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Data Source API in Spark
Yin Huai
3/25/2015 - Bay Area Spark Meetup
About Me
Spark SQL developer @databricks
One of the main developers of Data Source API
Used to work on Hive a lot (Hive Committer)
Spark: A Unified Platform
Spark Core Engine
Spark R
R on Spark
Spark SQL
DataFrames in Spark
Distributed collection of data grouped into named columns
(i.e. RDD with schema)
Domain-specific functions designed for common tasks
•  Metadata
•  Sampling
•  Relational data processing: project, filter, aggregation, join, ...
•  UDFs
Available in Python, Scala, Java, and R (via SparkR)
Every Spark application starts
with loading data and ends with
saving data
Datasets Stored in Various Formats/
Spark Core Engine
{ JSON }
and more…
Spark R
R on Spark
Spark SQL
Loading and Saving Data is Not Easy
Convert/parse raw data
•  e.g. parse text records, parse JSON records, deserialize
data stored in binary
Data format transformation
•  e.g. convert your Java objects to Avro records/JSON
records/Parquet records/HBase rows/…
Applications often end up with in-flexible input/output logic
Data Sources API
Data Source API
Spark Core Engine
{ JSON }
and more…
Spark R
R on Spark
Spark SQL
Data Source Libraries
Users can use libraries based on Data Source API to read/write
DataFrames from/to a variety of formats/systems.
{ JSON }
Built-In Support External Libraries
and more…
Goals of Data Source API
Developers: build libraries for various data sources
•  No need to get your code merged in Spark codebase
•  Share your library with others through Spark Packages
Users: easy loading/saving DataFrames
Efficient data access powered by Spark SQL query optimizer
•  Have interfaces allowing optimizations to be pushed down
to data source
e.g. Avoid reading unnecessary data for a query
Data Source API:
Easy loading/saving data
Demo 1:
Loading/saving data in Spark
(Generic load/save functions)
(Please see page 26 for code)
Demo 1: Summary
sqlContext.load: loads an existing dataset as a DataFrame
•  Data source name: what source we are loading from
•  Options: parameters for a specific data source, e.g. path of data
•  Schema: if a data source accepts a user-specific schema, you can
apply one saves the contents of the DataFrame to a source
•  Data source name: what source we are saving to
•  Save mode: what we should do when data already exists
•  Options: parameters for a specific data source, e.g. path of data
Share data with other Spark
Table: DataFrame with persisted metadata + name
Metadata Persistence
Configure data source once:
•  Data source name
•  Options
You give the DataFrame representing this dataset a name and
we persist metadata in the Hive Metastore
Anyone can retrieve the dataset by its name
•  In SQL or with DataFrame API
Data Source Tables in Hive Metastore
Metadata of data source tables are stored in its own representations
in Hive Metastore
•  Not limited by metastore’s internal restrictions (e.g. data types)
•  Data source tables are not Hive tables
(note: you can always read/write Hive tables with Spark SQL)
Two table types:
•  Managed tables: Users do not specify the location of the data.
  will delete the data.
•  External tables: Tables’ with user-specified locations. DROP	
  will NOT delete the data.
createExternalTable and saveAsTable
•  sqlContext.load + metadata persistence + name
• + metadata persistence + name
Use sqlContext.table(name) to retrieve the DataFrame
Or, access the DataFrame by its name in SQL queries
Demo 2:
and saveAsTable
(Please see page 26 for code)
Performance of data access?
Efficient data access powered by
Spark SQL query optimizer1
1The data source needs to support optimizations by implementing corresponding interfaces
(many columns)
All columns of 5 years’ data
(city, year, timestamp)
Needed columns
(city, year, timestamp)
Needed columns and records
(Much better)
Column pruning Partitioning pruning1
1Supported for Parquet and Hive, more support coming in Spark 1.4
Build A Data Source Library
Build A Data Source Library
Implementing three interfaces for reading data from a data
•  BaseRelation: The abstraction of a DataFrame loaded from
a data source. It provides schema of the data.
•  RelationProvider: Handle users’ options and create a
•  TableScan (BaseRelation for read): Read the data from the
data source and construct rows
For write path and supporting optimizations on data access,
take a look at our Scala Doc/Java Doc
Demo 3:
Build A Data Source Library
(Please see page 26 for code)
Starting From Here
More about Data Source API:
Data Source Section in Spark SQL programming guide
More about how to build a Data Source Library:
Take a look at Spark Avro
Want to share your data source library:
Submit to Spark Packages
Thank you!
The following slides are code of demos. 	
Notes about Demo Code
The code is based on Spark 1.3.0.
Demos were done in Databricks Cloud
To try the demo code with your Spark 1.3.0 deployment, just
replace display(…) with .show()	
  for showing results	
e.g. Replace
Demo 1:
Loading/saving data in Spark
(Generic load/save functions)
Load a JSON dataset as a DataFrame.
Command took 0.11s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:13:41 PM on yin-meetup-demo
json: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = /home/yin/meetup/people.json M
apPartitionsRDD[206] at textFile at <console>:29
Command took 0.77s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:13:52 PM on yin-meetup-demo
{"location":{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"},"name":"Yin"}
Command took 0.60s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:14:41 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  val peopleJson =
sqlContext.load("/home/yin/meetup/people.json", "json")
|-- location: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- city: string (nullable = true)
| |-- state: string (nullable = true)
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
peopleJson: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [location: struct<city:str
ing,state:string>, name: string]
Command took 0.70s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:10 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  display("name", "location.state"))
name state
Cheng null
Michael null
Reynold California
Yin California
val json = sc.textFile("/home/yin/meetup/people.json")
Command took 0.49s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:28 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  display(
.filter(" = 'San Francisco' and
location.state = 'California'")
Save peopleJson to Parquet.
Command took 3.27s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:49 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Save peopleJson to Avro.
Command took 0.52s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:57 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Save peopleJson to CSV
Command took 0.89s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:16:24 PM on yin-meetup-demo
.select("name", "", "location.state")
Save people.avro to Parquet.
Command took 1.21s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:16:43 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  val peopleAvro =
location name
null Cheng
null Michael
{"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold
{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin
java.lang.RuntimeException: path /home/yin/meetup/people.parquet alread
y exists.
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DefaultSource.createRelation(ne
at org.apache.spark.sql.sources.ResolvedDataSource$.apply(ddl.s
Command took 0.19s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:01 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Save mode needs to be control the
behavior of save when data already
Command took 0.09s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:33 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
The default save mode is ErrorIfExists.
java.lang.RuntimeException: path /home/yin/meetup/people.parquet alread
y exists.
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DefaultSource.createRelation(ne
at org.apache.spark.sql.sources.ResolvedDataSource$.apply(ddl.s
Command took 0.20s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:40 PM on yin-meetup-demo
"parquet", SaveMode.ErrorIfExists)
Let's overwrite the existing people.parquet (use
Command took 2.82s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:50 PM on yin-meetup-demo
SaveMode.Append is for appending data (from a single
"parquet", SaveMode.Append)
val peopleParquet =
location name
null Cheng
null Michael"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet",
"parquet", SaveMode.Overwrite)
Command took 3.54s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:18:09 PM on yin-meetup-demo
{"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold
{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin
null Cheng
null Michael
{"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold
{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin
For load, we can infer the schema from
JSON, Parquet, and Avro.
You can also apply a schema to the
Command took 0.09s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:18:55 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
Command took 0.30s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:36 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  val schema = StructType(StructField("name", StringType) ::
StructField("city", StringType) :: Nil)
val options = Map("path" -> "/home/yin/meetup/people.csv")
val peopleJsonWithSchema =
sqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", schema,
schema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructFiel
d(name,StringType,true), StructField(city,StringType,true))
options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(path -> /h
peopleJsonWithSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string, c
ity: string]
>  peopleJsonWithSchema.printSchema()
Command took 0.11s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:39 PM on yin-meetup-demo
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- city: string (nullable = true)
Command took 0.78s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:46 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  display(peopleJsonWithSchema)
name city
Cheng null
Michael null
Reynold null
Yin San Francisco
Demo 2:
and saveAsTable	
Create a table with existing dataset
with sqlContext.createExternalTable
Command took 0.93s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:39 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Out[7]: DataFrame[location: struct<city:string,state:string>, name: str
Command took 0.50s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:49 PM on yin-meetup-demo
location name
null Cheng
null Michael
{"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold
{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin
Command took 0.43s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:58 PM on yin-meetup-demo
name city
Cheng null
Michael null
Reynold null
Yin San Francisco
You can also provide a schema to createExternalTable (if
your data source support user-specified schema)
%sql SELECT name, FROM people_json_table
Save a DataFrame as a Table
Command took 4.83s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:26:57 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  people_json =
Command took 0.74s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:10 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  display(sqlContext.table("people_parquet_table").select("n
Save mode can also be used with
Command took 3.53s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:42 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  people_json.saveAsTable(tableName="people_parquet_table",
source="parquet", mode="append")
>  display(sqlContext.table("people_parquet_table").select("n
Command took 0.82s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:48 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Demo 3:
Build A Data Source Library
Usually, you want to import the
following ...
Write your own BaseRelation and
IntegerRelation: A relation to generate integer
numbers for the range defined by [from, to].
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class IntegerRelation(from: Int, to: Int)(@transient
val sqlContext: SQLContext)
extends BaseRelation with TableScan {
// This relation has a single column "integer_num".
override def schema =
  StructType(StructField("integer_num", IntegerType,
nullable = false) :: Nil)
override def buildScan() =
sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(from to
Demo3_Scala IntegerRelationProvider: Handle user's
parameter (from and to) and create an
>  class IntegerRelationProvider extends RelationProvider {
override def createRelation(
sqlContext: SQLContext,
parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = {
Use sqlContext.load to get a DataFrame for
IntegerRelation. The range of integer numbers is
[1, 10].
Command took 0.18s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:00 PM on yin-meetup-demo
options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(from -> 1,
to -> 10)
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [integer_num: int]
>  display(df)
val options = Map("from"->"1", "to"->"10")
val df =
tionProvider", options)
Command took 0.19s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:09 PM on yin-meetup-demo
Command took 0.21s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:24 PM on yin-meetup-demo
>  display($"integer_num" * 100))
If the RelationProvider's class name is
DefaultSource, users only need to provide the
package name
(com.databricks.sources.number instead of

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Data Source API in Spark

  • 1. Data Source API in Spark Yin Huai 3/25/2015 - Bay Area Spark Meetup
  • 2. About Me Spark SQL developer @databricks One of the main developers of Data Source API Used to work on Hive a lot (Hive Committer) 2
  • 3. Spark: A Unified Platform 3 Spark Core Engine DataFrame Spark Streaming Streaming MLlib Machine Learning Graphx Graph Computation Spark R R on Spark Spark SQL Alpha/Pre-alpha
  • 4. DataFrames in Spark Distributed collection of data grouped into named columns (i.e. RDD with schema) Domain-specific functions designed for common tasks •  Metadata •  Sampling •  Relational data processing: project, filter, aggregation, join, ... •  UDFs Available in Python, Scala, Java, and R (via SparkR) 4
  • 5. 5 Every Spark application starts with loading data and ends with saving data  
  • 6. Datasets Stored in Various Formats/ Systems 6 Spark Core Engine Alpha/Pre-alpha { JSON } JDBC and more… DataFrame Spark Streaming Streaming MLlib Machine Learning Graphx Graph Computation Spark R R on Spark Spark SQL
  • 7. Loading and Saving Data is Not Easy Convert/parse raw data •  e.g. parse text records, parse JSON records, deserialize data stored in binary Data format transformation •  e.g. convert your Java objects to Avro records/JSON records/Parquet records/HBase rows/… Applications often end up with in-flexible input/output logic 7
  • 8. Data Sources API 8 Data Source API Spark Core Engine Alpha/Pre-alpha { JSON } JDBC and more… DataFrame Spark Streaming Streaming MLlib Machine Learning Graphx Graph Computation Spark R R on Spark Spark SQL
  • 9. Data Source Libraries Users can use libraries based on Data Source API to read/write DataFrames from/to a variety of formats/systems. 9 { JSON } Built-In Support External Libraries JDBC and more…
  • 10. Goals of Data Source API Developers: build libraries for various data sources •  No need to get your code merged in Spark codebase •  Share your library with others through Spark Packages Users: easy loading/saving DataFrames Efficient data access powered by Spark SQL query optimizer •  Have interfaces allowing optimizations to be pushed down to data source e.g. Avoid reading unnecessary data for a query 10
  • 11. 11 Data Source API: Easy loading/saving data  
  • 12. 12 Demo 1: Loading/saving data in Spark (Generic load/save functions) (Please see page 26 for code)  
  • 13. Demo 1: Summary sqlContext.load: loads an existing dataset as a DataFrame •  Data source name: what source we are loading from •  Options: parameters for a specific data source, e.g. path of data •  Schema: if a data source accepts a user-specific schema, you can apply one saves the contents of the DataFrame to a source •  Data source name: what source we are saving to •  Save mode: what we should do when data already exists •  Options: parameters for a specific data source, e.g. path of data 13
  • 14. 14 Share data with other Spark applications/users? Table: DataFrame with persisted metadata + name
  • 15. Metadata Persistence Configure data source once: •  Data source name •  Options You give the DataFrame representing this dataset a name and we persist metadata in the Hive Metastore Anyone can retrieve the dataset by its name •  In SQL or with DataFrame API 15
  • 16. Data Source Tables in Hive Metastore Metadata of data source tables are stored in its own representations in Hive Metastore •  Not limited by metastore’s internal restrictions (e.g. data types) •  Data source tables are not Hive tables (note: you can always read/write Hive tables with Spark SQL) Two table types: •  Managed tables: Users do not specify the location of the data. DROP  TABLE  will delete the data. •  External tables: Tables’ with user-specified locations. DROP   TABLE  will NOT delete the data. 16
  • 17. createExternalTable and saveAsTable sqlContext.createExternalTable •  sqlContext.load + metadata persistence + name dataframe.saveAsTable • + metadata persistence + name Use sqlContext.table(name) to retrieve the DataFrame Or, access the DataFrame by its name in SQL queries 17
  • 19. 19 Performance of data access? Efficient data access powered by Spark SQL query optimizer1 1The data source needs to support optimizations by implementing corresponding interfaces
  • 20. 20 events  =  sqlCtx.load("/data/events",  "parquet")   training_data  =      events          .where("city  =  'New  York'  and  year  =  2015")          .select("timestamp").collect()     events (many columns) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 All columns of 5 years’ data (Expensive!!!) events (city, year, timestamp) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Needed columns (Better) events (city, year, timestamp) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Needed columns and records (Much better) Column pruning Partitioning pruning1 1Supported for Parquet and Hive, more support coming in Spark 1.4
  • 21. 21 Build A Data Source Library
  • 22. Build A Data Source Library Implementing three interfaces for reading data from a data source •  BaseRelation: The abstraction of a DataFrame loaded from a data source. It provides schema of the data. •  RelationProvider: Handle users’ options and create a BaseRelation •  TableScan (BaseRelation for read): Read the data from the data source and construct rows For write path and supporting optimizations on data access, take a look at our Scala Doc/Java Doc 22
  • 23. 23 Demo 3: Build A Data Source Library (Please see page 26 for code)  
  • 24. Starting From Here More about Data Source API: Data Source Section in Spark SQL programming guide More about how to build a Data Source Library: Take a look at Spark Avro Want to share your data source library: Submit to Spark Packages 24
  • 26. 26 The following slides are code of demos.  
  • 27. Notes about Demo Code The code is based on Spark 1.3.0. Demos were done in Databricks Cloud To try the demo code with your Spark 1.3.0 deployment, just replace display(…) with .show()  for showing results   e.g. Replace with 27 display("name))"name).show()  
  • 28. 28 Demo 1: Loading/saving data in Spark (Generic load/save functions)  
  • 29. Load a JSON dataset as a DataFrame. Command took 0.11s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:13:41 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  json: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = /home/yin/meetup/people.json M apPartitionsRDD[206] at textFile at <console>:29 Command took 0.77s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:13:52 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  {"name":"Cheng"} {"name":"Michael"} {"location":{"state":"California"},"name":"Reynold"} {"location":{"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"},"name":"Yin"} Command took 0.60s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:14:41 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  val peopleJson = sqlContext.load("/home/yin/meetup/people.json", "json") peopleJson.printSchema() root |-- location: struct (nullable = true) | |-- city: string (nullable = true) | |-- state: string (nullable = true) |-- name: string (nullable = true) peopleJson: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [location: struct<city:str ing,state:string>, name: string] Command took 0.70s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:10 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  display("name", "location.state")) name state Cheng null Michael null Reynold California Yin California val json = sc.textFile("/home/yin/meetup/people.json") json.collect().foreach(println) Demo1_Scala 29 Command took 0.49s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:28 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  display( peopleJson .filter(" = 'San Francisco' and location.state = 'California'") .select("name")) name Yin >  Save peopleJson to Parquet. Command took 3.27s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:49 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  >  Save peopleJson to Avro. Command took 0.52s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:15:57 PM on yin-meetup-demo >"/home/yin/meetup/people.avro", "com.databricks.spark.avro") >  Save peopleJson to CSV Command took 0.89s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:16:24 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  >"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet") peopleJson .select("name", "", "location.state") .save("/home/yin/meetup/people.csv", "com.databricks.spark.csv")
  • 30. 30 Save people.avro to Parquet. Command took 1.21s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:16:43 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  val peopleAvro = sqlContext.load("/home/yin/meetup/people.avro", "com.databricks.spark.avro") display(peopleAvro) location name null Cheng null Michael {"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold {"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin java.lang.RuntimeException: path /home/yin/meetup/people.parquet alread y exists. at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27) at org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DefaultSource.createRelation(ne wParquet.scala:110) at org.apache.spark.sql.sources.ResolvedDataSource$.apply(ddl.s cala:308) at at Command took 0.19s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:01 PM on yin-meetup-demo >"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet") >  Save mode needs to be control the behavior of save when data already exists. Command took 0.09s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:33 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode >  The default save mode is ErrorIfExists. java.lang.RuntimeException: path /home/yin/meetup/people.parquet alread y exists. at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27) at org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DefaultSource.createRelation(ne wParquet.scala:110) at org.apache.spark.sql.sources.ResolvedDataSource$.apply(ddl.s cala:308) at at Command took 0.20s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:40 PM on yin-meetup-demo >"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet", SaveMode.ErrorIfExists) >  Let's overwrite the existing people.parquet (use SaveMode.Overwrite). Command took 2.82s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:17:50 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  >  SaveMode.Append is for appending data (from a single user). >"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet", SaveMode.Append) val peopleParquet = sqlContext.load("/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet") display(peopleParquet) location name null Cheng null Michael"/home/yin/meetup/people.parquet", "parquet", SaveMode.Overwrite)
  • 31. 31 Command took 3.54s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:18:09 PM on yin-meetup-demo {"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold {"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin null Cheng null Michael {"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold {"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin >  For load, we can infer the schema from JSON, Parquet, and Avro. >  You can also apply a schema to the data. Command took 0.09s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:18:55 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ Command took 0.30s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:36 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  val schema = StructType(StructField("name", StringType) :: StructField("city", StringType) :: Nil) val options = Map("path" -> "/home/yin/meetup/people.csv") val peopleJsonWithSchema = sqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", schema, options) schema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructFiel d(name,StringType,true), StructField(city,StringType,true)) options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(path -> /h ome/yin/meetup/people.csv) peopleJsonWithSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string, c ity: string] >  peopleJsonWithSchema.printSchema() Command took 0.11s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:39 PM on yin-meetup-demo root |-- name: string (nullable = true) |-- city: string (nullable = true) Command took 0.78s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:19:46 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  display(peopleJsonWithSchema) name city Cheng null Michael null Reynold null Yin San Francisco
  • 33. 33 Create a table with existing dataset with sqlContext.createExternalTable Command took 0.93s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:39 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  Out[7]: DataFrame[location: struct<city:string,state:string>, name: str ing] Command took 0.50s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:49 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  location name null Cheng null Michael {"city":null,"state":"California"} Reynold {"city":"San Francisco","state":"California"} Yin Command took 0.43s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:25:58 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  name city Cheng null Michael null Reynold null Yin San Francisco >  You can also provide a schema to createExternalTable (if your data source support user-specified schema) sqlContext.createExternalTable( tableName="people_json_table", path="/home/yin/meetup/people.json", source="json") display(sqlContext.table("people_json_table")) %sql SELECT name, FROM people_json_table Demo2_Python >  Save a DataFrame as a Table Command took 4.83s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:26:57 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  people_json = sqlContext.load(path="/home/yin/meetup/people.json", source="json") people_json.saveAsTable(tableName="people_parquet_table", source="parquet") Command took 0.74s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:10 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  display(sqlContext.table("people_parquet_table").select("n ame")) name Cheng Michael Reynold Yin >  Save mode can also be used with saveAsTable Command took 3.53s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:42 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  people_json.saveAsTable(tableName="people_parquet_table", source="parquet", mode="append") >  display(sqlContext.table("people_parquet_table").select("n ame")) name Cheng Michael Reynold
  • 34. 34 Command took 0.82s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:27:48 PM on yin-meetup-demo Yin Cheng Michael Reynold Yin
  • 35. 35 Demo 3: Build A Data Source Library  
  • 36. 36 Usually, you want to import the following ... >  >  Write your own BaseRelation and RelationProvider IntegerRelation: A relation to generate integer numbers for the range defined by [from, to]. >  >  import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ case class IntegerRelation(from: Int, to: Int)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { // This relation has a single column "integer_num". override def schema =   StructType(StructField("integer_num", IntegerType, nullable = false) :: Nil) override def buildScan() = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(from to to).map(Row(_)) } Demo3_Scala IntegerRelationProvider: Handle user's parameter (from and to) and create an IntegerRelation. >  class IntegerRelationProvider extends RelationProvider { override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { IntegerRelation(parameters("from").toInt, parameters("to").toInt)(sqlContext) } } >  Use sqlContext.load to get a DataFrame for IntegerRelation. The range of integer numbers is [1, 10]. Command took 0.18s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:00 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  options: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(from -> 1, to -> 10) df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [integer_num: int] >  display(df) integer_num 1 2 3 4 5 6 val options = Map("from"->"1", "to"->"10") val df = sqlContext.load("com.databricks.sources.number.IntegerRela tionProvider", options)
  • 37. 37 Command took 0.19s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:09 PM on yin-meetup-demo 7 8 Command took 0.21s -- by yin at 3/25/2015, 7:35:24 PM on yin-meetup-demo >  display($"integer_num" * 100)) (integer_num * 100) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 >  If the RelationProvider's class name is DefaultSource, users only need to provide the package name (com.databricks.sources.number instead of com.databricks.sources.number.IntegerRelationProvider)