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Communication Method
Sam Nixon
ASA Codes
Number Name Brief Description
1 Compliance Marketing communications have to be legal, they
should tell the truth and be honest to there
audience, while also being decent.
2 Recognition of
It should be clear what the product actually does
and what it is capable and not capable of/if its
made up or real.
3 Misleading Adverts The advert should not mislead consumers so that
they can hide material information or to make them
believe that there product is made from something
4 Harm and Offence Whatever is being marketed should not cause any
serious offense. This could be caused by using
topics such as religion, race ,disability or even age.
5 Children Advertisements that are suitable for different ages
should be scheduled carefully. For example the right
time of day. Also they must not encourage children
to do things which could cause them harm.
6 Privacy A living person must not be featured or referred to
Mind Map
Coke a cola Poster
Red and
zero (male)
Grey and red
Targets mostly
female consumers
Targets a range of
female and male
and is a very well
known colour for
this brand
Targets mostly male
consumers and if the
newest colour
design so it might
not be easily
That it is
It tastes nice and still
tastes the same but it has
less sugar (Only for coke
zero and diet coke)
Makes the audience
think if its popular it
must be nice and they
will like it too
change black writing to orange but
still have red so that the brand is
easily recognisable and stands out
Poster will also
have the colour red
and orange so that
people know the
poster could be to
do with the theme
of Halloween
Picture of Santa
on the poster so
that people know
its to do with
charismas theme
on season
Have original coke
colours because
these colours
already suit the
Christmas theme
People already know at Christmas
coke a cola is thought of a lot
because of past experiences and
memories. This can increase
chances of getting the target
audiences attention and maybe
increase how much of the product
they can sell
Modern things
are more likely
to catch their
Something they might
have experienced e.g.
Things happening with
Needs to be fairly cheap
because it makes the
audience more likely to
buy the product
Coke a cola slogans form 1886 to
1906 all linked to how coke a cola
tasted which could be one of the
reasons why it has been so
successful for so long and why
throughout the years the coke
slogan has said multiple times
about it being “real” for example
1969 “it’s the real thing”
2003 “ coca cola… real”
2005 “make it real”
Light, dark,
Have a poster
with light and
bold colours so
that it
connects with
the theme of
summer and
how its
suppose to be
a happy time
Slogans I
could use/I
have made“this is the real
deal” I have chose
this because it
sticks to previous
slogans which we
already know are
Have colours that
match the theme of
whatever season it is
and maybe add a
picture on the
poster of events that
are going to happen
in this season to
grab peoples
attention and so
they see something
they recognise first.
Mind Map
• Strengths of using this method-Can easily build off ideas and structure your
plan in not only a tidy way but in a more efficient way because all your ideas have their own section so it is
quick and easy to find whatever it is that you need/are looking for. Another strength is that it is quick and
easy to make a mind map so if you need to get some ideas down quickly you can easily do it with the mind
map. This is because if you don’t like one idea or you want to change it etc. you can just add on another
idea onto the old one.
• Weaknesses of using this method-It is hard to tell what ideas you have
chosen to go through with and what ideas you haven’t because they are all together but this could easily
be fixed by doing things such as highlighting ideas you have chosen to do. However I think another
problem is that the more information you put on your mind map the more un-organised it becomes
because you end up being forced to write ideas next to other ones which could end up making you make a
mistake or get ideas confused.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using the mind map
because I think it is use full that you can build off ideas to add more detail and be more specific because
the more detailed your plan is the more detailed your product/work is going to be in the future. This could
not only make your product/work a higher quality overall when its done but it gives you lots of options to
change and modify your design.
Mood Board
Mood Board
• Strengths of using this method-With this method you are able to see ideas
that have already been used and what looks good or not and what worked and what didn’t work. For
example while getting images for my mind map I found out that there is a coca cola orange but there are
very few images of it and not much info about it. This could mean that this type of style/theme didn’t take
off and wasn’t very popular. This not only gives me an insight into what the coca cola target audience is
like but it tells me which of my ideas might work and which wont because people have already tried to do
something similar.
• Weaknesses of using this method-The weakness of this method is that you
are not able to do anything in detail because it is based on finding pictures that already exist and not
writing in any detail at all. This means yes it gives you ideas for what to do for your design but it doesn’t
say if those ideas are good and if they are why are they.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this method
because it gave me an insight into what has already been done with the coca cola brand and instead of
imagining the ideas in my head I already have I pre-made one in front of me. However I didn’t like this
method as well because I wasn’t able to put any of my ideas in detail. All I was able to do was to look at
other ideas that people came up with and try figure out why they did what they did instead of improving
or thinking about things for my own design.
Style Sheet I would like to base
my font on something
similar to the normal
coca cola font that
they use because it is
easily recognizable
and is extremely well
Coca cola
Coca colaCoca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
I don’t think that this font suits my
target audience because my target
audience is ranged from 16-20 and I
know that they are more likely to
focus on fonts that are big and bold
rather then small thin text.
However I think that this is the best font to use because not only
does it look similar to the coke logo which means people will
automatically think the poster has something to do with coca
cola but it is thick text which means it will be more likely to grab
the audiences attention and appeal to them more.
Coca cola
Coca cola
Coca cola
Style Sheet
• Strengths of using this method-The strengths of using this method is
that you are able to see how much your font can effect how your product looks and how important
it is. It is also good to use this this method because it allows your design to have even more detail
and to look even more pleasing to the target audience.
• Weaknesses of using this method-However the bad things about
this method is that most of the design involves choosing out of something that someone else has
already made/is not your instead of making something from scratch that is personalised to you and
that you have made.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this
method because it gave me the chance to make my work even more detailed and more likely to
attract my target audience. This is because I was able to choose a font design that not only suited
my font but made it look more aesthetically pleasing to my audience. However I don’t like how I
had to use someone else's (font) design rather then making it from scratch and more personalised
to me.
Layout Plan Coca cola-Font for
only the title
and not for the
body because if
all the writing
is like this then
the audience
could become
uninterested in
the poster
Coca cola-This
font is for the
whole thing
except from
the title
because it is
simple to read
and is sort of
similar to the
coca cola
PICTURE ----------------
Three different colours to
represent the three best
known coca cola drinks
coke zero, coke (original)
and diet coke
Have added events in the
background to interest
Have added pictures on
the left to make the
poster stand out more,
look more interesting
and to give some more
put this
in the
und to
make it
that this
is from
cola and
so that it
Layout Plan
• Strengths of using this method-I think the strengths of using this method is
that you get to see how your advertisement will be laid out and how your target audience will see it. This
is good because then you get to see your advertisement from the perspective of your target audience
meaning you might see something you didn’t see before and then change that so it better suits the target
market and is a better advertisement over all.
• Weaknesses of using this method-I think the weakness of this method is
that you don’t know exactly how it is going to look because you still need to decide after this what you are
going to put on it. For example when doing the layout plan you might think about using a certain picture
but once you start to make the advertisement you might be forced to use a different picture that doesn’t
suit the layout that you originally designed causing you to change the layout until it looks nothing like it
did when you first did the plan layout.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I like this method because it
allows me to get a rough idea of what my advertisement will look like and how it will come across from the
audiences point of view, this allows me to change anything that seems like its not needed or something
that I could improve to make my advertisement better and more appealing.
Have slogan
Something catchy
(something that you
will remember)
Sound effects of
opening coke so that
people have a clear
understanding what the
product is.
Rhetorical questions
Have different themes
e.g. radio advert for coke
small had someone
talking in a high pitch
Make it clear
what the advert
is about
How coca cola
makes people
and improves
Joy/up beat
Stands out to
other brands
Use facts e.g. what
customers have said
about the product
Famous celebs
(often singers
who sing the
actual song in
Theme (often
to do with
current slogan)
• Strengths of using this method-The strengths about this method is that it is
quick and easy to do. Because it is quick and easy to do it allows you to have more time to reflect on what
ideas/plans you have come up with and if they need any improvement or if you don’t want to use them at
all. With this method you can also get an idea what previous designs/types of advertisements are like.
• Weaknesses of using this method-The weakness of using this method is
that because it is so quick and easy to do you don’t have enough time to write your ideas in detail and
develop them until after you've finished brainstorming but by then you might not have enough time. I also
think if you brainstorm then you might miss important details on what your trying to design. This could
effect your finished product in the future.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I didn’t like using this method
because I don’t think that you are able to get a lot of information/detail down about what you are designing.
This is why I think that brainstorming ideas should be a last resort for example if your running out of time to
plan something or you just need to get a few ideas down quickly. However in something like this task that I
have to do I think I should do a method where I am able to get more information and to put ideas down in
more detail. Because if I rush my planning then my main peace of advertising wont be of good standard. But
when you brainstorm that can involve looking at previous ideas/designs and this can be good because then
you get the chance to see other successful ideas and why they were successful. This could allow you to
improve your own idea but this means your idea/design may end up being very similar to old ones that are
no longer popular or interesting.
Informal Pitch
• Strengths of using this method-The strengths of my informal
pitch is that it is quick and snappy. This makes it easier for my audience to remember what
the advert said, what its about, etc. Another strength is that my pitch is different and strange
in a way. This is a strength because the audience is more likely to remember something
strange and it suits my target audience better because they based around ages 14-25.
• Weaknesses of using this method-The weaknesses of my
pitch is that it doesn’t have a lot of information on and doesn’t describe the product in that
much detail. This could result in the audience not getting all the detail and information they
need for example ingredients.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this
method because you can change and alter it in anyway you want and you are able to add a
lot of your personal choices to it like the type of music, what it says, design, etc. this allows
you to change your pitch until it suits your target audience perfectly.
Group Idea Generation
• Quick
• Easy to remember
• Catchy
• Sound effects of product
• Up beat
• Slogan
• Different/stands out
• Explains product
• Is clear what the product actually is
• Has to be interesting to listen to
Group Idea Generation
• Strengths of using this method- you are able to get someone
else's point of view on an idea which could help to improve that idea overall or make you
realise that it might not be the best one. Using this method could also make you think of
ideas you never would have on your own which would make your work more diverse rather
then it all being the same.
• Weaknesses of using this method-Takes longer to decide
on an idea because everyone has different opinions on them, meaning that it could take
twice as long to choose an idea to use.
• Did you like using this method? Why?- I did not like
using this method personally because I think I work better alone where it is easier to think
however this method was useful because I was able to get new ideas I wouldn’t have thought
of and get peoples thoughts on my ideas from a different perspective then just mine.
Formal Pitch
• Strengths of using this method-I think the strengths of this method
is that it is more likely to attract a larger range of people then doing an informal pitch. This is
because informal pitches are more interesting to an audience aged 12-20 because of the fact
people round these ages don’t focus on the detailed information about the products they buy
unless they have allergies etc. But people aged 20 and above are more likely to prefer a formal pitch
because they get to learn a lot about the product, what the price is, how it can effect them etc.
• Weaknesses of using this method-In this case I don’t think this
method would be that effective because my target audience is ranged from 16-20 and would prefer
an informal pitch which is more interesting and goes straight to the point rather then a formal pitch
giving them all the details that they aren't really that interested in.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I like this method
because I think it is a very good way to show your audience a lot about your product and it helps to
temp them to want to buy it but in this case I don’t think it would be very effective or good to use
this method because this method is targeted at an audience who is of a higher age then the one
that I am trying to get to buy my product.
Initial Reaction
• When I first started this production I wasn’t sure how I was going to complete it, what tools I
was going to use or where to begin in general. I was excited to do it but also nervous at the
same time. Luckily I did a lot of work on Photoshop, illustrator, etc. in high school when I did
C.I.D.A so I already knew the basics of how to work those programs. Because I already knew
the basics of how to use them I focused more on the other things that I didn’t know as much
about so that my work could be of good enough standard. I focused on things such as the
tasks on the power points and in the word documents because I wasn’t sure what they were
asking me to do but eventfully I knew what they were asking me to do and once I had done
that all I had to do was use my knowledge C.I.D.A in high school with the new things I had
learned in media in college. After I got this far I was able to complete work quickly with a
large amount of detail and enjoy it at the same time. At first I wasn’t sure about making the
productions but when I actually started them and finished them I ended up enjoying them a
lot and still haven’t lost any interest in the subject at all.
Initial Reaction
• Strengths of using this method-You are able to see what skills you
are good at and which ones you are not good at. It also allows you to see what you could
improve on and what your best at working with. This will result in your work getting better
each time and being of better quality.
• Weaknesses of using this method-Because this information is
only coming from you and not someone else it could be one sided and you could miss
something important that only someone else can see. This could result in you doing a
constant mistake in your work every time because you think what your doing is right and
because you didn’t get advice of anyone else to see their opinion.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this
method because It allowed me to see what I could improve on and how I've developed while
making this production. Like I stated before this can help to improve the quality of my work
overall making it of better quality each time I create something else.
SketchesBased my design off this
character on the right but I
added my own theme and
changed the shape and
features of some parts such
as clothing and getting
other angles of the
character that I drew myself.
I have also took into
consideration what my
characters movements will
look like in the game for
example the four models
I have added “c c”
on the back of my
character to
represent the
theme of coca cola.
The letters will also
flash red at the end
of each level to
show the player
that he has
completed it.
The character on the left
has a bottle of coca cola
that he uses as a power up
in the game so I have added
that onto the sketch
however with the character
on the right I have made
him a literal can of coca cola
so that there is a clear
theme and a more cartoony
vibe to the game.
This character design is interesting and different
but is quite boring/bland where as the other one
has more details and features. But I think this
design is good because it makes it completely
obvious what theme the game is. Where as with
the other character its hard to tell because the
coca cola is very small and people might not
know what it is unless we give the game a really
clear title.
• Strengths of using this method-some people are more skilled
in drawing with pencil and paper rather then on a computer program so this method would
allow them to work to the best of their ability's and make a detailed and accurate sketch of
their idea.
• Weaknesses of using this method-If you are not a good
drawer then the idea/design that you wanted to sketch might come out differently to how
you wanted it to and might be scruffier then if you did it on a computer.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-personally I did
not like using this method because I’m not a skilled drawer I am unable to draw the design
how I want it where as I have more skills in things like Photoshop and illustrator so I think
that my sketches would be better drawn on them instead of pencil and paper.
Formal Proposal
• Strengths of using this method-you are able to focus on the
most important features of your production and it informs you on details that you might of
missed such as language/territories.
• Weaknesses of using this method-because your focusing
on the things that the formal proposal tells you to do you might end up forgetting to do other
things because the formal proposal only gives you limited information. This could end up
making your work not of high enough standard because you’ve missed key things that you
need to do.
• Did you like using this method? Why?-I like using this
method because it reminds me to do tasks that if I forgot could result in something bad
happening to the product and the business that owns it. For example if I didn’t check for
territories in my work then It could end up offending a large amount of people resulting in
that company losing a large amount of money and possibly worse.

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1. communication methods pro forma

  • 2. ASA Codes Number Name Brief Description 1 Compliance Marketing communications have to be legal, they should tell the truth and be honest to there audience, while also being decent. 2 Recognition of marketing communications It should be clear what the product actually does and what it is capable and not capable of/if its made up or real. 3 Misleading Adverts The advert should not mislead consumers so that they can hide material information or to make them believe that there product is made from something different 4 Harm and Offence Whatever is being marketed should not cause any serious offense. This could be caused by using topics such as religion, race ,disability or even age. 5 Children Advertisements that are suitable for different ages should be scheduled carefully. For example the right time of day. Also they must not encourage children to do things which could cause them harm. 6 Privacy A living person must not be featured or referred to
  • 3. Mind Map Coke a cola Poster Ideas Colour Red and black- original Black-Coke zero (male) Grey and red (female) Age 16-18 (teens/young adults) Targets mostly female consumers Targets a range of female and male and is a very well known colour for this brand Targets mostly male consumers and if the newest colour design so it might not be easily recognisable Message That it is extremely popular It tastes nice and still tastes the same but it has less sugar (Only for coke zero and diet coke) Makes the audience think if its popular it must be nice and they will like it too Seasons October change black writing to orange but still have red so that the brand is easily recognisable and stands out December Poster will also have the colour red and orange so that people know the poster could be to do with the theme of Halloween Picture of Santa on the poster so that people know its to do with charismas theme Change depending on season Have original coke colours because these colours already suit the Christmas theme People already know at Christmas coke a cola is thought of a lot because of past experiences and memories. This can increase chances of getting the target audiences attention and maybe increase how much of the product they can sell Modern things are more likely to catch their attention Games Technology Something they might have experienced e.g. Things happening with friends Price Needs to be fairly cheap because it makes the audience more likely to buy the product slogan previous slogans Coke a cola slogans form 1886 to 1906 all linked to how coke a cola tasted which could be one of the reasons why it has been so successful for so long and why throughout the years the coke slogan has said multiple times about it being “real” for example 1969 “it’s the real thing” 2003 “ coca cola… real” 2005 “make it real” Light, dark, bold Summer Have a poster with light and bold colours so that it connects with the theme of summer and how its suppose to be a happy time Other Slogans I could use/I have made“this is the real deal” I have chose this because it sticks to previous slogans which we already know are successful Have colours that match the theme of whatever season it is and maybe add a picture on the poster of events that are going to happen in this season to grab peoples attention and so they see something they recognise first.
  • 4. Mind Map • Strengths of using this method-Can easily build off ideas and structure your plan in not only a tidy way but in a more efficient way because all your ideas have their own section so it is quick and easy to find whatever it is that you need/are looking for. Another strength is that it is quick and easy to make a mind map so if you need to get some ideas down quickly you can easily do it with the mind map. This is because if you don’t like one idea or you want to change it etc. you can just add on another idea onto the old one. • Weaknesses of using this method-It is hard to tell what ideas you have chosen to go through with and what ideas you haven’t because they are all together but this could easily be fixed by doing things such as highlighting ideas you have chosen to do. However I think another problem is that the more information you put on your mind map the more un-organised it becomes because you end up being forced to write ideas next to other ones which could end up making you make a mistake or get ideas confused. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using the mind map because I think it is use full that you can build off ideas to add more detail and be more specific because the more detailed your plan is the more detailed your product/work is going to be in the future. This could not only make your product/work a higher quality overall when its done but it gives you lots of options to change and modify your design.
  • 6. Mood Board • Strengths of using this method-With this method you are able to see ideas that have already been used and what looks good or not and what worked and what didn’t work. For example while getting images for my mind map I found out that there is a coca cola orange but there are very few images of it and not much info about it. This could mean that this type of style/theme didn’t take off and wasn’t very popular. This not only gives me an insight into what the coca cola target audience is like but it tells me which of my ideas might work and which wont because people have already tried to do something similar. • Weaknesses of using this method-The weakness of this method is that you are not able to do anything in detail because it is based on finding pictures that already exist and not writing in any detail at all. This means yes it gives you ideas for what to do for your design but it doesn’t say if those ideas are good and if they are why are they. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this method because it gave me an insight into what has already been done with the coca cola brand and instead of imagining the ideas in my head I already have I pre-made one in front of me. However I didn’t like this method as well because I wasn’t able to put any of my ideas in detail. All I was able to do was to look at other ideas that people came up with and try figure out why they did what they did instead of improving or thinking about things for my own design.
  • 7. Style Sheet I would like to base my font on something similar to the normal coca cola font that they use because it is easily recognizable and is extremely well known. Coca cola Coca colaCoca cola Coca cola Coca cola Coca cola Coca cola Coca cola Coca cola I don’t think that this font suits my target audience because my target audience is ranged from 16-20 and I know that they are more likely to focus on fonts that are big and bold rather then small thin text. However I think that this is the best font to use because not only does it look similar to the coke logo which means people will automatically think the poster has something to do with coca cola but it is thick text which means it will be more likely to grab the audiences attention and appeal to them more. Coca cola Coca cola Coca cola
  • 8. Style Sheet • Strengths of using this method-The strengths of using this method is that you are able to see how much your font can effect how your product looks and how important it is. It is also good to use this this method because it allows your design to have even more detail and to look even more pleasing to the target audience. • Weaknesses of using this method-However the bad things about this method is that most of the design involves choosing out of something that someone else has already made/is not your instead of making something from scratch that is personalised to you and that you have made. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this method because it gave me the chance to make my work even more detailed and more likely to attract my target audience. This is because I was able to choose a font design that not only suited my font but made it look more aesthetically pleasing to my audience. However I don’t like how I had to use someone else's (font) design rather then making it from scratch and more personalised to me.
  • 9. Layout Plan Coca cola-Font for only the title and not for the body because if all the writing is like this then the audience could become uninterested in the poster Coca cola-This font is for the whole thing except from the title because it is simple to read and is sort of similar to the coca cola logo/font TITILE PICTURE ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Three different colours to represent the three best known coca cola drinks coke zero, coke (original) and diet coke Slogan Have added events in the background to interest audience. Have added pictures on the left to make the poster stand out more, look more interesting and to give some more information. Have put this in the backgro und to make it clear that this is from the brand coca cola and so that it stands out more.
  • 10. Layout Plan • Strengths of using this method-I think the strengths of using this method is that you get to see how your advertisement will be laid out and how your target audience will see it. This is good because then you get to see your advertisement from the perspective of your target audience meaning you might see something you didn’t see before and then change that so it better suits the target market and is a better advertisement over all. • Weaknesses of using this method-I think the weakness of this method is that you don’t know exactly how it is going to look because you still need to decide after this what you are going to put on it. For example when doing the layout plan you might think about using a certain picture but once you start to make the advertisement you might be forced to use a different picture that doesn’t suit the layout that you originally designed causing you to change the layout until it looks nothing like it did when you first did the plan layout. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I like this method because it allows me to get a rough idea of what my advertisement will look like and how it will come across from the audiences point of view, this allows me to change anything that seems like its not needed or something that I could improve to make my advertisement better and more appealing.
  • 11. Brainstorm Have slogan Something catchy (something that you will remember) Rhyme Prizes Sound effects of opening coke so that people have a clear understanding what the product is. Rhetorical questions Music Positive/Happy tone Have different themes e.g. radio advert for coke small had someone talking in a high pitch voice. Make it clear what the advert is about How coca cola makes people Positive/Happy and improves things Joy/up beat Stands out to other brands Use facts e.g. what customers have said about the product Famous celebs (often singers who sing the actual song in the advertisement) Theme (often to do with current slogan) Comedy
  • 12. Brainstorm • Strengths of using this method-The strengths about this method is that it is quick and easy to do. Because it is quick and easy to do it allows you to have more time to reflect on what ideas/plans you have come up with and if they need any improvement or if you don’t want to use them at all. With this method you can also get an idea what previous designs/types of advertisements are like. • Weaknesses of using this method-The weakness of using this method is that because it is so quick and easy to do you don’t have enough time to write your ideas in detail and develop them until after you've finished brainstorming but by then you might not have enough time. I also think if you brainstorm then you might miss important details on what your trying to design. This could effect your finished product in the future. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I didn’t like using this method because I don’t think that you are able to get a lot of information/detail down about what you are designing. This is why I think that brainstorming ideas should be a last resort for example if your running out of time to plan something or you just need to get a few ideas down quickly. However in something like this task that I have to do I think I should do a method where I am able to get more information and to put ideas down in more detail. Because if I rush my planning then my main peace of advertising wont be of good standard. But when you brainstorm that can involve looking at previous ideas/designs and this can be good because then you get the chance to see other successful ideas and why they were successful. This could allow you to improve your own idea but this means your idea/design may end up being very similar to old ones that are no longer popular or interesting.
  • 13. Informal Pitch • Strengths of using this method-The strengths of my informal pitch is that it is quick and snappy. This makes it easier for my audience to remember what the advert said, what its about, etc. Another strength is that my pitch is different and strange in a way. This is a strength because the audience is more likely to remember something strange and it suits my target audience better because they based around ages 14-25. • Weaknesses of using this method-The weaknesses of my pitch is that it doesn’t have a lot of information on and doesn’t describe the product in that much detail. This could result in the audience not getting all the detail and information they need for example ingredients. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this method because you can change and alter it in anyway you want and you are able to add a lot of your personal choices to it like the type of music, what it says, design, etc. this allows you to change your pitch until it suits your target audience perfectly.
  • 14. Group Idea Generation • Quick • Easy to remember • Catchy • Sound effects of product • Up beat • Slogan • Different/stands out • Explains product • Is clear what the product actually is • Has to be interesting to listen to
  • 15. Group Idea Generation • Strengths of using this method- you are able to get someone else's point of view on an idea which could help to improve that idea overall or make you realise that it might not be the best one. Using this method could also make you think of ideas you never would have on your own which would make your work more diverse rather then it all being the same. • Weaknesses of using this method-Takes longer to decide on an idea because everyone has different opinions on them, meaning that it could take twice as long to choose an idea to use. • Did you like using this method? Why?- I did not like using this method personally because I think I work better alone where it is easier to think however this method was useful because I was able to get new ideas I wouldn’t have thought of and get peoples thoughts on my ideas from a different perspective then just mine.
  • 16. Formal Pitch • Strengths of using this method-I think the strengths of this method is that it is more likely to attract a larger range of people then doing an informal pitch. This is because informal pitches are more interesting to an audience aged 12-20 because of the fact people round these ages don’t focus on the detailed information about the products they buy unless they have allergies etc. But people aged 20 and above are more likely to prefer a formal pitch because they get to learn a lot about the product, what the price is, how it can effect them etc. • Weaknesses of using this method-In this case I don’t think this method would be that effective because my target audience is ranged from 16-20 and would prefer an informal pitch which is more interesting and goes straight to the point rather then a formal pitch giving them all the details that they aren't really that interested in. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I like this method because I think it is a very good way to show your audience a lot about your product and it helps to temp them to want to buy it but in this case I don’t think it would be very effective or good to use this method because this method is targeted at an audience who is of a higher age then the one that I am trying to get to buy my product.
  • 17. Initial Reaction • When I first started this production I wasn’t sure how I was going to complete it, what tools I was going to use or where to begin in general. I was excited to do it but also nervous at the same time. Luckily I did a lot of work on Photoshop, illustrator, etc. in high school when I did C.I.D.A so I already knew the basics of how to work those programs. Because I already knew the basics of how to use them I focused more on the other things that I didn’t know as much about so that my work could be of good enough standard. I focused on things such as the tasks on the power points and in the word documents because I wasn’t sure what they were asking me to do but eventfully I knew what they were asking me to do and once I had done that all I had to do was use my knowledge C.I.D.A in high school with the new things I had learned in media in college. After I got this far I was able to complete work quickly with a large amount of detail and enjoy it at the same time. At first I wasn’t sure about making the productions but when I actually started them and finished them I ended up enjoying them a lot and still haven’t lost any interest in the subject at all.
  • 18. Initial Reaction • Strengths of using this method-You are able to see what skills you are good at and which ones you are not good at. It also allows you to see what you could improve on and what your best at working with. This will result in your work getting better each time and being of better quality. • Weaknesses of using this method-Because this information is only coming from you and not someone else it could be one sided and you could miss something important that only someone else can see. This could result in you doing a constant mistake in your work every time because you think what your doing is right and because you didn’t get advice of anyone else to see their opinion. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I liked using this method because It allowed me to see what I could improve on and how I've developed while making this production. Like I stated before this can help to improve the quality of my work overall making it of better quality each time I create something else.
  • 19. SketchesBased my design off this character on the right but I added my own theme and changed the shape and features of some parts such as clothing and getting other angles of the character that I drew myself. I have also took into consideration what my characters movements will look like in the game for example the four models above. I have added “c c” on the back of my character to represent the theme of coca cola. The letters will also flash red at the end of each level to show the player that he has completed it. The character on the left has a bottle of coca cola that he uses as a power up in the game so I have added that onto the sketch however with the character on the right I have made him a literal can of coca cola so that there is a clear theme and a more cartoony vibe to the game. This character design is interesting and different but is quite boring/bland where as the other one has more details and features. But I think this design is good because it makes it completely obvious what theme the game is. Where as with the other character its hard to tell because the coca cola is very small and people might not know what it is unless we give the game a really clear title.
  • 20. Sketches • Strengths of using this method-some people are more skilled in drawing with pencil and paper rather then on a computer program so this method would allow them to work to the best of their ability's and make a detailed and accurate sketch of their idea. • Weaknesses of using this method-If you are not a good drawer then the idea/design that you wanted to sketch might come out differently to how you wanted it to and might be scruffier then if you did it on a computer. • Did you like using this method? Why?-personally I did not like using this method because I’m not a skilled drawer I am unable to draw the design how I want it where as I have more skills in things like Photoshop and illustrator so I think that my sketches would be better drawn on them instead of pencil and paper.
  • 21. Formal Proposal • Strengths of using this method-you are able to focus on the most important features of your production and it informs you on details that you might of missed such as language/territories. • Weaknesses of using this method-because your focusing on the things that the formal proposal tells you to do you might end up forgetting to do other things because the formal proposal only gives you limited information. This could end up making your work not of high enough standard because you’ve missed key things that you need to do. • Did you like using this method? Why?-I like using this method because it reminds me to do tasks that if I forgot could result in something bad happening to the product and the business that owns it. For example if I didn’t check for territories in my work then It could end up offending a large amount of people resulting in that company losing a large amount of money and possibly worse.

Editor's Notes

  1. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  2. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  3. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  4. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  5. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  6. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint
  7. Include a copy of your communication method. Use as many slides as you need to by copying and pasting this slide. Include scans, screenshots or produce it in PowerPoint