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King Arthur Essay example
The Coming of Arthur
The Two Swords– Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes king. Then he goes to the Lady
of the Lake and she gives him the sword Excalibur and the magic scabbard.
Balyn and Balan– Balyn gets a cursed sword and kills the Lady of the Lake. He goes after Garlon
the invisible evil night and finds the Castel Carbonek. He stricks King Pelles with the Dolorous
Stroke then fights his brother unknowingly and they kill each other.
The First Quest of the Round Table– King Arthur marries Guinevere on Pentecost and Sir Gawine,
Sir Tor, and King Pellinore go on the first quest of theRound Table. They go after a white hart, a
brachet, and a knight and a damsel.
The Magic of Nimue and Morgana Le Fae– Nimue more content...
He defeats Duke Yder and proclaims Enid the loveliest maiden in the world. Sir Oringle tries to take
Enid, but Geraint slays him and marries Enid.
Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnell– Gawain makes a sacrifice to marry an ugly hag so he can save King
Arthur's life by getting an answer to a riddle. Once they are married, Gawain kisses her and she
turns back into a beautiful maiden.
Sir Percivale of Wales– Percivale, who lived in the forest with his mother, meets Sir Launcelot and
goes out in search to become a knight. He is taught by Sir Gonemans, and gets to see the Holy
Grail. He finds King Arthur and is made a knight.
The Story of Launcelot and Elaine– Launcelot finds the Castle Carbonek, where the Holy Grail is
kept. Elaine falls in love with him and pretends to be Guinevere. Launcelot wanders around insane
while Elaine has his child, Galahad.
Book III: The Quest of the Holy Grail
How the Holy Grail came to Camelot– Galahad is knighted by his father Launcelot and get the sword
that Balyn killed Balan with and sits in the siege perilous. The Holy Grail comes when all the sieges
at the round table are filled.
The First Adventures of Sir Galahad– Sir Galahad is given a white shield with a red cross on it that
was made with Joseph of Arimathea's blood. He comes to a crossroad where he chooses the correct
path and ends up on the enchanted ship where Sir Bors de Gannis and Sir Percivale are waiting for
The First Adventures of Sir Galahad–
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King Arthur Conflict
In the story King Arthur 2 types of conflict were how Lancelot beheaded Tarquin and when Merlin
disguised Pendragon to look like the Duke so he could get with Lady Igraine . When Lancelot
beheaded Tarquin it caused a lot of conflict because everyone was trying to kill Lancelot then and
everyone wanted to get him. When Merlin disguised Pendragon to look like the duke cause a lot of
conflict also because Lady Igraine did not know that it was not her husband and she gave herself to
him and got pregnant. There is also a lot more conflict, but i thought that those were the two most
important pieces of conflict. In the story there was a lot of conflict, but i think the most important
conflict was when Igraine refused to become King Uther's mistress
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King Arthur Essay
The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all
stories about kings and knights.
The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all
stories about kings and knights. He is the greatest of British literary heroes, although little is
known about the real person. Folklore and literature provide examples of a recurrent myth about a
leader or hero who has not really died, but is asleep somewhere or in some estate of suspended life
who will return to save his people (Geocities 3). There is little real historical information left about
him other than, texts, chronicles, verses, myths, and fragments of epic poems, inscriptions, symbols more content...
It contains a combination of nearly every Arthurian manuscript, and is a work of literary genius. It is
probably the best known of all Arthurian tales.
It begins with the mythical story of King Arthur's birth and ends with the destruction of the Round
table and the deaths of King Arthur,
Queen Guinevere, and Sir Lancelot, who is Arthur's best knight and the queen's lover. The bulk of
the work is taken up with the separate adventures of the Knights of the Round Table, and how they
relate to
King Arthur. In the end the story turns to legend when King Arthur asks Sir Bedivere to throw his
sword in the river and mystical ladies gather him and take him away (Jarman 104–105).
King Arthur was the hero of many legends and stories of the middle ages. According to legend,
Merlin, the wizard, arranged for the birth of Arthur by bringing together King Uther Pendragon and
Duchess of Cornwall. Igrayne was the wife of one of his barons, and
Merlin's magic transforms Uther into the likeness of her husband, and
Arthur is born of this union. This Arthur is associated with the magic and supernatural, while others
are more closely related to myths.
Raised in secrecy away from his father's court,
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King Arthur : Short Story
As the people worshipped their dead king, King Arthur was sent floating down a river. He arrived
in Avalon where he was spotted by a guy named Hugo. Hugo signaled for two other guys to help get
the man out of the water.
As they got the man out of the water, Hugo asked "Are you okay, sir?"
King Arthur, not knowing where he was, answered "yea, just a few wounds." Hugo said "Well
let's get you indoors." They helped Arthur up and brought him into their hut in which all three of
them lived. Hugo treated his wounds. The next day, Arthur started feeling better and was able to
tell them a lot more about what happened and why he was floating down the river. He told them
who he was and Hugo said he should stay there a couple more days just to make sure he was fully
healed. One of Hugo's friends, Kelly, barged in the door of the hut with some urgent news. She said
that she heard someone was trying to take control of England. Someone by the name of Sir Ector. He
was controlling and torturing people into doing what he wanted and he was not being a very
good leader. Hugo said that there was someone here, that was floating down the river yesterday
and he claimed to be the King of England. Kelly walked over to Arthur and told him the urgent
news. Arthur said that he needed to stop him and was about to walk out the door to return home
when Kelly told him to stop. Kelly said "This man is way too powerful for you to handle alone.
You'll need help and training if you want to defeat this man."
"I'll help him," Hugo said, "With my help and Kelly's mentorship, you'll definitely defeat Sir Ector."
King Arthur agreed and they decided to start in two days when Arthur was fully healed.
As the two days passed, Arthur sat there quietly, resting. Then Arthur was anxiously waiting for
Kelly to come back so he could start his training. Suddenly, Kelly barged in the door yelling at
Arthur to hurry up and get outside so he could start his training. Arthur hurried as fast as he could
because he loved his country and he didn't want it to be hurt by a bad ruler.
Kelly was waiting outside for Arthur, who was accompanied by Hugo. "Today, we are going to
work on speed. So start running." Of all things, there is one thing that Arthur feared
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Essay On King Arthur
King Arthur is one of the most controversial figures in British literatureand tradition. His character is
surrounded by many legends, the most popularbeing the stories of Excalibur, the Round Table, the
wizard Merlin and the searchfor the Holy Grail. In this section, we will get to know more about
Arthur as king,warrior and hero by combining his character and traits as presented in the
existingwritten documents and legends. In most Arthurian Legends, Arthur appears almostas a
godlike character, possessing superhuman abilities. He stands as a"quintessential hero who must live
a mortal's life as though he were a god. KingArthur symbolized the attainment of wholeness through
accepting responsibilityfor our place on the more content...
Arthur, through his bravery, dedication andcommitment, has earned himself legendary status. I have
often asked myself whypeople still remember such heroes and adore them. Through my research, I
foundthe answer to my question. Firstly, because victors of great battles are alwaysremembered and
secondly, people long for inspirational leadership, leadership thatwill raise their national pride, their
work ethics or more generally, would makethem feel important, appreciated and as an irreplaceable
part of something biggerthan themselves. This is exactly what Arthur achieved. He made
peopleunderstand that a leader is nothing without his people as well as that the peopleare nothing
without their leader. Inspiring people solely through words just doesnot suffice. Courage,
cooperation, determination, bravery, optimism, and honestyare the things that people will cherish
and admire in a hero. Arthur stands as animage of an ideal hero and human being who, like a
messianic figure, willinglyfaces danger, defeats evil, forgives injustice and helps people in their
darkest hour.Consequently, he perfectly fits the warrior archetype.Warriors live by a personal code
that prioritizes self–sacrificialservice. They defend the weak while exercising personal restraint.They
are honest about their own limitations, magnanimous towardsdefeated foes and humble about their
own contribution andachievements ... Warriors
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Essay on The Legend of King Arthur
Who was the real King Arthur? King Arthur did not grow up as a normal King would. He was
raised in a very odd way, however with the help of Merlin an extraordinary wizard, Arthur became
King as it was his destiny.
Queen Igrane from England bore king Uther a son. This child was to someday inherit the throne.
King Uther sent for Merlin, a farseeing prophet and powerful magician. Merlin was to perform a
vital service to the kingdom. Merlin agreed with the condition that the king would grant him
anything he asked for. King Uther was reluctant to such a deal for what Merlin wanted was the
young prince. However Merlin assured the King that he could see into the future and the
arrangement would benefit the prince. Therefore, once the prince more content...
The archbishop said "He is not yet here". Therefore the archbishop decided to stage a tournament.
The winner of these contest would be England's greatest warrior and worthy of ascending the throne.
Sir Ector's son Sir Kay became interested in the tournament and he decided to participate in it.
Making Arthur come along to help his brother with his weapons, as well to enjoy the spectacle.
Once the tournament started Sir Kay noticed his sword was missing, without a sword he would
not be allowed to compete in the contest. Arthur immediately rode home and looked for the sword.
Unfortunately the sword was nowhere to be found. Arthur could not think of where he might find
another sword. Then he remembered that he had seen a sword in St Paul's churchyard. Arthur got
to the churchyard, climbed up onto the stone and pulled the sword out. Arthur rushed to the
tournament where he handled Sir Kay the sword. Sir Kay noticed it was not his sword and asked
Arthur where he found it. Arthur told his brother where he found the sword. Then Sir Kay
mentioned it to their father and Sir Ector noticed the sword was no longer in the stone. Making
him declare "Now Arthur... you must be King of this land." Sir Ector asked Arthur to put the sword
back in the stone and pull it out. Sir Kay and his father tried to pull the sword out but they could
not. Then Arthur tried and the sword came out. Sir Ector called it a miracle and decided to
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The Legend of King Arthur Essay
By the ninth century people all over were telling the fabulous tales and romances about Arthur and
his kingdom. The common people heard them sung by bards, while in the court poets wrote different
versions. In each retelling the speaker would select certain details for emphasis and introduce new
elements, so that the story could be adapted to the particular time and audience.
Although most historians believe that there actually did exist an Arthur, they differ on how major
his role was on influencing society during his time.
To understand the most widely accepted view on when and how Arthur gained fame, one must be
aware of the historical time period surrounding Arthur.
The unity that the Roman government imposed more content...
The passage then continues describing the twelve battles that Arthur fought and won. The last battle,
the greatest in the history of the country, was at Badon Hill. It resulted in a total massacre of the
Saxons, establishing fifty years of peace from the Saxon's horrible brutality of slaughtering, burning
and senseless vandalism (Jenkins 30–31).
Nennius's historical account is backed up by a set of Easter Tables.
They were calculating tables as to when Easter would fall out for the next given number of years
and in them were noted events of outstanding importance. In the annals were two dates regarding
Arthur. The first date is disputed: It is put as either 499 or 518 A.D. The first entry reads: ?Battle of
Badon, in which
Arthur carried the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ on his shoulders for three days and three nights and
the Britons were victors (Jenkins 28).?
The second entry dated 539 reads: The Battle of Camlann, in which Arthur and Modred perished.
And there was plague in Britain and Ireland (Jenkins 28).?
These accounts of Arthur are not only the basis for his fame, but they also show us the broad terrain
of Arthur's military activity. While the Battle of Mount Badon was fought in Southern England, the
battle of Cat Coit Celidon, mentioned in the Historia Brittonum, was fought in Scotland. The
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King Arthur Essay
King Arthur
Character Analysis
The character of King Arthur is unique in literature. Most characters are known through their actions
and words as described by the author of a story. Arthur, however, is a conglomerate of characters
described by many different authors over a fifteen hundred year span. There is no single depiction of
him, and one cannot trace his origin to a single author for the "definitive" description. As such, the
character of Arthur is different depending on the era, culture, and the particular writer who is
relating his version of the Arthurian legend.
Three Kinds of Arthur
There is much debate whether Arthur was an actual historical person. There is no absolute evidence,
but it is possible that more content...
Here we see Arthur as a kind of Beowulf: a fearless leader of men, capable of legendary feats of
strength and battle. This Arthur is practically a god; in fact, there is reason to believe that the figures
of the Arthurian romances were originally Welsh gods (Americana).
Arthur as symbol of the virtues of Camelot
A second image of Arthur is that of a "peripheral figure whose presence is felt mainly as a social
force or arbiter of chivalric excellence (Americana)." Epitomized by the story Sir Gawain & the
Green Knight, Arthur is not the main character or source of action. He is the symbol of a wide
abstraction: that of the courage, honor, honesty, and chivalry of Camelot and the Knights of the
Round Table. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, we still see Arthur as fearless warrior; he is the
first to accept the Green Knight's challenge and lay his life on the line to defend the honor of his
court. But, in addition to his positive virtues, Arthur is also representative of the affluence and
decadence of his court. There is perhaps a sense that Arthur and his court are too successful and have
become enamored of fine food, drink, and women. It is this hubris, with Arthur as its highest symbol,
that the Green Knight challenges. In this story, we also see the first indications that Arthur, through
questionable descision–making, is capable of causing strife among the Knights of
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King Arthur Essay example
King Arthur
If the name of King Arthur is mentioned, I suppose what comes to mind is not so much one
person as a whole array of characters and themes, a montage so to speak. Of course we do think
first of the King, the magnificent monarch of a glorified or idealized medieval realm. But we think
also of his Queen, of the fair and wayward Guinevere, we think of his enchanter, Merlin, who
presided over his birth, who set him on the throne, who established him there in the early and
traveled days of his reign. There were the knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of
chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the
Queen. There is another great love story, that of more content...
There were other great historical figures who became the heros of medieval legends, such as
Alexander the Great and Charlemagne. We know that they existed and if somebody asks whether
they did, we can say "yes" directly because we have reliable, historical records of them. But with
Arthur, it is rather more difficult because the emphasis really is all on the legend, the romance.
If we say "yes," that would imply that this magnificent medieval monarch existed and reigned, at
some time or other, in his glorified medieval court as described as by Malory, Tennyson and the
romances. Of course, he didn't. There is no such person as King Arthur, in that sense; it's quite an
impossible idea. So we cannot say "yes," directly, but to say "no" is also misleading because that
implies that he is completely fictitious, that he was all made up in the middle ages when these
stories were first told, and that there is no sort of background or original person behind the stories,
at all. That, too, is misleading. This is a puzzle, a very difficult question.
The main reason is that writers of fiction in the middle ages, when they were dealing with something
handed down to them from a distant past, didn't approach it as a modern historical novelist does.
Historical novelists, nowadays, will aim at
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King Arthur Essay
King Arthur is the son of King Uther Pendragon and Igraine. It all started when King Uther fell in
love with Igraine but she had a husband named Gorlois. While Gorlois was at war Merlin made
King Uther to look like Gorlois, to be with Igraine. During the times of war Igraine got pregnant
of Arthur. Merlin told King Uther and Igraine that it would be best to raise Arthur in a secret
place. Merlin took Arthur and gave him to Sir Ector to protect his truth identity. In case of King
Uther death Marlin feared the conflicts of who would be the next king so he set a sword on a
stone called the Excalibur, written in gold it said "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the
right wise born king of all England.". That meant that only one could pull out the sword of the stone
and this one would be the rightful king of England. King Uther Pendragon died and Britain didn't
have a king at the time. Knights hoped to become the future king of Britain, so they tried to take the
sword out of the stone but none have succeeded. One day there was a tournament and Arthur's
foster–brother Sir Kay asked Arthur if he could go get more content...
On the gatherings the knights and Arthur discussed to search for a treasure, this treasure was the
Holy Grail they believed that would cure any illness. The Holy Grail is said to be the cup that
Christ used at the Last Supper, and was given to his uncle St. Joseph of Arimathea. He was
imprisoned in a tomb left there to starved, but the Holy Grail gave him food and water every
morning. The Grail was taken away from him. The location of the Grail became forgotten. There
was a problem one of King Arthur's knights Lancelot fell in love with Guinevere. When the quest to
find The Holy Grail began Lancelot secret came to light. So Lancelot left and Guinevere was
sentenced to death for infidelity. When Lancelot found out of the sentence he came back and rescued
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King Arthur Essay
King Arthur The Arthurian legends are well known in today's society. However, very few people
know of the "real" Arthur –– who he was and what his accomplishments were. This paper will
establish a difference between legend and truth, show evidence to support and explain who the real
Arthur was, and shed some light on the sometimes confusing Arthurian legends. To establish any sort
of idea that there was, in fact, a "real" Arthur, it is imperative to look over the legendary Arthur and
his impact on different cultures. Arthur's beginnings are shrouded in mystery, though it is generally
accepted that he is the bastard child of Uther Pendragon and Ygerna. Ygerna was not married to
Uther, but to Gorlois at the time of Arthur' more content...
However, after the Normans came to Britain, there was an intensification of the Arthurian legend,
possibly due to the fact that the Normans saw Arthur as a hero against the Saxons and therefore
glorified him in their text. Arthur is considered a hero in almost every text that mentions him. In
spite of this, though, more was written about adventures of his knights than of him personally
(Chambers 155). It is said that Arthur existed not only to kill Saxons but also to be a Christian
champion who killed pagans as well. Previous to anything the romantic French poets wrote about
him, Arthur was glorified in writing for conducting aggressive wars, during which he conquered
"fantastical" places. If he had, in fact, conquered real places, there would have been more written on
these conquests since by the time he was active it would have been more controversial for him to
attack and conquer foreign countries. However, there are three major battles that Arthur is connected
to. One of the most controversial is the war that Arthur fought with the Roman empire. It is
suggested by Geoffrey of Monmouth that Arthur's motivation to fight the Roman emperor did not
come from the fact only that the emperor was seen as a pagan and sinner against God, but also
because there was a rivalry between Arthur's "new" nation as opposed to Rome's old, worn–out
nation. The Roman war is considered a "principal artery" of Arthurian legend, possibly next only to
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How Is King Arthur Selfish
The Knight is like King Arthur, he is ment to be a brave and noble warrior and is ment to inspire
people. King Arthur was the greatest warrior of his story and was a person that inspird all of the
people around him and that seems to be the vibe you get when the narrator tells the knights story.
There are slso some diffrenses though, like the fact that King Arthur is a king, a leader and the
knight is just a warrior. King Arthur was also a mush bigger figure in his time then the Knight
because you do not even learn the kights name in the
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When Was King Arthur Honest
Arthur was Humble/ kind he had openly offered to do so much without being asked." I could ride
ahead and find us a room"He was honest he had promised that he would be a good leader and he
was." I promise to be a strong and fair leader"Arthur did not lie to Kay, when Kay asked where he
had got the sword from Arthur had been honest and told him the truth."I ... I pulled it from the
stone in town square. I'll put it back... He was naive he did not know why the sword was in the
stone or what it meant if someone pulled it out. " why are you on the ground"
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King Arthur Essay
Tales Of King Arthur
Since the romanticizing of the Arthurian legends by Geoffery of
Monmouth, the historian, during the twelfth century, the legendary 'king
of England' has been the source of inspiration for kings, poets, artists
and dreamers alike. The most famous work is probably Sir Thomas Malory's
Le Morte d'Arthur, completed around 1470, and published in many abridged
and complete versions. Malory's work contains in one the legend that had
been continually added to over the years by many different writers who
introduced such elements as Sir Galahad, and the ill–fated love affair
between Lancelot and Guinevere. Geoffery of Monmouth had been the first
to put the legends surrounding Arthur into literary form more content...
When Guinevere first
appears in early Welsh stories, she is the daughter of a giant, but
later she becomes the daughter of King Leodegrance of the West Country.
In her original Welsh form of Gwenhwyfar, she was an folk figure before
being connected to Arthur, and may originally have been a lesser
Geoffery located Camelot at the very real Roman town of Caerleon in
South Wales; Malory placed it at Winchester, which was the headquarters
of the kings of Wessex and remained a royal seat after the Norman
invasion. Other stories place it near Arthur's supposed birthplace at
Tintagel. Cadbury Castle in Somerset has been named as another possible
location of Camelot, which has been revealed during excavations to have
been occupied during the time of Arthur and to have been the
headquarters of a leader, if not a king. The real Arthur may have been
buried at Glastonbury Abbey, which lays around twelve miles north–west
of the castle. It is said to have been a secret burial, so the news of
his death would not raise Saxon morale; the mystery may have given rise
to the rumors that he still lived on. In 1190, the monks of Glastonbury
Abbey reported that they had dug up a coffin made from a hollow log, and
a lead cross inscribed with the
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King Arthur Essays

  • 1. King Arthur Essay example The Coming of Arthur The Two Swords– Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes king. Then he goes to the Lady of the Lake and she gives him the sword Excalibur and the magic scabbard. Balyn and Balan– Balyn gets a cursed sword and kills the Lady of the Lake. He goes after Garlon the invisible evil night and finds the Castel Carbonek. He stricks King Pelles with the Dolorous Stroke then fights his brother unknowingly and they kill each other. The First Quest of the Round Table– King Arthur marries Guinevere on Pentecost and Sir Gawine, Sir Tor, and King Pellinore go on the first quest of theRound Table. They go after a white hart, a brachet, and a knight and a damsel. The Magic of Nimue and Morgana Le Fae– Nimue more content... He defeats Duke Yder and proclaims Enid the loveliest maiden in the world. Sir Oringle tries to take Enid, but Geraint slays him and marries Enid. Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnell– Gawain makes a sacrifice to marry an ugly hag so he can save King Arthur's life by getting an answer to a riddle. Once they are married, Gawain kisses her and she turns back into a beautiful maiden. Sir Percivale of Wales– Percivale, who lived in the forest with his mother, meets Sir Launcelot and goes out in search to become a knight. He is taught by Sir Gonemans, and gets to see the Holy Grail. He finds King Arthur and is made a knight. The Story of Launcelot and Elaine– Launcelot finds the Castle Carbonek, where the Holy Grail is kept. Elaine falls in love with him and pretends to be Guinevere. Launcelot wanders around insane while Elaine has his child, Galahad. Book III: The Quest of the Holy Grail How the Holy Grail came to Camelot– Galahad is knighted by his father Launcelot and get the sword that Balyn killed Balan with and sits in the siege perilous. The Holy Grail comes when all the sieges at the round table are filled. The First Adventures of Sir Galahad– Sir Galahad is given a white shield with a red cross on it that was made with Joseph of Arimathea's blood. He comes to a crossroad where he chooses the correct path and ends up on the enchanted ship where Sir Bors de Gannis and Sir Percivale are waiting for him.
  • 2. The First Adventures of Sir Galahad– Get more content on
  • 3. King Arthur Conflict In the story King Arthur 2 types of conflict were how Lancelot beheaded Tarquin and when Merlin disguised Pendragon to look like the Duke so he could get with Lady Igraine . When Lancelot beheaded Tarquin it caused a lot of conflict because everyone was trying to kill Lancelot then and everyone wanted to get him. When Merlin disguised Pendragon to look like the duke cause a lot of conflict also because Lady Igraine did not know that it was not her husband and she gave herself to him and got pregnant. There is also a lot more conflict, but i thought that those were the two most important pieces of conflict. In the story there was a lot of conflict, but i think the most important conflict was when Igraine refused to become King Uther's mistress Get more content on
  • 4. King Arthur Essay The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all stories about kings and knights. The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all stories about kings and knights. He is the greatest of British literary heroes, although little is known about the real person. Folklore and literature provide examples of a recurrent myth about a leader or hero who has not really died, but is asleep somewhere or in some estate of suspended life who will return to save his people (Geocities 3). There is little real historical information left about him other than, texts, chronicles, verses, myths, and fragments of epic poems, inscriptions, symbols more content... It contains a combination of nearly every Arthurian manuscript, and is a work of literary genius. It is probably the best known of all Arthurian tales. It begins with the mythical story of King Arthur's birth and ends with the destruction of the Round table and the deaths of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and Sir Lancelot, who is Arthur's best knight and the queen's lover. The bulk of the work is taken up with the separate adventures of the Knights of the Round Table, and how they relate to King Arthur. In the end the story turns to legend when King Arthur asks Sir Bedivere to throw his sword in the river and mystical ladies gather him and take him away (Jarman 104–105). King Arthur was the hero of many legends and stories of the middle ages. According to legend, Merlin, the wizard, arranged for the birth of Arthur by bringing together King Uther Pendragon and Igrayne, Duchess of Cornwall. Igrayne was the wife of one of his barons, and Merlin's magic transforms Uther into the likeness of her husband, and Arthur is born of this union. This Arthur is associated with the magic and supernatural, while others are more closely related to myths. Raised in secrecy away from his father's court, Get more content on
  • 5. King Arthur : Short Story As the people worshipped their dead king, King Arthur was sent floating down a river. He arrived in Avalon where he was spotted by a guy named Hugo. Hugo signaled for two other guys to help get the man out of the water. As they got the man out of the water, Hugo asked "Are you okay, sir?" King Arthur, not knowing where he was, answered "yea, just a few wounds." Hugo said "Well let's get you indoors." They helped Arthur up and brought him into their hut in which all three of them lived. Hugo treated his wounds. The next day, Arthur started feeling better and was able to tell them a lot more about what happened and why he was floating down the river. He told them who he was and Hugo said he should stay there a couple more days just to make sure he was fully healed. One of Hugo's friends, Kelly, barged in the door of the hut with some urgent news. She said that she heard someone was trying to take control of England. Someone by the name of Sir Ector. He was controlling and torturing people into doing what he wanted and he was not being a very good leader. Hugo said that there was someone here, that was floating down the river yesterday and he claimed to be the King of England. Kelly walked over to Arthur and told him the urgent news. Arthur said that he needed to stop him and was about to walk out the door to return home when Kelly told him to stop. Kelly said "This man is way too powerful for you to handle alone. You'll need help and training if you want to defeat this man." "I'll help him," Hugo said, "With my help and Kelly's mentorship, you'll definitely defeat Sir Ector." King Arthur agreed and they decided to start in two days when Arthur was fully healed. As the two days passed, Arthur sat there quietly, resting. Then Arthur was anxiously waiting for Kelly to come back so he could start his training. Suddenly, Kelly barged in the door yelling at Arthur to hurry up and get outside so he could start his training. Arthur hurried as fast as he could because he loved his country and he didn't want it to be hurt by a bad ruler. Kelly was waiting outside for Arthur, who was accompanied by Hugo. "Today, we are going to work on speed. So start running." Of all things, there is one thing that Arthur feared Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On King Arthur King Arthur is one of the most controversial figures in British literatureand tradition. His character is surrounded by many legends, the most popularbeing the stories of Excalibur, the Round Table, the wizard Merlin and the searchfor the Holy Grail. In this section, we will get to know more about Arthur as king,warrior and hero by combining his character and traits as presented in the existingwritten documents and legends. In most Arthurian Legends, Arthur appears almostas a godlike character, possessing superhuman abilities. He stands as a"quintessential hero who must live a mortal's life as though he were a god. KingArthur symbolized the attainment of wholeness through accepting responsibilityfor our place on the more content... Arthur, through his bravery, dedication andcommitment, has earned himself legendary status. I have often asked myself whypeople still remember such heroes and adore them. Through my research, I foundthe answer to my question. Firstly, because victors of great battles are alwaysremembered and secondly, people long for inspirational leadership, leadership thatwill raise their national pride, their work ethics or more generally, would makethem feel important, appreciated and as an irreplaceable part of something biggerthan themselves. This is exactly what Arthur achieved. He made peopleunderstand that a leader is nothing without his people as well as that the peopleare nothing without their leader. Inspiring people solely through words just doesnot suffice. Courage, cooperation, determination, bravery, optimism, and honestyare the things that people will cherish and admire in a hero. Arthur stands as animage of an ideal hero and human being who, like a messianic figure, willinglyfaces danger, defeats evil, forgives injustice and helps people in their darkest hour.Consequently, he perfectly fits the warrior archetype.Warriors live by a personal code that prioritizes self–sacrificialservice. They defend the weak while exercising personal restraint.They are honest about their own limitations, magnanimous towardsdefeated foes and humble about their own contribution andachievements ... Warriors Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on The Legend of King Arthur Who was the real King Arthur? King Arthur did not grow up as a normal King would. He was raised in a very odd way, however with the help of Merlin an extraordinary wizard, Arthur became King as it was his destiny. Queen Igrane from England bore king Uther a son. This child was to someday inherit the throne. King Uther sent for Merlin, a farseeing prophet and powerful magician. Merlin was to perform a vital service to the kingdom. Merlin agreed with the condition that the king would grant him anything he asked for. King Uther was reluctant to such a deal for what Merlin wanted was the young prince. However Merlin assured the King that he could see into the future and the arrangement would benefit the prince. Therefore, once the prince more content... The archbishop said "He is not yet here". Therefore the archbishop decided to stage a tournament. The winner of these contest would be England's greatest warrior and worthy of ascending the throne. Sir Ector's son Sir Kay became interested in the tournament and he decided to participate in it. Making Arthur come along to help his brother with his weapons, as well to enjoy the spectacle. Once the tournament started Sir Kay noticed his sword was missing, without a sword he would not be allowed to compete in the contest. Arthur immediately rode home and looked for the sword. Unfortunately the sword was nowhere to be found. Arthur could not think of where he might find another sword. Then he remembered that he had seen a sword in St Paul's churchyard. Arthur got to the churchyard, climbed up onto the stone and pulled the sword out. Arthur rushed to the tournament where he handled Sir Kay the sword. Sir Kay noticed it was not his sword and asked Arthur where he found it. Arthur told his brother where he found the sword. Then Sir Kay mentioned it to their father and Sir Ector noticed the sword was no longer in the stone. Making him declare "Now Arthur... you must be King of this land." Sir Ector asked Arthur to put the sword back in the stone and pull it out. Sir Kay and his father tried to pull the sword out but they could not. Then Arthur tried and the sword came out. Sir Ector called it a miracle and decided to Get more content on
  • 8. The Legend of King Arthur Essay By the ninth century people all over were telling the fabulous tales and romances about Arthur and his kingdom. The common people heard them sung by bards, while in the court poets wrote different versions. In each retelling the speaker would select certain details for emphasis and introduce new elements, so that the story could be adapted to the particular time and audience. Although most historians believe that there actually did exist an Arthur, they differ on how major his role was on influencing society during his time. To understand the most widely accepted view on when and how Arthur gained fame, one must be aware of the historical time period surrounding Arthur. The unity that the Roman government imposed more content... The passage then continues describing the twelve battles that Arthur fought and won. The last battle, the greatest in the history of the country, was at Badon Hill. It resulted in a total massacre of the Saxons, establishing fifty years of peace from the Saxon's horrible brutality of slaughtering, burning and senseless vandalism (Jenkins 30–31). Nennius's historical account is backed up by a set of Easter Tables. They were calculating tables as to when Easter would fall out for the next given number of years and in them were noted events of outstanding importance. In the annals were two dates regarding Arthur. The first date is disputed: It is put as either 499 or 518 A.D. The first entry reads: ?Battle of Badon, in which Arthur carried the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ on his shoulders for three days and three nights and the Britons were victors (Jenkins 28).? The second entry dated 539 reads: The Battle of Camlann, in which Arthur and Modred perished. And there was plague in Britain and Ireland (Jenkins 28).? These accounts of Arthur are not only the basis for his fame, but they also show us the broad terrain of Arthur's military activity. While the Battle of Mount Badon was fought in Southern England, the battle of Cat Coit Celidon, mentioned in the Historia Brittonum, was fought in Scotland. The implications of Get more content on
  • 9. King Arthur Essay King Arthur Character Analysis The character of King Arthur is unique in literature. Most characters are known through their actions and words as described by the author of a story. Arthur, however, is a conglomerate of characters described by many different authors over a fifteen hundred year span. There is no single depiction of him, and one cannot trace his origin to a single author for the "definitive" description. As such, the character of Arthur is different depending on the era, culture, and the particular writer who is relating his version of the Arthurian legend. Three Kinds of Arthur There is much debate whether Arthur was an actual historical person. There is no absolute evidence, but it is possible that more content... Here we see Arthur as a kind of Beowulf: a fearless leader of men, capable of legendary feats of strength and battle. This Arthur is practically a god; in fact, there is reason to believe that the figures of the Arthurian romances were originally Welsh gods (Americana). Arthur as symbol of the virtues of Camelot A second image of Arthur is that of a "peripheral figure whose presence is felt mainly as a social force or arbiter of chivalric excellence (Americana)." Epitomized by the story Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Arthur is not the main character or source of action. He is the symbol of a wide abstraction: that of the courage, honor, honesty, and chivalry of Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, we still see Arthur as fearless warrior; he is the first to accept the Green Knight's challenge and lay his life on the line to defend the honor of his court. But, in addition to his positive virtues, Arthur is also representative of the affluence and decadence of his court. There is perhaps a sense that Arthur and his court are too successful and have become enamored of fine food, drink, and women. It is this hubris, with Arthur as its highest symbol, that the Green Knight challenges. In this story, we also see the first indications that Arthur, through questionable descision–making, is capable of causing strife among the Knights of Get more content on
  • 10. King Arthur Essay example King Arthur If the name of King Arthur is mentioned, I suppose what comes to mind is not so much one person as a whole array of characters and themes, a montage so to speak. Of course we do think first of the King, the magnificent monarch of a glorified or idealized medieval realm. But we think also of his Queen, of the fair and wayward Guinevere, we think of his enchanter, Merlin, who presided over his birth, who set him on the throne, who established him there in the early and traveled days of his reign. There were the knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the Queen. There is another great love story, that of more content... There were other great historical figures who became the heros of medieval legends, such as Alexander the Great and Charlemagne. We know that they existed and if somebody asks whether they did, we can say "yes" directly because we have reliable, historical records of them. But with Arthur, it is rather more difficult because the emphasis really is all on the legend, the romance. If we say "yes," that would imply that this magnificent medieval monarch existed and reigned, at some time or other, in his glorified medieval court as described as by Malory, Tennyson and the romances. Of course, he didn't. There is no such person as King Arthur, in that sense; it's quite an impossible idea. So we cannot say "yes," directly, but to say "no" is also misleading because that implies that he is completely fictitious, that he was all made up in the middle ages when these stories were first told, and that there is no sort of background or original person behind the stories, at all. That, too, is misleading. This is a puzzle, a very difficult question. The main reason is that writers of fiction in the middle ages, when they were dealing with something handed down to them from a distant past, didn't approach it as a modern historical novelist does. Historical novelists, nowadays, will aim at Get more content on
  • 11. King Arthur Essay King Arthur is the son of King Uther Pendragon and Igraine. It all started when King Uther fell in love with Igraine but she had a husband named Gorlois. While Gorlois was at war Merlin made King Uther to look like Gorlois, to be with Igraine. During the times of war Igraine got pregnant of Arthur. Merlin told King Uther and Igraine that it would be best to raise Arthur in a secret place. Merlin took Arthur and gave him to Sir Ector to protect his truth identity. In case of King Uther death Marlin feared the conflicts of who would be the next king so he set a sword on a stone called the Excalibur, written in gold it said "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the right wise born king of all England.". That meant that only one could pull out the sword of the stone and this one would be the rightful king of England. King Uther Pendragon died and Britain didn't have a king at the time. Knights hoped to become the future king of Britain, so they tried to take the sword out of the stone but none have succeeded. One day there was a tournament and Arthur's foster–brother Sir Kay asked Arthur if he could go get more content... On the gatherings the knights and Arthur discussed to search for a treasure, this treasure was the Holy Grail they believed that would cure any illness. The Holy Grail is said to be the cup that Christ used at the Last Supper, and was given to his uncle St. Joseph of Arimathea. He was imprisoned in a tomb left there to starved, but the Holy Grail gave him food and water every morning. The Grail was taken away from him. The location of the Grail became forgotten. There was a problem one of King Arthur's knights Lancelot fell in love with Guinevere. When the quest to find The Holy Grail began Lancelot secret came to light. So Lancelot left and Guinevere was sentenced to death for infidelity. When Lancelot found out of the sentence he came back and rescued Get more content on
  • 12. King Arthur Essay King Arthur The Arthurian legends are well known in today's society. However, very few people know of the "real" Arthur –– who he was and what his accomplishments were. This paper will establish a difference between legend and truth, show evidence to support and explain who the real Arthur was, and shed some light on the sometimes confusing Arthurian legends. To establish any sort of idea that there was, in fact, a "real" Arthur, it is imperative to look over the legendary Arthur and his impact on different cultures. Arthur's beginnings are shrouded in mystery, though it is generally accepted that he is the bastard child of Uther Pendragon and Ygerna. Ygerna was not married to Uther, but to Gorlois at the time of Arthur' more content... However, after the Normans came to Britain, there was an intensification of the Arthurian legend, possibly due to the fact that the Normans saw Arthur as a hero against the Saxons and therefore glorified him in their text. Arthur is considered a hero in almost every text that mentions him. In spite of this, though, more was written about adventures of his knights than of him personally (Chambers 155). It is said that Arthur existed not only to kill Saxons but also to be a Christian champion who killed pagans as well. Previous to anything the romantic French poets wrote about him, Arthur was glorified in writing for conducting aggressive wars, during which he conquered "fantastical" places. If he had, in fact, conquered real places, there would have been more written on these conquests since by the time he was active it would have been more controversial for him to attack and conquer foreign countries. However, there are three major battles that Arthur is connected to. One of the most controversial is the war that Arthur fought with the Roman empire. It is suggested by Geoffrey of Monmouth that Arthur's motivation to fight the Roman emperor did not come from the fact only that the emperor was seen as a pagan and sinner against God, but also because there was a rivalry between Arthur's "new" nation as opposed to Rome's old, worn–out nation. The Roman war is considered a "principal artery" of Arthurian legend, possibly next only to the Get more content on
  • 13. How Is King Arthur Selfish The Knight is like King Arthur, he is ment to be a brave and noble warrior and is ment to inspire people. King Arthur was the greatest warrior of his story and was a person that inspird all of the people around him and that seems to be the vibe you get when the narrator tells the knights story. There are slso some diffrenses though, like the fact that King Arthur is a king, a leader and the knight is just a warrior. King Arthur was also a mush bigger figure in his time then the Knight because you do not even learn the kights name in the Get more content on
  • 14. When Was King Arthur Honest Arthur was Humble/ kind he had openly offered to do so much without being asked." I could ride ahead and find us a room"He was honest he had promised that he would be a good leader and he was." I promise to be a strong and fair leader"Arthur did not lie to Kay, when Kay asked where he had got the sword from Arthur had been honest and told him the truth."I ... I pulled it from the stone in town square. I'll put it back... He was naive he did not know why the sword was in the stone or what it meant if someone pulled it out. " why are you on the ground" Get more content on
  • 15. King Arthur Essay Tales Of King Arthur Since the romanticizing of the Arthurian legends by Geoffery of Monmouth, the historian, during the twelfth century, the legendary 'king of England' has been the source of inspiration for kings, poets, artists and dreamers alike. The most famous work is probably Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, completed around 1470, and published in many abridged and complete versions. Malory's work contains in one the legend that had been continually added to over the years by many different writers who introduced such elements as Sir Galahad, and the ill–fated love affair between Lancelot and Guinevere. Geoffery of Monmouth had been the first to put the legends surrounding Arthur into literary form more content... When Guinevere first appears in early Welsh stories, she is the daughter of a giant, but later she becomes the daughter of King Leodegrance of the West Country. In her original Welsh form of Gwenhwyfar, she was an folk figure before being connected to Arthur, and may originally have been a lesser goddess. Geoffery located Camelot at the very real Roman town of Caerleon in South Wales; Malory placed it at Winchester, which was the headquarters of the kings of Wessex and remained a royal seat after the Norman invasion. Other stories place it near Arthur's supposed birthplace at
  • 16. Tintagel. Cadbury Castle in Somerset has been named as another possible location of Camelot, which has been revealed during excavations to have been occupied during the time of Arthur and to have been the headquarters of a leader, if not a king. The real Arthur may have been buried at Glastonbury Abbey, which lays around twelve miles north–west of the castle. It is said to have been a secret burial, so the news of his death would not raise Saxon morale; the mystery may have given rise to the rumors that he still lived on. In 1190, the monks of Glastonbury Abbey reported that they had dug up a coffin made from a hollow log, and a lead cross inscribed with the Get more content on