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• Collect theories and relevant practitioners for your style of FMP
• Research graphics designers, filmmakers, fashion designers, artists, photographers, authors, journalists.
• Even if you don’t like their work, if they are significant to the area you are working in, find out about them.
• Collect their work, beliefs, approaches to work.
• Focus on the person- who they are? What they believe? Their approach to work. What have they said about
the medium your working in?
• Make it detailed. Become an expert on the people you look at.
• Include images to illustrate the topic.
• Explore a MINIMUM of 3 people
• Look at BOOKS (Library and Google Books)
• If you find someone you like- put there name in Google Books and see if anyone has written about them or if
they wrote a book
• Use Harvard referencing (Neil’s Toolbox)
• If your struggling- google search: ‘(Your Medium Here) Theory’ or ‘Magazine Theory’, etc.
• Branch out into representation theory if your product will predominantly represent a specific social group.
What other theories could you include?
• Use what we taught you in theory lectures on a Monday to develop your work.
This is not research
• This is really about putting what you what to do in to context. It’s to
look at your potential influences and contemporaries.
• This builds on your theory work. This helps define the direction you
are heading.
• Look at the examples, they will help.
What I plan to research
I am going to be making a skiing/snowboarding trailer like I did with my first FMP where I did a surfing trailer. I did a
lot of surfing movie/documentary trailer research before my production because I wanted to see the similarities and
differences between the types of trailers and what I can put in my trailer to make it look like something that would
be turned into a movie. Audience was also a big part of the research because the surfing community is so vast and
they also have fans who don’t surf but enjoy watching it and seeing all the different shots used. Audience affected
my music choice, the footage I used and also the editing I chose to use as well. I was looking at a lot of new surf
films or edits because I wanted to see if anything has changed because the new type of music and also the new
generation of surfers has started to come and take over the surfing scene. Having done this research I could tell that
a lot has changed due to the new type of music and lifestyle being shown in music videos nowadays, so the new surf
edits that I saw was heavily influenced by that because my generation has been brainwashed by that type of music
so it is everywhere. I am going to be researching camera techniques and angles because in the videos I have
watched it can go from one angle for a long duration to different angles every five to ten seconds. This adds variety
to the video so that it keeps it interesting rather than having everything the same which would get repetitive and
boring. This will help my planning for my production because it will give me something to think of while recording
and also something to aim for because if I can keep everything unique and try incorporate something interesting
and different for each shot so the audience doesn’t get bored and feel like the video is repeating itself constantly.
Primary research will most likely me asking people who ski or snowboard often about what part of the sport I should
capture and their favourite part about the sport. This will either narrow down or give me a lot of room to add to my
video because if everyone says the same thing then I know that will be what people will want to see during the
trailer or if everyone says something different then I know I can have a lot of room with trying different methods or
what to capture during my production. So having this type of research is something that will be very important
when it comes to the production and also my knowledge in what people want to see.
Trailer Theory
This part of the book says that adverts of movies consist of hypnotic images where
action is repeated, music and montages are always there and transitions are quicker so
that it feels energetic and fast paced so people are paying attention to what happens
and can feel shocked in what's happening within the trailer. Special effects are always
apart of trailers because nowadays movies such as Fast and Furious are so over the top
they feel like they need to do an unrealistic stunt every five seconds and cram that into
a intense trailer which gets people talking about the movie like it has done really well. I
think this page is saying that trailers need to be over the top so that it gains everyone's
attention and gets hype behind it so people go watch it just because it is talked about
such as Batman or Marvel.
This page is about someone's reaction to a film which they said they were drawn into
the shorter versions of the films such as the trailer, this is because of song choice and
also the contents they put in the trailer which is usually the most exciting or certain
actions parts so that you wonder what started that or what happened afterwards.
Trailers also use a lot of spoilers or hidden messages which can get people talking
because they have a theory of what will be in the film which is a good marketing
strategy because you know people will go and watch it because they will want to know
if the theory is right or not which is guaranteed buys. They also talked about the
contrast during the trailer which creates a strange triangulation because of how
everything is filmed in the 1860’s but is set in 1930’s.
Dan Mace
Dan mace is a popular YouTuber and recognized short film maker from Cape Town, South Africa. His YouTube
channel has 734k subscribers who have all fallen in love with his short films and not so weekly series called Not
Normal. Dan Mace has also created a very popular YouTube series which is called the “not normal show”. This
encourages people with passions to plant a seed on a map he has put on his website and he will pick a random seed
and fly to that location and meet the creator to document the idea together and give it attention which could lead
to big changes. Such as when Dan and one of his subscribers went to go expose two big companies called old navy
and gap for being a big contributor to damaging the earth with single use plastics and not taking responsibility for
what they are doing. They even went outside one of the companies headquarters where they were denied entering
and also recorded and laughed at by the employees from inside the building. This show allows his fan base to create
new and exciting ideas with the chance to have a voice and be helped by Dan because of his platform which allows
hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of people to see this idea. Dan believes a lot of media is made to show
the bad in people which is very true because I have seen a lot of news channels, YouTubers give off false or even
negative information about someone which could lead to serious complications of their work such as getting fired or
not getting noticed as much as they used to. Dan said he wants to showcase the good in people so that people can
be inspired and strive for new things instead of being scared to share their idea because it may not be good enough
or they could be shut down because of peoples harsh and single minded ideas. Having constant bad energy and
news will create a generation of mutes which wouldn’t be good for the world or a healthy environment. Showcasing
positive emotions will let people feel like they can accomplish different things without needing to worry about what
other people will say because they are passionate about what they do and want to thrive in it. Also he shows the
good and positive thinking in some of the most unexpected people such as a gang lord which he put on a boat with
a cop and they shared a joint in international waters which then led into a deep conversation between the two
showing that they both share opinions on somethings which I think was meant to show they both care about things
people may think they wouldn’t because of their position in life.
Dan Mace
The reason I like Dan Mace and continue to watch him is because of his editing style, his unexpected videos and
wide range of diverse topics that he chooses to share with his viewers. Because he has so much experience making
music videos/short films, he really knows how to keep and audience and keep the editing fresh and well put through
out the video which keeps it entertaining and easy to watch.
Dan’s editing varies on the topic and also
what he needs to visualise. Such as he
blacked out this mountain and then slowly
detailed it will he was talking about what
type of snowboarding he was doing, this
explains his thoughts clearly and also
visualises what he is experiencing with the
viewer so that they can feel what he is
about to do. This would be something I
would like to learn because it is very simple
but looks good and can help the viewer
understand a lot easier.
This type of editing on Dan’s videos would be
the easiest to replicate because he is
gathering facts and old footage of the topics
he is talking about. In this case he was talking
about the beginning of plastic and how it has
changed into something that isn’t all
sunshine and rainbows as people once
thought when it was created. He included a
lot of old footage from people celebrating,
creating and talking about plastic which he
had playing while he was talking about the
dangers and evolution of plastic.
This type of editing is not seen that
much from Dan anymore but he
used this in his video called
humankind. This editing can be
used for diversity, showing that
humans are different but we are
still human even if we aren’t the
same outside. It also can be a nice
fashion edit because you could use
this on the outfits you use to show
the different styles each day and
make it look more creative.
Red Bull and Curt Morgan
Red bull is very famous from its drinks and also its massive sponsorship into most extreme sports and its constant
videos showcasing the very best of each sport in their element. Surfing is the main sport I follow with Red Bull
because it is one of the sports I do and enjoy so being able to watch and see how they film surfing is fun as well. Red
Bull consists of multiple directors and photographers that capture the sports unlike Dan Mace who records his own
footage for himself. One of the directors and cinematographers I have followed is Morgan Curt who I didn’t know
was a executive producer and cinematographer for view from a blue moon which is one of my favourite surf films
who follows John John Florence. Morgan does surfing and snowboarding films which was great for me because after
finding out that he does both sports and I am going to be making my own snowboarding/ski trailer, I can take some
inspiration from him and also learn about him during this FMP. Red Bull enjoys drone shots of the landscape and
also wide shots of the snowboarders and surfers. This is most likely to do with the high quality drones and awesome
videos you can make now because of how easy drones are to use. I have also seen that Red Bull usually edit only
three ways for most of the videos I have seen which include slow motion, rewind and speeding things up. These
things all contrast with each other and also work with each other because you could make someone in the air going
slow motion then rewind the person then fast forward it in which I would use with music so that it fits with it and
makes the video feel more professional with the music being in sync. Red Bull approaches there videos with a lot of
passion and fun to keep it enjoyable for the viewer who they are wanting to inspire. I can tell they do this because
they have a lot of shots where the people doing the sport are cheering or being excited while performing the tricks
which adds some life to the video because you can feel the energy of people who do things they love which can
influence people who watch to go and try something new or even try snowboarding/surfing. Morgan is very
ambitious when it comes to his videos because for the art of flight movie, he pushed his pilot and crew to
snowboard and film in a very dangerous area in Alaska which paid off and the movie was called the best film ever
which shows his passion to create and push boundaries to get the best possible outcome for his viewers and the
actual snowboarding community.
Red Bull and Curt Morgan
After seeing View From A Blue Moon for a second time, I was focusing on the aerial cinematography because Curt
was doing that for the movie. All of the sky shots were amazing because they captured so many different aspects of
certain areas, such as the poor and rich parts of countries, day and night sky shots which show the different colours
and stars through out the video.
Having a wide shot for snowboarding
is probably the best shot used in
videos because you can easily follow
the tricks the people are doing but
you also can see landscape which
makes the shot beautiful. Also they
use the editing which I have stated
before hand which works really well
with the still background because it
feels like the person is just moving by
themselves with nothing else being
affected which is a nice look.
Curt’s aerial cinematography was really
amazing during the surf film, this broke the
surf clips up really well with the editing and
music flowing well with the slow camera shot
of the landscape. I wish I could replicate this
but I don’t have a drone or anything I could
use for something like this. I am going to try
and get footage while I am on the ski lift and
make it look like drone footage. He also made
the videos have depth as he would go low
against tall mountains which made them feel
real and intimidating.
Red Bull showcases a lot of emotion during
their videos which for the viewers turn in
feelings of happiness and makes them want
to feel that type of energy, that’s why after
videos people want to go and try different
things because the energy has transferred
from the video into the person which Red
Bull does really well with as they show the
athletes emotions which carries on to the
viewer. This is a good thing to have in a
video because affecting the viewer means
the reacted with the video positively.
GoPro was founded in 2002 by Nick Woodman—a surfer, skier and motorsports enthusiast in search of a better way
to film himself and his friends surfing. What started with a 35mm camera and a wrist strap made from old wetsuits
and plastic scraps has grown into an international company that has sold over 26 million GoPro cameras in more
than 100 countries. GoPro is a very famous camera that also people to record in any type of terrain they choose, the
GoPro has come so far nowadays you can get full 360 degree videos and also a camera that doesn’t react when its
shaken and gives off perfectly smooth videos which is something I was stunned at when I saw someone use it while
mountain biking. GoPro usually has no filming crew unless it is a more professional or planned video which they are
wanting to show different angles or it is needed for something such as a promotional video. GoPro usually has the
athletes or random people record their experience from their point of view which gives off a unique video because
it is super raw compared to a edited video with lots of crew members being around for certain things. The great
thing about GoPro is that if you are by yourself you can have multiple angles anyway because they made a 360
degree camera that can record from behind you and also in front of you, so if you had one of those and a first
person angle then you got a fully functional camera set on you but it would come at a pricey cost for the GoPro’s.
GoPro’s beliefs are that they wanted to create something that everyone can use to share their experiences, inspire
people and to celebrate the moment with people. They believe that sharing your experiences make it more
meaningful and also way more fun because you get to relive your best and favourite moments and also get to share
it with other people who have the same dreams and experiences as you. GoPro’s approach to the product will be
the same as the people using the camera because they are trying to make something ambitious and help everyone
to be able to share their stories and experiences so I think their approach to the work will be keeping it fun and new
so that people can feel inspired but also keep good marketing so that people come back and buy the new cameras,
equipment and software. They also help build the athletes in the videos because they are heavily promoted through
out the video and they let them show off and have conversations with them so that people who watch the videos
can become interested with the person and they could help build them into a known athlete in the sport.
Having a GoPro would make my trailer look a lot more professional because I could use it without being scared of it
being damaged by the snow unlike my phone or a camera. GoPro hardly ever edits their footage because I think they
want to show what the GoPro can do so that they can use that as a marketing strategy.
Editing isn’t needed as much with GoPro
unless its small edits such as slow motion
or moving the person back, the 360
camera would really be useful because it
can save you time while recording as you
can have completely different angles or if
you are having an action shot, you can
have a really unique looking shot which
you wouldn’t need to edit because it
looks completely different to your usually
shots so it saves filming time and also
editing time.
Hand held camera or using a stick with
the camera attached can give a different
type of shot because you can follow a
skier or snowboarder and make it look
like it is 3rd person which I am used to
doing because when you record
skateboarding you follow the skater while
they do their line so having to follow
someone is something I know I can do
and it will be a nice shot following
someone flow down the path or going on
a jump.
First person is what GoPro has in every
single video of the sport they are
recording, this is because they have
perfect mounts that you can put on
your chest or head which give a stable
and easy to follow shot. It is also on the
best types of shots to do because you
can feel like you are the one going
down the mountain and also it is very
clear what they are doing and their
movements and also it captures the
surroundings perfectly.
GoPro. (2019). Getting the shot. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
GoPro. (2017). Alaskan Playground. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
GoPro. (2017). Getting the Shot with Torstein. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
Honig, B & Marso L J. (2016). Politics, Theory, and Film: Critical Encounters with Lars von Trier. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. 241.
Mace, D. (2019). Breaking the law in international waters. Available: Last accessed
30th Jan 2020.
Mace, D. (2015). Who is Dan the director. Available: Last accessed 28th Jan 2020.
Mace, D . (2019). I lied to an Olympian. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
Morgan, C. (2015). View From A Blue Moon. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
Morgan, C. (2011). The art of flight. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020.
Red Bull. (2017). Shredding a custom terrain park. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb
Schatz, T in Collins, J et al (1992). Film Theory Goes to the Movies. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. 32-33.

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1a. fmp theory

  • 1. FMP • Collect theories and relevant practitioners for your style of FMP • Research graphics designers, filmmakers, fashion designers, artists, photographers, authors, journalists. • Even if you don’t like their work, if they are significant to the area you are working in, find out about them. • Collect their work, beliefs, approaches to work. • Focus on the person- who they are? What they believe? Their approach to work. What have they said about the medium your working in? • Make it detailed. Become an expert on the people you look at. • Include images to illustrate the topic. • Explore a MINIMUM of 3 people • Look at BOOKS (Library and Google Books) • If you find someone you like- put there name in Google Books and see if anyone has written about them or if they wrote a book • Use Harvard referencing (Neil’s Toolbox) • If your struggling- google search: ‘(Your Medium Here) Theory’ or ‘Magazine Theory’, etc. • Branch out into representation theory if your product will predominantly represent a specific social group. What other theories could you include? • Use what we taught you in theory lectures on a Monday to develop your work.
  • 2. This is not research • This is really about putting what you what to do in to context. It’s to look at your potential influences and contemporaries. • This builds on your theory work. This helps define the direction you are heading. • Look at the examples, they will help.
  • 3. What I plan to research I am going to be making a skiing/snowboarding trailer like I did with my first FMP where I did a surfing trailer. I did a lot of surfing movie/documentary trailer research before my production because I wanted to see the similarities and differences between the types of trailers and what I can put in my trailer to make it look like something that would be turned into a movie. Audience was also a big part of the research because the surfing community is so vast and they also have fans who don’t surf but enjoy watching it and seeing all the different shots used. Audience affected my music choice, the footage I used and also the editing I chose to use as well. I was looking at a lot of new surf films or edits because I wanted to see if anything has changed because the new type of music and also the new generation of surfers has started to come and take over the surfing scene. Having done this research I could tell that a lot has changed due to the new type of music and lifestyle being shown in music videos nowadays, so the new surf edits that I saw was heavily influenced by that because my generation has been brainwashed by that type of music so it is everywhere. I am going to be researching camera techniques and angles because in the videos I have watched it can go from one angle for a long duration to different angles every five to ten seconds. This adds variety to the video so that it keeps it interesting rather than having everything the same which would get repetitive and boring. This will help my planning for my production because it will give me something to think of while recording and also something to aim for because if I can keep everything unique and try incorporate something interesting and different for each shot so the audience doesn’t get bored and feel like the video is repeating itself constantly. Primary research will most likely me asking people who ski or snowboard often about what part of the sport I should capture and their favourite part about the sport. This will either narrow down or give me a lot of room to add to my video because if everyone says the same thing then I know that will be what people will want to see during the trailer or if everyone says something different then I know I can have a lot of room with trying different methods or what to capture during my production. So having this type of research is something that will be very important when it comes to the production and also my knowledge in what people want to see.
  • 4. Trailer Theory This part of the book says that adverts of movies consist of hypnotic images where action is repeated, music and montages are always there and transitions are quicker so that it feels energetic and fast paced so people are paying attention to what happens and can feel shocked in what's happening within the trailer. Special effects are always apart of trailers because nowadays movies such as Fast and Furious are so over the top they feel like they need to do an unrealistic stunt every five seconds and cram that into a intense trailer which gets people talking about the movie like it has done really well. I think this page is saying that trailers need to be over the top so that it gains everyone's attention and gets hype behind it so people go watch it just because it is talked about such as Batman or Marvel. This page is about someone's reaction to a film which they said they were drawn into the shorter versions of the films such as the trailer, this is because of song choice and also the contents they put in the trailer which is usually the most exciting or certain actions parts so that you wonder what started that or what happened afterwards. Trailers also use a lot of spoilers or hidden messages which can get people talking because they have a theory of what will be in the film which is a good marketing strategy because you know people will go and watch it because they will want to know if the theory is right or not which is guaranteed buys. They also talked about the contrast during the trailer which creates a strange triangulation because of how everything is filmed in the 1860’s but is set in 1930’s.
  • 5. Dan Mace Dan mace is a popular YouTuber and recognized short film maker from Cape Town, South Africa. His YouTube channel has 734k subscribers who have all fallen in love with his short films and not so weekly series called Not Normal. Dan Mace has also created a very popular YouTube series which is called the “not normal show”. This encourages people with passions to plant a seed on a map he has put on his website and he will pick a random seed and fly to that location and meet the creator to document the idea together and give it attention which could lead to big changes. Such as when Dan and one of his subscribers went to go expose two big companies called old navy and gap for being a big contributor to damaging the earth with single use plastics and not taking responsibility for what they are doing. They even went outside one of the companies headquarters where they were denied entering and also recorded and laughed at by the employees from inside the building. This show allows his fan base to create new and exciting ideas with the chance to have a voice and be helped by Dan because of his platform which allows hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of people to see this idea. Dan believes a lot of media is made to show the bad in people which is very true because I have seen a lot of news channels, YouTubers give off false or even negative information about someone which could lead to serious complications of their work such as getting fired or not getting noticed as much as they used to. Dan said he wants to showcase the good in people so that people can be inspired and strive for new things instead of being scared to share their idea because it may not be good enough or they could be shut down because of peoples harsh and single minded ideas. Having constant bad energy and news will create a generation of mutes which wouldn’t be good for the world or a healthy environment. Showcasing positive emotions will let people feel like they can accomplish different things without needing to worry about what other people will say because they are passionate about what they do and want to thrive in it. Also he shows the good and positive thinking in some of the most unexpected people such as a gang lord which he put on a boat with a cop and they shared a joint in international waters which then led into a deep conversation between the two showing that they both share opinions on somethings which I think was meant to show they both care about things people may think they wouldn’t because of their position in life.
  • 6. Dan Mace The reason I like Dan Mace and continue to watch him is because of his editing style, his unexpected videos and wide range of diverse topics that he chooses to share with his viewers. Because he has so much experience making music videos/short films, he really knows how to keep and audience and keep the editing fresh and well put through out the video which keeps it entertaining and easy to watch. Dan’s editing varies on the topic and also what he needs to visualise. Such as he blacked out this mountain and then slowly detailed it will he was talking about what type of snowboarding he was doing, this explains his thoughts clearly and also visualises what he is experiencing with the viewer so that they can feel what he is about to do. This would be something I would like to learn because it is very simple but looks good and can help the viewer understand a lot easier. This type of editing on Dan’s videos would be the easiest to replicate because he is gathering facts and old footage of the topics he is talking about. In this case he was talking about the beginning of plastic and how it has changed into something that isn’t all sunshine and rainbows as people once thought when it was created. He included a lot of old footage from people celebrating, creating and talking about plastic which he had playing while he was talking about the dangers and evolution of plastic. This type of editing is not seen that much from Dan anymore but he used this in his video called humankind. This editing can be used for diversity, showing that humans are different but we are still human even if we aren’t the same outside. It also can be a nice fashion edit because you could use this on the outfits you use to show the different styles each day and make it look more creative.
  • 7. Red Bull and Curt Morgan Red bull is very famous from its drinks and also its massive sponsorship into most extreme sports and its constant videos showcasing the very best of each sport in their element. Surfing is the main sport I follow with Red Bull because it is one of the sports I do and enjoy so being able to watch and see how they film surfing is fun as well. Red Bull consists of multiple directors and photographers that capture the sports unlike Dan Mace who records his own footage for himself. One of the directors and cinematographers I have followed is Morgan Curt who I didn’t know was a executive producer and cinematographer for view from a blue moon which is one of my favourite surf films who follows John John Florence. Morgan does surfing and snowboarding films which was great for me because after finding out that he does both sports and I am going to be making my own snowboarding/ski trailer, I can take some inspiration from him and also learn about him during this FMP. Red Bull enjoys drone shots of the landscape and also wide shots of the snowboarders and surfers. This is most likely to do with the high quality drones and awesome videos you can make now because of how easy drones are to use. I have also seen that Red Bull usually edit only three ways for most of the videos I have seen which include slow motion, rewind and speeding things up. These things all contrast with each other and also work with each other because you could make someone in the air going slow motion then rewind the person then fast forward it in which I would use with music so that it fits with it and makes the video feel more professional with the music being in sync. Red Bull approaches there videos with a lot of passion and fun to keep it enjoyable for the viewer who they are wanting to inspire. I can tell they do this because they have a lot of shots where the people doing the sport are cheering or being excited while performing the tricks which adds some life to the video because you can feel the energy of people who do things they love which can influence people who watch to go and try something new or even try snowboarding/surfing. Morgan is very ambitious when it comes to his videos because for the art of flight movie, he pushed his pilot and crew to snowboard and film in a very dangerous area in Alaska which paid off and the movie was called the best film ever which shows his passion to create and push boundaries to get the best possible outcome for his viewers and the actual snowboarding community.
  • 8. Red Bull and Curt Morgan After seeing View From A Blue Moon for a second time, I was focusing on the aerial cinematography because Curt was doing that for the movie. All of the sky shots were amazing because they captured so many different aspects of certain areas, such as the poor and rich parts of countries, day and night sky shots which show the different colours and stars through out the video. Having a wide shot for snowboarding is probably the best shot used in videos because you can easily follow the tricks the people are doing but you also can see landscape which makes the shot beautiful. Also they use the editing which I have stated before hand which works really well with the still background because it feels like the person is just moving by themselves with nothing else being affected which is a nice look. Curt’s aerial cinematography was really amazing during the surf film, this broke the surf clips up really well with the editing and music flowing well with the slow camera shot of the landscape. I wish I could replicate this but I don’t have a drone or anything I could use for something like this. I am going to try and get footage while I am on the ski lift and make it look like drone footage. He also made the videos have depth as he would go low against tall mountains which made them feel real and intimidating. Red Bull showcases a lot of emotion during their videos which for the viewers turn in feelings of happiness and makes them want to feel that type of energy, that’s why after videos people want to go and try different things because the energy has transferred from the video into the person which Red Bull does really well with as they show the athletes emotions which carries on to the viewer. This is a good thing to have in a video because affecting the viewer means the reacted with the video positively.
  • 9. GoPro GoPro was founded in 2002 by Nick Woodman—a surfer, skier and motorsports enthusiast in search of a better way to film himself and his friends surfing. What started with a 35mm camera and a wrist strap made from old wetsuits and plastic scraps has grown into an international company that has sold over 26 million GoPro cameras in more than 100 countries. GoPro is a very famous camera that also people to record in any type of terrain they choose, the GoPro has come so far nowadays you can get full 360 degree videos and also a camera that doesn’t react when its shaken and gives off perfectly smooth videos which is something I was stunned at when I saw someone use it while mountain biking. GoPro usually has no filming crew unless it is a more professional or planned video which they are wanting to show different angles or it is needed for something such as a promotional video. GoPro usually has the athletes or random people record their experience from their point of view which gives off a unique video because it is super raw compared to a edited video with lots of crew members being around for certain things. The great thing about GoPro is that if you are by yourself you can have multiple angles anyway because they made a 360 degree camera that can record from behind you and also in front of you, so if you had one of those and a first person angle then you got a fully functional camera set on you but it would come at a pricey cost for the GoPro’s. GoPro’s beliefs are that they wanted to create something that everyone can use to share their experiences, inspire people and to celebrate the moment with people. They believe that sharing your experiences make it more meaningful and also way more fun because you get to relive your best and favourite moments and also get to share it with other people who have the same dreams and experiences as you. GoPro’s approach to the product will be the same as the people using the camera because they are trying to make something ambitious and help everyone to be able to share their stories and experiences so I think their approach to the work will be keeping it fun and new so that people can feel inspired but also keep good marketing so that people come back and buy the new cameras, equipment and software. They also help build the athletes in the videos because they are heavily promoted through out the video and they let them show off and have conversations with them so that people who watch the videos can become interested with the person and they could help build them into a known athlete in the sport.
  • 10. GoPro Having a GoPro would make my trailer look a lot more professional because I could use it without being scared of it being damaged by the snow unlike my phone or a camera. GoPro hardly ever edits their footage because I think they want to show what the GoPro can do so that they can use that as a marketing strategy. Editing isn’t needed as much with GoPro unless its small edits such as slow motion or moving the person back, the 360 camera would really be useful because it can save you time while recording as you can have completely different angles or if you are having an action shot, you can have a really unique looking shot which you wouldn’t need to edit because it looks completely different to your usually shots so it saves filming time and also editing time. Hand held camera or using a stick with the camera attached can give a different type of shot because you can follow a skier or snowboarder and make it look like it is 3rd person which I am used to doing because when you record skateboarding you follow the skater while they do their line so having to follow someone is something I know I can do and it will be a nice shot following someone flow down the path or going on a jump. First person is what GoPro has in every single video of the sport they are recording, this is because they have perfect mounts that you can put on your chest or head which give a stable and easy to follow shot. It is also on the best types of shots to do because you can feel like you are the one going down the mountain and also it is very clear what they are doing and their movements and also it captures the surroundings perfectly.
  • 11. Bibliography GoPro. (2019). Getting the shot. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. GoPro. (2017). Alaskan Playground. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. GoPro. (2017). Getting the Shot with Torstein. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. Honig, B & Marso L J. (2016). Politics, Theory, and Film: Critical Encounters with Lars von Trier. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 241. Mace, D. (2019). Breaking the law in international waters. Available: Last accessed 30th Jan 2020. Mace, D. (2015). Who is Dan the director. Available: Last accessed 28th Jan 2020. Mace, D . (2019). I lied to an Olympian. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. Morgan, C. (2015). View From A Blue Moon. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. Morgan, C. (2011). The art of flight. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. Red Bull. (2017). Shredding a custom terrain park. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2020. Schatz, T in Collins, J et al (1992). Film Theory Goes to the Movies. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. 32-33.