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         Dr. Muhammad Ramzan
     PhD (University of Malaya), MLISc-Gold Medalist
Chairman, Foundation for Authentic Information and Research (FAIR)
   Session One: Writing for publishing
                         What and why to publish?
                          Where to publish?
                     Writing and presenting conference papers
   Session Two:     Publishing in a scientific journals
                          Writing a quality manuscript
                          Finding publishing avenues & choosing the right journal
                          Publishing process
                          Review process and its handling
                          Impact factor and HEC accredited journals
   Session Three:   Converting thesis into journal articles and books
                     Books publishing: online publishing and self publishing
                     Enhancing impact of your research
   Identify a problem
   Find out what others have done
   Develop a solution
   Show your solution:           Hunting for facts or
     That works better and            truth about a subject

      sound & complete
                                An organized scientific
                                investigation to solve
                                problems, test
                                hypotheses, develop or invent
                                new theories, formulas and
   It is based on the work of others.
   It can be replicated (duplicated).
   It is generalizable to other settings.
   It is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory.
   It is doable!
   It generates new questions or is cyclical in nature.
   It is incremental.
   It is apolitical activity that should be undertaken for the
    betterment of society.
   The opposites of what have been discussed.
   Looking for something when it simply is not to
    be found.
   Plagiarizing other people’s work.
   Falsifying data to prove a point.
   Misrepresenting information and misleading
   To get PhDs, M. Phil., Masters and Bachelors??
   To provide solutions to complex problems
   To investigate laws of nature
   To make new discoveries
   To develop new products
   To save costs
   To improve our life
   Human desires
   Ideally
     to share research findings and discoveries
      with the hope of improving the quality of life

   Practically
     To get funding
     to get promoted
     to get a job
     to retain job
     Being acknowledged
   Every research needs good and proper
   To attend conferences.
   To share research results with other
   To get views for improvement of your research.
   To obtain some form of degree.
   To get recognition and promotion
What to publish?
•Journals seek papers that advance knowledge and
understanding, by
•Presenting new, original methods or results
•Reviewing a field or summarizing a particular topic
in a way that rationalizes published results or creates
a new perspective on debates
•Applying best available methods to a particular
policy problem
They don’t want
They want
                        • Duplications
• Originality
• Advances in           • Reports of no scientific
knowledge and           interest
                        • Work out of date
• Appropriate methods
                        • Inappropriate methods
and conclusions
• Readability           or conclusions
• Studies that meet     • Studies with
ethical standards
                        insufficient data
• Have you done something new and interesting?
• Have you checked the latest results in the field?
• Have the findings been verified?
• Have the appropriate controls been performed?
• Do your findings tell a nice story or is the story
• Is the work directly related to a current hot topic?
• Have you provided solutions to any difficult

If all answers are “yes”, then start preparing your
   Theses: MS/MPhil /PhD
   Conference publications
     Focus on a piece of work with limited discussion
   Journal publications
     More complete (extensive) discussion
   Monographs / Book chapters / Text books
   Book review
   Working paper
   Conferences: 100 – 500 submissions with
    a 10-25% acceptance rate
   Journals: 30% acceptance rate with long
    lead times
   Publishers: publishing houses, online, self
   Subject: narrow, medium, broad
   Region: National, European, Americas, Asia
   The higher the level the more competitive
   For students it is most successful to focus on a
    narrow focused workshop or conference

   Create deadlines using short papers to kick-
    start your publications
   Meet collaborators, friends, age cohort
   Plug into the wider profession and gain an
    understanding of
    fashions, trends, tribes, taboos, discourses -
    and where the LSE sits
   Bring together oral wisdoms, gossip, tips
   Book exhibitions, meet with
    publishers, network at
    dinners, receptions, bars
 Key socializing venues – networking
 Spot potential examiners, meet key academics
  and hear professional gossip
 Gain valuable critiques of your work –
  determine what needs to be changed or
 Meet others in your peer group involved in the
  same areas of research (future collaboration
  potential here)
 See how the job market works (early stages)
  and enter it (later stages)

  Location
     Local institution - known audience
     International conference—first time ???
     Big cities, tourist places-Hotels
 Global conferences
   Huge attendance but often tiny audiences at individual
    panels – real action in bars, book
    fairs, receptions, attendance >1000, papers
    >1000, sessions>50
  Audience
     Postgraduate conferences
     Specialist groups in your profession- wider audience
  Cost—Visa could be a factor, sponsorship, HEC
  Announcements on discussion
   groups, newsletters, website, associations, universities
   Fast dissemination of research / ideas.
   Documenting progress of your research.
     Sequence of conference papers often will lead to a
      journal paper.
   Great experience (even if rejected).
   In academia, your career depends upon them.
   Networking.
   There is a not-so-very-well-known benefit (a very
    well-kept secret), which is …
   New ideas presented at conferences
   Ideas/work in progress
    Innovations requiring feedback
   Projects, works in progress
   Cutting edge ideas                                  20
   Conferences have different submission requirements.
     Be sure to be familiar with requirements /
     General trend is towards requiring the submission of
      full paper or “extended” summaries for review.
      ▪ Typical of the more “prestigious” conferences.
      ▪ Driven by the desire to have high-quality papers.
        How can one fairly review a single page summary?
     Some conferences still require only one-page
      summary or an abstract of paper.
 For conferences that require an abstract or paper
  summary, there is limited space to state your case.
 Some simple rules:
     Use space efficiently, and don’t be modest,
     Don’t waste too much time with background and
      review, but be sure to place work in context of other work,
     State, in positive terms, why your work is important, and
      the impact it will have, or “may” have,
     Convince the reader/reviewer that they really must read
      your paper, and …
     Author reputation (unfortunately) may influence decision.

   Clarity in presentation
     Are you trying to impress the reader?
     Or trying to explain something to the reader?
   Placing your work in proper context
   Relevance/Applications/Impact
   Grammar
     “That” and “Which”
   Efficient and effective use of
    graphics, tables, illustrations.
   Structure, layout and presentation.
   Familiarize yourself with the conference and what is
    expected in the papers!
   Also remember: You are probably too close to your
    work!                                                  23
   Fundamental Fact
     In spite of what you believe, only a handful of people will
     read your paper – make it have impact on those that do.
   How do you have an Impact?
     Not necessary to have the most earth-shaking
     results (these are rare), but rather …
   One of the best conference papers I have
    ever read.

 Title – Eye catcher
 Abstract – The teaser
 Introduction – Wow – important, cool, relevant
 Background – Related work by others
 The new stuff – High impact
 Experiments, tests, analysis –
 Summary/Conclusions – Assume only thing
 References – Careful balance: complete
  sampling, not too many self-references

 Short - between 6,000 and 7,000 words
 Focus on one idea or argument, not on multiple
  themes – so do not try to incorporate your entire PhD
  into a paper
 Paper should be a good illustration of your work
  (e.g., not on a topic peripheral to your PhD or
  research expertise, in order to fit within a panel
 Paper should be designed for publication and meet
  publication standards in terms of style of
  presentation and methods

   A conference proposal/abstract should
    be an accurate and concise summary
    of what the paper delivers
   Check the ‗Call for Papers‘ carefully
     What are the key themes of the
     What kind of presentation will you do?
     How long should the abstract be?
     When is the deadline for submission?

   ‗Need to know‘ criterion should guide
     What do organisers need to know to
     assess whether to accept the paper and
     where to place it in a panel?
   Core argument/bottom-line findings
    should form centre-piece of the abstract
   Don‘t waste words on literature review or

   Write a proposal/abstract for the
    conference of your choice
   Follow the ‗Call for Papers‘ guidelines in
    the example you brought in, EXCEPT
    stick to a maximum of 200 words
   If you haven‘t brought a ‗Call for
    Papers‘, then try using one of the spare
    copies at the front of the room

   Sentence 1 – a hook, indication of
    motivation (for you and reader)
   Sentences 2 –3 – formulation of research
   Sentences 3 – 4 – outline of core finding
    (maybe a sideways glance at method)
   Sentences 5 – 6 - implications

   Pass your abstract to the person on your
   Read the abstract you have in front of you
    and think about what you might do to
    improve it
   Feed back to the person who handed you
    their abstract, and get feedback on your
    own abstract

   Fitting our “ideas” and “results” into four pages.
   As beginners, we all think this is impossible.
     “How can I say all this STUFF in only four pages?”
     So, you try to cram everything you have to say into
      the four pages using micro-fonts and mini-
      margins. MISTAKE!
     Who are you trying to impress?
     How much are people going to remember?
     What is your purpose in writing the paper?
     A gazillion equations will impress no one.

   Importance of title: the eye-catcher
   Importance of abstract: the teaser

Abstract should be written and composed in a
 way that reader is compelled to read the
 whole paper

   Authorship.
   It is very easy for one to believe he/she has a
    claim on a result.
   The lines around a person’s inspiration and
    innovation are very thin, and typically the
    result of many inputs from many sources.
   My advice.

 Reviewers are people too
 Reviewers are not atypical from your
  readership, and are generally very
 The conference paper review process often
  times is (unfortunately) pressing and less than
   A reviewer may have to turn around 10-20
    reviews within a matter of weeks.
   You should write your paper with this
   Authors take negative reviews personally.
     ―Why don‘t they understand?‖
     ―Are they stupid?‖
   Use negative reviews to your benefit.
     Free advice on how to make your paper
     Reviewers are usually correct.

   You are home free.
     Make sure you conform to the format and
     Make sure you get your paper submitted on
     Use a spell checker
     ▪ Do not stop here … this is only one check.
     ▪ Be careful of the proverbial ―the the‖ (not the rock

   The presentation of your conference paper.
   Writing journal papers
     Much more complex and involved.
     Huge variety of archival publications
     Structure, technical content, writing style, and
     The review and revision process
     Citations, credit, and plagiarism.

    Substantial changes
   More data, deeper analysis and discussion of
   Use of tables, charts, diagrams
   Clear findings and new directions
   Thorough review of recent literature
    Links to existing research
   Point to new areas of investigation
   Normal (written) form is:
     What do readers really need to know?
   Conference (presentation) form is:
     What does the audience really need to
      see on screen?
     What do listeners really need to have
      explained to them?

   However literary your normal style, plan
    the talk as a sequence of exhibits
   Put all that you want to say/show on
    screen, in a user-friendly manner
   Practice timings for your talk
   Aim for a fast, well-paced start – do not
    ‗warm up‘ the audience to your subject
   Sell the paper – don‘t be hesitant

   Organise your talk into 3 minute
    chunks, planning for one display per
   Use PowerPoint (not Word) to compose
    your displays
   Text should be free-standing and readily
    understandable without you speaking
    (audience will deconstruct it like that)
   Try to avoid a build-up of slides or too
    many ‗flying bullets‘ – delays exposition
    and too controlling
   Pick a font that is visible to someone in
    the back row - like this one
   Put equations and quantitative tables into
    separate image screens, magnified so
    that the smallest subscript is visible
   Preferably use summary data
    tables, rather than detailed ones
   Pick the best feasible fonts for display

   Seminars ... 30 to 40 minutes
   UK international conferences - 20 minutes
    per paper, then questions; normally 2 or 3
    papers per panel
   US and most international conferences - 10
    to 15 minutes per paper, followed by
    questions; often 4 or 5 papers per panel
   Workshops and intensive conferences –
    20-30 minutes per paper, followed by one-
    hour discussion time

    - real life is more prosaic
 Check the venue in advance for size and
  features – may indicate audience size
 Conference slots respond to multiple
  factors, including competition, timings etc
    – so don‘t regard small
    audiences, dribbling in late, in an over-
    large room, as unusual or depressing
 Alternatively beware of an over-large
  audience, cramped and uncomfortable in
  too small a room
   Presentation facilities vary unpredictably -
    you need to be adaptable
     Take Powerpoint slides in two storage
      formats (e.g. USB stick and CD).
     Email slides to seminar hosts.
     Take an OHP copy of slides
     Print readable ‗handout‘ copies of slides
      for a realistic audience (say 25)
     Take 10-15 full paper copies, for zealots

functional but depressing, no
daylight, blackboard!

OHP, no screen, table dominating
the space,.. + dogs!


room, audience obstructs each others’
view, no equipment for visual displays

SUBTLE HAZARDS - half the audience
can’t see the OHP, narrow tables, and
uncomfortable seating arrangment

Things to aim for, ideally
Stand up, and use clear, varied slides
for best feasible delivery

Things to aim for, cont’d
For large audiences (just in case)
– Think of the view from the back row

Ideal seminar room – central display screen
+ OHP, wide tables, space for moving
around, good lighting, smallish group

           FAIR--RCTD   Credit:
                                                   WEIGHTED VOTING *

BADLY –                                              Patrick Dunleavy and Rolf Hoijer

I’ve printed                                           LSE Public Policy Group,
                                             London School of Economics and Political Science,
my cover                                                    Houghton Street,
                                                         London, WC2A 2AE

page in tiny
font and                Abstract: Pioneering work by Laver and Benoit (LB) argues that a drive by individual
                        legislator’s to maximize their per capita Shapley-Shubik power scores could explain the
                        evolution of party systems in legislatures. But LB’s analysis exhibits several problems.

slapped it              Theoretically their utility premises are incompletely specified and would lead to
                        systematically irrational and short-termist behaviour by members of vote blocs.
                        Methodologically LB focus on a complex ratio variable, whose patterning essentially depends

on the OHP              on another largely unanalysed variable, the power index scores of whole vote blocs. LB have
                        no framework for economically analysing variations in power index scores across very
                        numerous and diverse voting situations. Empirically LB’s account radically mis-specifies the

slide                   factors conditioning blocs’ incentives or actors’ incentives. We show that: (i) they offer an
                        exaggerated picture of the scope for defection; and (ii) their emphasis on the importance of
                        ‘dominant bloc’ status for the largest bloc is incorrect - dominance is often empirically trivial
                        in shaping bloc scores when there are more than five blocs. Instead, the factors that do
                        influence blocs’ scores are predictable, (if complex), patterns, which repeat in recognizable
                        ways across weighted voting situations, for any given threshold level. We demonstrate a
                        method for mapping these scores comprehensively and economically, and for analysing
                        influences on the scores precisely.

analysis, and his lonely faith in the value of other effective number indices, for which there
                      has been little or no take-up in the existing literature. By contrast we believe that the wider
                      effective number family has little to offer, and that continuing to use unmodified N 2 in
                      particular in quantitative applications cannot be defended because of the defects set out

MAINTAIN              here.
                              In our view averaging N2 scores with the 1/V1 score creates a simple but useful

CONSIS-               variant of the effective number index, Nb:

TENCY:                                                                                (3)

‘Some of
you may               The data demands of equation (3) are no greater than for the N2 index, and Nb and N2 are

not be able           highly correlated with each other. Yet this straightforward modification has useful effects.
                      Figure 6 shows the minimum and maximum fragmentation lines for Nb with between 2 and

to see the            8 parties, and also includes the 1/V1 line and the overall maximum fragmentation line for
                      Nb (with a 1 per cent floor for party sizes, as before). The averaging of N2 and 1/V1

subscripts            creates much less curved minimum fragmentation lines. And although there are still
                      transitions in their slopes around the anchor points, they are much less sharp than with N 2.

here too              The maximum fragmentation lines for different relevant numbers of parties are also

                      considerably straightened out under Nb, without strongly visible curves close to their
                      terminal anchor points. The overall maximum fragmentation line for Nb is appreciably
                      lower than the 1/V12 line under N2. In fact the Nb maximum fragmentation line runs quite
                      close to but slightly above the N3 maximum line shown in Figure 1. For instance, with V1
                      at 60 per cent, the maximum Nb score is more than half a party less than with N2 ; and at
                      50 per cent support the Nb upper limit is 3 parties, instead of 4 for N2. Thus the Nb index
                      delivers many of the same benefits in terms of more realistically denominated scores as N 3,
                      but it avoids N3’s severe kinks around anchor points (which is evident in Figure 4).
                              Table 2 shows how the N2, Nb and Molinar measures behave empirically across the
Figure 7.1: How health boards compare

                                                                                                            Trtmnt rates/pop

                        Argyll & Clyde                                                                      33212.42

complex, diffic         Ayrshire &

ult to                  Border

                        Dumfries &


read, weak              Galloway

heading/title,          Fife

                        Forth Valley


unnecessary             Grampian                                                                            27681.49



 space wasted           Highland



between data            Lothian                                                                             31768.41

                        Orkney                                                                              21727.37

                        Shetland                                                                            28233.25

                        Tayside                                                                             50259.21

                        Western Isles                                                                       30840.19
                        1                                  . 2.                                         .
                            Includes Berwick in 1997-98 only      Estimates only due to data problems

3D                          FIGURE 7.4: HOW HEALTH BOARDS COMPARE

design, small                                  70000

and thin, weak



heading, no                                    30000


logic to                                        10000


                                                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12    13   14   15

of bars, labels                                                                                               T rtm nt ra te s /po p

in a legend,
key details in           Key: The health boards are as follows: 1 Ayre & Clyde; 2 Ayrshire & Arran; 3 Border; 4 Dumfries &
                         Galloway; 5 Fife; 6 Forth Valley; 7 Grampian; 8 Greater Glasgow; 9 Highland; 10 Lanarkshire; 11 Lothian;
                         12 Orkney; 13 Shetland; 14 Tayside; 15 Western Isles.

micro font

Table 5: The extreme bloc sizes and per capita SS values in the triads, quinns and sevens

                         i. Triads area
                                                                           Bloc sizes                 Per capita SS scores
                         Description                      Blocs      V1      V2       V3        V1      V2       V3    Diff

VERY                     Bottom left cell
                         Bottom right cell
                                                                             26       25       1.28
                                                                                                       1.28     1.33       0.05

LARGE                                                     14
                                                                             26        25      0.88
                                                                                                       1.28     1.22       0.45

                                                          26         26      26        25      1.28    1.28     1.33       0.05
                         Top right cell                   4          48      48         3      0.69    0.69    11.11    10.42
                                                          8          44      44         7      0.76    0.76     4.76     4.0
                                                          14         38      38        13      0.88    0.88     2.38     1.4

multiple                                                  20

smudges of               ii. Quinns area
                                                                          Bloc sizes                  Per capita SS scores

micro font are           Description
                         Bottom left cell
                                                                                                                1.18         0

not ideal for            Bottom right cell               6
                                                                             17        17
                                                                                                       1.18     1.18

presenting full          Top cell

regression               iii. Sevens area
                                                                                                                1.18         0

results to a             Description             Blocs    V1
                                                                     Bloc sizes
                                                                  V2-V4     V5-V6       V7      V1
                                                                                                           Per capita SS scores
                                                                                                        V2-V4    V5-V6       V7      Diff.

crowded room             Bottom left cell
                         Bottom right cell
                         Top cell                6        16       16         13         9     0.89      0.89     1.10      1.59     0.70
                                                 8        14       14         13        11     1.02      1.02     1.10     1.30      0.28
                                                 14       13       13         13        13     1.10      1.10     1.10      1.10       0

Strong exposition – proper
display, visible fonts, speaker visible…
and using pointer for details

Treatment rates
Health boards         per 100,000
                                        Upper outlier
                                                         Figure 7.2: How
Border                     723
Tayside                    503          Upper outlier    Scotland’s health
Highland                   339                           boards compared
Ayrshire and
                           332          Upper quartile
                                                         in treating
Argyll and Clyde           332                           cataracts, 1998-9
Lothian                    318                           financial year
Greater Glasgow            318
Dumfries and               317          Median
Western Isles              308
                                                         Notes:Treatment rates per
Forth Valley               297
                                                         100,000 people
Shetland                   282
                                                         The range is 506, and the
Grampian                   277          Lower quartile
                                                         midspread (dQ) is 55.
Lanarkshire                239                           Source: National Audit
Fife                       229                           Office, 1999.
Orkney                     217

Mean treatment rate         335
   Get membership of professional societies
   Subscribe conference announcements
   Visit university websites
   Explore Google
   Study conference themes carefully
   Prepare paper for target theme
   Select conferences that publish proceedings
   Invite comments Q&A for you conference paper
   Improve and aim for publication in a reputed
   Fast publication
   Usually need a smaller idea
     Smaller trick can be acceptable
     Depends on conference
   Just accept or reject; no rewrite
     It may be incomplete

     It may lack key references
   Good for networking and Q&A
   Academic reputation
     Journals have 4xtime more status than conferences
   Gives a quality stamp
     Reviewers demand corrections & clarifications
   Archive your work
     Wider scope
     More theory and technical information
     More references
   Highly competitive
       Accept 36%
       Reject 58%
       Refer to other Journal 3%
       Withdrawn 3%
 1.Time to write the paper?
     - has a significant advancement been made?
     - is the hypothesis straightforward?
     - did the experiments test the hypothesis?
     - are the controls appropriate and sufficient?
     - can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?
     - can the key message be written in 1 or 2
 2. Tables and figures
     - must be clear and concise
     - should be self-explanatory
3. Read references
    - will help in choosing journal
    - better insight into possible reviewers

4. Choose journal
    - study ―instructions to authors‖
    - think about possible reviewers
    - quality of journal ―impact factor‖

5. Tentative title and summary

6. Choose authors
Writing a quality article
Literature Review
Policy Discussion
It should be clear from the introduction:
•What is the policy issue that the paper will address?
•Why is this issue important (across countries)?
•What is the new understanding that the paper will bring to
this issue?
•How will it do this?
•Why is the chosen country case(s) or method appropriate for
this purpose?
•Also, define any key or non-standard terms
The main purposes are to locate your study within existing
knowledge and to show the gap(s) that your study aims to fill:
•Don’t write an extensive review of the field
•Do ensure that the literature cited is balanced, up to date and
•Don’t cite disproportionately your own work or work that
supports your findings while ignoring contradictory studies
•Do highlight the gaps in knowledge that you will seek to fill
•Don’t describe methods, results or conclusions
You should provide enough information for reviewers and readers to
be able to know:
•Which model or methods you used
•Possible weaknesses or limitations in your analysis. Don’t explain an
established methodology from scratch, simply supply a seminal or
recent reference
•Do explain aspects that are critical in your context, e.g. where there
might be an inevitable problem and how you tackled that
• What data were collected / used?
• How were they collected?
      – Methodology
      – Sampling (+ response rate)
• Critical assessment
      – Representativeness
       – Possible sources of bias
• Include survey instrument as an appendix to assist
Present the main findings that address the question
outlined in the introduction

•Use figures and tables to summarize data
•Show the results of statistical analysis
•Compare “like with like”

•Don’t duplicate data among tables, figures and text
•Don’t use graphics to illustrate data that can easily
be summarized with text
•How the results relate to the study’s aims and hypotheses
•How the findings relate to those of other studies
•All possible interpretations of your findings
•Limitations of the study
•Important questions that remain unanswered by the study
•What lessons policy makers should derive from the
•Making “grand claims” that are not supported by the
Example: “This novel treatment will massively reduce
the prevalence of malaria in developing countries”
•Introducing new results or terms
•Straying into policy discussions that the study sheds
no direct light on
The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the
willingness of reviewers to review the paper and
ultimately the interest of readers to read it

A good abstract:
•Is brief and specific
•Accurately conveys what readers can expect from the
•Uses no technical jargon and cites no references
•Is written in good English

Use the abstract to “sell” your article
• Consult and apply the list of guidelines in the
“Guide for Authors”
– This will save time for you, the editor and the
production team
• Ensure that you adhere to the correct:
– Word limits
– Reference format
– Presentation of figures and tables
– Layout (e.g. line spacing, section headings)
• Failure to do so shows a lack of respect
Poor English annoys reviewers. It wastes their time, the
time of editors and of the production team – if the paper
gets that far!
•Always read your paper through in full before you
•If English is not your first language, get a colleague or
friend to edit your manuscript before you submit it
•Specialist scientific editing services are commercially
available at different rates
   Periodical directories
     Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, AuthorAid, Emerald
      Literary Network, DOA Journals
   Indexing/citation databases
     Perish or publish, ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar
     Science citation index, Social sciences citation index
   Online databases
     Business Source Premier, Emerald Insights, Science
      Direct, Sage
   Professional association websites
     AMA, Academy of Management
   HEC website: list of accredited journals
   Publishers association websites
Publication Process

      Completion of research

     Preparation of manuscript

     Submission of manuscript

      Assignment and review

 Rejection                 Revision


   Look at your reference list
   Ask your colleagues for advice
   Think about who will want to read your
   Read papers from short-listed journals
   Put your shortlist of journals in rank
    order, from first choice to last choice
   Discuss your choice with your co-authors

   Referring system
   Citation scores
   Circulation
   Journal type
   Time lag
   Reputation of editors
   Professional vs. commercial ownership
   Quality of production

 Impact factor: average number of times published
  papers are cited up to two years after publication.
 Immediacy Index : average number of times
  published papers are cited during year of
   The h-index reflects both the number of
    publications and the number of citations per
    publication. It serves as an alternative to journal
    impact factor in evaluation of the impact of the
    work of a particular researcher. Because only the
    most highly cited articles contribute to the h-
   Format of the paper is determined by the
   Check their web site for information
   Differences from one journal to another:
     Style of references
     Tables and figures
     Line spacing
     Font
     Word limit
     Writing style
     File type
   Guidelines for authors

   Process of submission

   Acknowledgement by editor

   Paying for publication
   Copyright agreement by author
   Decision of issue to include paper
   Copy editing
   Proof reading
   Printing
   Notification of publishing to author
   Delivery of printed issue and off-prints

The Review Process
Don’t submit your first draft to a journal!

•Get “friendly” comments from colleagues (and
coauthors!) before you submit
•Test the paper out at workshops or in a
conference to see hat response it gets there
   First scanning by editor
   Selection of reviewers
   Double blind review
   Time for review
   Decision of reviewers
   Communication of decision to author
   Acceptance, rejection or revision
   Submission and review of revised version
   Final decision

   Does the article add to what is already known?
   Is the article demonstrably related to what has
    been previously written?
   Are the arguments employed valid in terms of
    the body of knowledge?
   Is the article easy to read?
   Do the arguments flow logically?
   Are the conclusions strong?

Send for review         Reject without
                           formal review

• Accept as is
• Minor revisions
• Major revisions
• Submit a shorter paper
• Reject
Carefully study the reviewers’ comments and
prepare a detailed letter of response

•Respond to all points
•If you disagree with a reviewer, provide a polite
rebuttal, explaining your reasons

Perform additional calculations, re-run models or
consult additional references if requested

– these usually serve to make the final paper
Make adjustments and attach


Don’t feel obligated to make all

 recommended changes

Don’t take comments personally

Be polite in all correspondence
   The topic does not relate to the journal’s aims
   The paper does not appear to have engaged with the
    work of others in the same area and may therefore be
   The paper’s purpose is unclear
   The argument in the paper is under-developed
   The claims made by the paper are not justified
   The style/length/format is not what’s requested by the
   The paper is poorly presented with missing
    references, typos, poor grammar etc.
   Confirmatory (not novel), no new ideas or discovery
 Poor experimental design
   - Poor controls
   - Hypothesis not adequately tested
   Data in not current
   Inappropriate for journal
   Poorly written
• No public policy story
   – Business marketing
   – Technical papers (e.g. testing new technologies)
   – “pre-policy” work
• No clear link or contribution to international debates
   – “not done here before”
   – Local worldview
These papers are appropriate for national journals
Don’t take it personally!
•Only 25% of papers are accepted
•Try to understand why the paper has been rejected
•Evaluate honestly – will your paper meet the
requirements of another journal with the addition of
more data or other changes as suggested by the
•There can occasionally be an element of bad luck!
   Decide how many articles can be published
   Cut-paste-edit
   Look into your hypotheses
   Systematic study of the subject area
   Re-write some parts
   Each article should be independent with all required
   Supervisor as co-author
 Seek permission from university

 Improve contents

 Improve language

 Re-format

 Catchy book title and chapter headings

 Prepare end book index

 Find publisher
Don’t assume that even an award-winning
thesis is already a book – it’s probably not!
   Insecure document                  Confident piece of work
   Audience: small viva panel         Audience: targeted wider
   Academic requirement –              public
    establishing expertise             Communication tool –
   Length: 80k-100k words              establishing storyline
   Didn’t know where you were         Length: up to 80k words
    going when you started             Need to know exactly where
   Often not an integrated whole       you’re going from the start
   Generally contains                 Must be an integrated whole
    weak/boring chapters;              Contains only strong/‘thesis-
    frequent references to other        building’ chapters highlighting
    authors’ work as evidence of        your argument; others quoted
    knowledge of the field              where necessary/compelling
   Numerous examples designed         Well-chosen examples
    to back up ideas                    designed to move the story
   Few long or many short              forward
    chapters, often self-standing      Several chapters of readable
                                        length, clearly linked
   Publish the one strong chapter as an article
   Publish two or three chapters as articles
   Send the thesis off as is and hope it gets published
   Revise the thesis lightly (if it was written as a
    book, rather than a thesis, from the start)
   Revise the thesis thoroughly to clarify main argument
   Slice the thesis to separate out and develop self-
    standing arguments, which may result in two books
   Identify what parts within the thesis are of value to a
    broader readership and to you
   Cut out any boring sections you wrote to show how well
    you know your subject
   Assess the usefulness of all the different examples you use
    to apply your theory/theories
   Take the interesting material you wrote and shape it into a
    compelling story
   This may result in previously unseen insights
Thesis         Rethink            Rewrite             See larger

                    Write more
Rethink more                                Reshape

Rewrite            Repeat the
further          entire process                Book
                  as necessary
   Audience: Who will want to read this book?
   Length: Is it the right length, or too long?
   Shape: Are the chapters of even, readable length? Do I have
    enough examples, or too many?
   Narrative line: Does the book tell a coherent and compelling
   Voice: Am I the one telling the story, or am I relying too much
    on others’ works to forward my proposition?
   Density: Is the research up-to-date? Does it show that I know
    the long intellectual history of my subject?
   The best, most saleable book they can find
   They want to make a profit – or at least not
    incur a loss – in the process of publishing
   They expect a book to be clear – in writing
    style, in purpose and in argumentation
   They expect a good story - how you write
    matters as much as what you have to say
 The subject is timely, unique, interesting and appeals to
  a wide audience.
 The title is descriptive, invites inquiry or in some way
  attracts attention.
 It is well-written and carefully edited, with attention to
  spelling, grammar and sentence structure.
 It avoids scientific or technical terminology unfamiliar to
  the layperson. It is easy to read.
   The author is a professional in the field about
    which he/she is writing, and is considered an
    expert on the subject or has done extensive
    research on it.
   The material is well-organized.
   The presentation is attractive, appealing and
   It has been diligently promoted and
   The first things an editor looks at – and what
    you look at in choosing a book for purchase -
    are a book’s title and table of contents
   Title should be intriguing – but best if it’s not
    too general, or terminological, or long, or cute
   Ensure that there are no colons in your chapter
    headings and no repetition of what’s in the title
   Different publishers have different ideas about
    what is appropriate in terms of titles and
   Think about what books you like best that are
    similar to your own project and copy their style.
    It is likely you will want your book published by
    the same publishing house
   These add to the length/cost of the book so should be used
   This is especially true if colour is required
   There is also the issue of permissions if you are using others’
   Look at books which are similar to yours and see how many
    graphs, tables and illustrations they use
   Make sure that all graphs/tables are accurate and correctly
    labelled with source material cited
   A scholarly book, like an other book, has to be written with
    an audience in mind
   Your publisher wants to know the audience is large
    enough to warrant publication
   Whomever your audience (strictly academic or wider
    base), get an estimate of how many people there are
    through marketing data firms professional bodies, etc.
   Be realistic: monograph audiences est. 400-500
   Do not allow revisions to take more than a year
   Even a deep revision can be finished in less than
    twelve months
   Estimate one month for each chapter requiring
    more homework prior to revision
   One month for each chapter than must be
    rewritten in light of new research
   One month to revise introduction and prepare
   One to three months for cosmetic revision
   Don’t assume that even an award-winning thesis is already a
   Don’t assume that a publisher or a reviewer will treat a first book
    as a practice exercise; it will be judged against other similar
   Don’t submit a manuscript to more than one publisher without
    telling them you’re doing so
   Don’t conceal arrangements you’ve already made to publish
    chapters in journals or edited volumes
   Don’t send a manuscript to a publisher unless asked
   Better chances of acceptance
   More control over the process
   Higher royalties
   Author-friendly contracts
   Shorter response times
   Faster publication
   Multimedia and format options
   Mass market place

 E-publishing company
 lets you make, self-publish, print & sell print-on-
  demand books, eBooks. Free eBook publishing and book
  publishing with ...
 VDM Verlag a German online
 American Booksellers' Association (
 UK Booksellers' Association (
 self publishing print on demand company
 self publishing print on demand
 A multi-title publishing company
 Publishers of academic books
 Institutional website
   Develop your idea
   Write your manuscript
   Proofread and market test your manuscript
   Prepare your business plan

     Who will buy your book?

     How will you market and sell it?

   Decide how many books you will print and the format
    of book you want                                      135
   Get quotes for typesetting and printing
   Get manuscript 'print ready' (typeset)
   Design the book cover
   Print the book
   Market and advertise the book
   Fulfill orders
   Collect payment and record sales

1. A research impact is recorded/auditable occasion of influence
from academic research on another actor or organization
   • Academic impact from research are influences upon actors
   in academia or universities as measured by citations in other
   academic author‘s work.
   • External impact are influences on actors outside higher
   education, that is in business, government or civil society as
   measured by references in trade press, government
   documents or by coverage in media.
2. A research impact is an occasion of influence and hence
   it is not the same thing as a change in outputs or
   activities as a results of its influence.
3. A research impact is also empathetically not a claim for
   a clear cut social welfare gain.
4. However, secondary impacts from research can be
   traced at a much more aggregate level and some
   macro-evaluation of net benefits of university research
   can be gauged.
•Citation rates are used as a basis for tracking academic impacts.
The shape of citation rates vary widely across academic
•There are substantial difference in the general rate of citing
across disciplines with more cites (including self-cites) being
found in the science that the social sciences.
•The type of output chosen affects citation rates as on average a
book will take longer to be referred to but will be cited for longer
•Use Publish or Perish, Google scholar & book search and ISI
web of Knowledge to track your citation records

•Try to have a distinctive author name to be easily found

•ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus have limited coverage in
the social sciences and have an American-based
geographical bias, as well as capturing relatively few
citations in other than English language.

•Publish or Perish, Google and Scirus cover a wide range of
academic outputs and now provide a more reliable analysis
•Calculating a researchers h-score and g-score provides a
more robust picture of how much an authors work is
valued by peers

•Journal articles account for majority of citations, books
only account for 8-30 percent of citations. Books do
impact much h and g-scores of authors.

•Simple indicators of judging citation rates, such as total
number of publications, total number of citations and
age-weighted citation rate do not accurately capture an
academics citation success.
•Ensure that title names are informative and memorable and
that their abstract contains key bottom line or take away
•Book authors should ensure that their titles, sub-titles are
distinctive yet appear in general Google Book searches
around the given theme
•There are difference in self-citation. However, it is may a
time important to cite you own work to build further on it. A
balance approach is important.
•Co-authored outputs tend to generate more citations
due to networking effect between authors in a given
research team
•Co-authors from different universities or countries.
•Go across disciplines
•Use social media and web to promote your contributions
•Find authors of common interest and share your papers
with them
•Establish academic credibility
•Networking across disciplines
•Personal communication skills and capacity
•External reputation
•Track record of successful work
•Organize and participate in seminars and workshops at
national and international level
•Use of web and social media
   Book review
   Flyer
   Book launching ceremony
   Email discussion groups
   Sending off-prints to experts/writers
   Newsletters/newspapers
   Entry in search engines
   Pay-per-click advertising
   Entry in databases
   Online bookstores
   Continued work of your students/research team
   Be continuous trained
   Be updated with publishing trends
   Are you in the book of peers
   Are you in the good book of editors?
   Are you most liked supervisor?
   Are you favorite co-author?
   Do you have unmatched skills to be liked
    by active researchers
   Do you have art to produce research
    from ongoing context
   Your subject has capacity to be co-
    researched with other disciplines
   Your subject has ability to integrate new
   You have analytical ability to draw very
    unique inferences and apply over diversified
   Your subject is in the interest of authors of
    other regions – like emerging economies
   You address upcoming problems rather
    obsolete concepts
•Multiple submissions
•Redundant publications
•Data fabrication and falsification
•Improper use of human subjects and animals in
•Improper author contribution
   Writing for publishing is distinctive
   Publishing is an art
   It needs mastery
   Be systematic, no short cut
   Use tools and techniques to write
    Peers are important
   Collaboration is key in publishing
   Write good quality manuscript to sell
   Keep going
Thank you

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  • 1. INSIGHTS INTO ACADEMIC WRITING AND PUBLISHING RESEARCH Dr. Muhammad Ramzan PhD (University of Malaya), MLISc-Gold Medalist Chairman, Foundation for Authentic Information and Research (FAIR)
  • 2. Session One: Writing for publishing What and why to publish? Where to publish? Writing and presenting conference papers  Session Two: Publishing in a scientific journals Writing a quality manuscript Finding publishing avenues & choosing the right journal Publishing process Review process and its handling Impact factor and HEC accredited journals  Session Three: Converting thesis into journal articles and books Books publishing: online publishing and self publishing Enhancing impact of your research
  • 3. Identify a problem  Find out what others have done  Develop a solution  Show your solution: Hunting for facts or  That works better and truth about a subject sound & complete An organized scientific investigation to solve problems, test hypotheses, develop or invent new theories, formulas and products
  • 4. It is based on the work of others.  It can be replicated (duplicated).  It is generalizable to other settings.  It is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory.  It is doable!  It generates new questions or is cyclical in nature.  It is incremental.  It is apolitical activity that should be undertaken for the betterment of society.
  • 5. The opposites of what have been discussed.  Looking for something when it simply is not to be found.  Plagiarizing other people’s work.  Falsifying data to prove a point.  Misrepresenting information and misleading participants.
  • 6. To get PhDs, M. Phil., Masters and Bachelors??  To provide solutions to complex problems  To investigate laws of nature  To make new discoveries  To develop new products  To save costs  To improve our life  Human desires
  • 7. Ideally  to share research findings and discoveries with the hope of improving the quality of life  Practically  To get funding  to get promoted  to get a job  to retain job  Being acknowledged
  • 8. Every research needs good and proper documentation.  To attend conferences.  To share research results with other researchers.  To get views for improvement of your research.  To obtain some form of degree.  To get recognition and promotion
  • 9. What to publish? •Journals seek papers that advance knowledge and understanding, by •Presenting new, original methods or results •Reviewing a field or summarizing a particular topic in a way that rationalizes published results or creates a new perspective on debates •Applying best available methods to a particular policy problem
  • 10. They don’t want They want • Duplications • Originality • Advances in • Reports of no scientific knowledge and interest understanding • Work out of date • Appropriate methods • Inappropriate methods and conclusions • Readability or conclusions • Studies that meet • Studies with ethical standards insufficient data
  • 11. • Have you done something new and interesting? • Have you checked the latest results in the field? • Have the findings been verified? • Have the appropriate controls been performed? • Do your findings tell a nice story or is the story incomplete? • Is the work directly related to a current hot topic? • Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems? If all answers are “yes”, then start preparing your manuscript.
  • 12. Theses: MS/MPhil /PhD  Conference publications  Focus on a piece of work with limited discussion  Journal publications  More complete (extensive) discussion  Monographs / Book chapters / Text books  Book review  Working paper
  • 13. Conferences: 100 – 500 submissions with a 10-25% acceptance rate  Journals: 30% acceptance rate with long lead times  Publishers: publishing houses, online, self publishing  Subject: narrow, medium, broad  Region: National, European, Americas, Asia  The higher the level the more competitive  For students it is most successful to focus on a narrow focused workshop or conference
  • 17. Create deadlines using short papers to kick- start your publications  Meet collaborators, friends, age cohort  Plug into the wider profession and gain an understanding of fashions, trends, tribes, taboos, discourses - and where the LSE sits  Bring together oral wisdoms, gossip, tips  Book exhibitions, meet with publishers, network at dinners, receptions, bars FAIR--RCTD
  • 18.  Key socializing venues – networking  Spot potential examiners, meet key academics and hear professional gossip  Gain valuable critiques of your work – determine what needs to be changed or improved  Meet others in your peer group involved in the same areas of research (future collaboration potential here)  See how the job market works (early stages) and enter it (later stages) FAIR--RCTD
  • 19.  Location  Local institution - known audience  International conference—first time ???  Big cities, tourist places-Hotels  Global conferences  Huge attendance but often tiny audiences at individual panels – real action in bars, book fairs, receptions, attendance >1000, papers >1000, sessions>50  Audience  Postgraduate conferences  Specialist groups in your profession- wider audience  Cost—Visa could be a factor, sponsorship, HEC  Announcements on discussion groups, newsletters, website, associations, universities FAIR--RCTD
  • 20. Fast dissemination of research / ideas.  Documenting progress of your research.  Sequence of conference papers often will lead to a journal paper.  Great experience (even if rejected).  In academia, your career depends upon them.  Networking.  There is a not-so-very-well-known benefit (a very well-kept secret), which is …  New ideas presented at conferences  Ideas/work in progress  Innovations requiring feedback  Projects, works in progress  Cutting edge ideas 20
  • 21. Conferences have different submission requirements.  Be sure to be familiar with requirements / deadlines!  General trend is towards requiring the submission of full paper or “extended” summaries for review. ▪ Typical of the more “prestigious” conferences. ▪ Driven by the desire to have high-quality papers. How can one fairly review a single page summary?  Some conferences still require only one-page summary or an abstract of paper. 21
  • 22.  For conferences that require an abstract or paper summary, there is limited space to state your case.  Some simple rules:  Use space efficiently, and don’t be modest,  Don’t waste too much time with background and review, but be sure to place work in context of other work,  State, in positive terms, why your work is important, and the impact it will have, or “may” have,  Convince the reader/reviewer that they really must read your paper, and …  Author reputation (unfortunately) may influence decision. 22
  • 23. Clarity in presentation  Are you trying to impress the reader?  Or trying to explain something to the reader?  Placing your work in proper context  Relevance/Applications/Impact  Grammar  “That” and “Which”  Efficient and effective use of graphics, tables, illustrations.  Structure, layout and presentation.  Familiarize yourself with the conference and what is expected in the papers!  Also remember: You are probably too close to your work! 23
  • 24. Fundamental Fact In spite of what you believe, only a handful of people will read your paper – make it have impact on those that do.  How do you have an Impact?  Not necessary to have the most earth-shaking results (these are rare), but rather …  One of the best conference papers I have ever read. 24
  • 25.  Title – Eye catcher  Abstract – The teaser  Introduction – Wow – important, cool, relevant  Background – Related work by others  The new stuff – High impact  Experiments, tests, analysis – Convincing/honest  Summary/Conclusions – Assume only thing read  References – Careful balance: complete sampling, not too many self-references 25
  • 26.  Short - between 6,000 and 7,000 words  Focus on one idea or argument, not on multiple themes – so do not try to incorporate your entire PhD into a paper  Paper should be a good illustration of your work (e.g., not on a topic peripheral to your PhD or research expertise, in order to fit within a panel theme)  Paper should be designed for publication and meet publication standards in terms of style of presentation and methods FAIR--RCTD
  • 27. A conference proposal/abstract should be an accurate and concise summary of what the paper delivers  Check the ‗Call for Papers‘ carefully  What are the key themes of the conference?  What kind of presentation will you do?  How long should the abstract be?  When is the deadline for submission? FAIR--RCTD
  • 28. ‗Need to know‘ criterion should guide abstract  What do organisers need to know to assess whether to accept the paper and where to place it in a panel?  Core argument/bottom-line findings should form centre-piece of the abstract  Don‘t waste words on literature review or methodology FAIR--RCTD
  • 29. Write a proposal/abstract for the conference of your choice  Follow the ‗Call for Papers‘ guidelines in the example you brought in, EXCEPT stick to a maximum of 200 words  If you haven‘t brought a ‗Call for Papers‘, then try using one of the spare copies at the front of the room FAIR--RCTD
  • 30. Sentence 1 – a hook, indication of motivation (for you and reader)  Sentences 2 –3 – formulation of research problem/question  Sentences 3 – 4 – outline of core finding (maybe a sideways glance at method)  Sentences 5 – 6 - implications FAIR--RCTD
  • 31. Pass your abstract to the person on your left  Read the abstract you have in front of you and think about what you might do to improve it  Feed back to the person who handed you their abstract, and get feedback on your own abstract FAIR--RCTD
  • 32. Fitting our “ideas” and “results” into four pages.  As beginners, we all think this is impossible.  “How can I say all this STUFF in only four pages?”  So, you try to cram everything you have to say into the four pages using micro-fonts and mini- margins. MISTAKE!  Who are you trying to impress?  How much are people going to remember?  What is your purpose in writing the paper?  A gazillion equations will impress no one. 32
  • 33. Importance of title: the eye-catcher  Importance of abstract: the teaser Abstract should be written and composed in a way that reader is compelled to read the whole paper 33
  • 34. Authorship.  It is very easy for one to believe he/she has a claim on a result.  The lines around a person’s inspiration and innovation are very thin, and typically the result of many inputs from many sources.  My advice. 34
  • 35.  Reviewers are people too  Reviewers are not atypical from your readership, and are generally very knowledgeable.  The conference paper review process often times is (unfortunately) pressing and less than perfect.  A reviewer may have to turn around 10-20 reviews within a matter of weeks.  You should write your paper with this understanding. 35
  • 36. Authors take negative reviews personally.  ―Why don‘t they understand?‖  ―Are they stupid?‖  Use negative reviews to your benefit.  Free advice on how to make your paper better.  Reviewers are usually correct. 36
  • 37. You are home free.  Make sure you conform to the format and length.  Make sure you get your paper submitted on time.  Use a spell checker ▪ Do not stop here … this is only one check. ▪ Be careful of the proverbial ―the the‖ (not the rock group) 37
  • 38. The presentation of your conference paper.  Writing journal papers  Much more complex and involved.  Huge variety of archival publications  Structure, technical content, writing style, and graphics.  The review and revision process  Citations, credit, and plagiarism. 38
  • 39. Substantial changes  More data, deeper analysis and discussion of findings  Use of tables, charts, diagrams  Clear findings and new directions  Thorough review of recent literature  Links to existing research  Point to new areas of investigation
  • 40. Normal (written) form is:  What do readers really need to know?  Conference (presentation) form is:  What does the audience really need to see on screen?  What do listeners really need to have explained to them? FAIR--RCTD
  • 41. However literary your normal style, plan the talk as a sequence of exhibits  Put all that you want to say/show on screen, in a user-friendly manner  Practice timings for your talk  Aim for a fast, well-paced start – do not ‗warm up‘ the audience to your subject  Sell the paper – don‘t be hesitant FAIR--RCTD
  • 42. Organise your talk into 3 minute chunks, planning for one display per chunk  Use PowerPoint (not Word) to compose your displays  Text should be free-standing and readily understandable without you speaking (audience will deconstruct it like that)  Try to avoid a build-up of slides or too many ‗flying bullets‘ – delays exposition and too controlling FAIR--RCTD
  • 43. Pick a font that is visible to someone in the back row - like this one  Put equations and quantitative tables into separate image screens, magnified so that the smallest subscript is visible  Preferably use summary data tables, rather than detailed ones  Pick the best feasible fonts for display FAIR--RCTD
  • 44. Seminars ... 30 to 40 minutes  UK international conferences - 20 minutes per paper, then questions; normally 2 or 3 papers per panel  US and most international conferences - 10 to 15 minutes per paper, followed by questions; often 4 or 5 papers per panel  Workshops and intensive conferences – 20-30 minutes per paper, followed by one- hour discussion time FAIR--RCTD
  • 46. SCARY CONFERENCE VISION - real life is more prosaic FAIR--RCTD
  • 47.  Check the venue in advance for size and features – may indicate audience size  Conference slots respond to multiple factors, including competition, timings etc – so don‘t regard small audiences, dribbling in late, in an over- large room, as unusual or depressing  Alternatively beware of an over-large audience, cramped and uncomfortable in too small a room FAIR--RCTD
  • 48. Presentation facilities vary unpredictably - you need to be adaptable  Take Powerpoint slides in two storage formats (e.g. USB stick and CD).  Email slides to seminar hosts.  Take an OHP copy of slides  Print readable ‗handout‘ copies of slides for a realistic audience (say 25)  Take 10-15 full paper copies, for zealots FAIR--RCTD
  • 52. RANDOM UNIVERSITY ROOM – functional but depressing, no daylight, blackboard! Credit: FAIR--RCTD
  • 53. SMALL ROOM HAZARDS – no OHP, no screen, table dominating the space,.. + dogs! CREDFIT: FAIR--RCTD
  • 54. LARGE ROOM HAZARDS – long thin room, audience obstructs each others’ view, no equipment for visual displays Credit: FAIR--RCTD
  • 55. SUBTLE HAZARDS - half the audience can’t see the OHP, narrow tables, and uncomfortable seating arrangment FAIR--RCTD
  • 56. Things to aim for, ideally Stand up, and use clear, varied slides for best feasible delivery Credit: FAIR--RCTD
  • 57. Things to aim for, cont’d For large audiences (just in case) – Think of the view from the back row FAIR--RCTD
  • 58. Ideal seminar room – central display screen + OHP, wide tables, space for moving around, good lighting, smallish group FAIR--RCTD Credit:
  • 60. INDIVIDUAL AND BLOC INCENTIVES UNDER WEIGHTED VOTING * START BADLY – Patrick Dunleavy and Rolf Hoijer I’ve printed LSE Public Policy Group, London School of Economics and Political Science, my cover Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE page in tiny font and Abstract: Pioneering work by Laver and Benoit (LB) argues that a drive by individual legislator’s to maximize their per capita Shapley-Shubik power scores could explain the evolution of party systems in legislatures. But LB’s analysis exhibits several problems. slapped it Theoretically their utility premises are incompletely specified and would lead to systematically irrational and short-termist behaviour by members of vote blocs. Methodologically LB focus on a complex ratio variable, whose patterning essentially depends on the OHP on another largely unanalysed variable, the power index scores of whole vote blocs. LB have no framework for economically analysing variations in power index scores across very numerous and diverse voting situations. Empirically LB’s account radically mis-specifies the slide factors conditioning blocs’ incentives or actors’ incentives. We show that: (i) they offer an exaggerated picture of the scope for defection; and (ii) their emphasis on the importance of ‘dominant bloc’ status for the largest bloc is incorrect - dominance is often empirically trivial in shaping bloc scores when there are more than five blocs. Instead, the factors that do influence blocs’ scores are predictable, (if complex), patterns, which repeat in recognizable ways across weighted voting situations, for any given threshold level. We demonstrate a method for mapping these scores comprehensively and economically, and for analysing influences on the scores precisely. FAIR--RCTD
  • 61. analysis, and his lonely faith in the value of other effective number indices, for which there has been little or no take-up in the existing literature. By contrast we believe that the wider effective number family has little to offer, and that continuing to use unmodified N 2 in particular in quantitative applications cannot be defended because of the defects set out MAINTAIN here. In our view averaging N2 scores with the 1/V1 score creates a simple but useful CONSIS- variant of the effective number index, Nb: TENCY: (3) ‘Some of you may The data demands of equation (3) are no greater than for the N2 index, and Nb and N2 are not be able highly correlated with each other. Yet this straightforward modification has useful effects. Figure 6 shows the minimum and maximum fragmentation lines for Nb with between 2 and to see the 8 parties, and also includes the 1/V1 line and the overall maximum fragmentation line for Nb (with a 1 per cent floor for party sizes, as before). The averaging of N2 and 1/V1 subscripts creates much less curved minimum fragmentation lines. And although there are still transitions in their slopes around the anchor points, they are much less sharp than with N 2. here too The maximum fragmentation lines for different relevant numbers of parties are also well’ considerably straightened out under Nb, without strongly visible curves close to their terminal anchor points. The overall maximum fragmentation line for Nb is appreciably lower than the 1/V12 line under N2. In fact the Nb maximum fragmentation line runs quite close to but slightly above the N3 maximum line shown in Figure 1. For instance, with V1 at 60 per cent, the maximum Nb score is more than half a party less than with N2 ; and at 50 per cent support the Nb upper limit is 3 parties, instead of 4 for N2. Thus the Nb index delivers many of the same benefits in terms of more realistically denominated scores as N 3, but it avoids N3’s severe kinks around anchor points (which is evident in Figure 4). Table 2 shows how the N2, Nb and Molinar measures behave empirically across the FAIR--RCTD
  • 62. Figure 7.1: How health boards compare TABLES – Trtmnt rates/pop Argyll & Clyde 33212.42 complex, diffic Ayrshire & Arran 33200.32 ult to Border Dumfries & 72331.011 31699.21 read, weak Galloway heading/title, Fife Forth Valley 22876.55 29748.33 unnecessary Grampian 27681.49 31827.222 abbreviations, Greater Glasgow space wasted Highland Lanarkshire 33855.18 23909.83 between data Lothian 31768.41 points Orkney 21727.37 Shetland 28233.25 Tayside 50259.21 Western Isles 30840.19 1 . 2. . Includes Berwick in 1997-98 only Estimates only due to data problems FAIR--RCTD
  • 63. CHARTS – 3D FIGURE 7.4: HOW HEALTH BOARDS COMPARE 80000 design, small 70000 and thin, weak 60000 50000 40000 heading, no 30000 20000 logic to 10000 0 arrangement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 of bars, labels T rtm nt ra te s /po p in a legend, key details in Key: The health boards are as follows: 1 Ayre & Clyde; 2 Ayrshire & Arran; 3 Border; 4 Dumfries & Galloway; 5 Fife; 6 Forth Valley; 7 Grampian; 8 Greater Glasgow; 9 Highland; 10 Lanarkshire; 11 Lothian; 12 Orkney; 13 Shetland; 14 Tayside; 15 Western Isles. micro font FAIR--RCTD
  • 64. Table 5: The extreme bloc sizes and per capita SS values in the triads, quinns and sevens areas i. Triads area Bloc sizes Per capita SS scores Description Blocs V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3 Diff VERY Bottom left cell Bottom right cell All 4 8 26 48 44 26 25 1.28 0.69 0.76 1.28 1.33 0.05 0.64 0.57 LARGE 14 20 24 38 32 28 26 25 0.88 1.0 1.2 1.28 1.22 0.45 0.33 0.13 TABLES – 26 26 26 25 1.28 1.28 1.33 0.05 Top right cell 4 48 48 3 0.69 0.69 11.11 10.42 8 44 44 7 0.76 0.76 4.76 4.0 14 38 38 13 0.88 0.88 2.38 1.4 multiple 20 24 26 32 28 26 32 28 26 19 23 25 1.0 1.2 1.28 1.0 1.2 1.28 1.67 1.39 1.33 0.67 0.19 0.05 smudges of ii. Quinns area Bloc sizes Per capita SS scores micro font are Description Bottom left cell Blocs All V1 17 V2-V4 17 V5 17 V1 1.18 V2-V4 1.18 V5 1.18 0 Diff not ideal for Bottom right cell 6 8 14 31 29 23 17 17 0.65 0.69 0.87 1.18 1.18 0.53 0.49 0.45 presenting full Top cell 20 6 8 17 24 23 17 24 23 17 3 5 1.18 0.69 0.76 1.18 0.69 0.76 1.18 6.67 4.0 0 5.98 3.24 regression iii. Sevens area 14 20 20 17 20 17 11 17 1.0 1.18 1.0 1.18 1.82 1.18 0 0.18 results to a Description Blocs V1 Bloc sizes V2-V4 V5-V6 V7 V1 Per capita SS scores V2-V4 V5-V6 V7 Diff. crowded room Bottom left cell Bottom right cell All 6 8 14 13 21 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1.10 0.68 0.95 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 0 0.42 0.15 0 Top cell 6 16 16 13 9 0.89 0.89 1.10 1.59 0.70 8 14 14 13 11 1.02 1.02 1.10 1.30 0.28 14 13 13 13 13 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 0 FAIR--RCTD
  • 66. Strong exposition – proper display, visible fonts, speaker visible… and using pointer for details Credit: FAIR--RCTD
  • 68. Treatment rates Health boards per 100,000 people Upper outlier Figure 7.2: How Border 723 Tayside 503 Upper outlier Scotland’s health Highland 339 boards compared Ayrshire and Arran 332 Upper quartile in treating Argyll and Clyde 332 cataracts, 1998-9 Lothian 318 financial year Greater Glasgow 318 Dumfries and 317 Median Galloway Western Isles 308 Notes:Treatment rates per Forth Valley 297 100,000 people Shetland 282 The range is 506, and the Grampian 277 Lower quartile midspread (dQ) is 55. Lanarkshire 239 Source: National Audit Fife 229 Office, 1999. Orkney 217 Mean treatment rate 335 FAIR--RCTD
  • 69. Get membership of professional societies  Subscribe conference announcements  Visit university websites  Explore Google  Study conference themes carefully  Prepare paper for target theme  Select conferences that publish proceedings  Invite comments Q&A for you conference paper  Improve and aim for publication in a reputed journal
  • 70. Fast publication  Usually need a smaller idea  Smaller trick can be acceptable  Depends on conference  Just accept or reject; no rewrite  It may be incomplete  It may lack key references  Good for networking and Q&A
  • 71.
  • 72. Academic reputation  Journals have 4xtime more status than conferences  Gives a quality stamp  Reviewers demand corrections & clarifications  Archive your work  Wider scope  More theory and technical information  More references  Highly competitive  Accept 36%  Reject 58%  Refer to other Journal 3%  Withdrawn 3%
  • 73.  1.Time to write the paper?  - has a significant advancement been made?  - is the hypothesis straightforward?  - did the experiments test the hypothesis?  - are the controls appropriate and sufficient?  - can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?  - can the key message be written in 1 or 2 sentences?  2. Tables and figures  - must be clear and concise  - should be self-explanatory
  • 74. 3. Read references  - will help in choosing journal  - better insight into possible reviewers 4. Choose journal  - study ―instructions to authors‖  - think about possible reviewers  - quality of journal ―impact factor‖ 5. Tentative title and summary 6. Choose authors
  • 75. Writing a quality article
  • 77. It should be clear from the introduction: •What is the policy issue that the paper will address? •Why is this issue important (across countries)? •What is the new understanding that the paper will bring to this issue? •How will it do this? •Why is the chosen country case(s) or method appropriate for this purpose? •Also, define any key or non-standard terms
  • 78. The main purposes are to locate your study within existing knowledge and to show the gap(s) that your study aims to fill: •Don’t write an extensive review of the field •Do ensure that the literature cited is balanced, up to date and relevant •Don’t cite disproportionately your own work or work that supports your findings while ignoring contradictory studies •Do highlight the gaps in knowledge that you will seek to fill •Don’t describe methods, results or conclusions
  • 79. You should provide enough information for reviewers and readers to be able to know: •Which model or methods you used •Possible weaknesses or limitations in your analysis. Don’t explain an established methodology from scratch, simply supply a seminal or recent reference •Do explain aspects that are critical in your context, e.g. where there might be an inevitable problem and how you tackled that
  • 80. • What data were collected / used? • How were they collected? – Methodology – Sampling (+ response rate) • Critical assessment – Representativeness – Possible sources of bias • Include survey instrument as an appendix to assist reviewers
  • 81. Present the main findings that address the question outlined in the introduction •Use figures and tables to summarize data •Show the results of statistical analysis •Compare “like with like” •Don’t duplicate data among tables, figures and text •Don’t use graphics to illustrate data that can easily be summarized with text
  • 82. •How the results relate to the study’s aims and hypotheses •How the findings relate to those of other studies •All possible interpretations of your findings •Limitations of the study •Important questions that remain unanswered by the study •What lessons policy makers should derive from the findings
  • 83. •Making “grand claims” that are not supported by the data Example: “This novel treatment will massively reduce the prevalence of malaria in developing countries” •Introducing new results or terms •Straying into policy discussions that the study sheds no direct light on
  • 84. The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the willingness of reviewers to review the paper and ultimately the interest of readers to read it A good abstract: •Is brief and specific •Accurately conveys what readers can expect from the paper •Uses no technical jargon and cites no references •Is written in good English Use the abstract to “sell” your article
  • 85. • Consult and apply the list of guidelines in the “Guide for Authors” – This will save time for you, the editor and the production team • Ensure that you adhere to the correct: – Word limits – Reference format – Presentation of figures and tables – Layout (e.g. line spacing, section headings) • Failure to do so shows a lack of respect
  • 86. Poor English annoys reviewers. It wastes their time, the time of editors and of the production team – if the paper gets that far! •Always read your paper through in full before you submit •If English is not your first language, get a colleague or friend to edit your manuscript before you submit it •Specialist scientific editing services are commercially available at different rates
  • 87.
  • 88. Periodical directories  Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, AuthorAid, Emerald Literary Network, DOA Journals  Indexing/citation databases  Perish or publish, ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar  Science citation index, Social sciences citation index  Online databases  Business Source Premier, Emerald Insights, Science Direct, Sage  Professional association websites  AMA, Academy of Management  HEC website: list of accredited journals  Publishers association websites
  • 89. 89
  • 90. 90
  • 91. 91
  • 92. 92
  • 93. 93
  • 94. 94
  • 95.
  • 96. Publication Process Completion of research Preparation of manuscript Submission of manuscript Assignment and review Decision Rejection Revision Resubmission Re-review Acceptance Rejection Publication
  • 97. Look at your reference list  Ask your colleagues for advice  Think about who will want to read your paper  Read papers from short-listed journals  Put your shortlist of journals in rank order, from first choice to last choice  Discuss your choice with your co-authors 97
  • 98. Referring system  Citation scores  Circulation  Journal type  Time lag  Reputation of editors  Professional vs. commercial ownership  Quality of production 98
  • 99.  Impact factor: average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication.  Immediacy Index : average number of times published papers are cited during year of publication.  The h-index reflects both the number of publications and the number of citations per publication. It serves as an alternative to journal impact factor in evaluation of the impact of the work of a particular researcher. Because only the most highly cited articles contribute to the h- index.
  • 100. Format of the paper is determined by the journal  Check their web site for information  Differences from one journal to another:  Style of references  Tables and figures  Line spacing  Font  Word limit  Writing style  File type 100
  • 101. Guidelines for authors  Process of submission  Acknowledgement by editor 101
  • 102. Paying for publication  Copyright agreement by author  Decision of issue to include paper  Copy editing  Proof reading  Printing  Notification of publishing to author  Delivery of printed issue and off-prints 102
  • 104. Don’t submit your first draft to a journal! •Get “friendly” comments from colleagues (and coauthors!) before you submit •Test the paper out at workshops or in a conference to see hat response it gets there
  • 105. First scanning by editor  Selection of reviewers  Double blind review  Time for review  Decision of reviewers  Communication of decision to author  Acceptance, rejection or revision  Submission and review of revised version  Final decision 105
  • 106. Does the article add to what is already known?  Is the article demonstrably related to what has been previously written?  Are the arguments employed valid in terms of the body of knowledge?  Is the article easy to read?  Do the arguments flow logically?  Are the conclusions strong? 106
  • 107. Send for review Reject without formal review • Accept as is • Minor revisions • Major revisions • Submit a shorter paper • Reject
  • 108. 108
  • 109. Carefully study the reviewers’ comments and prepare a detailed letter of response •Respond to all points •If you disagree with a reviewer, provide a polite rebuttal, explaining your reasons Perform additional calculations, re-run models or consult additional references if requested – these usually serve to make the final paper stronger
  • 110. Make adjustments and attach explanation Don’t feel obligated to make all recommended changes Don’t take comments personally Be polite in all correspondence 110
  • 111. The topic does not relate to the journal’s aims  The paper does not appear to have engaged with the work of others in the same area and may therefore be repetitious  The paper’s purpose is unclear  The argument in the paper is under-developed  The claims made by the paper are not justified  The style/length/format is not what’s requested by the journal
  • 112. The paper is poorly presented with missing references, typos, poor grammar etc.  Confirmatory (not novel), no new ideas or discovery  Poor experimental design  - Poor controls  - Hypothesis not adequately tested  Data in not current  Inappropriate for journal  Poorly written
  • 113. • No public policy story – Business marketing – Technical papers (e.g. testing new technologies) – “pre-policy” work • No clear link or contribution to international debates – “not done here before” – Local worldview These papers are appropriate for national journals
  • 114. Don’t take it personally! •Only 25% of papers are accepted •Try to understand why the paper has been rejected •Evaluate honestly – will your paper meet the requirements of another journal with the addition of more data or other changes as suggested by the referees? •There can occasionally be an element of bad luck!
  • 115.
  • 116. Decide how many articles can be published  Cut-paste-edit  Look into your hypotheses  Systematic study of the subject area  Re-write some parts  Each article should be independent with all required contents  Supervisor as co-author 116
  • 117.  Seek permission from university  Improve contents  Improve language  Re-format  Catchy book title and chapter headings  Prepare end book index  Find publisher 117
  • 118. Don’t assume that even an award-winning thesis is already a book – it’s probably not!
  • 119. Insecure document  Confident piece of work  Audience: small viva panel  Audience: targeted wider  Academic requirement – public establishing expertise  Communication tool –  Length: 80k-100k words establishing storyline  Didn’t know where you were  Length: up to 80k words going when you started  Need to know exactly where  Often not an integrated whole you’re going from the start  Generally contains  Must be an integrated whole weak/boring chapters;  Contains only strong/‘thesis- frequent references to other building’ chapters highlighting authors’ work as evidence of your argument; others quoted knowledge of the field where necessary/compelling  Numerous examples designed  Well-chosen examples to back up ideas designed to move the story  Few long or many short forward chapters, often self-standing  Several chapters of readable length, clearly linked
  • 120. Publish the one strong chapter as an article  Publish two or three chapters as articles  Send the thesis off as is and hope it gets published  Revise the thesis lightly (if it was written as a book, rather than a thesis, from the start)  Revise the thesis thoroughly to clarify main argument  Slice the thesis to separate out and develop self- standing arguments, which may result in two books
  • 121. Identify what parts within the thesis are of value to a broader readership and to you  Cut out any boring sections you wrote to show how well you know your subject  Assess the usefulness of all the different examples you use to apply your theory/theories  Take the interesting material you wrote and shape it into a compelling story  This may result in previously unseen insights
  • 122. Thesis Rethink Rewrite See larger issues Write more Rethink more Reshape Rewrite Repeat the further entire process Book as necessary
  • 123. Audience: Who will want to read this book?  Length: Is it the right length, or too long?  Shape: Are the chapters of even, readable length? Do I have enough examples, or too many?  Narrative line: Does the book tell a coherent and compelling story?  Voice: Am I the one telling the story, or am I relying too much on others’ works to forward my proposition?  Density: Is the research up-to-date? Does it show that I know the long intellectual history of my subject?
  • 124. The best, most saleable book they can find  They want to make a profit – or at least not incur a loss – in the process of publishing  They expect a book to be clear – in writing style, in purpose and in argumentation  They expect a good story - how you write matters as much as what you have to say
  • 125.  The subject is timely, unique, interesting and appeals to a wide audience.  The title is descriptive, invites inquiry or in some way attracts attention.  It is well-written and carefully edited, with attention to spelling, grammar and sentence structure.  It avoids scientific or technical terminology unfamiliar to the layperson. It is easy to read.
  • 126. The author is a professional in the field about which he/she is writing, and is considered an expert on the subject or has done extensive research on it.  The material is well-organized.  The presentation is attractive, appealing and professional-looking.  It has been diligently promoted and marketed.
  • 127. The first things an editor looks at – and what you look at in choosing a book for purchase - are a book’s title and table of contents  Title should be intriguing – but best if it’s not too general, or terminological, or long, or cute  Ensure that there are no colons in your chapter headings and no repetition of what’s in the title
  • 128. Different publishers have different ideas about what is appropriate in terms of titles and headings  Think about what books you like best that are similar to your own project and copy their style. It is likely you will want your book published by the same publishing house
  • 129. These add to the length/cost of the book so should be used sparingly  This is especially true if colour is required  There is also the issue of permissions if you are using others’ photos/illustrations  Look at books which are similar to yours and see how many graphs, tables and illustrations they use  Make sure that all graphs/tables are accurate and correctly labelled with source material cited
  • 130. A scholarly book, like an other book, has to be written with an audience in mind  Your publisher wants to know the audience is large enough to warrant publication  Whomever your audience (strictly academic or wider base), get an estimate of how many people there are through marketing data firms professional bodies, etc.  Be realistic: monograph audiences est. 400-500
  • 131. Do not allow revisions to take more than a year  Even a deep revision can be finished in less than twelve months  Estimate one month for each chapter requiring more homework prior to revision  One month for each chapter than must be rewritten in light of new research  One month to revise introduction and prepare conclusion  One to three months for cosmetic revision
  • 132. Don’t assume that even an award-winning thesis is already a book  Don’t assume that a publisher or a reviewer will treat a first book as a practice exercise; it will be judged against other similar books  Don’t submit a manuscript to more than one publisher without telling them you’re doing so  Don’t conceal arrangements you’ve already made to publish chapters in journals or edited volumes  Don’t send a manuscript to a publisher unless asked
  • 133. Better chances of acceptance  More control over the process  Higher royalties  Author-friendly contracts  Shorter response times  Faster publication  Multimedia and format options  Mass market place 133
  • 134.  E-publishing company  lets you make, self-publish, print & sell print-on- demand books, eBooks. Free eBook publishing and book publishing with ...  VDM Verlag a German online publishers  American Booksellers' Association (  UK Booksellers' Association (  self publishing print on demand company  self publishing print on demand company  A multi-title publishing company  Publishers of academic books  Institutional website 134
  • 135. Develop your idea  Write your manuscript  Proofread and market test your manuscript  Prepare your business plan  Who will buy your book?  How will you market and sell it?  Decide how many books you will print and the format of book you want 135
  • 136. Get quotes for typesetting and printing  Get manuscript 'print ready' (typeset)  Design the book cover  Print the book  Market and advertise the book  Fulfill orders  Collect payment and record sales 136
  • 137. 137
  • 138. 1. A research impact is recorded/auditable occasion of influence from academic research on another actor or organization • Academic impact from research are influences upon actors in academia or universities as measured by citations in other academic author‘s work. • External impact are influences on actors outside higher education, that is in business, government or civil society as measured by references in trade press, government documents or by coverage in media.
  • 139. 2. A research impact is an occasion of influence and hence it is not the same thing as a change in outputs or activities as a results of its influence. 3. A research impact is also empathetically not a claim for a clear cut social welfare gain. 4. However, secondary impacts from research can be traced at a much more aggregate level and some macro-evaluation of net benefits of university research can be gauged.
  • 140. •Citation rates are used as a basis for tracking academic impacts. The shape of citation rates vary widely across academic disciplines •There are substantial difference in the general rate of citing across disciplines with more cites (including self-cites) being found in the science that the social sciences. •The type of output chosen affects citation rates as on average a book will take longer to be referred to but will be cited for longer
  • 141. •Use Publish or Perish, Google scholar & book search and ISI web of Knowledge to track your citation records •Try to have a distinctive author name to be easily found •ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus have limited coverage in the social sciences and have an American-based geographical bias, as well as capturing relatively few citations in other than English language. •Publish or Perish, Google and Scirus cover a wide range of academic outputs and now provide a more reliable analysis
  • 142. •Calculating a researchers h-score and g-score provides a more robust picture of how much an authors work is valued by peers •Journal articles account for majority of citations, books only account for 8-30 percent of citations. Books do impact much h and g-scores of authors. •Simple indicators of judging citation rates, such as total number of publications, total number of citations and age-weighted citation rate do not accurately capture an academics citation success.
  • 143. •Ensure that title names are informative and memorable and that their abstract contains key bottom line or take away points •Book authors should ensure that their titles, sub-titles are distinctive yet appear in general Google Book searches around the given theme •There are difference in self-citation. However, it is may a time important to cite you own work to build further on it. A balance approach is important.
  • 144. •Co-authored outputs tend to generate more citations due to networking effect between authors in a given research team •Co-authors from different universities or countries. •Go across disciplines •Use social media and web to promote your contributions •Find authors of common interest and share your papers with them
  • 145. •Establish academic credibility •Networking across disciplines •Personal communication skills and capacity •External reputation •Experience •Track record of successful work •Organize and participate in seminars and workshops at national and international level •Use of web and social media
  • 146. Book review  Flyer  Book launching ceremony  Email discussion groups  Sending off-prints to experts/writers  Newsletters/newspapers  Entry in search engines  Pay-per-click advertising  Entry in databases  Online bookstores  Continued work of your students/research team 146
  • 147. Be continuous trained  Be updated with publishing trends  Are you in the book of peers  Are you in the good book of editors?  Are you most liked supervisor?  Are you favorite co-author?  Do you have unmatched skills to be liked by active researchers  Do you have art to produce research from ongoing context 147
  • 148. Your subject has capacity to be co- researched with other disciplines  Your subject has ability to integrate new context  You have analytical ability to draw very unique inferences and apply over diversified context  Your subject is in the interest of authors of other regions – like emerging economies case  You address upcoming problems rather obsolete concepts 148
  • 149. •Multiple submissions •Redundant publications •Plagiarism •Data fabrication and falsification •Improper use of human subjects and animals in research •Improper author contribution
  • 150. Writing for publishing is distinctive  Publishing is an art  It needs mastery  Be systematic, no short cut  Use tools and techniques to write  Peers are important  Collaboration is key in publishing  Write good quality manuscript to sell  Keep going
  • 151. 151