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Equipment Availability Analysis
Fred Schenkelberg, Ops A La Carte, LLC
Angela Lo, Kaiser Permanente

Key Words: Availability, Data Analysis, Repairable System

                SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS                                  require 2 to 4 hours to reset the bottle alignment guides, chutes
                                                                       and other equipment and supplies.
     Tracking bottling equipment line uptime and downtime is
                                                                            A scheduling team worked out the production schedule
a common metric for bottling production lines. The runtime
                                                                       well in advance with the intent to maximize the line uptime by
and downtime along with reasons for being down are routinely
                                                                       avoiding bottle size changes. Yet, the bottling line design team
and semi-automatically recorded. The data is often
                                                                       was asked to explore the increase in throughput by increasing
summarized using the exponential distribution and reported as
                                                                       the availability of the overall line with both engineering and
                                                                       layout changes. For example, one consideration was if
     During the design of a new bottling line, the design team
                                                                       purchasing dedicated equipment for each bottle size increased
used the recorded data from existing lines and equipment to
                                                                       throughput sufficiently to offset the cost of the additional (and
estimate the proposed line availability. If the new line could
                                                                       often idle) equipment. Another consideration was the use of
shorten the run time to accommodate a high mix of products
                                                                       redundant pieces of equipment, especially those prone to
and improve the line availability and thus throughput, the new
                                                                       extended downtime due to a major repair.
line would permit significant warehouse savings.
                                                                            While exploring the effectiveness in increasing
     The experienced operator, maintenance and engineering
                                                                       throughput by improving the overall line availability, we also
teams knew that the line availability improved as the run
                                                                       need to consider the tradeoff between throughput and
duration increased. After the initial setup, the line operator and
                                                                       inventory costs. For example, in order to increase the line
maintenance crew continued to adjust and improve the
                                                                       availability and hence the throughput, we should prioritize in
operation of the bottling line, thus, overtime improving the
                                                                       minimizing bottlenecks during the process. Therefore the
line availability. It was not a constant value independent of the
                                                                       focus on this paper is on the ‘filler’ equipment as it is the line
run duration. And, the existing calculations based on MTBF
                                                                       bottleneck. Increasing the throughput of the filler will permit
and MTTR did not reflect this behavior.
                                                                       the line to produce that same quantity in less time. This frees
     This paper examines the use of expected values of the
                                                                       up the line for other production and reduces quantity of
fitted distributions for uptime and downtime, rather than using
                                                                       finished goods inventory required.
MTBF and MTTR. The expected values permit the analysis to
                                                                            The design team had a line throughput modeling software
study the changes in availability as the run duration changes.
                                                                       package, which included buffer sizing, permitted dwell times
The result was the design team’s analysis could tradeoff the
                                                                       for the contents at specific temperatures or between bottling
run duration and associated throughput with the expected
                                                                       and sterilization equipment. They also knew from experience
warehouse requirements and cost savings for an optimal
                                                                       and simple data analysis that the longer duration runs with a
bottling line design. This paper primarily explores the
                                                                       single bottle size tended to have better throughput (equipment
equipment analysis and availability calculations.
                                                                       availability) performance during the later stages of the run.
                                                                       Anecdotally they knew that the first 12 hours of a run includes
                      1 INTRODUCTION                                   a significant number of adjustments, which improved the
                                                                       ability of the line to run smoothly.
      The plethora of bottle sizes and flavors even for single
                                                                            The existing method within the plant to determine
brand of beverage necessitates flexible bottling equipment
                                                                       equipment availability used MTBF and MTTR and the
capable of ‘change overs’ between flavors and bottle sizes.
                                                                       underlying assumption of the exponential distribution. The
The equipment for bottling originally primarily only worked
                                                                       design team recognized the lack of time dependence and
with one bottle size and shape. As market demands increase
                                                                       therefore asked us to perform the data analysis.
the equipment continued to evolve and now permits the same
bottling line to fill, label and box a relatively large selection of
bottle sizes. A flavor change requires only the cleaning of the        1.1 Project Question
filling equipment and changing the labels, creating the
                                                                           The basic question explored in this paper is just one of
preference to filling many flavors for one bottle size, when
                                                                       many analysis performed in support of the design team. One
ever possible. In contrast the bottle size change tended to
                                                                       question was how to properly model the equipment data such
that the design team could explore the differences in              2.1 MTBF
equipment availability over time. For example, with no
                                                                        The unbiased estimator for the exponential distribution’s
equipment design changes, was it possible to achieve suitable
                                                                   single fitting parameter, θ, is
throughput with only 4-hour runs rather than 12-hour runs?
Another was the exploration of the demonstrated throughput
after extended runs suggested what was possible if the
equipment design made ‘change overs’ that did not then
require adjustments to improve it’s performance.
                                                                         where, θ is called the MTBF by definition within the
     This paper will explore one piece of equipment, the filler,
                                                                   factory. Also the operating time is determined by summing all
and fit appropriate distributions to the data. The fitted
                                                                   the time segments representing when the filler equipments was
distributions for the uptime (operating) and the downtime
                                                                   actually filling or ready to fill bottles.
(under repair) permit the calculation of the equipment
                                                                          The number of downtime events is just the simple count
availability at various run durations.
                                                                   of events that occurred. And, with the filtered data only counts
1.2 Data                                                           events associated with the filler equipment, thus providing the
                                                                   filler equipment’s average uptime.
    The data has been disguised to shield the equipment
                                                                         As is practice within the factory, the MTBF value is
manufacturer and bottling plant from identification. While the
                                                                   determined by calculating MTBF over many similar bottle
actual data has a linear transformation, the trends have
                                                                   size runs. As an example, the data for the ‘small bottles’
remained the same. Furthermore the codes for downtime,
                                                                   provides an estimate of MTBF of 46.5 minutes.
which included blockage, jams, alignment issues, fill sensor
readings, and many more, have also been altered to represent       2.2 MTTR
generic reasons unrelated to the actual reasons. For the
                                                                        Using the same formula above with the substitution of
purpose of this discussion the downtime reasons are
                                                                   downtime for run time and again assuming an exponential
                                                                   distribution, the factory personal calculate (what they defined)
    The actual raw data included downtime for shift change,
                                                                   the MTTR or average downtime.
meetings, scheduled maintenance, and lack of raw materials.
We removed such data since the purpose of the analysis was to
focus only on the individual piece of equipment.

Condition                         Start          End                   Using the same dataset as for MTBF and making the
                                      04:50:18      04:52:23       substitution of downtime for runtime, we find MTTR of 2.45
Supply Tank Low Level             Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                      05:04:19      05:08:29       minutes.
Capper Infeed Star Jam            Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                      05:08:42      05:17:28
                                                                   2.3 Availability
Capper Infeed Star Jam            Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                                                       The well known formula for availability
Blocked - Discharge Conveyor          05:51:19      05:51:51
Stopped                           Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                      05:52:28      05:52:58                                        MTBF
Discharge Jam Alarm At S203       Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007                 Availiability =                                      (3)
                                      05:52:59      05:54:30                                     MTBF + MTTR
Discharge Jam Alarm At S203       Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                      05:55:34      05:58:31
Jog Mode Selected                 Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007            was given as the reason for estimating the MTBF and
                                      06:00:27      06:00:32       MTTR values by factory personal. Using the values provided
Discharge Jam Alarm At S204       Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007
                                      06:33:54      07:17:03
                                                                   and the availability formula (3) we find the average filler
Filler Run Switch Off             Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007       availability of 95% over the recent 6 months of operation.
                                      07:47:39      07:53:02
Jog Mode Selected                 Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007       2.4 Throughput
                                      07:56:55      07:58:56
Jog Mode Selected                 Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007            The filler equipment has the capability to fill bottles at the
                                      08:34:11      08:42:50       rate of approximately 425 bottles a minute. And, the
Door 6 Open                       Sep/24/2007    Sep/24/2007       equipment has the capability to run for short periods of time
                                                                   much faster. Plus, for restarting (after clearing a bottle jam, for
                    2 CURRENT MEASURES                             example) or when troubleshooting, the filler has a run mode
                                                                   that is much slower. On average the filler is considered to
    The following analysis illustrates the plant’s methods for     have an average fill rate of 400 bottles per minute.
calculating the equipment availability and throughput.                  The throughput calculation is:

                                                                              Throughput = Fill Rate × Availability (4)
run with fewer failures. Furthermore, this supports the use of
     Thus, for small bottles and this particular filler, the         simple constant failure rate estimates for scheduling and the
average throughput is 380 bottles per minute.                        improved line design decisions.
     Finally, in order to schedule the line to produce a desired         Taking a closer look at the underlying data, we noticed
amount of filled bottles, the scheduling department would
divide the amount desired by the average throughput. After
applying ‘historical knowledge’ to adjust the run schedule to a
slightly longer duration for short runs and slightly shorter
duration for longer runs when compared to the average run
duration, the scheduling department would publish the factory

                      3 THE DILEMMA
     Anecdotally the design team and factory personal know
the longer runs tend to produce more bottles per hour then
short runs. Yet, the values used to calculate equipment and
line availability do not reflect the changing nature of the
equipment operation.
                                                                     that only a few of the runs lasted more than one or two shifts.
     The use of exponentially based distributions and
                                                                     Some flavors only required a small quantity of bottles filled to
availability calculation does not permit the team to consider
                                                                     keep up with demand, while only a few commanded a large
different run times and associated inversely proportional
                                                                     demand. It is the same equipment for short or long run, and
availability values. Knowing the equipments capability when
                                                                     the design team desired information that quantified the
operated over a long run may suggest to the design team that
                                                                     changing nature of the failure rates for various lengths of
altering the equipment set-up methods may reduce downtime
                                                                     planned runs.
sufficiently to permit shorter runs. Or, they may find, that even
with the better equipment availability in the latter parts of long
run may not be sufficient to provide the cost savings                             5 GENERAL RENEWAL PROCESS
anticipated, thus suggesting the use of redundant sets of
                                                                         Advances in the development of the treatment of
equipment to improve line availability.
                                                                     repairable systems’ data analysis permit the fitting of a
     Another troublesome unknown is the rate of change of
                                                                     parametric model to the factory data. (Mettas and Wenbiao
equipment and line availability. A rapid or slow change would
                                                                     2005) The data provided by the factory meet the two primary
suggest different strategies to design the improved line. The
same information on the time dependency of availability
                                                                     1. The time to first failure (TTFF) distribution is known and
would also permit additional accuracy in line scheduling, even
                                                                         can be estimated from the data. There are over 2000
for the current line configuration.
                                                                         failure events within the dataset.
     The current data analysis methods do not provide
sufficient information related to the changing equipment
                                                                         The Weibull probability plot shows a beta of
availability. Therefore, the design team decided to employ
                                                                     approximately 0.6. The fit of the two parameters Weibull was
data analysis that included the time element and the associated
                                                                     done with the rank regression on X using median ranks. The
changes in equipment availability.

                  4 GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS
     The Mean Cumulative Function (MCF) is a non-
parametric graph of the cumulative failures plotted versus
time. The following plot has 6 months of operations for one
piece of equipment on the production line. There are
approximately 40 different runs (different bottle size/flavor
configurations or ‘setups’).
     Overall, from this plot, which appears to be a fairly
straight line, the conclusion is the system is not improving or
degrading over time as the repairs occur. It remains at
approximately the same condition or failure rate over various
length runs. (Trindade and Nathan 2006)
     This is in conflict with the common knowledge within the
factory, where over the time of the run, the equipment tends to
beta less than one indicate a system that has a decreasing
failure rate over time. This suggests that the repairs made                                                          − λ ( xi + vi−1 )β − vi−1    (8)
                                                                          f (t i t i − 1) = λβ (xi + vi −1 )β −1 e                             
during the earlier part of the run assist in preventing future
failures.                                                              For further details on the derivation and fitting algorithms for
                                                                       this model see (Mettas and Wenbiao 2005).
2.  The repair time is negligible relative to the run time. Most
    repairs occur within 1 minute of failure occurrence and
    compared to the average runtime of approximately 45
    minutes is negligible.
    The fit of the repair times was done within Weibull++
using rank regression on X and median ranks to fit the

lognormal distribution. The plot shows that approximately
50% of the repairs are accomplished within one minute and
approximately 90% are accomplished within 10 minutes.
While a larger difference between runtime and repair time
would be desirable, the single order of magnitude difference is
sufficient for this analysis.

     The general renewal process model uses a concept of
virtual age. Let t1, t2, …,tn represent the successive failure time.
And, let x1, x2, …,xn represent the time between failures where

     ti = ∑ j −1 x j

     For the Type II model of the General Renewal Process the
virtual age is determine with equation 6.

       vi = q(vi −1 + qxi ) = q i x1 + q i − 1x2 + L + xi       (6)

where vi is the virtual age of the system right after the ith
repair. Depending on the value of q the model permits the
partial improvement of the system by adjusting the apparent
system age.
     The power law function models the rate of recurrent
failures within the system, which is

          λ (t) = λβ t β −1                                     (7)

and, the conditional pdfis
5.1 Analysis
                                                                   Minutes              120       240      480      960     1440
Within the Weibull++ software algorithms for modeling
recurrent event data, there are two models available. The Type     Cumulative
I model assumes the repair only addresses the immediate                                0.1395    0.1077   0.0865   0.0754   0.0706
                                                                   Failure Intensity
failure. Whereas, the Type II model assumes the repair
partially of completely repairs or possibly improves the           Instantaneous
system, not just fixing the immediate fault. Given the nature of                       0.0482    0.0377   0.0307   0.0267   0.0288
                                                                   Failure Intensity
fixes on the production line that often include equipment
adjustments (alignment, timing, etc.) we use the Type II model     Considering the MTBF is the inverse of the failure intensity,
for this analysis.                                                 we can calculate the MTBF values for specific durations or
Weibull++ using the General Renewal Process, type II, three-       instants.
parameter model, accomplishes the fit. The results are
                                                                   Minutes              120       240      480      960     1440
Beta = 0.27
Lambda = 2.09                                                      Cumulative
                                                                                        7.17      9.29    11.56    13.26    14.16
q = 0.38
The third parameter, q, may be considered an index for repair      Instantaneous
                                                                                       20.75      26.53   32.57    37.45    34.72
effectiveness. Where q=0 represents a perfect repair, ‘as good     MTBF
as new’ state. And, where q=1 represents a minimal repair,
permitting the use of non-homogenous Poison process analysis       The MTBF values above along with the MTTR value of 2.45
(MTBF) or the system is considered in an ‘as bad of old’ state.    minutes determined as the expected value of the fitted
This model permits the repair to only partial make they system     lognormal distribution, we can use the availability formula (3)
better, 0<q<1 or an imperfect repair. The q=0.38 indicates that    above to determine the expected availability values for select
in general the repairs make a slight improvement.                  durations or instants.
5.2 Discussion
                                                                   Minutes              120       240      480      960     1440
The plot of cumulative failure intensity vs. time shows the
rapid improvement in equipment performance after the early         Cumulative
failures receive attention. Note the jog upward in the data at                          0.75      0.79     0.83     0.84     0.85
approximately 500 minutes, where two plant behaviors
contribute to cause this data. First, a significant number of      Instantaneous
runs are scheduled to occur over one shift, which is 480                                0.89      0.92     0.93     0.94     0.93
minutes long. Second, the shift change incurs a change of
personal and during the shift briefing time, the line is
                                                                   Finally, using the equation to determine the expected
administratively shut down. The restart incurs additional
                                                                   throughput, equation (4), we can determine the expected
failures and adjustments.
                                                                   production for various durations of runs. The instantaneous
After approximately two shifts or 1000 minutes of running,         throughput provides information on the improving nature of
the equipment tends to run smoothly and repairs do not             the system over time.
improve or degrade the equipment performance.
                                                                   Minutes              120       240      480      960     1440
5.3 Model Use
The GRP model permits us to determine the cumulative,              Cumulative
                                                                                        283       301      314      321      324
instantaneous and conditional failure intensities at a given       Throughput
time and duration of our choosing. This addresses the desire to
determine the equipment availability and throughput for            Instantaneous
                                                                                        340       348      353      357      355
specific run durations.                                            Throughput
Using the quick calculation pad within Weibull++ for the
fitted data we can calculate the for the cumulative and
instantaneous failure intensities at select duration or times,
respectively. The following table summaries the failure                                         6 ANALYSIS.
intensity calculations:
                                                                       With the improvement in calculating the changing nature
                                                                   of the filler’s MTBF, we are not able to determine the
                                                                   potential impact on final goods inventory reduction. The
comparison of the current short run performance to the
potential performance provides a basis for the potential
                                                                   This suggests a 20% reduction in time to produce the same
inventory reduction.
                                                                   amount of finished goods for a four-hour duration run. Of
6.1 Inventory vs. Throughput                                       course, this is only possible if the equipment improvements
                                                                   permit the filler to have the same average throughput over a 4
    When analyzing the opportunity of increasing throughput
                                                                   hours run as the long run average throughput of 380 bottles
by improving the line availability, we are able to determine the
                                                                   per minute. The reduced runtime values permit the reduction
potential inventory savings using an application of Little’s
                                                                   in finished goods, as the increased capacity of the factory
                                                                   permit the factory to replenish the inventory more often.
             Finished Goods Inventory =                            The cost savings in inventory provides a basis for the
                                                                   engineering improvement project. If the engineering team
                        Throughput x Flow Time              (9)    expects to make improvements to achieve four-hour runs with
                                                                   a 380 bottles/minute throughput, they may achieve at least a
      The above Little’s Law (Silver, E. 1998) can be       20% reduction in inventory. Assume the cost to carry the
applied to evaluate the tradeoff between the throughput and        inventory for a year is $20 million within this site. This
the inventory cost. It is clear that increasing throughput while   suggests the engineering team can spend $5 million for
holding flow time constant will take less runtime to build the     improvements and achieve a one-year payback on the
same amount of finished goods.                                     investment.
                                                                                          7 CONCLUSION
                                                                   The results show the lack of accuracy of the existing method

                                                                   Length of run
                                                                                        120       240       480      960       1440
                                                                   Time to build
                                                                                       3.53      3.33      3.19      3.12      3.09
                                                                   1000 units
                                                                                       25.5      20.9      17.5      15.6      14.7
                                                                   with 380/min

                                                                   when evaluating equipment availability using traditionally
                                                                   calculated MTBF and MTTR. The traditional method has
                                                                   only one, non-time dependant estimate for MTBF. In order to
                                                                   provide a better overall analysis of equipment availability and
                                                                   throughput, include within the analysis a time dependence
                                                                   variable such as run durations. The GPP model permits such
                                                                   an analysis.
                                                                   As seen in the calculations using the GPP model, it takes
                                                                   approximately 4 hours (240 minutes) of runtime to stabilize
                                                                   the instantaneous availability and throughput. Engineering
                                                                   changes to the equipment to either accelerate or improve the
                                                                   initial performance effectively eliminating the first four hours
                                                                   of adjustments will permit the line to run more efficiently with
                                                                   short runs. Simply implementing shorter runs will not achieve
                                                                   the goal without fundamental changes to the production
                                                                   Running more effectively permits the reduction of final goods
                                                                   inventory by as much as 20% for a 4 hour run. Further
                                                                   inventory reduction is also possibly due to the additional
                                                                   capacity of the factory and is not consider in this analysis. The
                                                                   cost savings associated with the inventory reduction provides
                                                                   a boundary for the improvement costs.

                                                                                          8 REFERENCES
1.   Mettas, A. and Z. Wenbiao (2005). Modeling and                currently the Chair of the American Society of Quality
     analysis of repairable systems with general repair.           Reliability Division, active at the local level with the Society
     Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005.              of Reliability Engineers and IEEE’s Reliability Society, IEEE
     Proceedings, Annual.                                          reliability standards development teams and recently joined
2.   Trindade, D. and S. Nathan (2006). Simple plots for           the US delegation as a voting member of the IEC TAG 56 -
     monitoring the field reliability of repairable systems.       Durability. He is a Senior Member of ASQ and IEEE. He is
     Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2006.              an ASQ Certified Quality and Reliability Engineer.
     Proceedings, Annual.
3.   Silver, E., D. Pyke, and R. Peterson (1998). Inventory            Angela Lo
     Management and Production Planning and Scheduling,                7313 Shelter Creek Lane
     3rd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1998.                                    San Bruno, CA 94066, USA
                      9 BIOGRAPHIES
     Fred Schenkelberg                                                  Angela Lo is Senior Financial Analyst at Kaiser
     Ops A La Carte, LLC                                           Permanente – South San Francisco Medical Office. In her
     990 Richard Avenue, Suite 101                                 current job role, she provides operational analysis and process
     Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA                                    improvement recommendations to front office operations.
     e-mail:                                   Prior to this position, she worked for a few domestic and
                                                                   international companies with focus areas in supply chain
     Fred Schenkelberg is a reliability engineering and            management, operations improvement, and six sigma
management consultant with Ops A La Carte, with areas of           initiatives. Her knowledge in process improvement was not
focus including reliability engineering management training        only utilized in manufacturing operations but also in service
and accelerated life testing. Previously, he co-founded and        environment. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Industrial
built the HP corporate reliability program, including              Engineering and Operations Research at University of
consulting on a broad range of HP products. He is a lecturer       California, Berkeley in 2005 and her master’s degree in
with the University of Maryland teaching a graduate level          Industrial and Systems Engineering at San Jose State
course on reliability engineering management. He earned a          University in 2007. She also obtained her Six Sigma Black
Master of Science degree in statistics at Stanford University in   Belt Certification through American Society for Quality in
1996. He earned his bachelors degrees in Physics at the            2009. Angela is currently an active member in American
United State Military Academy in 1983. Fredis an active            Society for Quality.
volunteer with the management committee of RAMS,
1.   Mettas, A. and Z. Wenbiao (2005). Modeling and                currently the Chair of the American Society of Quality
     analysis of repairable systems with general repair.           Reliability Division, active at the local level with the Society
     Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005.              of Reliability Engineers and IEEE’s Reliability Society, IEEE
     Proceedings, Annual.                                          reliability standards development teams and recently joined
2.   Trindade, D. and S. Nathan (2006). Simple plots for           the US delegation as a voting member of the IEC TAG 56 -
     monitoring the field reliability of repairable systems.       Durability. He is a Senior Member of ASQ and IEEE. He is
     Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2006.              an ASQ Certified Quality and Reliability Engineer.
     Proceedings, Annual.
3.   Silver, E., D. Pyke, and R. Peterson (1998). Inventory            Angela Lo
     Management and Production Planning and Scheduling,                7313 Shelter Creek Lane
     3rd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1998.                                    San Bruno, CA 94066, USA
                      9 BIOGRAPHIES
     Fred Schenkelberg                                                  Angela Lo is Senior Financial Analyst at Kaiser
     Ops A La Carte, LLC                                           Permanente – South San Francisco Medical Office. In her
     990 Richard Avenue, Suite 101                                 current job role, she provides operational analysis and process
     Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA                                    improvement recommendations to front office operations.
     e-mail:                                   Prior to this position, she worked for a few domestic and
                                                                   international companies with focus areas in supply chain
     Fred Schenkelberg is a reliability engineering and            management, operations improvement, and six sigma
management consultant with Ops A La Carte, with areas of           initiatives. Her knowledge in process improvement was not
focus including reliability engineering management training        only utilized in manufacturing operations but also in service
and accelerated life testing. Previously, he co-founded and        environment. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Industrial
built the HP corporate reliability program, including              Engineering and Operations Research at University of
consulting on a broad range of HP products. He is a lecturer       California, Berkeley in 2005 and her master’s degree in
with the University of Maryland teaching a graduate level          Industrial and Systems Engineering at San Jose State
course on reliability engineering management. He earned a          University in 2007. She also obtained her Six Sigma Black
Master of Science degree in statistics at Stanford University in   Belt Certification through American Society for Quality in
1996. He earned his bachelors degrees in Physics at the            2009. Angela is currently an active member in American
United State Military Academy in 1983. Fredis an active            Society for Quality.
volunteer with the management committee of RAMS,

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Equipment Availability Analysis

  • 1. Equipment Availability Analysis Fred Schenkelberg, Ops A La Carte, LLC Angela Lo, Kaiser Permanente Key Words: Availability, Data Analysis, Repairable System SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS require 2 to 4 hours to reset the bottle alignment guides, chutes and other equipment and supplies. Tracking bottling equipment line uptime and downtime is A scheduling team worked out the production schedule a common metric for bottling production lines. The runtime well in advance with the intent to maximize the line uptime by and downtime along with reasons for being down are routinely avoiding bottle size changes. Yet, the bottling line design team and semi-automatically recorded. The data is often was asked to explore the increase in throughput by increasing summarized using the exponential distribution and reported as the availability of the overall line with both engineering and MTBF and MTTR. layout changes. For example, one consideration was if During the design of a new bottling line, the design team purchasing dedicated equipment for each bottle size increased used the recorded data from existing lines and equipment to throughput sufficiently to offset the cost of the additional (and estimate the proposed line availability. If the new line could often idle) equipment. Another consideration was the use of shorten the run time to accommodate a high mix of products redundant pieces of equipment, especially those prone to and improve the line availability and thus throughput, the new extended downtime due to a major repair. line would permit significant warehouse savings. While exploring the effectiveness in increasing The experienced operator, maintenance and engineering throughput by improving the overall line availability, we also teams knew that the line availability improved as the run need to consider the tradeoff between throughput and duration increased. After the initial setup, the line operator and inventory costs. For example, in order to increase the line maintenance crew continued to adjust and improve the availability and hence the throughput, we should prioritize in operation of the bottling line, thus, overtime improving the minimizing bottlenecks during the process. Therefore the line availability. It was not a constant value independent of the focus on this paper is on the ‘filler’ equipment as it is the line run duration. And, the existing calculations based on MTBF bottleneck. Increasing the throughput of the filler will permit and MTTR did not reflect this behavior. the line to produce that same quantity in less time. This frees This paper examines the use of expected values of the up the line for other production and reduces quantity of fitted distributions for uptime and downtime, rather than using finished goods inventory required. MTBF and MTTR. The expected values permit the analysis to The design team had a line throughput modeling software study the changes in availability as the run duration changes. package, which included buffer sizing, permitted dwell times The result was the design team’s analysis could tradeoff the for the contents at specific temperatures or between bottling run duration and associated throughput with the expected and sterilization equipment. They also knew from experience warehouse requirements and cost savings for an optimal and simple data analysis that the longer duration runs with a bottling line design. This paper primarily explores the single bottle size tended to have better throughput (equipment equipment analysis and availability calculations. availability) performance during the later stages of the run. Anecdotally they knew that the first 12 hours of a run includes 1 INTRODUCTION a significant number of adjustments, which improved the ability of the line to run smoothly. The plethora of bottle sizes and flavors even for single The existing method within the plant to determine brand of beverage necessitates flexible bottling equipment equipment availability used MTBF and MTTR and the capable of ‘change overs’ between flavors and bottle sizes. underlying assumption of the exponential distribution. The The equipment for bottling originally primarily only worked design team recognized the lack of time dependence and with one bottle size and shape. As market demands increase therefore asked us to perform the data analysis. the equipment continued to evolve and now permits the same bottling line to fill, label and box a relatively large selection of bottle sizes. A flavor change requires only the cleaning of the 1.1 Project Question filling equipment and changing the labels, creating the The basic question explored in this paper is just one of preference to filling many flavors for one bottle size, when many analysis performed in support of the design team. One ever possible. In contrast the bottle size change tended to question was how to properly model the equipment data such
  • 2. that the design team could explore the differences in 2.1 MTBF equipment availability over time. For example, with no The unbiased estimator for the exponential distribution’s equipment design changes, was it possible to achieve suitable single fitting parameter, θ, is throughput with only 4-hour runs rather than 12-hour runs? (1) Another was the exploration of the demonstrated throughput after extended runs suggested what was possible if the equipment design made ‘change overs’ that did not then require adjustments to improve it’s performance. where, θ is called the MTBF by definition within the This paper will explore one piece of equipment, the filler, factory. Also the operating time is determined by summing all and fit appropriate distributions to the data. The fitted the time segments representing when the filler equipments was distributions for the uptime (operating) and the downtime actually filling or ready to fill bottles. (under repair) permit the calculation of the equipment The number of downtime events is just the simple count availability at various run durations. of events that occurred. And, with the filtered data only counts 1.2 Data events associated with the filler equipment, thus providing the filler equipment’s average uptime. The data has been disguised to shield the equipment As is practice within the factory, the MTBF value is manufacturer and bottling plant from identification. While the determined by calculating MTBF over many similar bottle actual data has a linear transformation, the trends have size runs. As an example, the data for the ‘small bottles’ remained the same. Furthermore the codes for downtime, provides an estimate of MTBF of 46.5 minutes. which included blockage, jams, alignment issues, fill sensor readings, and many more, have also been altered to represent 2.2 MTTR generic reasons unrelated to the actual reasons. For the Using the same formula above with the substitution of purpose of this discussion the downtime reasons are downtime for run time and again assuming an exponential immaterial. distribution, the factory personal calculate (what they defined) The actual raw data included downtime for shift change, the MTTR or average downtime. meetings, scheduled maintenance, and lack of raw materials. We removed such data since the purpose of the analysis was to (2) focus only on the individual piece of equipment. Condition Start End Using the same dataset as for MTBF and making the 04:50:18 04:52:23 substitution of downtime for runtime, we find MTTR of 2.45 Supply Tank Low Level Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 05:04:19 05:08:29 minutes. Capper Infeed Star Jam Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 05:08:42 05:17:28 2.3 Availability Capper Infeed Star Jam Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 The well known formula for availability Blocked - Discharge Conveyor 05:51:19 05:51:51 Stopped Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 05:52:28 05:52:58 MTBF Discharge Jam Alarm At S203 Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 Availiability = (3) 05:52:59 05:54:30 MTBF + MTTR Discharge Jam Alarm At S203 Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 05:55:34 05:58:31 Jog Mode Selected Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 was given as the reason for estimating the MTBF and 06:00:27 06:00:32 MTTR values by factory personal. Using the values provided Discharge Jam Alarm At S204 Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 06:33:54 07:17:03 and the availability formula (3) we find the average filler Filler Run Switch Off Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 availability of 95% over the recent 6 months of operation. 07:47:39 07:53:02 Jog Mode Selected Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 2.4 Throughput 07:56:55 07:58:56 Jog Mode Selected Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 The filler equipment has the capability to fill bottles at the 08:34:11 08:42:50 rate of approximately 425 bottles a minute. And, the Door 6 Open Sep/24/2007 Sep/24/2007 equipment has the capability to run for short periods of time much faster. Plus, for restarting (after clearing a bottle jam, for 2 CURRENT MEASURES example) or when troubleshooting, the filler has a run mode that is much slower. On average the filler is considered to The following analysis illustrates the plant’s methods for have an average fill rate of 400 bottles per minute. calculating the equipment availability and throughput. The throughput calculation is: Throughput = Fill Rate × Availability (4)
  • 3. run with fewer failures. Furthermore, this supports the use of Thus, for small bottles and this particular filler, the simple constant failure rate estimates for scheduling and the average throughput is 380 bottles per minute. improved line design decisions. Finally, in order to schedule the line to produce a desired Taking a closer look at the underlying data, we noticed amount of filled bottles, the scheduling department would divide the amount desired by the average throughput. After applying ‘historical knowledge’ to adjust the run schedule to a slightly longer duration for short runs and slightly shorter duration for longer runs when compared to the average run duration, the scheduling department would publish the factory schedule. 3 THE DILEMMA Anecdotally the design team and factory personal know the longer runs tend to produce more bottles per hour then short runs. Yet, the values used to calculate equipment and line availability do not reflect the changing nature of the equipment operation. that only a few of the runs lasted more than one or two shifts. The use of exponentially based distributions and Some flavors only required a small quantity of bottles filled to availability calculation does not permit the team to consider keep up with demand, while only a few commanded a large different run times and associated inversely proportional demand. It is the same equipment for short or long run, and availability values. Knowing the equipments capability when the design team desired information that quantified the operated over a long run may suggest to the design team that changing nature of the failure rates for various lengths of altering the equipment set-up methods may reduce downtime planned runs. sufficiently to permit shorter runs. Or, they may find, that even with the better equipment availability in the latter parts of long run may not be sufficient to provide the cost savings 5 GENERAL RENEWAL PROCESS anticipated, thus suggesting the use of redundant sets of Advances in the development of the treatment of equipment to improve line availability. repairable systems’ data analysis permit the fitting of a Another troublesome unknown is the rate of change of parametric model to the factory data. (Mettas and Wenbiao equipment and line availability. A rapid or slow change would 2005) The data provided by the factory meet the two primary suggest different strategies to design the improved line. The assumptions: same information on the time dependency of availability 1. The time to first failure (TTFF) distribution is known and would also permit additional accuracy in line scheduling, even can be estimated from the data. There are over 2000 for the current line configuration. failure events within the dataset. The current data analysis methods do not provide sufficient information related to the changing equipment The Weibull probability plot shows a beta of availability. Therefore, the design team decided to employ approximately 0.6. The fit of the two parameters Weibull was data analysis that included the time element and the associated done with the rank regression on X using median ranks. The changes in equipment availability. 4 GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS The Mean Cumulative Function (MCF) is a non- parametric graph of the cumulative failures plotted versus time. The following plot has 6 months of operations for one piece of equipment on the production line. There are approximately 40 different runs (different bottle size/flavor configurations or ‘setups’). Overall, from this plot, which appears to be a fairly straight line, the conclusion is the system is not improving or degrading over time as the repairs occur. It remains at approximately the same condition or failure rate over various length runs. (Trindade and Nathan 2006) This is in conflict with the common knowledge within the factory, where over the time of the run, the equipment tends to
  • 4. beta less than one indicate a system that has a decreasing β failure rate over time. This suggests that the repairs made − λ ( xi + vi−1 )β − vi−1  (8) f (t i t i − 1) = λβ (xi + vi −1 )β −1 e   during the earlier part of the run assist in preventing future failures. For further details on the derivation and fitting algorithms for this model see (Mettas and Wenbiao 2005). 2. The repair time is negligible relative to the run time. Most repairs occur within 1 minute of failure occurrence and compared to the average runtime of approximately 45 minutes is negligible. The fit of the repair times was done within Weibull++ using rank regression on X and median ranks to fit the lognormal distribution. The plot shows that approximately 50% of the repairs are accomplished within one minute and approximately 90% are accomplished within 10 minutes. While a larger difference between runtime and repair time would be desirable, the single order of magnitude difference is sufficient for this analysis. The general renewal process model uses a concept of virtual age. Let t1, t2, …,tn represent the successive failure time. And, let x1, x2, …,xn represent the time between failures where ti = ∑ j −1 x j i (5) For the Type II model of the General Renewal Process the virtual age is determine with equation 6. vi = q(vi −1 + qxi ) = q i x1 + q i − 1x2 + L + xi (6) where vi is the virtual age of the system right after the ith repair. Depending on the value of q the model permits the partial improvement of the system by adjusting the apparent system age. The power law function models the rate of recurrent failures within the system, which is λ (t) = λβ t β −1 (7) and, the conditional pdfis
  • 5. 5.1 Analysis Minutes 120 240 480 960 1440 Within the Weibull++ software algorithms for modeling recurrent event data, there are two models available. The Type Cumulative I model assumes the repair only addresses the immediate 0.1395 0.1077 0.0865 0.0754 0.0706 Failure Intensity failure. Whereas, the Type II model assumes the repair partially of completely repairs or possibly improves the Instantaneous system, not just fixing the immediate fault. Given the nature of 0.0482 0.0377 0.0307 0.0267 0.0288 Failure Intensity fixes on the production line that often include equipment adjustments (alignment, timing, etc.) we use the Type II model Considering the MTBF is the inverse of the failure intensity, for this analysis. we can calculate the MTBF values for specific durations or Weibull++ using the General Renewal Process, type II, three- instants. parameter model, accomplishes the fit. The results are Minutes 120 240 480 960 1440 Beta = 0.27 Lambda = 2.09 Cumulative 7.17 9.29 11.56 13.26 14.16 MTBF q = 0.38 The third parameter, q, may be considered an index for repair Instantaneous 20.75 26.53 32.57 37.45 34.72 effectiveness. Where q=0 represents a perfect repair, ‘as good MTBF as new’ state. And, where q=1 represents a minimal repair, permitting the use of non-homogenous Poison process analysis The MTBF values above along with the MTTR value of 2.45 (MTBF) or the system is considered in an ‘as bad of old’ state. minutes determined as the expected value of the fitted This model permits the repair to only partial make they system lognormal distribution, we can use the availability formula (3) better, 0<q<1 or an imperfect repair. The q=0.38 indicates that above to determine the expected availability values for select in general the repairs make a slight improvement. durations or instants. 5.2 Discussion Minutes 120 240 480 960 1440 The plot of cumulative failure intensity vs. time shows the rapid improvement in equipment performance after the early Cumulative failures receive attention. Note the jog upward in the data at 0.75 0.79 0.83 0.84 0.85 Availability approximately 500 minutes, where two plant behaviors contribute to cause this data. First, a significant number of Instantaneous runs are scheduled to occur over one shift, which is 480 0.89 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.93 Availability minutes long. Second, the shift change incurs a change of personal and during the shift briefing time, the line is Finally, using the equation to determine the expected administratively shut down. The restart incurs additional throughput, equation (4), we can determine the expected failures and adjustments. production for various durations of runs. The instantaneous After approximately two shifts or 1000 minutes of running, throughput provides information on the improving nature of the equipment tends to run smoothly and repairs do not the system over time. improve or degrade the equipment performance. Minutes 120 240 480 960 1440 5.3 Model Use The GRP model permits us to determine the cumulative, Cumulative 283 301 314 321 324 instantaneous and conditional failure intensities at a given Throughput time and duration of our choosing. This addresses the desire to determine the equipment availability and throughput for Instantaneous 340 348 353 357 355 specific run durations. Throughput Using the quick calculation pad within Weibull++ for the fitted data we can calculate the for the cumulative and instantaneous failure intensities at select duration or times, respectively. The following table summaries the failure 6 ANALYSIS. intensity calculations: With the improvement in calculating the changing nature of the filler’s MTBF, we are not able to determine the potential impact on final goods inventory reduction. The
  • 6. comparison of the current short run performance to the potential performance provides a basis for the potential This suggests a 20% reduction in time to produce the same inventory reduction. amount of finished goods for a four-hour duration run. Of 6.1 Inventory vs. Throughput course, this is only possible if the equipment improvements permit the filler to have the same average throughput over a 4 When analyzing the opportunity of increasing throughput hours run as the long run average throughput of 380 bottles by improving the line availability, we are able to determine the per minute. The reduced runtime values permit the reduction potential inventory savings using an application of Little’s in finished goods, as the increased capacity of the factory Law. permit the factory to replenish the inventory more often. Finished Goods Inventory = The cost savings in inventory provides a basis for the engineering improvement project. If the engineering team Throughput x Flow Time (9) expects to make improvements to achieve four-hour runs with a 380 bottles/minute throughput, they may achieve at least a The above Little’s Law (Silver, E. 1998) can be 20% reduction in inventory. Assume the cost to carry the applied to evaluate the tradeoff between the throughput and inventory for a year is $20 million within this site. This the inventory cost. It is clear that increasing throughput while suggests the engineering team can spend $5 million for holding flow time constant will take less runtime to build the improvements and achieve a one-year payback on the same amount of finished goods. investment. 7 CONCLUSION The results show the lack of accuracy of the existing method Length of run 120 240 480 960 1440 (minutes) Time to build 3.53 3.33 3.19 3.12 3.09 1000 units %Improvement 25.5 20.9 17.5 15.6 14.7 with 380/min when evaluating equipment availability using traditionally calculated MTBF and MTTR. The traditional method has only one, non-time dependant estimate for MTBF. In order to provide a better overall analysis of equipment availability and throughput, include within the analysis a time dependence variable such as run durations. The GPP model permits such an analysis. As seen in the calculations using the GPP model, it takes approximately 4 hours (240 minutes) of runtime to stabilize the instantaneous availability and throughput. Engineering changes to the equipment to either accelerate or improve the initial performance effectively eliminating the first four hours of adjustments will permit the line to run more efficiently with short runs. Simply implementing shorter runs will not achieve the goal without fundamental changes to the production equipment. Running more effectively permits the reduction of final goods inventory by as much as 20% for a 4 hour run. Further inventory reduction is also possibly due to the additional capacity of the factory and is not consider in this analysis. The cost savings associated with the inventory reduction provides a boundary for the improvement costs. 8 REFERENCES
  • 7. 1. Mettas, A. and Z. Wenbiao (2005). Modeling and currently the Chair of the American Society of Quality analysis of repairable systems with general repair. Reliability Division, active at the local level with the Society Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005. of Reliability Engineers and IEEE’s Reliability Society, IEEE Proceedings, Annual. reliability standards development teams and recently joined 2. Trindade, D. and S. Nathan (2006). Simple plots for the US delegation as a voting member of the IEC TAG 56 - monitoring the field reliability of repairable systems. Durability. He is a Senior Member of ASQ and IEEE. He is Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2006. an ASQ Certified Quality and Reliability Engineer. Proceedings, Annual. 3. Silver, E., D. Pyke, and R. Peterson (1998). Inventory Angela Lo Management and Production Planning and Scheduling, 7313 Shelter Creek Lane 3rd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1998. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA e-mail: 9 BIOGRAPHIES Fred Schenkelberg Angela Lo is Senior Financial Analyst at Kaiser Ops A La Carte, LLC Permanente – South San Francisco Medical Office. In her 990 Richard Avenue, Suite 101 current job role, she provides operational analysis and process Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA improvement recommendations to front office operations. e-mail: Prior to this position, she worked for a few domestic and international companies with focus areas in supply chain Fred Schenkelberg is a reliability engineering and management, operations improvement, and six sigma management consultant with Ops A La Carte, with areas of initiatives. Her knowledge in process improvement was not focus including reliability engineering management training only utilized in manufacturing operations but also in service and accelerated life testing. Previously, he co-founded and environment. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Industrial built the HP corporate reliability program, including Engineering and Operations Research at University of consulting on a broad range of HP products. He is a lecturer California, Berkeley in 2005 and her master’s degree in with the University of Maryland teaching a graduate level Industrial and Systems Engineering at San Jose State course on reliability engineering management. He earned a University in 2007. She also obtained her Six Sigma Black Master of Science degree in statistics at Stanford University in Belt Certification through American Society for Quality in 1996. He earned his bachelors degrees in Physics at the 2009. Angela is currently an active member in American United State Military Academy in 1983. Fredis an active Society for Quality. volunteer with the management committee of RAMS,
  • 8. 1. Mettas, A. and Z. Wenbiao (2005). Modeling and currently the Chair of the American Society of Quality analysis of repairable systems with general repair. Reliability Division, active at the local level with the Society Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2005. of Reliability Engineers and IEEE’s Reliability Society, IEEE Proceedings, Annual. reliability standards development teams and recently joined 2. Trindade, D. and S. Nathan (2006). Simple plots for the US delegation as a voting member of the IEC TAG 56 - monitoring the field reliability of repairable systems. Durability. He is a Senior Member of ASQ and IEEE. He is Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2006. an ASQ Certified Quality and Reliability Engineer. Proceedings, Annual. 3. Silver, E., D. Pyke, and R. Peterson (1998). Inventory Angela Lo Management and Production Planning and Scheduling, 7313 Shelter Creek Lane 3rd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1998. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA e-mail: 9 BIOGRAPHIES Fred Schenkelberg Angela Lo is Senior Financial Analyst at Kaiser Ops A La Carte, LLC Permanente – South San Francisco Medical Office. In her 990 Richard Avenue, Suite 101 current job role, she provides operational analysis and process Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA improvement recommendations to front office operations. e-mail: Prior to this position, she worked for a few domestic and international companies with focus areas in supply chain Fred Schenkelberg is a reliability engineering and management, operations improvement, and six sigma management consultant with Ops A La Carte, with areas of initiatives. Her knowledge in process improvement was not focus including reliability engineering management training only utilized in manufacturing operations but also in service and accelerated life testing. Previously, he co-founded and environment. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Industrial built the HP corporate reliability program, including Engineering and Operations Research at University of consulting on a broad range of HP products. He is a lecturer California, Berkeley in 2005 and her master’s degree in with the University of Maryland teaching a graduate level Industrial and Systems Engineering at San Jose State course on reliability engineering management. He earned a University in 2007. She also obtained her Six Sigma Black Master of Science degree in statistics at Stanford University in Belt Certification through American Society for Quality in 1996. He earned his bachelors degrees in Physics at the 2009. Angela is currently an active member in American United State Military Academy in 1983. Fredis an active Society for Quality. volunteer with the management committee of RAMS,