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Diseases & Disorders
of Respiration
• Apnea
• Hyperventilation
• Hypoventilation
• Hypoxia
• Oxygen toxicity (poisoning)
• Hypercapnia
• Asphyxia
• Dyspnoea
• Periodic breathing
• Cyanosis
• Carbon monoxide poisoning
• Atelectasis
• Pneumothorax
• Pneumonia
• Bronchial asthma
• Pulmonary oedema
• Pleural effusion
• Pulmonary Tuerculosis
• Emphysema
Normal respiratory pattern is called eupnea.
• Respiratory pattern is altered by many ways.
• Altered patterns of respiration are-
Tachypnea- Increase in the rate of respiration.
Bradypnea- Decrease in the rate of
Polypnea- Rapid, shallow breathing
resembling panting in dogs. In this type of
breathing, only the rate of respiration
Apnea- Temporary arrest of breathing.
Hyperapnea- Increase in pulmonary
ventilation due to increase in rate or force of
respiration. Increase in rate and force of
respiration occurs after exercise. It also occurs
in abnormal conditions like fever or other
Hyperventilation- Abnormal increase in rate
and force of respiration, which often leads to
dizziness and sometimes chest pain.
Hypoventilation- Decrease in rate and force
of respiration.
Dyspnea- Difficulty in breathing.
Periodic breathing- Abnormal respiratory
• Apnea-
• Apnea is defined as the temporary arrest of
• Literally, apnea means absence of
• Apnea can also be produced voluntarily,
which is called breath holding or voluntary
• Breath holding time is known as apnea
• It is about 40-60 seconds in a normal
person, after a deep inspiration.
2. Hyperventilation-
• Hyperventilation means increased
pulmonary ventilation due to forced
• It is also called as overventilation.
• In this, both rate and force of breathing are
increased and a large amount of air moves
in and out of lungs. Thus, pulmonary
ventilation is increased to a great extent.
3. Hypoventilation-
• It is the decrease in pulmonary ventilation
caused by decrease in rate or force of
• Thus the amount of air moving in and out
of lungs is reduced.
4. Hypoxia-
• Hypoxia is defined as reduced availability
of oxygen to the tissues.
• The term hypoxia refers to absence of
• Anoxia.
Classification and causes of hypoxia-
• Oxygen tension in arterial blood- Hypoxic
• Oxygen carrying capacity of blood- Anaemic
• Velocity of blood flow- Stagnant hypoxia
• Utilization of oxygen by the cells- Histotoxic
Hypoxic hypoxia-
• Decreased oxygen content in arterial blood.
• Also called as arterial hypoxia.
Hypoxic hypoxia
• Low oxygen tension in inspired
(atmospheric) air.
(Required quantity of oxygen cannot
enter the lungs
• High altitude
• Breathing air in closed
• Breathing gas mixture
containing low partial
pressure of oxygen (PO₂)
2. Respiratory disorders associated with
decreased pulmonary ventilation.
(Oxygen is available in atmosphere but it
cannot reach the lungs.
• Obstruction of respiratory
passage as in asthma.
• Nervous and mechanical
hindrance to respiratory
movements as in
• Depression of respiratory
centres as in bran tumours.
• Pneumothorax
3. Respiratory disorders associated
with inadequate oxygenation of
blood in lungs.
(Oxygen is available, it enters the
lungs but due to dysfunction in
alveoli it cannot diffuse into the
• Impaired alveolar diffusion as in
• Presence of non functioning
alveoli as in fibrosis.
• Filling of alveoli with fluid as in
pulmonary oedema, pneumonia,
pulmonary haemorrhage.
• Collapse of lungs as bronchial
• Lack of surfactant.
• Abnormal pleural cavity such as
pneumothorax, hydrothorax,
haemothorax, pyothotax
• Increased venous admixture as in
case of bronchiectasis.
4. Cardiac disorders
1. IN CCF oxygen availability and
diffusion are normal but the blood
cannot be pumped from heart
Anaemic hypoxia-
Inability of the blood to carry enough amount
of oxygen.
Oxygen availability is normal.
Blood is not able to take up sufficient amount
of oxygen due to anaemic condition.
1. Decreased number of
Bone marrow diseases,
haemorrhages etc.
2. Decrease haemoglobin
content in the blood
Decrease RBC count, change
in its structure, shape and size
Microcytes, macrocytes,
spherocytes, sickle cells,
poikilocytes etc.)
3. Formation of altered
Poisoning with chlorates,
nitrates, ferricyanides etc. It
causes oxidation of iron into
ferric form and haemoglobin is
known as methehemoglobin.
4. Combination of
hemoglobin with gases other
than oxygen and carbon
Stagnant Hypoxia-
Decrease velocity of blood flow.
Also called as hypokinetic hypoxia.
Causes- Congestive cardiac failure,
hemorrhage, surgical shock, vasospasm,
thrombosis, embolism.
Histotoxic hypoxia-
Inability of tissues to utilize oxygen.
Causes- Cyanide or sulfide poisoning. The
poisonous substances destroy the cellular
oxidative enzymes and there is a complete
paralysis of cytochrome oxidase system.
So, even if oxygen is supplied, the tissues are
not in a position to utilize it.
Effects of hypoxia-
Immediate Delayed
1. Effects on blood- Hypoxia
induced secretion of
erythropoietin from the kidneys, it
in turn increases production of
RBCs and increases oxygen
carrying capacity of the blood.
Delayed effects appear depending
upon length and severity of
2. Effects on CVS- Initially due to
reflex stimulation there is increase
in rate and force of contraction of
heart , cardiac output and BP.
Later, it all decreases.
The person becomes highly
irritable and develops the
symptoms of mountain sickness,
such as nausea, vomiting,
depression, weakness and fatigue.
3. Effects of respiration- Initially
rate of respiration increases then it
goes down due to the failure of
respiratory centers.
Immediate Delayed
4. Effects on GIT- Hypoxia is associated
with loss of appetite, nausea and
vomiting. There is dryness of mouth and
feeling of thirst.
5. Effects on kidneys- It causes increased
secretion of erythropoietin, alkaline urine
is excreted.
6. Effects on CNS- Mild hypoxia- similar
to alcoholic intoxication.
Treatment for hypoxia-
Oxygen therapy- Pure oxygen or oxygen
combined with other gases is administered.
It is carried out by two methods-
• Placing patient’s head in tent containing
• Allowing the patient to breath oxygen
through mask or intranasal tube.
5. Oxygen toxicity
Oxygen toxicity is increased oxygen content n
tissues, beyond critical level.
It is also called as ‘oxygen poisoning’.
Occurs because of breathing pure oxygen with
a high pressure of 2 to 3 atmosphere
(hyerbaric oxygen).
6. Hypercapnia 7. Hypocapnia
- Increased carbon dioxide in the
- Decreased carbon dioxide in
the blood
- Condition- Asphyxia,
breathing air containing excess
carbon dioxide.
- Conditions-Hypoventilation,
after prolonged hyperventilation
(washing out of excess carbon
• Effects- RS- Excessive
stimulation of respiratory
centre leading to dyspnea.
• Blood- Ph reduces and blood
becomes acidic.
• CVS- Tachycardia and
• CNS-Headache, depression,
tremors, convulsions, loss of
Effects- RS- Decreased rate and
fore of respiration.
Blood- Ph increases leading to
respiratory alkalosis.
CNS- Dizziness, mental
confusion, muscular twitching,
loss of consciousness.
8. Asphyxia-
Asphyxia= Hypoxia + Hypercapnia
Due to obstruction of air passage.
Asphyxia develops in acute conditions characterized
by acute obstruction of air passage such as
strangulation, hanging, drowning etc.
1. Stage of Hyperpnea-
First stage of asphyxia, extends for
about 1 minute, breathing becomes
deep and rapid due to excess of
carbon dioxide , it is followed by
dyspnea and cyanosis
2. Stage of Convulsions-
Convulsions- uncontrolled
involuntary muscular contractions.
Duration- Less than 1 minute.
3. Stage of collapse-
Duration is about 3 minutes, severe
asphyxia causes depression of
centers in brain and disappearance
of convulsions, respiratory gasping,
dilatation of pupils, depression in
heart rate, loss of reflexes.
Effects of asphyxia-
9. Dyspnea-
Dyspnea means difficulty in breathing.
Also called as air hunger.
Normally breathing goes on without
consciousness but when it enters
consciousness and produced difficulty it is
called as dyspnea.
It can also be defined as ‘a consciousness of
necessity for increased respiratory effort’.
Conditions when dyspnea occurs-
• Respiratory disorders- Pneumonia, Pulmonary oedema,
pulmonary effusion, poliomyelitis, pneumothorax, severe
• Cardiac disorders- Left ventricular failure, decompensated
mitral stenosis.
• Metabolic disorders- Diabetic acidosis, uremia etc
10. Periodic
Cheyne stroke Breathing-
rhythmic hyperpnea and apnea.
In this, gradual increase and
Decrease in force of
Respiration is called as waxing
and waning of breathing.
Biot breathing- Apnea and
hyperpnea, waxing and
waning do not occur. After
apneic period, hyperpnea
occurs abruptly.
11. Cyanosis-
• Diffuse bluish discoloration of skin and mucus
• Cause- Presence large amount of reduced
haemoglobin into the blood. (5-7g/dL).
• Conditions- Cyanosis occurs in arterial and
stagnant hypoxia. Dies not occur in anaemic
hypoxia as hb content is already less and not in
hystotoxic hypoxia due to tissue damage.
12. Carbon monoxide poisoning-
• Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas since it
causes death.
• Sources of Carbon monoxide- Exhaust of
gasoline engines, coal mines, gases from guns,
deep wells, underground drainage system.
Effects of carbon monoxide-
• Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas because it
displaces oxygen from hemoglobin, by binding with
same site in hemoglobin for oxygen.
- So, oxygen transport and oxygen carrying capacity of
the blood are decreased.
- Hemoglobin has got 200 times more affinity for
carbon monoxide than for oxygen. So, even with low
partial pressure of 0.4 mm Hg of carbon monoxide in
alveoli, 50% of hemoglobin is saturated with it.
• It can be dangerous if the partial pressure increases to
0.6 mm Hg, (1/1,000 of volume concentration in air).
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning depend
upon its concentration:
1. While breathing air with 1% of carbon monoxide,
saturation of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide
becomes 15% to 20%. Mild symptoms like
headache and nausea appear.
2. While breathing air containing carbon monoxide
more than 1%, the saturation becomes 30% to 40%.
It causes convulsions, cardio-respiratory arrest,
loss of consciousness and coma.
3. When hemoglobin saturation is above 50%, death
Treatment for carbon monoxide
1. Immediate termination of exposure to carbon
2. Providing adequate ventilation and artificial
3. Administration of 100% oxygen if possible. It is to
replace carbon monoxide
4. Administration of air with few percent of carbon
dioxide, if possible. It is done to stimulate the
respiratory centers.
13. Atelectasis-
Atelectasis refers to partial or complete collapse of
lungs. When a large portion of lung is collapsed, the
partial pressure of oxygen is reduced in blood,
leading to respiratory disturbances.
1. Deficiency or inactivation of surfactant. It causes
collapse of lungs due to increased surface tension,
which leads to respiratory distress syndrome.
2. Obstruction of a bronchus or a bronchiole. In this
condition, the alveoli attached to the bronchus or
bronchiole are collapsed.
3. Presence of air (pneumothorax), fluid
(hydrothorax), blood (hemothorax) or pus
(pyothorax) in the pleural space.
14. Pneumothorax
Pneumothorax is the presence of air in pleural space.
Intrapleural pressure, which is always negative,
becomes positive in pneumothorax and it causes
collapse of lungs.
Air enters the pleural cavity because of damage of
chest wall or lungs during accidents, bullet injury or
stab injury.
„15. Pneumonia
• Pneumonia is the inflammation of lung tissues, followed by
the accumulation of blood cells, fibrin and exudates in the
alveoli. Affected part of the lungs becomes consolidated.
Inflammation of lung is caused by:
1. Bacterial or viral infection
2. Inhaling noxious chemical substance
1. Lobar pneumonia
2. Lobular pneumonia.
When it is lobular and associated with inflammation
of bronchi, it is known as bronchopneumonia.
Following are the effects of pneumonia:
1. Fever
2. Compression of chest and chest pain
3. Shallow breathing
4. Cyanosis
5. Sleeplessness (insomnia)
6. Delirium
16. Bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma is the respiratory disease
characterized by difficult breathing with wheezing.
Wheezing refers to whistling type of respiration. It is
due to bronchiolar constriction, caused by spastic
contraction of smooth muscles in bronchioles, leading
to obstruction of air passage.
Obstruction is further exaggerated by the oedema of
mucus membrane and accumulation of mucus in the
lumen of bronchioles.
17. Pulmonary oedema-
Pulmonary oedema is the accumulation of serous fluid
in the alveoli and the interstitial tissue of lungs.
1. Increased pulmonary capillary pressure due to left
ventricular failure or mitral valve disease
2. Pneumonia
3. Breathing harmful chemicals like chlorine or
18. Pleural effusion-
Pleural effusion is the accumulation of large
amount of fluid in the pleural cavity.
Pleural effusion causes atelectasis, leading to
dyspnea and other respiratory disturbances.
19. Pulmonary tuberculosis-
Tuberculosis is the disease caused by tubercle bacilli.
This disease can affect any organ in the body.
the lungs are affected more commonly. Infected tissue
is invaded by macrophages and later it becomes
Affected tissue is called tubercle.
Initially, alveoli in the affected part become non
functioning, due to thickness of respiratory
If a large part of lungs is involved, the diffusing
capacity is very much reduced. In severe
conditions, the destruction of the lung tissue is
followed by formation of large abscess cavities.
20. Emphysema-
Emphysema is one of the obstructive respiratory
diseases in which lung tissues are extensively
Damage of lung tissues results in loss of alveolar
Because of this, the elastic recoil of lungs is also lost.
Emphysema is caused by:
1. Cigarette smoking
2. Exposure to oxidant gases
3. Untreated bronchitis.

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Diseases & Disorders of Respiration .pptx

  • 2. • Apnea • Hyperventilation • Hypoventilation • Hypoxia • Oxygen toxicity (poisoning) • Hypercapnia • Asphyxia • Dyspnoea • Periodic breathing • Cyanosis • Carbon monoxide poisoning • Atelectasis • Pneumothorax • Pneumonia • Bronchial asthma • Pulmonary oedema • Pleural effusion • Pulmonary Tuerculosis • Emphysema
  • 3. Normal respiratory pattern is called eupnea. • Respiratory pattern is altered by many ways. • Altered patterns of respiration are- Tachypnea- Increase in the rate of respiration. Bradypnea- Decrease in the rate of respiration. Polypnea- Rapid, shallow breathing resembling panting in dogs. In this type of breathing, only the rate of respiration
  • 4. Apnea- Temporary arrest of breathing. Hyperapnea- Increase in pulmonary ventilation due to increase in rate or force of respiration. Increase in rate and force of respiration occurs after exercise. It also occurs in abnormal conditions like fever or other disorders. Hyperventilation- Abnormal increase in rate and force of respiration, which often leads to dizziness and sometimes chest pain.
  • 5. Hypoventilation- Decrease in rate and force of respiration. Dyspnea- Difficulty in breathing. Periodic breathing- Abnormal respiratory rhythm.
  • 6. • Apnea- • Apnea is defined as the temporary arrest of breathing. • Literally, apnea means absence of breathing. • Apnea can also be produced voluntarily, which is called breath holding or voluntary apnea. • Breath holding time is known as apnea time. • It is about 40-60 seconds in a normal person, after a deep inspiration.
  • 7. 2. Hyperventilation- • Hyperventilation means increased pulmonary ventilation due to forced breathing. • It is also called as overventilation. • In this, both rate and force of breathing are increased and a large amount of air moves in and out of lungs. Thus, pulmonary ventilation is increased to a great extent.
  • 8. 3. Hypoventilation- • It is the decrease in pulmonary ventilation caused by decrease in rate or force of breathing. • Thus the amount of air moving in and out of lungs is reduced.
  • 9. 4. Hypoxia- • Hypoxia is defined as reduced availability of oxygen to the tissues. • The term hypoxia refers to absence of oxygen. • Anoxia.
  • 10. Classification and causes of hypoxia- • Oxygen tension in arterial blood- Hypoxic hypoxia • Oxygen carrying capacity of blood- Anaemic hypoxia • Velocity of blood flow- Stagnant hypoxia • Utilization of oxygen by the cells- Histotoxic hypoxia
  • 11. Hypoxic hypoxia- • Decreased oxygen content in arterial blood. • Also called as arterial hypoxia.
  • 12. Hypoxic hypoxia • Low oxygen tension in inspired (atmospheric) air. (Required quantity of oxygen cannot enter the lungs • High altitude • Breathing air in closed spaces. • Breathing gas mixture containing low partial pressure of oxygen (PO₂) 2. Respiratory disorders associated with decreased pulmonary ventilation. (Oxygen is available in atmosphere but it cannot reach the lungs. • Obstruction of respiratory passage as in asthma. • Nervous and mechanical hindrance to respiratory movements as in poliomyelitis. • Depression of respiratory centres as in bran tumours. • Pneumothorax
  • 13. 3. Respiratory disorders associated with inadequate oxygenation of blood in lungs. (Oxygen is available, it enters the lungs but due to dysfunction in alveoli it cannot diffuse into the blood.) • Impaired alveolar diffusion as in emphysema. • Presence of non functioning alveoli as in fibrosis. • Filling of alveoli with fluid as in pulmonary oedema, pneumonia, pulmonary haemorrhage. • Collapse of lungs as bronchial obstruction. • Lack of surfactant. • Abnormal pleural cavity such as pneumothorax, hydrothorax, haemothorax, pyothotax • Increased venous admixture as in case of bronchiectasis. 4. Cardiac disorders 1. IN CCF oxygen availability and diffusion are normal but the blood cannot be pumped from heart properly.
  • 14. Anaemic hypoxia- Inability of the blood to carry enough amount of oxygen. Oxygen availability is normal. Blood is not able to take up sufficient amount of oxygen due to anaemic condition.
  • 15. 1. Decreased number of RBCs Bone marrow diseases, haemorrhages etc. 2. Decrease haemoglobin content in the blood Decrease RBC count, change in its structure, shape and size Microcytes, macrocytes, spherocytes, sickle cells, poikilocytes etc.) 3. Formation of altered haemoglobin Poisoning with chlorates, nitrates, ferricyanides etc. It causes oxidation of iron into ferric form and haemoglobin is known as methehemoglobin. 4. Combination of hemoglobin with gases other than oxygen and carbon
  • 16. Stagnant Hypoxia- Decrease velocity of blood flow. Also called as hypokinetic hypoxia. Causes- Congestive cardiac failure, hemorrhage, surgical shock, vasospasm, thrombosis, embolism.
  • 17. Histotoxic hypoxia- Inability of tissues to utilize oxygen. Causes- Cyanide or sulfide poisoning. The poisonous substances destroy the cellular oxidative enzymes and there is a complete paralysis of cytochrome oxidase system. So, even if oxygen is supplied, the tissues are not in a position to utilize it.
  • 18. Effects of hypoxia- Immediate Delayed 1. Effects on blood- Hypoxia induced secretion of erythropoietin from the kidneys, it in turn increases production of RBCs and increases oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Delayed effects appear depending upon length and severity of hypoxia. 2. Effects on CVS- Initially due to reflex stimulation there is increase in rate and force of contraction of heart , cardiac output and BP. Later, it all decreases. The person becomes highly irritable and develops the symptoms of mountain sickness, such as nausea, vomiting, depression, weakness and fatigue. 3. Effects of respiration- Initially rate of respiration increases then it goes down due to the failure of respiratory centers.
  • 19. Immediate Delayed 4. Effects on GIT- Hypoxia is associated with loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. There is dryness of mouth and feeling of thirst. 5. Effects on kidneys- It causes increased secretion of erythropoietin, alkaline urine is excreted. 6. Effects on CNS- Mild hypoxia- similar to alcoholic intoxication.
  • 20. Treatment for hypoxia- Oxygen therapy- Pure oxygen or oxygen combined with other gases is administered. It is carried out by two methods- • Placing patient’s head in tent containing oxygen. • Allowing the patient to breath oxygen through mask or intranasal tube.
  • 21. 5. Oxygen toxicity Oxygen toxicity is increased oxygen content n tissues, beyond critical level. It is also called as ‘oxygen poisoning’. Occurs because of breathing pure oxygen with a high pressure of 2 to 3 atmosphere (hyerbaric oxygen).
  • 22. 6. Hypercapnia 7. Hypocapnia - Increased carbon dioxide in the blood. - Decreased carbon dioxide in the blood - Condition- Asphyxia, breathing air containing excess carbon dioxide. - Conditions-Hypoventilation, after prolonged hyperventilation (washing out of excess carbon dioxide.) • Effects- RS- Excessive stimulation of respiratory centre leading to dyspnea. • Blood- Ph reduces and blood becomes acidic. • CVS- Tachycardia and hypertension. • CNS-Headache, depression, tremors, convulsions, loss of consciousness. Effects- RS- Decreased rate and fore of respiration. Blood- Ph increases leading to respiratory alkalosis. CNS- Dizziness, mental confusion, muscular twitching, loss of consciousness.
  • 23. 8. Asphyxia- Asphyxia= Hypoxia + Hypercapnia Due to obstruction of air passage. Asphyxia develops in acute conditions characterized by acute obstruction of air passage such as strangulation, hanging, drowning etc.
  • 24. 1. Stage of Hyperpnea- First stage of asphyxia, extends for about 1 minute, breathing becomes deep and rapid due to excess of carbon dioxide , it is followed by dyspnea and cyanosis 2. Stage of Convulsions- Convulsions- uncontrolled involuntary muscular contractions. Duration- Less than 1 minute. 3. Stage of collapse- Duration is about 3 minutes, severe asphyxia causes depression of centers in brain and disappearance of convulsions, respiratory gasping, dilatation of pupils, depression in heart rate, loss of reflexes. Effects of asphyxia-
  • 25. 9. Dyspnea- Dyspnea means difficulty in breathing. Also called as air hunger. Normally breathing goes on without consciousness but when it enters consciousness and produced difficulty it is called as dyspnea. It can also be defined as ‘a consciousness of necessity for increased respiratory effort’.
  • 26. Conditions when dyspnea occurs- • Respiratory disorders- Pneumonia, Pulmonary oedema, pulmonary effusion, poliomyelitis, pneumothorax, severe asthma. • Cardiac disorders- Left ventricular failure, decompensated mitral stenosis. • Metabolic disorders- Diabetic acidosis, uremia etc
  • 27. 10. Periodic breathing- Cheyne stroke Breathing- rhythmic hyperpnea and apnea. In this, gradual increase and Decrease in force of Respiration is called as waxing and waning of breathing. Biot breathing- Apnea and hyperpnea, waxing and waning do not occur. After apneic period, hyperpnea occurs abruptly.
  • 28. 11. Cyanosis- • Diffuse bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membranes. • Cause- Presence large amount of reduced haemoglobin into the blood. (5-7g/dL). • Conditions- Cyanosis occurs in arterial and stagnant hypoxia. Dies not occur in anaemic hypoxia as hb content is already less and not in hystotoxic hypoxia due to tissue damage.
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  • 31. 12. Carbon monoxide poisoning- • Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas since it causes death. • Sources of Carbon monoxide- Exhaust of gasoline engines, coal mines, gases from guns, deep wells, underground drainage system.
  • 32. Effects of carbon monoxide- • Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas because it displaces oxygen from hemoglobin, by binding with same site in hemoglobin for oxygen. - So, oxygen transport and oxygen carrying capacity of the blood are decreased. - Hemoglobin has got 200 times more affinity for carbon monoxide than for oxygen. So, even with low partial pressure of 0.4 mm Hg of carbon monoxide in alveoli, 50% of hemoglobin is saturated with it. • It can be dangerous if the partial pressure increases to 0.6 mm Hg, (1/1,000 of volume concentration in air).
  • 33. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning depend upon its concentration: 1. While breathing air with 1% of carbon monoxide, saturation of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide becomes 15% to 20%. Mild symptoms like headache and nausea appear. 2. While breathing air containing carbon monoxide more than 1%, the saturation becomes 30% to 40%. It causes convulsions, cardio-respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness and coma. 3. When hemoglobin saturation is above 50%, death occurs.
  • 34. Treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning- 1. Immediate termination of exposure to carbon monoxide 2. Providing adequate ventilation and artificial respiration 3. Administration of 100% oxygen if possible. It is to replace carbon monoxide 4. Administration of air with few percent of carbon dioxide, if possible. It is done to stimulate the respiratory centers.
  • 35. 13. Atelectasis- Atelectasis refers to partial or complete collapse of lungs. When a large portion of lung is collapsed, the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced in blood, leading to respiratory disturbances. „
  • 36. Causes- 1. Deficiency or inactivation of surfactant. It causes collapse of lungs due to increased surface tension, which leads to respiratory distress syndrome. 2. Obstruction of a bronchus or a bronchiole. In this condition, the alveoli attached to the bronchus or bronchiole are collapsed. 3. Presence of air (pneumothorax), fluid (hydrothorax), blood (hemothorax) or pus (pyothorax) in the pleural space.
  • 37. 14. Pneumothorax „ Pneumothorax is the presence of air in pleural space. Intrapleural pressure, which is always negative, becomes positive in pneumothorax and it causes collapse of lungs. „Causes- Air enters the pleural cavity because of damage of chest wall or lungs during accidents, bullet injury or stab injury.
  • 38. „15. Pneumonia • Pneumonia is the inflammation of lung tissues, followed by the accumulation of blood cells, fibrin and exudates in the alveoli. Affected part of the lungs becomes consolidated. „Causes- Inflammation of lung is caused by: 1. Bacterial or viral infection 2. Inhaling noxious chemical substance
  • 39. Types- 1. Lobar pneumonia 2. Lobular pneumonia. When it is lobular and associated with inflammation of bronchi, it is known as bronchopneumonia. Effects- Following are the effects of pneumonia: 1. Fever 2. Compression of chest and chest pain 3. Shallow breathing 4. Cyanosis 5. Sleeplessness (insomnia) 6. Delirium
  • 40. 16. Bronchial asthma „ Bronchial asthma is the respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing with wheezing. Wheezing refers to whistling type of respiration. It is due to bronchiolar constriction, caused by spastic contraction of smooth muscles in bronchioles, leading to obstruction of air passage. Obstruction is further exaggerated by the oedema of mucus membrane and accumulation of mucus in the lumen of bronchioles.
  • 41. 17. Pulmonary oedema- „ Pulmonary oedema is the accumulation of serous fluid in the alveoli and the interstitial tissue of lungs. „Causes- 1. Increased pulmonary capillary pressure due to left ventricular failure or mitral valve disease 2. Pneumonia 3. Breathing harmful chemicals like chlorine or sulfurdioxide.
  • 42. 18. Pleural effusion- Pleural effusion is the accumulation of large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity. Pleural effusion causes atelectasis, leading to dyspnea and other respiratory disturbances.
  • 43. 19. Pulmonary tuberculosis- Tuberculosis is the disease caused by tubercle bacilli. This disease can affect any organ in the body. However, the lungs are affected more commonly. Infected tissue is invaded by macrophages and later it becomes fibrous. Affected tissue is called tubercle.
  • 44. Features- Initially, alveoli in the affected part become non functioning, due to thickness of respiratory membrane. If a large part of lungs is involved, the diffusing capacity is very much reduced. In severe conditions, the destruction of the lung tissue is followed by formation of large abscess cavities.
  • 45. 20. Emphysema- „ Emphysema is one of the obstructive respiratory diseases in which lung tissues are extensively damaged. Damage of lung tissues results in loss of alveolar walls. Because of this, the elastic recoil of lungs is also lost. Emphysema is caused by: 1. Cigarette smoking 2. Exposure to oxidant gases 3. Untreated bronchitis.