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Government 2.0
Cutting-Edge Solutions For Communication, Collaboration, Service Delivery

           New Thinking

           Innovative Implementation

           Extraordinary Results

           Ready for what’s next.
Government’s ability to deliver optimally transparent, productive,
online communication and interaction at all levels is key to our
nation’s future success.
                                                           Booz Allen Hamilton: helping clients build the next
 The Basics of Social Media                                generation of Government 2.0 programs. Federal
                                                           agencies are under extreme pressure to rethink
 Blog: A user-generated Web site where entries
 are made in journal style and displayed in reverse        and reinvent the way government does business.
 chronological order                                       The Obama administration is calling for open,
 Wiki: A collaboration tool allowing anyone to             transparent and efficient government services
 edit content                                              to be delivered via the Internet.
 RSS: The latest method of delivering content from
 the Internet for personal viewing                         The collective mission is to improve the efficiency
                                                           and effectiveness of public services, while enabling
 Social Networking: Allows users to share text,
 audio, and visual content through people-to-people        communication between and among government
 connections via web-based tools                           workers, contractors, elected officials and constituents.
                                                           In addition, agencies must deploy systems that
 Widget: A graphical user interface allowing users
 to pull in information and display data from other        provide a measurable cost and time savings.

 Podcast/Vodcast: An audio/video file made                 Booz Allen is the thought and market leader in
 available for use on computers or portable                partnering with clients to deliver complex and
 media devices                                             complete Government 2.0 systems.
 Social Bookmarking: Enables users to store,
 classify, share and search each other’s bookmarks         The Booz Allen Difference. We don’t look at
 via user-generated content tags
                                                           Government 2.0 as a technology issue – it’s
                                                           not about the technology, it’s about what the
 Social Media Public Sites                                 technology enables. Rather than focusing on
                                                           building online sites and platforms, we look
 Social Networking Sites (Linked-In, MySpace,
 Facebook, etc.) are online communities allowing           at building online communities and self-
 registered users to connect, interact, and exchange       service systems.
 information with those who share interests
 and activities
                                                           Booz Allen works with clients to see and imagine
 Image/Video Sharing (Flickr, YouTube, etc.) are           the possibilities that technology can bring while
 user-generated sites enabling uploading of pictures
                                                           using a holistic methodology to ensure successful
 or videos and viewing/comment on content provided
 by others                                                 implementation. Our combination of deep domain
                                                           experience and extensive functional capabilities set
 Microblogs (Twitter, Plurk, etc.) let users post very
 brief updates (usually 140 characters), so that           us apart from other firms, and result in the creation
 others in their networks can view and comment             of online communities that help achieve the mission.
 Wiki (Wikipedia, etc.) is a collaborative, collectively
 compiled and edited series of content and articles          Booz Allen’s implementation of a suite of social media
 for public use                                              tools behind the firewall was recently honored with the
                                                             2009 Open Enterprise Innovation Award.
Government 2.0: Linking Government,                        These programs can make government more
                                                           transparent, more functionally responsive and
People and Services                                        provide opportunities for constituent input and
Government 2.0 is about using technology
to transform the way government operates.
                                                       Our experience demonstrates that successful
Government 2.0 solutions include one or more
                                                       implementation of Government 2.0 programs isn’t
of the following online applications:
                                                       about using new technology and the same old
                                                       processes – it requires the ability and willingness
●   Deploying online, self-service systems that
                                                       to take a completely fresh look at how the
    focus on the customer’s needs. These systems
                                                       government can and should do business and to
    could allow constituents to go to a Web site
                                                       have a comprehensive understanding of:
    and apply for government benefits; provide
    information or input to the government; search     ●   Which social media tools deliver the
    for information; submit applications to the
                                                           right solutions
    government or ask questions of government          ●   How best to integrate those tools with
    officials online in real time. These systems
                                                           the current IT infrastructure, workflow
    save the government time and money, while
                                                           and environment
    supporting and expediting responsive,              ●   The most effective ways to encourage, empower
    constituent services.
                                                           and teach people how to use the tools

●   Using social media tools to foster
    intergovernmental relationships and
    cooperation. Social media creates almost
    instantaneous information-sharing and improved
    governmental effectiveness across traditional
    barriers. As a result, these tools help bridge
    and facilitate operations across traditional
    divisions of government (federal, state and
    local) and across boundaries that are physical
    (geography), hierarchical (GS-8 to the Secretary
    of a Department), interdepartmental and those
    existing between government employees
    and contractors.

●   Developing social media programs to
    improve communications and collaboration
    between government and constituents.
The Road To Trusted Services Starts At Booz Allen

                 A key focus for developing an integrated, digital,
                 Government 2.0 infrastructure is implementing
                 sufficient security and identity safeguards, so
                 that constituents’ sensitive information is secure
                 and the government is not subjected to fraud.

                 To “trust” an online transaction each party
                 must have confidence in:

                 ●   The identity of the parties
                 ●   The way that the data will be handled,
                     managed and protected
                 ●   The security of the communications channel
                     being used

                 Booz Allen, one of America’s foremost
                 cybersecurity firms, has a documented record
                 of success for building security components
                 directly into the applications that ensure
                 systems, identity, finances and information are
                 safe from attack or theft. Booz Allen is leading
                 the way in the development of Trust Frameworks,
                 identity proofing and authentication systems and
                 standards with the federal government.

                 Implementing Integrated
                 Government 2.0 Systems
                 Every federal department and agency is taking a
                 fresh look at how best to implement Government
                 2.0 solutions to save money, improve constituent
                 and stakeholder services, make government
                 more transparent and facilitate collaboration
                 among agencies, government employees
                 and contractors.
Government 2.0 implementations require a holistic,        create intellectual capital
systematic, integrated and innovative approach to     ●   Return on investment: Tracking metrics,
assure success. Piecemeal solutions will fail.            analytics and qualitative measures to
                                                          demonstrate ROI
The Booz Allen Government 2.0                         ●   Identity and access management: Developing
                                                          standards, policies, and technologies that
Capabilities                                              serve as the foundation of trusted identity
                                                          and security maintenance
Booz Allen’s social media capabilities have           ●   Data management: Determining how data will
emerged as a user-driven methodology for the
                                                          be stored, maintained and accessed securely
industry, from assessment to evaluation.              ●   Trusted infrastructure and cybersecurity:
We deliver:
                                                          Processes and infrastructure to secure and
                                                          protect systems from attack, fraud, and theft
●   Readiness: Identifying outcomes from
                                                          of data and resources
    engaging Government 2.0 systems; assessing        ●   Program management: The range of
    the status of legacy systems and functionality;
                                                          processes and responsibilities for maintaining
    identification of requirements and assessing
                                                          and updating the technical infrastructure and
    stakeholder interests and needs
                                                          for keeping content and programs fresh
●   Strategic planning and implementation:            ●   Interactive service development: Maintaining
    Aligning mission goals and objectives with
                                                          and updating human interfaces with the
    desired outcomes for Government 2.0
                                                          system and the applications delivered
    systems; designing the technical system,
    work processes, culture changes and
    communication approaches                          Booz Allen Delivers
●   Governance: Developing clear, manageable
    system and user parameters to mitigate risks      Our clients are served by expert, experienced,
    and creating secure environments sensitive to     dedicated teams capable of understanding
    agency and user needs                             and addressing specific organization’s
●   Innovation: Customizing and integrating           needs, developing comprehensive, strategic
    systems to meet unique, organizational            and customized plans and delivering the
    needs, ensuring the scalability of applications   integrated systems and processes upon which
●   Change management: Addressing issues              organizational success is achieved.
    of culture change, adoption and usage and
    providing guidelines and resources to improve
    system vitality
●   Knowledge management: Providing
    acknowledged thought leadership and
    fostering the process of data gathering to
Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success

                               Booz Allen is leading the way in Government
                               2.0! The following case studies offer examples
                               of the range of Booz Allen’s services helping
                               federal government clients utilize and implement
                               measurably successful, award-winning,
                               Government 2.0 programs.

                               U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM)
                               All Partners Access Network (APAN)

                               The U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) operates in
                               the Pacific Rim with numerous actors (military,
                               civilian, government, non-government) who must
                               all cooperate in crisis and disaster response
                               situations, joint exercises with foreign militaries
                               and other events where open information flow is
                               essential to success.

                               PACOM required a holistic capability that easily
                               could be assimilated into its communications
                               infrastructure and easily utilized in developing
                               countries lacking sophisticated communications


                               Booz Allen worked with PACOM to develop the
                               APAN system. Built for Internet use, it included
                               file sharing applications, wikis, blogs and
                               calendaring tools to coordinate schedules. The
                               system also supports mobile applications and
                               integrates public social media sites, such as
                               Twitter and Facebook, as well as sophisticated
                               geospatial systems, such as Open Street, to
                               create detailed maps of damaged areas. The
system is designed to handle extremely secure                     chat translation feature enabling users to see
communications, while also interacting with                       conversations in their own language.
the general public and disaster relief workers
and organizations.                                            ●   The system is used to identify where to take
                                                                  people needing medical attention, where
ReSULTS:                                                          to deliver food and clothing and how to get
                                                                  needed equipment into and around the country.
It often is said that, “Timing is everything.” In
the case of the earthquake crisis in Haiti and                ●   The APAN system is expanding both in areas
APAN’s abilities to help, nothing could be more                   of utilization and functionality and is a clear
true. In fact, the APAN system proved to be the                   example of how effectively Booz Allen partners
communications backbone for aid organizations                     with government agencies to implement
operating in Haiti. A Haitian Relief Virtual                      Government 2.0 solutions to save lives.
Group (HRVG) was set up in the system with
the ability to support and facilitate discussions
about problems and solutions and to enable
easy sharing of information between relief
organizations, the US military, the Haitian people
and relief workers on the ground. The group
continues to operate and includes
2,000 members.

“An Internet-based network
[APAN]…..was put to the test
during a real-life crisis and
performed like a champ”
                     —“Military Facilitates Help in Haiti”,
                        Signal News, February 2, 2010,

●   To join the HRVG, users simply open an APAN
    account to access information on areas of
    assistance applicable to their organizations.
    They then get access to 3D maps and
    situation reports. The site even includes a
Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success

Federal emergency Management                         with the public and first responders during
                                                     emergencies. The Government 2.0 network
Administration (FeMA)                                will also improve crisis communication and
                                                     cooperation between police, fire, rescue,
ChALLeNGe:                                           hospitals, FEMA, relief organizations and the
                                                     public to better protect and serve our country.
FEMA needed to establish consistent, branded
communications through all traditional and
social media in times of emergency. The agency
now uses social media to improve their public
communication on their role and responsibility
to coordinate state and local resources during
an emergency. The agency is also using social
media outlets to establish communications and
networks of followers before a crisis exists.

These systems have been established because
of their pervasiveness and mobile accessibility
during times of emergency.


Booz Allen developed the “FEMA in Focus”
brand to provide a consistent image across
multiple platforms.


FEMA now has produced a family of videos for
a YouTube channel that tell the human side of
emergency management. Additionally,
@femainfocus is FEMA’s Twitter feed. FEMA also
uses Facebook and MySpace to network and
communicate with field staff and the public.

Additionally, Booz Allen worked with FEMA to build
systems to improve the agency’s communications
The Department of Labor (DOL)                             ReSULTS:

ChALLeNGe:                                                Booz Allen and DOL
                                                          have implemented a
DOL was charged with developing a single,                 comprehensive system
integrated, self-service Web site enabling citizens       using the best features of
to easily and efficiently search the various              social media, self-service
government benefits and entitlement programs              web questionnaires,
and determine their eligibility for assistance.           applications and improved
                                                          communications to deliver
ReSPONSe:                                                 effective, integrated,
                                                          cross-agency government
Booz Allen worked with DOL to consolidate all             services, more quickly
the government benefit information into one               and at a lower cost.
Web site – The site represents
benefits programs for 17 federal agencies and             Constituents are better served, because in
300 million U.S. residents as stakeholders.               many instances they can:

●   An online prescreening questionnaire
                                                          ●   Often find programs that provide assistance
    application was developed to enable citizens              of which they were unaware
    to locate the benefits programs for which they
                                                          ●   Immediately receive answers, rather than
    may be eligible.                                          being put on hold or having to travel to a
●   The site also provides a list of “next steps”             government office
    the individual needs to take to apply for
                                                          ●   Avoid waiting weeks for an appointment
    benefits and relevant contact information.
                                                          ●   Eliminate waiting in a line
●   The system economically benefits partner
    agencies by prescreening individuals for              The system is powered by a sophisticated, yet
    eligibility criteria via the Internet, a lower cost   user-friendly, content management system,
    channel. Additionally, the site answers basic         allowing partner agencies to quickly and easily
    questions, saving each agency many person-            make expeditious updates.
    hours from answering telephone inquiries and
    responding to in-person visits.                       In addition, 200,000 subscribers receive e-mails
                                                          announcing updates on specific
                                                          web pages. Fifty thousand subscribers receive
                                                          quarterly e-newsletters, allowing DOL to save
                                                          significantly on printing and postage costs. And a
                                                          Twitter account now provides updates and alerts
                                                          on benefits information.
Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success

The US Department of Defense                         prevention/treatment and the MHS blog, which
                                                     promotes open discussion between MHS and its
Military health System (MhS)                         stakeholders. In addition Booz Allen developed a
                                                     stakeholder outreach plan, established privacy,
ChALLeNGe:                                           security and regulatory guidance and helped
                                                     streamline internal and external work processes.
MHS needed to create a web and social media
presence to reach out to 9 million eligible
beneficiaries and other important stakeholder
communities, such as military-focused
                                                     Booz Allen and MHS built a model system using
publications and Web sites. The objective was
                                                     social media and collaboration software to work
to efficiently, effectively and proactively engage
                                                     with stakeholders, provide relevant information,
service members and their beneficiaries in the
                                                     raise awareness of programs, build trusted online
health services access, research and education
                                                     communities and improve people’s lives.
opportunities process. The overall goal was to
achieve vastly improved communication with,
and healthcare services for, our military and
their dependents.
                                                     “The Booz Allen approach to
                                                     social media implementation
ReSPONSe:                                            allows us to connect and engage
                                                     people like never before…We’re
Booz Allen worked with the MHS to integrate
                                                     able to obtain feedback and,
social media into strategic communications
                                                     in turn, provide information
planning and new systems to improve online
                                                     to service members and their
communication to and from MHS service people
                                                     families, how, when and where
and their families. Just as importantly, the
                                                     they want it.”
systems were designed to create communities,
                                                                                    —Michael Kilpatrick, M.D.,
where members of the military and their                               Director. MHS Strategic Communications
dependents could discuss military health issues
and provide direct or indirect feedback to MHS.

The site was established
as the MHS Internet hub. It hosts all MHS social
media in one place, including a Twitter feed
link; podcasts about military health issues; a
link to the MHS Facebook site links; to YouTube
videos promoting healthy practices and disease
About Booz Allen hamilton

Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront        $5 billion. Fortune has named Booz Allen one
of strategy and technology consulting for            of its “100 Best Companies to Work For” for six
nearly a century. Today, the firm is a major         consecutive years. Working Mother has ranked
provider of professional services primarily to US    the firm among its “100 Best Companies for
government agencies in the defense, security,        Working Mothers” annually since 1999. More
and civil sectors, as well as to corporations,       information is available at
institutions, and not-for-profit organizations.
Booz Allen offers clients deep functional            Contact Information
knowledge spanning strategy and organization,
technology, operations, and analytics – which it     Grant McLaughlin
combines with specialized expertise in clients’      Principal
mission and domain areas to help solve their
toughest problems.                                   703/917-2055

The firm’s management consulting heritage is         Mike Ozburn
the basis for its unique collaborative culture       Principal
and operating model, enabling Booz Allen to
anticipate needs and opportunities, rapidly          703/377-6792
deploy talent and resources, and deliver
enduring results. By combining a consultant’s        Walton Smith
problem-solving orientation with deep technical      Principal
knowledge and strong execution, Booz Allen 
helps clients achieve success in their most          703/902-4165
critical missions – as evidenced by the firm’s
many client relationships that span decades.         Steve Radick
Booz Allen helps shape thinking and prepare          Lead Associate
for future developments in areas of national
importance, including cybersecurity, homeland        703/902-5160
security, healthcare, and information technology.

Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean,
Virginia, employs more than 22,000 people,
and has annual revenues of approximately

                                Booz Allen Hamilton’s unique abilities to bridge the worlds
                                of work processes, technology and organizational change,
                                help government clients achieve transformational change
                                and measurable success.
For More Information: Connect With Us
●   Facebook: “Like” us on Facebook at and get to
    know our consultants, discover the latest jobs, and learn more about the work
    that we do.
●   Twitter: Follow us on Twitter at @boozallen and get the latest updates on the
    work that we’re doing with our government clients.
●   YouTube: Subscribe to our YouTube channel at
    to hear from our consultants about what makes them tick, how they’ve solved
    some of their clients’ toughest problems and why they chose Booz Allen.

                                                                                ©2010 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.

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Government 2.0: Cutting-Edge Solutions For Communication, Collaboration, Service Delivery

  • 1. Government 2.0 Cutting-Edge Solutions For Communication, Collaboration, Service Delivery New Thinking Innovative Implementation Extraordinary Results Ready for what’s next.
  • 2. Government’s ability to deliver optimally transparent, productive, online communication and interaction at all levels is key to our nation’s future success. Booz Allen Hamilton: helping clients build the next The Basics of Social Media generation of Government 2.0 programs. Federal agencies are under extreme pressure to rethink Blog: A user-generated Web site where entries are made in journal style and displayed in reverse and reinvent the way government does business. chronological order The Obama administration is calling for open, Wiki: A collaboration tool allowing anyone to transparent and efficient government services edit content to be delivered via the Internet. RSS: The latest method of delivering content from the Internet for personal viewing The collective mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, while enabling Social Networking: Allows users to share text, audio, and visual content through people-to-people communication between and among government connections via web-based tools workers, contractors, elected officials and constituents. In addition, agencies must deploy systems that Widget: A graphical user interface allowing users to pull in information and display data from other provide a measurable cost and time savings. sources Podcast/Vodcast: An audio/video file made Booz Allen is the thought and market leader in available for use on computers or portable partnering with clients to deliver complex and media devices complete Government 2.0 systems. Social Bookmarking: Enables users to store, classify, share and search each other’s bookmarks The Booz Allen Difference. We don’t look at via user-generated content tags Government 2.0 as a technology issue – it’s not about the technology, it’s about what the Social Media Public Sites technology enables. Rather than focusing on building online sites and platforms, we look Social Networking Sites (Linked-In, MySpace, Facebook, etc.) are online communities allowing at building online communities and self- registered users to connect, interact, and exchange service systems. information with those who share interests and activities Booz Allen works with clients to see and imagine Image/Video Sharing (Flickr, YouTube, etc.) are the possibilities that technology can bring while user-generated sites enabling uploading of pictures using a holistic methodology to ensure successful or videos and viewing/comment on content provided by others implementation. Our combination of deep domain experience and extensive functional capabilities set Microblogs (Twitter, Plurk, etc.) let users post very brief updates (usually 140 characters), so that us apart from other firms, and result in the creation others in their networks can view and comment of online communities that help achieve the mission. Wiki (Wikipedia, etc.) is a collaborative, collectively compiled and edited series of content and articles Booz Allen’s implementation of a suite of social media for public use tools behind the firewall was recently honored with the 2009 Open Enterprise Innovation Award.
  • 3. Government 2.0: Linking Government, These programs can make government more transparent, more functionally responsive and People and Services provide opportunities for constituent input and participation. Government 2.0 is about using technology to transform the way government operates. Our experience demonstrates that successful Government 2.0 solutions include one or more implementation of Government 2.0 programs isn’t of the following online applications: about using new technology and the same old processes – it requires the ability and willingness ● Deploying online, self-service systems that to take a completely fresh look at how the focus on the customer’s needs. These systems government can and should do business and to could allow constituents to go to a Web site have a comprehensive understanding of: and apply for government benefits; provide information or input to the government; search ● Which social media tools deliver the for information; submit applications to the right solutions government or ask questions of government ● How best to integrate those tools with officials online in real time. These systems the current IT infrastructure, workflow save the government time and money, while and environment supporting and expediting responsive, ● The most effective ways to encourage, empower constituent services. and teach people how to use the tools ● Using social media tools to foster intergovernmental relationships and cooperation. Social media creates almost instantaneous information-sharing and improved governmental effectiveness across traditional barriers. As a result, these tools help bridge and facilitate operations across traditional divisions of government (federal, state and local) and across boundaries that are physical (geography), hierarchical (GS-8 to the Secretary of a Department), interdepartmental and those existing between government employees and contractors. ● Developing social media programs to improve communications and collaboration between government and constituents.
  • 4. The Road To Trusted Services Starts At Booz Allen A key focus for developing an integrated, digital, Government 2.0 infrastructure is implementing sufficient security and identity safeguards, so that constituents’ sensitive information is secure and the government is not subjected to fraud. To “trust” an online transaction each party must have confidence in: ● The identity of the parties ● The way that the data will be handled, managed and protected ● The security of the communications channel being used Booz Allen, one of America’s foremost cybersecurity firms, has a documented record of success for building security components directly into the applications that ensure systems, identity, finances and information are safe from attack or theft. Booz Allen is leading the way in the development of Trust Frameworks, identity proofing and authentication systems and standards with the federal government. Implementing Integrated Government 2.0 Systems Every federal department and agency is taking a fresh look at how best to implement Government 2.0 solutions to save money, improve constituent and stakeholder services, make government more transparent and facilitate collaboration among agencies, government employees and contractors.
  • 5. Government 2.0 implementations require a holistic, create intellectual capital systematic, integrated and innovative approach to ● Return on investment: Tracking metrics, assure success. Piecemeal solutions will fail. analytics and qualitative measures to demonstrate ROI The Booz Allen Government 2.0 ● Identity and access management: Developing standards, policies, and technologies that Capabilities serve as the foundation of trusted identity and security maintenance Booz Allen’s social media capabilities have ● Data management: Determining how data will emerged as a user-driven methodology for the be stored, maintained and accessed securely industry, from assessment to evaluation. ● Trusted infrastructure and cybersecurity: We deliver: Processes and infrastructure to secure and protect systems from attack, fraud, and theft ● Readiness: Identifying outcomes from of data and resources engaging Government 2.0 systems; assessing ● Program management: The range of the status of legacy systems and functionality; processes and responsibilities for maintaining identification of requirements and assessing and updating the technical infrastructure and stakeholder interests and needs for keeping content and programs fresh ● Strategic planning and implementation: ● Interactive service development: Maintaining Aligning mission goals and objectives with and updating human interfaces with the desired outcomes for Government 2.0 system and the applications delivered systems; designing the technical system, work processes, culture changes and communication approaches Booz Allen Delivers ● Governance: Developing clear, manageable system and user parameters to mitigate risks Our clients are served by expert, experienced, and creating secure environments sensitive to dedicated teams capable of understanding agency and user needs and addressing specific organization’s ● Innovation: Customizing and integrating needs, developing comprehensive, strategic systems to meet unique, organizational and customized plans and delivering the needs, ensuring the scalability of applications integrated systems and processes upon which ● Change management: Addressing issues organizational success is achieved. of culture change, adoption and usage and providing guidelines and resources to improve system vitality ● Knowledge management: Providing acknowledged thought leadership and fostering the process of data gathering to
  • 6. Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success Booz Allen is leading the way in Government 2.0! The following case studies offer examples of the range of Booz Allen’s services helping federal government clients utilize and implement measurably successful, award-winning, Government 2.0 programs. U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) All Partners Access Network (APAN) ChALLeNGe: The U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) operates in the Pacific Rim with numerous actors (military, civilian, government, non-government) who must all cooperate in crisis and disaster response situations, joint exercises with foreign militaries and other events where open information flow is essential to success. PACOM required a holistic capability that easily could be assimilated into its communications infrastructure and easily utilized in developing countries lacking sophisticated communications infrastructures. ReSPONSe: Booz Allen worked with PACOM to develop the APAN system. Built for Internet use, it included file sharing applications, wikis, blogs and calendaring tools to coordinate schedules. The system also supports mobile applications and integrates public social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as sophisticated geospatial systems, such as Open Street, to create detailed maps of damaged areas. The
  • 7. system is designed to handle extremely secure chat translation feature enabling users to see communications, while also interacting with conversations in their own language. the general public and disaster relief workers and organizations. ● The system is used to identify where to take people needing medical attention, where ReSULTS: to deliver food and clothing and how to get needed equipment into and around the country. It often is said that, “Timing is everything.” In the case of the earthquake crisis in Haiti and ● The APAN system is expanding both in areas APAN’s abilities to help, nothing could be more of utilization and functionality and is a clear true. In fact, the APAN system proved to be the example of how effectively Booz Allen partners communications backbone for aid organizations with government agencies to implement operating in Haiti. A Haitian Relief Virtual Government 2.0 solutions to save lives. Group (HRVG) was set up in the system with the ability to support and facilitate discussions about problems and solutions and to enable easy sharing of information between relief organizations, the US military, the Haitian people and relief workers on the ground. The group continues to operate and includes 2,000 members. “An Internet-based network [APAN]…..was put to the test during a real-life crisis and performed like a champ” —“Military Facilitates Help in Haiti”, Signal News, February 2, 2010, ● To join the HRVG, users simply open an APAN account to access information on areas of assistance applicable to their organizations. They then get access to 3D maps and situation reports. The site even includes a
  • 8. Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success Federal emergency Management with the public and first responders during emergencies. The Government 2.0 network Administration (FeMA) will also improve crisis communication and cooperation between police, fire, rescue, ChALLeNGe: hospitals, FEMA, relief organizations and the public to better protect and serve our country. FEMA needed to establish consistent, branded communications through all traditional and social media in times of emergency. The agency now uses social media to improve their public communication on their role and responsibility to coordinate state and local resources during an emergency. The agency is also using social media outlets to establish communications and networks of followers before a crisis exists. These systems have been established because of their pervasiveness and mobile accessibility during times of emergency. ReSPONSe: Booz Allen developed the “FEMA in Focus” brand to provide a consistent image across multiple platforms. ReSULTS: FEMA now has produced a family of videos for a YouTube channel that tell the human side of emergency management. Additionally, @femainfocus is FEMA’s Twitter feed. FEMA also uses Facebook and MySpace to network and communicate with field staff and the public. Additionally, Booz Allen worked with FEMA to build systems to improve the agency’s communications
  • 9. The Department of Labor (DOL) ReSULTS: ChALLeNGe: Booz Allen and DOL have implemented a DOL was charged with developing a single, comprehensive system integrated, self-service Web site enabling citizens using the best features of to easily and efficiently search the various social media, self-service government benefits and entitlement programs web questionnaires, and determine their eligibility for assistance. applications and improved communications to deliver ReSPONSe: effective, integrated, cross-agency government Booz Allen worked with DOL to consolidate all services, more quickly the government benefit information into one and at a lower cost. Web site – The site represents benefits programs for 17 federal agencies and Constituents are better served, because in 300 million U.S. residents as stakeholders. many instances they can: ● An online prescreening questionnaire ● Often find programs that provide assistance application was developed to enable citizens of which they were unaware to locate the benefits programs for which they ● Immediately receive answers, rather than may be eligible. being put on hold or having to travel to a ● The site also provides a list of “next steps” government office the individual needs to take to apply for ● Avoid waiting weeks for an appointment benefits and relevant contact information. ● Eliminate waiting in a line ● The system economically benefits partner agencies by prescreening individuals for The system is powered by a sophisticated, yet eligibility criteria via the Internet, a lower cost user-friendly, content management system, channel. Additionally, the site answers basic allowing partner agencies to quickly and easily questions, saving each agency many person- make expeditious updates. hours from answering telephone inquiries and responding to in-person visits. In addition, 200,000 subscribers receive e-mails announcing updates on specific web pages. Fifty thousand subscribers receive quarterly e-newsletters, allowing DOL to save significantly on printing and postage costs. And a Twitter account now provides updates and alerts on benefits information.
  • 10. Case Studies In Government 2.0 Success The US Department of Defense prevention/treatment and the MHS blog, which promotes open discussion between MHS and its Military health System (MhS) stakeholders. In addition Booz Allen developed a stakeholder outreach plan, established privacy, ChALLeNGe: security and regulatory guidance and helped streamline internal and external work processes. MHS needed to create a web and social media presence to reach out to 9 million eligible ReSULTS: beneficiaries and other important stakeholder communities, such as military-focused Booz Allen and MHS built a model system using publications and Web sites. The objective was social media and collaboration software to work to efficiently, effectively and proactively engage with stakeholders, provide relevant information, service members and their beneficiaries in the raise awareness of programs, build trusted online health services access, research and education communities and improve people’s lives. opportunities process. The overall goal was to achieve vastly improved communication with, and healthcare services for, our military and their dependents. “The Booz Allen approach to social media implementation ReSPONSe: allows us to connect and engage people like never before…We’re Booz Allen worked with the MHS to integrate able to obtain feedback and, social media into strategic communications in turn, provide information planning and new systems to improve online to service members and their communication to and from MHS service people families, how, when and where and their families. Just as importantly, the they want it.” systems were designed to create communities, —Michael Kilpatrick, M.D., where members of the military and their Director. MHS Strategic Communications dependents could discuss military health issues and provide direct or indirect feedback to MHS. The site was established as the MHS Internet hub. It hosts all MHS social media in one place, including a Twitter feed link; podcasts about military health issues; a link to the MHS Facebook site links; to YouTube videos promoting healthy practices and disease
  • 11. About Booz Allen hamilton Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront $5 billion. Fortune has named Booz Allen one of strategy and technology consulting for of its “100 Best Companies to Work For” for six nearly a century. Today, the firm is a major consecutive years. Working Mother has ranked provider of professional services primarily to US the firm among its “100 Best Companies for government agencies in the defense, security, Working Mothers” annually since 1999. More and civil sectors, as well as to corporations, information is available at institutions, and not-for-profit organizations. Booz Allen offers clients deep functional Contact Information knowledge spanning strategy and organization, technology, operations, and analytics – which it Grant McLaughlin combines with specialized expertise in clients’ Principal mission and domain areas to help solve their toughest problems. 703/917-2055 The firm’s management consulting heritage is Mike Ozburn the basis for its unique collaborative culture Principal and operating model, enabling Booz Allen to anticipate needs and opportunities, rapidly 703/377-6792 deploy talent and resources, and deliver enduring results. By combining a consultant’s Walton Smith problem-solving orientation with deep technical Principal knowledge and strong execution, Booz Allen helps clients achieve success in their most 703/902-4165 critical missions – as evidenced by the firm’s many client relationships that span decades. Steve Radick Booz Allen helps shape thinking and prepare Lead Associate for future developments in areas of national importance, including cybersecurity, homeland 703/902-5160 security, healthcare, and information technology. Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, employs more than 22,000 people, and has annual revenues of approximately Booz Allen Hamilton’s unique abilities to bridge the worlds of work processes, technology and organizational change, help government clients achieve transformational change and measurable success.
  • 12. For More Information: Connect With Us ● Facebook: “Like” us on Facebook at and get to know our consultants, discover the latest jobs, and learn more about the work that we do. ● Twitter: Follow us on Twitter at @boozallen and get the latest updates on the work that we’re doing with our government clients. ● YouTube: Subscribe to our YouTube channel at to hear from our consultants about what makes them tick, how they’ve solved some of their clients’ toughest problems and why they chose Booz Allen. ©2010 Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.