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“It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department 
to say what the law is…If two laws conflict with each other; the 
courts must decide on the operation of each”
Learning Objective(s) 
Essential Question
Inferior Courts = lower federal courts beneath the Supreme Court
 The authority of a court to hear 
(to try and decide) a case 
 Federal courts hear cases for two reasons: 
• Subject Matter 
 Application of the U.S. Constitution 
• Parties Involved 
 State v. State 
 Citizen v. State
Types of Jurisdiction 
Exclusive Jurisdiction 
Those cases that can only be heard in the 
federal courts 
Concurrent Jurisdiction 
States and Federal Courts share power to 
hear cases 
Original Jurisdiction 
A court in which a case is first heard 
Appellate Jurisdiction 
A court that hears a case on appeal from a 
lower court
Define Federalism 
Power is split between the Federal government 
and state governments. 
Applying federalism to court jurisdiction 
All cases not heard by Federal Courts are in the 
jurisdiction of State Courts…
What does 
the word 
Highest rank 
Why do you 
think it might 
be important 
to have a 
Chief Justice and eight 
associate judges 
Nominated and appointed by 
President, with Senate 
Concepts of judicial activism 
and judicial restrain affect the 
judicial selection process
 Service Birth 
 Name, state Assoc. Justice Chief Justice Yrs 
Place Date Died Religion 
 Antonin Scalia, DC 1986– — N.J. 1936 — 
Roman Catholic 
 Anthony M. Kennedy, Calif. 1988– — Calif. 1936 
— Roman Catholic 
 Clarence Thomas, DC 1991– — Ga. 1948 — 
Roman Catholic 
 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, DC 1993– — N.Y. 1933 
— Jewish 
 Stephen G. Breyer, Mass. 1994– — Calif. 1938 
— Jewish 
 John G. Roberts, DC 2005–— N.Y. 1955 — 
Roman Catholic 
 Samuel A. Alito, Jr., N.J. 2006– — N.J. 1950 
— Roman Catholic 
 Sonia Sotomayor N.Y. 2009– — N.Y. 1954 — 
Roman Catholic 
 Elena Kagan N.Y. 2010– — N.Y. 1960 — 
Maintain their neutrality 
Protect the rights of people to express 
unpopular views 
Promote consistent interpretations of laws
Supreme Court Justices can retire: 
• At age 70 
 Must have served 10 years to receive full 
salary for life 
• At age 65 
 Must have served 15 years to receive full 
salary for life 
Chief Justice 
per year 
 Vary in their political and legal philosophies... 
Judicial Activism 
Loosely interpret and 
apply the 
Constitution based 
on ongoing changes 
and values. 
Judicial Restraint 
Follow a strict 
interpretation of the 
Believes judges should 
also follow precedent
Both original and appellate jurisdiction 
• Most cases come on appeal from the lower courts. 
Original jurisdiction exists when: 
1. There are controversies involved 2+ states 
2. The case involves ambassadors or other public ministers 
Marbury v. Madison 
• Supreme court case that established 
power of judicial review
Supreme Court has the power to decide 
the constitutionality of: 
• State and federal legislation 
• Actions of chief executives 
• Decisions of other courts 
In other words, the Supreme Court has the 
final authority on the meaning of the 
They have the POWER to declare acts 
and laws unconstitutional
*Rule of Four: At least 4 of 9 justices must agree to hear a case in the S.C.
 Petition for Writ of 
Certiorari. (informally 
called "Cert Petition.") A 
document which a losing 
party files with the Supreme 
Court asking the Supreme 
Court to review the decision 
of a lower court. 
 It includes a list of the 
parties, a statement of the 
facts of the case, the legal 
questions presented for 
review, and arguments as to 
why the Court should grant 
the writ. 
 Writ of Certiorari- A 
decision by the Supreme 
Court to hear an appeal 
from a lower court. 
 "Review on writ of certiorari 
is not a matter of right, but a 
judicial discretion. A petition 
for writ of certiorari will be 
granted only for compelling 
reasons." Rule 10, Rules of 
the U.S. Supreme Court.
Learning Goal 
 Born on March 19,1891 in Los Angeles 
 Earned law degree at University of CA 
 Appointed attorney general of CA in 1939 
 Governor of CA from 1942-1950 
 Ran for vice president in 1948 unsuccessfully 
 Appointed chief justice by President Eisenhower and serves 
from 1953-1969 
• Known for controversial decisions about civil rights 
• First major case was Brown v. Board of Education 
• Engle v. Vitale 1962: prayer in public school is unconstitutional 
• Miranda v. Arizona 1966: authorities must inform criminal suspects of 
their rights
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896- establishes the 
“separate but equal” doctrine 
• Different interpretation of the 14th amendment 
• Court battles with this issue for over 50 years 
• People take advantage of this doctrine to oppress 
African Americans 
 “Separate but equal” doesn’t become an 
issue in education until later due to the 
slow development of public education.
 The case combined several cases from Kansas, South 
Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. 
 The most famous case and namesake is that of Linda Brown 
and her family. 
 1952- The case was heard by Chief Justice Fred Vinson 
• No decision was reached 
• He died that year and was replaced by Earl Warren 
 1953- The case was reargued 
 1954- The court reached a unanimous decision declaring 
“separate but equal” unconstitutional.
 The court found that even if segregated schools had identical 
facilities (which wasn’t usually the case), something about 
them was “inherently unequal.” through the use of 
Amicus Curiae 
 They came to the conclusion that segregation itself “had a 
detrimental effect” and was giving African American children a 
sense of “inferiority” that “affects the motivation of a child to 
 They also declared that segregation violates the 14th 
amendment of equal protection under the law.
 The court passed a 2nd clause for the decision dealing with 
• The cases would be brought back to the state courts so states 
could set up a means for integration in their public schools. 
• This didn’t acknowledge the problem of balance. 
 Many states fought back against mandated integration. 
• Changed public schools into private schools and charged whites 
• Angry mobs prevented African American students from entering 
• Example: Little Rock Nine 1957
It forced Americans to redefine the 
meaning of “all men are created equal.” 
 It destroyed the “separate but equal” 
loophole in the 14th amendment. 
Step in the right direction for African 
Americans gaining equality in society 
Major stimulus to civil rights movement 
Led to a great decline in de jure [based on 
or according to law] school segregation
Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Miranda v. Arizona Case Background 
•In 1963 Ernesto Miranda was accused of rape by a woman who 
identified him in a police line up. 
•Miranda was charged with rape and kidnapping and was 
questioned by police for 2 hours but was never informed of his 
5th amendment right against self incrimination or his 6th 
amendment right to the assistance of an attorney. 
•As a result of his interrogation, he confessed in writing to the 
crimes of which he was charged, his written statement also 
included his acknowledgement that he was aware of his right 
against self-incrimination. 
•Miranda was sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison for each 
Miranda, The Plaintive 
•His attorney argued that his confession 
should have been excluded from trial 
because he had not been informed of his 
rights, nor had an attorney been present 
during his interrogation.
Arizona, The Complainant 
•The police officers involved admitted that they 
had not given Miranda any explanation of his 
rights. They argued, however, that because 
Miranda had been convicted of a crime in the 
past, he must have been aware of his rights. 
The Arizona Supreme Court denied his appeal 
and upheld his conviction.
The Verdict 
•Miranda's defense attorney appealed to 
the Arizona Supreme Court. Eventually 
the case ended up at the supreme court 
where it was decided in favor of Miranda 
with a 5-4 vote.
 Before Miranda, the rules governing custodial 
interrogation of suspects in criminal cases 
were left primarily to the police and state 
 In Miranda, the Supreme Court created and 
imposed a new procedure for interrogating 
suspects in custody, introducing the famous 
"right to remain silent" speech. 
 The court's decision expanded the lawmaking 
power of the courts at the expense of the 
lawmaking power of the other branches of 
 The Exclusionary Rule prevents the government 
from using most evidence gathered in violation of 
the United States Constitution. 
 It applies to evidence gained from an 
unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the 
Fourth Amendment, see Mapp v. Ohio, (1961), 
 to improperly elicited self-incriminatory statements 
gathered in violation of the Fifth Amendment, see 
Miranda v. Arizona, (1966), 
 to evidence gained in situations where the 
government violated defendants’ Sixth Amendment 
Right to Counsel, see Miranda. 
 The rule does not apply to civil cases, including 
deportation hearings. See INS v. Lopez-Mendoza,
 In the early 1970’s, UC Davis had two 
admissions systems for their medical 
 Regular Admission Program 
 Special Admissions Program for 
ethic minority and/or disadvantaged 
 16 out of the 100 spaces in the school 
were allocated for these students.
Allan Bakke, a white male was rejected 
twice from the medical program. 
Students with lower “benchmark” scores 
were admitted through the special 
admissions program. 
Bakke filed a suit against UC Davis for 
violating the 14th Amendment and the 
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th 
• “No State shall…deny to any person within its 
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” 
Section 601 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 
• “No person in the United States shall be excluded 
from participation in or otherwise discriminated 
against on the ground of race, color, or national 
origin under any program or activity receiving 
Federal financial assistance. “
Superior Court of Yolo County: 
• Found that the program violates the Constitution, 
but did not force Bakke’s admittance. 
Supreme Court of California: 
• Declares the program is in violation of the 
Constitution, and orders Bakke’s admittance.
Learning Goal 
 The argument over Midnight Judges led one of the most 
important Supreme Court cases of all time 
 William Marbury was a midnight judge who never received 
his official papers 
 James Madison was the Sec. of State whose duty it was to 
deliver them 
 Judiciary Act 1789 req. Supreme Court to order that the 
papers be deliver- Marbury sued to enforce this 
 Chief Justice Marshall decided this provision was 
unconstitutional b/c the Constitution did not empower the 
Supreme Court to issue such an order 
 Affirmed the principle of judicial review- the ability of the 
Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress 
 McCulloch v. Maryland- [1819] Supreme Court case that 
strengthened federal authority and upheld the constitutionality 
of the Bank of the United States by establishing that the State of 
Maryland did not have the power to tax the bank 
 Maryland had tried to destroy a branch of the Bank of the 
U.S. by imposing a tax on its notes 
 John Marshall used implied powers and strengthened the 
federal authority by stating “the power to tax involves the power 
to destroy” and that “a power to create implies a power to 
 This case legitimized loose construction of the Constitution 
arguing that the Constitution was intended to “endure for ages 
to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises 
of human affairs”
The Watergate Scandal
 This became a landmark United states supreme court 
decision against President Nixon. On June 17, 1972 5 
burglars broke into the Watergate building also known as 
the Democratic headquarters. The burglars were linked 
to the White house under Nixon. Later tapes were found 
that held information that could link the president to the 
burglars. Nixon pleaded guilty claiming that this shouldn’t 
be subject to judicial resolution since the matter was a 
dispute within the executive branch. Also he argued that 
the tapes should be protected under the president’s 
executive privilege.
 The President's power to claim 
executive privilege is not an 
absolute one. Executive 
privilege may not be invoked to 
deny the courts access to 
evidence needed in a criminal 
proceeding. This is a dispute 
that can be heard in the federal 
 The constitutional system of 
separation of powers grants to 
the President the privilege of 
withholding information from 
the other branches of 
government. This power is 
absolute, and it is very 
important where high-level 
communications are involved. 
In addition, this dispute should 
be resolved within the 
executive branch, not by the 
The Court ruled unanimously that President Nixon had to 
give up the tapes. The Court made it clear that the President 
could not withhold evidence from an ongoing criminal 
prosecution of another person simply because he was the 
The ruling established a constitutional basis for executive 
privilege. It also stated that the president is not immune from 
judicial process, and must turn over evidence warrant by the 
courts. The doctrine of executive privilege entitles the 
president to a high degree of confidentiality from the courts if 
the evidence involves matters of national security, but the 
president cannot hold back evidence involving non-sensitive 
information when needed for a criminal investigation.
Learning Goal: 
 Facts: 
• 1857, Missouri, Illinois, 
• Dred Scott was an African- 
American slave 
• He was taken by his master 
from the slave state of Missouri 
to the free state of Illinois 
• He lived on free soil for a long 
• When the Army ordered his 
master to go back to Missouri, 
he took Scott with him back to 
that slave state 
 Issues: 
• Scott said that he should be 
free since he lived on free soil 
for such a long time
 Arguments: 
• As a non-citizen many felt that 
Scott had no rights and could not 
sue in a federal court and 
therefore must remain a slave. 
 Decision: 
• Scott lost the decision as the 
Supreme Court declared no 
slave or descendant of a slave 
could be a U.S. citizen 
• The Supreme Court also ruled 
that Congress could not stop 
slavery in the newly emerging 
• The decision enraged Abraham 
Lincoln, and brought the nation to 
the brink of the Civil War 
 Amendment: 
• 13th- Abolition of Slavery
 Facts: 
• 1896, Louisiana 
• Louisiana law said all 
African Americans must 
ride in a separate railroad 
• Homer Plessy, a black 
man, refused to leace a 
“white only” railroad car 
 Issues: 
• Does segregation violate 
the principle of equal 
 Arguments: 
• Plessy said this law of 
segragation violated his right 
to equal protection. 
 Decision: 
• The Supreme Court ruled that 
the segragation law didn’t 
violate the 14th Amendment as 
long as the cars for blacks and 
whites were of equal quality 
• For more than 50 years this 
idea of separate but equal 
was the law of the land 
 Amendment: 
• 14th- Citizenship and Civil 
 Facts: 
• 1954 
• Lind Brown attended an all 
black school 21 blocks from 
her home 
• Linda Brown and her parents 
felt she should be able to 
attend a white school seven 
blocks from her home 
 Issues: 
• Is the separate but equal law 
 Arguments: 
• Thurgood Marshall argued 
that the black children were 
made to feel inferior to whites 
by having separate schools for 
black students.
 Arguments: 
• Thurgood Marshall argued that 
black children were made to 
feel inferior to whites by having 
separate schools for black 
 Decision: 
• The court agreed with 
Thurgood Marshall, saying 
separate but equal violated the 
equal protection clause of the 
14th Amendment 
• The decision of Brown v. Board 
of Education of Topeka 
overturned the Plessy v. 
Ferguson and made all 
segragation unconstitutional 
 Amendment: 
• 14th- Citizenship and Civil 
 Facts: 
• The university of California. 
Davis reserved places in each 
entering class for African 
American, Hispanic American, 
Asian American and Native 
American students. 
• In 1973 and 1974 a white 
applicant named Allan Bakke 
applied for admission and was 
• At the same time other 
applicants of other racial groups 
were admitted even though they 
had lower grade-point averages 
bandb test scores
 Issues: 
• Allan Bakke argued he was a victim of 
reverse discrimination 
 Arguments: 
• Some said that colleges can use race as 
basis for admission, others disagreed 
 Decision: 
• The court ruled that under the equal 
protection principle it was 
unconstitutional for an admission 
program to discriminate against whites 
only because of their race 
• However the court said race could be 
one of the factors considered if the 
school wished to create a more diverse 
student body 
 Amendment: 
• 14th- Citizenship and Civil Rights
 Facts: 
• Ida Phillips applied for a 
position with the Martin Marietta 
• The corporation screened 
women applicants to find out 
whether they had young 
children, since the corporation 
believed children took up a 
large part of a women’s time 
• Ida had two preschoolers and 
was denied the job. 
 Issues: 
• Can the company ask only 
women whether they have 
children and use this 
information in the hiring 
 Arguments: 
• Ida took the corporation to 
court saying she was being 
discriminated against since 
men were not questioned as 
to whether they had children 
and were hired whether they 
had young children or not 
 Decision: 
• The Supreme Court ruled that 
the company could not have 
“one hiring policy for women 
and another for men” 
 Amendment: 
• 14th- Citizenship and Civil 

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11&12.judicial branch

  • 1. “It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is…If two laws conflict with each other; the courts must decide on the operation of each”
  • 4. Inferior Courts = lower federal courts beneath the Supreme Court
  • 5.  The authority of a court to hear (to try and decide) a case  Federal courts hear cases for two reasons: • Subject Matter  Application of the U.S. Constitution • Parties Involved  State v. State  Citizen v. State
  • 6. Types of Jurisdiction Exclusive Jurisdiction Those cases that can only be heard in the federal courts Concurrent Jurisdiction States and Federal Courts share power to hear cases Original Jurisdiction A court in which a case is first heard Appellate Jurisdiction A court that hears a case on appeal from a lower court
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Define Federalism Power is split between the Federal government and state governments. Applying federalism to court jurisdiction All cases not heard by Federal Courts are in the jurisdiction of State Courts…
  • 10. State Courts Inferior (lower) Federal Courts
  • 11. What does the word “Supreme” mean? Highest rank and authority; ultimate, final Why do you think it might be important to have a “Supreme” Court?
  • 12. Chief Justice and eight associate judges Nominated and appointed by President, with Senate approval. Concepts of judicial activism and judicial restrain affect the judicial selection process
  • 13.  Service Birth  Name, state Assoc. Justice Chief Justice Yrs Place Date Died Religion  Antonin Scalia, DC 1986– — N.J. 1936 — Roman Catholic  Anthony M. Kennedy, Calif. 1988– — Calif. 1936 — Roman Catholic  Clarence Thomas, DC 1991– — Ga. 1948 — Roman Catholic  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, DC 1993– — N.Y. 1933 — Jewish  Stephen G. Breyer, Mass. 1994– — Calif. 1938 — Jewish  John G. Roberts, DC 2005–— N.Y. 1955 — Roman Catholic  Samuel A. Alito, Jr., N.J. 2006– — N.J. 1950 — Roman Catholic  Sonia Sotomayor N.Y. 2009– — N.Y. 1954 — Roman Catholic  Elena Kagan N.Y. 2010– — N.Y. 1960 — Jewish
  • 14. Maintain their neutrality Protect the rights of people to express unpopular views Promote consistent interpretations of laws
  • 15. Supreme Court Justices can retire: • At age 70  Must have served 10 years to receive full salary for life • At age 65  Must have served 15 years to receive full salary for life Chief Justice $217,400 per year Associate Justices $208,100
  • 16.  Vary in their political and legal philosophies... Judicial Activism Loosely interpret and apply the Constitution based on ongoing changes and values. Judicial Restraint Follow a strict interpretation of the Constitution Believes judges should also follow precedent
  • 18. Both original and appellate jurisdiction • Most cases come on appeal from the lower courts. Original jurisdiction exists when: 1. There are controversies involved 2+ states 2. The case involves ambassadors or other public ministers Marbury v. Madison • Supreme court case that established power of judicial review
  • 19. Supreme Court has the power to decide the constitutionality of: • State and federal legislation • Actions of chief executives • Decisions of other courts In other words, the Supreme Court has the final authority on the meaning of the Constitution They have the POWER to declare acts and laws unconstitutional
  • 20. *Rule of Four: At least 4 of 9 justices must agree to hear a case in the S.C.
  • 21.  Petition for Writ of Certiorari. (informally called "Cert Petition.") A document which a losing party files with the Supreme Court asking the Supreme Court to review the decision of a lower court.  It includes a list of the parties, a statement of the facts of the case, the legal questions presented for review, and arguments as to why the Court should grant the writ.  Writ of Certiorari- A decision by the Supreme Court to hear an appeal from a lower court.  "Review on writ of certiorari is not a matter of right, but a judicial discretion. A petition for writ of certiorari will be granted only for compelling reasons." Rule 10, Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • 23.
  • 24.  Born on March 19,1891 in Los Angeles  Earned law degree at University of CA  Appointed attorney general of CA in 1939  Governor of CA from 1942-1950  Ran for vice president in 1948 unsuccessfully  Appointed chief justice by President Eisenhower and serves from 1953-1969 • Known for controversial decisions about civil rights • First major case was Brown v. Board of Education • Engle v. Vitale 1962: prayer in public school is unconstitutional • Miranda v. Arizona 1966: authorities must inform criminal suspects of their rights
  • 25. Plessy v. Ferguson 1896- establishes the “separate but equal” doctrine • Different interpretation of the 14th amendment • Court battles with this issue for over 50 years • People take advantage of this doctrine to oppress African Americans  “Separate but equal” doesn’t become an issue in education until later due to the slow development of public education.
  • 26.  The case combined several cases from Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware.  The most famous case and namesake is that of Linda Brown and her family.  1952- The case was heard by Chief Justice Fred Vinson • No decision was reached • He died that year and was replaced by Earl Warren  1953- The case was reargued  1954- The court reached a unanimous decision declaring “separate but equal” unconstitutional.
  • 27.  The court found that even if segregated schools had identical facilities (which wasn’t usually the case), something about them was “inherently unequal.” through the use of Amicus Curiae  They came to the conclusion that segregation itself “had a detrimental effect” and was giving African American children a sense of “inferiority” that “affects the motivation of a child to learn.”  They also declared that segregation violates the 14th amendment of equal protection under the law.
  • 28.  The court passed a 2nd clause for the decision dealing with implementation. • The cases would be brought back to the state courts so states could set up a means for integration in their public schools. • This didn’t acknowledge the problem of balance.  Many states fought back against mandated integration. • Changed public schools into private schools and charged whites tuition • Angry mobs prevented African American students from entering schools. • Example: Little Rock Nine 1957
  • 29. It forced Americans to redefine the meaning of “all men are created equal.”  It destroyed the “separate but equal” loophole in the 14th amendment. Step in the right direction for African Americans gaining equality in society Major stimulus to civil rights movement Led to a great decline in de jure [based on or according to law] school segregation
  • 31. Miranda v. Arizona Case Background •In 1963 Ernesto Miranda was accused of rape by a woman who identified him in a police line up. •Miranda was charged with rape and kidnapping and was questioned by police for 2 hours but was never informed of his 5th amendment right against self incrimination or his 6th amendment right to the assistance of an attorney. •As a result of his interrogation, he confessed in writing to the crimes of which he was charged, his written statement also included his acknowledgement that he was aware of his right against self-incrimination. •Miranda was sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison for each crime
  • 32. Miranda, The Plaintive •His attorney argued that his confession should have been excluded from trial because he had not been informed of his rights, nor had an attorney been present during his interrogation.
  • 33. Arizona, The Complainant •The police officers involved admitted that they had not given Miranda any explanation of his rights. They argued, however, that because Miranda had been convicted of a crime in the past, he must have been aware of his rights. The Arizona Supreme Court denied his appeal and upheld his conviction.
  • 34. The Verdict •Miranda's defense attorney appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court. Eventually the case ended up at the supreme court where it was decided in favor of Miranda with a 5-4 vote.
  • 35.  Before Miranda, the rules governing custodial interrogation of suspects in criminal cases were left primarily to the police and state legislatures.  In Miranda, the Supreme Court created and imposed a new procedure for interrogating suspects in custody, introducing the famous "right to remain silent" speech.  The court's decision expanded the lawmaking power of the courts at the expense of the lawmaking power of the other branches of government
  • 36.  The Exclusionary Rule prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution.  It applies to evidence gained from an unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment, see Mapp v. Ohio, (1961),  to improperly elicited self-incriminatory statements gathered in violation of the Fifth Amendment, see Miranda v. Arizona, (1966),  to evidence gained in situations where the government violated defendants’ Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel, see Miranda.  The rule does not apply to civil cases, including deportation hearings. See INS v. Lopez-Mendoza,
  • 37.
  • 38.  In the early 1970’s, UC Davis had two admissions systems for their medical school  Regular Admission Program  Special Admissions Program for ethic minority and/or disadvantaged applicants.  16 out of the 100 spaces in the school were allocated for these students.
  • 39. Allan Bakke, a white male was rejected twice from the medical program. Students with lower “benchmark” scores were admitted through the special admissions program. Bakke filed a suit against UC Davis for violating the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • 40. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment: • “No State shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Section 601 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; • “No person in the United States shall be excluded from participation in or otherwise discriminated against on the ground of race, color, or national origin under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. “
  • 41. Superior Court of Yolo County: • Found that the program violates the Constitution, but did not force Bakke’s admittance. Supreme Court of California: • Declares the program is in violation of the Constitution, and orders Bakke’s admittance.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 48.  The argument over Midnight Judges led one of the most important Supreme Court cases of all time  William Marbury was a midnight judge who never received his official papers  James Madison was the Sec. of State whose duty it was to deliver them  Judiciary Act 1789 req. Supreme Court to order that the papers be deliver- Marbury sued to enforce this  Chief Justice Marshall decided this provision was unconstitutional b/c the Constitution did not empower the Supreme Court to issue such an order  Affirmed the principle of judicial review- the ability of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional
  • 49.
  • 50.  McCulloch v. Maryland- [1819] Supreme Court case that strengthened federal authority and upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States by establishing that the State of Maryland did not have the power to tax the bank  Maryland had tried to destroy a branch of the Bank of the U.S. by imposing a tax on its notes  John Marshall used implied powers and strengthened the federal authority by stating “the power to tax involves the power to destroy” and that “a power to create implies a power to preserve”  This case legitimized loose construction of the Constitution arguing that the Constitution was intended to “endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs”
  • 51.
  • 53.  This became a landmark United states supreme court decision against President Nixon. On June 17, 1972 5 burglars broke into the Watergate building also known as the Democratic headquarters. The burglars were linked to the White house under Nixon. Later tapes were found that held information that could link the president to the burglars. Nixon pleaded guilty claiming that this shouldn’t be subject to judicial resolution since the matter was a dispute within the executive branch. Also he argued that the tapes should be protected under the president’s executive privilege.
  • 54. UNITED STATES NIXON  The President's power to claim executive privilege is not an absolute one. Executive privilege may not be invoked to deny the courts access to evidence needed in a criminal proceeding. This is a dispute that can be heard in the federal courts.  The constitutional system of separation of powers grants to the President the privilege of withholding information from the other branches of government. This power is absolute, and it is very important where high-level communications are involved. In addition, this dispute should be resolved within the executive branch, not by the courts.
  • 55. The Court ruled unanimously that President Nixon had to give up the tapes. The Court made it clear that the President could not withhold evidence from an ongoing criminal prosecution of another person simply because he was the President. The ruling established a constitutional basis for executive privilege. It also stated that the president is not immune from judicial process, and must turn over evidence warrant by the courts. The doctrine of executive privilege entitles the president to a high degree of confidentiality from the courts if the evidence involves matters of national security, but the president cannot hold back evidence involving non-sensitive information when needed for a criminal investigation.
  • 58.  Facts: • 1857, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin • Dred Scott was an African- American slave • He was taken by his master from the slave state of Missouri to the free state of Illinois • He lived on free soil for a long time • When the Army ordered his master to go back to Missouri, he took Scott with him back to that slave state  Issues: • Scott said that he should be free since he lived on free soil for such a long time
  • 59.  Arguments: • As a non-citizen many felt that Scott had no rights and could not sue in a federal court and therefore must remain a slave.  Decision: • Scott lost the decision as the Supreme Court declared no slave or descendant of a slave could be a U.S. citizen • The Supreme Court also ruled that Congress could not stop slavery in the newly emerging territories • The decision enraged Abraham Lincoln, and brought the nation to the brink of the Civil War  Amendment: • 13th- Abolition of Slavery
  • 60.  Facts: • 1896, Louisiana • Louisiana law said all African Americans must ride in a separate railroad car • Homer Plessy, a black man, refused to leace a “white only” railroad car  Issues: • Does segregation violate the principle of equal protection?
  • 61.  Arguments: • Plessy said this law of segragation violated his right to equal protection.  Decision: • The Supreme Court ruled that the segragation law didn’t violate the 14th Amendment as long as the cars for blacks and whites were of equal quality • For more than 50 years this idea of separate but equal was the law of the land  Amendment: • 14th- Citizenship and Civil Right
  • 62.  Facts: • 1954 • Lind Brown attended an all black school 21 blocks from her home • Linda Brown and her parents felt she should be able to attend a white school seven blocks from her home  Issues: • Is the separate but equal law acceptable?  Arguments: • Thurgood Marshall argued that the black children were made to feel inferior to whites by having separate schools for black students.
  • 63.  Arguments: • Thurgood Marshall argued that black children were made to feel inferior to whites by having separate schools for black students  Decision: • The court agreed with Thurgood Marshall, saying separate but equal violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment • The decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson and made all segragation unconstitutional  Amendment: • 14th- Citizenship and Civil Rights
  • 64.  Facts: • The university of California. Davis reserved places in each entering class for African American, Hispanic American, Asian American and Native American students. • In 1973 and 1974 a white applicant named Allan Bakke applied for admission and was rejected • At the same time other applicants of other racial groups were admitted even though they had lower grade-point averages bandb test scores
  • 65.  Issues: • Allan Bakke argued he was a victim of reverse discrimination  Arguments: • Some said that colleges can use race as basis for admission, others disagreed  Decision: • The court ruled that under the equal protection principle it was unconstitutional for an admission program to discriminate against whites only because of their race • However the court said race could be one of the factors considered if the school wished to create a more diverse student body  Amendment: • 14th- Citizenship and Civil Rights
  • 66.  Facts: • Ida Phillips applied for a position with the Martin Marietta Corporation • The corporation screened women applicants to find out whether they had young children, since the corporation believed children took up a large part of a women’s time • Ida had two preschoolers and was denied the job.  Issues: • Can the company ask only women whether they have children and use this information in the hiring process.
  • 67.  Arguments: • Ida took the corporation to court saying she was being discriminated against since men were not questioned as to whether they had children and were hired whether they had young children or not  Decision: • The Supreme Court ruled that the company could not have “one hiring policy for women and another for men”  Amendment: • 14th- Citizenship and Civil Rights

Editor's Notes

  1. Lowest Level Example: Bucks County Courthouse Appeals Example: PA Court of Appeals State Supreme Court Example: PA Supreme Court
  2. Supreme Court Justices President nominates and appoints with approval of Congress Concepts of judicial activism and judicial restraint affect the judicial selection process
  3. Current (2009) salary for the Chief Justice is $217,400 per year, while the Associate Justices each make $208,100
  4. Judicial Restraint Follow a strict interpretation of the Constitution Believe judges should also follow precedent Judicial Activism Loosely interpret the Constitution Argue law should be interpreted and applied in the light of ongoing changes in conditions and values Results in the expansion of judicial powers