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    Launching the New Nation
     Heads the
a. Had no desire to be president
b. wanted to retire in Mt. Vernon
c. Washington became the unanimous choice in the 1st
presidential ballot
d. reluctantly accepted on April 16th, 1789 and set off to
NYC [1st capital] to take the Oath of Office
    The New Government Takes
       1st time a nation tried a government on Enlightenment ideals

       Constitution was not a detailed blueprint for governing

       Washington & Congress had to make many decisions
           How the raise revenue?
           Provide for defense? [w/ no precedent]
           James Madison: “We are in a wilderness without a single footstep to
            guide us”
        Judiciary Act of 1789
   Constitution authorized Congress to set up a federal court system- the
    Supreme Court- but gave no details
       How many additional courts?
       What happens if federal court decisions conflicted with states?

   JA1789- created a judicial structure that is essentially intact:
     Supreme Court- Chief Justice, 5 Associate Justices
     3 Federal Circuit Courts
     13 Federal District Courts
     [the # of justices and courts increased over time]
     S. 25- allowed state court decisions to be appealed to a
      federal court when constitutional issues were raised
     Guaranteed the federal laws remained: “the supreme Law of
      the Land” as directed by Article 6 of the Constitution
A decision by the Supreme
 Court to hear an appeal
    from a lower court.
    Washington Shapes the
    Executive Branch
       Building the Executive branch

    [to make policies and carry out the laws passed by Congress], while
    Congress built the judiciary

       1789- EB = President + VP

       Created to assist: [3 Executive Depts.]
        1.   The Dept. of State [foreign affairs] – Thomas Jefferson
        2.   Dept. of War [military matters] – Henry Knox [Gen. or
        3.   Dept. of Treasury [manage finances] – Alexander
       Department heads = President’s chief advisers [Cabinet]
    The Cabinet
    Jefferson and Hamilton Debate
    Who’s views proved to be the most enduring in American politics?

    How   did         Answer:    Jefferson
     Jefferson’s &      emphasized the rights
     Hamilton’s view    of states and average
                        citizens. Hamilton
     of government
                        emphasized the rights
     differ?            of the national
                        government and the
                        ruling elite.
    Hamilton revives the Corpse of
    Public Credit
   An unquestionable genius, Hamilton still had critics who
    claimed he loved his adopted country more than his

   Doubts to his character and loyalty towards the republic always

   Hamilton regarded himself as a prime minister, and interfered
    with other departments, including Jefferson’s [his archrival]
    Dept. of State
    Financial Wizard
       Hamilton set out to correct the economic vexation that crippled
        the AoC

       Plan: have the fiscal policies of the adm. in a way to favor the
        wealthier groups

       They, in turn, would lend the gov’t monetary and political

       New federal regime would thrive, the propertied classes would
        fatten, & prosperity would trickle down to the masses.
     Economic viability
1.        Bolster the national credit
     1.     w/out public confidence in the gov’t, Hamilton could not secure the
            funds to float his risky schemes

2.        Urge Congress to “fund” the entire national debt “at par” &
          assume completely the debts incurred by the states during the
     1.     Funding at par = fed. Gov’t. would pay off its debts at face value, +
            accumulated interest – totaling: $54 million
     2.     Many believed the infant treasury could not meet these obligations
     3.     Gov’t bonds depreciated to ten or 15 cents on the dollar
     4.     Speculators held fistfuls of them
     5.     Congress passed Hamilton’s measure in 1790
     6.     Speculators/rich bought paper holdings of farmers, war veterans and
   Hamilton urged Congress to assume the debts of the
    states, totaling $21.5 million
   Regarded as proper national obligation- for they had been
    incurred during the war for independence
   Hamilton believed assumption would chain the states to the
    “federal chariot”
   He wanted to shift the attachment of wealthy creditors from the
    states to the national gov’t
   Support of the rich for the national adm. crucial in Hamilton’s
    strategy of strengthening the central gov’t
   MA liked proposal, VA [w/ small debts] was less charmed
   Southerns resented assumption of state debts b/c they though
    that they would be taxed to help pay N states debts
    Good ol’ fashioned Horse Trading

   VA did not want the state debts assumed- but it did want the forthcoming
    federal district* [*Auth. By the Constitution, Art I, Sec. VIII, para. 17]

   The District of Columbia- located by the Potomac River

   Hamilton persuaded a reluctant Jefferson to line up votes for assumption
    in Congress

   In return, VA gets D.C. – bargain carried through in 1790
    Customs, Duties and Excise Taxes
 keep    a national debt, believing that the more creditors to
    whom the government owed money, the more people
    there would be with a personal stake in the success of the
 In   this objective, he expected tariff revenues to pay
    interest on the huge debt and run the government.
 The    first tariff law, a low tax of 8% on the value of
    imports, was passed by Congress in 1789.
     to create revenue & to create a small protective wall
      around small industries.
 He   passed additional internal revenue and, in
    1791, convinced Congress to pass an excise tax
     on a few domestic items, notably whiskey.
+ Hamilton’s Financial Structure
 Supported by Revenues
+            Analyzing Issues

    Why   did the   Answer:   Demonstrating
    new nation        that the new government
    need to pay       was financially responsible
                      would make it more
    off its debts?
                      credible in the eyes of
                      creditors, including foreign
                      governments, and bolster
                      the nation’s reputation.
    Plan for a National Bank
       Having a national bank funded by both the federal government
        and wealthy private investors would help the country’s welfare

       Bank of the United States – issue paper money & handle tax
        receipts & other government funds

       Opponents like James Madison-
           Claimed bank would forge alliance
            between gov’t & wealthy business
            interests. Argued that Constitution
                                    Oh Heck no!
            made no provisions for a national
    DEBATE: Strict vs. Loose
    Interpretation of the Constitution
             Strict Construction                  Loose Construction
       The federal gov’t has very          Favors greater federal powers.
        limited powers
                                            Appealed to the so-called
       Favored states’ rights, and an       elastic clause of the
        agrarian future for the nation       Constitution [Article 1, Sec.
                                             8, Clause 18]- gave Congress
       Planter-slaveholders                 the auth. To do whatever is
                                             “necessary and proper” to carry
                                             out enumerated powers [i.e.
                                             regulating commerce]

                                            Favored commerce and
+ The 1st Political Parties: 2-Party System
 Washington tried to remain above the arguments b/w H/J &
 encouraged them to work together despite their differences.
 Conflict divided the cabinet and fueled growing division in nat.
              Federalists                  Democratic-Republicans
    Hamilton’s vision                  Jefferson’s vision: no relation to
                                         today’s Republican Party-
                                         ancestors to today’s
                                         Democratic party
    Political Parties
•   During Washington’s 2nd term
•   1794- farmers in w. PA refused to pay
    excise taxes
•   Whiskey main source of cash for
•   Hamilton saw this as an opportunity for
    the fed. Gov’t to show it can enforce
    laws along w. frontier
•   PA threatened to secede from Union
15,000 militiamen
called upon

Led by Washington
part of the
way, Hamilton the
whole way

Scattered rebels
w/out loss of life

Consolidated federal
power in domestic
        a partner why President
     Washington created a cabinet.
    Tella partner the debates between
     Jefferson and Hamilton over strict
     and loose construction.
    Explain  how the Whiskey Rebellion
     was an opportunity for the federal
     government to demonstrate its
+   Learning Goal:
      Analyze the
     impact of the
     Revolution on
    Foreign policies

               Foreign Affair Trouble the Nation
                           Warm Up: What would you
                           do if two of your friends
                           were fighting with each
    U.S. Response to Events in Europe
       Most American initially supported the French Revolution, b/c it
        was inspired by the ideal of republican rule

       Few non-American events left a deeper scar on American
        political and social life

       French Revolution was a historic, global revolution

       Heartened by the American struggle against royal tyranny, the
        French set out to create a government on the will of the people

       Alliance b/w France and the U.S. [Treaty of 1778]

       Whether or not the U.S. should support the French Revolution-
        one of the most important foreign policy questions the young
        nation faced
        Reaction to the French Revolution

   Americans ÷ over Revolution               The key to the liberated Bastille was given
                                               to George Washington
   Earl 1793, Jacobins seized power-
    beheading Louis XVI, Marie                In Philly- effigies of King Louis XVI were
    Antoinette, & launching the Reign of       giollotined 20-30x a day during the winter
                                               and summer- men, women and children
   French Revolution became more              repeatedly watched and not one paper
    ominous when France declared war           commented negatively of this
    on Austria
                                              Federalists were worried by the Reign of
   France named a republic leaving            Terror, and Jeffersonians regretted the
    Americans to sing “The Marseillaise”       bloodshed

   King St. NY became Liberty                Jeffersonians did understand the new for a
    Steet, Boston: Royal Exchange Alley        few thousand aristocratic heads were
    became Equality Lane                       necessary for human freedom
        Reign of Terror + Neutrality
   Washington declared neutrality [Neutrality
    Proclamation 1793]

   Hamilton and Jefferson agreed

   French sent a young diplomat: Edmond
    Genêt to win American support

   Before following diplomatic procedure &
    presenting credentials to adm., Genêt began
    to recruit Americans on the war effort

   Outraged Washington, who demanded that
    the French remove Genêt, whose political          Jacobins also declared war on
    backers fell from power in Paris                   monarchies like Great Britain
   Fearing for his life, he became a US citizen
                                                      Expected American help
   Federalists called Jefferson a radical for
    supporting France                                 Democratic-Republicans
                                                       [Jefferson/Madison] wanted to honor
   Frustrated, Jefferson resigned in 1793             Treaty

                                                      Federalists [Hamilton] wanted to back
    Treaty with Spain
       Despite stating Neutrality, British and French officials seized
        American ships overseas seeing them as a military liability

       Meanwhile the U.S. wanted to secure land claims w. of the
        Appalachians and gain shipping rights on the Mississippi River

       Negotiations stalled due to the turmoil in Europe

       Spain, unlike Britain signed a treaty with France

       Spain feared British retaliation and suspected a joint British-
        American action might be launched against the Louisiana

       Spain agreed to meet with US minister to Britain, Thomas
        Pinckney on Oct. 27th, 1795
    Pinckney’s Treaty [1795] aka Treaty
    of San Lorenzo
       Spain gave up all claims to land
        east of the Mississippi [except

       Recognized the 31st parallel as
        the southern boundary of the
        US and the northern boundary
        of Florida

       Opened the Mississippi River to
        traffic by Spanish subjects and
        US citizens

       Allowed American traders to
        use New Orleans
    Recognizing Effects

    Why  did the     Answer:      Travel and
     U.S. want            trade were difficult on
     access to the        the frontier, and the
                          Mississippi offered
                          the easiest means of
     River?               transportation for
                          frontier farmers and
    Native Americans resist White
       Pioneers assumed 1783 Treaty of Paris gave free rein to the

       British still maintained forts in the NW Territory:
        Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan & Wisconsin – a direct violation
        of the treaty

       Settlers met fierce resistance from Native Americans

       Native Americans claimed they never accepted treaty &
        claimed their tribal lands

       British encouraged their resistance

       Native Americans often attacked white settlers

Cause: Native Americans
  reject Treaty of Paris
                                  Note Taking Skills

    Native American Conflicts
    Cause: Native Americans

                                                           Fed gov’t set army led by
                                  Native Americans
      reject Treaty of Paris

                                                            Gen. Josiah Harmar vs
                                  attacked settlers
                                                            Miami tribe: Little Turtle

                                Defeated them & Gen.
                                   Arthur St. Clair

                                Fallen Timbers [1792]
                                Gen. Anthony Wayne-          Little Turtle replaced
                               Little Turtle urged peace

                               August 20th, 1794- Wayne    Treaty of Greenville- gave
                                   defeated Miami          up Ohio for $20k of goods
                                    Confederacy             and annual fee of $10k
    Jay’s Treaty
 Vs.
    Britain for territories of
 Appalachian Mts.

 Wayne’s victory prompted British
 to agree to evacuate thieir posts

 Treaty   signed on Nov. 19th, 1794

 Treaty
       passed Senate, but many
 Americans angry with terms

 AllowedBritish to cont. their fur
 trade on the American side of the
 U.S.-Canadian border
    Analyzing Issues

    Why   were so       Answer:    Because
     many Americans       it allowed the
     dissatisfied with    British to continue
     Hay’s Treaty with    their fur trade on
     Britain?             the U.S. side of
                          the Canadian
    Washington leaves…

       Bitter fight over Jay’s Treaty
        and the division of Federalists
        and D-R convinced Washington
        not to seek a 3rd term

       Urged the U.S. to “steer clear of
        permanent alliances” w/ other

       1797- retired to Mt. Vernon
    Election of 1796

                          Federalists nominated VP: John Adams
                           and Thomas Pinckney for VP

                          D-R: Thomas Jefferson for
                           president, Aaron Burr for VP

                          Adams received 71 electoral
                           votes, Jefferson 68

                          Constitution stated that the runner-up
                           should be VP; country had a Federalist
                           President, D-R VP

                          Election led to sectionalism- placing 1
                           region’s interests over the whole

                          S. voted for Jefferson; N. for Adams
      Adams tries to avoid War
   Pres. Adams faced his 1st crisis: a looming war w/ France

   Jay Treaty was seen as a violation of the French-American alliance

   France refused to receive the new American ambassador and began to seize
    American ships bound for Britain

   Adams sent a 3-man delegation: Charles Pinckney, minister to France; future
    Chief Justice- John Marshall; & Eldbridge Gerry to Paris to negotiate a

   Reign of Terror had ceased, French gov’t had a legis. And 5-man ex. Branch
    called the Directory.

   Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte was popular due to conquering most of western

   The Directory had little patience for U.S.; who planned to meet with French
    foreign minister: Talleyrand
+    XYZ Affair
Director sent 3 low officials:
X, Y & Z

Officials demanded $250,000
as a bribe for seeing

Provoke anti-French feeling

became a slogan

Audiences refused to listen to
French music
    Millions for Defense…
    1798- Congress created a navy-
    auth. American ships to seize
    French vessels

       1,200 men marched to the
        president’s residence to
        volunteer for war

       Congress auth. An army of
        50,000 troops and brought
        Washington out of retirement to
        be Lt. Gen. & Com in Chief- war
        was never officially
        declared, but for 2 years naval
        war occured
       Anti-French feeling flourished

       Many Federalists believed French agents were
        everywhere, plotting to overthrow the gov’t.

       New arrivals from foreign countries were soon held in particular
        suspicion- esp. b/c many immigrants were active in the D-R

       Some of the most vocal critics of the Adams adm. Were

       Included French & British radicals as well as recent Irish
        immigrants who lashed out at anyone pro-British inc. Adams

       Talleyrand let it be known if a new minister was sent, he’d
        receive them with proper respect
    Alien and Sedition Acts
     Federalists   pushed through Congress- 1798: 4
      Raises residence requirement for American
       citizenship from 5yrs to 14 yrs
      Allowed the president to deport or jail any alien
       considered undesirable
      Sedition Act- set fines and jail terms for anyone
       trying to hinder the operation of the gov’t or
       expressing “false, scandalous and malicious
       statements” against the gov’t
      Federal gov’t prosecuted and hailed a number of
       D-R jounralists

     Law   seen as a violation of freedom or speech
    Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

    Federalists planned to have the law expire in 1801 so it
    could not be used against them in the next election
    VA [Madison] & KY [Jefferson]
       Jefferson feared the acts would choke free speech and press

       Fearing prosecution for sedition, he penned a series of resolutions
        KY approved in 1798-1799

       Madison did the same in VA

       Both stressed compact theory- in creating the fed gov’t, the 13
        states entered into a compact or contract re: jurisdiction

       Individual states were the final judges of whether the contract was

       Federal regime had exceeded its constitutional powers and the
        acts were nullified by the states due to it being unconstitutional

       No other state agreed- but they highlighted the balance of power
        controversy- the 1800 election would center on this debate
    Analyzing Issues

    How  did the        Answer:   They asserted
     Kentucky            the principal of
     Resolutions         nullification, which held
                         that, if a state considered
     challenge the       an act of Congress to be
     authority of the    unconstitutional, it had
     federal             the right to declare that
     government?         action null and noid- that
                         is not binding as law
    The Death of Washington
                           GW remained active until
                            Dec. 14th, 1799 when he died
                            from a severe cold

                           Buried with a military funeral
                            in Mt. Vernon

                           Death instrumental in
                            improving relations with

                           Napoleon ordered 10 days of
                            mourning to be observed for

                           Napoleon hoped to lure
                            American friendship away
                            from the British
    The Country is too young for War
       1799- Adams submitted to the Senate a new name for a minister
        to France

       Hamilton and his war-hawk faction were enraged

       Public opinion, Jeffersonian and reasonable Federalist alike-
        favored one last try for peace

       1800- Napoleon seized dicatorial power, eager to free his hands of
        the American squabble to continue European expansion and
        maybe a New World Empire in Louisiana

       Convention of 1800 signed in Paris, France agreed to annul the
        22 yr. old marriage of inconvenience- Franco-American Alliance

       U.S. agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers

       Peace began, and the foundation for the Louisiana Purhcase
        was placed

     Doyou see any comparisons to the present
     day or other historical events with:
     The Alien   and Sedition Acts?
     The   XYZ Affair?
+   Learning Goal:
    Presidency with
    his beliefs as a
    founding father
     6.11.4, 6.11.1
                        Jefferson alters the
                        Nation’s Course
                       Warm Up: Rank the successes of
                       the Presidential office by this time.
    Ugly politics of the 1800s
       Bitter campaign between Jefferson and Adams

       Hurled wild charges at others

       D-R: Adams was a tool of the rich who wanted to turn the
        executive branch into a British-style monarchy
           Alien and Sedition Acts aroused host of enemies

       Federalists split with Hamilton’s group mad about being robbed
        out of war with France, and Hamilton attacked the President in
        a private pamphlet, Jeffersonians got and published

       Federalists believed Jefferson was a dangerous supporter of
        Revolutionary France and an atheist bent on destroying
        organized religion
   Jefferson accused of having robbed a widow and her children of a
    trust fund

   Having numerous mulatto children via his slave [confirmed true
    through DNA testing in 2001 proved he fathered 6 children]

   As a liberal in religion, Jefferson incurred the wrath of orthodox

   They slandered him as an atheist

   Old ladies fearing Jefferson’s election

buried their Bibles orhung them in wells
    Scandals of the Era
      Electoral Deadlock
   Jefferson defeated Adams bu 8
    electoral votes

   Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s running
    mate- receives the same # of

   HoR- called to choose between
    the 2 highest vote getters

   6 days later the House took a
    new vote- 35 ballots

   Hamilton intervened and
    persuaded enough Federalists to
    cast blank votes to give
    Jefferson a majority

   Burr became vice president
    Flaw in the electoral college

       Revealed by the deadlock

       As a result Congress passed the 12th Amendment, which called
        for electors to separate ballots for president and vice-president.
        This system is still in effect today

       Decisive in Jefferson’s win was the ⅗ Compromise

       Northern critics called Jefferson a “Negro President” and an
        illegitimate embodiment of the “slave power” s. states had

       Jefferson claimed the election as the Revolution of 1800 since
        it was a peaceful transfer of power between rival parties and
        solidified faith in America’s political system
    The Midnight Judges
       Judiciary Act of 1801- last important law passed by the expiring
        Federalist Congress, increased # of Judges to 16

       President Adams remained at his desk until 9pm on his last
        evening of office- signing midnight judges [3 commissions]

       Federalist judges now appointed to the Supreme Court- whose
        term of office is life

       Jeffersonians condemned the last-minute appointees in violent
        language, denouncing the trickery of Federalists

       Congress attempted to repeal the Act
              that, Jefferson! I
              will have the
              last word
        Jefferson as President

   Inaugural address:[March 4th, 1801]
    “Every difference of opinion is not a
    difference of principle”; “We are all
    [Democratic-] Republicans; we are
    all Federalists”

   Jefferson replaced some Federalist
    officials with Democratic-

   1803- government bureaucracy was
    more evenly balanced
    Simplifying the Presidency
       Walked to his inauguration rather then riding in a carriage

       Took of his powdered wig, and work work clothes and frayed

       Tried to shrink the government and cut costs wherever possible

       Reduced size of the army

       Halted planned expansion of the navy

       Lowered expenses for government social functions

       Rolled back Hamilton’s economic program by eliminating all
        internal taxes and reducing the influence of the Bank of the U.S.

       Favored free trade, then gov’t controlled trade & tariffs

       Believed free trade beneficial with raw materials and food
        Americans had being in short supply in Europe
    Drawing Conclusions

    How  did               Answer:  He
     Jefferson’s            simplified the
     actions reflect his    federal government
                            and emphasized the
     philosophy of          importance of
     government?            ordinary citizens
                            through such
                            policies as free
    Fall of the Federalists

                           Decline hastened by Jefferson’s
                            political moderation

                           Refused to participate in
                            political campaigns b/c they did
                            not want to appeal to common
                            people for support

                           National expansion worked
                            against them- new states
                            tended to vote for D-R, who
                            represented farmers interests
    John Marshall & the Supreme Court

     Federalistscontinued to
     exert control in the
     Judicial Branch
     [Midnight Judges]

     John  Marshall- chief
     justice, Federalist-
     served for more than
     30s, strengthened the
     power of the Supreme
     Court & Federal Gov’t
    Marbury v. Madison [1803]
       The argument over Midnight Judges led one of the most
        important Supreme Court cases of all time

       William Marbury was a midnight judge who never received his
        official papers

       James Madison was the Sec. of State whose duty it was to
        deliver them

       Judiciary Act 1789 req. Supreme Court to order that the papers
        be deliver- Marbury sued to enforce this

       Chief Justice Marshall decided this provision was
        unconstitutional b/c the Constitution did not empower the
        Supreme Court to issue such an order

       Affirmed the principle of judicial review- the ability of the
        Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional
    Marbury v. Madison

    What   is judicial    Answer:   It is the
                           principle that the
    review and why         Supreme Court has
    is it important?       the right to review acts
                           of Congress to
                           determine if they are
                           unconstitutional. The
                           Supreme Court
                           checks the power of
    The Louisiana Purchase- 1803
    Doubling the U.S.
   1800- Napoleon Bonaparte persuaded Spain to return the Louisiana
    Territory taken in 1762]

   News leaked, Americans were alarmed of a strong French presence which
    may force a British-American alliance

   Sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston in Paris

   By the time Monroe arrived in April 1803- Napoleon decided to sell the
    entire territory to the U.S.

   With no time to consult the government, Monroe and Livingston closed the
    deal for $15 million

   Jefferson was unsure if the purchase was constitutional

   However he submitted the treaty and the Senate ratified it, Jefferson used
    loose construction to acquire the lands or enumerated powers

   The U.S. was now doubled
    Why, Napoleon, why? vie…
                   C'est la

       Napoleon decided to sell all of Louisiana and abandon his
        dream of a New World Empire for 2 reasons:
         He failed in his efforts to re-conquer the island of Santo
          Domingo, for which Louisiana was to serve as a source of
         b/c Britain controlled the seas, Napoleon didn't want Britain to
          take over Louisiana. So he wanted the money from the
          Americans. He also hoped the new land for America would
          help to thwart the ambitions of the British king in the New

       The Purchase: 820,000 square miles at 3 cents/acre.
        Lewis & Clark

   Jefferson appointed Meriwether Lewis
    to lead the expedition- Corps of
    Discovery [St. Louis to Pacific Coast]

   Collect sci. info. On unknown

   Learn as much about the Native
    American tribes

   Lewis chose William Clark as 2nd in

   50 soldiers and woodsman, pack
    became smaller but added Sacajawea
    who served as interpreter and guide

   Took 2 years and 4 mo. And recorded
    valuable info.

    Explain the significance of
     Jefferson’s Presidency
    Was  Jefferson a hypocrite for
     purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
+      Learning
     Goal: Analyze
    the Cause and
     effects of the
     War of 1812

                      The War of 1812
    Warm Up
    The War Hawks demand WAR
       Jefferson won reelection in 1804

       During 2nd term- Fighting b/w Britain & France threatened
        American shipping

       1806- Napoleon decided to exclude British goods from Eurple

       G.B then created a blockade of Napoleon’s Europe

       By 1807, Britain had seized more than 1,000 ships and
        confiscated their cargoes and France had seized about ½ that

       Americans focused anger on British policy of impressment-
        seizing Americans at sea and drafting them into British navies
+hesapeake incident
June 1808- commander of a British
warship demanded the right to board
and search U.S. naval frigate- U.S..
Captain refused, British opened
fire, killing 3 Americans and wounding

Jefferson convinced Congress to
declare an embargo banning on
exporting products to other
countries, believed Embargo Act of
1807 would hurt Britain and Europe
and force them to honor American

Embargo hurt Americans more then
British, lifted in 1809 exceot with
France and Britain
       Embargo Act repealed on
        March 1, 1809

       Jefferson miscalculated the
        unpopularity of such a self-
        crucifying weapon and the
        difficulty of enforcing it

       3 days before Jefferson’s
        retirement: Non-Intercourse
        Act, formally opened trade with
        all nations except Britain and

       Economic coercion continued to
        be the policy of Jeffersonians
        until 1812
        Tecumseh’s Confederacy
   1809- Gen. William Henry
    Harrison, gov of Indiana Territory
    invited several Native American
    chiefs to Fort Wayne, Indiana and
    persuaded them to sign away 3
    million acres of tribal land to U.S.

   Shawnee chief, Tecumseh formed a
    confederacy against white settlers
    aided by his brother, the Prophet

   Cast off all traces of white civilization
    i.e.- Christianity

   Warned that the Great spirit was
    angry with all the tribes for
    abandoning their beliefs
       Tecumseh was a brilliant
        strategist and a skillful diplomat

       Pressed Harrison to withdraw
        from Native American land

       Began negotiations with the

       Through 1810 and 1811
        travelled to increase

       Prophet led an attack on
        Harrison at Tippecanoe

       Harrison’s troops suffered
        losses, but he burned the
        Shawnee capital
        War Hawks
   Young congressmen from the South
    and West

   Called for war against Britain

   Motto: “On to Canada”

   Sen. John C. Calhoun [SC]

   Henry Clay, KY- Speaker of the
     Election of 1808
   James Madison took the
    presidential oath on March
    4th, 1809

   Unable to dominate Congress like
    Jefferson could- he found himself
    holding the bag for foreign policies
    not of his own making

   Congress dismantled the Non-
    Intercourse Act with Macon’s Bill
    no. 2

   Lured British or France into

   Ultimately Madison had no choice
    but to reestablish embargo with
    just Britain ending American
    A Declaration of War

    Madison told Congress in                 Madison’s complaints on
    1808, that Britain was already in a       British:
    State of War w/ the U.S.                     Impressment of U.S. citizens
                                                 Continued violations of U.S.

                                             War Hawks complained of
                                              British aid to American Indians
                                              and a desire for:
                                                 American Expansion
                                                 Protecting American honor
    Congress Acts

       Southern and Western Representatives vote for WAR!

       Delaware, New England States [NY, NJ, PA] oppose war…

       War Hawks won
    Who will win?
    The War in Canada

       American military unprepared for war

       Detroit captured by the British shortly

       Failed attempt to take Montreal

       Oliver Hazard Perry defeated a British fleet on Lake Eerie

       American soldiers retook Detroit

       Native American groups allied with both factions

       Tecumseh fought for the British

       Tecumseh killed in the Battle of the Thams in 1813
+ Battle of Lake

Sept. 1813-

Perry fought the
British for 3 hours &
finally his small fleet
defeated the British
who were forced to
    Victory at LAKE EERIE =
    The War at Sea

       Young U.S. Navy tested

       Badly outnumbered w/ only 16 ships; aided bu its three 44-gun
        frigates, or warships: the President, the United States, the
        Constitution- known for their speed and ability to sail close to
        enemy vessels and open fire

       Each scored victories against British vessels

       Nov. 1812- British government ordered a blockade of the
        Chesapeake and Delaware Bays

       w/ more victories, more blockades occurred- by the end of
        1813 most American ships were bottled at ports
    British burn the White House

       1814- British were raiding towns all along Atlantic

       Brushed aside U.S. troops and entered D.C.

       In retaliation for victory at the Battle of York- the capital of upper
        Canada, in which U.S. burned the governor's mansion and
        legislative assembly buildings- the British burned the
        Capitol, White House and other buildings

       August 24th, Madison and other federal officials had to flee from
        their own capital

    In the War of 1812
    The White House and Dolly
    The Battle of New Orleans

       @ the same time, Gen. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, won a
        series of battles gaining national fame

       Defeated Native Americans of the Creek tribe at Horseshoe
        Bend in March of 1814

       All but 36 of 553 were killed

       Greatest victory on Jan. 8th, 1815 defeating British troops at the
        Battle of New Orleans… which occurred AFTER the war was
    If only they knew…

       New England Federalists
        [who opposed the war] met
        @ Hartford Convention

       Some delegates wanted NE
        to withdraw from the U.S.

       Decided to send a group to
        Congress to demand more
        states rights… HOWEVER
        mefore reaching
    Ending the war…
    The Treaty of Ghent

       British and Amercan diplomats signed the Treaty of Ghent on Christmas
        Even 1814- declaring an armistice, or end to the fighting

       In 1815- a commercial treaty reopened trade between the two countries

       1817- Rush-Bagot agreement limited the number of warships on the Great

       1818- British-American commission set the Northern boundary of the
        Louisiana Terr. At the 49th parallel- as far West as the Rocky Mts.

       Agreed to a ten year joint occupation of the Oregon Territory

       Treasury however, was bankrupt and unable to meet maturing obligations
   Federalists were accused of      Americans were proud that
    treason and lost much             their young nation had
    political power                   stopped the mighty British!
    What was the most important
    achievement of the U.S. in this period?
    Think about:
    Relations between the U.S. and
    The results of the war

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3.2 launching the new nation [1789 1816]

  • 1. + Launching the New Nation
  • 2. + Washington Heads the New Government a. Had no desire to be president b. wanted to retire in Mt. Vernon c. Washington became the unanimous choice in the 1st presidential ballot d. reluctantly accepted on April 16th, 1789 and set off to NYC [1st capital] to take the Oath of Office
  • 3. + The New Government Takes Shape  1st time a nation tried a government on Enlightenment ideals  Constitution was not a detailed blueprint for governing  Washington & Congress had to make many decisions  How the raise revenue?  Provide for defense? [w/ no precedent]  James Madison: “We are in a wilderness without a single footstep to guide us”
  • 4. + Judiciary Act of 1789  Constitution authorized Congress to set up a federal court system- the Supreme Court- but gave no details  How many additional courts?  What happens if federal court decisions conflicted with states?  JA1789- created a judicial structure that is essentially intact:  Supreme Court- Chief Justice, 5 Associate Justices  3 Federal Circuit Courts  13 Federal District Courts  [the # of justices and courts increased over time]  S. 25- allowed state court decisions to be appealed to a federal court when constitutional issues were raised  Guaranteed the federal laws remained: “the supreme Law of the Land” as directed by Article 6 of the Constitution
  • 5. A decision by the Supreme Court to hear an appeal from a lower court.
  • 6. + Washington Shapes the Executive Branch  Building the Executive branch [to make policies and carry out the laws passed by Congress], while Congress built the judiciary  1789- EB = President + VP  Created to assist: [3 Executive Depts.] 1. The Dept. of State [foreign affairs] – Thomas Jefferson 2. Dept. of War [military matters] – Henry Knox [Gen. or Artillery] 3. Dept. of Treasury [manage finances] – Alexander Hamilton  Department heads = President’s chief advisers [Cabinet]
  • 7. + The Cabinet
  • 8. + Jefferson and Hamilton Debate Who’s views proved to be the most enduring in American politics?
  • 9.
  • 10. + Contrasting How did Answer: Jefferson Jefferson’s & emphasized the rights Hamilton’s view of states and average citizens. Hamilton of government emphasized the rights differ? of the national government and the ruling elite.
  • 11. + Hamilton revives the Corpse of Public Credit  An unquestionable genius, Hamilton still had critics who claimed he loved his adopted country more than his countrymen  Doubts to his character and loyalty towards the republic always swirled  Hamilton regarded himself as a prime minister, and interfered with other departments, including Jefferson’s [his archrival] Dept. of State
  • 12. + Financial Wizard  Hamilton set out to correct the economic vexation that crippled the AoC  Plan: have the fiscal policies of the adm. in a way to favor the wealthier groups  They, in turn, would lend the gov’t monetary and political support  New federal regime would thrive, the propertied classes would fatten, & prosperity would trickle down to the masses.
  • 13. + Economic viability 1. Bolster the national credit 1. w/out public confidence in the gov’t, Hamilton could not secure the funds to float his risky schemes 2. Urge Congress to “fund” the entire national debt “at par” & assume completely the debts incurred by the states during the war 1. Funding at par = fed. Gov’t. would pay off its debts at face value, + accumulated interest – totaling: $54 million 2. Many believed the infant treasury could not meet these obligations 3. Gov’t bonds depreciated to ten or 15 cents on the dollar 4. Speculators held fistfuls of them 5. Congress passed Hamilton’s measure in 1790 6. Speculators/rich bought paper holdings of farmers, war veterans and widows
  • 14. + Assumption  Hamilton urged Congress to assume the debts of the states, totaling $21.5 million  Regarded as proper national obligation- for they had been incurred during the war for independence  Hamilton believed assumption would chain the states to the “federal chariot”  He wanted to shift the attachment of wealthy creditors from the states to the national gov’t  Support of the rich for the national adm. crucial in Hamilton’s strategy of strengthening the central gov’t  MA liked proposal, VA [w/ small debts] was less charmed  Southerns resented assumption of state debts b/c they though that they would be taxed to help pay N states debts
  • 15. + Good ol’ fashioned Horse Trading  VA did not want the state debts assumed- but it did want the forthcoming federal district* [*Auth. By the Constitution, Art I, Sec. VIII, para. 17]  The District of Columbia- located by the Potomac River  Hamilton persuaded a reluctant Jefferson to line up votes for assumption in Congress  In return, VA gets D.C. – bargain carried through in 1790
  • 16. + Customs, Duties and Excise Taxes  keep a national debt, believing that the more creditors to whom the government owed money, the more people there would be with a personal stake in the success of the government.  In this objective, he expected tariff revenues to pay interest on the huge debt and run the government.  The first tariff law, a low tax of 8% on the value of imports, was passed by Congress in 1789.  to create revenue & to create a small protective wall around small industries.  He passed additional internal revenue and, in 1791, convinced Congress to pass an excise tax  on a few domestic items, notably whiskey.
  • 17. + Hamilton’s Financial Structure Supported by Revenues
  • 18. + Analyzing Issues Why did the Answer: Demonstrating new nation that the new government need to pay was financially responsible would make it more off its debts? credible in the eyes of creditors, including foreign governments, and bolster the nation’s reputation.
  • 19. + Plan for a National Bank  Having a national bank funded by both the federal government and wealthy private investors would help the country’s welfare  Bank of the United States – issue paper money & handle tax receipts & other government funds  Opponents like James Madison-  Claimed bank would forge alliance between gov’t & wealthy business interests. Argued that Constitution Oh Heck no! made no provisions for a national bank
  • 20. + DEBATE: Strict vs. Loose Interpretation of the Constitution Strict Construction Loose Construction  The federal gov’t has very  Favors greater federal powers. limited powers  Appealed to the so-called  Favored states’ rights, and an elastic clause of the agrarian future for the nation Constitution [Article 1, Sec. 8, Clause 18]- gave Congress  Planter-slaveholders the auth. To do whatever is “necessary and proper” to carry out enumerated powers [i.e. regulating commerce]  Favored commerce and manufacturing
  • 21. + The 1st Political Parties: 2-Party System Washington tried to remain above the arguments b/w H/J & encouraged them to work together despite their differences. Conflict divided the cabinet and fueled growing division in nat. politics Federalists Democratic-Republicans  Hamilton’s vision  Jefferson’s vision: no relation to today’s Republican Party- ancestors to today’s Democratic party
  • 22. + Political Parties
  • 23. + • During Washington’s 2nd term • 1794- farmers in w. PA refused to pay excise taxes • Whiskey main source of cash for farmers • Hamilton saw this as an opportunity for the fed. Gov’t to show it can enforce laws along w. frontier • PA threatened to secede from Union
  • 24. 15,000 militiamen called upon Led by Washington part of the way, Hamilton the whole way Scattered rebels w/out loss of life Consolidated federal power in domestic affairs
  • 25. + Summarizer: Tell a partner why President Washington created a cabinet. Tella partner the debates between Jefferson and Hamilton over strict and loose construction. Explain how the Whiskey Rebellion was an opportunity for the federal government to demonstrate its authority.
  • 26. + Learning Goal: Analyze the impact of the French Revolution on America’s Foreign policies [7.11.3] Foreign Affair Trouble the Nation Warm Up: What would you do if two of your friends were fighting with each other?
  • 27. + U.S. Response to Events in Europe  Most American initially supported the French Revolution, b/c it was inspired by the ideal of republican rule  Few non-American events left a deeper scar on American political and social life  French Revolution was a historic, global revolution  Heartened by the American struggle against royal tyranny, the French set out to create a government on the will of the people  Alliance b/w France and the U.S. [Treaty of 1778]  Whether or not the U.S. should support the French Revolution- one of the most important foreign policy questions the young nation faced
  • 28. + Reaction to the French Revolution  Americans ÷ over Revolution  The key to the liberated Bastille was given to George Washington  Earl 1793, Jacobins seized power- beheading Louis XVI, Marie  In Philly- effigies of King Louis XVI were Antoinette, & launching the Reign of giollotined 20-30x a day during the winter Terror and summer- men, women and children  French Revolution became more repeatedly watched and not one paper ominous when France declared war commented negatively of this on Austria  Federalists were worried by the Reign of  France named a republic leaving Terror, and Jeffersonians regretted the Americans to sing “The Marseillaise” bloodshed  King St. NY became Liberty  Jeffersonians did understand the new for a Steet, Boston: Royal Exchange Alley few thousand aristocratic heads were became Equality Lane necessary for human freedom
  • 29. + Reign of Terror + Neutrality  Washington declared neutrality [Neutrality Proclamation 1793]  Hamilton and Jefferson agreed  French sent a young diplomat: Edmond Genêt to win American support  Before following diplomatic procedure & presenting credentials to adm., Genêt began to recruit Americans on the war effort  Outraged Washington, who demanded that the French remove Genêt, whose political  Jacobins also declared war on backers fell from power in Paris monarchies like Great Britain  Fearing for his life, he became a US citizen  Expected American help  Federalists called Jefferson a radical for supporting France  Democratic-Republicans [Jefferson/Madison] wanted to honor  Frustrated, Jefferson resigned in 1793 Treaty  Federalists [Hamilton] wanted to back
  • 30.
  • 31. + Treaty with Spain  Despite stating Neutrality, British and French officials seized American ships overseas seeing them as a military liability  Meanwhile the U.S. wanted to secure land claims w. of the Appalachians and gain shipping rights on the Mississippi River  Negotiations stalled due to the turmoil in Europe  Spain, unlike Britain signed a treaty with France  Spain feared British retaliation and suspected a joint British- American action might be launched against the Louisiana Territory  Spain agreed to meet with US minister to Britain, Thomas Pinckney on Oct. 27th, 1795
  • 32. + Pinckney’s Treaty [1795] aka Treaty of San Lorenzo  Spain gave up all claims to land east of the Mississippi [except Florida]  Recognized the 31st parallel as the southern boundary of the US and the northern boundary of Florida  Opened the Mississippi River to traffic by Spanish subjects and US citizens  Allowed American traders to use New Orleans
  • 33. + Recognizing Effects Why did the Answer: Travel and U.S. want trade were difficult on access to the the frontier, and the Mississippi offered Mississippi the easiest means of River? transportation for frontier farmers and merchants.
  • 34. + Native Americans resist White Settlers  Pioneers assumed 1783 Treaty of Paris gave free rein to the area  British still maintained forts in the NW Territory: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan & Wisconsin – a direct violation of the treaty  Settlers met fierce resistance from Native Americans  Native Americans claimed they never accepted treaty & claimed their tribal lands  British encouraged their resistance  Native Americans often attacked white settlers
  • 35. + Cause: Native Americans reject Treaty of Paris Note Taking Skills Effect: Effect: Effect:
  • 36. + Native American Conflicts Cause: Native Americans Fed gov’t set army led by Native Americans reject Treaty of Paris Gen. Josiah Harmar vs attacked settlers Miami tribe: Little Turtle Defeated them & Gen. Arthur St. Clair Fallen Timbers [1792] Gen. Anthony Wayne- Little Turtle replaced Little Turtle urged peace August 20th, 1794- Wayne Treaty of Greenville- gave defeated Miami up Ohio for $20k of goods Confederacy and annual fee of $10k
  • 37. + Jay’s Treaty  Vs. Britain for territories of Appalachian Mts.  Wayne’s victory prompted British to agree to evacuate thieir posts  Treaty signed on Nov. 19th, 1794  Treaty passed Senate, but many Americans angry with terms  AllowedBritish to cont. their fur trade on the American side of the U.S.-Canadian border
  • 38. + Analyzing Issues Why were so Answer: Because many Americans it allowed the dissatisfied with British to continue Hay’s Treaty with their fur trade on Britain? the U.S. side of the Canadian border.
  • 39. + Washington leaves…  Bitter fight over Jay’s Treaty and the division of Federalists and D-R convinced Washington not to seek a 3rd term  Urged the U.S. to “steer clear of permanent alliances” w/ other nations  1797- retired to Mt. Vernon
  • 40. + Election of 1796  Federalists nominated VP: John Adams and Thomas Pinckney for VP  D-R: Thomas Jefferson for president, Aaron Burr for VP  Adams received 71 electoral votes, Jefferson 68  Constitution stated that the runner-up should be VP; country had a Federalist President, D-R VP  Election led to sectionalism- placing 1 region’s interests over the whole  S. voted for Jefferson; N. for Adams
  • 41. + Adams tries to avoid War  Pres. Adams faced his 1st crisis: a looming war w/ France  Jay Treaty was seen as a violation of the French-American alliance  France refused to receive the new American ambassador and began to seize American ships bound for Britain  Adams sent a 3-man delegation: Charles Pinckney, minister to France; future Chief Justice- John Marshall; & Eldbridge Gerry to Paris to negotiate a solution  Reign of Terror had ceased, French gov’t had a legis. And 5-man ex. Branch called the Directory.  Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte was popular due to conquering most of western Europe  The Directory had little patience for U.S.; who planned to meet with French foreign minister: Talleyrand
  • 42. + XYZ Affair Director sent 3 low officials: X, Y & Z Officials demanded $250,000 as a bribe for seeing Talleyrand Provoke anti-French feeling “MILLIONS FOR DEFENSE, BUT NOT ONE CENT FOR TRIBUTE” became a slogan Audiences refused to listen to French music
  • 43. + Millions for Defense… 1798- Congress created a navy- auth. American ships to seize French vessels  1,200 men marched to the president’s residence to volunteer for war  Congress auth. An army of 50,000 troops and brought Washington out of retirement to be Lt. Gen. & Com in Chief- war was never officially declared, but for 2 years naval war occured
  • 44. + Witch-Hunt  Anti-French feeling flourished  Many Federalists believed French agents were everywhere, plotting to overthrow the gov’t.  New arrivals from foreign countries were soon held in particular suspicion- esp. b/c many immigrants were active in the D-R party  Some of the most vocal critics of the Adams adm. Were foreign-born  Included French & British radicals as well as recent Irish immigrants who lashed out at anyone pro-British inc. Adams  Talleyrand let it be known if a new minister was sent, he’d receive them with proper respect
  • 45. + Alien and Sedition Acts  Federalists pushed through Congress- 1798: 4 measures:  Raises residence requirement for American citizenship from 5yrs to 14 yrs  Allowed the president to deport or jail any alien considered undesirable  Sedition Act- set fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the operation of the gov’t or expressing “false, scandalous and malicious statements” against the gov’t  Federal gov’t prosecuted and hailed a number of D-R jounralists  Law seen as a violation of freedom or speech
  • 46. + Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 Federalists planned to have the law expire in 1801 so it could not be used against them in the next election
  • 47. + VA [Madison] & KY [Jefferson] Resolutions  Jefferson feared the acts would choke free speech and press  Fearing prosecution for sedition, he penned a series of resolutions KY approved in 1798-1799  Madison did the same in VA  Both stressed compact theory- in creating the fed gov’t, the 13 states entered into a compact or contract re: jurisdiction  Individual states were the final judges of whether the contract was broken  Federal regime had exceeded its constitutional powers and the acts were nullified by the states due to it being unconstitutional  No other state agreed- but they highlighted the balance of power controversy- the 1800 election would center on this debate
  • 48. + Analyzing Issues How did the  Answer: They asserted Kentucky the principal of Resolutions nullification, which held that, if a state considered challenge the an act of Congress to be authority of the unconstitutional, it had federal the right to declare that government? action null and noid- that is not binding as law
  • 49. + The Death of Washington  GW remained active until Dec. 14th, 1799 when he died from a severe cold  Buried with a military funeral in Mt. Vernon  Death instrumental in improving relations with France  Napoleon ordered 10 days of mourning to be observed for Washington  Napoleon hoped to lure American friendship away from the British
  • 50. + The Country is too young for War  1799- Adams submitted to the Senate a new name for a minister to France  Hamilton and his war-hawk faction were enraged  Public opinion, Jeffersonian and reasonable Federalist alike- favored one last try for peace  1800- Napoleon seized dicatorial power, eager to free his hands of the American squabble to continue European expansion and maybe a New World Empire in Louisiana  Convention of 1800 signed in Paris, France agreed to annul the 22 yr. old marriage of inconvenience- Franco-American Alliance  U.S. agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers  Peace began, and the foundation for the Louisiana Purhcase was placed
  • 51. + Summarizer  Doyou see any comparisons to the present day or other historical events with:  The Alien and Sedition Acts?  The XYZ Affair?
  • 52. + Learning Goal: Compare Jefferson’s Presidency with his beliefs as a founding father pre-presidency 6.11.4, 6.11.1 Jefferson alters the Nation’s Course Warm Up: Rank the successes of the Presidential office by this time.
  • 53. + Ugly politics of the 1800s  Bitter campaign between Jefferson and Adams  Hurled wild charges at others  D-R: Adams was a tool of the rich who wanted to turn the executive branch into a British-style monarchy  Alien and Sedition Acts aroused host of enemies  Federalists split with Hamilton’s group mad about being robbed out of war with France, and Hamilton attacked the President in a private pamphlet, Jeffersonians got and published  Federalists believed Jefferson was a dangerous supporter of Revolutionary France and an atheist bent on destroying organized religion
  • 54. + Mudslinging  Jefferson accused of having robbed a widow and her children of a trust fund  Having numerous mulatto children via his slave [confirmed true through DNA testing in 2001 proved he fathered 6 children]  As a liberal in religion, Jefferson incurred the wrath of orthodox clergy  They slandered him as an atheist  Old ladies fearing Jefferson’s election buried their Bibles orhung them in wells
  • 55. + Scandals of the Era
  • 56.
  • 57. + Electoral Deadlock  Jefferson defeated Adams bu 8 electoral votes  Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s running mate- receives the same # of votes  HoR- called to choose between the 2 highest vote getters  6 days later the House took a new vote- 35 ballots  Hamilton intervened and persuaded enough Federalists to cast blank votes to give Jefferson a majority  Burr became vice president
  • 58. + Flaw in the electoral college  Revealed by the deadlock  As a result Congress passed the 12th Amendment, which called for electors to separate ballots for president and vice-president. This system is still in effect today  Decisive in Jefferson’s win was the ⅗ Compromise  Northern critics called Jefferson a “Negro President” and an illegitimate embodiment of the “slave power” s. states had  Jefferson claimed the election as the Revolution of 1800 since it was a peaceful transfer of power between rival parties and solidified faith in America’s political system
  • 59. + The Midnight Judges  Judiciary Act of 1801- last important law passed by the expiring Federalist Congress, increased # of Judges to 16  President Adams remained at his desk until 9pm on his last evening of office- signing midnight judges [3 commissions]  Federalist judges now appointed to the Supreme Court- whose term of office is life  Jeffersonians condemned the last-minute appointees in violent language, denouncing the trickery of Federalists  Congress attempted to repeal the Act Take that, Jefferson! I will have the last word
  • 60. + Jefferson as President  Inaugural address:[March 4th, 1801] “Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle”; “We are all [Democratic-] Republicans; we are all Federalists”  Jefferson replaced some Federalist officials with Democratic- Republicans  1803- government bureaucracy was more evenly balanced
  • 61. + Simplifying the Presidency  Walked to his inauguration rather then riding in a carriage  Took of his powdered wig, and work work clothes and frayed slippers  Tried to shrink the government and cut costs wherever possible  Reduced size of the army  Halted planned expansion of the navy  Lowered expenses for government social functions  Rolled back Hamilton’s economic program by eliminating all internal taxes and reducing the influence of the Bank of the U.S.  Favored free trade, then gov’t controlled trade & tariffs  Believed free trade beneficial with raw materials and food Americans had being in short supply in Europe
  • 62. + Drawing Conclusions How did  Answer: He Jefferson’s simplified the actions reflect his federal government and emphasized the philosophy of importance of government? ordinary citizens through such policies as free trade.
  • 63. + Fall of the Federalists  Decline hastened by Jefferson’s political moderation  Refused to participate in political campaigns b/c they did not want to appeal to common people for support  National expansion worked against them- new states tended to vote for D-R, who represented farmers interests
  • 64. + John Marshall & the Supreme Court  Federalistscontinued to exert control in the Judicial Branch [Midnight Judges]  John Marshall- chief justice, Federalist- served for more than 30s, strengthened the power of the Supreme Court & Federal Gov’t
  • 65. + Marbury v. Madison [1803]  The argument over Midnight Judges led one of the most important Supreme Court cases of all time  William Marbury was a midnight judge who never received his official papers  James Madison was the Sec. of State whose duty it was to deliver them  Judiciary Act 1789 req. Supreme Court to order that the papers be deliver- Marbury sued to enforce this  Chief Justice Marshall decided this provision was unconstitutional b/c the Constitution did not empower the Supreme Court to issue such an order  Affirmed the principle of judicial review- the ability of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional
  • 66. + Marbury v. Madison
  • 67. + Summarizing What is judicial  Answer: It is the principle that the review and why Supreme Court has is it important? the right to review acts of Congress to determine if they are unconstitutional. The Supreme Court checks the power of Congress.
  • 68. + The Louisiana Purchase- 1803
  • 69. + Doubling the U.S.  1800- Napoleon Bonaparte persuaded Spain to return the Louisiana Territory taken in 1762]  News leaked, Americans were alarmed of a strong French presence which may force a British-American alliance  Sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston in Paris  By the time Monroe arrived in April 1803- Napoleon decided to sell the entire territory to the U.S.  With no time to consult the government, Monroe and Livingston closed the deal for $15 million  Jefferson was unsure if the purchase was constitutional  However he submitted the treaty and the Senate ratified it, Jefferson used loose construction to acquire the lands or enumerated powers  The U.S. was now doubled
  • 70. + Why, Napoleon, why? vie… C'est la  Napoleon decided to sell all of Louisiana and abandon his dream of a New World Empire for 2 reasons:  He failed in his efforts to re-conquer the island of Santo Domingo, for which Louisiana was to serve as a source of foodstuffs.  b/c Britain controlled the seas, Napoleon didn't want Britain to take over Louisiana. So he wanted the money from the Americans. He also hoped the new land for America would help to thwart the ambitions of the British king in the New World.  The Purchase: 820,000 square miles at 3 cents/acre.
  • 71. + Lewis & Clark  Jefferson appointed Meriwether Lewis to lead the expedition- Corps of Discovery [St. Louis to Pacific Coast]  Collect sci. info. On unknown plants/animals  Learn as much about the Native American tribes  Lewis chose William Clark as 2nd in command  50 soldiers and woodsman, pack became smaller but added Sacajawea who served as interpreter and guide  Took 2 years and 4 mo. And recorded valuable info.
  • 72. + Meanwhile…
  • 73. + Summarizer Explain the significance of Jefferson’s Presidency Was Jefferson a hypocrite for purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
  • 74. + Learning Goal: Analyze the Cause and effects of the War of 1812 6.11.4 The War of 1812
  • 75. + Warm Up
  • 76. + The War Hawks demand WAR  Jefferson won reelection in 1804  During 2nd term- Fighting b/w Britain & France threatened American shipping  1806- Napoleon decided to exclude British goods from Eurple  G.B then created a blockade of Napoleon’s Europe  By 1807, Britain had seized more than 1,000 ships and confiscated their cargoes and France had seized about ½ that number  Americans focused anger on British policy of impressment- seizing Americans at sea and drafting them into British navies
  • 77. +hesapeake incident C June 1808- commander of a British warship demanded the right to board and search U.S. naval frigate- U.S.. Captain refused, British opened fire, killing 3 Americans and wounding 18. Jefferson convinced Congress to declare an embargo banning on exporting products to other countries, believed Embargo Act of 1807 would hurt Britain and Europe and force them to honor American neutrality Embargo hurt Americans more then British, lifted in 1809 exceot with France and Britain
  • 78. + Repeal  Embargo Act repealed on March 1, 1809  Jefferson miscalculated the unpopularity of such a self- crucifying weapon and the difficulty of enforcing it  3 days before Jefferson’s retirement: Non-Intercourse Act, formally opened trade with all nations except Britain and France  Economic coercion continued to be the policy of Jeffersonians until 1812
  • 79. + Tecumseh’s Confederacy  1809- Gen. William Henry Harrison, gov of Indiana Territory invited several Native American chiefs to Fort Wayne, Indiana and persuaded them to sign away 3 million acres of tribal land to U.S.  Shawnee chief, Tecumseh formed a confederacy against white settlers aided by his brother, the Prophet  Cast off all traces of white civilization i.e.- Christianity  Warned that the Great spirit was angry with all the tribes for abandoning their beliefs
  • 80. + Alliances  Tecumseh was a brilliant strategist and a skillful diplomat  Pressed Harrison to withdraw from Native American land  Began negotiations with the British  Through 1810 and 1811 travelled to increase Confederacy  Prophet led an attack on Harrison at Tippecanoe  Harrison’s troops suffered losses, but he burned the Shawnee capital
  • 81. + War Hawks  Young congressmen from the South and West  Called for war against Britain  Motto: “On to Canada”  Sen. John C. Calhoun [SC]  Henry Clay, KY- Speaker of the House
  • 82. + Election of 1808  James Madison took the presidential oath on March 4th, 1809  Unable to dominate Congress like Jefferson could- he found himself holding the bag for foreign policies not of his own making  Congress dismantled the Non- Intercourse Act with Macon’s Bill no. 2  Lured British or France into retaliation  Ultimately Madison had no choice but to reestablish embargo with just Britain ending American neutrality
  • 83. + A Declaration of War Madison told Congress in  Madison’s complaints on 1808, that Britain was already in a British: State of War w/ the U.S.  Impressment of U.S. citizens  Continued violations of U.S. neutrality  War Hawks complained of British aid to American Indians and a desire for:  American Expansion  Protecting American honor
  • 84. + Congress Acts  Southern and Western Representatives vote for WAR!  Delaware, New England States [NY, NJ, PA] oppose war…  War Hawks won
  • 85. + Who will win?
  • 86. + The War in Canada  American military unprepared for war  Detroit captured by the British shortly  Failed attempt to take Montreal  Oliver Hazard Perry defeated a British fleet on Lake Eerie  American soldiers retook Detroit  Native American groups allied with both factions  Tecumseh fought for the British  Tecumseh killed in the Battle of the Thams in 1813
  • 87. + Battle of Lake The Eerie Sept. 1813- Perry fought the British for 3 hours & finally his small fleet defeated the British who were forced to withdraw
  • 88. + Victory at LAKE EERIE =
  • 89. + The War at Sea  Young U.S. Navy tested  Badly outnumbered w/ only 16 ships; aided bu its three 44-gun frigates, or warships: the President, the United States, the Constitution- known for their speed and ability to sail close to enemy vessels and open fire  Each scored victories against British vessels  Nov. 1812- British government ordered a blockade of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays  w/ more victories, more blockades occurred- by the end of 1813 most American ships were bottled at ports
  • 90. + British burn the White House  1814- British were raiding towns all along Atlantic  Brushed aside U.S. troops and entered D.C.  In retaliation for victory at the Battle of York- the capital of upper Canada, in which U.S. burned the governor's mansion and legislative assembly buildings- the British burned the Capitol, White House and other buildings  August 24th, Madison and other federal officials had to flee from their own capital 
  • 91. + In the War of 1812
  • 92. + The White House and Dolly Madison
  • 93.
  • 94. + The Battle of New Orleans  @ the same time, Gen. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, won a series of battles gaining national fame  Defeated Native Americans of the Creek tribe at Horseshoe Bend in March of 1814  All but 36 of 553 were killed  Greatest victory on Jan. 8th, 1815 defeating British troops at the Battle of New Orleans… which occurred AFTER the war was over.
  • 95.
  • 96. + If only they knew…  New England Federalists [who opposed the war] met @ Hartford Convention  Some delegates wanted NE to withdraw from the U.S.  Decided to send a group to Congress to demand more states rights… HOWEVER mefore reaching Washington…
  • 97. + Ending the war…
  • 98. + The Treaty of Ghent  British and Amercan diplomats signed the Treaty of Ghent on Christmas Even 1814- declaring an armistice, or end to the fighting  In 1815- a commercial treaty reopened trade between the two countries  1817- Rush-Bagot agreement limited the number of warships on the Great Lakes  1818- British-American commission set the Northern boundary of the Louisiana Terr. At the 49th parallel- as far West as the Rocky Mts.  Agreed to a ten year joint occupation of the Oregon Territory  Treasury however, was bankrupt and unable to meet maturing obligations
  • 99. + Aftermath  Federalists were accused of  Americans were proud that treason and lost much their young nation had political power stopped the mighty British!
  • 100. + Summarizer What was the most important achievement of the U.S. in this period? Think about: Relations between the U.S. and Britain The results of the war