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European Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.29 No.2 (2012), pp. 194-208
© EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012

 Environmental Sustainability: Exploring the Intersections of
Transformational Experiences and Action among Young People

                                    Anthony Kola-Olusanya
               Dept of Geography and Resource Studies, Osun State University, Nigeria

     The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities, that is,
     communities designed so that ways of life, businesses, economies, physical structures and
     technologies do not interfere with nature’s inherent ability to maintain and preserve life.
     According to UNESCO (2004) a sustainable society should incorporate learning as an
     intrinsic and continuous part of the social process of environmental protection and
     sustainability. The underlying assumption is that if people are aware of the need for and the
     ways of protecting the environment they will act to preserve it. This realization has set the
     tone for the perception of learning as a veritable and potent tool towards the attainment of
     sustainability and environmental protection. In this regard, environmental learning and
     sustainability initiatives focused on knowledge, skill building, values, attitudes, motivation
     and active learning or participation, should involve learners in interrelated ways of
     understanding. Such learning is essential to help young-adults build their “personal and
     social capacity” (Scott & Gough, 2004, p. 3) to grapple with the challenges and benefits of
     sustainability in their own lives and work. This paper is therefore an exploration into how
     young adults’ environmental experiential experiences intersect with their pro-
     environmental actions.

     Keywords: Environmental       sustainability,         pro-environmental,       sustainability,
               transformational experience

In its preamble to the Decade of Education Sustainable Development, UNESCO (2002) stated that
         we must learn constantly, about ourselves, our potential, our limitations, our
         relationships, our society, our environment, our world. Education for sustainable
         development is a life-wide and lifelong endeavour, which challenges individuals,
         institutions and societies to view tomorrow as a day that belongs to all of us, or it will
         not belong to anyone. (n.p.)
         This realization has set the tone for the perception of learning as a veritable and potent tool
towards the attainment of sustainability and environmental protection. The term sustainability refers to
the systemic continuity of the economic, social and environmental aspects of human society. It is a
positive concept that relates to achieving well-being for people and ecosystems as well as reducing
stress or negative impacts on them.
         According to Fien and Rawling (1996) “sustainability implies the use of resources in a manner
which does not jeopardize the environment and the well-being of humans living on other continents,
and which does not destroy the capacity of future generations to satisfy their needs adequately” (p. 47).
By raising young peoples’ awareness and sensitivity to environmental and developmental issues,
European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012)

environmental sustainability indicates the possibility of fundamental change in our collective view of
the purposes and nature of learning, a change that could be critical to the quality of life for future
generations (Sterling, 2006). It has also become a strong force in shaping thought in the area of global
citizenship particularly in the development of global strategies for environmental action to promote
sustainability (Bonnett, 2002; McNaughton, 2004).
        In this context, attaining environmental sustainability is more of an approach than a discipline.
It has become an integrating concept, a way of thinking about how humans fit within the biological and
physical world (Falk, 2005; Lieberman & Hoody, 1998). Issues related to knowledge and
understanding of environmental processes (environment and sustainability, in particular) is not easily
confined into the rigid, disciplinary-focused curriculum of traditional schooling and hours (Falk, 2005).
Hence, the emphasis of environmental sustainability learning is on experiential learning rather than
teaching, instruction, training or other input processes. Accordingly, the experience of learning
presented in this paper is inclusive and draws on all learning experiences between birth and death.
        As noted by World Bank (1998) promoting sustainable practices among young adults, who
comprise about 30% of the world’s population, and educating them about the impact of their
consumption on the environment, sustainable communities could be achieved. While this assumption
might seem to be true, studies have shown that pro-environmental attitude, environmental knowledge
and awareness, played little or no role in pro-environmental behaviour (cf. Chawla, 1998; Hines,
Hungerford, & Tomera, 1986-87; Kollmus & Agyeman, 2002). Since “more education does not
necessarily mean increased pro-environmental behaviour” (Kollmus & Agyeman, 2002, p. 257),
emphasis should therefore shift towards “learning for change” (Sterling, 2003, p. 3). In this regard,
environmental learning and sustainability initiatives focused on knowledge, skill building, values,
attitudes, motivation and active learning or participation, should involve learners in interrelated ways
of understanding. Such learning is essential to help young-adults build their “personal and social
capacity” (Scott & Gough, 2004, p. 3) to grapple with the challenges and benefits of sustainability in
their own lives and work. Specifically, environmental knowledge and learning should lead to a broader
adoption of sustainable practices and a broader interest in environmental issues.
        To this point, much attention has been paid to exploring the nature, process and sources of
young adults’ environmental sustainability knowledge and information. Awareness of their
surroundings, needs, values and visions of their future lives directly affect the young adults’ ability to
locate and assess solutions to current environmental problems. Learning and knowing about current
environmental problems, their causes and the barriers to their resolution will, I argue, motivate young
adults to consciously look for and choose suitable actions and behaviours in their everyday life, actions
and behaviours that will lead to a balance between development and the environment and between their
current needs and those of future generations (Dolores, Otero, & Mira, 2003).
        As Trisler (1993) notes, “When studying about global issues, the goal needs to be more than
merely acquiring scientific knowledge. A relationship must be made between the individual action and
responsibility to the global issue”. Trisler adds that “young adults must be knowledgeable about
problem identification, interrelationships and alternatives before they can address global environmental
issues” (Trisler, 1993, n. p.). Monroe and Kaplan (1988) identify the important elements required for
transforming learning and knowledge into action. Among them are: knowledge of environmental and
sustainability issues, a sense of responsibility and commitment, knowledge of action strategies that
help resolve issues, locus of control and empowerment.
        Emmons (1997, p. 35) defines environmental action as “a deliberate strategy that involves
decisions, planning, implementation and reflection by an individual or a group. The action is also
intended to achieve a specific positive environmental outcome, either small or large” (Schusler &
Krasny, undated). Through environmental learning young people are able to develop an understanding
of environmental concepts and develop the abilities, skill and attitudes that are critical to their
participation in environmental action - environmental action which occurs at the intersection of
ecological, economic, social and political systems (Battistoni, 2002; Dryzek, 1997). This learning also

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increases young adults’ ability to make choices rather than accept the prescriptions of others, and to
exert influence in public issues (see for example, Fien, 1993; Fischer, 2000; Freire, 1973; Newmann,
1975) particularly those relating to environmental problems. In this paper, I explore how young adults’
environmental knowledge intersects with their pro-environmental actions.
        As other researchers have noted knowledge is an important precursor to one’s willingness to
take action (cf: Jasanoff, 2002; Kaplan & Peterson, 1993). The underlying assumption is that if people
are aware of the need for and the ways of protecting the environment they will act to preserve it (Tikka,
Kuitunen, & Tynys, 2000). Studies linking knowledge with willingness to take environmental action,
show that the level of information young people have corresponds to the environmental actions they
take. (see Gigliotti, 1994). The importance of knowledge and the impact of lack of knowledge in the
decision-making process have been demonstrated in numerous studies (see, for instance, Sharifah,
Paim, & Yahaya, 2005). Similarly, several studies have concluded that information and knowledge
about recycling are both significant predictors of recycling behaviour (Corral-Verdugo, 1996).

Research Methodology
This study provides an understanding into the nature and scope of young-adults’ activities in relation to
sustainability and environmental protection and their engagement in them. The central question that
shaped this research is: How do young adults’ learning and experiences influence their decision to live
sustainably? More specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions:
           • What are young peoples’ views about environmental issues like climate change?
           • What are the sources for learning about environment and sustainability issues?
           • How do their learning encounters and engagements in turn affect the young adults’
              actions toward environmental protection and decision making?
        This research pursues a transformative response to sustainability. To answer the key research
questions, data were obtained using a qualitative phenomenographic research approach and collected
through 18 face-to-face interviews with research participants.
        This present study examines the lived experience of young-adults from a phenomenological
point of view with regards to environment and sustainability issues. In this study, I focused on the
narratives of the research participants, this work has avoided appropriating their voices,
misrepresenting them or imposing theories on what they said and did. As noted by Dei, Butler,
Charania, Kola-Olusanya, Thomas-Long, Opini and Wagner (2010), qualitative research methodology
relies on the words of participants to reveal the subjective tensions, struggles, contradictions and
ambiguities regarding the issues at hand.
        The importance of “voice” in qualitative research cannot be overemphasized. Voices convey
personal feelings, thoughts, desires and politics. Voices allow readers to bring their own interpretations
to the data (Dei, 2010). By showcasing the actual voices of participants, the discussion moves beyond
an abstract and theoretical observation of phenomena. This study is based on individual interviews
with each of the 18 young adults who were enrolled in three Canadian universities at the time of this
study. In the interviews, I explored how research participants’ life experiences have played out in their
commitment towards pro-environmental actions. I also explored their context of these transformational
experiences. However, the focus in this study is not an examination of their level of awareness or
behaviour. Its aim is to enhance the descriptive rather that evaluative elements of the lived experiences.
        As Denzin and Lincoln (2000) state, professional etiquette informing research with human
subjects asserts that no one deserves to be harmed or embarrassed as a result of research practices.
Hence the protection of participants’ anonymity is viewed as a central and guiding principle in ethical
research practice to safeguard against unwanted exposure and the disclosure of private knowledge.
Pseudonyms were assigned to protect the research participants’ identities and ensure their anonymity,
as well as all recognizable information mentioned in the interviews.

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         The interview questions were designed to elicit information based on Patton’s (2002) five
primary question categories:
          1. Experience/behaviour (what a person does or has done);
          2. Opinion/value questions (aimed at understanding the subject's cognitive and interpretive
          3. Feelings (emotional responses to experiences and thoughts);
          4. Knowledge (factual information); and
          5. Sensory experience (what is seen, heard, touched, tasted and/or smelled).
         The range of the questions covered sources of knowledge, learning influences, experiences, and
activities related to environmental sustainability and consumerism or consumer culture. This research
follows a qualitative research design to address the research questions. Through semi-structured
interviews I engaged the participants in conversation to understand how their actions and thoughts have
been shaped by the knowledge of environmental sustainability issues.
         As Clarke (2002) observes, “one of the key problems with qualitative research is organizing the
data in such a way that they facilitate systemic analysis” (p.178). Recognizing this problem, I followed
Glesne’s (1999) analysis process, which involves organizing what you have seen, heard and read so
that you can make sense of what you have learned. Working with the data, I describe, create
explanations, pose hypotheses, develop theories and link your story to other stories. To do so,
categorized and organized these nodes into a hierarchical system and finally into a common structure,
or an overarching framework “by which to understand and later speak about the data as a whole”
(Kahn, 1999, p.86). According to Ely, Anzul et al (1991) making categories means reading, thinking,
trying out tentative categories, changing them when others do a better job, checking them until the very
last piece of meaningful information is categorized and, even at the point, being open to revising the
categories (Tsouluhas, 2005).

Results and Discussion
I begin with a discussion on how young adults’ environmental learning experiences have contributed to
the development of empathy and sensitivity for the environment. I then explore the links between the
young adults learning and environmental actions, as well as the locations and processes of their

Working towards Environmental Protection and Quality
Environmental quality can be defined as the balance of nature and human-made objects that are created
for the benefit of the sustenance of human-beings and nature (Richert, 2001). In simpler terms,
environmental quality is aimed at protecting public health and the environment by controlling present
and future sources of air, water and land pollution. Environmental quality has both direct and indirect
consequences for human health and quality of life. It is also used as a measure of the absence of
pollution (Maradan, 2005). In general, environmental quality is a narrow term for environmental
protection in its broadest sense.
        When asked to explain what environmental protection means to them, the young adults in this
research study provided a variety of responses. The range of definitions they presented reflects the
multiple, varied and differential understandings that shape definitions of environmental protection and
its meanings. Regardless of the varied nature of their definitions, the use of constructs, such as
sustainable, conserving, ecological footprints, regeneration and preserving resources during the course
of the interviews shows that the participants were clear in their understanding of environmental
        The young adults spoke with passion about what environmental protection is and why it
matters. The use of common environmental terms helped them to articulate their definitions. For
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example Mia (an eighteen year old female, undergraduate university student) defined environmental
protection as follows:
        I’d say that environmental protection means trying to save the resources that we have
        now so we can live more sustainably, and also trying to lessen the impact that humans
        have on the earth. [File YA02: text Units 212 - 221]
        Brooklyn (a 22year old female, 4th year undergraduate university student) responded as
        I think environmental protection to me means conserving trees and wildlife and animals,
        but also conserving what we use. I think we need to reduce the effect we have on the
        environment, so I guess, our ecological footprint; conserving energy, turning off the
        lights, living our lives in such a way that we’re not having a huge impact on this earth.
        We only have one planet that we can live on; that we know of right now. [File YA05:
        Text Units 250 - 262]
        Mia and Brooklyn view environmental protection as the preservation and conservation of the
natural resources that sustains humans continued existence on earth. Both young women believe that
humanity should control the activities that degrade, or are capable of degrading, the natural
environment. On other hand, Maddox (a 20 year old male, fourth year undergraduate university
student) states that environmental protection
        equals sustainability, because the environment to me regenerates itself; so being able to
        sustain the environment is what environmental protection is… it will allow the
        environment to sort of do its own thing naturally. [File YA14: Text Units 179 - 188]
        Maddox’s comment that the environment regenerates itself indicates his belief that the natural
environment is “self-perpetuating.” According to Maddox humans should take a step back to allow the
natural environment to evolve naturally. For Jared, environmental protection means
        providing balanced and continuous outcomes for humanity and for the
        environment....while we can meet our needs. It means preserving your resources for a
        very long time; so if I don’t protect my resources I will lose all my fun or my life very
        soon. I will die soon. [File YA15: Text Units 227 - 238]
        Jared contends that it is essential to preserve the natural resources and stop humanity’s un-
abating intervention in the natural environment, because the consequences of its depletion are
dangerous. Both Maddox and Jared use the term “sustainability” or its synonyms (for example:
preserving, sustain, naturally, continuous outcome) to describe their understandings and the importance
of the protection of natural resources and natural resource management to humanity’s existence on
        Chloe (an 18 year old female, undergraduate university student) describes environmental
protection as
        just something that everybody needs to be involved with, and it’s primarily the only
        thing that we have. A lot of people say that you can’t really control nature, but it’s the
        one aspect of nature that we can control and that’s our individual ability to do what we
        can to protect the state of the environment and keep it at it’s healthiest, and be able to
        say “Well while I lived on this planet I did make a difference” or I did do something,
        and it’s a way to enhance moral values through actual initiatives that you personally
        take; but it’s a feeling that you have the control to change your own actions and your
        own habits, to do something positive and it affects every single one of us. I think that’s
        how I would explain it... [File YA08: Text Units 216 - 238]
        Chloe’s definition points to the importance of working with nature so individuals can claim to
have played a part in protecting the environment. She suggests the need for a change in human’s
anthropocentric tendencies that view the environment and nature as something to be plundered or
pillaged. Chloe’s definition also addresses the ethical question of the human relationship with nature
and environment.

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        Chloe’s comments can be interpreted as embracing the principles of sustainable development or
environmental sustainability in her call for an intergenerational commitment to the management of
earth’s natural resources. A related justification for environmental protection in her definition reveals
the need to keep the environment “healthy,” because our own health and well-being are dependent on
the healthy state of the environment and its resources.
         Following the research participants’ definitions and descriptions of environmental protection, I
asked them about their recent action(s) to improve environmental quality. Scarlet (a 23year old, female,
5th year undergraduate university student), for example, illustrates her effort at attaining environmental
quality from her home.
         I recycle at home and I sort my waste always, the bottles and the cans into the same
         box...we tie up the newspapers and...put the leaves into a separate bag [because] it is
         organic; the other waste goes into a separate bag too. I recently got a minivan, but I
         don’t drive it to school...because I know [the impact of vehicle emissions on the]
         environment. [File YA04: Text Units 473 - 500]
         Instead of driving to school Scarlet prefers “to use the mass transit, because it is cheaper and
safer for the environment.” By using public transit, Scarlet believes she has less impact on the
environment. Scarlet’s comments imply an understanding of environmental quality as synonymous
with attaining a sound level of environmental health, by removing waste from the environment in an
environment-friendly manner or reducing pollution.
         Other young adults, such as Chloe explain that doing something that promotes environmental
quality brings good feelings and satisfaction, the result of being involved in pro-environmental
activities that “pay off.” Commenting on a recent action she took to promote environmental quality
Chloe states,
         I work at an art store and I recently got my art store to push a rule that we would recycle
         all our paper waste and everything, and that was like a month ago; and I went tree
         planting as part of my university outreach program in the past month or so.... Seeing the
         tree that you’ve planted is such a good feeling; so a lot of it has to do with just feeling
         good about the actions you’re taking and knowing that there is something you can do;
         it’s not hopeless. You can do something. [File YA08: Text Units 757 - 779]
         Having a sense of connection with the environment is clearly the motivation for engaging in
activities that directly support or improve the quality of the environment. Pushing for the recycling of
paper waste and engaging in tree planting suggest that Chloe attributes great value to environmental
systems. Being able to attach such value to environmental systems underscores her commitment and
the time she puts into engaging pro-environmental activities. Other young adults though conscious of
the benefits of promoting environmental quality, relate experiences of feeling powerless and not being
able to do enough. Liam is one example:
        I think again as a poor student who can’t actually afford to buy a vehicle or a house....
        I’m just renting so I don’t have control over my building, because there’s a huge energy
        loss through the buildings windows; so I have very little control over my environmental
        impact. At the same time…I recycle and I compost and do all the small things within
        my power…. as a consumer I look forward to the period when I can make an
        environmental choice.... when I can afford it I definitely would take that route and the
        same thing for energy efficient housing. You look at our building code … it’s pathetic.
        And I think as a purchaser of a new home, I know that buying an energy efficient home
        is not that more expensive if you do it up front. …. So it’s about when you can make the
        decisions and when you’re empowered; and as our generation becomes empowered with
        the financial ability to make those decision then we will be saying “No I don’t want the
        building code home, I want to own a zero emission home” ... I’m going to be reducing
        my [ecological] footprint. [File YA17: Text Units 766 - 800]

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       Liam illustrates the limits of what an average young adult can achieve in promoting
environmental quality. Although young adults may be very conscious of the goodness linked to quality
environment, being a “poor student and a renter,” has large implications for what they can achieve in it
broadest sense of environmental quality.
       Although Liam engages in the most basic activities, including recycling, composting and other
basic waste management efforts within his power, he has a feeling that he is not doing enough towards
promoting and attaining environmental quality because, according to him, “I have very little control
over my environmental impact.” Liam’s comments also point to the very strong link between income
per-capita and environmental quality. Supporting evidence can be found in Bruneau and Echevarria’s
(2003) study that environmental quality deteriorates with income at low to middle levels and improves
with income at middle to high levels.

Locating Action in Environmental Protection and Quality: Where and How?
Environmental action competence, according to Jensen (1993), includes skills at a general level,
knowledge of and insight into environmental problems and possibilities of solving them,
environmental commitment, vision about the future, and environmental action experiences. To
understand how young adults in this research study approach environmental sustainability, I sought
their views regarding what they considered as essential action to environmental sustainability, the
location of such an action and what it is about.
        The environmental practices discussed in this section include purchasing environmental-
friendly goods, household practices like shorter showers, turning off the tap when you’re brushing your
teeth, biking to school and walking. In response to the question whether these practices are essential to
sustainability, some of the participants argued that while they may be important they are not entirely
essential. They contend that to attain environmental sustainability, essential environmental practices
should include dealing with the sources of pollution and reducing their impact on the environment.
Layla (a fourth year female undergraduate university student) responds:
        Essential? I don’t think so; well it is important of everybody, for each individual to try
        to do those things to reduce their environmental impact in small ways; however, the
        biggest causes of environmental damage are bigger than that, and I think they are
        influenced by a lot of things that are bigger than us, such as the government and/or
        industrial practices; and even though making people feel that they can reduce their
        impact on the environment in small ways, their most important role is to influence those
        industries and governments that are damaging the environment in much greater ways
        than leaving the tap water running for two minutes more than they should have. [File
        YA06: Text Units 521 - 551]
        In agreement with Layla, Brooklyn (a fourth year female undergraduate university student)
notes that such practices are just small steps, and humans must do more towards addressing the
problems of environmental sustainability.
        They’re baby steps to obtaining sustainability and to living in a sustainable manner, and
        they are such a small things to ask for. How can someone say, “No I’m not going to turn
        off the tap when I brush my teeth” if they are educated…? I think the mentality that
        most people currently have… is “Why should I?” It’s inconvenient and what am I, little
        old me, going to do if I don’t turn off the tap. I’m not changing the world in any way.
        But the fact is that if everyone did it we would conserve a lot of water. I think they’re
        baby steps but I think that they are just the tip of an iceberg. They is so much more that
        we need to be doing before we reverse the effects of environmental degradation, climate
        change, global warming. [File YA05: Text Units 578 - 599]
        Other young adults believe that taking part in such environmental practices that are considered
inconsequential by many is one of the many ways to galvanize human beings into action towards

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attaining environmental sustainability. This group of young adults believe that if the whole world
engages in one small pro-environmental practice or activity, it will engender a feeling of responsibility
and concern in everyone’s minds; and this type of feeling will impact other areas of humanity’s
relationship with the environment as well. Scarlett mentioned that such little steps will ultimately lead
to change that could go a long way in positively impacting the environment.
        I believe every little step counts so whether that means you take a short shower...or ride
        a bicycle to school, [it ] definitely contributes to [environmental protection]; because if
        everybody has that same mentality then it will result in change. It will have an effect on
        the environment; so yes I think it’s important. Yeah, every little thing counts, right?
        [File YA04: Text Units 421 - 443]
        Dakota contends that millions of peoples must adopt such practices before they can lead to
significant change; efforts on an individual basis would be meaningless.
        I think it would be essential if more people would take them on, which I think is part of
        the problem, cause you’re thinking what if I turn off the tap in the two minutes that I’m
        brushing my teeth that’s not going to make a difference; but if it’s something that
        happens, a concerted effort is made amongst millions and millions and millions of
        people, then obviously you will see a significant change; but if it’s happening on an
        individual basis as opposed to a collective one, then the differences are not very
        significant, but again that’s like with any other practice. You have to have enough
        people doing it for it to be worthwhile. [File YA09: Text Units 466 - 479]
        Taegan and Zoe note that beyond awareness, such practices can contribute to environmental
sustainability. They personally engage in such practices, because they believe it is better for the
environment in the long term:
        Taegan: I do all of the things actually. I started taking three minute showers, I ride my
        bike everywhere… turn the tap off in between brushing teeth, etc. I think that it’s is
        important. If you’re looking at it from an incredibly environmental aspect, then you
        know people might scoff at it and say, “Oh, you’re only turning off the tap” and people
        might look down upon it. I’ve had people that are very environmentally conscious, you
        tell them about a little thing and they’ll say, “Oh that’s nothing.” But… you have to
        look at it in the grand scheme of things. If everyone takes two minute showers that’s a
        lot of water conserved, and… if a larger majority of people ride bikes, then that’s less
        carbon dioxide, less CO2. So I think it’s really important, not so much individually, but
        collectively. [File YA10: Text Units 630 - 648]
        Zoe: I don’t let the water run when I brush my teeth. I do take shorter showers. My
        sister picked up one of those reusable grocery bags, so we use that when ever we go out;
        and my dad asked us not to use the car unless we can’t get there by bus, and he’s pretty
        strict about that kind of stuff… and if I don’t compost, he’ll get on me to take the
        compost out.... I know for a fact that it’s so much better for the environment. [File
        YA07: Text Units 475 - 487]
        Scott contends that people should be interested in engaging in pro-environmental practices
because of the associated financial benefit of doing so. He suggests that pro-environmental practices
will ultimately add up to savings on hydro and gas bills. In the long run, saving the environment also
means saving funds.
        By saving water and by turning off all the lights when you leave the room, you’re
        saving electricity; by turning your computer off at night, you’re saving electricity,
        you’re saving money on all your bills; by turning down the heat in the winter time,
        you’re saving on your heating bill; by turning down your air-conditioner in the summer,
        you’re saving on your electricity bill again. So in some ways the environment and
        economics are in the same direction. You want to save money, but at the same time
        you’re saving the environment, [be]cause we’re reducing our energy levels. So I

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        definitely think those small changes over the entire globe add up. So I do my part. I do
        all those things you mentioned [File YA17: Text Units 681 - 743]
        Scott’s views point to the need to move away from the unsustainable and needless waste
associated with things many humans take for granted. In a similar manner, Mia notes the relationship
between these practices and environmental protection and sustainable development.
        I think they are essential towards sustainable development, because a lot of them are
        related to environmental issues, and if everyone did these things it would all add up and
        it would have a greater impact than if just one person did it. So I think they are, because
        if you use less water there’s more fresh water to use for drinking water, and other
        things. [File YA02: Text Units 655 - 684]
        Mia relates these practices to water conservation. According to her, efficient water use can go a
long way to protect freshwater sources from depletion, as well as, save many freshwater species from
extinction and thus preserve the valuable ecological services they provide. These ecological services
include filtering and cleansing water supplies, mitigating floods and droughts and delivering nutrients
to the sea (Postel, 2002).
        Overall, the young adults’ responses highlight the need to encourage pro-environmental
practices that can make a positive difference to the environment. They also point to the connection
among positive environmental attitudes and behaviours and attaining global environmental
sustainability. Without a positive change in attitude and behaviour on the part of individuals and
society, it will be difficult to attain environmental sustainability (Bazerman, Wade-Benzoni, &
Benzoni, 1996). General awareness of the long term benefits of sustainable practices are required for
people (particularly young adults), either at the individual or societal level, to change their attitudes
and behaviours in relation to the environment (Bazerman et al., 1996; Tenbrunsel, Wade-Benzoni,
Messick, & Bazerman, 1997). The young adults in this research study identified the following as some
of the most important environmental/sustainable practices: The use of public transit for transportation,
building energy efficient homes, composting organic waste, integrated waste management (reduction
of waste, reuse and recycling), and selective cutting and organic farming. Integrated waste
management, that is, reduction of waste, reuse and recycling and renewable energy were considered the
most important among these practices. The young adult participants recognized the core principles of
solid waste management, the three Rs, that is, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, as having the greatest
impact on waste reduction Cadence explains,
        Number one is reduction of waste, reduction of use, bringing your own water-bottles,
        packing your own lunch, reusing the plastic wrap that you wrap your sandwich in one
        day and using that same plastic wrap the next day. So recycling is great and
        wonderful...and... effective ... Recycling practices are good, but if you decrease your
        waste, you are directly contributing to…making the earth a fairly cleaner place. So I
        think it’s a reduction of waste period that needs to be adopted. [File YA12: Text Units
        382 - 392]
Zoe adds,
        Composting is good, because then you don’t waste, and you don’t create more garbage,
        while the [organic] fertilizer may be used for planting a garden in the backyard. [File
        YA07: Text Units 375 – 385]
        Cadence and Zoe suggest the ways in which proper management and disposal of waste at home
can help the environment. Recycling solid waste materials and composting organic and food waste
help to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. When less waste is generated, the
environment benefits, and the fertilizer from compositing can be used for planting gardens or lawn re-
grassing, among other uses.
        In contrast, although Maddox agrees that recycling can be a productive exercise if followed
through, he argues that many people, particularly young adults, are helpless when it comes to

European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012)

        In my hostel...garbage is garbage. We don’t do it [recycle] religiously...because we
        don’t understand what is recyclable and what’s not. Right, you look for the little
        triangle, and people don’t have time to look for that little triangle; so it’s like who cares,
        that’s the attitude; and at the end of the day, youth in general don’t really care.... So I
        recycle if it doesn’t take up too much of my time, and I think that’s the kind of
        mentality that youth have, because you don’t really see the impact.... All you do is hear
        about it, and you don’t see how it impacts you individually, right? You feel it’s
        everybody’s problem, so you don’t do anything about it. [File YA14: Text Units 318 -
        Maddox’s views illustrate the generally held notion that environmental problems cannot be
solved by individuals and committing to practices, such as recycling is a waste of time. Maddox also
suggests, albeit indirectly that youth are not likely to participate in recycling, because it is time
consuming. While this type of argument is plausible, it does not seem to represent the views of today’s
young adults (including those outside this study), who have taken leadership roles in addressing several
environmental issues (Brusdal & Langeby, 2001; Maggi, Beato, Fasanella, & Lombardo, 2001see for
instance; Nyberg & Sto, 2001).
        In a world obsessed with the consumption of products and lacking the capacity to dispose them,
reuse and recycling help prevent these objects from reaching landfills, thereby creating less waste,
providing usable items to people and organizations that need them, and recapturing valuable resources.
Brooklyn regards using renewable and environmental-friendly materials in building construction as an
important sustainable practice:
        a sustainable or environmental-friendly building involves using materials that are
        renewable...when constructing buildings...and renewable materials don’t have much of
        an effect on the environment. [File YA05: Text Units 469 - 489]
        The implication of living in environment-friendly houses is that less waste is generated in its
construction and ultimate use. Layla argues that renewable sources of energy are the most important
        For smaller communities, in rural areas...they have developed a lot of practices that are
        very sustainable, such as agro-forestry or previously in the mangrove forest they would
        fish shrimps and grow things on their trees, and that was an excellent use of their
        environment… and since they were a small community they wouldn’t over-fish or over-
        harvest or things like that. But in a bigger in a city where there are
        more people, it’s more densely populated and the most important sustainable practices
        would be [the use of] renewable sources of energy...wind energy or things like that.
        [File YA06: Text Units 417 - 435]
        Layla argues that rural areas, in the development and application of environmental practices,
are more sustainable communities than cities. She suggests that there is a need for the use of alternative
energy sources in big cities and towns.

Translating Learning Experiences into Action
According to Bazerman et al (1996, p. 3), “environmental issues are affected by the actions of
individuals, yet we know fairly little about...individual actions in environmental domains.” There are a
number of studies that report an individual or a society’s willingness to take action (WTA) in relation
to environmental issues is predetermined by their learning experiences and understanding of
environmental issues (cf: Filho, 1999; Gigliotti, 1994).
        According to Filho (1999), there are many elements that may influence an individual’s decision
to take a particular action in relation to the environment, including the choice of products to buy, the
type of transport to use or even in deciding which type of electric bulb to buy for use at home.

European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012)

        In order to gain a deeper understanding of the young adults’ environmental actions I asked
them to elaborate on additional environmentally relevant action(s) they undertake. Taegan, for
instance, appreciates the importance of “living environmentally” and regards bicycles as the most
energy-efficient form of travel. He always relies on his bicycle for transportation and rarely uses other
means of transportation except when travelling long distances. He explains,
        I ride my bike everywhere. I’m not very dependent on fossil fuels or anything such as
        that. I take public transit if I have to travel somewhere. I think that the amount of times
        I’ve taken public transit this year is probably two to three. So I try and ride my bike
        almost everywhere.... I buy my clothes second hand, terms of living
        environmentally, I’m concerned about sweatshop labour and stuff like that; so I choose
        not to buy my clothes first hand from places such as the Gap [clothing].... I also
        petitioned to save an environment, one environment. [The petition] was for deep sea
        trawling. The United Nations was I believe having a vote in November of 2002 as to
        whether to put a moratorium on it...but it’s incredibly destructive. Basically it destroys
        the entire ecosystem, the coral reefs and thing such as that. So I went to see David
        Suzuki speak on it.... “Fish for the Future” was the title of the presentation, and he
        talked about sustainable fishing and the depleted stocks and things such as that, and it
        also touched on trawling. So my friends and I organized a petition and collected about
        150 people, before sending it to the Minister of the Environment.... I think it was
        successful… because I got a couple of people to go and look on the internet [for
        information] about deep sea trawling. [File YA10: Text Units 324 - 438]
        Taegan’s actions clearly demonstrate an understanding of certain pro-environmental actions as
necessary for the attainment of environmental sustainability. His comments also point to the correlation
among consumption, labour exploitation and sustainability. Taegan’s decision to buy and use second-
hand clothing is partly based on his understanding that consumerism is an environmental problem and
that the production of goods is also linked to labour exploitation. Furthermore, Taegan demonstrates an
understanding of the complex relationship between human consumption and the unsustainable
harvesting of natural resources through his involvement in a petition to ban deep sea trawling.
        The need for sustainable use of water and conservation, as well as the need to reduce pollution
of water sources is demonstrated in Cadence’s environmentally-related action.
        For example [when I stay at a hotel] I ask if there is an option that I don’t get my sheets
        washed every night. That way we can save or conserve water and they don’t use as
        many detergents that will go into the lake; cause if I’m staying one or two nights I’m
        not that dirty, so I don’t necessarily need the sheets washed…. And sometimes there’s a
        note that you can leave, or sometimes there’s a little something that you can put on the
        door-handle, or sometimes you can just call and request that I don’t need my sheets
        changed, so it depends on the hotel. [File YA12: Text Units 192 - 204]
        Protecting the environment and not wanting to leave a large ecological footprint is extremely
important to Cadence and this is demonstrated in her action. Ecological Footprint is a resource
management tool that measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce
the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes under prevailing technology. It compares human
consumption of natural resources with planet Earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate them. It is an
estimate of the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate (if possible)
the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding
waste, given prevailing technology and current understanding. Ecological Footprints enable people to
take personal and collective actions in support of a world where humanity lives within the means of
one planet. Opting to participate in a hotel’s eco-friendly practices speaks to her commitment to
environmental sustainability. Most hotels have pledged to use non-toxic cleaners and meet measurable
goals for conserving water and energy, however, the choice to participate in the hotel’s eco-friendly
practices is the guest’s.

European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012)

         Maddox, on his part, uses public transportation and promotes car-pooling among his friends.
         A good example is that when we go out our friends, four of us or five of us, and three of
         us have cars, and sometimes they want to take all three cars or two cars, and I’m saying
         “No, let’s just take one car, because it’s just cheaper for us gas-wise and it’s better for
         the environment” …so those are the kinds of influences I have on my friends to be more
         efficient, and I think efficiency leads to better sustainability and for the environment; so
         doing things with less resources than otherwise required. So public transportation and
         basically car-pooling is something that I do a lot, and I just walk to the grocery store
         instead of taking the car most of the time. [File YA14: Text Units 472 - 493]
         Maddox illustrates how peer influence can be useful in promoting sustainable practices among
young people. The fact that he convinces his friends to practice car-pooling points to his commitment
to environmentally sustainable action. Even though his friends’ decision was partly for economic
considerations, this action is strongly related to protecting the environment. Maddox’s environmental
action also corresponds to the environmentally friendly practices of the Province of Ontario. The
Province is currently contributing billions of dollars to improving its cities’ public transit systems, and
has also created car-pool lanes on a number of highways. Such efforts, beyond reducing traffic
congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, could encourage interest in alternative cost-effective
transportation and facilitate sustainable and environmentally-friendly urban growth. Mia exudes
confidence regarding the success of the environmental initiative she was involved in.
         I was involved with a huge campaign to get rid of cleaners that had toxic products and
         chemicals in it.... And we were trying to gather support to go to the government and ask
         that legislation be passed to get rid of those types of cleaners.... So I did a lot of work
         with them and I think that was pretty big, because it was well taken there, so I’m sure
         it’s going to happen within a few years. [File YA02: Text Units 746-778]
         The campaign Mia was involved in is reminiscent of the petition Taegan worked on (discussed
earlier). Mia’s knowledge of the impact of toxic substances on the environment correlates with her
desire to protect the environment and led her to become involved in an environmentally-related
activity, which may not be realized in the short-term. The environmentally related actions that the
young adults in this study perform demonstrate the meaningful nature of learning, especially as it
resonates with the everyday life-world of the learner. According to Blewitt’s (2006), resonance is
essential for learning to become a constitutive element of a transformative process that leads to an
environmentally sustainable future (Blewitt, 2006). In this context, the young adults’ ability to
transform their environmental learning/knowledge into action underscores their capacity to “make
connections in values and conduct that are real, genuine and desired even if not immediate or direct”
(Blewitt, 2006, p. 10). According to the young adults in this study, the underlying factor in their actions
is their commitment to environment sustainability.

The research participants’ narratives demonstrate that learning experiences plays a significant role in
the young adults’ environmental actions. Furthermore, such experiences to create a more meaningful
life depends on readiness to work with nature, to reverse, if not completely stop, the various
environmental problems currently threatening our existence on earth. From the young adults’
narratives it is evident that they understand what it means to live sustainably. Beyond overt political
campaigns, the young adults understand that unless our everyday practices are changed, it will be
difficult to transform the dominant unsustainable ways of life. It is interesting to note that despite the
low levels of environmental knowledge that the participants reported having, they demonstrated a
commitment towards environmental protection and sustainability. Engagement in environmental
activities at home, such as waste disposal, recycling and water and energy conservation often regarded
as inconsequential or outrightly taken for granted are important actions that can be linked to

European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012)

environmental knowledge. The research participants’ narratives presented in this paper suggest that
individual actions can bring about change in human behaviour towards achieving environmental

Many thanks to all the research participants for their time and patience throughout the period of data

Note of Contributor
Anthony Kola-Olusanya, PhD is presently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and
Resource Studies at the College of Management and Social Sciences, Osun State University, Nigeria.
He received his PhD from the University of Toronto, specializing in Environmental Sustainability. His
research interests include sustainable living, corporate social responsibility and sustainability,
resources and environmental management, and indigenous environmental practices and management.

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Ejss 29 2_03

  • 1. European Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 1450-2267 Vol.29 No.2 (2012), pp. 194-208 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012 Environmental Sustainability: Exploring the Intersections of Transformational Experiences and Action among Young People Anthony Kola-Olusanya Dept of Geography and Resource Studies, Osun State University, Nigeria Abstract The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities, that is, communities designed so that ways of life, businesses, economies, physical structures and technologies do not interfere with nature’s inherent ability to maintain and preserve life. According to UNESCO (2004) a sustainable society should incorporate learning as an intrinsic and continuous part of the social process of environmental protection and sustainability. The underlying assumption is that if people are aware of the need for and the ways of protecting the environment they will act to preserve it. This realization has set the tone for the perception of learning as a veritable and potent tool towards the attainment of sustainability and environmental protection. In this regard, environmental learning and sustainability initiatives focused on knowledge, skill building, values, attitudes, motivation and active learning or participation, should involve learners in interrelated ways of understanding. Such learning is essential to help young-adults build their “personal and social capacity” (Scott & Gough, 2004, p. 3) to grapple with the challenges and benefits of sustainability in their own lives and work. This paper is therefore an exploration into how young adults’ environmental experiential experiences intersect with their pro- environmental actions. Keywords: Environmental sustainability, pro-environmental, sustainability, transformational experience Introduction In its preamble to the Decade of Education Sustainable Development, UNESCO (2002) stated that we must learn constantly, about ourselves, our potential, our limitations, our relationships, our society, our environment, our world. Education for sustainable development is a life-wide and lifelong endeavour, which challenges individuals, institutions and societies to view tomorrow as a day that belongs to all of us, or it will not belong to anyone. (n.p.) This realization has set the tone for the perception of learning as a veritable and potent tool towards the attainment of sustainability and environmental protection. The term sustainability refers to the systemic continuity of the economic, social and environmental aspects of human society. It is a positive concept that relates to achieving well-being for people and ecosystems as well as reducing stress or negative impacts on them. According to Fien and Rawling (1996) “sustainability implies the use of resources in a manner which does not jeopardize the environment and the well-being of humans living on other continents, and which does not destroy the capacity of future generations to satisfy their needs adequately” (p. 47). By raising young peoples’ awareness and sensitivity to environmental and developmental issues,
  • 2. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) environmental sustainability indicates the possibility of fundamental change in our collective view of the purposes and nature of learning, a change that could be critical to the quality of life for future generations (Sterling, 2006). It has also become a strong force in shaping thought in the area of global citizenship particularly in the development of global strategies for environmental action to promote sustainability (Bonnett, 2002; McNaughton, 2004). In this context, attaining environmental sustainability is more of an approach than a discipline. It has become an integrating concept, a way of thinking about how humans fit within the biological and physical world (Falk, 2005; Lieberman & Hoody, 1998). Issues related to knowledge and understanding of environmental processes (environment and sustainability, in particular) is not easily confined into the rigid, disciplinary-focused curriculum of traditional schooling and hours (Falk, 2005). Hence, the emphasis of environmental sustainability learning is on experiential learning rather than teaching, instruction, training or other input processes. Accordingly, the experience of learning presented in this paper is inclusive and draws on all learning experiences between birth and death. As noted by World Bank (1998) promoting sustainable practices among young adults, who comprise about 30% of the world’s population, and educating them about the impact of their consumption on the environment, sustainable communities could be achieved. While this assumption might seem to be true, studies have shown that pro-environmental attitude, environmental knowledge and awareness, played little or no role in pro-environmental behaviour (cf. Chawla, 1998; Hines, Hungerford, & Tomera, 1986-87; Kollmus & Agyeman, 2002). Since “more education does not necessarily mean increased pro-environmental behaviour” (Kollmus & Agyeman, 2002, p. 257), emphasis should therefore shift towards “learning for change” (Sterling, 2003, p. 3). In this regard, environmental learning and sustainability initiatives focused on knowledge, skill building, values, attitudes, motivation and active learning or participation, should involve learners in interrelated ways of understanding. Such learning is essential to help young-adults build their “personal and social capacity” (Scott & Gough, 2004, p. 3) to grapple with the challenges and benefits of sustainability in their own lives and work. Specifically, environmental knowledge and learning should lead to a broader adoption of sustainable practices and a broader interest in environmental issues. To this point, much attention has been paid to exploring the nature, process and sources of young adults’ environmental sustainability knowledge and information. Awareness of their surroundings, needs, values and visions of their future lives directly affect the young adults’ ability to locate and assess solutions to current environmental problems. Learning and knowing about current environmental problems, their causes and the barriers to their resolution will, I argue, motivate young adults to consciously look for and choose suitable actions and behaviours in their everyday life, actions and behaviours that will lead to a balance between development and the environment and between their current needs and those of future generations (Dolores, Otero, & Mira, 2003). As Trisler (1993) notes, “When studying about global issues, the goal needs to be more than merely acquiring scientific knowledge. A relationship must be made between the individual action and responsibility to the global issue”. Trisler adds that “young adults must be knowledgeable about problem identification, interrelationships and alternatives before they can address global environmental issues” (Trisler, 1993, n. p.). Monroe and Kaplan (1988) identify the important elements required for transforming learning and knowledge into action. Among them are: knowledge of environmental and sustainability issues, a sense of responsibility and commitment, knowledge of action strategies that help resolve issues, locus of control and empowerment. Emmons (1997, p. 35) defines environmental action as “a deliberate strategy that involves decisions, planning, implementation and reflection by an individual or a group. The action is also intended to achieve a specific positive environmental outcome, either small or large” (Schusler & Krasny, undated). Through environmental learning young people are able to develop an understanding of environmental concepts and develop the abilities, skill and attitudes that are critical to their participation in environmental action - environmental action which occurs at the intersection of ecological, economic, social and political systems (Battistoni, 2002; Dryzek, 1997). This learning also 195
  • 3. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) increases young adults’ ability to make choices rather than accept the prescriptions of others, and to exert influence in public issues (see for example, Fien, 1993; Fischer, 2000; Freire, 1973; Newmann, 1975) particularly those relating to environmental problems. In this paper, I explore how young adults’ environmental knowledge intersects with their pro-environmental actions. As other researchers have noted knowledge is an important precursor to one’s willingness to take action (cf: Jasanoff, 2002; Kaplan & Peterson, 1993). The underlying assumption is that if people are aware of the need for and the ways of protecting the environment they will act to preserve it (Tikka, Kuitunen, & Tynys, 2000). Studies linking knowledge with willingness to take environmental action, show that the level of information young people have corresponds to the environmental actions they take. (see Gigliotti, 1994). The importance of knowledge and the impact of lack of knowledge in the decision-making process have been demonstrated in numerous studies (see, for instance, Sharifah, Paim, & Yahaya, 2005). Similarly, several studies have concluded that information and knowledge about recycling are both significant predictors of recycling behaviour (Corral-Verdugo, 1996). Research Methodology This study provides an understanding into the nature and scope of young-adults’ activities in relation to sustainability and environmental protection and their engagement in them. The central question that shaped this research is: How do young adults’ learning and experiences influence their decision to live sustainably? More specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions: • What are young peoples’ views about environmental issues like climate change? • What are the sources for learning about environment and sustainability issues? • How do their learning encounters and engagements in turn affect the young adults’ actions toward environmental protection and decision making? This research pursues a transformative response to sustainability. To answer the key research questions, data were obtained using a qualitative phenomenographic research approach and collected through 18 face-to-face interviews with research participants. This present study examines the lived experience of young-adults from a phenomenological point of view with regards to environment and sustainability issues. In this study, I focused on the narratives of the research participants, this work has avoided appropriating their voices, misrepresenting them or imposing theories on what they said and did. As noted by Dei, Butler, Charania, Kola-Olusanya, Thomas-Long, Opini and Wagner (2010), qualitative research methodology relies on the words of participants to reveal the subjective tensions, struggles, contradictions and ambiguities regarding the issues at hand. The importance of “voice” in qualitative research cannot be overemphasized. Voices convey personal feelings, thoughts, desires and politics. Voices allow readers to bring their own interpretations to the data (Dei, 2010). By showcasing the actual voices of participants, the discussion moves beyond an abstract and theoretical observation of phenomena. This study is based on individual interviews with each of the 18 young adults who were enrolled in three Canadian universities at the time of this study. In the interviews, I explored how research participants’ life experiences have played out in their commitment towards pro-environmental actions. I also explored their context of these transformational experiences. However, the focus in this study is not an examination of their level of awareness or behaviour. Its aim is to enhance the descriptive rather that evaluative elements of the lived experiences. As Denzin and Lincoln (2000) state, professional etiquette informing research with human subjects asserts that no one deserves to be harmed or embarrassed as a result of research practices. Hence the protection of participants’ anonymity is viewed as a central and guiding principle in ethical research practice to safeguard against unwanted exposure and the disclosure of private knowledge. Pseudonyms were assigned to protect the research participants’ identities and ensure their anonymity, as well as all recognizable information mentioned in the interviews. 196
  • 4. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) The interview questions were designed to elicit information based on Patton’s (2002) five primary question categories: 1. Experience/behaviour (what a person does or has done); 2. Opinion/value questions (aimed at understanding the subject's cognitive and interpretive processes); 3. Feelings (emotional responses to experiences and thoughts); 4. Knowledge (factual information); and 5. Sensory experience (what is seen, heard, touched, tasted and/or smelled). The range of the questions covered sources of knowledge, learning influences, experiences, and activities related to environmental sustainability and consumerism or consumer culture. This research follows a qualitative research design to address the research questions. Through semi-structured interviews I engaged the participants in conversation to understand how their actions and thoughts have been shaped by the knowledge of environmental sustainability issues. As Clarke (2002) observes, “one of the key problems with qualitative research is organizing the data in such a way that they facilitate systemic analysis” (p.178). Recognizing this problem, I followed Glesne’s (1999) analysis process, which involves organizing what you have seen, heard and read so that you can make sense of what you have learned. Working with the data, I describe, create explanations, pose hypotheses, develop theories and link your story to other stories. To do so, categorized and organized these nodes into a hierarchical system and finally into a common structure, or an overarching framework “by which to understand and later speak about the data as a whole” (Kahn, 1999, p.86). According to Ely, Anzul et al (1991) making categories means reading, thinking, trying out tentative categories, changing them when others do a better job, checking them until the very last piece of meaningful information is categorized and, even at the point, being open to revising the categories (Tsouluhas, 2005). Results and Discussion I begin with a discussion on how young adults’ environmental learning experiences have contributed to the development of empathy and sensitivity for the environment. I then explore the links between the young adults learning and environmental actions, as well as the locations and processes of their actions. Working towards Environmental Protection and Quality Environmental quality can be defined as the balance of nature and human-made objects that are created for the benefit of the sustenance of human-beings and nature (Richert, 2001). In simpler terms, environmental quality is aimed at protecting public health and the environment by controlling present and future sources of air, water and land pollution. Environmental quality has both direct and indirect consequences for human health and quality of life. It is also used as a measure of the absence of pollution (Maradan, 2005). In general, environmental quality is a narrow term for environmental protection in its broadest sense. When asked to explain what environmental protection means to them, the young adults in this research study provided a variety of responses. The range of definitions they presented reflects the multiple, varied and differential understandings that shape definitions of environmental protection and its meanings. Regardless of the varied nature of their definitions, the use of constructs, such as sustainable, conserving, ecological footprints, regeneration and preserving resources during the course of the interviews shows that the participants were clear in their understanding of environmental protection. The young adults spoke with passion about what environmental protection is and why it matters. The use of common environmental terms helped them to articulate their definitions. For 197
  • 5. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) example Mia (an eighteen year old female, undergraduate university student) defined environmental protection as follows: I’d say that environmental protection means trying to save the resources that we have now so we can live more sustainably, and also trying to lessen the impact that humans have on the earth. [File YA02: text Units 212 - 221] Brooklyn (a 22year old female, 4th year undergraduate university student) responded as follows: I think environmental protection to me means conserving trees and wildlife and animals, but also conserving what we use. I think we need to reduce the effect we have on the environment, so I guess, our ecological footprint; conserving energy, turning off the lights, living our lives in such a way that we’re not having a huge impact on this earth. We only have one planet that we can live on; that we know of right now. [File YA05: Text Units 250 - 262] Mia and Brooklyn view environmental protection as the preservation and conservation of the natural resources that sustains humans continued existence on earth. Both young women believe that humanity should control the activities that degrade, or are capable of degrading, the natural environment. On other hand, Maddox (a 20 year old male, fourth year undergraduate university student) states that environmental protection equals sustainability, because the environment to me regenerates itself; so being able to sustain the environment is what environmental protection is… it will allow the environment to sort of do its own thing naturally. [File YA14: Text Units 179 - 188] Maddox’s comment that the environment regenerates itself indicates his belief that the natural environment is “self-perpetuating.” According to Maddox humans should take a step back to allow the natural environment to evolve naturally. For Jared, environmental protection means providing balanced and continuous outcomes for humanity and for the environment....while we can meet our needs. It means preserving your resources for a very long time; so if I don’t protect my resources I will lose all my fun or my life very soon. I will die soon. [File YA15: Text Units 227 - 238] Jared contends that it is essential to preserve the natural resources and stop humanity’s un- abating intervention in the natural environment, because the consequences of its depletion are dangerous. Both Maddox and Jared use the term “sustainability” or its synonyms (for example: preserving, sustain, naturally, continuous outcome) to describe their understandings and the importance of the protection of natural resources and natural resource management to humanity’s existence on earth. Chloe (an 18 year old female, undergraduate university student) describes environmental protection as just something that everybody needs to be involved with, and it’s primarily the only thing that we have. A lot of people say that you can’t really control nature, but it’s the one aspect of nature that we can control and that’s our individual ability to do what we can to protect the state of the environment and keep it at it’s healthiest, and be able to say “Well while I lived on this planet I did make a difference” or I did do something, and it’s a way to enhance moral values through actual initiatives that you personally take; but it’s a feeling that you have the control to change your own actions and your own habits, to do something positive and it affects every single one of us. I think that’s how I would explain it... [File YA08: Text Units 216 - 238] Chloe’s definition points to the importance of working with nature so individuals can claim to have played a part in protecting the environment. She suggests the need for a change in human’s anthropocentric tendencies that view the environment and nature as something to be plundered or pillaged. Chloe’s definition also addresses the ethical question of the human relationship with nature and environment. 198
  • 6. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) Chloe’s comments can be interpreted as embracing the principles of sustainable development or environmental sustainability in her call for an intergenerational commitment to the management of earth’s natural resources. A related justification for environmental protection in her definition reveals the need to keep the environment “healthy,” because our own health and well-being are dependent on the healthy state of the environment and its resources. Following the research participants’ definitions and descriptions of environmental protection, I asked them about their recent action(s) to improve environmental quality. Scarlet (a 23year old, female, 5th year undergraduate university student), for example, illustrates her effort at attaining environmental quality from her home. I recycle at home and I sort my waste always, the bottles and the cans into the same box...we tie up the newspapers and...put the leaves into a separate bag [because] it is organic; the other waste goes into a separate bag too. I recently got a minivan, but I don’t drive it to school...because I know [the impact of vehicle emissions on the] environment. [File YA04: Text Units 473 - 500] Instead of driving to school Scarlet prefers “to use the mass transit, because it is cheaper and safer for the environment.” By using public transit, Scarlet believes she has less impact on the environment. Scarlet’s comments imply an understanding of environmental quality as synonymous with attaining a sound level of environmental health, by removing waste from the environment in an environment-friendly manner or reducing pollution. Other young adults, such as Chloe explain that doing something that promotes environmental quality brings good feelings and satisfaction, the result of being involved in pro-environmental activities that “pay off.” Commenting on a recent action she took to promote environmental quality Chloe states, I work at an art store and I recently got my art store to push a rule that we would recycle all our paper waste and everything, and that was like a month ago; and I went tree planting as part of my university outreach program in the past month or so.... Seeing the tree that you’ve planted is such a good feeling; so a lot of it has to do with just feeling good about the actions you’re taking and knowing that there is something you can do; it’s not hopeless. You can do something. [File YA08: Text Units 757 - 779] Having a sense of connection with the environment is clearly the motivation for engaging in activities that directly support or improve the quality of the environment. Pushing for the recycling of paper waste and engaging in tree planting suggest that Chloe attributes great value to environmental systems. Being able to attach such value to environmental systems underscores her commitment and the time she puts into engaging pro-environmental activities. Other young adults though conscious of the benefits of promoting environmental quality, relate experiences of feeling powerless and not being able to do enough. Liam is one example: I think again as a poor student who can’t actually afford to buy a vehicle or a house.... I’m just renting so I don’t have control over my building, because there’s a huge energy loss through the buildings windows; so I have very little control over my environmental impact. At the same time…I recycle and I compost and do all the small things within my power…. as a consumer I look forward to the period when I can make an environmental choice.... when I can afford it I definitely would take that route and the same thing for energy efficient housing. You look at our building code … it’s pathetic. And I think as a purchaser of a new home, I know that buying an energy efficient home is not that more expensive if you do it up front. …. So it’s about when you can make the decisions and when you’re empowered; and as our generation becomes empowered with the financial ability to make those decision then we will be saying “No I don’t want the building code home, I want to own a zero emission home” ... I’m going to be reducing my [ecological] footprint. [File YA17: Text Units 766 - 800] 199
  • 7. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) Liam illustrates the limits of what an average young adult can achieve in promoting environmental quality. Although young adults may be very conscious of the goodness linked to quality environment, being a “poor student and a renter,” has large implications for what they can achieve in it broadest sense of environmental quality. Although Liam engages in the most basic activities, including recycling, composting and other basic waste management efforts within his power, he has a feeling that he is not doing enough towards promoting and attaining environmental quality because, according to him, “I have very little control over my environmental impact.” Liam’s comments also point to the very strong link between income per-capita and environmental quality. Supporting evidence can be found in Bruneau and Echevarria’s (2003) study that environmental quality deteriorates with income at low to middle levels and improves with income at middle to high levels. Locating Action in Environmental Protection and Quality: Where and How? Environmental action competence, according to Jensen (1993), includes skills at a general level, knowledge of and insight into environmental problems and possibilities of solving them, environmental commitment, vision about the future, and environmental action experiences. To understand how young adults in this research study approach environmental sustainability, I sought their views regarding what they considered as essential action to environmental sustainability, the location of such an action and what it is about. The environmental practices discussed in this section include purchasing environmental- friendly goods, household practices like shorter showers, turning off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth, biking to school and walking. In response to the question whether these practices are essential to sustainability, some of the participants argued that while they may be important they are not entirely essential. They contend that to attain environmental sustainability, essential environmental practices should include dealing with the sources of pollution and reducing their impact on the environment. Layla (a fourth year female undergraduate university student) responds: Essential? I don’t think so; well it is important of everybody, for each individual to try to do those things to reduce their environmental impact in small ways; however, the biggest causes of environmental damage are bigger than that, and I think they are influenced by a lot of things that are bigger than us, such as the government and/or industrial practices; and even though making people feel that they can reduce their impact on the environment in small ways, their most important role is to influence those industries and governments that are damaging the environment in much greater ways than leaving the tap water running for two minutes more than they should have. [File YA06: Text Units 521 - 551] In agreement with Layla, Brooklyn (a fourth year female undergraduate university student) notes that such practices are just small steps, and humans must do more towards addressing the problems of environmental sustainability. They’re baby steps to obtaining sustainability and to living in a sustainable manner, and they are such a small things to ask for. How can someone say, “No I’m not going to turn off the tap when I brush my teeth” if they are educated…? I think the mentality that most people currently have… is “Why should I?” It’s inconvenient and what am I, little old me, going to do if I don’t turn off the tap. I’m not changing the world in any way. But the fact is that if everyone did it we would conserve a lot of water. I think they’re baby steps but I think that they are just the tip of an iceberg. They is so much more that we need to be doing before we reverse the effects of environmental degradation, climate change, global warming. [File YA05: Text Units 578 - 599] Other young adults believe that taking part in such environmental practices that are considered inconsequential by many is one of the many ways to galvanize human beings into action towards 200
  • 8. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) attaining environmental sustainability. This group of young adults believe that if the whole world engages in one small pro-environmental practice or activity, it will engender a feeling of responsibility and concern in everyone’s minds; and this type of feeling will impact other areas of humanity’s relationship with the environment as well. Scarlett mentioned that such little steps will ultimately lead to change that could go a long way in positively impacting the environment. I believe every little step counts so whether that means you take a short shower...or ride a bicycle to school, [it ] definitely contributes to [environmental protection]; because if everybody has that same mentality then it will result in change. It will have an effect on the environment; so yes I think it’s important. Yeah, every little thing counts, right? [File YA04: Text Units 421 - 443] Dakota contends that millions of peoples must adopt such practices before they can lead to significant change; efforts on an individual basis would be meaningless. I think it would be essential if more people would take them on, which I think is part of the problem, cause you’re thinking what if I turn off the tap in the two minutes that I’m brushing my teeth that’s not going to make a difference; but if it’s something that happens, a concerted effort is made amongst millions and millions and millions of people, then obviously you will see a significant change; but if it’s happening on an individual basis as opposed to a collective one, then the differences are not very significant, but again that’s like with any other practice. You have to have enough people doing it for it to be worthwhile. [File YA09: Text Units 466 - 479] Taegan and Zoe note that beyond awareness, such practices can contribute to environmental sustainability. They personally engage in such practices, because they believe it is better for the environment in the long term: Taegan: I do all of the things actually. I started taking three minute showers, I ride my bike everywhere… turn the tap off in between brushing teeth, etc. I think that it’s is important. If you’re looking at it from an incredibly environmental aspect, then you know people might scoff at it and say, “Oh, you’re only turning off the tap” and people might look down upon it. I’ve had people that are very environmentally conscious, you tell them about a little thing and they’ll say, “Oh that’s nothing.” But… you have to look at it in the grand scheme of things. If everyone takes two minute showers that’s a lot of water conserved, and… if a larger majority of people ride bikes, then that’s less carbon dioxide, less CO2. So I think it’s really important, not so much individually, but collectively. [File YA10: Text Units 630 - 648] Zoe: I don’t let the water run when I brush my teeth. I do take shorter showers. My sister picked up one of those reusable grocery bags, so we use that when ever we go out; and my dad asked us not to use the car unless we can’t get there by bus, and he’s pretty strict about that kind of stuff… and if I don’t compost, he’ll get on me to take the compost out.... I know for a fact that it’s so much better for the environment. [File YA07: Text Units 475 - 487] Scott contends that people should be interested in engaging in pro-environmental practices because of the associated financial benefit of doing so. He suggests that pro-environmental practices will ultimately add up to savings on hydro and gas bills. In the long run, saving the environment also means saving funds. By saving water and by turning off all the lights when you leave the room, you’re saving electricity; by turning your computer off at night, you’re saving electricity, you’re saving money on all your bills; by turning down the heat in the winter time, you’re saving on your heating bill; by turning down your air-conditioner in the summer, you’re saving on your electricity bill again. So in some ways the environment and economics are in the same direction. You want to save money, but at the same time you’re saving the environment, [be]cause we’re reducing our energy levels. So I 201
  • 9. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) definitely think those small changes over the entire globe add up. So I do my part. I do all those things you mentioned [File YA17: Text Units 681 - 743] Scott’s views point to the need to move away from the unsustainable and needless waste associated with things many humans take for granted. In a similar manner, Mia notes the relationship between these practices and environmental protection and sustainable development. I think they are essential towards sustainable development, because a lot of them are related to environmental issues, and if everyone did these things it would all add up and it would have a greater impact than if just one person did it. So I think they are, because if you use less water there’s more fresh water to use for drinking water, and other things. [File YA02: Text Units 655 - 684] Mia relates these practices to water conservation. According to her, efficient water use can go a long way to protect freshwater sources from depletion, as well as, save many freshwater species from extinction and thus preserve the valuable ecological services they provide. These ecological services include filtering and cleansing water supplies, mitigating floods and droughts and delivering nutrients to the sea (Postel, 2002). Overall, the young adults’ responses highlight the need to encourage pro-environmental practices that can make a positive difference to the environment. They also point to the connection among positive environmental attitudes and behaviours and attaining global environmental sustainability. Without a positive change in attitude and behaviour on the part of individuals and society, it will be difficult to attain environmental sustainability (Bazerman, Wade-Benzoni, & Benzoni, 1996). General awareness of the long term benefits of sustainable practices are required for people (particularly young adults), either at the individual or societal level, to change their attitudes and behaviours in relation to the environment (Bazerman et al., 1996; Tenbrunsel, Wade-Benzoni, Messick, & Bazerman, 1997). The young adults in this research study identified the following as some of the most important environmental/sustainable practices: The use of public transit for transportation, building energy efficient homes, composting organic waste, integrated waste management (reduction of waste, reuse and recycling), and selective cutting and organic farming. Integrated waste management, that is, reduction of waste, reuse and recycling and renewable energy were considered the most important among these practices. The young adult participants recognized the core principles of solid waste management, the three Rs, that is, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, as having the greatest impact on waste reduction Cadence explains, Number one is reduction of waste, reduction of use, bringing your own water-bottles, packing your own lunch, reusing the plastic wrap that you wrap your sandwich in one day and using that same plastic wrap the next day. So recycling is great and wonderful...and... effective ... Recycling practices are good, but if you decrease your waste, you are directly contributing to…making the earth a fairly cleaner place. So I think it’s a reduction of waste period that needs to be adopted. [File YA12: Text Units 382 - 392] Zoe adds, Composting is good, because then you don’t waste, and you don’t create more garbage, while the [organic] fertilizer may be used for planting a garden in the backyard. [File YA07: Text Units 375 – 385] Cadence and Zoe suggest the ways in which proper management and disposal of waste at home can help the environment. Recycling solid waste materials and composting organic and food waste help to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. When less waste is generated, the environment benefits, and the fertilizer from compositing can be used for planting gardens or lawn re- grassing, among other uses. In contrast, although Maddox agrees that recycling can be a productive exercise if followed through, he argues that many people, particularly young adults, are helpless when it comes to recycling. 202
  • 10. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) In my hostel...garbage is garbage. We don’t do it [recycle] religiously...because we don’t understand what is recyclable and what’s not. Right, you look for the little triangle, and people don’t have time to look for that little triangle; so it’s like who cares, that’s the attitude; and at the end of the day, youth in general don’t really care.... So I recycle if it doesn’t take up too much of my time, and I think that’s the kind of mentality that youth have, because you don’t really see the impact.... All you do is hear about it, and you don’t see how it impacts you individually, right? You feel it’s everybody’s problem, so you don’t do anything about it. [File YA14: Text Units 318 - 339] Maddox’s views illustrate the generally held notion that environmental problems cannot be solved by individuals and committing to practices, such as recycling is a waste of time. Maddox also suggests, albeit indirectly that youth are not likely to participate in recycling, because it is time consuming. While this type of argument is plausible, it does not seem to represent the views of today’s young adults (including those outside this study), who have taken leadership roles in addressing several environmental issues (Brusdal & Langeby, 2001; Maggi, Beato, Fasanella, & Lombardo, 2001see for instance; Nyberg & Sto, 2001). In a world obsessed with the consumption of products and lacking the capacity to dispose them, reuse and recycling help prevent these objects from reaching landfills, thereby creating less waste, providing usable items to people and organizations that need them, and recapturing valuable resources. Brooklyn regards using renewable and environmental-friendly materials in building construction as an important sustainable practice: a sustainable or environmental-friendly building involves using materials that are renewable...when constructing buildings...and renewable materials don’t have much of an effect on the environment. [File YA05: Text Units 469 - 489] The implication of living in environment-friendly houses is that less waste is generated in its construction and ultimate use. Layla argues that renewable sources of energy are the most important practices. For smaller communities, in rural areas...they have developed a lot of practices that are very sustainable, such as agro-forestry or previously in the mangrove forest they would fish shrimps and grow things on their trees, and that was an excellent use of their environment… and since they were a small community they wouldn’t over-fish or over- harvest or things like that. But in a bigger in a city where there are more people, it’s more densely populated and the most important sustainable practices would be [the use of] renewable sources of energy...wind energy or things like that. [File YA06: Text Units 417 - 435] Layla argues that rural areas, in the development and application of environmental practices, are more sustainable communities than cities. She suggests that there is a need for the use of alternative energy sources in big cities and towns. Translating Learning Experiences into Action According to Bazerman et al (1996, p. 3), “environmental issues are affected by the actions of individuals, yet we know fairly little about...individual actions in environmental domains.” There are a number of studies that report an individual or a society’s willingness to take action (WTA) in relation to environmental issues is predetermined by their learning experiences and understanding of environmental issues (cf: Filho, 1999; Gigliotti, 1994). According to Filho (1999), there are many elements that may influence an individual’s decision to take a particular action in relation to the environment, including the choice of products to buy, the type of transport to use or even in deciding which type of electric bulb to buy for use at home. 203
  • 11. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) In order to gain a deeper understanding of the young adults’ environmental actions I asked them to elaborate on additional environmentally relevant action(s) they undertake. Taegan, for instance, appreciates the importance of “living environmentally” and regards bicycles as the most energy-efficient form of travel. He always relies on his bicycle for transportation and rarely uses other means of transportation except when travelling long distances. He explains, I ride my bike everywhere. I’m not very dependent on fossil fuels or anything such as that. I take public transit if I have to travel somewhere. I think that the amount of times I’ve taken public transit this year is probably two to three. So I try and ride my bike almost everywhere.... I buy my clothes second hand, terms of living environmentally, I’m concerned about sweatshop labour and stuff like that; so I choose not to buy my clothes first hand from places such as the Gap [clothing].... I also petitioned to save an environment, one environment. [The petition] was for deep sea trawling. The United Nations was I believe having a vote in November of 2002 as to whether to put a moratorium on it...but it’s incredibly destructive. Basically it destroys the entire ecosystem, the coral reefs and thing such as that. So I went to see David Suzuki speak on it.... “Fish for the Future” was the title of the presentation, and he talked about sustainable fishing and the depleted stocks and things such as that, and it also touched on trawling. So my friends and I organized a petition and collected about 150 people, before sending it to the Minister of the Environment.... I think it was successful… because I got a couple of people to go and look on the internet [for information] about deep sea trawling. [File YA10: Text Units 324 - 438] Taegan’s actions clearly demonstrate an understanding of certain pro-environmental actions as necessary for the attainment of environmental sustainability. His comments also point to the correlation among consumption, labour exploitation and sustainability. Taegan’s decision to buy and use second- hand clothing is partly based on his understanding that consumerism is an environmental problem and that the production of goods is also linked to labour exploitation. Furthermore, Taegan demonstrates an understanding of the complex relationship between human consumption and the unsustainable harvesting of natural resources through his involvement in a petition to ban deep sea trawling. The need for sustainable use of water and conservation, as well as the need to reduce pollution of water sources is demonstrated in Cadence’s environmentally-related action. For example [when I stay at a hotel] I ask if there is an option that I don’t get my sheets washed every night. That way we can save or conserve water and they don’t use as many detergents that will go into the lake; cause if I’m staying one or two nights I’m not that dirty, so I don’t necessarily need the sheets washed…. And sometimes there’s a note that you can leave, or sometimes there’s a little something that you can put on the door-handle, or sometimes you can just call and request that I don’t need my sheets changed, so it depends on the hotel. [File YA12: Text Units 192 - 204] Protecting the environment and not wanting to leave a large ecological footprint is extremely important to Cadence and this is demonstrated in her action. Ecological Footprint is a resource management tool that measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes under prevailing technology. It compares human consumption of natural resources with planet Earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate them. It is an estimate of the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate (if possible) the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste, given prevailing technology and current understanding. Ecological Footprints enable people to take personal and collective actions in support of a world where humanity lives within the means of one planet. Opting to participate in a hotel’s eco-friendly practices speaks to her commitment to environmental sustainability. Most hotels have pledged to use non-toxic cleaners and meet measurable goals for conserving water and energy, however, the choice to participate in the hotel’s eco-friendly practices is the guest’s. 204
  • 12. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) Maddox, on his part, uses public transportation and promotes car-pooling among his friends. A good example is that when we go out our friends, four of us or five of us, and three of us have cars, and sometimes they want to take all three cars or two cars, and I’m saying “No, let’s just take one car, because it’s just cheaper for us gas-wise and it’s better for the environment” …so those are the kinds of influences I have on my friends to be more efficient, and I think efficiency leads to better sustainability and for the environment; so doing things with less resources than otherwise required. So public transportation and basically car-pooling is something that I do a lot, and I just walk to the grocery store instead of taking the car most of the time. [File YA14: Text Units 472 - 493] Maddox illustrates how peer influence can be useful in promoting sustainable practices among young people. The fact that he convinces his friends to practice car-pooling points to his commitment to environmentally sustainable action. Even though his friends’ decision was partly for economic considerations, this action is strongly related to protecting the environment. Maddox’s environmental action also corresponds to the environmentally friendly practices of the Province of Ontario. The Province is currently contributing billions of dollars to improving its cities’ public transit systems, and has also created car-pool lanes on a number of highways. Such efforts, beyond reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, could encourage interest in alternative cost-effective transportation and facilitate sustainable and environmentally-friendly urban growth. Mia exudes confidence regarding the success of the environmental initiative she was involved in. I was involved with a huge campaign to get rid of cleaners that had toxic products and chemicals in it.... And we were trying to gather support to go to the government and ask that legislation be passed to get rid of those types of cleaners.... So I did a lot of work with them and I think that was pretty big, because it was well taken there, so I’m sure it’s going to happen within a few years. [File YA02: Text Units 746-778] The campaign Mia was involved in is reminiscent of the petition Taegan worked on (discussed earlier). Mia’s knowledge of the impact of toxic substances on the environment correlates with her desire to protect the environment and led her to become involved in an environmentally-related activity, which may not be realized in the short-term. The environmentally related actions that the young adults in this study perform demonstrate the meaningful nature of learning, especially as it resonates with the everyday life-world of the learner. According to Blewitt’s (2006), resonance is essential for learning to become a constitutive element of a transformative process that leads to an environmentally sustainable future (Blewitt, 2006). In this context, the young adults’ ability to transform their environmental learning/knowledge into action underscores their capacity to “make connections in values and conduct that are real, genuine and desired even if not immediate or direct” (Blewitt, 2006, p. 10). According to the young adults in this study, the underlying factor in their actions is their commitment to environment sustainability. Conclusion The research participants’ narratives demonstrate that learning experiences plays a significant role in the young adults’ environmental actions. Furthermore, such experiences to create a more meaningful life depends on readiness to work with nature, to reverse, if not completely stop, the various environmental problems currently threatening our existence on earth. From the young adults’ narratives it is evident that they understand what it means to live sustainably. Beyond overt political campaigns, the young adults understand that unless our everyday practices are changed, it will be difficult to transform the dominant unsustainable ways of life. It is interesting to note that despite the low levels of environmental knowledge that the participants reported having, they demonstrated a commitment towards environmental protection and sustainability. Engagement in environmental activities at home, such as waste disposal, recycling and water and energy conservation often regarded as inconsequential or outrightly taken for granted are important actions that can be linked to 205
  • 13. European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume.29, Number.2 (2012) environmental knowledge. The research participants’ narratives presented in this paper suggest that individual actions can bring about change in human behaviour towards achieving environmental sustainability. Acknowledgments Many thanks to all the research participants for their time and patience throughout the period of data collection. Note of Contributor Anthony Kola-Olusanya, PhD is presently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Resource Studies at the College of Management and Social Sciences, Osun State University, Nigeria. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto, specializing in Environmental Sustainability. His research interests include sustainable living, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, resources and environmental management, and indigenous environmental practices and management. Contact: References [1] Battistoni, R. (2002). Civic engagement across the curriculum: A resource book for service- learning faculty in all disciplines. Campus Compact. Providence, RI: Brown University. [2] Bazerman, M. H., Wade-Benzoni, K. A., & Benzoni, F. (1996). A behavioral decision theory perspective to environmental decision making. In D. M. Messick & A.Tenbrunsel (Eds.), Ethical issues in managerial decision making. NY, NY: Russell Sage. [3] Blewitt, J. (2006). Sustainability and lifelong learning. In J. Blewitt & C. Cullingford (Eds.), The sustainability curriculum: The challenge of higher education (pp. 24-42). London, UK: Earthscan. [4] Bonnett, M. (2002). Education for sustainability as a frame of mind. Environmental Education Research, 8(1), 9-20. [5] Bruneau, J., & Echevarria, C. (2003). Environmental Quality is a Normal Good: A Discussion Paper. Saskatoon, Canada: Department of Economics, University of Saskatchewan. [6] Brusdal, R., & Langeby, A. (2001). Raving Hedonist or environmentally concerned? Youth in Norway. Retrieved January 12, 2007, from [7] Chawla, L. (1998). Significant life experiences revisited: a review of research on sources of pro-environmental sensitivity. Journal of Environmental Education, 31(1), 15-26. [8] Clarke, S. (2002). Learning from experience: psycho-social research methods in the social sciences. Qualitative Research, 2(2), 173-194. [9] Corral-Verdugo, V. (1996). A structural model of reuse and recycling in Mexico. Environment and Behaviour, 28, 664-696. [10] Dei, G. (Ed.). (2010). Learning to succeed: the challenges and possibilities of educational achievement for all: Pacific Press. [11] Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2000). Handbook of qualitative research (2 ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. [12] Dolores, M., Otero, L., & Mira, R. G. (2003). Action competence in environmental education. In R. G. Mira, J. M. S. Cameselle & J. R. Martinez (Eds.), Culture, Environmental Action and Sustainability (pp. 71-84). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. [13] Dryzek, J. S. (1997). The politics of the earth: Environmental discourses. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press. 206
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