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Problem Solving
Technical Problems
Software – Premiere Pro may crash suddenly or be very slow so that could set me back with time or loss of work.
Effects/Techniques – For my video I want to create a difficult effect for my trailer and this could go wrong so I would
need to remove it and lose time and quality or I find it too difficult to learn and my planning will need to change on
the spot.
Saving/Storage – I may forget to save often which could lead to loss of work if the software fails or I close the
program without thinking or by accident. Storage could be full or one of my storages could fail and lose all the stuff I
have saved within the storage which could go from all my work to some which would set me back massively.
Equipment – Because I am going somewhere with steep slopes, drops and it is very wet and cold. This is the perfect
combination for damaging equipment, so I am going to need to be very careful while filming in the snow and near
slopes because I could drop my phone or lose it by dropping it somewhere and it falling down which would lead to
no footage and loss of all the footage I have collected.
Backing up all work – I could forget to put my footage and work in multiple places which could lead to certain areas
wiping or losing the work which would mean I would either fail because I lost all work or have to redo everything at
a worse level.
Batteries – Cameras or Phones could be out of charge so we wouldn’t be able to film because we are on a mountain
with no way of getting anywhere to charge our stuff. This would mean being set back in planning and also could
mean less footage to choose from when making the trailer which could make it more stressful because I am trying to
get anything out of the footage.
Practical Problems
Injuries – Skiing/Snowboarding is a very dangerous sport because the slopes can be so unpredictable because they
could be bumpy, full of ice and the snow could go from soft to hard really quickly which could confuse someone who
is new to the sport (me) so I am going to need to be careful when learning how to ski. An injury could halt the whole
holiday so I would get no footage or if I slightly injured myself then I could go slow and record the other people
rather than have anything to do with the trailer.
Learning to ski – For my project I am going to be recording and doing skiing. I am hoping I can learn and adjust
quickly so that the second and third day can be me recording people and people recording me so that it is a
interesting enough trailer when it has effects added into it. If I am unable to learn how to ski then the footage may
be a lot less because I will be focusing on trying to learn so that I can go down slopes and record people other than
people on the really small slopes which wouldn’t be interesting at all.
Weather – The weather could get really extreme such as winds, blizzards or fog. This could make the trip way more
dangerous which could lead to no footage or completely no skiing at all. This would be a massive step back but also
something that we couldn’t avoid because the weather can change whenever it wants.
Filming could turn out bad – Because I will be filming by hand and nothing else, this could create a unsteady shot
throughout the video because adrenaline maybe high or when I am moving the terrain and focus maybe hard to get
control of. When trying to do a first person shot through trees or down a slope, you need to concentrate and use
your body so controlling the camera maybe hard and could come out shaky or just unusable. I am going to try and
record a long and flat slope so that it guarantees at least some smooth footage rather than going through trees
which could be a lot harder to keep smooth.
Theoretical Problems
Transport – I will be taking the train from York to Manchester Airport and then Ski to Oslo Airport and the obviously
the flights. This all has a chance to be cancelled from the winds we were experiencing and then also delays could be
a factor which could effect everything from getting a different train and then having to pay for different travel
Time – Time in and out of college will be limited due to what I want to film and also edit. The editing process will
take a long time for some small edits so this could effect my production time but I think I should be fine because I
have already got my footage so I can focus on editing as soon as production time comes. Also the filming can be
limited because I have three days to record the skiing/snowboarding but I also have to learn and practice skiing
which is hard because we have limited daylight as it gets dark early and light later in the morning.
Location – The location I am filming at is very extreme and has many elements which could lead to injuries or being
unable to record. But on the journey there and back I can get some nice shots of the travel which could make it feel
more film like rather than just skiing. I am hoping for the conditions to be clear so that it is a nice shoot rather than a
grim and foggy one.
Public – There is a lot of ego and people on the slopes so some people may get in the way and others may go really
fast so they can be a danger if you are recording and don’t look and crash into someone which could lead to injury
or problems with people. Public can also get in the way of filming because people stop randomly or can be in big
groups in an area you want to film in which could delay your recording or you may not be able to film in that certain
Technical Solutions
Software – Make sure I save constantly so that if I end up having the program crash then I know it will be saved and
also have an up to date copy of the project so that if it crashes or corrupts then I know I have another copy with all
that I have done safe and ready to use whenever.
Effects/Techniques – If I am unable to learn or create the effect I want then I am going to make sure I know a
different or similar method so that I can replace it and not lose any of the quality of the video because I would
rather have something different to what I planned rather than nothing.
Saving/Storage – Make sure I save frequently and have multiple copies and storages so that if it gets full then I can
change storage or if it wipes then I have other copies that I can use and not lose any progress.
Equipment – I need to make sure I have correct footing and am stable while filming the skiers and snowboarders so
that I don’t fall and lose my phone or camera and also only record while moving if the slope is pretty quiet and I am
comfortable enough with the skies that I can record at the same time so that I don’t fall or hurt myself by getting
Backing up all work – I need to make sure I can an up to date back up of all my work so that if anything happens on
this computer I know I will have another copy so that I can keep on working and not lose any time or effort because I
got everything lost or wiped.
Batteries – I need to make sure the day before that everything is full charged and also that they portable charger is
charged so that if anything does go out of battery then we can charge them while skiing and this will help with being
able to record for longer because you aren’t thinking about your battery then.
Practical Solutions
Injuries – For me to avoid injuries I need to slowly progress into different slopes rather than learning the technique
then going straight to something that would be to overwhelming to handle and then hurt myself. I also need to not
get competitive with my friend because we will feed off each others energy and want to out class each other which
could result badly for me because I am doing it for the first time and he has skied since he was little.
Learning to ski – I am just going to take my time with learning it and so that I don’t miss anything because if I rush
into it I won’t get all the information I need and could end up learning slower because I don’t know fully what I am
doing and could learn slower. The best scenario would be if I learned it quickly and progressed faster than I thought
so that I can learn new techniques faster so that I could start filming.
Weather – Weather is something that can always change because we are going somewhere that can go from calm to
stormy within minutes so being prepared for most of the conditions is the best idea for when we go skiing. Such as
bring extra clothing in case anything gets super wet and it is a bad idea to keep wearing it, a face mask so that if it
gets windy and snow is falling you can cover your face and not get cold and ruin your time going up the mountain.
Planning your route down the mountain is one of the best ideas because if you know some place is wet because it
rained you can avoid the really hazardous and bad conditions by planning and looking for the best routes down the
Filming could turn out bad – For the filming aspect of the trip I am going to need to find different areas that I can
film people going past me and also find a flat area where I can make a first person shot and let it be smooth rather
than a shaky shot like if I were to go down a slope and try to record it just wouldn’t work.
Theoretical Solutions
Transport – Keep checking times and checking on the transport because you can see if anything is delayed which
gives you chance to change transport if needed, also arriving early such as two hours before the flight gives you
enough time get through everything and makes it less stressful for everyone so timing is a big part of travelling and
transport as well.
Time – I need to have a plan for everything I do, in and out of college because it may feel like I have a long time but
once I get going it is going to go by fast so having a plan for the day is a good idea. So I am going to make a plan
when we ski for how many shots I want and also what I want to record so that we go to different areas so that I can
record multiple locations and types of skiing and snowboarding. In college I am going to make a week plan for what I
want to get done and also what I want to start working on because that gives me a guideline on what I want to do
and also be able to see if it is possible for the deadline so that I don’t go over my time limit and start being stressed.
Location – I need to make sure I know the location I am going to so that I can take advantage of certain areas while I
am there and also if there is anything interesting on the way to the location then I can record that and add it into the
development of the trailer and give it some extra time. Weather also fits into location because I will need to look at
the type of weather that is going to be at the location so I can prepare for it before I get there.
Public – For the public aspect of the filming I am going to need to respect that people go fast down the slopes and
pick a good area so people can see that I am standing still so they can move out of the way and not need to quickly
move because they couldn’t see me and also make sure if I am recording and moving to look around so that I don’t
hit anyone or quickly turn and cut in front of anyone making them fall or making them hit into me which would
create problems for both of us.
Duplicate Experiment
For my experiment I am going to be trying to spilt the skier/snowboarder into three different people which then
gives off a trippy look because you can use it in a sequence and make them coming out from one or do it so there is
three already there. Before I found a video on how to do this I have done two things similar in my earlier projects,
the first one was a easy version where I copy and paste the same clip and change the opacity on them and then
move the clips slightly to the left and right which give off the same look and also saves a lot of time which gives me
more room to create different effects or creating a better storyline of the clips.
The technique also allows me to take different routes with the effect because
if I used the other technique then mask them back together would take double
the work rather than with this I can key frame them to move in and out which
gives a cool effect because you can add colour or make it glitch out which
would be a unique look and also give variety to the trailer. Second way is the masking route which I still haven’t
found the exact thing I need which makes it hard to learn because if I can’t find how to do it properly I could end up
wasting time and then not have what I wanted so I would have something which I don’t like and realise I could of
done other stuff in the time I have wasted on that. So I am most likely going to use the copy and paste version
because I know how to do that from the last time I used it and also it opens up a lot more room to add different
things to it so that I can make it more unique and also have a theme within the trailer. And it also is a way better
option because it saves a lot of time compared to the other method which would eat up a lot of time for something
that is more restricted.
Duplicate method – settings
1. Duplicate the video you want to
change then stack them with the
same video. This allows for the video
to overlap each other and create the
three person look I want.
2. Move the position to the left or
right depending on where you
want the second or third person
to appear and then change the
opacity to around 50-70 percent
so that it shows up rather than
staying as one image.
Coming together effect
3. Then click the stop watch next to position and
then every frame go and change the position
slightly back into the main person which then
should create a smooth transition from having
three separate people to finishing with one
person at the end which looks nice if done
Glitch Experiment
For this experiment I am wanting to try out a different technique which uses the same method as the duplicate
effect. This is will allow me to remember how to do it when I go and do it on production week because they are
similar in how they use stacked videos with lower opacity and movement to show off different and cool looking
effects which add some variety to the video. This effect that I am researching could be used for many different
aspects of the trailer but I think music will be the biggest part to this effect because having some type of music
which fits with it or having a sound effect which doesn’t intrude the music could work really well with this type of
With this effect I was messing around with the types of glitches you can make and also the colours you can make
which could add more diverse looking glitches which could effect the mood and also give off signs of what is about
to come so if I used the colour red that could foreshadow danger and other meanings, this would add more depth to
the trailer because you could interpret it however you want. The different and gradual colour change also helps with
the glitch effect look more intense because if you used the same colour then it wouldn’t give off that vibrant change
and it also wouldn’t be as intense because with these types of colours you can really see the glitch which is a good
focus point in the trailer.
Glitch method – settings
1. You cut up the scene you want to glitch out
and then copy the same video on top so that you
can create the duplicate look so that when the
glitch happens it makes the person look like they
are moving and messing up even if they are
standing still.
2. You then put the opacity on to 55%-70%
depending on how strong or faded you want the
second person to be and then change the position so
that you can see the other person rather it being
hidden underneath the original layer.
3. After that add the arithmetic addon which
will allow you to access the colour value area
which you need to create your colours so
that your glitch looks more vibrant and also
put the operator on Max.
Music Experiment
I think that music and sound effects in trailers are the biggest and most important part to a successful trailer. This is
because without music there would be no suspense, joy or terror in the video. Horror movies and trailers are a
perfect example of using music effectively because they use it to add the feeling of something is about to happen
and when there is a jump scare all the music is loud and chaotic which is what is happening in the scene. Having the
music effect your mood and thoughts on what is happening is what I want to achieve with my trailer because then
people will have an opinion on the trailer and that means they were paying attention to the trailer and that is what I
want. For my experiment I am going to be using random snowboarding and skiing footage such as tricks, travel and a
bunch of different types of footage because I want to be able to edit footage which is similar to my own footage I
recorded. This will allow me to learn and plan with what I want to do when it comes to the real production. I have
edited with music on nearly every video project I have done because I enjoy doing this type of editing because you
can create some cool patterns or effects with the speed and timing of the music which makes the whole trailer look
better and also flow a lot better. The hardest part of this experiment is finding the music I want to edit with so I
looked at trailers, snow films and also finding montages of snowboarding and skiing which I tried to find music
people used or at least the genre which shows up the most for this type of sport. But then I remembered surfing
films have a similar style to the films with snowboarding so I decided to try and see if there was any music I could
use for my trailer. Gooey by Glass Animals was one of the songs I managed to find because the remixes of this song
has added their own style to it but also sped it up a little bit because it is a slow song. I think this is a good choice
because it has a lot of beats and sounds unique to a normal song which is why I liked it and editing with this song
would be a lot of fun because it has a nice build up but also a good continuous beat which would fit well with the
skiing and snowboarding footage I have.
Possible music for trailer
• - Gooey (Gilligan Moss Remix) slower cut version (41.18)
• - Gooey (Wild Culture Remix) faster full version

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Fmp problem solving

  • 2. Technical Problems Software – Premiere Pro may crash suddenly or be very slow so that could set me back with time or loss of work. Effects/Techniques – For my video I want to create a difficult effect for my trailer and this could go wrong so I would need to remove it and lose time and quality or I find it too difficult to learn and my planning will need to change on the spot. Saving/Storage – I may forget to save often which could lead to loss of work if the software fails or I close the program without thinking or by accident. Storage could be full or one of my storages could fail and lose all the stuff I have saved within the storage which could go from all my work to some which would set me back massively. Equipment – Because I am going somewhere with steep slopes, drops and it is very wet and cold. This is the perfect combination for damaging equipment, so I am going to need to be very careful while filming in the snow and near slopes because I could drop my phone or lose it by dropping it somewhere and it falling down which would lead to no footage and loss of all the footage I have collected. Backing up all work – I could forget to put my footage and work in multiple places which could lead to certain areas wiping or losing the work which would mean I would either fail because I lost all work or have to redo everything at a worse level. Batteries – Cameras or Phones could be out of charge so we wouldn’t be able to film because we are on a mountain with no way of getting anywhere to charge our stuff. This would mean being set back in planning and also could mean less footage to choose from when making the trailer which could make it more stressful because I am trying to get anything out of the footage.
  • 3. Practical Problems Injuries – Skiing/Snowboarding is a very dangerous sport because the slopes can be so unpredictable because they could be bumpy, full of ice and the snow could go from soft to hard really quickly which could confuse someone who is new to the sport (me) so I am going to need to be careful when learning how to ski. An injury could halt the whole holiday so I would get no footage or if I slightly injured myself then I could go slow and record the other people rather than have anything to do with the trailer. Learning to ski – For my project I am going to be recording and doing skiing. I am hoping I can learn and adjust quickly so that the second and third day can be me recording people and people recording me so that it is a interesting enough trailer when it has effects added into it. If I am unable to learn how to ski then the footage may be a lot less because I will be focusing on trying to learn so that I can go down slopes and record people other than people on the really small slopes which wouldn’t be interesting at all. Weather – The weather could get really extreme such as winds, blizzards or fog. This could make the trip way more dangerous which could lead to no footage or completely no skiing at all. This would be a massive step back but also something that we couldn’t avoid because the weather can change whenever it wants. Filming could turn out bad – Because I will be filming by hand and nothing else, this could create a unsteady shot throughout the video because adrenaline maybe high or when I am moving the terrain and focus maybe hard to get control of. When trying to do a first person shot through trees or down a slope, you need to concentrate and use your body so controlling the camera maybe hard and could come out shaky or just unusable. I am going to try and record a long and flat slope so that it guarantees at least some smooth footage rather than going through trees which could be a lot harder to keep smooth.
  • 4. Theoretical Problems Transport – I will be taking the train from York to Manchester Airport and then Ski to Oslo Airport and the obviously the flights. This all has a chance to be cancelled from the winds we were experiencing and then also delays could be a factor which could effect everything from getting a different train and then having to pay for different travel methods. Time – Time in and out of college will be limited due to what I want to film and also edit. The editing process will take a long time for some small edits so this could effect my production time but I think I should be fine because I have already got my footage so I can focus on editing as soon as production time comes. Also the filming can be limited because I have three days to record the skiing/snowboarding but I also have to learn and practice skiing which is hard because we have limited daylight as it gets dark early and light later in the morning. Location – The location I am filming at is very extreme and has many elements which could lead to injuries or being unable to record. But on the journey there and back I can get some nice shots of the travel which could make it feel more film like rather than just skiing. I am hoping for the conditions to be clear so that it is a nice shoot rather than a grim and foggy one. Public – There is a lot of ego and people on the slopes so some people may get in the way and others may go really fast so they can be a danger if you are recording and don’t look and crash into someone which could lead to injury or problems with people. Public can also get in the way of filming because people stop randomly or can be in big groups in an area you want to film in which could delay your recording or you may not be able to film in that certain area.
  • 5. Technical Solutions Software – Make sure I save constantly so that if I end up having the program crash then I know it will be saved and also have an up to date copy of the project so that if it crashes or corrupts then I know I have another copy with all that I have done safe and ready to use whenever. Effects/Techniques – If I am unable to learn or create the effect I want then I am going to make sure I know a different or similar method so that I can replace it and not lose any of the quality of the video because I would rather have something different to what I planned rather than nothing. Saving/Storage – Make sure I save frequently and have multiple copies and storages so that if it gets full then I can change storage or if it wipes then I have other copies that I can use and not lose any progress. Equipment – I need to make sure I have correct footing and am stable while filming the skiers and snowboarders so that I don’t fall and lose my phone or camera and also only record while moving if the slope is pretty quiet and I am comfortable enough with the skies that I can record at the same time so that I don’t fall or hurt myself by getting distracted. Backing up all work – I need to make sure I can an up to date back up of all my work so that if anything happens on this computer I know I will have another copy so that I can keep on working and not lose any time or effort because I got everything lost or wiped. Batteries – I need to make sure the day before that everything is full charged and also that they portable charger is charged so that if anything does go out of battery then we can charge them while skiing and this will help with being able to record for longer because you aren’t thinking about your battery then.
  • 6. Practical Solutions Injuries – For me to avoid injuries I need to slowly progress into different slopes rather than learning the technique then going straight to something that would be to overwhelming to handle and then hurt myself. I also need to not get competitive with my friend because we will feed off each others energy and want to out class each other which could result badly for me because I am doing it for the first time and he has skied since he was little. Learning to ski – I am just going to take my time with learning it and so that I don’t miss anything because if I rush into it I won’t get all the information I need and could end up learning slower because I don’t know fully what I am doing and could learn slower. The best scenario would be if I learned it quickly and progressed faster than I thought so that I can learn new techniques faster so that I could start filming. Weather – Weather is something that can always change because we are going somewhere that can go from calm to stormy within minutes so being prepared for most of the conditions is the best idea for when we go skiing. Such as bring extra clothing in case anything gets super wet and it is a bad idea to keep wearing it, a face mask so that if it gets windy and snow is falling you can cover your face and not get cold and ruin your time going up the mountain. Planning your route down the mountain is one of the best ideas because if you know some place is wet because it rained you can avoid the really hazardous and bad conditions by planning and looking for the best routes down the mountain. Filming could turn out bad – For the filming aspect of the trip I am going to need to find different areas that I can film people going past me and also find a flat area where I can make a first person shot and let it be smooth rather than a shaky shot like if I were to go down a slope and try to record it just wouldn’t work.
  • 7. Theoretical Solutions Transport – Keep checking times and checking on the transport because you can see if anything is delayed which gives you chance to change transport if needed, also arriving early such as two hours before the flight gives you enough time get through everything and makes it less stressful for everyone so timing is a big part of travelling and transport as well. Time – I need to have a plan for everything I do, in and out of college because it may feel like I have a long time but once I get going it is going to go by fast so having a plan for the day is a good idea. So I am going to make a plan when we ski for how many shots I want and also what I want to record so that we go to different areas so that I can record multiple locations and types of skiing and snowboarding. In college I am going to make a week plan for what I want to get done and also what I want to start working on because that gives me a guideline on what I want to do and also be able to see if it is possible for the deadline so that I don’t go over my time limit and start being stressed. Location – I need to make sure I know the location I am going to so that I can take advantage of certain areas while I am there and also if there is anything interesting on the way to the location then I can record that and add it into the development of the trailer and give it some extra time. Weather also fits into location because I will need to look at the type of weather that is going to be at the location so I can prepare for it before I get there. Public – For the public aspect of the filming I am going to need to respect that people go fast down the slopes and pick a good area so people can see that I am standing still so they can move out of the way and not need to quickly move because they couldn’t see me and also make sure if I am recording and moving to look around so that I don’t hit anyone or quickly turn and cut in front of anyone making them fall or making them hit into me which would create problems for both of us.
  • 9. Duplicate Experiment For my experiment I am going to be trying to spilt the skier/snowboarder into three different people which then gives off a trippy look because you can use it in a sequence and make them coming out from one or do it so there is three already there. Before I found a video on how to do this I have done two things similar in my earlier projects, the first one was a easy version where I copy and paste the same clip and change the opacity on them and then move the clips slightly to the left and right which give off the same look and also saves a lot of time which gives me more room to create different effects or creating a better storyline of the clips. The technique also allows me to take different routes with the effect because if I used the other technique then mask them back together would take double the work rather than with this I can key frame them to move in and out which gives a cool effect because you can add colour or make it glitch out which would be a unique look and also give variety to the trailer. Second way is the masking route which I still haven’t found the exact thing I need which makes it hard to learn because if I can’t find how to do it properly I could end up wasting time and then not have what I wanted so I would have something which I don’t like and realise I could of done other stuff in the time I have wasted on that. So I am most likely going to use the copy and paste version because I know how to do that from the last time I used it and also it opens up a lot more room to add different things to it so that I can make it more unique and also have a theme within the trailer. And it also is a way better option because it saves a lot of time compared to the other method which would eat up a lot of time for something that is more restricted.
  • 10. Duplicate method – settings 1. Duplicate the video you want to change then stack them with the same video. This allows for the video to overlap each other and create the three person look I want. 2. Move the position to the left or right depending on where you want the second or third person to appear and then change the opacity to around 50-70 percent so that it shows up rather than staying as one image. Coming together effect 3. Then click the stop watch next to position and then every frame go and change the position slightly back into the main person which then should create a smooth transition from having three separate people to finishing with one person at the end which looks nice if done correctly.
  • 11. Glitch Experiment For this experiment I am wanting to try out a different technique which uses the same method as the duplicate effect. This is will allow me to remember how to do it when I go and do it on production week because they are similar in how they use stacked videos with lower opacity and movement to show off different and cool looking effects which add some variety to the video. This effect that I am researching could be used for many different aspects of the trailer but I think music will be the biggest part to this effect because having some type of music which fits with it or having a sound effect which doesn’t intrude the music could work really well with this type of editing. With this effect I was messing around with the types of glitches you can make and also the colours you can make which could add more diverse looking glitches which could effect the mood and also give off signs of what is about to come so if I used the colour red that could foreshadow danger and other meanings, this would add more depth to the trailer because you could interpret it however you want. The different and gradual colour change also helps with the glitch effect look more intense because if you used the same colour then it wouldn’t give off that vibrant change and it also wouldn’t be as intense because with these types of colours you can really see the glitch which is a good focus point in the trailer.
  • 12. Glitch method – settings 1. You cut up the scene you want to glitch out and then copy the same video on top so that you can create the duplicate look so that when the glitch happens it makes the person look like they are moving and messing up even if they are standing still. 2. You then put the opacity on to 55%-70% depending on how strong or faded you want the second person to be and then change the position so that you can see the other person rather it being hidden underneath the original layer. 3. After that add the arithmetic addon which will allow you to access the colour value area which you need to create your colours so that your glitch looks more vibrant and also put the operator on Max.
  • 13. Music Experiment I think that music and sound effects in trailers are the biggest and most important part to a successful trailer. This is because without music there would be no suspense, joy or terror in the video. Horror movies and trailers are a perfect example of using music effectively because they use it to add the feeling of something is about to happen and when there is a jump scare all the music is loud and chaotic which is what is happening in the scene. Having the music effect your mood and thoughts on what is happening is what I want to achieve with my trailer because then people will have an opinion on the trailer and that means they were paying attention to the trailer and that is what I want. For my experiment I am going to be using random snowboarding and skiing footage such as tricks, travel and a bunch of different types of footage because I want to be able to edit footage which is similar to my own footage I recorded. This will allow me to learn and plan with what I want to do when it comes to the real production. I have edited with music on nearly every video project I have done because I enjoy doing this type of editing because you can create some cool patterns or effects with the speed and timing of the music which makes the whole trailer look better and also flow a lot better. The hardest part of this experiment is finding the music I want to edit with so I looked at trailers, snow films and also finding montages of snowboarding and skiing which I tried to find music people used or at least the genre which shows up the most for this type of sport. But then I remembered surfing films have a similar style to the films with snowboarding so I decided to try and see if there was any music I could use for my trailer. Gooey by Glass Animals was one of the songs I managed to find because the remixes of this song has added their own style to it but also sped it up a little bit because it is a slow song. I think this is a good choice because it has a lot of beats and sounds unique to a normal song which is why I liked it and editing with this song would be a lot of fun because it has a nice build up but also a good continuous beat which would fit well with the skiing and snowboarding footage I have.
  • 14. Possible music for trailer • - Gooey (Gilligan Moss Remix) slower cut version (41.18) • - Gooey (Wild Culture Remix) faster full version