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Careers and Work
Choosing a career
Career decision making is not a once off activity. It is a process which you
may be involved in throughout your life. In the 21st
century the world of work
is unpredictable. New careers are constantlyemerging and existing careers
are undergoing change. Your first choice however, remains crucial.
There are many kinds of career decisions you are likely to make throughout
your life, and these may include:
• choosing a course of studyafter leaving school
• deciding on post-graduate studies
• deciding on a job offer
• making a change in career field
• choosing to specialize in a specific area within your chosen field
Deciding whetherto start your own business.
In order to make a sound career decision you need to have adequate
information about yourself and the Career Environment.
PERSONALITY:Personality has been defined as the most stable and enduring
characteristics about a person. In examining your personal characteristics
you should first focus on your abilities, skills, interests, personality and
values by reflecting on your past experiences with regard to your studies,
work (part-time and full–time) social and recreational activities.
Some factors of personality characteristics are described below.
Talent: In order to choose a suitable career you need to have focus on your
talent. Like some people has creativity, or musical talent or mathematical
ability so they are best suited for an occupation which has best match with
their abilities?
SKILLS: Secondlyyou should focus on your skills that you have learnt from
your life experience.
INTEREST: third and most important factor is your interest. Interest
motivates you to work. And it creates your job satisfaction. Lackof interest
means lack of motivation and if you are not motivated for a particularjob
you will be not satisfyabout it even after struggling a lot.
FAMILY INFLUENCE: A person’s family also influences him in choosing
a career. It can affect positive or negative on person’s thinking. It can
motivate or may de motivate him. Most important factor that influences a
person is its Family background and status.
Parents can be Both facilitators and inhibitors of their children's
psychologicaldevelopment. Many career choice theories indicate that the
family plays a role in shaping the values and needs of its members. Super's
(1957) theory suggests that thefamily can influence the development of the
child's self-concept, which shapes their abilities, interests, Values and career
choices. Parents can have an influence on their child's career development
by positively reinforcing or punishing certain behaviors that can encourage
or discourage certain interests or abilities. Socio-economic status and
family income also can effect on person when he is choosing a career.
Middle class families encouraged their children to be curious and
independent. That they can get success in many high-status occupations.
Lower-status families teach their children to be conforming and obedience.
As a result they have less opportunityto develop the qualities demanded in
high status jobs.
Those inventories which help you to choose a particular occupation are
called Occupation interest inventories. Some these types of inventories are
Strong interest inventories (SII), the self directed search (SDS), and the
Campbell Interest and skill Survey (CISS). If you give a test. You should be
prepared for results. Result of these tests may inspire you or may unexpected
results make you to rethink your characterand career plan. But don’t make
test make decisions for you. Some occupationalinterest tests are also
infected by gender bias. Like it is said some jobs are only for men and
women can only go for nursing and teaching but these tests take away
women to prestigious occupations like medicine and engineering etc.
important points are given below to keep in mind while choosing a career
• You have more than 20,000 occupations, and you have possibilities for
success in most of these. So if you think to find one job which suits
best to you, you will not find it until your lifetime.
• Be aware of choosing a career on the basis of salary, financial benefit is
primary criteria, which should be in job.
• Choose a career which best suits on your personality because if an
occupation doesn’t suit you it increase a type of mismatch which
results pressure, boredom and dissatisfaction.
• Career choice is unlimited process which continues throughout your
life, not only young individuals but also peoples above 50 change their
• Keep in mind that some careers are not easily undone. Many decisions
are not easily overturned. Once you spent time, money and effort you
cannot easily move on. Family responsibilities can make difficulty to
change a career.
Technologyhas changed the workplace. It has positive as well as
negative effect.
1) When computertechnology is used companies need high education
2) Workers have more need to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
3) Employers have also threat of loss of job, due to automation digital and
social interaction, and vision problem.
1) By computers employers are getting more communications.
2) It allows employers to work at home.
3) It has also positive effect on people’s learning. Employers can use
computertechnology to get knowledge from internet. Workplace
requires new work attitude.
Every company, industry,or organization need to have new
attitude of workers. They need new skills. That is a threat to old
workers. In orders to maintain their job old workers need to have
upgrade their skills to be productive workers.
Workers need to have learning throughout their lives; they
should improve their skills and learning. Distance learning courses are
available for them. Workers who know “how to learn” will be able to
keep pace with the rapidly changing workplace.
A labor force consists employed as well as the Un-employed people also
who are in search of jobs.
• In 2003, 62% married women worked compared to 41% in 1970.
• In 1975, 33% women with children of the age three, worked outside the
home, but in 2003 this number had grown to 57%.
• High school graduation rates for Asian-Americans about match those
for European-Americans and college graduation rates for Asian-
American exceed those of Europeans-Americans.
• Gay and lesbians are also part of the workplaces. They are also
‘‘closeted’’ in fear of inequity. Thus disclosing one’s sexual orientation
may cause a homophobic supervisor to fire, refuse to advance, or
reduce the income of a gay or lesbian.
Job discrimination is the major problem in every society. Approximately 25
years ago, job discrimination on the bases of race and genderhas been
declared illegal. This is creating an obstacle for women and ethnics to
promote themselves. One cause is job segregation.
For example: jobs are now signed on the basis of gender and races.
Skycaps are mostly African American males. Women are kept away from
prestigious occupations like engineering and medicines, and they are typed
for careers like teaching and nursing etc.
There are concrete walls for women. Which reduce the opportunityfor
career promotion, many females quit their jobs because of corporate
managers are males. On second side is sticky floor that causes women and
minorities stuckon low paying occupations. When there is one woman in
workplace she becomes the TOKEN. She is the point of focus for everyone.
She is on the point of discrimination, and judgment. They deal with great
pressure. Their all performances are reflected in negative ways.
Change in workforce can effect on organization and also the workers. There
is culturaldifferences and genderalso. This produces conflicts. To minimize
them worker productivityshould be maintained, companies should provide
well designed diversity programs, and both majorities and minorities must
learn to work comfortably with those who has different background.
work can satisfyour jobs but it can also cause frustration and conflicts.
Three challenges of today’s workers are described bellow:
• Job stress
• Sexual harassment
• Unemployment
Job stress can be caused by pressure of deadlines, lack of privacy, high noise
levels, unusual hours, lack of control over one’s work, inadequate resources
to do a job, and perceived discriminate in work, fear of losing present status,
and concerns about health care benefits, and also economical problems.
• Workers work in industries and faces different individuals on
daily bases,some customers behave civilly while others also behave
with frustration. Some are right and may be some are not. So workers
should control their anger and frustration
• Economy is unpredictable, sometime it goes up and sometime
down, because of this people may face the fear of job loss.
• Rapid changes in computertechnology. Computers have taken
over some jobs from individuals, because of computertechnology
advancement people are losing their jobs, high technology skills are
needed. They need time to develop these skills which can be also cause
of stress.
• Workplaceis becoming more diverse. As more women and
minorties are joining the workplace. other member should learn to
interact with those who are unknown. They need to develop these
skills which may be also stressfulfor them.
Job stress can may have causes like workers productivity, when job stress
is temporary it results sleepiness and anxiety. High level of stress creates
more critical problems it may result lack in human service, education,
health care and poor job performance.
It effects on employee’s physical health, including heart disease, high
blood pressure, ulcers, arthritis, asthma, and cancer. It can also effect
psychologicallylike distress, anxiety, and depression.
Three possibilities of attack for dealing with stress:
• The first is to intervene at the individual level by modifying workers
‘ways of copying with job stress.
• The second is to intervene at the organizational level by redesigning
the work environment itself.
• To intervene at the individual organizational interface by improving
the fit between workers and their companies.
Many companies have designed programs to manage work stress and to
improve their skills and abilities. These organizations focus on relaxation
training, time management, and cognitive thinking about causes of stress.
They are also designed for physical health, these programs focus on exercise
and fitness trainings, reduction of addictives like drugs and smoking and
Sexual harassment occurs when employees are subjected to unwelcomed
sexual oriented behavior. According to law there are two
types of sexualharassment:
1) The first is quid pro quo
2) The second is harassment is hostile environment:
Quid pro quo: according to law when something given or achieved then we
exchange it with anoher thing.
Hostile environment: According to this law any type of unwelcomed
sexual behavior that creates a hostile work environment that can inflict
psychologicalharm and interfare with job performance.
Sexual harassmentcan be created by following forms:
i. Unsolicited and unwelcomed flirting, sexual advances or propositions
ii. Insulting comments about an employee’sappearance, dress and anatomy.
iii. Unappreciated dirty jokesand sexual gestures.
iv. Intrusive or sexual questions about an employee’spersonal life.
v. Explicit description of the harasser’s own sexual experiences.
vi. Abuse of familiaritiessuch as”honey “and dear etc.
Sexual harassment in the work places is more wide spread then most people
realize that the typical female victim is young, divorce or separated in a non
senior position and in a masculine stereo type field. Experiencing sexual
harassment can have negative effects on psychologicaland physicalhealth.
Problems are anger, reduce self esteem, depression and anxiety .victim may
also be difficultywith their personal relationships and in sexual adjustments.
Stopping sexual harassment
Researchers have developed two factor model of sexual harassment which is
based on the person and the social situations. Research suggeststhat sexual
harassment is most likely to occur when individual proclivity is high and
organizational norms are accepting acknowledging theprevalence and
negative impact of sexual harassment. Many organizations have taken steps
to educate and protect their workers. Responses to sexual harassment may
be personal as well as organizational.
People with little education and training have always vulnerable to
Causes of unemployment: There are two economic changes which creates
1: The shift from a manufacturing to service: Economy has significantly
transferred the nature of work.
2: A second economic change is the globalization of the market place.
Effects of the unemployment:
Losing once job is difficult at best and devastating unemployment is not only
can cause economic distress it can also cause health problems and such
psychologicaldifficulties as loss of self esteem,depression and anxiety .Also
the rate of suicides increases with un employement.Theamount of distress
experienced as the result of job loss is not affected by gender. so loss can also
generate anger among people who are dependent on the displaced workers.
An important fact of life for dual-earner couples is that they jungle multiple
roles: spouse or partner and employee In heterosexualdual-earner families
,meaner taking on more household chores and child care, but most wives
still have greater responsibilities in these areas .In gay and lesbian dual-
earner households, responsibilities are more evenly divided .single parents
are especially likely to have work-family conflicts. Given the tight economic
conditions employs seem to be cutting bad on family-friendly benefits .Some
believe that this situation is partly to blame for the downward slide in the
percentage of mothers with infant children who are in the labor force.
We define leisure is unpaid activities people choose to engage I because the
activities are personally meaningful .How might we distinguish activities
that are meaningful from those that are not? Although people may lounge in
front of the TV set for hours at a time ,most would also acknowledge that an
important difference exists between this use of time and, say ,hiking around
nearby lake.
Types of leisure activities.Which are describing bellow.
1) Hobbies.
2) Reading.
3) Surface the internet.
4) Travel.
5) Games and puzzles.
6) Sports.
7) Volunteeractivities.
To be effective, your resume must show that you have at least the minimum
technical qualifications for the position, know the standard conventions of
the word world and are a person who is on the fast track to success. Your
resume should project the desired positive, yet conservative image if you
follow these guidelines.
1) Use white, ivory, or beige paper high in rag content.
2) make sure the resume contains not a single typographicalerror.
3) Use the best professional printing service available.
4) Keep it short.
5) Don’t write in full sentences and avoid and avoiding use word I.
6) Avoiding any personal information that is super floes to the job.
An effective resume will generally contain the following information laid out
in an easy-to-read format .
Heading: At the top of the page ,give your name ,adress,and phone
number. This the only session of the resume that is not given a label.
Objective: State precisely and concisely the kind of position you arwe
seeking, remembering to Use action words and to avoid the use of I.
Education: List any digress you have earned, giving major field of study,
date and granting institution for each.
Experience this session should be organized chronologically, beginning with
your most recent job and working backward. For each position give the dates
of employment and dates of employment and describe your responsibilities
and your accomplishment.
Technologyis changing number of aspects of the job search process,incluing
the preparation and screaming of resumes. Increasingly companies are likely
to electronically scan resumes for key words that match jobs specifications.
Initially you need to determine what general type o organization will best
suit your needs. Do you want to work in a school? A hospital? A small
business?A large corporation? A government agency?A human service
agency? If you want you select an appropriate work environment you need
can accurate picture of your personal qualities and know led of various
occupations and there characteristics. Once you have decided on a setting,
you need to target specific companies.
That is easy you simply look for company that has advertised openings in
your field right? You could also go to unemployment agencies but keep in
mind that these industries generally handle only entry level, Hourly wage
Landing on an interview
By taking a time to learn something about a company you should be in a
betterposition to make a convincing a case about the way in which your
expertise wail bra particularly usefulto the organization. If you are
approaching an organization in the absence of a known position opening,
your strategymay be somewhat different you may still optional to send a
résumé along with a more detail cover. Latterexplaining why you have
selected this particular company. Another option suggested byBOLLES is to
introduce you directly to the person in charge of hiring and request an
Polishing your interview technique
The final and most crucial step in the process of securing a job is the face to
face interview. If you have gotten this far the employer already knows that
you have the necessarytraining experience to do the job your interviewer
will attempt it verify that you have intangible qualities that will make you a
good team player, even more important he or she will try to identify any “red
flag” behaviors, attitudes or traits that mark you as an unacceptable risks. In
addition researchers find that more attractive candidates are usually rated
higher than less attractive ones. Saws are those who dress in a manner
consistent with the dress norms in an organization. Researchers also find
that job candidates who are overweight or rated lower (especially they are
women) that those are average weight to create the right impression you
must across as confidence enthusiastic and ambitious. Developing affective
interview techniques requires. Many experts suggest that you never turn
down an interview because you have always benefited from the practice. If
you do not want the job. Advance preparation is also crucial never go in an
interview cold. Finds out all you can about the company before you go, try it
anticipate the questions that will be asked to have some answers ready.
Remember it is your personal qualities that are being assess at this point. A
final world of advice if possible avoids any discussion of salary in an initial
interview. The appropriate time for salary negotiation is after a firm offer of
an employment has been extended
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Assignment by ambreen khokhar career and work

  • 1. ASSIGNMENT HUMAN BEHAVIOUR NAME AMBREEN CLASS BBA1 (A) ASSIGNED BY: SIR ZIAUDDIN KHOSO TOPIC Careers and Work Choosing a career Career decision making is not a once off activity. It is a process which you may be involved in throughout your life. In the 21st century the world of work is unpredictable. New careers are constantlyemerging and existing careers are undergoing change. Your first choice however, remains crucial. There are many kinds of career decisions you are likely to make throughout your life, and these may include: • choosing a course of studyafter leaving school • deciding on post-graduate studies • deciding on a job offer • making a change in career field • choosing to specialize in a specific area within your chosen field
  • 2. Deciding whetherto start your own business. In order to make a sound career decision you need to have adequate information about yourself and the Career Environment. EXAMINING PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FAMILY INFLUENCE: PERSONALITY:Personality has been defined as the most stable and enduring characteristics about a person. In examining your personal characteristics you should first focus on your abilities, skills, interests, personality and values by reflecting on your past experiences with regard to your studies, work (part-time and full–time) social and recreational activities. Some factors of personality characteristics are described below. Talent: In order to choose a suitable career you need to have focus on your talent. Like some people has creativity, or musical talent or mathematical ability so they are best suited for an occupation which has best match with their abilities? SKILLS: Secondlyyou should focus on your skills that you have learnt from your life experience. INTEREST: third and most important factor is your interest. Interest motivates you to work. And it creates your job satisfaction. Lackof interest means lack of motivation and if you are not motivated for a particularjob you will be not satisfyabout it even after struggling a lot. FAMILY INFLUENCE: A person’s family also influences him in choosing a career. It can affect positive or negative on person’s thinking. It can motivate or may de motivate him. Most important factor that influences a person is its Family background and status. Parents can be Both facilitators and inhibitors of their children's psychologicaldevelopment. Many career choice theories indicate that the family plays a role in shaping the values and needs of its members. Super's
  • 3. (1957) theory suggests that thefamily can influence the development of the child's self-concept, which shapes their abilities, interests, Values and career choices. Parents can have an influence on their child's career development by positively reinforcing or punishing certain behaviors that can encourage or discourage certain interests or abilities. Socio-economic status and family income also can effect on person when he is choosing a career. Middle class families encouraged their children to be curious and independent. That they can get success in many high-status occupations. Lower-status families teach their children to be conforming and obedience. As a result they have less opportunityto develop the qualities demanded in high status jobs. USING PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS FOR CAREER DECISION: Those inventories which help you to choose a particular occupation are called Occupation interest inventories. Some these types of inventories are Strong interest inventories (SII), the self directed search (SDS), and the Campbell Interest and skill Survey (CISS). If you give a test. You should be prepared for results. Result of these tests may inspire you or may unexpected results make you to rethink your characterand career plan. But don’t make test make decisions for you. Some occupationalinterest tests are also infected by gender bias. Like it is said some jobs are only for men and women can only go for nursing and teaching but these tests take away women to prestigious occupations like medicine and engineering etc. TAKING IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS INTO ACCOUNT: Some important points are given below to keep in mind while choosing a career • You have more than 20,000 occupations, and you have possibilities for success in most of these. So if you think to find one job which suits best to you, you will not find it until your lifetime. • Be aware of choosing a career on the basis of salary, financial benefit is primary criteria, which should be in job.
  • 4. • Choose a career which best suits on your personality because if an occupation doesn’t suit you it increase a type of mismatch which results pressure, boredom and dissatisfaction. • Career choice is unlimited process which continues throughout your life, not only young individuals but also peoples above 50 change their careers. • Keep in mind that some careers are not easily undone. Many decisions are not easily overturned. Once you spent time, money and effort you cannot easily move on. Family responsibilities can make difficulty to change a career. THE CHANGING WORLD OF WORK WORKPLACETRENDS: • TECHNOLOGY: Technologyhas changed the workplace. It has positive as well as negative effect. NEGATIVEEFFECTS OF COMPUTERTECHNOLOGY 1) When computertechnology is used companies need high education employers. 2) Workers have more need to upgrade their knowledge and skills. 3) Employers have also threat of loss of job, due to automation digital and social interaction, and vision problem. POSITIVE EFFECTS OF COMPUTERTechnology 1) By computers employers are getting more communications. 2) It allows employers to work at home.
  • 5. 3) It has also positive effect on people’s learning. Employers can use computertechnology to get knowledge from internet. Workplace requires new work attitude. Every company, industry,or organization need to have new attitude of workers. They need new skills. That is a threat to old workers. In orders to maintain their job old workers need to have upgrade their skills to be productive workers. Workers need to have learning throughout their lives; they should improve their skills and learning. Distance learning courses are available for them. Workers who know “how to learn” will be able to keep pace with the rapidly changing workplace. THE CHANGING WORKFORCE A labor force consists employed as well as the Un-employed people also who are in search of jobs. • In 2003, 62% married women worked compared to 41% in 1970. • In 1975, 33% women with children of the age three, worked outside the home, but in 2003 this number had grown to 57%. • High school graduation rates for Asian-Americans about match those for European-Americans and college graduation rates for Asian- American exceed those of Europeans-Americans. • Gay and lesbians are also part of the workplaces. They are also ‘‘closeted’’ in fear of inequity. Thus disclosing one’s sexual orientation may cause a homophobic supervisor to fire, refuse to advance, or reduce the income of a gay or lesbian. TODAY’S WORKPLACEFORWOMENAND MINORITIES:
  • 6. Job discrimination is the major problem in every society. Approximately 25 years ago, job discrimination on the bases of race and genderhas been declared illegal. This is creating an obstacle for women and ethnics to promote themselves. One cause is job segregation. For example: jobs are now signed on the basis of gender and races. Skycaps are mostly African American males. Women are kept away from prestigious occupations like engineering and medicines, and they are typed for careers like teaching and nursing etc. There are concrete walls for women. Which reduce the opportunityfor career promotion, many females quit their jobs because of corporate managers are males. On second side is sticky floor that causes women and minorities stuckon low paying occupations. When there is one woman in workplace she becomes the TOKEN. She is the point of focus for everyone. She is on the point of discrimination, and judgment. They deal with great pressure. Their all performances are reflected in negative ways. THE CHALLENGES OF CHANGE: Change in workforce can effect on organization and also the workers. There is culturaldifferences and genderalso. This produces conflicts. To minimize them worker productivityshould be maintained, companies should provide well designed diversity programs, and both majorities and minorities must learn to work comfortably with those who has different background. COPING WITH OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS: work can satisfyour jobs but it can also cause frustration and conflicts. Three challenges of today’s workers are described bellow: • Job stress • Sexual harassment • Unemployment JOB STRESS:
  • 7. Job stress can be caused by pressure of deadlines, lack of privacy, high noise levels, unusual hours, lack of control over one’s work, inadequate resources to do a job, and perceived discriminate in work, fear of losing present status, and concerns about health care benefits, and also economical problems. • Workers work in industries and faces different individuals on daily bases,some customers behave civilly while others also behave with frustration. Some are right and may be some are not. So workers should control their anger and frustration • Economy is unpredictable, sometime it goes up and sometime down, because of this people may face the fear of job loss. • Rapid changes in computertechnology. Computers have taken over some jobs from individuals, because of computertechnology advancement people are losing their jobs, high technology skills are needed. They need time to develop these skills which can be also cause of stress. • Workplaceis becoming more diverse. As more women and minorties are joining the workplace. other member should learn to interact with those who are unknown. They need to develop these skills which may be also stressfulfor them. EFFECT OF JOB STRESS: Job stress can may have causes like workers productivity, when job stress is temporary it results sleepiness and anxiety. High level of stress creates more critical problems it may result lack in human service, education, health care and poor job performance. It effects on employee’s physical health, including heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, arthritis, asthma, and cancer. It can also effect psychologicallylike distress, anxiety, and depression. DEALING WITH JOB STRESS:
  • 8. Three possibilities of attack for dealing with stress: • The first is to intervene at the individual level by modifying workers ‘ways of copying with job stress. • The second is to intervene at the organizational level by redesigning the work environment itself. • To intervene at the individual organizational interface by improving the fit between workers and their companies. Many companies have designed programs to manage work stress and to improve their skills and abilities. These organizations focus on relaxation training, time management, and cognitive thinking about causes of stress. They are also designed for physical health, these programs focus on exercise and fitness trainings, reduction of addictives like drugs and smoking and overeating. SEXUAL HARASMENT Sexual harassment occurs when employees are subjected to unwelcomed sexual oriented behavior. According to law there are two types of sexualharassment: 1) The first is quid pro quo 2) The second is harassment is hostile environment: Quid pro quo: according to law when something given or achieved then we exchange it with anoher thing. Hostile environment: According to this law any type of unwelcomed sexual behavior that creates a hostile work environment that can inflict psychologicalharm and interfare with job performance. Sexual harassmentcan be created by following forms: i. Unsolicited and unwelcomed flirting, sexual advances or propositions
  • 9. ii. Insulting comments about an employee’sappearance, dress and anatomy. iii. Unappreciated dirty jokesand sexual gestures. iv. Intrusive or sexual questions about an employee’spersonal life. v. Explicit description of the harasser’s own sexual experiences. vi. Abuse of familiaritiessuch as”honey “and dear etc. PREVALENCEAND CONSEQUENCES Sexual harassment in the work places is more wide spread then most people realize that the typical female victim is young, divorce or separated in a non senior position and in a masculine stereo type field. Experiencing sexual harassment can have negative effects on psychologicaland physicalhealth. Problems are anger, reduce self esteem, depression and anxiety .victim may also be difficultywith their personal relationships and in sexual adjustments. Stopping sexual harassment Researchers have developed two factor model of sexual harassment which is based on the person and the social situations. Research suggeststhat sexual harassment is most likely to occur when individual proclivity is high and organizational norms are accepting acknowledging theprevalence and negative impact of sexual harassment. Many organizations have taken steps to educate and protect their workers. Responses to sexual harassment may be personal as well as organizational. Unemployment People with little education and training have always vulnerable to unemployment. Causes of unemployment: There are two economic changes which creates unemployment:
  • 10. 1: The shift from a manufacturing to service: Economy has significantly transferred the nature of work. 2: A second economic change is the globalization of the market place. Effects of the unemployment: Losing once job is difficult at best and devastating unemployment is not only can cause economic distress it can also cause health problems and such psychologicaldifficulties as loss of self esteem,depression and anxiety .Also the rate of suicides increases with un employement.Theamount of distress experienced as the result of job loss is not affected by gender. so loss can also generate anger among people who are dependent on the displaced workers. WORK AND FAMILY ROLES An important fact of life for dual-earner couples is that they jungle multiple roles: spouse or partner and employee In heterosexualdual-earner families ,meaner taking on more household chores and child care, but most wives still have greater responsibilities in these areas .In gay and lesbian dual- earner households, responsibilities are more evenly divided .single parents are especially likely to have work-family conflicts. Given the tight economic conditions employs seem to be cutting bad on family-friendly benefits .Some believe that this situation is partly to blame for the downward slide in the percentage of mothers with infant children who are in the labor force. We define leisure is unpaid activities people choose to engage I because the activities are personally meaningful .How might we distinguish activities that are meaningful from those that are not? Although people may lounge in front of the TV set for hours at a time ,most would also acknowledge that an important difference exists between this use of time and, say ,hiking around nearby lake. Types of leisure activities.Which are describing bellow. 1) Hobbies.
  • 11. 2) Reading. 3) Surface the internet. 4) Travel. 5) Games and puzzles. 6) Sports. 7) Volunteeractivities. PUTTING TOGETHER A RESUME To be effective, your resume must show that you have at least the minimum technical qualifications for the position, know the standard conventions of the word world and are a person who is on the fast track to success. Your resume should project the desired positive, yet conservative image if you follow these guidelines. 1) Use white, ivory, or beige paper high in rag content. 2) make sure the resume contains not a single typographicalerror. 3) Use the best professional printing service available. 4) Keep it short. 5) Don’t write in full sentences and avoid and avoiding use word I. 6) Avoiding any personal information that is super floes to the job. An effective resume will generally contain the following information laid out in an easy-to-read format . Heading: At the top of the page ,give your name ,adress,and phone number. This the only session of the resume that is not given a label. Objective: State precisely and concisely the kind of position you arwe seeking, remembering to Use action words and to avoid the use of I.
  • 12. Education: List any digress you have earned, giving major field of study, date and granting institution for each. Experience this session should be organized chronologically, beginning with your most recent job and working backward. For each position give the dates of employment and dates of employment and describe your responsibilities and your accomplishment. Technologyis changing number of aspects of the job search process,incluing the preparation and screaming of resumes. Increasingly companies are likely to electronically scan resumes for key words that match jobs specifications. FINDING COMPANIES YOU WANT TO WORK FOR: Initially you need to determine what general type o organization will best suit your needs. Do you want to work in a school? A hospital? A small business?A large corporation? A government agency?A human service agency? If you want you select an appropriate work environment you need can accurate picture of your personal qualities and know led of various occupations and there characteristics. Once you have decided on a setting, you need to target specific companies. That is easy you simply look for company that has advertised openings in your field right? You could also go to unemployment agencies but keep in mind that these industries generally handle only entry level, Hourly wage job. Landing on an interview By taking a time to learn something about a company you should be in a betterposition to make a convincing a case about the way in which your expertise wail bra particularly usefulto the organization. If you are approaching an organization in the absence of a known position opening, your strategymay be somewhat different you may still optional to send a résumé along with a more detail cover. Latterexplaining why you have selected this particular company. Another option suggested byBOLLES is to
  • 13. introduce you directly to the person in charge of hiring and request an interview. Polishing your interview technique The final and most crucial step in the process of securing a job is the face to face interview. If you have gotten this far the employer already knows that you have the necessarytraining experience to do the job your interviewer will attempt it verify that you have intangible qualities that will make you a good team player, even more important he or she will try to identify any “red flag” behaviors, attitudes or traits that mark you as an unacceptable risks. In addition researchers find that more attractive candidates are usually rated higher than less attractive ones. Saws are those who dress in a manner consistent with the dress norms in an organization. Researchers also find that job candidates who are overweight or rated lower (especially they are women) that those are average weight to create the right impression you must across as confidence enthusiastic and ambitious. Developing affective interview techniques requires. Many experts suggest that you never turn down an interview because you have always benefited from the practice. If you do not want the job. Advance preparation is also crucial never go in an interview cold. Finds out all you can about the company before you go, try it anticipate the questions that will be asked to have some answers ready. Remember it is your personal qualities that are being assess at this point. A final world of advice if possible avoids any discussion of salary in an initial interview. The appropriate time for salary negotiation is after a firm offer of an employment has been extended THE END