD Beard is slang for a woman's pubic area. Beard is slang for a male escort posing as a boyfriend, lover or husband, often in the case of a lesbian's 'official' partner. Beard is Black−American slang for intellectual or far−out person. BEARD SPLITTER Beard splitter is British slang for a man who has had sex with many women. Beard splitter is British slang for the penis. BEARDED CLAM Bearded clam is British slang for the vagina. BEARDED OYSTER Bearded oyster is British slang for the vagina. BEARDED WHELK Bearded whelk is British slang for the vagina. BEARDIE Beardie is British slang for a bearded beatnik. BEAS Beas is Dorset slang for a cow's udder. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 76
  • 78. BEAST Beast is British slang for a sex criminal, a child molestor. Beast is British slang for an ugly woman. Beast is American slang for a girl or woman. Beast is American prison slang for a sex offender. Beast is Black−American slang for the white people. BEASTIE Beastie is American slang for disgusting, coarse. Beastie is American slang for impressive, powerful, enormous. BEASTMASTER Beastmaster is British slang for an ugly woman's husband. BEAT Beat is slang for to puzzle or baffle. Beat is American and Canadian slang for to cheat or defraud. BEAT FOR THE YOLK Beat for the yolk is Black−American slang for to be short of cash. BEAT OFF Beat off is slang for masturbate. BEAT ONE'S MEAT Beat one's meat is British slang for masturbate. BEAT ONES CHOPS Beat ones chops is Black−American slang for to talk. BEAT ONES SKIN Beat ones skin is Black−American slang for to clap. BEAT SOMEONE'S BRAINS OUT Beat someone's brains out is slang for to kill by knocking severely about the head. BEAT THE RAP Beat the rap is American slang for escape punishment, especially a prison sentence. BEAT THE ROCKS Beat the rocks is Black−American slang for walk on the sidewalk (pavement). BEAT TO THE SOCKS Beat to the socks is Black−American slang for weariness. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 77
  • 79. BEATBOX Beat box is slang for a drum machine. Beatbox is slang for a large portable radio, casette player or CD player. BEATER Beater is Black−American slang for money. BEATTIE AND BABS Beattie and Babs is London Cockney rhyming slang for crablice (crabs). BEAUT Beaut is Australian and New Zealand slang for excellent, outstanding, distinctive. BEAUTY Beauty is an Australian and New Zealand slang expression of agreement or approval. BEAVER Beaver is slang for the female genitals. Beaver is slang for a woman seen solely as a sex object. Beaver is slang for a long or luxuriant beard. BEAVER CLEAVER Beaver cleaver is British slang for the penis. BEAVER SHOT Beaver shot is slang for a close−up photograph of a woman's genitals. BEBOP Bebop is slang for a style of jazz music featuring nonsense lyrics. BEBOP GLASSES Bebop glasses is Black−American slang for fashionable sunglasses. BECHER'S BROOK Becher's brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look. BECKER Becker is British slang for a quick act of sexual intercourse. BED'N Bed'n is Dorset slang for 'kept on', continued. BEDDERMOS' Beddermos' is Dorset slang for socially superior people (bettermost). The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 78
  • 80. BEDFORDSHIRE Bedfordshire is British slang for bed or bedtime. BEDWORTHY Bedworthy is British slang for a sexually attractive woman. BEE Bee is Black−American slang for an idea. BEE STINGS Bee stings is slang for very small breasts. BEE'S KNEES Bee's knees is slang for excellent, the best. BEE−STINGS Bee−stings is slang for small female breasts. BEECHAM'S PILL Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bill. Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a photograph (still). BEECHAMS Beechams is British slang for the testicles. BEEF Beef is slang for a complaint or to complain. Beef is slang for an argument. Beef is slang for sexual intercourse. BEEF AND MUTTON Beef and mutton is London Cockney rhyming slang for a glutton. BEEF BAYONET Beef bayonet is slang for the penis. BEEF BRAIN Beef brain is British slang for a slow witted person. BEEF BUGLE Beef bugle is Australian slang for the penis. BEEF CURTAINS Beef curtains is slang for breasts. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 79
  • 81. BEEF HEAD Beef head is British slang for a slow witted person. BEEF HEART Beef hart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart). BEEF SOMEONE Beef someone is slang for to have sex with. BEEF UP Beef up is British slang for intensify. BEEFCAKE Beefcake is slang for men displayed for their muscular bodies, especially in photographs. BEEFER Beefer is British slang for a male homosexual. BEEFY Beefy is slang for muscular, strong. Beefy is slang for someone with body odour. BEEHIVE Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for drive. Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for five. BEEMAL Beemal is British slang for lamb. BEEMOB Beemob is British slang for a bomb. BEEMOC Beemoc is British slang for a comb. BEEN ROUND THE BLOCK Been round the block is British slang for experienced, sexually experienced. BEEN'S Been's is Dorset slang for because. BEER BARREL Beer barrel is British slang for the stomach. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 80
  • 82. BEER EATER Beer eater is British slang for someone who loves beer. BEER GUT Beer gut is British slang for a large stomach. BEER ME UP SCOTTY Beer me up Scotty is British slang for a request for a beer. BEER SCOOTER Beer scooter is slang for getting home after a night out drinking heavily and not remembering how one got home. BEER SHOP Beer shop is slang for a pub. BEER TRAP Beer trap is British slang for the mouth. BEER−TOKENS Beer−tokens is British slang for one pound coins, money. BEER−UP Beer−up is Australian slang for a drinking bout. BEER−VOUCHERS Beer−vouchers is British slang for one pound coins, money. BEERED UP Beered up is slang for drunk, intoxicated. BEERSUCKER Beersucker is slang for the mouth. Beersucker is slang for a heavy drinker. BEERY Beery is British slang for tipsy. BEERY NOSE Beery nose is British slang for a drunk. BEES AND HONEY Bees and honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 81
  • 83. BEES BOLLOCKS Bees bollocks is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best. BEES KNEES Bees knees is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best. BEES WINGERS Bees wingers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers. BEESWAX Beeswax is London Cockney rhyming slang for tax. BEETLE Beetle is British slang for to hurry. BEETLE BRAIN Beetle brain is slang for a slow witted person, an idiot. BEETLE OFF Beetle off is slang for to depart, often in a hurry. BEETLE'S BLOOD Beetle's blood is British slang for stout beer. BEETLE−CRUSHERS Beetle−crushers is British slang for heavy work boots. BEETLE−STICKER Beetle−sticker is slang for an entomologist. BEETLEHEAD Beetlehead is Dorset slang for a tadpole. BEETLES AND ANTS Beetles and ants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants. BEETROOT MUG Beetroot mug is slang for a red face. BEEVO Beevo is American slang for beer. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 82
  • 84. BEEVOS Beevos is American slang for beer. BEEZA Beeza is slang for a BSA motorcycle. BEEZE Beeze is slang for penis. BEEZER Beezer is British slang for a person or chap Beezer is British slang for the nose Beezer is British slang for excellent, very attractive. Beezer is Scottish slang for an extreme example of its kind. Beezer is slang for a BSA motorcycle. BEEZONKER Beezonker is slang for the nose. BEF Bef is West Indian slang for stupid, useless. BEFOK Befok is South African slang for an unhappy, crazy or exhausted person. Befok is South African slang for a ruined spoiled, broken or dysfunctional object. BEFORE ABE Before Abe is Black American slang for the slave era (pre 1st of January 1863). BEFORE ABE JIVE Before Abe jive is Black American slang for hard, thankless work. BEFORE DAY CREEP Before day creep is Black American slang for a surreptitious late−night or early morning visit to one's lover. BEFORE ONE CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON Before one can say Jack Robinson is slang for very quickly, instantly. BEG YOUR PARDON Beg your pardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for garden. BEGGAR Beggar is British slang for a person. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 83
  • 85. BEGGAR BOY'S Beggar boy's (shortened from beggar boy's arse) is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (brass). BEGGAR BOY'S ARSE Beggar boy's arse is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (brass). BEGGAR BOY'S ASS Beggar boy's ass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Bass. BEGGAR MAKER Beggar maker is British slang for a publican, bookmaker. BEGGAR MY NEIGHBOUR Beggar my neighbour is London Cockney rhyming slang for on the labour (unemployed). BEGGAR'S LAGGING Beggar's lagging is British slang for three weeks in prison. BEIGEL Beigel is slang for a losing horse. BEIGEL BASHER Beigel basher is British slang for a Jew. BELCH Belch was old slang for second−rate beer. Belch is American slang for a noisy complaint. BELCH CHASERS Belch chasers is American slang for to vomit. BELCH WATER Belch water is American slang for soda water. BELCHER Belcher is slang for a spotted handkerchief. Belcher was 19th century English slang for a thick finger ring. Belcher is slang for a dedicated beer drinker. Belcher is American slang for a complainer, a winger. Belcher is American slang for an informant. BELFA Belfa was early 18th century slang for a prostitute. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 84
  • 86. BELFRY Belfry is British slang for the head. BELL Bell is British slang for a telephone call. BELL END Bell end is British slang for the head of the penis. BELL RINGERS Bell ringers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers. BELL ROPE Bell rope was British slang for a hairstyle fashionable in the 19th century in which the hair was worn twisted into two ropes worn one each side of the face. Bell rope is British slang for a long penis. Bell rope is American slang for the penis. BELL SHINER Bell shiner is slang for homosexual anal intercourse. BELL THE CAT To bell the cat was old English slang for to undertake something dangerous. BELL−PLOW Bell−plow is Dorset slang for a horse−drawn waggon fitted with bells. BELL−RINGER Bell−ringer is American slang for a great success. BELL−RINGERS Bell−ringers is rhyming slang for fingers. BELLED UP Belled up is slang for protected by a burglar alarm. BELLMAN Bellman is slang for a burglar who is expert at dealing with alarms. BELLOWER Bellower was old slang for a town crier. BELLOWS Bellows is British slang for the lungs. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 85
  • 87. BELLOWS TO MEND Bellows to mend was old slang for to be out of breath. BELLOWSED Bellowsed was old slang for to be transported as a convict. BELLOWSER Bellowser was 19th century British slang for a punch in the stomach. Bellowser was 19th century Australian slang for a sentence of lifetime transportation. BELLS Bells is British slang for Annabel's nightclub. BELLS AND WHISTLES Bells and whistles is slang for embellishments, gimmicks. BELLSWAGGER Bellswagger was old English slang for a noisy braggart, a bully. Bellswagger was 18th century English slang for a womaniser or pimp. BELLY Belly is Dorset slang for a bundle of thatch. BELLY FIDDLER Belly fiddler is Black−American slang for guitar. BELLY−SLOP Belly−slop is slang for the withdrawl method of contraception. BELLYACHE Bellyache is slang for to complain repeatedly. BELLYFLOP Bellyflop is slang for a dive landing stomach−first on the water. Bellyflop is slang for a total failure. BELLYFUL Bellyful is slang for more than one can tolerate. BELOW THE BELT Below the belt is slang for underhand, spiteful. BELSEN VICTIM Belsen victim is British slang for a very thin person. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 86
  • 88. BELT Belt is slang for to give a sharp blow; punch. Belt is slang for to hurry. BELT AND BRACES Belt and braces is London Cockney rhyming slang for races. BELT AND BRACES MAN Belt and braces man is slang for an overly cautious person. BELT LOOSENER Belt loosener is slang for a large meal. BELT STRAINER Belt strainer is slang for a large meal. BELT UP Belt up is slang for to stop talking. BELTER Belter is slang for a rousing or spirited popular song that is sung loudly and enthusiastically. BELYANDO SPEW Belyando spew is Australian slang for sickness. BELYANDO SPRUCE Belyando spruce is Australian slang for marijuana. BEMBE Bembe is West Indian slang for a bully. BEMUSED Bemused is slang for intoxicated, drunk. BEN Ben was 18th century slang for a simpleton. Ben was 19th century slang for a coat. Ben was 19th century slang for a lie. BEN COVE Ben Cove was 17th and 18th century slang for a friend, a good fellow. BEN FLAKE Ben Flake was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for steak The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 87
  • 89. BEN HUR Ben Hur is London Cockney rhyming slang for a term of imprisonment (stir). BEN'UM Ben'um is Dorset slang for aren't they? BENBOUSE Benbouse was 16th century slang for the best beer. BENCH−LEGGED Bench−legged is American slang for bowlegged. BENCH−MAN Bench−man is American slang for a judge. BENCH−POINTS Bench−points is slang for physical advantages. BENCH−WARMER Bench−warmer is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person. Bench−warmer is American slang for a substitute in a sports team. Bench−warmer is American slang for a tramp, vagrant. BENCHER Bencher is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person. BEND DOWN Bend down is slang for to allow to happen. BEND ONE'S EAR Bend one's ear is British slang for to mag, or talk incessantly. Bend one's ear is Black−American slang for to tell someone something. BEND OVER Bend over is slang for submit to or invite buggery. Bend over is slang for submit to or yield to abuse or attack. BEND THE ELBOW Bend the elbow is slang for drink alcohol. BENDED Bended (shortened from bended knees) is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese. The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang 88