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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Two TED Talks
I watched two TED talk shows last night. One of the speeches is "Ten ways to have a better
conversation" and it published in April 2015. The speaker Celeste Headlee who is the host of the
Georgia Public Broadcasting program "On Second Thought." The other speech titled "Why you think
you're right – even if you're wrong" by Julia Galef and it published in February 2016. She is a writer
and public speaker also a co–founder of the Center for Applied Rationality. Celeste Headlee shares
10 useful rules for having better conversations in this insightful talk. She demonstrates that she uses
these communication skills in professional interviews. Though she always talks to some people that
she disagrees with deeply on a personal level, she still has a great conversation with them. The most
important rules is don't multitask. It's not mean just set down the cell phone or whatever in your
hand. Be present and be in that moment is the best way to pay attention in the conversation and
respect others. A good conversation always makes us feeling engaged and inspired, or you feel that
you've more content...
She asked audience: "why are some people, some at least, able to cut through their own prejudices
and biases and motivations and try to see facts and the evidence as objectively as they can?" The
answer is emotional. For example, most of us followed sports game, so we might have noticed that
when the referee judges that your team committed a foul, you are highly motivated to find reasons
why he is wrong. But if he judges that the other team committed a foul, we might think that is a
good call. Her speech explains the reason our emotion with the judges when we watch the sports
game, even our attitude in politics and research studies that we agree or disagree. I really
recommend this talk show because it truly shows the psychological activity from our
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There are many rhetorical situations to think about when developing a piece of writing. Purpose is
how a writer expresses themself. It is important to identify the main purpose of what you are writing
about because the purpose helps with identifying the genre, audience and the way to write. While
developing a piece of writing there are going to be many different purposes. Find the primary
purpose by asking yourself why you are writing and what you are writing. The audience is
important when it comes to developing a piece of writing because it can affect the way you write. It
also affects the type of genre you use. When texting your mom you probably aren't going to use
formal language or correct punctuation because you know that your mom knows
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Freedom Writers
Freedom Writers is a movie based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin
Gruwell. The movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and it was released in 2007. This
movie discusses significant themes such as stereotyping and racial discrimination but most
important the power of tolerance and understanding. The purpose of this movie is to promote the
message that knowledge is power and in a world filled with disparities where hundreds of ethnic
groups convey and interact humans are obliged to accept and tolerate the differences that define
each person. This film is a perfect example of how these rhetorical components are used to create an
effective argument. The director of the movie as well as the characters build more
Even, when the students seem careless and do not tolerate the professor, Gruwell guided by her
ideals and big heart refuses to allow her students to be incompetent and gave her students a chance to
overcome the limitations imposed on them by society and themselves. She encouraged them to do
something remarkable and memorable and assign them a journal where they could feel free to
express their emotions and feeling and essentially tell the stories that define them. Gruwell draws
students' attention by assigning them The Diary of Anne Frank, a book that promptly become a
guide for the students and open their minds and eyes against intolerance and misunderstanding.
Inspired by this book, the students raised funds to bring Miep Gies, the woman who sheltered the
Frank family, to visit them in California where she declared that the students are the real heroes.
LaGravanese makes an excellent job with the characters, the soundtrack, and the scenery, making the
message clear for the audience. Throughout the movie, the director uses many strong facts that
strengthen his credibility and appeal to ethos, as well as build the movie's argument. The director
establishes his credibility by showing the audience actual video footage of Los Angeles area from
the early 1990s and a series of captions demonstrated the racial tension between different gangs. Also,
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My Rhetorical Analysis Essay In School
Throughout the school year, we have written three rhetorical analysis essays, given feedback on
the essays of numerous peers, and have looked through examples from the College Board and Ms.
Slotten. Before the year began, I had absolutely no idea what a rhetorical analysis essay was. Now,
I have received a score of eight on two of my practice essays. To say I have come a long way would
be an understatement. After going through the rhetorical analysis marathon, my writing has improved
in its quality as well as my understanding. The first essay we wrote included an analysis of a college
brochure. To state it nicely, it did not go well for me. My analysis at first was very choppy and I
never fully explained my thought on the paper. For example, my thought process went from "the more content...
When this essay was handed back to me, I was disappointed with myself that I dropped two
points. Then again, it was written directly before break when my mind was elsewhere. My
phrasing became odd ("respect the hold") and I failed to write about the correct audience as I
explained that "children [will see] numerous activities that can be done in a car" without recognizing
that the adults were the target audience. With this mistake, my analysis was not as strong as it could
have been if I would have understood the audience and the correct effect on it. Using the adults as
the audience would have helped my writing because, as the devices connected to adults, my writing
would have had more directions to move in. Without knowing the true audience, I had to be very
particular in my writing as the rhetorical strategies connected to children in minimal ways. On the
bright side, my transitions were individualized for my essay alone. I wrote, "As nature is used for
advertisement, the advertisements on television withhold children's attention from the nature outside
of windows," and connected my two paragraphs with
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Rhetorical Analysis Reflection
This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft
and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author's ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not
only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for
more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is
well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic.
Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and
writing skills, my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea
through electronical environments. Each assignment more content...
These cites that were used could be placed in my essay and the flow of the paper would not change
but keep it more organized with my thought process. From the rhetorical essay to the argument
essay, the development of my citing or using references has greatly increased. When I started
with the rhetorical essay it was difficult to understand how to cite the author's work appropriately
but when I moved to the argument essay it was almost natural when citing work. I believe this is
due to the practice that we have had in class. The strategies I find most useful when writing an
essay is having a topic that is of interest. When I wrote the argument essay, I already had a topic
that interested me from the exploratory assignment. Generating an outline was another beneficial
strategy that I had used because I could see the gaps in my writing or where my ideas did not
flow together. Once I had an outline the rough draft was easy to create. I do not mind peer review
but it becomes challenging when the person who is reading your review might not have the same
views as I do. This would mean they were over critical of the paper and made it seem like I
needed to change my entire essay to fit the standards of another classmate versus what the
assignment was about. I did receive good constructive feedback on all of the assignments, which did
end up helping me adjust portions of my writing. I do believe I am the same way to others writing
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Rhetorical Analysis Essay
"Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott, is a hilarious must read for junior high school students and any
other aspiring writers. Her essay inspires comfort and confidence in writing a first draft. It concretes
that all writers experience the "shitty" first draft. Anne Lamott wrote this instructional information in
1995, but it is timeless information. She blows the idea of writing an immaculate first draft out of
the water. Anne supports the idea that bad first drafts will almost always lead to better second,
third and final drafts. She symbolizes the first draft to be like a child. Where you put all your
thoughts and emotions out there in words on paper, you go all over the place, you say all kinds of
ridiculous things, and all with more content...
She writes, "First there's the vinegar–lipped Reader lady...And then the emaciated German male...and
there are your parents...and there's William Burroughs" who all criticize her work (Lamott 72). By
using these satirized characters, it connects the reader as they feel that Lamott is thinking of them
while writing. Lamott also uses pathos to capture the reader's feelings and emotions. She allows
the reader to feel as if they are not alone, and that she can relate. Also she uses cursing, to make it
more informal and allows the reader relate more. She finds it difficult to write a first draft, and
knows many others feel the same way, too.
Pronoun usage is important in analyzing the rhetorical persuasiveness of "Shitty First Drafts." A
notable moment is when Lamott writes, "They do not type a few stiff warm–up sentences and then
find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow" (70). Automatically, Lamott uses
"they" instead of I to get the direct connection with her audience. If she would have written "they,"
perhaps Lamott wouldn't have come across as warm and affable as she does. The word "they" gives
us, her readers, the sense that she is with us (not just writing about her own isolated case)–with all
normal writers who do not sit down and write like Shakespeare on a first try. She is truly just trying
to explain how it is not bad, in fact it's good, to make a "shitty first draft." Too often people get
caught up by thinking that
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Writing Experience Rhetorical Analysis
Rhetorical Analysis of a Writing Experience
Back in twelfth grade English we were handed three different narrative prompts. We were told to
pick one of the prompts and write about it. The prompt that stood out to me the most was think of a
time when you taught someone something important. I thought about it for a while and what
popped into my mind was a time back in seventh grade. There was an Autistic kid in my class that I
had the privilege of teaching how to do basic math. To me that was a great story and a great
experience that I wanted to write about.
Looking back on my paper now, I realize that it is not that great of a piece. The story lacks the
nitty–gritty details stories need to make them a great story. Every discourse has a purpose;
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For example, I would write the paragraph like this: Back when I was in seventh grade I met a boy
name John. He and I became great friend. Unlike other children I have met, he was different. He
has strong acting Autism, which freaked out many people, as they did not know how to act
around him. Yet, for me it was easy. I would be myself when I talked to him and we got to know
each other. The things he told me gave me a new perspective on the world around me. I learned
not to be quick to judge a person and if you take the time to get to know someone that you
normally would not become friends with, you could discover things you never knew. John helped
me change how I interact with the people around me and make new friends. He was amazing in
every way possible. John touched my heart in a way that I will never
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My Rhetorical Analysis
My "best" piece is my rhetorical analysis written about a high school senior's controversial
yearbook picture. I feel that this essay in particular is the best one I wrote because it demonstrates
both my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. This essay was one of the more difficult ones to
write. At the beginning of the semester we focused on primarily on personal writing, "showing not
telling" and the use of colorful language. For this essay, however, we focused on the academic
knowledge, logic and criticism aspects of writing. Admittedly so, I disliked writing this essay.
Writing this essay was a new experience for me because I had never focused on the negative aspects
of someone else's work. Re–reading my essay multiple times after receiving feedback from you
made me question more content...
I thought to myself, "Isn't that the point of a rhetorical essay?" Soon after, I came to the realization
that a rhetorical analysis requires the writer to assess both the good and the bad aspects of an
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Rhetorical Analysis Response
After the calibration process, along with juxtaposing the current timed write to my prior rhetorical
analysis response, I now further comprehend my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. My
introduction paragraph has grown immensely in terms of my ability to fully express the topic
which I will address in response to the prompt. In my timed write, I open with a strong thesis
statement in which I expeditiously identify the main theme of the following speech as "the severe
lack of labor laws." Although this is the paramount topic, I failed to address the underlying theme of
women's rights used by Florence Kelley to justify her view on labor laws while serving to
strategically juxtapose the violation of women's rights and the infringement more
Why: In the first rhetorical analysis timed write, I struggled to identify which rhetorical strategies
were used along with their connection to the theme of each article. In the sentence above, my writing
successfully identifies both the purpose and theme in a concise manner.
Revision: She implements anaphora along with asyndeton in the phrase "men increase, women
increase, youth increase.. they are in commerce, in office, in manufacturing." Through her use of
literary devices, Kelley is able to identify the overarching issue of women's suffrage while
enlightening her audience as she expresses that once women are seen as strong, competent
individuals, then, and only then, will there be a respect for the American youth.
Reflection: In the following sentence, I am able to expand upon a major topic of discussion for
Women's Rights Activist Florence Kelley. It is difficult at first to identify the purpose behind the
rhetorical strategies used by the speaker, but upon further examination it is apparent how Kelley's
diction comprehensively contributes to the integrity of her argument as a
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Write A Rhetorical Analysis Chapter 8
In Chapter 8 it talked mostly, in my opinion talked about group work. One of the things the chapter
brought up was about conversations with customers and how important it is to both designers and
customers. As soon as I started reading this I thought about interacting with people at two of my
past jobs. It was so important in my job to talk to customers because, we not only wanted customers
to buy products, but we also wanted them to have a great experience.
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Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay About Writing
The first paragraph in the essay takes a form of a vivid description. It starts with a quotation of a
teacher giving instructions to start an exam. Then the following phrases in the paragraph take a
negative voice tone. The writer was worry about the exam, and he was sur that he is going to fail
the exam. All these details make the reader hook to the essay and want to know why the test is a
source of struggle for the writer, and why he thinks he is going to fail the exam.
In the next paragraph the writer starts adding more crucial details, he recalls his memory about school
, and how good he was at English by getting As and Bs in his tests. This details make the readers
have more interest to know why his is facing problems in his English test now, since he was doing
good before, also why the writer tries to be perfect, and what perfection means for more
He explains why he is struggling to get good grades, and why the English test become a source of
frustration for him. In addition, the writer poses many questions in the paragraphs wish mane the
essay more effective and easy to understand.
The writer ends the essay with a conclusion taking a form of reflection. The writer gives a different
definition to perfection other than the one he uses to consider before. So he decided Perfection
doesn't mean getting good grades or having a good personality. Yet, perfection mean strong character
and good personnel
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Rhetorical Analysis Reflection
I had a lot of difficulty transitioning from the Rhetorical Analysis essay to the Rhetoric in Practice
Project for the mere reason of the change in dependency between the two projects, meaning, we
spent so much time on the RA and we had all the necessary tools and time to perfect it and have a
good chance of writing a well written essay. Yet, in contrary, the RIP is all individual work, finding
what you want to argue, your inspiration, your sources, and where to even begin. The beginning, the
very first day this was introduced, everyone was talking about the topic they were interested in or
they wanted to write about, that is the day I had no clue what I was interested in doing, my mind
was literally blank. Throughout all the process work, more content...
Why? I do not know the outcome of this Project, I can make myself believe I'll do really good, but
I will not know, because that's just how writing works, there is always space to learn and
improve. I know for a fact that although the RA and the RIP are two different assignments, both
have vey different techniques of writing and expression, however they are also very similar. Both
are trying to make a point, both have the ability to engage with the audience and allow for the
author of the essay to express emotion on certain topics. My organization skills, were not the
best, I had great difficulty in mastering a smooth essay without confusing my readers so much. I
was never able to revise my own writing, I never saw anything wrong with it, I was also never
taught what I was supposed to look for. But my peers, my peers are the ones that taught me what
to look for, they taught me how to turn a whole sentence around and and giving it a clearer
meaning. Everyone that helped me on my essay were able to teach me, so I can apply it myself. I
have also been able to learn about argumentation and persuasion; two totally different things but in
reality they are two very similar things that correlate with one another in order to create a
stronger essay. I learned this by working on the RIP, this project allowed me to try and persuade
my audience by using my feeling, emotions, experiences, and knowledge so I can articulate an
argument that can be debated, but won. There is no doubt that this project allowed me to grow as a
writer and not only learn from my mistakes but to be able to recognize them before it is too
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Global poverty photo analysis
In the photo the kids are smiling at the phone. Barging, Bangladesh.
In the photo I see people walking theirs trash everywhere, there is a big puddle of water, and there
are homes that look very bad unstable. The photo that give me more details is the people who lives I
The photographer's purpose in taking this picture is to let people all over the world see how bad
these families in India live. That the globalization is very bad that economic doesn't look good.
Why are these people living like this and why won't the government help them.
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Elizabeth Cady Stanton Rhetorical Analysis
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's rhetoric was very effective in advancing her point of view. She iterates
that women deserve the right to vote, and be treated as equals. She is asking the audience to join
her in advocating women's rights, because it is simply the logical thing to do. Stanton is a woman,
so she knows first hand what it is like to be an American woman in the 1800s. She uses this
knowledge to choose how to further her argument.
In paragraph 4, Stanton states; "But we are assembled to protest against a form of government
existing without the consent of the governed– to declare our right to be free as man is free, to be
represented in the government which we are taxed to support,..." To start off, Stanton uses repitition
of the word 'to' to emphasize her points on why she was present that day. She uses the word 'we'
instead of 'i' to let others know more content...
""Voices" were the visitors and advisers of Joan of Arc. Do not "voices" come to us daily from the
haunts of poverty, sorrow, degradation, and despair, already too long unheeded? ... The same
religious enthusiasm that nerved Joan of Arc to her work nerves us to ours. In ever generation God
calls some men and women for the utterance of truth, a heroic action, and our work today is the
fulfilling of what has long since been foretold by the Prophet– Joel 2:28: "And it shall come to pass
afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy."" She alludes to the religious tale of Joan of Arc and quotes a passage from the bible.
These allusions further her point in proving that women can do great things too, and that God
himself does not discriminate based on gender. Both men and women can prophesize, which is a
great and uncomparable task in a religious standpoint. By doing this, she is appealing to any
religious members of the audience. They may start to wonder; 'God doesn't discriminate, why should
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My Rhetorical Analysis
This was my first Rhetorical Analysis, but I approached it the same way I would with any other
paper. At first, I googled what an RA should look like but ended up not reading the articles I found,
instead, I just did what I normal. It starts by putting off the task, but eventually I juggle some ideas
around. Then, I generally pick a topic and write a little, shortly following I loose all motivation and
stop writing for the day. I eventually come back and sit down for five to twelve hours, writing the
bulk of the paper, or I totally change my mind and start over. Once my first draft is on "paper" I
rearrange everything until it flows right. Then editing comes and I cut out as much as possible,
while still being able to get my point across.
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This chapter is about five things everyone needs to consider when writing anything, they are
purpose, audience, genre, stance and design. The chapter goes through each one of these rhetorical
devices and explains there purpose step by step. The main point that's being conveyed is to go over
these concepts when beginning to write anything. I started off reading this chapter and about two
pages in I grabbed my note book to start jotting down notes. There was no doubt in my mind that
this would serve to me as a great tool for writing down my essays in the future. It could be argued
that most of the rhetorical devices used in this chapter are common questions sense that everyone
should just know before they write, but its still wise to go
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Peace, a wish every nation struggles to gain, with war taking over our history and the present day.
But when speaking of peace two countries that could be looked at a little longer are Israel and
Palestine, these states have struggled with war and violence for years. It seems they have been
stuck in an ongoing war for years, not only with other nations but also each other. The Middle East
as a whole, has been stuck in a dark shadow, because of extremism and terror which are stopping
progress and killing innocents. In Bush's speech "Israel–Palestine Two–State Solution" his overall
purpose is to bring peace within these two states and to lower the rates of violence along with war.
Which both are two major key elements when speaking of these states, the having been engulfed by
war for years and seem to be completely surrounded by it.Bush's speech is directed to Israelis and
palestinians, he delivers a solution to help violence within their states, which is a comprehensive
plan. He makes himself appear truthful by making direct eye contact with more
Bush incorporates ethos in his speech when he says "I can understand the deep anger and anguish
of the Israeli people." and "I can understand the deep anger and despair of the Palestinian people."
He states that America has felt the same things as Israel and Palestine, which is true because we felt
all anger, despair, and anguish when the 9/11 disaster took place. This helping create a bond of trust
with the audience, because they know he wishes for peace in these states just as much as their
citizens do. Both having harmed each other in the past it seems unnecessary to let this violence keep
going, only to let it create more wars. Although, Bush knows terrorists have came from these
countries and harmed America. He still refuses to make harsh comments towards them, but rather
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Using rhetorical strategies is a very difficult writing style to achieve, it requires patience,
organization and the strategic use of different words. Rhetorical strategies such as ethos, logos, and
pathos are very simple to define, but using these strategies in writing, is a very complex skill that I
struggled with prior to taking English 1301. After creating a Prize presentation about different
rhetorical strategies, writing a rhetorical analysis essay with the aid of Purdue Owl, became more
understandable. Prize presentations made it easier to understand difficult materials because my
professor made other students and I represent each topic with an image and explanation. By
allowing students to use Purdue Owl as a writing tool my professor
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How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis On Painting
The paint is really amazing. The idea meets the objective of the message. As you can see the
shapes interact with each other by the painter use unique color that matched almost all the colors
used in the entire painting. Some of the edge is hard while some parts are soft. Like on the left
side by the lady on red with black hat. That was hard. While the image on her right looks soft. The
image of the people on the painting seems to overlap each other. While that on the front seems to be
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Example Of A Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document
A child's teacher has taken the child's parents aside to talk about concerns taking place in the
classroom related to the child's ability to pay attention in class. When hearing news such as this it
can be devastating to a parent or caregiver. For this reason, among others, it is important to have a
reliable and easily understood source for information. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is one such source available for information seekers that readily providers a
source of truth. Their sites include informational webpages about important and impactful topics
such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This site leverages information sharing
using ETHOS, PATHOS, more content...
I have personally used this website for the same reason researching information about ADHD
signs and symptoms. We were looking up the ADHD webpage for insight about this
neurodevelopmental disorder related to our son after talking with his preschool teacher. The
ADHD webpage was easy to navigate and addressed all our questions. This website is filled with
information based on evidence provided by studies and evaluated prior to publishing. After reading
the general overview about ADHD, should further information be required it can be found by
visiting the diagnosis section. The diagnosis section describes next steps to take because there is no
diagnostic test to identify this disorder (CDC, 2016). A medical exam including vision and hearing
tests are recommended to rule out ADHD, because these present similar symptoms to ADHD due to
limiting the child's ability to focus (CDC, 2016). On the ADHD homepage listed under state
information there is an interactive map of the United States. With this map locations can be chosen
to view for specific provider contact information and their therapy specialties (CDC,
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Writing Rhetorical Analysis Essay

  • 1. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Two TED Talks I watched two TED talk shows last night. One of the speeches is "Ten ways to have a better conversation" and it published in April 2015. The speaker Celeste Headlee who is the host of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program "On Second Thought." The other speech titled "Why you think you're right – even if you're wrong" by Julia Galef and it published in February 2016. She is a writer and public speaker also a co–founder of the Center for Applied Rationality. Celeste Headlee shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations in this insightful talk. She demonstrates that she uses these communication skills in professional interviews. Though she always talks to some people that she disagrees with deeply on a personal level, she still has a great conversation with them. The most important rules is don't multitask. It's not mean just set down the cell phone or whatever in your hand. Be present and be in that moment is the best way to pay attention in the conversation and respect others. A good conversation always makes us feeling engaged and inspired, or you feel that you've more content... She asked audience: "why are some people, some at least, able to cut through their own prejudices and biases and motivations and try to see facts and the evidence as objectively as they can?" The answer is emotional. For example, most of us followed sports game, so we might have noticed that when the referee judges that your team committed a foul, you are highly motivated to find reasons why he is wrong. But if he judges that the other team committed a foul, we might think that is a good call. Her speech explains the reason our emotion with the judges when we watch the sports game, even our attitude in politics and research studies that we agree or disagree. I really recommend this talk show because it truly shows the psychological activity from our Get more content on
  • 2. There are many rhetorical situations to think about when developing a piece of writing. Purpose is how a writer expresses themself. It is important to identify the main purpose of what you are writing about because the purpose helps with identifying the genre, audience and the way to write. While developing a piece of writing there are going to be many different purposes. Find the primary purpose by asking yourself why you are writing and what you are writing. The audience is important when it comes to developing a piece of writing because it can affect the way you write. It also affects the type of genre you use. When texting your mom you probably aren't going to use formal language or correct punctuation because you know that your mom knows Get more content on
  • 3. Rhetorical Analysis Of Freedom Writers Freedom Writers is a movie based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell. The movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and it was released in 2007. This movie discusses significant themes such as stereotyping and racial discrimination but most important the power of tolerance and understanding. The purpose of this movie is to promote the message that knowledge is power and in a world filled with disparities where hundreds of ethnic groups convey and interact humans are obliged to accept and tolerate the differences that define each person. This film is a perfect example of how these rhetorical components are used to create an effective argument. The director of the movie as well as the characters build more content... Even, when the students seem careless and do not tolerate the professor, Gruwell guided by her ideals and big heart refuses to allow her students to be incompetent and gave her students a chance to overcome the limitations imposed on them by society and themselves. She encouraged them to do something remarkable and memorable and assign them a journal where they could feel free to express their emotions and feeling and essentially tell the stories that define them. Gruwell draws students' attention by assigning them The Diary of Anne Frank, a book that promptly become a guide for the students and open their minds and eyes against intolerance and misunderstanding. Inspired by this book, the students raised funds to bring Miep Gies, the woman who sheltered the Frank family, to visit them in California where she declared that the students are the real heroes. LaGravanese makes an excellent job with the characters, the soundtrack, and the scenery, making the message clear for the audience. Throughout the movie, the director uses many strong facts that strengthen his credibility and appeal to ethos, as well as build the movie's argument. The director establishes his credibility by showing the audience actual video footage of Los Angeles area from the early 1990s and a series of captions demonstrated the racial tension between different gangs. Also, Get more content on
  • 4. My Rhetorical Analysis Essay In School Throughout the school year, we have written three rhetorical analysis essays, given feedback on the essays of numerous peers, and have looked through examples from the College Board and Ms. Slotten. Before the year began, I had absolutely no idea what a rhetorical analysis essay was. Now, I have received a score of eight on two of my practice essays. To say I have come a long way would be an understatement. After going through the rhetorical analysis marathon, my writing has improved in its quality as well as my understanding. The first essay we wrote included an analysis of a college brochure. To state it nicely, it did not go well for me. My analysis at first was very choppy and I never fully explained my thought on the paper. For example, my thought process went from "the more content... When this essay was handed back to me, I was disappointed with myself that I dropped two points. Then again, it was written directly before break when my mind was elsewhere. My phrasing became odd ("respect the hold") and I failed to write about the correct audience as I explained that "children [will see] numerous activities that can be done in a car" without recognizing that the adults were the target audience. With this mistake, my analysis was not as strong as it could have been if I would have understood the audience and the correct effect on it. Using the adults as the audience would have helped my writing because, as the devices connected to adults, my writing would have had more directions to move in. Without knowing the true audience, I had to be very particular in my writing as the rhetorical strategies connected to children in minimal ways. On the bright side, my transitions were individualized for my essay alone. I wrote, "As nature is used for advertisement, the advertisements on television withhold children's attention from the nature outside of windows," and connected my two paragraphs with Get more content on
  • 5. Rhetorical Analysis Reflection This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author's ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and writing skills, my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea through electronical environments. Each assignment more content... These cites that were used could be placed in my essay and the flow of the paper would not change but keep it more organized with my thought process. From the rhetorical essay to the argument essay, the development of my citing or using references has greatly increased. When I started with the rhetorical essay it was difficult to understand how to cite the author's work appropriately but when I moved to the argument essay it was almost natural when citing work. I believe this is due to the practice that we have had in class. The strategies I find most useful when writing an essay is having a topic that is of interest. When I wrote the argument essay, I already had a topic that interested me from the exploratory assignment. Generating an outline was another beneficial strategy that I had used because I could see the gaps in my writing or where my ideas did not flow together. Once I had an outline the rough draft was easy to create. I do not mind peer review but it becomes challenging when the person who is reading your review might not have the same views as I do. This would mean they were over critical of the paper and made it seem like I needed to change my entire essay to fit the standards of another classmate versus what the assignment was about. I did receive good constructive feedback on all of the assignments, which did end up helping me adjust portions of my writing. I do believe I am the same way to others writing Get more content on
  • 6. Rhetorical Analysis Essay "Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott, is a hilarious must read for junior high school students and any other aspiring writers. Her essay inspires comfort and confidence in writing a first draft. It concretes that all writers experience the "shitty" first draft. Anne Lamott wrote this instructional information in 1995, but it is timeless information. She blows the idea of writing an immaculate first draft out of the water. Anne supports the idea that bad first drafts will almost always lead to better second, third and final drafts. She symbolizes the first draft to be like a child. Where you put all your thoughts and emotions out there in words on paper, you go all over the place, you say all kinds of ridiculous things, and all with more content... She writes, "First there's the vinegar–lipped Reader lady...And then the emaciated German male...and there are your parents...and there's William Burroughs" who all criticize her work (Lamott 72). By using these satirized characters, it connects the reader as they feel that Lamott is thinking of them while writing. Lamott also uses pathos to capture the reader's feelings and emotions. She allows the reader to feel as if they are not alone, and that she can relate. Also she uses cursing, to make it more informal and allows the reader relate more. She finds it difficult to write a first draft, and knows many others feel the same way, too. Pronoun usage is important in analyzing the rhetorical persuasiveness of "Shitty First Drafts." A notable moment is when Lamott writes, "They do not type a few stiff warm–up sentences and then find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow" (70). Automatically, Lamott uses "they" instead of I to get the direct connection with her audience. If she would have written "they," perhaps Lamott wouldn't have come across as warm and affable as she does. The word "they" gives us, her readers, the sense that she is with us (not just writing about her own isolated case)–with all normal writers who do not sit down and write like Shakespeare on a first try. She is truly just trying to explain how it is not bad, in fact it's good, to make a "shitty first draft." Too often people get caught up by thinking that Get more content on
  • 7. Writing Experience Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis of a Writing Experience Back in twelfth grade English we were handed three different narrative prompts. We were told to pick one of the prompts and write about it. The prompt that stood out to me the most was think of a time when you taught someone something important. I thought about it for a while and what popped into my mind was a time back in seventh grade. There was an Autistic kid in my class that I had the privilege of teaching how to do basic math. To me that was a great story and a great experience that I wanted to write about. Looking back on my paper now, I realize that it is not that great of a piece. The story lacks the nitty–gritty details stories need to make them a great story. Every discourse has a purpose; more content... For example, I would write the paragraph like this: Back when I was in seventh grade I met a boy name John. He and I became great friend. Unlike other children I have met, he was different. He has strong acting Autism, which freaked out many people, as they did not know how to act around him. Yet, for me it was easy. I would be myself when I talked to him and we got to know each other. The things he told me gave me a new perspective on the world around me. I learned not to be quick to judge a person and if you take the time to get to know someone that you normally would not become friends with, you could discover things you never knew. John helped me change how I interact with the people around me and make new friends. He was amazing in every way possible. John touched my heart in a way that I will never Get more content on
  • 8. My Rhetorical Analysis My "best" piece is my rhetorical analysis written about a high school senior's controversial yearbook picture. I feel that this essay in particular is the best one I wrote because it demonstrates both my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. This essay was one of the more difficult ones to write. At the beginning of the semester we focused on primarily on personal writing, "showing not telling" and the use of colorful language. For this essay, however, we focused on the academic knowledge, logic and criticism aspects of writing. Admittedly so, I disliked writing this essay. Writing this essay was a new experience for me because I had never focused on the negative aspects of someone else's work. Re–reading my essay multiple times after receiving feedback from you made me question more content... I thought to myself, "Isn't that the point of a rhetorical essay?" Soon after, I came to the realization that a rhetorical analysis requires the writer to assess both the good and the bad aspects of an Get more content on
  • 9. Rhetorical Analysis Response After the calibration process, along with juxtaposing the current timed write to my prior rhetorical analysis response, I now further comprehend my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. My introduction paragraph has grown immensely in terms of my ability to fully express the topic which I will address in response to the prompt. In my timed write, I open with a strong thesis statement in which I expeditiously identify the main theme of the following speech as "the severe lack of labor laws." Although this is the paramount topic, I failed to address the underlying theme of women's rights used by Florence Kelley to justify her view on labor laws while serving to strategically juxtapose the violation of women's rights and the infringement more content... Why: In the first rhetorical analysis timed write, I struggled to identify which rhetorical strategies were used along with their connection to the theme of each article. In the sentence above, my writing successfully identifies both the purpose and theme in a concise manner. Revision: She implements anaphora along with asyndeton in the phrase "men increase, women increase, youth increase.. they are in commerce, in office, in manufacturing." Through her use of literary devices, Kelley is able to identify the overarching issue of women's suffrage while enlightening her audience as she expresses that once women are seen as strong, competent individuals, then, and only then, will there be a respect for the American youth. Reflection: In the following sentence, I am able to expand upon a major topic of discussion for Women's Rights Activist Florence Kelley. It is difficult at first to identify the purpose behind the rhetorical strategies used by the speaker, but upon further examination it is apparent how Kelley's diction comprehensively contributes to the integrity of her argument as a Get more content on
  • 10. Write A Rhetorical Analysis Chapter 8 In Chapter 8 it talked mostly, in my opinion talked about group work. One of the things the chapter brought up was about conversations with customers and how important it is to both designers and customers. As soon as I started reading this I thought about interacting with people at two of my past jobs. It was so important in my job to talk to customers because, we not only wanted customers to buy products, but we also wanted them to have a great experience. Get more content on
  • 11. Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay About Writing The first paragraph in the essay takes a form of a vivid description. It starts with a quotation of a teacher giving instructions to start an exam. Then the following phrases in the paragraph take a negative voice tone. The writer was worry about the exam, and he was sur that he is going to fail the exam. All these details make the reader hook to the essay and want to know why the test is a source of struggle for the writer, and why he thinks he is going to fail the exam. In the next paragraph the writer starts adding more crucial details, he recalls his memory about school , and how good he was at English by getting As and Bs in his tests. This details make the readers have more interest to know why his is facing problems in his English test now, since he was doing good before, also why the writer tries to be perfect, and what perfection means for more content... He explains why he is struggling to get good grades, and why the English test become a source of frustration for him. In addition, the writer poses many questions in the paragraphs wish mane the essay more effective and easy to understand. The writer ends the essay with a conclusion taking a form of reflection. The writer gives a different definition to perfection other than the one he uses to consider before. So he decided Perfection doesn't mean getting good grades or having a good personality. Yet, perfection mean strong character and good personnel Get more content on
  • 12. Rhetorical Analysis Reflection I had a lot of difficulty transitioning from the Rhetorical Analysis essay to the Rhetoric in Practice Project for the mere reason of the change in dependency between the two projects, meaning, we spent so much time on the RA and we had all the necessary tools and time to perfect it and have a good chance of writing a well written essay. Yet, in contrary, the RIP is all individual work, finding what you want to argue, your inspiration, your sources, and where to even begin. The beginning, the very first day this was introduced, everyone was talking about the topic they were interested in or they wanted to write about, that is the day I had no clue what I was interested in doing, my mind was literally blank. Throughout all the process work, more content... Why? I do not know the outcome of this Project, I can make myself believe I'll do really good, but I will not know, because that's just how writing works, there is always space to learn and improve. I know for a fact that although the RA and the RIP are two different assignments, both have vey different techniques of writing and expression, however they are also very similar. Both are trying to make a point, both have the ability to engage with the audience and allow for the author of the essay to express emotion on certain topics. My organization skills, were not the best, I had great difficulty in mastering a smooth essay without confusing my readers so much. I was never able to revise my own writing, I never saw anything wrong with it, I was also never taught what I was supposed to look for. But my peers, my peers are the ones that taught me what to look for, they taught me how to turn a whole sentence around and and giving it a clearer meaning. Everyone that helped me on my essay were able to teach me, so I can apply it myself. I have also been able to learn about argumentation and persuasion; two totally different things but in reality they are two very similar things that correlate with one another in order to create a stronger essay. I learned this by working on the RIP, this project allowed me to try and persuade my audience by using my feeling, emotions, experiences, and knowledge so I can articulate an argument that can be debated, but won. There is no doubt that this project allowed me to grow as a writer and not only learn from my mistakes but to be able to recognize them before it is too Get more content on
  • 13. Global poverty photo analysis In the photo the kids are smiling at the phone. Barging, Bangladesh. In the photo I see people walking theirs trash everywhere, there is a big puddle of water, and there are homes that look very bad unstable. The photo that give me more details is the people who lives I India. The photographer's purpose in taking this picture is to let people all over the world see how bad these families in India live. That the globalization is very bad that economic doesn't look good. Why are these people living like this and why won't the government help them. Get more content on
  • 14. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Rhetorical Analysis Elizabeth Cady Stanton's rhetoric was very effective in advancing her point of view. She iterates that women deserve the right to vote, and be treated as equals. She is asking the audience to join her in advocating women's rights, because it is simply the logical thing to do. Stanton is a woman, so she knows first hand what it is like to be an American woman in the 1800s. She uses this knowledge to choose how to further her argument. In paragraph 4, Stanton states; "But we are assembled to protest against a form of government existing without the consent of the governed– to declare our right to be free as man is free, to be represented in the government which we are taxed to support,..." To start off, Stanton uses repitition of the word 'to' to emphasize her points on why she was present that day. She uses the word 'we' instead of 'i' to let others know more content... ""Voices" were the visitors and advisers of Joan of Arc. Do not "voices" come to us daily from the haunts of poverty, sorrow, degradation, and despair, already too long unheeded? ... The same religious enthusiasm that nerved Joan of Arc to her work nerves us to ours. In ever generation God calls some men and women for the utterance of truth, a heroic action, and our work today is the fulfilling of what has long since been foretold by the Prophet– Joel 2:28: "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy."" She alludes to the religious tale of Joan of Arc and quotes a passage from the bible. These allusions further her point in proving that women can do great things too, and that God himself does not discriminate based on gender. Both men and women can prophesize, which is a great and uncomparable task in a religious standpoint. By doing this, she is appealing to any religious members of the audience. They may start to wonder; 'God doesn't discriminate, why should Get more content on
  • 15. My Rhetorical Analysis This was my first Rhetorical Analysis, but I approached it the same way I would with any other paper. At first, I googled what an RA should look like but ended up not reading the articles I found, instead, I just did what I normal. It starts by putting off the task, but eventually I juggle some ideas around. Then, I generally pick a topic and write a little, shortly following I loose all motivation and stop writing for the day. I eventually come back and sit down for five to twelve hours, writing the bulk of the paper, or I totally change my mind and start over. Once my first draft is on "paper" I rearrange everything until it flows right. Then editing comes and I cut out as much as possible, while still being able to get my point across. Get more content on
  • 16. This chapter is about five things everyone needs to consider when writing anything, they are purpose, audience, genre, stance and design. The chapter goes through each one of these rhetorical devices and explains there purpose step by step. The main point that's being conveyed is to go over these concepts when beginning to write anything. I started off reading this chapter and about two pages in I grabbed my note book to start jotting down notes. There was no doubt in my mind that this would serve to me as a great tool for writing down my essays in the future. It could be argued that most of the rhetorical devices used in this chapter are common questions sense that everyone should just know before they write, but its still wise to go Get more content on
  • 17. Peace, a wish every nation struggles to gain, with war taking over our history and the present day. But when speaking of peace two countries that could be looked at a little longer are Israel and Palestine, these states have struggled with war and violence for years. It seems they have been stuck in an ongoing war for years, not only with other nations but also each other. The Middle East as a whole, has been stuck in a dark shadow, because of extremism and terror which are stopping progress and killing innocents. In Bush's speech "Israel–Palestine Two–State Solution" his overall purpose is to bring peace within these two states and to lower the rates of violence along with war. Which both are two major key elements when speaking of these states, the having been engulfed by war for years and seem to be completely surrounded by it.Bush's speech is directed to Israelis and palestinians, he delivers a solution to help violence within their states, which is a comprehensive plan. He makes himself appear truthful by making direct eye contact with more content... Bush incorporates ethos in his speech when he says "I can understand the deep anger and anguish of the Israeli people." and "I can understand the deep anger and despair of the Palestinian people." He states that America has felt the same things as Israel and Palestine, which is true because we felt all anger, despair, and anguish when the 9/11 disaster took place. This helping create a bond of trust with the audience, because they know he wishes for peace in these states just as much as their citizens do. Both having harmed each other in the past it seems unnecessary to let this violence keep going, only to let it create more wars. Although, Bush knows terrorists have came from these countries and harmed America. He still refuses to make harsh comments towards them, but rather complement Get more content on
  • 18. Using rhetorical strategies is a very difficult writing style to achieve, it requires patience, organization and the strategic use of different words. Rhetorical strategies such as ethos, logos, and pathos are very simple to define, but using these strategies in writing, is a very complex skill that I struggled with prior to taking English 1301. After creating a Prize presentation about different rhetorical strategies, writing a rhetorical analysis essay with the aid of Purdue Owl, became more understandable. Prize presentations made it easier to understand difficult materials because my professor made other students and I represent each topic with an image and explanation. By allowing students to use Purdue Owl as a writing tool my professor Get more content on
  • 19. How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis On Painting The paint is really amazing. The idea meets the objective of the message. As you can see the shapes interact with each other by the painter use unique color that matched almost all the colors used in the entire painting. Some of the edge is hard while some parts are soft. Like on the left side by the lady on red with black hat. That was hard. While the image on her right looks soft. The image of the people on the painting seems to overlap each other. While that on the front seems to be bend. Get more content on
  • 20. Example Of A Rhetorical Analysis Essay Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document A child's teacher has taken the child's parents aside to talk about concerns taking place in the classroom related to the child's ability to pay attention in class. When hearing news such as this it can be devastating to a parent or caregiver. For this reason, among others, it is important to have a reliable and easily understood source for information. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one such source available for information seekers that readily providers a source of truth. Their sites include informational webpages about important and impactful topics such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This site leverages information sharing using ETHOS, PATHOS, more content... I have personally used this website for the same reason researching information about ADHD signs and symptoms. We were looking up the ADHD webpage for insight about this neurodevelopmental disorder related to our son after talking with his preschool teacher. The ADHD webpage was easy to navigate and addressed all our questions. This website is filled with information based on evidence provided by studies and evaluated prior to publishing. After reading the general overview about ADHD, should further information be required it can be found by visiting the diagnosis section. The diagnosis section describes next steps to take because there is no diagnostic test to identify this disorder (CDC, 2016). A medical exam including vision and hearing tests are recommended to rule out ADHD, because these present similar symptoms to ADHD due to limiting the child's ability to focus (CDC, 2016). On the ADHD homepage listed under state information there is an interactive map of the United States. With this map locations can be chosen to view for specific provider contact information and their therapy specialties (CDC, Get more content on