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Al Qaeda Essay
Al Qaeda is a global militant Islamist organization that was created by Osama Bin Laden and a few
other militant men in the late 1980s. From its beginning, Al Qaeda was dedicated to opposing non–
Islamic governments with force and violence. The name translates to "the Base of Operation"
(Burke 18) and has been headquartered in numerous nations including Afghanistan, Sudan, and
Pakistan since the early 1990s. There is some debate about a current headquarters but most
intelligence personnel think the organization operates from numerous satellite locations across the
Middle East and Africa. Al–Qaeda functions like a venture capital firm. It provides funding,
contacts, and advice to smaller, Islamic militant groups under its umbrella (Burke 18). ... Show more
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US government suspects ties with militant terrorist organizations in the Philippines, Egypt,
Indonesia, and Iraq. These relationships may be only temporary and are likely to change depending
on planned attacks. Although, the exact hierarchy is unknown, Al–Qaeda has a membership roster
and a structure of committees to guide and oversee the organization's tasks. These tasks include
training terrorists, proposing targets, financing operations, and issuing edicts to justify Al–Qaeda
actions (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks 2). The "Shura" is an advisory council made up
of key associates and founding members of the organization. They typically make the big decisions.
Underneath the Shura are multiple committees including: the Sharia–responsible for issuing edicts
purported to be grounded in Islamic Law that authorizes Al–Qaeda's acts of terror (National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks 2), a military committee responsible for proposing targets for
attacks and managing training camps, and a finance committee that is responsible for fundraising for
training camps, housing costs, living expenses, and the movement of money allocated to operations
(National Commission on Terrorism Attacks 2). As mentioned before, Al–Qaeda's disjointed and
widespread structure is unique because exposure or destruction of small, autonomous cells has little
effect on the organization as a whole (Zimmerman
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The Strategies Of Al-Qaeda Ideologies
Throughout history, various terrorist groups have targeted the United States, endeavoring to prove
its power and capabilities. Al–Qaeda, a terrorist group, run by Osama Bin Laden, is an explicit
example of this. This group's actions during the early 21st century has changed the lives of
American's forever. On September 11, 2001, al–Qaeda attacked the twin towers and World Trade
Center, whilst attempted to attack the White House. This act of terrorism killed thousands of
innocent civilians, no matter age, gender or race. Al–Qaeda's main goal is to diffuse fear throughout
the world. As time continues, the amount of terrorism within the world is increasing. An increase of
terrorism activity is due to the increased amount of state support for it. ... Show more content on ...
These organizations result in a vast amount of destruction and casualties in the world. Due to al–
Qaeda's interpretation of Islam, terrorists attacked the world. The groups main strategy was to
threaten America by staging attacks such as the 9/11 attacks so, American soldiers to invade Muslim
countries. This was all a set up to increase American civilian casualties, increase the diffusion of
fear across the world, demonstrate their power and capabilities, and most importantly, spread al–
Qaeda ideologies. Supporters of al–Qaeda ideologies believe that the Middle East must be restored
into true Islamic states by destroying any Western influence, similar to that in America. In America,
ideas of nationalism or democracy are widespread, which conflict with al–Qaeda supporters beliefs.
Al–Qaeda organized various attacks on the United States and other countries to decades the spread
of Western ideas. Therefore, to achieve their ideologies, al–Qaeda must spread fear by inflicting
various acts of terror to increase the diffusion of their religious int he world. America's strength and
perseverance abetted the nation's role against terrorism. In history, al–Qaeda is considered one of the
most dangerous terrorist groups that have implicated various acts of terror on the world. Although
the number of terrorism acts are increasing, this only motivates the government of the United States
and other countries to strive harder to protect their country. Americans metaphorically thank
terrorist, for it was their acts that made them stronger as a
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The Rise Of Al-Qaeda
(U) "Al–Qaeda is the complex international Islamist terrorist network made of regional affiliate
organizations and clandestine cells with varying degrees of communication." 1 Their ultimate goal is
to establish its version of Islamic rule across all Muslim territory.They continually adopts new
patterns of operations in response to global counter–terrorism effort.
(U) Established in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden, Al–Qaeda was intentically a humanitarian project.
They complied databases to document the movements of Arab fighters from all over Middle East
who were aid against the Soviet Union. The Information that was gather was to provide it to families
who were inquiring about fate and whereabouts of their loved ones ,and to raise money and supplies
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Terrorist Theories Of Al Qaeda
Do you remember where you were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001? Well if you do, then this
should be a memory refresher, but if you don't, heres something for you to learn. There were four
airlines that were hijacked by the Islamic Extremist Group, Al–Qaeda. Al–Qaeda had planned to use
a suicide attack against the United States. At 8:45 am, two of the four hijacked planes crashed into
the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and
the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. This day, was going to change America
forever. Since the terrorist attacks, there has been many conspiracy theories that put fourth to what
"actually happened". As these conspiracies come, they range from planes not even hitting the Twin
Towers but bombs that destroyed those buildings to the government knowing and going along with
the plan of attack. Even though that the government says they made up the attack now, the 9/11
attack did happen how we thought it happened because of Islamic Extremist group thinking that
America is weak, thousands of people died and we ended up going to war to find Osama Bin Laden.
One might say that the government did not plan the 9/11 attack. Heres what the Islamic Extremest
group is and what their purpose for their attack was. Islamic Extremist group consist of two aspects
of extremist, interpretations and pursuits of the Islamic ideology. Though the group doesn't entail
violence, even thought it does
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Al Qaeda: Origins, Development and Objectives
International Relations
Al Qaeda: Origins, Development and Objectives
Select any terrorist group we studied and explain its origins, development and objectives.
Al Qaeda is an international terrorist organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden in the late
1980s in Peshawar, Pakistan. The name is Arabic for "The Base of Operation" or "method" (Burke
2004). However, many experts agree that al–Qaeda is more dangerous as an ideology than as an
organization. As an organization, it has been weakened by fragmentation, arrests, and deaths of the
top leaders. This has caused the structure of the organization to be destroyed, resulting in the lack of
a central hub for the militant group. One thing that remains is the ideology, which is ... Show more
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Since this was only a goal of certain members, a number of organizations were formed to further
these goals, while other organizations pursued different goals. This disagreement was mainly
between bin Laden, who wanted to focus more on global non–military operations while Azzam
wanted to continue with the military operations. However, Azzam was assassinated by a car bomb in
1989, and the Services Office split, with many of the volunteers joining Bin Laden's cause.
By this time, Bin Laden left Afghanistan for Saudi Arabia, as Iraq had invaded its neighbor Kuwait,
which put the vast Saudi oil fields at risk since the Iraqi troops could easily attack them from their
position in Kuwait. The Saudi army had a great deal of firepower but not enough troops to face the
Iraqi army. Bin Laden offered the mujahedeen to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to defend Saudi Arabia
against the Iraqi army but King Fadh decided to allow the troops of the United States and its allies to
defend Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was angered by this move as he did not think foregin troops should
be on sacred soil, since it is the location of two mosques, Mecca and Medina. He was very
outspoken against Saudi Arabia's actions, leading to his exile to Sudan. While in Sudan, he assisted
their government, supporting businesses and setting up training camps for the mujahedeen. In 1993,
Israel and Palestine signed the Oslo Accords,
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Al-Qaeda Vs ISIS
Two of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world are Al–Qaeda and IS (Better known
as ISIS). These two organizations may look very much the same. However, they have many
differences that set them apart, and IS stands out to clearly be the most dangerous of the two.
There are two different types and definitions of terrorism. The first is international terrorism and the
second is domestic terrorism. International terrorism involves three specific characteristics. The first
characteristic involves acts that are either dangerous or violent to the human life that break either
federal or state law. The second characteristic of international terrorism are those acts that appear to
either intend to intimidate or coerce a population ... Show more content on ...
"The emergence of terrorism in a new form has sent tremors of anxiety around the globe. ISIS, the
self–proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, has redefined the meaning of terror by combining
relentless barbarism with military skill, religious bigotry, unprecedented affluence and the shrewd
use of video and social media" (FulFord, 2014). If you do not join them, you are against them and
they will use any measure necessary even beyond our thinking to strike fear into anyone that
chooses to oppose them and their ideology. They will go to any extreme to accomplish their goal
even if it means to take you and the rest of the world out one area at a time. They are estimated to
have at least 31,000 fighters (DePetris, 2014). One of the major things that stands out for IS is that
they are able to not only capture large territories, but to maintain those territories and establish
Islamic caliphate. Not only did they do this, but also they accomplished this in the very heart of the
Arabic world. This is something no other terrorist organization has been able to accomplish. They
did this through several massive killings of over 200 plus people at one time, beheadings and
executions (DePetris, 2014). This by far appears to be the most dangerous group of terrorist in the
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Al Qaeda 4
Paper 1 – Al–Qaeda
It would not at all be surprising if this decade comes to be known as the decade of terrorism in years
to come. Since the turn of the millennium, terrorism, maybe more than any other global issue or
topic, has plagued the world stage with constant news and horror. It can be argued that terrorism is a
problem with no solution and no end in sight. The Islamic militant group, Al–Qaeda, is the most
well known terrorist organization in the world. Al–Qaeda has been held accountable for some of the
most tragic and horrifying acts of terror in history. Still, many people do not fully understand what
Al–Qaeda is, who is behind it, and why it exists. A fluid, agreed–upon definition does not exist for
the extremist ... Show more content on ...
The Law Committee rules on whether certain actions follow Islamic law. The Islamic Study/Fatwa
Committee issues religious edicts, also known as fatwas, that the rest of the organization and even
the territory it controls must follow. For example, in 1998, Al–Qaeda issued a fatwa that all Muslims
should kill any American if given the chance. The most recent addition to Al–Qaeda has been the
formation of As–Sahab, Al–Qaeda's media outlet that supplies video and audio recordings and sends
them out to the rest of the world (Inside Al–Qaeda). Tapes of bin Laden have been released to the
United States where he takes responsibility for the September 11th attacks, as well as numerous
other hateful speeches about the evils of Western culture and perceived Muslim intolerance.
Although there is a large following of people that believe Al–Qaeda has been dismantled and broken
down since the War on Terror, evidence still points to a structurally organized and strategically
planned organization in which each department works in conjunction with each other to carry out
acts of terror. Osama bin Laden is advised by a Shura Council, estimated to consist of twenty to
thirty members, who make plans and decisions for the entire organization. They recently released a
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Al Qaeda Research Paper
1988: bin laden founded al qaeda
Al Qaeda developed out of the struggle to expel the Soviet Union from Afghanistan.
Osama bin Laden, son of a wealthy Saudi contractor, joined many young Arab men of his generation
in Afghanistan. While he appears to have played a very minor role in the fighting, his wealth
enabled him to recruit, train, and supply fighters for the insurgency. It was founded in Afghanistan.
America started to support israel against palestine which made al qaeda mad and wanted to fight
back against the US which lead to the truck bombing in 1993.
–In 1993 the Egyptian Ramzi Yousef planted a truck bomb in the garage of the World Trade Center,
killing six and injuring more than one thousand. They were planning to take down the towers ...
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embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 220 people.The previous
February bin Laden had issued a fatwa (religious edict) proclaiming it a sacred duty for devout
Muslims to kill Americans whenever and wherever they could be found. American involvement in
the extradition, and alleged torture, of four members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad who had been
arrested in Albania for an alleged series of murders in Egypt in the two months prior to the attacks
made al qaeda plan their next attack on the USS The Sullivans.
–On January 3, 2000 Al qaeda planned to attack the USS the Sullivans ship, but it failed because
they put too much weight on a small ship to bomb the USS Sullivans crew ship so the boat
sank.Their failure didn't stop their motivation, al–Qaeda succeeded in bombing a U.S. Navy warship
in October 2000 with the USS Cole Bombing and killed 17 sailors. A day later, a grenade was
thrown at the British embassy in Yemen, blowing up one of its electric generators. Al–Qaeda wanted
to attack the U.S. more by attacking the world trade centers, they would promote widespread fear
throughout the country and severely weaken the United States' standing in the world community,
ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim World. This
is copied, and therefore needs a
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Al Qaeda And Terrorism Analysis
Al Qaeda is a name well known around the world, more known after the Twin Towers were hit on
September 11th in 2001. Many wonder why we were targeted, why so many lives were lost and
instantly wanted to retaliate without conjecturing "Why does Al Qaeda have such a hatred for
democratic countries?" This hatred is ostensible in their violent assaults against countries such as
America, Europe, and Africa, not only on 9/11 but well before and well after. Some would say
Osama Bin Laden (OBL) is the basis and mastermind behind all these attacks, while others would
say it was the ideology which OBL believed and had other to believe as well. Meanwhile, President
Bush used the notion of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to push troops into the Middle ...
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Jeffrey Haynes identifies two key sources of the Salafist ideology is based around: "Wahhabism, a
version of the official version of Islam found in Saudi Arabia– and the ideas of an Egyptian, Sayyid
Qutb" (Haynes 2006, 182). Wahhabism has been around for over 200 years and followed by most
Sunni Muslims in the Middle East, its foundation renounces Shias due to their belief in Ali being the
true Prophet as well as preaching to false idols. Qutb, who has lived in America briefly, during the
Civil Rights era, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and eventually murdered by the
Egyptian government in 1966. However, during his life, Qutb declared "'Western civilization' the
enemy of Islam; denounced leaders of Muslim nations for not following Islam closely enough; and
sought to spread the belief among Sunni Muslims that it was their duty to undertake jihad to defend
and purify Islam" (Haynes 2006). Another prominent figure within Al Qaeda and still alive is al–
Zawahiri, who merged his organization of Egyptian Islamic Jihad with OBL's Al Qaeda and became
the deputy for OBL and turned Al Qaeda into an international network. At the age of 15, he began
his militant career and later became one of the founders of Islamic Jihad whose intent was to
overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic
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The History Of Al Qaeda
Al Qaeda started out with three members and grew over the years, becoming one of the most widely
known terrorist organizations in the world. Al Qaeda was founded in 1988 by Abdullah Azzam,
Ayman al–Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden, who later became the most wanted terrorist in America.
Abdullah had a position as a lecturer at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, where he most likely
met Bi Laden who was enrolled there as a student. As bin Laden's teacher and mentor Azzam
influenced and helped Bin Laden start the Al Qaeda organization in 1988. Ayman al–Zawahiri later
joined to two and is currently the leader of Al Qaeda. . The organization started out in Pakistan and
Afghanistan and later spread across five different continents. Over the years
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How To Stop Al-Qaeda
Will you stop them?
Have you ever heard of Al–Qaeda? You might not have heard that name but you have probably
heard of Osama Bin Laden. He is the one of the heads of this "Al–Qaeda". It is a terrorist cell bent
on destroying America. If you want to hear more, read on. Al–Qaeda is dangerous because of their
goals, attacks, and because a dead foe is coming back for more.
Al–Qaeda has some despicable goals. They want to destroy the west. It is part of their religion. They
also want to kill apostates, which are muslims that defect from Al–Qaeda's religion. Another one of
their goals is to cause panic and unrest. They have some nasty goals.
Al–Qaeda have performed many devastating and crippling attacks. Who can forget 9/11, where
people hijacked
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The Terrorist Organization : Al Qaeda
The terrorist organization I chose is Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda translates into, "The Base, The Foundation
or The Fundament". This terrorist organization was established in 1988 and is still going on to the
present day. This is one of the most active and dangerous terrorist groups out there today. Al Qaeda
is worldwide but they are mainly located in the Middle East.
Al Qaeda is worldwide, but they now have control in Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. In the Af–Pak
region there are 300–3,000 members in the organization. In the Maghreb there are about 800–1,000
members, West Africa has 100 members, Arabian Peninsula has 1,000–3,000, and Somalia has
10,000 members. All together Al Qaeda has about 19,115–27,315 members in their organization.
The group just continues to grow and grow. Al Qaeda has had two leaders so far. Osama bin Laden
was the first and he lead from (1988–2011). Ayman al–Zawahiri took over the leadership role as
soon as Osama was assassinated and is still the leader to this day. Some of their allies are the
Taliban, Tehrik–i–Taliban Pakistan, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, East Turkestan Islamic
Movement, and Lashkar–e–Taiba (Web. Network of Terror). All of their allies are as equally
dangerous. Al Qaeda is just more active with their threats.
As for religion, "Al Qaeda believes in its own version of Sunni Islam"(Web. Religious Terrorism).
Sunni Islam is by far the largest religion of Islam. In 2009, Sunni Muslims were the majority of the
world 's Muslim population
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Terrorist Groups: Al-Qaeda
Al–Qaeda has been termed a terrorist group by numerous global actors, including the United
Nations and – more notably – the United States. This labeling has emerged as a result of the
organisation's major terror attacks – such as the bombings of the Madrid train system in 2004 and
the London Underground in 2005 – which clearly illustrate its use of violence on civilian targets – a
factor commonly used in defining acts of terrorism (Barker 2003). The most publicised of these acts
is the September 11 bombings of the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre in 2001, which was the
sole influence for responses such as the US War on Terror and the UN adoption of Resolution 1373.
Al–Qaeda was formed during the Cold War in 1988, emerging from the 'network
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Mccabe's Five Mistakes Of Al Qaeda
The only reason why al Qaeda was failing at the time was that they were being defeated by other
countries. However, many factors contributed to those defeats, the reason was the strategy, tactics
used by al Qaeda and jihadist in general, with the view of the world on which that strategy and
tactics were resulted in (McCabe, Thomas R. 2010). To the extremists' the complete worldview had
been on a misguided or unusual assumption that did not have little or no basis of fact. McCabe
mentioned the five critical mistakes al Qaeda made, which some were by al Qaeda and the jihadist
that in particular was just al Qaeda alone. The mistakes were misreading the situation in the Middle
East and the United States. They had misread our weaknesses here in
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The Issue Of Al Qaeda Essay
Although U.S gained victories under Bush administration from these two wars: overthrowning
enemies (Saddam Hussein and Taliban), democratizing Afghanistan and Iraq and reaching oil in
Iraq, there are some problems challenge U.S. That was a reason for Obama to plan an end of these
two missions when he came to office. However, Obama faced with new issue: ISIS. As in Stern and
Berger's book (2015), Al–Qaeda was the origin of ISIS. They were one organization before conflict
and ISIS became a new terrorist group (Stern & Berger, 2015). Hashim (2014) also mentioned ISIS
was born from Al–Qaeda. That referred ISIS was created from the miscalculation of U.S from
Afghanistan civil war in which supported for the development of Al–Qaeda, but not thinking about
the danger from this extremist terrorist group. Purpose of Al–Qaeda is establishing Islamic state
rather secular democratic state. Therefore, it against U.S because of recognizing U.S as its threat.
U.S strategic thinkers at that time did not calculate this problem, they only think about solution to
deal with Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Bush administration continue made mistake when deployed
mission in Afghanistan 2001. Though Bush administration toppled Taliban who was accused of
linking with Al–Qaeda in 11/9, he falied in finding and rooting cause of terrorism. He concentrated
more on eliminating Al–Qaeda and defeating Taliban but lacking of helping Afghanistan to be more
democratic state and improve Afghanistanian living. That
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Al Qaeda During The Soviet War
If you ever hear someone talking about the biggest and most terrorizing threat group in the world,
then they are most likely talking about Al Qaeda (The Base/Eir Shura). There are many beliefs that
Al Qaeda has been around for centuries due to the views and origins of many threat groups before
them. Going of known facts, during the Soviet war in Afghanistan on approximately August 11,
1988 is the date that Al Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden (54 years old) and has been
terrorizing many parts of the world ever since then. Al Qaeda was first used for the Arabs who
believed that the Russians were the cause to a lot of issues having to do with the Islamic religious
belief. "In order to comprehend the current ideology and objectives of ... Show more content on ...
Al Qaeda believes in this thing called "The Oppressors" Meaning "The one who oppresses others
should fear Allah and beware of transgression, because it will be counted as multiples of
transgressions on the Day of Resurrection: one for him disobeying Allah, another for him oppressing
his fellow Muslim, and a third for initiating and opening the gate of transgression and oppression for
others to imitate. The wronged person could even eventually die as a result of the oppression, and
the transgressor would bear the consequences of this." (IslamWeb, Apr 2013, Ph.1) Al Qaeda
basically believes if you are not with them, then you are against them meaning you support the
oppressor. Al Qaeda has been and always will continue to attempt to create a revolution of the
uprising of the oppressed through the masses of messages and threats. Religion is Al Qaeda's main
go to for any reasoning behind their violence. Goals and Objectives always seem to be based on the
currently leader of Al Qaeda. Like mentioned previously, Osama Bin Laden was Al Qaeda's last
known leader and he was killed on May 22, 2011 in Pakistan. After being a huge wanted target for
the United States of America for nearly a decade long, it has almost been about 5 years since a group
of US Navy Seals assassinated him during a night–raid on a compound in Pakistan. "President
Barack Obama, who monitored the raid in real
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The Taliban And Al Qaeda
The events of 9/11 have brought the topic of Islamic Terrorism to the forefront of western media and
diplomatic conversation. It has marked and highlighted the rise in the number of the organizations
who use terrorism as a tool to achieve religious or political goals. The actions and strategies of these
groups have intensified and become increasingly global. It has become somewhat common practice
to generalize these groups, their objectives and their strategies. The Taliban and Al–Qaeda are some
the two most outspoken groups and many assume their characteristics to be similar. As the western
gaze focuses primarily on these two organizations, a comparison between: their origins, structures,
background, objectives and current actions, allows ... Show more content on ...
Afghan refugees in Pakistan were offered a free education alongside Pakistanis to these schools.
These schools were used to further the organization 's desired objectives.
Although the Taliban's territory is distinctly Afghanistan, their Pakistani foundation resonates
throughout much of their history and structure as an international support and through their ties with
the Al–Qaeda. Their Afghan origins and influence began in 1994 in Southern Afghanistan following
the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan as a counter to the pro–communist government. From their
onset in Southern Afghanistan, the Taliban acquired a great deal of power and influence. Through
armed force and following the ousting of the pro–communist President Mohammad Najibullah by
the Mujahedeen forces, the Taliban successfully took Kabul in 1996. Their political success
manifested in them forming a government from September 1996 to December 2001. They
maintained this control and power, despite international condemnation on human rights' grounds. In
fact, by 1998 they controlled around 90% of Afghanistan (Yung, 2007). However, their influence
was not enough to capture the north–western part of Afghanistan, which remained in the hands of
the Northern Alliance. The Taliban enjoyed a great rise of power in the early stages of the
organization and throughout this decade of control their structures and objectives evolved with some
success. Around the early 2000s and the attacks of September
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Al Qaeda
Nations around the world face an austere challenge with the growing threat from Islamic extremist.
These organizations have recruited people to join their fight and wage a holy war. These individuals
will travel to the terrorist training camps and learn various tactics to cause the most destruction
possible. Some will be asked to stay and fight the enemy within the country, while others will be
sent back to their country to conduct attacks.
The Islamic State is a terrorist group that believes in a "...radical interpretation of Islam as political
philosophy and seeks to impose that worldview by force on Muslims and non–Muslims alike". This
group was ousted from Al Qaeda because they were being too extreme, and carrying out atrocious
acts ... Show more content on ...
These groups utilize the media platforms to preach the jihadi movement, as well as releasing
propaganda and weapons tutorials. Both of these groups have English magazines; the Al Qaeda's
English–language magazine, known as "Inspire," and ISIS's English–language magazine, called
"Dabiq." Many terrorist organizations are posting eulogies of martyred jihadist. With the hopes of
encouraging other radical Muslims and using them as role models for Muslims around the world.
With the growing use of social media, the terrorist has good reasons to take advantage of it. The
terrorist's channels are popular with its intended audience; this allows the organizations to be
mainstream. Social media channels are user–friendly, dependable, free, and can be used anywhere in
the world if you have data or are connected to the internet. Social networking allows terrorist to
reach out to their intended targets no matter where they are located. Compared to the traditional way
in which visitors had to come to the
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Al Qaeda Research Papers
Terrorism has been around for many years but it wasn't until the unfortunate event that took place on
September 11th, 2001 that everything changed. After the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New
York that left over 2,996 dead, and 6,000+ injured and much of the world devastated. Everyone
started to ask questions about terrorism and wondered who could be behind such an awful attack.
The group who bombed the world trade center would go on to become one of the most dangerous
terrorist groups in history, they would come to be known as " Al– Qaeda". Al–Qaeda which in
Arabic means " The Base" was founded by Abdullah Azzam and Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Azzam was a teacher and mentor to Osama when he was in university, Azzam was assassinated ...
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The group states that certain scriptures in the Quran and the Hadith speak about mass–murder,
genocide, child molestation and slavery and how the holy writings justify these violent acts. The Al–
Qaeda main goal is to drive out the Americans and the American influences that it has over all of the
Muslim nations, the ideology for the group is referred to as " Jihadism" which means to be marked
by the willingness to kill. Al–Qaeda also wants to destroy Israel and to be able to unite all Muslims
and establish a force following the rules of the first Caliphs. The Caliphs is a form of a Islamic
political religious leadership, the person who becomes a Caliphs is known to be a successor of the
prophet Muhammad. Although Bin Laden started Al–Qaeda he did not run the organization by
himself, he had a top advisor named Al–Zawahiri. Al–Zawahiri was born to an Egyptian upper class
family and was a certified surgeon. Zawahiri joined the radical Islamic movement in the late 1970s,
he served three years in prison for the assassination of Anwar Sadat who at the time was the 3rd
President of Egypt. After his release from prison he meet Bin Laden and the two instantly became
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The Pros And Cons Of Al Qaeda
The word " terrorism" is used a lot in the world nowadays. The definition of a terrorist is someone
who uses intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve
a political, religious, or ideological aim. Some example of what we have establish as terror attacks
are the Twin Towers in New York on the 11 of september 2001 or the Paris attack on november the
13 2015. The attacks were done by two different groups of terrorists, but what people tend to ignore
is that these terrorist groups did not come to life from the unknown. What people tend to ignore or
maybe just don't understand or don't know is that in this case, Al Qaeda was a creation of the United
States of America, a country which was colossally ... Show more content on ...
This is when the Americans stopped being involved, it did not matter to them what happened in
Afghanistan anymore as they had won against the Soviets. When the war ended, the most affected
were the Mujahideens that had stayed once the war had been won. These Islamic warriors had been
brought to Afghanistan from across the Islamic world, they had a goal to rebuild Afghanistan in their
ideal Islamic image. However once the war ended, everyone who was involved, especially the
United States abandoned them, many of these people were brought to Afghanistan by the Americans
in order to be fighters but once the Americans were gone they had no way to return home. It is
important to understand that Afghanistan was devastated nation at that time. Many of the
Mujahideens that were left behind came together to form alliances. What Osama Bin Laden did a
that time was become a leader of alliances that were made as he had maintained his funding sources
due to him being a Saudi elite. (To what extent is Al–Qaeda a creation of the
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Al Qaeda Of The Arabian Peninsula
Running Head: Napier Final Paper
Final Paper: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Adam Napier COMM 3597.02: Media and
Terrorism MWF 1:50 – 2:45 Emily Davidson Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is a
branch of the Islamic organization known as al Qaeda. The AQAP is based in Yemen and was
formed in 2009 after an announcement that Yemeni and Saudi terrorists were unifying under a
common banner (National Counterterrorism Center [NCTC], 2014). The AQAP is now considered
the most active and dangerous branch of al Qaeda (Masters, 2014).
Yemen has a history of Jihadist activity dating back to the late 1990s when veterans of the Soviet–
Afghanistan war returned home. When the Soviet Union fell, the jihadist believed that ... Show more
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As stated by al–Qaeda, the enemies of Islam include Heretics, Shiites, America, and Israel (Wright,
2006). Al Qaeda's and AQAP's religious and mystic beliefs aid the group because "whenever we
respond with violence of any kind, we assist the terrorists in mobilizing the recruits" (Stern, 2003, p.
AQAP aligns with the DNA of symbolic terrorism because the group is the closest version to Osama
bin Laden's al–Qaeda, which is built around a sense of Denial of their identity and by a perceived
threat to the Islamic world, Negation of the West and its ideas, and Affirmation through an identity
that provides a model of heroic action (Rowland & Theye, 2008).
The AQAP is responsible for a number of high profile attacks which include attacks against US
assets in the Arabian Peninsula. The first attack that AQAP claimed was the bombing of USS Cole
in 2000 which killed 17 US sailors. The group was also linked to the attack in September of 2008
against the US embassy in Sana'a in which militants fired rockets and detonated bombs that killed
10 Yemeni guards and 4 civilians ("Profile," 2012). In 2009, AQAP launched its first attack outside
of Yemen. The target was Prince Mohammed bin Nayef of Saudi Arabia, however, the attack failed
(Profile, 2012). AQAP has also claimed involvement in the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt
where Umar Farouk
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Al Qaeda Impact
Al–Qaeda has shaped the U.S. and its Anti–Western ideology that has corrupted the world. This
terrorist organization was constructed by Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden's main goal was to drive the
United States armed forces out of Saudi Arabia and Somalia through the technique of violence.
Members of Al–Qaeda issued fatwas indicating that the attacks were both proper and necessary. Al–
Qaeda had a command and control structure which included a consultation council, allowing many
heartbreaking attacks to form. The al–Qaeda organization used horrendously violent acts to induce
terror during catastrophes, causing social climate of distrust and fear to emerge the American
citizens. Global extremism between Al–Qaeda and its enemies played an extremely ... Show more
content on ...
This opened a window for America to focus more on different operational planning and execution.
For instance, America focused on securing the Afghanistan population, defeating Taliban, and
focusing on resources and time. This led to new tactics to pursue two Middle Eastern wars by
waterboarding terrorists and wiretapping citizens to prevent a devastating event such as 9/11.
America's pursuit is relentless, and hiding in a well–appointed compound is no guarantee of safety
due to its symbolic victory. The culture of al–Qaeda has modified since bin Laden was assassinated.
Extremism of the terrorist organization between America became stronger and will not affect the
members' decisions. Those who commit to violence stick with it and will not cause those who
expose extremism to change their minds. Al–Qaeda will want to demonstrate its resilience by
mounting an operation. This proposes that the organization will need to find a new leader which will
impact their organization because bin Laden evolved into a symbolic leader. According to,
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Al Qaeda Research Paper
Al–Qaeda, which means "The Base" is a terrorist group based on extremist Islamic military. Al–
Qaeda is an International Terrorist Organization and goal of this group is to make violence,
damaged, and abolish no Islamic governments. The group was made by Osama Bin Laden in the late
1980s to throw the Soviets away from Afghanistan. In this mission, Al–Qaeda got a success and they
were able to kick out all the Soviets from Afghanistan. This victory builds up a new confidence in
this group and they started to grow up rapidly. Since the Al–Qaeda was made it was operating from
Afghanistan but in 1991 Al–Qaeda transfer their headquarters to Afghanistan, and Peshawar
Pakistan. "Al–Qaeda dedicated itself to further opposing non–Islamic governments in this region
with force and violence. ... Show more content on ...
According to FBI "They attempted to recruit U.S. citizens to travel throughout the Western world to
deliver messages and engage in financial transactions for the benefit of Al–Qaeda and its affiliated
groups and to help carry out operations" (Caruso, J. T., 2001). The main reason behind hiring the
United States Citizen is to misuse the power of American passport. Everyone knows that American
passport has a great reputation in the World and you can visit almost every country without having
any visa problem. By hiring U.S. Citizen Al–Qaeda can transfer any information to anywhere
Worldwide because most of the authorities will not ask many questions to U.S.
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Al Qaeda And Islamic Caliphate Essay
These days, when a news channel makes a report on a terroristic attack or issue, the anchors are
most likely talking about ISIS. If a poll was given across the U.S asking what people thought of
when they thought of modern terrorism, the majority would say ISIS. If that same poll was given
before the rise of ISIS, however, the obvious answer would be Al Qaeda. Throughout the 2000's, Al
Qaeda and terrorism were synonymous terms. One could not have one without the other. So, the
question must arise: What happened to Al Qaeda? This question is easier asked than answered. Al
Qaeda rose to power through the late twentieth and early twenty–first century very effectively and
rapidly, but they lost that power just as quickly by divisions in violent Islamic radicalism. Al Qaeda,
or "the Base," is a widespread militant Islamic organization founded in the late 1980's by Osama bin
Laden ("Al Qaeda," Encyclopedia Britannica). Their goal is to establish a pan–Islamic Caliphate
everywhere by working with allied Islamic extremists groups to remove, destroy, and replace
everything they see as non–Islamic and kick all non–Muslims and Westerners from Muslim
countries. To achieve these goals, Al Qaeda uses tactics such as assassination, bombing, hijacking,
kidnapping, and suicide attacks. They target the public buildings, embassies, military personnel, and
other important symbols of their enemies. They target American, Jewish, and Muslim governments
they see as "corrupt or impious," and the
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Al Qaeda Research Paper
How Al–Qaeda Still has Power in Afghanistan
Al–Qaeda is a Sunni sunni Islamistislamist organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden.
They have made an impact on many parts of the world. Impacts that would cause casualties that is.
Just three organizations Al–Qaeda is tied to are the Haqqani, Lashkar–e–Taiba, and the Taliban.
Although Al–Qaeda has few agents left in Afghanistan they still managed and manage to cause
devastating acts of violence. One of the ways they were and still are able to make such an impact is
by working with other organizations with similar views for their ideal future.
The Haqqani Network are a group of fundamentalist Islamic islamic insurgents fighting US led
NATO forces and the Afghan government using guerrilla tactics while also performing attacks
against Afghanistan. Omar Wazir claims that a 2011 West Point Study recognizes that the Haqqani
are functioning with Al Qaeda. Jalaluddin, the leader of the Haqqani Network supported Osama bin
Laden, the leader of Al–Qaeda until being assassinated in 2011, by allowing him to train his
followers in Haqqani territory. This allowed both organizations to expand their power. Haqqani also
managed to form a tie with the Taliban, a terrorist Sunni Fundamentalist Organization in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. ... Show more content on ...
The Taliban, similar to Al–Qaeda, is a Sunni Islamic organization in Afghanistan whose main goal is
to gain more support and power. Bruce Riedel claims that without the safe haven/sanctuary the
Taliban offered to Al–Qaeda, the 9/11 attacks would have never occurred; one of the most
devastating events in American History. According to Frontline, Al–Qaeda began its relationship
with the Taliban around 1996. During the War on Terror, the Taliban assisted Al–Qaeda by refusing
to turn in Al–Qaeda members including Osama bin Laden. Al–Qaeda and the Taliban remain
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Al Qaeda Downfall
Al–Qaeda has gained a great amount of attention worldwide for its relentless and deadly terrorist
attacks. For many years this terrorist organization has plagued its own people and the world. Due to
this, they have become a great threat to democracy. Now the question rises, how can al–Qaeda and
its affiliates be stopped? What is a proper solution to this ongoing threat? Well we know all terrorist
groups eventually end, but how do they end? Evidence from 1968 to present day indicate that a
majority of terrorist groups have ended due to joining the political process or by arrest and death of
key members (Jones). In regards to al–Qaeda, this hasn't signaled the end of the fighting. With the
death of its leader, Osama Bin Laden, the organization ... Show more content on ...
Military force led to the end of terrorist groups in 7 percent of cases... The analysis also found that
religiously motivated terrorist groups took longer to eliminate than other groups but rarely achieved
their objectives; no religiously motivated group achieved victory during the period studied.
size significantly determined a group's fate. Groups exceeding 10,000 members were victorious
more than 25 percent of the time, while victory was rare for groups below 1,000 members.
terrorist groups from upper–income countries are much more likely to be left–wing or nationalist
and much less likely to be motivated by religion" (Jones).
Jones compiled and analyzed data of all terrorist groups that were active between 1968 through
2006. This information was acquired from an incident database from the RAND (Research and
Development) Corporation and the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
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What Is Al-Qaeda?
When speaking about al–Qaeda, this paper refers to an organization with numerous affiliates that
promotes a global terrorist interpretation of jihad and thus inspires a movement of followers via the
Internet. Jihadism is the modern ideology and terrorist interpretation of jihad, and jihadists are
persons who hold up its principles and doctrines. An intermediate control level of al–Qaeda and
other organizations exists, and it can be illustrated with the steady output of ideas and agendas.
However, there are countless other actors who exert influence on jihadism online. Thus, it is
preferable not to use the term "al–Qaeda" to describe the participants of online jihad. Most of them
have nothing to do with al–Qaeda. The term al–Qaeda implies a ... Show more content on ...
One cannot assume an absolute division between the virtual and physical worlds. With the
development of Web 2.0, an increasing entanglement of both spheres has taken place. Most people
take virtual worlds dead serious. Nobody wants to be harmed in his or her virtual identity, i.e. to be
"net–smutted" and "net–shitted" on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Yet, people love it to be "net
flirted" or "net loved". As yet, there is an essential human conflict how to deal with cyberspace and
its effects on human behavior. Virtual phenomena thus are still being interpreted nearly as an
illusion, or something that is true, but not totally true. The virtual world and its effects are like a
phantom to the human mind. Propaganda in the Web is "nothing but a virtual call," can often be
heard in the news. Yet, authoritarian states are shutting down Net services to avoid calls for
demonstrations that might endanger their existence (for example in Egypt and China). Participants
in Net–agitation are being punished with long prison terms by repressive states. Therefore, they
create solidarity and hierarchy among speakers. Only participants who share linguistic,
differentiated or restrictive codes belong to a certain in–group. Others may be discriminated and
separated. Restrictive codes strengthen in–group cohesion, which leads to heightened out–group
aggression.' Specially "restrictive codes," which are only understood by in–group
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Research Paper On Al Qaeda
Al– Qaeda Profile Al–Qaeda and its leaders, Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al–Zawahiri are
frequently popular world news subjects. (Piszkiewicz, 2003, p. iii) The world seems to want to be
constantly aware of the goings on of these people and their organization. There is no secret to the
desired need for this information. As most people know Al–Qaeda is a significant and ongoing threat
to the world, with regard to terrorist activities and continued fundamentalist extremism with regard
to jihad, or what these extremists see as a holy war against the rest of the world, but mostly the
Western world. This work will begin with a short introduction to the threat that Al–Qaeda poses to
the world as a way to develop a full profile of the organization, ... Show more content on ...
In fact according to Schanzer and Ross the scattered decentralized manner in which Al–Qaeda now
operates is even more elusive than it was when they were an organized and centralized organization.
Al–Qaeda, can now simply provide a small sum of money to any interested party who promises to
attack in its name and they will be assured of an attempt at some act of terror. (2005, p. 22) In short
Al–Qaeda has become not only a prominent actor in terrorism but it can be seen as a grass roots
umbrella organization for fighting the supposed holy war. This threat leaves life and property at risk,
as well as the minds of millions who could find favor in their extremist ideologies. The threat is
invasive and evasive, worldwide and the technology as well as skill utilized by terrorists, including
those affiliated with Al–Qaeda continues to increase, as does the technology they use to
communicate and the many illegal ways in which they obtain funding and support. The Al–Qaeda of
yesterday may be history, but the ideologies and the strengths of the organization are not. Osama
Bin–Laden and Ayman Al–Zawahiri as well as the subsequent "leaders" will continue to be seen by
many as heroes of a cause for universal social and
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Al Qaeda And The United States
The other suspected motive that al–Qaeda had for the September 11th attacks was the United States'
continuing presence in Saudi Arabia. In 1991, when the Gulf War ended, the United State's
Department of Defense reserved approximately 5,000 troops to be stationed in territories located in
Saudi Arabia. Part of their responsibility was to carry out the military operation, "Operation
Southern Watch" ("Operation Southern Watch"). The goal of this military operation was to ensure
that the no–fly zones over southern Iraq were enforced. In addition, they made certain that the oil
exportation shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf were protected ("Operation Southern Watch"). Osama
Bin Laden's dismay with the United State's presence and protection in ... Show more content on ...
According to Merriam–Webster Dictionary, an infidel is defined as, "a person who does not believe
in a religion that someone regards as the true religion" (Merriam–Webster Dictionary). In this case,
the infidels that Osama bin Laden were referring to do not believe in what he considers to be the
"true religion" of Islam. In addition, according to Bin Laden, Muslims who do not take note of this
religious decree would be deemed as individuals who have forsaken their Islamic faith. ("CT2Learn
:: The National Counterterrorism Center Counterterrorism 2014 Calendar", p. 4) There have been
several unexpected changes that have been brought on by the events of September 11th, 2001. Some
of the most prominent changes include: more than a decade of war, the introduction of federal
programs focused on immigration and deportation, and changes in the management of airport
screening ("Three Major Lasting Impacts of 9/11"). In addition to the security's budget for the war
surpassing more than $43 billion, the number of young men and women that have been deployed
overseas and have been killed or injured in the war on terror has increased as well. According to the
United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "...roughly 3.1 million
Americans entered military service between 2001 and 2011, and nearly 2 million were deployed to
Afghanistan or Iraq" ("Three Major Lasting Impacts of 9/11"). Additionally, "...more than 18 percent
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Terrorism: ISIS And Al Qaeda
Terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda have struck fear deep into the hearts of many Americans.
Fear that has turned into hate and ignorance among these same people because they believe that the
acts of less than one percent of an entire population have somehow translated onto the other ninety–
nine percent. It is this same fear that spreads hurtful messages around the internet: "Muslims are
terrorists!" "Deport them all!" "Take away their rights!" In reality, these people are just as scared as
you, if not even more. Muslims, many of them citizens in the countries in which they live, do not
feel safe as they walk down their own streets. Many of them are denied entrance to stores or
shopping malls, or even detained in airports for crimes they have not committed. They are racially
profiled, and fear rules their lives as much as those who threaten them because of a sparse group of
radicals targeting this country. ... Show more content on ...
Do not cut down a tree. Do not destroy a temple or church, or any building for that matter. Do not
kill children, the elderly, women, monks or priests, the sick, or those who surrender or run away. Do
not kill an animal unless it is for food. Do not disfigure the dead. Be good to prisoners and feed
them. Do these rules say anywhere that you should drive planes into skyscrapers or behead hundreds
on camera to prove your point? No? Do these rules say anywhere that the proper way to prove a
point is to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children? No? That's because
most Muslims are not
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Al Qaeda Of The United States
September 11th 2001 is a day Americans will remember for the rest of their lives. This was the day
Al Qaeda, a radical Islamic group organized by Osama Bin Laden in the 1990's, terrorized America.
Al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and executed suicide attacks on four sites in the United States of
America. The first two of the airplanes were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City, another
hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and the last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, but could
have been headed towards the White House or United States capital building. Thousands of people
died and these terrorists' attacks changed America's fabric forever.
Al Qaeda is the group that started as an Islamic Army that fought against the Soviets in ... Show
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On Febuary 26th 1993, 7 members of Al Qaeda planted a bomb in a truck in a parking garage below
The North Tower of the World Trade Center. Although the bomb did not do extensive damage to the
World Trade Center as compared to the 9/11 attacks "...six people were killed almost instantly." (The
1993 Trade Center Bombing) and thousands were injured in some way. Another major terrorist
attack executed by Al Qaeda was the USS Cole Bombing. In October of 2000, while in Aden,
Yemen the USS Cole made a rest stop to refuel. Meanwhile two suicide bombers carried explosives
on a small motor boat next to the USS Cole, "The blast ripped a 40–foot–wide hole near the
waterline of the Cole, killing 17 American sailors and injuring many more."(The USS Cole
It did not stop there, before 9/11, These are just a few of the planned attacks on America by Al
Qaeda prior to 9/11, but none of them were as radical as 9/11. Three main issues that changed
significantly before and after 9/11 was homeland security, war, and battling terrorism. Homeland
Security is a major byproduct that evolved after 9/11. America's Homeland Security's goal is to
guarantee that America is safe, guarded, and buoyant against terrorist attacks and other harmful acts.
Their core goals include: "1.Prevent terrorism and enhancing security; 2. Secure and manage our
borders; 3. Enforce and administer our immigration laws; 4. Safeguard and secure cyberspace; 5.
Ensure resilience to disasters;"
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Ayman al–Zawahiri:
Ayman al–zawahiri was an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) and also one of the founders of Egyptian
militant group Islamic Jihad. After the death of Osama Bin Laden, he was made the leader of al–
Qaeda on 16 June 2011.Under his leadership al–Qaeda continued its jihad against crusader America
and its servant Israel and whoever supported them. According to some authentic resources Zawahiri
was also suspected to be the operational brain behind the 11 September 2001 attacks in US.As he is
one of the group's chief ideologue and missionary. On the list of 22 most wanted terrorists, issued by
the government of US in 2011, Zawahiri was second only to Bin Laden and continues to have a
$25m bounty on his head. He went underground after the US–led attack to overthrow the Taliban.
One of his wives and two children also got killed in an US air strike in 2011. Security analysts
believe him to be hidden somewhere around Afghan–Pakistan border region. US again launched an
air strike in Jan 2006 at Damadola, a Pakistani village near the Afghan–Pakistan border, where they
suspected zawahiri to be hiding and killed eighteen villagers including four children. US sources
suggested ... Show more content on ...
He is either Moroccan or Egyptian. According to the reports submitted by Pakistani officials in early
2006 he was thought to be dead in an US air strike near the Afghan border but later the Pakistani
officials backed off from their statement and said that no al–Qaeda leaders died in the attack. He
came to be described as al–Qaeda's military commander in July 2008 and previously he had been
assumed to hold overall command after al–Iraqi's capture in 2006. He oversees al–Qaeda's internal
operations in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. He is also assumed to be operating with a fake
identity and one of his fictitious names is believed to be Khalid
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Is Al Qaeda Terrorism Justified
Al Qaeda is one of the most well known terrorist groups of the 21st century due to their statement
terrorists acts that have shaken entire countries such as the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre in
the USA and the bombing of Madrid's railway station in Spain. This group was founded in Saudi
Arabia in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. All actions that
they take are justified by the Islamic religion and they are driven by the Sharia, naming themselves
the Jihad or the members of the Holy War. Bin Laden and his deputies have been killed by the US in
2011 in an attempt to stop this terrorist group, however they continue to run today, only with less
control and more killings, going by the name ISIS or the Islamic
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An International Terrorist Organization ( Al Qaeda
Investigate an international terrorist organization (al–Qaeda) Al–Qaeda is an international terrorist
organization that was founded in the late 1980's by Osama bin Ladin and Abdullah Azzam. The
organization is still currently active today, even though it has become largely decentralized with the
deaths of many of its leaders following their attack on the twin towers in New York City, on
September 11th, 2001. Al–Qaeda was founded towards the end of the Soviet Union's attempted
expansion into Afghanistan. The group was initially a secret society did not even say their name,
because a Dr. Hunter told us in class if an organization becomes well known government will seek
them out an destroy them before they have a chance to do something. Before the events of
September 11th, 2001 Al–Qaeda had launched smaller, of which some were successful, terrorist
attacks against the United States. Their first attempt to attack was a failure as the soldiers that were
the target stayed at another hotel. They set of a bomb at the Movenpick Hotel in Yemen, but
succeeded in only killing civilians. Al–Qaeda did consider this attack successful internally, even
though the outside world did not. Al–Qaeda did attempt to assassinate United States president Bill
Clinton while he was in Manila in 1996. The plan was discovered and a bomb was found under a
bridge that Clinton's motorcade was supposed to go over. In 1998 al–Qaeda launched simultaneous
attacks on two United States embassies in east Africa.
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Al-Qaeda Threats
Terrorism plays a vital role in the way that we orchestrate emergency management. There are many
prominent threats that have a primary goal to cause harm to people and infrastructures throughout
world because of various reasons. These threats consisted of individuals such as Osama Bin Laden
as well as groups such as Al–Qaeda. As prominent as theses these threats were there are many
threats that are currently plotting attacks today and are going to continue to pursue destruction in the
Al–Qaeda has its origins in the insurrection against the Soviet tenure of Afghanistan. Thousands of
volunteers from around the Middle East came to Afghanistan as holy warriors fighting to protect
companion Muslims. In the 1980s, Osama bin Laden became the primary investor for an
organization that recruited Muslims from mosques around the globe to join his cause. These
warriors, which were numbered in the thousands, were severe in the overthrow of Soviet forces.
When the Soviets retreated from Afghanistan, Bin Laden returned to his native land of Saudi Arabia.
Once he returned he then founded an organization to assist veterans of the Afghan war, many of
these veterans embarked on a journey to battle in another location which comprise the basis of al–
Qaeda. Al–Qaeda's commandership is made up of a loosely organized plexus of cells. It can recruit
members from thousands of Afghan veterans and radicals around the globe. Its infrastructure is
weak, fickle, and decentralized, every cell acts independently with its members while not knowing
the actions of other cells. Lower level operatives usually do not know any of the ... Show more
content on ...
"Bin Laden also said that he wishes to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if necessary, an
Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs" (Bruno
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The Terror Of Al Qaeda
I mean seriously, who do these Al Qaeda guys think they are? First they go blowing up the twin
towers, which I stayed in during a high school concert choir trip, and now this...Wanting Americans
to convert to Islam, THE NERVE! How rude can these guys get? Instilling fear in every man, child
and animal is one thing, but asking me to switch faiths? Shit, you 've crossed a line you really
shouldn 't have crossed; you need to step off Al Qaeda. What? You don 't believe me? Well believe
this, infidel: "Al–Qaeda has urged non–Muslims – especially in the US – to convert to Islam,
according to a new videotape. The call is made by a man identified on the film as "Azzam the
American", a convert also known as Adam Gadahn who is wanted for questioning by the FBI. He
says ignorance of Islam leads Westerners to accept wars waged by their governments and Israel
against Muslim countries. The video opens with an introduction by al–Qaeda number two Ayman
al–Zawahiri." – Al–Zawahiri has got to be the biggest affront on Middle America 's way of
life since Al Bundy, perhaps even more so. And who is this "Azzam the American" character? Isn 't
that the name of the genie Shaq played in that stupid movie? It 's all pretty sickening and I, as an
American, am pissed off. This is what I am doing right now to "deal" with it, you know, blow off
steam. I 've got Lee Greenwood 's "God Bless the USA" (you know the tune... "And I 'm proud to be
an American") blasting on the hi–fi, and I 'm sitting at
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Al Qaeda Campaign Analysis
rise of Al Qaeda and the resilience of its group, it is important understand that the internet is a
significant factor in their campaign against the West.
In terms of proselytizing, the Internet is useful in advancing propaganda material to Muslims within
their own national boundaries and throughout Western countries such as Europe, London, United
States, and Canada. The internet is being used for a wide variety of applications such as
radicalization, recruitment, and planning. Online Islamic magazines, articles, messages, and files are
being transmitted to every part of the globe. By late 2007, there were at least 100 English–speaking
Islamic websites intended to recruit Muslims in Western countries (Michael 2009, 143). Al Qaeda
can build ... Show more content on ...
Al Qaeda knows that if they can get their hands on biological, chemical or radiological weapons
they can conduct more lethal attacks and increase the number of casualties. As a whole this did not
happen, but attempts were nonetheless made. "American troops in 2001 uncover outlined plans to
produce and test chemical weapons under a plan code–named zabadi (curdled milk)" (Baylis, Smith,
and Owens 2014, 368). "Under this plan Al Qaeda began experiments with toxic agents on dogs and
rabbits at a camp near Jalalabad and there were instructions to start building a laboratory" (Spiers
2010, 141). There were also reports that Al Qaeda had recruited competent scientists and a Pakistani
microbiologist, Abdur Rauf (142). Zawahiri, an Al Qaeda leader, is responsible for his recruitment.
His primary goal was obtaining B. anthracis through Rauf. B. anthracis is a seriously infectious
disease; if exposed to the public it can cause death. Ultimately, globalization is giving terrorists
access to weapons and resources. This example is illustrated through digital videos; Al Qaeda has
the option to recruit scientists from western countries to assist them in the developing of nuclear
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How To Prevent Al Qaeda
Al Qaeda's branch is located in Yemen and is considered to be the most perilous part of the terrorist
group. A letter to Ibrahim al–Asiri, the master bomb–maker with Al Qaeda, stated, "We urge you to
strike America in its own home and beyond". Officials are still uncertain if this letter was really
written to Asiri, but it has definitely been taken noticed by other terrorist group trackers. Asiri had
also been the one involved in incidents like the 2009 Christmas Day Bomb, when a passenger from
Africa nearly triggered a bomb in a Detroit–bound plane. Asiri also designed a bomb for his own
brother, Abdullah al–Asiri, to carry and kill Saudi Arabia's counterterrorism chief. The mission was
unsuccessful, resulting in the surviving of the Saudi minister but the killing of his brother. U.S.
officials fear that Al Qaeda will plan even more bombings and cause massive destruction to
America. ... Show more content on ...
The leader of Al Qaeda was Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in 2011 by U.S. soldiers. In addition,
Al Qaeda was also the terrorist group that caused the devastating event of September 11. Therefore,
they need to be stopped. They had threatened and attacked the U.S. numerous times, but still
continued relentlessly. Al Qaeda poses a threat to many countries and can possibly start a war.
Considering this, if we don't stop them now, their future attacks can be even more brutal.
I believe that Al Qaeda is serious about attacking the United States again. After reading the article, I
felt disturbed on how Asiri was the one that caused the deadly bombing incidents and why he hasn't
been captured yet. I fear that Al Qaeda can't be stopped by how much power and people they hold,
but there is still a possibility. Furthermore, terrorist groups are disparaging and will do anything to
get what they want. These kinds of groups aren't needed in this world and should be put in end to
before anything else
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Al Qaeda Essay

  • 1. Al Qaeda Essay Al Qaeda is a global militant Islamist organization that was created by Osama Bin Laden and a few other militant men in the late 1980s. From its beginning, Al Qaeda was dedicated to opposing non– Islamic governments with force and violence. The name translates to "the Base of Operation" (Burke 18) and has been headquartered in numerous nations including Afghanistan, Sudan, and Pakistan since the early 1990s. There is some debate about a current headquarters but most intelligence personnel think the organization operates from numerous satellite locations across the Middle East and Africa. Al–Qaeda functions like a venture capital firm. It provides funding, contacts, and advice to smaller, Islamic militant groups under its umbrella (Burke 18). ... Show more content on ... US government suspects ties with militant terrorist organizations in the Philippines, Egypt, Indonesia, and Iraq. These relationships may be only temporary and are likely to change depending on planned attacks. Although, the exact hierarchy is unknown, Al–Qaeda has a membership roster and a structure of committees to guide and oversee the organization's tasks. These tasks include training terrorists, proposing targets, financing operations, and issuing edicts to justify Al–Qaeda actions (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks 2). The "Shura" is an advisory council made up of key associates and founding members of the organization. They typically make the big decisions. Underneath the Shura are multiple committees including: the Sharia–responsible for issuing edicts purported to be grounded in Islamic Law that authorizes Al–Qaeda's acts of terror (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks 2), a military committee responsible for proposing targets for attacks and managing training camps, and a finance committee that is responsible for fundraising for training camps, housing costs, living expenses, and the movement of money allocated to operations (National Commission on Terrorism Attacks 2). As mentioned before, Al–Qaeda's disjointed and widespread structure is unique because exposure or destruction of small, autonomous cells has little effect on the organization as a whole (Zimmerman ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Strategies Of Al-Qaeda Ideologies Throughout history, various terrorist groups have targeted the United States, endeavoring to prove its power and capabilities. Al–Qaeda, a terrorist group, run by Osama Bin Laden, is an explicit example of this. This group's actions during the early 21st century has changed the lives of American's forever. On September 11, 2001, al–Qaeda attacked the twin towers and World Trade Center, whilst attempted to attack the White House. This act of terrorism killed thousands of innocent civilians, no matter age, gender or race. Al–Qaeda's main goal is to diffuse fear throughout the world. As time continues, the amount of terrorism within the world is increasing. An increase of terrorism activity is due to the increased amount of state support for it. ... Show more content on ... These organizations result in a vast amount of destruction and casualties in the world. Due to al– Qaeda's interpretation of Islam, terrorists attacked the world. The groups main strategy was to threaten America by staging attacks such as the 9/11 attacks so, American soldiers to invade Muslim countries. This was all a set up to increase American civilian casualties, increase the diffusion of fear across the world, demonstrate their power and capabilities, and most importantly, spread al– Qaeda ideologies. Supporters of al–Qaeda ideologies believe that the Middle East must be restored into true Islamic states by destroying any Western influence, similar to that in America. In America, ideas of nationalism or democracy are widespread, which conflict with al–Qaeda supporters beliefs. Al–Qaeda organized various attacks on the United States and other countries to decades the spread of Western ideas. Therefore, to achieve their ideologies, al–Qaeda must spread fear by inflicting various acts of terror to increase the diffusion of their religious int he world. America's strength and perseverance abetted the nation's role against terrorism. In history, al–Qaeda is considered one of the most dangerous terrorist groups that have implicated various acts of terror on the world. Although the number of terrorism acts are increasing, this only motivates the government of the United States and other countries to strive harder to protect their country. Americans metaphorically thank terrorist, for it was their acts that made them stronger as a ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Rise Of Al-Qaeda (U) "Al–Qaeda is the complex international Islamist terrorist network made of regional affiliate organizations and clandestine cells with varying degrees of communication." 1 Their ultimate goal is to establish its version of Islamic rule across all Muslim territory.They continually adopts new patterns of operations in response to global counter–terrorism effort. (U) Established in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden, Al–Qaeda was intentically a humanitarian project. They complied databases to document the movements of Arab fighters from all over Middle East who were aid against the Soviet Union. The Information that was gather was to provide it to families who were inquiring about fate and whereabouts of their loved ones ,and to raise money and supplies ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Terrorist Theories Of Al Qaeda Do you remember where you were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001? Well if you do, then this should be a memory refresher, but if you don't, heres something for you to learn. There were four airlines that were hijacked by the Islamic Extremist Group, Al–Qaeda. Al–Qaeda had planned to use a suicide attack against the United States. At 8:45 am, two of the four hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. This day, was going to change America forever. Since the terrorist attacks, there has been many conspiracy theories that put fourth to what "actually happened". As these conspiracies come, they range from planes not even hitting the Twin Towers but bombs that destroyed those buildings to the government knowing and going along with the plan of attack. Even though that the government says they made up the attack now, the 9/11 attack did happen how we thought it happened because of Islamic Extremist group thinking that America is weak, thousands of people died and we ended up going to war to find Osama Bin Laden. One might say that the government did not plan the 9/11 attack. Heres what the Islamic Extremest group is and what their purpose for their attack was. Islamic Extremist group consist of two aspects of extremist, interpretations and pursuits of the Islamic ideology. Though the group doesn't entail violence, even thought it does ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Al Qaeda: Origins, Development and Objectives International Relations Al Qaeda: Origins, Development and Objectives Select any terrorist group we studied and explain its origins, development and objectives. Al Qaeda is an international terrorist organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s in Peshawar, Pakistan. The name is Arabic for "The Base of Operation" or "method" (Burke 2004). However, many experts agree that al–Qaeda is more dangerous as an ideology than as an organization. As an organization, it has been weakened by fragmentation, arrests, and deaths of the top leaders. This has caused the structure of the organization to be destroyed, resulting in the lack of a central hub for the militant group. One thing that remains is the ideology, which is ... Show more content on ... Since this was only a goal of certain members, a number of organizations were formed to further these goals, while other organizations pursued different goals. This disagreement was mainly between bin Laden, who wanted to focus more on global non–military operations while Azzam wanted to continue with the military operations. However, Azzam was assassinated by a car bomb in 1989, and the Services Office split, with many of the volunteers joining Bin Laden's cause. By this time, Bin Laden left Afghanistan for Saudi Arabia, as Iraq had invaded its neighbor Kuwait, which put the vast Saudi oil fields at risk since the Iraqi troops could easily attack them from their position in Kuwait. The Saudi army had a great deal of firepower but not enough troops to face the Iraqi army. Bin Laden offered the mujahedeen to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to defend Saudi Arabia against the Iraqi army but King Fadh decided to allow the troops of the United States and its allies to defend Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was angered by this move as he did not think foregin troops should be on sacred soil, since it is the location of two mosques, Mecca and Medina. He was very outspoken against Saudi Arabia's actions, leading to his exile to Sudan. While in Sudan, he assisted their government, supporting businesses and setting up training camps for the mujahedeen. In 1993, Israel and Palestine signed the Oslo Accords, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Al-Qaeda Vs ISIS Two of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world are Al–Qaeda and IS (Better known as ISIS). These two organizations may look very much the same. However, they have many differences that set them apart, and IS stands out to clearly be the most dangerous of the two. There are two different types and definitions of terrorism. The first is international terrorism and the second is domestic terrorism. International terrorism involves three specific characteristics. The first characteristic involves acts that are either dangerous or violent to the human life that break either federal or state law. The second characteristic of international terrorism are those acts that appear to either intend to intimidate or coerce a population ... Show more content on ... "The emergence of terrorism in a new form has sent tremors of anxiety around the globe. ISIS, the self–proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, has redefined the meaning of terror by combining relentless barbarism with military skill, religious bigotry, unprecedented affluence and the shrewd use of video and social media" (FulFord, 2014). If you do not join them, you are against them and they will use any measure necessary even beyond our thinking to strike fear into anyone that chooses to oppose them and their ideology. They will go to any extreme to accomplish their goal even if it means to take you and the rest of the world out one area at a time. They are estimated to have at least 31,000 fighters (DePetris, 2014). One of the major things that stands out for IS is that they are able to not only capture large territories, but to maintain those territories and establish Islamic caliphate. Not only did they do this, but also they accomplished this in the very heart of the Arabic world. This is something no other terrorist organization has been able to accomplish. They did this through several massive killings of over 200 plus people at one time, beheadings and executions (DePetris, 2014). This by far appears to be the most dangerous group of terrorist in the world ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Al Qaeda 4 Paper 1 – Al–Qaeda 10/19/10 It would not at all be surprising if this decade comes to be known as the decade of terrorism in years to come. Since the turn of the millennium, terrorism, maybe more than any other global issue or topic, has plagued the world stage with constant news and horror. It can be argued that terrorism is a problem with no solution and no end in sight. The Islamic militant group, Al–Qaeda, is the most well known terrorist organization in the world. Al–Qaeda has been held accountable for some of the most tragic and horrifying acts of terror in history. Still, many people do not fully understand what Al–Qaeda is, who is behind it, and why it exists. A fluid, agreed–upon definition does not exist for the extremist ... Show more content on ... The Law Committee rules on whether certain actions follow Islamic law. The Islamic Study/Fatwa Committee issues religious edicts, also known as fatwas, that the rest of the organization and even the territory it controls must follow. For example, in 1998, Al–Qaeda issued a fatwa that all Muslims should kill any American if given the chance. The most recent addition to Al–Qaeda has been the formation of As–Sahab, Al–Qaeda's media outlet that supplies video and audio recordings and sends them out to the rest of the world (Inside Al–Qaeda). Tapes of bin Laden have been released to the United States where he takes responsibility for the September 11th attacks, as well as numerous other hateful speeches about the evils of Western culture and perceived Muslim intolerance. Although there is a large following of people that believe Al–Qaeda has been dismantled and broken down since the War on Terror, evidence still points to a structurally organized and strategically planned organization in which each department works in conjunction with each other to carry out acts of terror. Osama bin Laden is advised by a Shura Council, estimated to consist of twenty to thirty members, who make plans and decisions for the entire organization. They recently released a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Al Qaeda Research Paper 1988: bin laden founded al qaeda Al Qaeda developed out of the struggle to expel the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden, son of a wealthy Saudi contractor, joined many young Arab men of his generation in Afghanistan. While he appears to have played a very minor role in the fighting, his wealth enabled him to recruit, train, and supply fighters for the insurgency. It was founded in Afghanistan. America started to support israel against palestine which made al qaeda mad and wanted to fight back against the US which lead to the truck bombing in 1993. –In 1993 the Egyptian Ramzi Yousef planted a truck bomb in the garage of the World Trade Center, killing six and injuring more than one thousand. They were planning to take down the towers ... Show more content on ... embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 220 people.The previous February bin Laden had issued a fatwa (religious edict) proclaiming it a sacred duty for devout Muslims to kill Americans whenever and wherever they could be found. American involvement in the extradition, and alleged torture, of four members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad who had been arrested in Albania for an alleged series of murders in Egypt in the two months prior to the attacks made al qaeda plan their next attack on the USS The Sullivans. –On January 3, 2000 Al qaeda planned to attack the USS the Sullivans ship, but it failed because they put too much weight on a small ship to bomb the USS Sullivans crew ship so the boat sank.Their failure didn't stop their motivation, al–Qaeda succeeded in bombing a U.S. Navy warship in October 2000 with the USS Cole Bombing and killed 17 sailors. A day later, a grenade was thrown at the British embassy in Yemen, blowing up one of its electric generators. Al–Qaeda wanted to attack the U.S. more by attacking the world trade centers, they would promote widespread fear throughout the country and severely weaken the United States' standing in the world community, ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim World. This is copied, and therefore needs a ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Al Qaeda And Terrorism Analysis Al Qaeda is a name well known around the world, more known after the Twin Towers were hit on September 11th in 2001. Many wonder why we were targeted, why so many lives were lost and instantly wanted to retaliate without conjecturing "Why does Al Qaeda have such a hatred for democratic countries?" This hatred is ostensible in their violent assaults against countries such as America, Europe, and Africa, not only on 9/11 but well before and well after. Some would say Osama Bin Laden (OBL) is the basis and mastermind behind all these attacks, while others would say it was the ideology which OBL believed and had other to believe as well. Meanwhile, President Bush used the notion of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to push troops into the Middle ... Show more content on ... Jeffrey Haynes identifies two key sources of the Salafist ideology is based around: "Wahhabism, a version of the official version of Islam found in Saudi Arabia– and the ideas of an Egyptian, Sayyid Qutb" (Haynes 2006, 182). Wahhabism has been around for over 200 years and followed by most Sunni Muslims in the Middle East, its foundation renounces Shias due to their belief in Ali being the true Prophet as well as preaching to false idols. Qutb, who has lived in America briefly, during the Civil Rights era, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and eventually murdered by the Egyptian government in 1966. However, during his life, Qutb declared "'Western civilization' the enemy of Islam; denounced leaders of Muslim nations for not following Islam closely enough; and sought to spread the belief among Sunni Muslims that it was their duty to undertake jihad to defend and purify Islam" (Haynes 2006). Another prominent figure within Al Qaeda and still alive is al– Zawahiri, who merged his organization of Egyptian Islamic Jihad with OBL's Al Qaeda and became the deputy for OBL and turned Al Qaeda into an international network. At the age of 15, he began his militant career and later became one of the founders of Islamic Jihad whose intent was to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The History Of Al Qaeda Al Qaeda started out with three members and grew over the years, becoming one of the most widely known terrorist organizations in the world. Al Qaeda was founded in 1988 by Abdullah Azzam, Ayman al–Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden, who later became the most wanted terrorist in America. Abdullah had a position as a lecturer at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, where he most likely met Bi Laden who was enrolled there as a student. As bin Laden's teacher and mentor Azzam influenced and helped Bin Laden start the Al Qaeda organization in 1988. Ayman al–Zawahiri later joined to two and is currently the leader of Al Qaeda. . The organization started out in Pakistan and Afghanistan and later spread across five different continents. Over the years ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. How To Stop Al-Qaeda Will you stop them? Have you ever heard of Al–Qaeda? You might not have heard that name but you have probably heard of Osama Bin Laden. He is the one of the heads of this "Al–Qaeda". It is a terrorist cell bent on destroying America. If you want to hear more, read on. Al–Qaeda is dangerous because of their goals, attacks, and because a dead foe is coming back for more. Al–Qaeda has some despicable goals. They want to destroy the west. It is part of their religion. They also want to kill apostates, which are muslims that defect from Al–Qaeda's religion. Another one of their goals is to cause panic and unrest. They have some nasty goals. Al–Qaeda have performed many devastating and crippling attacks. Who can forget 9/11, where people hijacked ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Terrorist Organization : Al Qaeda The terrorist organization I chose is Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda translates into, "The Base, The Foundation or The Fundament". This terrorist organization was established in 1988 and is still going on to the present day. This is one of the most active and dangerous terrorist groups out there today. Al Qaeda is worldwide but they are mainly located in the Middle East. Al Qaeda is worldwide, but they now have control in Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. In the Af–Pak region there are 300–3,000 members in the organization. In the Maghreb there are about 800–1,000 members, West Africa has 100 members, Arabian Peninsula has 1,000–3,000, and Somalia has 10,000 members. All together Al Qaeda has about 19,115–27,315 members in their organization. The group just continues to grow and grow. Al Qaeda has had two leaders so far. Osama bin Laden was the first and he lead from (1988–2011). Ayman al–Zawahiri took over the leadership role as soon as Osama was assassinated and is still the leader to this day. Some of their allies are the Taliban, Tehrik–i–Taliban Pakistan, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, East Turkestan Islamic Movement, and Lashkar–e–Taiba (Web. Network of Terror). All of their allies are as equally dangerous. Al Qaeda is just more active with their threats. As for religion, "Al Qaeda believes in its own version of Sunni Islam"(Web. Religious Terrorism). Sunni Islam is by far the largest religion of Islam. In 2009, Sunni Muslims were the majority of the world 's Muslim population ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Terrorist Groups: Al-Qaeda Al–Qaeda has been termed a terrorist group by numerous global actors, including the United Nations and – more notably – the United States. This labeling has emerged as a result of the organisation's major terror attacks – such as the bombings of the Madrid train system in 2004 and the London Underground in 2005 – which clearly illustrate its use of violence on civilian targets – a factor commonly used in defining acts of terrorism (Barker 2003). The most publicised of these acts is the September 11 bombings of the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre in 2001, which was the sole influence for responses such as the US War on Terror and the UN adoption of Resolution 1373. Al–Qaeda was formed during the Cold War in 1988, emerging from the 'network ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Mccabe's Five Mistakes Of Al Qaeda The only reason why al Qaeda was failing at the time was that they were being defeated by other countries. However, many factors contributed to those defeats, the reason was the strategy, tactics used by al Qaeda and jihadist in general, with the view of the world on which that strategy and tactics were resulted in (McCabe, Thomas R. 2010). To the extremists' the complete worldview had been on a misguided or unusual assumption that did not have little or no basis of fact. McCabe mentioned the five critical mistakes al Qaeda made, which some were by al Qaeda and the jihadist that in particular was just al Qaeda alone. The mistakes were misreading the situation in the Middle East and the United States. They had misread our weaknesses here in ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. The Issue Of Al Qaeda Essay Although U.S gained victories under Bush administration from these two wars: overthrowning enemies (Saddam Hussein and Taliban), democratizing Afghanistan and Iraq and reaching oil in Iraq, there are some problems challenge U.S. That was a reason for Obama to plan an end of these two missions when he came to office. However, Obama faced with new issue: ISIS. As in Stern and Berger's book (2015), Al–Qaeda was the origin of ISIS. They were one organization before conflict and ISIS became a new terrorist group (Stern & Berger, 2015). Hashim (2014) also mentioned ISIS was born from Al–Qaeda. That referred ISIS was created from the miscalculation of U.S from Afghanistan civil war in which supported for the development of Al–Qaeda, but not thinking about the danger from this extremist terrorist group. Purpose of Al–Qaeda is establishing Islamic state rather secular democratic state. Therefore, it against U.S because of recognizing U.S as its threat. U.S strategic thinkers at that time did not calculate this problem, they only think about solution to deal with Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Bush administration continue made mistake when deployed mission in Afghanistan 2001. Though Bush administration toppled Taliban who was accused of linking with Al–Qaeda in 11/9, he falied in finding and rooting cause of terrorism. He concentrated more on eliminating Al–Qaeda and defeating Taliban but lacking of helping Afghanistan to be more democratic state and improve Afghanistanian living. That ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Al Qaeda During The Soviet War If you ever hear someone talking about the biggest and most terrorizing threat group in the world, then they are most likely talking about Al Qaeda (The Base/Eir Shura). There are many beliefs that Al Qaeda has been around for centuries due to the views and origins of many threat groups before them. Going of known facts, during the Soviet war in Afghanistan on approximately August 11, 1988 is the date that Al Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden (54 years old) and has been terrorizing many parts of the world ever since then. Al Qaeda was first used for the Arabs who believed that the Russians were the cause to a lot of issues having to do with the Islamic religious belief. "In order to comprehend the current ideology and objectives of ... Show more content on ... Al Qaeda believes in this thing called "The Oppressors" Meaning "The one who oppresses others should fear Allah and beware of transgression, because it will be counted as multiples of transgressions on the Day of Resurrection: one for him disobeying Allah, another for him oppressing his fellow Muslim, and a third for initiating and opening the gate of transgression and oppression for others to imitate. The wronged person could even eventually die as a result of the oppression, and the transgressor would bear the consequences of this." (IslamWeb, Apr 2013, Ph.1) Al Qaeda basically believes if you are not with them, then you are against them meaning you support the oppressor. Al Qaeda has been and always will continue to attempt to create a revolution of the uprising of the oppressed through the masses of messages and threats. Religion is Al Qaeda's main go to for any reasoning behind their violence. Goals and Objectives always seem to be based on the currently leader of Al Qaeda. Like mentioned previously, Osama Bin Laden was Al Qaeda's last known leader and he was killed on May 22, 2011 in Pakistan. After being a huge wanted target for the United States of America for nearly a decade long, it has almost been about 5 years since a group of US Navy Seals assassinated him during a night–raid on a compound in Pakistan. "President Barack Obama, who monitored the raid in real ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Taliban And Al Qaeda The events of 9/11 have brought the topic of Islamic Terrorism to the forefront of western media and diplomatic conversation. It has marked and highlighted the rise in the number of the organizations who use terrorism as a tool to achieve religious or political goals. The actions and strategies of these groups have intensified and become increasingly global. It has become somewhat common practice to generalize these groups, their objectives and their strategies. The Taliban and Al–Qaeda are some the two most outspoken groups and many assume their characteristics to be similar. As the western gaze focuses primarily on these two organizations, a comparison between: their origins, structures, background, objectives and current actions, allows ... Show more content on ... Afghan refugees in Pakistan were offered a free education alongside Pakistanis to these schools. These schools were used to further the organization 's desired objectives. Although the Taliban's territory is distinctly Afghanistan, their Pakistani foundation resonates throughout much of their history and structure as an international support and through their ties with the Al–Qaeda. Their Afghan origins and influence began in 1994 in Southern Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan as a counter to the pro–communist government. From their onset in Southern Afghanistan, the Taliban acquired a great deal of power and influence. Through armed force and following the ousting of the pro–communist President Mohammad Najibullah by the Mujahedeen forces, the Taliban successfully took Kabul in 1996. Their political success manifested in them forming a government from September 1996 to December 2001. They maintained this control and power, despite international condemnation on human rights' grounds. In fact, by 1998 they controlled around 90% of Afghanistan (Yung, 2007). However, their influence was not enough to capture the north–western part of Afghanistan, which remained in the hands of the Northern Alliance. The Taliban enjoyed a great rise of power in the early stages of the organization and throughout this decade of control their structures and objectives evolved with some success. Around the early 2000s and the attacks of September ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Al Qaeda Nations around the world face an austere challenge with the growing threat from Islamic extremist. These organizations have recruited people to join their fight and wage a holy war. These individuals will travel to the terrorist training camps and learn various tactics to cause the most destruction possible. Some will be asked to stay and fight the enemy within the country, while others will be sent back to their country to conduct attacks. ISIS The Islamic State is a terrorist group that believes in a "...radical interpretation of Islam as political philosophy and seeks to impose that worldview by force on Muslims and non–Muslims alike". This group was ousted from Al Qaeda because they were being too extreme, and carrying out atrocious acts ... Show more content on ... These groups utilize the media platforms to preach the jihadi movement, as well as releasing propaganda and weapons tutorials. Both of these groups have English magazines; the Al Qaeda's English–language magazine, known as "Inspire," and ISIS's English–language magazine, called "Dabiq." Many terrorist organizations are posting eulogies of martyred jihadist. With the hopes of encouraging other radical Muslims and using them as role models for Muslims around the world. With the growing use of social media, the terrorist has good reasons to take advantage of it. The terrorist's channels are popular with its intended audience; this allows the organizations to be mainstream. Social media channels are user–friendly, dependable, free, and can be used anywhere in the world if you have data or are connected to the internet. Social networking allows terrorist to reach out to their intended targets no matter where they are located. Compared to the traditional way in which visitors had to come to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Al Qaeda Research Papers Terrorism has been around for many years but it wasn't until the unfortunate event that took place on September 11th, 2001 that everything changed. After the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York that left over 2,996 dead, and 6,000+ injured and much of the world devastated. Everyone started to ask questions about terrorism and wondered who could be behind such an awful attack. The group who bombed the world trade center would go on to become one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in history, they would come to be known as " Al– Qaeda". Al–Qaeda which in Arabic means " The Base" was founded by Abdullah Azzam and Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Azzam was a teacher and mentor to Osama when he was in university, Azzam was assassinated ... Show more content on ... The group states that certain scriptures in the Quran and the Hadith speak about mass–murder, genocide, child molestation and slavery and how the holy writings justify these violent acts. The Al– Qaeda main goal is to drive out the Americans and the American influences that it has over all of the Muslim nations, the ideology for the group is referred to as " Jihadism" which means to be marked by the willingness to kill. Al–Qaeda also wants to destroy Israel and to be able to unite all Muslims and establish a force following the rules of the first Caliphs. The Caliphs is a form of a Islamic political religious leadership, the person who becomes a Caliphs is known to be a successor of the prophet Muhammad. Although Bin Laden started Al–Qaeda he did not run the organization by himself, he had a top advisor named Al–Zawahiri. Al–Zawahiri was born to an Egyptian upper class family and was a certified surgeon. Zawahiri joined the radical Islamic movement in the late 1970s, he served three years in prison for the assassination of Anwar Sadat who at the time was the 3rd President of Egypt. After his release from prison he meet Bin Laden and the two instantly became friends, ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Pros And Cons Of Al Qaeda The word " terrorism" is used a lot in the world nowadays. The definition of a terrorist is someone who uses intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. Some example of what we have establish as terror attacks are the Twin Towers in New York on the 11 of september 2001 or the Paris attack on november the 13 2015. The attacks were done by two different groups of terrorists, but what people tend to ignore is that these terrorist groups did not come to life from the unknown. What people tend to ignore or maybe just don't understand or don't know is that in this case, Al Qaeda was a creation of the United States of America, a country which was colossally ... Show more content on ... This is when the Americans stopped being involved, it did not matter to them what happened in Afghanistan anymore as they had won against the Soviets. When the war ended, the most affected were the Mujahideens that had stayed once the war had been won. These Islamic warriors had been brought to Afghanistan from across the Islamic world, they had a goal to rebuild Afghanistan in their ideal Islamic image. However once the war ended, everyone who was involved, especially the United States abandoned them, many of these people were brought to Afghanistan by the Americans in order to be fighters but once the Americans were gone they had no way to return home. It is important to understand that Afghanistan was devastated nation at that time. Many of the Mujahideens that were left behind came together to form alliances. What Osama Bin Laden did a that time was become a leader of alliances that were made as he had maintained his funding sources due to him being a Saudi elite. (To what extent is Al–Qaeda a creation of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Al Qaeda Of The Arabian Peninsula Running Head: Napier Final Paper Final Paper: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Adam Napier COMM 3597.02: Media and Terrorism MWF 1:50 – 2:45 Emily Davidson Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is a branch of the Islamic organization known as al Qaeda. The AQAP is based in Yemen and was formed in 2009 after an announcement that Yemeni and Saudi terrorists were unifying under a common banner (National Counterterrorism Center [NCTC], 2014). The AQAP is now considered the most active and dangerous branch of al Qaeda (Masters, 2014). Yemen has a history of Jihadist activity dating back to the late 1990s when veterans of the Soviet– Afghanistan war returned home. When the Soviet Union fell, the jihadist believed that ... Show more content on ... As stated by al–Qaeda, the enemies of Islam include Heretics, Shiites, America, and Israel (Wright, 2006). Al Qaeda's and AQAP's religious and mystic beliefs aid the group because "whenever we respond with violence of any kind, we assist the terrorists in mobilizing the recruits" (Stern, 2003, p. 289). AQAP aligns with the DNA of symbolic terrorism because the group is the closest version to Osama bin Laden's al–Qaeda, which is built around a sense of Denial of their identity and by a perceived threat to the Islamic world, Negation of the West and its ideas, and Affirmation through an identity that provides a model of heroic action (Rowland & Theye, 2008). The AQAP is responsible for a number of high profile attacks which include attacks against US assets in the Arabian Peninsula. The first attack that AQAP claimed was the bombing of USS Cole in 2000 which killed 17 US sailors. The group was also linked to the attack in September of 2008 against the US embassy in Sana'a in which militants fired rockets and detonated bombs that killed 10 Yemeni guards and 4 civilians ("Profile," 2012). In 2009, AQAP launched its first attack outside of Yemen. The target was Prince Mohammed bin Nayef of Saudi Arabia, however, the attack failed (Profile, 2012). AQAP has also claimed involvement in the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt where Umar Farouk ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Al Qaeda Impact Al–Qaeda has shaped the U.S. and its Anti–Western ideology that has corrupted the world. This terrorist organization was constructed by Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden's main goal was to drive the United States armed forces out of Saudi Arabia and Somalia through the technique of violence. Members of Al–Qaeda issued fatwas indicating that the attacks were both proper and necessary. Al– Qaeda had a command and control structure which included a consultation council, allowing many heartbreaking attacks to form. The al–Qaeda organization used horrendously violent acts to induce terror during catastrophes, causing social climate of distrust and fear to emerge the American citizens. Global extremism between Al–Qaeda and its enemies played an extremely ... Show more content on ... This opened a window for America to focus more on different operational planning and execution. For instance, America focused on securing the Afghanistan population, defeating Taliban, and focusing on resources and time. This led to new tactics to pursue two Middle Eastern wars by waterboarding terrorists and wiretapping citizens to prevent a devastating event such as 9/11. America's pursuit is relentless, and hiding in a well–appointed compound is no guarantee of safety due to its symbolic victory. The culture of al–Qaeda has modified since bin Laden was assassinated. Extremism of the terrorist organization between America became stronger and will not affect the members' decisions. Those who commit to violence stick with it and will not cause those who expose extremism to change their minds. Al–Qaeda will want to demonstrate its resilience by mounting an operation. This proposes that the organization will need to find a new leader which will impact their organization because bin Laden evolved into a symbolic leader. According to, "Afghanistan: ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Al Qaeda Research Paper Al–Qaeda, which means "The Base" is a terrorist group based on extremist Islamic military. Al– Qaeda is an International Terrorist Organization and goal of this group is to make violence, damaged, and abolish no Islamic governments. The group was made by Osama Bin Laden in the late 1980s to throw the Soviets away from Afghanistan. In this mission, Al–Qaeda got a success and they were able to kick out all the Soviets from Afghanistan. This victory builds up a new confidence in this group and they started to grow up rapidly. Since the Al–Qaeda was made it was operating from Afghanistan but in 1991 Al–Qaeda transfer their headquarters to Afghanistan, and Peshawar Pakistan. "Al–Qaeda dedicated itself to further opposing non–Islamic governments in this region with force and violence. ... Show more content on ... According to FBI "They attempted to recruit U.S. citizens to travel throughout the Western world to deliver messages and engage in financial transactions for the benefit of Al–Qaeda and its affiliated groups and to help carry out operations" (Caruso, J. T., 2001). The main reason behind hiring the United States Citizen is to misuse the power of American passport. Everyone knows that American passport has a great reputation in the World and you can visit almost every country without having any visa problem. By hiring U.S. Citizen Al–Qaeda can transfer any information to anywhere Worldwide because most of the authorities will not ask many questions to U.S. ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Al Qaeda And Islamic Caliphate Essay These days, when a news channel makes a report on a terroristic attack or issue, the anchors are most likely talking about ISIS. If a poll was given across the U.S asking what people thought of when they thought of modern terrorism, the majority would say ISIS. If that same poll was given before the rise of ISIS, however, the obvious answer would be Al Qaeda. Throughout the 2000's, Al Qaeda and terrorism were synonymous terms. One could not have one without the other. So, the question must arise: What happened to Al Qaeda? This question is easier asked than answered. Al Qaeda rose to power through the late twentieth and early twenty–first century very effectively and rapidly, but they lost that power just as quickly by divisions in violent Islamic radicalism. Al Qaeda, or "the Base," is a widespread militant Islamic organization founded in the late 1980's by Osama bin Laden ("Al Qaeda," Encyclopedia Britannica). Their goal is to establish a pan–Islamic Caliphate everywhere by working with allied Islamic extremists groups to remove, destroy, and replace everything they see as non–Islamic and kick all non–Muslims and Westerners from Muslim countries. To achieve these goals, Al Qaeda uses tactics such as assassination, bombing, hijacking, kidnapping, and suicide attacks. They target the public buildings, embassies, military personnel, and other important symbols of their enemies. They target American, Jewish, and Muslim governments they see as "corrupt or impious," and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Al Qaeda Research Paper How Al–Qaeda Still has Power in Afghanistan Al–Qaeda is a Sunni sunni Islamistislamist organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden. They have made an impact on many parts of the world. Impacts that would cause casualties that is. Just three organizations Al–Qaeda is tied to are the Haqqani, Lashkar–e–Taiba, and the Taliban. Although Al–Qaeda has few agents left in Afghanistan they still managed and manage to cause devastating acts of violence. One of the ways they were and still are able to make such an impact is by working with other organizations with similar views for their ideal future. The Haqqani Network are a group of fundamentalist Islamic islamic insurgents fighting US led NATO forces and the Afghan government using guerrilla tactics while also performing attacks against Afghanistan. Omar Wazir claims that a 2011 West Point Study recognizes that the Haqqani are functioning with Al Qaeda. Jalaluddin, the leader of the Haqqani Network supported Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al–Qaeda until being assassinated in 2011, by allowing him to train his followers in Haqqani territory. This allowed both organizations to expand their power. Haqqani also managed to form a tie with the Taliban, a terrorist Sunni Fundamentalist Organization in Afghanistan and Pakistan. ... Show more content on ... The Taliban, similar to Al–Qaeda, is a Sunni Islamic organization in Afghanistan whose main goal is to gain more support and power. Bruce Riedel claims that without the safe haven/sanctuary the Taliban offered to Al–Qaeda, the 9/11 attacks would have never occurred; one of the most devastating events in American History. According to Frontline, Al–Qaeda began its relationship with the Taliban around 1996. During the War on Terror, the Taliban assisted Al–Qaeda by refusing to turn in Al–Qaeda members including Osama bin Laden. Al–Qaeda and the Taliban remain together ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Al Qaeda Downfall Al–Qaeda has gained a great amount of attention worldwide for its relentless and deadly terrorist attacks. For many years this terrorist organization has plagued its own people and the world. Due to this, they have become a great threat to democracy. Now the question rises, how can al–Qaeda and its affiliates be stopped? What is a proper solution to this ongoing threat? Well we know all terrorist groups eventually end, but how do they end? Evidence from 1968 to present day indicate that a majority of terrorist groups have ended due to joining the political process or by arrest and death of key members (Jones). In regards to al–Qaeda, this hasn't signaled the end of the fighting. With the death of its leader, Osama Bin Laden, the organization ... Show more content on ... Military force led to the end of terrorist groups in 7 percent of cases... The analysis also found that religiously motivated terrorist groups took longer to eliminate than other groups but rarely achieved their objectives; no religiously motivated group achieved victory during the period studied. size significantly determined a group's fate. Groups exceeding 10,000 members were victorious more than 25 percent of the time, while victory was rare for groups below 1,000 members. terrorist groups from upper–income countries are much more likely to be left–wing or nationalist and much less likely to be motivated by religion" (Jones). Jones compiled and analyzed data of all terrorist groups that were active between 1968 through 2006. This information was acquired from an incident database from the RAND (Research and Development) Corporation and the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Is Al-Qaeda? When speaking about al–Qaeda, this paper refers to an organization with numerous affiliates that promotes a global terrorist interpretation of jihad and thus inspires a movement of followers via the Internet. Jihadism is the modern ideology and terrorist interpretation of jihad, and jihadists are persons who hold up its principles and doctrines. An intermediate control level of al–Qaeda and other organizations exists, and it can be illustrated with the steady output of ideas and agendas. However, there are countless other actors who exert influence on jihadism online. Thus, it is preferable not to use the term "al–Qaeda" to describe the participants of online jihad. Most of them have nothing to do with al–Qaeda. The term al–Qaeda implies a ... Show more content on ... One cannot assume an absolute division between the virtual and physical worlds. With the development of Web 2.0, an increasing entanglement of both spheres has taken place. Most people take virtual worlds dead serious. Nobody wants to be harmed in his or her virtual identity, i.e. to be "net–smutted" and "net–shitted" on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Yet, people love it to be "net flirted" or "net loved". As yet, there is an essential human conflict how to deal with cyberspace and its effects on human behavior. Virtual phenomena thus are still being interpreted nearly as an illusion, or something that is true, but not totally true. The virtual world and its effects are like a phantom to the human mind. Propaganda in the Web is "nothing but a virtual call," can often be heard in the news. Yet, authoritarian states are shutting down Net services to avoid calls for demonstrations that might endanger their existence (for example in Egypt and China). Participants in Net–agitation are being punished with long prison terms by repressive states. Therefore, they create solidarity and hierarchy among speakers. Only participants who share linguistic, differentiated or restrictive codes belong to a certain in–group. Others may be discriminated and separated. Restrictive codes strengthen in–group cohesion, which leads to heightened out–group aggression.' Specially "restrictive codes," which are only understood by in–group ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Research Paper On Al Qaeda Al– Qaeda Profile Al–Qaeda and its leaders, Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al–Zawahiri are frequently popular world news subjects. (Piszkiewicz, 2003, p. iii) The world seems to want to be constantly aware of the goings on of these people and their organization. There is no secret to the desired need for this information. As most people know Al–Qaeda is a significant and ongoing threat to the world, with regard to terrorist activities and continued fundamentalist extremism with regard to jihad, or what these extremists see as a holy war against the rest of the world, but mostly the Western world. This work will begin with a short introduction to the threat that Al–Qaeda poses to the world as a way to develop a full profile of the organization, ... Show more content on ... In fact according to Schanzer and Ross the scattered decentralized manner in which Al–Qaeda now operates is even more elusive than it was when they were an organized and centralized organization. Al–Qaeda, can now simply provide a small sum of money to any interested party who promises to attack in its name and they will be assured of an attempt at some act of terror. (2005, p. 22) In short Al–Qaeda has become not only a prominent actor in terrorism but it can be seen as a grass roots umbrella organization for fighting the supposed holy war. This threat leaves life and property at risk, as well as the minds of millions who could find favor in their extremist ideologies. The threat is invasive and evasive, worldwide and the technology as well as skill utilized by terrorists, including those affiliated with Al–Qaeda continues to increase, as does the technology they use to communicate and the many illegal ways in which they obtain funding and support. The Al–Qaeda of yesterday may be history, but the ideologies and the strengths of the organization are not. Osama Bin–Laden and Ayman Al–Zawahiri as well as the subsequent "leaders" will continue to be seen by many as heroes of a cause for universal social and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Al Qaeda And The United States The other suspected motive that al–Qaeda had for the September 11th attacks was the United States' continuing presence in Saudi Arabia. In 1991, when the Gulf War ended, the United State's Department of Defense reserved approximately 5,000 troops to be stationed in territories located in Saudi Arabia. Part of their responsibility was to carry out the military operation, "Operation Southern Watch" ("Operation Southern Watch"). The goal of this military operation was to ensure that the no–fly zones over southern Iraq were enforced. In addition, they made certain that the oil exportation shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf were protected ("Operation Southern Watch"). Osama Bin Laden's dismay with the United State's presence and protection in ... Show more content on ... According to Merriam–Webster Dictionary, an infidel is defined as, "a person who does not believe in a religion that someone regards as the true religion" (Merriam–Webster Dictionary). In this case, the infidels that Osama bin Laden were referring to do not believe in what he considers to be the "true religion" of Islam. In addition, according to Bin Laden, Muslims who do not take note of this religious decree would be deemed as individuals who have forsaken their Islamic faith. ("CT2Learn :: The National Counterterrorism Center Counterterrorism 2014 Calendar", p. 4) There have been several unexpected changes that have been brought on by the events of September 11th, 2001. Some of the most prominent changes include: more than a decade of war, the introduction of federal programs focused on immigration and deportation, and changes in the management of airport screening ("Three Major Lasting Impacts of 9/11"). In addition to the security's budget for the war surpassing more than $43 billion, the number of young men and women that have been deployed overseas and have been killed or injured in the war on terror has increased as well. According to the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "...roughly 3.1 million Americans entered military service between 2001 and 2011, and nearly 2 million were deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq" ("Three Major Lasting Impacts of 9/11"). Additionally, "...more than 18 percent ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Terrorism: ISIS And Al Qaeda Terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda have struck fear deep into the hearts of many Americans. Fear that has turned into hate and ignorance among these same people because they believe that the acts of less than one percent of an entire population have somehow translated onto the other ninety– nine percent. It is this same fear that spreads hurtful messages around the internet: "Muslims are terrorists!" "Deport them all!" "Take away their rights!" In reality, these people are just as scared as you, if not even more. Muslims, many of them citizens in the countries in which they live, do not feel safe as they walk down their own streets. Many of them are denied entrance to stores or shopping malls, or even detained in airports for crimes they have not committed. They are racially profiled, and fear rules their lives as much as those who threaten them because of a sparse group of radicals targeting this country. ... Show more content on ... Do not cut down a tree. Do not destroy a temple or church, or any building for that matter. Do not kill children, the elderly, women, monks or priests, the sick, or those who surrender or run away. Do not kill an animal unless it is for food. Do not disfigure the dead. Be good to prisoners and feed them. Do these rules say anywhere that you should drive planes into skyscrapers or behead hundreds on camera to prove your point? No? Do these rules say anywhere that the proper way to prove a point is to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children? No? That's because most Muslims are not ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Al Qaeda Of The United States September 11th 2001 is a day Americans will remember for the rest of their lives. This was the day Al Qaeda, a radical Islamic group organized by Osama Bin Laden in the 1990's, terrorized America. Al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and executed suicide attacks on four sites in the United States of America. The first two of the airplanes were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City, another hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and the last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, but could have been headed towards the White House or United States capital building. Thousands of people died and these terrorists' attacks changed America's fabric forever. Al Qaeda is the group that started as an Islamic Army that fought against the Soviets in ... Show more content on ... On Febuary 26th 1993, 7 members of Al Qaeda planted a bomb in a truck in a parking garage below The North Tower of the World Trade Center. Although the bomb did not do extensive damage to the World Trade Center as compared to the 9/11 attacks "...six people were killed almost instantly." (The 1993 Trade Center Bombing) and thousands were injured in some way. Another major terrorist attack executed by Al Qaeda was the USS Cole Bombing. In October of 2000, while in Aden, Yemen the USS Cole made a rest stop to refuel. Meanwhile two suicide bombers carried explosives on a small motor boat next to the USS Cole, "The blast ripped a 40–foot–wide hole near the waterline of the Cole, killing 17 American sailors and injuring many more."(The USS Cole Bombing) It did not stop there, before 9/11, These are just a few of the planned attacks on America by Al Qaeda prior to 9/11, but none of them were as radical as 9/11. Three main issues that changed significantly before and after 9/11 was homeland security, war, and battling terrorism. Homeland Security is a major byproduct that evolved after 9/11. America's Homeland Security's goal is to guarantee that America is safe, guarded, and buoyant against terrorist attacks and other harmful acts. Their core goals include: "1.Prevent terrorism and enhancing security; 2. Secure and manage our borders; 3. Enforce and administer our immigration laws; 4. Safeguard and secure cyberspace; 5. Ensure resilience to disasters;" ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. OTHER PROMINNERS OF AL-QAEDA OTHER PROMINENT LEADERS OF AL–QAEDA Ayman al–Zawahiri: Ayman al–zawahiri was an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) and also one of the founders of Egyptian militant group Islamic Jihad. After the death of Osama Bin Laden, he was made the leader of al– Qaeda on 16 June 2011.Under his leadership al–Qaeda continued its jihad against crusader America and its servant Israel and whoever supported them. According to some authentic resources Zawahiri was also suspected to be the operational brain behind the 11 September 2001 attacks in US.As he is one of the group's chief ideologue and missionary. On the list of 22 most wanted terrorists, issued by the government of US in 2011, Zawahiri was second only to Bin Laden and continues to have a $25m bounty on his head. He went underground after the US–led attack to overthrow the Taliban. One of his wives and two children also got killed in an US air strike in 2011. Security analysts believe him to be hidden somewhere around Afghan–Pakistan border region. US again launched an air strike in Jan 2006 at Damadola, a Pakistani village near the Afghan–Pakistan border, where they suspected zawahiri to be hiding and killed eighteen villagers including four children. US sources suggested ... Show more content on ... He is either Moroccan or Egyptian. According to the reports submitted by Pakistani officials in early 2006 he was thought to be dead in an US air strike near the Afghan border but later the Pakistani officials backed off from their statement and said that no al–Qaeda leaders died in the attack. He came to be described as al–Qaeda's military commander in July 2008 and previously he had been assumed to hold overall command after al–Iraqi's capture in 2006. He oversees al–Qaeda's internal operations in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. He is also assumed to be operating with a fake identity and one of his fictitious names is believed to be Khalid ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Is Al Qaeda Terrorism Justified Al Qaeda is one of the most well known terrorist groups of the 21st century due to their statement terrorists acts that have shaken entire countries such as the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre in the USA and the bombing of Madrid's railway station in Spain. This group was founded in Saudi Arabia in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. All actions that they take are justified by the Islamic religion and they are driven by the Sharia, naming themselves the Jihad or the members of the Holy War. Bin Laden and his deputies have been killed by the US in 2011 in an attempt to stop this terrorist group, however they continue to run today, only with less control and more killings, going by the name ISIS or the Islamic ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. An International Terrorist Organization ( Al Qaeda Investigate an international terrorist organization (al–Qaeda) Al–Qaeda is an international terrorist organization that was founded in the late 1980's by Osama bin Ladin and Abdullah Azzam. The organization is still currently active today, even though it has become largely decentralized with the deaths of many of its leaders following their attack on the twin towers in New York City, on September 11th, 2001. Al–Qaeda was founded towards the end of the Soviet Union's attempted expansion into Afghanistan. The group was initially a secret society did not even say their name, because a Dr. Hunter told us in class if an organization becomes well known government will seek them out an destroy them before they have a chance to do something. Before the events of September 11th, 2001 Al–Qaeda had launched smaller, of which some were successful, terrorist attacks against the United States. Their first attempt to attack was a failure as the soldiers that were the target stayed at another hotel. They set of a bomb at the Movenpick Hotel in Yemen, but succeeded in only killing civilians. Al–Qaeda did consider this attack successful internally, even though the outside world did not. Al–Qaeda did attempt to assassinate United States president Bill Clinton while he was in Manila in 1996. The plan was discovered and a bomb was found under a bridge that Clinton's motorcade was supposed to go over. In 1998 al–Qaeda launched simultaneous attacks on two United States embassies in east Africa. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Al-Qaeda Threats Terrorism plays a vital role in the way that we orchestrate emergency management. There are many prominent threats that have a primary goal to cause harm to people and infrastructures throughout world because of various reasons. These threats consisted of individuals such as Osama Bin Laden as well as groups such as Al–Qaeda. As prominent as theses these threats were there are many threats that are currently plotting attacks today and are going to continue to pursue destruction in the future. Al–Qaeda has its origins in the insurrection against the Soviet tenure of Afghanistan. Thousands of volunteers from around the Middle East came to Afghanistan as holy warriors fighting to protect companion Muslims. In the 1980s, Osama bin Laden became the primary investor for an organization that recruited Muslims from mosques around the globe to join his cause. These warriors, which were numbered in the thousands, were severe in the overthrow of Soviet forces. When the Soviets retreated from Afghanistan, Bin Laden returned to his native land of Saudi Arabia. Once he returned he then founded an organization to assist veterans of the Afghan war, many of these veterans embarked on a journey to battle in another location which comprise the basis of al– Qaeda. Al–Qaeda's commandership is made up of a loosely organized plexus of cells. It can recruit members from thousands of Afghan veterans and radicals around the globe. Its infrastructure is weak, fickle, and decentralized, every cell acts independently with its members while not knowing the actions of other cells. Lower level operatives usually do not know any of the ... Show more content on ... "Bin Laden also said that he wishes to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if necessary, an Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs" (Bruno ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Terror Of Al Qaeda I mean seriously, who do these Al Qaeda guys think they are? First they go blowing up the twin towers, which I stayed in during a high school concert choir trip, and now this...Wanting Americans to convert to Islam, THE NERVE! How rude can these guys get? Instilling fear in every man, child and animal is one thing, but asking me to switch faiths? Shit, you 've crossed a line you really shouldn 't have crossed; you need to step off Al Qaeda. What? You don 't believe me? Well believe this, infidel: "Al–Qaeda has urged non–Muslims – especially in the US – to convert to Islam, according to a new videotape. The call is made by a man identified on the film as "Azzam the American", a convert also known as Adam Gadahn who is wanted for questioning by the FBI. He says ignorance of Islam leads Westerners to accept wars waged by their governments and Israel against Muslim countries. The video opens with an introduction by al–Qaeda number two Ayman al–Zawahiri." – Al–Zawahiri has got to be the biggest affront on Middle America 's way of life since Al Bundy, perhaps even more so. And who is this "Azzam the American" character? Isn 't that the name of the genie Shaq played in that stupid movie? It 's all pretty sickening and I, as an American, am pissed off. This is what I am doing right now to "deal" with it, you know, blow off steam. I 've got Lee Greenwood 's "God Bless the USA" (you know the tune... "And I 'm proud to be an American") blasting on the hi–fi, and I 'm sitting at ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Al Qaeda Campaign Analysis rise of Al Qaeda and the resilience of its group, it is important understand that the internet is a significant factor in their campaign against the West. In terms of proselytizing, the Internet is useful in advancing propaganda material to Muslims within their own national boundaries and throughout Western countries such as Europe, London, United States, and Canada. The internet is being used for a wide variety of applications such as radicalization, recruitment, and planning. Online Islamic magazines, articles, messages, and files are being transmitted to every part of the globe. By late 2007, there were at least 100 English–speaking Islamic websites intended to recruit Muslims in Western countries (Michael 2009, 143). Al Qaeda can build ... Show more content on ... Al Qaeda knows that if they can get their hands on biological, chemical or radiological weapons they can conduct more lethal attacks and increase the number of casualties. As a whole this did not happen, but attempts were nonetheless made. "American troops in 2001 uncover outlined plans to produce and test chemical weapons under a plan code–named zabadi (curdled milk)" (Baylis, Smith, and Owens 2014, 368). "Under this plan Al Qaeda began experiments with toxic agents on dogs and rabbits at a camp near Jalalabad and there were instructions to start building a laboratory" (Spiers 2010, 141). There were also reports that Al Qaeda had recruited competent scientists and a Pakistani microbiologist, Abdur Rauf (142). Zawahiri, an Al Qaeda leader, is responsible for his recruitment. His primary goal was obtaining B. anthracis through Rauf. B. anthracis is a seriously infectious disease; if exposed to the public it can cause death. Ultimately, globalization is giving terrorists access to weapons and resources. This example is illustrated through digital videos; Al Qaeda has the option to recruit scientists from western countries to assist them in the developing of nuclear ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How To Prevent Al Qaeda Al Qaeda's branch is located in Yemen and is considered to be the most perilous part of the terrorist group. A letter to Ibrahim al–Asiri, the master bomb–maker with Al Qaeda, stated, "We urge you to strike America in its own home and beyond". Officials are still uncertain if this letter was really written to Asiri, but it has definitely been taken noticed by other terrorist group trackers. Asiri had also been the one involved in incidents like the 2009 Christmas Day Bomb, when a passenger from Africa nearly triggered a bomb in a Detroit–bound plane. Asiri also designed a bomb for his own brother, Abdullah al–Asiri, to carry and kill Saudi Arabia's counterterrorism chief. The mission was unsuccessful, resulting in the surviving of the Saudi minister but the killing of his brother. U.S. officials fear that Al Qaeda will plan even more bombings and cause massive destruction to America. ... Show more content on ... The leader of Al Qaeda was Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in 2011 by U.S. soldiers. In addition, Al Qaeda was also the terrorist group that caused the devastating event of September 11. Therefore, they need to be stopped. They had threatened and attacked the U.S. numerous times, but still continued relentlessly. Al Qaeda poses a threat to many countries and can possibly start a war. Considering this, if we don't stop them now, their future attacks can be even more brutal. I believe that Al Qaeda is serious about attacking the United States again. After reading the article, I felt disturbed on how Asiri was the one that caused the deadly bombing incidents and why he hasn't been captured yet. I fear that Al Qaeda can't be stopped by how much power and people they hold, but there is still a possibility. Furthermore, terrorist groups are disparaging and will do anything to get what they want. These kinds of groups aren't needed in this world and should be put in end to before anything else ... Get more on ...