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                                                                      Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46:749–763 (2007)
                                                                      Copyright C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
                                                                      ISSN: 1040-8398
                                                                      DOI: 10.1080/10408390601062211

                                                                      Plant Stress Physiology:
                                                                      Opportunities and Challenges for the
                                                                      Food Industry

                                                                      FEDERICO GOMEZ GALINDO∗ and INGEGERD SJOHOLM
                                                                                ´                            ¨
                                                                      Department of Food Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden

                                                                      ALLAN G. RASMUSSON and SUSANNE WIDELL
                                                                      Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, S¨ lvegatan 35B, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden

                                                                      KARL KAACK
                                                                      Department of Food Science, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Kristinebjergvej 10, DK-5792, Aarslev, Denmark

                                                                                  We review and analyze the possible advantages and disadvantages of plant-stress-related metabolic and structural changes
                                                                                  on applications in the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Knowledge of the cellular and tissue transformations that
                                                                                  result from environmental conditions or industrial manipulation is a powerful means for food engineers to gain a better
                                                                                  understanding of biological systems in order to avoid potential side effects. Our aim is to provide an overview of the
                                                                                  understanding and implementation of physiological and biochemical principles in the industrial processing of fruits and

                                                                                  Keywords         stress tolerance, freezing, heat, drought, drying, postharvest, minimal processing

                                                                      INTRODUCTION                                                                   to become stressful. Cellular responses to stress may include
                                                                                                                                                     changes in cell cycle and division, cell membranes, cell wall
                                                                         Because plants are confined to the place in which they grow,                 architecture, and metabolism (e.g. accumulation of osmotically
                                                                      they have a limited capacity to avoid unfavorable conditions                   active substances).
                                                                      in their environment, such as extremes of temperature, water                       From a biological point of view, industrial treatment of plant
                                                                      shortage, insufficient or excessive light or mineral nutrients,                 tissue will mimic stress (Fig. 1) and therefore, knowledge of
                                                                      wounding by herbivores, or attack by pathogenic bacteria, fungi,               how the plant material will be affected in relation to time, the
                                                                      viruses, and viroids. Plants have developed sophisticated molec-               environment, and industrial manipulation is of fundamental im-
                                                                      ular chemical strategies to defend themselves against such abi-                portance for quality assurance and process optimization. We
                                                                      otic and biotic stress, often combined with changes in growth                  here focus our attention on reviewing and analyzing possible
                                                                      and development patterns (Boyer, 1982; Gaspar et al., 2002).                   advantages and disadvantages of the stress responses of fruits
                                                                      Stress is usually defined as an external factor that exerts a dis-              and vegetables during industrial processing operations. Reports
                                                                      advantageous influence on the plant. This concept is closely                    on attempts to implement physiological and biochemical prin-
                                                                      associated with stress tolerance, which is the plant’s capacity                ciples in the industrial processing of fruit and vegetables are
                                                                      to cope with unfavorable conditions (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002).                   not common in the literature, but a few recent investigations,
                                                                      In both natural and agricultural conditions, environmental fac-                referred to in the following sections, have laid the foundation
                                                                      tors, such as air temperature, can become stressful in just a few              for a fascinating area of research and technological innovation.
                                                                      minutes. Soil water content may take days to weeks, whereas
                                                                      other factors such as soil mineral deficiency, can take months
                                                                                                                                                     STRESS LEADING TO CELL DAMAGE
                                                                         ∗ Address Correspondence to Federico G´ mez Galindo, Department of Food
                                                                      Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden. Tel:         During harvesting, transportation, washing, sorting, and
                                                                      +4646 222 9814; Fax: +4646 222 9846; E-mail:        packing, fruits and vegetables are subjected to mechanical stress
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                                                                      Figure 1 Schematic representation of the topics discussed in this review. Industrial treatment of plant tissue will mimic stress responses in nature, influencing
                                                                      the quality of fresh and processed products.

                                                                      that may lead to crushing of surface cell layers. When the fresh                 during harvesting, handling and storage, leading to significant
                                                                      products reach the processing line for producing, for example,                   levels of rejection of potato harvests (Potato Marketing Board,
                                                                      ready-to-use salads, they are typically peeled, sliced, diced, or                1994). The synthesis of melanin is thought to be a defence
                                                                      shredded before packaging. These operations cut through cells                    mechanism in which the polymerized, insoluble complexes
                                                                      and leave intact cells of previously internal tissues exposed.                   form a resistant barrier, sealing tuber tissues against the entry
                                                                      These postharvest and processing operations are traumatic for                    and spread of pathogens. The predisposition of tubers to melanin
                                                                      the cells proximal to the damage site and induce a complex se-                   production depends on growth and storage conditions and
                                                                      ries of molecular events aimed at repairing the damage caused                    temperature during processing, and exhibits a wide range of ge-
                                                                      to the tissue (Surjadinata and Cisneros-Zevallos, 2003).                         netic variation (Hoffmann and Wormanns, 2002; Johnson et al.,
                                                                                                                                                       2003). Therefore, mechanical stress during handling (caused,
                                                                                                                                                       e.g. by falls and collisions) induces wound responses leading to
                                                                      Response to Postharvest Handling                                                 undesirable physiological changes, further reducing quality and
                                                                          Mechanical stress, imposed on plant cells by a variety of phys-                  In spite of the many detrimental consequences of posthar-
                                                                      ical stimuli during harvesting and handling of fresh horticultural               vest mechanical stress on the quality of fruit and vegetables,
                                                                      products, induces a wide range of cellular responses such as in-                 some reports have shown that slight mechanical stress during
                                                                      creased respiration rate, ethylene production, and higher suscep-                growth can improve the postharvest processability of lettuce,
                                                                      tibility to pathogen attack (Charron and Cantliffe, 1995; Stanley,               cauliflower, celery (Biddington and Dearman, 1985; P¨ ntinen
                                                                      1991). In carrots, mechanical stress brings about a decrease in                  and Voipio, 1992), and baby leaf salad (Clarkson et al., 2003),
                                                                      root pressure potential and water potential during the initial stor-             when the stress is applied to the seedlings. Mechanical stress
                                                                      age period (Mempel and Geyer, 1999; Herppich et al., 1999).                      during growth results in modified leaf architecture producing
                                                                      Furthermore, the production of ethylene and 6-methoxymellein                     smaller, more compact new leaves. After industrial unit oper-
                                                                      (a bitter compound) increases, whereas the levels of several ter-                ations including washing, drying, and packing, baby leaves of
                                                                      penes associated with the characteristic aroma of carrots de-                    lettuce and spinach showed an increase in shelf-life. This in-
                                                                      creases (Selj˚ sen et al., 2001). The accelerated aging in cu-
                                                                                     a                                                                 crease was associated with a reduction in the area of individual
                                                                      cumbers involves the induction of cell-wall-degrading enzymes,                   epidermal cells and modification of the biophysical properties
                                                                      leading to tissue degeneration (Miller and Kelley, 1989).                        of the cell wall (Clarkson et al., 2003). The mechanical stress
                                                                          Potatoes are particularly susceptible to mechanical stress.                  manipulation of the seedlings led to the development of new
                                                                      Physically stressed tuber tissue produces melanin-based                          adapted leaves with stiffer cell walls, so that the leaves would
                                                                      pigments, leading to the blue-black discoloration of subdermal                   have greater protection against mechanical stress during pro-
                                                                      tissues known agronomically as black-spot bruising (Johnson                      cessing; stress that may otherwise cause damage and browning
                                                                      et al., 2003).This is a serious agronomic problem manifested                     of the leaves (Lopez-Galvez et al., 1996). Smaller cells have
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                                                                      a larger relative cell wall volume and dry weight (Wurr et al.,          man, 1997; Bernards et al., 1999). The oxidative coupling of
                                                                      1986; Clarkson et al., 2003).                                            the poly(phenolic) component of suberin is thought to be a
                                                                                                                                               peroxidase/H2 O2 -dependent, free-radical process. In response
                                                                                                                                               to wounding, and in association with suberization, plant tis-
                                                                      Effects on Minimally Processed Plant Tissue                              sues generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), including super-
                                                                                                                                               oxide (O− ), hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), and the hydroxyl radical
                                                                          As a result of peeling, grating, or shredding, a relatively stable   (OH. ). It has been shown that H2 O2 is essential for suberization
                                                                      agricultural product with a shelf life of several weeks or months        in potato slices (Razem and Bernards, 2002). Immediately fol-
                                                                      will change into one that deteriorates rapidly from a food quality       lowing wounding, a rapid increase in oxygen uptake is followed
                                                                      perspective. Minimally processed fruit and vegetables should             by an initial burst of ROS (oxidative burst) (Bolwell et al., 1995).
                                                                      have storage lives of at least 4–7 days, but preferably longer, up       In wounded potatoes, this burst reaches a maximum within 30
                                                                      to 21 days depending on the market (Ahvenainen, 1996; Barry-             to 60 min and is followed by at least three other massive bursts
                                                                      Ryan and O’Beirne, 1997). Deterioration is mostly the result of          at 42, 63, and 100 h post-wounding. These later bursts were as-
                                                                      microbial spoilage, wound healing, biochemical changes, and              sociated with wound healing and are probably involved in the
                                                                      loss of nutritional quality.                                             oxidative cross-linking of suberin poly(phenols) (Razem and
                                                                          The quality and shelf life of minimally processed fruit and          Bernards, 2003). The initial deposition of suberin in potato re-
                                                                      vegetables are directly influenced by the extent of wounding              quires approximately 18 h at 18◦ C (Lulai and Corsini, 1998)
                                                                      and the size of the wounded surface caused by the processing             and reaches a stage in which the suberized layer has sufficient
                                                                      operation. For example, it has been demonstrated that carrots            structural integrity to be peeled off intact 3 days after wounding
                                                                      peeled by abrasion or sliced with a blunt machine blade show             (Razem and Bernards, 2002).
                                                                      higher respiration rates, greater microbial contamination and                Deposition of suberin may cause detrimental quality charac-
                                                                      microbial growth rates, higher pH values in the carrot tissue,           teristics. For example, in the production of pre-peeled potatoes,
                                                                      higher rates of weight loss, and higher white tissue development         a common industrial product in Scandinavia, hardening of the
                                                                      than those that had been hand peeled or sliced with razor blades         tuber surface takes place (Fig. 2a) (Kaack et al., 2002b). These
                                                                      (Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne, 1998; 2000).                                   potatoes are too hard for consumption, even after cooking at 98–
                                                                          The respiration rate of fresh vegetable slices is in most cases      100◦ C for one hour. Microscopic examination shows that when
                                                                      3 to 5 times that of the intact organ, but aging of the sliced tissue    hard potatoes are cooked, brick-like cells at the potato surface
                                                                      elicits additional increase. Thus, the respiration rate of an aged       remain intact (Fig. 2b). It was demonstrated that potato harden-
                                                                      slice may be 25 times that of the intact organ (Laties, 1978).           ing was significantly correlated to the mechanical impact of the
                                                                      Wads¨ et al. (2004) found that the overall metabolic activity
                                                                             o                                                                 peeler, and was increased by blows during sorting or transport
                                                                      of diced carrot, rutabaga, and potato tissue rose linearly with an       (Kaack et al. 2002a). However, the hardening of potato tissue
                                                                      increase in cut surface area per unit volume (intensity of wound-        does not occur if the tubers are steamed or cooked immediately
                                                                      ing), being as much as 40% higher when the surface area was              or a few hours after peeling, probably because the exposed in-
                                                                      doubled. This increase in metabolic activity is the consequence          tact cells are killed. Therefore, understanding the dynamics and
                                                                      of a large number of biosynthetic events taking place during             time scales of the metabolic processes taking place in vegeta-
                                                                      wound healing (Laties, 1978).                                            bles during industrial unit operations is of great importance in
                                                                          The initial physiological steps following wounding and the           processing design and optimization.
                                                                      generation of wound signals are not fully understood (Saltveit,
                                                                      2000). Products of lipid metabolism and lipid oxidation as well          LOW-TEMPERATURE STRESS
                                                                      as compounds such as ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA), are
                                                                      thought to be possible candidates for the wound signals in plant            Among the various kinds of environmental stress affecting
                                                                      cells (Pe˜ a-Cortes and Willmitzer, 1995).
                                                                                n                                                              plants, low temperature is of particular interest to food science,
                                                                          When plant tissues are wounded, the cells near the site of the       since low temperature, either chilling or freezing, is one of the
                                                                      wounding stress strengthen their cell walls by the secretion of ad-      most widespread and effective methods of conservation.
                                                                      ditional structural components such as lignin or suberin, creating
                                                                      a protective layer immediately below the site of damage, to pre-
                                                                                                                                               Low-Temperature Sweetening
                                                                      vent dehydration and potential penetration by pathogens (Satoh
                                                                      et al.,1992; Kaack et al., 2002b). The synthesis of several se-
                                                                      creted proteins, such as hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, and
                                                                      their cross-linking to the cell wall after wounding has also been           During the storage of some plant tissues at temperatures lower
                                                                      observed (Showalter and Varner, 1987; Bradley et al., 1992).             than those for optimum growth or storage (i.e.,<9–10◦ C for
                                                                          Suberization is a regulated process whereby the intercellular        potatoes), the inverse hydrolysis of polysaccharides to disac-
                                                                      spaces in tissues become impregnated with a poly(phenolic) ma-           charides, and finally to monosaccharides takes place. This usu-
                                                                      trix concomitant with the deposition of a poly(aliphatic) matrix         ally occurs early during the storage period (Rutherford, 1981;
                                                                      between the plasmalemma and carbohydrate cell wall (Fried-               Blenkinsop et al., 2004).
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                                                                      Figure 2 Microstructure of the surface of wounded potato tissue. (a) Raw surface with thick suberized (s) and curly cell walls (w). (b) Surface of cooked potato
                                                                      showing a few brick-like cells at (u) and gelatinized starch (G) with small regions of suberin.

                                                                         In parsnip roots and potato tubers the increase in levels of                  Implications for the Potato Crisp Industry
                                                                      sucrose and other hexoses during low-temperature storage is
                                                                      known as “cold sweetening” (Hart et al., 1986; Shattuck et al.,                      Blenkinsop et al. (2004) underlined the importance of the un-
                                                                      1989; Wismer et al., 1995; Espen et al., 1999). The cold-induced                 derstanding of metabolic changes in potatoes during cold storage
                                                                      increase in soluble sugars may play a role in osmoregulation,                    to ensure satisfactory chip color in the potato chip industry. Color
                                                                      cryoprotection (Espen et al., 1999) and possibly also in the                     control is complicated as the color is determined by the chemical
                                                                      activation of respiratory metabolism. The genetic control and                    composition of the tubers, which not only varies with season and
                                                                      the metabolic pathways of sugar synthesis have been studied                      cultivar, but changes during storage. Sugar levels and free amino
                                                                      (Deiting et al., 1998). In potatoes, the mechanism of cold sweet-                acids are important in determining the chip color, which is at-
                                                                      ening is complex and is mediated by many interrelated metabolic                  tributed to the products of the Maillard reaction. In addition to the
                                                                      pathways, such as the induction of the enzymes required in                       complex carbohydrate metabolism, storage conditions and the
                                                                      starch degradation, alterations in the biochemical pathways of                   length of storage are also known to increase the free amino acid
                                                                      sucrose metabolism, glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration,                    content and the amount of reducing sugars (Brierley et al., 1996).
                                                                      as well as electrolyte leakage and membrane lipid peroxidation                       In April 2002, the National Food Administration of Sweden
                                                                      (Blenkinsop et al., 2004).                                                       and the University of Stockholm announced the presence of
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                                                                      acrylamide, a possible carcinogenic, in foods processed at               It has been shown that some of the effects of low-temperature
                                                                      high temperatures (Ros´ n and Hellen¨ s, 2002; Tareke et al.,
                                                                                                e               a                           stress are mediated by reactive oxygen species (Aroca et al.,
                                                                      2002). As a result of high-temperature frying, potato-based           2003). The production of ROS is a phenomenon common to
                                                                      food products, such as potato crisps, contain higher levels of        chilling and other stress conditions (e.g., cell damage), as indi-
                                                                      acrylamide than other baked or fried products (Chuda et al.,          cated in the previous section. Under prolonged oxidative stress
                                                                      2003). Changes in the levels of reducing sugars and amino acids       conditions, ROS cause lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and
                                                                      in potato tubers during storage were investigated in relation to      protein oxidative inactivation (Prasad, 1996). The activities of
                                                                      the presence of acrylamide in the crisps. Chuda et al. (2003)         certain enzymes involved in keeping ROS at low levels, in-
                                                                      found that crisps made from tubers stored at 2◦ C contained ten       cluding superoxide dismutase and catalase, decrease. The con-
                                                                      times more acrylamide than those made from tubers stored at           sequence of this is a reduction in defence against free radi-
                                                                      20◦ C. In the crisps, the acrylamide level did not depend on the      cals and repair mechanisms. During exposure to stress the bal-
                                                                      levels of total amino acids or aspargine, but on the availability     ance between degradation and repair will be shifted towards
                                                                      of reducing sugars in the raw potato.                                 greater degradation of susceptible tissues (Purvis and Shewfelt,
                                                                          Generally, the tubers used to manufacture potato crisps are       1993).
                                                                      not stored at such low temperatures as 2◦ C, as they will produce
                                                                      dark-colored crisps that are unacceptable to the consumer due
                                                                      to their appearance and bitter taste (Roe et al., 1990). Therefore,   Minimizing Chilling Injury After Harvest
                                                                      potatoes are generally stored at around 10◦ C in order to main-           Species that are sensitive to chilling can show appreciable
                                                                      tain low levels of sugars during long-term storage (Blenkinsop        variation in their response to low temperatures. Also, tem-
                                                                      et al., 2004). However, at this storage temperature potatoes will     peratures that are considered “cold” vary between species
                                                                      sprout, and the application of chemicals to inhibit sprouting may     (e.g. pineapple and carrot). Resistance to chilling injury often
                                                                      be necessary. According to Blenkinsop et al. (2004), there has        increases if plants are first hardened (acclimated) by exposure to
                                                                      been great interest during recent years in developing potato culti-   cool but non-injurious temperatures. Chilling damage thus can
                                                                      vars (through traditional breeding and selection methods and/or       be minimized if exposure is slow and gradual. Membrane lipids
                                                                      through the use of genetic engineering) that are more resistant       from chilling-resistant plants often have a greater proportion of
                                                                      to low-temperature sweetening, and which have an acceptable           unsaturated fatty acids than those from chilling-sensitive plants,
                                                                      color when processed directly after low-temperature storage           and during acclimation to low temperatures the activity of lipid
                                                                      (e.g. 4◦ C), thus avoiding the application of sprout inhibitors.      desaturase enzymes increases and the proportion of unsaturated
                                                                      As stated above, levels of formation of acrylamide during frying      lipids rises (Stanley, 1991; Palta et al., 1993). This modification
                                                                      should be another criterion for the development of such cultivars.    lowers the temperature at which the membrane lipids begin
                                                                                                                                            a gradual phase change from fluid to semi-crystalline, and
                                                                      Chilling Injury                                                       allows membranes to remain fluid at lower temperatures
                                                                                                                                            (Vandenbussche et al., 1999). For example, Marangoni et al.
                                                                          During growth and postharvest handling, chilling injury, de-      (1990) stored mature green commercial tomatoes at 12◦ C for 4
                                                                      fined as damage to susceptible plant species during exposure           d followed by storage at 8◦ C for 4 d, and then chilling at 5◦ C
                                                                      to low temperatures above the freezing point, leads to losses in      for 15 d. The properties of these tomatoes were compared with
                                                                      yield and growth potential of crop plants and to reduced quality      those directly chilled for 15 d at 5◦ C. The gradual acclimation
                                                                      of detached, edible tissues (Purvis and Shewfelt, 1993). Fruits of    program decreased the severity of chilling injury, as reflected
                                                                      many species, especially those of tropical and subtropical origin     in a more intense red color and a harder fruit, compared with
                                                                      suffer chilling injury upon exposure to non-freezing tempera-         what was observed in directly chilled tomatoes. Gradually
                                                                      tures below 12◦ C (Lafuente et al., 1991; Jaitrong et al., 2004).     cold-treated tomatoes showed an increase in the proportion
                                                                                                                                            of unsaturated fatty acids in their membranes, indicating that
                                                                                                                                            acclimation had taken place. The described chilling response
                                                                      Causes of Tissue Damage
                                                                                                                                            will also prepare plant tissues for potential freezing.
                                                                         A common response of sensitive plant cells to low tem-                 A direct response to chilling is a decrease in cellular res-
                                                                      peratures is the disruption of membrane integrity (Purvis and         piration. However, in many species acclimation results in the
                                                                      Shewfelt, 1993). In chilling-sensitive plants, the lipids in the      restoration of respiration (Atkin and Tjoelker, 2003), which may
                                                                      bilayer have a high percentage of saturated fatty acid chains,        lead to increased respiratory losses during storage. Therefore,
                                                                      and membranes with this composition tend to solidify into a           it is important to use procedures for thermal acclimation that
                                                                      semi-crystalline state at a temperature well above 0◦ C (Parkin       avoid respiratory reactivation.
                                                                      et al., 1989). Low temperature also affects membrane proteins             Other methods of reducing or avoiding chilling injury have
                                                                      and enzymes. Protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions may       been described in the literature. They are based on the physio-
                                                                      be weakened by a decrease in the relative strength of hydropho-       logical response to another stress that protects the tissue against
                                                                      bic bonding, leading to subunit dissociation and/or polypeptide       chilling injury (cross-tolerance). These procedures will be de-
                                                                      unfolding (Stanley, 1991).                                            scribed in more detail in following sections.
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                                                                      Freezing Injury                                                        wheat after 21 days’ of cold acclimation (Houde et al., 1995),
                                                                                                                                             and have been found to be accumulated in many organelles,
                                                                         Freezing injury occurs at temperatures below the freezing           including the endoplasmic reticulum (Ukaji et al., 2001) and
                                                                      point of water. Several plants, however, are able to induce            mitochondria (Zykova et al., 2002). The functions of these
                                                                      tolerance to freezing, following a period of acclimation at cold,      proteins are not fully understood and have been the subject of
                                                                      but non-freezing, temperatures (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002).           intense research during recent years. It has been speculated that
                                                                                                                                             they could have a detergent-like activity, coating hydrophobic
                                                                                                                                             surfaces and thus preventing the coagulation of macromolecules
                                                                      Physiology                                                             (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002). Examples of proteins that
                                                                          The primary manifestation of cell damage by freezing is ob-        accumulate with cold acclimation include the cryoprotective
                                                                      served in the plasma membrane (Steponkus, 1984; Palta, 1990).          proteins of spinach, rye, and other cereal antifreeze proteins
                                                                      The water potential of ice is lower than that of liquid water. Ex-     (AFPs) (Thomashow, 1999). A factor common to all these
                                                                      tracellular ice crystals grow by drawing water from cells, thus        proteins is that they are predominantly located in the apoplast
                                                                      dehydrating them, until the water potential of the ice and that of     and are therefore more likely to come into contact with the
                                                                      water in the cell are equal. The water potential of ice decreases as   outer surface of the plasma membrane.
                                                                      the temperature decreases, so the extent of cellular dehydration           AFPs are expressed in a number of plant species, such as
                                                                      increases with decreasing temperature, to a limit set by vitrifica-     winter rye, winter barley, winter canola, white oak, and carrots,
                                                                      tion (glassy state) (Pearce, 2001). This deterioration is observed     in response to low temperature (Urrutia et al., 1992; Duman and
                                                                      as wilting or softening of plant parts.                                Olsen, 1993; Feeney and Yeh, 1993; Griffith and Antikainen,
                                                                          Plants that survive winter either prevent the crystallization      1996; Smallwood et al., 1999). Their accumulation and activity
                                                                      of ice within their tissues (freeze avoidance) or can withstand        have been found to be strongly correlated with winter survival
                                                                      ice crystallization in the apoplast (freeze tolerance) (Smallwood      and it has been suggested that they be used as a biological marker
                                                                      and Bowles, 2002). Freeze avoidance involves supercooling and          for crop improvement (Griffith et al., 1992; Chun et al., 1998).
                                                                      hence prevention of the incursion of ice into the apoplast. With-          Antifreeze proteins interact with ice crystals by adsorption
                                                                      out ice nucleation, pure water can be supercooled to a certain         onto non-basal planes of ice at the ice-water interface thus mod-
                                                                      point below 0◦ C. However, this supercooling is only a practical       ifying their growth. At high AFP concentrations (µM), mini-
                                                                      strategy at the whole plant level when exposure to subzero tem-        mal crystal growth occurs, forming very small, stable hexago-
                                                                      peratures is relatively brief (George et al., 1982; Smallwood and      nal bipyramids. Physical damage caused by ice can occur during
                                                                      Bowles, 2002). Some specialized cell types and organs use su-          warming, as well as during freezing, by a process known as re-
                                                                      percooling as a strategy to overwinter, such as the xylem ray          crystallization (Knight and Duman, 1986; Breton et al., 2000).
                                                                      parenchyma cells of many trees, which supercool to around                  Recrystallization of ice occurs when small ice crystals con-
                                                                      -40◦ C (George and Burke, 1977). Given the widespread pres-            dense into larger ones. This can happen very quickly at tem-
                                                                      ence of nucleators in the environment, the most common frost           peratures just below the melting point of a frozen solution. In
                                                                      survival strategy is cold acclimation (freeze tolerance) and this is   nature, prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures and tem-
                                                                      achieved through several changes in cell biochemistry regulated        perature fluctuations may promote recrystallization of frozen
                                                                      at the gene expression level (Danyluk et al., 1998).                   tissues, especially those in which cells are densely packed, and
                                                                          The accumulation of osmotically active substances, such as         allow ice access to locations from which it is usually excluded.
                                                                      simple sugars, organic acids, proline, and glycinebetaine, is a        AFPs adsorbed onto the surfaces of ice act as potent inhibitors of
                                                                      protective mechanism induced by cold stress (as previously de-         recrystallization, even at very low concentrations (e.g. 1 µg/ml)
                                                                      scribed for cold sweetening). In many plants, sugars act as cry-       (Worrall et al., 1998; Smallwood et al., 1999). Given that AFPs
                                                                      oprotectants which increase the freezing resistance through di-        are also found in plant tissues where ice is allowed to crystal-
                                                                      rect and/or indirect effects (Graham and Patterson, 1982; Chang        lize in the apoplast (which includes the xylem, cell walls, and
                                                                      and Reed, 2000). The hydrophilic nature of sugars is well-suited       intercellular spaces), it has been speculated that inhibition of ice
                                                                      to replace water and stabilize the cell membrane through hydro-        recrystallization may be the physiologically relevant aspect of
                                                                      gen bonding between hydroxyl groups on the sugar and po-               the activity of AFPs (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002).
                                                                      lar residues in phospholipids, preventing dehydration effects in
                                                                      membranes (Danyluk et al., 1998). Accumulation of osmotically
                                                                                                                                             Application of Cold Acclimation in the
                                                                      active substances leads to a decrease in the chemical potential of
                                                                                                                                             Frozen-Vegetable Industry
                                                                      water. It has been suggested that this mechanism is involved in
                                                                      regulating the induction of cold-induced gene expression (Fu              When cold-stressed, starch-rich vegetables (e.g. potatoes)
                                                                      et al., 2000) and in the higher resistance of cold-acclimated          are frozen industrially, the effects of cold sweetening during
                                                                      plants to fungal infection (Tronsmo, 1986).                            the storage period could be detrimental to the quality of the
                                                                          Many cold-induced proteins accumulate in the tissues during        product after cooking by the consumer at home (e.g., exces-
                                                                      cold acclimation (reviewed by Thomashow, 1999). These can              sive brown color after frying, as discussed earlier). However,
                                                                      account for up to 0.9% of the total soluble proteins in winter         if vegetables accumulating mostly sucrose in their cytoplasm
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                                                                      Figure 3 Conventional scanning electron micrographs showing the parenchyma of frozen carrots. Carrot slices from non-acclimated (a) and cold-acclimated (b)
                                                                      field-grown carrot taproots were covered with plastic film and frozen at −5◦ C overnight. The samples were freeze-dried, fractured, and gold-sputtered. They were
                                                                      examined in a JEOL SEM 840-A microscope, operated at 15 kV and a working distance of 15 mm. The images show a remarkable contrast in the degree of tissue
                                                                      damage caused by the freezing treatment between the acclimated and the non-acclimated carrots.

                                                                      (e.g. carrots) and antifreeze proteins in their cell walls during                by G´ mez and Sj¨ holm (2004). The authors illustrated the en-
                                                                                                                                                            o            o
                                                                      growth in the field in late autumn are to be frozen, industry                     hancement of the tolerance to freezing by the metabolic response
                                                                      may take advantage of cold-induced stress responses to opti-                     to low-temperature stress by freezing both acclimated and non-
                                                                      mize the quality of the frozen product. The potential application                acclimated carrot slices at a very slow freezing rate (−5◦ C
                                                                      of the acquisition of freezing tolerance by cold-acclimation of                  ambient temperature over-night). Figure 3a shows a piece of
                                                                      carrot taproots in the frozen-carrot industry has been discussed                 non-acclimated carrot tissue that has been extensively damaged
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                                                                      756                                                     F. G. GALINDO ET AL.

                                                                      by freezing. In remarkable contrast, Fig. 3b shows much more          Causes of cell damage
                                                                      intact tissue of the cold-acclimated samples frozen under the
                                                                      same conditions. Although vegetables such as carrots are usually          Exposure of plants to temperatures above their optimal
                                                                      frozen quickly to produce small ice crystals, these ice crystals      growth temperature can disrupt many essential metabolic pro-
                                                                      may grow larger over time through recrystallization. Recrys-          cesses, including photosynthesis and respiration, the former be-
                                                                      tallization occurs when temperature gradients form within the         ing more sensitive. Activation of lipid peroxidation is one of the
                                                                      product during freezing or thawing, or when the temperature           earliest and least stress-specific plasmalemmal responses caused
                                                                      fluctuates during storage or transportation (Griffith and Ewart,        by any stress agent, including heat shock. Lipid peroxidation
                                                                      1995; Breton et al., 2000). Recrystallization in frozen foods can     can result in various structural and functional disturbances in
                                                                      result in membrane damage, thus reduced water holding capac-          the cell (Veselov et al., 2002). Furthermore, excessive fluidity
                                                                      ity (high drip loss), and associated loss of nutrients (Fletcher      of membrane lipids at high temperatures (above 50◦ C) is cor-
                                                                      et al., 1999; Breton et al., 2000). AFP is abundant in the accli-     related with loss of functional cell compartmentalisation which
                                                                      mated carrot tap root apoplast (0.5 mg of pure protein can be         considerably enhances the permeability of membranes and, in
                                                                      isolated from 1 kg of fully acclimated carrot taproots Smallwood      consequence, the passive flux of solutes (Kluge et al., 1991),
                                                                      et al., 1999), and may be a key factor in inhibiting recrystalliza-   leakage of electrolytes, and reduction of turgor pressure (De
                                                                      tion and preserving the quality of the frozen product.                Belie et al., 2000; Gonz´ lez-Mart´nez, 2003). It has been hypoth-
                                                                                                                                                                      a        ı
                                                                          The potential benefits of cold acclimation of frozen carrots       esized that in beans susceptible to the HTC defect, the effects of
                                                                      can, however be eradicated by the common practice of blanching        temperature on cell membrane are accompanied by lignification
                                                                      before freezing. Heat will damage the cells, destroying the pro-      of the cell wall, pectic de-esterification in the middle lamella
                                                                      tective system nature has created against frost damage. Above         and breakdown of phytic acid, inhibiting chelation of divalent
                                                                      approximately 50◦ C, the functionality of the cell membrane is        cations, which renders pectates in the middle lamella unsuscep-
                                                                      irreversibly damaged (De Belie et al., 2000). Denaturation of         tible to softening during cooking (Aguilera and Ballivian, 1987,
                                                                      proteins such as AFPs in the cell walls would also compromise         Reyes-Moreno and Paredes-L´ pez, 1993).
                                                                      the cold acclimation effect, as these proteins must be folded             High-temperature injury is also associated with lipid phase
                                                                      correctly in order to be active (M. Griffith, pers. comm.). The        transitions and/or changes in transmembrane protein conforma-
                                                                      optimization of blanching to minimize tissue damage is thus very      tion (Hansen et al., 1994). Heat stress causes many cell proteins
                                                                      important if the frozen-food industry is to be able to take advan-    (enzymes or structural proteins) to become unfolded or mis-
                                                                      tage of cold acclimation to protect tissue cells (G´ mez, 2004).
                                                                                                                          o                 folded. Such misfolded proteins can aggregate and precipitate.

                                                                      HEAT STRESS AND HEAT SHOCK
                                                                                                                                            Plant Strategies for Heat Tolerance
                                                                          Most tissues of higher plants are unable to survive extended
                                                                      exposure to high temperatures. Non-growing cells and dehy-                Metabolic acclimation associated with heat tolerance mech-
                                                                      drated tissue can tolerate much higher temperatures than hy-          anisms includes an increase in the degree of saturation of fatty
                                                                      drated, growing cells. Actively growing tissues rarely survive        acids in membrane lipids, which makes the membranes less fluid,
                                                                      temperatures above 45◦ C, but dry seeds can endure 120◦ C and         the synthesis of enzymes and isoenzymes with broad thermal
                                                                      pollen grains of some species can remain viable after exposure        kinetic windows, the synthesis of protective enzymes such as
                                                                      to 70◦ C (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002).                                     glutathione reductase, peroxidase, and catalase (Viswanathan
                                                                          Storage of some legumes under tropical conditions (30–            and Khanna-Chopra, 1996), and the production of heat shock
                                                                      40◦ C; >75% humidity) renders them susceptible to a hardening         proteins (HSPs).
                                                                      phenomenon, causing nutritional losses and inflicting economic             In response to sudden rises in temperature (5 to 10◦ C), plants
                                                                      losses on farmers and poor urban dwellers in developing               produce a unique set of proteins, the HSPs. Most HSPs func-
                                                                      countries (Aguilera and Ballivian, 1987; Martin-Cabrejas and          tion as molecular chaperones, that is, they bind to unfolded or
                                                                      Esteban, 1995). This is an irreversible phenomenon known              denatured proteins, prevent aggregation and induce correct re-
                                                                      as the hard-to-cook (HTC) defect. Beans with this defect are          folding, facilitating correct cell function at elevated, stressful
                                                                      characterized by extended cooking times to achieve cotyledon          temperatures. Some HSPs assist in polypeptide transport across
                                                                      softening, are less palatable to the consumer and are of lower        membranes into cellular compartments (Miroshnichenko et al.,
                                                                      nutritional value (Reyes-Moreno and Paredes-L´ pez, 1993).
                                                                                                                        o                   2005).
                                                                          In many crops, as further discussed in this section, peri-            Plants and most other organisms produce HSPs that have
                                                                      odic, brief exposure to sublethal heat stress often induces tol-      different functions in response to increases in temperature:
                                                                      erance to otherwise lethal temperatures, a phenomenon known           HSP100, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, and small HSPs (smHSPs,
                                                                      as induced thermotolerance (Viswanathan and Khanna-Chopra,            15–30 kDa) (Vierling, 1991). HSP expression has been charac-
                                                                      1996). Thermotolerance in crops is determined by a variety of         terized in a variety of higher plants, including tomato (Banzet et
                                                                      factors such as photoperiod, light intensity and water availability   al., 1998), maize (Cooper and Ho, 1983), soybean (Hsieh et al.,
                                                                      (Ahn et al., 2004).                                                   1992), carrot (Malik et al., 1999), pea (DeRocher et al., 1991),
Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008

                                                                                                                         PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGY                                                          757

                                                                      sugar cane (Hoisydai and Harrington, 1989), apple (Bowen et al.,     2003). Thus, cells previously exposed to one kind of stress may
                                                                      2002), and potato (Ahn et al., 2004). Some smHSPs are known          gain protection against another kind (cross-tolerance). For exam-
                                                                      to play an important role in the protection of biomembranes and      ple, some of the HSPs are not unique to high-temperature stress
                                                                      organelles (Viswanathan and Khanna-Chopra, 1996). Synthe-            and can be induced by other forms of stress such as drought
                                                                      sizing a number of smHSPs at elevated temperatures is one of         (Alamillo et al., 1995; Wehmeyer and Vierling, 2000), wound-
                                                                      the unique features of the heat-shock response of plants (Ahn        ing, low temperature, and salinity (Wang et al., 2001). Symptoms
                                                                      et al., 2004). Cells that have been induced to synthesize HSPs       of chilling injury are reduced after heat pretreatment, and this
                                                                      show improved thermal tolerance and can withstand exposure to        reduction is correlated with persistence of several HSPs in fruit
                                                                      temperatures that are otherwise lethal (Malik et al., 1999; Bowen    tissue (Sabehat et al., 1996). Tomato and avocado fruits, in which
                                                                      et al., 2002). It has been shown that a smHSP in tomato (VIS1)       heat shock was induced (48 h at 38◦ C), accumulated HSPs and
                                                                      plays a role in facilitating fruit ripening, senescence, and seed    were protected from injury by subsequent chilling at 2◦ C (Lurie,
                                                                      dispersal by protecting the cellular machinery against thermal       1998). Reduced chilling injury of cucumber cotyledons and cul-
                                                                      denaturation during the daily cycles of daytime rise in tempera-     tured apple cells after exposure to 37 or 42◦ C has also been re-
                                                                      ture. VIS1 acts as a chaperone by binding reversibly to enzymes,     ported (Lafuente et al., 1991; Wang et al., 2001). Heat treatment
                                                                      including cell wall polymer-modifying enzymes, and protecting        at 38◦ C for 8 h applied to evening-harvested sweet basil reduced
                                                                      them from thermal denaturation (Ramakrishna et al., 2003).           its sensitivity to chilling. This reduction may have involved the
                                                                          In the food industry, heat treatment (generally 50–70◦ C) has    antioxidative system of ROS protection, as suggested by the
                                                                      been used for the past 40 years to improve the texture of veg-       increased reductive potential in the leaves, as well as the induc-
                                                                      etables prior to high-temperature processing. The firming ef-         tion of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity following heat
                                                                      fect of low-temperature blanching has been studied in a number       treatment. Elevated activity remained through subsequent cold
                                                                      of vegetables (Bartolome et al., 1972; Lee et al., 1979; Stolle-     storage below 12◦ C (Faure-Mlynski et al., 2004).
                                                                      Smits et al., 2000). Evidence indicates that the firming effect           Heat shock treatment has been used to reduce decay and
                                                                      is due to the temperature activation of pectin methylesterase        chilling injury, and to enhance host resistance to pathogens in
                                                                      (PME, EC The resulting reduction in the degree of         fruits. Treatment by dipping in water at 52–53◦ C for 2 min or
                                                                      methylesterification of the pectins in the cell wall and middle       62◦ C for 20 s promoted the accumulation of HSPs and proline-
                                                                      lamella allows the more calcium cross-linking between calcium        rich proteins in the skin of grapefruit. Heat application has been
                                                                      molecules, increasing firmness (Pilnik and Voragen, 1991). The        shown to markedly reduce decay and the sensitivity of citrus fruit
                                                                      mechanism governing temperature activation of PME is not             to chilling injury without any deleterious effects on fruit quality
                                                                      well-understood. It has been speculated that, at elevated tem-       (Ben-Yehoshua, 2003). Several types of machines for hot water
                                                                      peratures, a change in the PME enzyme or its environment may         treatment are already in operation in many countries in packing
                                                                      occur such that the enzyme is converted into a more active form.     houses for citrus (Ben-Yehoshua, 2003) and other fruits, such
                                                                      Loss of membrane integrity and leakage between cellular com-         as bell peppers, corn cobs, lychees, mangos, melons, nectarines,
                                                                      partments at temperatures >40◦ C may contribute to this activa-      and peaches (Fallik et al., 1999).
                                                                      tion (Anthon and Barrett, 2006). However, to our knowledge, no           When cells are subjected to a stressful, but non-lethal tem-
                                                                      previous study has associated PME activation with induction of       perature, the synthesis of HSPs increases dramatically, while
                                                                      signal cascades at the genetic level and/or metabolic transfor-      the continuous translation of other proteins is lowered or ceases
                                                                      mations strictly associated with the concept of “stress response”    (Vierling, 1991). This effect has been seen in studies on the
                                                                      that we have been using throughout this review. It appears that      wounding stress response of carrots and lettuce. In the case of
                                                                      mild blanching treatment, for example, at 70◦ C for 30 min (Lee      carrot slices, exposure to 40◦ C for 1 h caused the cessation of the
                                                                      et al., 1979), is used by the industry as a direct way of regulat-   synthesis and secretion of extensin proteins, a typical response to
                                                                      ing the activity of the enzyme. This treatment may mimic a true      wounding stress (Brodl and Ho, 1992). Maximum accumulation
                                                                      stress response that may occur at lower temperatures (around         of HSPs was seen in the carrot slices one hour after a temperature
                                                                      40◦ C) for a longer time, for example, when harvested material       increase from 28◦ C to 40◦ C. The synthesis of HSPs diminished
                                                                      lies in the sun for hours before processing. A more detailed study   sharply after 3 h of continuous incubation at 40◦ C and the carrots
                                                                      of the time and temperature dependence of PME activation and         resumed the secretion of extensin proteins during that period of
                                                                      the molecular mechanisms regulating it would be of interest.         time. Upon recovery from 40◦ C, the carrot slices resumed the
                                                                                                                                           secretion of extensin and other cell wall proteins (Brodl and Ho,
                                                                                                                                           1992). This study demonstrates that high-temperature stress re-
                                                                      Cross-Tolerance and its Application in Postharvest Handling          duces the response to wounding and nicely illustrates the fact
                                                                      and Minimal Processing                                               that plant tissues follow a certain temporal order and hierarchy
                                                                                                                                           in their response to multiple stimuli. The heat-stressed, wounded
                                                                         In general, stress responses involve changes in the proteome      tissue has basically redirected its resources towards the response
                                                                      and metabolome with increased expression of proteins and com-        to more severe stress.
                                                                      patible solutes. Cross-talk between stress signalling pathways           This principle has been applied in the minimal processing of
                                                                      may result in co-expression of stress responses (Joyce et al.,       vegetables to prevent browning of wounded lettuce leaf tissue.
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                                                                      758                                                     F. G. GALINDO ET AL.

                                                                      Wound-induced browning has been significantly reduced in ice-          2001a). During storage, carrots can increase their concentration
                                                                      berg lettuce by the application of short thermal stress (Loaiza-      of glucose and fructose from their sucrose stores (Herppich
                                                                      Velarde et al., 1997). A heat shock of 45◦ C for 90 s effectively     et al., 2001b,c). These monosaccharides contribute twice as
                                                                      prevents the synthesis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL),          much to osmotic pressure per unit weight as disaccharides.
                                                                      whose increased activity leads to the accumulation of phenolic           Cellular electron transport chains are impaired upon dehy-
                                                                      compounds (e.g., chlorogenic acid, dicaffeoyl tartaric acid, and      dration and may generate increasing amounts of reactive oxygen
                                                                      isochlorogenic acid) and tissue browning (Salveit, 2000). Inhi-       species (Hoekstra, 2002). Free radical attack on phospholipids,
                                                                      bition of PAL synthesis appears to result from the redirection of     DNA and proteins is one of the molecular mechanisms of
                                                                      protein synthesis away from wound-induced proteins to the syn-        damage leading to death in desiccation-sensitive cells upon
                                                                      thesis of HSPs. The effect of heat shock (45◦ C for 90 s followed     drying (Oliver et al., 2001). Protection against ROS is thought
                                                                      by rapid cooling to 0◦ C) either 4 h before wounding or 2 h af-       to play a role in desiccation tolerance. Therefore, free radical
                                                                      ter wounding was so persistent that the fresh-cut lettuce did not     scavenging systems are important components among the
                                                                      show any browning after 15 days in air at 5◦ C (Salveit, 2000).       mechanisms governing desiccation tolerance. Over-expression
                                                                      However, it has also been shown that this treatment was not suc-      of some enzymes, such as manganese superoxide dismutase
                                                                      cessful in tissues with constitutively or induced high levels of      and glutathione S-transferase/glutathione peroxidase, has been
                                                                      phenolic compounds. The heat shock acts only on the synthesis         associated with an enhanced tolerance to water deficit in trans-
                                                                      of PAL and not on the activity of other enzymes involved in           genic tobacco plants and cotton cells (Serrano and Montesinos,
                                                                      tissue browning (Salveit, 2000).                                      2003). Moreover, desiccation-tolerant organisms (seeds) can
                                                                                                                                            reduce and adapt their metabolic activities early during drying
                                                                                                                                            to decrease the generation of ROS (Leprince et al., 1994).
                                                                      DROUGHT STRESS AND DESICCATION TOLERANCE                                 Stress often induces the accumulation of proteins, as has been
                                                                                                                                            described for AFPs in the case of low-temperature stress and
                                                                         Water deficit can be defined as any water content of a tissue        HSPs in heat stress. In the case of drought stress, a large group
                                                                      or cell that is below the highest water content exhibited in the      of genes code for hydrophilic LEA proteins, which are sus-
                                                                      most hydrated state (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). Lack of water has        pected to play a role in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance
                                                                      several detrimental effects on plants, including modification of       (Blackman et al., 1995). Although the function of LEA proteins
                                                                      the cell wall crystallinity, clumping of microfibrils, denaturation    is not well-understood, they accumulate in vegetative tissues
                                                                      of proteins, loss of cell turgor and membrane fluidity, and oxida-     during episodes of drought. Their protective role may be
                                                                      tive damage by reactive oxygen species (Aguilera et al., 2003;        associated with their ability to retain water and to prevent
                                                                      Prothon et al., 2003).                                                crystallization of cellular proteins during desiccation (Serrano
                                                                                                                                            and Montesinos, 2003). Oliver et al. (2001), summarize the
                                                                                                                                            possible protective roles of LEA proteins. At high hydration
                                                                      Strategies for Desiccation Tolerance                                  levels, LEA proteins might play a role in sequestering ions and
                                                                                                                                            preventing of the damaging effects of free radical reactions.
                                                                         Some plant tissues can acquire desiccation tolerance, defined       In the dried state, LEA proteins may act together with carbo-
                                                                      as the ability to function while dehydrated, or desiccation post-     hydrates in the formation of a tight hydrogen-bound network,
                                                                      ponement, defined as the ability to maintain tissue hydration          providing stability to macromolecular and cellular structures
                                                                      (Davies, 2004). Desiccation tolerance involves a co-ordinated         in the cytoplasm. This network would inhibit the fusion of
                                                                      set of mechanisms that help certain tissues to survive dehydra-       cellular membranes, denaturation of cytoplasmic proteins, and
                                                                      tion. These mechanisms include stomatal closure (Davies et al.,       the detrimental effects of free radical reactions.
                                                                      2002), osmotic adjustment, removal of reactive oxygen species,           Drought typically leads to the accumulation of ABA. Numer-
                                                                      and the accumulation of late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA)             ous genes are induced by both drought and ABA accumulation
                                                                      proteins (Oliver et al., 2001).                                       during the stress episode (Liu et al., 2005). Exogenous applica-
                                                                         Plants can continue to take up water only when their water         tion of ABA has been shown to induce desiccation tolerance in
                                                                      potential is below that of the water source. Osmotic adjust-          somatic alfalfa embryos. Heat shock pretreatment, at 38◦ C for
                                                                      ment, in which cells accumulate osmotically active solutes (also      as little as 10 min, induced a degree of desiccation tolerance in
                                                                      known as compatible solutes or osmolytes and including sugars,        the somatic embryos which was equivalent to ABA application
                                                                      organic acids, glycine betaine, sorbitol, proline, amino acids,       and was therefore shown to be a viable alternative to exogenous
                                                                      polyols, quaternary amines, and ions), is a process in which the      ABA treatment. The drying rate did not influence the survival
                                                                      water potential of the tissue can be decreased without an accom-      of the heat-stressed embryos (Senaratna et al., 1989).
                                                                      panying decrease in turgor (see G´ mez et al., 2004 for definitions
                                                                      of plant water relations). The change in tissue water potential       Application to Food Dehydration
                                                                      results simply from changes in the osmotic potential (Fan et al.,
                                                                      1994; Zhang et al., 1999). In radish tubers the total concentration      The quality of air-dehydrated plant products is often very low,
                                                                      of free sugars increases with soil water deficit (Herppich et al.,     with shrunken, shrivelled, darkened tissue, and poor rehydration
2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry
2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry
2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry
2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry
2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry

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2007 plant stress physiology- opportunities and challenges for the food industry

  • 1. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46:749–763 (2007) Copyright C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1040-8398 DOI: 10.1080/10408390601062211 Plant Stress Physiology: Opportunities and Challenges for the Food Industry FEDERICO GOMEZ GALINDO∗ and INGEGERD SJOHOLM ´ ¨ Department of Food Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden ALLAN G. RASMUSSON and SUSANNE WIDELL Department of Cell and Organism Biology, Lund University, S¨ lvegatan 35B, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden o KARL KAACK Department of Food Science, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Kristinebjergvej 10, DK-5792, Aarslev, Denmark We review and analyze the possible advantages and disadvantages of plant-stress-related metabolic and structural changes on applications in the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Knowledge of the cellular and tissue transformations that result from environmental conditions or industrial manipulation is a powerful means for food engineers to gain a better understanding of biological systems in order to avoid potential side effects. Our aim is to provide an overview of the understanding and implementation of physiological and biochemical principles in the industrial processing of fruits and vegetables. Keywords stress tolerance, freezing, heat, drought, drying, postharvest, minimal processing INTRODUCTION to become stressful. Cellular responses to stress may include changes in cell cycle and division, cell membranes, cell wall Because plants are confined to the place in which they grow, architecture, and metabolism (e.g. accumulation of osmotically they have a limited capacity to avoid unfavorable conditions active substances). in their environment, such as extremes of temperature, water From a biological point of view, industrial treatment of plant shortage, insufficient or excessive light or mineral nutrients, tissue will mimic stress (Fig. 1) and therefore, knowledge of wounding by herbivores, or attack by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, how the plant material will be affected in relation to time, the viruses, and viroids. Plants have developed sophisticated molec- environment, and industrial manipulation is of fundamental im- ular chemical strategies to defend themselves against such abi- portance for quality assurance and process optimization. We otic and biotic stress, often combined with changes in growth here focus our attention on reviewing and analyzing possible and development patterns (Boyer, 1982; Gaspar et al., 2002). advantages and disadvantages of the stress responses of fruits Stress is usually defined as an external factor that exerts a dis- and vegetables during industrial processing operations. Reports advantageous influence on the plant. This concept is closely on attempts to implement physiological and biochemical prin- associated with stress tolerance, which is the plant’s capacity ciples in the industrial processing of fruit and vegetables are to cope with unfavorable conditions (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). not common in the literature, but a few recent investigations, In both natural and agricultural conditions, environmental fac- referred to in the following sections, have laid the foundation tors, such as air temperature, can become stressful in just a few for a fascinating area of research and technological innovation. minutes. Soil water content may take days to weeks, whereas other factors such as soil mineral deficiency, can take months STRESS LEADING TO CELL DAMAGE ∗ Address Correspondence to Federico G´ mez Galindo, Department of Food o Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden. Tel: During harvesting, transportation, washing, sorting, and +4646 222 9814; Fax: +4646 222 9846; E-mail: packing, fruits and vegetables are subjected to mechanical stress 749
  • 2. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 750 F. G. GALINDO ET AL. Figure 1 Schematic representation of the topics discussed in this review. Industrial treatment of plant tissue will mimic stress responses in nature, influencing the quality of fresh and processed products. that may lead to crushing of surface cell layers. When the fresh during harvesting, handling and storage, leading to significant products reach the processing line for producing, for example, levels of rejection of potato harvests (Potato Marketing Board, ready-to-use salads, they are typically peeled, sliced, diced, or 1994). The synthesis of melanin is thought to be a defence shredded before packaging. These operations cut through cells mechanism in which the polymerized, insoluble complexes and leave intact cells of previously internal tissues exposed. form a resistant barrier, sealing tuber tissues against the entry These postharvest and processing operations are traumatic for and spread of pathogens. The predisposition of tubers to melanin the cells proximal to the damage site and induce a complex se- production depends on growth and storage conditions and ries of molecular events aimed at repairing the damage caused temperature during processing, and exhibits a wide range of ge- to the tissue (Surjadinata and Cisneros-Zevallos, 2003). netic variation (Hoffmann and Wormanns, 2002; Johnson et al., 2003). Therefore, mechanical stress during handling (caused, e.g. by falls and collisions) induces wound responses leading to Response to Postharvest Handling undesirable physiological changes, further reducing quality and storability. Mechanical stress, imposed on plant cells by a variety of phys- In spite of the many detrimental consequences of posthar- ical stimuli during harvesting and handling of fresh horticultural vest mechanical stress on the quality of fruit and vegetables, products, induces a wide range of cellular responses such as in- some reports have shown that slight mechanical stress during creased respiration rate, ethylene production, and higher suscep- growth can improve the postharvest processability of lettuce, tibility to pathogen attack (Charron and Cantliffe, 1995; Stanley, cauliflower, celery (Biddington and Dearman, 1985; P¨ ntinen o 1991). In carrots, mechanical stress brings about a decrease in and Voipio, 1992), and baby leaf salad (Clarkson et al., 2003), root pressure potential and water potential during the initial stor- when the stress is applied to the seedlings. Mechanical stress age period (Mempel and Geyer, 1999; Herppich et al., 1999). during growth results in modified leaf architecture producing Furthermore, the production of ethylene and 6-methoxymellein smaller, more compact new leaves. After industrial unit oper- (a bitter compound) increases, whereas the levels of several ter- ations including washing, drying, and packing, baby leaves of penes associated with the characteristic aroma of carrots de- lettuce and spinach showed an increase in shelf-life. This in- creases (Selj˚ sen et al., 2001). The accelerated aging in cu- a crease was associated with a reduction in the area of individual cumbers involves the induction of cell-wall-degrading enzymes, epidermal cells and modification of the biophysical properties leading to tissue degeneration (Miller and Kelley, 1989). of the cell wall (Clarkson et al., 2003). The mechanical stress Potatoes are particularly susceptible to mechanical stress. manipulation of the seedlings led to the development of new Physically stressed tuber tissue produces melanin-based adapted leaves with stiffer cell walls, so that the leaves would pigments, leading to the blue-black discoloration of subdermal have greater protection against mechanical stress during pro- tissues known agronomically as black-spot bruising (Johnson cessing; stress that may otherwise cause damage and browning et al., 2003).This is a serious agronomic problem manifested of the leaves (Lopez-Galvez et al., 1996). Smaller cells have
  • 3. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGY 751 a larger relative cell wall volume and dry weight (Wurr et al., man, 1997; Bernards et al., 1999). The oxidative coupling of 1986; Clarkson et al., 2003). the poly(phenolic) component of suberin is thought to be a peroxidase/H2 O2 -dependent, free-radical process. In response to wounding, and in association with suberization, plant tis- Effects on Minimally Processed Plant Tissue sues generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), including super- oxide (O− ), hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), and the hydroxyl radical 2 As a result of peeling, grating, or shredding, a relatively stable (OH. ). It has been shown that H2 O2 is essential for suberization agricultural product with a shelf life of several weeks or months in potato slices (Razem and Bernards, 2002). Immediately fol- will change into one that deteriorates rapidly from a food quality lowing wounding, a rapid increase in oxygen uptake is followed perspective. Minimally processed fruit and vegetables should by an initial burst of ROS (oxidative burst) (Bolwell et al., 1995). have storage lives of at least 4–7 days, but preferably longer, up In wounded potatoes, this burst reaches a maximum within 30 to 21 days depending on the market (Ahvenainen, 1996; Barry- to 60 min and is followed by at least three other massive bursts Ryan and O’Beirne, 1997). Deterioration is mostly the result of at 42, 63, and 100 h post-wounding. These later bursts were as- microbial spoilage, wound healing, biochemical changes, and sociated with wound healing and are probably involved in the loss of nutritional quality. oxidative cross-linking of suberin poly(phenols) (Razem and The quality and shelf life of minimally processed fruit and Bernards, 2003). The initial deposition of suberin in potato re- vegetables are directly influenced by the extent of wounding quires approximately 18 h at 18◦ C (Lulai and Corsini, 1998) and the size of the wounded surface caused by the processing and reaches a stage in which the suberized layer has sufficient operation. For example, it has been demonstrated that carrots structural integrity to be peeled off intact 3 days after wounding peeled by abrasion or sliced with a blunt machine blade show (Razem and Bernards, 2002). higher respiration rates, greater microbial contamination and Deposition of suberin may cause detrimental quality charac- microbial growth rates, higher pH values in the carrot tissue, teristics. For example, in the production of pre-peeled potatoes, higher rates of weight loss, and higher white tissue development a common industrial product in Scandinavia, hardening of the than those that had been hand peeled or sliced with razor blades tuber surface takes place (Fig. 2a) (Kaack et al., 2002b). These (Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne, 1998; 2000). potatoes are too hard for consumption, even after cooking at 98– The respiration rate of fresh vegetable slices is in most cases 100◦ C for one hour. Microscopic examination shows that when 3 to 5 times that of the intact organ, but aging of the sliced tissue hard potatoes are cooked, brick-like cells at the potato surface elicits additional increase. Thus, the respiration rate of an aged remain intact (Fig. 2b). It was demonstrated that potato harden- slice may be 25 times that of the intact organ (Laties, 1978). ing was significantly correlated to the mechanical impact of the Wads¨ et al. (2004) found that the overall metabolic activity o peeler, and was increased by blows during sorting or transport of diced carrot, rutabaga, and potato tissue rose linearly with an (Kaack et al. 2002a). However, the hardening of potato tissue increase in cut surface area per unit volume (intensity of wound- does not occur if the tubers are steamed or cooked immediately ing), being as much as 40% higher when the surface area was or a few hours after peeling, probably because the exposed in- doubled. This increase in metabolic activity is the consequence tact cells are killed. Therefore, understanding the dynamics and of a large number of biosynthetic events taking place during time scales of the metabolic processes taking place in vegeta- wound healing (Laties, 1978). bles during industrial unit operations is of great importance in The initial physiological steps following wounding and the processing design and optimization. generation of wound signals are not fully understood (Saltveit, 2000). Products of lipid metabolism and lipid oxidation as well LOW-TEMPERATURE STRESS as compounds such as ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA), are thought to be possible candidates for the wound signals in plant Among the various kinds of environmental stress affecting cells (Pe˜ a-Cortes and Willmitzer, 1995). n plants, low temperature is of particular interest to food science, When plant tissues are wounded, the cells near the site of the since low temperature, either chilling or freezing, is one of the wounding stress strengthen their cell walls by the secretion of ad- most widespread and effective methods of conservation. ditional structural components such as lignin or suberin, creating a protective layer immediately below the site of damage, to pre- Low-Temperature Sweetening vent dehydration and potential penetration by pathogens (Satoh et al.,1992; Kaack et al., 2002b). The synthesis of several se- Physiology creted proteins, such as hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, and their cross-linking to the cell wall after wounding has also been During the storage of some plant tissues at temperatures lower observed (Showalter and Varner, 1987; Bradley et al., 1992). than those for optimum growth or storage (i.e.,<9–10◦ C for Suberization is a regulated process whereby the intercellular potatoes), the inverse hydrolysis of polysaccharides to disac- spaces in tissues become impregnated with a poly(phenolic) ma- charides, and finally to monosaccharides takes place. This usu- trix concomitant with the deposition of a poly(aliphatic) matrix ally occurs early during the storage period (Rutherford, 1981; between the plasmalemma and carbohydrate cell wall (Fried- Blenkinsop et al., 2004).
  • 4. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 752 F. G. GALINDO ET AL. Figure 2 Microstructure of the surface of wounded potato tissue. (a) Raw surface with thick suberized (s) and curly cell walls (w). (b) Surface of cooked potato showing a few brick-like cells at (u) and gelatinized starch (G) with small regions of suberin. In parsnip roots and potato tubers the increase in levels of Implications for the Potato Crisp Industry sucrose and other hexoses during low-temperature storage is known as “cold sweetening” (Hart et al., 1986; Shattuck et al., Blenkinsop et al. (2004) underlined the importance of the un- 1989; Wismer et al., 1995; Espen et al., 1999). The cold-induced derstanding of metabolic changes in potatoes during cold storage increase in soluble sugars may play a role in osmoregulation, to ensure satisfactory chip color in the potato chip industry. Color cryoprotection (Espen et al., 1999) and possibly also in the control is complicated as the color is determined by the chemical activation of respiratory metabolism. The genetic control and composition of the tubers, which not only varies with season and the metabolic pathways of sugar synthesis have been studied cultivar, but changes during storage. Sugar levels and free amino (Deiting et al., 1998). In potatoes, the mechanism of cold sweet- acids are important in determining the chip color, which is at- ening is complex and is mediated by many interrelated metabolic tributed to the products of the Maillard reaction. In addition to the pathways, such as the induction of the enzymes required in complex carbohydrate metabolism, storage conditions and the starch degradation, alterations in the biochemical pathways of length of storage are also known to increase the free amino acid sucrose metabolism, glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration, content and the amount of reducing sugars (Brierley et al., 1996). as well as electrolyte leakage and membrane lipid peroxidation In April 2002, the National Food Administration of Sweden (Blenkinsop et al., 2004). and the University of Stockholm announced the presence of
  • 5. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGY 753 acrylamide, a possible carcinogenic, in foods processed at It has been shown that some of the effects of low-temperature high temperatures (Ros´ n and Hellen¨ s, 2002; Tareke et al., e a stress are mediated by reactive oxygen species (Aroca et al., 2002). As a result of high-temperature frying, potato-based 2003). The production of ROS is a phenomenon common to food products, such as potato crisps, contain higher levels of chilling and other stress conditions (e.g., cell damage), as indi- acrylamide than other baked or fried products (Chuda et al., cated in the previous section. Under prolonged oxidative stress 2003). Changes in the levels of reducing sugars and amino acids conditions, ROS cause lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and in potato tubers during storage were investigated in relation to protein oxidative inactivation (Prasad, 1996). The activities of the presence of acrylamide in the crisps. Chuda et al. (2003) certain enzymes involved in keeping ROS at low levels, in- found that crisps made from tubers stored at 2◦ C contained ten cluding superoxide dismutase and catalase, decrease. The con- times more acrylamide than those made from tubers stored at sequence of this is a reduction in defence against free radi- 20◦ C. In the crisps, the acrylamide level did not depend on the cals and repair mechanisms. During exposure to stress the bal- levels of total amino acids or aspargine, but on the availability ance between degradation and repair will be shifted towards of reducing sugars in the raw potato. greater degradation of susceptible tissues (Purvis and Shewfelt, Generally, the tubers used to manufacture potato crisps are 1993). not stored at such low temperatures as 2◦ C, as they will produce dark-colored crisps that are unacceptable to the consumer due to their appearance and bitter taste (Roe et al., 1990). Therefore, Minimizing Chilling Injury After Harvest potatoes are generally stored at around 10◦ C in order to main- Species that are sensitive to chilling can show appreciable tain low levels of sugars during long-term storage (Blenkinsop variation in their response to low temperatures. Also, tem- et al., 2004). However, at this storage temperature potatoes will peratures that are considered “cold” vary between species sprout, and the application of chemicals to inhibit sprouting may (e.g. pineapple and carrot). Resistance to chilling injury often be necessary. According to Blenkinsop et al. (2004), there has increases if plants are first hardened (acclimated) by exposure to been great interest during recent years in developing potato culti- cool but non-injurious temperatures. Chilling damage thus can vars (through traditional breeding and selection methods and/or be minimized if exposure is slow and gradual. Membrane lipids through the use of genetic engineering) that are more resistant from chilling-resistant plants often have a greater proportion of to low-temperature sweetening, and which have an acceptable unsaturated fatty acids than those from chilling-sensitive plants, color when processed directly after low-temperature storage and during acclimation to low temperatures the activity of lipid (e.g. 4◦ C), thus avoiding the application of sprout inhibitors. desaturase enzymes increases and the proportion of unsaturated As stated above, levels of formation of acrylamide during frying lipids rises (Stanley, 1991; Palta et al., 1993). This modification should be another criterion for the development of such cultivars. lowers the temperature at which the membrane lipids begin a gradual phase change from fluid to semi-crystalline, and Chilling Injury allows membranes to remain fluid at lower temperatures (Vandenbussche et al., 1999). For example, Marangoni et al. During growth and postharvest handling, chilling injury, de- (1990) stored mature green commercial tomatoes at 12◦ C for 4 fined as damage to susceptible plant species during exposure d followed by storage at 8◦ C for 4 d, and then chilling at 5◦ C to low temperatures above the freezing point, leads to losses in for 15 d. The properties of these tomatoes were compared with yield and growth potential of crop plants and to reduced quality those directly chilled for 15 d at 5◦ C. The gradual acclimation of detached, edible tissues (Purvis and Shewfelt, 1993). Fruits of program decreased the severity of chilling injury, as reflected many species, especially those of tropical and subtropical origin in a more intense red color and a harder fruit, compared with suffer chilling injury upon exposure to non-freezing tempera- what was observed in directly chilled tomatoes. Gradually tures below 12◦ C (Lafuente et al., 1991; Jaitrong et al., 2004). cold-treated tomatoes showed an increase in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in their membranes, indicating that acclimation had taken place. The described chilling response Causes of Tissue Damage will also prepare plant tissues for potential freezing. A common response of sensitive plant cells to low tem- A direct response to chilling is a decrease in cellular res- peratures is the disruption of membrane integrity (Purvis and piration. However, in many species acclimation results in the Shewfelt, 1993). In chilling-sensitive plants, the lipids in the restoration of respiration (Atkin and Tjoelker, 2003), which may bilayer have a high percentage of saturated fatty acid chains, lead to increased respiratory losses during storage. Therefore, and membranes with this composition tend to solidify into a it is important to use procedures for thermal acclimation that semi-crystalline state at a temperature well above 0◦ C (Parkin avoid respiratory reactivation. et al., 1989). Low temperature also affects membrane proteins Other methods of reducing or avoiding chilling injury have and enzymes. Protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions may been described in the literature. They are based on the physio- be weakened by a decrease in the relative strength of hydropho- logical response to another stress that protects the tissue against bic bonding, leading to subunit dissociation and/or polypeptide chilling injury (cross-tolerance). These procedures will be de- unfolding (Stanley, 1991). scribed in more detail in following sections.
  • 6. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 754 F. G. GALINDO ET AL. Freezing Injury wheat after 21 days’ of cold acclimation (Houde et al., 1995), and have been found to be accumulated in many organelles, Freezing injury occurs at temperatures below the freezing including the endoplasmic reticulum (Ukaji et al., 2001) and point of water. Several plants, however, are able to induce mitochondria (Zykova et al., 2002). The functions of these tolerance to freezing, following a period of acclimation at cold, proteins are not fully understood and have been the subject of but non-freezing, temperatures (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002). intense research during recent years. It has been speculated that they could have a detergent-like activity, coating hydrophobic surfaces and thus preventing the coagulation of macromolecules Physiology (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002). Examples of proteins that The primary manifestation of cell damage by freezing is ob- accumulate with cold acclimation include the cryoprotective served in the plasma membrane (Steponkus, 1984; Palta, 1990). proteins of spinach, rye, and other cereal antifreeze proteins The water potential of ice is lower than that of liquid water. Ex- (AFPs) (Thomashow, 1999). A factor common to all these tracellular ice crystals grow by drawing water from cells, thus proteins is that they are predominantly located in the apoplast dehydrating them, until the water potential of the ice and that of and are therefore more likely to come into contact with the water in the cell are equal. The water potential of ice decreases as outer surface of the plasma membrane. the temperature decreases, so the extent of cellular dehydration AFPs are expressed in a number of plant species, such as increases with decreasing temperature, to a limit set by vitrifica- winter rye, winter barley, winter canola, white oak, and carrots, tion (glassy state) (Pearce, 2001). This deterioration is observed in response to low temperature (Urrutia et al., 1992; Duman and as wilting or softening of plant parts. Olsen, 1993; Feeney and Yeh, 1993; Griffith and Antikainen, Plants that survive winter either prevent the crystallization 1996; Smallwood et al., 1999). Their accumulation and activity of ice within their tissues (freeze avoidance) or can withstand have been found to be strongly correlated with winter survival ice crystallization in the apoplast (freeze tolerance) (Smallwood and it has been suggested that they be used as a biological marker and Bowles, 2002). Freeze avoidance involves supercooling and for crop improvement (Griffith et al., 1992; Chun et al., 1998). hence prevention of the incursion of ice into the apoplast. With- Antifreeze proteins interact with ice crystals by adsorption out ice nucleation, pure water can be supercooled to a certain onto non-basal planes of ice at the ice-water interface thus mod- point below 0◦ C. However, this supercooling is only a practical ifying their growth. At high AFP concentrations (µM), mini- strategy at the whole plant level when exposure to subzero tem- mal crystal growth occurs, forming very small, stable hexago- peratures is relatively brief (George et al., 1982; Smallwood and nal bipyramids. Physical damage caused by ice can occur during Bowles, 2002). Some specialized cell types and organs use su- warming, as well as during freezing, by a process known as re- percooling as a strategy to overwinter, such as the xylem ray crystallization (Knight and Duman, 1986; Breton et al., 2000). parenchyma cells of many trees, which supercool to around Recrystallization of ice occurs when small ice crystals con- -40◦ C (George and Burke, 1977). Given the widespread pres- dense into larger ones. This can happen very quickly at tem- ence of nucleators in the environment, the most common frost peratures just below the melting point of a frozen solution. In survival strategy is cold acclimation (freeze tolerance) and this is nature, prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures and tem- achieved through several changes in cell biochemistry regulated perature fluctuations may promote recrystallization of frozen at the gene expression level (Danyluk et al., 1998). tissues, especially those in which cells are densely packed, and The accumulation of osmotically active substances, such as allow ice access to locations from which it is usually excluded. simple sugars, organic acids, proline, and glycinebetaine, is a AFPs adsorbed onto the surfaces of ice act as potent inhibitors of protective mechanism induced by cold stress (as previously de- recrystallization, even at very low concentrations (e.g. 1 µg/ml) scribed for cold sweetening). In many plants, sugars act as cry- (Worrall et al., 1998; Smallwood et al., 1999). Given that AFPs oprotectants which increase the freezing resistance through di- are also found in plant tissues where ice is allowed to crystal- rect and/or indirect effects (Graham and Patterson, 1982; Chang lize in the apoplast (which includes the xylem, cell walls, and and Reed, 2000). The hydrophilic nature of sugars is well-suited intercellular spaces), it has been speculated that inhibition of ice to replace water and stabilize the cell membrane through hydro- recrystallization may be the physiologically relevant aspect of gen bonding between hydroxyl groups on the sugar and po- the activity of AFPs (Smallwood and Bowles, 2002). lar residues in phospholipids, preventing dehydration effects in membranes (Danyluk et al., 1998). Accumulation of osmotically Application of Cold Acclimation in the active substances leads to a decrease in the chemical potential of Frozen-Vegetable Industry water. It has been suggested that this mechanism is involved in regulating the induction of cold-induced gene expression (Fu When cold-stressed, starch-rich vegetables (e.g. potatoes) et al., 2000) and in the higher resistance of cold-acclimated are frozen industrially, the effects of cold sweetening during plants to fungal infection (Tronsmo, 1986). the storage period could be detrimental to the quality of the Many cold-induced proteins accumulate in the tissues during product after cooking by the consumer at home (e.g., exces- cold acclimation (reviewed by Thomashow, 1999). These can sive brown color after frying, as discussed earlier). However, account for up to 0.9% of the total soluble proteins in winter if vegetables accumulating mostly sucrose in their cytoplasm
  • 7. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGY 755 Figure 3 Conventional scanning electron micrographs showing the parenchyma of frozen carrots. Carrot slices from non-acclimated (a) and cold-acclimated (b) field-grown carrot taproots were covered with plastic film and frozen at −5◦ C overnight. The samples were freeze-dried, fractured, and gold-sputtered. They were examined in a JEOL SEM 840-A microscope, operated at 15 kV and a working distance of 15 mm. The images show a remarkable contrast in the degree of tissue damage caused by the freezing treatment between the acclimated and the non-acclimated carrots. (e.g. carrots) and antifreeze proteins in their cell walls during by G´ mez and Sj¨ holm (2004). The authors illustrated the en- o o growth in the field in late autumn are to be frozen, industry hancement of the tolerance to freezing by the metabolic response may take advantage of cold-induced stress responses to opti- to low-temperature stress by freezing both acclimated and non- mize the quality of the frozen product. The potential application acclimated carrot slices at a very slow freezing rate (−5◦ C of the acquisition of freezing tolerance by cold-acclimation of ambient temperature over-night). Figure 3a shows a piece of carrot taproots in the frozen-carrot industry has been discussed non-acclimated carrot tissue that has been extensively damaged
  • 8. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 756 F. G. GALINDO ET AL. by freezing. In remarkable contrast, Fig. 3b shows much more Causes of cell damage intact tissue of the cold-acclimated samples frozen under the same conditions. Although vegetables such as carrots are usually Exposure of plants to temperatures above their optimal frozen quickly to produce small ice crystals, these ice crystals growth temperature can disrupt many essential metabolic pro- may grow larger over time through recrystallization. Recrys- cesses, including photosynthesis and respiration, the former be- tallization occurs when temperature gradients form within the ing more sensitive. Activation of lipid peroxidation is one of the product during freezing or thawing, or when the temperature earliest and least stress-specific plasmalemmal responses caused fluctuates during storage or transportation (Griffith and Ewart, by any stress agent, including heat shock. Lipid peroxidation 1995; Breton et al., 2000). Recrystallization in frozen foods can can result in various structural and functional disturbances in result in membrane damage, thus reduced water holding capac- the cell (Veselov et al., 2002). Furthermore, excessive fluidity ity (high drip loss), and associated loss of nutrients (Fletcher of membrane lipids at high temperatures (above 50◦ C) is cor- et al., 1999; Breton et al., 2000). AFP is abundant in the accli- related with loss of functional cell compartmentalisation which mated carrot tap root apoplast (0.5 mg of pure protein can be considerably enhances the permeability of membranes and, in isolated from 1 kg of fully acclimated carrot taproots Smallwood consequence, the passive flux of solutes (Kluge et al., 1991), et al., 1999), and may be a key factor in inhibiting recrystalliza- leakage of electrolytes, and reduction of turgor pressure (De tion and preserving the quality of the frozen product. Belie et al., 2000; Gonz´ lez-Mart´nez, 2003). It has been hypoth- a ı The potential benefits of cold acclimation of frozen carrots esized that in beans susceptible to the HTC defect, the effects of can, however be eradicated by the common practice of blanching temperature on cell membrane are accompanied by lignification before freezing. Heat will damage the cells, destroying the pro- of the cell wall, pectic de-esterification in the middle lamella tective system nature has created against frost damage. Above and breakdown of phytic acid, inhibiting chelation of divalent approximately 50◦ C, the functionality of the cell membrane is cations, which renders pectates in the middle lamella unsuscep- irreversibly damaged (De Belie et al., 2000). Denaturation of tible to softening during cooking (Aguilera and Ballivian, 1987, proteins such as AFPs in the cell walls would also compromise Reyes-Moreno and Paredes-L´ pez, 1993). o the cold acclimation effect, as these proteins must be folded High-temperature injury is also associated with lipid phase correctly in order to be active (M. Griffith, pers. comm.). The transitions and/or changes in transmembrane protein conforma- optimization of blanching to minimize tissue damage is thus very tion (Hansen et al., 1994). Heat stress causes many cell proteins important if the frozen-food industry is to be able to take advan- (enzymes or structural proteins) to become unfolded or mis- tage of cold acclimation to protect tissue cells (G´ mez, 2004). o folded. Such misfolded proteins can aggregate and precipitate. HEAT STRESS AND HEAT SHOCK Plant Strategies for Heat Tolerance Most tissues of higher plants are unable to survive extended exposure to high temperatures. Non-growing cells and dehy- Metabolic acclimation associated with heat tolerance mech- drated tissue can tolerate much higher temperatures than hy- anisms includes an increase in the degree of saturation of fatty drated, growing cells. Actively growing tissues rarely survive acids in membrane lipids, which makes the membranes less fluid, temperatures above 45◦ C, but dry seeds can endure 120◦ C and the synthesis of enzymes and isoenzymes with broad thermal pollen grains of some species can remain viable after exposure kinetic windows, the synthesis of protective enzymes such as to 70◦ C (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). glutathione reductase, peroxidase, and catalase (Viswanathan Storage of some legumes under tropical conditions (30– and Khanna-Chopra, 1996), and the production of heat shock 40◦ C; >75% humidity) renders them susceptible to a hardening proteins (HSPs). phenomenon, causing nutritional losses and inflicting economic In response to sudden rises in temperature (5 to 10◦ C), plants losses on farmers and poor urban dwellers in developing produce a unique set of proteins, the HSPs. Most HSPs func- countries (Aguilera and Ballivian, 1987; Martin-Cabrejas and tion as molecular chaperones, that is, they bind to unfolded or Esteban, 1995). This is an irreversible phenomenon known denatured proteins, prevent aggregation and induce correct re- as the hard-to-cook (HTC) defect. Beans with this defect are folding, facilitating correct cell function at elevated, stressful characterized by extended cooking times to achieve cotyledon temperatures. Some HSPs assist in polypeptide transport across softening, are less palatable to the consumer and are of lower membranes into cellular compartments (Miroshnichenko et al., nutritional value (Reyes-Moreno and Paredes-L´ pez, 1993). o 2005). In many crops, as further discussed in this section, peri- Plants and most other organisms produce HSPs that have odic, brief exposure to sublethal heat stress often induces tol- different functions in response to increases in temperature: erance to otherwise lethal temperatures, a phenomenon known HSP100, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, and small HSPs (smHSPs, as induced thermotolerance (Viswanathan and Khanna-Chopra, 15–30 kDa) (Vierling, 1991). HSP expression has been charac- 1996). Thermotolerance in crops is determined by a variety of terized in a variety of higher plants, including tomato (Banzet et factors such as photoperiod, light intensity and water availability al., 1998), maize (Cooper and Ho, 1983), soybean (Hsieh et al., (Ahn et al., 2004). 1992), carrot (Malik et al., 1999), pea (DeRocher et al., 1991),
  • 9. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGY 757 sugar cane (Hoisydai and Harrington, 1989), apple (Bowen et al., 2003). Thus, cells previously exposed to one kind of stress may 2002), and potato (Ahn et al., 2004). Some smHSPs are known gain protection against another kind (cross-tolerance). For exam- to play an important role in the protection of biomembranes and ple, some of the HSPs are not unique to high-temperature stress organelles (Viswanathan and Khanna-Chopra, 1996). Synthe- and can be induced by other forms of stress such as drought sizing a number of smHSPs at elevated temperatures is one of (Alamillo et al., 1995; Wehmeyer and Vierling, 2000), wound- the unique features of the heat-shock response of plants (Ahn ing, low temperature, and salinity (Wang et al., 2001). Symptoms et al., 2004). Cells that have been induced to synthesize HSPs of chilling injury are reduced after heat pretreatment, and this show improved thermal tolerance and can withstand exposure to reduction is correlated with persistence of several HSPs in fruit temperatures that are otherwise lethal (Malik et al., 1999; Bowen tissue (Sabehat et al., 1996). Tomato and avocado fruits, in which et al., 2002). It has been shown that a smHSP in tomato (VIS1) heat shock was induced (48 h at 38◦ C), accumulated HSPs and plays a role in facilitating fruit ripening, senescence, and seed were protected from injury by subsequent chilling at 2◦ C (Lurie, dispersal by protecting the cellular machinery against thermal 1998). Reduced chilling injury of cucumber cotyledons and cul- denaturation during the daily cycles of daytime rise in tempera- tured apple cells after exposure to 37 or 42◦ C has also been re- ture. VIS1 acts as a chaperone by binding reversibly to enzymes, ported (Lafuente et al., 1991; Wang et al., 2001). Heat treatment including cell wall polymer-modifying enzymes, and protecting at 38◦ C for 8 h applied to evening-harvested sweet basil reduced them from thermal denaturation (Ramakrishna et al., 2003). its sensitivity to chilling. This reduction may have involved the In the food industry, heat treatment (generally 50–70◦ C) has antioxidative system of ROS protection, as suggested by the been used for the past 40 years to improve the texture of veg- increased reductive potential in the leaves, as well as the induc- etables prior to high-temperature processing. The firming ef- tion of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity following heat fect of low-temperature blanching has been studied in a number treatment. Elevated activity remained through subsequent cold of vegetables (Bartolome et al., 1972; Lee et al., 1979; Stolle- storage below 12◦ C (Faure-Mlynski et al., 2004). Smits et al., 2000). Evidence indicates that the firming effect Heat shock treatment has been used to reduce decay and is due to the temperature activation of pectin methylesterase chilling injury, and to enhance host resistance to pathogens in (PME, EC The resulting reduction in the degree of fruits. Treatment by dipping in water at 52–53◦ C for 2 min or methylesterification of the pectins in the cell wall and middle 62◦ C for 20 s promoted the accumulation of HSPs and proline- lamella allows the more calcium cross-linking between calcium rich proteins in the skin of grapefruit. Heat application has been molecules, increasing firmness (Pilnik and Voragen, 1991). The shown to markedly reduce decay and the sensitivity of citrus fruit mechanism governing temperature activation of PME is not to chilling injury without any deleterious effects on fruit quality well-understood. It has been speculated that, at elevated tem- (Ben-Yehoshua, 2003). Several types of machines for hot water peratures, a change in the PME enzyme or its environment may treatment are already in operation in many countries in packing occur such that the enzyme is converted into a more active form. houses for citrus (Ben-Yehoshua, 2003) and other fruits, such Loss of membrane integrity and leakage between cellular com- as bell peppers, corn cobs, lychees, mangos, melons, nectarines, partments at temperatures >40◦ C may contribute to this activa- and peaches (Fallik et al., 1999). tion (Anthon and Barrett, 2006). However, to our knowledge, no When cells are subjected to a stressful, but non-lethal tem- previous study has associated PME activation with induction of perature, the synthesis of HSPs increases dramatically, while signal cascades at the genetic level and/or metabolic transfor- the continuous translation of other proteins is lowered or ceases mations strictly associated with the concept of “stress response” (Vierling, 1991). This effect has been seen in studies on the that we have been using throughout this review. It appears that wounding stress response of carrots and lettuce. In the case of mild blanching treatment, for example, at 70◦ C for 30 min (Lee carrot slices, exposure to 40◦ C for 1 h caused the cessation of the et al., 1979), is used by the industry as a direct way of regulat- synthesis and secretion of extensin proteins, a typical response to ing the activity of the enzyme. This treatment may mimic a true wounding stress (Brodl and Ho, 1992). Maximum accumulation stress response that may occur at lower temperatures (around of HSPs was seen in the carrot slices one hour after a temperature 40◦ C) for a longer time, for example, when harvested material increase from 28◦ C to 40◦ C. The synthesis of HSPs diminished lies in the sun for hours before processing. A more detailed study sharply after 3 h of continuous incubation at 40◦ C and the carrots of the time and temperature dependence of PME activation and resumed the secretion of extensin proteins during that period of the molecular mechanisms regulating it would be of interest. time. Upon recovery from 40◦ C, the carrot slices resumed the secretion of extensin and other cell wall proteins (Brodl and Ho, 1992). This study demonstrates that high-temperature stress re- Cross-Tolerance and its Application in Postharvest Handling duces the response to wounding and nicely illustrates the fact and Minimal Processing that plant tissues follow a certain temporal order and hierarchy in their response to multiple stimuli. The heat-stressed, wounded In general, stress responses involve changes in the proteome tissue has basically redirected its resources towards the response and metabolome with increased expression of proteins and com- to more severe stress. patible solutes. Cross-talk between stress signalling pathways This principle has been applied in the minimal processing of may result in co-expression of stress responses (Joyce et al., vegetables to prevent browning of wounded lettuce leaf tissue.
  • 10. Downloaded By: [Chonnam National University] At: 02:36 7 April 2008 758 F. G. GALINDO ET AL. Wound-induced browning has been significantly reduced in ice- 2001a). During storage, carrots can increase their concentration berg lettuce by the application of short thermal stress (Loaiza- of glucose and fructose from their sucrose stores (Herppich Velarde et al., 1997). A heat shock of 45◦ C for 90 s effectively et al., 2001b,c). These monosaccharides contribute twice as prevents the synthesis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), much to osmotic pressure per unit weight as disaccharides. whose increased activity leads to the accumulation of phenolic Cellular electron transport chains are impaired upon dehy- compounds (e.g., chlorogenic acid, dicaffeoyl tartaric acid, and dration and may generate increasing amounts of reactive oxygen isochlorogenic acid) and tissue browning (Salveit, 2000). Inhi- species (Hoekstra, 2002). Free radical attack on phospholipids, bition of PAL synthesis appears to result from the redirection of DNA and proteins is one of the molecular mechanisms of protein synthesis away from wound-induced proteins to the syn- damage leading to death in desiccation-sensitive cells upon thesis of HSPs. The effect of heat shock (45◦ C for 90 s followed drying (Oliver et al., 2001). Protection against ROS is thought by rapid cooling to 0◦ C) either 4 h before wounding or 2 h af- to play a role in desiccation tolerance. Therefore, free radical ter wounding was so persistent that the fresh-cut lettuce did not scavenging systems are important components among the show any browning after 15 days in air at 5◦ C (Salveit, 2000). mechanisms governing desiccation tolerance. Over-expression However, it has also been shown that this treatment was not suc- of some enzymes, such as manganese superoxide dismutase cessful in tissues with constitutively or induced high levels of and glutathione S-transferase/glutathione peroxidase, has been phenolic compounds. The heat shock acts only on the synthesis associated with an enhanced tolerance to water deficit in trans- of PAL and not on the activity of other enzymes involved in genic tobacco plants and cotton cells (Serrano and Montesinos, tissue browning (Salveit, 2000). 2003). Moreover, desiccation-tolerant organisms (seeds) can reduce and adapt their metabolic activities early during drying to decrease the generation of ROS (Leprince et al., 1994). DROUGHT STRESS AND DESICCATION TOLERANCE Stress often induces the accumulation of proteins, as has been described for AFPs in the case of low-temperature stress and Water deficit can be defined as any water content of a tissue HSPs in heat stress. In the case of drought stress, a large group or cell that is below the highest water content exhibited in the of genes code for hydrophilic LEA proteins, which are sus- most hydrated state (Taiz and Zeiger, 2002). Lack of water has pected to play a role in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance several detrimental effects on plants, including modification of (Blackman et al., 1995). Although the function of LEA proteins the cell wall crystallinity, clumping of microfibrils, denaturation is not well-understood, they accumulate in vegetative tissues of proteins, loss of cell turgor and membrane fluidity, and oxida- during episodes of drought. Their protective role may be tive damage by reactive oxygen species (Aguilera et al., 2003; associated with their ability to retain water and to prevent Prothon et al., 2003). crystallization of cellular proteins during desiccation (Serrano and Montesinos, 2003). Oliver et al. (2001), summarize the possible protective roles of LEA proteins. At high hydration Strategies for Desiccation Tolerance levels, LEA proteins might play a role in sequestering ions and preventing of the damaging effects of free radical reactions. Some plant tissues can acquire desiccation tolerance, defined In the dried state, LEA proteins may act together with carbo- as the ability to function while dehydrated, or desiccation post- hydrates in the formation of a tight hydrogen-bound network, ponement, defined as the ability to maintain tissue hydration providing stability to macromolecular and cellular structures (Davies, 2004). Desiccation tolerance involves a co-ordinated in the cytoplasm. This network would inhibit the fusion of set of mechanisms that help certain tissues to survive dehydra- cellular membranes, denaturation of cytoplasmic proteins, and tion. These mechanisms include stomatal closure (Davies et al., the detrimental effects of free radical reactions. 2002), osmotic adjustment, removal of reactive oxygen species, Drought typically leads to the accumulation of ABA. Numer- and the accumulation of late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) ous genes are induced by both drought and ABA accumulation proteins (Oliver et al., 2001). during the stress episode (Liu et al., 2005). Exogenous applica- Plants can continue to take up water only when their water tion of ABA has been shown to induce desiccation tolerance in potential is below that of the water source. Osmotic adjust- somatic alfalfa embryos. Heat shock pretreatment, at 38◦ C for ment, in which cells accumulate osmotically active solutes (also as little as 10 min, induced a degree of desiccation tolerance in known as compatible solutes or osmolytes and including sugars, the somatic embryos which was equivalent to ABA application organic acids, glycine betaine, sorbitol, proline, amino acids, and was therefore shown to be a viable alternative to exogenous polyols, quaternary amines, and ions), is a process in which the ABA treatment. The drying rate did not influence the survival water potential of the tissue can be decreased without an accom- of the heat-stressed embryos (Senaratna et al., 1989). panying decrease in turgor (see G´ mez et al., 2004 for definitions o of plant water relations). The change in tissue water potential Application to Food Dehydration results simply from changes in the osmotic potential (Fan et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 1999). In radish tubers the total concentration The quality of air-dehydrated plant products is often very low, of free sugars increases with soil water deficit (Herppich et al., with shrunken, shrivelled, darkened tissue, and poor rehydration