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Bilingual Education: Challenges and Possibilities
Jim Cummins
The University of Toronto
La Scuola, November 14, 2014
n  What do we know about bilingual/multilingual language and academic
n  In teaching English, what exactly are we trying to teach?
n  Literacy engagement is key to developing advanced levels of Italian and
n  It is important to bring the two languages (and other languages
students may speak) into productive contact and teach for transfer
across languages.
n  Students will take ownership of their 2 (or more) languages when they
are enabled to do powerful (identity-affirming) things with the
language. “Identity texts” is a useful concept to explore powerful uses
of language.
1. What do we know about bilingual/
multilingual language and academic
What Does Research Say about Bilingual/Immersion
n  Bilingual programs for minority and majority language students have
been successfully implemented in countries around the world. These
programs generally produce better outcomes than teaching the language
as a subject.
n  Spending instructional time through two languages entails no long-term
adverse effects on students’ academic development in the majority
n  The development of literacy in two languages entails linguistic and
perhaps cognitive advantages for bilingual students. There is also an
advantage in learning additional languages.
n  Significant positive relationships exist between the development of
academic skills in L1 and L2.
n  The most successful bilingual programs are those that aim to develop
full bilingualism and biliteracy.
1a. Cognitive and Linguistic Advantages
1b. Effects of Bilingual Education
Research Evidence on Bilingual Education (1)
“In summary, there is no indication that
bilingual instruction impedes academic
achievement in either the native language or
English, whether for language-minority
students, students receiving heritage
language instruction, or those enrolled in
French immersion programs.
Where differences were observed, on
average they favored the students in a
bilingual program. The meta-analytic results
clearly suggest a positive effect for bilingual
instruction that is moderate in size.”
(Francis, Lesaux, and August 2006, p. 397)
Research Evidence on Bilingual Education (2)
F. Genesee, K. Lindholm-Leary, W. Saunders, & D. Christian
(Eds). Educating English Language Learners. (pp. 176-222). New
York: Cambridge University Press.
“[T]here is strong convergent evidence that the educational
success of ELLs [English language learners] is positively related
to sustained instruction through the student’s first language. ...
most long-term studies report that the longer the students
stayed in the program, the more positive were the outcomes”.
(Lindholm-Leary & Borsato, 2006, p. 201)
The Dual-Iceberg Representation of Bilingual Proficiency
n  Transfer of concepts (e.g., understanding the concept of
n  Transfer of cognitive and linguistic strategies (e.g. strategies
of visualizing, use of graphic organizers, mnemonic devices,
vocabulary acquisition strategies, etc.);
n  Transfer of specific linguistic elements (knowledge of the
meaning of photo in photosynthesis);
n  Transfer of phonological awareness.
Types of Cross-Lingual Transfer
Pedagogical Implications of Interdependence
n  The “two solitudes” model of L2 instruction endorses rigid adherance to
monolingual instructional strategies and tries to keep the languages
separate and isolated from each other;
n  A bilingual instructional approach would find opportunities to bring the
languages into contact and teach for transfer across languages;
--where cognates exist, draw students’ attention to them;
--encourage students to create and web-publish bilingual
books and projects;
--engage in partner-class projects where both languages
might be used for planning, communication, and joint
publishing of project work (projects must be substantive,
engaging, and challenging—not just pen-pals).
2. What Is “English”?
EL Catch-up Trajectories
Why? (a) native speakers continue to develop English academic
language proficiency, (b) academic language is complex and less
accessible than conversational language.
The Nature of English
n  Conversational fluency (BICS)
n  Discrete language skills
rule-governed aspects of the language (phonological awareness,
phonics, spelling, grammar, etc.)
n  Academic language proficiency (CALP)
Includes knowledge of the less frequent vocabulary of English as
well as the ability to interpret and produce increasingly complex
written language;
What Is English Language Proficiency?
Conversational Fluency
n  The ability to carry on a conversation in familiar face-to-
face situations;
n  Developed by the vast majority of native speakers by the
time they enter school at age 5;
n  Involves use of high frequency words and simple grammatical
n  EAL students typically require 1-2 years to attain peer-
appropriate levels.
The Trouble with Acronyms…
"Bilingual Education is a controversial topic,
largely due to politics. BICS, an organization that
does not believe in bilingual education, feels that
children can pick up language very easily but
don't necessarily have to attend bilingual
education classes.“
(From a student's final examination in a Second Language Acquisition
course. Courtesy of Dr. Tom Scovel)
What Is English Language Proficiency?
Discrete Language Skills
n  Refers to the rule-governed aspects of language (phonological
awareness, phonics, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.);
n  Can be developed in two independent ways:
(a) by explicit instruction, and
(b) through extensive access to print and engagement with
n  EAL students can learn these specific language skills
concurrently with their development of basic vocabulary and
conversational fluency. However, there is little direct
transference to other aspects of language proficiency (e.g.
What Is English Language Proficiency?
Academic Language Proficiency
n  Includes knowledge of the less frequent vocabulary of
English as well as the ability to interpret and produce
increasingly complex written language;
n  Academic language makes frequent use of nominalisation (e.g.,
acceleration) and passive voice;
n  EL students typically require at least 5 years to attain grade
expectations in language and literacy skills;
n  Because academic language is found primarily in books,
extensive reading is crucial in enabling students to catch up;
n  Frequent writing, across genres, is also crucial in developing
academic writing skills.
The Cognate Connection
speed velocidad velocity
sick enfermo infirm
meet encontrar encounter
Social Studies Vocabulary (grade 5)
Sample of Most Frequent 150 Academic Words
From Edgar Allan Poe: The Pit and the
My outstretched hands at length
encountered some solid obstruction.
It was a wall, seemingly of stone masonry –
very smooth, slimy, and cold.
I followed it up;
stepping with all the careful distrust
with which certain antique narratives
had inspired me.
3. Literacy Engagement
Literacy Engagement
What Is It?
n  Amount and range of reading and writing;
n  Use of effective strategies for deep understanding of text;
n  Positive affect and identity investment in reading and writing;
Drawing on both the 1998 NAEP data from the United States and the
results of the PISA study of reading achievement among 15-year olds in
international contexts, Guthrie (2004, p. 5) notes that students
“…whose family background was characterized by low income and low
education, but who were highly engaged readers, substantially
outscored students who came from backgrounds with higher education
and higher income, but who themselves were less engaged readers.
Based on a massive sample, this finding suggests the stunning conclusion
that engaged reading can overcome traditional barriers to reading
achievement, including gender, parental education, and income.”
Literacy engagement plays a key role in promoting reading
n  Data on the reading attainment of 15-year olds in 27 countries showed
that “the level of a student’s reading engagement is a better predictor
of literacy performance than his or her socioeconomic background,
indicating that cultivating a student’s interest in reading can help
overcome home disadvantages” (OECD, 2004, p. 8).
n  The authors point out that “engagement in reading can be a
consequence, as well as a cause, of higher reading skill, but the evidence
suggests that these two factors are mutually reinforcing” (p. 8).
Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment
(d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation
Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment
(d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation
Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment
(d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation
Reading makes me powerful because…
When I grow up I can find a better job than people who can’t
read. Somebody can also trick you to do something that will get
you in trouble.
Reading gives you new words to learn. It gives my brain new
ideas. It helps your vocabulary so when you need to write
something you can use longer and harder words. In school you
can get a better mark using more words.
By Tasneem
Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry
Literacy Engagement
n  To what extent are students immersed in a literacy-rich
environment throughout primary school?
q  Are they listening to and dramatizing stories from the earliest days of
q  Do they have access to a well-stocked classroom library and the opportunity
to borrow books to take home to read with their parents?
q  Does the school library have books in the multiple languages of the school
and/or dual language books?
q  Does the school library encourage parents to come in and check out books
with their children (e.g., by staying open after school hours to accommodate
parents’ schedules)?
q  Are students discussing books they are reading on a regular basis within the
q  Is technology being used in creative ways? For example, are students
uploading book reviews to appropriate web sites? Are they videotaping scenes
or adaptations from books they have read?
q  Has the school forged connections with the local public library to explore
ways of promoting literacy engagement? Etc. etc.
4. Teaching for Transfer
Bringing the two Languages into Productive
Teach for Transfer or
Maintain Linguistic Solitudes?
The two solitudes assumption was expressed clearly by
Wallace Lambert (1984) in discussing the medium of
instruction in French immersion programs:
“No bilingual skills are required of the teacher, who plays the
role of a monolingual in the target language ... and who never
switches languages, reviews materials in the other language,
or otherwise uses the child’s native language in teacher-pupil
interactions. In immersion programs, therefore, bilingualism
is developed through two separate monolingual instructional
routes.” (1984, p. 13)
EL Students’ L1 as a Resource Within the Classroom
Invite students to:
n  Complete dual-language assignments such as a bilingual advertisement (e.g.
to attract visitors to a country or region) or a dual language story or
n  Work with same-language partners to discuss a problem and clarify
information in the L1 before reporting back in English (e.g. think, pair,
share in L1)
n  Create multilingual displays or signs;
n  Write first drafts, notes, journal entries, and outlines in L1;
n  Provide bilingual support for newcomers (e.g. class partners or cross-
grade tutors who speak the language of the newcomer can highlight or
translate key concepts).
(Ontario Ministry of Education (2006) Many Roots, Many Voices. http://
Identity Texts: Showcasing bilingual
n  Identity texts refer to artifacts that students produce.
Students take ownership of these artifacts as a result of
having invested their identities in them.
n  Once produced, these texts (written, spoken, visual, musical,
or combinations in multimodal form) hold a mirror up to the
student in which his or her identity is reflected back in a
positive light.
n  Students invest their identities in these texts which then
become ambassadors of students’ identities. When students
share identity texts with multiple audiences (peers, teachers,
parents, grandparents, sister classes, the media, etc.) they
are likely to receive positive feedback and affirmation of self
in interaction with these audiences.
Tomer’s Perspective
n  I think using your first language
is so helpful because when you
don’t understand something
after you’ve just come here it is
like beginning as a baby. You
don’t know English and you need
to learn it all from the
beginning; but if you already
have it in another language then
it is easier, you can translate it,
and you can do it in your
language too, then it is easier to
understand the second language.
n  The first time I couldn’t
understand what she [Lisa] was
saying except the word Hebrew,
but I think it’s very smart that
she said for us to do it in our
language because we can’t just
sit on our hands doing nothing.
Kanta’s Perspective
n  And how it helped me was when I
came here in grade 4 the teachers
didn’t know what I was capable of.
n  I was given a pack of crayons and a
coloring book and told to get on
coloring with it. And after I felt so
bad about that--I’m capable of doing
much more than just that. I have my
own inner skills to show the world
than just coloring and I felt that
those skills of mine are important
also. So when we started writing the
book [The New Country], I could
actually show the world that I am
something instead of just coloring.
n  And that's how it helped me and it
made me so proud of myself that I
am actually capable of doing
something, and here today [at the
Ontario TESL conference] I am
actually doing something. I’m not just
a coloring person—I can show you
that I am something.
Examples of Literacy/Language Engagement:
Sister Class Projects
n  Pre-cursors: The work of Célestin Freinet in
France and Mario Lodi in Italy; Both Freinet and
Lodi used the printing press to create texts and
newsletters for sharing with sister classes (and
community members) while Lodi also used
audiotapes (“spoken letters”) that resulted in
students becoming aware of and analysing regional
varieties of Italian;
n  The DiaLogos Project: Grades 5/6 students in
Rhodes/Kassos (Greece) and Toronto (Canada)
(Kourtis-Kazoullis, 2001).
DiaLogos: Focus on Meaning
n  Greek students carried out extensive research in both
English (e.g. on the web) and Greek (e.g. local museums) on
topics such as ancient Greece;
n  As a result of this research, students wrote to the editors
of Dr. Dig magazine (a web-based archaeological magazine
intended for students) to complain about their use of the
term “Elgin Marbles” (marble statues taken from the
Parthenon by Lord Elgin in the early 1800s whose ownership
is currently under dispute between Greece and the UK);
DiaLogos: Focus on Language
(from Vasilia Kourtis Kazoullis)
[Student from Canada]
Katerina – I didn’t have much of a Christmas this year because I was
moviong and we didn’t put up a tree and stuff like that but it was fun
moving and stuff.
On Christmas eve we went to my aunt’s house and had
a big feast and me and cousin Maria were chilling out.
On New Years eve we went to my moms friends house
and clebrated it there and we brought in 1999 we [with]
a really big bang!!
Expressions in the letters from Canadian students such as
stuff like that, and stuff, chilling out, with a really big bang,
we had a blast and whaz up, fueled the students’ curiosity and
resulted in critical analysis of language forms.
DiaLogos: Focus on Use
n  Students collaboratively completed a short story
begun by Evgenios Trivizas (a well-known Greek
children’s writer) called The Dance of the
n  80 different stories were written. 59 stories were
written by the students in Greece (35 stories in
Greek and 24 in English) and 21 stories were
written by students in Canada (9 in Greek and 12
in English). Some texts included both languages,
reflecting students’ attempt to use the target
5. Identity Affirmation is Central to
Effective Pedagogy
Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry
A. What Image of the Child Are We Sketching in Our Instruction?
q  Capable of becoming bilingual and biliterate?
q  Capable of higher-order thinking and intellectual
q  Capable of creative and imaginative thinking?
q  Capable of creating literature and art?
q  Capable of generating new knowledge?
q  Capable of thinking about and finding solutions to social
Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry
Identity Affirmation
n  To what extent is the school enabling students to connect academic
work to their own developing identities with the result that students
develop a sense of pride in their linguistic talents and intellectual and
literary accomplishments?
q  To what extent do students and parents see signs and student work in
multiple languages displayed at the school entrance and other public spaces
(e.g., corridors) throughout the school?
q  To what extent are newcomer students encouraged to use their L1s for
completion of academic work and creative writing?
q  To what extent are students’ dual language books or projects displayed
publicly (e.g., on a school web site) and showcased in a positive manner (e.g.,
on parents’ nights etc.)?
q  To what extent are students enabled to engage in sister class projects with
multilingual speakers from other countries or regions using multiple languages
to carry out collaborative projects?
q  To what extent are students encouraged to compare their L1 with the school
language in order to develop greater language awareness?
Hira’s Story
6. Writing (and “cultural production”
generally) is a powerful tool for identity
Writing as Problem-Solving
Letter to Ann Landers 1976 (from Stephen Krashen (2004) The Power of
Reading (2nd edition)
Dear Ann: I’m a 26-year-old woman and feel like a fool asking you
this question, but—should I marry the guy or not?
Jerry is 30, but sometimes he acts like 14…
Jerry is a salesman and makes good money but has lost his wallet
three times since I’ve known him and I’ve had to help him meet the
payments on his car.
The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that I have the feeling
he doesn’t trust me. After every date, he telephones. He says it’s
to “say an extra goodnight,” but I’m sure he is checking to see if I
had a late date with someone else.
One night I was in the shower and didn’t hear the phone. He came
over and sat on the porch all night. I found him asleep on the swing
when I went to get the paper the next morning at 6.30 a.m. I had a
hard time convincing him I had been in the house the whole time.
Writing as Problem-Solving
Letter to Ann Landers 1976 (from Stephen Krashen (2004) The Power of
Reading (2nd edition)
Now on the plus side: Jerry is very good-looking and appeals to me
Well – that does it. I have been sitting here with this pen in my
hand for 15 minutes trying to think of something else good to say
about him and nothing comes to mind.
Don’t bother to answer this. You have helped more than you will
ever know.
Dual language books
Young second language authors proudly showing off their dual language
identity texts
From: Eithne Gallagher: Many Languages, One Message: Equal Rights to
the Curriculum. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2008.
Interlingual Teaching and Learning (Gallagher 2008)
Reyes, M. L. (2001). Unleashing possibilities: Biliteracy in the primary
grades. In M. L. Reyes & J. Halcón (Eds.), The best for our children:
Critical perspectives on literacy for Latino students (pp. 96–121). New
York: Teachers College Press.
n  Longitudinal case study (K-Grade 3) of the “spontaneous biliteracy” of 4
low-income Mexican/Latino children in a bilingual program, two of whom
were taught to read initially only in Spanish and two only in English,
according to their language dominance on entry to the program;
n  The students received structured phonics instruction (in English or
Spanish) in kindergarten but only minimal phonics instruction in first
and second grades.
n  All four students spontaneously transferred their literacy skills from
the initial language to their second language without formal instruction.
n  Their “natural, spontaneous, and uncomplicated approach to bilingualism
and biliteracy” (p. 117) was supported by their interest in writing in
both languages and also by their social play, where they challenged each
other to read in the language in which they had received no formal
reading instruction.
Reyes, M. L. (2001). Unleashing possibilities: Biliteracy in the primary
grades. In M. L. Reyes & J. Halcón (Eds.), The best for our children:
Critical perspectives on literacy for Latino students (pp. 96–121). New
York: Teachers College Press.
“There is no doubt that these students felt their languages and
their culture affirmed. . . . Although each of the girls received
[reading] instruction in only one language, all their learning from
kindergarten to second grade took place in classrooms where the
teachers supported and nurtured their cultural and linguistic
Each day they heard their teachers and peers use Spanish and
English. Their teachers also made great efforts to treat English
and Spanish as equally as possible, valuing both languages for
personal, social, and academic purposes” (p. 116).
School-based Language and Instructional Planning:
Articulating Choices and Taking Collective Action 


Instructional Options Current Realities	

Where Are We?
Vision for the Future	

Where Do We Want
To Be?
Getting it Done	

How Do We Get There?
Literacy Engagement
How can we maximize students’ interest in and engagement with
reading, writing, and other forms of cultural expression (e.g., art)?

How do we adapt curriculum materials to link with students’ existing
knowledge and cultural background ?

How can we modify instruction to evoke higher order thinking among
emergent bilingual students?

How can we use tools such as computers, digital cameras,
camcorders, web pages, etc. to enhance academic engagement and

How can we complement mandated provincial and school board
assessments in order to present to students, parents, and
administrators a clear picture of students’ academic progress?
What messages are we giving students about the value of their
languages and cultures?	

Parental Involvement	

How can we engage parents more effectively as co-educators in such a
way that their cultural knowledge and experience can support their
children’s academic progress?
Collecting Specimens
Big Words for BIG MINDS
Word (English)
Word (Home language)
Definition Picture
Systematic Exploration of Vocabulary
Big Words for BIG MINDS
1.  A major change in government or in a
way of thinking about an issue or
2. Orbit of a planet around the sun;
The French revolution
changed the course of
1.  Revolt
2.  Orbit or turn
Systematic Exploration of Vocabulary
Deciding what is fair or
The justice system
sometimes makes
Big Words for Big Minds:
Collecting Language Specimens: Revolution
Definition: a single complete turn; the overthrow of a
L1 equivalents: revolución (in Spanish)
Related words in L1: volver (to turn), vuelta (a turn or change of
Synonyms: turn, revolt
Meanings of prefix: re = again, back
Meanings of root: from Latin volvere = to turn or roll
Word Family: revolutionize (verb), revolve (verb),
revolution (noun), revolutionary (adjective)
Grammatical category: noun
Grammatical patterns: revolution, revolutions
Words with same prefix: revise, represent, replace, reuse, etc.
Words with same root: revolt, revolve, revolutionize, evolve,
devolve, involve (verbs)
revulsion, evolution, revolver, volume
revolting, revolutionary, convoluted
Words with same suffix: acceleration, fluctuation, inspiration, etc.
General use: The earth makes one revolution around the sun
every year.
The Industrial Revolution brought great changes to
human society.
Metaphoric usage:
Advertisements: Join the fashion revolution! Buy….
n (Multiliteracies project)
n (Dual Language Showcase)
n  Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society (Jim
Cummins; California Association for Bilingual Education, 2001)
n  Literacy, Technology and Diversity: Teaching for Success in Changing Times
(Jim Cummins, Kristin Brown,  Dennis Sayers; Allyn  Bacon [Pearson Education],
2007) (
n  IdentityTexts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools
(Edited by Jim Cummins and Margaret Early; Trentham Books, 2011)
Resources (continued)
n  Celic, C.  Seltzer, K. (2012). Translanguaging: A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for
Educators. New York: CUNY/NYSIEB. (
n  Chumak-Horbatsch, R. (2012). Linguistically appropriate practice: A guide for
working with young immigrant children. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
n  Cummins, J.  Early, M. (2015). Big ideas for expanding minds: Teaching English
language learners across the curriculum. Toronto: Rubicon/Pearson Canada.
n  McWilliam, N. (1998). What’s in a word? Vocabulary development in multilingual
classrooms. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books.

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Bilingual Education Challenges and Possibilities

  • 1. Bilingual Education: Challenges and Possibilities Jim Cummins The University of Toronto La Scuola, November 14, 2014
  • 2. Overview n  What do we know about bilingual/multilingual language and academic development? n  In teaching English, what exactly are we trying to teach? n  Literacy engagement is key to developing advanced levels of Italian and English n  It is important to bring the two languages (and other languages students may speak) into productive contact and teach for transfer across languages. n  Students will take ownership of their 2 (or more) languages when they are enabled to do powerful (identity-affirming) things with the language. “Identity texts” is a useful concept to explore powerful uses of language.
  • 3. 1. What do we know about bilingual/ multilingual language and academic development?
  • 4. What Does Research Say about Bilingual/Immersion Education? n  Bilingual programs for minority and majority language students have been successfully implemented in countries around the world. These programs generally produce better outcomes than teaching the language as a subject. n  Spending instructional time through two languages entails no long-term adverse effects on students’ academic development in the majority language. n  The development of literacy in two languages entails linguistic and perhaps cognitive advantages for bilingual students. There is also an advantage in learning additional languages. n  Significant positive relationships exist between the development of academic skills in L1 and L2. n  The most successful bilingual programs are those that aim to develop full bilingualism and biliteracy.
  • 5. 1a. Cognitive and Linguistic Advantages
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  • 11. 1b. Effects of Bilingual Education
  • 12. Research Evidence on Bilingual Education (1) “In summary, there is no indication that bilingual instruction impedes academic achievement in either the native language or English, whether for language-minority students, students receiving heritage language instruction, or those enrolled in French immersion programs. Where differences were observed, on average they favored the students in a bilingual program. The meta-analytic results clearly suggest a positive effect for bilingual instruction that is moderate in size.” (Francis, Lesaux, and August 2006, p. 397)
  • 13. Research Evidence on Bilingual Education (2) F. Genesee, K. Lindholm-Leary, W. Saunders, & D. Christian (Eds). Educating English Language Learners. (pp. 176-222). New York: Cambridge University Press. “[T]here is strong convergent evidence that the educational success of ELLs [English language learners] is positively related to sustained instruction through the student’s first language. ... most long-term studies report that the longer the students stayed in the program, the more positive were the outcomes”. (Lindholm-Leary & Borsato, 2006, p. 201)
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  • 16. The Dual-Iceberg Representation of Bilingual Proficiency
  • 17. n  Transfer of concepts (e.g., understanding the concept of photosynthesis); n  Transfer of cognitive and linguistic strategies (e.g. strategies of visualizing, use of graphic organizers, mnemonic devices, vocabulary acquisition strategies, etc.); n  Transfer of specific linguistic elements (knowledge of the meaning of photo in photosynthesis); n  Transfer of phonological awareness. Types of Cross-Lingual Transfer
  • 18. Pedagogical Implications of Interdependence n  The “two solitudes” model of L2 instruction endorses rigid adherance to monolingual instructional strategies and tries to keep the languages separate and isolated from each other; n  A bilingual instructional approach would find opportunities to bring the languages into contact and teach for transfer across languages; --where cognates exist, draw students’ attention to them; --encourage students to create and web-publish bilingual books and projects; --engage in partner-class projects where both languages might be used for planning, communication, and joint publishing of project work (projects must be substantive, engaging, and challenging—not just pen-pals).
  • 19. 2. What Is “English”?
  • 20. EL Catch-up Trajectories Why? (a) native speakers continue to develop English academic language proficiency, (b) academic language is complex and less accessible than conversational language.
  • 21. The Nature of English n  Conversational fluency (BICS) n  Discrete language skills rule-governed aspects of the language (phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, grammar, etc.) n  Academic language proficiency (CALP) Includes knowledge of the less frequent vocabulary of English as well as the ability to interpret and produce increasingly complex written language;
  • 22. What Is English Language Proficiency? Conversational Fluency n  The ability to carry on a conversation in familiar face-to- face situations; n  Developed by the vast majority of native speakers by the time they enter school at age 5; n  Involves use of high frequency words and simple grammatical constructions; n  EAL students typically require 1-2 years to attain peer- appropriate levels.
  • 23. The Trouble with Acronyms… "Bilingual Education is a controversial topic, largely due to politics. BICS, an organization that does not believe in bilingual education, feels that children can pick up language very easily but don't necessarily have to attend bilingual education classes.“ (From a student's final examination in a Second Language Acquisition course. Courtesy of Dr. Tom Scovel)
  • 24. What Is English Language Proficiency? Discrete Language Skills n  Refers to the rule-governed aspects of language (phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.); n  Can be developed in two independent ways: (a) by explicit instruction, and (b) through extensive access to print and engagement with literacy; n  EAL students can learn these specific language skills concurrently with their development of basic vocabulary and conversational fluency. However, there is little direct transference to other aspects of language proficiency (e.g. vocabulary).
  • 25. What Is English Language Proficiency? Academic Language Proficiency n  Includes knowledge of the less frequent vocabulary of English as well as the ability to interpret and produce increasingly complex written language; n  Academic language makes frequent use of nominalisation (e.g., acceleration) and passive voice; n  EL students typically require at least 5 years to attain grade expectations in language and literacy skills; n  Because academic language is found primarily in books, extensive reading is crucial in enabling students to catch up; n  Frequent writing, across genres, is also crucial in developing academic writing skills.
  • 26. The Cognate Connection speed velocidad velocity sick enfermo infirm meet encontrar encounter
  • 27. Social Studies Vocabulary (grade 5) amend annexation bombarded boundary colonist cavalry compromise commerce constitution consultation convention convince declaration dissolved dynasty independence induced inference perpetual petition preamble ratify rebellion representatives resolution revolt revolution sentiments siege skirmish statement surveyor sustain traditions treaty tyrants
  • 28. Sample of Most Frequent 150 Academic Words accelerate achieve adjacent contribute convert create fluctuate focus formulate notion obtain obvious sequence series shift affect alternative analyze criterion crucial data function generate guarantee occur passive period signify similar simultaneous approach approximate arbitrary define definite demonstrate
  • 29. From Edgar Allan Poe: The Pit and the Pendulum My outstretched hands at length encountered some solid obstruction. It was a wall, seemingly of stone masonry – very smooth, slimy, and cold. I followed it up; stepping with all the careful distrust with which certain antique narratives had inspired me.
  • 31. Literacy Engagement What Is It? n  Amount and range of reading and writing; n  Use of effective strategies for deep understanding of text; n  Positive affect and identity investment in reading and writing; Drawing on both the 1998 NAEP data from the United States and the results of the PISA study of reading achievement among 15-year olds in international contexts, Guthrie (2004, p. 5) notes that students “…whose family background was characterized by low income and low education, but who were highly engaged readers, substantially outscored students who came from backgrounds with higher education and higher income, but who themselves were less engaged readers. Based on a massive sample, this finding suggests the stunning conclusion that engaged reading can overcome traditional barriers to reading achievement, including gender, parental education, and income.”
  • 32. Literacy engagement plays a key role in promoting reading comprehension OECD’s PISA Study n  Data on the reading attainment of 15-year olds in 27 countries showed that “the level of a student’s reading engagement is a better predictor of literacy performance than his or her socioeconomic background, indicating that cultivating a student’s interest in reading can help overcome home disadvantages” (OECD, 2004, p. 8). n  The authors point out that “engagement in reading can be a consequence, as well as a cause, of higher reading skill, but the evidence suggests that these two factors are mutually reinforcing” (p. 8).
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  • 34. Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment (d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation
  • 35. Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment (d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation
  • 36. Creating an Identity-Affirming School Environment (d) Linking Literacy Engagement with Identity Affirmation Reading makes me powerful because… When I grow up I can find a better job than people who can’t read. Somebody can also trick you to do something that will get you in trouble. Reading gives you new words to learn. It gives my brain new ideas. It helps your vocabulary so when you need to write something you can use longer and harder words. In school you can get a better mark using more words. By Tasneem
  • 37. Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry Literacy Engagement n  To what extent are students immersed in a literacy-rich environment throughout primary school? q  Are they listening to and dramatizing stories from the earliest days of schooling? q  Do they have access to a well-stocked classroom library and the opportunity to borrow books to take home to read with their parents? q  Does the school library have books in the multiple languages of the school and/or dual language books? q  Does the school library encourage parents to come in and check out books with their children (e.g., by staying open after school hours to accommodate parents’ schedules)? q  Are students discussing books they are reading on a regular basis within the classroom? q  Is technology being used in creative ways? For example, are students uploading book reviews to appropriate web sites? Are they videotaping scenes or adaptations from books they have read? q  Has the school forged connections with the local public library to explore ways of promoting literacy engagement? Etc. etc.
  • 38. 4. Teaching for Transfer Bringing the two Languages into Productive Contact
  • 39. Teach for Transfer or Maintain Linguistic Solitudes? The two solitudes assumption was expressed clearly by Wallace Lambert (1984) in discussing the medium of instruction in French immersion programs: “No bilingual skills are required of the teacher, who plays the role of a monolingual in the target language ... and who never switches languages, reviews materials in the other language, or otherwise uses the child’s native language in teacher-pupil interactions. In immersion programs, therefore, bilingualism is developed through two separate monolingual instructional routes.” (1984, p. 13)
  • 40. EL Students’ L1 as a Resource Within the Classroom Invite students to: n  Complete dual-language assignments such as a bilingual advertisement (e.g. to attract visitors to a country or region) or a dual language story or book; n  Work with same-language partners to discuss a problem and clarify information in the L1 before reporting back in English (e.g. think, pair, share in L1) n  Create multilingual displays or signs; n  Write first drafts, notes, journal entries, and outlines in L1; n  Provide bilingual support for newcomers (e.g. class partners or cross- grade tutors who speak the language of the newcomer can highlight or translate key concepts). (Ontario Ministry of Education (2006) Many Roots, Many Voices. http://
  • 41. Identity Texts: Showcasing bilingual accomplishments n  Identity texts refer to artifacts that students produce. Students take ownership of these artifacts as a result of having invested their identities in them. n  Once produced, these texts (written, spoken, visual, musical, or combinations in multimodal form) hold a mirror up to the student in which his or her identity is reflected back in a positive light. n  Students invest their identities in these texts which then become ambassadors of students’ identities. When students share identity texts with multiple audiences (peers, teachers, parents, grandparents, sister classes, the media, etc.) they are likely to receive positive feedback and affirmation of self in interaction with these audiences.
  • 42. Tomer’s Perspective n  I think using your first language is so helpful because when you don’t understand something after you’ve just come here it is like beginning as a baby. You don’t know English and you need to learn it all from the beginning; but if you already have it in another language then it is easier, you can translate it, and you can do it in your language too, then it is easier to understand the second language. n  The first time I couldn’t understand what she [Lisa] was saying except the word Hebrew, but I think it’s very smart that she said for us to do it in our language because we can’t just sit on our hands doing nothing.
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  • 46. Kanta’s Perspective n  And how it helped me was when I came here in grade 4 the teachers didn’t know what I was capable of. n  I was given a pack of crayons and a coloring book and told to get on coloring with it. And after I felt so bad about that--I’m capable of doing much more than just that. I have my own inner skills to show the world than just coloring and I felt that those skills of mine are important also. So when we started writing the book [The New Country], I could actually show the world that I am something instead of just coloring. n  And that's how it helped me and it made me so proud of myself that I am actually capable of doing something, and here today [at the Ontario TESL conference] I am actually doing something. I’m not just a coloring person—I can show you that I am something.
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  • 48. Examples of Literacy/Language Engagement: Sister Class Projects n  Pre-cursors: The work of Célestin Freinet in France and Mario Lodi in Italy; Both Freinet and Lodi used the printing press to create texts and newsletters for sharing with sister classes (and community members) while Lodi also used audiotapes (“spoken letters”) that resulted in students becoming aware of and analysing regional varieties of Italian; n  The DiaLogos Project: Grades 5/6 students in Rhodes/Kassos (Greece) and Toronto (Canada) (Kourtis-Kazoullis, 2001).
  • 49. DiaLogos: Focus on Meaning n  Greek students carried out extensive research in both English (e.g. on the web) and Greek (e.g. local museums) on topics such as ancient Greece; n  As a result of this research, students wrote to the editors of Dr. Dig magazine (a web-based archaeological magazine intended for students) to complain about their use of the term “Elgin Marbles” (marble statues taken from the Parthenon by Lord Elgin in the early 1800s whose ownership is currently under dispute between Greece and the UK);
  • 50. DiaLogos: Focus on Language (from Vasilia Kourtis Kazoullis) [Student from Canada] Katerina – I didn’t have much of a Christmas this year because I was moviong and we didn’t put up a tree and stuff like that but it was fun moving and stuff. On Christmas eve we went to my aunt’s house and had a big feast and me and cousin Maria were chilling out. On New Years eve we went to my moms friends house and clebrated it there and we brought in 1999 we [with] a really big bang!! BYE FOR NOW KATERINA!!!!!!!!! *********** Expressions in the letters from Canadian students such as stuff like that, and stuff, chilling out, with a really big bang, we had a blast and whaz up, fueled the students’ curiosity and resulted in critical analysis of language forms.
  • 51. DiaLogos: Focus on Use n  Students collaboratively completed a short story begun by Evgenios Trivizas (a well-known Greek children’s writer) called The Dance of the Ostriches; n  80 different stories were written. 59 stories were written by the students in Greece (35 stories in Greek and 24 in English) and 21 stories were written by students in Canada (9 in Greek and 12 in English). Some texts included both languages, reflecting students’ attempt to use the target language.
  • 52. 5. Identity Affirmation is Central to Effective Pedagogy
  • 53. Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry A. What Image of the Child Are We Sketching in Our Instruction? q  Capable of becoming bilingual and biliterate? q  Capable of higher-order thinking and intellectual accomplishments? q  Capable of creative and imaginative thinking? q  Capable of creating literature and art? q  Capable of generating new knowledge? q  Capable of thinking about and finding solutions to social issues?
  • 54. Collaborative Pedagogical Inquiry Identity Affirmation n  To what extent is the school enabling students to connect academic work to their own developing identities with the result that students develop a sense of pride in their linguistic talents and intellectual and literary accomplishments? q  To what extent do students and parents see signs and student work in multiple languages displayed at the school entrance and other public spaces (e.g., corridors) throughout the school? q  To what extent are newcomer students encouraged to use their L1s for completion of academic work and creative writing? q  To what extent are students’ dual language books or projects displayed publicly (e.g., on a school web site) and showcased in a positive manner (e.g., on parents’ nights etc.)? q  To what extent are students enabled to engage in sister class projects with multilingual speakers from other countries or regions using multiple languages to carry out collaborative projects? q  To what extent are students encouraged to compare their L1 with the school language in order to develop greater language awareness?
  • 56. 6. Writing (and “cultural production” generally) is a powerful tool for identity affirmation
  • 57. Writing as Problem-Solving Letter to Ann Landers 1976 (from Stephen Krashen (2004) The Power of Reading (2nd edition) Dear Ann: I’m a 26-year-old woman and feel like a fool asking you this question, but—should I marry the guy or not? Jerry is 30, but sometimes he acts like 14… Jerry is a salesman and makes good money but has lost his wallet three times since I’ve known him and I’ve had to help him meet the payments on his car. The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that I have the feeling he doesn’t trust me. After every date, he telephones. He says it’s to “say an extra goodnight,” but I’m sure he is checking to see if I had a late date with someone else. One night I was in the shower and didn’t hear the phone. He came over and sat on the porch all night. I found him asleep on the swing when I went to get the paper the next morning at 6.30 a.m. I had a hard time convincing him I had been in the house the whole time.
  • 58. Writing as Problem-Solving Letter to Ann Landers 1976 (from Stephen Krashen (2004) The Power of Reading (2nd edition) Now on the plus side: Jerry is very good-looking and appeals to me physically. Well – that does it. I have been sitting here with this pen in my hand for 15 minutes trying to think of something else good to say about him and nothing comes to mind. Don’t bother to answer this. You have helped more than you will ever know.
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  • 68. Young second language authors proudly showing off their dual language identity texts From: Eithne Gallagher: Many Languages, One Message: Equal Rights to the Curriculum. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2008. Interlingual Teaching and Learning (Gallagher 2008)
  • 69. Reyes, M. L. (2001). Unleashing possibilities: Biliteracy in the primary grades. In M. L. Reyes & J. Halcón (Eds.), The best for our children: Critical perspectives on literacy for Latino students (pp. 96–121). New York: Teachers College Press. n  Longitudinal case study (K-Grade 3) of the “spontaneous biliteracy” of 4 low-income Mexican/Latino children in a bilingual program, two of whom were taught to read initially only in Spanish and two only in English, according to their language dominance on entry to the program; n  The students received structured phonics instruction (in English or Spanish) in kindergarten but only minimal phonics instruction in first and second grades. n  All four students spontaneously transferred their literacy skills from the initial language to their second language without formal instruction. n  Their “natural, spontaneous, and uncomplicated approach to bilingualism and biliteracy” (p. 117) was supported by their interest in writing in both languages and also by their social play, where they challenged each other to read in the language in which they had received no formal reading instruction.
  • 70. Reyes, M. L. (2001). Unleashing possibilities: Biliteracy in the primary grades. In M. L. Reyes & J. Halcón (Eds.), The best for our children: Critical perspectives on literacy for Latino students (pp. 96–121). New York: Teachers College Press. “There is no doubt that these students felt their languages and their culture affirmed. . . . Although each of the girls received [reading] instruction in only one language, all their learning from kindergarten to second grade took place in classrooms where the teachers supported and nurtured their cultural and linguistic resources. Each day they heard their teachers and peers use Spanish and English. Their teachers also made great efforts to treat English and Spanish as equally as possible, valuing both languages for personal, social, and academic purposes” (p. 116).
  • 71. School-based Language and Instructional Planning: Articulating Choices and Taking Collective Action Instructional Options Current Realities Where Are We? Vision for the Future Where Do We Want To Be? Getting it Done How Do We Get There? Literacy Engagement How can we maximize students’ interest in and engagement with reading, writing, and other forms of cultural expression (e.g., art)? Content How do we adapt curriculum materials to link with students’ existing knowledge and cultural background ? Cognition How can we modify instruction to evoke higher order thinking among emergent bilingual students? Tools How can we use tools such as computers, digital cameras, camcorders, web pages, etc. to enhance academic engagement and achievement? Assessment How can we complement mandated provincial and school board assessments in order to present to students, parents, and administrators a clear picture of students’ academic progress? Language/Culture What messages are we giving students about the value of their languages and cultures? Parental Involvement How can we engage parents more effectively as co-educators in such a way that their cultural knowledge and experience can support their children’s academic progress?
  • 72. Collecting Specimens Big Words for BIG MINDS Word (English) Word (Home language) Definition Picture SentenceSynonym
  • 73. Systematic Exploration of Vocabulary Big Words for BIG MINDS revolution revolution 1.  A major change in government or in a way of thinking about an issue or event; 2. Orbit of a planet around the sun; The French revolution changed the course of history 1.  Revolt 2.  Orbit or turn around
  • 74. Systematic Exploration of Vocabulary justice justice Deciding what is fair or right Picture The justice system sometimes makes mistakes fairness
  • 75. Big Words for Big Minds: Collecting Language Specimens: Revolution Meaning: Definition: a single complete turn; the overthrow of a government L1 equivalents: revolución (in Spanish) Related words in L1: volver (to turn), vuelta (a turn or change of direction) Synonyms: turn, revolt Antonyms: Homonyms: Meanings of prefix: re = again, back Meanings of root: from Latin volvere = to turn or roll Form: Word Family: revolutionize (verb), revolve (verb), revolution (noun), revolutionary (adjective) Grammatical category: noun Grammatical patterns: revolution, revolutions Words with same prefix: revise, represent, replace, reuse, etc. Words with same root: revolt, revolve, revolutionize, evolve, devolve, involve (verbs) revulsion, evolution, revolver, volume (nouns) revolting, revolutionary, convoluted (adjectives) Words with same suffix: acceleration, fluctuation, inspiration, etc. Use: General use: The earth makes one revolution around the sun every year. The Industrial Revolution brought great changes to human society. Idioms: Metaphoric usage: Proverbs: Jokes: Puns: Advertisements: Join the fashion revolution! Buy….
  • 76. Resources n (Multiliteracies project) n (Dual Language Showcase) n  Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society (Jim Cummins; California Association for Bilingual Education, 2001) n  Literacy, Technology and Diversity: Teaching for Success in Changing Times (Jim Cummins, Kristin Brown, Dennis Sayers; Allyn Bacon [Pearson Education], 2007) ( n  IdentityTexts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools (Edited by Jim Cummins and Margaret Early; Trentham Books, 2011)
  • 77. Resources (continued) n  Celic, C. Seltzer, K. (2012). Translanguaging: A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for Educators. New York: CUNY/NYSIEB. ( n  Chumak-Horbatsch, R. (2012). Linguistically appropriate practice: A guide for working with young immigrant children. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. n  Cummins, J. Early, M. (2015). Big ideas for expanding minds: Teaching English language learners across the curriculum. Toronto: Rubicon/Pearson Canada. n  McWilliam, N. (1998). What’s in a word? Vocabulary development in multilingual classrooms. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books.