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Tschakert, P., and K. A. Dietrich. 2010. Anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation and resilience.
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11. [online] URL:

Anticipatory Learning for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience

Petra Tschakert 1,2 and Kathleen Ann Dietrich 3

ABSTRACT. This paper is a methodological contribution to emerging debates on the role of learning,
particularly forward-looking (anticipatory) learning, as a key element for adaptation and resilience in the
context of climate change. First, we describe two major challenges: understanding adaptation as a process
and recognizing the inadequacy of existing learning tools, with a specific focus on high poverty contexts
and complex livelihood-vulnerability risks. Then, the article examines learning processes from a dynamic
systems perspective, comparing theoretical aspects and conceptual advances in resilience thinking and
action research/learning (AR/AL). Particular attention is paid to learning loops (cycles), critical reflection,
spaces for learning, and power. Finally, we outline a methodological framework to facilitate iterative
learning processes and adaptive decision making in practice. We stress memory, monitoring of key drivers
of change, scenario planning, and measuring anticipatory capacity as crucial ingredients. Our aim is to
identify opportunities and obstacles for forward-looking learning processes at the intersection of climatic
uncertainty and development challenges in Africa, with the overarching objective to enhance adaptation
and resilient livelihood pathways, rather than learning by shock.

Key Words: Anticipatory capacity; action research/learning; climatic uncertainty; iterative learning;
reflection; learning spaces; scenarios; development

INTRODUCTION: CHALLENGES IN                                                       two challenges require particularly urgent attention
ADAPTATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE                                                  and creative solutions.

Adaptation to the impacts of climatic changes is now
at the forefront of scientific inquiry and policy                                 Understanding adaptation as a process
negotiations. Yet, ongoing debates and interventions
have contributed surprisingly little to the                                       The first major challenge in current adaptation work
understanding of learning and decision-making                                     is to understand and demonstrate how adaptation
processes that shape adaptation and resilient                                     functions as a process, and the wider implications
livelihoods, even beyond climatic risks. For                                      of such a process for resilience. In many parts of
instance, the widely cited paper on adaptation and                                Africa, the adaptation discourse is still
adaptive capacity by Smit and Wandel (2006)                                       predominantly focused on responding to the
contains no single reference to learning. We aim to                               predicted impacts of future climate change rather
fill this gap by offering a methodological                                        than addressing the underlying factors that
contribution to current adaptation research and                                   determine chronic poverty, vulnerability, and
practice that is centered specifically on learning.                               adaptive capacity—the ability to undertake
With special emphasis on Africa, we begin by                                      adaptations or system changes. Policy and theory
addressing two main challenges: grasping                                          discourses have portrayed adaptation—adjustments
adaptation as a process and building adequate tools                               to climatic changes, including moderating potential
for anticipatory learning. We argue that, in the                                  damage, taking advantage of opportunities, and
context of high and chronic poverty coupled with                                  coping with the consequences—as something that
low awareness for complex drivers of change, these                                is orchestrated, if not imposed (Schipper 2007). The

 Department of Geography, 2Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI), Pennsylvania State University, 3Department of Geography, Pennsylvania
State University
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

latest emphasis on “climate proofing” implicitly          that arises from these insights and debates is how to
assumes that, once appropriate adaptation measures        facilitate learning, information exchange, reflection,
(typically technological in nature) are identified and    innovation, and anticipation, all of which are key
implemented, development policies, plans, and             elements in the practical reality of the adaptation
practices can be shielded against adverse climate         process.
impacts (Brooks and Grist 2008). Such a project
focus appears as a linear, largely self-limiting
trajectory that favors readily identifiable and           Addressing the void in the existing learning
discrete adaptation actions, both anticipatory and        toolbox
reactive (before and after a shock), often presented
in lists or inventories. More problematically, this       This question brings us to the other and potentially
view obscures the very processes that shape               more problematic challenge in adaptation research
adaptation and resilient livelihoods.                     and practice: our existing methodological toolbox
                                                          is sparsely equipped to facilitate and sustain such
Recent studies and project initiatives in some            adaptive and anticipatory learning in the face of
African and other developing countries, however,          complex risks and uncertainties; in other words,
start to emphasize the process notion within              learning about the future before impacts are
adaptation. For instance, a synthesis of early            apparent. Much progress has been made in the
adaptation projects in the Global South highlights        North, particularly in Europe and Canada, to design
the evolving nature of adaptation, including              learning approaches, decision scenarios, and
learning about risks, evaluating response options,        adaptation portfolios (Cohen et al. 2006, Kok et al.
and creating the right conditions for adaptive action     2007, Jäger et al. 2008, Hulme et al. 2009) although
(Leary et al. 2008). McGray et al. (2007) also stress     it remains contested whether existing tools and
the significance of decision making for adaptation        models are sufficient for evaluating long time
efforts that evolve and improve with newly                frames, cascading levels of uncertainty and
emerging conditions and information. They                 surprises, and potentially catastrophic changes in
specifically refer to processes of “learning as we        the climate system (Tompkins et al. 2008). In
go,” checking and rectifying possible maladaptation,      contrast, in most parts of the Global South, but
exchanging information, and making trade-offs             particularly in Africa (with the likely exception of
based on public values. Along the same lines,             South Africa), access to information, knowledge
Osbahr (2007) views successful adaptation as a            networks, and climate learning tools that build
learned process in which appropriate communication        resilience into people’s livelihoods, institutions, and
channels constitute a crucial part. “The goal,” as        ecosystems remain scarce, and especially so at the
stated by T. Downing (unpublished manuscript), “is        community level.
not to be well adapted but to adapt well.”
                                                          There are multiple reasons for this lacuna. From an
Contrary to “hard” technological and infrastructural      international policy perspective, climate-related
response options, this dynamic notion of adaptation       risks and vulnerabilities in drylands and other
promotes building resilience to enhance adaptive          tropical ecosystems, many of which are in Africa,
capacity now, rather than targeting adaptation in the     have received much less emphasis than colder areas,
future. Adaptive capacity, particularly from a            small island states, and indigenous communities
systems perspective, has been described as the            portrayed as exceptionally unique and threatened
ability to learn from mistakes (Adger 2003), to           (Liverman 2008). From the angle of science
generate experience of dealing with change (Berkes        communication, research advances remain largely
et al. 2003), and the capability for innovation           inaccessible to decision makers. Seely et al. (2008),
(Armitage 2005). Fabricius et al. (2007) highlight        with reference to southern Africa, assess the lack of
learning, anticipating, and forecasting through           integration and understanding of climate science
knowledge sharing and responding. Under climate           into policy and practice, which hinders capacity
change, enhancing adaptive capacity implies paying        building and decision making under uncertainty.
explicit attention to learning about past, present, and   Hellmuth et al. (2007:9), in a gap analysis on the
future climate threats, accumulated memory of             use and application of climate information in Africa,
adaptive strategies, and anticipatory action to           point toward “inadequate supply of climate services
prepare for surprises and discontinuities in the          ... for development decisions at all levels.” As
climate systems (Nelson et al. 2007). The question        argued by Twomlow et al. (2008), even among
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

African researchers and extension services, the            design of resilient livelihood pathways and the
understanding of climate processes, driving forces,        practicalities of adaptive capacity an exceedingly
and meaningful coping and adaptive strategies              daunting task.
remains insufficient. Practitioners and communities
encounter major obstacles to concrete adaptation           Conceptually and methodologically, the links
planning; these include lack of awareness,                 between adaptation and (sustainable) development
knowledge, and access to forecasts in addition to          are well understood (Scoones 1998, Bebbington
sparse communication platforms and often                   1999, Mortimore and Adams 1999, Ellis 2000,
unintelligible climate jargon (Enne and Yeroanni           McGray et al. 2007). Yet, as argued by Lemos et al.
2007, Leary et al. 2008).                                  (2007), a more fruitful engagement between the two
                                                           communities is needed to better build adaptive
Most worrisome is the absence of learning tools that       capacity under the unique risks and stresses related
explicitly encourage adaptation processes, including       to climate change. Risk is seen here as “uncertain
experimentation and innovation, in order to                consequences, and in particular exposure to
embrace complex risks and uncertainties. Although          potentially unfavorable circumstances, or the
the Nairobi Work Programme, adopted under the              possibility of incurring nontrivial loss” (Smith et al.
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in               2000). People’s ability to respond to risks is
2007, specifically emphasizes information, tools,          typically determined by a series of dynamic
and communication for adaptation planning and              livelihood decisions that depend on the opportunity
practice in developing countries, adaptive and             set of household asset endowments and the
anticipatory learning remains poorly understood.           allocation of these assets to generate benefits and
This is the case despite numerous researchers              pursue a meaningful life (Davies 1996, Kelly and
arguing for collaborative, iterative, self-organizing      Adger 2000, Barrett et al. 2001, Little et al. 2001,
processes of learning-by-doing to enhance adaptive         Ellis 2003; Little et al., unpublished manuscript).
capacity and facilitate the role of boundary
organizations for effective translation and diffusion      These complex livelihood-vulnerability contexts
(e.g., Füssel and Klein 2006, van Aalst et al. 2008).      make novel experiments—crucial for successful
Such a gap is particularly problematic for countries       adaptation and resilient pathways—a highly risky
where climatic uncertainties are high and impacts          undertaking in which mistakes and failure may well
are likely to compound existing vulnerabilities with       mean a downward spiral from transitory to chronic
serious implications for development and poverty           poverty (persistent deprivation). As shown for
reduction.                                                 pastoralist communities in eastern Africa, poor
                                                           households, in a rational attempt to manage risk,
                                                           often trap themselves in chronic poverty through the
Learning challenges in the context of complex              allocation of asset portfolios that are unproductive
livelihood-vulnerability risks                             and insufficient to lift them beyond a critical poverty
                                                           threshold (Barrett and McPeak 2004, Barrett 2010;
Our focus on Africa is deliberate as it is the continent   Little et al., unpublished manuscript). Clearly,
where the “adaptation deficit” (Osbahr et al. 2007)        poverty dynamics, inequalities and power
—the lack of explicit integration of livelihood            differentials, limits to adaptive strategies, and latent
adaptation to climate change and broader                   adaptive capacity all shape adaptation processes and
development issues—has been most evident. In               options (Osbahr 2007). Our attempt to explore
contrast to vulnerable and disadvantaged places and        spaces for anticipatory learning is situated within
populations in the North as well as hazard-specific        these complex vulnerability-livelihood risks and
vulnerabilities to hurricanes, tsunamis, heat waves,       interactions embedded within a wider development
and wildfires, Africa’s vulnerability is tightly           context.
coupled with structural problems of chronic
poverty, underdevelopment, food and livelihood             We propose a methodological approach that
insecurity, and socioeconomic and political                emphasizes a multi-faceted, iterative way of
inequality. The difference between the developing          analyzing and learning about changes and
world and affluent countries lies in the magnitude         uncertainties to manage for resilience rather than
and even more so the duration of poverty (Barrett          learning by shock. Viewing adaptation as a
and McPeak 2004). These distinct dimensions of             socioinstitutional process that involves cycles of
day-to-day risks and structural poverty make the           anticipation and responses to a variety of stressors
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

is radically different from considering adaptation as   Learning within the resilience framework
an adjustment to predicted future climatic impacts
or residual damage associated with these impacts.       The capacity for learning and experimentation has
By focusing explicitly on learning, reflection, and     long been understood as an integral part of resilience
forward-looking decision making about feasible,         thinking. For instance, Davidson-Hunt and Berkes
sustainable, and fair adaptation choices under          (2003) stress learning to live with change and
various possible future climate realities, we portray   uncertainty and combining different types of
vulnerable populations in Africa as active agents of    knowledge as two key principles for building
change with particular skills, knowledges, and          adaptive capacity in social–ecological systems. A
visions, rather than passive victims.                   resilience perspective on adaptation emphasizes
                                                        learning, self-organization, and flexibility as crucial
                                                        ingredients for navigating complex feedbacks,
LEARNING PROCESSES TO MANAGE                            thresholds, and system changes (Berkes et al. 2003).
FOR RESILIENCE: FROM THEORY TO                          Social–ecological resilience, also in the context of
PRACTICE                                                climate change, highlights innovation and the
                                                        capacity to learn and transform (Folke 2006). We
Forward-looking learning and decision-support           focus on learning processes with special reference
tools in the face of climatic and other complex         to adaptive cycles and managing for resilience.
changes that involve high uncertainty are needed
more than ever. The challenge is to assess how and      Much of the current understanding of resilience and
when people learn to manage change, absorb              the embedded conception of learning expands on
shocks, take advantage of new opportunities, adjust,    Holling’s (1973, 1986) original notion of the term,
or completely alter their lives and livelihoods. This   which focuses on the maintenance of structure and
section examines two theoretical frameworks—            functioning of complex systems that undergo
resilience thinking and action research/learning        disturbance. In his heuristic model of complex
(AR/AL)—to tease out key learning elements from         adaptive cycles, Holling (1986, 2004) suggests
a dynamic systems perspective that may bolster          distinct types of learning: incremental front-loop
adaptation as a process. The end of the section         learning, spasmodic or profound back-loop
examines the role of critical reflection, learning      learning, and transformational learning that can lead
spaces, and power.                                      to innovative processes with high potential for
                                                        transformability. Within nested cross-level and
The rationale for this comparison is threefold: (a)     cross-scale system dynamics where transformations
There is an urgent need to bring together resilience    happen, often unpredictably and abruptly
and development theories (including action theory)      (Gunderson and Holling 2002), learning can
and their mutual concerns for self-organization,        essentially take on two forms: (1) small and fast
buffering against shocks, and enhancing adaptive        cycles “revolt” and affect larger and slower cycles;
capacity to better inform practice and more             an example is successful local innovations that
explicitly take into account issues of equity and       create opportunities for change at regional or
power (Osbahr et al. 2007). (b) Although resilience     international levels; (2) larger and slower cycles,
thinking and AR/AL have substantially built off         through system “memory,” shape dynamics at other
each other, similarities with respect to learning       scales by drawing upon accumulated knowledge
processes have never been consciously made              and potential for renewal or reorganization (Fig. 1).
explicit. Our aim is to explore interesting parallels
by illustrating when and how cyclical (loop)            Recently, learning has been a prominent component
learning occurs. (c) Given the urgency and the scale    in discussions on managing for resilience. This
of the problematic of managing for resilience under     notion builds on Walker et al.’s (2002) idea of
climatic uncertainty, particularly among the poor,      resilience management in which the main intent is
we draw upon key facets of iterative learning and       to prevent social–ecological systems from sliding
reflection that may facilitate anticipation and         into undesirable states. Learning, memory,
experimentation in practice.                            creativity, and the need to move forward in spite of
                                                        imperfect knowledge and vast uncertainties are
                                                        imperative to avoid unfavorable thresholds.
                                                        Today’s notion of managing for resilience entails
                                                        both building and eroding resilience, the latter in the
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 1. Nested adaptive cycles (Folke 2006, after Gunderson and Holling 2002)

case of adverse system configurations (Lebel et al.       poverty contexts is by no means a straightforward
2006). Learning to cope with non-linearities and          exercise. It involves fundamental methodological
other types of uncertainties and surprises as well as     and ethical decisions such as: Managing resilience
flexible experiments for innovation are seen as key       for whom? When to change from adaptation to
elements in this process. Most importantly, learning      transformation? How to shift from post hoc analyses
and the willingness to experiment play a central role     to anticipatory thinking? Is continuing building
for system transformation. Olsson et al. (2006)           adaptive capacity in low-income/high-vulnerability
describe transformative capacity as the ability to        environments a waste of time? Despite these
create a radically new system when adaptation and         challenges, a resilience lens highlights learning as
adjustments are no longer possible or desirable and       part of dynamic and flexible capacities that are
the existing system becomes untenable. To prepare         critical when dealing with irreducible uncertainties.
for change, take advantage of windows of                  It allows a glimpse into how anticipation for climate
opportunity, and successfully navigate transitions,       change adaptation may shape resilient livelihood
social actors ought to be aware of a problem, build       pathways in practice. The next section provides
knowledge, diversify their ideas, reflect, communicate,   useful input from action research and learning.
develop a shared vision, and act.

Albeit methodologically intriguing, managing for
resilience under climatic uncertainties and in high
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Anticipatory learning within (participatory)              Levin 1998, Reason and Bradbury 2001). Its aim is
action research and action learning                       to further reciprocal and transformational learning
                                                          that results in future-oriented practical action
Anticipatory or forward-looking learning is the key       (McTaggert 1991, Chandler and Torbert 2003).
pillar of an approach known as anticipatory action
learning (AAL), which falls under the larger              Although AR rejects restricting itself to one
umbrella of action learning (AL), a field of inquiry      theoretical perspective (Reason and Bradbury
and practice that has converged with action research      2001), “action science” is seen as a grounding
(AR) and future studies (Ramos 2006a). It is a            theory/practice. The key distinguishing features or
collaborative, democratic, and heuristic-reflexive        dimensions of action science, described by
process that links iterative questioning, anticipation,   Friedman (2001) and Reason and Torbert (2001),
learning, and creation with the ultimate purpose of       drawing upon Argyris and Schön (1974, 1978),
crafting a different world (Stevenson 2002,               Heron (1992), and Torbert (1983, 1991), are the
Inayatullah 2002, 2006, Ramos 2006a). Kelleher            following five: (a) creation of communities of
(2005:85, 87) describes AAL as a “process of co-          inquiry where “theories of/in practice” are built and
creating the future” based on a “theory of                tested for learning; (b) centrality of participation;
participative human agency.” As core values, she          (c) experiential grounding, through critical
stresses questioning of assumptions through               subjectivity, multiple ways of knowing, and
reflection, creativity, systems thinking, and             territories of experience; (d) normative, analogical,
emergence of novel patterns through self-                 and implementable theory that seeks surprise and
organization. Anticipatory action learning constitutes    conditions for change; and (e) creation of
a process of foresight that is inherently diachronous;    alternatives to the status quo through experimentation
the outcomes emerge during the practice and are           and transformation.
negotiated by those who participate, resulting in
futures that are constantly revisited through             The quintessential characteristic of these strands of
envisioning, backcasting, experimenting, and              action and learning schools is their focus on
reflection (Stevenson 2002, 2006, Ramos 2006b).           iterative, cyclical learning. Iterative cycles of
As AAL does not subscribe to any particular               acting, reflecting, and determining “windows” for
(critical) theory, we review its main theoretical and     solving emergent questions allow researchers and
methodological origins and underpinnings, with            participants alike to develop and test theories
particular attention to action research.                  through action and facilitate learning about complex
                                                          situations. There are numerous, partially overlapping
Although AL has its roots in organizational learning      manifestations of this cyclical type of learning. They
and leadership development going back to Reginald         include Lewin’s (1946) series of spirals of steps in
Revans in the 1940s, AR—including participatory           AR, as well as various forms of single, double, and
action research—stems from largely academic and           triple feedback and loop learning (e.g., Kolb and
development circles. It traces its origin to Kurt         Fry 1975, Argyris and Schön 1974, 1978, 1996,
Lewin’s work in social psychology from the early          Keen et al. 2005, List 2006, Armitage et al. 2008).
1900s. Later, AR gained ground as a critique of           Single-loop learning allows correcting errors or
positivist research approaches in the social sciences     improving the outcomes in standard management
and mirrored academic disenchantment with the             practices, for instance with respect to cropping
lack of action and concrete answers to persistent         techniques. Double-loop learning, by contrast,
social and environmental problems resulting from          enables actors to learn about learning and question
poststructuralist thought (Greenwood and Levin            the assumptions behind inquiry, which enables
1998, Pain 2003, Kindon 2005). Action research can        shifts in understanding and behavior, whereas
be described as a theory of and an approach to            triple-loop learning can trigger changes in
learning with a well-defined set of principles or         underlying norms and governance structures.
dimensions of inquiry, embedded in a “meta-               Iterative cycles of single-, double-, and triple-loop
methodology” (Reason and Torbert 2001, Dick               feedback also enhance the sophistication and
2002). Grounded in a participatory worldview, it          effectiveness of the four AR territories (vision,
explores the interaction of power relations across        strategy, action, and outcomes) as depicted in the
multiple scales and with particular emphasis on           space–time–voice dimensions of transformational
representing or giving voice to the marginalized          science (Torbert 1983, 1991, Chandler and Torbert
(Maguire 1987, Park et al. 1993, Greenwood and            2003) (Fig. 2).
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

These theoretical and methodological dimensions         Although AR/AL processes can build the capacity
of AR/AL stress two other key elements: the             of participants to challenge the underlying causes
element of reflection and that of anticipation.         of their marginalization and vulnerability through
Critical reflection constitutes the backbone of         an iterative and collective process of action-
iterative (loop) learning. Kolb and Fry (1975), for     reflection, the spatiality of these processes remains
instance, argue that possibilities for “double-loop     under-researched. In the context of climate change
learning” emerge through reflection on experiences      adaptation, Thomas and Twyman (2005:121) called
(what works and why) (Fig. 3). Such                     for the “need to create space, and the right kind of
transformational learning happens at decisive nodes     space, and to facilitate appropriate innovative and
of reflection as they are likely to trigger new loops   creative adaptation.” But what is the right kind of
of learning, critical engagement, and the willingness   learning space that encourages anticipatory learning
to take risks (Fig. 4). They embody possibilities for   and how do we build it?
unexpected connections and surprise. The role of
anticipation in this learning process is to focus       We argue that such spaces need to have both an
explicitly on possible futures by giving meaning to     abstract and a material dimension. Kesby (2005)
images, trends, and memory that can be                  views such learning spaces as arenas in which
qualitatively envisioned, tested, and revisited         people assess their own knowledge and its limits,
(Inayatullah 2006).                                     renegotiate behavior, and improve communication.
                                                        Empowerment and positive transformations in
                                                        people’s lives require “temporary time–space
                                                        arenas” (Kesby 2005:2055). Within these arenas,
Loop learning in practice: learning spaces and          empowered agency—the ability to act and change
power                                                   reality—can be reproduced, sustained, and scaled
                                                        up within everyday spaces to facilitate
Numerous practical applications of loop learning        transformation, something Kesby (2005:2039) calls
processes exist that build upon resilience theory and   “rehearsing for reality.” Yet, such rehearsal requires
AR/AL, with prominent examples in the field of          sufficient ontological depth (Inayatullah 2006) to
adaptive (co-) management (e.g., Olsson et al. 2004,    challenge and transform social reality. In other
Lebel et al. 2005, Armitage et al. 2007). Berkes        words, it is not sufficient to introduce small-scale
(2009), among others, stresses the role co-             revolts, perturbations, and learning probes in one
production of knowledge, power sharing, joint           sub-loop of the system (Lynam et al. 2002,
problem solving, bridging organizations, and            Karkkainen 2006) if they cannot be sustained to alter
reflection play. The adaptive facet of co-              awareness and behavior at larger scales.
management is captured in the incremental and
iterative learning-by-doing process where system        However, such arenas for iterative, anticipatory, and
understanding, action, and evaluation are updated       transformative learning and reflection are rarely
and refined every time new information is available.    neatly structured. They require high creativity and
                                                        flexibility, adjustments by “muddling through,” and
We identify some overlapping key elements of            spontaneous constellations of cooperation, particularly
resilience theory and AR/AL, distill implications       in weak, unstable, and messy institutional and
for learning, and indicate how they may apply to        political settings (Wollenberg et al. 2007). It may
climate change adaptation in practice (Table 1).        be through this “messy” approach, mediated by
Several of these reflect recent lessons from adaptive   bridging/boundary organizations, that windows of
management and adaptation under climate change,         opportunity for experimentation and action can be
for instance in the European ADAM Project,              detected and utilized. Referring specifically to
highlighting the need for processes that connect        adaptation, Pelling and High (2005) advocate for
inquiry with experimentation and reflection to          the opening of informal spaces (places of “bounded
overcome incomplete knowledge about driving             instability” or shadow systems/networks) outside of
forces and uncertainties (Lonsdale 2009a). Two          but connected to formal institutions to allow for
main questions merit further attention: (a) how can     novelty to emerge out of free experimentation,
spaces for learning be created?, and (b) how to deal    learning, and reflection.
with power inequalities?
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 2. The span of research/practice with four territories of experience (Chandler and Torbert 2003).

Finally, we do not want to suggest that such learning     benefits, the typology of AR practices, as presented
spaces are inherently harmonious. Much has been           by Reason and Torbert (2001), seems particularly
said about the “tyranny” of participation and             useful. First-person research allows the researcher
participatory spaces of power and domination (e.g.,       to learn through self-reflexive action and critical
Lefebvre 1991, Cooke and Kothari 2001). Yet,              subjectivity. Second-person research pursues
inequalities of power simply cannot be avoided.           cooperative inquiry and a consensus-seeking
Acknowledging and negotiating power and                   process for and with research partners. Third-person
conflicts need to be seen as integral parts of learning   research strives for inquiry that involves wider
processes. This should not distract from the fact that    learning communities through networks of
not all participants in these time–space arenas may       organizations. In practice, it is through the
benefit equally. Osbahr (2007), for instance,             integration of all three levels that learning and
describes adaptation and transformation of                transformation are most likely to be achieved
livelihood strategies as a competitive process that       (Bradbury and Reason 2001).
produces winners and losers. To engage with the
deeply ethical question of who learns and who
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 3. Double-loop learning (Brockbank and McGill 1998).

ANTICIPATORY LEARNING AND                               through an iterative process of action-reflection
MANAGING FOR RESILIENCE UNDER                           (Fig. 5). Risks can be reduced, agency building
CLIMATE CHANGE: A                                       enhanced, and resilient livelihood pathways
METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK                                designed through the iterative re-performance
                                                        within time–space learning arenas. Participants can
Without testing in the real world, more concepts,       explore ways to achieve resilient designs in practice
tools, and methods and better science solutions will    by moving forward despite imperfect knowledge,
only be of academic interest unless these solutions     risks, and uncertainties and taking advantage of
make sense “on the ground” and can be absorbed          windows of opportunity. Through this learning
and implemented (Lonsdale 2009b:2)                      process, they may be able to transform undesirable
                                                        states—transitory and even chronic poverty and
What is the relevance of comparing these theoretical    marginalization—into more desirable and resilient
and methodological insights from resilience             futures. Managing for resilience is hard work, not
thinking and AR/AL in the context of climatic           simply a twist of fate.
changes? We argue that the most significant lesson
is the recognition that the impetus for anticipatory    We propose the following methodological
and transformative learning stems from AR/AL’s          framework for facilitating anticipatory learning as
explicit emphasis on creating deliberative spaces for   an iterative socioinstitutional process, specifically
learning; these spaces then allow participants to       for high poverty/high livelihood vulnerability
challenge the very causes of their vulnerability        contexts. We draw upon concrete examples from an
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 4. Nodes of reflection, triggering new learning loops in an ACM process for creating better
livelihood options (Hartanto et al. 2003:64).

ongoing climate change project (CCLONG) in                envisioning future uncertainty and surprise.
Ghana, a country where increased frequency and            Consequences of past experiences and the emotions
severity of extreme climate events result in impacts      associated with them allow for learning that
that are outside the usual and experienced coping         prevents the repetition of mistakes and opens future
range. The framework consists of five elements            choices based on present decisions (Walker et al.
(Fig. 6): (1) lessons learned from the past (memory);     2006, Marx et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008). In practical
(2) monitoring and analysis of trends to anticipate       terms, this involves an understanding of how people
future events; (3) deliberate surprises, perturbations,   have responded to past climatic extremes (e.g.,
and discontinuities that distinguish anticipated          floods and droughts), what concrete decisions they
change from known (and potentially also cyclical)         have made in the face of slow and rapidly changing
change; (4) measures of anticipatory capacity; and        conditions, and what strategies were most and least
(5) design of decision-support tools for adaptation       effective and for whom.
                                                          It can be argued that people’s memory is flimsy,
                                                          especially if past experiences are quite dated. Also,
                                                          lessons from the past may no longer be meaningful
Lessons learned from the past                             if contexts have changed (Bohensky and Lynam
                                                          2005). Yet, people who subsist in marginal
Both resilience theory and AL/AR pay attention to         environments, as in many parts of Africa, tend to
accumulated knowledge and stored or latent                have surprisingly good recollection of events and
potentials for renewal and reorganization                 thresholds that may have pushed them into a poverty
(“memory”). Memory, also referred to as                   trap and attempts to get out of such lock-ins. Their
“experiential grounding,” serves as the knowledge         memory, ability for self-organization, and agency
base underlying the capacity for anticipating and         are of particular importance for adaptation planning
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Table 1. Conceptual similarities and overlaps between the resilience framework and participatory action
research/learning (AR/AL), implications for learning, and examples for climate change adaptation.

     Resilience         Action Research/        Implications for Learning              Examples for Climate Change
    Framework          Learning (AR/AL)                                                        Adaptation

 Complex adaptive       Loop learning and        Iterative, cross-level/cross-   →   Learning about and practicing
     cycles              spirals of steps        scale information exchange          adaptation as an action-reflection

   Windows of          Nodes of reflection        Opening for unexpected         →   Possibility for adjustment in
   opportunities                                connections, innovation, and         agriculture or diversification out of
                                                      transformation                 agriculture

     Memory           Experiential grounding        Knowledge base for           →   Lessons learned from past
                                                   envisioning the future            droughts and floods to facilitate

  Re-organization     Insightful questioning    Challenging assumptions and      →   Understanding of local and global
                            for action                  worldviews                   drivers of climatic changes

  Experimentation         Testing theories    Flexible, incremental learning-    →   Local monitoring of climate and
                      through action/practice    by-doing, learning from             other changes and testing
                                                          mistakes                   adaptation options

 Back-loop learning     Co-production of       Arena for creative knowledge      →   Local and scientific climate
                         knowledge and                  generation                   knowledge and re-abstraction of
                         multiple voices                                             external information

 Self-organization        Spontaneous          Participant-led problem solving   →   Agricultural innovation through
                        cooperation and                   and action                 farmer–extension agent
                       bounded instability                                           collaboration

     Revolting        Challenging of power     Empowerment, new dynamics         →   Shift from vulnerable people as
                           imbalances                across scales                   passive victims of climate change
                                                                                     to active agents who shape change

 Small disturbances    Management probes          Out-of-the box thinking,       →   Introduction of extreme climate
   and surprises                                    innovative learning              events into scenario building to
                                                                                     explore adaptation options
                                                                                     exceeding current response

    Navigating        Rehearsing for reality         Learning spaces for         →   Several alternative plans for
    transitions                                        transformation                managing climate uncertainties

(Twomlow et al. 2008). Methods used under the                    resourcefulness, and provide a sense of agency
CCLONG project for investigating memory include                  among the poor to feel prepared for future climate
historical matrices on extreme events, listing,                  shocks (Finan and Nelson 2001, Tschakert 2007,
ranking, and scoring of response strategies, and                 Nelson and Finan 2008).
mapping of knowledge transfer within and between
communities during times of crisis. Other studies
confirm that shared knowledge and experiences
from past climate events can raise awareness, spur
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 5. Elements of a deliberative learning space for building anticipatory capacity.

Monitoring and analysis of trends to anticipate          effective response options. Drivers of change may
future events                                            include external shocks and surprises such as
                                                         climatic changes, people’s hopes and fears for the
Although past and present actions inform                 future, and actions of policy makers, for instance
reorganization, the system is still constrained by the   imposed policies (Walker et al. 2002). In a context
consequences of past response, larger and slower         of high livelihood risks and vulnerabilities, many of
variables (cycles) or drivers of change, and             which are likely to be further exacerbated by climate
insufficient knowledge (Walker et al. 2006, Marx         change, it is particularly crucial to thoroughly
et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008). Thus, identifying and       monitor ecological and socioinstitutional processes.
monitoring slowly changing variables such as             The failure to do so may result in outdated and
rainfall patterns and integrating and reflecting on      potentially counterproductive adaptation policies,
new knowledge allows for a better understanding          projects, and strategies, even before they are
of processes that are already under way. The same        implemented (Enfors et al. 2008).
is true for anticipating possible events assuming
observed trends continue. Monitoring enhances            Experiences in the CCLONG project have shown
flexibility during times of disturbance and boosts       that drivers of climate change remain poorly
the capacity for anticipatory action.                    understood, especially global drivers outside of
                                                         people’s empirical radar. True, the uncertainties of
Bohensky and Lynam (2005) and Bohensky (2008),           climate variations are fairly abstract concepts that
analyzing water management in southern Africa,           necessitate analytic understanding and, therefore,
stress awareness of impacts as well as drivers of        often the introduction of external information such
change as key elements in learning and constructing      as historic meteorological records and climate
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

Fig. 6. Methodological framework depicting anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation with
embedded cycles of critical reflection, anticipation, and responses.

projections (Marx et al. 2007, van Aalst et al. 2008).   In Ghana, we have distributed simple rain gauges
These can raise awareness, fill potential knowledge      to record precipitation events and initiated
gaps, and initiate reflection on the efficiency of       community-based monitoring systems for expected
current adaptation strategies under possible future      timing, duration, and severity of looming heavy
conditions. Although caution is required when            rains and dry spells. For instance, overabundance
adding science information to the learning process       of small black ants in homes and farm plots suggest
(van Aalst et al. 2008), co-generating knowledge         heavy rains and flooding will occur. Such local
between researchers and stakeholders allows for the      monitoring is combined with community fora to
re-abstraction of analytical information into            address certain misconceptions of climate change.
changes in memory and action. Even if subsistence        Most recently, CCLONG hosted open days in two
farmers have no control over most larger-scale           district capitals to complement existing knowledge
driving forces (such as emissions from cars and          with a more detailed science perspective and engage
industries in the North), a better understanding of      the diverse audiences (150–190 people) into
the mechanisms behind these drivers can enhance          discussions on greenhouse gases, the ozone hole,
confidence in anticipating change (Biggs et al.          historical climate data and trends, seasonal
2007).                                                   forecasts, and downscaled climate projections for
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

2065. Now, high          schools    request    similar    Scenario building is now recognized as a useful tool
information events.                                       to examine climate risks and uncertainties and
                                                          involve decision makers in the adaptation process.
                                                          Several integrated assessment projects in Europe,
Planning for surprises, perturbations, and                including VISIONS, MedAction, and ADAM, have
discontinuities through scenarios                         used scenario building to explore the impacts of
                                                          climate change across multiple scales (Kok et al.
The third part of the framework moves from                2003, Biggs et al. 2007, Patel et al. 2007). In Africa,
memory and relatively predictable trends to               scenario building focuses mainly on managing
surprises, discontinuities, and potentially cataclysmic   natural resources and ecosystem services (Lynam
events. As stated by Scoones, the “real world” is         et al. 2002, Bohensky and Lynam 2005, Ochola et
shaped by “ignorance and surprise,” not just risks        al. 2006, Kok et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008, Enfors
(Osbahr et al. 2007:16). The capacity to cope with        et al. 2008). In fact, Biggs et al. (2007) caution that
nonlinearities and other surprises depends largely        incorporating global issues such as climate change
on openness for learning, the willingness to accept       into local-scale scenarios may hijack community
change as inevitable, and the ability to engage in        concerns, which could result in loss of credibility
interventions/experiments (Lebel et al. 2005).            and ownership over the process. Although we see
Processes of inquiry, experimentation, and                the danger, we argue that there is an enormous need
reflection are essential given incomplete knowledge       to tackle local-level climate change for adaptation
about climate change (van Aalst et al. 2008,              planning; scenario building provides an ideal space
Lonsdale 2009a). Hence, we advocate for the use           for exploring options, uncertainties, limitations, and
of participatory scenario planning/building as a          trade-offs. Rather than imposing climate change as
methodological tool not only to explore                   a “foreign” element into one single scenario-
interconnectedness, surprises, and uncertainties but      building exercise, we believe that fruitful learning
also to offer empowering learning spaces where            outcomes stem from iterative experiences and
multiple voices, experiences, and constraints can be      cycles of reflection. Empowered agency and
heard. Echoing AR/AL, we see it as an “exercise of        managing for resilience can be sustained through
agency” (Ramos 2006b).                                    the continuity of the learning process before and
                                                          after the scenario building.
Scenarios are stories of plausible futures and the
ways they may unfold. Scenario building is a              For complex livelihood-vulnerability contexts,
participatory process that involves multiple              drawing upon Biggs et al. (2007), we propose local-
stakeholders and their creative visions for assessing     scale exploratory scenarios that are loosely linked
situations in which future-shaping factors are            to larger-scale drivers. Typical elements in co-
uncertain and often impossible to control                 created storylines include local and regional
(Wollenberg et al. 2000, Swart et al. 2004, Evans et      environmental change and development trajectories
al. 2006, Biggs et al. 2007, Peterson 2007).              coupled with actual manifestations of poverty. We
Uncertainties may include climatic ones as well as        also advocate for integrating down-scaled climate
daily life and livelihood stressors and larger-level      projections. This differs from other scenario
economic, environmental, and policy disturbances          exercises in Africa that use long-term projections
and risks. They are best investigated through             or general descriptors of possible climatic changes
alternative storylines and different iterations           (Ochola et al. 2006, Enfors et al. 2008). Our
(cycles), each focusing on subsets of driving forces      experiences in the CCLONG project show that local
of change. Learning and innovative thinking are           resource users, teachers, agricultural extension
expected to occur by exploring what is not known,         agents, and policy makers are all interested in more
often through the use of management or learning           detailed projections. For example, the available data
probes (envisioning a disturbance that exceeds            for central Ghana indicate more delays in the onset
actual experiences, for instance drought and              of the rainy season, an increased likelihood of more
flooding back to back), deliberating scenario             frequent and more severe dry spells in the middle
outcomes, anticipating consequences, and planning         of the major season (June–July), and risks of more
adaptive responses. Hence, scenario building              heavy rainfall events toward the end of the season.
exemplifies communities of inquiry where “theories        It is crucial that this external science information is
of/in practice” are built and tested for opening          introduced and re-abstracted in prior learning cycles
“windows of opportunity” and preparing for                and then reused through the storylines and
transformation.                                           experimented with as management probes that
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

exceed current adaptation repertoires. To make           social actors can certainly enhance their individual
alternative scenarios more plausible, facilitate         forward-looking abilities, we argue that anticipatory
ownership over the stories and the characters            capacity emerges and flourishes at the intersection
involved, and strengthen second- and third-person        of first-person awareness, second-person conversation,
research/practice, we use visual representations         and third-person organization, as depicted by
through local artists and participatory environmental    Chandler and Torbert (2003); see Fig. 2). Inspired
theatre and video (see also Biggs et al. 2007, Enfors    by Alexander Ballard Ltd. (2008), we propose the
et al. 2008).                                            following broad determinants of individual and
                                                         collective anticipatory capacity for a developing
                                                         country context: awareness of climate change,
Measures of anticipatory capacity                        experiences with and effective responses to past
                                                         climatic extremes (“memory”), agency, leadership,
The fourth component in our methodological               engagement in concrete learning activities with
learning framework is the most challenging as it         external agents (researchers), collaboration,
attempts to identify and measure people’s capacity       availability of wider communication networks and
for anticipation. With several learning cycles of        access to climate information, visionary yet tangible
remembering, monitoring, re-abstracting knowledge,       planning outcomes for dealing with future
and exploring uncertainties and surprises through        conditions through consensus building (scenarios),
experimentation and reflection, possibilities for        and managing change.
action should emerge that then feed into anticipatory
capacity (see Fig. 5). We define this capacity as the    Given the collaborative nature of anticipatory
ability to shift from envisioning possible futures (as   learning processes, it seems essential to encourage
explored through scenario planning) to the ability       all participants, from community members to
to develop a dynamic plan for how to deal with           researchers and policy makers, to design their own
potential uncertainties. In AAL, this is understood      metrics for success. This substantially reduces the
as the capacity to “see what is not commonly seen        danger of being hijacked by external agendas. The
and create what is not commonly known”                   only requirement is that these metrics and tools for
(Inayatullah 2006:656). Stevenson (2006) argues          evaluation are based on clearly defined objectives
that people make the transition from vision to action    and desired outcomes at the very beginning of the
through the integration of critical reflection into a    first learning loop and continually rehearsed.
decision-action “process of foresight.” This is          Practically, we can measure variables such as
similar to preparing for system change in resilience     evolving awareness of climate and other changes,
thinking.                                                the willingness and ability to engage with unknown
                                                         yet conceivable risks, and channels for information
In the context of high poverty/high vulnerability,       exchange through methods such as individual and
the crucial ingredient for grasping windows of           community learning baselines and network
opportunity and actively shaping change in this          mapping. More challenging is to pinpoint specific
transition is empowerment. According to Bohensky         nodes of reflection at particular constellations in
and Lyman (2005), effective strategies are chosen        time and to evaluate—in retrospect and in
and implemented at the congruence of being aware         anticipation—emerging pathways, the factors that
of the scope and drivers of a certain impact and         make some pathways more resilient than others, and
feeling empowered to respond to it. As witnessed         the ultimate choices people make. This is a start;
in the CCLONG project, rural stakeholders feel           yet, we realize that other variables or proxies for
overwhelmingly powerless to alter the larger-scale       anticipatory capacity may exist and deserve further
processes that influence these changes. Often, they      exploration.
refer to Allah or God as holding the supreme power
to determine rains and periods of drought. Having
access to learning spaces where existing                 Design of dynamic decision-support tools for
assumptions can be questioned and alternative            adaptation planning
pathways tested and reflected upon makes today’s
realities and future uncertainties less terrifying.      To date, few cyclical learning and decision-support
                                                         tools exist to explore anticipatory adaptation in high
In order to measure such anticipatory capacity, we       poverty/high vulnerability contexts. Interactive,
need to first understand where it resides. Although      multi-media learning tools in developed countries,
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

including the “Winds of Change” board game from          processes of action-reflection in which underlying
the European Climate Forum and Potsdam Institute         causes of vulnerability can be challenged and
for Climate Impact Research, the Australian TV           alternative behavior, visions, and trade-offs
show “Scorched,” and the UK Climate Impacts              renegotiated and re-performed. Although such
Programme’s Adaptation Wizard, serve as                  learning spaces are a refreshing and long overdue
inspiration for creative approaches that involve the     complement to, if not substitute for, infrastructural
public in climate change debates. The irony is that      adaptation projects, there is no doubt that they can
places and populations that have low levels of           be appropriated by power dynamics. Naming,
adaptive capacity and would need such empowering         acknowledging, and actively engaging with power
tools most are the last to be served. International      differentials implies recognizing learning outcomes
non-government organizations, such as the                —in this case concrete adaptive responses—as a
International Red Cross and Red Crescent and             competitive process shaped by hierarchical and
CARE International, are beginning to embrace the         political control (Stevenson 2006, Osbahr 2007).
possibility of using their community-based decision      Despite the participatory, democratic, and
risk reduction and development tools to facilitate       pluralistic underpinnings that typify anticipatory
more active, engaged, and forward-looking learning       action learning, not everybody is able to afford
(e.g., Red Cross/Red Crescent 2007). However,            participation and some will benefit much more than
caution is required to capture the unique intersection   others.
of slow and rapidly changing climate conditions
with complex livelihood vulnerabilities. Integrating     We have presented a methodological framework
climate change information into AAL processes            built around five elements for facilitating
calls for a skillful blend of a potentially top-down     anticipatory learning processes as well as some
external agenda with local-level awareness and           practical examples of how to implement it.
agency building. We have only started to investigate     Although the individual elements are by no means
possible options.                                        new, we believe the iterative and cyclical structure
                                                         in this reflection–decision–action process of
                                                         foresight enables poor and vulnerable communities
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS:                                     to transform their current conditions into more
OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES                             desirable and resilient futures. The process
                                                         highlights their rights and skills to reduce harm and
We have shown that both resilience thinking and          avoid undesirable thresholds by providing space for
AR/AL have vital contributions to make for               their framings and imaginations. Yet, the real
anticipatory learning in the process of climate          challenge remains “on the ground.” Carr (2008)
change adaptation. However, so far, these                questions the fairness, durability, and gender
contributions have occurred in parallel rather than      implications of seemingly successful local
synergistic ways, and we argue that the time is ripe     adaptations. Others point to new anxieties among
to integrate these two schools of thought and            “the vulnerable” that may be triggered by learning
practice much more effectively. Boyd (Osbahr et al.      about climate complexities and uncertainties (van
2007) is right in noticing that issues of power,         Aalst et al. 2008). Leary et al. (2008) draw attention
agency, and equity in social systems have yet to be      to unexpected inability or lack of will to participate
explicitly incorporated into resilience thinking. At     and adapt.
the same time, the adaptation and development
community has lots to learn from resilience              Most of these obstacles need to be seen in light of
management by navigating periods of transformations      multifaceted livelihood-vulnerability risks that
in high poverty and high vulnerability contexts.         distinguish African contexts from those in the
                                                         North. Equally to blame are inadequate
An important opportunity to achieve this integration     communication channels to connect with deprived
occurs by creating learning spaces to build adaptive     populations and insufficient protection against risks
and anticipatory capacity with and for vulnerable        and failures that are likely to result from innovative
populations, and to appreciate what adaptation           experiments. Although agency building and
options may be most feasible, sustainable, and fair      empowering learning spaces can help identify and
under possible future climate and development            spread risks, it is largely the responsibility of state
realities. We have described learning spaces as          and non-governmental agencies to remedy
arenas of iterative, experiential learning-by-doing      structural poverty and limited asset portfolios. This
Ecology and Society 15(2): 11

includes providing “safety nets” to help the
transitory poor over rough patches and more
substantial “cargo nets” to boost asset productivity       Acknowledgments:
of the chronic poor (Little et al., unpublished
manuscript). This is where climate change                  We wish to thank the United States Agency for
adaptation intersects with wider development               International Development (USAID) for supporting
priorities.                                                CCLONG (Climate Change Collective Learning
                                                           and Observatory Network Ghana; #EEM-
As for improving communication, it is also time to         A-00-06-00014) and the National Science
rehabilitate the role of external facilitators and         Foundation for funding HSD #0826941 on
participants as useful contributors to the learning        anticipatory learning under climatic uncertainty in
process, despite real dangers of tyrannical expert         Ghana and Tanzania. We are grateful for conceptual
power. Their science input is essential for re-            contributions from Maureen Biermann, Robert
abstracting analytical information and incorporating       Crane, Christopher Hoadley, Esther Prins, and Ken
climate surprises as learning probes into scenario         Tamminga and valuable input from Polly Ericksen,
building. Including their knowledge can reduce             Emily Boyd, and Kamal Kapadia.
biases toward local-level driving forces of change
and false optimism in futures thinking. We advocate
for more engaged teams of practitioners and
researchers to design creative learning tools and          LITERATURE CITED
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Anticipatory Learning for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience

  • 1. Copyright © 2010 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance. Tschakert, P., and K. A. Dietrich. 2010. Anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation and resilience. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11. [online] URL: Research Anticipatory Learning for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Petra Tschakert 1,2 and Kathleen Ann Dietrich 3 ABSTRACT. This paper is a methodological contribution to emerging debates on the role of learning, particularly forward-looking (anticipatory) learning, as a key element for adaptation and resilience in the context of climate change. First, we describe two major challenges: understanding adaptation as a process and recognizing the inadequacy of existing learning tools, with a specific focus on high poverty contexts and complex livelihood-vulnerability risks. Then, the article examines learning processes from a dynamic systems perspective, comparing theoretical aspects and conceptual advances in resilience thinking and action research/learning (AR/AL). Particular attention is paid to learning loops (cycles), critical reflection, spaces for learning, and power. Finally, we outline a methodological framework to facilitate iterative learning processes and adaptive decision making in practice. We stress memory, monitoring of key drivers of change, scenario planning, and measuring anticipatory capacity as crucial ingredients. Our aim is to identify opportunities and obstacles for forward-looking learning processes at the intersection of climatic uncertainty and development challenges in Africa, with the overarching objective to enhance adaptation and resilient livelihood pathways, rather than learning by shock. Key Words: Anticipatory capacity; action research/learning; climatic uncertainty; iterative learning; reflection; learning spaces; scenarios; development INTRODUCTION: CHALLENGES IN two challenges require particularly urgent attention ADAPTATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE and creative solutions. Adaptation to the impacts of climatic changes is now at the forefront of scientific inquiry and policy Understanding adaptation as a process negotiations. Yet, ongoing debates and interventions have contributed surprisingly little to the The first major challenge in current adaptation work understanding of learning and decision-making is to understand and demonstrate how adaptation processes that shape adaptation and resilient functions as a process, and the wider implications livelihoods, even beyond climatic risks. For of such a process for resilience. In many parts of instance, the widely cited paper on adaptation and Africa, the adaptation discourse is still adaptive capacity by Smit and Wandel (2006) predominantly focused on responding to the contains no single reference to learning. We aim to predicted impacts of future climate change rather fill this gap by offering a methodological than addressing the underlying factors that contribution to current adaptation research and determine chronic poverty, vulnerability, and practice that is centered specifically on learning. adaptive capacity—the ability to undertake With special emphasis on Africa, we begin by adaptations or system changes. Policy and theory addressing two main challenges: grasping discourses have portrayed adaptation—adjustments adaptation as a process and building adequate tools to climatic changes, including moderating potential for anticipatory learning. We argue that, in the damage, taking advantage of opportunities, and context of high and chronic poverty coupled with coping with the consequences—as something that low awareness for complex drivers of change, these is orchestrated, if not imposed (Schipper 2007). The 1 Department of Geography, 2Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI), Pennsylvania State University, 3Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University
  • 2. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 latest emphasis on “climate proofing” implicitly that arises from these insights and debates is how to assumes that, once appropriate adaptation measures facilitate learning, information exchange, reflection, (typically technological in nature) are identified and innovation, and anticipation, all of which are key implemented, development policies, plans, and elements in the practical reality of the adaptation practices can be shielded against adverse climate process. impacts (Brooks and Grist 2008). Such a project focus appears as a linear, largely self-limiting trajectory that favors readily identifiable and Addressing the void in the existing learning discrete adaptation actions, both anticipatory and toolbox reactive (before and after a shock), often presented in lists or inventories. More problematically, this This question brings us to the other and potentially view obscures the very processes that shape more problematic challenge in adaptation research adaptation and resilient livelihoods. and practice: our existing methodological toolbox is sparsely equipped to facilitate and sustain such Recent studies and project initiatives in some adaptive and anticipatory learning in the face of African and other developing countries, however, complex risks and uncertainties; in other words, start to emphasize the process notion within learning about the future before impacts are adaptation. For instance, a synthesis of early apparent. Much progress has been made in the adaptation projects in the Global South highlights North, particularly in Europe and Canada, to design the evolving nature of adaptation, including learning approaches, decision scenarios, and learning about risks, evaluating response options, adaptation portfolios (Cohen et al. 2006, Kok et al. and creating the right conditions for adaptive action 2007, Jäger et al. 2008, Hulme et al. 2009) although (Leary et al. 2008). McGray et al. (2007) also stress it remains contested whether existing tools and the significance of decision making for adaptation models are sufficient for evaluating long time efforts that evolve and improve with newly frames, cascading levels of uncertainty and emerging conditions and information. They surprises, and potentially catastrophic changes in specifically refer to processes of “learning as we the climate system (Tompkins et al. 2008). In go,” checking and rectifying possible maladaptation, contrast, in most parts of the Global South, but exchanging information, and making trade-offs particularly in Africa (with the likely exception of based on public values. Along the same lines, South Africa), access to information, knowledge Osbahr (2007) views successful adaptation as a networks, and climate learning tools that build learned process in which appropriate communication resilience into people’s livelihoods, institutions, and channels constitute a crucial part. “The goal,” as ecosystems remain scarce, and especially so at the stated by T. Downing (unpublished manuscript), “is community level. not to be well adapted but to adapt well.” There are multiple reasons for this lacuna. From an Contrary to “hard” technological and infrastructural international policy perspective, climate-related response options, this dynamic notion of adaptation risks and vulnerabilities in drylands and other promotes building resilience to enhance adaptive tropical ecosystems, many of which are in Africa, capacity now, rather than targeting adaptation in the have received much less emphasis than colder areas, future. Adaptive capacity, particularly from a small island states, and indigenous communities systems perspective, has been described as the portrayed as exceptionally unique and threatened ability to learn from mistakes (Adger 2003), to (Liverman 2008). From the angle of science generate experience of dealing with change (Berkes communication, research advances remain largely et al. 2003), and the capability for innovation inaccessible to decision makers. Seely et al. (2008), (Armitage 2005). Fabricius et al. (2007) highlight with reference to southern Africa, assess the lack of learning, anticipating, and forecasting through integration and understanding of climate science knowledge sharing and responding. Under climate into policy and practice, which hinders capacity change, enhancing adaptive capacity implies paying building and decision making under uncertainty. explicit attention to learning about past, present, and Hellmuth et al. (2007:9), in a gap analysis on the future climate threats, accumulated memory of use and application of climate information in Africa, adaptive strategies, and anticipatory action to point toward “inadequate supply of climate services prepare for surprises and discontinuities in the ... for development decisions at all levels.” As climate systems (Nelson et al. 2007). The question argued by Twomlow et al. (2008), even among
  • 3. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 African researchers and extension services, the design of resilient livelihood pathways and the understanding of climate processes, driving forces, practicalities of adaptive capacity an exceedingly and meaningful coping and adaptive strategies daunting task. remains insufficient. Practitioners and communities encounter major obstacles to concrete adaptation Conceptually and methodologically, the links planning; these include lack of awareness, between adaptation and (sustainable) development knowledge, and access to forecasts in addition to are well understood (Scoones 1998, Bebbington sparse communication platforms and often 1999, Mortimore and Adams 1999, Ellis 2000, unintelligible climate jargon (Enne and Yeroanni McGray et al. 2007). Yet, as argued by Lemos et al. 2007, Leary et al. 2008). (2007), a more fruitful engagement between the two communities is needed to better build adaptive Most worrisome is the absence of learning tools that capacity under the unique risks and stresses related explicitly encourage adaptation processes, including to climate change. Risk is seen here as “uncertain experimentation and innovation, in order to consequences, and in particular exposure to embrace complex risks and uncertainties. Although potentially unfavorable circumstances, or the the Nairobi Work Programme, adopted under the possibility of incurring nontrivial loss” (Smith et al. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2000). People’s ability to respond to risks is 2007, specifically emphasizes information, tools, typically determined by a series of dynamic and communication for adaptation planning and livelihood decisions that depend on the opportunity practice in developing countries, adaptive and set of household asset endowments and the anticipatory learning remains poorly understood. allocation of these assets to generate benefits and This is the case despite numerous researchers pursue a meaningful life (Davies 1996, Kelly and arguing for collaborative, iterative, self-organizing Adger 2000, Barrett et al. 2001, Little et al. 2001, processes of learning-by-doing to enhance adaptive Ellis 2003; Little et al., unpublished manuscript). capacity and facilitate the role of boundary organizations for effective translation and diffusion These complex livelihood-vulnerability contexts (e.g., Füssel and Klein 2006, van Aalst et al. 2008). make novel experiments—crucial for successful Such a gap is particularly problematic for countries adaptation and resilient pathways—a highly risky where climatic uncertainties are high and impacts undertaking in which mistakes and failure may well are likely to compound existing vulnerabilities with mean a downward spiral from transitory to chronic serious implications for development and poverty poverty (persistent deprivation). As shown for reduction. pastoralist communities in eastern Africa, poor households, in a rational attempt to manage risk, often trap themselves in chronic poverty through the Learning challenges in the context of complex allocation of asset portfolios that are unproductive livelihood-vulnerability risks and insufficient to lift them beyond a critical poverty threshold (Barrett and McPeak 2004, Barrett 2010; Our focus on Africa is deliberate as it is the continent Little et al., unpublished manuscript). Clearly, where the “adaptation deficit” (Osbahr et al. 2007) poverty dynamics, inequalities and power —the lack of explicit integration of livelihood differentials, limits to adaptive strategies, and latent adaptation to climate change and broader adaptive capacity all shape adaptation processes and development issues—has been most evident. In options (Osbahr 2007). Our attempt to explore contrast to vulnerable and disadvantaged places and spaces for anticipatory learning is situated within populations in the North as well as hazard-specific these complex vulnerability-livelihood risks and vulnerabilities to hurricanes, tsunamis, heat waves, interactions embedded within a wider development and wildfires, Africa’s vulnerability is tightly context. coupled with structural problems of chronic poverty, underdevelopment, food and livelihood We propose a methodological approach that insecurity, and socioeconomic and political emphasizes a multi-faceted, iterative way of inequality. The difference between the developing analyzing and learning about changes and world and affluent countries lies in the magnitude uncertainties to manage for resilience rather than and even more so the duration of poverty (Barrett learning by shock. Viewing adaptation as a and McPeak 2004). These distinct dimensions of socioinstitutional process that involves cycles of day-to-day risks and structural poverty make the anticipation and responses to a variety of stressors
  • 4. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 is radically different from considering adaptation as Learning within the resilience framework an adjustment to predicted future climatic impacts or residual damage associated with these impacts. The capacity for learning and experimentation has By focusing explicitly on learning, reflection, and long been understood as an integral part of resilience forward-looking decision making about feasible, thinking. For instance, Davidson-Hunt and Berkes sustainable, and fair adaptation choices under (2003) stress learning to live with change and various possible future climate realities, we portray uncertainty and combining different types of vulnerable populations in Africa as active agents of knowledge as two key principles for building change with particular skills, knowledges, and adaptive capacity in social–ecological systems. A visions, rather than passive victims. resilience perspective on adaptation emphasizes learning, self-organization, and flexibility as crucial ingredients for navigating complex feedbacks, LEARNING PROCESSES TO MANAGE thresholds, and system changes (Berkes et al. 2003). FOR RESILIENCE: FROM THEORY TO Social–ecological resilience, also in the context of PRACTICE climate change, highlights innovation and the capacity to learn and transform (Folke 2006). We Forward-looking learning and decision-support focus on learning processes with special reference tools in the face of climatic and other complex to adaptive cycles and managing for resilience. changes that involve high uncertainty are needed more than ever. The challenge is to assess how and Much of the current understanding of resilience and when people learn to manage change, absorb the embedded conception of learning expands on shocks, take advantage of new opportunities, adjust, Holling’s (1973, 1986) original notion of the term, or completely alter their lives and livelihoods. This which focuses on the maintenance of structure and section examines two theoretical frameworks— functioning of complex systems that undergo resilience thinking and action research/learning disturbance. In his heuristic model of complex (AR/AL)—to tease out key learning elements from adaptive cycles, Holling (1986, 2004) suggests a dynamic systems perspective that may bolster distinct types of learning: incremental front-loop adaptation as a process. The end of the section learning, spasmodic or profound back-loop examines the role of critical reflection, learning learning, and transformational learning that can lead spaces, and power. to innovative processes with high potential for transformability. Within nested cross-level and The rationale for this comparison is threefold: (a) cross-scale system dynamics where transformations There is an urgent need to bring together resilience happen, often unpredictably and abruptly and development theories (including action theory) (Gunderson and Holling 2002), learning can and their mutual concerns for self-organization, essentially take on two forms: (1) small and fast buffering against shocks, and enhancing adaptive cycles “revolt” and affect larger and slower cycles; capacity to better inform practice and more an example is successful local innovations that explicitly take into account issues of equity and create opportunities for change at regional or power (Osbahr et al. 2007). (b) Although resilience international levels; (2) larger and slower cycles, thinking and AR/AL have substantially built off through system “memory,” shape dynamics at other each other, similarities with respect to learning scales by drawing upon accumulated knowledge processes have never been consciously made and potential for renewal or reorganization (Fig. 1). explicit. Our aim is to explore interesting parallels by illustrating when and how cyclical (loop) Recently, learning has been a prominent component learning occurs. (c) Given the urgency and the scale in discussions on managing for resilience. This of the problematic of managing for resilience under notion builds on Walker et al.’s (2002) idea of climatic uncertainty, particularly among the poor, resilience management in which the main intent is we draw upon key facets of iterative learning and to prevent social–ecological systems from sliding reflection that may facilitate anticipation and into undesirable states. Learning, memory, experimentation in practice. creativity, and the need to move forward in spite of imperfect knowledge and vast uncertainties are imperative to avoid unfavorable thresholds. Today’s notion of managing for resilience entails both building and eroding resilience, the latter in the
  • 5. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 1. Nested adaptive cycles (Folke 2006, after Gunderson and Holling 2002) case of adverse system configurations (Lebel et al. poverty contexts is by no means a straightforward 2006). Learning to cope with non-linearities and exercise. It involves fundamental methodological other types of uncertainties and surprises as well as and ethical decisions such as: Managing resilience flexible experiments for innovation are seen as key for whom? When to change from adaptation to elements in this process. Most importantly, learning transformation? How to shift from post hoc analyses and the willingness to experiment play a central role to anticipatory thinking? Is continuing building for system transformation. Olsson et al. (2006) adaptive capacity in low-income/high-vulnerability describe transformative capacity as the ability to environments a waste of time? Despite these create a radically new system when adaptation and challenges, a resilience lens highlights learning as adjustments are no longer possible or desirable and part of dynamic and flexible capacities that are the existing system becomes untenable. To prepare critical when dealing with irreducible uncertainties. for change, take advantage of windows of It allows a glimpse into how anticipation for climate opportunity, and successfully navigate transitions, change adaptation may shape resilient livelihood social actors ought to be aware of a problem, build pathways in practice. The next section provides knowledge, diversify their ideas, reflect, communicate, useful input from action research and learning. develop a shared vision, and act. Albeit methodologically intriguing, managing for resilience under climatic uncertainties and in high
  • 6. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Anticipatory learning within (participatory) Levin 1998, Reason and Bradbury 2001). Its aim is action research and action learning to further reciprocal and transformational learning that results in future-oriented practical action Anticipatory or forward-looking learning is the key (McTaggert 1991, Chandler and Torbert 2003). pillar of an approach known as anticipatory action learning (AAL), which falls under the larger Although AR rejects restricting itself to one umbrella of action learning (AL), a field of inquiry theoretical perspective (Reason and Bradbury and practice that has converged with action research 2001), “action science” is seen as a grounding (AR) and future studies (Ramos 2006a). It is a theory/practice. The key distinguishing features or collaborative, democratic, and heuristic-reflexive dimensions of action science, described by process that links iterative questioning, anticipation, Friedman (2001) and Reason and Torbert (2001), learning, and creation with the ultimate purpose of drawing upon Argyris and Schön (1974, 1978), crafting a different world (Stevenson 2002, Heron (1992), and Torbert (1983, 1991), are the Inayatullah 2002, 2006, Ramos 2006a). Kelleher following five: (a) creation of communities of (2005:85, 87) describes AAL as a “process of co- inquiry where “theories of/in practice” are built and creating the future” based on a “theory of tested for learning; (b) centrality of participation; participative human agency.” As core values, she (c) experiential grounding, through critical stresses questioning of assumptions through subjectivity, multiple ways of knowing, and reflection, creativity, systems thinking, and territories of experience; (d) normative, analogical, emergence of novel patterns through self- and implementable theory that seeks surprise and organization. Anticipatory action learning constitutes conditions for change; and (e) creation of a process of foresight that is inherently diachronous; alternatives to the status quo through experimentation the outcomes emerge during the practice and are and transformation. negotiated by those who participate, resulting in futures that are constantly revisited through The quintessential characteristic of these strands of envisioning, backcasting, experimenting, and action and learning schools is their focus on reflection (Stevenson 2002, 2006, Ramos 2006b). iterative, cyclical learning. Iterative cycles of As AAL does not subscribe to any particular acting, reflecting, and determining “windows” for (critical) theory, we review its main theoretical and solving emergent questions allow researchers and methodological origins and underpinnings, with participants alike to develop and test theories particular attention to action research. through action and facilitate learning about complex situations. There are numerous, partially overlapping Although AL has its roots in organizational learning manifestations of this cyclical type of learning. They and leadership development going back to Reginald include Lewin’s (1946) series of spirals of steps in Revans in the 1940s, AR—including participatory AR, as well as various forms of single, double, and action research—stems from largely academic and triple feedback and loop learning (e.g., Kolb and development circles. It traces its origin to Kurt Fry 1975, Argyris and Schön 1974, 1978, 1996, Lewin’s work in social psychology from the early Keen et al. 2005, List 2006, Armitage et al. 2008). 1900s. Later, AR gained ground as a critique of Single-loop learning allows correcting errors or positivist research approaches in the social sciences improving the outcomes in standard management and mirrored academic disenchantment with the practices, for instance with respect to cropping lack of action and concrete answers to persistent techniques. Double-loop learning, by contrast, social and environmental problems resulting from enables actors to learn about learning and question poststructuralist thought (Greenwood and Levin the assumptions behind inquiry, which enables 1998, Pain 2003, Kindon 2005). Action research can shifts in understanding and behavior, whereas be described as a theory of and an approach to triple-loop learning can trigger changes in learning with a well-defined set of principles or underlying norms and governance structures. dimensions of inquiry, embedded in a “meta- Iterative cycles of single-, double-, and triple-loop methodology” (Reason and Torbert 2001, Dick feedback also enhance the sophistication and 2002). Grounded in a participatory worldview, it effectiveness of the four AR territories (vision, explores the interaction of power relations across strategy, action, and outcomes) as depicted in the multiple scales and with particular emphasis on space–time–voice dimensions of transformational representing or giving voice to the marginalized science (Torbert 1983, 1991, Chandler and Torbert (Maguire 1987, Park et al. 1993, Greenwood and 2003) (Fig. 2).
  • 7. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 These theoretical and methodological dimensions Although AR/AL processes can build the capacity of AR/AL stress two other key elements: the of participants to challenge the underlying causes element of reflection and that of anticipation. of their marginalization and vulnerability through Critical reflection constitutes the backbone of an iterative and collective process of action- iterative (loop) learning. Kolb and Fry (1975), for reflection, the spatiality of these processes remains instance, argue that possibilities for “double-loop under-researched. In the context of climate change learning” emerge through reflection on experiences adaptation, Thomas and Twyman (2005:121) called (what works and why) (Fig. 3). Such for the “need to create space, and the right kind of transformational learning happens at decisive nodes space, and to facilitate appropriate innovative and of reflection as they are likely to trigger new loops creative adaptation.” But what is the right kind of of learning, critical engagement, and the willingness learning space that encourages anticipatory learning to take risks (Fig. 4). They embody possibilities for and how do we build it? unexpected connections and surprise. The role of anticipation in this learning process is to focus We argue that such spaces need to have both an explicitly on possible futures by giving meaning to abstract and a material dimension. Kesby (2005) images, trends, and memory that can be views such learning spaces as arenas in which qualitatively envisioned, tested, and revisited people assess their own knowledge and its limits, (Inayatullah 2006). renegotiate behavior, and improve communication. Empowerment and positive transformations in people’s lives require “temporary time–space arenas” (Kesby 2005:2055). Within these arenas, Loop learning in practice: learning spaces and empowered agency—the ability to act and change power reality—can be reproduced, sustained, and scaled up within everyday spaces to facilitate Numerous practical applications of loop learning transformation, something Kesby (2005:2039) calls processes exist that build upon resilience theory and “rehearsing for reality.” Yet, such rehearsal requires AR/AL, with prominent examples in the field of sufficient ontological depth (Inayatullah 2006) to adaptive (co-) management (e.g., Olsson et al. 2004, challenge and transform social reality. In other Lebel et al. 2005, Armitage et al. 2007). Berkes words, it is not sufficient to introduce small-scale (2009), among others, stresses the role co- revolts, perturbations, and learning probes in one production of knowledge, power sharing, joint sub-loop of the system (Lynam et al. 2002, problem solving, bridging organizations, and Karkkainen 2006) if they cannot be sustained to alter reflection play. The adaptive facet of co- awareness and behavior at larger scales. management is captured in the incremental and iterative learning-by-doing process where system However, such arenas for iterative, anticipatory, and understanding, action, and evaluation are updated transformative learning and reflection are rarely and refined every time new information is available. neatly structured. They require high creativity and flexibility, adjustments by “muddling through,” and We identify some overlapping key elements of spontaneous constellations of cooperation, particularly resilience theory and AR/AL, distill implications in weak, unstable, and messy institutional and for learning, and indicate how they may apply to political settings (Wollenberg et al. 2007). It may climate change adaptation in practice (Table 1). be through this “messy” approach, mediated by Several of these reflect recent lessons from adaptive bridging/boundary organizations, that windows of management and adaptation under climate change, opportunity for experimentation and action can be for instance in the European ADAM Project, detected and utilized. Referring specifically to highlighting the need for processes that connect adaptation, Pelling and High (2005) advocate for inquiry with experimentation and reflection to the opening of informal spaces (places of “bounded overcome incomplete knowledge about driving instability” or shadow systems/networks) outside of forces and uncertainties (Lonsdale 2009a). Two but connected to formal institutions to allow for main questions merit further attention: (a) how can novelty to emerge out of free experimentation, spaces for learning be created?, and (b) how to deal learning, and reflection. with power inequalities?
  • 8. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 2. The span of research/practice with four territories of experience (Chandler and Torbert 2003). Finally, we do not want to suggest that such learning benefits, the typology of AR practices, as presented spaces are inherently harmonious. Much has been by Reason and Torbert (2001), seems particularly said about the “tyranny” of participation and useful. First-person research allows the researcher participatory spaces of power and domination (e.g., to learn through self-reflexive action and critical Lefebvre 1991, Cooke and Kothari 2001). Yet, subjectivity. Second-person research pursues inequalities of power simply cannot be avoided. cooperative inquiry and a consensus-seeking Acknowledging and negotiating power and process for and with research partners. Third-person conflicts need to be seen as integral parts of learning research strives for inquiry that involves wider processes. This should not distract from the fact that learning communities through networks of not all participants in these time–space arenas may organizations. In practice, it is through the benefit equally. Osbahr (2007), for instance, integration of all three levels that learning and describes adaptation and transformation of transformation are most likely to be achieved livelihood strategies as a competitive process that (Bradbury and Reason 2001). produces winners and losers. To engage with the deeply ethical question of who learns and who
  • 9. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 3. Double-loop learning (Brockbank and McGill 1998). ANTICIPATORY LEARNING AND through an iterative process of action-reflection MANAGING FOR RESILIENCE UNDER (Fig. 5). Risks can be reduced, agency building CLIMATE CHANGE: A enhanced, and resilient livelihood pathways METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK designed through the iterative re-performance within time–space learning arenas. Participants can Without testing in the real world, more concepts, explore ways to achieve resilient designs in practice tools, and methods and better science solutions will by moving forward despite imperfect knowledge, only be of academic interest unless these solutions risks, and uncertainties and taking advantage of make sense “on the ground” and can be absorbed windows of opportunity. Through this learning and implemented (Lonsdale 2009b:2) process, they may be able to transform undesirable states—transitory and even chronic poverty and What is the relevance of comparing these theoretical marginalization—into more desirable and resilient and methodological insights from resilience futures. Managing for resilience is hard work, not thinking and AR/AL in the context of climatic simply a twist of fate. changes? We argue that the most significant lesson is the recognition that the impetus for anticipatory We propose the following methodological and transformative learning stems from AR/AL’s framework for facilitating anticipatory learning as explicit emphasis on creating deliberative spaces for an iterative socioinstitutional process, specifically learning; these spaces then allow participants to for high poverty/high livelihood vulnerability challenge the very causes of their vulnerability contexts. We draw upon concrete examples from an
  • 10. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 4. Nodes of reflection, triggering new learning loops in an ACM process for creating better livelihood options (Hartanto et al. 2003:64). ongoing climate change project (CCLONG) in envisioning future uncertainty and surprise. Ghana, a country where increased frequency and Consequences of past experiences and the emotions severity of extreme climate events result in impacts associated with them allow for learning that that are outside the usual and experienced coping prevents the repetition of mistakes and opens future range. The framework consists of five elements choices based on present decisions (Walker et al. (Fig. 6): (1) lessons learned from the past (memory); 2006, Marx et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008). In practical (2) monitoring and analysis of trends to anticipate terms, this involves an understanding of how people future events; (3) deliberate surprises, perturbations, have responded to past climatic extremes (e.g., and discontinuities that distinguish anticipated floods and droughts), what concrete decisions they change from known (and potentially also cyclical) have made in the face of slow and rapidly changing change; (4) measures of anticipatory capacity; and conditions, and what strategies were most and least (5) design of decision-support tools for adaptation effective and for whom. planning. It can be argued that people’s memory is flimsy, especially if past experiences are quite dated. Also, lessons from the past may no longer be meaningful Lessons learned from the past if contexts have changed (Bohensky and Lynam 2005). Yet, people who subsist in marginal Both resilience theory and AL/AR pay attention to environments, as in many parts of Africa, tend to accumulated knowledge and stored or latent have surprisingly good recollection of events and potentials for renewal and reorganization thresholds that may have pushed them into a poverty (“memory”). Memory, also referred to as trap and attempts to get out of such lock-ins. Their “experiential grounding,” serves as the knowledge memory, ability for self-organization, and agency base underlying the capacity for anticipating and are of particular importance for adaptation planning
  • 11. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Table 1. Conceptual similarities and overlaps between the resilience framework and participatory action research/learning (AR/AL), implications for learning, and examples for climate change adaptation. Resilience Action Research/ Implications for Learning Examples for Climate Change Framework Learning (AR/AL) Adaptation Complex adaptive Loop learning and Iterative, cross-level/cross- → Learning about and practicing cycles spirals of steps scale information exchange adaptation as an action-reflection process Windows of Nodes of reflection Opening for unexpected → Possibility for adjustment in opportunities connections, innovation, and agriculture or diversification out of transformation agriculture Memory Experiential grounding Knowledge base for → Lessons learned from past envisioning the future droughts and floods to facilitate foresight Re-organization Insightful questioning Challenging assumptions and → Understanding of local and global for action worldviews drivers of climatic changes Experimentation Testing theories Flexible, incremental learning- → Local monitoring of climate and through action/practice by-doing, learning from other changes and testing mistakes adaptation options Back-loop learning Co-production of Arena for creative knowledge → Local and scientific climate knowledge and generation knowledge and re-abstraction of multiple voices external information Self-organization Spontaneous Participant-led problem solving → Agricultural innovation through cooperation and and action farmer–extension agent bounded instability collaboration Revolting Challenging of power Empowerment, new dynamics → Shift from vulnerable people as imbalances across scales passive victims of climate change to active agents who shape change Small disturbances Management probes Out-of-the box thinking, → Introduction of extreme climate and surprises innovative learning events into scenario building to explore adaptation options exceeding current response repertoire Navigating Rehearsing for reality Learning spaces for → Several alternative plans for transitions transformation managing climate uncertainties (Twomlow et al. 2008). Methods used under the resourcefulness, and provide a sense of agency CCLONG project for investigating memory include among the poor to feel prepared for future climate historical matrices on extreme events, listing, shocks (Finan and Nelson 2001, Tschakert 2007, ranking, and scoring of response strategies, and Nelson and Finan 2008). mapping of knowledge transfer within and between communities during times of crisis. Other studies confirm that shared knowledge and experiences from past climate events can raise awareness, spur
  • 12. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 5. Elements of a deliberative learning space for building anticipatory capacity. Monitoring and analysis of trends to anticipate effective response options. Drivers of change may future events include external shocks and surprises such as climatic changes, people’s hopes and fears for the Although past and present actions inform future, and actions of policy makers, for instance reorganization, the system is still constrained by the imposed policies (Walker et al. 2002). In a context consequences of past response, larger and slower of high livelihood risks and vulnerabilities, many of variables (cycles) or drivers of change, and which are likely to be further exacerbated by climate insufficient knowledge (Walker et al. 2006, Marx change, it is particularly crucial to thoroughly et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008). Thus, identifying and monitor ecological and socioinstitutional processes. monitoring slowly changing variables such as The failure to do so may result in outdated and rainfall patterns and integrating and reflecting on potentially counterproductive adaptation policies, new knowledge allows for a better understanding projects, and strategies, even before they are of processes that are already under way. The same implemented (Enfors et al. 2008). is true for anticipating possible events assuming observed trends continue. Monitoring enhances Experiences in the CCLONG project have shown flexibility during times of disturbance and boosts that drivers of climate change remain poorly the capacity for anticipatory action. understood, especially global drivers outside of people’s empirical radar. True, the uncertainties of Bohensky and Lynam (2005) and Bohensky (2008), climate variations are fairly abstract concepts that analyzing water management in southern Africa, necessitate analytic understanding and, therefore, stress awareness of impacts as well as drivers of often the introduction of external information such change as key elements in learning and constructing as historic meteorological records and climate
  • 13. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 Fig. 6. Methodological framework depicting anticipatory learning for climate change adaptation with embedded cycles of critical reflection, anticipation, and responses. projections (Marx et al. 2007, van Aalst et al. 2008). In Ghana, we have distributed simple rain gauges These can raise awareness, fill potential knowledge to record precipitation events and initiated gaps, and initiate reflection on the efficiency of community-based monitoring systems for expected current adaptation strategies under possible future timing, duration, and severity of looming heavy conditions. Although caution is required when rains and dry spells. For instance, overabundance adding science information to the learning process of small black ants in homes and farm plots suggest (van Aalst et al. 2008), co-generating knowledge heavy rains and flooding will occur. Such local between researchers and stakeholders allows for the monitoring is combined with community fora to re-abstraction of analytical information into address certain misconceptions of climate change. changes in memory and action. Even if subsistence Most recently, CCLONG hosted open days in two farmers have no control over most larger-scale district capitals to complement existing knowledge driving forces (such as emissions from cars and with a more detailed science perspective and engage industries in the North), a better understanding of the diverse audiences (150–190 people) into the mechanisms behind these drivers can enhance discussions on greenhouse gases, the ozone hole, confidence in anticipating change (Biggs et al. historical climate data and trends, seasonal 2007). forecasts, and downscaled climate projections for
  • 14. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 2065. Now, high schools request similar Scenario building is now recognized as a useful tool information events. to examine climate risks and uncertainties and involve decision makers in the adaptation process. Several integrated assessment projects in Europe, Planning for surprises, perturbations, and including VISIONS, MedAction, and ADAM, have discontinuities through scenarios used scenario building to explore the impacts of climate change across multiple scales (Kok et al. The third part of the framework moves from 2003, Biggs et al. 2007, Patel et al. 2007). In Africa, memory and relatively predictable trends to scenario building focuses mainly on managing surprises, discontinuities, and potentially cataclysmic natural resources and ecosystem services (Lynam events. As stated by Scoones, the “real world” is et al. 2002, Bohensky and Lynam 2005, Ochola et shaped by “ignorance and surprise,” not just risks al. 2006, Kok et al. 2007, Bohensky 2008, Enfors (Osbahr et al. 2007:16). The capacity to cope with et al. 2008). In fact, Biggs et al. (2007) caution that nonlinearities and other surprises depends largely incorporating global issues such as climate change on openness for learning, the willingness to accept into local-scale scenarios may hijack community change as inevitable, and the ability to engage in concerns, which could result in loss of credibility interventions/experiments (Lebel et al. 2005). and ownership over the process. Although we see Processes of inquiry, experimentation, and the danger, we argue that there is an enormous need reflection are essential given incomplete knowledge to tackle local-level climate change for adaptation about climate change (van Aalst et al. 2008, planning; scenario building provides an ideal space Lonsdale 2009a). Hence, we advocate for the use for exploring options, uncertainties, limitations, and of participatory scenario planning/building as a trade-offs. Rather than imposing climate change as methodological tool not only to explore a “foreign” element into one single scenario- interconnectedness, surprises, and uncertainties but building exercise, we believe that fruitful learning also to offer empowering learning spaces where outcomes stem from iterative experiences and multiple voices, experiences, and constraints can be cycles of reflection. Empowered agency and heard. Echoing AR/AL, we see it as an “exercise of managing for resilience can be sustained through agency” (Ramos 2006b). the continuity of the learning process before and after the scenario building. Scenarios are stories of plausible futures and the ways they may unfold. Scenario building is a For complex livelihood-vulnerability contexts, participatory process that involves multiple drawing upon Biggs et al. (2007), we propose local- stakeholders and their creative visions for assessing scale exploratory scenarios that are loosely linked situations in which future-shaping factors are to larger-scale drivers. Typical elements in co- uncertain and often impossible to control created storylines include local and regional (Wollenberg et al. 2000, Swart et al. 2004, Evans et environmental change and development trajectories al. 2006, Biggs et al. 2007, Peterson 2007). coupled with actual manifestations of poverty. We Uncertainties may include climatic ones as well as also advocate for integrating down-scaled climate daily life and livelihood stressors and larger-level projections. This differs from other scenario economic, environmental, and policy disturbances exercises in Africa that use long-term projections and risks. They are best investigated through or general descriptors of possible climatic changes alternative storylines and different iterations (Ochola et al. 2006, Enfors et al. 2008). Our (cycles), each focusing on subsets of driving forces experiences in the CCLONG project show that local of change. Learning and innovative thinking are resource users, teachers, agricultural extension expected to occur by exploring what is not known, agents, and policy makers are all interested in more often through the use of management or learning detailed projections. For example, the available data probes (envisioning a disturbance that exceeds for central Ghana indicate more delays in the onset actual experiences, for instance drought and of the rainy season, an increased likelihood of more flooding back to back), deliberating scenario frequent and more severe dry spells in the middle outcomes, anticipating consequences, and planning of the major season (June–July), and risks of more adaptive responses. Hence, scenario building heavy rainfall events toward the end of the season. exemplifies communities of inquiry where “theories It is crucial that this external science information is of/in practice” are built and tested for opening introduced and re-abstracted in prior learning cycles “windows of opportunity” and preparing for and then reused through the storylines and transformation. experimented with as management probes that
  • 15. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 exceed current adaptation repertoires. To make social actors can certainly enhance their individual alternative scenarios more plausible, facilitate forward-looking abilities, we argue that anticipatory ownership over the stories and the characters capacity emerges and flourishes at the intersection involved, and strengthen second- and third-person of first-person awareness, second-person conversation, research/practice, we use visual representations and third-person organization, as depicted by through local artists and participatory environmental Chandler and Torbert (2003); see Fig. 2). Inspired theatre and video (see also Biggs et al. 2007, Enfors by Alexander Ballard Ltd. (2008), we propose the et al. 2008). following broad determinants of individual and collective anticipatory capacity for a developing country context: awareness of climate change, Measures of anticipatory capacity experiences with and effective responses to past climatic extremes (“memory”), agency, leadership, The fourth component in our methodological engagement in concrete learning activities with learning framework is the most challenging as it external agents (researchers), collaboration, attempts to identify and measure people’s capacity availability of wider communication networks and for anticipation. With several learning cycles of access to climate information, visionary yet tangible remembering, monitoring, re-abstracting knowledge, planning outcomes for dealing with future and exploring uncertainties and surprises through conditions through consensus building (scenarios), experimentation and reflection, possibilities for and managing change. action should emerge that then feed into anticipatory capacity (see Fig. 5). We define this capacity as the Given the collaborative nature of anticipatory ability to shift from envisioning possible futures (as learning processes, it seems essential to encourage explored through scenario planning) to the ability all participants, from community members to to develop a dynamic plan for how to deal with researchers and policy makers, to design their own potential uncertainties. In AAL, this is understood metrics for success. This substantially reduces the as the capacity to “see what is not commonly seen danger of being hijacked by external agendas. The and create what is not commonly known” only requirement is that these metrics and tools for (Inayatullah 2006:656). Stevenson (2006) argues evaluation are based on clearly defined objectives that people make the transition from vision to action and desired outcomes at the very beginning of the through the integration of critical reflection into a first learning loop and continually rehearsed. decision-action “process of foresight.” This is Practically, we can measure variables such as similar to preparing for system change in resilience evolving awareness of climate and other changes, thinking. the willingness and ability to engage with unknown yet conceivable risks, and channels for information In the context of high poverty/high vulnerability, exchange through methods such as individual and the crucial ingredient for grasping windows of community learning baselines and network opportunity and actively shaping change in this mapping. More challenging is to pinpoint specific transition is empowerment. According to Bohensky nodes of reflection at particular constellations in and Lyman (2005), effective strategies are chosen time and to evaluate—in retrospect and in and implemented at the congruence of being aware anticipation—emerging pathways, the factors that of the scope and drivers of a certain impact and make some pathways more resilient than others, and feeling empowered to respond to it. As witnessed the ultimate choices people make. This is a start; in the CCLONG project, rural stakeholders feel yet, we realize that other variables or proxies for overwhelmingly powerless to alter the larger-scale anticipatory capacity may exist and deserve further processes that influence these changes. Often, they exploration. refer to Allah or God as holding the supreme power to determine rains and periods of drought. Having access to learning spaces where existing Design of dynamic decision-support tools for assumptions can be questioned and alternative adaptation planning pathways tested and reflected upon makes today’s realities and future uncertainties less terrifying. To date, few cyclical learning and decision-support tools exist to explore anticipatory adaptation in high In order to measure such anticipatory capacity, we poverty/high vulnerability contexts. Interactive, need to first understand where it resides. Although multi-media learning tools in developed countries,
  • 16. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 including the “Winds of Change” board game from processes of action-reflection in which underlying the European Climate Forum and Potsdam Institute causes of vulnerability can be challenged and for Climate Impact Research, the Australian TV alternative behavior, visions, and trade-offs show “Scorched,” and the UK Climate Impacts renegotiated and re-performed. Although such Programme’s Adaptation Wizard, serve as learning spaces are a refreshing and long overdue inspiration for creative approaches that involve the complement to, if not substitute for, infrastructural public in climate change debates. The irony is that adaptation projects, there is no doubt that they can places and populations that have low levels of be appropriated by power dynamics. Naming, adaptive capacity and would need such empowering acknowledging, and actively engaging with power tools most are the last to be served. International differentials implies recognizing learning outcomes non-government organizations, such as the —in this case concrete adaptive responses—as a International Red Cross and Red Crescent and competitive process shaped by hierarchical and CARE International, are beginning to embrace the political control (Stevenson 2006, Osbahr 2007). possibility of using their community-based decision Despite the participatory, democratic, and risk reduction and development tools to facilitate pluralistic underpinnings that typify anticipatory more active, engaged, and forward-looking learning action learning, not everybody is able to afford (e.g., Red Cross/Red Crescent 2007). However, participation and some will benefit much more than caution is required to capture the unique intersection others. of slow and rapidly changing climate conditions with complex livelihood vulnerabilities. Integrating We have presented a methodological framework climate change information into AAL processes built around five elements for facilitating calls for a skillful blend of a potentially top-down anticipatory learning processes as well as some external agenda with local-level awareness and practical examples of how to implement it. agency building. We have only started to investigate Although the individual elements are by no means possible options. new, we believe the iterative and cyclical structure in this reflection–decision–action process of foresight enables poor and vulnerable communities CONCLUDING THOUGHTS: to transform their current conditions into more OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES desirable and resilient futures. The process highlights their rights and skills to reduce harm and We have shown that both resilience thinking and avoid undesirable thresholds by providing space for AR/AL have vital contributions to make for their framings and imaginations. Yet, the real anticipatory learning in the process of climate challenge remains “on the ground.” Carr (2008) change adaptation. However, so far, these questions the fairness, durability, and gender contributions have occurred in parallel rather than implications of seemingly successful local synergistic ways, and we argue that the time is ripe adaptations. Others point to new anxieties among to integrate these two schools of thought and “the vulnerable” that may be triggered by learning practice much more effectively. Boyd (Osbahr et al. about climate complexities and uncertainties (van 2007) is right in noticing that issues of power, Aalst et al. 2008). Leary et al. (2008) draw attention agency, and equity in social systems have yet to be to unexpected inability or lack of will to participate explicitly incorporated into resilience thinking. At and adapt. the same time, the adaptation and development community has lots to learn from resilience Most of these obstacles need to be seen in light of management by navigating periods of transformations multifaceted livelihood-vulnerability risks that in high poverty and high vulnerability contexts. distinguish African contexts from those in the North. Equally to blame are inadequate An important opportunity to achieve this integration communication channels to connect with deprived occurs by creating learning spaces to build adaptive populations and insufficient protection against risks and anticipatory capacity with and for vulnerable and failures that are likely to result from innovative populations, and to appreciate what adaptation experiments. Although agency building and options may be most feasible, sustainable, and fair empowering learning spaces can help identify and under possible future climate and development spread risks, it is largely the responsibility of state realities. We have described learning spaces as and non-governmental agencies to remedy arenas of iterative, experiential learning-by-doing structural poverty and limited asset portfolios. This
  • 17. Ecology and Society 15(2): 11 includes providing “safety nets” to help the transitory poor over rough patches and more substantial “cargo nets” to boost asset productivity Acknowledgments: of the chronic poor (Little et al., unpublished manuscript). This is where climate change We wish to thank the United States Agency for adaptation intersects with wider development International Development (USAID) for supporting priorities. CCLONG (Climate Change Collective Learning and Observatory Network Ghana; #EEM- As for improving communication, it is also time to A-00-06-00014) and the National Science rehabilitate the role of external facilitators and Foundation for funding HSD #0826941 on participants as useful contributors to the learning anticipatory learning under climatic uncertainty in process, despite real dangers of tyrannical expert Ghana and Tanzania. We are grateful for conceptual power. Their science input is essential for re- contributions from Maureen Biermann, Robert abstracting analytical information and incorporating Crane, Christopher Hoadley, Esther Prins, and Ken climate surprises as learning probes into scenario Tamminga and valuable input from Polly Ericksen, building. Including their knowledge can reduce Emily Boyd, and Kamal Kapadia. biases toward local-level driving forces of change and false optimism in futures thinking. We advocate for more engaged teams of practitioners and researchers to design creative learning tools and LITERATURE CITED means for clarifying climate facts and uncertainties. Who else is better positioned to translate and Adger, W. N. 2003. Social capital, collective action, communicate complex dynamics, foster learning and adaptation to climate change. Economic communities, challenge assumptions and empirical Geography 79(4):387–404. understandings, and maneuver between inquiry and action? Alexander Ballard Ltd. 2008. Adaptive capacity benchmarking: a handbook and toolkit. Project Without a doubt, committing to a learning process carried out for Hampshire County Council on behalf that aims to enhance anticipatory and adaptive of the European Spatial Planning: Adapting to capacity, especially among vulnerable populations, Climate Events (ESPACE) extension project, takes time and resources from both local Berkshire, UK. stakeholders and external facilitators. It also requires a clear normative stance of what resilience Argyris, C., and D. Schön. 1974. Theory in means and for whom. Given the urgency and the practice: increasing professional effectiveness. scale of managing for resilience under climatic Jossey Bass, San Francisco, California, USA. uncertainty, more climate knowledge in itself is not enough to make climate change adaptation work. Argyris, C., and D. Schön. 1978. Organizational This knowledge needs to be accessible for those who learning: a theory of action perspective. Addison need it most, through carefully designed yet Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts USA. flexible, iterative learning-reflection that is tailored to real day-to-day risks, that allows experimentation Argyris, C., and D. Schön. 1996. Organizational in practice, and that offers tangible and short-term learning II: theory, method and practice. Addison results. Learning by shock is neither an empowering Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, USA. nor an ethically defensible pathway. Armitage, D. 2005. Adaptive capacity and Responses to this article can be read online at: community-based natural resource management. Environmental Management 35(6):703–715. responses/ Armitage, D., M. Marschke, and R. Plummer. 2008. Adaptive co-management and the paradox of learning. Global Environmental Change 18:86–98. Wesley, Reading, MA, USA.
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