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 Next-generation state Web portals are here now, bringing people closer to government
 with more services, new designs and Web 2.0 social media capabilities.

AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
In eGovernment today, Web 2.0 and
    social media platforms are hot topics. And
    that’s for good reason. Numerous states are
    revamping their Web portals, giving them
    popular new features and making them more            But the growth in eGovernment portals
    dynamic for users.                                isn’t just being driven by popular new
       Web 2.0 applications enable video, social      features; it’s also a result of government
    networking, wikis, blogs, news feeds, and         using technology to serve constituents more
    more. Government is using Web 2.0 to make         effectively. NIC helps 21 states achieve their   said Herington. He added, however, that
    its portals more like commercial sites, which     eGovernment and Web 2.0 goals. “We have          Web 1.0 is still the critical foundation that
    is what the public wants. People use features     always felt that the ‘e’ in ‘eGovernment’        supports Web 2.0 and emerging technolo-
    like interactive tools, videos and RSS in their   stands for ‘efficient,’” said Harry Herington,   gies. Government still needs to provide more
    everyday online lives. Now government is          CEO of Kansas-based NIC. “By providing           basic services online. To that end, NIC main-
    offering those services, too.                     these services online and creating more          tains a knowledge library of more than 3,900
       State government portals are packed            responsive, real-time solutions for govern-      installed eGovernment services and helped
    with transaction-driven services, volumes         ment and those it serves, we are helping         its partner states launch another 400 new
    of information, and beautiful images.             states, citizens, and businesses operate         applications in 2007.
    Enhanced search capabilities give users           more efficiently.”                                  NIC makes it easy for its state partners to
    instant access to it all. States are also            The ultimate benefits are more transpar-      implement innovative eGovernment services
    finding innovative ways to use tools like         ency and better public service. “Web 2.0         through a proven self-funding approach.
    Twitter, the new social networking and            provides an interactive channel into govern-     States pay nothing for the portal infrastruc-
    micro-blogging service.                           ment that has not been available before,”        ture or development of online services, and
                                                                                                       modest convenience fees are applied to a
                                                                                                       limited number of services, most of which
                                                                                                       support high-volume transactions for regu-
               Watch the Videos                                                                        lated industries. Self-funding gives a state
                                                                                                       a vastly improved Web portal and citizens
                                                                                                       get more services — all at no upfront cost to
                                                                                                          The next-generation portals are here now.
                                                                                                       States are deploying imaginative services
                                                                                                       through advanced eGovernment concepts
                                                                                                       and Web 2.0 tools. And they plan to do more.

                                                                                                       A leader in eGovernment
                                                                                                         Innovate. That’s what Utah’s been doing
                                                                                                           for years with its state Web portal.
                                                                                                           Whether it’s the latest Web 2.0 technolo-
                                                                                                           gies or visionary plans for the future, Utah
                                                                                                           is a leader.
including messages from the governor,
                                                                                                                   tourism, emergency management
                                                                                                                   and transportation. also
                                                                                                                   provides RSS feeds; podcasts; emer-
                                                                                                                   gency alerts for hurricanes, wildfires, took first place in the state                                                                          security incidents and more; and
portal category for the 2007 Best of the Web                                                                       numerous widgets. The widgets are
competition. The site also won first place in                                                                      windows with interactive information
2003. Today Utah is still setting the stan-                                                                        on road conditions, lottery numbers,
dard for next-generation portals. And other                                                                        state parks and more. They can be
states continue to watch Utah to see what’s                                                                        easily pulled by users into their own
coming next.                                                                                                       blogs, MySpace and iGoogle Web sites,
   The strength of the state portal was a major                                                                    and Facebook profiles.
factor in Utah’s decision to adopt a four-day          and audio files, including press conferences,          It all starts with an attractive home page
work week in mid-2008 to cut costs and                 training videos, citizen advisories and more.       that makes it easy to see what’s available.
conserve energy. “That wouldn’t have been                 The state is working on several plans for        From there users can quickly move to deeper
possible without all of the online services            the portal’s future. This includes a Web 2.0        levels. The portal offers improved interfaces,
and capabilities that have displaced people            collaboration plan, which will enable more          and is more dynamic and visually appealing
having to come into offices to do things,” said        online interaction with businesses, citizens,       than ever before.
Utah Chief Technology Officer Dave Fletcher.           and other state and local governments. The             In January 2008, Peggy Feldmann was
Thanks to the powerful Web portal, citizens            portal also will provide centralized access         named Virginia’s first chief applications
can interact with the state 24/7, making it            to information on public meetings for 3,000         officer. She’s helping Virginia leverage appli-
practical to close state offices on Fridays.           government entities throughout the state.           cations from an enterprise perspective as the
   Several hundred government services are                Clearly Utah believes in eGovernment, and        state moves forward on numerous initiatives,
available online at, and new features         sees Web 2.0 as a key enabler. “Absolutely,”        including more shared services, less paper
are added regularly. Many of these services are        said Fletcher. “I think it will help government     and an ever-evolving Web presence.
enabled by Web 2.0. “We were one of the first          interact more effectively with citizens and be         “We’re excited about what we’re doing
states to use Twitter, for example, to communi-        more responsive to their needs.”                    with social media,” said Feldmann. Future
cate in real time with our citizens,” said Fletcher.                                                       plans include blogs, a portal for users to
   The portal highlights the most popular                                                                  submit ideas, and other Web 2.0 features.
searches, and provides homework help                                                                       It’s all about providing more information for
for students. It also offers live chat 24/7 for        Award-Winning Progress                              users. “Our goal is to provide citizens with the
users with questions. “The live chat is a fairly ranked first in the state portal     knowledge of anything and everything about
elaborate system,” said Fletcher. “We track            category for the 2008 Best of the Web Awards.       Virginia, both how the commonwealth works
the questions that people are asking, and use          A new and improved version of the Virginia          in providing services and also what we have
that information to constantly improve our             portal went live in the spring of 2008, with eye-   to offer to our citizens, and to tourists and
site by making access to information more              catching images, numerous Web 2.0 features,         anyone else who visits,” she said.
intuitive for our users.”                              more information and smoother navigation.              The portal improvements reflect Virginia’s
   In addition, the portal provides Utah Govcast,        The portal has 26 YouTube channels with           commitment to both eGovernment and the
a multimedia center with numerous video                more than 100 videos on a variety of topics,        environment, an approach with numerous

                                                                                                             AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
environment,” said Rosenbaum. “Everyone
    benefits for both the state and its citizens.                                                        we want to have a conversation with is doing
    “We’re really working hard to move toward a                                                          so online. That’s how we’re connecting with
    true eGov perspective,” said Feldmann. “Not                                                          our constituents now.”
    only from just digitizing the paper we have                                                             The site is popular with users, but Rosen-
    today, but then moving out of using paper in the    various opportunities that come and go in        baum sees more potential. “I really think we’re
    future and helping to save trees in the process.”   the creative world. “Web 2.0 is absolutely the   just scratching the surface here,” he said. “To
                                                        direction in which we need to head in order      me, the next chapter in all of this is how to really
                                                        to respond to this changeable environment,”      have online conversations and communities,
                                                        said Rosenbaum.                                  where work can be shared and commented
    Web .0 Makes connections                              If you thought creative people are low-tech   upon, and people can be engaged.”
        The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts      and don’t go online, think again. “Most of the
    fosters public interest and participation in the    people we serve and support are incredibly
    arts. It’s also a liaison between government        engaged online,” noted Rosenbaum. “They
    and Rhode Island’s arts community.                  are networked and prolific computer users.”      celebrating Success
        A new version of the council’s Web site,           People are creating works of art with            Not many Web portals are celebrated, went live in early 2008, and           computers, and sharing those efforts online.     with a press conference by the governor
    it aggressively uses Web 2.0 to engage              They’re also using the online tools for basic    — but Nebraska’s was. The redesigned
    constituents. The site provides a broad variety     communication. “We communicate electroni- was launched in June 2008,
    of information, but it’s also a hub for social      cally with practically everyone that we serve.   with Governor Dave Heineman praising it
    networking, with connections to the council’s       There is very little printed communication       for bringing Nebraska citizens closer to their
    presence on MySpace, YouTube, Facebook              happening now, which is also good for the        government.
    and Twitter.
        The site also has a blog, RSS feed, chat,
    and information on artist housing and health
    care, grants, public art, arts organizations,
    education, shows, galleries and much more.
        Web 2.0 makes perfect sense for the council
    and its mission. “The arts community itself isn’t
    static,” said Randall Rosenbaum, executive
    director of the council. “We don’t just provide
    unchanging information on an ongoing basis.
    There is always something new and different
    happening in our vibrant arts community.”
        The Web 2.0 approach helps people
    communicate with each other, add their
    voices to a discussion and stay abreast of the
“Web .0 provides an interactive channel into
government that has not been available before.”
Harry Herington
Chief executive Officer, NiC

   Having undergone a complete redesign, was a finalist in the 2008 Best
of the Web competition. The state focused
hard on what users need and want from the
portal. The result is increased accessibility
to government services and a more intuitive
user interface.
   Users can now access more than 300
online services in just two clicks. A live chat
service is available 24/7 for users with ques-
tions. The text on the site has been translated
into 12 languages. A “Search By Task” feature         The front page has numerous links laid
allows users to find what they’re looking for      out on an attractive screen. These include
even if they don’t know exactly what to call it.   business services, alerts, education info
   By creating the site from the user’s            and a rotating “carousel” of new and unique
perspective, Nebraska eliminated the need          services. Links are well organized and seem-
for citizens to know which agency or depart-       ingly everywhere.
ment they were seeking services from. “You            The portal allows users to easily change
don’t have to know how we’re organized to          the size of the text, something that older users
find what you’re looking for,” said Brenda         appreciate. And it appeals to younger users
Decker, CIO of Nebraska. “We put our most          with its true mobile version, allowing citizens
popular services for our citizens right on the     to see the site perfectly on mobile devices.
front page.”                                          The self-funding model provided by NIC
                                                   made a difference for the state. “Everyone         nation’s first education portal that provides
                                                   is in such tight economic times,” said             students, parents, workers and teachers
                                                   Decker. “I think this has been an effective        with a central resource for more than 900
                                                   means of lowering traditional state costs          education-based services.
                                                   and yet deploying some much needed and                Data is much easier for citizens to find.
                                                   very good services for citizens. It’s worked       The portal’s design is functional, not organi-
                                                   well in Nebraska.”                                 zational, allowing users to quickly drill down
                                                                                                      to the information they want. Prior to this,
                                                                                                      citizens needed to know which government
                                                                                                      agency provided a particular service if they
                                                   functional design, Big difference                  wanted to find more information on it.
                                                     West Virginia is the latest state to partner        “Our citizens have better things to do than
                                                   with NIC, and the collaboration produced           spend a lot of time navigating the state Web
                                                   immediate results. The state’s new portal,         site in search of information that’s difficult to
                                         , debuted in May 2008, and the feed-         find,” said Kyle Schafer, CTO of West Virginia.
                                                   back from the public has been very positive.       “The new site is logical and straightforward,
                                                   That’s because the portal gives access to          and we’re glad to link together resources
                                                   huge amounts of information in a clear and         from different levels of government to help
                                                   simple presentation. also features the      citizens quickly find what they need.”

                                                                                                        AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
The new portal has a common look
    and feel across all state agencies. Prior
    to this, each agency created its own Web
    site, which resulted in dozens of different
    designs. The entire experience is now much
    more seamless for users.
       The portal also includes a new enterprise-
    class content management system, which
    enables agencies to update information
    themselves, instead of relying on portal IT       Locatis was named CIO in January 2007.           In 2008, the Colorado Web portal under-
    staff. And the state added a Google search        Legislation was passed in 2008 to consoli-    went a major redesign. When doing the
    feature specific to the state’s information.      date the state’s IT assets and give more      overhaul, the state focused on the end-user
       The new portal helps West Virginia             authority to the CIO. Those changes are       experience. “Having services available 24/7
    respond to growing demand for electronic          resulting in standardized systems, helping    to make it more convenient for our citizens
    services and interaction. “Our citizenry is       the state expand its online services. eGov-   is imperative for us,” said Locatis. “I think
    expecting it,” said Schafer. “With our Gen        ernment is expected to be more effective      the portal also does a great job navigating
    X and Gen Y folks, they expect to do things       under the new structure.                      to information about the state of Colorado.
    online and not have to stand in line.”
       Creating the portal was a lot of work, but
    it went more quickly than expected, making
    the state optimistic about adding even more
    services soon. “We thought eGovernment
    was years away,” said Schafer. “But with the
    speed at which NIC has been able to bring
    up sites, we can provide those eGovernment
    services here in the very near future.”

    New era, New Portal
       Colorado believes in the power of the
    portal. The state unveiled the new version of in May 2008. It’s a dynamic
    tool that helps users find a wealth of informa-
    tion on a wide variety of topics.
       It’s a new era for IT in Colorado, and
    eGovernment is a big part of that. Mike
So we’re making it easier for citizens to
transact business on the Web, and helping
them to find critical information regarding
Colorado state government.”
   The portal is now more appealing to
the eye, and content is always evolving,
encouraging citizens to return often. A
Media Center offers links to cameras for
weather, traffic and mountain conditions.
In addition to Live Help online customer
service, offers AskColo-
rado, which enables online chat with a
state librarian. The portal also has photo
galleries, and a section that highlights
communities within the state.                       provided through a Web 2.0 platform is really
   Furthermore, lists of services are auto-         valuable,” said Meuse. The site uses RSS
matically sorted based on frequency of use,         and other feeds to distribute information to     after election. “I think that’s something
so the links used most often are always at          constituents. The office is working with NIC     elected officials will be looking forward to in
the top of lists on the portal. “It’s a smart       on adding more feeds, including information      the future and learning how to take advan-
site,” said Locatis. “It collects a lot of infor-   on weather, news and health care.                tage of now,” he said.
mation — not about the people who navi-                Future plans include offering videos of
gate it, but how they use the site — so that        government meetings. “So many decisions
it can be shaped and be a self-improving            that government makes are made in public
resource.” As a result of’s new        meetings,” said Meuse. “Putting out that type    Moving forward
portal design, the state was named a finalist       of information — decision-makers in action,         These next-generation portals fit in
in Best of the Web for the first time in 2008.      on video on the Internet for all the constitu-   perfectly with several key themes running
                                                    ents to see — leads to better involvement in     through government today: doing more with
                                                    government, better knowledge about what’s        less, improving citizen services, promoting
                                                    going on, and a more informed citizenry.”        interaction and protecting the environment.
Power to the People                                    There are other plans as well. “One feature      Perhaps the exciting part is that states
   Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Eliza-          that will be added is blogging, so people can    are just getting started. Great strides have
beth Roberts wants citizens to have more            really get to know the lieutenant governor, be   been made in the use of Web 2.0 and other
information about what their government is          able to see what she’s doing, see what her       online tools, but there is still much terri-
doing. That’s why the Web site for the Office       opinions are,” said Meuse. “The news media       tory to explore. “Web 2.0 is in its infancy in
of the Lt. Governor,, has Web 2.0      can only cover so much, which is where           government,” said NIC’s Herington. “And
features that foster more interaction between       technology can help deliver information.” By     it’s going to get stronger. I’m excited about
the state and its residents.                        pushing out information itself via blogs, the    what the future holds.”
   Dan Meuse, deputy chief of staff for             office can inform citizens about where the          As the preceding case studies show,
the office, said a priority for the lieutenant      lieutenant governor stands on key issues.        numerous states share that excitement, and
governor is easy communication in both                 Meuse predicts more elected officials will    they are deploying innovative and practical
directions. The Web makes that possible.            use social networking — both as a campaign       online features that respond to their commu-
“Using the resources of syndication that are        tool and to engage citizens in government        nication goals and constituent needs.

                                                                                                       AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
To learn more about next-generation
eGovernment portals, please contact
Elizabeth Proudfit at 703-288-0980 or

                          This Government Technology custom publication is sponsored by NiC. © 2008 e.republic inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the u.s.A.

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eGovernment Ahead Of Schedule

  • 1. Thought Leadership Profile | NIC AheAd of Schedule Next-generation state Web portals are here now, bringing people closer to government with more services, new designs and Web 2.0 social media capabilities. AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
  • 2. In eGovernment today, Web 2.0 and social media platforms are hot topics. And that’s for good reason. Numerous states are revamping their Web portals, giving them popular new features and making them more But the growth in eGovernment portals dynamic for users. isn’t just being driven by popular new Web 2.0 applications enable video, social features; it’s also a result of government networking, wikis, blogs, news feeds, and using technology to serve constituents more more. Government is using Web 2.0 to make effectively. NIC helps 21 states achieve their said Herington. He added, however, that its portals more like commercial sites, which eGovernment and Web 2.0 goals. “We have Web 1.0 is still the critical foundation that is what the public wants. People use features always felt that the ‘e’ in ‘eGovernment’ supports Web 2.0 and emerging technolo- like interactive tools, videos and RSS in their stands for ‘efficient,’” said Harry Herington, gies. Government still needs to provide more everyday online lives. Now government is CEO of Kansas-based NIC. “By providing basic services online. To that end, NIC main- offering those services, too. these services online and creating more tains a knowledge library of more than 3,900 State government portals are packed responsive, real-time solutions for govern- installed eGovernment services and helped with transaction-driven services, volumes ment and those it serves, we are helping its partner states launch another 400 new of information, and beautiful images. states, citizens, and businesses operate applications in 2007. Enhanced search capabilities give users more efficiently.” NIC makes it easy for its state partners to instant access to it all. States are also The ultimate benefits are more transpar- implement innovative eGovernment services finding innovative ways to use tools like ency and better public service. “Web 2.0 through a proven self-funding approach. Twitter, the new social networking and provides an interactive channel into govern- States pay nothing for the portal infrastruc- micro-blogging service. ment that has not been available before,” ture or development of online services, and modest convenience fees are applied to a limited number of services, most of which support high-volume transactions for regu- Watch the Videos lated industries. Self-funding gives a state a vastly improved Web portal and citizens get more services — all at no upfront cost to taxpayers. The next-generation portals are here now. States are deploying imaginative services through advanced eGovernment concepts and Web 2.0 tools. And they plan to do more. A leader in eGovernment Innovate. That’s what Utah’s been doing for years with its state Web portal. Whether it’s the latest Web 2.0 technolo- gies or visionary plans for the future, Utah is a leader.
  • 3. including messages from the governor, tourism, emergency management and transportation. also provides RSS feeds; podcasts; emer- gency alerts for hurricanes, wildfires, took first place in the state security incidents and more; and portal category for the 2007 Best of the Web numerous widgets. The widgets are competition. The site also won first place in windows with interactive information 2003. Today Utah is still setting the stan- on road conditions, lottery numbers, dard for next-generation portals. And other state parks and more. They can be states continue to watch Utah to see what’s easily pulled by users into their own coming next. blogs, MySpace and iGoogle Web sites, The strength of the state portal was a major and Facebook profiles. factor in Utah’s decision to adopt a four-day and audio files, including press conferences, It all starts with an attractive home page work week in mid-2008 to cut costs and training videos, citizen advisories and more. that makes it easy to see what’s available. conserve energy. “That wouldn’t have been The state is working on several plans for From there users can quickly move to deeper possible without all of the online services the portal’s future. This includes a Web 2.0 levels. The portal offers improved interfaces, and capabilities that have displaced people collaboration plan, which will enable more and is more dynamic and visually appealing having to come into offices to do things,” said online interaction with businesses, citizens, than ever before. Utah Chief Technology Officer Dave Fletcher. and other state and local governments. The In January 2008, Peggy Feldmann was Thanks to the powerful Web portal, citizens portal also will provide centralized access named Virginia’s first chief applications can interact with the state 24/7, making it to information on public meetings for 3,000 officer. She’s helping Virginia leverage appli- practical to close state offices on Fridays. government entities throughout the state. cations from an enterprise perspective as the Several hundred government services are Clearly Utah believes in eGovernment, and state moves forward on numerous initiatives, available online at, and new features sees Web 2.0 as a key enabler. “Absolutely,” including more shared services, less paper are added regularly. Many of these services are said Fletcher. “I think it will help government and an ever-evolving Web presence. enabled by Web 2.0. “We were one of the first interact more effectively with citizens and be “We’re excited about what we’re doing states to use Twitter, for example, to communi- more responsive to their needs.” with social media,” said Feldmann. Future cate in real time with our citizens,” said Fletcher. plans include blogs, a portal for users to The portal highlights the most popular submit ideas, and other Web 2.0 features. searches, and provides homework help It’s all about providing more information for for students. It also offers live chat 24/7 for Award-Winning Progress users. “Our goal is to provide citizens with the users with questions. “The live chat is a fairly ranked first in the state portal knowledge of anything and everything about elaborate system,” said Fletcher. “We track category for the 2008 Best of the Web Awards. Virginia, both how the commonwealth works the questions that people are asking, and use A new and improved version of the Virginia in providing services and also what we have that information to constantly improve our portal went live in the spring of 2008, with eye- to offer to our citizens, and to tourists and site by making access to information more catching images, numerous Web 2.0 features, anyone else who visits,” she said. intuitive for our users.” more information and smoother navigation. The portal improvements reflect Virginia’s In addition, the portal provides Utah Govcast, The portal has 26 YouTube channels with commitment to both eGovernment and the a multimedia center with numerous video more than 100 videos on a variety of topics, environment, an approach with numerous AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
  • 4. environment,” said Rosenbaum. “Everyone benefits for both the state and its citizens. we want to have a conversation with is doing “We’re really working hard to move toward a so online. That’s how we’re connecting with true eGov perspective,” said Feldmann. “Not our constituents now.” only from just digitizing the paper we have The site is popular with users, but Rosen- today, but then moving out of using paper in the various opportunities that come and go in baum sees more potential. “I really think we’re future and helping to save trees in the process.” the creative world. “Web 2.0 is absolutely the just scratching the surface here,” he said. “To direction in which we need to head in order me, the next chapter in all of this is how to really to respond to this changeable environment,” have online conversations and communities, said Rosenbaum. where work can be shared and commented Web .0 Makes connections If you thought creative people are low-tech upon, and people can be engaged.” The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts and don’t go online, think again. “Most of the fosters public interest and participation in the people we serve and support are incredibly arts. It’s also a liaison between government engaged online,” noted Rosenbaum. “They and Rhode Island’s arts community. are networked and prolific computer users.” celebrating Success A new version of the council’s Web site, People are creating works of art with Not many Web portals are celebrated, went live in early 2008, and computers, and sharing those efforts online. with a press conference by the governor it aggressively uses Web 2.0 to engage They’re also using the online tools for basic — but Nebraska’s was. The redesigned constituents. The site provides a broad variety communication. “We communicate electroni- was launched in June 2008, of information, but it’s also a hub for social cally with practically everyone that we serve. with Governor Dave Heineman praising it networking, with connections to the council’s There is very little printed communication for bringing Nebraska citizens closer to their presence on MySpace, YouTube, Facebook happening now, which is also good for the government. and Twitter. The site also has a blog, RSS feed, chat, and information on artist housing and health care, grants, public art, arts organizations, education, shows, galleries and much more. Web 2.0 makes perfect sense for the council and its mission. “The arts community itself isn’t static,” said Randall Rosenbaum, executive director of the council. “We don’t just provide unchanging information on an ongoing basis. There is always something new and different happening in our vibrant arts community.” The Web 2.0 approach helps people communicate with each other, add their voices to a discussion and stay abreast of the
  • 5. “Web .0 provides an interactive channel into government that has not been available before.” Harry Herington Chief executive Officer, NiC Having undergone a complete redesign, was a finalist in the 2008 Best of the Web competition. The state focused hard on what users need and want from the portal. The result is increased accessibility to government services and a more intuitive user interface. Users can now access more than 300 online services in just two clicks. A live chat service is available 24/7 for users with ques- tions. The text on the site has been translated into 12 languages. A “Search By Task” feature The front page has numerous links laid allows users to find what they’re looking for out on an attractive screen. These include even if they don’t know exactly what to call it. business services, alerts, education info By creating the site from the user’s and a rotating “carousel” of new and unique perspective, Nebraska eliminated the need services. Links are well organized and seem- for citizens to know which agency or depart- ingly everywhere. ment they were seeking services from. “You The portal allows users to easily change don’t have to know how we’re organized to the size of the text, something that older users find what you’re looking for,” said Brenda appreciate. And it appeals to younger users Decker, CIO of Nebraska. “We put our most with its true mobile version, allowing citizens popular services for our citizens right on the to see the site perfectly on mobile devices. front page.” The self-funding model provided by NIC made a difference for the state. “Everyone nation’s first education portal that provides is in such tight economic times,” said students, parents, workers and teachers Decker. “I think this has been an effective with a central resource for more than 900 means of lowering traditional state costs education-based services. and yet deploying some much needed and Data is much easier for citizens to find. very good services for citizens. It’s worked The portal’s design is functional, not organi- well in Nebraska.” zational, allowing users to quickly drill down to the information they want. Prior to this, citizens needed to know which government agency provided a particular service if they functional design, Big difference wanted to find more information on it. West Virginia is the latest state to partner “Our citizens have better things to do than with NIC, and the collaboration produced spend a lot of time navigating the state Web immediate results. The state’s new portal, site in search of information that’s difficult to, debuted in May 2008, and the feed- find,” said Kyle Schafer, CTO of West Virginia. back from the public has been very positive. “The new site is logical and straightforward, That’s because the portal gives access to and we’re glad to link together resources huge amounts of information in a clear and from different levels of government to help simple presentation. also features the citizens quickly find what they need.” AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
  • 6. The new portal has a common look and feel across all state agencies. Prior to this, each agency created its own Web site, which resulted in dozens of different designs. The entire experience is now much more seamless for users. The portal also includes a new enterprise- class content management system, which enables agencies to update information themselves, instead of relying on portal IT Locatis was named CIO in January 2007. In 2008, the Colorado Web portal under- staff. And the state added a Google search Legislation was passed in 2008 to consoli- went a major redesign. When doing the feature specific to the state’s information. date the state’s IT assets and give more overhaul, the state focused on the end-user The new portal helps West Virginia authority to the CIO. Those changes are experience. “Having services available 24/7 respond to growing demand for electronic resulting in standardized systems, helping to make it more convenient for our citizens services and interaction. “Our citizenry is the state expand its online services. eGov- is imperative for us,” said Locatis. “I think expecting it,” said Schafer. “With our Gen ernment is expected to be more effective the portal also does a great job navigating X and Gen Y folks, they expect to do things under the new structure. to information about the state of Colorado. online and not have to stand in line.” Creating the portal was a lot of work, but it went more quickly than expected, making the state optimistic about adding even more services soon. “We thought eGovernment was years away,” said Schafer. “But with the speed at which NIC has been able to bring up sites, we can provide those eGovernment services here in the very near future.” New era, New Portal Colorado believes in the power of the portal. The state unveiled the new version of in May 2008. It’s a dynamic tool that helps users find a wealth of informa- tion on a wide variety of topics. It’s a new era for IT in Colorado, and eGovernment is a big part of that. Mike
  • 7. So we’re making it easier for citizens to transact business on the Web, and helping them to find critical information regarding Colorado state government.” The portal is now more appealing to the eye, and content is always evolving, encouraging citizens to return often. A Media Center offers links to cameras for weather, traffic and mountain conditions. In addition to Live Help online customer service, offers AskColo- rado, which enables online chat with a state librarian. The portal also has photo galleries, and a section that highlights communities within the state. provided through a Web 2.0 platform is really Furthermore, lists of services are auto- valuable,” said Meuse. The site uses RSS matically sorted based on frequency of use, and other feeds to distribute information to after election. “I think that’s something so the links used most often are always at constituents. The office is working with NIC elected officials will be looking forward to in the top of lists on the portal. “It’s a smart on adding more feeds, including information the future and learning how to take advan- site,” said Locatis. “It collects a lot of infor- on weather, news and health care. tage of now,” he said. mation — not about the people who navi- Future plans include offering videos of gate it, but how they use the site — so that government meetings. “So many decisions it can be shaped and be a self-improving that government makes are made in public resource.” As a result of’s new meetings,” said Meuse. “Putting out that type Moving forward portal design, the state was named a finalist of information — decision-makers in action, These next-generation portals fit in in Best of the Web for the first time in 2008. on video on the Internet for all the constitu- perfectly with several key themes running ents to see — leads to better involvement in through government today: doing more with government, better knowledge about what’s less, improving citizen services, promoting going on, and a more informed citizenry.” interaction and protecting the environment. Power to the People There are other plans as well. “One feature Perhaps the exciting part is that states Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Eliza- that will be added is blogging, so people can are just getting started. Great strides have beth Roberts wants citizens to have more really get to know the lieutenant governor, be been made in the use of Web 2.0 and other information about what their government is able to see what she’s doing, see what her online tools, but there is still much terri- doing. That’s why the Web site for the Office opinions are,” said Meuse. “The news media tory to explore. “Web 2.0 is in its infancy in of the Lt. Governor,, has Web 2.0 can only cover so much, which is where government,” said NIC’s Herington. “And features that foster more interaction between technology can help deliver information.” By it’s going to get stronger. I’m excited about the state and its residents. pushing out information itself via blogs, the what the future holds.” Dan Meuse, deputy chief of staff for office can inform citizens about where the As the preceding case studies show, the office, said a priority for the lieutenant lieutenant governor stands on key issues. numerous states share that excitement, and governor is easy communication in both Meuse predicts more elected officials will they are deploying innovative and practical directions. The Web makes that possible. use social networking — both as a campaign online features that respond to their commu- “Using the resources of syndication that are tool and to engage citizens in government nication goals and constituent needs. AdverTisiNg suPPLemeNT
  • 8. To learn more about next-generation eGovernment portals, please contact Elizabeth Proudfit at 703-288-0980 or This Government Technology custom publication is sponsored by NiC. © 2008 e.republic inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the u.s.A.