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Detailed Literature Review
    “Comprehensive Studies on Isolation and Biochemical & Microbial
    Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil
                  Samples of Certain Industrial Areas”.

           IFTM University Moradabad, Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road
                                 Moradabad (U.P)
 Registration of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Microbial Biotechnology
                            Mr. Atul Pratap Singh (M.Sc, M.Phil)
                                  Department of Microbiology
             Dolphin (P.G) Institute of Biomedical and natural sciences, Dheradhun
                (H.N.B Garhwhal University, Shrinagar – Uttarakhand)

                                Under Guidance of

                                   Dr. Sanjay Mishra
                 Professor, School of Biotechnology, IFTM University,
                             Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road
12/12/2012                                          Moradabad (U.P)
1. Proposal of Research Work:
             Area/Specialization of the Research Work:
                    Microbial Biotechnology.
 A          study   on   “Comprehensive   Studies   on   Isolation,
Biochemical Characterization and Microbial Characterization of
Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil Samples of
Certain Industrial Areas”.

 The entire study will be divided in appropriate aims and
objectives likely to be initiated, propagate and conclude the entire

work in the due course of time.

2. Literature Review Of
                         Research Work
  In the present Research Study, a soil bacterium with the antibiotic activity
     is      screened    studied     for     morphological      as     well    as
     Biochemical characteristics which can provide valuable information about
     the Antibiotic producers microbial strain.
  As industrialization expands, petroleum hydrocarbons become a greater
     potential source of contaminants in the soil and water environments,
     According to (Duraipandiyan V., Sasi A.H., IslamV.I.H., Valanarasu M. and
     Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J Mycologie Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20).
  The density of living organisms in soil is very high i.e. as much as billions /
     gm of soil, usually density of organisms is less in cultivated soil than
     uncultivated / virgin land and population decreases with soil acidity.

Top soil, the surface layer contains greater number of
   microorganisms because it is well supplied with Oxygen and
   nutrients. Lower layer is depleted with Oxygen and nutrients
   hence it contains fewer organisms.
   According to Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K
   (2008). Functional bioactive compounds & biological activities
   of Spirulina platensis lipids, Czech. J. Food. Sci, 26: 211-222.

   To       remediate   oil   terminals   contaminants     in   these
   environments,     biostimulation    and    bioaugmentation         are
   generally considered as techniques by, (Chang and Lin 2006).

Biostimulation is a technique that relies on increasing the
activity of the resident bacteria by adding the factors that are
limiting activity, such as nutrients or air.

Biostimulation technique is first used up by (Oskay M., Tamer
A.U. and Azeri C. (2004) African J Biotechnol, 3 (9), 441- 446).

The medium used to estimate the population density of
phosphate solubilizers show a clear zone around the colonies
indicating phosphate solubilization. According to (Alanis A.J.
(2005) Archives Med Res, 36, 697-705).
3. Antimicrobial Agents

  Antimicrobial agents are natural or synthetic chemical
  substances which have the capacity of inhibiting or
  terminating total metabolic cell activity.
  The major class of antibacterial agents are the class I. Beta-
  lactams (including penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams,
  carbapenems), aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides,
  macrolides       (such    as   erythromycin),   quinones   and
  glycopeptides (vancomycin). According to Butler M.S. and
  Buss A.D. (2006) Biochem Pharmacol, 71, 919-929.
These            secondary        metabolites   Penicillin's   and
cephalosporin's can affect many metabolic reactions in a
cell in order to render effect.

According to (Newman D.J. and Cragg G.M. (2007) J
Nat Prod, 70, 461-477.) Penicillins and cephalosporins
mode         of     action    is      the   biosynthesis   of   the
peptidoglycan present in the bacterial cell wall. They affect
specifically the transpeptidase that forms the peptide cross-

class II. Antimicrobials, known as 6-Aniniluracil, inhibits
    DNA polymerase.

     class   III.     of    antimicrobials     like      tetracyclines,
    chloramphenicol and macrolides inhibit protein synthesis.

     According to ( Saadoun I. and Gharaibeh R. (2003) J
    Arid Environ, 53, 365-371). (Baltz R.H. (2007) Microbe,
    2,125-131).      Both,   gram-positive      and      gram-negative
    microorganisms,      posses    these      proteins     and    other
    antimicrobials, such as the quinolones, noviobioci, inhibit
    DNA replication.
Over 5,000 antibiotics have been identified from the cultures of
Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, and filamentous
fungi, but only about 100 antibiotics have been commercially
used to treat human, animal and plant diseases.
Fungal strains and streptomyces members are extensively used
in industrial antibiotic production. Bacteria are easy to isolate,
culture, maintain and to improve their strains.
Bacillus species being the predominant soil bacteria because of
their resistant endospore formation and production of vital
antibiotics like bacitracin etc, are always found inhibiting the
growth of the other organisms.
 According to (Hube A.E, B.H. Soller and U. Fischer 2009)
Phylogenetic classification of heterotrophic bacteria associated with
filamentous marine cyanobacterial in culture, Systematic and
Applied Microbiology, 32: 256-265. Enhancement in the antibiotic
production is studied under various parameters like temperature, pH,
carbon source concentration, and Sodium nitrate concentration,
which may help in the industrial production.
Though a large list of antibiotics are commercially available, and
this work may provide some potential information on the antibiotic
production and the control of microbial strains.

According to Kumar N, Singh RK, Mishra SK, Singh AK.
Isolation and screening of soil Actinomycetes as source of
antibiotics active against bacteria. International Journal of
Microbiology Research 2010; 2: 12-18.
 The genus, Streptomycete, is responsible for the formation of
more than 60 % of known antibiotics from the soil. while a
further 15 % are made by a number of related Actinomycetes spp,
Micromonospora,     Actinomadura,       Streptoverticillium   and
Thermoactinomycetes Antibiotics, because of their industrial
importance, are the best known products of actinomycetes.

4. Soil Microbial Interactions
  According to (Brun YV, Skimkets LJ. Prokaryotic
  development.ASM Press, 2000; 11-31).
  Competition is an interaction encountered in all habitats
  since the organism’s present need to do so in order to survive”.
  According to (Pandey B., Ghimire P. and Agrawal V.P.
  (2004) International Conference on the Great Himalayas):
  Climate, Health, Ecology, Management and Conservation.
  Besides providing these nutrients, plant secondary metabolites
  that are generally toxic to microorganisms will need to be
  degraded or detoxified by certain microbes.
5. Soil Antimicrobial Agent Producing Microbes:

   Pandey et al.(2009), states that the top cultivable
   antimicrobial agent producers present in soils are the
    About 10% - 33% of the total bacterial community
   present in soil is comprised by these bacteria, being the
   genera Streptomyces and Nocardia the most abundant
   Actinomycetes found in soil. clinical importance like, for
   example,    amphotericin,     erythromycin,   streptomycin,
   tetracycline, and rifamycin etc.

Another group of gram-positive bacteria present in soil and
responsible for the production of antimicrobial agents For
example, B. subtilis can produce non ribosomal oligopeptides
with antifungal and antimicrobial properties such as surfactins,
inturinics and bacilysin.

(Thajuddin. N & G. Subramanian 2005,) Cyanobacterial
biodiversity & potential applications in biotechnology, Current
Science, 89(1): 47-57. States that Cyanobacteria are known to be
colonized by various heterotrophic bacteria.

Nowadays, the drug resistant strains of pathogen emerge
 more quickly than the rate of discovery of new drugs and
 antibiotics. Because of this, many pharmaceutical industry have
 actively involved in isolation and screening of actinomycetes
 from different untouched habitats, for their production of
 antibiotics. States by (Duraipandiyan V., Sasi A.H., IslamV.I.H.,
 Valanarasu M. and Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J) Mycologie
 Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20.
  According to him Staphylococcus aureus, for instance, a
 virulent pathogen that is responsible for a wide range of
 infections, has developed resistance to most classes of
 antibiotics in soil.
In my research study to getting some actinomycetes
strains that produce antibiotics that have not been
discovered yet and active against drug resistant

 So we need to screen more and more actinomycetes
from different habitats for antimicrobial activity.

6. Components of Media

Macronutrients (C, N, P, K).

Micronutrients (Fe, Mg, Ca, Na).


7. Types of Microbiological Media
  Chemically defined media
             • The exact chemical composition is known
  Complex (undefined) media
             • The exact chemical composition is not

             • Often consist of plant or animal extracts,
              such as soybean meal, milk protein, etc.
8. Methods for Determining Microbial Biomass
               and Activity (1)
                         Field Samples
                      Profile or Depth Basis
                        Plant Association

             Composite samples      Replicate samples

                     Transportation, Mixing,
                     Grinding, Subsampling,
9. Soil Sampling
             Developing a Sampling Plan

What sampling strategy (ex: random vs zone
    vs grid) should I use?

What depths should I sample?

How many samples should I collect?

10. Sampling Strategies
             Random                  Zone                 Grid

                  X     X
                  X      X
                  X X
                 X X
                 X X
                 X X
        Figure 1. (A) Aerial photograph (w/ random sampling), (B) Management
        zones, and (C) Field grids .

        Advantages or disadvantages of each?
11. How to Collect Soil
 Sample depth
   – plowed fields
       6 inches to
         plow depth
   – no-till or pastures
       4 inches deep
 Composite cores, mix well.
 Fill a 1-pint soil test bag,
  clearly labeled with the
  field identification.

12. Identification and Pure Culture of
                Streptomyces Materials

In nature microbial cultures are mixed.

Identification relies upon isolating individual colonies.

Testing requires pure cultures.

As a result isolation technique provides an essential
microbiological tool.

Too much or too little… Ideal volume

Cultural Studies in Determining Microbial Biomass
                            and Activity

                Count and Identify Culturable Organisms,
                           Nutrient Analyses

             Characteristics or Biomass of Cultural Organisms
                        or ATP, etc. of Soil Samples

                  Organisms Activity and Biomass in the
12/12/2012               Laboratory or in Nature
Microscopic Studies in Determining Microbial
                     Biomass and Activity

             Light and Electron Microscope, Electron Probe,

                 Morphology and Biovolume of Bacteria,
                      Protozoa, Fungi, Algae, etc.

                  Organisms Activity and Biomass in the
12/12/2012               Laboratory or in Nature
Process Studies (Chemical Analyses) in
 Determining Microbial Biomass and Activity

        Activity Measurements, CO2, NO3-, Nutrient Turnover
                       Rates, Enzyme Studies

                    Metabolic Activity of Sample

                Organisms Activity and Biomass in the
                       Laboratory or in Nature

13. Culture Dependent Measurements of
                  Microbial Growth

14. Plate Count

    Inoculate Petri
     plates from serial

15. Pour Plate
After incubation, count colonies on plates that
 have 25-250 colonies (CFUs)

16. Most Probable Number (MPN) Method

 tube MPN
 tubes and
 compare to
 MPN table.
17. Soil Experiment
Sensitivity/Inhibition Testing
Blood Agar Plate Testing
   Total Hemolysis
Oxidase Test
(Gram neg. rods): Oxidase positive
Catalase Test
Catalase positive
Triple Sugar Iron Test
18.Biochemical Analyses
Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, pH, and humus
levels for the soil were assessed semi-quantitatively
using commercially – obtained test kits (Luster TM
Rapitest TM soil Kit).
             19. Biostatistical Analyses
Bivariate correction statistics using the person
coefficient were performed. Comparison statistics of
the distribution of narrow and broad – spectrum
antibiotic producers relative to other microflora, and
coastal versus inland microflora, were made using.

20. Impact of Proposed Research in
The successful execution of the proposed studies may lead to the
first specific biochemical and biotechnological/Microbiological
hypothesis of “Bioremediation”.
21.Major Inputs (Infrastructure for Research Work):
Necessary infrastructure facilities are available under the umbrella
of School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P.,
and shall be provided to the candidate with adequate facilities for
carrying out the major experimental part of the work embodies in
the proposed synopsis herein. Besides, if required, the candidate
may use Dolphin P.G. Institute of Biomedical and Natural
Sciences, Dehradoon, Uttarakhand which already exists in
collaboration of School of Biotechnology, IFTM University,
Moradabad, U.P. An excellent library and round the clock internet
facilities are available at IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P. that
can be used by the candidate while working on the proposed
research plan for his doctoral degree.
22. References and Sources
[1] Margesin and Schinner (2001)

[2] Chang and Lin (2006)

[3] Rahman et al. (2003).

[4] Oskay M., Tamer A.U. and Azeri C. (2004) African J
Biotechnol, 3 (9), 441- 446

[5] Alanis A.J. (2005) Archives Med Res, 36, 697 705.
[5] Newman D.J. and Cragg G.M. (2007) J Nat Prod,
             70, 461-477.
             [6] Butler M.S. and Buss A.D. (2006) Biochem
             Pharmacol, 71, 919-929.
             [7]   Duraipandiyan    V.,   Sasi   A.H.,   IslamV.I.H.,
             Valanarasu M. and Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J Mycologie
             Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20.
             [8] Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K (2008).
             Functional bioactive compounds & biological activities
             of Spirulina platensis lipids, Czech. J. Food. Sci, 26:
[9] Hube A.E, B.H. Soller and U. Fischer 2009 Phylogenetic
classification      of      heterotrophic   bacteria   associated   with
filamentous marine cyanobacterial in culture, Systematic and
Applied Microbiology, 32: 256-265.
[10] Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K 2008 Functional
bioactive compounds & biological activities of Spirulina
platensis lipids, Czech. J.
[11]         Praveen Kumar R, Vijayan D, Leo Antony M, Muthu
Kumar C and Thajuddin N 2009 Phylogenetic diversity of
cultivable       bacteria     associated    with   filamentous   non   –
heterocystous marine cyanobacteria, J. Algal biomass Utln, 1(1):

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A.p singh

  • 1. Detailed Literature Review On “Comprehensive Studies on Isolation and Biochemical & Microbial Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil Samples of Certain Industrial Areas”. Submitted To IFTM University Moradabad, Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road Moradabad (U.P) For Registration of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Microbial Biotechnology By Mr. Atul Pratap Singh (M.Sc, M.Phil) Department of Microbiology Dolphin (P.G) Institute of Biomedical and natural sciences, Dheradhun (H.N.B Garhwhal University, Shrinagar – Uttarakhand) Under Guidance of Dr. Sanjay Mishra Professor, School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road 12/12/2012 Moradabad (U.P)
  • 2. 1. Proposal of Research Work: Area/Specialization of the Research Work: Microbial Biotechnology.  A study on “Comprehensive Studies on Isolation, Biochemical Characterization and Microbial Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil Samples of Certain Industrial Areas”.  The entire study will be divided in appropriate aims and objectives likely to be initiated, propagate and conclude the entire work in the due course of time. 12/12/2012
  • 3. 2. Literature Review Of Research Work  In the present Research Study, a soil bacterium with the antibiotic activity is screened studied for morphological as well as Biochemical characteristics which can provide valuable information about the Antibiotic producers microbial strain.  As industrialization expands, petroleum hydrocarbons become a greater potential source of contaminants in the soil and water environments, According to (Duraipandiyan V., Sasi A.H., IslamV.I.H., Valanarasu M. and Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J Mycologie Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20).  The density of living organisms in soil is very high i.e. as much as billions / gm of soil, usually density of organisms is less in cultivated soil than uncultivated / virgin land and population decreases with soil acidity. 12/12/2012
  • 4. Top soil, the surface layer contains greater number of microorganisms because it is well supplied with Oxygen and nutrients. Lower layer is depleted with Oxygen and nutrients hence it contains fewer organisms. According to Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K (2008). Functional bioactive compounds & biological activities of Spirulina platensis lipids, Czech. J. Food. Sci, 26: 211-222. To remediate oil terminals contaminants in these environments, biostimulation and bioaugmentation are generally considered as techniques by, (Chang and Lin 2006). 12/12/2012
  • 5. Biostimulation is a technique that relies on increasing the activity of the resident bacteria by adding the factors that are limiting activity, such as nutrients or air. Biostimulation technique is first used up by (Oskay M., Tamer A.U. and Azeri C. (2004) African J Biotechnol, 3 (9), 441- 446). The medium used to estimate the population density of phosphate solubilizers show a clear zone around the colonies indicating phosphate solubilization. According to (Alanis A.J. (2005) Archives Med Res, 36, 697-705). 12/12/2012
  • 6. 3. Antimicrobial Agents Antimicrobial agents are natural or synthetic chemical substances which have the capacity of inhibiting or terminating total metabolic cell activity. The major class of antibacterial agents are the class I. Beta- lactams (including penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems), aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, macrolides (such as erythromycin), quinones and glycopeptides (vancomycin). According to Butler M.S. and Buss A.D. (2006) Biochem Pharmacol, 71, 919-929. 12/12/2012
  • 7. These secondary metabolites Penicillin's and cephalosporin's can affect many metabolic reactions in a cell in order to render effect. According to (Newman D.J. and Cragg G.M. (2007) J Nat Prod, 70, 461-477.) Penicillins and cephalosporins mode of action is the biosynthesis of the peptidoglycan present in the bacterial cell wall. They affect specifically the transpeptidase that forms the peptide cross- linking. 12/12/2012
  • 8. class II. Antimicrobials, known as 6-Aniniluracil, inhibits DNA polymerase.  class III. of antimicrobials like tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and macrolides inhibit protein synthesis.  According to ( Saadoun I. and Gharaibeh R. (2003) J Arid Environ, 53, 365-371). (Baltz R.H. (2007) Microbe, 2,125-131). Both, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, posses these proteins and other antimicrobials, such as the quinolones, noviobioci, inhibit DNA replication. 12/12/2012
  • 9. Over 5,000 antibiotics have been identified from the cultures of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, and filamentous fungi, but only about 100 antibiotics have been commercially used to treat human, animal and plant diseases. Fungal strains and streptomyces members are extensively used in industrial antibiotic production. Bacteria are easy to isolate, culture, maintain and to improve their strains. Bacillus species being the predominant soil bacteria because of their resistant endospore formation and production of vital antibiotics like bacitracin etc, are always found inhibiting the growth of the other organisms. 12/12/2012
  • 10.  According to (Hube A.E, B.H. Soller and U. Fischer 2009) Phylogenetic classification of heterotrophic bacteria associated with filamentous marine cyanobacterial in culture, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 32: 256-265. Enhancement in the antibiotic production is studied under various parameters like temperature, pH, carbon source concentration, and Sodium nitrate concentration, which may help in the industrial production. Though a large list of antibiotics are commercially available, and this work may provide some potential information on the antibiotic production and the control of microbial strains. 12/12/2012
  • 11. According to Kumar N, Singh RK, Mishra SK, Singh AK. Isolation and screening of soil Actinomycetes as source of antibiotics active against bacteria. International Journal of Microbiology Research 2010; 2: 12-18. The genus, Streptomycete, is responsible for the formation of more than 60 % of known antibiotics from the soil. while a further 15 % are made by a number of related Actinomycetes spp, Micromonospora, Actinomadura, Streptoverticillium and Thermoactinomycetes Antibiotics, because of their industrial importance, are the best known products of actinomycetes. 12/12/2012
  • 12. 4. Soil Microbial Interactions According to (Brun YV, Skimkets LJ. Prokaryotic development.ASM Press, 2000; 11-31). Competition is an interaction encountered in all habitats since the organism’s present need to do so in order to survive”. According to (Pandey B., Ghimire P. and Agrawal V.P. (2004) International Conference on the Great Himalayas): Climate, Health, Ecology, Management and Conservation. Besides providing these nutrients, plant secondary metabolites that are generally toxic to microorganisms will need to be degraded or detoxified by certain microbes. 12/12/2012
  • 13. 5. Soil Antimicrobial Agent Producing Microbes: Pandey et al.(2009), states that the top cultivable antimicrobial agent producers present in soils are the Actinomycetes.  About 10% - 33% of the total bacterial community present in soil is comprised by these bacteria, being the genera Streptomyces and Nocardia the most abundant Actinomycetes found in soil. clinical importance like, for example, amphotericin, erythromycin, streptomycin, tetracycline, and rifamycin etc. 12/12/2012
  • 14. Another group of gram-positive bacteria present in soil and responsible for the production of antimicrobial agents For example, B. subtilis can produce non ribosomal oligopeptides with antifungal and antimicrobial properties such as surfactins, inturinics and bacilysin. (Thajuddin. N & G. Subramanian 2005,) Cyanobacterial biodiversity & potential applications in biotechnology, Current Science, 89(1): 47-57. States that Cyanobacteria are known to be colonized by various heterotrophic bacteria. 12/12/2012
  • 15. Nowadays, the drug resistant strains of pathogen emerge more quickly than the rate of discovery of new drugs and antibiotics. Because of this, many pharmaceutical industry have actively involved in isolation and screening of actinomycetes from different untouched habitats, for their production of antibiotics. States by (Duraipandiyan V., Sasi A.H., IslamV.I.H., Valanarasu M. and Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J) Mycologie Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20.  According to him Staphylococcus aureus, for instance, a virulent pathogen that is responsible for a wide range of infections, has developed resistance to most classes of 12/12/2012 antibiotics in soil.
  • 16. In my research study to getting some actinomycetes strains that produce antibiotics that have not been discovered yet and active against drug resistant pathogens.  So we need to screen more and more actinomycetes from different habitats for antimicrobial activity. 12/12/2012
  • 17. 6. Components of Media Macronutrients (C, N, P, K). Micronutrients (Fe, Mg, Ca, Na). Vitamins 12/12/2012
  • 18. 7. Types of Microbiological Media Chemically defined media • The exact chemical composition is known Complex (undefined) media • The exact chemical composition is not known • Often consist of plant or animal extracts, such as soybean meal, milk protein, etc. 12/12/2012
  • 19. 8. Methods for Determining Microbial Biomass and Activity (1) Field Samples Profile or Depth Basis Plant Association Composite samples Replicate samples Transportation, Mixing, Grinding, Subsampling, Dilution 12/12/2012
  • 20. 9. Soil Sampling Developing a Sampling Plan What sampling strategy (ex: random vs zone vs grid) should I use? What depths should I sample? How many samples should I collect? 12/12/2012
  • 21. 10. Sampling Strategies Random Zone Grid X X X X X X X X X X X X Figure 1. (A) Aerial photograph (w/ random sampling), (B) Management zones, and (C) Field grids . Advantages or disadvantages of each? 12/12/2012
  • 22. 11. How to Collect Soil  Sample depth – plowed fields 6 inches to plow depth – no-till or pastures 4 inches deep  Composite cores, mix well.  Fill a 1-pint soil test bag, clearly labeled with the field identification. 12/12/2012
  • 24. 12. Identification and Pure Culture of Streptomyces Materials In nature microbial cultures are mixed. Identification relies upon isolating individual colonies. Testing requires pure cultures. As a result isolation technique provides an essential microbiological tool. 12/12/2012
  • 25. Too much or too little… Ideal volume 12/12/2012
  • 26. Cultural Studies in Determining Microbial Biomass and Activity Count and Identify Culturable Organisms, Nutrient Analyses Characteristics or Biomass of Cultural Organisms or ATP, etc. of Soil Samples Organisms Activity and Biomass in the 12/12/2012 Laboratory or in Nature
  • 27. Microscopic Studies in Determining Microbial Biomass and Activity Light and Electron Microscope, Electron Probe, Autoradiography Morphology and Biovolume of Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi, Algae, etc. Organisms Activity and Biomass in the 12/12/2012 Laboratory or in Nature
  • 28. Process Studies (Chemical Analyses) in Determining Microbial Biomass and Activity Activity Measurements, CO2, NO3-, Nutrient Turnover Rates, Enzyme Studies Metabolic Activity of Sample Organisms Activity and Biomass in the Laboratory or in Nature 12/12/2012
  • 30. 13. Culture Dependent Measurements of Microbial Growth 12/12/2012
  • 31. 14. Plate Count Inoculate Petri plates from serial dilutions 12/12/2012
  • 32. 15. Pour Plate After incubation, count colonies on plates that have 25-250 colonies (CFUs) 12/12/2012
  • 33. 16. Most Probable Number (MPN) Method Multiple tube MPN test Count positive tubes and compare to statistical MPN table. 12/12/2012
  • 34. 17. Soil Experiment Sensitivity/Inhibition Testing Blood Agar Plate Testing Total Hemolysis Oxidase Test (Gram neg. rods): Oxidase positive Catalase Test Catalase positive Triple Sugar Iron Test 12/12/2012
  • 35. 18.Biochemical Analyses Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, pH, and humus levels for the soil were assessed semi-quantitatively using commercially – obtained test kits (Luster TM Rapitest TM soil Kit). 19. Biostatistical Analyses Bivariate correction statistics using the person coefficient were performed. Comparison statistics of the distribution of narrow and broad – spectrum antibiotic producers relative to other microflora, and coastal versus inland microflora, were made using. 12/12/2012
  • 36. 20. Impact of Proposed Research in Academic/Industry: The successful execution of the proposed studies may lead to the first specific biochemical and biotechnological/Microbiological hypothesis of “Bioremediation”. 21.Major Inputs (Infrastructure for Research Work): Necessary infrastructure facilities are available under the umbrella of School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P., and shall be provided to the candidate with adequate facilities for carrying out the major experimental part of the work embodies in the proposed synopsis herein. Besides, if required, the candidate may use Dolphin P.G. Institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradoon, Uttarakhand which already exists in collaboration of School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P. An excellent library and round the clock internet facilities are available at IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P. that can be used by the candidate while working on the proposed 12/12/2012 research plan for his doctoral degree.
  • 37. 22. References and Sources [1] Margesin and Schinner (2001) [2] Chang and Lin (2006) [3] Rahman et al. (2003). [4] Oskay M., Tamer A.U. and Azeri C. (2004) African J Biotechnol, 3 (9), 441- 446 [5] Alanis A.J. (2005) Archives Med Res, 36, 697 705. 12/12/2012
  • 38. [5] Newman D.J. and Cragg G.M. (2007) J Nat Prod, 70, 461-477. [6] Butler M.S. and Buss A.D. (2006) Biochem Pharmacol, 71, 919-929. [7] Duraipandiyan V., Sasi A.H., IslamV.I.H., Valanarasu M. and Ignacimuthu S. (2010) J Mycologie Médicale, 20 (1), 15-20. [8] Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K (2008). Functional bioactive compounds & biological activities of Spirulina platensis lipids, Czech. J. Food. Sci, 26: 211-222. 12/12/2012
  • 39. [9] Hube A.E, B.H. Soller and U. Fischer 2009 Phylogenetic classification of heterotrophic bacteria associated with filamentous marine cyanobacterial in culture, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 32: 256-265. [10] Ramadan M.F, Asker M.M.S, Ibrahim Z.K 2008 Functional bioactive compounds & biological activities of Spirulina platensis lipids, Czech. J. [11] Praveen Kumar R, Vijayan D, Leo Antony M, Muthu Kumar C and Thajuddin N 2009 Phylogenetic diversity of cultivable bacteria associated with filamentous non – heterocystous marine cyanobacteria, J. Algal biomass Utln, 1(1): 86-101. 12/12/2012

Editor's Notes

  1. Detailed SynopsisOn Comprehensive Studies on Isolation and Biochemical & Microbial Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil Samples of Industrial Area of Moradabad and its Vicinity Submitted To  IFTM UniversityMoradabad, U.P., India ForRegistration of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology By   Mr. Atul Pratap Singh (M.Sc, M.Phil)Department of Microbiology Dolphin (P.G) Institute of Biomedical and natural sciences, Dheradhun (H.N.B Garhwhal University, Shrinagar – Uttarakhand)    Under Guidance of  Dr. Sanjay MishraProfessor, School of Biotechnology, IFTM University,Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road Moradabad (U.P)Detailed SynopsisOn Comprehensive Studies on Isolation and Biochemical & Microbial Characterization of Antibiotic Producing Microorganisms from Soil Samples of Industrial Area of Moradabad and its Vicinity Submitted To  IFTM UniversityMoradabad, U.P., India ForRegistration of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology By   Mr. Atul Pratap Singh (M.Sc, M.Phil)Department of Microbiology Dolphin (P.G) Institute of Biomedical and natural sciences, Dheradhun (H.N.B Garhwhal University, Shrinagar – Uttarakhand)    Under Guidance of  Dr. Sanjay MishraProfessor, School of Biotechnology, IFTM University,Lodhipur – Rajput, Delhi Road Moradabad (U.P)